#from hosting christmas and done three loads of laundry
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pynkhues · 2 months ago
In my head the cruising fic is Lestat and Louis mutually going 'Of course. Of course. Of course. oF cOuRsE' about seeing other people but deep down they're biting pillows and screaming, clawing at the walls, indulging in detailed murder fantasies of each other's sexual partners, and so on. I don't know if that's true to the spirit of the fic! But that's the way I imagine them if the most Un-Chill couple ever was cruising in the 2020's and pretending to be Chill
Ahahah, that's definitely a little bit in there, anon! They're always trying so hard to be normal about each other, and it never, ever works.
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elshopper · 5 years ago
Cure for a Blue Christmas
Wow, y’all, it is a Christmas miracle. For I have written something. I hope you enjoy. 
WC: 2.9k
Ao3 link coming soon.
December 25, 1986 Somewhere North of Bloomington, Indiana
“By the way, I loved the way you told dad to shove it,” Nancy said, glancing over to her brother in the passenger seat.
Mike was right in the middle of fiddling with the radio dial now that Hawkins Best Hits was out of range. Every station was either annoying Christmas music or old standards or weird nighttime talk shows. He sighed.  
“Yeah, I’m going to get a lot of shit for that one when we get home,” he said, finally settling on whatever station that was currently playing that one Christmas song about the kids in Africa that he decided he could tolerate.
“He was asking for it,” Nancy replied, both her hands steady on the wheel. “He was just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.” 
It had been a rather frustrating Christmas in the Wheeler household. Their mother had been tapped to host the whole family this year, and she was at her wits end this morning - pulling endless breakfast casseroles out of the oven only to be immediately devoured and criticized by extended family members.
Mike had to share his room with his cousins, Richie and Timothy, who were too annoying to bunk in the basement with the older cousins. Nancy got a room to herself, and Mike had carefully maneuver around the bodies sleeping on his floor if he wanted to get to the bathroom. 
Holly was being particularly bratty, too. Mike’s grandmother was being especially critical of his mom, following her around the house and making comments about the table setting this and the Christmas ham that. His dad was flipping through classical holiday films (ironically about the value of family and unconditional love) while making exactly zero contributions from his recliner in the den. 
To top it all off, due to the Wheeler family Christmas nightmare occurring under their roof, Mike and Nancy had to back out of their promises to drive down to Allendale to visit the Byers on Christmas Day because “we have to entertain the family, Michael,” which was just stupid and hypocritical of him to even say on account of the fact that Mr. Wheeler had been doing zilch the entire shitty three days.
When the family finally left that afternoon, Mike and Nancy made a point to help their mother start up loads of laundry and clean up in the kitchen before asking very very nicely if they could make the trip anyway. 
“The family’s gone now, and we could give you some time to just relax…” Nancy pitched, her fingers drumming on their kitchen island. “I promise we’ll be back tomorrow morning. First thing.” 
Mrs. Wheeler squinted her eyes and hummed to herself, saying something about being careful driving in the dark before she shouted into the den for Mr. Wheeler’s approval. 
“No, Karen, tell the kids they can stay right here,” he yelled back. “Need to have a little family time.” 
Nancy, who had been doing most of the negotiating with their mother, rolled her eyes, but something about his dad’s whole schtick of being a lazy ass-wipe made something that had been building and building in Mike finally snap. 
“Family time? You’re shitting me, family time?!” Mike raised his voice a little and headed into the den.
“Language, Michael...” 
“All you’ve done is sit on your ass while we’ve been absolutely drowning in family time for three whole days!” 
His dad’s eyes finally - for the first time in probably days - moved over from the TV to look at his kids standing defiantly in the doorframe. Mike went on.
“So if you don’t mind, Nancy and I are going to go for the night to go see our friends - who we never get to spend any time with, by the way!” 
He crossed the room for the coat rack by the door and threw his coat on. To his surprise, Nancy followed and grabbed the keys off the hook by the door. 
“Michael, if you walk out that door, you’re grounded,” Ted retorted. “Same goes for you Nancy.” 
“Great! I’m fine with that! Maybe then we’ll get that family time I’ve been hearing so much about!” 
They were they had already thrown some overnight bags in the car, because with one slam of the front door for emphasis, Mike was finally on the way to see his girlfriend. 
They decided to make their arrival a surprise, and the excitement of that prospect was slowly beginning to overshadow the seething anger towards his dad. 
“I know Jonathan said he and Will were going to be at Lonnie’s today,” Nancy started, “but they’re coming back tonight. Maybe we’ll beat them home.” 
“Yeah maybe,” Mike said. “I know El said she’s just staying in with Mrs. Byers. She sounded kind of bummed about it, though.” 
“Well, maybe this will cheer everyone up,” Nancy said, before turning up the volume on the radio.
Allendale, Illinois 
Now get this, it’s from London. “Mr. Gower cabled you need cash. Stop. My office instructed to advance you up to $25,000. Stop. Hee-haw and Merry Christmas. Sam Wainwright.” 
El closed the door to the oven, and sauntered back over to the couch. Joyce was sitting in one corner, legs drawn up under a throw blanket, while she worked on sewing a button back on one of Jonathan’s old shirts so Will could wear it. 
“Okay the cookies are in,” El said, but Joyce’s eyes stayed fixated on the television. They had been watching It’s a Wonderful Life on channel 5, and it was one of Joyce’s favorite holiday films. Despite the majority of the movie being… sort of depressing, El was glad she was here to spend time with Joyce who would otherwise be alone on the holiday. 
They had spent the afternoon just like this - cleaning up around the house, finishing up mundane chores, and baking here and there. Even though she was fairly new at it, El actually wasn’t half bad at following the recipes in Joyce’s family cookbook. Often, she was learning, numbers made more sense to her than words. 
Jonathan and Will had driven up to Indiana after opening morning presents to spend some “quality time” with their father and stepmother. Joyce had insisted (albeit, reluctantly) once she discovered they hadn’t gone to see them in over a year. El had never met him, but he didn’t sound all that pleasant when Will brought him up on occasion... kind of like he was inconvenienced by the fact that he had kids in the first place. 
Kind of like a grade-A asshole, as Dustin would proudly put it. 
She hadn’t even seen an old picture of him and Joyce anywhere in the old photo albums. She knew they had been married, but were now divorced, so it was just Joyce now. Taking care of her sons, and now the daughter that she never meant to have. 
