#freya: farm hand
loola-a · 4 months
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@yulgurr has infected me with cowboy au brain disease 💔 there is no cure
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jungle-angel · 6 months
A Boy And His Critters (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob think your oldest child might be an animal whisperer
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy, cuteness overload etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @withahappyrefrain @bobfloydsbabe
It was late in the afternoon in early spring, on a day when the hawthorn trees in your yard had just begun to bud and flower. Your birdfeeder already had more than enough visitors, your three cats, Freya, Thor and Pumpkin, having eyed them from the living room window. Already there had been fifteen calf births within the last two days with Bob, his father and his brothers and sisters having to wake at some ungodly hour to help with the births.
You were in the living room of your home in Montana, the soft Disney piano music playing from the speaker on your laptop. Bob lay on the spread out quilt on the living room floor, one pillow under his head and the other under his tummy while he gently rocked Baby Rudy in his little baby hammock. The sun streamed through the windows as you sat close to your husband and baby, the other three outside with their grandparents or aunts and uncles while you were busy carding the freshly shorn sheep's wool from the week before. You set aside your brushes and quickly took a snapshot of the sweet sight, hoping to add it to the photo album later.
You heard a loud meow and felt that familiar bushy tail brushing against you, looking down to find Thor rubbing against you. "You need a good brushing," you chuckled, teasing him with the carding combs.
"S'it the cat again?" Bob mumbled with a yawn.
"Yep," you answered, getting back to your work. "Rudy asleep?"
"Mmmhmm," Bob answered. "M'gonna go see if Dad needs help and come back for a nap."
Bob rose from his spot and kissed you before heading out to the barn to see if his father needed any help. "Hey sleepyhead!" the older Floyd greeted, tipping his black cowboy hat a little.
"Hey Dad," Bob answered sleepily. "Everything good?"
"Yeah everything's lookin good," Joe answered. "The hands have it all down so we don't have to worry until the spring auction. The baby go to sleep?"
"Just went down for a nap," Bob yawned. "I think I might too, my eyes are starting to itch."
Bob and his father conversed back and forth, totally unaware at first of the clanking of a metal bucket and the hurried footsteps of five year old Auggie.
"Bud?" Bob asked when he finally saw. "Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin Daddy," Auggie chirped.
"Doesn't look like nothin," Joe chuckled.
"I gotta go milk the cows, Papa!" Auggie announced.
Joe and Bob were humored to say the least, more so when they saw Smokey, the crotchety old rooster weaving his way in and out from between Auggie's legs. They followed behind him to make sure he didn't get into trouble, when he approached the female dairy cow that Joe and Irene had taken in, singing in his chirpy little voice, one of the farm songs he had learned in his kindergarten class at the so-called "hippie school" he attended with the other Dagger children.
"Holy shit," Joe chuckled. "Get a load of this Bobby."
Bob was thunderstruck when he saw the old bat following Auggie into the barn with Smokey still clucking away between his little cowboy boots. Normally it would take two or three of the hands to lead her in, but here was Auggie, five years old and barely up to his father's hips, leading her into the stall with no issues.
"Un......believable," Bob laughed.
"How the fuck does this kid do it?" Joe wondered out loud, a broad smile on his face at the sight of his grandson.
Bob quickly pulled out his phone and began recording, hoping to be able to show the others when they had a chance to come by. Auggie chirped away as he milked the cow until a startled moo came from her.
"Sorry Peach, but that's what Daddy does to Mommy and it works."
Bob stifled a squawk in his throat but not before Auggie began yelling at him in his best Shrek voice.
"August Robert!" Bob laughed.
Auggie hurried over but Bob was in too good a mood to discipline his son. "Sorry for using a dirty word, Daddy," he apologized.
Bob picked his son up and kissed his cheek, Auggie's glasses falling slightly off the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad you said sorry, but Daddy should remember the rule the he and Mommy put into place."
When Bob was able to go back inside, he showed you the video including the one of Auggie's Shrek impression.
"You'd think he was an animal whisperer by the way Smokey follows him around," you laughed.
"Sometimes I like to think so sweetheart," Bob yawned as he lay on the couch.
You set aside your carding combs and the wool, covering Bob with the spring quilt and snuggling in beside him, the two of you proud as ever of Auggie.
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redrapscalian · 1 year
Stuffed Animals in Wayne Manor
Dick: Used to have an extensive collection, but after passing some of his down to his siblings, has closer to a dozen now. Most of them are in his closet, and two get a place on the bed, but he has them all on a biweekly rotation so none of them feel left out. They all have names and he loves them very much. He prefers ones that are perfect hugging size. Calls them “stuffies”.
Jason: Has four total. One he got from Bruce, a black cat, one from Alfred, which is a bear wearing a Batman outfit, one hand-me-down from Dick, a well-loved monkey, and a giant sloth that’s almost as big as him that he bought with his own money. All but the one he received from Dick are kept in his safe houses, and Dick’s stays at the manor on his bed. When Dick insisted he name the monkey, he dubbed it “Fucker” and Dick was appalled, the rest don’t have names. Calls his own “dumb toys”, but wouldn’t dare call his sibling’s plushies that.
Tim: Has a large collection of original Beanie Babies and keeps them all pristine and organized on a shelf in his closet. Has one stuffed animal on his bed from Dick, a golden retriever plush named Sunny (Dick named it), and every time he remakes his bed he puts her in the middle by his pillows where she belongs. Refers to them as “Plushies”.
Steph: Has a lot of stuffed bears of different shapes and sizes and a couple dragons from her childhood Dragon Phase. Also has a lot of Cursed Baby Dolls that are all mangled (Dick tells her they don’t count as stuffed animals, she is adamant that they are). Some are named, some aren’t, and all the dolls have names along the lines of “Anita Hoe”. Refers to them as her babies/stuffed animals.
Damien: Didn’t have any growing up, but Dick kept gifting him them because “every kid needs a stuffy”. Despite resenting the sentiment, he kept every single one and has a basket of them in his closet. A majority of them are various sea creatures and farm animals, and his favourite is a stuffed cow named Freya. It’s under his bed during the day and he sleeps with it at night. Every one of them has a name with a very specific and researched meaning, not that he’ll ever admit he’s named them. Refers to them as “Stuffed toys” with an eye roll.
Duke: Has a couple stuffed animals from his childhood. He doesn’t sleep with them or have them out, they’re in a box as nostalgic keepsakes. They don’t have names, but if he’s feeling homesick or just wants to look at them, he takes them out for a bit and just kind of smiles to himself. He has a lot of plushy keychains on his bags. Dick gifted him a Build-a-Bear wearing a custom Signal hero costume. Calls them “stuffies”.
Bruce: Has one bear from Alfred, it is named Batbear, and it sits on a dedicated place on a shelf. It’s been given to every child who’s come into his care at least once after a nightmare or a particularly bad mission, or just for comfort. It has seen many bad days, many tears, and many injury recoveries, but he makes sure to keep it in relatively good condition. The beans inside are heavy and so the bear is weighted to help with anxiety, and can be microwaved and used as a heating pad.
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sirianasims · 9 months
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The next summer, we travelled to Henford-on-Bagley to get married near the place Cecilia grew up. We rented a tiny cottage and spent a few days before the wedding visiting places from her childhood.
She showed me an old gazebo and the local ruins she used to play in, her favourite tree. I felt honoured that she would share all this with me.
