#from caged marines to whitebeard pirates
kanra-nakura · 9 months
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 4
Dragon couldn’t believe it after months and months, nearly two years, of searching, he finally found his baby girl, his daughter, at a location where he had already searched first, Marineford. When he received the call from Luffy nearly two years ago, asking to help the Village because a buster call was called, to help them instead of her, he felt nothing but cold fear and his heart skipped a beat. Then he received a call from Makino asking for his help to save his daughter… he nearly didn’t know what to do next despite answering them.
Fortunately, Ivankov was with him at that time and had actually managed to arrange a group of people and shops to rescue the people of Foosha Village, himself and the Okama were included. When he was near the island he could see the houses burning, and the villagers and bandits huddled together at the shore (though a few of them were trying to extinguish the flames).
Docking at the port area of the Village, Dragon had everyone in the village rush and get on the ships (he didn’t bother with the people in Gray Terminal and nobles after all his daughter asked him to help the villagers and thus they are his priorities), telling them to grab whatever they could (all of them missed the Strawhat that fell from a precious girl’s head, leaving it on the ground as they run for safety), especially with numerous Marine ships merely an hour away from the island itself.
They were just a mile away from Dawn Island when they heard cannons being fired, everyone looked up in fear, thinking it was directed at the ships, even though they were behind the island and not at the front to avoid the Marines. Everyone saw the cannonball landing on their home island instead of their ship, and soon enough Dawn was already up in flames. But they couldn’t stay and watched as everything burned down, so the ship continued to sail, heading to one of their hidden bases in East Blue.
Dragon had Makino, Woodslap, and Dadan brought to his office where he was told the whole story and why his Daughter was not with them, the ship had lost two tables, a dresser, and a chair that day. Dragon then had Kuma, Ivankov, and Inazuma help the survivors settle at their base the moment they arrived, leaving the ship immediately to search for his daughter. A few of the revolutionaries had tried to stop him especially when he tried to take a one-man ship but they failed and then Dragon left.
(He nearly forgot to inform Shanks, whom he had met before because Luffy wished for both of them to meet and know each other, on what was going and instead he received a call from the pirate himself a day later, yelling in horror demanding what was going on, how a Sea King had a bloodied hat of their daughter and WHY THE FUCK CAN’T HE CONTACT DAWN ISLAND? It was hard to convince the Pirate to just stay put and not do anything reckless that would garner the World Government's attention after Dragon told him what happened.
Dragon had to remind the Red-Haired Pirate that Garp knew of his relationship with Luffy and that he was a blabbermouth, which would mean that Sengoku, or worse the Admirals, knew about them. If he attacked the Marineford Luffy might get tortured for information about Shanks himself to blackmail him to stop or for revenge.
Benn’s remarks that Luffy may have been hurt or tortured at the moment were immediately rebutted by Dragon, who reluctantly and painfully said that if his daughter is already being tortured, as long as it’s not about those whom she cared about, she’ll be a bit loose lip and then they’ll stop soon enough.
A slight reminder of what happened to Luffy when she was captured by a pirate called Porchemy, who wanted to get information about her brothers, made them realize that yes, it’s better if they weren’t trying to get information about them. It doesn’t make them happy though, truth be told none of the pirates were but they don’t have the subtleness Dragon has and thus are forced to wait.
They then agreed to not tell Ace and Sabo what happened to their sister and about the buster call with the same reason as to why Shanks is staying put as well, especially with the knowledge that those two are hotheaded to anything towards Luffy. Dragon promised to keep the Emperor updated while said Emperor and his crew would be on the lookout for Luffy (though they knew that the chances of them seeing her were low but at least they were doing something) and make sure the brothers were not going to do anything that will harm her.
(They later learn that that was wishful thinking… because despite not doing anything or keeping things low from Ace and Sabo, their daughter still suffered… it made them hate themselves.)
After a few minutes of assurance and then a slight bonding moment for their hatred towards Garp and a huge hatred towards the World Government, Dragon ended the call, while Shanks went to the island they were near and vented out his frustration there.)
The first place he went to was, of course, the place where he knew they’d be bringing his daughter, Marineford, arriving a week later, a day or two late, considering that the tiny base they had in East Blue was three days away from Dawn and a bit further from Reverse Mountain. Still, he managed to successfully arrive at Marineford with the Marines none the wiser.
He scourged the base, hiding in the shadows, listening to Marines talking, searching through each room, even going as far as checking the Prison Cells that are installed in the Marineford (despite the Impel Down being the famous Prison they have, Marine bases still do have their prison cells for minor criminals or for civilians that have committed a crime).
The Leader of the Revolutionaries didn’t know whether to be relieved or worry further when he couldn’t find his daughter, not even a meep of her being brought to the base. The only things the Marines talked about are the Pirates, him (of course, they talked about him), and the Buster Call on Dawn. Dragon even went as far as spying on his Father and the Fleet Admiral but his daughter was not with them and he found no traces of her at all, not even after spying on them for two weeks, and thus he had assumed that they didn’t have her in Marineford but on a different place, and thus he left.
It had never occurred to Dragon to spy on the Admirals or Tsuru, thinking that they would do nothing, especially Tsuru. He would later learn that he was wrong with that thinking, his daughter was in the Marineford this whole time, and he was just spying on the wrong people.
“Oh Luffy…” Dragon muttered, wiping the tears that were running down from his daughter’s eyes. Said daughter sniffed before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside his room, but not before snapping her fingers and letting red mist-like flames cover the room before they both sat down on the bed.
“Tou-san…” Luffy sobbed out, hugging her father’s waist rather tightly, nuzzling against his body, letting him pat her head, his hand running through her hair. Dragon exhaled shakily, feeling a sob forming in his throat, as he comforted his daughter and himself simultaneously. He couldn’t believe it, after nearly two years of searching, of hoping, of fearing… he finally found his daughter.
(Dragon knew it was a bit hypocritical of him to worry about not seeing Luffy when he had left her alone for years, letting her go when she was nothing but a mere toddler. However, at least when she was staying on Dawn Island, in Foosha Village, he could at least check on her (visit her) or have his people do the job for him, though it was mostly her who did the visits.
This time though, she’s with the people whom he considers enemies and he has no one to know her status or her condition, so he has every right to worry as he searches for her, screw the people that said otherwise.)
“Have you been here this whole time?” Dragon asked, after a couple of minutes, Luffy was no longer crying though her body was shaking with long, racking sobs. This made his heart clench in pain and every sob his daughter released was like a stab in the chest, but Dragon didn’t pressure his daughter, waiting patiently for her to calm down and answer his question on her own.
“No…” Luffy finally answered. “Sometimes, I’m in Mariejois or with Vice-Admiral Tsuru. They never allowed me to stay in one place for a long time.”
“I see…” He muttered, eyes narrowing in slight anger but he calmed down and asked. “Why didn’t you call me with den-den mushi again?”
“...” Luffy closed her eyes, before opening them and looked directly into her father’s eyes as she said. “It was taken away from me… by the Gorosei themselves.”
“The Gorosei?” Her father growled.
“Yes, I’m not sure how they knew I have a den-den mushi, but they had their servants check my body for anything suspicious five days after I first met them, and then when they saw the snail… they immediately had it thrown away.” Luffy nuzzled closer to her father as she remembered the despair and the hopelessness when they took the only thing that could help her.
“Why didn’t you contact me after?” Her Father asked softly.
“Because I’m being monitored.” She answered, sitting up and looking at the corner room, the opposite side of her bed and window. When Dragon looked in that direction as well, freezing when he saw a Surveillance Den-den mushi, and it wasn’t only at that corner, the leader of the revolution realized that nearly every corner of Luffy’s room had one.
As the presence of the snails registered his mind, he immediately thought that Marines were on their way to the room and he and his daughter were in danger. Dragon turned to Luffy, mouth open with a demand for them to leave, only to pause when he saw how calm his daughter was with no hint of worry.
“Did you do something to the snails?” Dragon asked, Luffy merely nodded but didn’t provide any explanation and this made her Father frown and wonder if the red mist flame he saw earlier was the reason why no one was showing up despite him being there. “...Do you have any sort of privacy at all here, Luffy?”
“They didn’t put the den-den mushi in the bathroom, though if I do go inside, then they’re going to time me. If I’m not out after a specific amount of time then they would barge in the room, my privacy be damned.”
“Oh, my daughter…” Dragon whispered, not minding that she cursed (her brothers were the worst, so it shouldn’t be a shock that she would catch that attitude of theirs), grabbing the back of her head, and leaning her forehead against his.
“Tou-san…” Luffy started, fidgeting with her finger before inhaling deeply and asking. “Is Dawn fully gone?”
Dragon sighed in defeat at that, inhaling deeply, and then gave her a small smile. “The Island itself is gone…” He started, his daughter nearly started to cry again when he added. “But the people of Foosha are safe.”
“...Makino and the others?” Hearing Luffy’s voice (one that used to shout her dreams, filled with happiness and vibrant) being spoken softly and warily broke Dragon’s heart as it showed just how affected she was by the events that had happened for the past months.
“That’s right, Makino, the Villagers, and the Mountain Bandits are safe.”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Whitebeard Pirates x Winter Soilder/Bucky Barnes!Reader. Like instead of Hydra it would be The World Government torturing reader. And Whitebeard saved them. And when Marineford came around everything went to shit their.
-You tried blocking those memories from your mind, from when you had been captured by the World Government, all those years ago, and turned into their newest science experiment.
-Their goal was to ‘reform’ pirates like yourself, turning you into sleeper soldiers, powerful warriors capable of doing amazing things, being able to handle any opponent, even if they had a Devil Fruit ability, and using a menagerie of weapons.
-However, after using you as the first test subject, the idea was quickly scrapped, as there was too much instability with your mind. Despite trying to wipe and warp your mind, trying to fill your mind with ideas that pirates were a great threat and had to be eliminated, there always seemed to be something holding on, something refusing to be wiped.
-When you were ordered to be put ‘on ice’ until technology became more advanced, something Dr. Vegapunk was working on, which they would later come to find out was a lie, you thought your life was over.
-That’s when Whitebeard attacked, after getting a hint dropped about a new program to create super soldiers out of captured pirates, turning them into mind slaves.
-The ship you were on was attacked, the marines and scientists pleading for their lives as Marco and Izo searched for anything out of the ordinary, finding only you- trapped in a cage, looking like a wild animal that hadn’t been fed in weeks, and looking like death.
-You were grateful for being saved, only because they gave you food. You went through several bowls of food once you were in the infirmary on the Moby Dick, showing them that you indeed had been starved, one of your ‘punishments’ for failing to follow orders.
-Marco and the nurses on board were gentle with you, tending to your injuries and helping you get back to a healthy weight, as well as learning, from what you were able to tell them, what the government did to you.
-Whitebeard was furious, hearing about this, seeing you as a child, but then again almost everyone was child to him. But to hear how you had been tortured by the ‘law abiding’ and ‘honorable’ World Government- he was fully prepared to wage war.
-It took time for you to heal, learning how to do things, especially with your robotic arm, something that Vegapunk did provide for you, but unlike the orders for the government to be able to control it, Vegapunk linked it to your nervous system and let you be the only one to control it.
-Ace, Izo, Vista, and so many of the others were patient with you, teaching you how to do normal things, as your memory was very fuzzy, you couldn’t remember how to do a lot of simple things, but the more time that passed, the more things started feeling familiar.
-Whitebeard welcomed you into the crew, telling you that, “You’re not leaving- you’re stuck with us!” which led to a big party, and you felt so warm, you felt like you finally belonged.
-When Ace was taken and was going to be executed, many were honestly surprised to see that you were one of the first off of the ship once it hit land and you charged in, holding a specially made gun that worked with your arm.
-The marines around were all shouting at you, telling you to lay down your weapon, like you owed them anything and like you followed their orders. You were like a beast, using your marksmanship to take out each marine you passed with one bullet each.
-When Luffy arrived, you provided cover for him, making sure all enemies stayed away from him so he could get to Ace, as you knew he was going to- it was a gut feeling you had.
-A high ranking marine tried to attack you, but you parried his blade with your gun and he grinned down at you, “Admiral- Ocean-” your eyes went wide, hearing the trigger words for your sleeper self and you quickly kicked him away, now panicking.
-The marine stood, quickly trying to finish the code words, as you would be able to help them fight back against the pirates before you felt a rush of heat blow past you before two voices shouted out, “YOU BASTARD!!”
-You eyes went wide, seeing both Luffy and Ace, who was now free, punching out the marine before Luffy grabbed you with his Devil Fruit ability, his arm like rubber, once he saw that you weren’t running, and threw you towards the ship.
-Marco caught you, dropping you on the ship and you quickly got up and were shooting the marines as the pirates were rushing back to the ship.
-You breathed in relief when Luffy and Ace shot towards Whitebeard, turning Luffy into a human slingshot, getting him back onto the ship as well and soon everyone was back on the ship and getting away as quickly as possible.
-You collapsed against the wall of the ship, breathing heavily as you were so scared that you were going to change, you didn’t want to hurt those who had done so much for you.
-Ace came and found you, hiding in your room, later that night, when he didn’t see you at the party, and he sat with you, not making you feel like a burden in the slightest. He talked to you, telling you about the strange but wonderful people he met in Impel Down, like Jinbei, and how shocked he had been when Luffy fell out of the sky.
-He knew that you had been scared, when he heard the trigger words being said to you, Ace admitted that he had never felt such a rage before, he wanted to protect you from the government, just like how you fought so hard to protect him.