Last Christmas had been great - wonderful even - because it was her first time back in Hawkins since the big move a couple months prior. Despite absolutely dreading the cold, El loved the holiday season now that she got to be a part of it - all Mrs. Wheeler’s pies and nicely wrapped gifts and the smell of pine trees and mistletoe... 
This year, the Byers clan had stayed behind. Mrs. Wheeler had to host the family for Christmas, and that apparently meant that Mike couldn’t even come visit - not even for a few hours. 
He had sounded so bummed about it over the phone, but promised to send her present in the mail once the holiday rush ended. He even called her this morning to wish her a Merry Christmas, and tell her that the holiday didn’t feel right without her being home. It was nice of him, but it just made her feel more gloomy about the whole thing. It was a joyful time of year for most, but El couldn’t be with all of her favorite people. 
On the TV, the Bailey household erupted in a spirited rendition of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing as all the townspeople showed up to give George their donations and Joyce’s eyes were getting a little misty. 
Joyful all ye nations rise! Join the triumph of the skies!
“This part always makes me cry, every single time!” Joyce said, using the fabric of Jonathan’s shirt to dab at her eyes. “Oh, look at me.”  
Hark! The herald angels sing… 
“I like this movie too,” El said, reaching for a hand full of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. “It’s sweet.” 
“You’ve seen this movie before?” 
“Yes…” El started. “Two Christmases ago I think. But I didn’t really understand it then. Now it all makes more sense.” 
She didn’t want to touch on a sore subject if Joyce didn’t want to talk about it - especially this time of year, so she didn’t go into detail about how Hopper had turned it on one snowy evening in December 1984 and cracked a beer open before telling her to pay attention because this was one of the greatest films of all time. She could practically hear him…
“...Now I used to sit on the couch with my old man and watch this movie every single Christmas.” Hopper said, “It’s about being thankful for what you’ve got and that you’re never alone in the world if you’re a good person… you know… cheesy stuff like that...” 
It was in black and white and she didn’t know what all the yelling was about, but El liked it because Hopper seemed to. She thought George’s life was interesting and she thought his wife Mary was really pretty. She asked Hopper to find her a dress just like Mary’s to wear to the big dance she was invited to the following week and he had said “Jesus, kid, I don’t think they make ‘em like that anymore…” 
A small smile crept across El’s face. 
Good idea Ernie, a toast! To my big brother George. The richest man in town. 
“Did Hop turn it on for you before he would go to the station?” Joyce asked. 
“No, actually he sat down to watch with me.” El said, “He didn’t do a great job of explaining anything, but he wanted me to see it for some reason.” 
“Well, everyone should see It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s one of the greatest films of all time!”
The crowd on the screen erupted in another joyful tune and Joyce started humming along.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?              
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
Then a note from Clarence the angel appeared on the screen, and it was El’s turn to feel tears pinch the back of her eyes. 
“Remember, no man is a failure who has friends!” the note read in beautiful swooping cursive.
El had been trying to keep a smile on her face all day for Joyce, but she missed her friends so much she thought she might burst.
She and Will called them on the phone as often as they could, but of course it wasn’t the same. They knew they were missing the making of memories, and as hard as it was, El couldn’t help but feel jealous that everyone in Hawkins all still had each other. 
She and Will would talk with Lucas who would tell them some outlandish stories about something Max got up to or Steve said or Mike did in school. Then, they would give Dustin a call for the real story. Max would complain to her about being ‘surrounded by idiots’ and fill her in on the most recent fight Mike picked with Lucas over something stupid and El would call him after just to check on him. Out of everyone, Mike probably took it the hardest with his best friend and his girlfriend both leaving town all at once.  
She was glad she had Will sulk and feign happiness with sometimes. She could tell he felt the same as she did, that they were kind of incomplete without everyone. Jonathan was busy with work and college courses, and was planning to transfer to be closer to Nancy next year now that he’d saved up enough, so the reality of the move hadn’t hit him as hard because he had just a little more freedom.
“When you go through all that, I think the people you’re with end up being your family, like it or not,” Will said to her once. “I don’t feel like I can let anyone else in. It’s just us, you know? And most of our family is about a four hour drive away.” 
To make matters worse, when Mike and Nancy cancelled, El’s teeny ounce of excitement about the holidays vanished. 
It was just… lonely. And El knew Joyce was pretty lonely too. Joyce’s parents were originally from Allendale, but her extended family had all moved or passed away before El was ever around. She just moved her children back somewhere familiar where she was fairly sure there weren’t any secret government conspiracies at work beneath the surface. Since El hadn’t had the use of her powers in over a year, there wasn’t a lot to hide except for the past. 
“I love this song,” Joyce said, humming along with the melody and snapping El back to the present. 
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
The words sounded like absolute gibberish to El. 
“What does ‘old hang sign’ mean anyway?” El asked. 
“Auld Lang Syne,” Joyce replied. “It’s in another language - Scottish, maybe? I’m not sure exactly what it means, but you sing it on New Years Eve.” 
“Why on New Years Eve?”
“Because it's a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future… I guess it means that you’re thankful for everything you have and the people in your life and the experiences you’ve had so far, but you’re looking to the future for better things.” 
El nodded. 
“Kind of hard to look back and be thankful,” El muttered. 
Look daddy. Teacher says, ‘Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.’ 
She felt Joyce turn on the couch to face her. 
“Oh, honey, I’m thankful! If I didn’t have you, I’d be spending Christmas Eve alone,” she said as she wrapped one arm around El’s shoulders. “And the world would be a much sadder place.” 
“Thanks,” El said, fiddling with the hem on her sweatshirt. “It’s hard though.” 
“You’re right, but you have to try your hardest to see the good in life…”
Atta boy, Clarence!
Just then, the oven dinged that the cookies were ready, and El hopped up to grab them. She was setting the cookie sheet on the stove when she saw a pair of headlights pulling into the driveway.   
“Looks like Jonathan and Will are home,” El said, pulling out the cooling sheet. 
“Oh, good. Just in time for the next film.” 
But just as El was putting the last of the cookies on the cooling sheet, she heard a frantic little knock at the door followed by a couple of dings on their doorbell. Startled, she almost dropped her spatula. 
“Why on earth are they making all that noise?” Joyce asked as she stood up to turn down the ending credits and answer the door. “Surely Jonathan and Will don’t need any help carrying gifts to the house after an evening at Lonnie’s…”
When she opened the door, instead of hearing Jonathan or Will’s voice, she heard Mike’s.
