#froggy travels the world
IM HOME!!!!! GRAH!!!
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turquoizxe · 1 year
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Hobart “Hobie” Brown x Spider!Fem!Reader
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Author’s Note: I just want to sincerely apologize for the delay in this post, as I have been traveling out of my hometown the past few days. However, my favorite punk is still my current brain rot lmao. The second installation is already in progress, and hopefully as I have planned, it will be out by the date I posted below( after the conclusion of the first chapter). Thank you all for for love you showed on the series announcement! As I have stated in my earlier post, I haven’t written a fan fiction in over two years, dealing with school and other things in life. Please express your thoughts throughout the series and comment! I was a little nervous because I’ve never written anyone from the UK, especially with such a thick accent. Please, share your thoughts. Thank you for your understanding, and you may begin reading.
With Love,
— Turquoizxe.
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Installation (1/5) : ‘Dodgy’ 
Rating ― Mature (17+)
➝ Hobie has been distancing himself quite a bit lately. You feel froggy enough to follow him and enter the world, to what is known to be the Spiderverse. He seems to enjoy your brave gesture, but he quickly realizes why you weren’t invited to join the club.
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 ―fluff, heavily plot based, meeting existing ATSV Characters…
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ― ATSV SPOILERS! Minor use of language and swearing, romantic tension, minor acts of violence, Hobie’s teasing, Miguel being himself, Beef w/ Jessica Drew…
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 ― 3.6k
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Dodgy;  can be a synonym for dangerous, bad or untrustworthy
As much as you kept to yourself, it was hard to imagine that you would make any friends outside of your suite mates. Your eyes were always harassing a piece of literature, involved in extracurricular activities, and keeping track of random facts no one would need in their everyday lives. Nothing short of the perfect student.
"[Name], this is the fifth time you’ve been in my office in two weeks-”
“Okay, four if you don’t count the rant about my psychology professor.”
You were always an academic achiever, graduating with honors and holding the title of salutatorian in your class. Being accepted into your dream school, earning enough scholarships to cover most of your tuition.
Yet, here you were, looking for ways to save your grades with finals around the corner. Had it been a year ago, you wouldn’t have to worry. That was until you were bit by a radioactive spider the one time you decided to skip studying and attend the most underwhelming frat party that your suite was raving about.
“You’re on the verge of losing your scholarships. $25,000 a year on the line, and you tell me all the time about how hard to your parents are working to cover the rest of your tuition.”
And you knew you couldn’t afford to stay if you didn’t work your ass off to pull through. You didn’t think being spider-woman could be so stressful. Patrols have gotten more hectic, and the late nights have been affecting your attention span in class, and even less energy to do your work. It felt so easy in the beginning, and everything was good until it wasn’t.
You felt a sting on your cheek, your tears sliding past your injury from patrol, and you felt yourself become small as you placed your face in your hands, wondering how something you’ve worked so hard for is a letter grade away from being lost.
Your counselor heaves a heavy sigh, sliding tissues across their desk to you. In just a few weeks you went from acquaintances to friends.
“Look, you’re a great kid, we didn’t have this issue your freshmen year. I know it only gets tougher from here, but you can’t fight this on your own. It’s never too late to accept help.” They started typing on their computer, ringing up your transcript and current grades for the semester. A sudden swish of wind flows through the office, following the trills of birds off in the distance your counselor scoffs at the noise and walks over to close the window. They return back to their seat, muttering intelligible, the only word you could pick up, ‘spiderwoman’.
“What about spiderwoman?”
“Oh! I just kinda thought how weird it was for another spiderman to show up when we already have a hero. Funny, I didn’t know there could be multip-”
“There’s a spider-man?”
You stammered. You felt a heat in your body, another superhero here that you weren’t even sure about.
“As much as you know about everything, I thought you would hear about the spotting of a spider-man in the city. They seem to stick close to campus.”
“Any proof?”
“No. Just words, but if there’s one spider-person, why not two?”
You could feel your blood course through your veins from the new information. It was just you, unless your old mentor, Peter, came to visit. You were knocked out of your thoughts when your name was called.
“As of now, you have a 2.0,″ your counselor stated. “Your classes seem more work oriented, and out of your five classes, you only have two finals.”
You slowly looked up from your lap.
“I’ve read the syllabus, taken notes of what to study for and what to work on. It’s just-”, you stammer, not able to give them the honest truth.
“See? You already took the steps to better yourself, don’t stress, and pace yourself, you have a month left kid.”
You let out a small chuckle. More than 20 missing assignments shouldn’t be too bad to juggle, right?
You were lying to yourself, you were going to suffer, but for a positive outcome, you didn’t mind. You got yourself together, sniffling softly as you packed your things.
“I don’t wanna kick you out, but I do have to meet with the Dean-”
“You mean your lov-”
You were cut short by a small stuffed animal flying towards you, your reflexes doing you justice before the soft material made contact with your face, slamming the door, gaining a small audience as eyes turned to you.
“Sorry everyone.”
Now, for the real fun to begin, you can at least spend some time with a special someone before your academic weapon tendencies are in full force.
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The night you met him, it felt like one of those nightmares that would be impossible to wake from. To you, it was a dream.
His aura, and appearance on that stage. You were enamored with his attitude. His thick accent, strumming his guitar as his eyes bored into yours. This was one of the few times you didn’t mind that you skipped class for.
After the concert, you went to refill your water bottle before your walk back to your apartment in the damning heat. You saw him, drenched in sweat, guitar on his back, hunched over, and visibly upset that the water fountain was not doing it’s job. He looks in your direction, his expression making you anxious. Yet, you were still willing to help. You essentially escorted him to your dorm, where the water system was in a decent condition. He had pretty strong opinions about the education system and society in general, though you did appreciate his intellect.
“It’s a load of tosh for ya’ to pay so much for a piece of rubbish.” 
The ways he seemed so sure of himself more often than not made you intrigued, and he was more than happy to indulge you, being nearly distracted from the fact that Satan decided to sit his bare ass cheeks on the Earth that day. He gave you his number, and from then on, he would come see you whenever you both had the time, which was rough, considering the current mess that was your life. He was the only person you felt cared enough to step you out of your comfort zone. 
The night walks on campus, your medusa piercing that he compliments all the time.
“It accentuates your features. Peng ting you are, yeah?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, a deep chuckle erupting from his throat
“Means you’re hot.”
He gets it. He gets you. And sometimes, you thought that maybe what you were feeling would never go away when you’re with him. Your hangouts were more often casual, leading to more intimate moments, mentioning him to your family, and him teaching you how to play his guitar. You began to feel it linger, when you knew you both didn’t want to say goodnight.
The immediate thought of it also breaks you.