-You couldn’t help but smile, feeling joy that he was still there, he was still alive and where he belonged, on the Moby Dick, with his family, the place where you also belonged.
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moonpaw · 2 years
Do you have any one piece fic recs? Mainly stuff that doesn’t really deal with romance. That sweet sweet platonic shit is calling my name
yeah, i got a ......couple!!
Luffy was raised as a marine and makes it everyone's problem (Series, spoilers for all arcs they're in sections so read up to where you are)
Luffy was raised as a marine, but now has more childhood trauma (Series, first fic is a full fledged fic, again spoilers for all arcs)
Somewhere to Belong (childhood ASL, garp strikes a deal for whitebeard to watch them for 6 months)
The Fire and the Sun (A what-if marineford fic, luffy gets hit)
I’ll keep the king (I’ll keep him safe) (a whump fic centered around luffy's injuries and his crew taking care of him, nakamaship)
sweets and chains can't keep away the king's straw hat (AU where luffy is Big Mom's son and Dragon keeps breaking in checking up on him)
There is no such thing as freedom in a cage of your own making (AU where it's found out much earlier that luffy is Dragon's son and the marines are sent after him on Dawn, Garp calls Ace to go get him first)
Dammit Garp (stop kidnapping your grandson) (Garp finds out Ace is on whitebeard's ship and throws luffy over there too)
the sky is falling (but you’re with me so there’s nowhere i’d rather be) (ok i know you said no ship, but i'm obsessed over this fic for being one of the BEST gear 5 fics out there because of how much LORE it has, Gods AU, ch 1044+ spoilers)
Treasures for a Treasure (pearls pale in your eyes) (Gods AU, luffy is the son of the sea)
Who We Were Meant To Be (Marine!Luffy AU)
Undo, Rewrite, Again (Luffy gets blasted to Baltigo instead of the Isle of women)
Smile Again (Modern AU nakamaship, the crew help luffy recover from ace's death after a crash)
Adopted By Default (Luffy gets blasted to the whitebeards instead of the isle of women)
Beginning the Next Dream (Luffy gets reincarnated as his own uncle and raises the ASL brothers lol, only gets to ace though but the fic is worth it for the luffy, dragon, and garp interactions as well as roger and shanks)
The feel of family (ASL brothers but law and corazon are there too somehow)
Boy With a Scar (luffy went missing for 4 years as a fighting ring slave, fic begins after he's been freed and returned to Dawn)
The time the ASL Brothers ran away from home because they didn't want to deal with Garp (ASL brothers become pirates instead of building their treehouse)
How it Should have Healed (Another nakamaship fic about luffy's wounds throughout their adventures)
The Past and Future King (two pirate kings accidentally meet on a weird island)
one bleached from lying in a sunny place (someone comes up to Usopp and asks to join the strawhats)
Twin Flames (Ace calls Sabo his twin when talking to jinbe in impel down, this has consequences)
across ocean tides and snow-covered hills (ace and luffy meet up on Dawn right before luffy's 2 year time limit)
What if (ace is born a few days early and Rayleigh takes him in instead, making the ASL brothers estranged)
In That Bottle, Is an Ocean Of Memories (AU where luffy is big mom's son)
The World Goes Around In Circles ("How come you're called the pirate hunter, when you're a pirate yourself?")
sea king prayers (Gods Au, series)
it's all been done before (timetravel Au but told in ace's perspective who has no idea time travel is a thing that's going on)
on brotherhood (ageswap, luffy is the older brother)
gods apparent. (gear 5 fic)
Claimed by the Sea     (pirate king luffy gets kidnapped by a cult, zoro and the crew searches)
light up, light up     (Ace goes missing after the fire, leaving Sabo and Luffy alone. Outlook wants Sabo back and sabo agrees only if luffy can come with him)
as the world goes on its wicked way (Luffy gets turned into a kid for a day, big brother usopp moments)
trouble is a friend of mine (Sanji gets captured)
literally anything written by taizi
the weight of you (Platonic strawhats cuddling :D)
over the course of a day (An AU in which Usopp is forced to hitchhike and meets a few concerning characters)
Like Cats and Dogs (Daemon Au)
stared at the sun and the sun smiled back and called itself pirate king (or: loyalty, on the high seas) (Crew loyalty series)
Little Monsters ( Post-Wano, some lucky (or not-so-lucky) Marines capture the still-injured Sanji and Usopp)
no gods (Gods Au/gear 5, days after the Flevance massacre but with an extra guest)
DreadLetting (gear 5 & time travel, luffy ends up back on that day ace sets sail)
All Hail The Sun God (Gods Au, Zoro offers himself as a human sacrifice so the god of the valley will return)
sky blues (little luffy and vivi meet)
to have and to hold on (Spade pirates are worried about ace and tries to recruit luffy into helping them, Deuce pov)
Pain Scale (Nakamaship, luffy gets hurt)
You Still Have Me (Ace and luffy ageswap, marineford)
It was cold without you by my side (Sabo remembers a few days sooner, just in time to break into impel down)
teacup lizards (luffy is born as dragon’s twin)
reach up to me (if you even can) (Ace reacts to gear third’s “side effect”)
Same Difference (Sabo remembers years sooner, revisits Dawn island)
You Can't Teach a Monkey to Read (Nakamaship, the crew teaches luffy how to read after the timeskip)
The Will of D Carries On (Klabautermann au)
Of pirates and touches (Nami & luffy friendship)
Seven Deadly Sins (Modern Au, Law’s new apartment is haunted)
We Set Our Wishes Upon Her Waters (Gods Au, the 4 Blues are seen as gods and these gods have their own chosen)
Captains' Flowers (a kinda soulmate/mark fic, platonic nakamaship)
Sibling Sympathies (ace’s arabasta visit, nami pov)
interviewing the Future Pirate King (REAL! NOT CLICKBAIT!) (does this one even need an explanation?)
Diving Into The Sea  AND  Diamond Stratosphere (Au where some people with the D name have wings, series but the fics isn’t under one for some reason?)
Overboard (A typhoon hits the Going Merry's crew harder than any of them could anticipate or accept)
Know Me Like Waves Know Shores ( When Dragon and Luffy meet face to face for the first time, Luffy doesn't recognize his father.)
of scissors and combs (usopp gives luffy a haircut)
burning rubber (Chopper worries over luffy, post marineford & timeskip)
hey, let's get lost (along the way) (Ace, Luffy, Vivi, and Nami accidentally get lost in Alabasta)
etch the ocean into my soul like a guiding light (platonic soulmates Au, zolu)
Si c'est une âme (Platonic soulmates, nakamaship)
The Experiment (The crew make a game out of Zoro’s sleeping habits)
A Chance Encounter ( After Ace get's defeated by Blackbeard, he's held at a temporary prison for a little while, and there he meets a quirky, young marine that surprisingly is related to Ace!)
the voice of all things (The ocean's all the same to everyone―but no one else can hear it quite like he can.)
Many Kisses (Nakamaship & kisses)
Bearing the heat (Modern Au, ASL, slice of life)
tumbling overboard, faces full of fear (luffy falls overboard during a storm, franky dives in after him)
a place that burns (It is then, that moment, strikingly clear, that Luffy realizes he doesn’t have a home.)
Sleep is a Beast, Polar and Bear (post marineford, luffy has trouble sleeping, zoro does what he can to help)
you gotta go the long way 'round (Robin teaches luffy how to read, timeskip)
Swimming Lessons (Thanks to Law’s bodyswap ability, Usopp teaches luffy how to swim for the first time)
take a step in mine (marineford au)
Cool! Two Zoros! (the crew somehow ends up in the past. in the east blue. zoro is there)
wish by spirit and if by yes (Sabo tracks down the whitebeard pirates)
don't bury me with gold (Wolrd noble!Sabo Au)
whatever you can still betray (Haruta is convinced Ace is a spy)
Captains Don’t Get Sick (luffy & nami nakamaship)
where the rims have ridges (Outsider POV, a girl happens to meet both roger and luffy during her life, the strawhat is what she notices)
Code of Misconduct (The crew sets down some ground rules)
I Can't Be Selfless (Pre-canon, Aokiji meets luffy in fooshia)
worn to the bones (that scene where luffy, zoro, and sanji are traveling to fishman island and get separated from the crew in bubbles)
sing songs of the sea (Luffy drowned once, series)
God's emperor (Gods Au, shanks meets luffy)
i'll fly away (Au where everyone is born with wings)
a sailor by any other name (Zoro pov, luffy is forced to join the marines at a young age)
Chasing the Remnants (Sabo goes with dragon to lougetown)
Almost Giving up Before We've Even Started  (Luffy and dragon meet up, it’s awkward for them both)
Being together we are stronger than ever (ASL bodyswap)
Here There Be Dragons  (Dragons Au)
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apphiarothowrites · 8 months
Au where black beard gets his fruit sooner and steals away whitebeards first commander
Bb makes a trade with the worst warlord doflamingo information and alliances for the famous phoenix
Corazon tries to warn law away from the guilded cage that doflamingo keeps. Tries to tell him the man inside is too broken.
“He talks all the time.” Law rolls his eyes, with a proper amount of exasperation of a 10 year old can produce. “You just suck at listening.”
For the second time law shocks both Corazon the brother and rocinate the marine into silence. It’s stupid, it is and reckless and every other thing he shouldn’t be doing because he’s already pushing it with law half the time. But Corazon sits in front of the cage during his watch. The man inside is haggard, blood matting shaggy hair and cuts that ooze. One piercing blue eye stares back out from the damage.
“Are, you.. ok?”
A beat, then raspy laughter breaks out quickly dissolving into a wet cough. “A marine masquerading as a pirate asks if I’m ok.” The man tilts his head, as words pour out in choppy gasps. “Sounds like the start of a bad joke.”
- Corazon now has to steal law and marco away from doflamingo.
-Marco does help slow the spread of amber lead
- marco is mostly sane still but he’s also very very traumatized: bb kinda tortured him into breaking so that’s a thing. He was kept drugged and chained for a long time
- white beard is still looking for marco
- doflamingo goes celestial with marco quite a bit (my property and all)
Uhh yeah, what can I say. I was listening to loser baby again and this is now my new favourite thing.
hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah once again you have the best shit in stock racccoon
When the day comes that Cora-san is taking Law, he knows he has to take Marco with them. With Law passed out and half-delirious with fever in the little single-mast dingy he's 'acquired' (a bad day for the kid), he uses his fruit to it's fullest extent.
The man is awake-eyes barely open with crusted old blood staining his eyelashes-when he silently slips past the usual guard. The key in the lock, normally a loud clanking thing, is utterly soundless. The creaking, groaning resistance of the rusty hinges of the cage have only specks of falling dirt to signal their protest. Marco lifts his head just barely, eyes pulling as wide as they can. A cut under his jaw drips red.
Cora-san pulls on a pair of gloves he stole and sets about removing the seastone thorns and chains in total absence of sound. By the end he's sweating with the effort-each thorn and nail pulling a harsh jerking movement from the man that makes no noise. Marco's wounds steadily worsened and blood flows freely to the floor of the cage.
But the moment the last cuff slides off, Marco throws himself backwards. Blue and gold heat rushes to fill the space and Rocinante staggers to the other side of the small cage to watch in silent awe.
The Phoenix is beautiful, and angry. It's eyes scream murder and it's beak opens when the flames properly clear, but just as the half-hour preceding didn't, no sound comes. Rocinante knows they're running out of time for this to work, so he offers a hand to the man-turned-creature and, finally, lets his voice be known.
"We need to go. I have a way off this island."
The Phoenix's eyes narrow to dangerous slits, but it's wings draw in and the fire sheds off it's body like feathers. The man, Marco, stands in it's place utterly pristine. An enviable power, Rocinante thinks only to himself as they sneak away.
An enviable power indeed, he thinks again as Marco-without a word or even the suggestion of help-puts his healing hands on Law and the flush of the boy's fever fades within minutes.
The thought changes, envy caving under something else, as days turn to weeks seeking answers for Law's condition. Marco disappears on the second island they visit and for an hour or so Rocinante thinks that he's taken off, returned to his father's fleet that he speaks of only fondly with a tired smile. Instead he returns just as Rocinante and Law do to their transport, his shoulders pulled back confidently.
He says nothing of his disappearance.
Then, the night that he finds the fruit, Law's fruit, something changes. He falls, bleeding out, against the most valuable treasure chest in the world believing Law is safe knowing Marco is waiting for the kid just offshore in a raft. He passes out knowing he won't wake up.
He wakes up.
Curled up against his side near his hip is Law, patches of white skin already gaining color. Standing at the end of the bed is a nurse in the most unprofessionally tight set of scrubs he's ever seen. Sitting in a chair to the side of the bed, behind Law's tiny back, is Marco with his head tilted back and eyes closed, snoring lightly.