“Mrs. Byers! Merry Christmas!” 
“Mike! And Nancy! I thought you couldn’t make it!” 
“We came anyway,” Nancy said from behind him. “Didn’t want to let the holiday pass without coming to see you.”
“Oh, I hope you didn’t upset your mother too much...”
 El dropped the spatula - on purpose this time - and was over at the door in a matter of seconds. If there was any cure for a blue Christmas, it was the look on Mike’s beaming face when she rounded the corner, still wearing Joyce’s favorite holiday apron. 
“I can’t believe you made it!” 
El caught the bright smile on Nancy’s face as Mike met her with open arms. 
“Merry Christmas, El,” Mike said, pulling back to hold her face in his hands. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Just as Joyce was about to move everyone indoors and out of the cold, Jonathan’s old station wagon pulled up, making their arrival some of the most perfect timing El had seen in a while. 
“Nance? What are you doing here?” 
The bags were brought in and the cookies were set on the coffee table. Will was congratulating Mike on standing up to his dad, Nancy was talking with Joyce about winters in New York, and El was all snuggled up on Mike’s right side, her cheek against his shoulder and everything seemed right with the world - at least for the moment. 
Even through hard times and sad days, El was so happy she had lived through them. Without them, she couldn’t have moments like these where everything felt perfect. She knew everyone in the room would agree - the smiles and laughs and shining eyes were enough for her to feel completely and simply surrounded by such a warm, fuzzy feeling. 
El lifted her head to place a kiss on Mike’s shoulder and he turned to look down at her, eyes all glassy and warm. 
“What was that for?” 
“Just because,” she said.  
I’ll love you ‘til the day I die, she thought.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!! Can y’all tell which movie I’ve been watching all week... I hope it doesn’t sound like the ramblings of a Christmas lunatic :) Love y’all, miss y’all everyday <3
Tagging some lovelies: @milesfairchild, @mikewheeler, @milevenhearteyes, @serendipitousrambles, @fatechica, @summer-in-hawkins, @milevens, @stevehharrington, @elhoppers, @dustinhendrsn, @lyrawills, @partwayhappy and @robinbuckely 
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canaryatlaw · 6 years ago
okayyyy it’s late so I should get writing. today was pretty good, very productive, so that’s good. I woke up to my alarm at 11 and got ready, then grabbed my stuff and ubered over to the post office for my 11:45 passport appointment (which you were supposed to get there 10 minutes early for). There was a bit of a line for the normal packages so I waited a bit over in the designated passport section, then a woman came over and started helping me. I had brought a second copy of the front page and the other passport photo because I had a feeling I fucked up the first one because the stapler was being uncooperative which ended up being a good thing because she did opt for that one instead. but yeah, gave her all the required stuff, showed her my ID (you need to give them a copy of your driver’s license or ID front and back to pass along to the govt and show the post office people your actual ID) along with a copy of my birth certificate that will get mailed back to me. So yeah, pretty easy, I was happy about that because the last time I was doing this my senior year of college it was a giant pain in the ass and I ended up having to make like 4 separate trips to the post office to get it done, so I was just glad this was done. they said 4-6 weeks to get it in the mail, which should be just in time for the London con we’re doing at the beginning of March (so excited for that!). I could’ve expedited it by paying more, but the total already came out to like $145 so I was like eh that’s plenty and for some reason you could only pay in cash, check, or debit (no credit) so I didn’t want to make it any more expensive. So that was all handled, I stepped outside and tried to figure out if there was any public transit options that made sense but there really weren’t, so I ended up doing an uber pool back which worked out pretty well, one of the other passengers, the driver, and I ended up in a conversation about how silly the express pool’s decisions as to where to drop people and how to route things are and they just make no sense, and I ended up getting dropped right at my apartment instead of having to walk, so that was good. I hadn’t eaten anything yet so I heated up one of my frozen NY bagels and ate that while I went on my computer for a bit. I realized I had failed to bring along the envelope I had to mail to the post office, so I would have to run to the UPS store to get that done (it’s much closer than the actual post office, but depending on what you need it can be a lot more expensive). I also counted my quarters since I badly needed to do laundry, which I needed $8 for to do two loads ($2 each load in washer and dryer) and I ended up with $7.50, so I figured I could go to the UPS store and pay in cash and hopefully get two quarters. So I went to do that, it ended up being like $3.62 (it was one of those big manila envelopes, containing job application stuff for an appellate research attorney position that looked interesting but insisted on mailing in the application) which would land me with one quarter, so I asked if he had enough to give me 4 quarters instead of the dollar bill and he said sure, I told him I needed to do laundry and was just short and he laughed and said clean clothing is definitely important, so I appreciated him helping me out on that. Once I got back I tried to collect as much clothing that had been thrown around my room into my hamper before carrying it to the basement to start my first load. Once that was done I returned to my apartment and thought about being lazy and watching some tv but I decided to be productive instead and start cleaning my room, which was pretty much a disaster zone at this point, so I ended up working on that the rest of the time I was doing laundry. I ended up finding even more clothing that needed to be washed so I threw it in with the second load which then ended up being overstuffed, but I didn’t have enough quarters for another load so I didn’t have much of a choice. Once the first load was dry I took it upstairs and folded them and put them away before retrieving the second load. Our dryer isn’t terribly effective, especially so when you put too much clothing in, so most of the clothing was still quite damp, so I tried to figure out what was okay to put away and what I needed to let lay on my bed for a bit (something I generally have to do with jeans and such anyway). So I did that for a bit and my room was pretty clean at that point. I had plans to get dinner with Jess once she got off of work, so I went to the living room and watched some more of The Jinx. I’ve only got one episode of that left now (it’s only 6 episodes). I have to say, I find it to be much different than the other true crime docs in its category like Making a Murderer and The Staircase namely in that I am entirely convinced he’s guilty of all the three separate murders he’s been accused of, when that was something I was not ever even close to concluding in the other shows, so that’s been interesting. He just comes across so psychotic and his stories don’t add up at all, and I’m sorry but that’s just way too many coincidences for me- like if it were two like in The Staircase (though that is still highly suspect being that the deaths were so similar) or in that one season of Undisclosed I could believe it would happen, but three seems to be a bit much. Anyway, Jess got off of work and we met up at the spot to get some food. It was very cold out (like 20 degrees) and she wanted to get out of the cold ASAP so we ended up going to one of the restaurants that were on the first corner we reached, which was a restaurant/bar combo that’s known for its various drag queen events such as drag queen bingo and other fun things like that. So we went in and got some food, and after not too long they announced there was gonna be a comedy show, so we were like okay cool, and there were three stand up comics that were pretty funny, the last one was definitely the best. so that was cool, and then at like 8:30 they were gonna have an open mic which initially wasn’t meant to be many people but it seemed to just snowball when there was more and