You’ve felt that he’s been dodging you and your attempts to reach out as of late. It’s been weeks since you’ve last seen Hobie, and this time, he initiates to meet. It’s late in the night, and he’s late. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this mad at him, or if you ever got upset with him at all. You didn’t like how he started to drift away with no explanation, and instead of anger, you were filled with worry, wondering if the time you were spending together was beginning to put a strain on him. You paced around your living room, muttering words and contemplating sending an annoyingly long paragraph of a text that would make it seem like you were dumping him.
“S’mitten for me, are you love?”
You looked up at your window, the tall brit leaning on the emergency stairs, making himself at home as you pulled away.
“In your dreams, Brown.”
He walks up to you, his lanky frame hovering over you so expectantly. You looked down at your feet, almost embarrassed of your newfound feelings, and you feel even more giddy when he stands close to you. He knew that you liked him, but teasing you was his second favorite pastime besides hanging out with you. You walked away to your kitchen, grabbing an energy drink for the both of you. Silence did not exist when you were together, and the awkwardness of it all was not helping. He bit his lip, his teeth caught in his piercing. He knew he was in trouble.
“I know you’re upset.”
“Hobs, you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago, I understand being busy but I thought you were seriously hurt or something”, you exclaimed, turning away from him. Showing up late was a recurring issue with him, and you’ve had just about enough.
“Oh don’t get cheeky now. You’ve been neglectin’ your studies. A bit daft if you ask me.”
You’re eye twitched at his use of his slang, sometimes you didn’t always need him to explain to know that what he was saying had negative connotations.
“That’s none of your concern, it’s you I’m worried about.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he smirks. There wouldn’t be a point in arguing with him about this, handing him his drink, turning on your television, starting the episode of your favorite series where you had both left off.
You sat farther away from him than usual, occasionally glancing in his direction, and unfortunately, he was staring right back at you, even more intense.
“I don’t bite, unless ya’ ask,” he teases, softly patting a seat closer to him, and you oblige. It wasn’t like you weren’t happy to see him, and he chuckles at your annoyed compliance. It was becoming an awkward staring contest, and you quickly lost track of the media playing on your screen. You open your mouth, just out of curiosity.
“So, how’s life treating you?”
“Fighting fascists, new piercings, performin’, ” he looks over to you, taking another sip of his drink, awaiting for a life update on your part. You bit your lip, anxiety getting the best of you. Despite the closer proximity, you still felt to far away from him. He sighs, using his leg to move your body to face him. You quiver, tears threatening to spill from your face once again, but you still looked up.
He looked at you, seeming nonchalant, but you still felt the worry in his aura.
“I know you want me to squash it, but it’s obvious s’omething bigger is bothering you,” he softly speaks, his thumb circling into your knee. “You act as if you’re scared of somethin’— of someone.”
Hobie scoots closer to you, using guiding your chin to make you look at him directly for the first time tonight.
“Talk t’me.”
You shake away from him, that feeling in the pit of your stomach only becoming more intense.
“I can’t tell you everything, Hobs.”
“But you can tell me anythin’, yeah?”
You look up, his face was close to you now, not realizing that you were nothing leaning into each other the more you spoke. His hand, slowly sliding to your hips, slowly stroking your stretch marks that your shirt wasn’t covering. You looked into his eyes, a small smile showing.
“There she is,” he exaggerates, giving you a soft squeeze, and you let out a giggle. The moment was yet again, cut short by that annoying ass beep from his wristwatch, that has interrupted your meaningful conversations countless times. Hobie curses from under his breath, backing away from you, the light illuminating his flawless features. And just like that, the moment has passed. His eyes look up to you, disproval in your expression, and you knew what was coming next, so you did it for him.
“Just go.”
Hobie let out a deep sigh before apologizing for what felt like the thousandth time, knowing he would do this the next time you make an attempt to make time for each other.
But this time, you were going to figure out why.
As soon as he had left, your senses went off. And this was the last time you were going to ignore them.
You had quickly went off into your room after he left, frantically throwing around your belongings to find your suit before Hobie got too far from you. You had followed him, all the way to an one of the abandoned buildings on campus that was currently under renovation. You stood behind a slab of concrete, peeking from the side, watching as he walked through a portal as if it were just another day.
But you saw, and now you knew. Your suspicions proved you right once again.
You flicked your wrist, webbing into the portal before it closed in on you.
And now, there you were, caught by Hobie after catching your ankle so you wouldn’t plunge to certain death after following him through his portal, seeking nothing but a dark abyss before you, seeming bottomless.
You turned towards him, a smirk plastered across his face.
“I fuckin’ knew it.”
You webbed free from his grip, finding ground. You looked at his appearance, and now you knew why he wore such familiar colors. Your suit hugged your body, adorned in your favorite colors, riddled with black accents. Hobie looked you up and down, whistling in admiration, while you took in your surroundings. HQ did not look like this at all when you first arrived.
“Place look familiar?”
You had brushed yourself off, taking in the countless people that had suits similar to yours. The unique design of the interior, and many, many, familiar faces.
“The Spiderverse.”
“Hey I call it the same thing!”
You turned in the direction of the speaker, a young boy standing in front of you. He had a black suit, red accents riddled across, two other spider men following behind you, staring at you in admiration.
“I’m Miles!”
You were still floored by all that had occurred in just a few moments. Slowly, you raised your hand, waving to the kid, smiling at him.
“Hi Miles, I’m [Name].”
“Oh, Hobie! Did we get a new recruit?”
A spider woman in a white suit walked up behind him, her pink hair flowing, and eyes that could manipulate a way to your heart.
“I’m Gwen, and this one here Is Pavitr!” Both greet themselves which such joy to see you. You almost felt as if you were back home, introducing yourself to who seemed to be Hobie’s colleagues. You expected him to be upset with you for following him, or keeping your identity as spiderwoman a secret, or vice versa. Yet, he’s seeing you in a new light, a personality that didn’t exist in your world. You would only ever smile like this if it was truly something or someone you cared about. You both would know that.
“Alright kids, follow me!”
The voice felt all too familiar, the oozing confidence in her demands making you cringe instantly, and you turn to see no other than Jessica Drew herself. You stared blankly, a sigh of irritation, your bubbly personality disappearing almost instantly.
She started at you, her face turning into a small scowl before turning back around, motioning the group of teens to follow her, but not before throwing a day pass in your direction. It was hard for them to pay attention when they were too focused on your sudden change of demeanor. Hobie walked beside you, brushing against your hand to catch your attention.
“What’s the tea with you two, ey?”
Your side eye is critical when you look towards him, signaling that you didn’t want to talk about it. He grunts before shrugging it off, still walking close to you. You watched Miles as he introduced himself to everyone, completely enamored with his surroundings. All that you could conclude from this, is that he was new. But while he was looking at everyone else, they were all looking at you. You heard the mutters and whispers amongst them as the HQ went into a deafening silence. You could feel Hobie’s gaze on you, sliding his arm around your waist for comfort.
