temperednuvi · 4 months
who? @freydis-freydat where? the caverns, inside the iron cells when? the last night, after the kidnapping
There is little time to process the terror and adrenaline pumping through her veins as she is dragged away from the Nornwatch Tower and back into the darkness. If she were to be completely honest, Nuvi doesn’t remember much of anything until her back hits the iron bars and the pain and hot pain snaps her from the vague darkness that had clouded her senses as soon as they had entered the mines. Vaguely, she remembers screaming, scratching at the rock they dragged her over to try and stop her descent into the darkness, but she cannot be sure of anything but the way her nails have been ripped apart blood on her fingertips at her desperate attempt to avoid the caverns once more. 
A whimper escapes her as she shifts and hits the iron bars again, and she does her best to make herself smaller, to avoid touching the bars and anything else that might bring her pain. This drives her to sink into one of the other kidnapped woman’s side, and she mutters a quick apology even if she doesn’t make the effort to move. 
“My apologies, but any other position and I will be touching the bars, and— Well,” she shrugs minutely as she tilts her head to show her ears. “Iron doesn’t agree with me.”
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emissaradia · 3 months
closed starter for @freydis-freydat location: haven note: *theo voice* ARRRAARRRAAARAA
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Finding a sparring partner that didn't wield magic of some kind was a rarity. Especially in Haven. Aradia only had werewolves and other emissaries to train with most of the time. A regular human though? Well, actually, she wouldn't classify this woman as just regular. She was very muscular and very strong and perhaps she needed to pick up some tactics just in case the One Power ever decided to not be there for her. It would be her own fault if that was the case, but she didn't want to think about that right now. What she needed to think about was getting back up off the floor after getting her ass knocked down. "Okay, okay. One more time." She dragged herself back up to her feet. Holding the practice sword out towards the other woman, she let out a sigh. "I don't usually use swords so I'm a little rusty here."
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shewolfaurea · 3 months
Person: @freydis-freydat Location: Haven, Fairgrounds She's handed off a basket of bread to a family when she looks up and sees honey blonde hair in an unkept braid and broad shoulders. She has not really seen the woman before, only drawings of what people said she looked like. Fresh basket of bread in hand, Aurea steps away from the tent and moves right towards where the blonde has settled, footsteps hurried and heart full. Freydis doesn't really get the chance to greet her considering Aurea is quick to set the basket of bread down beside the fire and wrap her arms around the woman's torso. She smells like the forest somehow but sweeter underneath the grim of the trek. Like something baking, warm bread, a sweet treat. "This better be Jarl Freydis otherwise this is going to be really awkward, I'm afraid."
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witchernjal · 4 months
closed starter for @freydis-freydat location: frostvang note: HOLMGAAAAANG
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Njal had been out of Witcher's Watch for some time now and he had hoped to find entertainment anywhere he could. The Midlands were just that. The Midlands. More than anything, he was always drawn towards danger in any capacity though. After dealing with his parents, he had to figure out what to do with his time if he wasn't hunting or being a warden to a bunch of cretins. And what better way to use his time than to attend a Holmgang? Seeing people get bludgeoned was definitely a sight to see. Maybe that sounded a little aggressive to anyone else, but he was a witcher. He had been fed poison when he was just a child. A Holmgang was just him reveling in the fact that others could suffer, too. And there was nobody better than the now Jarl, Freydis. As he walked up to her, he merely clapped his hands. "Great performance, Jarl Freydis. Truly. When's the next one."
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afshinxeldar · 5 months
closed starter for @freydis-freydat location: nornwatch keep note: "afshin, there are people dying"
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Icefang the Undefeated and Unbowed. That was what their people called her, their one female jarl. Afshin knew of anyone and everyone of importance in Iskaldrik, but this one held special interest to him. In a kingdom where women were not to rule, she had proved stronger than the jarl before her. He admired that and he always would. It reminded him of his sister. She was a shieldmaiden that was also the princess. She could have been the heir, but she had been passed over for someone like Afshin that didn't ever care to pick up a sword or fight any of his own battles. There had been several times where the thought passed in his head that it would have been best for him to be sent to the mines, never to return again. What would his father do then? The throne would have to go to his daughter, wouldn't it? Then again, those thoughts would never come to fruition if Aytac had anything to say about it. His dear sister was always looking out for him and he could only hope that these other jarls would respect him. Starting with Freydis.