more interest in it and since we were there when it started we didn't want to leave and seem impolite, so we ended up staying for the whole thing which ended at like 10:15, and we’d been there since like 7 😂. These comics were obviously much more amateur, and varied in comedy levels quite a bit. Some of the subject matter was like OH GEEZ but we also live in a very LGBT friendly/populated neighborhood (and it’s basically somewhat of a gay bar really) so there was a lot of stuff around that which was really funny. The highlight was definitely this one lady who was talking about her experience being a transwoman and recently having surgery (which she referred to as getting an “artisanal hand-crafted vagina” and then what she had to do in aftercare and those implements being discovered by TSA when she flew in earlier that day.....and honestly she was funnier than the rest of them all put together lol. They only got like 4 minutes each though so they were in and out fairly quickly, there was just a LOT of them. I was thinking like what I would do if I ever tried that and I feel like I would revert to my best stories which generally revolve around my little sister as a small child being incredibly cute like when she was 2 and we “accidentally” taught her the f-word and one day she just looked at my brother and was like “Rudy you fucker” in front of my mom and we all just died on the spot 😂 or when my mom accidentally bought her a Christmas dvd from the church bookstore which she didn’t know contained Santa at the end (our parents did not do Santa) and when he came on my sister was just like in her angelic 3 year old voice “wow, I guess there really is a Santa!!” and the look of sheer horror that was on my mother’s face was something I’ll never forget 😂 those are the things I find funny at least. Once every wrapped up the host was like “Shoutout to the two ladies in booth 2, you guys have been here since like 7 pm, you’re awesome” and we pretty much just died laughing. Went home after that, did a bit more room cleaning while my roommate was in the shower and refilled my pill box for the week before taking a shower and proceeding to get ready for bed, and now I am here. So yeah, good day. I have nothing like, scheduled to do tomorrow, so I’m gonna aim to do my hair (not the full dye, just the overtone deep treatment which should help it last a few more weeks before I have to fully redye it) and hopefully do the dishes, which aren’t too bad right now (as opposed to how ridiculously full it normally is by the time I get fed up enough to actually do them) so that should be fine, and watch the Brooklyn 99 premiere in the evening, lol. The only other thing on my “list” of things to accomplish is get an Illinois driver’s license since I’m gonna be sticking around here for a while and I need to get an enhanced one for travel anyway since NY state is now requiring that, and I can’t do that until after we get back from Phoenix this weekend because I need my ID for the airport, and once you apply for an IL one they take your old one (and give you like a paper copy in the mean time but that would definitely not work for an airport) so I need to do the flying before I start that process. I should have enough time between that any other trips we’re doing to get it in the mail, I don’t think we have anything flying-wise scheduled until London at the beginning of March, so that should be fine. We’ll probably do a few more local Midwest cons in February that we hit up last year that were fun. And yeah, that’s about it for now. It’s almost 2 am and even though I don’t have any solid plans for tomorrow I should still be getting to sleep so I don’t stay up too late, so I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight my dudes. Stay excellent.
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lifewithoutmeds · 6 years ago
january 4, 2019
another productive RDO.
things accomplished: vacuumed took sink apart, attempted to find clog. called plumber, who fixed clog. washed dishes (twice). ran the vacuum cleaner (twice). took out trash. took out mail. made bed. washed/dried/folded two loads of laundry. made a healthy lunch. paid annual car registration. made appointment for gastroenterologist. scrubbed toilet. swept bathroom floor. showered. booked wine tour for argentina. settled finances with antoinette. paid for coffee. and now i’m journalling, which will allow me to have accomplished all but one of the items on my “to do” list, which was to go to CVS to both pick up and drop off a prescription. i will do that tomorrow. i didn’t really have a chance to reflect too much on the past year and this new year. actually, i guess i did, in my last entry, in which i made some vague resolutions for a better, stronger, leaner version of me. i definitely want more control over my life, and my self. i speak too freely, spend too freely, have become so uninhibited in ways that would benefit from inhibition. i’ve instituted a No Spend January, in which i’ve outlined and budgeted only the “necessities” of living that is: gas, groceries, internet, gym, therapy, and phone (in addition to all mortgage/escrow/HOA fixed bills). however of course i’d have a plumbing issue this month, and then my annual car registration would be due, but otherwise, four days in, and i’ve so far done a decent job of curbing my spending. $24 on gourmet small batch roasted coffee might seem like a lot, but i think it’ll last me a month and that means i won’t be buying coffee anywhere else. this coffee is superior.
it’s interesting though, in a sense, how all-consuming it is to not be ... well, consuming. i’m used to constantly looking through amazon, at the daily deals, at the three deal websites: slickdeals, passwird, and kinjadeals. i prescribe to all sorts of value newsletters. i unsubscribed just this week from World Market, West Elm, and Cigars International (a bit of a fluke as i ordered from them once for Ivy’s Christmas gift), but i still get random ones that i don’t feel comfortable yet unsubscribing from. but it’s constant, the need to search for a deal, the itch to make a purchase. it’s like a fast in its own way. in some ways it’s harder than a fast because i only eat three times a day but i can purchase things in almost every minute of every day.
but it’s making me mindful of my spending. my last grocery bill was $26. not bad. a small amount of meat in the form of spicy italian chicken sausage was purchased, which i’ll add to my meal prep of black beans and rice. i have enough eggs for a week of breakfasts, and am really into eggs with black beans, cheese, and spinach at the moment. very filling, very nutritious, and full of fiber and protein. it’s pretty amazing. i still think about pattylou, quite a bit. more than i’d like to admit. my brain is always turned to something, to someone, and she is my focus. and yet i know that ... it’s very likely not reciprocated, per usual. she was drunk. she was healing. i was there. it was a sort of ... opportunity on both our parts. it was a combination of lust and loneliness. i wrote her a card today which i hope to send out tomorrow, though i know not when she might receive it. but i wrote her. i think it’s important that i wrote it, no matter how she receives it. i thanked her. i appreciated our time together. i hoped to see her again. it was nice. hopefully not too needy and/or creepy. but i wanted to write it and hopefully it’s flattering enough that she won’t be offended by it.
jules made me cry the other day. somehow the conversation got extremely heated. we were both yelling. he yelled that he was not my father, repeatedly. i ended up crying. we did not speak at all the next day and now it is the weekend. i am not sure how i will face him, but i know that i will, and that we are both adults, though he the older adult, and we will get through this, but i was embarrassed at how publicly i broke in front of him. i’m embarrassed that the whole office heard us. i’m embarrassed that my weaknesses keep showing up.
tomorrow should be a good day. technically, today was a good day too. i got a lot done. the condo is demonstrably cleaner, and more efficient, now that the slow-forming kitchen sink clog has been repaired. surfaces are a little cleaner, the windows had been opened, etc. tomorrow i will make some black beans/rice/sausage, do a little more cleaning, and host a mini-boardgames night with rhiannon. i will also walk to CVS and send my card off in the mail. i am minorly hopeful.