“Piss off. Go back to what you were doin’.”
Quickly, they did what they were told, but you could still hear the voices of some conversing about you. And Hobie could hear it too.
“I didn’t think they’d let her come back.”
“Maybe they caught her sneaking in, they did say she never gave her watch back.”
He looks to your side, still silent as he watches your body tense up from their words. Maybe he wasn’t the only one acting dodgy.
You look ahead, looking at the lair that belongs to the man you used to call your boss. You felt Hobie release his grip from you to catch up with Miles, watching closely as he walked around him, fidgeting with materials and grabbing small objects. The young teen seemed stressed about something, making you just as anxious. You heard him expressing his frustrations about not having a watch, Hobie suggesting to Miles that he make his own.
You had forgotten how big this room was, and you wished it was longer by the time you got to the main event. He descended from his pad, multiple screens could be seen, one of which you could see showed your last conversation with Hobie at your apartment. Miles and Gwen walked up to him, Miles eager to introduce himself, holding a small box of food. Hobie held you back, watching you stare at the sight before you in amazement.
The moment quickly dissipated once you saw the Miguel everyone knew, his violence showing its face rather quickly, throwing an item in Miles direction. With quick reaction, your web caught onto the object, throwing it to a forgotten corner, showing yourself to him. He chuckled, his expression gleamed with frustrations and anger.
“I knew you would be here.”
“Your favorite disappointment could never miss out on a good time.”
Glaring at one another, everyone could feel the tension, so thick it was possible to cut it with a knife. Hobie watched from afar, reading for whatever should come next. That is until you felt the joyous cries of a child, turning to see a grown man in a pink robe. Instantly, you felt a wave of tears washing over you, Peter calling your name as soon as you ran into his arms.
“I missed you kid.”
Miles shared the excitement, walking up to Peter, also capturing him in an embrace. Miles looked at you in awe once more, wondering how you knew him.
“He was my mentor.”
“That’s crazy, me too!”
You heard Miguel groan, echoing throughout the room, Peter ignoring him, and telling you and Miles to do the same. You once again here the coos of a child, looking in the direction, a baby crawling across the wall. You excitedly exclaim with Miles, “You had a baby!”
Peter laughs sheepishly, yelling for his daughter, telling her to make sure she kept her day pass on, clearly in her own world.
Once again, the atmosphere changed dramatically, Miguel stepping down from his pad, Miles following, both engaging in a rather lengthy conversation about canon events. That’s when you started to shake, Gwen and Hobie looking at you with worry. Still, you held your ground, listening to Miguel explain the Spiderverse to Miles, the timelines, and the unfortunate events that occurs to just about every Spider-person. You saw the young teen grow anxious, beginning to mention his dad, and how he becomes captain in just a few days. Miles grows impatient and restless, and arguing that he shouldn’t sit here and let his father die. Miles looked to his colleagues, searching for confirmation. They all looked away, proving the timeline to be correct. Miguel turns toward you, motioning Miles to look in your direction.
“Your friend here believed the same thing.”
You felt everyone’s eyes on you, feeling as small as Miguel once made you feel. You looked at Miles, ready to hang onto every word you as you began to open your mouth to speak, but you looked away.
“Go on, tell him, [Name].”
You sucked up your sniffles, having to relive that memory constantly felt dehumanizing.
“I….I had a friend, who believed the same thing you did. She wanted to be able to save her parents, to be able to do both, and live the perfect life.”
You felt your chest tighten, yet urged yourself to continue.
“I ended up getting her killed, and destroyed her Universe.”
You heard Miles let out a gasp, you looked to Hobie, his eyes wide, and you couldn’t decipher his emotion. Miles turned back to Miguel, demanding that he be returned home. He refused, locking him in. They had all began to walk away, apologizing that it had to end like this. Well, not on your watch, but it seems that Hobie beat you to it.
A flash of light, knocking everything and everyone on their ass, you chuckled at the gesture. Miles was still in shock, quickly recovering, running off into the headquarters. Miguel runs after the kid, everyone following behind. You felt a arm wrap around your waist, a portal opening. Before pulling you both through, Hobie declaring his standing with the league.
“And for the record, I quit.”
You were back in the comfort of your own home, dressed in your lounge clothes, while your suit in the washer. Hobie had flew you home, as there was no reason to hide it anymore. Now, it was an uncomfortable silence, the two of you haven’t spoke since you left the headquarters. Hobie was getting ready to head out, his back turned to you, but not until you made yourself clear.
“We can’t come back from this.”
You looked up, his eyes staring back at you as he turned to you. The moon illuminated his smile, responding casually.
“Maybe that’s a good thing.”
And then he was gone, and you didn’t know when he would be back.
Or if he ever would be.
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Installation (2/5) : ‘Piss Off’ — Released!
‘Just For You’ Masterlist for previous/future installations
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ellraiser · 1 month
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I’m excited to announce that Mudborne’s new demo is out RIGHT NOW on Steam! I’m also excited to announce that the lovely folks at Future Friends will be helping to publish your new fav froggy game with me <3
A spiritual successor of sorts to APICO, Mudborne instead focuses on genetic manipulation and generational puzzles to create and discover all sorts of frog species, that act as keys to let you travel between the waking and dreaming worlds - the demo takes you through the main mechanics and creating 8 different species. If you love APICO I think you’ll love this, there’s a lot of stuff I’m doing differently but you should still feel right at home.
Whether you played the original gamejam version or not you’re in for a treat, as this is a completely new game, new art, new mechanics, new music, new engine - the whole works. I’m really looking forward to you all getting your slimy green hands on it, I hop you enjoy!!
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ghosty-0w0 · 9 months
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What up! Name is Ghost but moots and friends can call me Ghosty! Pronouns are he/she (Middle of gender crisis) and my sexuality is lesbian!
Hyper fixations and tv shows I like:
Rottmnt, owl house, Loki, amphibia, bluey, Scott pilgrim, ducktales, good omens, Heartstopper, the amazing world of gumball and many more!
Sonas: ref sheet(old), Spider sona, Human Ghosty , Billsona
internet fam
more stuff below 👇
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Main Art Tag
Ghosty’s tmnt
Rottmnt human version refs: Mikey, Leo, Donnie, Raph
Brix: Rottmnt oc
Kobi’s sona @circusinarun
Cat reactions
Goober turtles: main four, sharkfinn’s and elli’s, averagetmntfan’s, n30nnnl30nn’s, missingleon’s, potatoefwisdom’s, Echo’s, August, Diona’s, qeelovestea’s, icequeenabby’s, afreakingdork’s, clown-froggi’s, bootswiththefurclub’s, daboyau’s
drawing requests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Sketch book tour: 1 and 2
Also I have a reblog account: @ghosty-reblogs-0w0
•No nsfw and stuff like that I am a minor and it makes me feel icky
(Probably will update rules later cause I can’t think of any more)
My comics:
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Master post
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A Ghost’s Farewell
Master post
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
For the Love of Fic: September 30
I've been back at my reading, y'all, doing some major catch up. And what a ride. There's a METRIC TON™ of amazing writers under the cut.
