#friendly reminder that the forest park is privately owned
harlequinoccult · 9 days
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luniellar · 3 years
The Union: Chapter One - Sebastian Stan X Chris Evans X Reader
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Summary: This fictional story takes place between the three kingdoms that hold great power in the untouchable lands located in Europe. Despite the modern developments in the other countries, these three kingdoms, Callisto, Europa and Io, exist hidden from the rest of the world and embrace the cultural customs shared for centuries from the early human civilizations.
You are the daughter of the Europa Kingdom led by your father, King Jovian. This year you reached the fruitful age of 21, meaning that it’s finally time to fulfill your duty as the princess of Kingdom Europa. The arranged marriage between Kingdom Europa and Kingdom Callisto has been something that your father planned for a long time to finally bring peace between the three kingdoms. Whether you like it or not, you are the key piece to it all. King Stan of Callisto is who you will be sharing the honor of the arranged marriage. He is known by all as a man of savage fighting nature and very few words. You know there is no hope wishing for the passionate love your father and mother shared, but will you be able to bring peace to this land to fulfill your father’s last wishes?  
Link: Prologue | 1 | 
Warnings: Inappropriate languages & minor heated scenes 
Word Count: 2.6K
The dining table was filled to the brim with the fancy reception feast. High level nobles and knights sat around the table as they dug into the feast as if they had been starving for weeks. You and King Stan sat at the head of the table and your father sat by your right hand talking to the other noble men. When you glanced over by the King’s side, there was a handsome male with golden brown hair that reminded you of the warm autumn’s sun. He looked much too young to be the King’s father.
The Callisto’s family tree has been hidden under the table for a while after King Stan took over the land. One rumor said that his father died during one of the many battles, but no one ever heard about his mother. Some said that she passed away when he was young and others spoke of an illegitimate birth. You glanced over at the brown hair smiling lad by the King again. 
“How bold,” the King’s velvet voice spoke calmly, startling you. “The queen dares to look at other mates in front of her king already.”
Your face turned red as you quickly darted your eyes from the blonde male and back to your plate. The food was untouched and starting to get cold.
He chuckled, sending shivers down your cold skin. “I can introduce you. He’s a close friend and my right-hand man, Duke Christopher Evans.”
You glanced up and made eye contact with the clear, crystal blue orbs that belonged to Duke Evans. He made a pleasant, genuine smile that lit up his entire face and tipped his head towards your direction.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Euro- I mean Queen Callisto.”
You smiled back despite the awkwardness you felt when he spoke your new name. Any small amount of appetite you had left over was lost.
“The pleasure is mine, Duke Evans.”
“Please, call me Chris.”
You were taken back from the friendly nature of the Duke and didn’t know what to reply.
“Oh, uh-”
Before you could finish your sentence the king interrupted. “Aren’t you going to eat at all, my queen?”
You reached out for the brass fork beside the porcelain plate and stabbed a piece of salad through it. You felt the King and the Dukes’ eyes on you as you quietly chewed and placed the fork back down.
“The food must not be to your liking.” The King said out loud causing your father, who was engaged in another heated discussion with one of the nobles, to turn his head.
“My daughter loves all the food prepared at our castle, King Stan.” He replied disapprovingly. Your father took pride in the exceptional quality of food prepared in the Castle Europa kitchen. He even made sure to hand pick each and every staff member who was assigned to the kitchen.
“My apologies, King Jovian. I didn’t mean any harm in my comment. My queen looked like she was having a hard time finishing her meal.” King Stan replied with respect.
Your father cleared his throat which he did often when he disapproved of something. Ignoring the King’s comment, he turned to you. “Daughter, are you alright? Should I ask them to bring you something you would like to eat instead? What would you like?”
You smiled politely and shook your head. “No father, I appreciate your thoughts. My body is just exhausted from the long day, I’m looking forward to resting soon.”
King Stan’s smiling face and amused tone attracted the attention of the few sitting near us. “My queen, I didn’t know you were so eager to share beds.”
You glared up at him and saw a few unfamiliar eyes in your direction who caught his words. Your father’s pale fist around his steak knife caught your eyes. At this rate, there was only going to be one King standing after this dinner and King Stan was the one with a perfect track record. You looked over at Duke Evans who hung his head in shame at his friend’s embarrassing behavior. This dinner was already over.
You stood up from your seat and every pair of eyes around the room looked up including King Stan’s. “Please excuse me while I check on the preparations for my leave. Enjoy your dinner and thank you for coming.”
Whispers drowned behind you as you navigated yourself out of the dining hall. You walked over to the grand lobby and saw the helpers organize the boxes of your belongings for the move to Castle Callisto. You stood in the lobby and your chest felt heavy again.
“It looks like they are almost finished,” the velvet voice echoed behind her.
The tears teased around your eyes and you bit down on your lips hard to the point the taste of iron lingered around your mouth. You were going to make sure the King never saw your tears today. You were the Queen now. The last thing you needed him to think was that you were just another female body he could push around like a lifeless puppet.
He stopped next to you and your shoulder was touching his hard biceps through his commander uniform. You nodded in response without turning to look at him. “I am excited to see the beautiful Castle Callisto, King Stan. I should head back to say farewell to my Father.”
As you were about to head back, his strong grip grabbed your left wrist. His warm touch felt like needles against your cold skin.
“I’ll be waiting outside in the jet. Don’t make me wait too long.”
You wanted to rip your wrists out of his grip and shout profanities for asking you to cut your farewell to your own father short. You let out a soft exhale as you moved your free hand to move his warm hand. Despite the grip, it was fairly easy to move. Your hand felt tiny holding his large, masculine hand.
“Yes, I’ll be quick, my King.”
You begged your father to continue the dinner instead of coming to say farewell. You knew that your goal of staying tear free this wedding was going to be ruined if you had to formally say goodbye. He then went on cursing about how he was going to kill that boy, but you had to quickly talk him out of that idea.
You looked at the massive Callisto Kingdom private jet that lit up the dark forest surroundings. A loud sigh escaped your lips as you looked behind the great Castle Europa. So many memories that made you into the woman you are today existed in this land. Biting your lips again, you closed your eyes to remember the air, soul, and people this land meant to you.
It was time to say goodbye.
“Goodbye Europa.”
The jet trip was a little over two hours. Despite the empty seat next to the King, you sat in the row behind him. Surprisingly, he didn’t request you to sit next to him. Across from you was Duke Evans who fell asleep in the plush seat the moment the jet took off.
You stared out at the window the entire ride without a word. You couldn’t tell if the King also fell asleep, but you assumed he did since he also didn’t move a bit for the entire span of the ride like Duke Evans.
When the flight attendants came out from their space at the front of the jet, they announced that we landed in Callisto. You felt anxiety in your heart increase as you got up from your seat. As you were making your way to the aisle, a hot hand gently touched your arm. Unlike the prickly needle sensation from before, the touch was different, it was soft and caring.
The King quickly took off his jacket. In one motion, he wrapped your tiny frame inside the velvet material. You were still wearing your reception gown that was a toned down version of your white crystal wedding gown. It was sleeveless and made out of thin material. You didn’t realize how cold you were until the warmth encompassed your shoulders, arms, and bare back.
“It’s much colder in Callisto,” he said as continued down the aisle towards the exit.
“Thank you,” you managed to get out as you felt his warmth soothe your anxious feelings.
You followed the King and the Duke out of the jet. Like Europa, the landing field was located in the forest for privacy. When you got out, you couldn’t see anything but a large black SUV vehicle that was parked further out.
“Queen Callisto,” Duke Evans said as your feet touched the Callisto land. “Welcome to Callisto. I’ll be driving you and Sebastian back to the Castle.”
Everything was a blur from the car ride to Castle. King Stan didn’t speak a word. You only captured a quick dark view of the castle as the car circled around through a private entrance and went underground. After what felt like five minutes in the tunnel, the car reached an empty parking garage.
Once the car parked, King Stan got out first and came over to your side to open the door. Half surprised that he still had manners after today, you hesitantly stepped out and looked around the space in curiosity.
“This is the private parking garage that gives you direct access to the King’s Suite.” Duke Evans spoke as if he could read your mind.
You knew that Castle Europa had similar security systems in place, but you never witnessed one in person.
Duke Evans led the way and you followed him and King Stan towards a glass door that led to the elevator. There was only one button that Duke Evans pressed and the elevator doors opened wide.
King Stan stepped inside and you followed. Duke Evans smiled as he waved back to us. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Queen Callisto and Seb. Have a good night.” Then the elevator doors closed.
Each of the three kingdom’s castles had their own special charm. Castle Europa was unique from the others because it maintained the tradition and legacy of the old castle. They did make modern upgrades like jet landing sites and other security features, but the castle still maintained most of the original state. On the contrary, Castle Io was redesigned from the ground up with the latest security and highest quality materials. You never visited, but your father always made disappointed remarks about how the Io King was eager to tear down centuries of history for an iron fortress full of “useless” technological updates.
When the elevator dinged, the doors opened to a contemporary designed hallway. Black granite floors and gold accents in the wallpaper reminded you of what the penthouse floor of the royal hotel suite would look like. Dim circle warm lights lit the hallway as you quietly followed the King. As you shared the car and elevator ride before and now this hallway, you noticed a unique scent that lingered from him. He had a warm and spicy scent that was a mixture of rum, tobacco, and vanilla.
After a short walk down the hallway, the King stopped at the grandiose tar black wooden doors. There were elegant brass knobs as the handle. He biometrically scanned his hand on a glass panel next to the doors and there was a soft click signaling the doors were unlocked.
“We will make sure to add your biometrics tomorrow for access to my chambers.”
His intoxicating and addicting scent rushed towards you as he opened the doors. Unlike the modern and contemporary design of the hallway outside, most of his room still resembled the King’s chambers that was passed on for centuries. The dark stained wooden floors were covered in ornate deep purple carpets. The same deep purple color saturated the walls and the gold accents looked as if it was etched into the damask pattern like it was some precious fabric. The room was dimly lit with crystal chandeliers around the room.
His overly large four poster bed was stretched out in the middle of the room against the back wall. The rich gold and purple fabric hung from the bed frames.
His velvety whisper from the wedding ceremony played in your mind.
“I will be looking forward to tonight, my queen.”
You glanced around to the king who was starting to remove his formal wedding attire. He expertly removed his commander uniform and dropped it on the purple velvet couch. The numerous amount of medals on his uniform made a soft thud as it landed.
“Aren’t you going to undress?” He asked nonchalantly as he walked to the bathroom.
You froze in place not sure of what to do. You wanted to wash up and go to sleep after a long day like today, but you had no idea where your change of clothes were. Most importantly, the wedding night tradition was just as important as the wedding.
You were going to lose your virginity tonight.
You took off the king’s velvet jacket and placed it on the same couch he dropped his uniform. Unsure of what to do next, you started to make your way to the bathroom. Your heart was racing in your chest as you got closer.
At the same time, the King stepped out of the bathroom and your eyes widened in embarrassment. He was shirtless and was only wearing his black suit pants hanging from his hips. You had never seen a shirtless man before. Well, that wasn’t completely true, you studied Greek and Rome art enough to know what it looked like, but you never saw a live one in person. The only references you had was the Statue of David, but his body was so much more than that. His entire body was covered in muscle and each muscle was tight and hard. There were some faint scars around his body that you could catch in the dim light, but it was still a chiseled, marble perfection.
“Are you done staring?” He asked with an amused voice and you felt your face heat up.
“Oh- um-” You quickly diverted your glance to the carpet as you brought up your hands to the side of your face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry- I- I- didn’t mean to stare.”
You heard his footsteps move closer to you until you saw his shoes across from your feet. His hands moved over yours as he brought your face up to meet his. Your eyes searched for his familiar jade orbs and your heart was beating louder against your chest.
His rough lips collided with yours as he kissed you softly, biting at lips. The feeling caused little butterflies in your stomach as you reciprocated the kiss back tasting his lips with your tongue. His warm aroma saturated the air around you. When he felt your tongue, he immediately responded by erasing the space between your bodies and pushing his tongue into your needy mouth. His warm body felt comfortable against your body. He explored your mouth like he did at the wedding, but this time taking the measures to feel and learn every inch. You kissed him back, entering a piece of you into his unfamiliar and enticing territory.
By the time you both pulled away, you were both gasping for air. His forehead gently touched yours as your hands fell from your face. His right hand grabbed your left hand as he brought it up to his lips. He gently kissed your hand and held it in his. The warmth quickly traveled around your body like an infection.
“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath. “You have no idea how long I waited for you.”
Note: This chapter was getting too long and I had to cut it here. Next up is their first bed night, I promise. Thank you for the likes and comments on the prologue. Please share any feedback with me! Thank you for reading!
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Start of Time: 4/8
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I’ve outlined this entire fic, and I believe (fingers crossed) that it should be eight chapters long.
Reminder that Emma is being called “Wendy” in this because she has amnesia. In this chapter, Killian decides that the weather has cleared enough to take “Wendy” to meet his neighbors and see if anyone recognizes her. Emma/”Wendy” also has an intense conversation with Liam that triggers something in her.
Summary: Killian and his son are driving through a bad snow storm when they find a disoriented woman walking down the road. The question is, how can they help her get home when she has no idea who she is? Written for @teamhook​​​ on her birthday.
Rating: T
Words: A little over 3k in this chapter
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kmomof4 @welllpthisishappening @xhookswenchx @let-it-raines @winterbaby89 @teamhook @bethacaciakay @scientificapricot @shireness-says @spartanguard​ @thislassishooked​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @superchocovian​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @kday426​ @optomisticgirl​ @wellhellotragic​ @tiganasummertree​ @jennjenn615​ @branlovestowrite​ @vvbooklady1256​ @hollyethecurious​ @distant-rose​ @stahlop​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @ultraluckycatnd​  @snidgetsafan​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @nikkiemms​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @lfh1226-linda​
And the day is clear. My voice is just a whisper.
Wendy shut the Jones’s laptop with more force than she probably should have. She lowered her head and massaged her brow, forcing herself to take deep, calming breaths.
“Don’t give yourself another headache, love.”
Wendy turned sheepishly at the sound of Killian’s voice. “Sorry. I should be more careful with your stuff.”
He waved it off as he pulled an ottoman closer and sat down. “You can’t hurt it any more than the kids already do. Besides, I can’t imagine how you must feel.”
Wendy bit her lip. “I just wish I could do something to figure out who I am.”
“I know the lack of WiFi is frustrating, but I do have good news.”
Her eyes widened. “Really? What?”
“They haven’t cleared the roads yet, but the weather has been nice enough that I can get my snowmobile out. I need to check in on my patients at the surrounding farms anyway. I figured you could come along.”
She frowned. “By patients you mean animals. What good would that do?”
He laughed brightly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. It was infectious, and despite her worries, Wendy found her lips curling the tiniest bit.
“Yes, my patients are animals, but they do have owners. I was thinking about why you would have been driving that particular stretch of road. Maybe you were on your way to visit one of my neighbors.”
Wendy’s brow furrowed. “So you think someone around here may know me?”
Killian tilted his head to study her as she rubbed her temple, her eyes falling shut. “Are you remembering something?”
She dropped her hands and let out a puff of breath in frustration. “No, it’s just . . . something about what you’re saying . . . doesn’t . . . fit.” She growled under her breath. “God, I’m sorry, I’m not making any sense.”
“No, it’s okay,” Killian quickly reassured her, dropping a hand to her knee, “but it couldn’t hurt to ask around, right?”
She nodded firmly. “You’re right. I’ve got to do something, or I’ll go crazy.”
Behind them, Mary Margaret had just reached the bottom of the stairs. “You ready for your ride?”
Wendy glanced between them. “I thought . . . I thought Killian was -”
“Oh, he’s taking you,” Mary Margaret interrupted, “but I’ll be tagging along on my own machine until the trail branches off to our farm. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of private trails so you can wrap your arms around Killian.”
Mary Margaret gave them both a wink as she headed to the mud room to put on her snow gear. Wendy’s face burned, and Killian quickly rose to his feet, clearing his throat awkwardly and rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Yeah, um, I’ve got two machines, but Henry’s already out in the back pasture with Alice, so . . . we’ll need to share.”
Wendy finally managed to look him in the eye, and she was strangely encouraged to see that his face was bright red, too. “That’s okay, I mean, I don’t even know how to drive one. At least I don’t think I do . . . “ She trailed off with a nervous laugh.
Killian nodded. “Okay, well, then . . . I’ll just go grab some winter gear for you.”
He turned and collided with the sofa, the red creeping up to the very tips of his ears as he righted himself. Wendy clapped her hand over her mouth to stop a giggle from escaping. When she rose to follow him, she tripped over her own feet, but she didn’t think he noticed. God, they needed to pull themselves together or they’d both end up in a ditch this time.
Wendy wouldn’t lie, clinging to Killian as the snowmobile cut through the wintry landscape was exhilarating. She could say it was the brisk air cutting across her cheeks, the pristine forest blurring past, or the times they momentarily went airborne as the machine flew over hills and snowdrifts. But she would be lying. The exhilarating part was all about the man she had her arms wrapped around - the firm strength of his body, the warmth radiating from him, and the way he smelled of pine and woodsmoke. She was tempted to rest her cheek against his upper back, but the ride was far too bumpy and her helmet would have made it a bit awkward. She was embarrassed to say that even Killian helping her buckle the helmet’s strap below her chin back at the house had sent electricity down her spine. She was acting completely ridiculous. She had only known this man for four days, and she was acting like a schoolgirl with a crush.
Of course, as far as she could remember, he was the only man she knew.
They crested a hill, and farm land spread below them, covered in pure white. A bright red barn sat next to the pastureland, and beyond it a quaint two story farmhouse with red shutters and a red front door. As Killian neared, a large man with curly brown hair stepped out onto the front porch and waved. Killian parked the machine next to a pickup truck between the barn and house. He and Wendy were just removing their helmets when the man rounded the corner of the house. He was even larger close up, in both girth and height, yet the smile that lit his face was friendly and put Wendy immediately at ease.
“Tiny!” Killian exclaimed, taking the man’s hand and clapping him on the back. “How have you fared during the storm?”
“Not bad. I’ve got a generator, like most of the farmers, and I had stocked up plenty of firewood.” His eyes fell on Wendy. “Anton Jackson,” he said, offering his hand.