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joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Crofton, NE
897 Road Elkhorn Ridge Ests, Crofton, NE
Price: $1800000
Very unique property located on Lewis and Clark Lake just north of Crofton, NE. This picturesque valley has been the home to elk, buffalo and a sheep herd for several years. A large portion of this parcel has been enclosed with a twelve foot high fence to keep the herd contained. When you drive through the valley you will see all the animals mentioned along with several longhorn cattle. Property has two large metal maintenance buildings that are cemented, insulated and heated. One building is 50×104 and the other is 30×40. Property also includes Mobile Home Park with twelve units rented by the year. Land also has four ponds that are supplied with a free flowing artesian well. These ponds have been stocked with trout, bass, bluegills and coy fish. Parcel also has fifteen plotted lots with rural water. Two of these lots overlook Lewis and Clark Lake and have been priced at $95,000.00. The other thirteen lots overlook the valley and all of the wildlife. Lots are a hop-skip and jump from the state boat landing. The Crofton-Yankton area is a tourist paradise with several famous restaurants along with great fishing, boating and sightseeing on Lewis and Clark Lake and the Missouri River. There is also available, on a separate listing, the owners ten year old 4300 sq. ft. log home which also overlooks the lake. All parcel numbers and legals are available at listing office.
54939 897 Rd, Crofton, NE
Price: $695000
Fantastic log home just fingertips away from beautiful Lewis and Clark Lake. This home sets on one of the highest shoreline points on the lake. Magnificent location with breath taking views in all directions. A massive kitchen with alder cabinets and two eating bars with granite counter tops. The master bedroom faces the lake with large deck, huge master bath and a 5×11 walk-in closet. Home has three fireplaces, one on every level, and huge wrap around covered deck for summer entertainment. Lower level is walkout with a 18×30 family room plus a 24×24 recreational room with pool table. T his lodge is perfect for a corporate getaway.
Lot 56 Autumn Oaks #56, Crofton, NE
Price: $99000
2.2+ Acres, 3 lots with Lake View! Enjoy your privacy with a great location for your new home with a beautiful view of Lewis and Clark Lake, located in Autumn Oaks development.
Lot 31 Hideaway Acres #31, Crofton, NE
Price: $39500
Great building site for your new lake home. Close to lake, beach & marina!
Hillcrest Mischke Deep Water, Crofton, NE
Price: $52500
Unique opportunity to own desirable lot in popular Mischke Hillcrest Deepwater area. Take the short walk to Lewis & Clark lake or load your boat at nearby Wiegand Marina. Only minutes from CJ’s At the Lake, Lewis & Clark Dam and Crofton Golf Course. Hunting, hiking, fishing, kayaking, and 4 wheeling just out your door. Rural water and electric available. Lot taxes for 2015 $102.
Tbd, Crofton, NE
Price: $85000
Best of both worlds. Fantastic views with woods, ravines and atmosphere of the Black Hills. Combine that with paved road access, water and Bloomfield rec area only ½ mile away. You’ve got the makings of heaven on earth.
55482 Oak St, Crofton, NE
Price: $359000
Located 1.3 miles off Hwy 81 on Hwy 121 and in the Crofton School District. This house is a high-quality, custom-built home. It is great for entertaining and is in a peaceful neighborhood. It overlooks open country and features a covered front porch, large back deck, sprinklers, landscaping, swing set, garden area,1,270 sq. feet garage with work bench, heater, floor drain, mop sink, hot/cold water, hook up for extra stove and permanent shelving, 400 amp service, rural water, septic tank, gas furnace, electric water heater, footings, flatwork and underground plumbing for a 2,000 sq. feet accessory building, 9’ ceilings on main floor and basement, 300 sq. feet storage with permanent shelving in basement, 1,600 sq. feet unfinished basement that will host 3 additional bedrooms and full bath along with a large living area, main floor laundry, cabinets and vanities all done by “Custom Wood Products” with soft-close drawers, slate GE appliances, stainless-steal farm sink in kitchen, oversized kitchen island that seats 6, walk-in master closet, all closets have custom shelving, custom blindes, LED bulbs used inside and outside, exterior can lights and outlets for christmas lights on timers controlled in basement, shiplap accent wall in living room, pallet wood ceiling in bedroom/office and sliding barndoors.
77 78 Cedar Ln, Crofton, NE
Price: $199000
Beautiful two story house tucked away in the woods of Hideaway Acres. This three bedrooms, one bath with an unfinished basement to make your own would be a ideal summer or an easy access year round home. A large 15×15 screened in porch off the open concept living area. The top deck is the same size but open to the view of the lake and sunsets every evening. This home comes with two lots #77 and #78, the extra lot included is flat and plenty of room for parking, garage, or green space. The extra lot also has RV electrical hook ups. Newer roof, siding, water heater, boat slip with lift!, and fully furnished including: 4 beds, two futons, couch, table, fridge, oven. Don’t miss out on becoming part of this amazing community.
209 W Luella St, Crofton, NE
Price: $174900
Space for family or looking towards retirement, enjoy ease of living in this ranch style home featuring 4 bedrooms/2 bath plus additional nonconforming bedroom to use as you desire. Updated kitchen and living room area. Granite style countertops. Added desired features include laundry on main, huge master bedroom with walk in closet, attached insulated garage with lots of attic space, hot tub on patio, and nice landscaping with underground sprinkler system. Easy access to park, pool, downtown and Hwy 121.