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 years
OP ASL brothers older brother Ace au part 1.5
I'm just saying I had a lot of fun imagining Ace with the face of "I have a severe case of idiocie" while he was taking Sabo and Luffy with him lol. An order of angst? No? To bad, suffer with me. This is more of an internal monologue of Ace
When the trio left Dawn island, all what it was heard was the cheers of excitement of Sabo and Luffy. Ace of course, was doing his best for not ruining the mood and keeping their adventurous spirits. Unknown to the children, Ace was having a trainwreck of thoughts, the wave of realization crashed into him when he was just as far away from the island and he concluded that he indeed was very stupid and he was sure Deuce will say the same too. Just what in the actual heck was he thinking in inviting actual children to the Grand line? Of course they'll say yes! They were children!! They are naive against the dangers of the Grand Line, why didn't his logic screamed louder to beat sense to him that the Grand line aren't for children? Is an unpredictable place, it took time for him to take the hang out of it, but Sabo and Luffy are a different case. Sabo is intelligent of course, he survived on his own long enough in Grey terminal, but even with his intellect he has disadvantage in that place, they were threats much more greater than he can handle. And Luffy where do even begin: trusts easily, can't lie, gets easily distracted, gets in trouble fast as lightning... in conclusion, an easy target. Sabo is ten and Luffy is seven, they weren't prepared to be in the Grand Line, physically nor mentally and the fuck where his logic to warn him that the Spade pirates have enemy's too?! There was no enemy that will pass the opportunity to use his brothers against him, and oh hello! He just remember the Whitebeard pirates, the current major problem he has right now, ironic he was more concern about them rather than the wrath of his grandfather, with good reason, Whitebeard himself can kill them with his pinky finger without breaking a sweat and they will not pass the opportunity to hunt him down and risking to leading his brother into a painful short life. What a mess.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm down and just accepted the fact that it was to late to turn back. Ace looks down to see the glee of excitment on his brothers, he couldn't possibly just return them back, their dreams will be taken away from them and people will shattered it into pieces just to turn them in what the society wants and the dangers they will pass even inside of the system. Have the geezer once thought what would happened if someone discoveres Luffys father? How the world government wouldn't hesitate to end his life just because his existence is a sin for them, not caring if he has nothing to do in whatever things Dragon has done. Or Sabo, he never once liked being a noble, he followed his parents orders at first by mere innocence but when he found out their true nature he started to have despise and shame of his origins, have the geezer thought of that? Had he thought if the family had descendants they will make Sabo's life a living hell? Had he thought that rotten man, he so called father would "claim him" and control his life and he would be caged for the rest of his life? Even if Sabo change his lifestyle as a marine or whatever people would never stop pointing at him because of his blood family, people will be cruel with a kid who had no fault whatsoever of his rotten father's actions, the result would be the same, no matter where Sabo would turn to he'll be humiliated. He feared his brother's spirits broke in some point, that Sabo would grew hating the world and himself, he feard that Luffy wouldn't smile anymore whether because the world government would use him like a puppet or kill him. Have the geezer thought how cruel the world will be with them? Have he thought that his brothers would end up broken? Have he thought they'll ended up like him? The mere thought of it made him anxious, Ace is not mad at Garp, more like frustrated with him, he knows he means well, he knows his heart is at the right place that he wants the best for his grandchildren, but sometimes his actions cause more harm than good and he was no exception. Ace himself is the mere example of it, he understand why Garp kept him alive, he was grateful for Garp trying to ease his heart at his unique style, he was grateful for both Dandan and Garp for him but sadly keeping him alive only wasn't enough. Nothing prepared him for the raw truth of his origins, nothing prepared him for the opinions the people had of his existence, nothing prepared him for their cruelty, nobody told him how bitter and broken he would grew over time because of it, how his rage increased in time making him to do questionable things to calm it down. Not murder of course, but he was sure that beating up people in bars was not a healthy relief. Even so no matter what he did, the bitterness, the loneliness, everything that scarred him was still there present. He was suffocating in his mind over this heavy burden that no child should be carrying, it was tiring to live with so much hate more than his body can carry, it was tiring to live this lifestyle, to know if he was supposed to live or not, he wished he could be normal, he wished he never knew he was the son of Gol D Roger.
Ace knows that what he did was not right, but thinking of the future of his brothers, of the possibilities, on how they won't have a choice to face the situation they can't handle yet he couldn't help it, no scratch that he won't allow it. He won't allow that his brothers go through the thing that happened to him, he won't allow that his brothers to suffer the cruelty of the society at this young age. He made up his mind, he will give his brothers what he didn't have when he was younger, a chance to happy, a chance to go around the world without worry of what the world thinks of them, a chance to have peace, a chance to have free. Whether it was a blessing or a punishment he doesn't care, he won't turn his back on his brothers, when nobody was there for him he will be there for his brothers, what nobody did for him when they needed he will do it for his brothers, he will protect them so anyone and anything can't hurt them in any way shape or form. He'll be the role model that they can look out for, he'll raise them to be strong, he'll raise his brothers to face the world with the freedom they deserve and rest to be sure he will raise them so nobody can humiliate them. He'll do anything on his power for his brothers, his treasure, his brothers are the most valuable treasure he had encounter in his life, Ace is a pirate and as such he'll be the first one to take them before anyone else can and take them in the safety of his command and ship. Ace will value, love and protect his treasure no matter what.
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swamp-spirit · 2 years
My One Piece Fic Recs
Looking for underrated fics that are mostly very wordy Gen fics about slow-burn emotional processing? WELL I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS FOR YOU MY HIGHLY SPECIFIC KINDRED
(A lot of these are pretty heavy, so take intense violence, swearing, and trauma as a blanket warning. Also featuring a lot of ASL and a truly inexplicable amount of Marco)
Long Fics
The Remedy - @nocturneequuis - 315K Strawhat centric - gen This fic is a modern AU alternating between flashback and present. The flashback is everything I want out of modern Strawhats. They aren’t attended school and having love triangles, they’re careening around the county in a broken car signing up for cage matches and getting involved in an increasingly fantastical world. It uses familiar characters, but uses them chaotically. Meanwhile, the modern section follows the Strawhats dealing with medical decisions while Luffy has been comatose on life support for five years. It’s an excellent, painful portrayal of medical grief, and probably familiar to anyone whose old enough or unlucky enough to be present for those horrible conversations. It’s incredibly quotable, and the contrast between zany adventures and tense grief paint’s Luffy’s charisma in his absence as much as his presence. It jumps between POVs, and all the Strawhats have a unique sense of voice. A long read, but it will leave you wishing there was more.
PICK YOUR POISON - @fic-pickyourpoison - 184K Lami & Law centric - gen You know, I used to say I wasn’t into ‘person dies in our world and gets transported into a story they know, but somebody convinced me to read this and I’m so sorry. My brain was small and my vision was limited. It turns out I just needed 1. Somebody who remembers canon well enough to give themselved Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but not well enough to effectively fix things 2. The Isekai-ee to be a fascinating character with 0 people skills This story follows somebody who is reincarnated as Trafalgar Lami trying to avoid her fate as Tragically Dead Sister. It’s a brutal story, but one that doesn’t feel the need to explain everything. Lami’s perspective is limited and unreliable in a genuinely fascinating way, and her relationship with Law manages to be both heartbreakingly sweet and infuriatingly dysfunctional. It’s also just really nice to read a story focusing on a female OC who is unempathetic and messy in a way that isn’t Sexy and Badass(tm). Lami is allowed to be a trainwreck in a way I wish I got to read more of.
Being Human - MaiKusakabe - 52K Marco centric - gen Ever wanted to see Whitebeard just starting his family? Because I did and I didn’t even know it.  The story starts with Whitebeard rescuing Marco from slavery (warning, this fic gets pretty explicitly brutal on that front), and attempting to Become Dad. One of the things I enjoy about a world full of pirates is it leaves a lot of room for trauma not being ‘pretty’, and it’s nice to see a world where characters are free to be reactive and angry in recovery without being treated as ‘bad’. Also just... baby commanders guys. Baby Whitebeard family.
Katabasis - cephalopodium - 81K Marco centric - gen In the “I wasn’t kidding about a weird amount of Marco”, what if instead of seeing the start of Marco’s family, you want to go to after the end. This one starts just post the payback war as Marco heads to Sphinx Island. It combines the delight of watching a character be deeply underestimated with the comfort of a character slowly healing from the kind of pain that seems unfixable. I also appreciate an author being totally willing to fill an island with OCs and politics, and this fic has a great cast. Legendary pirate attempting to be Some Guy in an isolated small town is very fun.
Who We Were Meant To Be - @deedee-writes - 51K Luffy and Ace centric - gen Bad Marine!Luffy fics tend to have the premise “but have you considered... breaking the law is worse than supporting the slave trade???”, good Marine!Luffy fics explore the fact that Luffy is a pirate to the core, and revel in the tension of what he’d be like if he was forced to ignore that. This fic follows Luffy getting to reclaim his rightful crown when Ace is sent to Impel Down. The link is to the starting place, but I am really enjoying to currently updating prequel that follows Luffy being put in charge of Sabaody.
Saving Grace - Zorika - 135K Ace and Marco centric - Ace/Marco As the pairing might tell you, this one comes with some pretty heavy warnings. Though the couple doesn’t get together until everyone is 18+, this fic features a lot of coping with trauma via drug use, self-harm, and self destructive sexual decisions. The uncomfortable elements that come with an age gap pairing aren’t glossed over, they are front and center. It’s another dual timeline fic in a modern AU. In the present, Ace has been on Quest Blackbeard for six years after taking a super harsh exit, and returns to town as Marco is mourning the death of his stillborn daughter. It flashes between a young Ace joining the Whitebeard mafia as an angry, self-destructive 16 year old, and his return during the lowest point in Marco’s life. The thing that sells this fic for me is Marco’s relationship with his wife. It manages to show a failing marriage to an OC without ever villainizing her, or making her feel like a convenient plot device to be quietly cleared away now that the Real Pairing is here.
crown the king (with bloody flowers) - @whirlybirdwhat - 29K Luffy centric - gen If “Luffy has platonic hanahaki for the ocean” doesn’t make you want to read a fic, I don’t know what to tell you. This feels more like a series of vignettes, but is just so incredibly poetic and beautiful. I also love the idea of hanahaki not being ‘unrequited love’ but “deeply loving someone/something that deeply hates you”. It jumps between POVs, and just explores and beautiful, horrific, hopeful, tragic nature of Luffy’s boundless determination. I’m also gonna re-read it as soon as I finish this post.
Short Fics (to be fair, most of these are actually quite popular, shhh)
as reliable as truth - midnightluck - 5680 Words Ace centric - gen Ace gets hit with a truth curse. You will end up reading this one twice for full impact. A few laugh out loud lines, a few softly go ‘oof’ lines.
don’t bury me with gold - @yuki-mxivo - 18200 Words Sabo centric - gen Sabo is born a Celestial Dragon. Takes Sabo’s inherent divide between a pirate heart and an internal drive to give up his own freedom to dismantle class and turns up the volume to roaring. It’s wonderfully tense and poetic.
(two) small mercies - @fingersfallingupwards - 15992 Words Ace and Luffy centric - gen Ace and Luffy get de-aged and the Whitebeards have to deal with it. For those that love tragic backstory reveals without it straying into the angst, this is the perfect balance. These kids do not know how to interact with human beings, and this fic embraces them for the feral jungle brats they are.
Oh hey, how did this self promo get here
My One Piece fic is HERE. I might put in a particular rec for Children of Baltigo, my least read long One Piece fic. It focuses on Sabo and Koala growing up on Baltigo. Slight AU, lots of spycraft nerdery.
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muselexum · 3 years
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@lunalyt​​ sent: [ wound ] my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten ( marco w / akane )
[ meme ] -> word prompts compilation
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                She had known that defecting from the marines would come with consequences, and yet as much as she thought she was prepared to face them, finding herself split off from her crew and in the depths of a marine brig, tortured during interrogation and being sent off for execution was still something she couldn’t emotionally prepare for. That tattoo of the Whitebeard crew she had gotten, that she had been and still was proud of, cemented that her allegiances had changed. She could lie about her relationship with the crew, but she had no desire to.
                She knew she was going to die in this situation, so right now her only hope was that the Whitebeard Pirates didn’t think she had betrayed them, or that her time spent with them was a lie. She briefly wondered how much time had passed since she had been drawn away from them and captured. Perhaps three? There was no concept of time down where she was kept chained.
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                It was only by the grace of one of her former and only friends in the marines choosing to unlock her cage in the middle of the night, that she had a chance at surviving. If she had been caught in this situation even a year ago she would have accepted death, but now she had a home and loved ones to return to-- if they would have her once more.
                Escaping was far easier said than done. By the time the two had reached the deck, it was full out chaos and her friend was killed in collateral during the fighting. One moment she felt a deep guilt and fury, and the next many on board had collapsed. Too engrossed to take full notice of what had happened, Akane continued to engage in battle with the Captain regardless of the mangled and limp left arm she had been left with from the torture he had put her through.
                The one-on-one fight ended with a crushed skull and her being the only conscious one left on board. Now that the fighting was over she wasn’t sure of what to do, feeling helpless and too wired. Could she manhandle and sail the entire ship on her own? Unlikely. It would not be a good idea to stay on the marine ship anyway. Did she take one of the emergency life boats and gamble the seas?
                It seemed that she wouldn’t have to make that decision as a glowing blue light appeared on the horizon of the night sky. Had they been searching for her? She knew immediately who it was and yet despite how relieved she wanted to feel, a part of her felt some worry that he had been sent to find her, to settle the score for what could only appear as her deserting the crew after swearing loyalty. If that was the case she would surrender her life without a fight. She’d have nothing left to live for.
                Yet he proved that was a shameful doubt on her part when he swooped down onto the deck and almost immediately began assessing the situation and healing some of her more serious wounds to the best of his ability, briefly passing over her left arm. Even she knew that it was unsalvageable, burned, broken and battered beyond repair. That did not matter right now though. She could deal with it later, for all she could focus on now was making sure Marco knew where her loyalties lied.
