#from the rot
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angelynmoon · 2 years ago
So, eldritch monster Steve...
Part 1
Steve who was born in the Upside down long before El and Hawkins lab discovered it, before it was called the Upside Down, who may even have come into being at the same time as the Upside Down formed.
Steve who escaped when Dr. Brenner first began his expeiments, Dr. Brenner who opened a crack that let him slip through long before El was old enough to understand just what had been released, who didn't recognize Steve as Other the way she would come to recognize the creatures that also escaped into the Right Side Up.
El who doesn't know that Steve isn't human, doesn't know he escaped the Down Below because he was lonely.
Steve who spent years lurking in the woods surrounding Hawkins, practicing and learning, (those first few years may have been spent digging through garbage cans, and maybe a small Eddie Munson, still carrying bruises, a buzz cut and a distrust of adults, may have left left overs by the trash for him, thinking him a stray cat or dog, hoping to lure him close enough to pet, but that's a different story, that's Eddie's story, Eddie who called his stray, the one that was too scared of people to show itself, Steve, and Steve who liked the way a tiny Eddie whispered it so preciously that he kept it) Steve who spent time learning to mimic the way humans looked and spoke until he felt confident enough to join them.
Steve who knew that Mrs. Harrington longed for a child so much that she didn't question the one that walked out of the woods one day to splash around in her pool and called her Mother.
And their family was fine, Mr. Harrington accepting that he had an Heir now and not questioning why he'd never seen the boy before, children should not be seen or heard unless they were called on. And it was fine, right up until the moment that Mr. Harrington raised his hand to the small boy that was neither his son nor human.
Mr. Harrington learned that day what fear was and he took his wife, let her give adultery as an escuse for her travelling with him, anything was better than saying a monster live in their home.
And they left the creature the house and focused on their business, everywhere but Hawkins, and Mr. Harrington walked with a limp from that moment on.
Carol and Tommy were part of his mask at first but Steve really did come to care for them, as much as he could being what he was, so even after Tommy threatened him, even after Carol turned her nose up at him, he let them live, they had been his for so long, and part of him would always think of them as his, they were marked as such, nothing from the Down Below would touch them, not the real monsters from the Down Below at least.
Billy though, well, Billy had been marked the moment that he put his hands on Lucas with intent to hurt him, when he threatened Max, and Dustin, and Mike, those kids were Steve's and even if he couldn't stop them from fucking around with the Down Below, he could at least make sure nothing ate them, they were his in a way that Tommy and Carol never were, in a way even Nancy wasn't, not really, she might have been, Steve might even have been able to learn to love her deeply and completely, but she had ruined that when she came to him smelling of Jonathan and guilt, when she had gotten drunk and called him bullshit, she still had his protection but it wasn't the same after they broke up.
And Robin, when she helped him hold the door in a Russion Bunker to protect his kids he knew he'd never let anything from the Down Below touch her, she was his on a level that even the children would never touch, and he was hers in a way he never knew he could be. She was the one person he considered telling, but he was afraid, what if she was afraid of him after, he liked her, parts of him might even love her.
She was his other half, his humanity, his moral compass, if she liked boys Steve would have made her his everything, instead he settled for soulmate, Platonic with a capital P, as she told Dustin when he said they should date.
Robin was his, always and wholey.
And Steve was so angry when he found out Henry was targeting Max, that he had taken Chrissy in front of Eddie, Eddie who had fed him portions of his own dinner before Steve went to the Harringtons, Eddie, who Steve had never wanted involved in the Down Below.
And Steve supposed that it might just be time to remind the Down Below, the place that Steve was born in, that he had lived in and survived in, long before he was Steve, before he had been taken in by a rag tag group of nerds, time to show Henry just who was in charge here.
It was time to show Vecna just who the big boss of this game was, it certainly wasn't Vecna.
Steve wondered what kind of Dinosaurs and Dustpans name the kids would give him when he showed them what he really was.
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biowho · 4 months ago
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avituses · 2 months ago
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Save me toxic old man yaoi
Comic dialogue stolen blatantly from a reddit comment that I sadly couldn't find again
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years ago
even if you're not a supernatural fan, if you've been on tumblr long enough you are, like, culturally. like cultural christianity in america except it's the cw's supernatural. you may never have watched an episode or set foot inside the tag but your regular life shuts down on their holidays and all of your world news is delivered through that point of view. something to think about
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cxndiedvi0lets · 4 months ago
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shorthaltsjester · 1 day ago
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Critical Role: 10 Years of Storytelling
Campaign 1, Episode 115, "The Chapter Closes." // Taliesin Jaffe, in "As D&D booms, 'Critical Role' makes its own kind of nerd celebrity" by Sarah Parvini // Campaign 3, Episode 31, "Breaking Point" // On Loving by Forugh Farrokhzad, tr. Sholeh Wolpé // The Legend of Vox Machina at NYCC 2022 // 8-bit Stories // Campaign 1 Wrap-Up // “Without You Without Them” by boygenius // Campaign 2, Episode 141, "Fond Farewells." // Campaign 3: Behind the Set // Letters to Milena by Franz Kafka // Campaign 1, Episode 115, "The Chapter Closes." // Explanation of the final Vex’ahlia playlist by Laura Bailey // Liam's Quest: Full Circle // Backwards by Warsan Shire // Exandria Unlimited: Kymal, Part 2 // Explanation of Fearne’s second playlist by Ashley Johnson // Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson // San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Critical Role: Fireside Chat & Cast Q&A // Exandria Unlimited Cooldown: Divergence Episode 4 // Campaign 3, Episode 23, "To the Skies." // Explanation of the final Percy playlist by Taliesin Jaffe // "For Good" by Stephen Schwartz // Campaign 3, Episode 91, "True Heroism." // Exandria Unlimited: Calamity, Episode 4, "Fire and Ruin." // Campaign 3, Episode 121, "A New Age Begins."
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wolvndmouth · 6 months ago
Okay but this Logan and this Wade
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And also this Logan and this Wade
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As well as this Logan and this Wade
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And then this Logan and this Wade
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And then this Logan and this Wade
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karawra · 1 month ago
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Maker, give her strength
follow-up to this
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cobbbvanth · 2 years ago
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star wars, but it’s just the memes
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chloesimaginationthings · 3 months ago
A little random but I love how when you drew Michael with Ennard inside him you could see the wires in his neck/chest and now we can see stitches in the same place :)
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I’M GLAD you noticed that! Cause it is on purpose!
