sylphidine · 5 months
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I... have no real explanations or regrets. Sometimes things just happen. But my love for the ferret was real.
This is so lovely, like all your work.
Pitch is not the only one to have a bit of nostalgia stuck in his eye.
Thank you, @blackbeeno3569
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sylphmacabre · 1 year
Fandom: Nightmare Dork University, an AU of RISE OF THE GUARDIANS that has become its own subfandom
'Verse - Wardrobeverse, Metaverse
Characters: Icicle Jack, Meta!Proto, Wangst Pitch [mentioned]
Rating: Mature
Summary: Watching and wanting what cannot be had. Set in the RotG AU known as the Wardrobeverse, originating in the "Wangst Comics" by ask-pitchs-wardrobe on Tumblr. Companion piece to "Somewhere Deep Inside Of These Bones".
Notes: Written as a request from @twistedxsaiyan
Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own on February 25, 2019.
You watch from your corner as the man who mirrors your lover sweeps your own mirror image into his embrace.
That clasping looks so much warmer, so much more solid, than the fierce and spiky couplings you and your lover subject one other to.
The devotion in the dark-haired human’s voice makes you weep when you think about the desperation you hear in your own voice, when you respond to similar devotion from your lover.  You hear the same desperation in the voice of your human doppleganger.
You do not understand why neither can hear the common threads of fear and loneliness that bind each other’s speech, the inchoate terror that marks the cadences of each other’s words.
“Oh, but they do hear themselves, little stalactite, but they’ll never admit that they do,” murmurs an unwelcome voice behind you.  Without turning to look, you know there will be a tall, smokily indistinct shape with too many limbs, a pale smooth unfurrowed face, and eyes of a violently incandescent blue, hovering at your shoulder.
Without being either booming or scratchy, the voice of that most dreaded, that most inscrutable and indefinable companion in your shadowed world reminds you, as it is meant to do, of the loud silence of anticipation of the next thunderclap as the last one rolls away, of the frantic skittering of insects as they flee from the disturbed safety of overturned loam in the forest.  That voice is meant to be feared, and fear it you do… but not as much as you fear the sound of disappointment in your lover’s voice.
You make an effort to suppress a shudder and to act as though your unwanted companion is not there, as you turn your attention back to the humans, one tall, one small.  The murmurs of “stop, hush, of course I’ll…” are a counterpoint to “thank you” and the hitching of breath that usually presages sobbing until emptied.
The familiarity is painful.  Your lover commands as often as he comforts.  You acquiesce far more often than you protest.
You want these two to be different, but the odds are that they will trace the same path of futility that you find yourself on.
You sigh and turn away, noticing as you do so that your dreaded companion has disappeared.
You do not know why that leaves you aching and lonely.
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30 Days Of Nightmare Dorks - 2021 Edition
We’re counting down the days to this year’s celebration of eight years of the Wardrobeverse and Nightmare Dork University!
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Event guidelines, the short version: Reblog older material or create new material on one, some, or all of the days in the month of April 2021.
Event guidelines, the long version:
The goal of this event is to post as much Nightmare Dork University material as possible each and every day during the month of April, to celebrate eight years of NDU.
This event will run primarily on Tumblr, but links to DeviantArt, Dreamwidth, Archive Of Our Own, etc. are acceptable. 
The event runs from 12:01AM Eastern US Time on Thursday, April 1st until 11:59PM EDT on Friday, April 30th.
Unlike other fandom events, there is not a hard-and-fast prompt list for each day.  There will be suggested prompts which will range from the sublime to the ridiculous, but no one *HAS* to use them.
Also unlike other fandom events, reblogs of previously created material are welcome, but creation of original material is welcome as well.
Inspiration can be drawn from the Wardrobeverse, the collegeverse, the metaverse, and any associated AUs. Your imagination is the only limit.
OCs are welcome and encouraged to interact with our NDU boys, as are other RotG/GoC characters.
Don’t feel like you ***must*** post a piece Every... Single... DAY.  Burnout is not fun.  But do try to post at least ONE piece during the month of April 2021.
Be sure to tag your works within the body of your entry with @366daysofnightmaredorks.  You can also use #30daysofndu or as #30 days of nightmare dorks in one of the first 5 tags, but that’s not always as reliable.
Visual, aural, textile, and literary works are allowed - fanart, fanfiction, gifs, edits/manips, cosplay, fanmixes, crafts, incorrect quotes, or ask-and-answer.  
Please tag works accordingly, and be sure to use any warnings for sensitive, taboo, and/or mature subjects.  