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                “Marco... I...” All the words she wanted to say could not form on her tongue, and instead she heaved, the fear and exhaustion from the past few days finally pouring out into a desperate sob, “You guys are really-- I... I love you all! It’s not a lie! So please-- allow me to come home!”
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omgsquee2001 · 4 years
I’m Here Now; Nami x Sister Reader
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~Nami’s POV~
I sighed for about the forth time that day. I was leaning against the railing of the Thousand Sunny, looking out across the ocean, feeling the cool breeze brush though my long orange hair. I was thinking about my little sister, who was related to me by blood. Bel-Mere had rescued Nojiko, [Y/N] and I from the town that was destroyed in the midst of the battle between the pirates and the marines Bel-Mere was stationed under. Arlong and his pirates took [Y/N] away from us when he killed Bel-Mere and we never saw our beloved little sister again. To be honest, I had forgotten about my sister until Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp saved me from the clutches of Arlong. Said people were doing what they normally were. Sanji was cooking lunch for the crew, Chopper, Luffy and Usopp were playing their normal game of tag on deck, Brook was playing different songs he knew, Franky was doing his SUPPER pose, causing the three players to stop and gawk in awe and Zoro was training, like always. Robin was sitting in her lawn chair, reading her book. She looked up at me.
“Nami-San, is everything alright?” She asked. All the commotion stopped, the crew looking at me with worry behind their eyes.
“I’m fine. Just tired of being on the sea,” I said, not looking at the ravenette. “We should be reaching an island soon, then we can rest and stock up on everything we need.” I said, turning around and smiling. Robin could tell the smile was forced. Luffy smiled and started drooling. 
“Meat! That means we can get more meat, right, Sanji?” He asked as the cook came out with lunch. He nodded. 
“Yeah that’s right,” hearts formed in his eyes and he floated over to Robin and I. “Here you are, Nami-Swan, Robin-Chwan!” He shouted.
I smiled and took the food. I looked up to the sky. ‘I wonder, if I ever did find [Y/N], would she like to join our crew?’ I thought.
~[Y/N]’s POV~
I sighed and smiled, brushing off the sweat from my forehead, looking at the vast ocean that lay before my cozy home. I had just finished planting more flowers in my outside garden bed and headed inside. I washed my hands to clean them of all the dirt. I poured myself a glass of water, and then walked outside, sitting on the bench on my porch. I sighed and took a deep breath of the afternoon air. The smell of the sea calmed my racing thoughts of the things I needed to do today. The sea reminded me of my older sister, Nami. I didn’t remember much about Nami, except for the fact that she wanted to travel the world and draw sea and land charts. After the Arlong Pirates had invaded, they killed my mother and took me away from my sisters, selling me as a slave. An elderly woman bought me, but then immediately set me free, allowing me to live with her as her granddaughter. Her name was Eve. After Eve died, I still lived in her house to this day, taking care of it and the flowers I had helped her plant many years before, adding new ones once the old ones died. I saw two small figures running up to my house. I smiled. They were some neighborhood kids that I took care of when their father and mother were away. Their names were Leo and Leah, twins. Fear was evident in their brown eyes as they stopped before me. I frowned. “Leo, Leah? What is it?” I asked, standing up and kneeling before the two. Leo was the first to speak. 
“[Y/N]! Pirates are here! They’re at the docks right now!” He shouted. I frowned. Our village had a history with pirates, and not a good one. Most of the pirates that came here were looking only for trouble, only coming here for me. After Eve died, I ate the Element Element Devil Fruit, allowing me to control all the elements. Water, earth, fire and air. This also came along with the sub elements. Because of this, tons of pirates came to our village looking to recruit me or to take me to sell as a slave. I was the villagers’ protector. I faced off against even the most powerful pirates and won. 
“Which pirates? The Kid Pirates? The Heart Pirates? The Whitebeard Pirates?” I asked. Some of the pirates that stopped at our island village weren’t looking for trouble at all. The Whitebeard Pirates and the Heart Pirates had no interest in me or my powers. They had stopped at the village for supplies and rest. They never caused any trouble or hurt anyone. The Kid Pirates, however, were looking to recruit me for my powers. This did not sit well with me. I challenged Kid, telling him that if he won, I would go with him peacefully and with no complaints. But if I won, he would leave and never bother me or my village again. And I won. Leah looked at me. 
“The Strawhat Pirates!” She shouted. My eyes widened. Now these pirates would be trouble. Everyone has heard of the notorious Strawhat Crew. They had defeated the Arlong Pirates, Don Krieg, Tin-Plate Wapol, Sir Crocodile and his Baroque Works Organization in Alabasta. They were known through out the world. And now they were coming to our island? Not on my watch! I looked at the twins. 
“You two get home and stay there until I tell you it’s alright to come out, do you understand,” I asked. They nodded and rushed home. I clenched my hands into fists. I looked to the docks, staring intently at the skull and crossbones with the straw-hat. I narrowed my eyes. “Abatā(Avatar).” My eyes glowed white. 
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I slowly walked down to the docks. This should be a piece of cake for me. But then again, the Strawhats did manage to take down the most powerful pirates in the sea. 
(A little earlier
Nami’s POV)
My friends and I anchored at the docks of the small island. As we walked down, I noticed that the whole town seemed empty when we walked down the ramp, the villagers peaking out from their windows and doors, keeping them locked. I frowned and fell into step with Zoro and Robin. 
“Does this village seem, afraid of us?” I asked. Robin glanced around and nodded. 
“This place does have a feeling of fear and distrust.” She said quietly. A pebble was thrown at Zoro’s head. He flinched. 
“Ow,” he rubbed his head. The crew stopped and he looked behind him. There were two kids. The little girl was pulling her brother back, trying to run away. The little boy picked up another pebble. Zoro glared at the kids.
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“What was that for?” He asked. The boy flinched at the swordsman’s glare, but frowned, putting on a brave face and standing in front of his younger twin, trying to protect her.
“We don’t like pirates here! You’re all nothing but trouble!” He shouted. The little girl pulled his arm again. We looked at the kids in confusion.
“Leo, stop it! We don’t know that they’re actually here to cause trouble, or here for Big Sister.” She said. Leo glanced back at his sister. 
“I don’t care, Leah. That’s what the other pirates did!” He said. Leah sighed. Usopp frowned. 
“Other pirates?” He asked.  The twins ignored the sharpshooter. 
“Let’s just go and get [Y/N]. She’ll handle the situation.” Leah said and the two ran off. I suddenly froze. That name. No, it couldn’t be the same [Y/N]. Was my sister really here? My little sister? It couldn’t be.  A few seconds later, the sea started to churn violently. Usopp and Chopper looked back in fear. 
“Uh, guys, does the ocean normally act this wild?” Usopp asked. Sanji frowned, taking a drag from his cigar and blowing out. 
“Not unless someone has the power to control the sea.” He said. Franky frowned. 
“Looks like we’ll have to prepare for a not-so-supper fight.” He said. I gripped my pole. Robin positioned her arms across her chest. Zoro gripped his swords. Luffy looked clueless as ever, just looking for a place with meat. Sanji was prepared to use his kick. Brook prepared his music to make illusions. Usopp and Chopped held each other, shaking in fear. A girl, about nineteen, walked out from the narrow dirt road. Her [h/l] [h/c] hair was swaying in the wind, her eyes  glowing white. My eyes widened. I recognized that hair. An image of a young girl with [e/c] eyes and [h/c] hair flashed before my eyes. Besides the glow, the girl looked just like my little sister, [Y/N]. I lowered her pole. I slowly walked up to the girl, as to not frighten her. The girl raised her hands and rocks went straight to them. Moving her fingers, the rocks circled the girl’s hands. 
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“[Y-Y/N]?” I whispered. The girl’s eyes widened, and she pushed her fists together. Rock formed around me, trapping me. Luffy frowned, finally getting the seriousness of the situation.
“Hey! Let go of our friend!” He shouted. I frowned. I didn’t want my friends to attack this girl, if she was indeed the [Y/N] I remembered. 
“Don’t,” I said. My friends frowned, still ready to attack if necessary. “I’ll handle this.” I said, not looking at her crew. The girl frowned. 
“How do you know my name?” She asked. Her voice was a mixture of her soft voice and other voices, making it sound deep and commanding. I frowned. 
“Do you not remember me, little sister?” I asked quietly. My crew’s jaws fell to the ground in surprise. 
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“LITTLE SISTER?!” They shouted, mostly the boys, Robin’s face returned to normal, she smiled. She then realized why I had looked so down. It was because I missed my sister. [Y/N] frowned, then cupped my cheek, then ran her fingers through my long red hair. Her fingertips ran gently along my eyelids, then down my nose then along my lips, taking in all of my facial features. Tears came to [Y/N]’s eyes and the rock cage fell, releasing me. She didn’t move.
“N-Nami? Is that really you?” [Y/N] whispered. I nodded, unable to keep the tears from falling down my face. 
“Y-yes, [Y/N]. It’s really me.” I pulled my sister into a hug. [Y/N] slowly wrapped her arms around me, crying. 
“T-they told me you were dead! T-they said Arlong killed you all! I-I thought I had lost you, Nojiko and Bel-Mere,” [Y/N] sobbed. I cried as well. Tears of happiness and sadness. Happiness in finally finding my sister. Sadness in remembering the kind woman who had taken the three in, calling them her daughters. “I-I was so scared. S-so alone!” She kept sobbing. I smiled, tears still falling. I stroked my sister’s smooth hair. I then uttered the words that Eve had said to her when she had set [Y/N] free, causing more tears to fall. 
“There’s no need to be scared any more. You’re safe. You’re free. I’m here now.” 
Please feel free to reblog my stories😊😊 It will help motivate me to write more🙏🙏😊😊
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lo-55 · 4 years
Lost Things Ch. 3
The Trapped                   
Marco sat in the chair, watching Ace move around the house.
There wasn’t much room to move to begin with, the place was small after all. If Marco wasn’t so used to the confines of a ship it might be claustrophobic. There was still the creeping feeling of being caged whenever the wind blew to hard and the trees rattled against the glass but it passed.
If Ace knew he was being watched, he didn’t show it. The boy talked a lot, not about much of anything, but it filled the silence. He told Marco about everyday things. Like the black squirrel that watched him chop firewood because it knew Ace didn’t mind sharing his pistachios. He told him about the baker, Mrs. Madaline, who let him have the day old bread as long as he carried her flower bags for her. About the portmaster, Henry Finch, who had wild stories of life in the New World.
Marco didn’t miss the way Ace’s eyes lit up when he started talking about that, so much like the wonder he had seen the first time they took their own Ace to the New World for the first time, it was the look he’d seen on his brother’s face every time he looked out over the waves.
It was the love of the sea.
Marco’s heart clenched. This boy was so like the Ace that had died.
There was, still, that small hope in the back of his head. That sense at the edge of his heart that tried to tell him that this was the Ace that he knew.
He tried to shake it off. He couldn't take another heartbreak. Not so soon.
“How long had you lived here?” he asked, trying to draw himself back into the present, and away from the darkened past.
Ace went from surprised to thoughtful, his head tilting. Long black hair spilled across his broad shoulders, a stark contrast to the pale scarf draped there.
“I think about a year and a half? Before that I stayed with the Jones’, they had a guest house they let me use. There kids are so cute, between the three of us I’m surprised there was only four fires,” Ace laughed, sheepish.
“Fire’s?” Marco repeated, trying not to sound too interested.
“Yes,” Ace’s cheeks darkened, just a bit, “I’m a bit accident prone.”
“Can you swim?” Marco asked next, confusing Ace.
“I… don’t know. I’ve never tried. The water on this island is too cold for it. Why?”
“Well, if you were to put to sea, you would want to be able to. Most people do, at least,” he reasoned.
Ace’s brows furrowed. “Why would I go to sea?” he asked the question, but Marco could see the spark that had entered his eyes. The brightness, the longing, the love. Ace wanted to go to sea.
“You love the ocean,” Marco said with absolute certainty. “One day, you should go sail on it.”
“How do you- I mean I do but I don’t even know how to sail!”
“You might,” Marco suggested lightly. He drummed his fingers on the wood, still warm from the stew. Stew that he knew. Stew that Thatch had taught him how to make. There was no mistaking what it was, it was the exact same stew that Thatch made on the Moby Dick. There was no way that a strange could recreate it exactly.
And, Ace had known how to make it.
 Marco had never had to deal with such an unruly logia type before. For someone made out of fire he was a slippery little devil, always disappearing to sulk after he tried to kill Pops. He kept finding new places too. Marco had once found him curled up in the rafters of a store room, another time he had been under Marco’s on bed. Marco always found him within the hour.
   Today, after yet another flying lesson from Whitebeard, Ace had vanished to the point that even Marco couldn’t find him.
   Part of Marco was suspicious that he had finally given up and jumped ship, but he doubted that was the case. The boy was fearless and determined, and stubborn to the point of potential suicide trying to kill the strongest man in the world. Not that Pops would kill him. He had already decided that Ace was going to be one of  his beloved sons, and once Whitebeard decided you were his that was that.
   But, Ace could not become one of Marco’s brothers until he had been found, and no one had seen him in hours.
   Which brought Marco to the kitchen. Thatch was usually in there this time of day, and Ace was usually nowhere near it. For one reason or another, out of pride or paranoia, he refused to eat with the rest of them. Instead he would sneak in and eat at night, alone in the dark.
   That would stop once he was their brother, hopefully, but until then it was only a matter of time before he snuck into the kitchen to filch a snack or two.