“Wendy,” she replied simply as she shook it. She was surprisingly used to “Wendy” by now, it even felt right, but it still felt odd and frustrating that she had no last name to offer the man.
“Wendy is actually stranded in Storybrooke,” Killian put in, coming to her side. “She had an accident when the storm hit, and she’s got a bit of amnesia. Do you recognize her?”
The man frowned as he shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid not. I’m so sorry. I’m sure I would remember such a lovely face if I’d seen you before.”
Wendy tucked her hair behind her ears and felt herself blush. “That’s okay. It was a long shot anyway.”
Killian gave her a sad, sympathetic look, and she was suddenly embarrassed. Maybe she didn’t have anyone in her life who would miss her.
“Well,” Killian said, swiftly changing the subject, “let’s take a look at Gruff’s leg, shall we?”
Anton led the way into the barn, and Wendy slid closer to Killian so she could whisper close to his ear. “You call him Tiny?”
“Everyone calls him that,” Killian whispered back, “and you’ll soon see why.”
“Good morning, my little ones!” Anton boomed as he stepped through the barn door. One half of the structure was cordoned off with a short gate, and inside were about eight of the smallest goats Wendy had ever seen.
“Pygmy goats,” Killian explained as he stepped into the enclosure. He went straight to a little brown one with white spots and knelt down to unwrap the bandage from its right front leg.
“They’re adorable!” she exclaimed.
Tiny motioned for her to come inside the gate. She was a little nervous at first, but the little goats only bumped at her calves and let out little excited bleats at their visitor.
“This little guy is my favorite,” Killian told her, rubbing behind the ears of the goat he was examining. “Gruff’s name is actually ironic, isn’t it?”
Wendy grinned at the way Killian cooed at the little goat. He looked up at her, and for some reason, his grin and the light in his eyes made her stomach flip.
“Would you mind holding him while I change the dressings on his leg?”
“Me?” she glanced around for Tiny, but the large man was busy spreading fresh hay in the goat’s enclosure.
“Of course. Gruff has the sweetest disposition. I wouldn’t ask you if it was dangerous.”
Wendy nodded and knelt down next to Killian. He gently placed the little goat into her arms, and she found his warm, wiggly body comforting against her chest. Gruff bleated and nudged her chin with his nose, but overall was still and calm as Killian changed out his dirty bandage for a fresh one.
“What happened to him?” she asked.
“Not sure. Tiny saw that he had a cut on his leg, which shouldn’t have been a big deal. It got infected though, and he had me come take a look. There are lots of ways a goat kid can get a cut, just like a human child.”
“You mean he’s just as curious as Henry and Alice?”
He looked at her with that expressive grin again. “Precisely.”
Even when Killian went to talk to Tiny about how the wound was healing, Wendy didn’t put Gruff down. He didn’t smell all that great, to be honest, but his warm fur beneath her fingers and his wet tongue swiping at her chin brought her comfort. She heard a laugh and looked up to see Killian admiring her.
“You’re just as good at assisting me as Henry and Alice.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
They visited three more farms: the Hermans who had a dairy cow on the mend from a cold, the Morgans who had an elderly horse with an eye infection, and the Pipers who were trying to keep a case of sore mouth from spreading to all their sheep. Farm life was completely new to Wendy, but she found it surprisingly fascinating (though the smell of sheep was much too pungent for her taste - she’d take her wool in sweaters, thank you very much). Watching Killian in his element was wonderful too. He was gentle with the animals and talked to them in a soothing voice. With their owners, he was charming, sometimes bordering on flirting. There was such a contrast in this man. He was obviously well-liked in the community, yet she had often seen a glimpse of sadness during unguarded moments in his home. Despite his children, his brother, and obvious friends, she nevertheless sensed loneliness in him. It was as if she could see things other people missed, which was crazy. How could she be so foolish to think she could read him when she’d only known him a few days?
As for the other purpose of their outing, it was a complete and utter failure. No one had been expecting any visitors, and no one knew who Wendy was. Aside from the Morgan’s ten year old daughter Violet commenting that she looked like “someone she had seen before,” no one even recognized Wendy.
“Maybe you were on that road because you got lost,” Killian tried to assure her as they climbed back onto the snowmobile.
“Killian,” she whispered near his neck as she wrapped her arms around him, “what if I was wandering that road because something horrible happened to me? What if that’s why I can’t remember anything?”
The terrifying thought made her shiver more than the frigid air. Killian grasped one of her hands and squeezed it through their thick gloves.
“We’ll figure it out. I promise. Someone out there loves you and has to be looking for you.”
He started the engine then, and Wendy couldn’t respond. Why did she have this cruel voice taunting her mind? A voice that hissed, no one loves you; you’re alone.
Wendy ventured downstairs a little past midnight. She was unable to sleep, and the copy of Peter Pan Henry had loaned her was doing nothing to stop the vicious circle of thoughts assaulting her mind. A rumble in her stomach finally pushed her to leave the guest bedroom she had moved into since Mary Margaret went home.
She hesitated at the bottom of the stairs when she heard Killian and Liam in the kitchen. Killian had told her multiple times to make herself at home and to help herself from the fridge and the pantry, yet she still felt like an intruder. More so when Liam was around.
“Your move, little brother.”
“It’s younger brother, and don’t look so smug. I’m awfully good at seeing a few moves ahead.”
“Are you trying to say I just made a mistake?”
Killian laughed. “Perhaps.”
They were playing chess; not talking about her. Wendy let out a relieved breath and headed into the kitchen. She avoided the brothers’ gazes as she opened the refrigerator, but Killian’s voice greeted her.
“Can’t sleep, love?”
She pressed her lips together and admonished her cheeks to stop reddening. She had come to realize over the past few days that he tossed the word “love” around as a moniker for everyone, even Mary Margaret. It shouldn’t affect her the way it did. She grabbed an apple and slowly turned to face him.
“Not really.”
“Would some good news help?”
Wendy’s eyes widened. “Really? What’s that?”
“Sheriff Graham called after you went upstairs. He can be here late tomorrow morning. He’s going to bring Doctor Whale, too.”
For some reason, her stomach twisted up at the thought. She wanted to figure out who she was, but what if she didn’t like what she found? Killian seemed to pick up on her hesitancy, and reached out to take her hand.
“It will work out. I’m sure of it.”
Killian rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, and Liam cleared his throat. Wendy snatched her hand away and cut her gaze over to Liam who was openly scowling at her. Killian narrowed his eyes at his brother, but before things could get more heated, Alice’s voice cut through the tension.
“Daddy,” she said, her lower lip quivering, “you forgot to spray for monsters.”
“Did I?” Killian asked, rising quickly to go to his daughter. “I’m sorry, starfish.”
“You need to quit with that,” Liam put in, then he turned to his niece. “You know there’s no such thing as monsters, little love. There’s nothing to fear.”
Alice narrowed her eyes just like her father and put her hands on her hips. A stuffed rabbit dangled from her right fist.
“There are so monsters. Grown ups just can’t see them!”
“Well, I don’t know,” Wendy spoke up, coming to kneel before Alice, “I think I’ve seen a monster or two myself in that room of yours.”
“Not helping,” Liam hissed behind her.
Alice’s eyes grew wide. “You did?”
“Mhm,” Wendy told her solemnly, “but I think they’re friendly monsters there to watch over you. I mean, I slept great in that room, happy I wasn’t alone.”
Alice tilted her head skeptically. “But grown ups don’t know magic like kids do. That’s why only kids can go to Wonderland, and Neverland, and Narnia. All the books say so.”
“But didn’t the grown ups get to go back to Narnia in The Last Battle? And the professor never stopped believing.”
“Hmm,” Alice contemplated, rubbing at her chin. Also like her father, Wendy thought to herself. “I never thought of that.”
“So maybe only special grown ups can see magic,” Wendy stage whispered. Alice looked smugly over her shoulder at her uncle, and Wendy had to bite her lip not to laugh. Served him right.
“Like Daddy is special?”
Wendy looked up at Killian who had retrieved a spray bottle decorated with sparkly swirls from under the sink as she had been talking. Also painted on the bottle were the words “monster spray” in childish font. It looked like Alice’s handiwork. The smile he shared with Wendy over his daughter’s head made her heart flip in her chest.
“Of course I’m special,” Killian teased, “isn’t that right, Liam?”
Even the elder Jones couldn’t help laughing and winking at his niece. “Oh, you’re special alright.”
Killian scooped up Alice. “Would you still like me to spray for monsters?”
She fiddled with her father’s collar as she spoke. “But will it hurt the good monsters?”
“Oh no. They’re immune to it.”
Killian continued chatting with his daughter as he carried her back upstairs, and Wendy felt a pleasant warmth settle over her at the sight. She turned back to the table as she took a bite of her apple, ignoring Liam’s gaze. She plopped down in Killian’s vacated seat and absent-mindedly picked up a chess piece.
“Do you play?”
She chuckled. “Oh, no. That I can remember. I don’t like strategy games.”
“It’s odd the things you remember and the things you can’t.”
Wendy looked him dead in the eyes as she set the chess piece down where Killian had placed it. “Are you implying that I’m faking it?”
Liam’s face softened. “No, not at all. I was merely making a comment on how odd brain injuries can be.”
“Oh,” she said, one hand dropping to her lap. She munched her apple and let silence descend for a moment. Then she looked him in the eye again. “So why don’t you like me?”
Liam sighed and ran a hand over his face. “It isn’t you, really. It’s just plain to see that my brother is developing feelings for you.”
Wendy’s face reddened. “I really don’t think -”
Liam cut her off. “Yes, he is, but it isn’t your fault, lass. Killian has a soft spot for those who are lost and hurting. Why do you think he became a vet? Even when our mum was still alive, he was always bringing hurt creatures home to mend, his little eyes welling up with tears. He’s always felt too deeply.”
“How can a person feel too much? He has a big heart - that’s a good thing.”
“It is, and I admire that in him, but it also makes me worry. Feeling so much also brings much pain.”
“Like when your mother died?”
“Aye. Killian was only seven, and it devastated him. Our father, though Killian worshiped him, was a horrible specimen of a person. He cheated on our mother, even when she was dying of cancer. After she was gone, he cared more about his string of mistresses than he did about us. It was left to me to take care of Killian, even though I’m only four years his senior.”
Wendy blinked away tears. “I’m so sorry.”
Liam waved away her sentiment. “We had each other at least. The sad thing was, every woman my father brought around doted on Killian only to disappear from our lives. You can’t blame them. Killian was a cute kid and charming from the day he was born.”
Wendy couldn’t help smiling at the description. “So I’ve noticed.”
Liam, surprisingly, returned her smile. “Then I’m sure you can see how our father’s string of girlfriends adored him as a little boy. He got attached every damn time, only for our father to send them packing when he tired of them.”
Something stirred in Wendy’s chest at those words, and she suddenly lost her appetite. “Where is your father now?”
“Dead,” Liam said, voice devoid of emotion, “wrapped his car around a tree when he was out drinking when Killian was eleven.”
“How awful for both of you!”
“What was truly awful was that we were suddenly orphans. Family services didn’t even bother trying to keep us together. Being fifteen and eleven, we were shuffled around quite a bit, as you can imagine. I was relieved when I turned eighteen and could join the navy. I saved every penny I could so I could put Killian through school when he aged out.”
“You’ve been taking care of him the best you could since you were still a kid yourself.”
Liam nodded. “So you can see my concern, surely. Every woman in Killian’s life has left him, and you’ll do the same no matter what happens. You have a life out there somewhere, maybe even a boyfriend. You’ll go back to that life, and Killian will have been abandoned. Again.”
A headache suddenly gripped Wendy, and the half-eaten apple tumbled from her hand and rolled across the floor. She gripped her temple with both hands. Orphan. Abandoned. Shuffled around. Family services. The words tumbled around her mind like shoes in a dryer - thump, thump, thump - pounding against her skull. She was slightly shocked when Liam rushed to her side and grasped her by the shoulders.
“Wendy? Are you okay?”
The headache left as quickly as it had come. She opened her eyes, squinting against the lights in the kitchen.
“I’m okay,” she told him, “I think I just need to get to bed.”
Liam’s brow was furrowed. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know, and I don’t want to hurt Killian.”
Liam nodded. “It isn’t a matter of wanting, Wendy. You just will.”
She had no response, so she wearily rose from the table and made her way up the stairs. She was relieved that she didn’t pass Killian on her way up. The story of his difficult childhood broke her heart, and she didn’t think she could bear looking him in the eye right now. When she tumbled into bed, she wet her pillow with tears. Tears for the charming little boy who always got left behind, and tears for herself. For herself because . . . because . . . she didn’t know why she wept for herself. She just felt less like Wendy Darling and more like a lost girl.
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isitgintimeyet · 6 years
The Ties That Bind
Thank you for reading so far and all your likes, comments and reboots. It is much appreciated.
thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and encouragement
Chapter 20: A Definite Proof
Sometimes I really think people ought to have to pass a proper exam before they're allowed to be parents. Not just the practical, I mean. - Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
“Dinna forget ye have the dentist today.” Jamie’s secretary stood in the doorway to his office.
Jamie looked up, bemused, from the Excel spreadsheet he was working on.
“Yer calendar, ye’ve blocked out the time this morning fer the dentist.”
“Aye, right, thanks fer the reminder. Best be thinkin’ about heading, then. And I’m no’ sure what time I’ll be back.”
Jamie saved the spreadsheet and powered down the computer. He had marked the appointment as dentist in his calendar to prevent any office gossip, which would probably come soon enough, especially if he took paternity leave. He wasn’t even sure if he was entitled to that. Yet another thing he would have to find out about.
The traffic as Jamie drove to the maternity hospital was diabolical as usual. Buses, taxis, roadworks, pedestrians and delivery vans all seemed determined to make him late for the appointment. He was concerned about seeing Geneva for the first time since she’d given him the news anyway, but if he was late, who knew how she might react. He wasn’t a coward, but the combination of Geneva and pregnancy hormones filled his very being with dread.
Frustrated as a refuse truck ground to a halt right in front of his car, Jamie wished he had listened to Claire this morning. She had warned him about the traffic around the hospital, but he hadn’t really been paying much attention to what she had to say. In all honesty, he had, at the time, been more focussed on the little vest top she was wearing. It was his favourite, the black one with extra large arm holes so that when she turned or stretched out her arms, Jamie got tantalising glimpses of creamy white side boob. And matched with the little black panties that revealed her luscious round arse every time she reached into a kitchen cupboard or bent over the dishwasher, the ability for coherent thought had totally abandoned him this morning. It had taken all his strength to tear himself away from her and head to work. But at least he was planning on meeting her for lunch before heading back to the office.
The traffic problems hadn’t ended once he entered the hospital site. It had taken two circuits of the car parks before he found a space, and then he had scrambled around in his pockets and the car for change for the meter. Next time, Jamie vowed, he would be better prepared.
He finally arrived, hot and bothered, in the Maternity ultrasound department with ten minutes to spare. Geneva was already there, looking immaculate as usual.
She stood up as Jamie approached. Her glossy curtain of black hair swung on her shoulders, not a hint of pregnancy spoiled the lines of her tight pencil skirt, her high heeled black patent shoes gave no concession to pregnancy comfort. Geneva turned her cheek for Jamie to kiss, which he obediently did.
“You’re very nearly late, Jamie.” Geneva complained.
“Och, we have plenty of time. These appointments always run late.”
They sat down in the waiting room. Jamie looked around. Plenty of men were waiting with their partners. None of them, he noticed, looked as awkward and uncomfortable as he felt. Was it clear to everyone, how reluctant he was about all this?
“How’ve ye been then?” He started the conversation.
“Fine, thanks. No problems at all.”
“Nae sickness, then? I remember when our Jenny was expecting Wee Jamie, she couldna keep anything down but toast and chicken broth…”
“You’ve told Brian and Jenny then? About us… the baby. How did they take it?”
“Aye, well, I canna say they werena shocked about it, but they’re supportive. And Claire too.” Jamie thought it wise to include Claire’s name in this discussion, especially after Geneva’s use of ‘us’ in her last question. He wanted it perfectly clear that in this Venn diagram of relationships, there would be no interlocking circles for him and Geneva.
Geneva gave a small sound of derision. “Hmm, Jenny being supportive. Right? I know she doesn’t like me, even though…”
“Geneva Dunsany. Room 2.” The message crackled in the still room.
Geneva stood up. “This’d better be quick. I’m not sure how much longer my bladder can hold out.”
Once inside room 2, they were greeted by a friendly sonographer who settled Geneva on the adjustable bed and pulled up a seat for Jamie.
“Hello there. My name’s Alison. I’m jes’ going to put some gel on yer tummy and then we can look fer yer little one. There’s no pain, jes’ may have tae prod a wee bit tae get tae the right position. From the measurements, we can gi’ ye a better due date. Are ye excited? So, let’s find your baby shall we, Geneva, dearie?” The sonographer asked in a friendly manner.
Geneva, not appreciating the over familiarity, just nodded and turned to the monitor. Jamie, as it seemed to be expected of him, fixed a smile on his face and nodded animatedly.
At the sonographer’s request, Geneva shimmied the skirt down past her hips and lifted her top, exposing her toned and tanned stomach. She rearranged the tissues that Alison had tucked into her clothing, only leaning back once she was satisfied that her clothes were totally protected. Geneva drew in a breath as the cold gel was applied to her abdomen.
Alison pressed the transducer against Geneva’s stomach and slid it around the skin, prodding with her other hand to encourage movement to a suitable position.
“Oh, er, wee one’s no’ cooperating… wait, aye, there it is.”
She stilled her hand. “Can ye see? The head and the limbs? And the flickering, there, that’s the heartbeat.”
Jamie’s smile was no longer faked. Despite all the turmoil of the last few weeks, he suddenly experienced a feeling of protectiveness towards that little heartbeat and even, yes, excitement. Instinctively, he took hold of Geneva’s hand. Geneva turned to him, her eyes bright with hope, but Jamie’s gaze was fixed on the image on the screen.
Alison coughed and the mood was broken. Jamie gently disentangled his hand from Geneva’s.
“Right, weel, I can let ye have a couple of copies of this, for a small donation. I have tae take a few more measurements and then we can have a better idea of yer due date.”
“What sex is the baby? Can you tell?” Geneva asked.
“Do ye really want tae know? Can it no’ be a surprise?” Jamie asked.