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The Bramblewood felt like a place in a dream, and it only seemed fitting that this was where Cecilia had come from.
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She even took me skinny-dipping by the waterfalls of the Bagley river.
Cecilia was my very own fairytale princess and I was almost surprised that various small animals weren’t constantly accosting her to sing a duet or trying to sew her a dress.
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I was about to make a joke about it, but when I turned around, I saw her trying to befriend a couple of small birds. It took effort not to burst out laughing and scare them away.
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Then came the wedding itself.
Cecilia looked radiant and I almost forgot to breathe as her father walked her towards me.
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I had never met Stephen, as he had stayed behind on the Bell family farm after the divorce from Cecilia’s mother. I had been nervous about it, but it was clear that much of Cecilia’s gentle nature came from him.
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Her mother, Ariana, and her brother, Leopold, I knew from the first time we dated. Although her brother was no longer that annoying little kid who would come knocking at the door to Cecilia’s room while she and I were making out, only to run away giggling.
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And just like that, we were married. I still couldn’t believe that she wanted to spend her life with me, that she was truly mine now.
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Considering that the wedding was all the way across the sea, I was touched that Athena and Jamie had come, especially since Athena was heavily pregnant. At least someone else appreciated that the champagne was alcohol-free.
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Colten made a toast to the joys of being married, and I caught Katherine and Conrad exchanging a significant look.
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I knew it couldn’t be easy for her to attend, but I appreciated her and Conrad coming – and that they were taking Freya home with them.
I really didn’t want Freya to stay with me for my wedding night.
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As I entered the tiny bedroom in our rented cottage, I stopped dead in my tracks. Cecilia had already removed her dress and the flowers in her hair and was waiting for me.
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“Hello, husband”, she purred.
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Mesmerised, I reached up to unbutton my shirt, only to find it already opened.
“Fuck, Cecilia. I’m glad I didn’t know you were wearing that under your dress all day, I wouldn’t have been able to focus.”
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She laughed and sat on the bed, looking at me eagerly.
“I wanted to surprise you!”
“Yeah, well, colour me surprised”, I mumbled hoarsely, as I struggled to open my belt and kick off my shoes at the same time.
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I joined my wife on the bed and kissed her, hungrily. My hand found her stomach, still almost flat.
She smiled.
“I don’t think anyone noticed yet.”
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We had decided that we wanted children as soon as possible, but it had still been a surprise when Cecilia found out that she was pregnant just before the wedding. I was delighted. And terrified. I saw doctor Holland regularly all through the pregnancy, and Cecilia did her best to remind me that the situation was very different this time.
And it was. Even as she slowly reached a size where she was borrowing my old shirts because none of her own clothes fit, I felt no signs of my depression returning.
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I wasn’t truly worried about us having a baby, only about getting hit by depression again. The thought of Cecilia carrying my child didn’t fill me with anxiety, but with joy. Still, it was a relief to be able to share my thoughts and worries with her on our, now rather slow, walks.
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Freya was very excited about getting a brother or sister. I knew Katherine had mixed feelings about it. She said she was happy for us, but I could tell she was a little jealous. She would never give Freya siblings.
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Towards the end of her pregnancy, I think I was even more impatient for our child to be born than Cecilia was. Not that she wasn’t very ready to get it over with as well. She had been uncomfortable all day, and was now lying on top of me so I could stroke her back, twisted awkwardly to the side to make room for her belly.
Her breathing was slow and steady, like she was almost falling asleep. Then I felt something.
“Cecilia, darling”, I mumbled. “I love you no matter what, but either you just peed on me, or we really need to go. Now.”
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She quickly changed and we left. When we arrived at the hospital, I felt my pulse quickening. I loved Freya more than my own life, but my last visit to the maternity ward ten years ago had been traumatising.
But Cecilia was in pain, and as I was swaying back and forth to soothe her, I was able to put the past aside.
This was here and now.
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I was looking on in awe as she gave birth. I wanted to take away the pain, help her, but somehow her body knew how to do all the right things.
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Before long, she was holding our daughter in her arms.
I had two daughters now.
I couldn’t be happier.
beginning / previous / next
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
Falling for You Content Creator Challenge
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Happy Fall Everyone! @judejazza and I decided to try our hand at a content creation challenge!
This will be an entirely SFW challenge!!
This challenge will run from October 15th-November 30th I’ll be making and (will try to be) updating a masterlist as the challenge goes on
This is an SFW only event so all ages are welcome to participate (If you’re wanting to go with an NSFW idea, there are a lot of awesome challenges out there to participate in!)
Any and all forms of creations are accepted: fanart-fanfiction or anything else that strikes your fancy
The challenge will focus on the games in the Ikemen series (Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Genjiden, Ikemen Villains)
There are two lists of twelve prompts each, feel free to use as many or as few as you like, mix and match to your heart’s content
Please tag both Freya and I in your fics (@judejazza and @nightghoul381) so we can find them easily and use the tag #falling4uccc so I can keep track of it for the master list!
The banner at the top is also free to be used for your submissions
We look forward to seeing all the amazing contributions!
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There will be links to the songs and some ideas/clarification for the more vague prompts below, as well as a typed list of the prompts:
List 1
Walk in the Park
In Sickness and In Health
Coloured In Fire
Quality Time
All the Little Animals
Sudden Downpour
First Cold Morning
When We Are Older
Words of Affirmation
Trick or Treat
List 2
Hold me closer
Stars - Simply Red
All the Reasons I Love You
Night Changes - One Direction
It's a Kind of Magic
Can't Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way
The Only Exception - Paramore
It's Warm in Your Arms
All Time Love - Will Young
Anything for You
Golden - Harry Styles
Coloured in Fire - Bonfires, fireplaces, wood fires, camping, fireworks, lanterns, the sky in the morning coloured orange as if it’s on fire.
All The Little Animals - Horse riding lessons, helping an injured animal, accidentally adopting an animal, stuffed animal toys, animal-shaped biscuits
Harvest - A harvest moon, a festival, helping on a farm, gardening
First Cold Morning - Hot drinks, jumpers, late morning bed snuggles
It’s a Kind of Magic - love spells, the magic of night, fairy tales, horror stories, a string of good events, fireflies
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teevee-static · 9 months
Atreus and Angrboða snippet
This was conjured within the span of a few hours and hasn't been checked for clarity or spelling, but here I am posting it anyway.
This may or may not become a more complete story/fic. Let me know if I should put in the work to make it a more cohesive, fleshed-out story.
Also, I imagined Atreus and Angrboða being late teens here, maybe 18-19?
Atreus and Angrboða knew something was wrong the minute they stepped through the realm tear. They were on the way to see Kratos, Mimir and Freya in North Vanaheim for a quest they had planned.
What he hadn't expected was to immediately walk right into an issue as soon as he stepped foot in the realm.
The second their feet hit the ground of the forest, the trees and other flora were screaming "Danger! Danger! Not Right! All Wrong!". The emotions were so immediate and overwhelming that the pair literally staggered in place, overtaken by the sheer force and desperation of the warning, before sharing a concerned look.
Their backs meet as they move into a defensive stance, bow and paint readied for any threat. The trees and plants continue their warnings as they fall into step with each other, moving clock-wise as they scan the forest surrounding them. The closer they looked, the more the forest seemed warped with an unusual fog, as if it were some sort of illusion or a poorly remembered memory. The longer they stared into the depths of the trees the more they noticed the feeling of being watched.