   Marco eased the door open, peaking in. His mouth was open to call for Thatch before he realized who exactly was inside the kitchen.
   Thatch was there, yes, but so was one Portgas D. Ace.
   The pair of them was huddled by a massive pot that was steaming, the scent of it the stew that Thatch excelled at. If anyone outside the crew was allowed to eat it he would be world famous for that alone, but nobody who did not carry Whitebeards mark was allowed to eat it.
   Except, it seemed, for Ace. He was even allowed to sample a spoonful of it.
   Marco leaned against the doorway, just watching the pair talking about food. Thatch pointed a jar on the ledge beside the stove and Ace grabbed it for him.
   “Three shakes,” Thatch said, and Ace obeyed. Marco was amazed. Thatch was teaching his secret recipe to Ace, who wasn’t even his brother yet.
   It seemed that, whether Ace knew it or not, he was already family.
“How would I even get to sea? People don’t exactly come here often, and I don’t think the Marine’s are interested in someone who barely knows their own name,” Ace shook his head, his words breaking Marco from his thoughts.
“Fuck the Marines,” Marco said viciously. Ace drew up, staring at him. Marco met his gaze, unrepentant. “Fuck the Marines. They’re murders and liars, and you belong with people better than them.”
Ace slowly stood up. “Sorry but, what exactly makes you think that? You barely know me.”
Marco faltered. That did make him think that? Just the similarities between this Ace and the one he lost? Or the light in his eyes when he talked about the sea?
“Sorry,” he wasn’t really, but he did nod to Ace. “I guess I can’t pass judgement, can I?”
“No,” Ace agreed, regarding him. “But it’s okay. “
Marco wondered if it really was. If anything about this situation was okay.
“Have you been to sea?” Ace asked, before turning sheepish. “No, nevermind. You’re a pirate.”
Funny, Marco didn’t remember telling him he was a pirate. Still he smiled indulgently at the younger man, the ferocity from earlier already forgotten.
“I have. It’s beautiful, and wild. There’s an adventure around every wave,” he watched Ace, waiting until he saw the spark enter his eyes once more. Then, he leaned forwards.
“Would you like to come with me?”
It was, perhaps, a poor choice. How could he have someone on board when he had travelled alone so long? How could he invite someone who was so close to his dead brother to travel with him? It wasn’t fair, not to either of them. He opened his mouth to retract the statement, but the wonder on Ace’s face stopped him.
“Would you really take me with you? To the sea?” he was breathless. Breathless and bright and eager.
Marco didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
Ace’s smile lit the room better than the lamp in the corner. It was bright, beautiful. So horribly, painfully familiar. That horribly dangerous hope pushed back into his brain.
“It won’t be for a while though,” Ace said, though his excitement didn’t sim a single watt. “The storm won’t die down for a couple of weeks. We probably can’t even leave the house.” And didn’t that just figure, that they were stuck together in a cabin in the middle of a snow storm.
Was it a miracle, or a cruel coincidence?
 The scream that tore through the air was heart wrenching. In all his life Marco didn’t think he had ever heard such a forlorn sound than the one the wind carried across the battlefield to him. He turned, forgoing his battle, and felt his heart freeze inside of his chest.
   He had to be wrong. That couldn't really be Ace’s body laying on the ground, blood pouring out of a massive hole in his chest. It couldn't.
   Marco could only stare as Luffy, who was really just a child, wailed above his brother’s broken body. Before his very eyes a soft red light enveloped the corpse, growing brighter until it obscured Ace’s smiling face. His dark hair, his strong arms, his dusting of freckles.
   The light stopped. Wind blew and the light vanished, flashing out of existence in a wave of embers that lifted into the air and vanished.
Marco opened his eyes to see a painfully familiar face hovering above his own. His breath caught in his throat.
“You um. You were crying,” Ace offered him a tissue. Marco sighed and accepted it. It had been almost a year since he’d had that particular dream. He sat up, slowly, giving Ace time enough to pull back from him so they wouldn’t knock their foreheads together.
“Sorry,” he said, rubbing some of the color out of his cheeks. Damn it, he felt like a child.
“It’s okay,” Ace sat at the edge of the bed. Despite Marco’s objections, he insisted that the pirate sleep there. As if he needed it. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s just a bad dream, Ace. You don’t need to worry.”
Ace shrugged, looking at him with a smile that was so familiar it hurt.
“Well, if you ever do…”
Marco didn’t see a reason to say more. He looked away, towards the little kitchen. No sooner had he glanced away than a weight landed on his shoulder, pulling his attention back.
Ace leaned on his shoulder, snoring softly.
Marco snorted at the sight. Carefully, he pulled himself out from under the younger man and lay him down on the bed. And he said he didn’t need it! Ace must have been exhausted, to just fall asleep like that.
He used to fall asleep in his food, said a little voice that he did his best to smash viciously.
Yes, Ace did had Narcolepsy. The coincidences just kept piling up. Marco touched the sleeping mans arm, above a tattoo Ace had never gotten around to telling him the full story of. Just that the ‘s’ wasn’t crossed out as a mistake. Was it there, on this man?
If it was, what the hell did Marco do?
It was clear that, even if this was his Ace, he didn’t remember him. So what was he supposed to do now? He could heal his own body, but no one elses. Certainly not their mind.
Marco grimaced and a ran a hand through his hair. What was he supposed to do now?
Outside, the howling wind shifted. Far enough that the new sound invaded his sensitive ears. The sound of boots in snow. No one had shown up since he’d been there, no one had braved the snow and according to Ace no one would. Not for another couple of days.
Yet, there was someone outside the warm little house in the middle of the woods. And Marco had the distinct feeling that they were not going to be friends of his.
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luccislegs · 5 years
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*header by @httpjeon​
❊ updated 6.14.20
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⇢ schedule
⇢ return to navigation
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Oikawa: partner goes to karasuno and he sees them flirting with kageyama after a game
Sugawara: lazy day with his partner
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Bokuto & Tsukishima: being forced to dance with their partner
Oikawa & Tsukishima: unusual kinks they’re afraid to tell their partner about
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Bokuto/Reader/Kuroo: keep making jokes to make their partner laugh during sex
Kenma/Reader/Kuroo: kenma is neglecting them for a new game
Nishinoya/Reader/Tanaka: nsfw headcanons
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Kingdom Hearts
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Elrena: general relationship
Even: comes home after being re-completed
Riku: cheering up a partner who feels like they’re invisible
(Complete) Riku: misses the signs that his childhood friend has feelings for him
(Complete) Riku: partner has frequent nightmares
(Complete) Riku: sharing a paopu fruit with his partner who isn’t sure how to bring it up
(Complete) Sora: he and reader start a gaming channel together
(Complete) Sora: with a taller girlfriend
Terra: going to the beach with his partner
Ventus: spending a day with his partner
Yozora: getting a compliment on his eyes
Yozora: partner is the opposite of him and outgoing and expressive
Yozora: stargazing with his partner
Zexion: sassy female dom partner
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Author Pick: with a partner who has magic that can calm people down
(Complete) Destiny, Seasalt, & Wayfarer Trio: finding out they’re from a video games series
(Complete) Terra & Xemnas: finding out their partner has a foot fetish
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Isa/Reader/Lea: general relationship
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Kuroko no Basket:
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(Complete) Atsushi: chubby partner who snacks like him
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My Hero Academia:
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(Complete) Aizawa: forgets to wash laundry so is forced to wear a pink tracksuit
Hawks: meets someone in a club and takes them home for the night
Kirishima: cuddling after a rough day
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Aizawa, Bakugo, Shinso: defending their girlfriend from some pervert
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One Piece:
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Heart Pirates: crew mate who’s like a little sister
Kid Pirates: musical crew member who follows them around playing music fitting the situation
Strawhat Pirates: reacting to usopp’s change of appearance
(In-Progress) Whitebeard Pirates: playing hide and seek
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Ace: female/nonbinary parental figure 
Ace: finding out his partner has been married previously but kept it a secret
Ace: his partner has been forced into an arranged marriage
Ace: partner is a part of Whitebeard’s crew
Doflamingo: partner asks to do his makeup
Galette: with a female!crush
Jabra: falling for a tough waitress
Kaku: asking his crush out
Kaku: handling a partner with adhd
Katakuri: partner makes a mess while trying to make donuts
Katakuri: smut with a very small partner
Katakuri: with a very tiny partner who gets into a lot of trouble
Kid: looking for their partner after a big fight and finding her singing
(Complete) Kyros: meeting someone new and talking to rebecca about
Law: getting pegged by his partner
Law: has a male partner who’s actually a fox spirit
Law: looking for their partner after a big fight and finding her singing
Lucci: first time he meets his partner, it’s during the trial to join CP9
Lucci: going into heat
Lucci: partner ate cat-cat devil fruit: snow leopard model
Luffy: partner saves him from a finishing blow but gets injured themselves
Luffy: telling his partner  he “has always liked things with more meat on the bone”
Nami: on a date and the marines see them, so they run back to the ship and end up fooling around
(Complete) Rosinante: accidentally badly injuring his partner because of his  clumsiness
Rosinante: partner refuses to leave him as he’s dying
Sanji: accidentally kicking his partner
Sanji: very soft date; going shopping, cooking, cuddling, and going to bed
(Complete) Smoker: his partner gets kidnapped by pirates, who leave them to freeze
Zoro: gets drunk and gets caught cheating by his partner
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Ace, Law, & Shanks: meeting their daughter’s boyfriends
Katakuri & Smoker: curling up with their partner after a long day
Kid, Law, & Zoro: with a sweet, caring, & naive partner who’s actually been hurting inside for a while
Law & Ace: breeding kink
(In-Progress) Law & Luffy: “Surprise!” & “And that’s why I have trust issues!”
Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa: friendships with galley-la before and after the betrayal
Luffy, Sanji, & Zoro: partner has a very loud laugh and is fearless but weak
(Complete) Luffy, Sanji, & Zoro: partner is trapped in an un-poppable bubble
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Kid/Reader/Killer: smut with a partner who vaginism
Kid/Reader/Law: during the quarantine
Law/Reader/Sanji: partner is very kind and giving but ends up being kidnapped by a past abuser
Nami/Reader/Sanji: spoiling their partner who’s just finished a big project, treating them to dinner and smut
Sabo/Reader/Sanji: glove kink nsfw
Strawhat Pirates: partner is trying to save them from a sea prism stone cage
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kanra-nakura · 10 months
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 3
~Two weeks after rescuing Yu’s island~
Luffy hummed, swirling the glass of punch with her hand, eyeing the people who were mingling and having fun with each other, while glancing at her discreetly (or as discreetly as they could) from the corner of their eyes.
She knows why they were eyeing her, after all, it’s not every day that a lonely 15-year-old girl, who had no family or friends surrounding her, joins a cruise that is filled with snobbish nobles. A few men couldn’t help but be attracted to the young girl, eyeing her forming voluptuous body, loving how her dress clung to her body.
The young D glanced down at her dress, hiding a sneer that tried to appear on her face, disliking how tight the upper part was. Luffy’s dress is a red off-shoulder, heart neckline, maxi-dress with a black corset over it (the young girl cursed the person who had created the corset, she could hardly breathe with it and it restricted her upper body’s movement, as well as how it made her still developing breasts pop up).
A black mesh shawl is hanging off her arms, something she requested when she realized how much of her skin would be showing due to the dress. Aside from that, she also has a genuine pearl drop necklace, with a ruby pendant hanging at the middle of it, on her neck with matching ruby earrings, her hair tied into a bun, and holding the bun together is a bridal hair comb, with rubies branching out, nearly covering the back of her head.
Everything Luffy’s wearing is basically screaming that she's rich when she didn’t even purchase them and was instead a 'gift'. At least that's what Sengoku had told her after ranking her up into a Lieutenant (to which she demanded not to be announced, at all), giving her a week's leave, though said leave is her spending it on a cruise and eat-all-you-can buffet at said cruise.  A reward, she was told, for finding out about the truth about Yu's island and bringing justice.
She appreciated the cruise but the dress, or dresses (she was given multiple), was not appreciated. Especially when it made Garp dote on and try to buy her more, trying to doll her up. (Luckily, Tsuru was there and actually managed to beat her fellow Vice-Admiral up before looking at Luffy and telling her to ignore the old man)
The young girl moved away from her spot, walking as gracefully as she could with her bare feet, something no one else could see considering the hemline of her dress was at least an inch away from the floor. She ignored how the people stopped and bluntly stared at her back the moment she passed them and the group of three guards following after her from a distance.
A glance from the corner of her eyes, Luffy could see how the guards' eyes were glued to her, before looking back up ahead and began to plan on how to lose the guards so that she wouldn’t feel suffocated. While unnecessary, for some reason, the Gorosei had assigned her guards during her leave and it’s bothering her, a lot.
The young girl continued to walk towards the door, before pausing when someone stood in front of he, which made her look up and blink at the sight of a drunk man standing and leering in front of her. She blinked once more, before stepping to the side when the man followed her action, blinking once more, the young girl repeated her action only for the man to do the same thing.
This had continued for a while and it attracted nearly everyone's attention, and it started to irk the young D, as well as her guards.
“Excuse me…” She spoke softly, and this caused shivers to run on the drunkard's body.
“Yessss?” He slurred out and took a step forward, breaching through Luffy’s personal bubble.
“... Can you please move aside?” She asked politely, leaning away from the man, even taking a step back when he went closer to her.
“Umm… why?” the man sniffed. “I thought *hic* we were having fun *hic*?”