Alison looked from one to the other. “We canna tell from this scan. Yer one at twenty weeks will be able tae, but ye better discuss it first. Canna have one knowing and no’ the other, how would that work?” She laughed. “Right, from these images, it’s giving yer due date as 27 February. But gi’ or take two weeks… babies tend tae come when they’re ready, due date or no’.”
Jamie and Geneva stood awkwardly in the corridor outside the antenatal clinic.
“What are your plans now? Maybe we…” Geneva began.
“I said I’d meet Claire. Show her the picture.” He patted his pocket. “But I do think we need tae meet up regularly, every couple of weeks or so for a coffee, or some other more suitable beverage.”
“That’s fine. Yes. Actually, I’m meeting Isobel now. Going to do a bit of shopping. Although I can’t really do anything with the nursery yet. Still no harm in getting ideas. There’s a Sleigh Royale cot bed and dresser in textured washed oak I want to take a look at. And there was an interesting article in ‘Ideal Homes’, actually… so I’m thinking underwater mural on one wall, or maybe forest scene… but nothing Disney, urgh! Gosh, I’m desperate for the loo now. This full bladder thing is going to be the death of me. Goodbye, text me to arrange meeting.”
Jamie, hoping that his eyes hadn’t glazed over too much during Geneva’s monologue, hurriedly said goodbye and left as Geneva rushed to the Ladies.
The hospital building that housed the coffee shop was located between the maternity hospital and orthopaedics, so it was a convenient place for Claire and Jamie to meet. Claire arrived first and, unsure of how long it would take Jamie to arrive, ordered one coffee.
She sat down at a table near the door and waited. For some reason, she felt very nervous about seeing Jamie after this ultrasound. This was the first real proof that Geneva was telling the truth and that he would be a father. It wasn’t, she told herself, that she doubted Jamie or his love for her, but with Frank, she had become used to not being one of his priorities, being pushed further and further down the list. His academic research, his career aspirations, his attractive female ‘private tuition’ students, his personal family tree research, his family, all were before Claire.
As Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, she had found herself disappearing from view, to be moulded into whatever convenient shape Frank wanted, willing to be placed in the little part of his life he allowed her to inhabit.
With the loss of her beloved uncle, her dependency on Frank grew. The need to be loved was so great she had allowed that to happen, allowed Frank to treat her so. Ignoring the concerned interventions from her friends, Geillis in particular, she clung to that relationship. Until Frank had made the decision, for both of them, that they would move to Oxford, for the sake of his career (and possibly a new crop of malleable students), ignoring her promising career at the hospital. Only then did she wake up and see the relationship as it really was. It wasn't a partnership, or a democracy. And so she had finally made the break and refused to leave Glasgow. Frank had been stunned at her refusal, convinced she would go running back to him rather than be on her own. Looking back, Claire found it amazing that she, such a strong woman at work, had become so passive with Frank.
Claire knew Jamie was not like Frank, and would never treat her in that way. And although she knew logically that she was not in competition with Geneva, a little extra reminder to Jamie would never hurt. That was why she wore his favourite vest top with little panties at breakfast this morning and judging by the reaction on his face, and elsewhere, it had been a very good idea.
She saw Jamie enter the coffee shop and waved. He made his way over to her table, bent down and kissed her warmly on the lips.
“Sassenach, let me show…”
A tap on his shoulder made Jamie spin round. “Isobel, hello…”
He gave Geneva’s sister a hug.
“Isobel, this is Claire, my girlfriend.”
A momentary look of confusion passed across Isobel’s face. “But, I thought, oh…” She quickly composed herself. “Hello, Claire, pleased to meet you.”
“Geneva said she was meeting ye tae go shopping. Christ, are ye meeting her here?  Claire, we should go, I ken ye need tae meet Geneva, but here’s no’ ideal. Sorry Isobel, will catch up wi’ ye another time.”
Claire stood up and gathered her bag. Jamie took her hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Too late,” he murmured out of the corner of his mouth.
Claire looked over to the door to see a woman walking towards them. To Claire, her whole being projected elegance and sophistication, from her sleek, black bob to her high heeled shoes. Unconsciously, Claire tried to smooth her curls, glancing at the flat, pink birkenstocks she chose to wear today. She felt Jamie tense.
“Jamie… Isobel… there you are. Hello.” Geneva turned to Claire and smiled. “I’m Geneva. You must be Claire. Lovely to meet you. Jamie and I, well, we have had such a good morning. It was amazing, wasn’t it? Hearing the heartbeat of our baby. Well, I'm sure he will tell you all about it. What a special moment for us.”
“Hi, nice to meet you too, Geneva.”
Isobel spoke to Geneva. “Gen, I’ve had a quick look here, there’s only toasties and sandwiches. I fancy something a bit more substantial. Let’s head out to John Lewis for lunch, then we can look at that nursery furniture you were talking about. Bye Jamie, bye Claire.”
With a flurry of ‘goodbye’, ‘see you soon’ and ‘take care’, Isobel and Geneva left the coffee shop.
“So, that was Geneva.”
“Aye, that was her.”
“Her sister seems very nice.”
“Oh, Isobel, she’s great, jes’ lovely. They’re like chalk and cheese. Ye wouldna ken they’re sisters.”
“Geneva's very glamorous, isn’t she?”
Jamie sighed. “I willna be able tae win, will I, Sassenach?  If I say she’s no’ glamorous, ye will accuse me of lying. But if I say she is glamorous, then ye can accuse me of wantin’ her. So, I will say this. When ye go tae a bookshop, ye see a book ye like the look of, so ye pull it off the shelf, open it and start tae read. There are some books ye put down straight away if ye don’t like the story and some ye try tae get on with, but canna, so ye put them down too, no matter what the cover looks like. Then there are some ye read and read and never want the story tae end. Guess which one Geneva is and which one ye are?”
“Are you comparing me to a book, James Fraser?” Claire teased.
“Aye, a book wi’ a beautiful cover and a great story, full of love and sex and laughter and fun and…” he moved closer and whispered in her ear. “...little panties clinging tae yer round arse.”
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acampinglife · 5 years
RV Camping at Disney’s Fort Wilderness
If you’re like me, you hear the word “Disney” and you automatically get filled with a sense of excitement and magic! I mean they pay attention to every tiny detail and always manage to create a sense of adventure and wonderment. So, of course, Disney’s Fort Wilderness is no exception.  After having spent some time there myself, I can say that it is definitely worth the trip. 
Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground opened in November 1971. The resort has campsites and air-conditioned Wilderness Cabins situated on 750 acres of lush forest of pine and cypress trees. You will most likely see plenty of wildlife such as rabbits, deer, armadillos, ducks, geese, and peacocks roaming the grounds.
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The campground has private sites and features all the amenities of other campgrounds, with quite a few Disney extras.  It includes two heated pools that are open 24 hours a day, rental cabins, several restaurants and stores, a marina, playgrounds, tennis courts, horse and pony rides, a petting zoo, fishing, bike rentals, private carriage rides, and so much more.
To get you started, here are some tips to make sure you have a memorable stay at Fort Wilderness.
Be ready for the changing weather in Florida:
Since the campground is in Florida, it’s something the whole family can enjoy year-round. That being said, Florida’s weather can go from hot and humid to stormy—all in one day. Be ready for any type of weather by bringing shelter with bug netting (if you plan to eat outside), awning, and tarps for sudden downpours, and plenty of sunscreen. 
Have a pet? Bring them along!:
Fort Wilderness is very pet-friendly and has a leash-free dog park. If you need to board your pet, the Best Friends Pet Care facility will take care of them while you visit the theme parks. For more information on pet policy, check it out here.
Rates and Sites:
First of all, to enjoy this fabulous adventure...you need an RV! We can help you with that part. We have many different RVs for you to choose from to fit your needs. All of them offer a luxurious camping experience;  www.camperfunpass.com is where you start.  Fort Wilderness has campsites for all sizes of RVs. Keep in mind, even with all those campsites, there are no pull-thru spots. So if you have a larger camper or trailer, you will need to back in. 
The campground’s premium campsites are currently around $121 per night, versus a tent or pop-up camper site for around $78 per night. If you’re an annual passholder, you are eligible for significant discounts throughout the year. Availability varies and many times rates aren’t announced until three or four months in advance so keep an eye out.
Most sites are fairly secluded from one another by bushes and trees between sites. The campsites range in length from 25 to 60 feet.  Each site is about 25 feet wide and comes with a picnic table and charcoal grill.
All sites have electricity (20/30/50 amps) and city water. There are certain full hookup sites that also provide sewer. There are also partial hookup sites, primarily used by tent campers and those with tent trailers. When 
booking be sure to specify the RV’s length, if it has slide outs or awnings, and any other details about its size when making a reservation so the right sized campsite is assigned to you.
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Things to bring:
Flashlight or lantern
Insect repellent
Charcoal and matches
Extension cord, rope or clothesline cord
Fire extinguisher
Broom and dustpan
Trash bags
Outdoor rug
Water pressure regulator
Drinking water hose, gray water hose and holding container
Wheel chocks, leveling blocks
Roll of quarters for laundry, laundry detergent
And, of course, the keys!
Comfort Stations and Laundry Facilities:
There are a number of comfort stations located through the campground. The comfort stations are all air-conditioned and include private showers, restrooms, laundry rooms, phones, and ice machines. They are open 24 hours a day, with the exception of the laundry. The washers and dryers each cost $3. Vending machines for single-load laundry detergent, fabric softener and bleach cost about $1. 
Getting around Fort Wilderness:
Unless you plan on walking endlessly all day to get to where you want to go in the campground, I highly recommend a golf cart, which we also rent out for your convenience. In case you forgot it’s...www.camperfunpass.com. Just a reminder, the campground is about 750 acres!
There are internal buses running within the campground to get you to the marina, the Trading Posts, pools, etc., but bus waits can be up to 20 minutes.
You gotta eat!:
Dining includes restaurants, dinner shows, and snack bars – all serving American food. Restaurant meals range from under $15 to $60 per person, based on the average Guest check, not including alcohol, tax and tip.
Crockett’s Tavern offers beverages and snacks such as pizza, quesadillas, etc.
Trail’s End Restaurant provides an all you can eat buffet for breakfast and dinner, a menu for lunch.
P and J’s Southern Take Out – carry-out items all day.
Chuck Wagon offers burgers, sandwiches, and salads to go.
Meadow Snack Bar offers salads, sandwiches, light snacks, and frozen treats to go.
Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue an all-you-can-eat dinner show.
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You won’t be bored with many more activities:
Tennis: Two lighted tennis courts with complimentary equipment available for resort guests at the Bike Barn, if you don’t want to bring your own. 
Archery Experience: Whether newbie or expert, an archery guide at the Bike Barn offers training and tips on how to hit the bulls-eye!
Specialty Cruises: cruise around Bay Lake and the Seven Seas Lagoon with the option of ending with a view of the Magic Kingdom Fireworks.
Tri-Circle-D Ranch – offers guided trail rides on horseback. There’s also pony rides for children at least 2 years old, weighing no more than 80 pounds and no taller than 48 inches. They must be able to hold on by themselves. 
Playgrounds -- Let the kiddos burn off some steam at outdoor activity areas located at Pioneer Hall, the Meadow Recreation area, Creekside Meadow and the Marina/Beach area.
Nightly Wagon Rides at Pioneer Hall. You can also book private carriage rides.
Bicycle, kayak, and canoe rentals.
Fishing in canals (free) or chartered largemouth bass fishing excursions on Bay Lake, which include a professional guide, refreshments (soft drinks, coffee, hot chocolate & water), fishing gear and bait.
Horseshoes and shuffleboard, basketball and tetherball courts
Arcades – Davy Crockett Arcade at Pioneer Hall (near Settlement Depot) and Daniel Boone Arcade (near Meadow Trading Post).
Two heated outdoor swimming pools. 
Water skiing, wakeboarding, parasailing.
Swamp Trail – 3/4 mile loop along the shore of Bay Lake
Fort Wilderness Exercise Trail – 2.3 mile paved and sand path
For more information on all these activities, click here. The address for Fort Wilderness is at 4510 N. Ft. Wilderness Trail, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-1000. Phone is: 407-824-2900; Fax is: 407-824-3508.
I hope this helps you plan a magical Disney trip to Fort Wilderness!  We know camping and RVs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us...we’re friendly!  www.camperfunpass.com or call us at 407-413-6854. Let’s plan your amazing adventure!
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featherymalignancy · 6 years
Great. Perfect. Nice. Fuck this for elriel
PART I—Navy Suits and Chelsea Boots: An Elriel Story
Summary: On the eve of Rhys and Feyre’s nuptials in Big Sur, California, Az decides to end two years of pining by finally telling Elain how he feels. The only thing standing in his way is Graysen, Elain’s selfish, on-again, off-again boyfriend.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: As with everything I write, this story is *not* appropriate for children, WHICH INCLUDES TEENAGERS UNDER 18. If you a teenager under the age of 18, please be advised this story’s mature themes were NOT intended for your consumption; please consider seeking more age-appropriate media.
This is part I of IV. Click HERE to jump to the Navy Suits Masterlist!
Part I: The Rehearsal–Day 
If there were two things Azriel Macar hated, it was asking for favors and people prying into his personal life, so as he sat in front of the shi-shi resort in Big Sur, the irony of his purpose for being there was not lost on him.
Not only was he about to ask that irritating prick Vanserra for help, Azriel was all but inviting Lucien into him private business. Under any other circumstances, either one of those things would have been enough to dissuade Az from going inside. However, the wedding was tomorrow, and he was out of options. If ever they were an occasion to swallow his pride, he was pretty sure it was now.
He remained in the car for another minute, drumming his fingers on the wheel as he debated. He wasn’t sure what he was waiting for, though; he didn’t get up at six am and make the drive from LA just to sit here and twiddle his thumbs.
Finally, he glanced at his watch and got out, wondering for a moment if the hotel bar would be open yet before fetching the carefully wrapped chandelier from his trunk and flicking the keys to the valet.
The place was full of what were clearly preparations for the ceremony tomorrow, and he was glad for it; it made his showing up here less suspicious. Though, he supposed, it didn’t really matter. The minute he started asking questions, he knew Lucien would puzzle out why he’d come and tear the mickey out of him for it.
“Can I help you, sir?”
Azriel pushed his sunglasses into his hair and glanced at the girl bobbing behind the reception desk.
“Lucien Vanserra?”
She opened her mouth before closing it, her eyes going over his shoulder in answer.
“Macar, you must need a new watch. You’re…” Azriel turned on a booted heel, trying not to react as Lucien consulted his own sickeningly-lavish timepiece “Six hours early.“
He gave Azriel a lazy grin, the kind that always made Az want to punch him.
Reminding himself to keep it cordial, at least to start, Azriel shrugged and said, “I was dropping off the arbor.”
Azriel had built Feyre and Rhys a bespoke arbor from California cedar for their rustic—if wedding held at a resort that cost $1,300 a night could ever be considered rustic—nuptials in the redwood forest that yawned out behind the hotel.
“What?” Lucien said dryly. “In your two-door Benz?”
Azriel only pursed his lips as Lucien eyed him gleefully. The younger man had an uncanny knack for spotting a lie and a seemingly insatiable thirst for gossip, both of which set Azriel’s teeth on edge.
“You’re full of shit,” Lucien observed, eyes still keen. “Your guys dropped it off yesterday.”
Azriel held up the chandelier—which would be attached to the arbor for the ceremony— in answer, and Lucien rolled his eyes, though he was still smiling faintly.
“You drove six hours through LA traffic to drop off a glorified lamp?”
“This thing is baccarat crystal, you uncultured dick,” Azriel snapped, and Lucien rolled his eyes again, gesturing to the left with his chin.
“We can store it in my office until the light guy gets here tomorrow morning.”
Azriel followed Lucien up the grand staircase, helping him to carefully get it settled in the walk-in safe before watching Vanserra slouch into the chair behind his desk.
Not sure how to go about finding out what he’d come here for, Azriel braced his hands on the supple leather chair across from Lucien, surveying the view of the pool and forest beyond that was visible through the large window.
”I can’t believe you own parter of this place,” Azriel remarked, aware that his tone was a little south of friendly.
Lucien only laughed.
“It’s an equity investment,” Lucien said. “I don’t even have the controlling stake. And this is all pretty rich coming from the dude who build Beyoncé’s dining room table.”
Azriel flushed. Maybe it was a consequence of growing up poor in a part of the country where flashing wealth was considered a mortal sin, but name-dropping and talking about money always made him uncomfortable.
He’d certainly acquired a taste for the finer things since his design shop had gotten successful, but he didn’t see what joy there was to be gained from bragging about it all the time. Besides, there wasn’t really a need: the orange Lamborghini Aventador parked in his garage back in LA was more than happy to do it for him.
“What’s this about?” Lucien said, the shadow of that knowing smirk still faintly visible on his face, even though he wasn’t currently smiling. “No offense, Macar, but I really don’t have time for your ‘Man of the People’ routine today, and I know you didn’t get here half a day before the rehearsal dinner just to drop off that stupid chandelier, bacca-ra-ra crystal or not.”
“Baccarat,” Azriel corrected, and Lucien rolled his eyes. “And I didn’t get the frame finished before my guys left with the truck yesterday. I just wanted to make sure it got here okay.”
Lucien surveyed him with a critical eye before shrugging.
“So we’re good? Great, I’ll get Jessica to check you in, then. I assume you’ll want to go to do push-ups or scowl in the mirror or whatever it is you do for fun, considering you have six hours before the rehearsal starts.”
Lucien started out of his chair, and Azriel tensed, making the former smirk.
“I thought so,” he crowed, dark eyes glittering. “I know what you want to ask me, so go ahead: ask me.”
Azriel only clenched his jaw in response. Jesus, this was such a dumb idea. He should have just taken his chances and gone to Palo Alto. Hell, even gone to Feyre, annoying as her meddling could sometimes be. Anything to avoid that smug, shit-eating grin that had begun to spread across Lucien’s face.
“Fine,” Lucien said, clearly enjoying every second of Azriel’s discomfort. “I’ll go first: you want to know if Elain’s bringing someone tonight.”
Azriel only crossed his arms, and Lucien laughed.
“I knew it!” he said, banging his fist on the table. “I knew you had the hots for her! Man, you are so fucking transparent.”
Azriel rolled his eyes.
“What do you want, a medal?”