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 5 months ago
l*ona 😶
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(Consider this a spiritual sequel to this post, lol)
Leona: gets in a foul mood the INSTANT he sees Malleus, is completely fine with the idea of pummeling Skully, thinks Jack Skellington is suspicious and threatening them (despite Jack not really doing anything to suggest he has ill intent), is pissed this entire event with Skully’s mere existence/j
Also Leona: calls Sally a lady, fetches grass for her, is willing to eat anything she makes (yes, even if it doesn’t have meat and the main ingredient is just GRASS), praises her for poisoning her caretaker to escape her captivity (he says he RESPECTS her for doing this and that she’s strong 😭), offers Sally his arm to escort her to dinner which explains all the fan art I’ve been seeing—
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angelynmoon · 2 years ago
Eldritch Steve verse
Part 4
Carol has to remind Tommy that Steve is more dangerous than he presents when he mentions helping hunt Munson.
She reminds him that Munson is Steve's now, in ways that she knows Tommy wanted to be but that Steve never noticed, she reminds him that Munson is untouchable now.
She forgets that Tommy has never seen Steve truely angry, that he has never witnessed too many eyes, too sharp teeth, and bodies never found because they no longer existed, he's never witnessed the danger of touching what is Steve's.
Sometimes she forgets that she and Steve were friends before Steve and Tommy were.
She remembers when Steve was still new, not young, she's not sure he was ever young in the same way humans were, because she knows, she knows that Steve, Steve is not human.
She remembers a boy, or, it presented itself as a boy, but sometimes his head would swivel like an owl to look at her when she came up behind him, he'd grin too widely, all the way to his ears at the sight of her, and his laugh, his laugh at the very beginning, was an eerie mimic of laughter that sounded more like an echo off the quarry walls.
Carol hadn't liked him much at the beginning, she'd been afraid of him, like a sane person, she'd known in her most primal survival brain that Steve was dangerous, a thing to be feared.
And then he had saved her, she'd been playing in her yard, she'd lived near Steve back then, and someone had grabbed her, headed out of Hawkins, she never knew whether they planned on ransoming her back to her parents or doing worse, and she never brought it up after Steve had helped her out of the van and walked her home, not even a trace of blood from her kidnappers left to say they existed.
She'd learned then what being Steve's meant then, it meant protection and safety, it meant ignoring the weird that Steve did and gently reminding him that normal people don't have swivel heads and they eat vegitables not just raw meat, it meant sharing food and space with zero boundries because Steve needed to be close to them, it meant dating Tommy because Steve needed to see a normal relationship because he couldn't risk pursuing Munson, couldn't risk people disappearing because they jumped two gay men.
Carol had always known Munson was Steve's, ever since he'd first seen him in the school, she'd had to stop him then from going to him, had to remind him of the dangers, of people and how they hated.
Carol had been protecting Steve for a very long time before he stepped away from them, before something made him walk away from them.
She knew he wanted to keep them out away from whatever danger he now faced, but she missed him, he had been her brother, her best friend, the one she could tell anything to, like her little crush on Nancy Wheeler, the main reason she thinks he dated her, so Carol could hang out with her.
Steve didn't feel things like humans, Carol knew, he'd date anyone Carol pushed him to, let rumors fly about his sexual proess, something Carol had started herself because Steve likely didn't have sex the same way they did either.
But she missed him, which explained why she'd broken up with Tommy and come here to the Harrington house.
Tommy would never accept what Steve was, never accept his new family, because Carol knew that those children were more Steve's babies that just kids he babysat, she'd seen the way he took care of his baby bag of flour when they'd had to pass their health class, he'd stolen hers and Tommy's too when he realized Tommy was just going to buy a new one to pass.
There was something about the way Steve had cared for the lifeless bags of flours that told Carol that one day she'd be faking a surrogate pregnancy to explain away Steve aquireing a child.
Carol knocked at the door and was not entirely surprised when Munson answered.
His eyes widened then he called for Steve, not inviting her in, which she didn't blame him.
Steve appeared and Carol smiled softly, he looked as he always did to her eyes, too wide smile, too sharp teeth and so many eyes, but those eyes, unlike how they once were, were bright and lively, filled with happiness, much better than the emptiness she normally saw.
"Carol." Steve said, voice slightly different.
"Steve, what did I tell you about Munson, hmm?" She asked, hands going to her hips, in mock annoyance.
Steve kept smiling as he leaned into her space in a hug, which had her wrap her arms around him, feeling, like she usually did when he hugged her, completely surrounded, engulfed, protected.
"Now, do I need to find a reasonable lie for your kids about why people have just vanished or do they know?" Carol asked as she pulled back to look at Steve's face.
Munson blinked, "She knows?" He shouted, drawing the others to the door.
Steve looked at him, head turned owlishly, "I wasn't always a very good mimic."
Carol tapped his hand twice to remind Steve that he was doing something Other, which made him swivel to look back at her.
"You should come in, there is a lot to explain if you intend to stay. You should also meet Robin, you'll like her." Steve smiled too widely, as he pulled her in, and she knew that she and Robin would likely end up on a date or two, if only to appease Steve and to say they wouldn't work out.
But for whatever reason, part of Carol hoped that Steve was right, that she would like this Robin.
She deserved a reward, afterall, she'd been keeping Steve safe for a very long time, just like he'd kept her safe, that was what siblings did afterall.
A/n: umm, did I intend this, let's lie and say yes..
Enjoy Carol's pov.
@swimmingbirdrunningrock @just-a-tiny-void @darkwitchoferie @merricatty @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @apuckishwit @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @korixae @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta
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just-null · 5 months ago
Do you ever do requests? If so, do you ever plan on drawing some Yandere with the Hantengu clones? :D hope you have a good day/night!!!
Mentioning an unfamiliar name
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yes!! I love yanderes.. and these guys.. these guys are such good material...... nods nods..
I'm not sure about requests..I assume you mean drawing requests? I suppose if it REALLY catches my interest enough, I'd do it, but it'd probably just be line art/sketches.
