#freya x matt
onemoreparadise · 2 years
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Went to the mountain, drank all the wine. Walked through the valley, felt every high. I ran through fire, I did my time. I found my soul just to lose my mind. Met with the healers, prayed with the saints. All of the sinners know my name. There's scars I've caused and scars I've earned. Still don't know much but here's what I learned : My demons are on the hunt but my angels taught me how to run. I got two wolves inside of me but I decide which one to feed
Freya Allan x Matt Smith requested by @lydskhaleesi
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iloveyuiknow · 9 months
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CRACKSHIP gifs → Freya Allan & Matt Smith
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The Hope of the Mikaelsons family Part two
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Summary: Y/n and Klaus deepen their bond as they spend the day painting together at Klaus's mansion. Caroline tries to reassure Elena and the others about Klaus's character, emphasizing that he has changed since his daughter's disappearance. Meanwhile, Marcel contacts the others to discuss the surprising news about Caroline's younger sister, Y/n, who shares the same name and age as Hayley’s missing daughter.
"Hey, I'm here, sorry for being late." Carolina sat on a chair next to Elena
"What took you guys so long? " Elena asks but she noticed you were not here "Wait, where's Y/n?"
"She's with Klaus." Carolina smiles
"Klaus Mikaelson is here?" Bonnie asked shocked
"Yes." Caroline nods with a smile
"Why did you leave Y/n with him? He's dangerous. " Elena says worried about your safety
"Come on, you know he changed."
"Do you really believe that he did?" Elena asks
"You know that he changed for his daughter." Caroline answers
"But sadly she got taken away."
"If he didn't change he would be after you Elena." Caroline looks over at Elena
"You're probably right Caroline that he has changed. " Elena smiles
"Believe me he did and I know for sure he wouldn't hurt Y/n. " Caroline smiles, knowing that she can trust Klaus with you
"So where are we going?" You asked Klaus
"To my Mansion I hope your sister doesn't mind." Klaus smiles
"Can we paint?" You asked with your puppy eyes
"Of course love." Klaus grabs your hand
"Rebekah, your family and you need to come to Mystic falls. " Marcel says, though the phone
"Why did something happen?" Rebekah asked worried
"No, but something might happen. I can't tell you over the phone it has to be in person." Marcel answers
"Fine, we'll be there tomorrow." Rebekah ends up
Marcel walks into the living room to find Klaus and you painting, "she loves painting just like you."
Klaus smiled "Yes, she does."
"As much as I love shopping, we have to be done, I need to go get my sister from Klaus." Caroline took out her phone to call Klaus "hey where are you guys?"
"We're at my Mansion painting Why?"
"It's time to go home, see you in three.”
"No, it's fine, I'll bring her home."
"Klaus I don't think it's a good you know how's my mother."
"I know, but Y/n is having so much painting."
"Fine, bring her home before 7."
"I should will."
"I guess we can go on and shop again."
"Why did Marcel call you?" Freya asked
"He wants us to go to Mystic falls because he needs to tell us something." Rebekah says
"I can't leave New Orleans, I still need to look for my daughter." Hayley tells Rebekah
"I know Hayley but he wants us to go to Mystic falls." Rebekah tells Hayley
"Is it really that important that he couldn't tell you over the phone?" Kol asked
"Klaus probably did something stupid." Elijah said
"Who knows but we're leaving tomorrow."
Klaus was walking you to your house "love I had so much fun today."
"I did too. could we do it again?"
"Of course."
Your sister opened the door with a smile "thank you so much for bringing her home safely."
"Of course Caroline we had so much fun today."
"I'm glad that you both did."
"Bye love, have a good night. " Klaus gave you a kiss and a hug as Caroline give him a sad smile
"Bye Caroline."
"Bye Klaus."
It's been a long drive for the Mikaelson siblings and Hayley but at least they were in Mystic falls already
"Thank you guys for coming. " Marcel welcome them
"Now tell us what you couldn't tell me over the phone." Rebekah tells Marcel
"Caroline has a small sister." Marcel tells them
"And?" Kol rolls his eyes
"What does that have to do with us?" Rebekah asks
"You made us come here just to tell us that Klaus's girlfriend has a sister." Kol crossed his arm
"Klaus has been hanging out with her so much she loves painting just like Klaus now they're painting buddies." Marcel says
"I'm confused when did Caroline have a sister?" Freya asked
"Probably she was hiding her from the drama and the supernatural that's going on." Hayley answers
Marcel gives Hayley a sad look "Hayley I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? " Hayley asked, confused
"For what I'm going to say her name is also Y/n and she's also five years old just like your-"
"Just like my daughter. " Hayley says sadly "I want to meet her so take me with her
"She'll be here in a few minutes."
minutes later They heard a door open
"They're here."
