#from the zine workshop i went to wednesday
violentdevotion · 29 days
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Week 11: Monday - Tutor Group Meeting!! Yaaay!
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Diving straight into week 11 because week 10 is a blurr. After last Wednesday I know I did some chores and stuff off my to-do list but it's all a blur now and then I worked over the weekend. So Monday usually hits like a truck.
What I do remember from last week is ordering Tracing Paper and Carbon Paper on Ebay to make the transfer from sketch to Lino plate easier. I also ordered and collected 5 A3 lino boards from lcc at some point last week. It was heavy carrying it all the way back.
Alright so Monday and week 11 have come!
At the beginning of this group meeting we talked through the brief of the major project already, just so we've heard it officially at least once before the winter break. I had already printed and read the brief at the beginning of the year so this was just a nice refresher + some extra notes from Maisie, our group tutor, who has seen multiple years work on the major projects. So she has good tips and insights for us.
After that we were left to work on our projects while 3 people at a time would talk to Maisie about the progress we made with our projects. I was really nervous because with a lot of doctor and dentist visits + covid booster sickness + recent crying at the crit + last weeks crazy Tuesday night....it's just so much. And it left me feeling like a total useless slacker who doesn't even deserve to be here.
So yeah. I was anxious.
Maisie called Mia, myself and another member of our group who I don't know by name up first. Honestly the best thing that could have happened because if I was left alone with my thoughts again I would have probably freaked out again. So, the guy in our little group went first and I remembered him because of the presentation all of us gave a whiiiiile back on our project ideas. He is working on a single player table top game for people with severe social anxiety. I can somewhat relate. He has designed 15 cards already and the illustrations looked super good and the characters were very endearing! I would love to purchase his finished game honestly. You can tell he has spent a lot of time and love in developing every detail of it and it blows my mind he made a whole game by himself for this project! Truly original and amazing.
I also knew about Mia's project. Packaging design that caters to the blind consumer. Again, very original and out of the box thinking. I don't remember her showing any samples of her work but she was talking about doing lino cut instead of screen printing. She is also Route B in CTS which means instead of a loooong dissertation like me, she is working on yet another physical project and a shorter essay.
Then it came to me showing my progress and I was really nervous so I can't even remember half the stuff I said but Maisie was really nice and agreed with my work plan of finishing over winter break and printing first thing in January. She said that for the Lino cut prints I have to figure out how to make the characters stand out and pop. That was good feedback and I'm thinking about it a lot. I told her about thermo powders, Ellen mentioned to me, those could be applied to the ink after printing and give the whole image a nice shimmer.
Maisie also encouraged me to check out the 3D workshop area to make a quick wooden board I could put my lino board on while cutting. A little corner in the top of the board would hold the board in place, making the whole process safer.
After the group session Mia and I showed the guy (I REALLY WITH I KNEW HIS NAME AAAH) where the digital print and print finishing area is. Then I showed Mia our common room because turns out she never went there before. I delivered all zines, posters and post cards for the winter art fair here and Mia and I went to the 3D workshop together. Since we both are doing lino cut each of us needed a wooden board like Maisie suggested.
The technician was really nice and had a very calm demeanor. He cut some scraps for us and let us glue the corners to the boards. It took 30 minutes for the glue to dry during which Mia and I took a little lunch break in the cafeteria. It was nice catching up with her again.
The boards turned out nicely so we thanked the man who helped us and headed back home just as it got dark.
All in all a day full of productive and surprising turns.
Oh and I have bought new planner for 2023 and it's all blue and pretty!!
Things are looking up.
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hi gamers sorry about the hiatus did u know college midterms ?? fuck.
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upthewitchypunx · 7 years
Got back from a fun time in Olympia for the zine fest yesterday. My workshop went well, i think? I couldn’t make the Sunday workshops as stuff needed tending back in the button mines at home.
No one likes my joke about how they named a hurricane Ophelia and then it went off looking for Denmark. eh?
I’m excited to see Worries tonight. They’ve been my jam for a few weeks now.
I’m getting a new kitchen range this week! My oven is 15 years old and have been on the fritz for a year. Excited to get my autumnal cooking on! So, are 5 burners standard on a gas range now? weird, but cool.Gonna witch up my kitchen with some cooking this week.
Busy busy week coming up. Ian B’s goofy project, Ramodes, are playing at Lovecraft on Friday, it’s a mash up band of Depeche Mode songs in the style of the Ramones! We see Depeche Mode next Monday, Jesus and Mary Chain in Eugene on Tuesday and then another of Ian B’s bands, Scourge of Ians are playing next Wednesday.
I still have to finish winterizing my yard and install a new sink in my bathroom.
I’ll get around to  those asks soon I think.
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Week 11
We begun the week with an introduction to the graphics project, we were then instructed to discuss in groups our research into three topics which we were asked from the brief and to research them over the weekend previous. My Three topics were Black stereotypes in America - focusing on prince, the objectification of women in media and the civil war in Syria and Iraq, particularly the affects on civilians. I then went on the make a mock zine on one of my topics. I chose to pursue my second topic of ‘the objectification of women’ , specifically developing an idea I came across when researching. This was to enthuses how inappropriate it is by doing a roll switch and objectifying men throughout the zine, as women are in the media.
Following this zine making workshop we had our first lesson on contextual studies where we were given a postcard by an artist and then asked to analyse the work. 
On Wednesday we focused on developing different approaches to typography and we went about this with Soofia. We were instructed to draw a word over and over with a different emotive e.g. happy, sad, scary, short.
Friday came round and i took part in an illustration workshop where i had my first interaction with lino. i enjoyed this experience although found getting used to the techniques of lino frustrating i still found my final print was successful.
An overall successful week where i feel sufficient progress was made and i made my first lino print which as sprung a new intrest into this method of regrettable art.
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