Brace thyself.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation piece
Kisses of Fire by @simpingcowboy 🪐 It starts with an unconventional if not favorable bargain and then evolves. If I could make Ezra fall in love with me a little over a long time, I'd be patient too...
Lucky Stars by @brandyllyn I am SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC. Not only does Brandy nail Ezra's voice, cadence, swagger, and world, she even gives him someone who's onto his scoundrel-with-a-heart-of-gold behavior and just barely allows herself to be charmed by it. This feels so very canon and so very Ezra and I just need to roll myself up in it and cuddle it real hard.
Saying I love you with a letter by @songsformonkeys 🪐 Hanna is one of my favorite writers of deep emotions. Her Javi G is one of my all-time faves and I will never not laugh at her Javier. But I will knock you over to get at her Ezra and this is no exception even though you're gonna need tissues. Listen. Would like to get a letter of love and missing from Ez? Because this is it. Savor it.
Lost in the Weeds by @haylzcyon Have you seen this artwork? Insert Ezra and you and you have this fic. It's a beautiful little snippet that quietly documents falling in love with Ezra, and that's my favorite kind of Ezra story.
Wild Mountain Thyme 2 by @writeforfandoms Dragon Universe Ezra is back and he is not impressed with his tagalong. She's chipper and eager and seems to be up for his brand of grumpy today. I'm excited to find out how Jen turns his cart around.
Fifty Shades of Orange by @all-the-things-2020 🪐 If you love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you're going to love love love how Dieter fits into this crossover. I am super impressed with this fic because it is, first and foremost, a HHGTTG fanfic. And it succeeds wildly at capturing the tone and attitude of all the characters. And I love that Dieter's just what Dieter is here, not the main character, but an odd problem to be solved. As a character, he fits so seamlessly into this world, I was kind of in awe for this whole ride. Aw man. Enjoy.
Position: 69, Position: Snuggled Spoon, Position: Sit on the Throne, Position: Kneeling Reach-Around, Position: Honey Bear, and Position: Froggy Style as part of @prolix-yuy's Bangathon 2023 Listen. LJ obviously loves her some Dieter. I appreciate the sweetness and softness of some of these, that Dieter is in need of some care and connection...and someone to just come undone around. I loved all of them, but props to Snuggled Spoon for it's slowness and softness, and to Froggy Style for the moment of the reveal. The whole Bangathon is wonderful, and the Dieter fics are certainly some of my faves there.
It Pours from Your Eyes by @the-blind-assassin-12 I mean, yes, it's a Joel fic, but really, it's Tess. It's Tess and it's beautiful. Alyssa has woven a 1200 word spell here, expertly painting a picture of Tess's heart and how it works to keep Joel's beating. It's so gorgeous and I'm just bewitched and bereaved... I'm almost begging you to read this.
Surrender [chapter twelve] by @ezrasbirdie This chapter just wrapped me in the yearn blanket. Written in three sections from the POVs of Daisy, Ellie, and Joel, each section just pulls at a different heartstring and all of them together are such pretty music. Yes please this found family that loves each other so much...
Year of Small Joys - Candles by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Inviting Joel over to dinner in Jackson is inviting a damaged soul to sit down and heal. He's still got a little PTSD here, but a nice meal by the light of scented candles he looted? That's a nice step in the right direction.
Let's Twist the Knife Again by @missredherring I am obsessed with this little "time travel" story. I don't know exactly the mechanics of what's going on here--is it a dream? is he being given a second chance? is he stuck in a time loop?--but watching Joel retrace some familiar steps knowing what he already knows is fascinating and I would love to see what comes next.
Hypothermia by @morallyinept Jett's cleverly come up with the "giflet," a drabble based on a gif. This one is Joel in his sleeping bag. And you're in yours. And it's cold. But it ends soft, and that's my favorite.
The Herbalist: Part 7: Drinking Won’t Change the Audacity But Maybe It Will Help by @blueeyesatnight I'm so caught up in this story of beasts and strange people in Victorian England. Now we learn about Pero's past and a little more, but there's also something chewing at the edges about our heroine lady sleuth and I can't wait to find out what it is!
F is for Forced Orgasms / Fucking Machines by @butchmandalorian 🪐 Istg Max is out to pull me out of my soft places and make a sub out of me. I am not usually into the hard stuff, but everything they write is like beautiful crack and I cannot stop. I think it's because everything is so real, there's so much checking in and trust involved, I probably sound like a broken record, but hells bells that's my kink and Max writes it so well. I will say that daddy-talk is usually a turnoff for me, but I really REALLY appreciate that Max sets the scene thoroughly and explains that it's just a title, that any word can be substituted (read the warnings). I for one used that suggestion and appreciated that heads up. Looks like someone not only knows how to write a man that takes care of his partner, but is also a writer that takes care of their readers. Love it.
Black and White by @never--doubt 🪐 I've never seen this soulmate mechanic before and it's an interesting take on the traditional mark--one that changes color when your soulmate touches you there for the first time. Oh to be on mission with Agent Whiskey when the change happens....
Not Leaving You Again by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 (With Santi Garcia) It's a two-for-one not just in protectiveness and smut but in boys! It's hard not to fall for both of them--one of them sultry, one of them sweet--and it doesn't hurt that they're up to the task of sharing.
Buck Moon by @grogusmum 🪐 Listen. If you've ever wanted Frankie for the first time, naked (well, except maybe his hat) under the full moon out in nature under the full moon, have I got a fic for you! AAAAAAAA
We Came Along This Road by @insomniamamma 🪐 When J goes angst, J goes hard, and Frankie is many times her main target. Set within the world of the movie, the reader is his girl with his baby, and he's got some substance problems. Frankie has some trouble keeping promises.
First Dance by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Asking Oberyn for a dance when you know right well what you're both after is genius. Because he's probably a beautiful dancer so you get to experience that, but also, it only ramps up what's coming. What I wouldn't give to sit on this man's lap and ask him to dance just to see the look on his face....
Black Days 7: Times Are Gone For Honest Men, Black Days 8: Eyes Were Waking Up Just To Fall Asleep, AND 2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #5: Tim Rockford - Jealous Kiss by @something-tofightfor I will knock you down to get at Rachael's Tim Rockford. This man is complicated, their relationship is starting off complicated, and their circumstances have the potential to continue to complicate matters...and yet. These two seem to fit together just fine, easy as pie and coffee. The way he cares... I so can't wait to see what (and who) comes next.
Undefeated by @captainsophiestark 🪐 Listen. I've never played pong in my life, but if Jane Foster walked into my party and wanted in on a game, I'd pong so fast....