Klaus and you walked into the living room, Klaus was shocked to see his family here
"Hey. " Klaus greets making everyone to turned around to face Klaus and you they gave you a shock stare
"Meet Y/n forbes." Klaus smiles
"Hey little one. " Everyone smiles at you
"Hey Klaus, can I talk to you? " Hayley asks
"Can it wait?" Klaus says
"Fine Y/n stay here I'll be back."
"Why didn't you tell me about Y/n?" Hayley asks hurt
"Because I didn't wanted you to think that she's our daughter." Klaus tells Hayley sad
"I know, but I deserve to know about her. I wanted to go back to New Orleans, but I'm going to stay just in case."
"I don't know if Marcel told you but she loves painting. She's a professional at painting." Klaus smile
"Yeah, he told us." Hayley laughs, "I didn't know that Caroline has a sister."
"I didn't know either, but Caroline told me Y/n was living with some family In New York because Caroline and their mother wanted her away from the drama and to keep her safe."
"I know right but anyways let's go back to the living room."
Klaus and Hayley went back to the living room to see that you started already painting
Hayley looks at you "She's a good painter."
Klaus nodded "you should see her drawings as well, she's making beautiful drawings."
"Klaus come here and paint with me." You said
"I'll be right there in a second." Klaus tells you
Hayley went to sit on the couch with Freya and Rebekah as kol and Marcel were watching Klaus and you paint
"Are you ok Hayley?" Freya asks, worry
"I don't know if I'm?" Hayley answers
"What's wrong?" Rebekah asked
"I don't know, but I feel a connection with Y/n she's just like Klaus, they both love painting." Hayley says
"I feel it too. There's something about her and we're going to figure it out."
"Ok painters come here and take a break Elijah baked cookies for us to enjoy." Freya said, smiling at you
"Yay cookies I love cookies." You jump up and down happily
"Here's your milk sweetie." Hayley handed you your glass of milk
"Thank you, could we watch a Disney movie?"
"Of course love what movie do you want to watch?"
"I want to watch Encanto."
You lay between Klaus and Hayley as the Mikaelsons and Marcel smiled at the image of the three of you that they decided to take a picture to have it as a memory
By the time the movie ended you fell as sleep with both Klaus and Hayley holding you as they slept as well, everyone were sleeping not waking up as Klaus phone kept ringing
"There's bad news Sheriff Forbes."
"What is it?"
"The Mikaelsons are back in town."
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starsburst · 2 months
Includes Characters you may not have seen! :0
Yippy I felt like drawing some ships! so that's why I made a poll! anyways have fun choosing I can't wait to see which too little guys I need to draw next >:3
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braveclementine · 4 months
D.S. x E.M. x K.M. x Reader pt 4
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Warnings: Angst
Copyright: I do not own any TVD/TO/Legacies characters, nor any places in New Orleans or Mystic Falls that may be mentioned.
Elijah P.O.V.
The TV had been set up in the Salvatore Boarding house living room so that everyone could watch it. There was Damon's brother Stefan along with his girlfriend Elena who hated Y/N so I couldn't even be bothered to attempt to like her.
And then there was Caroline, Ric, and their twin girls. Bonnie and Enzo and our sisters Rebekah and Freya. Kol was here with Davina as well, and Marcel had accompanied Rebekah while, Vincent and Freya curled up together on the couch. Tyler and Matt were there as well, the annoying buggers. But Matt and Damon had a weird relationship and Tyler was sort've Klaus' one remaining hybrid so there was that.
[I've actually always shipped Freya with Vincent. Sorry for the Keelin shippers]
Meanwhile, Klaus was lounging on the couch, Damon's precious bourbon in one hand. Hope and Hayley were here too and I sat as far away from Hayley as possible. She had Jackson, I could not be bothered to deal with her infatuation with me as well.
Not that I would have engaged her had she not been with Jackson. I had Y/N and I didn't want anyone else.
I didn't mind sharing Y/N and neither did Klaus nor Damon. It was not something we were worried about. We were just lucky that she wanted all three of us.
We had watched the game show and Y/N had rocked it so far. The first round had been about sports and Kol had grinned the entire time because Y/N had gotten all her facts about sports from him. The second round had been history which made Alaric happy when she aced everything as he had been history teacher at the High school.
And the third round had been animals and we were all astounded by her random knowledge about animals because none of us even knew that she knew that stuff.
Now, she was in the top for the win and we waited as the timer ticked down dramatically for the final category.
Y/N was dressed lightly, as the yacht had been doing a southern tour. According to the tour map, it said they were off the coast of the Bahamas at the moment. Her jean shorts were high above her knees, the blue tank top accenting her skin nicely.