“That’s alright,” Lucien practically cooed. “Watching you squirm is prize enough.”
“Cut the shit,” Azriel said, patience waning. Please god let her be single again. He wasn’t sure he could handle having sacrificed this much of his pride for nothing. “Is she bringing anyone?”
Azriel hadn’t seen Elain since she’d gone back to grad school at Stanford a month ago; that was more than enough time for some other guy to slide in and try and sweep her off her feet. His only saving grace was the fact Elain was not easily wooed. It was one of the many things Azriel found so alluring about her; she was quietly but fiercely independent, and self-possessed in a way most twenty-four year olds weren’t.
Lucien only shrugged.
“How should I know?”
“She’s your best friend; don’t pretend she doesn’t tell you everything.”
Lucien pursed his lips this time, clearly slipping into his long-held role as gatekeeper to Elain’s highly-sought after affections.
“Say what you really mean: you want to know if she’s back with Graysen.”
Okay, yes, that was what Azriel wanted to know, though he didn’t admit as much out loud. Graysen Van Baas, for all this faults, always seemed the dog to beat in the fight for Elain’s attention. None of their friends could really figure out why—he was a grade-A douche—but Elain had been dating him on-and-off since college, and had even turned down a scholarship at the Department of Art History at Yale to follow him to Stanford instead. Graysen was a second year law student there, a fact he felt the need to remind them of with sickeningly frequency.
For the three years, Elain and Graysen had been in a constant cycle of breaking up and getting back together, much to everyone’s chagrin. The last time she’d brought him down to have dinner in LA, Cash ended up having to drag a snarling Nesta out of the restaurant to avoid a scene. According to him, it had taken dirty sex in the back of their Land Rover and a new Michael Kors handbag to convince Nesta not to drive up to Palo Alto and kill Graysen in his sleep.
“Well?” Azriel prompted, giving Lucien a deadpan look that Lucien rather impressively matched.
“Not that I know of.”
“Not that you know of?” Azriel repeated, and this time, Lucien did stop smiling.
“Elain and I had to make a ‘No Graysen talk’ policy for the sake of our friendship.”
“So you have no idea if she’s bringing him or not?” Azriel said, and Lucien gave another shrug.
Well wasn’t that just fucking fantastic.
Azriel waited for Lucien to continue, but he didn’t, much to Azriel’s mounting annoyance.
“Vanserra, I don’t have time for your dramatic timing or your bullshit. Just tell me if you think she’s going to bring Graysen or not.”
“I don’t think so. She’s pretty garbage at hiding when she’d seeing him again, and I haven’t heard her mention him even in passing, though—” Lucien paused to give Azriel a vulpine smirk.  “She does seem to find plenty of ways to casually bring you up in conversation.”
Lucien put on an affection of Elain’s sweet, sing-song voice and continued, “'How’s Az doing? Did you know that Gwyneth Paltrow bought one of those reclaimed accent tables Az makes? What day’s Az coming up for the wedding, do you know? Did you read that article about Az’s designs in—’”
“You better not be fucking with me,” Azriel interrupted in a low voice. His heart was beating so hard he could feel like in his throat.
Lucien’s mouth tightened.
“Look, I know you and I aren’t exactly friends—though please know I would take you over Cash or Rhys any day of the week—but Elain has been my best friend for ten years, and I love her more than anything. I would never fuck with her happiness, and I certainly wouldn’t send some surly dude after her if I didn’t think she wasn’t at least open to the possibility. Do with that information what you will.”
“A charming sentiment,” Azriel said, already miles away from the conversation. He needed to call Cash. He and Nesta were meant to pick Elain up from Palo Alto on their way down from San Francisco. It was nearly impossible to convince Nesta Archeron to change her plans once they’d been made, so Azriel would need to buy Cash as much time as possible to bribe her into agreeing. Hopefully this time, Cassian would leave out the logistics; Azriel had heard enough details about their sex life to last a lifetime.
“Excellent,” Lucien said. “Well now that that’s settled, I have actual work to do. Are you going to stay here, or—“
“No, I’m leaving,” Azriel said, check his watch. It was noon already—he needed to get on the road.
“Are you seriously driving down to Palo Alto right now?” Lucien said, seemingly amused. “Damn, son, I hope your boss is reimbursing you for mileage.”
“Stay out of my business,” Azriel said curtly, seeing no point to being polite now that he’d gotten what he came for. “And don’t ever call me ‘son’, again.”
“No?” Lucien goaded. “What about Daddy?”
“Vanserra,” Azriel said, squeezing his eyes shut and praying for patience. “Don’t make me kill you.”
“Oh please,” Lucien said, kicking his feet off the desk. “You’d never do that to Elain. And you owe me, by the way. Maybe you could tell Mor—“
“She has a serious girlfriend,” Azriel cut off, “But I will put in a good word with her friend Vassa—apparently she’d got a thing for gingers.”
Lucien rolled his eyes, though Azriel could tell he was secretly pleased with the prospect of Jes’s attention.
“See you this evening, then,” Lucien said in dismissal. “Please, do not feel the need hurry back.”
Azriel flipped him a foul hand gesture and sauntered out, reminding himself not to seem to eager on the trip back to his car. Once in it though, he put the petal to the floor, letting his new E-Class purr into fifth gear and linger. It was then he called Cash
“What’s up, brother?” came the answer after three rings.
“Hey, have you and Nesta left to pick Elain up yet?”
“No, she called earlier and said she’d had some breakthrough on something with her paper, and that she’d just meet us there. Why?”
Azriel gripped the wheel a little harder, bracing for impending impact with Cash’s needling wit.
“No reason.”
Cassian only laughed in response.
“You’re driving up to Palo Alto, aren’t you?” he said mirthfully. “Man, you have it bad.”
“Fuck off.”
“Damn, Feyre’s gonna be so smug; she bet you would make your move before the rehearsal dinner. I had you waiting until the reception! Where’s the heads-up, handsome?”
“Feyre knows?” Azriel demanded, feeling his cheek warm slightly. “I told you not to tell her. And stop betting on my love life; it freaks me out.”
“I didn’t tell her, Nesta did. And before you bite my head off, I didn’t tell Nesta, either. She just figured it out. Also, don’t be so uptight; stress can cause impotence, and trust me, you don’t want to start this Elain thing off with a limp dick.”
“Christ,” Azriel said, rubbing his temple with his free hand. “Please stop. And just keep Nesta’s phone away from her for a few hours. I don’t need Feyre waiting on the front steps like a welcoming committee.”
“Tough ask, my man. The only way to keep her that distracted is to—“
“Goodbye Cash,” Azriel said with emphasis. “See you in a bit.”
“Go get ‘em, champ,” Cash cooed, and Azriel grit his teeth in annoyance before ending the call.
It was about a two hour drive down to Palo Alto, and Azriel spent the entirety of it wondering the best way to handle the situation.
It felt rather abrupt to simply confess himself the minute she opened the door, but given how well—or rather, how poorly—the subtly angle had played so far, he didn’t feel like he could rule it out entirely.
By San Jose, he’d run through ever possible iteration of their conversation, ranging from doing nothing to just kissing before she had a chance to speak. He found all the speculation was just making me more agitated, so he permitted himself to daydream about what she might wear instead.
Unlike her elder sister, Elain wasn’t usually one for dressing up, but when she did, it was always to devastating effect.  Azriel thought of the tantalizing little cocktail dress she’d worn to Cash’s 34th birthday in July and bit his lip; she’d looked good enough to eat that night.
Though, Azriel mused, that wasn’t the Elain he liked best. He preferred her usual style, her quirky overalls and graphic tees, that long braid forever swinging behind her as she laughed or talked animatedly about Cinquecento Rome and the artistic milieu of the Papal Courts—the topic of her Masters thesis.
Fuck, he should have done this months ago. He should have done it the moment she broke up with Graysen at the beginning of the summer, or that day they’d watched the sunset together over Golden Gate park after the dinner to celebrate Nesta’s latest win in court.
Sitting on the hood of the Benz that night, he’d wanted to, so badly. But watching her with her knees tucked to her chest like she was a little girl while she explained all the constellations as they emerged, he hadn’t wanted to ruin the moment. Besides, she’d only just broke things off with Graysen the week before, and he hadn’t wanted her to think he was taking advantage of her.
He should have just done it, though; should have explained that it wasn’t about her breakup, and that he’d fallen for her the moment he met her, and had  continued to fall with every new thing he learned about her. It was true she was gorgeous, but somehow, that was the least alluring thing about her.
Swearing to himself, Azriel pulled up in front of Elain’s quaint bungalow and parked, drumming on the steering wheel again to try and dispel the nerves. He really wished he still had that bottle of Jamo in the glove box; he really could have used it right now. Instead he just took a deep breath, glancing in the rearview to inspect his hair and run a hand through it before getting out of a the car.
Right, he could do this. As Lucien had so tacklessly pointed out, he’d been personally invited into Beyoncé’s house before; if he could keep his shit together for that, he could be cool about this.
He would just be casual, friendly. They had the whole drive up to chat—there was no reason to blurt it all out now. Besides, why explain he was basically in love with her on her front porch when he could do it as they drove down the breathtaking California coast?
He blew out another breath and knocked, fumbling a bit for what to do with his hands before leaning in what he hoped was a casual way on the doorframe. Women liked when guys leaned on things, right?
He listened to the door click, and he pressed his nose to his shoulder to quickly insure the cologne he’d put on that morning was still fresh before the door swung in.
Elain appeared, and his heart stuttered a step. She looked as gorgeous as he’d ever seen her, and it honestly made it hard for him to breathe.
“Hey Ellie,” he managed, pushing sunglasses into his hair and grinning the way he only ever had an urge to when she was around.
“Az,” she said in delighted surprise. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, grin widening a little.
“I was in the neighborhood,” he said, and she laughed, her teeth bright against her rose pink lips.
Az tried not the check her out as she did, but she was perfection in the pink tulle cocktail dress she wore, and my God did her tits look amazing. He’d promised himself before he got here he wouldn’t look at them, but the dress was cut nearly to her sternum, and there was truly no not looking. Az had always been—if such a thing wasn’t too ungentlemanly to admit—a breast man, and hers were without equal. Still, they had nothing on the intelligent, merry glimmer in her doe brown eyes, which had him falling just that little farther in love when she met his eye.
“From LA?” Elain teased, craning her neck to grin at him and fisting a hand in his shirt at the hip as she did.
Ordinarily he didn’t like to be touched without provocation, but Elain was a tactile person, and he’d come to crave her calming touches, even knowing they were completely platonic.
He flicked her nose in answer, and she batted him away, laughing.
"Cash mentioned that you were driving yourself down,” Azriel explained, wishing he could invent another reason to touch her again. “And since we all know there is only about a fifty percent chance Jafar can actual make it that far, I’d thought I’d see if you wanted a ride.”
Jafar was Elain’s embattled ’87 beetle, so-named for his villainous predilection for losing A/C in the summer.
Elain laughed again before biting her lip, her expression going penitent.
“I wish you’d called,” she said, frowning now.
Oh no. Azriel knew that look; it was the one she always gave saps at the bar when she wanted to let them down easy.
“Are you that deadset on taking Jafar?” Azriel teased, desperately trying to right the ship. “You still haven’t replaced the radio from when it got ripped out.”
Elain laughed.
“No, fuck Jafar. You know I’d much rather ride in the Benz and hang out with you. It’s just—” she broke off, wincing a little now, too. “Don’t be mad.”
“Why would I be mad?” he said, but he knew what was coming next, and he was already so mad her could barely keep from blurting a very impolite swear word, one that rhymed with both “duck” and “truck”.
“Graysen’s on his way to pick me up right now.”
Azriel felt his shoulders falling in obvious disappointment, and he caught them with effort, his traps aching with the stain of not letting them slump.
“You’re seeing Graysen again?” he forced out, still straining to sound conversational.
She blushed a little. At least she wasn’t oblivious to how much they all disliked him.
“We got back together last week.”
“Great,” he said, running a hand through his hair for something to do. “Well that’s..perfect. Nice.” 
He glanced down at her, at the sweet dolefulness in her expression, before squeezing his eyes shut and blurting, “no actually, fuck this. Ellie, please don’t bring that dick to your sister’s wedding.”
Elain pursed her lips and turned away from the door, and Azriel took it as a silent invitation, following her in and closing it behind him.
“Please,” she said, biting her lip again. God, he wanted to do the same so badly in hurt. “I’m already going to get enough crap from Nesta and Luc; I don’t need it from you, too.”
“Well tough shit, because you’re getting it.”
She crossed her arms somewhat defensively, and he softened.
"C’mon, El, we all know how this ends, and honestly, you could do so much better.”
“You don’t even know him,” she said. “And I realize you and Cash and Rhys love playing big brother, but I’m not some little teenager you have to look after. I’m a grown-up, and I’m fine. ”
He groaned in agitation, wondering how this had gotten off the rails so quickly.
“You’re not like a little sister,” he said, wanting to be sure it had been stated for the record. “At least not to me.”
He hoped in vain she would read between the lines and get what he was trying to tell her. Understandably, she didn’t, and she just rolled her eyes.
“So you’re telling me you drove two hours out of your way just to see if I wanted company?”
Yes, that was exactly what he was telling her. Before he could debate the merits of saying this out loud, she narrowed her eyes and continued.
"I know my sisters sent you to spy on me after I cancelled on Nesta.”
He groaned again. They had to get out of this “family drama” zone before he got branded as an overbearing older brother for all eternity.
“Jesus, Ellie, that is not what this is.”
“Okay,” she said somewhat hotly. “Then what is it?”
Azriel fumbled for the words, but he’d always been more a man of action than eloquence, so he advanced to gently cup her cheeks instead, hoping she didn’t slap him as he kissed her.
Her lips were so soft he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, and at this close distance, he found himself inundated with her pretty floral perfume. However, after a second her lips were still tight under his, and hating himself for forcing the kiss on her, he jerked back.
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” he began in a panic, beginning to back away. “Ellie, I—“
He didn’t get far in his doleful retreat. She had a hand in his t-shirt before he could even blink, and suddenly she was the one kissing him. He thought to question it, but didn’t, simply wrapped a hand around her back to steady her so he could get a proper taste. She’d obviously just brushed her teeth, and her breath was fresh as she opened her mouth so her tongue could touch his.
The left-brain part of him was distantly screaming at him as they continued to kiss, demanding he parse through the events that had lead them to this point so he could make sense of it. The rest of him didn’t care. He didn’t care that her dumb ass ex boyfriend was still on his way over here, or that he had no idea what it meant that she’d kissed him back. All he cared about was that she had.
He moaned when her hands slipped under the hem of his shirt and down his bare back. Not to seduce, he realized, but simply to feel his warmth against her own and ground them more solidly in the moment. He melted into her touch, suddenly struck by the feeling that after 29 years of wandering the Earth like a nomad, he’d finally found a place safe enough to call home.
The dizzying delight of it made him slightly unstable, and they careened backward, his hand bracing on the wall and caging her to it as they continued to kiss. He groaned as she let her hands slip out of his shirt so she could run her fingers through his hair, knocking his sunglasses to the ground as she tugged on the strands, her teeth echoing the motion on his bottom lip.
He was so wrapped up in it that he didn’t hear the annoying bugle of the camero’s engine as it trumpeted into the driveway, and it was only when someone knocked on the door that he realized Graysen had arrived.
“Babe? Are you ready? Let’s go.”
Elain stiffened, and she and Azriel shared a look.
“Just don’t answer it,” he mouthed, but he felt his stomach twisted into a grotesque double windsor as she flashed him penitent look, pushing gently on his chest and eying her overnight bag where it sat packed near the door.
No, this could not be happening. There was no way this was actually happening.
Except it was.
Elain slipped from beneath his arm and called, “Umm, be right there!”
“You said two,” Graysen called back. “It’s 2:07. Hurry up, please.”
Azriel watched in horror as Elain smoothed her hair before gathering her things.
“Elain,” he whispered, but she shook her head, still looking—despite the royal screwing she was about to give him—like the girl of his dreams, the one he’d been in love with for two years.
“I’m so sorry, Az,” she said in the same tone, giving him a sympathetic frown as she touched his cheek. “I just can’t.“
“Wait, Elain—“
He reached for her wrist to hold her there, but it was too late. She was wrenching open the door, and Azriel had no choice but to listen as she kissed Graysen, still flattened to the wall like a teenager trying not to get caught. He only dared move when he heard the Camero pulling off down the street, taking a staggering step back before hearing a crunch and glancing down to see his sunglasses snapped in two.
What a fucking joke.
Part II: The Researsal Dinner
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jolina-martir · 4 years
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The Camiguin Island Experience!
Have you ever been to Camiguin Island? Are you planning to go to Camiguin Islands? If yes you make a good decision where you will go on vacation because I have already been to Camiguin Island and there are many places to go there. My deceased grandfather lived on Camiguin Island so we went to many places where he used to go. I already know the place a bit and we also had a vacation in 2017 with my cousins and my uncle is the most memorable because it was my birthday when we went and lived in my grandfather's brother's house for five days. About the flight to Camiguin first is if you do not have private transportation you first go to the bus terminal on the bus ride to balingwan more than 3 hours before arrival also depends on the flight time if you travel early you can get there easier because there is no traffic when you arrive at the balingwan you will take the ferry to Camiguin island you will arrive in more than an hour and if you have a car you can take your car on the barge to the island if you ask me about transportation it is easier if you have your car with you  because when you arrive on the island there are not much transportation services there but you can rent a car before you go to Camiguin but if you don't have your car it is still a good decision to use public transportation go to Camiguin.
My last trip to camiguin in 2017 and my experience on Camiguin Island was a great place for my family and me to relax. “Island Born of Fire” is a perfect title for one of the most beautiful destinations in the Philippines Camiguin Island. The remnants of its volcanic eruptions shaped it into the beauty that it is today. Camiguin is an island province in the middle of the Bohol Sea, 100 kilometers north of Cagayan de Oro City in Misamis Oriental. For a small island that only measures 92 square miles, there are plenty of Camiguin tourist spots that you can visit.