“Kick his balls!” the voices of the Sea, Sky, and Wind rang out, especially when the man's eyes kept on drifting towards the young girl's chest. Luffy blinked and tilted her head to the side, unaware of what the voices meant or the man’s action. The guards, however, knew what the man had in mind based on his actions, and thus as one they took a step forward and stood in front of Luffy.
The young girl stepped back and watched as her ‘bodyguards’ lined up before her and seemingly talked with the drunkard in front of them. A glance over her shoulder revealed that the nobles paled at the sight, a look at the back of the guards revealed a symbol of the World Government, and that symbol isn’t something to mess with. Something they registered just quite recently. 
The drunkard in front of them, however, doesn’t seem to mind, especially when he’s so intoxicated and his eyes are always on Luffy, who eyes them, before stepping around the group and moving forward. As the man reaches out, trying to grab her hand, a guard blocks his way and Luffy successfully manages to leave the group and the room itself, ignoring the murmurs that sprung up, followed by the screams of the drunkard and their terrified gasps.
For Continuation please click here….
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Part 7 with Eri Reader They finally make it to Alabasta (Luffy, Sanji and Nami told the others what Dr. Kureha told them what might be the cause of Reader’s scars, but no one wants to ask Reader unless she’s ready to tell her story)
Though they meet a strange man named Bon Clay (She didn’t meet him since she’s with Sanji) and go through their usual shenanigans, though she got separated from Luffy, but was found by Ace who’s nice enough to help her find her ‘big brother’ and even treated her to some food (Only for him to pass out, wake up and pass out again, which started her) then Smoker comes in and Luffy, and to her surprise Luffy and Ace know each other (As they begin to run away from the Marines)
When everyone finally gets on the Merry, Ace introduces himself as Luffy’s Older Brother, with Reader sparkly eyed (Ace has a heart attack), as he even tries to convince her to join the Whitebeard Pirates since Pops would love her (She politely declines as she’s happy where she is with the Straw Hats)
They then meet the Kung Fu Dugongs, with Reader and them all sparkly eyed at each other, causing everyone having another case of heart attacks, the Dugongs follow Reader too as their ‘Sensei’ because “her cuteness defeated them”, Chopper explains, which everyone agrees is true, but they have to part ways from the Dugongs)
Ace and Reader bond (He shows her little fire tricks he can do and even made his fire form flowers and animal shapes that even move, with Luffy trying to One-Up him, shows his tricks only to get himself tangled up and stuck, causing everyone to laugh at him) and later more chaos and shenanigans happens, and have to part ways with Ace (Which makes Reader sad, but he gives her a mini Transbonder Snail so they can talk, as he intends to brag to Pops and his crew that he has the cutest little sister in the world)
More time passes until they finally make it to Crocodiles’ Casino, with Nami, Usopp, Zoro, Luffy, Reader and Smoker captured, but to their shock Reader isn’t in the cage with them and discover she’s sitting next to Crocodile with a plate of food in front of her, like she’s his ‘guest’ (He gained intel on her power, to his surprise, it wasn’t a lot, only she has the power to heal and she’s highly wanted, almost like she never existed until she got her bounty) then he and Miss All Sunday leave with her in his clutches head off to meet ‘Mr. Prince’
This gives everyone an even bigger reason to stop Crocodile to not only help Vivi but save Reader and when the battle is over, the Straw Hats feast and rest, and Vivi gives Reader some of her old clothes she wore around her age for her to have
They leave and say goodbye to Vivi, and discover Zoro now has a bounty with Luffy and Reader’s bounties increasing along with MAS, who reveals her name is Nico Robin and joins their crew as payment for what Luffy and Reader ‘done to her’ (Luffy saved her and Reader healed her wound)
-Luffy and Nami made the decision, once you all back on the ship and you were playing in the snow that was on the ship before it melted, to tell the others of what Kureha had found out about your scars, about her speculations behind your scars.
-Usopp and Vivi were both in tears, hearing the torture you went through before Sanji spoke, his voice low and serious, “As we said, Dr. Kureha is only speculating, she doesn’t know for sure. If we want the truth, we will have to ask Y/N.”
-Glances were sent around the galley, they were hesitant to say anything, they didn’t know how it would affect you if they were to ask.
-Alabasta was so hot!!! Nami and Vivi made sure you were completely covered by a cloak, light pink in color, including a hood, so you wouldn’t get sunburned and both women threatened all of the men on the crew that they had to make sure that you were kept covered and safe from the sun, or else.
-Zoro was the only one who asked, “Or else what?” you wanted to heal his wounds moments later, after he was covered with lumps and bruises all over, but Usopp held you in his arms, telling you that Zoro deserved his punishment for sassing the lovely ladies.
-You went with Sanji to go shopping, unaware of the ‘new friend’ the others were meeting in Bon Clay, as you had hurt all of their hearts by beaming up to him when you asked to go with, “I wanna help you carry stuff, big brother Sanji.”
-He couldn’t leave without you, but he had to stop crying before the two of you left the ship.
-The markets were so colorful and there were so many stands around, you were in Sanji’s arms, so you could look around to your heart’s content.
-Sanji smiled softly up at you as you pointed out some kids flying kites, seeing you smiling brightly, like the child you should have been all along.
-You found Luffy a short while later and Sanji beamed, ruffling your hair, minding your horn under your cloak, “Thank you Y/N, you were a big help today!” your smile could have melted the sun, before you went off with Luffy, holding his hand.
-Twenty minutes later you were looking around, once again all alone and having no idea where you were. Tears began to well in your eyes as you started down a road, looking for any of your big brothers or Nami.
-Your soft sniffle was overheard by someone who came over and put his hand on your head, kneeling down, “You okay?” you looked up to see a stranger, he wasn’t wearing a shirt, but a big orange hat, and shorts with boots, and he had fluffy black hair with freckles across his cheeks.
-Despite your aversion to strangers, you felt an instant connection with this man who gave you a bright grin as you tried to wipe your tears away, trying not to cry anymore, “I lost my big brother.” He chuckled softly, patting the top of your head, “You lost him, usually it’s the other way around and the big brother loses the little sister.”
-He introduced himself as Ace and you introduced yourself, before he asked if he could pick you up, so you could go look for your big brother together.
-You couldn’t see anyone you recognized, getting a little upset before Ace took you to a restaurant to get something to eat, “Gotta eat to stay strong to look for your brother!” you nodded and instantly your eyes were stars, getting a fruit parfait, turning to look up at him, “Is this really mine?” you killed the whole restaurant with your cuteness.
-Ace was asking you questions between bites, grinning down at you as you had whipped cream around your mouth before he suddenly stopped and started to snore, face planting into his food.
-Your mind went blank before you shook his arm, “Big brother? Big brother wake up! You shouldn’t sleep in food!”
-Luffy and Smoker then flew in, damaging a good part of the restaurant and Ace woke up, looking around before noticing that you were clinging to him and he was quick to hug you, seeing that you were scared.
-Your eyes were stars when you realized Luffy and Ace were brothers, before Ace tried to beat Luffy in annoyance, pulling on his cheeks, “I had the cutest little sister ever and you didn’t even bother to tell me?!”
-Once you were all back on the ship and Ace introduced himself to everyone else, he beamed down at you, “Y/N~ do you want to join the Whitebeard Pirates? I know pops would love you!” you were surprised by his request before you shook your head, “I wanna stay with big brother Luffy.”
-Ace wasn’t upset, ruffling your hair fondly before you all set off to your next destination, Vivi’s home to take care of Crocodile.
-The Kung Fu Dugongs were a little scary, as Luffy had jumped down with you, something he was quickly beaten for, as these creatures looked like they wanted to fight. Your eyes were full of tears as you pleaded, “Don’t hurt my big brother!” you killed the dugongs with your cuteness, becoming their new leader because your cuteness defeated them, or that’s what Chopper told you.
-Ace and Luffy began to fight over you, Ace making flowers and little animals out of flames, making your eyes sparkle while Luffy was trying to stretch and show off, only to get tangled up and you and Chopper had to get him untangled while everyone else was laughing.
-Ace had never regretted something before, but seeing you crying, holding onto his leg, begging him not to leave, he was full of regret, feeling so guilty.
-He gave you a mini Den-Den Mushi and Nami told you that with it, you could call him any time you wanted and he would come and visit. He even linked pinkie fingers with you, making a promise to come and see you which made you smile.
-Ace went back and gushed to Whitebeard and the others about how cute you were, lamenting that he couldn’t convince you to come with him.
-You were terrified, after being captured by Crocodile, but unlike Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Smoker, and Luffy, you weren’t in the cage with them, you were sitting on a pile of pillows, a booster seat, that Crocodile had made for you.
-Crocodile explained that while the others were prisoners, you were a ‘guest’ unaware that he had gathered a bit of intel on you, about your ability, but he didn’t know the whole truth, only that you could heal others and you were heavily wanted by the government. He wanted to keep you at his side, safe and sound is what he had said.
-Miss All Sunday was holding you when she and Crocodile left to go and see Mr. Prince, unaware that it was Sanji, while everyone prepared their jailbreak, having more of a reason now that Crocodile had you in his clutches.
-Unlike Crocodile, Miss All Sunday didn’t scare you much, she was nice to you, talking gently to you, and unlike when she spoke with others, her smile towards you was genuine. You couldn’t explain it, but you felt like you could trust her.
-Miss All Sunday put you in a very lavish room with lots of pillows and some fruit, “Stay here Y/N. You’ll be safe here. Your brother will come to get you soon.” She said that last part as a whisper, holding a finger to her lips, telling you that it was a secret and you nodded.
-The chairs were too high for you to get onto by yourself, you tried, your little legs kicking as you tried to pull yourself up, unaware that your crew, your family, were all fighting against Crocodile and his strongest members of Baroque Works.
-You gave up getting into the chair and crawled into a large pile of pillows, hugging one close to your chest and you were quick to knock out.
-Several hours later you woke up to the door being busted down as it had been locked from the outside and you jolted awake, scared before you saw Zoro there and your eyes widened, “Big brother!” he kneeled as you ran to him, catching you in his arms before he stood, “C’mon, the others are worried.” You nodded, hugging him around his neck.
-When everyone was witnessing the fall of Crocodile, you found Miss All Sunday, who smiled softly, seeing that you were safe. You hesitated for a moment before healing her wound, making her eyes wide, seeing your ability firsthand.
-You did come down with a slight fever but many attributed it to the heat as you were better in just a few hours, with some rest.
-There was a massive feast celebrating Crocodile’s defeat, there were so many tasty foods and you got to play in the giant bathtub with Nami and Vivi, swimming around which they thought was adorable.
-Vivi surprised you with some of her clothes from when she was a little girl, flowy princess dresses and you had a fashion show with her and Nami who adored it, happy to see you having so much fun.
-When you arrived back on the ship, you froze, seeing Miss All Sunday, who just smiled warmly at Luffy, who demanded to know why she was there on his ship.
-She introduced herself, telling you her true name, Nico Robin, and to pay Luffy and you back, for saving her and giving her a reason to fight, respectively, she was joining the crew.
-Luffy was fairly quick to accept her only because you did, trusting her, which warmed her heart and she sat with you on one of the lounge chairs in Nami’s orchard, reading to you, finding you a delightful young child, one she wanted to keep safe.
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rakuyokoyo · 5 years
Romance Dawn Notes: Chapter 13 - Love & Prayer
You can read Romance Dawn I: Bearer of the Silver Flames, Chapter 13 - Love & Prayer here.
Where do I even begin with this chapter?
I guess I should start by saying that I was tempted to omit an author’s note altogether (even on Tumblr) to just let the mood sink in. But then I thought that some of you might wander here to find an explanation, so I’m writing this just in case.
To be clear, I’m not fully removing A/N’s on published chapters. It’ll be more or less like Chapter 12, where there’s a short note in the beginning/end, with Tumblr only meant to give a lengthier explanation for those who want more details. I just didn’t want to ruin the mood for Chapter 13.
I actually had to write several drafts for this note alone because it was so emotionally exhausting to write about Amare, and to make sure that I wasn’t spoiling anything major.
God, I miss her already.
There are actually two notes for this chapter. This is just explaining and clearing up what happened (which I don’t usually need to do, but this one’s an exception), and the next one will just be me, ranting about the usual.
So, Love & Prayer.
If you haven’t seen Amare’s death being foreshadowed from miles away, I don’t even know what to tell you. It’s probably not the way that you expected her to die, but I’ve built this up from the very start. I don’t normally spoil my own stories by leaving such obvious clues, but I did it for Amare because I really wanted everyone to know that she’s not a character who’s meant to be here for long.
Unfortunately, I can’t say much about who she is or what her intentions were because that will spoil everything, but I’ll talk a bit about how I created her in the second Romance Dawn Notes if anyone’s curious.
A quick recap of the chapter, in case you missed anything:
Falco wonders who Amare is, and I think we all have the same question as her. She’s definitely strange (even for me), but she has a weird attachment to Ace and Falco, from the day that the latter joined the crew.
I do apologize if the rescue mission wasn’t as good or as exciting as you expected it to be, especially to those who have been waiting since 2017 (or maybe even earlier). I’m not sure who came first between Carlos and Amare, but she was always destined to die during the rescue.
If the mission was confusing, it was basically supposed to be an infiltration (not a fight). Because Carlos is a relatively new member who became a vice-commander quite quickly, he doesn’t have a tattoo yet. If the Marines knew that he was part of the crew, that’d be grounds for execution (like what happens to Ace). Based on Jozu and Moire’s information, Ace betted that the Marines didn’t know Carlos was actually part of the crew and opted to just sneak in and fight their way out.