I loved her in blue, it was my favorite colour and she wore a lot of blue. It annoyed both Damon and Klaus who preferred purple and red respectively.
Finally, the timer reached zero and the category was revealed to be: Mystical Creatures.
Kol burst out laughing, "Oh she has this in the bag."
"Only if it lines up with what she's grown up learning." Freya pointed out, her head in Vincent's lap.
Marcel chuckled.
On screen, Y/N had tucked her lips in, trying not to smile. We could just make out Damon in the crowd, not bothering to cover up his smirk.
"Alright then," The announcer, a Mr. Laritate announced, pushing his glasses up on his face as he held up the first card. "The first question is about werewolves. Who created the first werewolves?"
Y/N hit her hand against the buzzer and everyone turned to her, "The witch Inadu as revenge against her tribe for killing her."
Damon smirked in the crowd while the answer was revealed on the board that she was correct.
"Told you." Kol muttered up front, wrapping his arm around Davina's shoulders.
The questions continued about vampires, werewolves, witches, sirens, heretics, and even a question or two about hybrids.
I could see however, as the questions continued, that Y/N seemed more nervous instead of confident.
"How would you keep a vampire down? A. Garlic B. Sleeping powder C. Vervain or D. Cloves" Mr. Laritate asked.
Y/N's eyes flicked from Damon to Mr. Laritate. She finally reached out hesitantly to answer and said, "C. Vervain."
She was- of course- correct.
She was leading by a thousand points, the other contestants looking frustrated.
"And the last question. . ." Mr. Laritate said, glancing up at the box where we supposed the people who put the questions up on the big screen were. "Out of these four pictures, which one is a hybrid?"
The pictures were up and Y/N took a step back from the podium while half of us rose to our feet. Mine, Marcel, Damon, and Klaus' pictures were up on the screen.
Klaus was on his feet in an instant, "This isn't good."
"No it's not." Marcel echoed.
Freya and Bonnie were across the room in an instant, digging out a map, candles, and a dagger.
"What are you doing?" Alaric asked.
"Tracking her." Freya said.
"Wait." I said, "Look."
Y/N refused to answer and as the shot was now showing the crowd, Damon was nowhere to be found.
"What?" Matt asked, on the edge of the couch. The tension between everyone was high now.
"In the crowd." Rebekah said.
Y/N's eyes darted between the others who were studying the pictures, trying to figure out how they were supposed to tell which one the hybrid was. Y/N stared at the podium, her fingers clenching on the wood.
"The yacht's been blocked by magic." Freya said. "They know."
We watched the camera without moving, all of us not breathing. Finally, Y/N reached out, touching the button.
"Miss Y/L/N?"
She swallowed hard and said, "B."
B was Marcel.
That was when they attacked. The gun shots went ringing out, the crowd screaming. Y/N jerked backwards, falling on her back as the bullets hit her. Damon was there in a flash, his wrist pressed to her mouth as he plucked the bullets out, not caring that this was going to be on live TV. The other contestants had been shot too, along with multiple others in the crowd.
And then, men masked in black where there and though Damon fought them off, one of them got his hands around Y/N's neck, snapping in on live TV. Klaus' bourbon glass shattered in his hand, his eyes turning mutinous.
I could feel my own body shaking, the urge to kill someone was immense. Damon's neck was snapped to and he fell in a lifeless heap beside Y/N. The cameras went black.
"Did that just happen on live TV?" Caroline asked, her body crouched in front of the girls so that they hadn't seen what had happened. "Are they insane?"
"Freya!" Klaus barked. "We need her location. NOW!"
"Nick, I'm trying." Freya said. "We both are." Davina and Vincent joined Bonnie and Freya's side.
~Twelve hours later~
It was the next morning and no one had left the house. Alaric, Caroline, and Hayley had laid the three girls in bed sometime last night.
Bonnie, Freya, Vincent, and Davina were all exhausted. Davina was half asleep in Kol's arms and Bonnie and Enzo were both fast asleep on the couch. Freya and Vincent were still up, mumbling about spells they might be able to try.
Alaric and Matt were getting weapons together, mostly crossbows and arrows for when we actually found Y/N and Damon.
"Dammit." Klaus growled, "One of us should've gone with her. Then she wouldn't be in this position."
"Would you not have fed her your blood to keep her alive?" Tyler shot.
"I meant about her dying afterwards." Klaus growled.
It was truly stupid of Tyler to goad Klaus right now and if he died, everyone would know that it was Tyler's own fault.
"She's just going to end up as a vampire." Tyler said with a bit of a shrug.
"Dude, you should shut up right now." Matt muttered.
Tyler scoffed, leaving the room.
At that moment, I got a text on my phone and I looked at it.