#null rot#yandere kny#yandere demon slayer#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#demon slayer#hantengu#hantengu clones#sekido#karaku#urogi#aizetsu#midori306#YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER TO THE YANDERE QUESTION MY BELOVED CULT MEMBER#uwaa and i recently checked back on their designs.. THEY HAVE LONG SLANTED EARS DUDE WHAT THE FUCKKK THATS LIKE THE CUTEST EVER#i tend to shitpost and focus on the dere than the yan but thats my mistake!! im sorry cult members.. I'll need scarousal#when calling sekdio. he pretends to ignore you but you can tell he heard you when his ear twitches#He's flabbergasted that you met someone else to begin with. who let you go out without one of them?!#hes too shocked and angry to even properly get upset!!#Karaku loves everything you have to say. less so if its positive abt someone else. still listens tho. listening carefully for details..#he doesnt mind others eyeing you. youre perfect in his eyes. who wouldnt? still.. thats not gonna fly well.#Urogi loves when you seek him out but mentioning someone else... is bc you want to feed him right? ofc! you want to benefit him!#its cause hes your favorite! yeah! youre so sweet!!! ofc he'll get rid of someone for you both!!#Aizetsu's bashful. he feels put on the spot when calling him but hes always hoping you give him affection of some kind. always ready for yo#mentioning someone else was NOT what he wanted and now hes sad.. youre making him sad.. whats so important you had to bring that up?#The thought of anyone else makes him feel so exhausted already.. wont you comfort him instead? he needs you now.. atone for your mistakes#uwaa expressions.. uwaaa aizetsu releasing some of the tension in his brows when hes feeling upset towards you uWAA#i CANT RAMBLE ENOUGH IN THE TAGS SO WAIT FOR THE POST I HAVE IN THE BACK BURNER FROM SOMEONE ELSE WHO ASKED FOR SOMETHING SIMILAR!!!!!!!
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rocketbirdie · 1 month ago
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and oh my god they were homies...
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yingxtkm · 9 months ago
Anyone ask for aeriseph sibling nonsense? No? Well too bad they live in my head rent free.
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loojii · 2 months ago
♥️ Prim and Proper ♥️
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part 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Riddle x King of Hearts oc Simply how they met and to communicate Prim's personality a bit better! Like the King of Hearts, often forgotten but happy :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Story under the line ~
Riddle’s POV
The Night Raven College library was Riddle Rosehearts’ haven—a place where rules were respected, order was preserved, and silence reigned supreme. At least, it was supposed to.
The soft symphony of pages turning and quills scratching was disrupted by bursts of giggling and whispers. Riddle’s brows furrowed, his concentration shattered.
The offenders were four girls from Lady Mystic College, currently permitted to use the library while their own was under renovation. They sat at a table in the far corner, their uniforms pristine and polished, yet their behavior anything but.
Three of them leaned in close, whispering and snickering, their laughter bubbling up despite the clear disapproval of nearby students. The fourth girl, however, sat quietly at the edge of the group.
Riddle hadn’t noticed her at first, his irritation focused on the noise. But as he rose from his seat and made his way toward them, she caught his eye.
She was smaller than her friends, with blonde curls tied into two neat pigtails. Her dark blue eyes flitted nervously between her tablemates and the books in front of her. Braces gleamed faintly while her upperlip rested on them. Unlike her companions, she seemed more like an observer than a participant.
“Excuse me,” Riddle said sharply as he reached their table.
The three louder girls turned to him, blinking in mock surprise. “Oh, hi!” one of them said, her smile overly sweet.
“This is a library,” Riddle stated, his tone clipped. “Your noise is disrupting others. Please keep your voices down.”
The girls exchanged glances and giggled again. “Sorry about that,” another said, though her tone suggested she wasn’t sorry at all.
The fourth girl looked up at him, her cheeks flushing pink. “I—I’m so sorry,” she stammered. Her hands fidgeted with the edge of her book. “We will be quiet, promise!”
Riddle’s frown softened slightly. She seemed genuinely apologetic, unlike her companions. But rules were rules, and they all bore responsibility for their collective behavior.
“Just keep it down,” he said, turning on his heel and walking away.
Later, Riddle found himself standing in front of a particularly tall bookshelf, searching for a volume on advanced spell theory. The book he needed was on the highest shelf, just out of reach.
He huffed, rising onto his toes, but it was no use. He debated summoning a step stool when a familiar voice broke through his thoughts.
“Um... Excuse me,” the soft, slightly lisped voice said.
Riddle turned to see the blonde girl from earlier standing a few feet away. She was craning her neck, gazing up at a book several shelves above her head.
“I didn’t mean to bother you,” she said quickly, flushing again. “It’s just... I can’t reach it.”
Riddle glanced between her and the book. “Neither can I,” he admitted dryly, stepping closer.
Her lips twitched into a sheepish smile. “Oh, yeah-” she said, hugging her arms.
Riddle sighed, lifting his hand. With a precise flick of his fingers, the book floated down from the shelf, landing neatly in his grasp.
The girl’s eyes widened, a spark of wonder lighting them. “Wow! That’s so cool,” she said, her tone full of genuine awe.
“It’s basic magic,” Riddle replied, though he couldn’t help the slight warmth that rose at her reaction. He handed her the book.
“Thank you,” she said, her braces glinting as she smiled. “I’m Prim, by the way. I, um, wanted to apologize again that we were so noisy.”
Riddle studied her for a moment. There was a cheerfulness about her, a childlike wonder that seemed at odds with her companions. “Riddle.” introducing himself. “And it wasn’t entirely your fault.”
Prim hesitated, her expression flickering with something uncertain. “They’re not always like that,” she said, though her tone lacked conviction. “I think they just... like having fun.”
“Just make sure to not disturb others when you’re in a public library. We prefer this place to be quiet.” Riddle said, not to scold her but he feared it may have sounded like that.
“No, you’re absolutely right! It’s basic rules.” She looked down at the book Riddle just got for her. “Thank you again, Riddle!”
Riddle responded with a simple nod and she hugged the book to her chest and turned back toward her table. Riddle watched her go, noting the way her steps seemed lighter, more confident.
For the rest of the afternoon, the library was quiet. But Riddle found himself distracted, his thoughts lingering on the small girl with the blonde pigtails and wondering if she would ever realize she deserved better.
The next day, Riddle was once again settled in his usual spot in the library. The silence was pristine this time, and he relished the peaceful atmosphere. He had nearly immersed himself in his studies when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye.
The girl with blonde pigtails walked hesitantly into the library, clutching her books and bag. She scanned the room for a moment before her eyes landed on him. A bright smile lit her face, and she made her way over.
“Hi,” she greeted softly, her voice still carrying that slight lisp.
Riddle nodded in acknowledgment. “Good afternoon, Prim.”