Unfortunately, we see that the Marines were several steps ahead. Despite being unknown pirates, the base executed five out of the six from Carlos’ platoon, using torture to extort information and finding out that they were indeed part of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Akainu then sets up a trap not just to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, but to essentially cage Falco. Instead of heading to Enies Lobby or Marineford to launch a large-scaled battle, he betted that several important figures from the Whitebeard Pirates would come to Base 113, and they would be able to surround them there, where they’d obviously have the upper hand. They waited for the day that the Whitebeard Pirates would come, noticed Jozu and Moire’s infiltration, made it look like the base wasn’t well-guarded (so that the two wouldn’t get suspicious), then made sure that Carlos was kept in a jail with only one exit in order to trap the rescue team.
But Carlos knows this which is why he dreaded seeing Falco’s group and yelled at her to leave. Ace’s plan would’ve worked if it wasn’t for the fact that Akainu was literally ten steps ahead.
Basically, everyone underestimated how cruel the Marines could be.
Ace trusted that Carlos’ platoon would not get tortured or killed because there’s no evidence showing that they’re part of the Whitebeard Pirates. Think about it—why would they go out of their way to execute a small group of (seemingly) rookie pirates?
But what he didn’t consider was the fact that Base 113 is under Akainu’s jurisdiction, and Akainu’s sense of Absolute Justice is to execute the unlawful as fast as possible. By torturing the five, the Marines eventually learn that they’re part of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the trap was set.
The infiltration itself isn’t anything interesting. Both pairs run into a young petty officer, who’s actually a spy to check how many pirates are present. I did this because I realized that there are probably no CCTV cameras in the One Piece world, so they’d have no idea as to who’s infiltrated unless someone could check. He reports his findings to the higher-up, and Amare is the first to realize that this is actually a trap once she sees the six battleships head their way.
As for the skirmish, I had to incapacitate Ace/Thatch/Carlos to make sure that they couldn’t fight. Marco and Falco got plot armour, sure, but give me a break QAQ they have to get out somehow, right?
And then shit really hits the fan once Amare shows up.
After realizing that this was all a trap, she makes her way to the viewing room to help the platoon escape. The room is small and cramped so the Marines can’t freely shoot, and she takes the opportunity to open the gates.
Doing this is obviously extremely risky. She knew she would die by doing this, but her love for Ace and Falco didn’t even make her hesitate.
In the moment of chaos, Amare is fatally shot.
I wasn’t sure how graphic I wanted her death to be considering she’s very young, but I didn’t want how she died to be what’s important. The action moves very, very quickly starting from when she gets shot to the end of the chapter, so it won’t be easy to take in and remember every detail. There were only two things I wanted to make sure I could portray:
1. Amare has died for sure (none of this ‘a Marine took her and helped her recover’ bullshit). 2. How much she loved Ace and Falco until the bitter end.
To be honest, there was a brief moment when I considered keeping Amare alive (without Ace and Falco’s knowledge), but that’s such a cop-out and I hate it when that happens in other books or shows. But at the same time, I didn’t want her death to simply be a plot device to make readers sad. Her death is something much more symbolic for Romance Dawn. You can say that this chapter is the ‘true’ beginning of the story.
The last thing Amare sees is Falco’s outstretched hand as Marco sacks her over his shoulder and runs to escape. He makes this decision because he knows that if they don’t get out, her death would have been for naught. 
In her last breaths, she thinks of the two vice-commanders who were her roommates, friends, siblings, and parents. A verse from an old lullaby flashes through her mind:
I pray that our love will never waver Even as I fly towards the dark I won’t know what lies ahead But even now, you are my light.
The final section is an absolute disaster, so let me try to organize it.
Falco hears four main things: all these voices from both the outside world and her memories, a flatline, some awful screaming, and something that continuously gets shattered. She’s trying to figure out where they’re coming from, but it’s extremely disorienting and she’s in a lot of pain.
The flatline isn’t the sound of Amare’s death, but rather her own heart stopping from being broken.
The awful screaming is coming from her (which she initially doesn’t realize).
The shattering noise is weird because to the readers, it’s supposed to symbolize Amare’s death (as it was foreshadowed last chapter and the start of this one), but Falco believes that it’s her heart. Once she wakes up though, she thinks it’s actually Ace’s after seeing how utterly broken the man is.
The reason why Falco was in this semi-comatose state where she couldn’t wake up was because she let her Devil Fruit ability loose from the shock of Amare dying. Previously, it was just her wings and a few scales that made her look like a dragon. Now she has fangs, larger wings, and hands/legs with talons. That’s why her teeth (and body) were hurting so much.
How they actually escaped will come up next chapter, as well as the series of events that led to her going berserk.
For Falco and Amare who loved the stars, the sky is cloudy by the time they head home. The Marines don’t pursue them further.
Writing this note was honestly so emotionally draining. I can’t even begin to describe how much I loved Amare. It’s weird because from the many, many OC’s I’ve created, the most minor little girl that I created solely to die was the one I ended up loving the most.
Her death won’t be in vain though.
Thank you so much for reading the chapter and the note. Thanks for loving the story and most of all, for giving so much attention to Amare. She would’ve relished in the attention, I’m sure.
I will likely be returning in January with a new chapter! Going to spend some time with TBE, fixing inconsistencies in Romance Dawn, sketching, hanging out with family, and travel a bit.
B U T, I did say you guys can request prompts if you want to! There’s a lot of slice-of-life stuff with Ace/Falco/Amare that I didn’t get to show, so if there’s a specific scenario you’d like for me to write, just send it in my ask box and I’ll do it! You guys will probably come up with things better than me anyways. :D
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opocreviews-blog · 8 years
Mod H’s Character Creation Guide Part 1/? : Basic Information
Character creation in itself is an art. Much like a drawing or a painting starts form a simple sketch, so to characters. As you develop you character and flush out their design - just as an artist would add lineart, color, and shading - the pieces will come together to create the whole picture.
Those of you who have created characters in the past are (probably) well aware of how frustrating it can be. Even more so when you have the ideas, but don’t know how to piece them together. For that reason, this guide was made with the intentions of alleviating some of that stress. This is my method and the one that works the best for me, however; I am aware that no one thing works for everyone. While this guide is mostly geared towards One Piece, it could very well be used for other fandoms, or even original fandomless characters, minus a few sections.
So, without further ado, on to the first part.
The basic information is your backbone, your outline, your foundation, and your base. You can call it whatever you want, but the basic information is the sketch that you’ll build off. You’d be surprised how much information, and how many limitations, can come from the basic information alone.
Name - The name is a given. Every character needs one. Even characters living on the streets or alone will eventually have some way of referring to themselves - whether someone else gave them the name or they came up with it on their own.
A few tips for names:
Don’t be generic and avoid overused names. Yeah, some of them are pretty, but some are so commonplace that people almost groan at the sight of them.
Be creative. One Piece has numerous names from multiple cultures and is not limited to Japanese names only. Grab a random name generator, write down a bunch of names you like, and pick one.
Don’t give your character a hundred middle names. I mean seriously, we’ve all seen at least one character like this. Don’t be the next Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
In One Piece, names are structured as they are in Japan with the surname/family name first and the first/given name following. Japan (and by default One Piece) does not use middle names, with the exception of the name D.
Age - The age might not seem important at first, but it is. The character’s age will determine their maturity, both physically and mentally to some extent, as well as the extent of their skills. Naturally, someone who is older will be more experienced in certain areas than someone who is simply talented and only just started, just as someone who is younger but learned form a young age will be more experienced than someone who is older but only started learning that particular field.
This is particularly important for Devil Fruit users. The more time someone has had to work with their Devil Fruit, the higher their mastery over their abilities will be. Someone who has had their Devil Fruit since they were a child and is now in their late twenties will be more capable at using their power than someone who only gained their abilities a year or so prior, regardless of whether the latter is naturally talented.
For a prime example, look at the canon story. When Luffy first ate his Devil Fruit he had very little control over it - he punched himself in the face several times because of this. Ten years later, he was able to use it much more effectively due to years of practice.
The truth of the matter is that in most cases, experience outweighs natural talent. That is why the age is considerably important; it will determine the maximum amount of time your character has had to learn and master their skills and abilities and how much experience they would have in that field.
Birth Date -  This isn’t really all that important, but everyone has a birth date and it’s nice to have on hand for reference. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but you could take this a step further and find their star sign and birthstone for association purposes. Some of you might even want to take another step and add the year, which can be calculated if you follow the wikia’s listing of the One Piece world timeline. As a general rule of thumb, the story’s date is 16th century - or 1500s (I think, don’t quote me on that).
Gender - I won’t get too much into this as I personally do not know all of the genders, nor do I trust the internet to actually explain it correctly, but gender, for the most part, defines some physical and social characteristics and/or possible struggles the character has gone through.
Place of Origin - This is considerably important. Different cultures have different views and morals, such as the difference between Wano and Amazon Lily. On Amazon Lily, the women are fighters and warriors. On Wano, however, given what Kin’emon has said, women are held to much different standards. Needless to say, a woman from Amazon Lily and a woman from Wano would have very differing views and attitudes.
The place they’re from also dictates a certain level of knowladge about the world. Some islands are closed off while others are not. The things that are commonplace and known in Water 7 are not known in the East Blue, as shown by the Straw Hat’s confusion about a train. As another example, until Luffy came along, many of the women on Amazon Lily had never actually seen a man before - they’d heard of them, but had never met one in person, hence why they were so fascinated (and later hostile as a result of Luffy’s yelling) and one girl was even taking notes.
The main point is that, much like our own world, the place where the character originated from will dictate some of their views, beliefs, and knowledge of certain things.
Occupation - Unless your character is eight years old and living with their parents, most people have a job of some sort - something that pays the bills or a specific way they live their lives. This can be anything from being a simple waitress to being pirate or a marine.
Bounty - Naturally, this is something that most people would immediately know about the character. Bounties are public knowledge. Anyone who has gotten hold of a newspaper is probably going to know about it.
A few things to keep in mind when it comes to bounties are:
The price needs to match the offense. The Marines do no throw out bounties willy nilly. Joe Bob down the street isn’t going to get a 3 million bounty just for stealing a lollipop from a child.
Bounties are made based on what the Marines know and do not always accurately reflect a person’s true capabilities. For that reason, they can easily be higher or lower than they should be.
Some people even create fake bounties as a fear tactics, which was highlighted in Mock Town by Bellamy who did believe Luffy’s bounty was legitimate.
People who cause civilian casualties and considerable amounts of property damage tend to have higher bounties as they’re considered much more dangerous.
Not everyone who is a pirate has a bounty. As long as someone’s offense is worthy of a bounty, they will have one. Alternatively, not all pirates have a bounty.
Bounties are not given just because a person is related to someone or part of a crew. Doesn’t matter how infamous the crew or person actually is. Why? Because in most cases, unless you draw attention to yourself and do something they can’t ignore - something that actually warrants a bounty - they aren’t going to notice you.
I personally advise holding off on this aspect until you’re figured out their backstory, though because it’s a basic necessity, it’s been listed.
Epithet - Epithets go hand in hand with bounties. If your character has a bounty, they’re more than likely going to have an epithet. That does not mean that only pirates have epithets. Several of the Marines do as well. Epithets can come from anywhere. Some are given after specific characteristics, such as Shake’s hair color, or Luffy’s hat. Others are given as a result of abilities or skills, such as Ace’s fire fist move, or Hina’s black cage. In some cases, they’re based off of occupations, such as Zoro being “Pirate Hunter” or Nami being “Cat Burglar” as that’s what they did before turning to piracy.
Really anything can be turned into an epithet if you’re creative enough. Just make sure it actually applies to the character in one way shape or for.
And don’t worry about the epithet paralleling with others. Blackbeard, Whitebeard, and Brownbeard all have the word “beard” in their respective epithets. Numerous original characters have the word Devil or Demon in theirs despite Robin and Doflagmino having those words in their own. Even if they have the same words or underlying themes, as long as they’re unique that’s all that matters. Just don’t directly copy someone else’s epithet.
Part 2: Appearance (Coming Soon)
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One Piece fanfic recommendations
For want of a nail by Aoi24
One shot. AU
Garp dies prematurely leaving Ace and Luffy in Dadan’s care. Boys lose not only a grandfather, but also a powerful protector. Dadan does his best to raise Ace and Luffy, while keeping them hidden from the world that would condemn them for their blood.
A note: was written before ASL flashback so there is no Sabo and Dadan is a guy.
Amphitrite by razbliuto
One shot.
Parings: Roger/Rouge
Gol D. Roger gets his ass kicked by another pirate captain, Portgas D. Rouge, and falls head over heels in love. The fic explores romance between Roger and Rouge, its tragic end and Rouge desperate efforts to keep their son safe. Short but beafutifully written, and of course terribly, terribly sad.
What stars do best by siojo
One shot. AU
Parings: Ace/Maco, Roger/Rouge
Portgas D. Rouge was a literal star that fell from the sky for the pirate she loved. Their son has inherited more from his mother than some people may think.
Calm by PitViperOfDoom
One shot.
A look on the relations between Straw Hats and Heart Pirates and by extension those of their captains.  
Bonds, not Chains by missmungoe
One shot. Slavery mentioned.
Parings: Sabo/Koala
Sabo and Koala pretend to be a newly wed couple for a mission. Things don’t go exactly like planned.
Start breathing by siojo
One shot. Soulmates AU.