: 🇪🇲🇦🇮🇱. 🇼🇪🇧 🇱🇮🇳🇰
I frowned, not recognizing the laptop and I called over to Caroline, "You wouldn't happen to have a laptop, would you?"
"Yeah, it's in my bag on the bottom." She said, glancing over before turning back to Alaric.
I dug the laptop out, setting it on the table, sitting down, and opening it up. "Password?"
Caroline zoomed over, typed in a rather long password, and went back to Ric.
"What is it?" Marcel and Klaus came up behind me.
"I don't know." I said, going into an incognito tab, opening up my email. "I got an anonymous tip. . . I think. I'm not actually sure."
In my email was an email with a link attached to it which I opened.
"Oh." Marcel said, causing Freya and Vincent to look up and then patter over. Kol joined us too. "Aw man, not that guy."
"Lovely." I said bitterly.
Tristan De Martel, almost as old as our family. I clicked play on the video and it showed him smiling.
"Hello Elijah. If you're seeing this, it means we have your precious. . . whore? I'm not entirely what a girl who sleeps with three men several hundred years older than her could be called. But it does make her perfect for a little experiment."
At the word 'experiment', Enzo's head shot up and he zoomed over. I had heard that both he and Damon had undergone experimentation for years.
"You see, Aurora-" At this name, Klaus clenched his fists "-has been wanting. . . oh well that's a bit of a secret." Tristan smiled, fixing his suit before continuing, "Anyways, I'm sure the experiment will go well and if not. . . well she was just a human after all. You'll all move on. But I think it will work and she will be a vampire medical miracle. I'll keep in touch."
The video turned off and there was a ding as another email from the same link came on.
"Ric?" I asked, my voice hard.
Ric looked up. "Is it possible to track someone through email links?"
"I can do that." Matt suggested. I forwarded the email link to Donavan's email before opening up the new attachment. This was a video file and I clicked play hesitantly.
Klaus hand shattered the bourbon bottle at the sight. Y/N was chained in a room, a very small, padded room, half-way unconscious and obviously going through transition.
The camera zoomed in closer so we could see both Tristan and Y/N's faces.
"Hello Miss Y/L/N." Tristan said, kneeling before her.
Y/N focused on his face and muttered, "Hello Tristan."
Tristan cocked his head to the side and said, "I don't believe that we've met before."
"Nope, but I've heard about the real asshole Elijah wannabe."
Tristan's face hardened. "Excuse me?"
"Only someone from Elijah's blood line would wear a suit but I must say-" Y/N cocked a grin at him despite her own pain, "- no one wears a suit like Elijah does."
I shouldn't have felt happy with her words, I was worried sick after all, but this was the Y/N I knew and plus- she was saying my name.
Tristan snorted, "How do you feel?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Like a witch suspended my transition period to be even longer than normal. Where's Damon?"
"Somewhere, undergoing experimentation." Tristan said in a monotone voice.
Enzo clenched the table.
"And you want. . . what?" Y/N asked, shaking her head a little.
"Well you see, there are certain experiments and surgeries that my sister wants to undergo, but you see, I would never let her do that unless I was certain that it wasn't harmful to her. So, by using test subjects, I can guarantee her safety."
Y/N snorted, "You aren't a doctor, are you?"
"No, but I have doctors and witches working under me."
"No surgery is guaranteed." Y/N said. "It could work on one person and then not work on another."
Tristan had doubt flicker in his eyes and then asked, "Are you a doctor?"
"I'm training." Y/N lied with a serious face.
"Oh brother, come on." Aurora's voice filtered through the video and her bright red hair was there.
Y/N flicked her eyes up and then back at Tristan.
"So, do we know if it worked?" Aurora asked, kneeling down as well, her bright red hair swept over her shoulder.
"Not yet." Tristan said. "We won't know for a couple of months."
Aurora sighed, turning her gaze on Y/N, "I don't see why Klaus likes you."
Y/N snorted, "Must be the qualities you don't have."
I bit my lip to keep from smiling but Klaus seemed worried. Aurora was a vindictive bitch, but it seemed they needed Y/N alive. . . for now.
"Maybe." Aurora said, "Do you know Klaus favorite colour?"
"Red." Y/N replied without hesitation.
"Yes. Do you know why?"
Y/N hesitated now.
"What colour is my hair Y/N?" Aurora asked, taking Y/N's face in hand, jerking it upwards.
Y/N took in the vivid red of Aurora's hair while Niklaus gripped the dining room table hard in one hand.
"You see, I was the first woman Nik ever loved. And if Elijah hadn't compelled me, Nik and I would probably be together right now. And once I undergo the operation, he might still take me back. Nik isn't known for staying loyal to his lovers. They either die, he kills them, or he leaves them. I wonder which one you'll be."
"Freya." Klaus voice was hard. "I need her found now."