A sigh left his mouth as he dropped down into the seat next to her. "Freydis. How are you faring?" She was someone of importance therefore she would always have his respect. Enough for him to be civil at least. For now.
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etienneulven · 5 months
Person: @freydis-freydat Location: the way to Nornwatch The amount of people who'd gathered on this side of Iskaldrik was astounding, everyone clambering to get to the tower. Part of him had been content to just keep trying to find a way to find what was left of his family by going back towards the Lowlands, the caves there, but it'd been Goose of all people (well, wolves) to practically drag him by his coat in the direction of the tower. The forest spoke of people moving to Nornwatch and he knew his mother, knew there was a chance she'd dragged herself and his stepfather that way. But the people he'd met so far had come from all over Iskaldrik and while he's not one to get involved with politics beyond what he needs to know, he's still shocked to see her of all people. It was hard not to know who she was, his mother had nearly relocated them just to support the female jarl. The mere sight of Freydis made him miss his mother more but he's also kind of just staring at the back of her head at the moment after she'd passed him. The direwolf at his side, he doesn't have to look at him to know he's giving him 'the look' and begrudgingly Etienne hurries forward just a bit to fall into step with her. "Freydis, right?" It's awkward, she smells like the caves, the forests, must have been traveling quite a ways, but underneath all that there's the mill. Much like he's sure no matter where he goes, he's always going to smell like the forest's in the Lowlands, it's inherently part of him, much like he imagines her humble beginnings are a part of her.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Started Vikings: Valhalla. Already loving the plot. Here’s a woman. She’s the reason these Vikings came to Kattegat. Her motivation is revenge. Because she *checks notes* was violently raped and scarred.
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earthboundvalkyrie · 2 years
"Vikings", "Vikings Valhalla", History and Faith
New Post has been published on https://www.ebvs.blog/2023/01/15/vikings_valhalla_1/
"Vikings", "Vikings Valhalla", History and Faith
Netflix has released all 8 episodes for the second season of Vikings Valhalla, something I have very much been looking forward to. Before I start writing reviews of the episodes, however, I thought I would offer some thoughts on the show and its predecessor, Vikings, along with comments on the show’s portrayal of the characters’ faith and the clash between the Heathen Norse and the Christian English. There are no spoilers for the new season of Valhalla in this article, though I will write openly about events from the first season and from the original Vikings series.
Leo Suter as Harald Sigurdsson
One thing that’s important to remember when watching shows like this is that they are dramas first and foremost and are not intended to be seen as historically accurate – which is kind of ironic since the first series aired on the History Channel. It’s best to assume that, while some things are based on actual history, most of it is fictional.
Travis Fimmel and Katheryn Winnick as Ragnar and Lagertha
For example, the first series was based on the life and family of Ragnar Lothbrok, yet there is little (if any) evidence that shows he existed. The case for the existence of his supposed sons Bjorn Ironsides, Ubba, Sigurd Snake-In-The-Eye, Hvitsverk, and Ivar the Boneless is stronger, but again there is little to show they were related to each other or to the legendary Ragnar. And there’s no evidence Alfred the Great was the son of anyone other than King Aethelwulf, or that his mother had his brother poisoned.
In regards to Valhalla, the three main characters are actual, historical figures. Harald Sigurdsson, Leif Eriksson and Freydis Eriksdotter did exist. They just wouldn’t have known each other, given that Leif died roughly 3 to 5 years after Harald was born.
This doesn’t mean everything is fictional, however. Many of the characters are historical people whose known lives were similar to what is shown (though perhaps in a slightly different time period) and most of the important battles are based on real ones. Also very real is the struggle between the Heathen faith of the Vikings and the Christianity of the English.
Sam Corlett as Leif Eriksson
One aspect of the show that has been fascinating for me has been their depiction of the Norse faith, though, like the rest of the show, drama takes precedence over reality. In the first series, we see Ragnar going to a Thing (pronounced ting) in Uppsala, where a mass sacrifice of 9 men is going to take place. It’s known that the Vikings did sacrifice humans, but aside from a mention in Adam of Breman’s writings on Germania of a large sacrifice similar to the one on the show, there’s been no evidence I’m aware of showing something like that took place – much less regularly, as the show implies.
