#friday is ndu day
sylphidine · 9 months
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After more than two years of not-knitting, i have been re-bitten by my fandom textilia project enthusiasm.
Casting on for a Nightmare Galleon scarf, version [mumblemumblemumble].
Nightmare Galleon is the ship name for Wardrobeverse Pitch/Pitchiner and its NDU human equivalent. More info about my versions of the characters and settings in this shared universe multi-creator multimedia anthology series [the only canon in NDU is that there IS no canon] can be found at the links below.
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A Nightmare Dork University fandom event, taking place from Saturday, October 1st through Friday, October 7th.
Please reference @366daysofnightmaredorks in your event posts!
This year’s prompts:
DAY ONE - Apple orchard DAY TWO - Corn maze DAY THREE - Living chess game DAY FOUR - Pumpkin patch DAY FIVE - Games of chance DAY SIX - Dance hall DAY SEVEN - Hay ride
Formats welcome: Fanfiction, fan art, cosplay, sculpture, textilia, podfic, moodboards, ask & answer… your imagination is the only limit.
Characters: [NDU or EBU college setting, Wardrobeverse setting, any AU that you’d like to explore]
Pitch; Pitchiner; Proto; Piki; Jack Sickle; Winter King (future Jack Sickle); NDU Sera; NDU Ebony; EBU Pyotr; EBU Jack Frost; college versions of the Guardians; any and all OCs you’d care to include
Pairings: [Either romantic or platonic]
Nightmare Galleon (Pitch/Pitchiner); Stagefright (Piki/Jack Sickle); Oil and Smoke (Proto/Piki); Coffe and Cream (Pitch/Jack Sickle); Ice Crown (Pitchiner/Jack Sickle); Cold Shoulder (Proto/Jack Sickle); Winter Night (Piki/Winter King); Hatemuffin (Pitchiner/Proto); Paint It Black (Piki/Pitch); Black Ice (Pyotr/Jack Frost); Frostsicle (Jack Frost/Jack Sickle); Protean Stagefright (Proto/Jack Sickle/Piki); Black Intentions (Proto/Piki/Pitch)
Gentlebeings and otherfolk!  Step right up, step right up!  The Autumn Carnival is coming to town... join us if you dare.
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It’s that time you’ve all been waiting for... Freshers Week! From the 7th till the 11th October, classes are cancelled and events will be taking place instead! Every single day has an event and a dress code. Prizes are up for grabs everyday and this a great chance to campaign for Best Newcomer! 
So, on Monday there will be a water fight with a 90s dress code. The prize is for the winning team of the water fight and don’t worry, we’ve taken the liberty of putting you into teams. The prize a $10 on campus coffee card for each member of the winning team.
On Tuesday, there will be a pumpkin carving contest with best design and execution winning a $50 gift card for the on campus store! Dress code for Tuesday is Seeing Red.
Wednesday sees the Pub Quiz event. Once again, we’ve made the teams and picked the captains. All people in the winning team will get treated to a Bowling Trip with two games, food and drink! Dress code.... It’s Glow Up Day!
Rolling into Thursday we will be having the Zip-tie Samaritans event. Pairs have been chosen and those people will be zip-tied to each other until they have completed a randomly assigned task. All students who complete the task will receive a free NDU Hoodie upon cutting of the zip-ties! Dress code is going to be Alphabet and you will be assigned a letter during the week.
Finally, on Friday, the Greek Row will be hosting a BBQ. Each Fraternity and Sorority will have their own area of focus and they will be told in due course. We have decided to give you a partner each to take to the BBQ and the dress code, it’s simple, dress to impress. Best dressed couple get a meal off campus.
As you know Best Newcomer will be announced at the BBQ. First place gets 1 months free ice cream. Second place gets 2 weeks free ice cream and 3rd place gets a weeks free ice cream from the gelato store in town!
Under the cut is some OOC information so please read, I know this is long but this is a big event.