"And now there's also Elijah, also an original brother, and though he is a bit more loyal. . . well do you even know what he's doing right now?"
"Probably ironing his three piece suit." Y/N replied sarcastically. "How would I know what he's doing right now?"
"You see, they hosted a party last night to watch your win and Hayley was there."
I groaned, covering my face with my hands.
"Hayley?" Y/N asked hesitantly.
"Yes, and when everyone got tired, they crashed at the Salvatore Boarding house. Elijah and Hayley. . . well they may have shared a bed. But they were past lovers so can you really blame them?"
"Elijah, you didn't. . ." Rebekah said.
I shook my head, "I didn't sleep last night period."
"He's telling the truth." Hayley said softly, looking regretful that it didn't happen.
"No." Y/N replied stubbornly. "Elijah doesn't cheat-"
"Even the perfect men have their flaws and Hayley. . . well I'm the prettiest of them all of course but Hayley is fair as well."
The doubt was flickering in Y/N's eyes and I wanted to rip Aurora out of the screen and demolish her.
"Sister." I said bitingly, "For your first turn, you could've chosen someone much classier."
"How was I to know she would turn out to be a vindictive bitch." Rebekah replied bitingly.
"And last but not least, Damon." Aurora said, smoothing Y/N's H/C hair back from her face. Y/N tried jerking away from her touch, hurt in her eyes, but she couldn't get away. "But I think you already know about him and Elena."
Yes, that one was very obvious. Sure, they hadn't been together, but it was obvious that Damon and Elena had had chemistry, and that there was still a love between them, even if they didn't act on it.
"You might be pretty. . . in your own way." Aurora said with a smirk. "And I certainly know a handsome guy who went through the surgery as well and would love to have you, but you aren't Elena or Katherina's doppelganger either."
"Why, did you just call me handsome Aurora?" A third voice floated through and Klaus slumped in his seat.
Lucien Castle walked into the room. "Well hello there gorgeous." He winked at Y/N who raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
"And who are you?"
"You mean Klaus has never talked about me? His first sire?"
"Oh." Y/N said. "Logan. No wait. . . Leo! No. . ."
"It's Lucien." Lucien said bitingly.
"Found her." Freya's exhausted voice broke through the tense silence as everyone in the room had been listening to the video.
Our heads whipped around to face her. "She's in the Caribbean's. I have an exact location."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Klaus growled, getting to his feet. "Let's go." 
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thekinkyleopard · 2 months
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Okay so this is a list of my headcanon/preferences, with links leading to each post. I give a basic summary of the headcanon/preference, then what fandom it belongs to, and who from said fandom is involved. Plus whether or not it was requested, just because.
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1.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang.
2.)They react to the phrase "Fuck me running." (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
3.) They react to you telling them you're allergic to bullshit. (X)
• Vikings (TV series 2013)
• Ragnar, Rollo, Harald, Halfdan, Ivar, Björn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Alfred.
4.) You ask if you can peg them. (X)
• Horror movies addition.
• Dr. Herbert West (Re-animator 1985), Dr. Daniel Schreber (Dark City 1998), Ash Williams (Evil Dead 1981), Stu Macher (Scream 1996), Bo Sinclair (Wax Museum 2005), Eric Draven (The Crow 1994), Otis Driftwood (House of a Thousand Corpses 2003), Djinn (Wishmaster 1997), Josh Lambert (Insidious 2010).
5.) How do they feel about you being more badass than them? (X)
• Assassins Creed (Video game series)
• Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Connor Kenway, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Bayek, Desmond Miles.
6.) They react to you telling them to bruise your esophagus. (X)
• American Gods (TV series 2017)
• Mad Sweeny, Shadow Moon, Mr. World, Technical Boy, Low-Key Lyesmith.
7.) They react to you telling them "I wanna choke on your dick until I pass out." PART ONE (X) PART TWO (X)
• Miscellaneous fandom's
8.) They develop a mommy kink, & along with a bit of a lactation kink, because of how busty you are. (X)
• It (Movie 2017)
• The Bowers gang
9.) You let them design your next tattoo. (X)
• The Lost Boys (Movie 1987)
• David, Marko, Paul, Dwayne.
UNLISTED : How would each of the bowers gang react if the other members walked in while they’re being pegged/fingered/eaten out. (X)
• It (Movies 2017)
• Bowers gang
10.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Type O Negative (Band)
• Peter Steele.
11.) Basic relationship headcanons. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2021) crossed with Stranger Things (TV series 2016)
• Vance Hopper.
12.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• Star Wars (Solo triplets)
• Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Matt Solo.
13.) How would magni and modi handle their child being named Thor’s successor? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
14.) What is the relationship between magni and modi’s children and their family? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi.