Another ritual portrayed on the show – the Blood Eagle – was written of in the Sagas, but to date, no evidence has been found to attest to its existence. This method of execution involved opening the back of the person being killed and cutting the ribs away from the spine. Such damage would be easily recognized on any remains found even today, but so far, none have.
Katheryn Winnick as Lagertha while leading a ritual.
Not everything they depict is fictional, however. On the show, we see very few priests and priestesses for the Norse. Rituals and the celebration of holidays usually took place within the family or community. In Vikings, we see Lagertha as Jarl leading rituals for her people. She is shown presiding over animal sacrifices and then sprinkling the blood of the animal onto those in the gathering. This all matches up to what we know from historical records.
Frida Gustavsson as Freydis Eriksdotter
There were a few temples where people could come to make sacrifices, speak or pray with priests or priestesses (known as gothis and gythias), or seek training in the more esoteric aspects of the Norse faith – the temple at Uppsala where Freydis goes for training during the first season of Vallhalla being one of the most famous. Most cities and towns, however, did not have temples. In the show, for as important a city as Kattegat is, it doesn’t appear to have one. This is because the pre-Christian Norse were more likely to worship outside and because for them, faith wasn’t something you went someplace to do, it was just another part of life like sleeping or eating.
It’s not much different for today’s modern Heathens. One important way in which things have changed is that only a very few modern groups engage in animal sacrifice – most will make symbolic sacrifices or sacrifices of food and drink or meaningful objects, and the ritual leader blesses the gathered worshipers by sprinkling them with mead or ale, not blood.
The shows also place a large focus on the conversion of the Heathens to Christianity. In the first series, we saw the Vikings raiding churches and monasteries. This wasn’t because they were Christian facilities, however. They were chosen because that’s where large amounts of wealth were kept, generally under a light guard. When they began settling in Christian England, some would convert, some, like Ubba, would pretend to convert to try and placate the church authorities, while others would proudly cling to their Heathen faith, even though that might mean death. In general, though, they left Christians living nearby in peace, seeking to live lives of raising families, farming, and building a community. Here, too, the show gives a fairly good view of what we know of the early settlements of the Norse. While the Viking raiders could be terrifying in their aggression, the men and women who came with them to find new homes were typically peaceful.
By the time Valhalla‘s first season starts, a growing number of the Norse have been converted to Christianity – many at the point of a sword. These Christians were determined to convert all of the Heathen northlands, and we see entire communities destroyed and all of the people in them killed. One of the most vivid scenes is when a Christian knight who considers it his mission to eliminate as many Heathens as possible leads a raid on the Uppsala temple. Only Freydis survives the slaughter. We see King Olaf putting together his Christian army to bring the new faith to as many places as he could and to destroy those where he couldn’t. Sadly, these scenes reflect the all-too-real brutality that Christians used to achieve their goal of Christianizing Scandinavia. This is supported not just by the history of the northlands but can be seen in other crusades of the Christians where they have tried to wipe out other faiths by any means necessary.
Echoes from those years of conversion can still be heard today. While Christians no longer kill those who won’t convert, has become the dominant faith in the western world, and many Christians still believe it should be the only one. Those who follow other faiths, including modern Heathens, are still frequently discriminated against. The physical battles may be over, but the war is still underway.
Vikings and Vikings Valhalla offer us a look at life in a time we can only know from ancient records and our imaginations. There’s a lot in the shows that is factually wrong, usually in terms of showing historical people being friends or relatives of people who they most likely couldn’t have known. It also treats some people whose existence is unverified as if they were real. And they use some largely unfounded stories to amp up the drama. But the shows also feature a fair amount of truth in things like the day-to-day lives of the people of the time, their faith, and some of the main historical events of the day.
The extra drama from the fictional elements helps make the shows a great deal of fun but keep your salt shakers handy for the grains you going to need.
