#from the ideas folder
cultoftheswag · 2 months
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The evil parfait
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Legend has it, an 'angel' who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom....
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basslinegrave · 8 months
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clockworkclownart · 4 months
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Day 7 - Mind control- #DannyMay2024
this one goes out to all those great mind control fics in the phandom ~ 💚 please leave your favorites in the replies, i want to read more! 💚
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void-bitten-ghost · 1 year
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I dunno my dudes i still have no idea how to draw the skrunglies plz just take the messy scribbles 🧡💙
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krotiation · 11 months
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i decided i absolutely had to make a love triangle AU because let's be real, rhys' pov in tales is pretty damn close to that (i'm delusional)
SO INTRODUCING whatever this mess is, i have no idea what to actually call it
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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tahol, cassius! tahol!! etc or something. let him off that leash you have him on, brutus.
an unfinished scene out of the conspiracy comic vault! for context, there's a scene I wrote just after the assassination of caesar where antony is half in shadow, half out of it, with a wide smile on his face and brutus is the only one who catches it and realizes he's miscalculated very very badly. unfortunately brutus was not cut out doing conspiracy on the fly, and cassius' greatest flaw was letting brutus have his way
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A Conspirator’s Realism: Cassius Settles for the Second Rank, Luciano Canfora
the meeting referenced here is described in Cassius Dio 44.34, and like cassius, lepidus was married to one of brutus' sisters. which is. something.
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acertifiedmoron · 21 days
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Edit of Winter-Spring, by Andrey Remnev as Daensa. Inspired by @dwellordream's post. Original piece under the cut.
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beartitled · 1 month
Hey Bear remember the detailed art where it’s a place and there’s a just filled with different bears, I think it will be a great excuse to practice but idk how to approach it. Any tips?? Or just things you learn when you started drawing those
Hellow 👋
I have a feeling you asked this a while ago, but I only saw it now
If it's the case, sorry must be a tumblr glitch💥
👏a wall of text warning👏/silly
First thing I usually do is - I plan a lot beforehand
Especially if it’s a drawing with existing characters
Ironically TSP/STP drawings were easier to do for me
Even though bear megadrawings look simpler (I think?)
Basically when you already have a list of character you want to include - you just need to think where to locate them
When you just draw a lot of random characters - you need to design every single one
Which is kinda a nightmare on your brain 💥
The second type is a lot more flexible tho (you can add or remove characters at will, no count needed)
Project stages
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I will use TSP + Undertale reblog chain drawing as an example
1) Collecting references - if you plan to draw existing characters, it’s better to gather all the references
Making an additional list of all characters helps too (this way you can track which character you already drawn)
2) Planning the area
Photobashing or finding a good location reference really helps here
Sadly don’t have a photobash I did for this, I deleted everything 💥
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This is just an example to demonstrate things 👆
I usually just do a rough sketch on a small piece of paper
You don’t have to have it 100% planned, if characters don’t fit, you can just extend/edit the area
3) Character planning
You have to determine where your characters will be located
The common mistake I see when ppl draw detailed drawings: they draw a singular character and move on to add others
If you’re doing it digitally, this may not be a problem for you (ya know just make a character smaller or move them, problem solved)
But what I recommend doing:
Is drawing shapes where you plan to put characters in
This will help you plan out the composition more and regulate the character amount in different parts of the drawing
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Also keep in mind the size of you character
I struggle with it to this day tbh
Usually the characters on the foreground are bigger then the ones on the background (this is one of the art principles used to showcase distance)
But an interesting thing you may notice when looking at illustrations like “Where’s Waldo” series
This principle often may be ignored