Their magic begins to hum in the air, the force reverberating through each other where their bodies connect. Atreus holds a nocked arrow close to his cheek while Angrboða's hands glow bright blue and violet from her paint, the two tense at the same time.
Then all Hel breaks loose.
All at once Seiðr reavers leap from the depths of the trees in droves. They leap towards the two Jötunns with their swords and massive clubs swung high in attack.
The pair meet the attack with vigor, Atreus shooting sonic arrows into the reaver's bodies with such speed that they're dead before they even hit the ground. Angrboða unleashes a rainbow of color into the faces of the reavers, the explosions knocking them back and into each other.
They continue this way only for a moment before they are nearly surrounded, to which the pair quickly roll away from each other, causing many reavers to accientally kill each other in a collision of their thoughtless swings and attacks.
On opposite sides of the field now, Angrboða and Atreus farm through the droves of reavers, now split in two. Just as Atreus sends his foot through the heads of two reavers and a sonic arrow through the head of another, the ground begins to shake with large incoming steps.
He turns to see Angrboða finish off the rest of the reavers near her, avoiding the poisonous explosion of one dying, before turning to look at him with recognition in her eyes. The fight's not over yet.
Kratos knew something was off the moment he stepped through the portal in Vanaheim.
He was not as intuned with the forest as Faye or Atreus, but he could tell something was wrong by the complete stillness of it.
"Somethings wrong here, brother. I just got chills all over my bloody face!" Mimir says nervously down by his hip. Kratos grumbles in agreement.
Kratos feels Freya step closer beside him, looking at the surrounding forest with a disturbed, nearly confused look on her face. "There's… some sort of Seiðr magic polluting the forest, but I don't sense any scorn poles…"
Her voice trails off as the silence of the forest breaks into the sounds of fighting. The clashing sounded loud, as if there were groups of people fighting.
Together Kratos and Freya dart toward the sounds of the fighting, and together they take pause at the sight of who they see fighting. They stand like that for a few moments before Mimir cuts through their silence, "Well? Let me see what's going on, brother!"
Kratos lifts Mimir from his belt and up toward the sight of Atreus and Angrboða clearing through a small army of reavers. The number of reavers attacking them is nearly disturbing, as Kratos had never seen so many all at once like this.
"Well, shouldn't we go join them?" Mimir asks, golden eyes looking to Kratos.
"No," Freya says before Kratos can respond, an intrigued smile on her face, "Not yet. I want to see how they fight together."
A deep part of Kratos wants to ignore her and go help the two of them, but he forces himself to take a breath. He made a promise all those years ago. He trusts Atreus to be careful. He's been exploring the realms by himself for years now, this is nothing the boy can't handle.
And Angrboða is completely capable of holding her own, as she had proven while being pursued by Valkyries and saving them from Ragnarök with Fenrir during the battle of Ragnarök.
So, trust in the two of them overrides his need to help, and so he merely nods and continues watching in silence.
The fight is chaotic and unusual, but at the same time controlled and perfectly in sync. Kratos notes that it almost looks like they're dancing with each other.
It reminds him of how he and Faye used to fight together, though those times weren't many. They worked in complete unison, predicting each other's steps perfectly, most often working together without a single word shared between them.
He sees that now as the pair split apart from each other to avoid becoming completely surrounded, which he praises them mentally for. He watches as they clear through the now split group of reavers with ease, every now and then an arrow or a ball of magic would shoot across the field, stunning an enemy about to attack the other.
They make quick work of the reavers, and theres merely seconds of respite before the ground-shaking steps of a troll can be felt rattling their bones.
With a roar the troll steps out of the forest and into the small clearing, a large stone pillar clutched in it's left hand.
"Angrboða!" Kratos hears his son yell, his bow attached to his back and taking a knee on the ground. For a moment Kratos is confused as to why his son would leave himself so open like that, but his worries are immediately silenced by what follows next.
Atreus cups his hands with a nod, and Angrboða shoots off into a sprint toward him. The second her left foot meets his grip, Atreus throws her over his head and sends her flying into the air.
Airborne, Angrboða switfly lifts her dagger above her head and lands right on top of the trolls head, stabbing gruesomely into the troll's left eye.
The troll mindlessly swings his pillar in a pain-ridden rage, trying to knock her off, but magnificantly Angrboða holds on with the dagger.
"Ulfr hlaup!" She shouts, the air buzzes with runic magic and the bright colorful forms of a pack of wolves howl mightily into existence. They set to work attacking the legs of the troll.
"Blástr!" Angrboða commands again and runic explosion blasts straight into the troll's eye.
The explosion combined with the wolves causes the troll to fall quickly backward, and without second thought Angrboða leaps backward, falling from the troll.
She spins her body in the air and lands right into the arms of Atreus, who seemed to appeared seemingly out of nowhere to catch her.
Together they watch the troll land backward with a mighty "boom!", then both the troll and wolves dissipate into the air.
"Well, they sure know how ta' put on a show." Mimir says in Krato's hand. Kratos can only grunt in proud agreement.
Freya laughs softly beside them, her face beaming in pride, "They are certainly a lethal pair."
They watch the couple for a few more moments as they speak to each other, though too quietly for the trio to hear. They watch as Atreus morphs into his wolf form and dart between Angrboða's legs, lifting her off the ground and facing backward on his back. He sprints around the clearing in circles and sharp turns as Angrboða cackles in amusement, hanging on for dear life.
He watches Atreus shift back into human form, Angrboða falling off his back and landing in a careful roll, then standin up beside his son. She brings Atreus's head down to her mouth and says something into his ear that makes him flush so badly it reaches up to his ears and down his neck.
Mimir clears his throat and bellows down to the couple from where Kratos and Freya are standing, announcing their presence.
The two of them turn, unsurprised by their presence. Atreus's cheeks are still red from whatever Angrboða had said, so Kratos assumes that maybe it had to do with them watching them fight together.
"Kratos, Freya, Mimir, good to see you again. Enjoy watching us whoop reaver and troll be-hind?" Angrboða asks cheerfully, leaning against Atreus's shoulder comfortably.
"You two fight well together." Kratos says warmly, and Angrboða blooms at the praise. Atreus smiles as well, clearly happy at the praise as well, before it dims a bit and he sobers.
"I've got to say, though, even after killing all those reavers and that troll, the forest still seems disturbed." He says, his voice lowly trailing off as if lost in thought as he scans the forest, searching for some sort of answer.
"Aye, something seems off here lad. Something that is certainly worth investigating." Mimir adds pointedly.
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multi-muse-transect · 9 months
Imagine the next DLC after Valhalla will be a multiplayer mode in the style of Ghost Of Tsushima Legends where you play as an Einherjar before the events of GOW 2018 and can align yourself with specific gods that will give you perks and abilities like in GOW Ascension.
And you get a cutscene where you align yourself with a god that has a specific story with Kratos as a hidden faction and his cutscene is the injured Einherjar being found by Faye who nurses them to health as they become a helping hand of the farm with Kratos being a mentor. Also said Einherjar being baby Atreus’s babysitter.