To his surprise, she pulled out a chair and sat next to him, setting her books down. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said cheerfully. “It’s nice and quiet here.”
“As long as you keep it that way,” Riddle replied, his tone neutral.
Prim giggled and nodded. “Promise. I’ll be quiet.”
She opened her notebook and began working on what looked like several assignments. Riddle glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, noting the way her handwriting flowed neatly across the pages. Occasionally, she would hum softly to herself, though it wasn’t disruptive—it was oddly soothing.
After a few minutes, he broke the silence. “You’re alone today.”
Prim looked up from her work, her curls bouncing slightly as she tilted her head. “Oh, yeah. My friends are out getting lunch.”
Riddle raised an eyebrow. “They left you behind?”
Prim waved a hand dismissively, her smile unwavering. “It’s fine. I had too much homework to do anyway. Besides, they’ll bring me something back.”
Her tone was so casual, so certain, that Riddle didn’t press further. But he couldn’t help the small pang of doubt that settled in his chest.
“They do seem to leave you out quite often,” he remarked, his voice carefully measured.
Prim paused, her pencil hovering over her notebook. Then she laughed lightly. “They don’t mean to. They’re just... busy. But they’re good friends, really.”
Riddle frowned but didn’t say anything. Her unwavering cheerfulness was admirable, though he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was excusing more than she should.
They fell into a comfortable rhythm, the soft scratch of pens and the faint rustle of pages filling the air. After a while, Prim closed one notebook and opened another, switching seamlessly between assignments. Riddle noticed she wasn’t just working on a single piece of homework—she seemed to be copying her answers onto three other sheets.
He glanced at her stack of papers. Each page was identical, and she was writing the same answers in the same neat handwriting on all of them. His brow furrowed.
“Prim,” he said quietly, his curiosity getting the better of him. “Why are you doing the same homework four times?”
Prim froze for a moment, her pen poised mid-sentence. Then she looked at him, her expression sheepish but still cheerful. “Oh, um... My friends forgot to do theirs, so I’m helping out. They’re really busy, you know, with... things.”
Riddle’s frown deepened. “You’re doing their homework? All of it?”
Prim shrugged, her smile not faltering. “It’s no big deal. I’m good at this stuff, and they always help me when I need it.”
Riddle didn’t believe that for a second. He leaned back slightly, studying her. She seemed so genuinely kind, so eager to help, but he couldn’t ignore the fact that her so-called friends were clearly taking advantage of her.
Prim seemed to sense his concern because she added, “I don’t mind, really. It’s nice to feel useful.”
Riddle opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Prim stood up, gathering her things into a neat pile. “I’m going to the restroom real quick,” she said with a smile. “Could you watch my stuff?”
He nodded, though his gaze lingered on her as she walked away.
Left alone, Riddle’s eyes drifted back to her work. The identical pages spread out in front of him confirmed what he already suspected—Prim was kind, but her kindness was being taken advantage of.
As he leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to return, Riddle couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of protectiveness toward her. She was cheerful and kind in her own way, but it was clear that she deserved better than what her so-called friends were giving her.
When Prim returned, still smiling as brightly as ever, Riddle resolved to keep an eye on her. Someone had to.
Several days went by and Riddle found himself walking through the courtyard, a book tucked under his arm. It was his usual route to the library, but the sound of laughter and chatter drew his attention.
Underneath one of the large oak trees sat the same group of girls from Lady Mystic College. Their voices carried easily on the breeze as they chatted with a group of Savanaclaw students who seemed far too pleased with themselves.
Riddle’s gaze immediately went to Prim. She was sitting on the edge of the group, her blonde curls bouncing slightly as she nodded enthusiastically in response to the conversation. Despite her obvious effort to engage, none of the boys so much as glanced her way. Their attention was fixed on her three companions, who were leaning forward and giggling at every joke.
Eventually, the three girls stood, brushing themselves off and flashing bright smiles at the Savanaclaw students. “We’ll see you later,” one of them said, linking arms with another.
Prim started to stand, too, but one of the girls waved her back down with a quick, “Oh, just stay here, Prim. Keep the spot for us, okay?”
Prim blinked, then nodded quickly. “Sure! No problem!”
The group walked away, leaving her alone under the tree. She didn’t seem bothered, though. She pulled out a small lunch box and began unpacking it, her expression as cheerful as ever.
Riddle hesitated, his steps slowing. It wasn’t his business, and he wasn’t the type to meddle. Yet something about the scene nagged at him.
Prim’s so-called friends hadn’t even offered to include her. They left her behind without a second thought. And though she waved them off as if it were perfectly natural, Riddle couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t right.
Before he could stop himself, he changed course and approached her.
Prim looked up as his shadow fell over her. “Oh! Hi, Riddle!” she said brightly, her dark blue eyes lighting up.
“Good afternoon,” he said, stopping a few feet away. He glanced at her lunch box and then at the empty space around her. “You’re alone.”
She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, the girls went off with those boys. They didn’t want to intrude, and, well, it would’ve been rude for me to tag along since I wasn’t invited.”
Riddle frowned, his grip tightening on the book in his hands. “They left you here.”
Prim waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, it’s fine. I already had lunch anyway, and they asked me to keep this spot for them. It’s a nice spot, don’t you think? Nice shade, good view...”
Her voice trailed off as she gestured to the courtyard around them, clearly trying to paint the situation in the best possible light.
Riddle remained silent, his expression unreadable. He wanted to tell her that her friends shouldn’t have asked her to stay behind just to save a spot. That if they truly cared about her, they wouldn’t leave her sitting alone while they went off with boys who didn’t even acknowledge her.
But Prim’s smile didn’t falter. She continued to eat her lunch, completely at ease.
Riddle’s mind whirred. He had never been particularly skilled at making friends himself, and he often struggled with understanding social dynamics. Yet he couldn’t stand to see someone as kind and cheerful as Prim being so blatantly overlooked.
“Prim,” he said abruptly, his tone firmer than he intended.
She looked up, blinking at him. “Yes?”
“Would you... like to join me for lunch?”
Prim’s eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, she seemed at a loss for words. “Oh, um, really?” she asked, her voice slightly higher than usual.
“Yes,” Riddle said, a little awkwardly. “If you’ve already eaten, I could still use some company. That is, if you’re not busy keeping this spot occupied.”
Prim laughed softly, her smile brightening even further. “Well, I suppose the spot will still be here when I get back.”