It’s still kinda present, but you can pretty much say many characters are -+ the same size
My theory is that it’s done to make every character equal, so the purpose to find Waldo is still challenging
+ I think to keep the whole picture harmonious
I may not know certain principles (the nitty-gritty of detailed art like this)
So keep in mind this is just my experience, do your research too >:D
4) Key characters
This one is a bit vague, but I will try to explain it the best I can
When you have a specific character, who, for example, is way bigger or has brighter colours then the rest
Special bois 🌸
You need to give them more attention
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Let’s see an example
- Big creatures on da background - they were drafted first, bc they required a lot place
- Spider Barry - a special area for spider characters
- Thierry - active action, running, led to a chain of characters interacting
- Narry Grilby’s, Bearline, Pixel Alphys - themed areas for certain characters
(my apologies if I made a mistake in any character name here, let me know, I will fix it)
+ Advice for colour: try to keep them the similar saturation, so the image looks harmonious
You don’t really have to have key characters, it’s just my method that makes the process easier to plan out
5) Art part let’s gooo
This part is up to you obviously, different ppl draw differently
For me it’s usually > small draft > sketch > line art > scan > colour
Advice for my traditional artist - ya’ll need a big paper sheet
I usually work on A3 format, bc it’s easier to scan
But the bigger the paper the more detailed characters you can draw
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This one as an example
Bc rookie mistake
Too many characters, not enough paper
I used A3, but looking back A2 would work way better here
I used a really thin line pen (005) and didn’t realise the consequences of that 💥
As a result scan turned out not the best quality (+ if you zoom in on the faces 🐻‍❄️🔫)
It was impressive at the time, but rrrr I wish I just bought a bigger piece of paper back then 💥
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Just to illustrate the issue
On the top are pens I usually use for comics lineart, the bottom one is 005
And my finger as an obscure reference lmao 💥
As you can see the lines are REALLY DAMN THIN and everything is smol, tiny even
So just keep that in mind 👍
And for my digital fellas
🫵 Big canvas 🫵 big 🫵 the pixels will eat u 🫵
How much time it takes
Practicing concentration and patience is important 💥
This may sound silly, but it does help with finishing stuff
Projects like those require a ton of patience and focus
So just mentally prepare yourself for sitting on your desk for hours™️
From my experience I would recommend to start with small drawings with a small amount of characters
And then gradually build up to bigger amounts and more details
My first ever megadrawing was this piece
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Line art took 2 weeks, colouring -+ a week I believe
This was exhausting the first time 💥
After practicing the process became faster and less tiring
The TSP x Undertale took about 4 days (but like full 4 days)
Remember doing lineart in 1 day, taking breaks just to like eat
🫵Ok don’t worry about me🫵
I have a tendency to concentrate on things for a really long periods of time, so it’s not a “🔥I WILL BURN MYSELF OUT WITH THIS PROJECT LET’S GO🔥” type of deal, this is pretty much how I am
If I enjoy a specific process I can spend an entire day doing just that, without getting tired (the only problem could be not enough movement and eye pain, my eternal enemy 👿)
But 🫵 don’t expect yourself to do the same 🫵
Start small, practice, don’t push your limits right away
Take breaks and care about yourself fellas 👏
Good luck with your projects🫡
Hope it was helpful, thank u for you question ❤️
For new ppl here, you can check the megadrawings section in navigation (pinned post), if you got interested
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
“The universe sings,” Grian said.
He sounds vaguely distant- like he’s speaking from hundreds of blocks away rather than right next to Mumbo.
He turns on his bed, slow halting movements, to face him.
“Did you know?”
Mumbo can only stare.
“…Sings?” He asks. He shifts on his chair.
Grian seems to want to nod, but aborts the motion halfway, and hums instead.
“Yeah. The code. It sings, if you listen close enough,” Grian mumbles.
Mumbo opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Grian exhales a long breath, and his eyes drift close.
“Can you hear it?”
Mumbo watches the way Grian’s chest rises and falls, shallowly, slowly.
He closes his eyes, and strains to hear.
He hears- Tango out in another room of the house, pacing circles around the kitchen. Mumbo can tell it’s Tango by the shuffle in his walk.
He can hear birds outside, twittering. Wind rustling through branches. An animal- a pig, maybe, trotting along some grass.
It’s quite calming really- but he doesn’t hear singing. At least, he doesn’t think he does?
When he opens his eyes again, it’s to Grian staring right at him.