Bonus: Your Einherjar appears in the final battle of Ragnarok with them fighting Kratos as a an extra boss fight or fight alongside him with their intro being them with Freya’s shield maidens and greeting Kratos as general while having extra dialogue with Atreus like “someone’s grown”
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the-dust-jacket · 1 year
Hello. I've already read the Kingston Cycle, Half a Soul and I'm about to finish the Stariel books. Do you have more recommendations? Thank you in advance.
Oh absolutely!
A Matter of Magic, by Patricia C. Wrede (for cross-country Regency romps, rogues, magicians, spies, and Ladies of Quality)
A Marvellous Light, by Freya Marske (for murder and mystery and secret Edwardian wizardry, romance, grand old houses and creepy curses)
Spellbound, by Allie Therin (for forbidden love, found family, and frightening magic in 1920s New York)
Shades of Milk and Honey, by Mary Robinette Kowal (for frothy and impeccably evocative Regency magic)
Sorcerer to the Crown, by Zen Cho (for schemes both magical and mundane and the world of fairy crossing into the world of the tonne)
To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis (for laugh-out-loud time travel shenanigans and questionable Victorian aesthetic choices)
Soulless, by Gail Carriger (for vampire assassins, werewolf aristocrats, interrupted tea time, and other terrible inconveniences which may beset a young lady)
A little darker:
The Magpie Lord, by KJ Charles (for semi-secret magical society, creepy family estate, steamy romance all in an Extremely Victorian Gothic setting)
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (clever and deeply atmospheric tour of a magical 19th century England, but definitely not romance)
Salt Magic, Skin Magic, by Lee Welch (for curses and magical bonds and frightening fairies)
Widdershins, by Jordan L Hawk (for Gilded Age mystery and romance featuring Lovecraftian horror and humor)
More fantasy:
Uprooted, by Naomi Novik (for fairytale magic and whimsy, adventure and romance and creepy trees)
Seducing the Sorcerer, by Lee Welch (for wizard fashion, romance and humor and whimsical magic)
Stardust, by Neil Gaiman (for wild romps in the fairyland next door, alternately humorous and haunting)
More historical:
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by KJ Charles (for saucy Regency romance and determined social scheming)
Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (for dry humor, wacky hijinx, and extended family shenanigans)
Hither Page or The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian (village and manor house mysteries respectively, featuring lots of queer romance and found family with a dash of jaded post-war espionage)
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (for yearning and laughs and first love and an eccentric family living in an increasingly run down castle)
A little farther from the brief, but might be worth checking out On Vibes:
The Left Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, by Diana Wynne Jones
His Majesty's Dragon, by Naomi Novik (more Regency fantasy, but full on Age of Sail adventure rather than comedy of manners, romance, or secret magic)
Among Others, by Jo Walton
Arabella of Mars, by David D. Levine
A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan
It also sounds like a Georgette Heyer or Jeeves and Wooster binge would be really fun right now!
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missbunmuffin · 5 months
Stuff about Freya(my version of Aran’s sister)
- She’s a art kid and she has one of those sketchbooks that is filled with random shit, that can barely close, and is full off embarrassing stuff
- She probably only tolerates a few of the boxers. She wants nothing to do with them. I mentioned this before but she befriended Disco kid kind of. She hates Little Mac because she feels as if he’s making people put even more expectations on her about boxing than they already do.
- She studied really hard to be able to skip a grade because she hates school and wants to get out of there faster, she thinks the boys(and maybe people in general) her age are immature and wants to be around people who are more mature
- She has a really good memory. She probably only gets good grades because of that she’s probably not that smart and is more average. It’s why math is her worst subject
- I guess she has tsundere characteristics but I don’t think she actually is one so don’t call her that. Narcis and Aran probably heard the term like once and call her one to piss her off though.
- She hates cooking. I really don’t know why she just hates it.
- I know I put in the post introducing that she’s unathletic but that’s not 100% true thinking about it. Shes a good dancer. She has a passion for dancing.
- She definitely likes harvest moon. In my head at least the wii game takes place in like 2009(though some scenarios in my head aren’t that accurate like her sharing a Stardew farm with Aran and a few others so ig there’s two timelines in my head) so I think Aran would have had a few of the games as a kid/teenager and some of them are hand me downs from him. He also probably gives her American copies as gifts because the games have came out in America earlier than Europe I think. If the consoles region locked I can see him buying a damn console just for a game like magical melody just so she can play as a girl because I think Europe only has the wii version which only lets you play as a guy for some reason despite the fact you could be a girl in the GameCube version. Freya also cried when she played Harvest moon boy and girl when she got married because the game ended simply because she was a girl. She was so confused because she remembered Aran playing back to nature when she was a kid and she saw him get married and she swore the game didn’t end. She loves the games but some of the sexism pisses her off. I’m getting ahead of myself sorry
- She has a cat named Maev and she’s a tuxedo cat that has a little white bikini in her fur kind of like this
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- She feels like shit for getting all these presents from Aran and she can’t really give anything back because she’s a teenager with no money
- Some teachers despise her because they had Aran. But she doesn’t even do shit.
- She doesn’t have many friends at least in school. She has a couple from primary school who ended going to different secondary schools though. No one really wants to be friends with the girl related to Aran Ryan.
- She’s not interested in school clubs she just wants to go home and play video games. Also some people in clubs she considered before just really hate her for no reason.
That’s all I have. Overall I think what Aran’s sister could be like is a fun to think about.
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vintervittrannerd · 11 months
Training Challenge #3
“Based on my experience on the beach the day before, I form a new plan.”
How did your rider’s first day of training go? @thescorpioracesfestival
Freya had spent her fair share of time down at the beach during training season. The capaill uisce were driven mad by the autumn sea, and there were too many of them packed at the beach, so injuries that required a vet were bound to happen. The first days of training was always a mess. It was screaming horses and screaming humans and broken bones and blood on the sand and very very little actual helpful training.
Freya wasn’t interested in risking both her and Corax life in the chaos called training that was happening on the beach these first days. Later, after the parade when things are more orderly, she’d take Corax down to train amongst the others. But for now, they’d stick to the cliffs and the occasional early mornings on the beach.
It’s still early, the sun barley risen over the horizon as they make their way down to the beach. It’s not the Skarmouth beach, where everyone would be today, but the beach below their farm. The beach where Freya found Kaja all those years ago. It feels like an eternity ago, and like it was yesterday, all at once.
The beach isn’t fit for riding, it’s too rocky and uneven, but riding is not what they’re here for. Instead, Freya leads Corax along the shoreline, just barley letting the waves touch his hooves. With one hand she’s firmly holding the lead rope, while the other ties knots in Corax mane, and she whispers low and constant in his ears. The knots are to ground herself, to guard from the magic in Corax veins and the lure of the capaill uisce. The whispers are to ground Corax, to remind him that she is there and to distract him from the call of the sea. She leads him back and forward on the beach, each turn taking them a little further into the ocean. It’s a dangerous game, but one they’ve played many times before. Freya has all of her attention on Corax, making sure he still pays attention to her and not the sea, but in doing so she can’t watch the sea for signs of any wild capaill uisce. Luckily, the sea is shallow here, only slowly getting deeper, so the sea horses must rise from the sea a distance away if they want to attack. They’d still reach Freya quickly, but at least she would have a warning.
Corax is calm and focused today, so Freya slowly takes them further out until Corax has water up to the middle of his cannons. Then they stop, and Freya feeds Corax a few pieces of raw meat as they stand still, letting the sea suck and tug at their legs. The sea is luring them, wanting to drag them out into its depth, but it’s still far from November, and they’ve done this every year since Corax was just a colt. They can resist the sea. Freya just hopes that will still be true on the day of the races.