15.) Magni, Modi, and Baldurs children reacting to their parents death. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
16.) Freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldurs daughter) (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Freya.
17.) Will Kratos take you in after the death of your father Modi? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Kratos, Atreus, Mimir.
18.) How will they react when you die in place of them? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
19.) Romantic headcanons. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Baldur, Magni, Modi.
20.) How do they react to you having visions of dark things? (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Modi, Baldur.
21.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• God of War (Video game 2018)
• Magni, Modi, Baldur.
22.) They react to finding out you're pregnant with their child. (X)
• Actors.
• Tom Cruise, Antony Starr.
23.) The basics of their yandere obsession with you. (X)
• The Witcher (TV series 2019)
• Geralt.
24.) They react to you yelling "VIBE CHECK!" as you hit a victim with a baseball bat. (X)
• Slashers addition.
25.) How do they react when you ask them to lay on top of you for the first time in your relationship. (X)
• Slipknot (Band)
• Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson, Jim Root.
26.) Romantic headcanons (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
27.) He reacts to you being an absolute tech wiz. (X)
• Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (Video game 2017)
• Lucas Baker
28.) Being Rocky's little sister, and falling for Ivan Drago. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
29.) Platonic relationship with The Grabber. (X)
• The Black Phone (Movie 2022)
• Albert Shaw
30.) Syd is a dilf/gilf. (X)
• Cocaine Bear (Movie 2023)
• Syd White
31.) He's got a breeding kink. (X)
• Batman Forever (Movie 1995)
• Dick Grayson
32.) He loves his plus size sweetheart. (X)
• Rocky IV (Movie 1985)
• Ivan Drago
33.) Reactions to their partners nipples being pierced. (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
34.) What is Valentine's Day like with them? (X)
• Miscellaneous fandoms
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e3ocs · 1 month
E3OCS tag guide!
This guide functions by showing a picture of a group of characters, if they have a tag as a group there will be that, then, from left to right lists the tag and link to a small post with info about them!
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- General tag - #𓆩♡𓆪 -
- #cake - info -
- #soap - info -
- #freya - info -
- #bleach - info -
- #chocolate - info -
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- General tag - #♫ / #SATRN - info-
- #rei - info -
- #sou - info -
- #nao - info -
- #zell - info -
- #asura - info -
- #yuki - info -
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- general tag - #⚰ #the manor - info -
- #xie - info -
- #rin - info -
- #akiko - info -
- #silas - info -
- #cassius - info -
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- general tag - #✒ (only applies to first 3) -
- #sybil - info -
- #mark / #the painter - info -
- #ieshim / #the angel - info -
- general tag - #☂ (applies to last 3) -
- #max - info -
- #matt - info -
- #kaede - info -
Shipping tags (tags ill use for specifically ship art) (i dont mix their names its kinda like pkmn ship naming lolol)
- Cake x Soap - #bandaids -
- Freya x Soap - #Bad choices -
- Rei x Sou - #Secret Affection -
- Nao x Zell - #Lost identities -
- Nao x Mark - #Old obsessions -
- Asura x Yuki - #Sleepy rythm -
- Xie x Rin - #Maid of interest -
- Xie x Silas - #Watching from afar -
- Silas x Sybil - #Forest encounters -
- Mark x Ieshim - #New obsessions -
- Kaede x Matt - #Fatherly meetings -
- Sei x Ryo - #like or love
I tag art with #art, info with #info, sona stuff with #me, and asks with #ask.
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Alex’s Christmas Sleepover 2022!!!
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Okay, okay, sooooo
Last year I started this way too late and I also, like, completely failed and didn’t get any of my story requests done, so I greatly apologize for that 😅😅😅 BUT to @shadyrunawaykingdom, @corner-emo​, and @sevenmillionpsychos​, if you still want the same stories that you requested previously, I will write them this year and they will be the very first stories that I put out from this. If you want a new story instead, just let me know and I’ll do that instead. If you’d like to request another story along with your previous one, that’s perfectly fine, just know that your new story requests will go into whatever list I have going after your previous requests are done. If you need a reminder on what story you requested last year, let me know and I’ll tell you!! 
So, now, here’s how things will go. Below, I’ll have listed the characters that I’m currently comfortable writing for categorized by fandoms, as well as different symbols relating to christmas and whatnot. You get to choose if you want a moodboard or story (if you pick story, you automatically get a moodboard as well, please keep that in mind), as well as what character or characters you’d like in it. If you want a story, you get to choose what type of story (smut, angst, fluff, comfort, etc. as well as any combinations - any characters I list that are canonically younger than 18, I will be aging up unless you ask for a scenario that requires them to be younger, just no asking for there to be smut while the character isnt aged up to 18+) as well as if you’d like a shorter story (Around 500-1,500 words) or a longer story (Around 2,000+). You then get to also add in any of the christmas symbols that I list and voila. I shall create something for you 😌
I do ask that you go through this whole post in order to create your request. Also, if you want a specific version of a character (ie, Emo!Wanda Maximoff, Dark!Lizzie Saltzman, Season 3!Eddie Munson, etc., etc..), then please let me know!! You can just fill out the information below and let me fill in the blanks with whatever comes to my mind or you can give me a specific scenario along with the other things as well, it's entirely up to you!!