Riddle stepped back, allowing her to stand. As they walked toward the cafeteria together, he couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction. It wasn’t much, but at least she wouldn’t have to sit alone this time.
Prim’s POV
The shade under the oak tree was nice, shielding them from the midday sun as the breeze rustled through the leaves. Prim sat with her three friends—Hazel, Trinity, and Opal—all of whom were laughing and chatting animatedly, their voices blending together in an upbeat melody of giggles.
Prim listened quietly, her hands folded neatly over her lap, her lips twitching upward in a small smile. Hazel said something that made Trinity snort, and Opal burst into another fit of laughter. Prim tried to join in, even though she didn’t entirely understand the joke.
They’re just so confident, she thought, watching them. “It’s one of the things I admire about them.”
Sometimes they’d say things to her that she wasn’t sure how to take. Like when Hazel turned to her mid-laughter and said, “Prim, I wish I could be as pure as you. So innocent!”
Prim chuckled along, though her cheeks flushed. They mean well, she reassured herself. It’s not like they’re being mean. I guess I don’t get all their jokes, so they’re right. It’s fine.
Then there was Trinity, who had tilted her head at Prim’s pigtails earlier and remarked, “Your hair is so unique, Prim. I’d never have the patience to deal with all those curls!”
Prim had thanked her for the comment, though part of her wondered if “unique” had been the right word. It was true, though—her hair never behaved like Hazel’s silky locks, Trinity’s sleek waves, or Opal’s perfectly tousled bob. But it was fine.
It was fine.
When a group of boys approached, Prim felt herself tense up slightly. She wasn’t used to being approached by boys—especially not bold, self-assured ones like these.
Hazel, Trinity, and Opal perked up immediately, their voices gaining a lilting edge as they welcomed the boys with coy smiles and casual jokes. Prim sat up straighter, her cheeks flushing pink as she tried to follow along with the conversation.
One of the boys told a story about his latest Spelldrive match, and Prim laughed softly at the right moment, hoping it sounded natural. But the boy didn’t look her way. None of them did. Their eyes were fixed on her friends.
She felt a small pang in her chest.
It’s okay, she told herself quickly. She isn’t his type. And that’s okay.
Her friends were tall, poised, and effortlessly pretty. Their hair shimmered in the sunlight, their makeup was flawless, and their laughter was infectious. Prim, meanwhile, was shorter, with unruly curls that seemed to have a mind of their own. Her braces made her mouth always stand open a bit, and as long as she can remember she talked with a lisp.
They’re just more... grown-up than me, she reasoned. And that’s okay. I’ll get there eventually.
For a fleeting moment, the pang threatened to grow into something heavier. But she shook it off, summoning her usual cheerful resolve.
I totally get it, she told herself, nodding slightly as if to reinforce the thought. I understand why they’d get all the attention. Besides, I don’t even need a boyfriend right now! I have my friends. And I’m happy for them. Really, I am.
When the boys eventually asked Hazel, Trinity, and Opal to join them for lunch, Prim was already smiling again.
“Oh, just stay here, Prim. Keep the spot for us, okay?” Hazel said over her shoulder as they stood.
“Sure! No problem!” Prim said brightly, waving at them as they walked off.
She settled back under the tree and reached for her lunch box. It’s fine, she thought as she unwrapped her sandwich. I packed a good lunch, and this spot is really nice. I’m totally fine. And they’ll be back soon anyway.
As she took a bite, she looked up and froze mid-chew.
Riddle stood a few feet away, his red hair unmistakable in the dappled sunlight. He was looking directly at her, his expression as composed and stern as always.
“Oh!” Prim swallowed quickly, straightening up and brushing crumbs off her lap. “Hi, Riddle!”
Riddle’s POV
Riddle wasn’t entirely sure why he’d asked her to join him for lunch. It wasn’t as though he usually sought out company during meals. Quite the opposite, in fact—he valued the quiet solitude that came with sitting alone, free from the noise and chaos of others.
And yet, here he was, walking toward the cafeteria with Prim by his side, her cheerful chatter filling the silence he usually preferred.
“I really didn’t expect you to invite me to lunch,” Prim said, her voice bright with surprise. “But thank you! It’s nice to have someone to eat with. It’s always fun!”
Riddle glanced at her, taking in her wide smile and the way her dark blue eyes seemed to light up with genuine delight. Her optimism was almost childlike in its sincerity, and though it was different from the carefully composed demeanor he usually gravitated toward, he found it oddly... refreshing.
As they settled at a table, Prim eagerly unpacked her lunch box again, chatting as she went. “So, do you always eat alone? Or do you sit with your dorm mates sometimes?”
“I usually eat alone,” Riddle replied, his tone matter-of-fact. “It’s more efficient. The dining hall can be... chaotic.”
Prim tilted her head, nodding thoughtfully. “I get that. It can get loud sometimes. But it’s nice to have people to talk to, don’t you think?”
Riddle hesitated. Socializing had always felt more like a chore than a pleasure for him. Yet, as he watched Prim, he couldn’t bring himself to agree. “Perhaps,” he said finally.
They fell into a rhythm of small talk, much to Riddle’s surprise. Prim carried most of the conversation, her cheerful nature making it easy to follow along. She told him about her favorite classes, how she was still adjusting to Lady Mystic College, and how much she loved the library at Night Raven College.
“And the oak tree in the courtyard!” she added with a bright smile. “It’s such a nice spot to sit. Perfect shade, good view... It’s the best, really.”
Riddle nodded politely, though his thoughts lingered on why she’d been left there in the first place.
Finally, he couldn’t stop himself from bringing it up. “You said earlier that your friends went off with those guys and left you behind. Does that happen often?”
Prim blinked, caught off guard. “Oh, well... not often,” she said, though her tone wavered slightly. “They were just being polite, you know? It wouldn’t have been right for me to tag along if I wasn’t invited.”
Riddle frowned. “But if they’re your friends, shouldn’t they have invited you in the first place?”
Prim hesitated, her cheerful facade faltering for the briefest moment. “I mean, they’re just... busy. And I don’t really mind! I’m happy to keep the spot for them.”
He leaned forward slightly, his gaze steady. “Do you really think that’s fair to you?”
She shifted uncomfortably, her hands fidgeting with the edge of her lunch box. “Well, it’s not like they’re being mean or anything,” she said quietly. “They’re nice to me. And they’re so cool and pretty, you know? I’m lucky to have friends like them.”
Riddle’s frown deepened. “Are they really your friends if they constantly leave you out? If they treat you like an afterthought?”