Love at First Fight by @ironmandeficiency 🪐 When you swear to keep your friend safe from the man who most recently broke her heart, your drunken ass threatens the wrong man. Or, rather, the right one. Or, rather, the right dwarf.
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the-kr8tor · 16 days
Me and 🐦‍⬛ annon now possible friends, what a world we live in!
Anyways angst time because I said so;
Dr. Facilier Hobie x reader
The shadows mock you on the wall as they twirl around the room, his gloved hand in yours as you slowly transform into a frog against your will. You took the deal, you lost your human form, you gave away too much. You hop onto the table, if frogs could glare you'd be one hell of an upset slimy fella.
He looks at you uninterested, reiterating the deal's clause: you wanted for people to give you space, you wanted to not notice you as much as they usually do, wishing for transparency. Which, he did technically give you very much to your dismay.
You look at him with your big froggy eyes, obviously upset. He stares back at you with a raised eyebrow and a sigh, letting you climb into his hand as he whispers his words: "There's a way to fix it, but I'm not telling."
You go through too many travels, too many experiences for your liking, too many challenges which tire you. When you finally come back to him you're almost out of time, people have started forgetting you. You finally reach his shop again, a kiss, just one singular kiss from him and it'd break the spell since he's now the only person who remembers you.
Or so you had hoped, as you hop onto the table you realize he only registers you as an everyday frog. You try as best as you can to try and warrant him to pull his face closer to your small frog frame only to be put in a small glass cage, now one with the oddities of his shop. He treats you just fine, but now you only have yourself and your memories to remember yourself by.
You two are hanging out while writing the angstiest angst to make us cry
BROOO And here I thought the angst was a joke but it got sad real fucking quick 😭😭
Why wouldn't he tell?!!!!! He doomed r fr by doing that 😞 why couldn't he just say he liked them like a normal person instead of turning them into a frog?! Smh at dr facilier hobie to let him know he did wrong
Poor R 😭 NOT THE JAR 🫙
(Doctor? I believe that man didn't go to med school)
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perlamaritr1 · 3 months
Animal Crossing fans and animation fans, ASSEMBLE!!!
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I’m working on a project for an Animal Crossing TV series this year! It’s called “Animal Crossing: and the Other Worlds”, and basically will be like regular Animal Crossing, but here’s the deal: the plot of the show will be a sci-fi/adventure/documentary/sketch-comedy series that takes place 10 years in the future between the human world, the Animal Crossing world, and the entire human and Animal Crossing multiverse!!! Time travelers! Strange creatures! Cosmic entities! Autumn redecoration! Froggy Chair! Boston Crème donuts! A mysterious artifact! Quantum physics! Brooklyn, New York! Total existentialism! And much more! It’s gonna be amazing!🤩😉
(“Animal Crossing: and the Other Worlds” is also a cautionary tale about speciesism, screen addiction, and the wonderful, yet challenging journey of existentialism.)
I need YOUR help for this project too please! We need some ideas for what the show would look and feel like, as well as some other things like the theme song, settings, who the main characters would be, some character design, the art style, episode ideas, posters for the show, the soundtrack, whatever would you’ll feel comfortable with! Get creative!!!
From your’s truly, @perlamaritr1 (the narrator of this post, who is me!)🩷❤️🧡😸
(pictures and GIFs are not mine)
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finluz · 1 year
TOTK Rant: How Much Better Than BOTW?
//major totk spoilers ahead
The Good
Ultrahand is amazing, it's a simple idea with few limitations leading to a lot of complexity and flexibility
Ascend is fucking awesome. im not even gonna like, critically analyze this one. i wish i could jump through ceilings in real life
Being able to throw items is extremely useful, meaning you don't have to waste arrows to get certain effects
Zonai devices are all amazing, same principle of Ultrahand where they all have simple uses with few limitations, meaning that you can create really complex machines very easily
The Music™ 🎷🐛
Rauru's sopping wet man vagina
There's a shit-ton of new enemies, including like-likes, gleeoks, evil rigby mfs that crawl on the ceiling, floormasters, phantom ganon, the assorted zonai creatures, froxes, baby froxes, yigas with driver's licenses, battle tali, damn those trees are WALKIN
Depths exploration is fucking amazing
Depths atmosphere
Sky Islands when they have anything on them
Air travel
60 new side adventures, which are waaay fuller in good content than the side quests or even the main quests lmao
build your own house
the boss fights
the final boss fight
shrine puzzles with Ultrahand
Proving Grounds shrines
Master Kohga
the guy that walks around continually failing to demonstrate any degree of professional signage
the side dialogue is really funny and well-written
the isolated vibe of botw has been traded in for a feeling of togetherness as a kingdom
large-scale battles with tons of monsters and friendly npcs
muddle buds
zonai architecture
did i mention the ost yet
skyview towers > the ubisoft towers
link has his hair down
short-hair zelda
been spending most our lives living in a bisexual's paradise
the lightning temple
the construct factory
the quest to obtain the master sword
dragonhead island
the dragonhead island music
fusing items to arrows and shields
the yiga clan expansion
do the earthwaker link come on quake that shit
the all-clucking cucoo
froggy armor
the lucky clover gazette
all of the new outfits
the dragon-themed outfits
horns on enemies
link let his hair down
the plethora of armor effects that are now also cooking effects, like slip resistance, swim speed, weather-based attack, and more
princess monoke themes doubled down on
robot arm
I think a common theme in this list is that rather than being different from Breath of the Wild, there is just more of Breath of the Wild.
"No shit, it's a sequel."
Yeah I get that, but this is the first time a Zelda sequel specifically has failed to really distinguish itself from the game before it.
Tears of the Kingdom has everything that Breath of the Wild had, including its flaws. The fact that it's just "more of it" and "better" kind of makes the previous game completely obsolete, which is a first in the series.
Majora's Mask, Link Between Worlds, Adventure of Link, the Oracle Games and Link's Awakening are all direct sequels of previous games, and yet their identity is so distinct that they become standalone entries in the series.
Majora's Mask is not Ocarina of Time 2.
Tears of the Kingdom is 100% Breath of the Wild 2.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and considering the series has been almost rebooted entirely I'm not even opposed to the direct serialization of these games,
but if they are going to go this route,
and there's going to be 6 and a half years between the two games,
You need to do better than the last game.
And so we arrive at,
The Bad.
With the exception of the aforementioned Lightning Temple and Construct Factory, the dungeons, and subsequently main areas and story in this game blow ass.
The Dungeons in this game are just Divine Beasts but with somehow even less creativity. Say what you want about the lack of interconnectedness between and the quality of the puzzles, but they provided a feeling of controlling and manipulating a huge, moving being that sets the game apart.