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wondereads · 8 months
Weekly Reading Update (01/22/24)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce (8/10)
When I first read The Immortals Quartet back in middle school, I wasn't a huge fan of this book, and I also didn't remember much about it. Even now rereading it, it's probably my least favorite of the series, but I do have a new appreciation for it. I really like how Daine is meant to bring the animals, humans, and immortals together and the message of environmentalism. Also, I listened to this as an audiobook, which has a full cast and is amazingly executed. Daine doesn't exactly have a ton of character development, but she is forced to work past some prejudices, which is particularly interesting considering the reader has not been prompted to look deeper into this matter before.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol. 4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (10/10)
This volume of MDZS was gut-wrenching in the best way. The emotion is palpable, and I found myself tearing up at multiple points. The culmination of Wei Wuxian's backstory is perfectly tragic, but there are some more lighthearted elements thrown in there. I think the character work is the strongest in this volume out of the five. Not only concerning Wei Wuxian, but Jiang Cheng as well, as the reader finally gets the answer to why he hates him so much. In the present (and in a moment or two in the past), the romance continues to develop very sweetly at a pace I greatly enjoy.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol. 5 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (9/10)
I really like the ending to MDZS; it pulls together all the plot strings very nicely but leaves some character ones dangling in a way that feels realistic but not unsatisfying. After the intensely traumatic events of the main plot, it makes sense that there would still be conflict and lasting effects from all the various deaths and betrayals and whatnot. Still, it is largely a happy ending, especially for the main character. I will say that except for the first few, the extras bored me a little. In my opinion, there's an undue amount of focus on characters that are really just boring or unlikable to me; I would have much rather preferred to see more about the main couple and major side characters, such as Jiang Cheng or the younger disciples.
Heart, Haunt, Havoc by Freydis Moon (6/10)
This one is a novella that is a blend between horror, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance, which sounds very interesting, but I ultimately found it lacking. In terms of what I liked, the romance is quite cute. Even for a novella it progresses way too quickly for my tastes, but they're sweet together. There's also some very interesting magic. Unfortunately, there's a lack of tension concerning the main plot; nothing is introduced to put the characters on a timeline. And then, despite the potential of the various kinds of magic, there is virtually no worldbuilding. It is not established whether magic, despite it being very common, is widely known or just easily identifiable to those in magical communities, and the rules of the three different kinds of magic introduced (ambitious for a novella) are hardly addressed. This was a mildly interesting, quick read, but I cannot think harder about it or I will get very frustrated.
Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce (10/10)
This was just a joy to reread, being my long-time favorite of the Immortals Quartet. This book marks a turning point as Daine becomes much more independent, exercising her powers for her own gain and ends, and the overarching plot of the series comes to a significant head. This is also the point at which the romance starts to be more heavily hinted at, and I don't care about the age gap, I think they're adorable and it's fiction. The worldbuilding is quite well done, introducing a whole new neighbor to Tortall. Carthak is very obviously based on Egypt, and I loved that Tamora Pierce made it very clear that although the current ruler is rather awful, Carthak is a hub of culture and learning, and even more advanced than Tortall in some ways, even if there are drawbacks to their society.
Year of Reaper by Makiia Lucier (CR, 10%)
I am only a little ways into this novel, but I am hesitant so far. I am personally not a huge fan of plague plotlines, and it seems that will be a major factor in this book; everything will lie on the execution. I don't often read male protagonists in YA novels, so I am interested to see what I think of Cas. (It's a little awkward that his name gives me flashbacks to my Supernatural days.)
The Past Is Red by Catherynne M. Valente (CR, 13%)
After my last novella was a bit of a disappointment, this one seems incredibly promising. The premise is unique and grabs my attention, the last of humanity on a small nation built on the Pacific Garbage Patch, especially considering the situation of the main character, Tetley. Tetley also has a great voice so far; I hope her extremely unreliable narration lasts throughout the story.
Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood (CR, 15%)
I am not particularly enjoying this book so far, but I hope that will change because it has nothing to do with the book itself and everything to do with the absolutely insufferable audiobook narration. I could hardly focus on the story with how exaggerated and childish the narrator sounded, so I will be switching to a typical book and will hopefully like it much more.