- Dean Chelsea & Dean Jordyn
If you are taking part in any of these, please tag them ndufreshers19.
If you feel it will help you become Best Newcomer, please tag nduyearbook
The teams and pairs for all these tasks have been chosen by random generators. 
Water fight winner has been decided by a random generator picking five names and whichever team they were on, got the point. 
The pub quiz is taking place on a discord server. You will be assigned a team and you must work together to answer the questions. If teams get 100% I will know you cheated and you will be disqualified! 
For the zip tie event, you will be told your partner and your task and you have to work with the mun to complete the task. As well as receiving your partner, you will receive the letter of your dress up outfit.
For the BBQ, I will speak with members of each fraternity and sorority to give you the responsibility. Best dressed will be decided by myself and Jordyn.
Partners for the BBQ will be sent out during the week. 
I know this is a big event but this is the first major event and if it’s successful, I will work on more of these! 
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upshotre · 5 years
FG to reduce shares in JVCs to 40% – Sylva
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By Tony Ademiluyi The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, on Friday outlined the deliverables of his ministry on which the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and other departments and agencies under his watch should take a cue. In a presentation at the commencement of a two-day retreat of the minister for directors of the Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources and heads of agencies under his purview, Sylva listed the priority areas he would focus on. They include the implementation of the reduction of Federal Government’s equity stakes in joint venture participation to 40 per cent and curbing petroleum products cross border leakages. Others are completion of gas flare commercialisation, increasing crude oil production to three million barrels per day and effecting reduction in cost of crude oil production by at least five per cent. A statement issued in Abuja by NNPC Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Ndu Ughamadu, explained that other priority areas identified by the minister included aggressive promotion of passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill. He listed others as promotion of inland basin exploration activities, promotion of deep offshore exploration activities and collaboration with private sector to increase domestic refining capacity. Sylva told heads of the agencies that at end of the retreat, they would be required to collectively sign an undertaken to deliver on the set tasks and targets, adding that they must execute the mandate with all the seriousness it deserved. The Group Managing Director, NNPC, Mele Kyari, expressed the readiness of corporation to align with the spirit and letter behind the key priorities areas.
Read the full article
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ofubox · 5 years
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has asked Nigerians to report any filling station that sells Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), popularly known as petrol beyond N145 per litre to relevant agencies. It made the call in a statement by the NNPC Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Mr Ndu Ughamadu, on Thursday in Abuja. The corporation advised the people to remain vigilant and provide information to the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), the industry regulator, or to any law enforcement agency around them, about any station which sells petrol beyond the regulated price. It also allayed the fears of insufficient supply of petroleum products in the country and gave assurance of an eventful Easter period. The NNPC advised motorists and other petroleum products, consumers, not to engage in panic buying, saying there was enough products stock in 55 depots across the country. It explained that 23 depots in Lagos, seven in Port Harcourt in Rivers State, 11 in Warri (Delta), six in Calabar (Cross River), and eight in Kaduna, were fully stocked with white products. The corporation disclosed that two vessels of 50 million litres of petrol would arrive at the shores of Nigeria every day from Friday. It, however, cautioned depot owners and terminal operators not to sell the product above the official ex-depot price of N133.28k per litre. The NNPC also advised petroleum products, marketers, not to sell the product above N145 per litre. According to it, the subsisting ex-depot petrol price of N133.28k per litre is consistent with the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency’s (PPPRA) template and should be adhered to.
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sylphidine · 5 months
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:::shakes your hand across the Internet:::
The immortal Mr Pickles!
Forever enshrined in every ferret gif ever.
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sylphidine · 1 year
Time to go back to work on un-snobbing Piki Black.
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gif courtesy of @ask-piki-black
Time to have an immovable object [Piki] go up against an irresistible force [his childhood caretaker, Nanny Phoebe].