37 Timberline Trl, Crofton, NE
Price: $259900
You won’t want to miss this beautiful lake home that sits on a large mostly wooded lot with a panoramic view of Lewis & Clark Lake, and a lovely 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath one owner home built in 2004. This fabulous home features an open concept kitchen, dining & living room with Pella windows, a gas fireplace, main floor laundry, large office, walkout basement and custom kitchen & bathroom cabinets. New roof and engineered wood flooring in the great room was just installed in 2015! PRICED TO SELL! Don’t miss out on this dream! Adjacent lot also available!
1309 W 4th St, Crofton, NE
Price: $60000
MOTIVATED SELLER! Steel siding and concrete block creates great insulation in this 2 bedroom 1 bath. 2 car detached garage, fenced in back yard, updated windows, oak flooring in bedrooms, new laminate in dining room. Some new kitchen cabinets & counter tops. Lots of built in cupboards throughout. Super cute home with a great back yard. Close to both elementary schools.
211 W Kansas St, Crofton, NE
Price: $299000
Inn for Sale: The Historic Argo Hotel. Beautiful historic hotel, Steakhouse and Lounge situated in charming Crofton, Nebraska. Just minutes from Beautiful Lewis & Clark Lake!
1 Merchant Valley Rd, Crofton, NE
Price: $173900
This 1200 sq. ft. cabin is located in Walker Valley area with beach access and boat launch just 10 cabins away. 2 bedroom, full bath, main floor laundry and a large open kitchen/ living room. There are hickory cabinets, large breakfast bar and Ceramic tile floors in this spacious open great room. Vaulted pine ceilings, sliding doors to the covered 30×10 covered deck and over 1 acre of land . Move in ready. Watch the deer, wild turkeys, hummingbirds and more from your living room. There is even a fire pit in the wooded yard for friends and family to enjoy after a day on the lake.
Tbd Bloomfield Area At Lewis, Crofton, NE
Price: $170000
This wonderful lot is located on the road to the Bloomfield Area on Lewis and Clark Lake. Water and electric are at the site! Plenty of room to roam with 6 acres. Lot Specifics Size: 6 acres Dimensions: Irregular Rural Water on Site: Yes Lake View: Yes Wooded Lot: Yes Development Covenants: None noted
413 Cloverdale Cir, Crofton, NE
Price: $120000
If a quiet, secluded location is your dream, you need to check out this home located in the Devil’s Nest! Sit by 1 of the 2 fireplaces and enjoy the beautiful wooded views and wildlife – everywhere you look. Newer siding, roof, wiring are just the beginning with 2016 flooring/lighting updates. 2 bedrooms plus 2 non conforming, 2 baths. Open layout with family room, pool table and walkout lower level. This is also turn key – all furnishings are included!
202 W Luella St, Crofton, NE
Price: $9500
Corner lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
211 W Sharon St, Crofton, NE
Price: $9500
Nice level lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-crofton-ne/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158128407055
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Crofton, NE
897 Road Elkhorn Ridge Ests, Crofton, NE
Price: $1800000
Very unique property located on Lewis and Clark Lake just north of Crofton, NE. This picturesque valley has been the home to elk, buffalo and a sheep herd for several years. A large portion of this parcel has been enclosed with a twelve foot high fence to keep the herd contained. When you drive through the valley you will see all the animals mentioned along with several longhorn cattle. Property has two large metal maintenance buildings that are cemented, insulated and heated. One building is 50×104 and the other is 30×40. Property also includes Mobile Home Park with twelve units rented by the year. Land also has four ponds that are supplied with a free flowing artesian well. These ponds have been stocked with trout, bass, bluegills and coy fish. Parcel also has fifteen plotted lots with rural water. Two of these lots overlook Lewis and Clark Lake and have been priced at $95,000.00. The other thirteen lots overlook the valley and all of the wildlife. Lots are a hop-skip and jump from the state boat landing. The Crofton-Yankton area is a tourist paradise with several famous restaurants along with great fishing, boating and sightseeing on Lewis and Clark Lake and the Missouri River. There is also available, on a separate listing, the owners ten year old 4300 sq. ft. log home which also overlooks the lake. All parcel numbers and legals are available at listing office.
54939 897 Rd, Crofton, NE
Price: $695000
Fantastic log home just fingertips away from beautiful Lewis and Clark Lake. This home sets on one of the highest shoreline points on the lake. Magnificent location with breath taking views in all directions. A massive kitchen with alder cabinets and two eating bars with granite counter tops. The master bedroom faces the lake with large deck, huge master bath and a 5×11 walk-in closet. Home has three fireplaces, one on every level, and huge wrap around covered deck for summer entertainment. Lower level is walkout with a 18×30 family room plus a 24×24 recreational room with pool table. T his lodge is perfect for a corporate getaway.
Lot 56 Autumn Oaks #56, Crofton, NE
Price: $99000
2.2+ Acres, 3 lots with Lake View! Enjoy your privacy with a great location for your new home with a beautiful view of Lewis and Clark Lake, located in Autumn Oaks development.
Lot 31 Hideaway Acres #31, Crofton, NE
Price: $39500
Great building site for your new lake home. Close to lake, beach & marina!
Hillcrest Mischke Deep Water, Crofton, NE
Price: $52500
Unique opportunity to own desirable lot in popular Mischke Hillcrest Deepwater area. Take the short walk to Lewis & Clark lake or load your boat at nearby Wiegand Marina. Only minutes from CJ’s At the Lake, Lewis & Clark Dam and Crofton Golf Course. Hunting, hiking, fishing, kayaking, and 4 wheeling just out your door. Rural water and electric available. Lot taxes for 2015 $102.
Tbd, Crofton, NE
Price: $85000
Best of both worlds. Fantastic views with woods, ravines and atmosphere of the Black Hills. Combine that with paved road access, water and Bloomfield rec area only ½ mile away. You’ve got the makings of heaven on earth.