In comparison, TOTK's dungeons are completely devoid of any original ideas, instead opting to be divine beasts without the movement gimmicks, meaning that they're just "go hit the four or fie switches in any order"
Breath of the Wild traded in the unique and distinct atmospheres of the franchises temples to capture a different feeling that sets it apart. Tears of the Kingdom tries to return to the old temples, but without committing all the way and missing the mark completely.
The Water Temple in particular stands out as completely fucking lazy to me, since it is literally just a bunch of blue platforms in the sky with 4 un-themed and not even water-related puzzles and a boss that is treated as a joke. There's almost no buildup in Zora's domain as well, as you just do a couple of short tasks to unlock the path up and then beat the dungeon in 30 minutes.
It's the worst kind of Zelda dungeon, with generic elemental themes but none of the art to tie those into actually unique places. And considering that there's no dungeon items, no double-backing, or any sort of semblance of an idea of you completing an actual dungeon and not just four shrines in a meat grinder, I would say it's ultimately WORSE than the divine beasts from Breath of the Wild.
The rewards for dungeons
In every dungeon, you get an NPC follower that fights with you and has an ability that you press A on to use. These are used pretty well in their respective areas. When you beat the dungeon, your reward is a blue clone of them that does less damage.
I get what they were trying to do, I really do, and on paper, it's a really great concept.
It's the champions from the last game, except they are actually there and fight alongside you, using that togetherness theming i mentioned earlier.
However, having them out is pretty much a straight downgrade since they are annoyances 24/7.
Their abilties range from mildly useful in some contexts at best to "i would only press a on you by accident."
and trust me. you are going to accidentally press a on them a LOT.
Somehow, they manage to both be in your way when you want to do literally anything else and also never there in the rare circumstance that you actually want to use your ability.
Their AI is complete dogshit, and they rarely swing at enemies, and when they do, the damage is pitiful. Tulin flies through the air, and is mostly behind you when you need him, but everyone else paths along the ground and will often get stuck on rocks, river edges, or random patches of grass sometimes because they lack any intelligence whatsoever.
It's such an easy fix too, just have a "sacred stone" rune in the radial menu where the useless map one is and let me manually select which ability I want. Bam. No more blowing big hearty truffles off cliffs or setting them on fire when im just trying to pick them up.
Fuse does not affect the durability of weapons.
Rather than opting to have the interesting choice of being able to repair your weapons at the risk of losing a rare quality of them, rehabilitating them using items from your inventory,
Nintendo instead opted to have the durability not change at all when you fuse something.
Also, every weapon in hyrule has "decayed," which, as well as being extremely contrived, means that fusing is required for weapons to be viable.
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So not only does this not improve the weapon system from Breath of the Wild, it actually makes it more tedious, since now you have to collect not just a weapon, but two parts of a weapon and then fuse them into a weapon.
It's taken every weapon in hyrule, broken them in half, and made you go find the pieces.
This also means that fusing funny stuff like minecarts or logs like they suggested in the trailer isn't viable, since it will only add a few damage points and waste a weapon slot.
In Conclusion
Yes, Tears of the Kingdom is the better game. It not only has more content, but the content is also just better, more experimental, and memorable.
And don't let my huge rant about The Bads misconstrue my thoughts on this game.
This is easily a 9/10, and probably my favorite game of all time.
But it certainly isn't a 10/10.
Breath of the Wild's flaws set it apart, it was easy to forgive them because they played into its unique experience.
Six years later, with an almost identically structured game, it's not as easy to set those aside.
Anyways, this has been World's Biggest Zelda Fan Finluz, and I want to raw link
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razdoseart · 5 months
I finished the second tlos book and it was amazing. I hate and love the ending all at the same time. It was so sad to see Conner in distress after finding out Alex was going to stay in the fairy tale world.
Some cool things and details I really liked about the book would be when they see the polar bears and goldilocks is genuinely terrified. It was such a good thouch to incorporate her fear of bears years after the 3 bears situation.
I also thought it was nice how Cinderella's stepmother wanted Cinderella to know she helped save the world.
The "granny" was amazing seeing froggy think about how to travel fast then finding something in a book Alex gave him was a great detail.
This is just a ramble because I loved the book.
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colesstar · 8 months
Tell me about land of the stories
FUCK OKAU SO- (also read the tags :33)
theres these twins - Alex and Connor, their dad used to own a bookshop but then he died close to their birthday i think? Its been a while since ive last read the wishing spell which is a but sad. Their mums a nurse but obviously they dont get paid enough (still true now aswell !!) so they had to move into a smaller house. They have a grandmother too she’s important. OKAY SO ALEX - She’s like your smart kid who nobody likes because shes smart which is lowkey kinda sad i love her shes also canonically autistic because i said so btw. ANYWAYS uhm when she was younger her dad would be the one who told her stories to cheer her ip when she was bullied he was really sweet i love mr bailey. She likes fairy tales too brw and is also the type to get excited over encyclopaedias im just waffling but you get the jist
CONNER !! - He is on the opposite hes ig the “funny type” in class theyre in like sixth grade i think? Falls asleep in class yknow that kinda guy hes really sweet tho because despite that he’s sort of always thinking about the people around him that he loves like in An authors odyssey (fifth book i believe) when they travel into his short stories you see how hes got multiple characters based off of his mum and then you see him being happy for Alex whenever she’s genuinely happy its sweet honestly uhm this could be more comprehensible sorry its 1;19 rn
soo on their twelfth of thirteenth i cant remember birthday their grandma gives them an old fairy tale book, very sentimental the book was always read to the twins as kids when they visited their grandma its lime a happy place. ANYWAYS uhm alex accidentally falls into the book because its actually a MAGIC book and they land in the middle of a ROAD *dun dun DUNNN* in the woods they see a wanted sign for goldilocks i think or that happens later on in the book then they meet a GIANT FROG who they call Froggy i live him btw hence the name @froggysstar of my dead tlos blog. And they ask him if theres anyway homehe tells them about a journal he once found and they follow the journal essentially to find a way home. It tells them about the wishing spell which is made up of the “main objects” of ur famous fairytales because did i mention that theyre in the FAIRY TALE WORLD now. But the main characters of these fairytales are like royalty so that is NOT an easy task. The evil queen from sbow white is there she has a really interesting backstory. Thats like an overview theres more that happens theres six books and there is SO much more to the wishing spell i could talk about but my arms hirt so that is for ANOTHER DAY !!
also its getting too long if i said anything thay is actually INCORRECT please correct me
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I am in Hawaii!!!! I’m so Ded
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brunhielda · 6 months
Because apparently this account is now for random movie rambles as I rewatch films for the 100th time-
A watch through of Princess and the Frog:
Anyone else think it is hella suspicious that someone wanted that sugar mill only after she wanted to buy it?
- After the movie was done, it was explained to me by friends that this is a common scam to squeeze more money, especially targeted against POC potential buyers. No one else was bidding, they just wanted more money. My child brain just didn’t fit that together the first couple watch throughs- I mean, they clearly still had it for sale a long time later in order to be threatened at the end of the film… assholes.
