#friendly advice
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youngchronicpain · 29 days ago
Today, I am almost 3 weeks post-op. I decided that I wanted (needed) to make cookie dough with the remaining Christmas chocolate we had lying around. Baking makes me happy and I was tired of snacking on the same chocolates day after day.
About half way through mixing, I realized I was not yet ready for such a task. But decided to finish it because I was home alone and knew I could rest this evening while my partner made us dinner and cleaned.
But while he was busy doing various household tasks, ones we typically would share but I am currently unable to manage, I could hear my parent's voices in my head. "If you can make cookie dough, you can make rice."
I knew it wasn't a great idea. But I also figured "eh, it's just rice." Even though I was still hurting from my earlier kitchen adventure.
As I was washing the rice for our dinner, I realized how bad of a mistake it was. Lifting the pot and dumping out the dirtied water again and again was only hurting me more.
I think it is funny that even as an almost 30 year old, engaged and living in my own space, the same old voices from my childhood come creeping in.
So if you are also recovering, from surgery, overdoing it, or otherwise, take it from me:
Someone else can make the rice. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Lie down. Rest. And maybe eat some cookies.
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yours-trudy · 8 months ago
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And down to earth she comes...
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evilhorse · 10 months ago
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You need help, fella—medical help!
(All-Star Comics #61)
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marvelwoman-sugarbaby · 4 months ago
Hi, I have a little question for you. Would you give me few tips about writing fanflics? I want to start writing but I don't know how
Yeah sure,
Well firstly, grammar and punctuation is very nice to have and helps get more people interested in what you’re writing. Also when people are taking don’t forget to add “”. It makes it easier for people to follow along and doesn’t leaving them wondering where the speaking starts and ends.
Then be sure to find ways to state who’s the one that was talking. And don’t only use ‘she said’ ‘he said’ cause it gets repetitive. Try to find other ways that work for you but again please don’t let it become repetitive since that can give some people the ick.
Then paragraphs. Don’t make one long paragraph since there are people who don’t give docs like that a second glance.
Some things that can get a readers attention in a good picture or if you can find a good gif that’s even better. Then you’ll add a word count, I put the exact number for my word count but you can put something like 1.4k and that’s good too. It lets people get an idea of how long they’re going to spend reading.
Then the summary; grammar, punctuation, and all that jazz should be used there as well. Then it should also state a good amount to tell you what you’re getting into but not enough to spoil much if anything.
My big ones that I tend to look for when coming across a fic is also Warnings and Genre. Warnings obviously warns me of anything that I may not like or am maybe trying to avoid. It’s a good way to keep people from giving you crap cause you put something in there that made them uncomfortable and left them no warning.
As for genre; some people are looking for certain things so it makes it easier for them to dictate if they’ll read it or not. People are also more likely to save it in some way so when they want to read that genre they have easy access.
Oh and one my favorite things is when you put :readmore: and then enter it will only show up to that section when you’re scrolling. So what you’ll do it write the genre, number count, warnings, and summary then maybe a paragraph. Then you’ll start a new “paragraph” type in :readmore: hit return or enter (whatever it is for you) and that’s where people will have to press a button to read more.
You should know that there are trolls out there who will try to be mean for the dumbest things. Just keep in mind they having nothing better to do which is why they do it. That or they feel like crap so they feel like other people should feel the same. So really just ignore them or do what I like to and critique what they write or if you can do that then just laugh at their terrible attempt at bulling cause 9 times out of 10 they’re gonna say stuff that literally every “bully” says. Or they’re gonna try to be different and come up with their own shit. Those are fun cause they tend to be the ones that give you the biggest laugh cause they’re so dumb.
Anyways, I hope this helped and you have fun writing.
See Ya ✌🏼
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audley-and-cherry · 1 year ago
A note on spelling to fanfic writers:
"Cue" is stage direction. "That was my cue to leave."
"Queue" is a line of people waiting for something. "I saw a fox in the queue for the ATM!"
"Que" is the Spanish word for "what." «¿Qué hora es?»
Please, please, please learn the difference.
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godofwaterbreathing · 2 years ago
Hey Mia? I need advice, really badly >~<
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explode-this · 1 year ago
What To Do If You Accidentally Took a Sip of Alcohol or Ate a Boozy Cookie When You’ve Had Problems with Substances, But You’ve Also Been Convinced You Have a Disease and Subsequently Are More Afraid of Yourself Than a Purse Dog is Afraid of Being Out of the Purse: A Holiday Guide
1. If it was accidental, it’s not your fault.
2. Even if it wasn’t accidental, it is not the end of the world. If you have been convinced of some form of black and white thinking, like “one drink might as well be 1,000,” know that this is a built-in “failure guarantee.” It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that ultimately gives you permission to binge by way of Doomerism. Do you want that kind of negativity in your life? Say no way, man! to anyone who has cast an edict of weakness upon your entire “constitution” with silly ideas like that.