55482 Oak St, Crofton, NE
Price: $359000
Located 1.3 miles off Hwy 81 on Hwy 121 and in the Crofton School District. This house is a high-quality, custom-built home. It is great for entertaining and is in a peaceful neighborhood. It overlooks open country and features a covered front porch, large back deck, sprinklers, landscaping, swing set, garden area,1,270 sq. feet garage with work bench, heater, floor drain, mop sink, hot/cold water, hook up for extra stove and permanent shelving, 400 amp service, rural water, septic tank, gas furnace, electric water heater, footings, flatwork and underground plumbing for a 2,000 sq. feet accessory building, 9’ ceilings on main floor and basement, 300 sq. feet storage with permanent shelving in basement, 1,600 sq. feet unfinished basement that will host 3 additional bedrooms and full bath along with a large living area, main floor laundry, cabinets and vanities all done by “Custom Wood Products” with soft-close drawers, slate GE appliances, stainless-steal farm sink in kitchen, oversized kitchen island that seats 6, walk-in master closet, all closets have custom shelving, custom blindes, LED bulbs used inside and outside, exterior can lights and outlets for christmas lights on timers controlled in basement, shiplap accent wall in living room, pallet wood ceiling in bedroom/office and sliding barndoors.
77 78 Cedar Ln, Crofton, NE
Price: $199000
Beautiful two story house tucked away in the woods of Hideaway Acres. This three bedrooms, one bath with an unfinished basement to make your own would be a ideal summer or an easy access year round home. A large 15×15 screened in porch off the open concept living area. The top deck is the same size but open to the view of the lake and sunsets every evening. This home comes with two lots #77 and #78, the extra lot included is flat and plenty of room for parking, garage, or green space. The extra lot also has RV electrical hook ups. Newer roof, siding, water heater, boat slip with lift!, and fully furnished including: 4 beds, two futons, couch, table, fridge, oven. Don’t miss out on becoming part of this amazing community.
209 W Luella St, Crofton, NE
Price: $174900
Space for family or looking towards retirement, enjoy ease of living in this ranch style home featuring 4 bedrooms/2 bath plus additional nonconforming bedroom to use as you desire. Updated kitchen and living room area. Granite style countertops. Added desired features include laundry on main, huge master bedroom with walk in closet, attached insulated garage with lots of attic space, hot tub on patio, and nice landscaping with underground sprinkler system. Easy access to park, pool, downtown and Hwy 121.
37 Timberline Trl, Crofton, NE
Price: $259900
You won’t want to miss this beautiful lake home that sits on a large mostly wooded lot with a panoramic view of Lewis & Clark Lake, and a lovely 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath one owner home built in 2004. This fabulous home features an open concept kitchen, dining & living room with Pella windows, a gas fireplace, main floor laundry, large office, walkout basement and custom kitchen & bathroom cabinets. New roof and engineered wood flooring in the great room was just installed in 2015! PRICED TO SELL! Don’t miss out on this dream! Adjacent lot also available!
1309 W 4th St, Crofton, NE
Price: $60000
MOTIVATED SELLER! Steel siding and concrete block creates great insulation in this 2 bedroom 1 bath. 2 car detached garage, fenced in back yard, updated windows, oak flooring in bedrooms, new laminate in dining room. Some new kitchen cabinets & counter tops. Lots of built in cupboards throughout. Super cute home with a great back yard. Close to both elementary schools.
211 W Kansas St, Crofton, NE
Price: $299000
Inn for Sale: The Historic Argo Hotel. Beautiful historic hotel, Steakhouse and Lounge situated in charming Crofton, Nebraska. Just minutes from Beautiful Lewis & Clark Lake!
1 Merchant Valley Rd, Crofton, NE
Price: $173900
This 1200 sq. ft. cabin is located in Walker Valley area with beach access and boat launch just 10 cabins away. 2 bedroom, full bath, main floor laundry and a large open kitchen/ living room. There are hickory cabinets, large breakfast bar and Ceramic tile floors in this spacious open great room. Vaulted pine ceilings, sliding doors to the covered 30×10 covered deck and over 1 acre of land . Move in ready. Watch the deer, wild turkeys, hummingbirds and more from your living room. There is even a fire pit in the wooded yard for friends and family to enjoy after a day on the lake.
Tbd Bloomfield Area At Lewis, Crofton, NE
Price: $170000
This wonderful lot is located on the road to the Bloomfield Area on Lewis and Clark Lake. Water and electric are at the site! Plenty of room to roam with 6 acres. Lot Specifics Size: 6 acres Dimensions: Irregular Rural Water on Site: Yes Lake View: Yes Wooded Lot: Yes Development Covenants: None noted
413 Cloverdale Cir, Crofton, NE
Price: $120000
If a quiet, secluded location is your dream, you need to check out this home located in the Devil’s Nest! Sit by 1 of the 2 fireplaces and enjoy the beautiful wooded views and wildlife – everywhere you look. Newer siding, roof, wiring are just the beginning with 2016 flooring/lighting updates. 2 bedrooms plus 2 non conforming, 2 baths. Open layout with family room, pool table and walkout lower level. This is also turn key – all furnishings are included!
202 W Luella St, Crofton, NE
Price: $9500
Corner lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
211 W Sharon St, Crofton, NE
Price: $9500
Nice level lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-crofton-ne/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158091264100
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Crofton, NE
897 Road Elkhorn Ridge Ests
Price: $1800000
Very unique property located on Lewis and Clark Lake just north of Crofton, NE. This picturesque valley has been the home to elk, buffalo and a sheep herd for several years. A large portion of this parcel has been enclosed with a twelve foot high fence to keep the herd contained. When you drive through the valley you will see all the animals mentioned along with several longhorn cattle. Property has two large metal maintenance buildings that are cemented, insulated and heated. One building is 50×104 and the other is 30×40. Property also includes Mobile Home Park with twelve units rented by the year. Land also has four ponds that are supplied with a free flowing artesian well. These ponds have been stocked with trout, bass, bluegills and coy fish. Parcel also has fifteen plotted lots with rural water. Two of these lots overlook Lewis and Clark Lake and have been priced at $95,000.00. The other thirteen lots overlook the valley and all of the wildlife. Lots are a hop-skip and jump from the state boat landing. The Crofton-Yankton area is a tourist paradise with several famous restaurants along with great fishing, boating and sightseeing on Lewis and Clark Lake and the Missouri River. There is also available, on a separate listing, the owners ten year old 4300 sq. ft. log home which also overlooks the lake. All parcel numbers and legals are available at listing office.
54939 897 Rd
Price: $695000
Fantastic log home just fingertips away from beautiful Lewis and Clark Lake. This home sets on one of the highest shoreline points on the lake. Magnificent location with breath taking views in all directions. A massive kitchen with alder cabinets and two eating bars with granite counter tops. The master bedroom faces the lake with large deck, huge master bath and a 5×11 walk-in closet. Home has three fireplaces, one on every level, and huge wrap around covered deck for summer entertainment. Lower level is walkout with a 18×30 family room plus a 24×24 recreational room with pool table. T his lodge is perfect for a corporate getaway.