HAVE FUN, and support your fellow creators.
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gretchensinister · 5 years
mira-eyeteeth replied to your post: Someone has to do this
I’d classify Proto as The Beholding, personally
Yes...I can see that as well, especially human NDU Proto, but I think he’s definitely trying to make everyone he meets have a Stranger reaction to him
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ksclaw · 4 years
Do you think there is a metaverse / Wardrobeverse version of Ebony?
Oh probably, I just haven’t thought up a way to put her in yet.
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nxghtlight · 7 years
The realization that you’ve created an AU of an AU of an AU of an AU of an AU is
A very frightening realization
(Guardians of Childhood –> Rise of the Guardians –> Wardrobeverse –> NDU –> Adoptive dad Proto and his gaggle of tiny shadow children –> Collegeverse with Prof. Proto + ‘Nightlight’ the put-upon security guard and also Piki and Pitchiner are dating now, we just don’t know, Pitch is potentially a serial killer and might either murder or sleep with North, Sandy is that One Guy On Campus, and MiM can’t work off the Freshman 15 because he can’t reach the pedals on the exercise bikes, all the while Kozmotis and Jack have something going on, but like, no homo, my guy)
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mira-eyeteeth · 8 years
If you are still doing the "Send me two characters or more and a prompt and I’ll write you a short fic" askmeme... may I please have 13. “How can anyone not be afraid of love?” for Nightmare Galleon? Either NDUverse or Wardrobeverse would be fine.
Two figures whirled and swayed through the lightless night, following the music of an antique speaker half-buried in detritus.
“Well, for someone who was literally living under a rock, you’re picking up waltzing fairly quickly,” Pitch remarked.
“What can I say? I’m a quick study. Though I do worry about you a bit, dear. These are the kinds of songs you’ve accumulated while being out and about in the world? Love songs don’t really seem to be something that is thematically appropriate for the Nightmare King…”
Pitch cocked his head to one side and flashed a sliver of a grin. “I think it’s very appropriate. How can anyone not be afraid of love? Now, if I put on Dancing in the Moonlight, then you can start questioning the themes of my musical taste.”
Pitchiner let out a booming crack of laughter. “Well, there might be something to that. Perhaps after all the Guardians are destroyed you and I can show off a little out under the moonlight.”
“Well, now there’s an idea…”
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emeraldembers · 8 years
Ahh, sweet memories
After coming to the bittersweet realisation I probably don’t have any more full length NDU stories left in me, I’ve taken it upon myself to upload the lot (three sentence fics aside) to AO3.
Nightmare Dork University, Dorks of the Opera, Wardrobeverse, NsectDU, and Dressmaker’s Secret are all in there <3.
I could not have loved this fandom more. I’ll probably still do the occasional three sentence fic for it, and might surprise myself with another full length fic someday, but for now, I think it’s time to let my part in it retire.
NDU, you were greatly loved, and I adore everyone I met through you, and my heart is yours. <3
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carnie-vorex · 10 years
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Don't Even Think Of Nightmare Vore!
Because I have sick thoughts and get excited about Pitches showing tongues.
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sylphidine · 11 months
[NDU] Insubstantial
Written for Day Five of the 2023 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS Halloween Challenge.
AU: Nightmare Dork University
Characters: Pitch Black/Meta!Pitch, Jack Sickle/Icicle Jack, Piki Black/Wangst!Pitch, Cossimo "Coz" Pitchiner/The Nightmare King, Proto Black/Meta!Proto
Setting: Metaverse/Wardrobeverse
No matter how hard you try, you will never be as good as he is, do as well as he does, garner admiration the way he is admired.
So says the sharp bitter voice emanating from the shadow-clad being that Pitch sees from the corner of his eye, every time he turns his back on the old black wardrobe in the corner of his dorm room.
She died. You kill everything you touch. Part of you is as dead as I am.
The form made of icy spikes and dripping raiment is silent as it stands always just behind him, but Jack can still hear its thoughts and knows them to be true.
He doesn't love you. He'll never stay with you. He is perfect, and you are nothing without him.
The sighs of the creature play a counterpoint tune to the steady "plop, plop, plop" of the detritus that seeps from its viscous robe. Piki knows it's there; it drowns him in its oily embrace as he weeps.
You're a monster, a destroyer, a brute. They've taken everything away from you; you must take everything away from them, a thousandfold.
That's the image Pitchiner sees in the mirror when he looks with eyes half-closed.