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philomenie · 5 months
4 Beings from a different time, a different world than today. Rivals, friends, allies from the beginning of time. 4 magical beings, long separated, now reunited to save what means the most to them. Moon Hill
Nicholas: Peuchen, vampire-like winged serpent, demon Joakim: Fenris, Fenrir, wolf-like demigod Nick: Kerberus, hellhound Noah: Yokai, demon, Chi o nomu hito, blood-drinker, also Kyuketsuki, vampire
CN Fantasy, Mystery, Mention of Blood, Torture, Killing, Betrayal
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Elin It's slowly getting dark earlier and earlier, and the cold is getting colder. Elin shivers and pulls her jacket tighter around her. She has been looking after the animals in the stable and her two wolfhounds never leave her side. She got them from Skadi, one of her few friends here. Her only real friend, in fact.
She met Skadi shortly after moving into the small, remote farm. Like her, Skadi was out in the forest, hunting, as she later told her, gathering herbs and berries. Medicine has always been her passion. That's why Elin studied medicine, but never finished. Her life was a series of disasters!
She lost her parents at an early age and her grandparents did their best to be an adequate replacement. Her grandmother also awakened her passion for healing and medicine. She can still remember the smell and the warm, soothing hands of her grandmother. Whenever she was touched by her, everything was easier, better, simpler. Even her dreams, those damned dreams that would startle her out of her sleep when she was very small. Then, as she got older, it got worse. Daydreams were added. The doctor she consulted about this prescribed her tablets. She got it under control to some extent. And then Ben came into her life. At first she thought that everything would be fine now, that there was someone who loved her for who she was. But that was a mistake. Ben was a choleric man, and his anger made her dreams, or seizures, worse, as she would fall to the ground as if she was having an epileptic fit, seeing images with wide open eyes and convulsing. The first time he hit her, she left. His threat that if she dared to leave him, he would find her and.... He always left that open. Her grandparents had also passed away in the meantime and Elin had bought a remote farm from the small inheritance here, enough kilometers between her and Ben, and wanted to calm down first and then think about what her life should look like.
Skadi practically ran into her as she was kneeling on the ground digging up a medicinal plant. When they both got to their feet again and apologized a thousand times to each other, there was a closeness that Elin could barely grasp. But she felt comfortable around another person for the first time in a long time and Skadi must have felt the same. Initially, the two of them arranged to go for walks in the woods together, Skadi taught her all about hunting with a bow and arrow and even gave her one of her own. Not that she would ever hunt and kill an animal herself, but the feeling of being able to handle a weapon boosted Elin's self-confidence. Even more so when Skadi taught her how to shoot a rifle and pistol. She never thought she would have guns in her house, but now her rifle and bow put her at ease. Skadi then visited her more and more often on her farm, helped her put everything in order and renovate the stable. It was also Skadi who not only gave her her two wolfhounds Thor and Freya, she also gave her the other animals, the two sheep and her horse Asa. In addition, Skadi has always brought over an injured animal, which Elin has nursed back to health with love and skill. She currently has a small fox in her stable that will soon be able to return to the wild. His hind leg was dislocated. Skadi is the only person in her life that she trusts.
With this thought, Elin goes into the house and lights the fire in the fireplace. Thor and Freya are always at her side, as if they are following an order not to let her out of their sight. Elin has some stew left over from yesterday and quickly heats it up on her old wood-burning stove. The smell of herbs and other ingredients is delicious. Thor and Freya get their dinner first, which the two big dogs pounce on hungrily. Elin smiles contentedly and brushes her auburn hair out of her face, which and her green eyes are a legacy from her Irish father. In fact, she is more the image of her father, almost as tall as him, with the same eyes and hair. Her mother, on the other hand, was petite, blonde and blue-eyed. She snorts in frustration, at the moment she would rather be short, blonde and blue-eyed so she wouldn't stand out so much here. But that can't be helped. Elin takes her plate of food and snuggles down on her old wing chair in front of the fireplace, wraps her woolen blanket around her legs and begins to eat contentedly. Her dogs doze on the floor in front of her.
Suddenly there is a lightning bolt through both of them and they shoot up, Freya peers tensely out of the window, Elin has neither closed the curtains nor the shutters, Thor is growling at the front door. Fuck, not a wolf, she thinks to herself. Her stable is secure, but.... Elin listens tensely to the silence. Nothing. Slowly, she gets up, goes to her gun cabinet in the corner of the living room and takes out her rifle and the cartridges. She takes a deep breath, concentrates, her hands shake as she loads the rifle and releases the safety. She grabs her flashlight and runs down the hall to the front door, slips into her boots and unlocks the door. Thor growls again. "Shh, boy, it's all right, we'll check together now! Freya at heel!" Both dogs obey her every word. She opens the door and steps out onto the small veranda. Tensely, she looks into the darkness and listens again, but nothing can be seen or heard except her heart pounding in her chest. Elin holds her breath, rifle at the ready, and slowly climbs down the steps. She counts, there are three of them. At the bottom, she listens again. When nothing can be heard or seen again, she relaxes a little. She decides to close the shutters on her windows. An improvement that she has never regretted. It gives her an additional feeling of security. As she begins to close the shutters, she suddenly hears Asa whinnying excitedly in the stable. She immediately picks up her rifle again and aims into the darkness. Thor and Freya growl at her side. Elin feels as if her heart must burst. There, what's that? Elin tries to focus in the darkness. Is that it? Is that a wagon coming down the road to her yard? Now? Who is it? Her mind races, she feels nauseous, dizziness sets in, cold sweat runs down her body, her head starts to pound. FUCK, not now, oh please please no seizure, not here, not now. Elin gasps, has to hold on to her railing, everything spins around her, she drops her rifle. She drops to her knees and just stares ahead of her while a thousand images rush into her head at once. The car, Skadi.... Skadi? And four other people, people? But why doesn't that feel right? Danger? Elin has to retch, she feels nauseous. The images continue to assault her. A dungeon, blood, a three-headed dog, appears before her inner eye, a man with white skin and a strange sword, razor-sharp fangs, like a predator. Then a huge snake with wings and blood everywhere, torn human bodies. Another body, naked, wrapped in a golden yarn that glows and causes the man - is it a man? causing endless agony. She can't recognize him more clearly, but he looks familiar.
Strangely, she feels no fear of these creatures, they are all surrounded by a bright aura, by light, although they seem to come from darkness, from hell. Elin clings tighter and tighter to the railing to prevent herself from fainting. The images slowly fade, but what remains is the certainty that she need not be afraid. She has no idea why that is, but she notices how she relaxes, her heartbeat and breathing calm down. Thor puts his muzzle in the crook of her neck and whines. "It's all right, my boy, it's all right! Come here, my girl, it's all right!" Elin doesn't just mean it, she knows it. Nothing will happen to her. She picks up her rifle, stands up and lets it hang loosely over her arm. She waits, watching as the light gets closer and closer, heading straight for her yard, Soon she can see that it is a black van, the windows tinted, even the windshield. She can't recognize anyone. But that doesn't worry her. Her dogs growl slightly again. And then the van stops right in front of her, the passenger door swings open and Skadi slides out. "Elin, I need your help!" Elin nods calmly, "I know, I've been expecting you!"