The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce (CR, 72%)
Finishing up my Immortals Quartet reread, this audiobook is the opposite and lovely to listen to. I think I underestimated how much of a grip Daine and Numair have on me because they truly have invaded my brain. Plotwise, Tamora Pierce does a great job with the rules concerning her gods and working them into the story in present but not overpowered ways. Even though I don't really have many chances to listen to an audiobook right now, I hope to finish this one within the next week.
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blackkilop · 2 years
Eve online logo
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Eve online logo registration#
Eve online logo free#
With that said, with CCP Games based in Iceland, SHIFT UP Corporation being based in Korea, and Project Eve to be released worldwide, I have zero idea how differentiating trademark laws between countries would apply to this situation. The purpose of trademark law is to "protect a business' commercial identity or brand by discouraging other businesses from adopting a name or logo that is 'confusingly similar' to an existing trademark" and I would say that that the "Project Eve" logo at least dances around that line. We embrace it 'The heavens declare the glory of God.' - Psalm 19:1a About Us LOGOS Community is an authentically Christian corporation in EVE Online. Of note, CCP has a registered trademark of at least "EVE Online and the EVE logo" and their legal notice also mentions that "EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf." An EVE Online Christian Corporation Here at LOGOS we do not check our faith in Jesus at the door when we explore the virtual universe of New Eden. If "Eve" was a common word/phrase then you defense here would be valid, but I strongly suspect that Eve would not be considered a common word. The winning logo submission by Freydis Eryldar. As one submission was voted higher than any other submissions i made the decission to not to call on a final vote for the logo. All rights reserved.From what I understand, and I might be wrong, but the shortness of the word doesn't matter at all if it is covered by trademark law or not. We have made an decission for our coalition logo which will also be used for the ingame alliance logo in EVE. Apple and the Apple Logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. In contrast, my corpmates didnt care what the logo looked like. Im so glad that corp is closed, as the logo was an embarrassment. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same standard network rate as 01 or 02 landline numbers, even when calling from a mobile. Something that I didnt know when I created a corp was that you can always go back and change the logo.
Eve online logo free#
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Eve online logo registration#
Yorkshire Building Society is entered in the Financial Services Register and its registration number is 106085. The Golem is a MONSTER at running missionsStart Playing EVE Online today at this link. Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
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wazafam · 4 years
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Netflix's Vikings: Valhalla cast includes actors and actresses who should be familiar to many TV viewers. The historical drama series takes place 100 years after the events of the popular History Channel show Vikings and chronicles the lives of several real-life Scandinavian warriors. Vikings: Valhalla doesn't have an official release date but will premiere sometime in 2021.
Vikings: Valhalla focuses on the end of the Viking era as Christianity takes over Scandinavia. When a religious Viking named Torsen survives a massacre led by King Æthelred the Unready, he forms a romance with a deeply anti-Christian woman named Freydís Eiríksdóttir. Vikings: Valhalla sets up a war between religious progressives and Scandinavians who cling to the past.
Related: Every New Show Releasing On Netflix In 2021
The Vikings: Valhalla main cast includes an ensemble lineup. Some performers already have loyal followings due to prominent roles in mainstream television, while others are mostly known for work in their native homelands. Just as Vikings helped launch the careers of so many actors and actresses, the Netflix follow-up will similarly do the same.
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Sam Corlett stars as Leif Eriksson, a famous Icelander who arrived in North America several hundred years before Christopher Columbus. In Vikings: Valhalla, he's framed as an outsider character who values family and old pagan beliefs. Netflix has teased that Leif will introduce audiences to a Viking world "in the throes of violent change." Corlett portrays Caliban in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. He also appeared as Young Luke in the 2020 film The Dry.
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Frida Gustavsson co-headlines as Freydis Eriksdotter, Leif's pagan sister who values the ways of the Old Gods. After experiencing various tragedies, Frida forms a romance with a religious man and leads an uprising against Christians. Actress Katia Winter portrayed Freydis Eriksdotter in DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Gustavsson also starred as Vuxna Thea in the TV series Dröm and may be familiar to Netflix viewers as Ma from The Witcher season 1. She recently appeared as Clara in the 2020 series Partisan.