Pathetic. Smoke and misdirection. You're nothing but a pale imitation without even a name of your own.
The hum of its voice is almost as electric as the blue of its uncanny eyes. Its shape wavers constantly, cycling through formlessness into possessing far too many hands and far too many claws. Proto resignedly looks back into its gaze, echoing its mixture of fascination and disgust.
Inspired by "Getting To Know You" by @gretchensinister
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Gentlebeings and otherfolk!  Step right up, step right up!  
Please join us for 2020′s fall season event for the Nightmare Dork University fandom... THE NDU AUTUMN CARNIVAL!  
Seven days of thrills, chills, and spills.  Excitement and enjoyment guaranteed!
PLEASE INCLUDE @366daysofnightmaredorks​ IN YOUR POSTED ENTRIES.  Tumblr’s tagging system is not reliable, but we’ll also try to keep track of the tag #nducarnival.
Thursday, October 1st through Wednesday, October 7th
Characters: [NDU or EBU college setting, Wardrobeverse setting, any AU that you’d like to explore]
Pitch; Pitchiner; Proto; Piki; Jack Sickle; Winter King (future Jack Sickle); NDU Sera; EBU Pyotr; EBU Jack Frost; college versions of the Guardians; any and all OCs you’d care to include
Pairings: [Either romantic or platonic]
Nightmare Galleon (Pitch/Pitchiner); Stagefright (Piki/Jack Sickle); Oil and Smoke (Proto/Piki); Coffe and Cream (Pitch/Jack Sickle); Ice Crown (Pitchiner/Jack Sickle); Cold Shoulder (Proto/Jack Sickle); Winter Night (Piki/Winter King); Hatemuffin (Pitchiner/Proto); Paint It Black (Piki/Pitch); Black Ice (Pyotr/Jack Frost); Frostsicle (Jack Frost/Jack Sickle); Protean Stagefright (Proto/Jack Sickle/Piki); Black Intentions (Proto/Piki/Pitch)
Prompts: [Named after famous rides at Coney Island which is why “Carousell”, for example, is spelled with two l’s.  Can be used literally or metaphorically.]
DAY ONE - Carousell
DAY TWO - Caterpillar
DAY THREE - Steeplechase
DAY FOUR - Wonder Wheel
DAY FIVE - Cyclone
DAY SIX - Parachute Jump
DAY SEVEN - Spook-a-Rama
Formats welcome:
Fanfiction, fan art, cosplay, sculpture, textilia, podfic, moodboards... your imagination is the only limit.
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gretchensinister · 6 years
Nyeheheheheheh I found it. I found the blog with the comic and movie versions and also a species-swap AU all interacting. This is my specific and incredibly useless mutant power. To find the place in fandom where multiple versions of the same person hang out
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sylphidine · 2 years
A pair of Nightmare Dork University stories I wrote a few years ago, which will be inspiring some of this year's NDU Autumn Carnival stories.
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sylphidine · 2 years
Watching and wanting what cannot be had.
Set in the RotG AU known as the Wardrobeverse, originating in the "Wangst Comics" by ask-pitchs-wardrobe.
Companion piece to "Somewhere Deep Inside Of These Bones".
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sylphidine · 9 months
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After more than two years of not-knitting, i have been re-bitten by my fandom textilia project enthusiasm.
Casting on for a Nightmare Galleon scarf, version [mumblemumblemumble].
Nightmare Galleon is the ship name for Wardrobeverse Pitch/Pitchiner and its NDU human equivalent. More info about my versions of the characters and settings in this shared universe multi-creator multimedia anthology series [the only canon in NDU is that there IS no canon] can be found at the links below.
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sylphidine · 1 year
Wish I could pin more than one post to the top of my blog.
But I can't, so here goes.
Long-term readers of this blog know that the month of April is a difficult one for me, emotionally.
Newer readers of this blog, particularly those who started following me for Swatchton content, may be surprised at a change-up in what I'm posting in April.
In the past I've done an exercise in reblogging fandom content for Nightmare Dork University, which is the human AU of the Wardrobeverse, which is a spin-off of the Wangstverse, which is an AU of the movie RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, which is based on the book series THE GUARDIANS OF CHILDHOOD by William Joyce.
This April is no different... in fact there will be even more NDU reblogging from me because NDU IS TEN YEARS OLD THIS YEAR [the informal anniversary is April 7th].
So, long story short, this is how Sylph copes in the month of April.... extremely self-indulgent Tumblr postings set in an AU of an AU of an AU of an AU.
Hopefully people will join me for the ride.
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