The island is blessed with several gorgeous beaches, waterfalls, hot springs, cold springs, and the sweetest Lanzones fruit in the Philippines. Camiguin is famous for its tourist spots like White Island, Mantigue Island, Mount Hibok-Hibok, and the recently-declared National Heritage Sites; the Bonbon Church Ruins, and the Sunken Cemetery. Although a booming tourist destination, Camiguin Island maintains its rural charm. Mostly because of the locals who participate in preserving the natural beauty and heritage of their island. Take note of these top tourist spots and things to do when planning your Camiguin island itinerary. One of these is White Island every beach lover’s dream it has white sand surrounded by crystal clear waters and colorful underwater scenery. The island is technically a sandbar, and so it is easily shifted by changing tides and the movement of sea currents. White Island changes shape throughout the year.It is also good to note that White Island disappears during high tide. So, make sure to ask locals about the tide schedule before renting a boat to go there. You can lounge by the shore and enjoy the panoramic view of Mount Hibok-Hibok from a distance, go swimming in the shallow waters, or have fun snorkeling. The shape-shifting White Island can be found off the northern coast of Mambajao, Camiguin.To get there from Mambajao proper, you can hire a habal-habal (motorcycle) or get on a tricycle to Barangay Yumbing and asked to be dropped near Paras Beach Resort. You’ll find the boat rentals beside the resort. You’ll also have to pay an environmental fee. Sunken Cemetery Camiguin is also home to unique tourist spots like the Sunken Cemetery that has helped place this small island province in the list of rising travel destinations in the country.The Sunken Cemetery has since stood as an eerie reminder of Camiguin Island’s violent past. The eruption of Mount Vulcan in 1871, the same one that destroyed the Old Bonbon Church, also submerged the coastal area of Catarman. A big cross was erected in 1982 to mark the location. Beneath the surface, the tombstones have become an unlikely home to a variety of fish and Giant clams, making the Sunken Cemetery a unique diving and snorkeling site.To get to Barangay Bonbon in Catarman, ride a multicab from Mambajao or rent a habal-habal. Instruct the driver to drop you off at the site of the sunken cemetery. You can also ride a boat to get a closer look at the cross and snorkel to see the tombstones underwater. Unlike White Island which is purely a sandbar,  Mantigue Island has a small patch of forest surrounded by white sand beaches and turquoise water a beautiful sight on its own. If that isn’t enough to wow you, know that Mantigue Island hides its best features underwater. Mantigue Island stands proudly in the middle of a protected marine sanctuary. Fishing is prohibited here, and as you can imagine marine life is thriving. This humble 4-acre islet is perfect for tourists who love snorkeling or diving. Head out to Mantigue Island. Dive into the depths and feast your eyes on the rich and vibrant coral gardens and diverse marine ecosystem. To get to Mantigue Island, ride a tricycle from Benoni Port at Mahinog all the way to Barangay San Roque where the boat station to the island is. There is an environmental and snorkeling fee. Another tourist spot is the Mount Hibok-Hibok and its surrounding attractions are on the top of the list of every avid hiker aiming to explore Camiguin. The pristine forest surrounding Mount Hibok-Hibok, officially known as Mount Timpong Mount Hibok-Hibok Natural Monument, is declared as an ASEAN Heritage Park. As a result, Mt. Hibok-Hibok, while well-explored, remains immaculate. At the foot of this imposing volcano lie several springs and lagoons that make the perfect post-climb reward. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned hiker, Mt. Hibok-Hibok is a must-climb. It’s a beginner-friendly trek that is still challenging enough as a day-hike. An active stratovolcano with an elevation of 1,332 meters above sea level (MASL) climbing the peak of Mt. Hibok-Hibok typically takes 3-4 hours. Jumping off at Ardent Hot Springs in Mambajao, expect a steep trail ahead. Thankfully, the scenery becomes more beautiful with every step. The trail is teeming with ferns, mosses, pitcher plants, and other bushes you’ll never find in your backyard; so, take your time to appreciate the lush greenery. When you reach the peak, you will be greeted by the view of the mossy crater of the volcano, and a full 360 of Camiguin Island. Take in the view, and then snap a photo as a remembrance. To climb Mt. Hibok-Hibok, you’ll need to secure a permit and an accredited guide by the Mambajao DENR Office. From DENR, hire a habal-habal to take you to Ardent Hot Spring. Get Refreshed at Katibawasan Falls Tucked at the foot of Mount Timpoong, Katibawasan Falls is the most visited waterfalls in Camiguin. The mere sight of it will take your breath away. This 250-meter high waterfall cascades from a cliff covered with lush wild ferns and drops into a small waist-deep basin of clear and cold water. Secondly, it is highly maintained by the local government and easily accessible to the public. Despite its popularity, Katibawasan Falls keeps its natural charm thanks to its untouched flora. Surrounded by various species of orchids, tropical trees, and giant ferns, Katibawasan Falls is the perfect oasis for every travel-worn tourist. You can rent a habal-habal from Mambajao to take you to Katibawasan Falls.
The last place we went before we went home to Cagayan de Oro City was the Camiguin cemetery and the famous old church where many of us discovered historical facts about why the old church looked like that and I feel the tragic event in the church and lastly, we took a lot of pictures there you know as a Filipino we immediately post those pictures on Facebook. We got tired when we got home but it was worth it especially the reason why we went there is to visit our relatives and to see the beautiful Camiguin Island with my family. We went home with a smile on our faces and we told each other that we will come back to the Camiguin islands because who would not miss the beautiful place and hospitality of the people there. For all of you who want to relax and go to Instagramable places, Camiguin Island offers the best vacation experience for you and your family.
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kayminkoh · 4 years
[Book Review] The Institute
by Stephan King Personal rating 8/10
Personal Note
The author leaves the reader with a sensitive choice of morality, whether the purpose of the institute is rightful or wrongful. Whether a small sacrifice should be made for the chance of a greater good or if unjust actions are rendered wrongful no matter the bigger picture. The author takes effort to get the reader at personal levels with each main character. The author makes the pain of the characters real and personal to the reader. The author creates a thrilling story that takes the reader into the character's perspective, making it feel like a 3D perspective view movie. I felt the bottom of the fence  raking against my legs and I felt blood dripping from a place of my body where my earlobe should have been, I saw the donut crumbs on the train that the freight manager left behind and felt hunger.
Flawless balance between descriptive and narrative text to let the imagination and story progress fluently.
Longest book i’ve read in my life. 561 pages with relatively lots of words in one page.
The book seemed unnecessarily slow at the start especially with narration around a sub character. When the sub-character is reintegrated into the story at the end, I could barely remember his character. Considering the two months it took me to read this book (my mind was on other things and other books), I took 59 days reading 30% of the book and once the action started it took me the next 24 hours to finish the remaining 70%.
Plot Summary
*Spoiler Alert. Anyone who intends to read the book already should not go any further.
Main Character: Luke Ellis (super smart kid)
Main character Friends: Kalisha (Luke's first friend in first half), Avery(Super strong TP), Tim(Local friendly cop),
Institution members: Julia(in charge), Stackhouse(2IC), Maureen(caretaker)
Story (Short reminder version)
Thousands of kids are reported missing every year. Out of those reported missing some Kids ranging from 10 to 14 are kidnapped (and their family often murdered in the process) and taken to a secret institution hidden away surrounded by forests somewhere in Maine. These kids are not taken at random, they are subjects of particular interest that are being monitored by a secret organization. Nobody knows that these few children are actually incubated by their paternal figures until they are ripe of age. How they were discovered and how the institution knew? All babies are given a test at birth called BDNF(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and in rare cases, babies with exceptionally high BDNF levels experience supernatural events. Hearing voices or experiencing objects move as if, in the presence of a ghost. Eventually we find out that they possess some form of either telekinesis or telepathy.
Luke wakes up one morning and finds himself in his own room. Everything is normal.. but strangely, the window is not where it is supposed to be. Overnight he has become a victim of one of these kidnappings and lost his parents in the process. He is now part of ‘The Institute’. The place seemed like a school for kids, there are caretakers, a cafeteria, a playground with a trampoline…. Just not doctors that randomly call upon kids to put needles in them and forcefully make them focus their eyes at hypnotizing videos until they pass out. This particular hypnotizing video consisted of swirling colorful dots that made some throw up, pass out or die. Despite the agony of being a test subject, the security makes sure the kids are in line and go through the procedure without resistance. The staff would electrocute young kids with zap sticks if any slight disobedience is apparent. Security cameras are everywhere, kids can't go home. They have no home if anything. 
While the kids are stripped of their freedom, the internet, their rights and safety, the institute is relentless and emotionless. I assume the institution calls it motivation when the head manager Julia appears and says that the kids are serving a valuable purpose for the country and the world. At first, you would think the institute was a place of research, where they are trying to contain telekinesis and telepathy powers to create a psychic army to dominate the world, but gladly, the author provides a better story than that.
Fresh kids arrive at the institute in relatively constant frequencies and new arrivals naturally become acquainted with one another and get along. What also was constant was the rate at which kids were removed from this new home. The Kids find out they are in a sector of the institute called ‘front half’ and although not said aloud very much, becomes familiar with the word ‘back half’. Not one of the guests knows exactly what the back half is but there is a bad feeling that one gets from rumors and listening to the staff’s thoughts through telepathy. What became obvious was that when the testing was done on an individual and you have been sitting comfortably for a couple or few days, one knows. The men in red are coming for you to remove you from the front half, and take you to the back half one is never to be seen again.
The youngest of the institute Avery, age 8, comes in not long after Luke’s arrival. Avery was unusually young to be taken by his parents but one could see why he was here already. He could read minds like listening with his ears and send thoughts like speaking. The strongest telepathic the institution found in a few decades. He cries and wets his pants but luckily finds himself around some compatible people to make his substitute  mommy or daddy figures. Avery has trouble sleeping at night and finds himself seeking his parent buddies to sleep together with. At night he would come find Kalisha, a TP girl of color who was the longest staying resident in the front half and inevitably,  when she was taken away to the back half, Avery looked to Luke.
One day there was a heavy storm and consequentially, not so long after, a small trench was discovered under the playground fence. The security didn’t know yet and for the first time in a long while, Luke thought of hope; A way to escape this hell of an institute. With the aid of a special caretaker called Maureen who Luke had helped out with her personal issues, Luke escaped during the night. He had 3 things Maureen had secretly provided for the mission. 1, a knife to dig and to take care of something on Luke. 2, a USB. 3, some information on directions. During the night Luke went out and made the trench deeper and got through, and when the time came to remove the tracking tag on his earlobe, the young brave boy did it. Like a Saw movie, he cut a large portion of his earlobe off, threw it over the fence and dashed for it. Following the instructions he got, Luke landed himself on a train. Where was he going, what was his plan, was he going to make it?
Meanwhile back at the institute in the morning, a Janitor finds Julia saying it's urgent. Julia followed to see what he had found, imagining a clogged toilet. To everyone’s surprise…. It wasn’t the earlobe… yet... but, Maureen was found dead. Suicide by hanging in the toilet of an empty dorm. Her tongue poking out and a small message on the mirror that started turning the mentality of the  institute on its head, ‘hell is coming’. The institute didn't know exactly what, but they were scared, Julia not knowing what exactly is happening did start to doubt the security systems and security measures that have been gradually weathering over time. She knew how dusty the cameras were and how laid back everyone had become with familiarity of the work. This realization was good for the institute but for the matter at hand, She was one day too late. 
Avery was trying to cover up the trench Luke left behind. He was caught by the now highly alert security and was tortured, the poor tiny boy. Avery eventually leaked some information about the escape and panic made its way to the privately operated institution. The information that Avery provided was a good start for the institute, however, the help was not sufficient to avoid further punishment. Avery was dunked multiple times into a water tank, till he fainted, and was brought back to reality, and was dunked again, and repeated…. As the final punishment Avery was thrown into the Back half.
The runaway situation was a chess game. A game the smart boy Luke was best at. Luke would repeatedly mention having at least 3 moves, each with three moves the opposition can take and be ready for the right reaction. The institute had spies all over the region so they had a good home land advantage on locating Luke. First of all, they thought Luke was going to go as far away as he possibly can. And they were right. From looking at train schedules and their dedicated locations the institute was able to get a good idea as to where Luke was going. The game was just starting when Luke was caught in the freight of mattresses and lawn mowers. Thankfully not by one of the institute spies who called themselves the uncle of a lost boy, but by a friendly freight manager who may or may not have believed Luke's story, but was convinced from the blood soaked clothes and desperate conversation with Luke that he had to leave the kid alone in the train instead of taking him to local authorities to report a lost kid.
There were uncles at every stop, so Luke couldn’t simply get off when the train was parked. When Luke got off the train he tried to get off early to avoid any attention but he ran into a signpost and knocked himself out. The people at the train station all saw Luke and helped him get to a safe place. Between the local folks there was one that was a spy for the institute and called the institute right away. The institute departed with Julia leading as soon as the report came in but luckily, Luke had about 8 hours before they arrived at the station. Luke had 8 hours to convince the locals what he had seen and where he was the last few months.
It seemed 8 hours was enough, especially with the USB Maureen prepared. The USB contained footage revealing the back half and also the A ward which was revealed to be the next place kids were transferred to after being in the back half.
Meanwhile, when Avery  landed himself in the Back half he learnt what the purpose of the institution was and also realized there was a ward A where one was taken to and never to be seen again. The purpose of the institution was to make globally threatening targets kill themself by means of long distance telepathy that was achievable only when the kids in back half all focused at once and with an additional boost they called the ‘hum’ that was coming from the kids in ward A. There was something strange about the kids who stayed longer in the back half, they were slowly losing their strengths and minds. At meal time, the fresh back half members would eat but the veteran back half members would drool and not eat at all, as if their mind has been brainwashed, or perhaps didn't have a brain to wash at all.
Back at the station where the townsfolk were watching the USB footage, Maureen concludes what the A ward was, it was the children at the institute who had given up their minds to the psychic power; they had gone over the mental wall and could not return to their bodies. What was left of them was their bodies, and the pure power they possessed that let out a ‘hum’. They ran around like lunatics, had no clothes on, banged their heads rhythmically or repeated saying the same phrases infinitely. They were broken. And when their bodies did not eat, they eventually died, and were taken to a special furnace for cremation. A death known to no one. Probably a better place to be than be consumed by power and not able to return to one's body.
When the Locals all agreed something had to be done, Julia and the kidnapping murderers had arrived and a massacre broke loose. Both locals and the institute took fatalities but Luke and the friendly police officer, Tim, survived and were able to out smart and capture the overly unstable, emotional and desperate Julia. When Stackhouse, who was second in charge after Julia was at  the institution, received the call he had feared but somewhat expected. A deal was made with Luke to have Julia back and the secrecy protected in exchange for the kids in the institution.
When Luke, Tim and Julia arrived at the institution, Stackhouse was outside with both his hands in front as instructed by Luke. When the car was close enough, Stackhouse suddenly put one hand up and the hiding crew open-fired at the car. There would be no trouble if Tim and Luke were dead and if that meant Julia had to die as well, it was judged to be ‘worth it’. But being the smart boy Luke was, Luke and Tim were in the back seat against the floor while Julia was forced to drive the car seating at the front taking all the bullets thrown by her own team. Luke and Tim survived. But the game was not won yet.
It turned out, there was no need to win anything by force from Luke and Tim’s side. There was an explosion and an unbelievable event that distracted everyone there. You see, Avery being the most powerful TP, figured out how the ward A kids used their powers and realized that they respond to a strong TP Force. The Ward A kids attached themselves to any familiar power and enhanced it. The kids in back half, the ones still with their minds intact put their hands together and made their way out. They made the staff kill each other, and electrocute themselves to death, slap one self till they were out etc. When they came to a dead end due to security lock down that Stackhouse had previously ordered. Avery, felt power coming from the kids of ward A but also felt power coming from far far away. As if there were  institutions all around the world. While in his time at the dead end, he fell asleep and dreamt of answering a series of phones that hung up after saying ‘can you hear me?’ the phones got bigger and bigger as he answered each one and when he woke up. One of the mindless Ward A kids had written on the wall, ‘ Answer the BIG phone’. Knowing that he might be consumed by the power when the big phone was picked up, he said his goodbyes to his friends and answered the phone. He said ‘i can hear you’ and a rumble started along with powers that were never witnessed before. The building’s security did not matter anymore because the whole building started vibrating and elevating. When the broken building lost its integrity the other kids escaped to the playground, and looked at what was happening. The whole building was levitating above and was moving toward the adjacent administration building. When the buildings were vertically aligned the levitating building fell and demolished both structures killing any who remained in them. The institution was done for. At Least this branch was.
During this event Stackhouse and his crew had forgotten about who they shot at, why that shot at them and were in shock. Luke and Tim captured this opportunity to reverse the tide and took control of the situation. The institution members were tied up and the surviving kids were reunited. The surviving kids all stayed with Tim for a while and were let go one by one, Tim let one child go at a time to where their family or closest family was. Telling them not to say anything about anything, and they don't remember or just don't know. It was judged that it was for the world’s best interest that no such institute existed.
Before Luke was to be introduced back into the real world. A person in a suit visited Tim and Luke. He said that they have caused a big mistake and now the world is on a death timer. The man was the boss of all the institutions. Mentioned a power that Luke had only guessed existed and that was future predictors. The man's job, the institution's purpose was to remove global destruction scale threats before anyone realized it would threaten life on Earth. Whether it may be the development of gas that could take out a whole race, a leader who would release multiple nukes upon the world, Hitler, who shot himself… (The institutes doing?). However,  Luke was not persuaded because there was always a chance that the future could change, the many variables that could lead to an alternative path. Luke had done his research on suspicion and the conclusive factor was that the further away an event was the more subject to variations and change it could have been, and this man in the suit was talking about 10~15 years ahead. Luke and the Suited man both knew that the most accurate future readings were made 10 minutes, or just before the event. While the man’s approach to this was ‘why take a risk’ Lukes approach was why sacrifice children for a chance of a risk that might not happen anyway. This makes one think. Because of the frustration of interfacing a kid and how this kid was stabbing at all the right things the suited man had no intention of mentioning first, he casually took out a smoke. He was not allowed to smoke as weird powers prevented the cigarette from coming in reach... ‘Why smoke if you know how you will end up?”... Speechless,  the man in the suit got back to his car and left.
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cristinagooge · 4 years
15 Reasons We Love Canada - Qualico® Communities
Advantages Of Living In Canada: Newcomers Share Their
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Canadians want to know how bad this ...