Gathering a group of travelers by appealing to thier dreams is a very American story, Ala Wizard of Oz- the idea of the individual goals. This is Naveen, Tiana, and Louis. But then comes Ray, who is just trying to be helpful. That feels more old world, and he leads them to the old world magic- the woman of power in the wilderness. :)
Lawrence was frightened by the idea of a controlling wife, while Naveen was impressed with a well thrown book, and Tiana had dreams that included showing all the boys how it’s done. And her friend is very commandeering, and the object of all the men. There’s a theme of strong women and respect for them here- which makes sense. 1920s fairytales are just out of the Victorian era and the invention of the fairy godmother. And here comes Mama Odie. She even has the mother title.
Naveen and Tiana are so perfect for eachother. Beyond him being ok with her ambition and hustle, she needs his people skills for her resteraunt- you need a front man 😁
First time I can think of in a Disney film that an outside perspective for love song had thier own love to sing about 💘
Every good char in this movie is immediately willing to help someone out, even when- especially when- it inconveniences them. That is how you let your characters be very strong characters, even occasionally overwhelming other characters, and still be good people and likeable. This is how we bond with Lotti, and then Naveen, despite them having domineering personalities.
The way Naveen admires things about Tiana even before he likes her- then when he loves her, the way his face lights up as he watches her.
The wishing star has a name now 🥰✨ Evangeline
Anyone else think froggy Naveen is based a little on John Bob from Swan Princess? Those leg spots look familiar is all I am saying.
Never has good foley hurt so badly as that tiny crunch. 💔🪳
Most important line- “He didn’t get what he wanted, but he had what he needed” was given to her by her mother, who also introduced her to the upper class of town. He mother was so important to this story.
The marrying of Lotty is very “old chivalry” anything for my lady, while the tale itself is very peasant tale of pulling together to get through. As many American tales do, you gotta get ALL the tropes in there. 🪄
Ray is such a well designed character. He is wise, and has common sense, and allies and skills, and LIGHT to oppose the shadows- and they balance it by making him small and fragile. Is… is he the wizard of the party? Not nessisarily in the DND way that is very academically type, but in the LOTR classic fantasy way, that makes one member of the group to be the big support to everyone else, but can also be fridged when needed. 😅🥲 Brings wisdom and all else you need but destined to go out ina blaze of glory???
Happy that his parents seemed to be- “finally someone took him in hand” and could care less about her social position.
First time this white girl heard Neo was sitting through the credits of this film in the theaters. Still love his music. 🎶
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Round One Polls Pt. 1
Links will be added as polls are posted.
Sonnie's Edge vs. Reversal of the Heart
Diamond Jack vs. Cat City
Fantasy vs. Take on Me
Who's Hungry? vs. The Cat Came Back
Porky's Duck Hunt vs. The Guardian
Shelter vs. Jibaro
Metamorphosis vs. Tar Boy
Bounty vs. The Snowman
Ice Merchants vs. I am a Fish
Still Lost I Guess, Here's a Tunnel vs. Fuelled
Yankee Doodle Daffy vs. Bad Travelling
Destino vs. Pop Squad
Cow Attack - Never Underestimate a Cow vs. Free Apple
The Acorn Princess vs. Dear Girl
Starlight Brigade vs. Alma
Pixillation vs. I Love to Singa
The Golden Chain vs. Cinderella
The Secret War vs. Vincent
The Old Man and The Sea vs. Everything Will Be OK
My Entire Being vs. The Backwater Gospel
Coming Out vs. Tummy Trouble
Jumping vs. Out
Decorado vs. Strawberry Ice Cream
In a Heartbeat vs. Suits
Hedgehog in the Fog vs. Asparagus
"Don vs. Raph" vs. Black Soul
The Naked King -What a Beautiful Life- vs. World of Tomorrow Episode 2: The Burden of Other People's Thoughts
Windy Day vs. Ciao, Alberto
Charlie the Unicorn: The Grand Finale vs. Bigtop Burger Season 1
One Small Step vs. DAICON IV Opening Animation
Llamas with Hats: The Series vs. One Froggy Evening
Roller Coaster Rabbit vs. Drawn to You
The Haunted Hotel vs. Egg
The Legend of Pipi vs. Wolfsong
Grandma's Hero vs. Goodbye Jerome!
SHOP: A Pop Opera vs. Quasi at the Quackadero
On Your Mark vs. Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers
Opal vs. The Dover Boys at Pimento University; or, The Rivals of Roquefort Hall
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lucyshypemaster · 1 year
some of my favorite quotes from The Land Of Stories: The Enchantress Returns
(again, for self-indulgence)
"I believe the most extraordinary ideas come from children. If only we all could be so perceptive, we would find the simplest solutions to the greatest problems are right under our noses." - Sleeping Beauty
"Nothing any of us do will ever bring your dad back. And nothing we do will ever push him further away either. He'll always be with us in our hearts, no matter what." - Charlotte Bailey
"Anyone can have a once-upon-a-time or a happily-ever-after, but it's the journey between that makes the story worth telling. And how characters face the challenges at hand is what makes them heroes." - Alex Bailey
"Having something worth telling and a passion to tell it are what makes you a good writer. I can't tell you how many times I've read novels or articles that used complicated words and witty wordplay to cover up the fact that they had absolutely no story to tell. A good story should be enjoyed; sometimes simplicity can go a long way." - Mrs. Peters
"I have two lives in my career; reprimanding and encouraging. Thank you for letting me encourage today. I don't get many opportunities." - Mrs. Peters
"I save lives everyday, but for a long time I thought it would be impossible to save mine. And then along came your mom, and I learned I had been wrong." - Dr. Bob
"Always have a plan B and a friend with bail, and you're guaranteed to never fail." - Mother Goose (ik Brystal is sick of her ass)
"She can lock us up at home all she wants, but we'll just keep finding ways to get back here until our mom is safe." - Alex Bailey
"People only love you as long as they're getting something out of you, but the minute you say something they don't want to hear or do something they don't want to see, all the admiration drains from their hearts." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
'A tension grew in the room, but it wasn't between Ezmia and Rumpelstiltskin; it was between Ezmia and the world.'
'Rumpelstiltskin stood and walked through the doorway, leaving his cell for the first time in one hundred and twenty-seven years, but stepping into a world of even harsher imprisonment.'
'It had been such a quiet day until the twins showed up.'