Reader The other doors open and a sturdy young man with short brown hair, who had been driving the minibus, stands next to Skadi, puts his arm around her waist and introduces himself to Elin. "I'm Folio, Nick Folio, a friend of Skadi's! We have a little problem and Skadi said you could help?" Elin nods, "What problem and how can I help you?" Another man appears next to the two, slightly taller than Folio, slimmer, long raven-black hair and the most piercing eyes Elin has ever seen, almost silver as they flash at her. "Elin, right? Skadi said you were a healer? Our friend needs help, please, can you help him?" Before Elin can answer, he opens the sliding door and Elin looks inside the bus. Another man is sitting in the back seat, tall, really tall, slim with brown chin-length hair and dark almond-shaped eyes, his look a mixture of anger and despair. In his arms is another man, unconscious, his long brown hair, stringy as if it hasn't been washed for ages, hanging over his face. Elin draws in a sharp breath, the same man as in her dream.... The man who lay bound, naked and maltreated on the floor of the dungeon.... "Can you help us?" the voice of the man on the bus, dark, pleading. Elin wakes up from her stupor, "Yes, I can try! What about him?" "Joakim is.... He's....." The man breaks off. "He's unconscious, has been for some time, he's been held captive, mistreated. Please Elin, he has to get better!" Skadi's voice is rough. All eyes are on her. "Come, take him into the house, I'll show you where!" Elin's voice energetic. "That's Nicholas and Noah, by the way!" Skadi points to the two other men. Elin nods, sees Folio take Joakim's legs, Nicholas helps Noah with Joakims upper body and they carefully lift the unconscious man out of the bus. Elin's dogs growl tensely. "Shh!" a short command and they are calm, but still tense. They watch the new arrivals suspiciously. When Folio is at the same height as Thor, the latter snaps at Folio's pants. "Can't you take the mutts away?" "I'll lock them in the kitchen, but they'll stay with me, in the house!" Elin leads the way, leading her dogs into the kitchen by their collars and closing the door. She directs Nicholas, Noah and Folio into the small guest room next to her living room. She pulls back the blankets so that the men can put Joakim down there.
The three of them stand in the room, uncertain and anxious. Elin has bent over Joakim, carefully strokes his hair out of his face and he groans under her touch. Elin hesitates briefly, he is a stranger, but these features are familiar, she just doesn't know where from. But then she focuses on the essentials again, "You have to undress him, I have to see what's wrong with him! Skadi said he was maltreated?" "He was tied up for a long time, a very long time!" Noah rumbles, now that he is standing next to Elin, she can see that he really is huge. Elin nods, "I understand!" She carefully pulls his sweater up and holds her breath. The man's skin is encrusted with dirt, as if he had been lying in the dirt. His body is covered in welts that are either open or already scarred. Signs of bondage? Elin feels tears welling up in her eyes. What kind of monsters can do this? She hardly dares to touch him, she doesn't want to cause him pain. "Is it like this everywhere?" she chokes out. Noah nods grimly, his eyes darting to Skadi. Elin stares at her in disbelief, Skadi averts her gaze and leaves the room, Folio follows her. "Can you help him?" Noah's voice is urgent. "We need to undress him, wash him, then tend to his wounds, clean him. I have disinfectant and ointments here. I'll bandage the worst ones. If he gets an infection, he needs to see a proper doctor..." "No doctor," Noah's voice cut. "He is weakened, he needs fluids and food. It's difficult if he's unconscious. I have infusion equipment here, that should help. If one of you can drive to a pharmacy, I'll write down what else I need!" "Folio or Nicholas will do that!" "Good, then help me now!" Together they undress Joakim, Noah is very gentle and careful, something that surprises Elin, as he seems very displeased and angry. Noah also washes his friend, murmuring soothing words in a foreign language. Then he leaves Elin to Joakim.
She carefully and quickly disinfects everything and applies her ointment to the wounds. Noah watches her closely. He sees how her hands softly stroke his friend's maltreated skin. Is he mistaken or are her hands glowing green? He stares again, spellbound. No, he is not mistaken, he sees the green glow exactly, sees how it penetrates Joakim's skin. Noah's breath catches, is Elin, is she the Völva he is looking for? What were her words again when they arrived? I know, I was expecting you? Noah stares at Elin, it must be her. Why else would she have known about them, why else would she have taken them in without a second thought, complete strangers... "You can see the future!" Noah's voice is rough. Elin turns to him, startled, "WHAT?" "You see, am I right?" You can see things ahead, things in the future?" "I don't know what you mean!" Elin is as white as the wall. Noah is next to her now, holding her hands with his and staring into her eyes. Green eyes, like the shimmer of her hands when she heals. "You are the Völva!" An assertion. Elin shakes off his hands "I have no idea who this is supposed to be! What you want from me!" "We were destined to find you, you're the missing piece!" "What the hell are you even talking about?" Elin is visibly agitated. ""NOAH!" Nicholas' energetic voice sounds from the door. "Nicholas, she's ...." "Noah, please, not now! There'll be time for that later! Right now, Joakim needs her help!" he nods at his still unconscious friend. "You're right, sorry Elin, I .... It's been a long day, I'm talking nonsense.... Forget it, I need to get some rest too... I'm sorry if I scared you!" Elin nods at him, "There are two more places to sleep upstairs, one is my bedroom and the other is the pull-out couch in my study. There's also a couch in the living room. Split up, I'll stay here with Joakim!"
"We're certainly not going to steal your bed!" There's something very reassuring about Nicholas' soft voice, "We can take turns keeping watch at Joakim's!" "You all look like you've been through a meat grinder! Try to get some sleep, I can manage here and when he wakes up, I'll come get you!" Noah whispers in Nicholas' ear "We can't leave her alone with him, who knows what will happen if he wakes up, attacks her or worse, transforms first and then tears her apart?" "Hmm, you're right, one of us should definitely stay here!" "Upstairs is the bathroom too, I have enough bath towels, help yourselves, Skadi, you can put on some of my clothes to change into, the rest of you..... well, I have T-shirts and sweatpants that might work?" Elin looks at everyone promptly. "Thanks Elin, that's really more than we could have hoped for!" Nicholas smiles gratefully at her. After everyone has showered one by one and helped themselves to Elin's closet, they all sit in the kitchen and Skadi, with Folio's help, conjures up something for everyone to eat. Thor and Freya lie suspiciously in the corner and growl as soon as one of the men moves.
Elin has gone back to Joakim, watching his chest rise and fall, the occasional soft moan from his lips. His wrists are thickly bandaged, as this is where the skin has suffered the most. Elin hopes that he will regain consciousness soon; she has started an IV and administered painkillers. She takes a closer look at him, his one arm is covered in tattoos, as is his chest and upper back. His ankles are also tattooed, as is one knee. Elin takes a cloth, moistens it and cools his forehead with it, he feels hot, she fears he's coming down with a fever. Noah comes in. His gaze is questioning. Elin shakes her head. He takes the other chair from the corner and sits down next to Elin, his eyes fixed anxiously on his friend. "How did that happen?" whispers Elin. "You should ask your friend Skadi!" Noah grumbles. "Skadi? What's she got to do with it?" "Everything, he's a relative of hers, so to speak! He's in this state because of her! And because of Folio, because the idiot couldn't keep his hands off her....." Elin gulps, she thought she knew Skadi, but this? Noah stays with Elin and Joakim, he can't be sent away, the others have gone to sleep. Elin must have fallen asleep briefly too, as she wakes up and looks around in confusion.