Duration: 12/08/22 - 01/31/23
[Polyamorous ships are allowed for both of the following]
📖 - Character(s) x Reader (Please specify platonic or romantic)
👩 - Female, Transfemale
👨‍🦱 - Male, Transmale
🏳️‍🌈 - Enby, Other (Please specify)
🚢 - Character(s) x Character(s) (Please specify platonic or romantic)
[Crossovers are allowed!!]
✪ - Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
⍟ - Steve Rogers/Captain America
⎊ - Tony Stark/Iron Man
⧗ - Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
४ - Loki Odinson
🕸️ - Peter Parker/Spiderman
➳ - Clint Barton/Hawkeye
ᱬ - Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
⩔ - Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America
🥂 - Pepper Potts
🔫 - Yelena
🏹 - Kate
🥥 - Bruce Banner/Hulk
🍄 - Jen Walters/She-Hulk
🪄 - Dr. Stephan Strange
🔨 - Thor Odinson
🐍 - Sylvie Laufeydottir
🦯 - Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Stranger Things:
🌼 - Robin Buckley
🐉 - Mike Wheeler
🤱 - Steve Harrington
📷 - Jonathan Byers
📒 - Nancy Wheeler
🍃 - Argyle
🍁 - Gareth Emerson
🧠 - Dustin Henderson
👮‍♂️ - Jim Hopper
🎸 - Eddie Munson
😇 - Joyce Byers
🏀 - Lucas Sinclair
👙 - Karen Wheeler
🦸‍♀️ - El/Jane Hopper
🎶 - Max Mayfield
💏 - Will Byers
📣 - Chrissy Cunningham
🇷🇺 - Dmitri Antonio
🥃 - Murray Bauman
😈 - Lucifer Morningstar
🥀 - Rory Morningstar
👑 - Chloe Decker
🚓 - Dan
🥽 - Ella
💼 - Charlette
🔪 - Mazikeen Smith
🍎 - Eve
🎓 - Linda Martin
📿 - Amenadiel
The Originals:
🐺 - Klaus Mikaelson
⚖️ - Elijah Mikaelson
🪞 - Rebekah Mikaelson
🧿 - Freya Mikaelson
🪬 - Vincent
🔮 - Davina Claire
🗝️ - Camille O'Connell
👠 - Hayley Marshall
🏏 - Kol Mikaelson
🎀 - Aurora
🧨 - Keelin
🧬 - Marcel
⛓️ - Penelope Park
🧳 - Josie Saltzman
🗡️ - Hope Mikaelson
🧭 - Cleo
🚨 - Ethan
🚀 - MG
🎠 - Lizzie Saltzman
🥊 - Jed
♟️ - Ben
🎩 - Landon Kirby
🎸 - Finch
🔥 - Kaleb
✍ - Story
📈 - Long
📉 - Short
😘 - Smut
🥰 - Fluff
🥺 - Comfort
😔 - Angst
💀 - Dark
🗡 - Mafia
😊 - Cute
😍 - Flirty
🌇 - City
🌄 - Country
🏖 - Vacation
💒 - Married/Wedding
💍 - Engaged
🐹 - Pets
😝 - Silly/Weird/Crack
😴 - Sleepy
🤒 - Sick
🥳 - Party
🤰 - Pregnancy
🛍 - Shopping
🍼 - Baby/Kids
⚔ - Era AU (Specify which, please, 1800s, 1860s, 1940s, 1980s, etc.)
🏍 - Bikers
👻 - Spooky
🦇 - Vampires
🎒 - K-12
🏫 - College
These were all the ones I could think of, but if you had others in mind, that's perfectly fine as well!
Remember, you can put together as much as you want as long as it makes sense!!!
🖼 - Moodboard
📸 - Number of Pictures
🌈 - Color(s) Theme
🧱 - Background Color
🚫 - No Background Color
Christmas Symbols:
🎄 - Decorated Christmas Tree
🌲 - Non-Decorated Tree
🎁 - Presents
🎅 - Santa Claus
🤶 - Mrs. Claus
🧑‍🎄 - Elves
🎶 - Caroling
🕯 - Christmas Lights
⭐ - Stars
❄ - Winter
☃️ - Snowman
🌿 - Mistletoe
🔥 - Fireplace
🍽 - Food
🍪 - Desserts
🦌 - Reindeer
🛷 - Sled
🧤 - Gloves
👒 - Hats
😌 - Blankets
👕 - Sweaters
🎂 - Holiday Desserts
☕️ - Hot Chocolate/Apple Cider
🌨 - White Christmas
⛸️ - Ice Skating
🧣 - Scarf
Again, if you can think of any others that you would like to use, I am perfectly fine with that!!