Canada enjoys it some amusing! Some individuals think Canadians aren't funny, but that's just since we've been so good about our total domination of humour! If we may issue a courteous reminder of our stars: Leslie Nielsen, Stephen Leacock (Groucho Marx was a fan), Seth Rogen, SCTV, Jay Baruchel,,, the Kids in the Hall, Jonathan Goldstein, Lorne Michaels, Russell Peters, Martin Short and not to discuss Drake and his humorous undercover streeters.
Canada is a fantastic nation and it has a lot to provide tourists the most lovely landscapes, tasty food, incredible wildlife, fantastic breweries, distinct Canada cruises and above all, the terrific locals. Do not just take our word for it though as we have actually asked some canucks to tell us what they love about their own nation. Jeff Neinstein.
Unsurprisingly Canada's breath-taking landscapes are likewise enjoyed by locals and Leigh McAdam, who runs the travel blog Walking Bike Travel and is author of Discover Canada: 100 Inspiring Outdoor Adventures, is among them. She says, "I love Canada for its exceptionally diverse landscapes, multiculturalism and friendly individuals (Duncan Embury). As one who appreciates wild and untamed wilderness I feel lucky to reside in a nation that is house to range of mountains, numerous rivers, thousands of lakes, 36 national parks, eight national forest protects, and several hundred provincial parks.
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I think Canadians are compassionate ...
I have access to a series of accommodation alternatives from wilderness outdoor camping to backcountry lodges to 5 star hotels. And a fantastic glass of Canadian white wine is never far away. Life is awesome here!" Canada is home to some of the world's greatest untamed lands and its vast hinterlands are fortress for some of the most unbelievable wildlife in the world.
Its rich waters off the coasts of Newfoundland and British Columbia are chock filled with whales and dolphins. Canadians Dave and Deborah, who run the widely known travel blog site The World D, say, "We like Canada since experience can be found in every corner. It is so huge and varied - Sonia Leith. As outdoor enthusiasts we can't get enough of it.
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love shows why people choose Canada ...
However it's our wildlife that actually gets the blood pumping. Canada is an amazing safari location where we have strolled with polar bears, canoed through peaceful lakes to spy on moose, kayaked with beluga whales and listened to the cry of the wolf. Canada is amazing." Canadian's love their beer, however they're more than just consumers they are the creators of some mouth-watering beers themselves.
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Parallel 49 Brewing Business, a Vancouver-based brewery that produces some extremely popular beers such as the pale ale Unsteady Pop, states, "We enjoy Canada for all the incredible craft breweries in the Pacific Northwest. We like our juicy, hoppy IPAs and prefer to enjoy them outdoors." Whilst Banff National Forest is a terrific location to go to anytime of the year, with Lake Louise and Moraine Lake being just 2 of the top tourist attractions, the national park is a popular destination in winter.
Canadian blog writer Cameron Wears, who in addition to his other half Nicole runs the Taking a trip Canucks blog site, has previously gone to Banff in the height of winter and highly suggests it. He states, "We like winter locations and ski resorts so we believed it would be enjoyable to trade the sand for snow this year.
" Our journey began in Calgary after a short 1 hour flight from Vancouver. We got incredibly lucky with the presence as we passed over the Canadian Rockies, which gave us the opportunity to catch some incredible aerial pictures of the endless rows of glaciers and snow-capped peaks." During winter season you can go snowboarding at the Lake Louise Ski Resort, take pleasure in a pet sled tour through the Kicking Horse Pass at the Continental Divide and play ice hockey on the frozen Lake Louise.
It is going to be incredibly hard to top this one. in Canada. Snowshoeing, snowboarding, pet sledding, ice walking at night, first-class dining experiences, rustic mountain lodge in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, en-suite Jacuzzi, crackling fireplaces, hot springs, no television shall I go on, or is all this gushing making you sick?" Idyllically set between the Pacific Ocean and the Coastal Mountain range, Vancouver is unsurprisingly a popular vacation destination.
Will Woods, founder and chief storyteller for strolling tour operator Forbidden Vancouver, says, "Canada is tremendous bigger than any one person could ever know. However my love for this grand nation is regional. My life and my work are in Vancouver on the patched streets of Gastown, among the big firs of Stanley Park, by the glowing waters of Coal Harbour.
She says, "Vancouver's food truck scene began years earlier, and has actually blossomed into a delicious variety of regional flavours and all at a sensible price. "And the very best part is that our mild winters enable food trucks year-round. Mom's Grilled Cheese Truck (at Howe and Robson), and Tacofino (at Burrard and Dunsmuir) must be a great place to start." The appealing Canadian capital with its Gothic Parliament structures and culinary scene is rupturing with variety.
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He includes, "What I like about Ottawa is the large diversity of alternatives offered to locals and visitors alike. If you are into history and culture, examine out the many national museums and federal monuments. "Are you an art and indie fan? Then numerous galleries and public art screens are discovered throughout the city centre.
Travelling with a family? Ottawa has everything you require for family enjoyable from water parks to hands-on activities for the kids. "Ottawa, in my viewpoint, is Canada's a lot of under-rated city. I started Ottawa Strolling Tours 13 years earlier as a way of revealing visitors just how much the Canadian capital needs to use.
I discover families and senior citizens specifically value Ottawa's laidback technique to life with its numerous walkway cafes, courtyard restaurants, stunning buildings and cultural attractions. Jeff Neinstein. "You have the ability to be treking in the Canadian wilderness in the early morning, gazing at a creative masterpiece in the afternoon and after that consuming at the 4-star bar or restaurant or capturing the symphony, ballet or jazz concert at night (and all for less than it will cost you in the bigger cities).
Ottawa Strolling Tours' Craig MacDonald, states, "Last but not least what I love about Ottawa is its European city feel and yet being so close to the Canadian wilderness we are popular for. Toronto lawyers. Within a 15-minute drive of the downtown core, you can be surrounded by freshwater lakes, hiking tracks, dense forests, white-water rafting, hot air ballooning, or in the winter season pet sledding or skiing either alpine or cross-country.
Craig MacDonald shares some expert information about where you must head to. He says, "As a trip guide for over 20 years I get this question A LOT! "My answer has actually changed in time today I suggest 2 specific establishments: The Buzz on Bank Street and The Manx on Elgin - personal injury lawyers in Toronto.
The Manx has actually developed a strong reputation on serving a great breakfast (try the goat cheese frittata) at a sensible price and is likewise tied at the top of my list." Tracey Pictor, who resides in Toronto and is the author behind the Journal of a City Lady blog, states one of the things she most loves about Toronto are its individuals.
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Canadians are unapologetically regretful and measure up to their offered stereotype of being the friendly nation. It is not at all unusual to have a thorough discussion with a total stranger on where you are from and how you are delighting in the current summer weather condition or with a server about how heaven Jays are performing this season." Toronto has actually become a significant style destination with lots of high-end style outlets discovered around every corner and more classic shops turning up.
Tracey Pictor adds, "All the time benefit stores, grocery shops open till midnight, coffee and dessert bars open till all hours, these are the little high-ends I love about huge city living." In case you have not heard, Montreal likes it food. As Canada's foodie capital it is unsurprising that the city boasts an abundance of high-end dining establishments and an enviable selection of regional fruit and vegetables.
He adds, "Whether it's the baguettes at a regional pastry shop, fresh veggies from the Jean-Talon Market, a tasty late night supper at Van Horne or a 2am poutine at La Banquise. Montreal is jam-packed with amazing restaurants, bars and delis. You could spend a whole summer season in Montreal and hardly scratch the surface of the Montreal food scene.
Walking around Old Montreal is an excellent method to check out the city as the historical location is house to some iconic sights. The likes of Place d'Armes, the Basilique Notre-Dame, the Montreal City Center and Saint-Paul Street are simply a few of the terrific tourist attractions you can see. Rose Leto. Corbin Fraser, says, "Between the numerous patios and dining establishments, the fresh air, the open park space, the gentle breezes rolling off the Fleuve Saint-Laurent, or the stable buzz of individuals unwinding and talking, it's easy to see why many fall for this city." Image Credit: GoToVan, The Planet D, Traveling Canucks.
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very Canadian love story ...
In a last-ditch effort to convince Canadians that their public health care system ought to be privatized, Canadian Medical Association (CMA) President Robert Ouellet has guaranteed to "pull out all the stops" throughout the association's annual conference next week. Trouble is, Ouellet's objective to lead the modification to privatization is exactly the opposite of what 86 percent of Canadians desire.
" With more than 8 in 10 Canadians supporting public options to make public healthcare more powerful, there is compelling evidence that Canadians throughout all demographics would prefer a public over a for-profit healthcare system," said Nik Nanos, president of Nanos Research study. Nanos Research study was commissioned by the Canadian Health Coalition (CHC), a nonpartisan group that supports Canada's public health system, to conduct a random telephone survey of 1,001 Canadians in between April 25 and May 3.
9 Reasons To Love Canada - Westjet Magazine
Meanwhile, Canada's federal government simply launched a report titled "Healthy Canadians A Federal Report on Equivalent Health Indicators 2008." Its findings nearly identically mirror the CHC polling results. In that report, a leading sign points to the fact that "Most Canadians (85.2 percent) aged 15 years and older reported being 'extremely satisfied' or 'somewhat pleased' with the way overall health care services were offered, the same from 2005." Michael McBane, nationwide planner of the CHC, commented: "Throughout our campaign, Canadians have actually informed us they wish to keep our health care system public and to enhance it with made-in-Canada services.
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Ouellet's proposition to provide us with American-style, two-tier medication. This poll definitely highlights that for us. Eighty-six percent is a substantial portion of the population. It stands out that Dr. Ouellet could be so out of touch with the pulse of the majority of Canadians." McBane warned that Ouellet's most current effort to replace public health care with a personal system utilizes language that is misleading.
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very Canadian love story ...
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Ouellet's concepts about activity-based funding, 'competitors' and more private delivery would not yield European-style care, but rather would lead us down the roadway to U.S.-style care." McBane continued: "At the CMA's annual conference later on this month, you will hear Ouellet speak about 'patient centered' care, however he actually implies 'profit-centered' care.
He will also unveil outcomes of a CMA study that he claims shows support for his brand-new privatization scheme. In truth, the language used in the CMA study was so unclear and deceptive that its outcomes can not possible be interpreted as support for more for-profit medication." McBane stated that Ouellet, who owns or handles 5 personal, for-profit diagnostic clinics, has a history of deceptive Canadians.
" Dr. Ouellet requires to stop misguiding Canadians and begin informing them what he's really as much as privatizing our health care system," said McBane - Rose Leto - Toronto lawyers. "His 'transformational change' program is his last kick at the can in the past becoming the CMA's past-president. Dr. Ouellet's privatized, for-profit vision won't fix a single issue of our public health care and more importantly, Canadians do not want it.
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mariaclaragomez276 · 4 years
A Night at The Fish: The Perfect UK Staycation
Just before the outbreak of Covid-19 in the UK, SLH’s Digital Image & Content Executive, Chloe Frost-Smith, visits the Cotswolds and discovers why you don’t always have to travel as far afield as you might think for the ultimate luxury escape…
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Meet The Farncombe Family
The great outdoors with interiors to match, a trip to the Farncombe Estate in the Cotswolds is like going to stay at the country houses of your three impossibly stylish aunts who will spoil you rotten and indulge all your childhood dreams. Think treehouse suites with wooden bridge access, a complimentary pantry filled with sweet treats, and room names which are guaranteed to make you giggle (Boaty McBoatFace is my personal favourite).
Three hotels with their own distinct personalities, yet all unmistakably part of the Farncombe family, The Fish, Dormy House, and Foxhill Manor all possess that cool big sister vibe in both character and style –  they will pretty much let you do whatever you want whenever you want. The epitome of country house cool with a home-from-home feel.
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The Suite Life
Arriving at the Coach House of The Fish (to continue my aunt analogy, imagine this is the youngest, trendiest of the three who likes to break a few rules) the Estate owners’ duck egg blue Morris Minor parked outside makes you feel like someone’s at home to welcome you. And the warmest of welcomes was exactly what awaited us, as we were guided by lots of smiles and an illustrated map to our Small Suite in an outhouse decorated with fairy lights overlooking The Stables and a postcard worthy view.
‘Small’ actually turned out to be an incredibly spacious suite with its own living room, two window seats which somehow manage to catch the morning light and afternoon golden hour, and a wonderfully sized en-suite bedroom complete with an old-school radio.
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Beautifully furnished with an eclectic yet put-together taste, we instantly felt at home (and needed little encouragement to tuck into the complimentary mini-bar stocked with the likes of organic oat cookies and hot chocolate). For more of a back to nature stay, I would recommend one of the Hideaway Huts – this is glamping gone wild with all the luxury touches of a cosy Cotswold cabin, and more.
Hooked on a Feeling
Cosy is the word du jour throughout the estate, and particularly so in The Lodge, the hub of The Fish which houses a cabin, boot room, bar, and The Hook – vision of the estate’s culinary director Martin Burge. Serving up a deliciously fresh seafood-centric menu, dining at The Hook transports you straight to the English seaside.
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Our dinner began with a generous pile of crusty bread with the restaurant’s signature seaweed butter (be warned – this is dangerously addictive, make sure you save room for the rest of your meal!), sweetcorn soup dusted with paprika and a side of deep fried whitebait, and a beautifully presented chicken and liver parfait tart decorated with concentric circles of pickled grape spiced with dukkah.
Continuing the seafood-poultry combination, we opted for the melt-in-the-mouth battered whiting, seaweed fries, and curried tartare (this usually comes with soft shell crab, which was carefully removed by the chef and replaced with an extra whiting after taking note of my crab allergy), and a wonderfully succulent roast chicken breast accompanied by a seriously naughty truffle mac and cheese.
For my boyfriend’s birthday, the restaurant very kindly put together a special dessert plate of sea salt fudge – which was also thoughtfully prepared for our lunch the following day (even double helpings of this to-die-for fudge wasn’t quite enough!)
Serious Interior Inspiration
Just as we were polishing off a twice-baked Comté cheese soufflé and the stickiest of sticky toffee puddings from the set lunch menu, our delightful guide Harriet came to meet us for a tour of the 400-acre private estate. This sounds very grand indeed, but it was as relaxed and personable as the estate itself – exploring all the photogenic nooks and crannies, the family resemblance between the three boutique hotels became increasingly obvious, whilst reinforcing their own unique characters.
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Four-poster bed fabulousness, free-standing bath tubs, and unparalleled views from every window are just some of the highlights from our tour – it’s clear that laidback luxury is the lingua franca here.
No two rooms were the same, even within the same hotel or room category, with tasteful touches at every turn by Design Director Nette Reynolds, in natural, complementary colour palettes. A sprinkling of Scandi-chic here and there, the overall effect is quintessentially English – think rosy apple pinks, summer garden greens, dusky blues and buttercup yellows – every shade from my Farrow & Ball fantasies. Whilst my boyfriend wasn’t quite as taken as me by the blushing pink floral wallpaper in Rose Cottage at Dormy House, the private hot tub and fact that it was dog-friendly seemed to win him over to the more traditionally feminine interiors.
Paws for Thought
Though we suspected that our German Shepherd might be on the larger end of the Farncombe-friendly scale (the official line on dogs is ‘one medium sized well behaved pooch aged one year or older’) there are plenty of hints throughout The Fish which keep four-legged friends in mind, including doggy hydration stations, a ‘dunk your dog’ bath tub (complete with canine shampoo and conditioner), a dedicated dog agility course, and doggy afternoon tea – luxury tit-bits from the likes of Woof & Brew and The Barking Bakery feature on the menu.
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To Broadway & Back
Strategically placed opposite the pup bath tub is the Boot Room, kitted out by The Original Muck Boot Company (who have a whole collection dedicated to dog walking boots). With a grab-and-go ethos, we swapped our Chelsea boots for wellies and picked up one of the many hand-drawn maps detailing local rambles. On a mission to walk off the countless courses from our indulgent meals at The Hook, we selected one of the more advanced-looking routes – the sun was shining as we set off in what can only be described as hold-on-to-your-hat weather as gusts of wind reminded us that we were still quite far off the beginning of British Summer Time.
Taking us off piste through forests, hopping over stiles through patchwork pasturelands dotted with sheep (we were just in time for lambing season), and through lots and lots of mud, we eventually emerged through a kissing-gate at the edge of Broadway Village. Idyllic doesn’t quite do this village justice, with its rows of honey-coloured Cotswold stone cottages, blooming English gardens, antique shops and tea rooms, this is refined rusticity at its best.
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After a pick-and-mix purchase of pear drops and strawberry bonbons from an old-fashioned sweet shop, we reluctantly made our way back to return our borrowed boots and check-out, just as the sun was setting over the rolling hills. We attempted to sweeten our farewell to the Farncombe family by planning our next trip on the train journey back to Paddington – the tipsy afternoon tea is already calling my name…
The post A Night at The Fish: The Perfect UK Staycation appeared first on Small Luxury Hotels.
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Comfort with Scenery at Amboseli
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Satao Elerai Lodge - Lodge Satao Elerai Camp is located in a quiet, unspoilt, unique setting on a 5000 acre private conservation area 12 kms south east of Amboseli National Park at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro. The camp looks down onto the Amboseli National Park in one direction and up to Mt Kilimanjaro in the other direction, giving clients what is arguably the best location of any camp in Amboseli. It consists of 12 luxury en suite mountain facing tents and 5 large luxurious lodge style suites.