Mumbo exhales in one sharp breath- he didn’t realise he’d stopped breathing- and meets Grian’s gaze.
“Did you mean like, actual singing or- or was that metaphorical? Because I can’t hear anything other than trees, mate,” he says, only half-joking.
Grian huffs a small laugh, and shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s not really singing-singing. It’s music, though. You’ve definitely heard some of it- discs. That’s the easiest way to hear it. But that’s- so few of what’s out there. There’s more music, if you know how to listen for it,” he hums. His eyes close again, and he leans more into the mattress.
Mumbo pauses, and thinks on that for a moment. Music discs, huh? He supposes it seems plausible, that there’d be more music out there.
But then why has he never heard it? Mumbo doesn’t ever recall hearing ‘the code sing’. If it’s tied into music discs, then is it naturally generated? Is hearing it a ‘watcher thing’?
Mumbo glances down at his hands, traces lines of dirt under his fingernails.
He nods, though Grian can’t see it anyway. He makes some vague ‘see you later’ comment he can’t bother to think about, and carefully gets to his feet.
At the doorframe, he peers back.
Grian lies there, breathing steadily.
Mumbo turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.
headcanon that the minecraft soundtrack can be heard in the code, but only if you're 'in harmony' with it. cue other headcanon of watchers being very aware of the code
HEY ANON. ANON. I ADORE THIS HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE THIS HEADCANON???? The idea that the universe is constantly singing to itself, and you can hear that through the Greater Code if you really carefully listen, is something i lowkey want to canonize SO BADLY holy shit. And this is such a lovely snippet too, im always such a sucker for deeply layered conversations like this.... i adore how youve given so much depth to the sentence "the universe sings" and the implications of how and why Grian is hearing it so much right now. [THROWS UP BLOOD] IM OBSESSED.......
Also this Mumbo dialogue especially is on point youve done such a good job of capturing his little speech patterns :] STUNNING JOB ANON IM SO FLATTERED U WROTE THIS!!!!! I really think i might canonize this concept just for how absolutely amazing it is, im utterly obsessed with it
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
I have a new story to write, so I can submit it to a Thing, and all I know is that I want it to be about shapeshifters.
To the money bin story seed folder!
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I do love swimming in here.
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rowanisawriter · 3 months
the hunt
bg3, wyll/durge, rated t, ~3000 words
“Monster hunter,” she says. “Have you ever hunted something that didn’t know it was a monster?”
He slows to a stop. She stops a little after, looking back at him, his youthful face, the deep scars that cut his cheek.
“Can’t say that I have,” he says after a beat. He's giving her question serious thought. The careful attention sends another shiver through her. “A monster is usually aware of what it is.”
Through the blood haze of dark nightmares and darker urges, Anara turns to a monster hunter to help her figure out exactly what kind of monster she is.
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dtmgshenanigans · 9 months
Dude That's My Ghost Shorts!
Hey everyone!!! After searching and scrolling through tumblr I found three of the dtmg shorts in HD quality!! The shorts are titled, "Walk This Way", "Scream Queen" and "Hydra Head". Here is the link to the videos and I hope you all enjoy!
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beesorcery · 6 months
i redesigned this shirt and now you can put it on your body
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here it is, the final culmination of my fun cool graphic design project where i replace cities with 8balls!! If you want to follow along the process you can check out these posts: one, two, and three :D
if you are interested in wearing this as a shirt i made a teepublic! you can also download the files from google drive if you would like to print the design yourself
thanks for following along!! i have really had a lot of fun doing this (and just following 2our in general, the vibes were sweet) and i'm glad other people enjoyed it too :)
(better quality images under the cut <3)
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
sorry to everyone i tell a fic idea to that they get excited about bc i'm so bad at finishing a fic but i can offer you the start of the 8 new fics i've started this week with 0 plans on how to finish them if you would like
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
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I feel so near to the howling of the wind / Feel so near to the crashing of the waves / Feel so near to the flowers in the field...
[moth and compass is a collaboration with @natdrinkstea!]
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