Prim’s shoulders slumped slightly, and for the first time, her ever-present smile wavered. “They have to be my friends… if they’re not…” she said softly, “then... it would mean I didn’t have any at all…”
Riddle’s chest tightened at her words. He’d never been particularly adept at comforting others, but the sadness in her voice stirred something in him. He’d always been strict, proper, and precise in his interactions, yet in this moment, he felt compelled to say something more.
“You do have a friend,” he said quietly, surprising even himself.
Prim’s head snapped up, her eyes wide. “Mm?”
Riddle shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his face heating slightly. “I mean... I wouldn’t invite just anyone to lunch. So if that makes you feel better... consider me your friend.”
For a moment, Prim simply stared at him. Then her face broke into the brightest smile he’d ever seen, her braces gleaming as her eyes filled with joy. “Really? You mean it?”
He cleared his throat, looking away to hide his own embarrassment. “Yes. Of course.”
“Yeah!” Prim said eagerly, her sadness forgotten as she practically beamed at him. “Yeah, I guess we are friends, huh?”
The park on Sage Island was quiet that afternoon, the soft rustle of leaves and distant chatter providing a soothing backdrop to Riddle’s thoughts. He didn’t come to the park often—it seemed frivolous to idle in nature when there were more productive things to do—but something had drawn him there today.
It was then that he saw her.
Prim was balancing on a low railing near the path, her arms stretched out for balance and her curls bouncing with each careful step. She looked utterly carefree, the sunlight catching the faint glint of her braces as she smiled to herself.
Riddle slowed his pace, his gaze lingering on her. The sight struck a chord in him—her innocence, her lightheartedness. She embodied a freedom he had never known.
Growing up under his mother’s strict rules, even the thought of such behavior would have been unthinkable. Walking on a railing? Playing games in public? There was no place for that in the rigid schedule of the Rosehearts household. And even now, as a college student, Riddle often felt the weight of responsibility pressing on his shoulders, keeping him bound to the rules he upheld so fiercely.
Prim, however, seemed untouched by such constraints.
When she spotted him, her face lit up, and she hopped down from the railing with a bounce. “Riddle!” she called, hurrying toward him. “Hi! What a surprise to see you here!”
“Good afternoon, Prim,” he said, straightening his posture.
“It’s so nice to see you,” she said, her grin bright as ever. “Are you here for a walk too?”
“I thought some fresh air might be beneficial,” Riddle replied. “And you?”
“Oh, I’m on my way to the bookstore,” she said, clasping her hands behind her back. “I need a new diary. My old one’s almost full.”
“A diary,” he echoed.
“Yep!” she said cheerfully. “I write about everything—what I did, how I felt, what made me happy. It’s nice to look back on later, you know?”
Riddle nodded, though he couldn’t fully relate. His own life had always been so structured, so focused on rules and expectations, that the idea of reflecting on daily joys felt almost... indulgent.
As they walked together, Prim continued to chat, her energy as boundless as ever. “I’ve been hanging out less with Hazel, Trinity, and Opal,” she said after a while, her tone casual. “It’s easier now that I have a friend.”
Her words caught him off guard, and he turned to look at her. “You mean me.”
“Of course!” she said brightly, glancing at him with a sincerity that made his chest tighten.
He felt his cheeks heat slightly and quickly looked away. “I... see.”
Prim tilted her head, her expression softening. “Thank you for having lunch with me last week, by the way. It was really nice. I hope I wasn’t talking too much.”
Riddle shook his head. “You were fine. I didn’t mind.”
Her face lit up again, and she clasped her hands together. “I’m glad! I’ve been eating alone more often lately, and I think I finally get what you mean—it’s nice to have that quiet sometimes. It’s efficient, and I can actually focus on my food!”
Hearing her repeat his words from before made something stir in his chest. She wasn’t just cheerful; she genuinely listened.
They walked in companionable silence for a few moments before Prim spoke again. “You should come with me to the bookstore,” she said suddenly, her voice bright.
Riddle blinked, caught off guard. “Me?”
“Why not? It could be fun! And I’m sure they’ve got plenty of interesting books for you to look at.”
He hesitated, searching for a reason to decline, but none came. “I suppose I could use a new reference book,” he said finally, convincing himself it was a practical decision. “Very well.”
Prim clapped her hands together. “Great! Let’s go!”
The bookstore was small but inviting, its shelves packed with an eclectic mix of novels, journals, and academic texts. Prim headed straight for the section of journals, her excitement palpable.
“What do you think of this one?” she asked, holding up a diary with a floral cover. “Or this one?” She picked up another, this one decorated with stars.
“They’re both... adequate,” Riddle said diplomatically, though his tone lacked the sternness it usually carried.
Prim giggled. “You’re so formal, Riddle. You’re so cool.”
He stiffened, the unexpected comment catching him off guard. “I—cool is hardly the appropriate word.”
She laughed again, completely unbothered by his awkwardness. “I like it,” she said simply, flipping through the pages of a diary.
Riddle turned his attention to the nearest shelf, scanning the titles even as his thoughts lingered on her. She was so unabashedly sincere, so quick to express herself without reservation. It was entirely unlike him, and yet he found it oddly refreshing.
“What kind of books do you like?” Prim asked suddenly, breaking his train of thought.
“Primarily academic texts,” Riddle replied. “I don’t often read for leisure.”
“That makes sense,” she said with a nod. “You’re so disciplined, Riddle. I admire that about you.”
He glanced at her, momentarily speechless. She said it so matter-of-factly, as if her praise was simply the truth. “Thank you,” he said quietly, unsure of how else to respond.
The walk back from the bookstore was peaceful, with Prim happily clutching her new diary to her chest. She was chatting about the various things she planned to write in it—her favorite moments, her thoughts on the day, and even the little goals she set for herself. Riddle listened quietly, his hands neatly folded behind his back, offering the occasional nod or small response.
As they reached a crossroads in the park, Prim slowed her pace, her expression shifting slightly. “I should probably start studying when I get back,” she said with a small sigh. “I’ve got this one chapter that’s been giving me so much trouble.”
Riddle raised an eyebrow. “What subject?”
“Potions,” Prim replied, scrunching her nose. “There’s this one section about ingredient interactions that I just can’t wrap my head around. It’s like the words blur together every time I try to read it.”
He stopped walking, considering her words. He remembered studying potions theory himself the year prior. It wasn’t an easy subject, especially when it came to understanding the subtleties of ingredient dynamics. But he’d mastered it, of course.