Lot 56 Autumn Oaks #56
Price: $99000
2.2+ Acres, 3 lots with Lake View! Enjoy your privacy with a great location for your new home with a beautiful view of Lewis and Clark Lake, located in Autumn Oaks development.
Lot 31 Hideaway Acres #31
Price: $39500
Great building site for your new lake home. Close to lake, beach & marina!
Hillcrest Mischke Deep Water
Price: $52500
Unique opportunity to own desirable lot in popular Mischke Hillcrest Deepwater area. Take the short walk to Lewis & Clark lake or load your boat at nearby Wiegand Marina. Only minutes from CJ’s At the Lake, Lewis & Clark Dam and Crofton Golf Course. Hunting, hiking, fishing, kayaking, and 4 wheeling just out your door. Rural water and electric available. Lot taxes for 2015 $102.
Price: $85000
Best of both worlds. Fantastic views with woods, ravines and atmosphere of the Black Hills. Combine that with paved road access, water and Bloomfield rec area only ½ mile away. You’ve got the makings of heaven on earth.
55482 Oak St
Price: $359000
Located 1.3 miles off Hwy 81 on Hwy 121 and in the Crofton School District. This house is a high-quality, custom-built home. It is great for entertaining and is in a peaceful neighborhood. It overlooks open country and features a covered front porch, large back deck, sprinklers, landscaping, swing set, garden area,1,270 sq. feet garage with work bench, heater, floor drain, mop sink, hot/cold water, hook up for extra stove and permanent shelving, 400 amp service, rural water, septic tank, gas furnace, electric water heater, footings, flatwork and underground plumbing for a 2,000 sq. feet accessory building, 9’ ceilings on main floor and basement, 300 sq. feet storage with permanent shelving in basement, 1,600 sq. feet unfinished basement that will host 3 additional bedrooms and full bath along with a large living area, main floor laundry, cabinets and vanities all done by “Custom Wood Products” with soft-close drawers, slate GE appliances, stainless-steal farm sink in kitchen, oversized kitchen island that seats 6, walk-in master closet, all closets have custom shelving, custom blindes, LED bulbs used inside and outside, exterior can lights and outlets for christmas lights on timers controlled in basement, shiplap accent wall in living room, pallet wood ceiling in bedroom/office and sliding barndoors.
77 78 Cedar Ln
Price: $199000
Beautiful two story house tucked away in the woods of Hideaway Acres. This three bedrooms, one bath with an unfinished basement to make your own would be a ideal summer or an easy access year round home. A large 15×15 screened in porch off the open concept living area. The top deck is the same size but open to the view of the lake and sunsets every evening. This home comes with two lots #77 and #78, the extra lot included is flat and plenty of room for parking, garage, or green space. The extra lot also has RV electrical hook ups. Newer roof, siding, water heater, boat slip with lift!, and fully furnished including: 4 beds, two futons, couch, table, fridge, oven. Don’t miss out on becoming part of this amazing community.
209 W Luella St
Price: $174900
Space for family or looking towards retirement, enjoy ease of living in this ranch style home featuring 4 bedrooms/2 bath plus additional nonconforming bedroom to use as you desire. Updated kitchen and living room area. Granite style countertops. Added desired features include laundry on main, huge master bedroom with walk in closet, attached insulated garage with lots of attic space, hot tub on patio, and nice landscaping with underground sprinkler system. Easy access to park, pool, downtown and Hwy 121.
37 Timberline Trl
Price: $259900
You won’t want to miss this beautiful lake home that sits on a large mostly wooded lot with a panoramic view of Lewis & Clark Lake, and a lovely 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath one owner home built in 2004. This fabulous home features an open concept kitchen, dining & living room with Pella windows, a gas fireplace, main floor laundry, large office, walkout basement and custom kitchen & bathroom cabinets. New roof and engineered wood flooring in the great room was just installed in 2015! PRICED TO SELL! Don’t miss out on this dream! Adjacent lot also available!
1309 W 4th St
Price: $60000
MOTIVATED SELLER! Steel siding and concrete block creates great insulation in this 2 bedroom 1 bath. 2 car detached garage, fenced in back yard, updated windows, oak flooring in bedrooms, new laminate in dining room. Some new kitchen cabinets & counter tops. Lots of built in cupboards throughout. Super cute home with a great back yard. Close to both elementary schools.
211 W Kansas St
Price: $299000
Inn for Sale: The Historic Argo Hotel. Beautiful historic hotel, Steakhouse and Lounge situated in charming Crofton, Nebraska. Just minutes from Beautiful Lewis & Clark Lake!
1 Merchant Valley Rd
Price: $173900
This 1200 sq. ft. cabin is located in Walker Valley area with beach access and boat launch just 10 cabins away. 2 bedroom, full bath, main floor laundry and a large open kitchen/ living room. There are hickory cabinets, large breakfast bar and Ceramic tile floors in this spacious open great room. Vaulted pine ceilings, sliding doors to the covered 30×10 covered deck and over 1 acre of land . Move in ready. Watch the deer, wild turkeys, hummingbirds and more from your living room. There is even a fire pit in the wooded yard for friends and family to enjoy after a day on the lake.
Tbd Bloomfield Area At Lewis
Price: $170000
This wonderful lot is located on the road to the Bloomfield Area on Lewis and Clark Lake. Water and electric are at the site! Plenty of room to roam with 6 acres. Lot Specifics Size: 6 acres Dimensions: Irregular Rural Water on Site: Yes Lake View: Yes Wooded Lot: Yes Development Covenants: None noted
413 Cloverdale Cir
Price: $120000
If a quiet, secluded location is your dream, you need to check out this home located in the Devil’s Nest! Sit by 1 of the 2 fireplaces and enjoy the beautiful wooded views and wildlife – everywhere you look. Newer siding, roof, wiring are just the beginning with 2016 flooring/lighting updates. 2 bedrooms plus 2 non conforming, 2 baths. Open layout with family room, pool table and walkout lower level. This is also turn key – all furnishings are included!
202 W Luella St
Price: $9500
Corner lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
211 W Sharon St
Price: $9500
Nice level lot in North area of Crofton – quiet street with easy access to North Park, downtown and Hwy 121. Water, sewer, electric and natural gas at the site. Lot outline is approximated
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-crofton-ne/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157954435555
0 notes