#from transexual
I saw this movie when I was 8.
I was very too young.
And I loved it.
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Somehow I grew up straight but...yeah lol.
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judas-isariot · 1 year
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Are all Travestite from Transylvania like that ? I wanna go there.
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chrissy-kaos · 6 months
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In aure tua dulcia nihil insusurrabam , Et omnes timores provocarem , Si meus esses…
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sualne · 1 month
my voice has started to drop and ive been in a near constant state of gender euphoria this week :DD
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mustardintheturlet · 3 months
I haven’t posted in a while but pride month has me thinking
I love being trans, I love loving other trans folks.
There is a beauty in transness that cis people will never get to experience, which is not to say cis people do not love or that trans4cis relationships of all sorts are lesser, but that there is a specific feeling of love for your fellow transgender that can’t be described as anything other than home.
I was at my local pride, and I was a part of a barricade protecting everyone at the parade from some protesters who come every year, and as I yelled and screamed all the love I had in me louder than the hatred a beautiful trans person came up to me, and they were so much older. There’s this safety and admiration that is hard to put into words when I see one of my own with more years than me, but they hugged me and I was home for a few moments.
But not all of us get to experience home during this month, during this year, during our lifetimes. Especially not Gazans, queer or otherwise. So to all those in Gaza, especially those who are queer and trans:
I’m sorry they are erasing you, I am sorry the world does not look at you with the same love you have given us. I am sorry, to my queer Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank that you do not get to hold your family close this pride like us in the west have gotten to. I love you, the world hasn’t done anything to deserve your kindness. You are strong, and you will not be erased.
If you are queer and from the west, keep fighting for Palestine. The first pride was a riot, do not lose your fighting spirit just for some fucking rainbow-washed merchandise. Keep boycotting, keep donating, keep reposting and reblogging and listening.
We, as queer people, are born from love. Our strength is born from our love, and so is the strength of Palestine. Fight for a free Palestine, queer liberation means liberation for every queer person, that includes Palestine, Congo, and Sudan.
From the river to the sea, Palestine is going to be free.
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misty-missdee · 10 months
Name change :)
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I appreciate that the “trans men hold privilege bc they can pass as cis men” argument is being challenged w “what about people who don’t pass” and “hiding your identity isn’t a privilege” etc but can i also acknowledge that a lot of things literally get harder when I’m perceived as a cis man. It’s hard for me to be on board w the “yeah sure if you look cis you have no problems” thing when a lot of my problems are exacerbated *because* people think I’m a cis man.
Those arguments assume other forms of privilege, and without those privileges I’m literally less safe when I pass. and I hate that that’s considered like, a misogynistic transphobic political stance rather than just an observation about what happens when I go out in public as a disabled person
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nekrofager · 4 months
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22 May, a day before my birthday, today - A doctor looked me in the eyes with a a smile, and said "Guess what? You are going to get Testosteron." After 6 years of waiting, after 16 years of thinking something is weird with me, and at the age of 26, I finally got on T.
I cannot remember once in my life in which I've started to cry out of happiness. But the moment those words hit me, I couldn't stop laughing and crying.
Thank you for everyone who has supported me to get here.
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desastre-fag · 2 months
anyone else feel like they were never even really born a woman???? like im just a guy with a vagina and i was never anything else? i dont associate myself with the term afab and if anyone would tell me i was born a woman i would just get confused cuz no i wasnt ??? very specific niche feelings about my gender like i went by she/her until i was 13 because no one else knew i was born a man.
tell me your niche feelings about your gender today 🫵🏻
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jasper-dracona · 9 months
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Dose 2 was yesterday!
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I need a name for my transgender mafia. Any ideas, fellas?
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nastytransmasc · 4 months
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Bro I finally picked her up. I have my practice injection on Tuesday morning and I should have my needles and syringes coming in by the end of the week
I thought this was going to be so much more difficult. If anyone wants to start hrt or transitioning or gender-affirming care and you live in a safe state and have decent insurance it’s really not that hard. It’s not that expensive either (at least with insurance) please don’t wait and put off your happiness like me, do a little research and get started.
I haven’t even started hormones yet, but my depression and anxiety have already lowered considerably and my self-confidence has shot up.
Please please please do this for yourself if you are able to 💚💚💚
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bigbroadvice · 6 months
I keep seeing this term ‘biological male’ being thrown around. There are lots of reasons why this is an innacurate and unhelpful description, but I’d like to examin just this term for a moment.
What exactly is a ‘biological male?’ The definition of biology is “the physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms.“ So let’s brake that down a bit. In refference to humans that means organ structures and chemicals that run those organs. So when talking about biological sexes, we’re probably referencing a certain set of average characteristics shared by people with XX chromosomes, XY chromosomes, or other sets of chromosomes which are part of natural human variation like XXY, XYY, XXX, XXXXY, X, XXXXXX, and XXXY (learned about those in biology class. It’s really cool how much more diversity there is to human biology than you generally think about. If we’re basing sex off of DNA, there are indeed WAY more than two sexes).
Now the way that any of those sets of DNA (which are known as genotypes) translate to how the body looks and works (phenotypes), is by making chemicals. Those chemicals are what build all the organs and keep them running the way they do. DNA isn’t the only thing deciding how much of each chemical there is though. Environmental factors like the food we eat, medicine we take, other organisms living inside us like bacteria and viruses, chemicals we absorb from the environment, and even stress massively impact body chemistry, often completely overriding DNA. So sometimes you might have the genotype for one thing and end up with a different phenotype. Like people who were born with tall genes but end up short as adults because during the time they were developing they didn’t have access to adequate nutrition. Their DNA might say one thing but in reality, they turned out as something else. The short person with tall genes is still short, regardless of what their DNA says.
Phenotype can also be directly changed by outside forces, like getting a limb blown off in an explosion, getting your ears pierced, or having surgery. These overide both DNA and body chemistry. A person with the DNA and chemicals to have two arms but had one arm chopped off is phenotypically a one armed person.
When reffering to different sexes, we’re usually talking about generalized groupings of phenotype, like gential organs, bone structure, musculature, hair growth, and fat distribution. These phenotypes are generally determined by chemicals called hormones. Just like any other chemicals, these too are impacted by environmental factors like what we eat and what medicines we take. So when someone takes a medicine that alters their hormone levels, that alters their phenotype. Just like how growing up with healthy foods and vitamins can help kids develop strong and healthy bodies, medicines like puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy lead to bodies developing differently. These phenotypes can of course also be altered through surgery by deconstructing and reconstructing different parts of the body like genitalia and facial bone structure. By changing the chemicals and organ structures they have changed the biology.
So what is a ‘biological male?’ A biological male would presumably be someone with the general phenotypes of the group called males. If someone does not have those phenotypes, it wouldn’t make sense to call them a biological male. So according to the definition of biology, a trans woman whose physiology, behavior, and other qualities align with those exhibited by females is not a biological male. She is a biological female.
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chrissy-kaos · 27 days
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Practice witchcraft and commit crimes
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endless-nightshift · 2 months
It's strange when people refer to me as "transitioning from [x] to [x]" in the active sense. Like I haven't been actively transitioning since I was 15 socially transitioned, maybe 17 when I started T. But since I've got most of the changes I want from hrt my brain considers me pretty much fully transitioned. Even though I'm actively waiting for top sugery I'm not longer in active transition. I haven't been for years.
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should i cosplay dr frank n furter
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