#from valinor the the third age they will find a way to annoy each other somehow
sesamenom · 11 months
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what ship would bear either of you, indeed?
inspired by this post by @aureentuluva70
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iminye · 3 years
hey! yo! you mind talking a bit more about the extended fëanorian family ocs you have? how many there are, how they’re related, when they’re born, the rough arc of their life?
Hello thank you for your ask! No I don't mind talking about them at all! I love them all very much but please be prepared that this is going to be a long one and that I couldn't even fit everything I want to talk about in here
I have talked about Maglor's, Caranthir's and Curufin's wives before so I left them out on purpose. So I'm just going to talk about the third and fourth generation here.
If you exclude Elrond and Elros Maglor and his wife Cellin have four children and in order of their birth their names are Gilloth, Nelladon, Gilrin and Belegur. Gilloth has a son named Arrod, none of the other three are married or have children. Curufin and his wife Aiwë have one more child besides Celebrimbor, Aracundo. Celebrimbor himself has a son named Aenion. Caranthir and Calairie remain childless. I'm not sure yet where Gil-Galad belongs family wise in my headcanon but let's just assume he's Orodreth's son for convenience.
I don't exactly have stories for them all. Aracundo, Nelladon and Aenion are probably the most fleshed out one's when it comes to their stories but I love them all regardless.
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A badly drawn family tree for reference. If you want some more details there are about 2k words of bullet points under the cut :)
Daughter of one of Maedhros's guards and Maglor's second in command
Born some time before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad
Both her parents die in the Nirnaeth, and she is taken in by Maglor and his wife Cellin and is raised as their daughter
Loses her voice during the War of Wrath but refuses to tell anyone how it happened (possible Trauma related?)
Helps Celebrimbor run Eregion in the S.A
Is very interested in architecture and has great talent
Also helps with the construction of Rivendell and moves there after Eregion falls
Has great impact on her siblings upbringing
She and Erestor start courting after Glorfindel locks them in a room together and only allows them out after Erestor confesses his feelings
They marry mid Third Age
Their only child is called Araráto or Arrod in Sindarin
Because Maglor has given all his children a father name (be they his real children or not) she got one as well
It's Tintanárë (Sparkling Fire)
She's very close with Aracundo especially during the latter half of the second Age and the early Third Age
Her favourite people in Middle Earth are dwarves. She gets along well with them and even learns some Khuzdul from Narvi because she can't just reveal the secret
She is very strong at Oswanë and uses is constantly to communicate
Elrond has a lot of headaches because she directs her absurd thoughts at him to annoy him
Arrod is her sunshine and she would die for him
Not a very good warrior but she's doing her best
Second Born son of Curufin and Aiwë of the Teleri
Fathername: Artafinwë (Exalted Finwë)
He's my depressed disaster gay
Tall boy™ (maybe even taller than Maedhros?)
Born: 464 F.A (same year as Turin because reasons) in Nargothrond
He doesn't remember his dad because his parents parted ways after the Lúthien incident
He grows up in Cirdans care because that's where his mom took him
His best friend growing up was Ereinion even though the other is several years older than him
He doesn't have a lot of temperament and is more like his mother, calm and sensitive
Fights in the War of Wrath as Ereinion's second in command but is more known for his strategies and not for his actions on the battlefield
He and Ereinion get married early into the Second Age (yes he's Gil-Galad's husband and they love each other very much fight me)
He goes absolutely berserk once he sees his brother used as a banner of Sauron's forces after Eregion falls and probably takes down half their army by himself
People who knew Maedhros had a very very vivid flashback that day
When his mother sails not long after he remains in Middle Earth to fight Sauron
He gets much more quiet and reserved after losing his brother, mother and nephew in one go
He is very much pro Last Alliance and openly supports Elendil but mostly because he wants to avenge Celebrimbor's death
Uh… you know who dies during that battle? Ereinion and Aracundo blames himself for it
He stops speaking and becomes a shadow of himself afterwards
Refuses both the crown and Vilya
Lives with Cirdan for some time but moves to Rivendell after Celebrían sails to support Elrond
Has no big part in the second ring war
He sails alongside Cirdan and Celeborn
His life gets from good to worse to tragic to suffering
But he gets reunited with Ereinion in Valinor so it's not a total tragedy
Maglor's and Cellin's first biological child
Born: 1700 S.A
Died: 2770 T.A.