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sylphidine · 2 months
[NDU] As The Silver Planets Run
It is hot as hell outside here in not-very-merrie-Newe Englande, and your salty Sylph is craving winter chills. So time to revisit a spooky tale from the depths of my archives. It's one of my favorite things I've ever written, and I hope you'll all think so too.
This tale was originally written for @piratekingpitchblack and owes a great deal to @tripletrilby, as well as several other NDU creators.
[Saucy bits under the cut. Read at your own risk... or your own pleasure.]
Fandom: Nightmare Dork University
Pairing: NightmareGalleon [both Waardrobeverse & modern college!AU]
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The Nightmare King refuses to let the Boogeyman fade.
The grey-skinned giant stands impassively within the cavern, the tunnels behind him teeming with shadows that twist and twitch.  
Above the cavern, a village sleeps and dreams; above the village, distant stars wheel and march across a moonless sky, galaxies among them unseen yet glistening on the edge of the giant’s awareness.
It seems wrong for *him* to be the one to break the silence; his… other self?… his counterpart?... [what were they to one another?]... never seems… never seemed... to stop talking, pacing, gesticulating, hyperventilating…
Pitchiner smiles wryly.  What he wouldn’t give to hear Pitch wheezing in the tunnels behind him, determined to have the last word, his skinny shorter legs trying to catch up with Pitchiner’s longer and more muscled ones as the giant size-shifted at will.
What he wouldn’t give...
“Little man, how useless you’ve become.”
“Dark and sinister imp, how annoying you’ve become.”
Once upon a time, Pitchiner’s gloat of short-lived triumph had been countered nastily by one he thought he’d bested… the Cossack would-be wizard.  It did not escape Pitchiner’s sense of irony that he and Pitch had been tossing similar insults at one another in all the time they’d spent in the lair.
Time.  His perception of time was so different from Pitch’s.  Pitchiner saw long games and far-reaching consequences.  He’d learned patience, being trapped with a diamond dagger-point in his chest for ages uncountable.  Pitch’s view was linear, staccato, one ticking clock-strike after another.  Pitch needed everything NOW.
And when Pitch could not have what he wanted, and what it turned out that he NEEDED, Pitch diminished to the point of disappearance.  The Boogeyman now was a mere whisper on the wind, a fleeting half-caught image in the corner of the eye..
Millennia of existence, moments of heightened awareness.  Pitch had taught Pitchiner, completely unconsciously, to view time in moments rather than in aeons.
Moments the Nightmare King would lose, other than his memories, if he allowed Pitch to fade.
Holding Pitch in the palm of his hand and licking his cock from the base of the shaft to the tip, with an extra swirl of the tongue between and behind his balls.
Debating the concepts of the power of fear versus the idea of fear, said debate demonstrated with teeth and claws on couches and in beds and up against walls over the course of weeks.
The inexplicable delight that Pitch tried to hide under irritation and anger when Pitchiner first experienced a thunderstorm.
The startling display of almost-affection Pitch had shown him on a memorable occasion.  Pitchiner had come across Pitch sitting dejectedly with both his robe and skin in tatters, after yet another attack by the traitorous Nightmares he had once commanded, tears he could not hide streaming from his eyes.  Without thinking, Pitchiner had licked at the bloody wounds and scratches on Pitch’s back.  Pitch had looked back at him with a stunned and piteous expression before leaning in and extending his own long tongue to give Pitchiner’s nose a delicate lick in return.
Pitch’s bony hips cupped in Pitchiner’s lap, Pitchiner’s cock embedded in Pitch’s ass, Pitch’s gangly legs dangling over Pitchiner’s thighs as the giant bounced his favourite fucktoy up and down, listened to the curses and hisses as he milked Pitch’s cock in one hand and kept both Pitch’s hands trapped above his head in one of his own, Pitchiner biting and sucking between shoulder and collarbones in rhythm with his thrusts.  Pitch going boneless and limp as he came and screeching like a pinioned barn owl when the head of his cock became too sensitive.  Pitchiner being able to HEAR Pitch’s toothy smile, a smile Pitch would hotly deny, when Pitchiner released his own orgasm like an onrushing tide inside him.