Paring: Ace/Marco
Complications that may arise if your soulmate doesn’t use their birth name.
Tumblr Drabbles by siojo
Series of drabbles. Soulmates AU
Parings: Ace/Marco
Ace and Marco in various Soulmates AUs.
wish by spirit and if by yes by midnightluck
Multi-chapter. AU. Unfinished.
While on a mission to Whitebeard Pirates, Sabo meets Ace. Cue emotional brotherly reunion.
Triple Switch by Pachimew
Multi-chapter. AU
Sabo finds a magic lamp and makes a wish to get his memories back. Unfortunately, Genie’s way of fulfilling his wish involves swaping Sabo’s, Ace’s and Luffy’s bodies. Hiliarity and touching reunions ensue.
This fic is unique for the way it potrays Sabo’s and Koala’s relationship: not lovers, but siblings.
For Love of a Brother by Pachimew
Multi-chapter. AU. Sequel to Triple Switch. Currently unfinished.
Sabo and Koala show up at Marineford to help rescue Ace. Unfortunatly, things don’t go as planned. In an desperate attempt to save his brother’s life Sabo once again makes a wish.
Signed by MaiKusakabe
Multi-chapter. Marine!Ace AU.
Paring: Ace/Marco
Commandore Ace gets stucked on an island with a pirate, Marco the Phoenix. Emotional bonding and hot sex ensue.
Clipped Wings by Beyond Kailani
Multi-chapter. AU
Sabo doesn’t go out to the sea when he is ten. Instead he is forced to remain in his glided cage for another four years. He is miserable, until one day he meets his brothers again by accident.
Younger Luffy AU by siojo
Fanfic series. AU
Luffy is ten years younger than Ace. Ace takes Luffy with him, when he sets out for the Grand Line.
Parings: Ace/Marco
ASL in Red by Kereea
Fic series. ASL raised by someone else AU. Cora-san lives AU.
Parings: Luffy/Law, Ace/Marco, Sabo/Koala, Shanks/Ben, Rosinante/Kuzan
When Ace, Luffy and Sabo are put under treat by the World Government, Garp is forced to contact Shanks and ask him to take his grandsons away. The series follows the lives of ASL brothers as they grow up under Shanks’ wing and later set out to be pirates in their own right.
Generally lighthearted, but doesn’t lack heartwarming or dramatic moments as well.
The fic is unique among “ASL raised by someone else” AUs that it’s usually the Whitebeard Pirates that take the boys in. Here it’s Shanks and his crew.
Legacy by MaiKusakabe
Fanfic series. AU
After Rosinante’s death Sengoku decides to track Law down to ask him what really happened on Minion Island.
Law’s and Sengoku’s relationship is wonderfully written: mistrustful at first, but slowly growing to become family as they get to bond and get to know each other.
Heart Rebels by PitViperOfDoom
Fanfic series. Cora-san lives AU.
Things go differently on Minion Island and Cora-san survives. Together with Law they go on a run from Doflamingo and the marines.
Shanties for the Weary Voyager by missmungoe
Fanfic series.
Parings: Shanks/Makino
A wonderfully written fic series exploring Shanks’ and Makino’s relationship, it’s beginning, their blooming love and the future together.
The fourth fic in the series is an yet unfinished AU in which events take a different, darker spin, through the author promised an eventual happy ending.
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irolf7 · 7 years
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One Piece 1100+ Episode Details Leaked, Navy Captures Luffy And More The theory was posted on forum few months back and we just saw this and we wanted to share this with you guys, it’s shocking to see that some things are already came true as written in the story like Luffy beating cracker with help of Nami, Nami abusing the vivre card, Pudding helps Sanji, Jinbei finally joins strawhats and there are few things in this that are questionable however the story seems legit, it’s up to you, I just want to share it with you guys! I’m not adding the part that already happened in the manga, I’ll be continuing from what is yet to come. Jinbei also managed to join the Strawhats, they escaped big mom’s territory and went to Wano kingdom where preparations were made to attack Kaido. The attack was scheduled 2 weeks after Luffy arrived, so that Luffy can heal and then train his haki along with Zoro, and Sanji. Law is also preparing the strategy. 2 weeks later, preparations were made and their alliance were on the move ( samurais, minks, ninjas) they went to Kaido’s territory. they saw captain Kidd, Hawkins and Appo along with each of their crew displayed in big cages. Jack(one of the calamity and Kaidos right hand with a bounty of 1billion) suddenly appeared and attacked the Strawhats. Zoro,Sanji and Jinbei stepped in and had their hands full dealing with Jack, while Law and Luffy went straight to get Kaido. the other 2 calamities showed up. The 2 dukes of zou (nekomamushi and inuarashi) and the 3 legendary warriors of Wano dealt with the other 2 calamities. while the strawhat crew, Trafalgar’s crew, the mink, the samurais, the ninjas engaged in battle on the rest of Kaido’s army. Law and Luffy were finally able to get in touch with Kaido (who was sleeping while the battle happened) Luffy immediately used gear 4th and smacked his face. Kaido was grazed and woke up. The battle began against Kaido(a yonko with a 5.2 billion bounty). Law and Luffy were completely overpowered. Usopp released Kidd, Appo, and Hawkins along with their crew and were able to join the battle. the 3 captains (Kidd,Appo,hawkins) went for Kaido’s head and helped Luffy beat Kaido. it was a 5 vs 1. Luffy, Law, Kidd, Appo,hawkins vs Kaido king of beast. they were all still no match but they gave Kaido a hard time with their strategy. meanwhile, Sanji was knocked unconscious and had his leg broken but he dealt a big damage against Jack, Jinbei was also a big help but he took Jack’s stongest blow to protect Sanji who was already unconscious, Jinbei was completely defeated. now what’s left was Zoro vs Jack (battle of the right hand men). both of them were badly injured, but Jack still has the upperhand. Zoro was able to open his left eye which was preserved and only used as a trump card. it was a strong sense of observation haki so that’s why his agility and focus increased greatly, not minding his surroundings, big destruction and slashes were over the place affecting everyone. Zoro finally defeated Jack with his last final blow (his greatest attack) ”asura tensei”. the battle with the other 2 calamities were still ongoing. the dukes and legendary samurais were able to match the calamities, but at the end the calamities beat them all. The calamities were severely injured. one calamity (Jin with a bounty of 900million) was finally finished when Usopp, Brook and Robin stepped in. while the other calamity (Doom with a bounty of 800million) was also finished by general franky and monster chopper combo. the Luffy and Law alliance is winning the war with the help of the 3 supernovas and their crew that was captured by Kaido. the battle was ongoing for 3 days. Kaido’s crew was defeated but the Strawhats took great damage also with Sanji and Jinbei unconscious and on the brink of death along with the dukes. now what’s left was Kaido. the Strawhats and the others were resting at the battlefield, all of them were injured and couldn’t even walk properly. Zoro wanted to help but his body wont move because of a great fatigue caused by opening his left eye. all they could do was trust in their captains. Appo and Hawkins were severly injured after getting a direct hit from Kaido. Kidd Law and Luffy started to injure Kaido. Kaido started fighting seriously. destruction were all over. Kidd, at that moment was able to use his awakening and dealt a very big amount of damage to Kaido. Kidd used all his energy and fought as hard as he could, but Kaido unleashed a great shockwave. destroying half of the kingdom island and the sea was separated. Appo was the first person to be defeated in that fight. and then followed by Hawkins. Law was able to hold off Kaido but Kaido took care of Law in a split second using Kaido’s full power. Kidd was still able to damage Kaido and put up a good fight but Kaido broke his legs and Kidd was unable to fight. Kaido had taken the greatest damage and was starting to fall but he remained tough and strong. Luffy, who was also severly injured,started screaming all over the place and used his greatest technique which is only used for yonkos, the strongest technique Rayleigh taught Luffy. ”gear 5th” everything in it’s path was destroyed. Kaido was unable to keep up with Luffy because he is injured and can’t dodge attacks anymore. Luffy was able to do the finishing blow his gatling canon. everytime Luffy uses gear 5th, his body gets crushed because of the pressure. so for every attack he does, there’s a recoil damage to himself, breaking each of his bones. Luffy was able to maintain in that form for 45 seconds. Kaido was unable stand after that, but 45 seconds was still short to completely defeat an injured Kaido. even after the finishing blow Kaido still remains conscious. Luffy wasn’t able to stand up, he lost his gear 5th and tried his normal pistol punch before he pass out. Kaido also used his final attack. they exchanged blow. Kaido was unconscious and was completely defeated. Luffy also stopped moving after the great damage his body could ever taken. everyone was happy. and marine ship observers witnessed the fight and reported it to the whole world. while everyone was rejoicing, they notice Law was shouting and crying. Luffy wasn’t unconscious,… but he was dead, his pulse has already ended for almost 5 minutes. willpower was the only thing that made Luffy fight back at the end even his body already gave up the fight. he was able to bring a miracle on that impossible fight. everyone was emotional. Zoro was in shock that he spaced out of what happened to heir captain. Law remembered that he has the ability to give immortality to a person but he also heard rumors that it could bring someone back to life in exchange for his fruit and the host’s own life. the marines arrived and tried to capture the pirates who were injured. Law has 24 hours to revive a dead body and can’t afford to battle against the marines again. Law then carried Luffy and turned Luffy and himself in to the marines, in exchange to let the others go. everyone was shocked and angry. Law shouted and said he will save Luffy no matter what, just trust in him. it was a good deal for the Navy to capture both Law and Luffy. The captain of the marine fleet respected Law’s decision and took Law and Luffy. Law explained to the Navy to let him operate Luffy. it was too much for a consideration, Law begged and bowed his head, crying, The captain of the marine fleet had a past and was saved by Garp when he was little. he always respected Garp. So he wants to return the favor by letting his grandson live just for a while because even if Luffy survives he will be executed in Marineford. he will take the blame for letting Luffy live. Law performed the operation and was a success. Luffy was breathing again but unconscious. Law then suddenly collapsed and was declared dead. the Navy was shocked of what just happened and made a big news about Law’s death for Luffy’s life. Luffy was then locked to impel down and was scheduled his execution. Luffy was grieving after hearing the sacrifice of Law. The news for the execution was spread all over the world, shanks was shocked that he beat Kaido but he was also shocked that Luffy died and then resurrected and is gonna be executed. but shanks decided that Luffy needs to overcome this trial and he will not help the war. the Strawhats got the news that Luffy was alive and gonna be executed. they were relieved but sad at the same time because of the loss of Law. Everyone all over the world reacted to the news and a war again was about to happen. at the date of the execution. the Strawhats made their first entrance at the frontline of Marineford, followed by the strawhat 5600 grandfleet. Zoro led the opening impression by shouting loudly directly to Luffy who was in the platform execution. Zoro said sorry and bowed his head crying. he swore that he would save Luffy at the cost of his life, he knelt down and swore his loyalty as his right hand not to let those horrible event happen again. pointing his sword to the Navy. he said he will kill himself if he fails. everyone was shocked of how the vice captain swallowed his pride for his captain. the Strawhats were crying and each made a vow. Bartolomeo also slammed his head on their ship and swore to be loyal to the Strawhats forever, and then followed by everyone. More ships came which no one expected even the Strawhats. the whole army of alabasta came, the army of king Riku from dressrosa, the army of fishman island led by the 3 prince, the former whitebeard pirates who wants to protect ace’s brother, the former prisoners of impel down who were with Luffy, boa hancock (who just resigned from being a warlord and joined help fight the Navy) with the kuja pirates and amazon lily warriors, the mink tribe led by the dukes, the Wano kingdom, and Trafalgar Law’s crew who were crying about the loss of their captain but they still want to protect what their captain protected. a huge island ship showed up at the side. it was the revolutionary army, monkey d. dragon showed up, the most wanted man in the world (everyone was shaking in fear the same way they did to whitebeard). he said he has no business with Luffy, he will step in the war if the pirate crew he hates the most joins the war (he was referring to Blackbeard). But he will allow ivankov’s and sabo’s division to join the war since they are Luffy’s friends. finally at the opposite side of dragon, the Blackbeard pirates showed up and said he has no plan on fighting the revolutionary, he just wants to see how the war will end. the revolutionary and the Blackbeard pirates were just observers on the war. a small ship arrived, it was Rayleigh. saying good job on defeating Kaido and he will help because his crew is outpowered. Luffy cried in tears and said he will never die, he will become pirate king. garp’s face was kinda worried of how it will turn out. he decided if Navy will be successful in defeating the pirates, he will have no choice but to step in and fight the entire Navy to save Luffy. he could not make the same mistake again. Navy was so shocked that many big time pirates and people showed up just for Luffy. No matter how people look at it, the people trying to save Luffy has the upperhand advantage, looking at the people, it has more reinforcement than whitebeard’s reinforcement during ace’s execution. the Navy was worried on how to deal the war. akainu shouted the Navy will win, a big ship came behind the Navy and it was the world government army along with the strongest officers they have the 5 heavenly bodies, which were the 5 old legendary men along with the agents cipher pol. dragon was shocked and said if the world government joins, so will he. the revolutionary’s goal is to take down the world government in the first place. people started calling it the war of the best of the best. Zoro started the war by giving a straight slash in which was blocked by mihawk. and the war began… As per this article this was the actual plot Oda had in mind. this was from a forum discussion. someone translated it from Japanese to English. He was a former graphic designer of one piece but he gave this information to a Japanese forum and later was translated to English. It’s up to you guys if you want to believe it or not but this is promising!
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