"I don't want the world to 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥; I want it to 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭. - Ezmia, The Enchantress (definitely my fav line from her)
"If the world was going to speak of my name, it would be whispered in fear rather than mocked with envy. If the world was going to take all the joy from me, I would simply 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥." - Ezmia, The Enchantress (she has done absolutely nothing wrong)
"I want to be at my best when I cause the world's worst." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
"We know the outcome of doing nothing, so I'd rather die fighting." - Froggy
'She missed the times when passing tests was their biggest concern.' (right?? ☠️☠️)
"Jealousy is just a reminder of the frustrations you have with yourself. Who has time to only concentrate on that?" - Goldilocks (another great line from Goldie)
"Just remember that even the tamest of places will surprise you with what is lurking in its shadows." - The Travelling Tradesman
"If I have the choice of being doubtful or being hopeful, I'm going to choose hopeful. It takes less work to be positive." - Conner Bailey
"Your whole life may exist between two streets, but then you realize those streets are just tiny veins in the body of the world. It makes you feel very small." - Jack
"Pain will drive you mad if it's strong enough; it'll change you into something you're not. It'll turn you 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭." - The Evil Queen
"You'll be searching for happiness your entire life but will never find it because you wouldn't know what happiness was even if it scratched you in the face." - Harper
"I'm sorry I could never be the brother you wanted. But one day I'll make things right between us. One day I'll be a brother you can be proud of." - Rumpelstiltskin
"When the rest of the world is looking to us for strength and guidance, who do we look up to for reassurance?" - Cinderella (ngl, this is EXTREMELY true)
'The Enchantress sat in the center of the coliseum on her old Fairy Council chair like it was a throne.' (this scene gave me chills)
'True to her word, the Enchantress had built herself a pedestal made of the deepest parts of the Earth, powered by the deepest anger of her soul.'
"You're not an all-powerful and terrifying 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴, Ezmia- you're just a 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵! And no matter who you kill or what you conquer, people will always pity and laugh at you because of it!" - Alex Bailey (this is 100% one of the most powerful lines in this franchise like- i was literally cheering so hard for her here)
"I said, a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 took away 𝘌𝘻𝘮𝘪𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴'𝘴 pride!" - Conner Bailey
"I am not a tragic case of the world; I 𝘢𝘮 the world- cruel, unfair and 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦. People are not born heroes or villains; they're created by the people around them." - Ezmia, The Enchantress
"When bitterness and anger first run through your veins, you'll discover that you are 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦- and it'll scare you to death." - Ezmia, The Enchantress (rereading this scene makes me wanna cry bc every single word she said comes true 😭😭)
"No one wins when there is loss." - Alex Bailey
'Something about seeing his sister among the fairies made him feel like everything was right in the world, even though his was crashing around him.'
"We'll always be together, Conner. In our hearts and in your stories- every time you pen another story about our adventures in the Land of Stories, I'll be right there with you." - Alex Bailey
'They were now dimensions apart, yet both the twins were finally 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦.'
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Prompt: Rain's little froggie gets a new friend!
Ghouls do not express themselves like humans do. They do not have mouths, so they can't smile or frown. They do not embrace one another. There are no animal behaviours in them, either- no head butts, no tail wags, no purring. They are regarded by most as stoic entities, as hoofed, mouthless gargoyles given profane animation by Him Below.
But those who have been in consistent ghoulish proximity take note of things. Ghouls tend to cluster in groups of a dozen or so, usually all of the same element, but not always. They have their own body language- a rustling of folded feathery wings against their scaly backs is equitable to laughter. A gaggle, or a flock, or a murder, or a cloister of ghouls (no one is sure what to call a grouping of them) that is standing silently on the ceiling and then seems to break out in vigorous wing shaking, well, they're having a grand time. Aggression is expressed by open wings being raised up, as though the ghoul is attempting to appear taller. Sorrow comes in the clutching of horns.
Joy is another matter all together.
A ghoul's joy is a rare site, but not impossible to witness or feel. Copia knows this. He grew up in the church. He's dating a ghoul. He's seen his band ghouls explode in joy on stage, and though the intricate lighting system and costumes are used to purposefully obfuscate their ghoulishness, Copia knows very well what it looks like for each element. A fire ghoul's skin seems to crack and a deep golden red glow seems to emanate from the cracks, as though the creature's body became embers. They also radiate a very comfortable warmth. Air ghouls fluff up like baby birds and spark with lightning. Earth ghouls blossom all over with little pink flowers not of this world. Aether ghouls look like they just rolled in purple glitter.
Copia finds one of the band ghouls, the one the fans call "Rain," out on the church grounds. Rain is on it's belly in the mud at the edge of the haunted lake, staring at a frog.
Copia smiles. Rain had taken a shine to this particular frog a while ago, going so far as to drag Copia out in the rain early one morning just to introduce him to the tiny amphibian. //KERMIT,// Rain had said telepathically, pointing at the frog as enthusiastically as a ghoul could.
"Hey, you two," Copia says gently so as not to startle either of them. He steps gingerly into the mud; he made sure to throw on some shoes and clothes that he wouldn't mind getting dirty before he travelled outside. He is also carrying a strange plastic box. "How is it going out here? Everyone, uh, good?"
Copia nods. "That's very true, Rain. I don't bring my rats for the same reason. Nothing on the bus for leetle animals to enjoy."
Rain sits up and wipes some of the mud off it's chest. //BUT YOUR RATS HAVE FRIENDS HERE, SO WHEN YOU LEAVE, THEY ARE PERHAPS NOT SO LONELY.// Rain looks up at Copia. //KERMIT IS ALONE. HE TOLD ME.//
The Papa makes a mental note to ask the ghoul called Special about animal-to-ghoul communication and squats down beside the ghoul. "Well, I actually brought something out to show you, I think it might help..." He opens the strange box and tips it for Rain to see inside.
A small spotted frog looks up into the ghoul's eyes.
"Someone found this fella in the poisonous plants garden on the other side of the church's land, and I thought, hey, Rain likes frogs, maybe it would like to meet this one."
Rain reaches into the box with an almost timid gentleness and brings the spotted frog out. It holds the frog close to it's unblinking eyes, perhaps assessing. Then, gingerly, it lowers it's talon. The little frog hops off the ghoul's hand and into the mud in front of Kermit. The two frogs stare at each other, then the spotted one hops, landing on Kermit's head.
Rain looks from it's frogs to Copia. The ghoul's skin shimmers with waves of blue and white, like sunlight on the lake's surface, but more serene. It's hair-like feathers raise and waft as though it is underwater. The smell of saltwater winds fills Copia's senses.
Water ghoul joy.
Copia smiles at the ghoul still rippling with joy. "No problem."
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unolvrs · 10 months
omfg i think about frog in a well at minimum atleast 3 times a day, i just love it so much. ong cannot wait for the new chapter, i'm really excited about that! i also think it would be an absolutely wild trip for the characters of bnha to travel to jjk time but it's right after the shibuya incident-
omg thank you so much?? i fr started froggie without much expectations bc i just thought, why not? and that idea sounds so cute and so dangerous at the same time... there are a lot of things to consider especially how quirks would translate in a world without them, plus, there's the cursed energy aspect! so much to think of!
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