Prim tilted her head, glancing at him curiously. “What is it?”
Riddle felt a flicker of hesitation. The idea of offering his help seemed straightforward enough, but his mind began to overanalyze. Would it be strange to suggest it? They were friends now, weren’t they? And helping a friend was a reasonable thing to do.
But what if she felt pressured to accept? Prim had always been eager to please, and the last thing he wanted was for her to feel obligated. Still, she had said she was glad they were friends. Surely she wouldn’t find the gesture unwelcome?
“Riddle?” Prim’s voice was soft, her gaze searching his.
He straightened, pushing his doubts aside with a deep breath. “If you’re struggling with that chapter,” he began carefully, “I could help you study.”
He watched her expression closely, his heart beating just a little faster as he waited for her response.
Prim’s POV
Prim clutched her study books tightly to her chest as she walked toward Night Raven College. The path to the all-boys school was winding, but she didn’t mind. The weather was nice, the air crisp, and her heart felt unusually light.
She couldn’t stop thinking about the day before, when Riddle had offered to help her with her potions studies. It had been so unexpected, and the moment he’d asked, she’d said yes without hesitation.
Of course, she was grateful for his help. Riddle was brilliant—he knew so much, and she was certain he’d explain things far better than her textbook ever could. But more than that, the thought of spending time with him made her genuinely happy.
She smiled to herself, her steps quickening as she remembered the feeling. She’d made an actual friend.
In high school, she’d been alone more often than not. She tried to fit in, but it was like she didn’t quite know how. Her curls were too unruly, her braces too shiny, and her lisp made her stumble over words when she was nervous. She remembered watching other girls gather in groups, laughing and chatting easily, while she lingered on the edges, hoping to be noticed.
When she’d started college, she promised herself things would be different. She’d make friends this time, no matter what. And she had—Hazel, Trinity, and Opal had been quick to include her. But it hadn’t taken long to realize that their kindness only went so far.
Prim sighed softly, her grip tightening on her books. Her so-called friends weren’t really nice to her, not in the way that mattered. She knew that. But wasn’t it better to have bad friends than none at all?
At least, that’s what she used to believe.
But then there was Riddle. He was so different from anyone she’d met before—kind in his own quiet, composed way. He didn’t laugh at her or make her feel small. When he talked to her, it felt like he actually saw her, not just the odd girl with the curls and the braces.
Riddle is a real friend, she thought, her heart fluttering.
She almost started skipping as she neared the gates of Night Raven College, her excitement outweighing her nerves. The idea of walking into an all-boys school was a little intimidating, but she didn’t let it bother her. Riddle had offered to help, and she was determined to make the most of it.
When the imposing gates of the school came into view, Prim spotted a familiar figure waiting for her.
Riddle stood with his hands clasped neatly in front of him, his posture as straight and proper as ever. He spotted her immediately and stepped forward.
“Good afternoon, Prim,” he said, his tone formal but not unfriendly.
“Hi, Riddle!” she greeted, her voice bright as she hurried up to him. “Thanks for meeting me.”
“It’s no trouble,” he replied, gesturing toward the campus. “I thought it would be best to guide you directly to my dorm. Night Raven College can be... confusing to navigate if you’re unfamiliar.”
She nodded eagerly, her nerves momentarily forgotten. “I really appreciate it. I’ll try not to get in the way too much!”
Riddle gave a small shake of his head. “You’re not in the way. I offered, didn’t I?”
Her smile widened at his words, and as they began walking, she glanced around, taking in the grand architecture of the school.
“It’s such a big campus,” she said, her awe evident. “It must be amazing to go here.”
“It has its merits,” Riddle said simply, though there was a faint note of pride in his voice.
Prim followed him through the gates and into the courtyard, her excitement bubbling up again. She had no idea what to expect, but one thing was certain—Riddle was her friend now. She can’t wait for tonight, when she can write in her diary about today.
Riddle’s POV
As Riddle led Prim through the gates of Heartslabyul, he noticed the usual shift in demeanor among his dormmates. Students standing idly by quickly straightened their postures, their conversations quieting as they noticed him. It was routine, of course—expected behavior from those under his jurisdiction—but it wasn’t something he’d ever given much thought to.
Prim, however, seemed to notice. She glanced around curiously as they passed a group of first-years who hurriedly bowed their heads in greeting.
“Good afternoon, Housewarden!” one of them called.
Prim blinked, slowing her steps slightly. “Housewarden?” she repeated, looking at Riddle.
He cleared his throat, feeling a faint warmth creep up his neck. “Yes,” he said stiffly. “I am the housewarden of Heartslabyul.”
Her eyes widened as the pieces seemed to fall into place. “Ohhh, that makes so much sense now!” she said, her voice light with realization. “No wonder everyone is so respectful around you. You’re in charge!”
Riddle frowned slightly, his usual composure slipping just a little. “It’s merely my duty,” he said, trying to downplay the significance.
Prim, however, seemed delighted. “That’s amazing, Riddle! You must be really good at what you do for them to listen to you like that.”
Her praise caught him off guard, and he quickly turned his attention back to the path, his face warming further. “It’s nothing remarkable. Let’s continue to my room.”
When they reached his room, Riddle opened the door and stepped aside to let Prim in. She hesitated for a moment before walking in, clutching her books tightly.
“I’ve never been in a boy’s room before,” she said with a small giggle, glancing around.
Riddle stiffened, his hand tightening slightly on the doorknob. “It’s just a room,” he said quickly, closing the door behind them.
Prim wandered further inside, her eyes wide as she took in the neat, organized space. The room was larger than she had expected, with a tidy desk, bookshelves filled to the brim, and a large canopy bed. Everything was perfectly arranged, a reflection of Riddle’s meticulous nature.
“This is so nice!” she said, smiling as she turned to him. “It’s so... Riddle.”
He blinked. “What do you mean by that?”
“It’s so neat and organized,” she said, laughing lightly. “It just feels like you. I love it.”
Her laughter was high but not too loud often accompanied by a snort. It was infectious and Riddle found himself relaxing slightly.
Prim grinned, plopping herself onto the edge of the chair near his desk and opening her books. “Okay, ready to study?”
He nodded, pulling out a chair for himself and settling in beside her. “Let’s begin. You mentioned you were struggling with ingredient interactions?”