3. With that in mind, this kind of notion can really imprison you psychologically, so the panic you might feel is real. Find something calming to do until you’ve come down from it. Phone a friend that doesn’t believe in the disease hypothesis and can talk you down from irrationality. Play a game. Go for a walk. Do a jigsaw puzzle. Color in a coloring book. Get a Where’s Waldo book and look for the weirdest shit in the pictures. Try a new podcast! Listen to audiobooks! I don’t know, what do you like to do that’s been deemed off limits by a religious mentor/sponsor? What have you been convinced is stupid and childish but doesn’t hurt anyone else and actually brings you great joy? Do that thing. You’re allowed to do things that make you happy, you know.
4. For doorknob’s sake, resist going to a “meeting�� upon a “failure.” You might find some measure of sympathy and reassurance in “the rooms,” but you’ll also be surrounded by people who think the sky is falling if they pass someone smoking a joint on the street, freaking out about “contact highs” and whatnot, and that mindset is infectious. You need people in your life who have not been thoroughly indoctrinated and can see through—and thoroughly reject—the premise of the program. You certainly don’t need to hand in any “chips” and start over. Consider the contradiction of a phrase like “progress, not perfection” being in the same place as “you fucked up, now hand in your medallions and start over from step 1 because our goal of abstinence from substances actually constitutes a goal of perfection.” We are human beings. We fuck up. Fucking up once after months of not fucking up does not take those months away from you.
5. If you’re still thoroughly convinced that a meeting, calling a sponsor, or reading the “Big Book” are the answers, I’d like you to seriously consider this: read Chapter 8: To Wives, and then this analysis. Among other things, Bill Wilson was a craven butthole who wanted to control every step of the narrative—he was too dishonest to let his wife, an actual wife, write the fucking chapter! If a book was published today with portions addressing a given demographic as a member of that demographic that turned out to be written by someone decidedly not in that demographic, there would be an uproar and it would throw the entire publication into question—yet somehow this chapter is yet to be removed from the Sacred Text. If one portion of a book is just made up fuckshit with no research involved, written in the voice of someone the author is definitely not, then that is fiction. This might imply the rest of the book is fiction. Approach things with a critical eye, especially if you’re been told not to look at it too deeply or look into anything other than official backstory. If you’ve been advised that outside opinions will put you and/or your “recovery” in jeopardy, that’s an indicator of coercive control. A spiritual practice requires a measure of skepticism and should be checked against people who don’t believe in it once in a while for perspective. If your practice still seems reasonable when you do that, carry on! But if your intuition says otherwise and is tugging at the hem of your mental sweater like a snot-nosed little kid asking if they can play on your phone, maybe listen to it.
6. This is basic advice for pretty much anyone, but don’t take yourself so fucking seriously!
7. To that end: get a Party City-ass blonde bob wig like this one. Remember He-Man? He… had… the POWERRRRRRR! So do you. So put the wig on, prance around your living room to this video, and channel that shit. Keep the wig around for any occasion upon which you need to remind yourself to not be such a dour bitch about this silly thing called life.
7a) This is not power over everything and all things. This is power over yourself, your situation, and your decisions using rationality. You can absolutely believe in some kind of deity or “power greater than yourself” and still have enough respect for your own autonomy that you take responsibility for yourself by claiming and owning your own power to do or not do things.
8. You are better than not believing in yourself or your ability to just get on with life. We’re all vulnerable creatures, but one group with a specific behavioral/compulsion problem is not inherently more cursed with difficulty than another. Loads of people grow out of serious problems simply because they stop needing certain coping mechanisms, or they get bored with them, but when you put that label on yourself for life—like calling yourself an alcoholic even if you haven’t had a drink in a decade or more—you’re dragging yourself down and inhibiting your own growth. I might sound unsympathetic, but believe me, I’m not. I was a pretty serious bulimic Back in The Day, and it took a lot of work and learning how to love and believe in myself to get past the compulsive need to medicate with food, but I think if I’d clung to that identity as a marker of self I’d still be freaking out over eating the “wrong” things and throwing up every day. I’d probably be dead, quite frankly. Part of recovering (not being in perpetual recovery, but recovering) from an eating disorder meant giving up judging myself and others for body stuff, eating habits, etc., etc. I also had to stop hanging around with just the women in my therapy group. If you limit your social circle to other people “in recovery” you might throw away perfectly good people who could lend valuable perspective when you need it most, or who will love you regardless of your status in program or “in recovery,” because they aren’t adhering to a set of weird social rules you have come to accept as regular. In my case I needed people who didn’t freak out about calories, judge what other people ate, and talk about food all the fuckin’ time. It was good for a little while to talk with people who shared my problem, but the longer that went on, the harder it was to stop being bulimic.