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  Tortilis Camp - Tented camps Tortilis Camp is situated in one of Amboseli's Areas of Acacia Tortilis woodland, with the majestic backdrop of Africa's highest mountain.It is widely regarded as the prime location for witnessing the majesty of snow-capped Kilimanjaro. It consists of 16 tents all with a glorious view of the mountain. Amboseli Serena Lodge - Lodges Secluded within a grove of acacia trees, the safari lodge looks out over the golden savannah plains, with uninterrupted views of Mt Kilimanjaro. Close by are a series of emerald green swamps, which are fed by the melting snows of Kilimanjaro attracting huge numbers of wildlife. Consist of luxurious 92 rooms with views of the Mountain. Tawi Lodge - Lodges Tawi Lodge is located on a private conservancy of 6,000 acres just five minutes from Kimana Gate, Amboseli, the eastern entrance to Amboseli National Park. The style of the lodge is a harmonious combination of modern style to give you comfort and traditional style to remind you that you are in Africa. Consists of 13 luxury cottages each with its own wooden-deck veranda having fabulous views of the highest mountain in Africa. Porini Amboseli Camp - Tented camps Porini Camp is located in the private game reserve of Selenkay Conservation, with an area of 15000 acres. The conservancy is an important dispersal area for wildlife moving in and out of Amboseli hence holding a wide diversity of species.  It consists of 9 luxurious guest tents. Ol Tukai Lodge-Lodge Ol Tukai Lodge is a luxury safari Lodge having one of the best spots in the world to watch elephants with the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is set like an oasis in the surrounding savannah scrub. It  is tucked into a dense forest of acacia trees that, along with the elephants, thrive on the swampy surrounds and magnificent views of the mountain makes it a wonderful getaway spot. Kibo Villa Self-catering Kibo Villa is a charming log cabin located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in a  place of rugged beauty, abundant water, lush grass and forest, set like an oasis in surrounding savannah scrub. Kibo is an elegant three-bedroom log cabin built in stone and gum tree, in complete harmony with its surroundings. Kilima Safari Camp - Tented camps Kilima Safari Camp is located in the area of Amboseli National Park, next to the Kimana Gate Park entrance. The camp is set out on a 360 acre site with spectacular view of Mount Kilimanjaro. Consists of 50 Classic Safari Tents each with a large private balcony, 10 Superior Safari tent with lion claw bath tubs, and 12 lodge rooms each with a large private balcony.  Amboseli Sopa Lodge - Lodges Located at the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, the lodge is set in expansive and mature wooded gardens. Built within the area of 190 acres of Masai country, it is an ideal holiday base from which to enjoy numerous pursuits. It consists of 83 rooms, brightly decorated with Maasai themed wall murals with a veranda Top holiday deals in Kenya Best Deals on Major Seasonal Holidays – Valentine, Easter, Madaraka, Mashujaa, Jamhuri & Christmas. Variety of options – Safari adventures, Beach, Getaways & International. Only top-rated destinations & pocket-friendly prices. Weekend Getaway Deals in Kenya Self Drive Holiday Deals in Kenya Outdoor Activities in Kenya Madaraka Express SGR Holiday Deals in Kenya Seasonal holiday Deals in Kenya Top Self Drive Holiday Deals in Kenya If you think you have to travel far to enjoy a nice weekend, you may never get away. Besides, you can enjoy a beautiful weekend right here in Kenya. There are countless wallet-friendly Kenyan self drive getaways that won’t even break your budget. Don’t spend your weekend, doing absolutely nothing at home. Whether you are looking for romantic destinations, pristine beaches, and adventurous outdoor activities, there are plenty wallet-friendly getaways that will satisfy your weekend desires. Malindi & Watamu Self Drive Deals Mombasa South Coast Self Drive Deals Mombasa North Coast Self Drive Deals Masai Mara Self Drive Holiday Packages Lukenya & Machakos Self Drive Meru Holiday Self Drive Deals Mt. Kenya & Aberdare Self Drive Holiday Deals Nyeri Holiday Self Drive Deals Samburu Holiday Self Drive Deals Read the full article
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Exploring Queensland’s Spectacular Western Scenic Rim
Exploring Queensland’s Spectacular Western Scenic Rim
Jo Hoban
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Jo Hoban explores the Western Scenic Rim on a two-day hike. Photo – courtesy of Spicers Retreats.
Growing up in Brisbane, my parents would often take our family for short getaways to the western Scenic Rim region known for its picturesque mountain ranges. We’d visit country spots like Boonah, Lake Moogerah and Mt Barney. I have lovely memories of those times (aside from the sticky vinyl upholstery in Dad’s old 1970s Ford Falcon).
These days I live near Brisbane’s Mt Coot-tha Forest where I love walking the trails. When the opportunity arose to “spread my hiking wings” and do the Spicers two-day Scenic Rim Trail earlier this year, I jumped! The Scenic Rim Trail is located on the Western edge of the region and showcases a small part of The Great Dividing Range. Heading out that way again reminded me there are many wonderful, lesser-known places on Brisbane’s doorstep. And a range of exciting new businesses are breathing fresh life into the region.
Photographer Mindi Cooke and I took a little road trip to visit a few. Here’s the lowdown!
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Left: In the thick of it. Photo – courtesy of Spicers Retreats. Right: One of the many breathtaking views along the way. Photo– Jo Hoban.
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‘The rainforest was mindblowing’ Jo says! Photo – Jo Hoban.
Activity: Spicers Two-Day Scenic Rim Trail
The two-day Scenic Rim Trail is an enriching active travel experience run by Spicers Retreats, a company committed to protecting the environment, and providing sustainable ecotourism experiences for future generations. Experienced guides lead small groups through a region comprised of 30,000 hectares of World Heritage Listed National Park, Gondwana Rainforest, and Spicers Peak Station – a privately owned 2000-hectare nature reserve.
The trail showcases some of South-East Queensland’s spectacular high country and it is Queensland’s only addition to the Great Walks of Australia collection. All gear, food, drinks, and accommodation are provided, so logistically the experience is hassle-free. Some sections are steep and challenging so you need a good level of fitness. Hiking poles are provided to help increase stability, and they’re very helpful – I’m a convert! Our guide, Chris, was an affable and knowledgeable young man. He kept a caring eye on everyone, assisting as needed and providing an interesting commentary when relevant.
DAY 1 is spent making our way through the diverse flora and fauna of Mount Mitchell and eventually to its peak, where we’re rewarded with epic views out to Moreton Bay. We’re lucky enough to spot a juvenile koala in the wild, along with a red-necked wallaby, and a snake. In the afternoon we descend Mount Mitchell and traverse into Spicers’ nature reserve before heading up into Spicers canopy for the night.
DAY 2 sees us moseying along Oakey Creek bed before beginning a long, gradual climb up Cedar Mountain. We follow the mountain’s ridge and eventually scramble up over some rocks into the Gondwana heritage-listed rainforest. This ancient ecosystem is truly awe-inspiring ensconced in a light mist, with entangled vines, lush ground cover and a diverse canopy – a rare, and incredibly beautiful natural environment. The walk ends at Spicers Peak Lodge, where we’re greeted like long lost kings and queens and provided with welcome refreshments. Nature lovers and foodies will thoroughly enjoy this experience!
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The Canopy is the perfect place to unwind after a hard day’s hike. Photo – courtesy of Spicers Retreats.
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The accommodation offers ‘glamping at its best’. Photo – courtesy of Spicers Retreats.
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A serene sunset at Canopy. Photo – courtesy of Spicers Retreats.
Stay: Spicers Canopy
Spicers Canopy is set on a lower plateau of the Spicers Peak Station property. It offers glamping at its best, and after a solid day of hiking it is so nice to be rewarded with a little relaxed luxury (not to mention a glass of wine!). Each African-safari style tent features king or twin beds with fine linen, bedside tables and a covered deck with a comfortable armchair perfect for taking in the views to Mount Mitchell. A communal main lodge has a generous lounge area and an open fireplace, a dining area, and sliding doors that open onto a wide verandah. There’s also an outdoor hot tub and cute firepit perfect for gathering for a pre-dinner drink or a stargaze.
A highlight of Canopy is the gourmet meals prepared on-site by a Spicers chef. They feature local produce, some of which is grown in the kitchen garden at the nearby Spicers Hidden Vale country retreat.
The staff at Canopy are friendly, attentive and entertaining, which makes the overall experience very enjoyable.
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Sarah Bottle of Elegance & Grace. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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Sarah Bottle of Elegance & Grace, and Jade Cook of Jade Beauty Skinstitute operate their businesses alongside each other out of this historic building. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
Shop + Experience:
Sarah Bottle of Elegance & Grace, and Jade Cook of Jade Beauty Skinstitute share an old shop space in the tiny, charming town of Kalbar – located between Spicers Peak Station and Brisbane.
Sarah stocks a range of gifts and homewares featuring locally made leatherwork, sculptures, and ceramics, while Jade has a beauty therapy treatment room and nails station within the space. She stocks Dermalogica and other select beauty products, and a small section of gifts and homewares.
On the day we visit, Jade is tending to a sick child, but Sarah warmly welcomes us and shows us around. A teacher by trade, Sarah moved to Kalbar a year ago with her partner and young children. The shop is now celebrating its first birthday, business is going well, and Sarah and Jade are excited for the future of their unique, combined offering!
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Owner, Mike Webster, stands in front of the old general store’s original shelves and rolling ladder, which now stores locally made relishes, brewery merch and more! Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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Beer from the Scenic Rim Brewery. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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‘A paddle tasting sampler did not disappoint’ Jo says. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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The historic building was built in 1884! Photo – Mindi Cooke.
Eat + Drink: Scenic Rim Brewery
What an unexpected gem in the tiny town of Mt Alford this is! Just a 20-minute drive from Kalbar, the Scenic Rim Brewery is well worth a visit. Housed in the old Mt Alford General Store (est. 1884) Mike and Wendy Webster purchased the run-down property in 2014, convincing three levels of government that it was a good idea to renovate, extend and install a brewery. They opened in December of 2016 and it’s been onward and upward from there!
Mike was previously a builder with a keen interest in home brewing – he created his first brew in his kitchen over thirty years ago. The couple’s Dutch and German heritage means their menu is dotted with delicacies such as Bitterballen and Bratwurst, amid other healthy (and not-so) treats.
But of course, the highlight here is the beer! And a paddle tasting sampler did not disappoint. My fave was their newest brew, Beauty and Blue Spiced Pumpkin Ale – so damn smooth, and naturally brewed with local Beaudesert Blue pumpkins and water harvested from the mountains and valleys of the Scenic Rim.
Scenic Rim Brewery 898 Reckumpilla Street Mount Alfred, Queensland
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David pictured on site with Cellar Door Manager, Sharon Gage, and Ruby the dog. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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The vineyards were planted in 2012 by David and his team, and the first vintage was produced in 2013. The Overflow Estate 1895 is surrounded by Wyaralong Dam. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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The cellar door was designed by architect, Con Zahos. It responds exceptionally well to David’s brief: a barn style, though sharp, modern & edgy, reflecting masculine and feminine elements, that blends well with the environment and topography. All the timber in the construct comes from the Morgan’s property. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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Jo enjoyed a glass of sparkling and some bruschetta on her visit. Photo – Mindi Cooke.
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Photo – Mindi Cooke.
Wine + Dine: The Overflow Estate 1895
15 minutes from the country town of Boonah, and 30 mins from Mt Alford and Kalbar, you’ll find this gem of a winery en route to Beaudesert. Owner David Morgan is a charming character who provides a wonderful introduction to the property, as we sit on the deck of his architecturally-designed cellar door.
David respectfully acknowledges that Indigenous people were on this land for generations. Though from the 1860s, the land became a farming plot. In 1895 Edgar Joyce, an Irishman, and his wife Nina Perse, bought the land and called it The Overflow. Fast forward 111 years and David Morgan and his wife purchased the land in 2006 from the Joyce Dynasty; they were inspired to create their own vineyard after visiting a friend’s Spanish Bodega. David extended the property’s name to The Overflow 1895 to pay homage to the previous owners.
The Vineyard’s rootstock was planted in 2012 and the Morgans have since nurtured the four unusual varieties that underpin their offerings; they are all grapes with Mediterranean origins well suited to the native terroir. Everything is done by hand at this vineyard, and the Morgans get so much pleasure from being able to share the fruits of their small team’s labour with visitors!
The cellar door offers a full menu and wine tastings on Friday, Saturday + Sunday (and a reduced menu on Wednesday and Thursday) – with live music every Sunday. The day we visit, I enjoyed a delicious local cheese and antipasto platter, some Towri sheep cheese yoghurt & tomato bruschetta, nicely complemented with a glass of their Storm Cru Sparkling wine. All divine! I can’t wait to return on a Sunday afternoon.
The Overflow Estate 1895 1660 Beaudesert-Boonah Road Beaudesert, Queensland
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Top 10 Best Wedding Destinations in the World
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Wedding is a ceremony where not only two people but also their families united together. Wedding traditions and customs varies between cultures, religions, social classes, and countries. So it can be ideal and perfect. Venue of wedding is vital element as it adds more colors to your wedding so it must be perfect. Here are some of the best wedding destinations in the world. World’s 10 Best Wedding Destinations. 10. Houston
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The perfect day and a lifetime memories begin in Houston. If you are planning your wedding, Houston is the best place which is full of exceptional spaces and extraordinary culinary offerings combine to create perfect wedding venue. People spend thousands of dollars to make sure that their day turns out just right. People plan hundreds of Houston wedding every year. So if you are planning your wedding, then you must check out the best wedding venues in Houston. Your Ideal venues in Houston may be Spanish style villa, which is full of wrought –iron- staircase which is worthy of grand bridal entrance, or it may be a hotel ballroom that reflects contemporary elegance while sweeping perfect views of the famous city. Ashton Gardens, Crystal Ballroom, Hotel Galvez, Paraiso Maravilla, and Butler’s Courtyard are some best Wedding Destinations in Houston. 9. San Francisco, California
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If you are looking for a venue that offers more in terms of scenery than just a concrete jungle, then you must head to California. San Francisco is urban place, making it one of the top US cities to tie the knot in. It has high hills, huge parks, cable cares rattle over the streets, and best views of the Golden Gate Bridge from the city. These things win the hearts of brides and grooms. 8. Caribbean: Jamaica
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Jamaica offers you much more than just palms trees and beaches. It has fun loving atmosphere and many all-inclusive resorts. It can be the most affordable island which offers you true ecstatic beauty of nature and many private villas that come with their own chefs, security and housekeeping staffs. The Resorts of Montego Bay offers the best service and convenience. The gardens and waterfalls of Ocho Rios provide relief to the visitors. It is one of the best places in the world to tie a knot in. 7. Italy
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The Amalfi Drive is one the most scenic Stretches of Italian Coastline. It consists of winding cliffs and views of the sea. It has the best cuisine among the rest of the resorts in the Italy. You must walk through the narrow streets of Naples’s Old Spacca Quarter, which will make your wedding unforgettable. September and October are the best times to plan your weddings in Italy. During this time it has mild temperatures which are perfect for your weddings.
6. Ireland
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Ireland is the best place for weddings, if ”fairy tale” define you idea of wedding. It has seaside villages, gardens, and grand castles which beautify you idea of perfect wedding. The natural beauty of romantic country and the genuine hospitality of Irish people make your wedding memorable. The combination of symbolic tradition and culture will keep guests busy between events. 5. France
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The World’s most romantic city, yes, we are talking about Paris, just two hours from it France is full of historic villages, castles, charming people, wines and good food. If you are planning for a dream destination wedding France is the place for you. You and your guests will definitely enjoy country life. Between April and June, you can plan your wedding in France. During this period it has mild temperatures, and it will become perfect wedding destination with its exotic beauty. 4. Fiji
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Fiji is known for its rich sea life and friendly people. It is tropical paradise and ideal wedding destinations for people seeking exotic culture and unspoiled beaches. It is perfect place for your nature loving guests, who can see sunken ships, and feed sharks there. The best weather is Fiji’s winter season i.e. from May to October in which yearly festivals (Festival of lights and Festival of colors) takes place. Your guests will surely enjoy exciting celebrations during this period. 3. New Zealand
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It is full of its remote landscapes, golden beaches, Great Barrier Island, and frequent wildlife sightings. Water lovers will appreciate this place for their weddings. Many offshore islands which are known for their olive groves and vineyards beautify this place. New Zealand’s seasons are opposite of those in the US. Most areas of the country have mild temperatures and the warmest months are December, January, and February, and the coldest are July and August. 2. South Africa
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It is called “a world in one country” as it has towering mountains rise over a Trendy Cape Town, monkey- filled forests, and deserted beaches. South Africa’s wildlife preserves, pristine beaches, and stunning landscapes which makes your wedding and vacation ideal. December to February is ideal for beach bashes while winter is best for games if you want to entertain you guests. 1. Tahiti
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*** Tahiti- the island is full of picturesque landscape, vanilla farms, and worthy rain forests. It gets few tourists as compared to Hawaii. So you and your guests will enjoy great service and crowd free beaches. Evening can be cool and dry season runs from May to October. You have to remind you guests to pack sweaters for the evening. So when you are preparing for eventful and ideal wedding, you must have the knowledge of different wedding destinations of the world. You can select any destination which you find perfect for you and your guests as well. Read the full article
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ohtheurbanity-blog · 8 years
São Paulo: the Literal Concrete Jungle
It’s Week 1 in Brazil and I already have separation anxiety thinking of leaving in April! After coming from Ahmedabad where constant honking, cows, and trash is the norm, Sao Paulo’s streets are tame in comparison with their traffic lights, (relatively) quiet, and wide sidewalks (sidewalks!!!). Yet having experienced New York for the past 3ish years, there’s something quite familiar about these streets even though it’s my first time in a Latin American city.
If you were like me three months ago, you probably think New York City is the concrete jungle (thanks Jay Z and Alicia Keys). Except Sao Paulo has all of New York's forests of tall buildings and slabs of grey but with actual jungle vegetation exploding out of its sidewalks, squares, and parks, making it the literal concrete jungle. The streets here are wide and sprawling, the skyline is endless vertical, jagged corners meeting each other, and the greenery verdant and abundant. Household plants tumble out of porches and balconies, brightening up a gray apartment building with bursts of green, and palm trees sprout out on the sidewalk. Sao Paulo’s street surfaces aren’t just grey and green, but they encompass shades of the rainbow from the graffiti and street art sprayed on so many of the buildings and walls here. Every walk outside (did i mention you can walk around here?!?) is like going to an outdoor art gallery; you turn a corner and there’s a huge psychedelic mural or you’ll walk along a street and the entire wall is covered in graffiti. The creativity and vibrancy of the art is astounding. And it’s EVERYWHERE.
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Not only are the streets much more pedestrian friendly, with cars actually obeying traffic laws and streets wide enough to walk on, but I can finally be in public without getting stared at. People talk to me in Portuguese all the time because they think I live here! The population is a huge departure from Ahmedabad where everyone was more or less Indian or South Asian, and people dressed and looked way different from me and my group. Here, in Brazil’s most multicultural city, I don’t stand out for being Asian, or even for wearing shorts. (Fun fact Sao Paulo has the world’s largest Japanese population outside of Japan — which means lots of people incorrectly assume my ethnicity but it also means much ramen and sushi to explore!!) Even though we’ve been told to be careful in public and not use our phones or flaunt any wealth too much, I feel quite safe walking around the neighborhoods of our school and my homestay, which largely consist of small cafes and food stores, gyms, high-rise upper class apartments, our university, and a hospital. The openness of storefronts and cafes with the entrances totally open to the street blurs the boundary between public and private while the high fences, security, and barbed wire of gated apartment complexes reminds you who is welcome and who’s not.