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Leo Suter appears as Harald Sigurdsson, a nobleman who is one of the last Viking berserkers. Due to his charming ways, he's able to bridge the gap between Vikings and Christians, or at least that's his intent. Suter portrayed Young Stringer in Sanditon and Captain Bill Lauder in The Liberator. He also appeared as Drummond in Victoria and Daniel Beecham in Beecham House.
Related: Vikings Season 6 Ending Explained: Ragnar's Sons & Kattegat's New Ruler
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Bradley Freegard co-stars as King Canute, the King of Denmark. He's a legendary Viking leader who was crowned in 1017. Freegard appeared as Mei Huws in the series Gwaith/Cartref and starred as Evan Howells in Keeping Faith.
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Jóhannes Jóhannesson portrays Olaf Haroldson, Harald’s half-brother. He's a Christian who believes in the Old Testament and is quite large in stature. In real life, Olaf became the King of Norway. Jóhannesson is best known for portraying Lem Lemoncloak in Game of Thrones and Cumber the Ice King in Cursed. He also appeared as Bors in The Letter for the King.
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Laura Berlin co-stars as Emma Of Normandy, an ambitious woman from the Norman court with Viking heritage. She's a savvy businesswoman with interest in politics, and also one of the wealthiest females in Europe. Berlin portrayed Julia Weigert in Einstein and Charlotte Lindemann in Breaking Even. She also appeared as Charlotte Montrose in the movies Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue.
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David Oakes appears as Earl Godwin, the chief counsellor to the King of England. Based on the man's real life story, he seems to be the Littlefinger of Vikings: Valhalla. Oakes portrayed Juan Borgia in The Borgias and Prince Ernest in Victoria. He's also known for his role as George Duke of Clarence in The White Queen.
Related: Vikings: What The Names of the Main Characters Really Mean
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Caroline Henderson portrays Jarl Haakon, a warrior leader who rules Kattegat. The Pagan woman mentors Freydis and keeps an open mind when discussing religion. Henderson appeared as Snow White in the 2006 film Skymaster and Gloria Cole in the 2007 feature Always Yours.
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Pollyanna McIntosh as Queen Ælfgifu: The Queen of Denmark who forms a relationship with Canute and hopes to affect the power dynamics across Northern Europe. Pollyana McIntosh portrayed Vera Chase in The Last Tycoon and Jadis in The Walking Dead.
Asbjørn Krogh Nissen as Jarl Kåre: A man who feels threatened by the old pagan ways. Asbjørn Krogh Nissen portrayed Ivan in Copenhagen and Odin in Valhalla - The Legend of Thor.
Julian Seager as Jarl Gorm: Julian Seager portrayed Florentin the Miller in Cursed.
Pääru Oja as Arne Gormsson: Pääru Oja portrayed Rupi in The Last Ones and Peeter Parik in O2.
James Ballanger as Hallbjorn: James Ballanger portrayed Guard Denny in the 2019 series The Capture.
Joakim Nätterqvist as Birkir: Joakim Nätterqvist starred as Arn Magnusson in Arn: The Knight Templar and appeared as Petter Torwalds in Maria Wern.
Related: Vikings: How Every Main Character's Death Compares To Real Life
Bosco Hogan as  Aethelred the Unready: Bosco Hogan portrayed Bishop Fisher in The Tudors and Cardinal Piccolomini in The Borgias.
Jaakko Ohtonen as Johan: Jaakko Ohtonen appeared as Aaro Leppihalme in All the Sins and MakeX in HasBeen.
Mark Huberman as Earl of Sussex: Mark Huberman portrayed Lester Hashey in Band of Brothers and Greg in Finding Joy.
Gavin O'Connor as Earl of East Anglia: Gavin O'Connor played Macken in Taken Down and Murphy in The Alienist: Angel of Darkness.
Gavin Drea as Eadric Streona: Gavin Drea portrayed Sergeant Cooper in Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and Michael Collins in Resistance.
Gavan O'Connor-Duffy as Niall: Gavan O'Connor-Duffy portrayed King Frodo in Vikings and Saka in The Legion.
Yvonne Mai as Merin: Yvonne Mai appeared as Tara in Reflections and Megan in House of Shadows.
Bill Murphy as Ogda: Bill Murphy portrayed Ford in Jack Taylor and Bremner in Titanic: Blood and Steel.