Has Nerdanel's signature red hair but otherwise full on takes after his mother's side of the family
His fathername is Russanáro (copper fire)
Aso has the epithets Copperhead from the dwarves, Pityatinto (Little Sparkle) from his grandfather and Tyalmahto (Toymaker) from the Numenorians
Self sacrificing idiot (we'll get to that later)
His passion is toymaking but also woodworking but he's also a great singer and loves storytelling
For every new baby family member he makes an abundance of toys and when all of them grow up he travels the world to make toys for the children of other families
The only members of his own family to never receive a toy from him are his younger brother Belegur, as well as his cousins on his mother's side of the family (all of them are born after his death)
A very good boy, only wants to make the people happy
He finds Aenion again with the dwarves of Erebor after they establish their kingdom there
Tries to talk him into visiting their family but stays unsuccessful until his death
Speaking of his death and self sacrificing
He dies during Smaugs attack on Erebor while he tries to make time for Thrain and Thror to escape. He faces Smaug in the throne room with nothing more than a iron shield on him
And burns
He fully knew he was going to die but he did it for his friends
Probably aroace
Also the first member of the House of Fëanor to get re-embodied
Maglor's and Cellin's only biological daughter and Fëanor's only biological granddaughter
Born: 20 T.A.
Like Celegorm she takes after Miriel in terms of appearance but inherited her grandfather Tinwës blonde hair
Not the tallest but still like half an inch taller than Fëanor and Curufin
Has a lot of artistic talent and can paint life like images
She painted the wall painting of Isildur cutting of Sauron's finger only with a very bad sketch from Glorfindel and a mental image provided by Galadriel as a reference
Basically always happy and smiling
Hates it when she has one-sided conversations, feels like she's intruding somehow
Celebrían is her big idol and she was devastated when she got hurt and had to sail
Was even more devastated after Nelladons death and isolated herself for a while
Starts traveling with Gildor and his group from that point on to get some distraction and is among the elves who meet Frodo, Pippin and Sam in the Shire
Will not sail until her parents do
Does her best to support Aragorn as the new king of Gondor because she feels like that's what's she owes to Elrond and partially also Elros even though she never met him
The most Avarian out of her siblings
Finwë 2.0
Seriously the boy looks like Finwë as much as Arwen looks like Lúthien
People find it quite disturbing (People are Maglor, Glorfindel and Cirdan)
Fathername: Cuináro (living fire)
Born: either 3019 T.A. or somewhere between 10 and 50 Fourth Age
Youngest member of the House of Fëanor even younger than his youngest nephew
Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen and Arrod call him little uncle and he hates it (he loves it but pretends he hates it)
Spends most of his childhood in Gondor because his parents moved the like almost immediately to be with Aragorn and Arwen
Has a deeper connection to men than all of his other siblings (aside from Elros for obvious reasons)
He feels weird when he sees his best friends from childhood grow up, get children and then see those grow up and have children of their own all while he himself is still a child/teenager/going adult
When Elfwinë's son Éomund II. who he was closest with dies, Belegur is devastated
His relationship with mortality becomes rather complicated afterwards
Dedicated scholar and historian
Also only sails when his parents will
Has a very easy time befriending people
Probably the best warrior out of his biological siblings just because Gilrin hates fighting and Nelladon just doesn't care about weapons
In possession of the one Feanorian Braincell might as well have inherited it from his mother)
Celebrimbor's son
Born somewhere between 1620 and 1680 S.A
I have no idea who his mother is, any suggestions?
Thought about making him the love child of Tyelpë and Annatar but this feels kinda weird but also hilarious
Looks like Curufin acts like Caranthir
Cantëacurufinwë™ (blame the fact that Tyelpë is called Nelyacurufinwë)
Aenion probably isn't his real mothername but he calls that himself and everyone just does the same
Grumpy cat™
Raised by dwarves after Eregion fell and stayed with Durin's line until the Sacking of Erebor (Thrain brought him to Rivendell)
Speaks almost no Sindarin but is fluent at Westron and Khuzdul
Has no interest in learning Quenya
Creative use of swear words
A Smith like almost everyone else in his father's line
If he is Sauron's child, he has very much cat eyes and you can't convince me otherwise, also the Ring would probably love him
He goes back to Erebor after the dwarves retake it and helps them rebuild it
Feels very guilty for Nelladons death because he couldn't convince him to flee with him
Can't look Cellin or Maglor in the eye because of this
Fights during the War of the Ring alongside the Dwarves of Erebor
Sails with Gimli and Legolas
Son of Gilloth and Erestor
Born sometime after his parents wedding
Takes more after his father in terms of appearance but has been influenced a lot by Glorfindel growing up
A total goof
One of the elves who 'greet' Thorin and company when they arrive in Rivendell
Gets into unnecessary fights very often
Very protective
Loves Estel to death and is very sad when Aragorn grows up and doesn't want to be carried around piggyback style anymore
Does it anyways
Idk I have not thought about him a lot
Here and here are Picrews that visualise them :) || Tolkien OC Overview here
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