The pained looks Pitch would give him when Pitchiner interrupted his reading, when he came up with ploys to get him away from studious pursuits and into carnal ones.
Kisses that devoured, kisses that let one be devoured.  Thin-lipped kisses with teeth and tongues.  Hard kisses that thrilled, soft kisses that shocked.
These moments could not disappear.  Pitchiner would not let these moments disappear.
The giant turns on his booted heel and makes his way down the tunnel.
Snow whirled in the whistling wind and slammed into the windowpane with a vicious rattle, jolting Coz awake and sending Pitch flying off his chest and onto the living room floor.
“What THE FUCK?!? Must you channel a horse and buck me off just when I was getting comfortable?”
“Sorry, babe, let me give you a hand up”, Pitchiner said apologetically as he sat up on the couch and helped Pitch to his feet.  He then pulled the smaller man into his arms and buried his face in Pitch’s chest.  Pitch found himself in the awkward position of leaning over Coz’s head with no idea where to put his hands.  He settled for loosely crossing them over the athlete’s back and lacing his fingers together.  Not quite a hug, but a silent acknowledgement of the apology.
They stayed like that for a few minutes until Pitch’s own back started to spasm from the odd angle and he had to change position.  He wriggled cat-like out of the embrace and sat himself down unceremoniously on Pitchiner’s knees, facing him with a vicious glare.  “So… are you going to tell me about it?”
“Another nightmare,” Coz muttered.  “You died.”
Pitch sighed dramatically, disguising his concern under shades of sarcastic irritation. “What happened this time?” he bit out, dragging out the words huffily.
“I don’t know!  This was really, really weird.  I didn’t see you die this time, you… You were just… gone.  And I had to find some magic way to bring you back.  So there was this wizard, and he said something like…”
“Something like ‘if you stay right here at this spot in this cave until the end of Time, you can keep him alive forever’... was that it?”
Coz’s eyes narrowed. Pitch waited a moment before saying, “I’ve had that dream too.”
A long few moments passed and then Pitchiner spoke.  “I needed to get a dump truck and a pickaxe and transport the cave somewhere…”
Pitch interrupted, his words sounding like a litany or an incantation, “Stone by stone…”
“Shadow by shadow,” Pitchiner countered.
Without thinking, they both leaned in at the same time and bumped heads painfully.  Pitch scrambled to his feet and hissed, “If we’re going to inflict mutual injuries upon each other, can we PLEASE do it in a horizontal position that isn’t as narrow as this hell-couch?”
The dangerously sentimental moment had passed.  Coz bared all his teeth in a frightening, yet winning smile and replied, “My, you’re insatiable lately, dear.”
“As long as it keeps you believing in me, DEAR.”
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sylphidine · 2 years
for the author thing, 17, 12, 29
Oooh, some good ones!
Your favorite character to write this year?
Always hard to pick one, so it's kind of a tie between two.
I've found myself very fond of the stories and chapters I've written this year for North from RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, whether as the ROTG-canon Guardian of Wonder or as the human professor of Arts and Music at NDU.
And I have really enjoyed writing for Tasque Manager from Deltarune, whether canon-fanon welding her into Castle Town via the Spamsician AU created by @penbwl, or her human!AU version Tabitha Montgomery Tanner in CALL SIGNS.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Nine definites, with three more possible as sequels to extant works.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Hehehe, you ask all the tough ones. Hmmm.
Gotta be this texting exchange between T.M. and Swatch. Especially the "Captain Backup Bride" bit. Their friendship cracks me up, even as the author.
Wednesday: 22:47
hey you wanna have a movie party on friday and can i bring aster over i dont think hes seen spiderverse yet
Wednesday: 22:48
Yes, we can have a movie party on Friday. No he can’t come. I swear to gods he’s “Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” given physical form. From: MOGGY Wednesday: 22:49
huffy swatchy
Wednesday: 22:50
You know I'm right.