Brian Robinson as YNGVI: Brian Robinson appeared as Irish in 2 Broke Girls and Pavle in Hit the Floor.
Next: All 27 2021 Netflix Movies Explained
Vikings Valhalla Cast Guide: Where You Know The Actors From from https://ift.tt/36lg74h
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omertaorg-blog · 5 years
Brianna Archibald - anne winters / diabolik / 04/01
Gregory Dolman - Nick Jonas / Badass / 06/12
Leon Scott - Jamie Dornan / King / 19.04
Carrie Bennet - Nathalia Dill / Naraka / 16.08
Jenna Fawkner - Chiara Ferragni / Amaretto / 30.11
Megan Mackena - Perrie Edwards / Kitty / 21.08
Natalia Hayato - Natalia Barulich / Pistole + 07.06
Bruna Gallagher - Ester Expósito / Brooklyn Nails / 11.11
Louise Quinzel - Margot Robbie / Madam Satan / 14.12
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot / Wonder Bitch / 17.05
Tony Hayato - Maluma / Headshot - 22.04
Illyana Rasputin - Anya Taylor-Joy / Magic / 12.12
August Walker - Henry Cavill / The boss - 28/01
Tohrment Morgenstern - Aaron Taylor-Johnson / King of hell / 18.02
Lauren Baldrick - Marina Ruy Barbosa / Hope / 29/03
Brooke Florence - Grace Elizabeth / Catastrophe / 16.11
Jane Foster - Candice Swanepoel / Goddes of thunder/ 26-11
Mary Stuart-Valois - Adelaide Kane / Insane / 16.07
Jean Grey - Danielle Victoria / Garota Marvel / 10.01
Dianna Agron-Baker - Demi Lovato / Angel face / 18/06
Mats Hummels - Mats Hummels / El patrón / 03.01
Elizabeth Rincón - Jessica Chastain / Phoenix / 16.08
Elizabeth Christeensen - Blanca Suárez / Furiosa / 21.06
Katherine Hawrd - Phoebe Tonkin / Jade / 08/02
Rachel Green - Jennifer Aniston / evil bitch / 30.01
Behati Prinsloo - Behati Prinsloo / Garota Enem / 22/11
Samantha Kane - Lili Reinhart/ Dark Betty / 09.08
Julian Edelman - Julian / Juliano / 25.05.
Renne Fernandes - Tom Ellis / Lúcifer / 02.01
Rimena Elliot  - Danna Paola / Mermaid / 25-09
Sam Hunt - Sam Hunt / Hunter / 21.06
Bella Sanders-Ackles - Josephine Skriver / Queen Bee / 01/02
Sebastian Barnes - Sebastian Stan / Ghost of Sparta / 23/09
Freydis Brandon - Alicia Agneson/ Leona/ 19.07
Howard Stark - Dominic Cooper / $tark / 07.12
Ronnie Gerloff - dulce maria / devil |/ 08.11
Yoshi Kurozaki - Shownu / Godster / 26.02
Jax Teller - Charlie Hunnam/ Men of Mayhem/ 09.12
Katherine Pryde - Barbara Palvin / Dragonfly / 09/08
Harley Quinn - Hailey Baldwin / Vixen / 23.03
Candice Jones - Nina Dobrev / Eletric / 07.06 ****
Jhonny Bravo - Tom Hardy / JB / 10-07
Barbara Gordon - Miriam Leone / Babs / 02.08
Rachel Amber - Claire Holt / Firefingers /18.03
Scarlett Barkov - Ana Luiza Sparrapan / sweet demon / 25/03
Jake Riley- Chris Wood / Falco Colt / 25.07
Christopher Dietrich - Chris Evans / Daddy Shark / 20.05
Manon Crochan - Kiernan Shipka / Satansoul / 08.08 ++ diana reserva harley ++ capo dei capi, att 02/01/2019
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therealcalicali · 6 years
Forbes Vikings Review - Episode 19
"Just last week she revealed that she had breast cancer. She looked fine and healthy. Now . . . days later? . . . she’s dead. This isn’t how breast cancer works, even in a time with no medical treatments. It would certainly kill her, but it would take months at the very least—months between when she recognized the lump and then deteriorated and then finally passed. Possibly much longer."