All of this to say: you are fine. You are better than fine. You’re amazing. Life is something that kind of happens to us—our parents may have chosen to have us, but none of us decided to exist. We do the best with what we’ve got. Sometimes we’re raised by people who handed down shitty coping skills or caused us to find brand new ones. That doesn’t mean you have to be that thing forever. Like, did you ever have an aunt or uncle you only saw once in a while, so they treated you at 17 like you were the same person as you were when you were 6? Remember how limiting and weird that felt? You’re allowed to grow, change, and reject labels that keep you down. If abstaining from a substance or a certain kind of food helps you feel safe then I’m not coming down on that. But it doesn’t have to be your whole self. You are not your “sobriety.” You might feel fragile sometimes but I promise you, you are strong as fuck. And anyone who encourages you to stay in a fragile mindset of powerlessness over an inert substance is not your friend.
Now let’s put on our blonde fuckass bob wigs and scream at the top of our lungs: WHAT’S GOING ONNNNNN?! HEYYY YEAH YEAH YE-HEAHHHH!
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annaberunoyume · 1 year ago
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emrys-shadowmoon · 2 years ago
Rating: G
Prompt: Day 1, “Friendly advice? Save the sightseeing for after the job.” For @playerappreciationweek
Content Warnings: none
Summary: Carmen appreciates Player. Player Appreciation Week Day 1 Prompt: “Friendly advice? Save the sightseeing for after the job.”
VILE does not often get prisoners, in fact they prefer not to. So having Carmen’s former hacker is a treat.
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hetchofficial · 1 year ago
”Ya know”
Oh sorry let me just 'To whom it may concern, under careful inspection, I have henceforth decided the searching efforts in the archives have turned up not only no evidence, but prove fruitless otherwise, and therefore I shall proceed to leave as soon as the distance to the door permits.'
Is that better ya condescending bitch.
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evilhorse · 2 years ago
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You need to leave it alone, Clark.
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callme-adam-iguess · 1 year ago
You don't have to respond to this but just so you know, if you censor tw/cw tags (e.g. tw blo0d) people's filters won't pick them up, so the tag's basically useless :(
Just popping over bc I'm trawling the tags and you seem kinda new :)
Oh ty! The tags just picked that one up so I just used it out of habit.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
Everything that people say about getting married, or conjunxed, that is couched in general terms as if it applies to everyone, and spoken with the force of scripture, is 100% about their own personal experience, and 0% about anything that's likely to happen to you.
People who have disjuncted are often particularly bitter. Their comments are always about their disjunx and never about your conjunx-electa. Ignore their taurslag and remember what orifice it actually came out of.
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 2 years ago
Just curious, I sent 3 separate pieces of advice. (My thoughts are always in bursts.) Did all of them reach you?
Yes. And I thank you most sincerely for sharing your hard earned wisdom!
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Rather than get a gym membership, I may be able to get a room on the weekends (as it looks like I may have Saturdays & Sundays off going forward). That way I can sleep in a bed a couple nights and be able to recover from the work week by elevating my feet.
As much as I don't want to be there more than necessary, I can use the refrigerator & microwave at work. My car is too full of my belongings to have room for even a small styrofoam cooler.
And ofc I'm still looking for a room to rent within decent driving distance from my job, that will take me despite my poor credit history. Right now, I can't see beyond the next few days.😔
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borderlinecloudless · 2 years ago
This banner treated me right, I can tell ya that much!
Too bad I‘ll have to skip Summer Kama, darn…
(Please keep in mind Gacha is still just silly anime png uwu GAMBLING so I recommend not spending money on it. But you can do whatever you want, but don‘t spend money on gacha. But also you can ignore me. I just implore you. Saving up for two years is also fun! Like I did for my NP5 Dioscuri! Don‘t spend money on Gacha.)
I can have some bragging rights by literal sheer force of luck:
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