Wednesday: 22:55
At this point I will cuddle anything to prevent from dying alone
Wednesday: 22:56
Don't say that, dear. You know I'm your backup bride for when we turn 50.
Wednesday: 23:01
love you
Wednesday: 23:02
Love you too. See you tomorrow for Turkey Day.  Bring my DVD.
Wednesday: 23:03
love you good night
Thank you for the ask!
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sylphidine · 3 years
Watching the fans of Deltarune Chapter 2 develop ever-evolving AUs at supersonic speeds in “real time” on Tumblr both delights my inner cultural anthropologist and at the same time makes me rueful, yet again, at not being on Tumblr when Nightmare Dork University was unfolding at its height.
The Salt Route AU, in particular, is heartbreaking and delicious, because Spamton gives me Piki Black feels.
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sylphidine · 3 years
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Mucha-style Nightmare Kings desktop wallpaper installed with permission from and courtesy of @nxghtlight
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sylphidine · 4 years
I think the majority of my ficlets for the NDU Autumn Carnival 2020 are going to be AUs.
I have two and a half pieces finished so far... one for the Dressmaker’s Secret AU, one for iNsectDU, and half of one for the Footlight&Frontispieces AU.
Dunno why so productive of late, but I’ll take what I can get.
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sylphidine · 4 years
17 April 2020
Personal and writerly reflective burblings, please disregard if you find such boring.
I’ve been having much more of a creative fanfiction burst with this week’s ROTG Hope Week segments than I have been having with my own 30 Days Of Nightmare Dorks event.  While I have many, many more stories and scenarios percolating in my brain for Pitch, Piki, Coz, Jack, and Proto, the story I’d planned to work on in April, “Ecdysis”, is stalling.  A chance comment by @tripletrilby elsewhere online really struck home with me, along the lines that it’s really hard to empathize right now with a main character who comes from a background of privilege.  And it cannot be denied that the Black twins and their relatives are moneyed, in the various scenarios that this wacky AU of an AU of an AU have spawned over seven years.  I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallly want to give Piki his redemption arc, but maybe now is not the right time to explore characters who have jetsetting relatives who can drop townhouses in their laps.
I had a moment of vindication earlier this week, in that both my partner and my housemate mentioned that they were feeling as though they were seeing an actual physically-manifesting miasma of fear in the air when they look out at the empty streets and parking lots in our city. I calmly told them both, “Now you know how I feel EVERY April,” and was gratified to see the metaphorical lightbulbs go off in their heads.  PTSD and anniversary trauma is a real thing, kidz and kittenz, just as real and difficult to cope with as executive dysfunction is.  We’ll see how long the realization that I have **cause** to be less focused than usual right now, that goes above and beyond the COVID-19 situation.
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sylphidine · 5 years
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I hereby declare that if ANYONE is going to voicecast as NDU Purradox, it’s going to be Frances Barber.
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sylphidine · 5 years
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How I spent Friday nights years ago as a broke college student: drawing up timelines for my D&D campaign.
How I spend a Friday night nowadays as a working adult: drawing up timelines for my Nightmare Dork University AUs.
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sylphidine · 5 years
Er, I kinda meant if Jack found out something like that in your AU and it hardened his resolve to leave?
Ahhhh, I misunderstood.  My apologies for the confusion!
No, the issue of Piki stealing Pitch’s work, as raised by @ksclaw was not part of Jack’s rationale for leaving in the Footlights and Frontispieces AU.  
If it ever did come up, it would have been much later, during Jack’s and Piki’s reconciliation period.
I hadn’t really thought of that, beyond how it affected Pitch and how it strengthened Pitch’s relationship with his godfather Gilen, who gave him Purradox.
The thing that made Jack finally snap and flit off into the night?  As River Song would say, “Spoilers!”
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All shall be revealed when I get a chance to do more writing.  
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