Another nightmare, this time a big, huge wolf with bloodshot eyes running towards her... Elin shakes. She looks at Noah, who has also fallen asleep. She gets up quietly, fetches a woolen blanket and covers him up. Then she tiptoes into the kitchen to make herself a coffee. Caffeine is just what she needs now, she doesn't want to fall asleep again. She returns with her cup in hand. She makes herself comfortable in her chair again and sips the hot drink, feeling her spirits returning. She almost squeals when Noah suddenly speaks to her. "I should rest, I can feel my strength leaving me. I'll get Nicholas or Folio so you're not alone!" "God, please don't scare me like that! Lie down, I can manage on my own, believe me!" "Please believe me, it's better if you're not alone with him!" Noah's voice very serious. "He's hardly going to eat me, not in his condition!" Noah looks at her mockingly, "You have no idea....." Elin swallows. "I'll get Nicholas!" and with that, he's gone.
Elin stares after him for a moment, gets up and closes the door. As she sits down again, Joakim becomes restless in front of her. He writhes as if in pain, strange words that nevertheless seem familiar to Elin come out of his mouth. Elin is immediately at his side, stroking his hair and murmuring soothing words. Suddenly his hand shoots to her throat and with a gasping cry he throws himself out of bed. They both fall to the floor, Joakim on top of Elin, his hand around her neck pinning her to the wooden floor, his other raised, ready to strike. His eyes glow reddish, his teeth are bared, he growls. Elin stares at him in shock, unable to move, her breath coming in gasps. Joakim's wild gaze begins to change, the glow disappears, his grip on her throat loosens slightly. "Who are you!" his voice a harsh whisper. Elin notices how his muscles begin to tremble, his strength waning. She raises her hand and strokes his face. "You're safe!" she chokes out. Joakim's gaze flickers, Elin sees his eyes twist and then he collapses on top of her without warning. His weight squeezes the air out of her lungs, his heavy body, now unconscious again, like lead on top of her. Elin pushes his upper body away from her with all her strength and slides out from under him. Her first impulse is to jump up and run away, but something stops her. Instead, she kneels down next to the unconscious man. Elin doesn't notice the door being opened until she hears Nicholas groan in horror and looks around. Nicholas is pale, "What happened?" he gasps. "He woke up, he must have been very confused and threw himself at me. We fell to the floor together and then he passed out again. Nicholas, help me get him back into bed, he can't stay on the floor!" "So he......, he didn't change?" Nicholas chews on his lower lip. "Changed? What do you mean? No, he hasn't changed!" explains Elin. Nicholas nods. Together, they manage to put Joakim back into bed. Nicholas looks at Elin's face attentively. "He grabbed you by the neck, didn't he? You can see where his hand got you!" He stretches out his fingers and gently touches Elin's neck. Elin flinches back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...." "It's all right, Nicholas, really. I'm just a little tense!" Nicholas nods, but his eyes continue to scrutinize Elin intently. "Go to sleep, Elin, I'm staying here!" Elin nods, turns around, looks back again, sees that Nicholas has sat down on the chair next to the bed and takes Joakim's hand in his.
Elin goes into her living room, Thor and Freya greet her with relief. She lies down on her comfortable couch and covers herself up. Thor lies down on the carpet in front of her, Freya jumps onto the couch and curls up at her feet. It doesn't take a minute for Elin to fall asleep. Joakim Pain and agony is all he has felt for an infinitely long time. He no longer knows where he is or who is watching over him in the darkness. At first they only tied his hands, but in wolf form he was still able to maul the guards who were foolish enough to come near him. He even managed to bite off one of Tyr's hands, a satisfaction, albeit brief. Odin was so enraged by this that he ordered him to be completely bound with this cursed thread. He tried to fight back, oh God and how he fought back, but there were too many. With every further attempt to free himself, the thread tightened around his body until he could no longer move and lay like a helpless bundle on the ground, in the dirt, where the All-Father wanted him. Bound, powerless, at the mercy of the damned Aesir's whims.
Tyr was his cruelest guardian, who can blame him. Again and again he tortured him with his spear, he was not allowed to kill him, so he healed his inflicted wounds again, with his damned blood, only to continue the next day. Skadi had to guard him too. If he could have, he would have torn her apart first. Her guilty, pitying look made him nauseous. As time went on, he became more and more feeble, his body transformed into his human form. From this point onwards, he was no longer able to oppose anything. He waited for his death. His friends were unable to reach him, to relieve him of his suffering in one way or another. He must have been dreaming, the pain was less, he could stretch his limbs again, move. Then there was a face, a woman with green eyes and reddish-brown hair, so familiar.... Her touch was calming, soothing.
Joakim groans, moves, the fog in his brain slowly clears and he opens his eyes. A hand touches him on the upper arm, he flinches, looks in panic for the source of the touch, his body tense, ready to strike, to defend himself. A familiar voice reaches him.... "Joakim, can you hear me? It's me, Nicholas!" Nicholas? How? Joakim shakes himself, tries to focus his gaze, slowly he recognizes outlines, a face bends over him, long raven-black hair, piercing silver eyes. It really is Nicholas. Joakim heaves a sigh of relief, his friend is with him at last. The tension falls away from him, Nicholas sits down on the bed with him, holds his hand tightly and pats his shoulder reassuringly. It is too much for him, Joakim curls up, clings to Nicholas' hand and lets his tears run free.
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bleedingheart-s · 4 months
🎫 gush pass because I'm curious about your BG3 ocs 🔍👀
some of them are with characters other than gale who i don't self ship with (yet- i'm tempted to self ship with pretty much every other companion too bless my polyamorous heart)
this ended up being so long i'm putting it under a read more
nox- fighter. dumbass (affectionate). Tries their best. Very reluctant leader. Absolutely no sense of direction (Astarion regularly asks why they all let Nox hold the map... it's currently upside down in their hands). Tiefs don't usually come in a green flavor so Nox is sort of shunned even within tief circles. They're also big so they inevitably attract attention- that's why they hate leading. Their biological parents abandoned them, and they were raised by humans (who loved them dearly). Misses the farm they grew up on. Just wants a quiet life and a couple of kids. Favorite color: blue, specifically the sort of soft light glowing blue of the Weave because its usually coming from Gale. They're SOOO protective. Them and Karlach are besties. Has more tattoos than shown.
ledi- paladin. She's smaller than your average aasimar and she has a bit of a complex over it. She WILL puff up her wings to appear bigger (it barely works.) She's sort of cold at the beginning, but she opens up as the story goes on. Her eyes are haloed by wings because she was rendered permanently blind in a fight (kind of like Kanan in Star Wars Rebels) (details pending). This changed her, she ended up switching her paladin oath from Devotion to Vengeance. She has a bit of a rage streak at the start of the game. Looks up to Aylin like a big sister. Hates Shadowheart. (I haven't gotten to act 2 with her yet but I think Ledi would want to kill her for what happens at the end.) Falls in love with Wyll and learns a lot from him. Won't touch alcohol. Likes having her hair played with. Preens when she's bored. Has a very... interesting dynamic with Raphael.