"Judith is sick one episode, the next she’s dead. We never see her decline. It’s bizarre. I almost didn’t even recognize her."
"I was never a big fan of Judith, but she deserved better than this after all these years."
"I can’t wait for the armies of Bjorn, Harald, Hvitserk and Olaf to descend and overthrow him (Ivar)—except that I know, deep down, that they won’t. They’ll turn on one another. Olaf is mad. Harald is jealous. Bjorn is pigheaded. Hvitserk is just a guy without anyone who actually follows him. He says to Bjorn that he’s fated to kill Ivar, but all I could think is that this means Ivar will kill him instead."
"Harald needs to stop pining over women he can’t have. It’s a little much. I really like his character but he’s always in the same rut. He could have plenty of women so why does he keep going after ones he can’t have? At least he’s consistent, I suppose. But it seems like a plot device we’ve used not once but twice over with his character." 
"Ivar, meanwhile, remains as cloying as ever. His wickedness is overbearing, almost saccharine. He’s built up this powerful empire but I’m just still not sold on it—I don’t believe that he really did anything to ever deserve it." 
"(Ivar) He’s the villainous equivalent of a Mary Sue. Somehow everyone fears him. Somehow everyone follows him. Somehow he’s built up Kattegat to heights Ragnar, Auslag and Lagertha never could. Somehow he defeats every foe, uncovers every conspiracy—even Freydis’s lies, it seems—and yet he does all this not through cleverness or better strategy, but through endless good fortune and the inexplicably stupid decisions of others.
"(Ubbe) Turns out, he was staring off at Valhalla, at the old gods he abandoned for political ends. Later he tells Torvi the Christian god means nothing to him."
"It’s his (Ragnar) dream finally realized and it’s realized not by Bjorn or Ivar, but by Ubbe."
"Bjorn has descended into this very one-dimensional character, always either scowling or giving his sexy look at various women who he quickly discards. He’s always pounding his chest and never really thinking. His bravado dominates his every decision, every phrase. I can’t stand it. What happened to the Bjorn of the past, the one we rooted for?"
"The irony is too much for Floki, who has not only endured the squabblings of his followers but a really disappointing script for the past 19 episodes. He gives his familiar crazy little giggle. We’re reminded of better days."
"We’re not in the glory days of Vikings, but we saw some glimpses of truly great TV in Ubbe’s fight, in Floki’s reaction to finding the cross, even in Bjorn and Hvitserk’s reunion."
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ao3feed-vikings · 2 years
The traveler
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wyMxYNp
by irisdouglasiana
“Shieldmaiden, why do you despair?”
Freydis jumps up and wheels around to face the stranger, her sword already in hand. She has always been a keen tracker, with sharp eyes and sharper ears—better than Leif, even—and yet she had somehow not noticed the shieldmaiden's approach.
Words: 1145, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Vikings: Valhalla (TV), Vikings (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Freydis Eíriksdottír, Gunnhild (Vikings)
Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, SHIELDMAIDENS BABY
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wyMxYNp
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kiggundu · 3 years
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*{Tv-Show}* Season 01 1080p & 4K HDR Vikings: Valhalla S01 2022 Action Adventure Drama History Romance War 6.7 IMDb.com {565 Users} 100% Rottentomatoes.com 69% Metacritic.com Synopsis... Follow-up series to 'Vikings' set 100 years afterward and centering on the adventures of Leif Erikson, Freydis, Harald Hardrada and the Norman King William the Conqueror. 1080p & 4K HDR IMAX Blu-ray Complete Season 01 now available (at Kampala, Uganda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaaN3q6L-Qq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bookstattoosandtea · 3 years
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Exodus 20:3 by Freydis Moon
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Exodus 20:3 by Freydis Moon
Title: Exodus 20:3 Author: Freydis Moon Publisher: NineStar Press Release Date: 02/01/2022 Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex Pairing: Male/Male Length: 21800 Genre: Paranormal, LGBTQIA+, PNR/fantasy, horror, romance, Latine, transgender, D/s power play, construction worker, angel, suspense Add to Goodreads Description Religious eroticism and queer emancipation meet in a claustrophobic monster-romance…
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