As they worked through the chapter, Riddle was surprised by how focused Prim was. Though she had trouble grasping some of the concepts at first, she listened intently to his explanations, asking thoughtful questions and jotting down notes.
Her enthusiasm was refreshing, and Riddle found himself genuinely enjoying the session.
A knock at the door interrupted them just as Prim was beginning to understand a particularly tricky concept.
“Come in,” Riddle called, glancing up.
The door opened to reveal Trey, carrying a tray of freshly baked cookies. He smiled when he saw them. “I thought you two might want a snack,” he said, placing the tray on the desk.
Prim’s eyes lit up. “Oh, wow! These look amazing!”
“They’re still warm,” Trey said with a chuckle. “Help yourselves.”
Prim picked up a cookie and took a bite, her eyes widening in delight. “These are so good!” she said, her voice muffled slightly by the cookie.
Riddle picked one up as well, though he was far more reserved in his reaction. “Thank you, Trey,” he said politely.
Trey turned to Prim, bowing his head slightly wearing a kind smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m Trey, the vice housewarden of Heartslabyul.”
Prim sat up straight and returned his smile with one of her own. “Nice to meet you too! I’m Prim!”
Trey smiled knowingly, glancing between the two of them. “Well… Let me know if you need anything else,” he said before heading out.
As the door closed, Prim turned to Riddle, her smile as bright as ever. “Your dormmates are so nice. And these cookies? Best study snack ever.”
Riddle nodded, feeling a faint sense of pride in Heartslabyul’s hospitality. “Trey is an excellent baker,” he said.
Prim grinned, holding up her notebook. “And you’re an excellent teacher. I’m actually starting to get this now!”
Riddle looked at her, his expression softening. “You’re a quick learner,” he said. “You just needed someone to explain it in a way that made sense to you.”
Her smile widened, and she leaned forward slightly. “Thanks, Riddle. Really. You’re the best.”
His face warmed again, and he quickly turned back to the open book in front of him. “Let’s continue,” he said, his voice a little tighter than usual.
Prim giggled, taking another bite of her cookie before diving back into her notes.
Riddle shifted in his chair, trying to focus on the textbook in front of him, but his thoughts kept wandering. It wasn’t the material that distracted him—he’d long since mastered the subject—but rather Prim, who was sitting just a little too close.
She was leaning forward slightly, her notebook open as she jotted down notes, the end of her pencil tapping lightly against her lip in thought. Her blonde curls framed her face in soft spirals, bouncing faintly with every movement. Her braces gleamed when she smiled, the colorful elastics drawing his attention in a way he didn’t expect.
When she spoke, her slight lisp added an unexpected charm to her words, her voice full of enthusiasm even as she struggled with the material.
Riddle frowned slightly, feeling a warmth creep up his neck. He wasn’t used to this—having someone so close, so lively, so...
He surprised himself when the thought crossed his mind: She’s kind of cute.
The realization made his stomach twist, and he quickly looked back at his book, his posture stiffening. Focus, Riddle, he scolded himself silently. You’re here to help her study, nothing more.
Still, it was difficult to ignore her presence, especially when she turned to him with that bright smile, her gratitude shining in her eyes.
When their study session ended, Prim packed up her books, her smile never fading. “Thank you so much, Riddle,” she said for what felt like the tenth time. “You’re seriously the best. I actually feel like I understand this now!”
“It was no trouble,” he replied, his voice clipped as he tried to maintain his composure.
Riddle walked her back to the gates, insisting on showing her the way in case she would get lost. Walking back they made a bit of small talk and Riddle could feel the stares. But he tried to ignore them, he was just walking his friend out. 
Prim slung her bag over her shoulder, pausing when they arrived at the gates. “I’ll see you soon, okay? Thanks again!”
She waved cheerfully before walking back to her own dorm, leaving Riddle alone.
He let out a small breath, his shoulders relaxing. The session had gone well, but he couldn’t shake the strange fluttering sensation in his chest.
Later, in the Heartslabyul lounge, Riddle sat with a book in hand, though his thoughts kept drifting back to Prim’s visit.
“Hey, Riddle!”
He looked up to see Trey and Cater approaching, both wearing knowing smiles.
“How did the study session go?” Trey asked casually, though there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Was she nice? Fun? Cute?” Cater added, leaning in with a teasing grin.
Riddle frowned, not catching the implication. “It went well. She understood the material by the end, and she was very polite.”
Cater’s grin widened. “Oh, ‘polite,’ huh? That’s it?”
“She seemed... eager to learn,” Riddle continued, ignoring Cater’s tone.
Trey chuckled softly. “And you were okay with her being in your space? You usually don’t let just anyone into your room.”
Riddle hesitated, adjusting his tie. “She’s a friend,” he said finally. “It’s natural to help a friend, isn’t it?” Calling her a friend almost made him feel proud.
Cater exchanged a look with Trey, his grin turning sly. “Right. A ‘friend.’”
Before Riddle could respond, the lounge door burst open, and Ace and Deuce strolled in.
“Hey, Housewarden!” Ace called, plopping down on one of the couches. “We heard you had a guest today.”
Deuce looked confused. “Guest?”
“Yeah,” Ace said, smirking. “A girl.”
Riddle’s grip on his book tightened. “What of it?”
“C’mon, spill! Is she your girlfriend or something?” Ace asked, leaning forward with an exaggerated grin.
Riddle’s face turned red, and he slammed his book shut. “O-of course not!” he snapped, his voice sharp.
Ace burst out laughing, clearly enjoying himself. “Whoa, calm down! I was just asking.”
“She’s a friend, nothing more,” Riddle said firmly, glaring at Ace.
Deuce, sensing the tension, elbowed Ace. “Knock it off, Ace. You’re being rude.”
“What? I’m just curious!” Ace said, still grinning.
Riddle stood abruptly, his expression stern. “If you’re finished with your childish remarks, I have work to do.”
He strode out of the lounge, his cape billowing behind him, leaving the others behind.
Trey shook his head, though he was smiling faintly. “You pushed too hard, Ace.”
“Aw, come on,” Ace said, leaning back with a laugh. “You can’t blame me for asking. Did you see how flustered he got?”
Cater grinned. “I don’t know, Ace. Maybe he’s just new to this whole ‘having friends’ thing.”
“Or maybe,” Trey said with a small chuckle, “he’s starting to realize that having a friend like Prim might be a little more important to him than he thought.”
None of them noticed the faint blush creeping up Riddle’s ears as he listened just outside the door, his grip tightening on his book.
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