freya- ranger. Left her family behind as a teenager. Used to spending a lot of time alone in nature. mean lesbian. Hits it off with Lae'zel almost immediately, and they admire each other greatly (and in a very gay way). Takes no shit. If looks could kill, she'd have murdered a continent. Just wants to go back to her neck of forest and 'live in fucking peace'. Has a 'oh no he's hot' moment when she first meets Halsin after rescuing him. Completely self sufficient, she doesn't like relying on others (trust issues much? /j). Ends up making good friends with Jaheira and Minsc. Can drink half of Faerûn under a table. If you can make her do it, she snorts when she laughs. Only Karlach has so far. Minsc has gotten close.
livia- my s/i. Lore bard. Uhhh idk what to say about her 😭
i also have two new ocs i haven't managed to talk about yet!
sethe- resisting durge. tiefling, wildshaping druid. Has difficulty controlling their wildshape, so they're liable to turn into a pure white direwolf with eyes so blue they glow at any given point. Honestly prefers being in wildshape. She bonds with Halsin over this. They struggle greatly with allowing anyone to get close to them due to their urge, so Halsin is the only person in their memory to do so. Won't admit it, but she likes being scratched behind the ears while in wildshape. Better at showing positive emotions in wildshape as well (tail wagging, playful behavior.) doesn't like being hot (ironic for a tiefling)- and she will pant even in her bipedal form if she is. Admires Karlach and wishes they could be more like her. Likes rain.
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anne- regular tav. sort of an s/i but not quite. human, storm sorcerer. Naive, a bleeding heart, refuses to think the worst in any situation- which causes contention with Lae'zel, Astarion and Shadowheart in the beginning. Fiercely loyal and will back up her friends to the bitter end. She was raised a noble, so she's poised and very charismatic. Knew Wyll before he took his contract with Mizora and honestly missed him after he disappeared. Her positive and supportive attitude wears on Astarion, and eventually he falls for her. Becomes great friends with Gale. She's braver than she looks but she'll be crying about it. Very homesick. Worries about her family constantly. Has a little brother. Likes spicy food. Smells vaguely of ozone due to her proficiency with lightning magic. Kinda looks like Anne Hathaway, hence the name.
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minkova · 2 years
— open starter. — location: pumpkin patch.
She’d made a promise. One she intended to keep, though considering how insanely busy she’d been, it had been put on hold until this last week of the month to be able to fulfill. All her daughter wanted was a little visit to the pumpkin patch again, nevermind that the child had already been with a myriad of other people including her brother, grandparents, friends, and more— still, Mila had promised to take her, and Mila never broke a promise to her daughter. 
Waiting on the outskirts of the pumpkin patch with a coffee in hand, the mother watched her daughter pick out yet another pumpkin to take home to carve (or talk someone else into carving). “ONLY ONE, FREYA!” she called out. The front step of her liberty hills property is already covered in a variety of gourds. “she’ll buy out the entire farm at this rate.”
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ms-rampage · 2 years
👊💢👪💐🌙💘💗❤️ for Liv please
Liv "Redfox" Grímsdóttir/Eldrid
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👊 • Are they quick to violence? - Liv isn't one to jump into violence, unless she has to. Reasoning is her go-to, but when that fails, she'll burst out her ax.
💢 • What are some habits they have that will take some getting use to? - She tends to be cautious of men because of previous encounters shes had. She's also not use to the viking lifestyle, she was born and raised on a farm, raising chickens, goats and horses, but if living like a viking is a way for her to survive then she'll live it (pun intended)
👪 • What is their family like? What is your ocs relationship to them? Does your oc have any siblings? - She's an only child. She lost her father, Edmund, when she was 6, and she lost her mother when she was 14. She had a great relationship with them
💐 • Create a bouquet for them! What do those flowers mean? Are any of the flowers their particular favorite? - Sunflowers, lilies, lavender, roses, daisies, she loves all types of flowers. Bluebells are her overall favorite.
🌙 • What is your oc's greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it? - Settle down and start a family. She's not one to rush something like this because she knows Odin and Freya will send someone her way. *cough* Eivor *cough*
💘 • What traits do they look for in a relationship? Do they believe in love at first sight? - Someone who is brave, gentle, strong, and caring. That's all that matters to her.
💗 • If they have a crush. Is it noticeable? What changed when they're in love? - It's definitely noticeable, but she'll act like she has no idea what the other person is talking about, and play it off.
❤️ • Their love language(s)? - Showing affection, compliments. Friendly touch (pat on shoulder, slight hand holding) but if she warms up to you. She tends to be very friendly, but that's just her nature
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How do you (if at all) integrate your faith in your daily living as a traditional wife/mother?
A really good question! My Husband and I in Reenactment, so we always research live "back then". I think, that mostly help me realise what the old norse belief system maybe could have been. (Because when you know the people and thier living situation, you could imagine what they where praying for or wich gods maybe was important to them). So I try my best to be what would be a good wife back in the days. Keeping a clean house, nice kids etc. - but also being frugal (you had, what you could get your hands on and it would be valuble). Being hospital (a big big thing in sagas is being hospital to people and about the laws on how to treat guest), trying my hands on old handworks (spinning, naalbinding etc.) Standing loyal to my husband (like Sigyn); looking out for our future (like frigg); trying to embrace the fire between husband and wife (like freya) and so on. I manage a big chunck of our finances (like in the old norse, because they thought, woman had a natrual talent for "forseeing" and therefor would know, if a purchase would be a good investment). I pray - not daily - but often.
We celebrate the turning of the seasons like they would have. Because it gives us the the feeling to be more in touch with nature (something that would be essential for a farming culture). I always try to be a respectful person and maintance a good stanze with the people around me. As a woman I'm responsabile for the "face" of my family (I found this word more fitting than honour, what had get a bit of dark intonation over the years) and as a member of the society I'm responsabile for a good situation for everyone around (like voting for someone I put trust in to made a good decision for everyone around; for not littering the parks, being respectful to other people property etc.)
Now I have talked so much without saying anything! *laugh* I hope you still get the Idea; it's really hard to put it into words. (and that, when I'm mostly soo good with words!) If you really interested into looking the norse believe system, I could really just tell you - look into the ressources for reenactment and museums. It really help you understand the people, and you get a better understanding about the myths, sagas and believe system! Thanks your your ask! Barefoot & Pregnant Ps: If there is a writing mistake; I'm sorry. English isn't my first language! =)
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deanchaiyachet · 11 months
— SETTING: jack's pumpkin farm ; — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for INGRID LOZANO | ( @ingridlczano )
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Dean made sure to take a quick picture of entrance of Jack's Pumpkin farm so he could post it on his socials. Since he wasn't going to be streaming early today, he figured he could give his followers something to look forward to while they waited for him to come back online.
His smile only grew bigger as he saw Ingrid and Freya coming in at the distance, which prompted him to pull out his phone again to film them approaching him, Freya pulling a funky pose and stealing a heartwarming laughter from him. "Look at my girls coming, guys!" He then finished his Story and placed his phone back into his jacket's pocket, before pulling Freya into a hug. "Hey kiddo!" He planted a kiss on the side of her head, before hugging Ingrid, lifting her off the ground as he held her tight. "Hey, bud." As he set her back on the ground, Dean kissed her cheek. "Are you guys ready for some fun? I can't promise I won't punch any of the entertainers, though, so please hold both of my hands as we go into the corn maze."
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