Take my homestay building for example. We know the doorman so he always lets us in when we get to the gate but it’s a remote controlled sliding gate which is pretty common here. Although I will miss Shishir Bungalows, our homestay apartment is a dream. I have my own bed (a bit smaller than my twin XL at school unfortunately), a closet, a constant supply of water, and hot showers. Our Sao Paulo parents have made my homestay partner and I feel so welcome. Living with two dads who speak English feels vastly different from living with parents in India who spoke limited English and a dad who never interacted with us aside from the occasional polite smile when we came down the stairs for dinner. Here, we’re told to make ourselves totally comfortable and our dads are genuinely curious to hear what we’re up to in class, how we picked this program, and what we think of the city, even what it’s like navigating it as a woman. They’re eager to show us around the city and give us tips too; on Sunday they're taking us to a Samba bar!
And we’ll definitely need their local recommendations. So far we’ve only seen a fraction of the city. Like I said, the areas around school and home are pretty similar. We’ve walked a few times from school to the downtown area, Centro, which is site of the city’s origins and home to its skyscrapers, historic architecture, and municipal buildings. Walking around there feels a lot like walking around Lower Manhattan or Downtown Crossing in Boston, the wide avenues are car-free and people are bustling around everywhere from shoppers to office employees to street vendors. Even the baroque and neoclassical architecture (inspired by 19th century Paris and Vienna) harks to the cities of New England. Familiar streetscapes are colored into unique shades of a new and unexplored city by the building facades, street art, and crowds. Looking at the mix of old and new, grey and multicolored, I feel totally energized.
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disneygeekcom · 5 years
In November 2019 I made my second visit to Disneyland Paris.  This trip I stayed in a Compass Club room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club for 8 nights with a standard view.  The hotel is located on Lake Disney and is a short walk to the Disney Village and under 15 minute walk to the theme parks.  There is also a free shuttle bus to the train station area, where you then have a shorter walk to the parks.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club is a four star resort which places it between the three star Sequoia Lodge and five star Disneyland Hotel alongside the other four star Hotel New York at Disneyland Paris.    For a look around the hotel here are some picture posts looking around the Disney’s Newport Bay Club Lobby & Pool as well as at the Bay Boutique at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.
The Compass Club offers additional amenities similar to a concierge level that regular rooms do not, see below for a listing and then some of my thoughts on them.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club was completely renovated in 2016 so the rooms and common spaces were relatively new during my visit.
Below are listing of the standard amenities and Compass Club additional amenities
Standard Amenities
Luggage service
Hair dryer
Free Wifi access
Free Baby Cot (Limited to 1 per room. Subject to availability and/or upon request at the Hotel)
Kettle (upon request)
Disney and International TV Channels
Air conditioning
Breakfast buffet not included
Safety deposit box
  Compass Club Amenities (In Addition to Standard Amenities)
Private reception desk
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks.
Luggage service
Tea and espresso coffee available
American buffet breakfast from 7 am to 11 am
Disney Hotel Fastpass (Compass Club rooms)
Sweet and savoury snacks from 4pm to 5.30pm
Bath robes (upon request)
Slippers (upon request)
Our Standard View Compass Club Room
Compass Club rooms are on the top floors of the central part of the building so your walk to the elevators is relatively short.  Our room was located on the 8th (top) floor in the dead center looking out over the front entrance of the hotel.  We were the furthest from both sets of elevators you could get and it was not bad, below is the floor map for reference.
The view over the front lawn of the resort and the area beyond was nice for a standard view option.  Here are more pictures of my Standard Room View @ Disney’s Newport Bay Club  Given the amount of daylight hours we were planning to spend in the room it did not make sense to pay a premium for the lake view rooms to us.  Below are some pictures of the room.  For a more here is a post with pictures of our standard view Compass Club Room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club
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View from our room
The Desk Area
Disneyland Paris – Newport Bay Club Room
An LCD TV is mounted in the dressor
The room standing near the entrance
Bathroom sink area
A small closet area features the in room safe
Robes and Slippers are a Compass Club Amenity
My biggest complaint with the room was the shower.  First it only had glass on about 1/3 to ½ of it  and the glass was short so water could go everywhere.   Then there were temperature control issues.  It could not hold a steady temp.  It would fluctuate from what you wanted to ice cold to scolding hot during your shower.  Also the head on ours did stay up so you had a choice of a shower for a 4ft tall person , holding it, or getting a little creative and wedging something in to hold it up high.
The Shower Area
There were some Disney touches in the room. The border around the room featured some characters and the bedspreads included Mickey designs.
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Bed Spread Close-Up
Hotel First Impressions
Disney’s Newport Bay Club reminds me a lot of Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts at Walt Disney World.  Both resorts were designed by Robert Stern and feature a New England look/feel to them.   The similarities only extend to the exterior and feel, the rooms and interiors are different.     The exterior facing Lake Disney is impressive to walk up to and the parking lot side has some nice planters/gardens too.  The interior of the resort has a slightly upscale feel to it but not quite to the same level as the Yacht Club at WDW.   I felt the resort was lacking common interior spaces to relax in.  The lobby felt small and a bit cramped and there were very few public spaces to visit outside of dining locations.
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As with all the hotels at Disneyland Paris security is very present including large security barriers at the driveways and all bags are x-rayed to enter and guests wanded.
This is a four star resort and it was nice but I am not sure it was substantially better than the Sequoia Lodge we stayed at last time which is considered a three star resort.  The rooms were remodeled only 3 years before our stay but felt a bit dated. The television was on the small side and there were no USB power ports for example.  Power outlets were at a premium in general.  The beds were comfortable and the size of the room was sufficient.   The desk was on the small side with my laptop taking up the entire desk with no real space around it.   There was only one chair in the room at the desk.
We opted not to do a vacation package like our first trip and instead purchase our park tickets and food separately from the room.  We went this route because of pricing.  Even with the specials/discounts the price for a package with half board or full board was substantially more than if we went on our own.  Instead we decided to splurge for the Compass Club level.  In the end this saved us a substantial amount of money but we did find ourselves opting to skip eating in the park and venture out to the Disney Village where as with the dining plan last trip we were more willing to try a location.
Thoughts & Observations on Amenities:
Free Wifi – This is the only standard amenity I want to comment on since it is important now a days. The wifi was troublesome.   When the parks were open and guests were out it worked good. You had ok speeds and no real hiccups.  But once the parks closed and guests returned to the resort the speeds slowed to a crawl and many times just stopped working.  This was a daily occurrence and was a bit frustrating.  Also if your plan was to stream anything, good luck.    I had mixed results with streaming even during the daytime hours with guests gone or early morning hours when most guests were asleep.
Compass Club Private Reception Desk is located to the right as soon as you enter the hotel.
Private reception desk (7am to 10:30pm) – The Compass Club desk was just to the right when you walked in the front door of the hotel. This was very convenient for checking in and was much nicer than the Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest Club check in area. The cast members working there were very friendly and helpful the couple times we interacted with them.   This reception desk doubles as the concierge desk too as the cast members are there to help you with anything you need during your stay.  This is a bit awkward as the desk is located nowhere near your room nor near the lounge.   The check in and check out process was  smooth and we encountered no delays.  We had to do this process twice since when we booked the room they would not allow for more than 7 nights on one reservation and we wanted 8 nights so we had to break it into two reservations and then link them.  It meant halfway through the trip we had to check out and in but we were able to keep the same room so it was just a few minutes of paperwork and nothing more.
The Compass Club Lounge is on the lobby level
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks – The Compass Club Lounge was a located on the lobby level of the hotel. It was in a bit of an awkward location being on the main level and nowhere near your room and in the middle of a busy common/public walkway.    The lounge is on the interior of the building so there are no windows or views.   I would have really liked to have seen it on a higher floor looking out over Lake Disney.  Out of the Disney Hotels we have stayed at I thought the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel Magic Kingdom Club had the best lounge and view.
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Compass Club Breakfast
Each morning from 7am to 11am what they described as an American buffet breakfast was served in the Compass Club Lounge.  I thought the options were typical for a breakfast buffet and on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit.  My biggest complaint with the breakfast is it never changed.  You had the same choices every day.  For a four star resort I would expect a little variety maybe Mickey waffles one day, pancakes another, French toast a third or something.  Here are a couple pictures to get a feel for the breakfast.  For more visit this post Newport Bay Club Compass Club Breakfast or the full picture sets (Day 2,  Day 3, Day 7) which have an exhaustive look at the offerings.
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Compass Club Soft Drinks
From noon until 10pm daily there were soft drinks available in the Compass Club Lounge.  A cast member was on hand by the refrigerator and an assortment of Coke products were available.  It was nice to be able to have something to drink when coming back from the parks.  Also several days I carried something with me to the parks.   The selection also included several Minute Maid juices which I ended up taking the night before and having at breakfast the next morning because I was not a fan of the fresh juice choices with breakfast.
Compass Club Lounge Tea Time
From 4:00pm to 5:45pm daily the Compass Club Lounge hosted a tea time with sweet and savoury snacks.  I did not find a lot at this offering that I cared for and only attended it once. Others in the group went a couple other days and said the selection was the same.  It is a light dessert/snack offering.  Not a full meal or even heavy snack type selection.  Also beverages were limited as it was a tea offering plus sodas and not a cocktail hour offering .
Below are some pictures here is a picture post – Compass Club at Disney’s Newport Bay Club daily tea time or visit the full picture set from Day 1 for a more in depth look the offerings.
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Cold Beverage Selection
Disney Hotel Fastpass – Each person received a paper voucher for each day you are there that you could exchange at any Fastpass attraction.  The vouchers are dated and supposed to be good only on that one day but we found cast members would accept them with no problem any time.  Also interesting since we had two reservations on the day we had to check out and in we received two sets of vouchers.  In the end we came home with quite a few vouchers because they were not needed.  We experienced the attractions we wanted, several a couple of times and still had vouchers left.
I had a great stay at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.  The hotel grounds were pleasant, the room what we expected and the Compass Club level a nice extra.   The level of service and amenities were on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit and similar to other concierge level offerings.  I thought they fell short compared to higher end concierge floors though.   For example there were no extra activities, such as bed time stories or character greetings.   The concierge cast members did not feel as accessible because of the location of their desk.   The breakfast offering was good but the food selection the rest of the day was extremely limited compared to other hotels we have stayed at.  Having the lounge separated from the rooms and on the main walkway was not ideal.
Frequently Asked Questions (since returning I have received some questions in the same vein, here is a running list, feel free to submit a question via a comment to the post, email, tweet, etc.)
Is the Compass Club worth it? That is really in the eye of the beholder and the deal you can get on the rooms.   You pay a premium for Compass Club rooms but if you find a decent deal and factor in breakfast and beverages it may be worthwhile to you.  We choose to go with a Compass Club room over a better view and thought it was a good choice for us.
How would you compare your experience with the Sequoia Lodge to Newport Bay Club? The experiences were very similar to me.  Nothing jumps out as substantially better or worse at one vs the other.  Neither hotel, location, or club experience stood out as far superior to the other.    It really comes down to which hotel would you prefer staying at.  There is a cost difference with the Newport Bay slightly more expensive.  We did not really use the resort facilities so hard to comment if it was worth it from that perspective.
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tripstations · 5 years
Dog-friendly getaways with The Epicurean Club
By Paul Johnson on Nov 11, 2019 in Accommodation, Bars, Europe, Featured, Food and Drink, Going Out, Hotels, Regions, Restaurants, Travel Miscellany, United Kingdom, Western Europe
The traditional British pub is making a comeback as an alternative luxury getaway. Pubs have had a tough time in recent decades with as many as one quarter of those in England and Wales having closed since 2001. Those pubs that have not just survived this downturn but have, in fact, flourished are a select group that have focussed on being the best of the best. The consistent formula that appears to have won through is a great pub offering excellent food and drink, combined with high quality accommodation. Of course, people also often seek unique experiences when they travel nowadays so, include that into the mix also, and you have a pub fit for The Epicurean Club.
The Epicurean Club offers access to a collection that recognises all the qualities necessary to be among Britain’s finest boutique inns and pubs. Full of charm and character, this carefully handpicked group represents many of the best British pub getaways, covering everywhere from Mayfair to the moors of North Yorkshire, and a whole host of other destinations inbetween. We went to see what all the fuss was about, staying at two of The Epicurean Club’s pubs in the North of England: The Durham Ox just to the north of York and The Battlesteads Hotel, close to Hexham.
It’s simple to find pubs that cater for your requirements using The Epicurean Club’s website. You can very easily search by location, date, theme and/or type of experience. In our case, we were planning on a few days away with our English Springer Spaniel, George, so homed in on the ‘dog friendly’ offerings, but you could equally search for properties that are close to the water, quiet romantic getaways, pubs suited to special events and celebrations, or a variety of other options.
The Durham Ox
The Durham Ox is 300 years old and has been owned by the Ibbotson family for the past 20 years, during which time it has enjoyed numerous national and regional awards. Named after a celebrity-like beast of the same name that was exhibited throughout the country at the turn of the 18th Century (you can learn more about its fascinating history in the folder in your accommodation), the pub offers a rural bolthole in the charming hill-top village of Crayke, just two miles north-east of Easingwold, North Yorkshire.
The accommodation
We stayed in ‘Rose Cottage’, a lovely little property at the rear of the pub that is perfect for families, with a lounge, galley kitchen and bathroom downstairs, and two bedrooms – one super king double and one twin – upstairs. The bedrooms are cosy with beamed ceilings and a traditional, country feel.
Downstairs, the bathroom is modern and spacious and comes with L’Occitaine toiletries, whilst the kitchenette comes complete with tea and coffee making facilities and complementary Yorkie chocolate bars (in case you wondered, they’re made in nearby York).
The food
The pub is very cosy and full of character with numerous blackboards adorning the walls, oak panels in the main bar that are late Victorian reproductions and medieval pew ends from a church in Somerset. Upstairs is The Private Dining Room that can sit 10-22 guests and an outside terrace at the rear for those warmer days.
Try the baked Queenie scallops which are topped with garlic and prsley butter, and finished with a cheddar and gruyère crust. The food and service is good, with a wide choice of main meal options ranging from pea and mint ravioli to Yorkshire beef and Black Sheep pie.
The experience
The local area offers a rich source of heritage, beautiful countryside and picturesque villages and towns, all within easy reach of The Durham Ox. We opted for a family walk of the Crayke Estate – a circular route of approximately 3.5 miles along a permissive path through open fields and occasional wooded areas.
Those with more time to explore the local area can enjoy visits to numerous stately homes, abbeys and gardens, including Beningborough Hall & Gardens, Byland Abbey, Rievaulx Terrace & Temple, Rievaulx Abbey, Helmsley Castle, Helmsley Walled Garden, Nunnington Hall and Castle Howard. Or venture to York, renowned for its tangled network of quaint cobbled streets, to visit York Minster, the Jorvik Viking Centre or the National Railway Museum.
Dog friendliness
The Durham Ox is dog friendly and, if you let them know you’d like to eat with your dog, they’ll even book you a table in their Tap Room where your pampered pooch can enjoy the comfort of the fireside as you dine. As far as accommodation is concerned, with the exception of the Studio Suite, every room at The Durham Ox is dog friendly too.
The Battlesteads Hotel
Converted from an 18th Century farmstead, The Battlesteads Hotel is a pub, hotel and restaurant in the village of Wark, Northumberland, 12 miles north of Hexham, perfectly situated for anyone interested in exploring Hadrian’s Wall or Kielder Forest and Water. Over the last decade, it has developed a sustainable focus with all manner of initatives including the installation of a biomass boiler, the development of a flower garden to attract birds and butterflies, and inclusion of organic wines on the wine list to name just a few.
The accommodation
Behind the hotel are some very comfortable, modern lodges offering overnight accommodation. We stayed in two that were next door to each other, giving our teenage children some independence and privacy but with us close to hand if we should be needed. (There are also hotel rooms within the main building.)
The interiors are very spacious, with a seating area that offer ample room to relax, plus a desk area should you need to work on your travels. The bathroom is also generous in size with separate bath and shower.
The food
We had the 8-course taster menu, the highlight of which was the duck breast with a savoury ‘granola’, black pudding ‘prune’, charred cauliflower floret and cassis jelly (pictured). Where possible, the restaurant prides itself on fresh, local and seasonal produce, with a number of ingredients grown on site in the hotel’s kitchen garden and smoked salmon and charcuterie meats prepared in-house.
The experience
A highlight of any stay at Battlesteads is the on-site dark sky observatory with its own retractable roof, situated in the Northumberland Internatioanl Dark Sky Park. This accessible, public observatory offers talks, activities, drop-in sessions, stargazing and astronomy courses to cater for a range of expertise levels from beginner through to professional astronomers. An evening at the observatory is a must if you ever need reminding of just how vast the universe is.
We attended a dark sky discovery night where an enthusiastic but very knowledgeable amateur talked us through many aspects of the night sky, from the Milky Way to the universe beyond, first with some slides as the skies cleared a little and then with the aid of telescope and a more hands-on approach. It was very interesting, enjoyable and enteraining and, with our lodge just a stone’s throw away, only a short walk to bed afterwards!
Dog friendliness
At Battlesteads they recognise that your dog is part of the family and dogs are welcome (by prior arrangement) to share ground floor rooms with their owners. Facilities at the rear of the hotel allowed us to hose George down when he got a little muddy from his walks – what’s more, there was both hot and cold water so he could have a nice warm wash down!
Whether you are looking for a dog friendly getaway, or something a little different – but always in good quality yet homely pubs and inns – then take a look at the carefully curated list from The Epicurean Club.
By becoming a Friend of The Epicurean Club, which is free of charge, you can enjoy a number of additional benefits every time you book a stay or experience, such as the best rate on rooms, a house drink on the house for all guests on every Epicurean Collection stay, or even a free stay after every five overnight stays; there’s never been a better time to try some of Britain’s best pubs!
Disclosure: Our stays were courtesy of The Epicurean Club.
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