Guys, you can request as many stories as you want, just remember that these things all take time!!! Just let me know what your requesting in a reply, ask, reblog, dm, etc. Anything at all!! Just please let me know!! And if you have any questions, definitely feel free to ask me!!!
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little-miss-buffy · 2 years
top five fave characters of all your fandoms.
//Jeez this is tough
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1. Buffy
2. Spangel (Spike and Angel)
3. Three way tie between Willow, Giles, and Xander
4. Dawn
5. Glory
1. Angel
2. Wesley
3. Cordelia
4. Gunn
5. Tie between Fred and Lorne
1. Sebastian Sanger
2. Dick Grayson/Nightwing
3. Rachel Roth/Raven
4. Gar/Beast Boy
5. Kory Anders/Starfire
The Vampire Diaries
1. Dafan (Stefan and Damon)
2. Bonnie
3. Jeremy
4. Caroline
5. Elena
The Originals
1. Klaus
2. Elijah
3. Hope (red-headed Buffy)
4. Tie between Marcel and Hayley
5. Tie between Freya and Rebekah
The Defenders
1. Matt Murdock/Daredevil
2. Jessica Jones
3. Luke Cage
4. Danny Rand/The Iron Fist
5. Claire Temple
The Avengers
1. Thor
2. Tony Stark/Iron Man
3. Peter Parker/Spider-Man
4. Black Panther (T'Challa or Shuri)
5. Wanda Maximof/Scarlet Witch
Guardians of the Galaxy
1. Gamora
2. Peter Quill/Starlord
3. Groot
4. Rocket
5. Nebula
Star Wars
1. R2D2
2. Luke Skywalker
3. Lea Organa
4. Han Solo
5. C3PO
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
1. Anakin Skywalker
2. R2D2
3. Obi-Wan Kenobi
4. Mace Windu
5. Padme Amidala
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (yes, it's there)
1. Ben Solo
2. Rey
3. Finn
4. Nambi Gima ( @sonofmikaelael knows who that is)
5. C3PO
Jean Grey/Phoenix
Charles Xavier/Professor X
Erik Lensher/Magneto
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
David Nolan/"Prince Charming"
Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White
Killian Jones/Captain Hook
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thecrackshipdiaries · 1 month
Historical September
For each day of September I will be creating crackships from various medieval / historical / fantasy tv series and films. If you have any suggestions please message me and I will add it to this list.
You can pick anyone for this as long as they belong to one of the main themes. Updated: 16 / 09 / 2024
Matt Smith [Daemon Targaryen - House of Dragon] x Adelaide Kane [Mary, Queen of Scots - Reign]
Tom Hiddleston [Loki Laufeyson - MCU] x Olga Kurylenko [Etain - Centurion]
Luke Newton [Colin Bridgerton - Bridgerton] x Hailee Steinfeld [Emily Dickinson - Dickinson]
Ewan Mitchell [Aemond Targarygen - House of Dragon] x Caitlin Stasey [Kenna de Poitiers - Reign]
Sam Reid [Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire] and Paul Wesley [Ripper!Stefan Salvatore - The Vampire Dairies]
Daniel Gillies [Elijah Mikaelson - Viking/Medieval!TVD/TO] x Millie Brady [Aethelflaed - The Last Kingdom]
Regé-Jean Page [Simon Basset - Bridgerton] x Natalie Dormer [Anne Boleyn - Tudors]
Olivia Cooke [Alicent Hightower - House of Dragon] x Jodie Comer [Princess Elizabeth - The White Princess]
Anya Chalotra [Yennefer - The Witcher] x Katheryn Winnick [Lagertha - Vikings]
Freya Allan [Ciri - the Witcher] x Skander Keynes ]Edmund Pevensie - Narnia]
Elle Fanning [Aurora - Maleficent] x Julian Morris [Phillip - OUAT]
Adelaide Kane [Mary, Queen of Scots - Reign] x Nicola Coughlan [Penelope Bridgerton - Bridgerton]
Ruby Stokes [Francesca Bridgerton - Bridgerton) x Jessica Parker Kennedy [Max - Black Sails]
Caitlin Stasey [Kenna de Poitiers - Reign] x Alex Høgh Anderse [Ivar the Boneless - Vikings]
India Amarteifio [Queen Charlotte - Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story] x Aidan Turner [Ross Poldark - Poldark]
Jacob Anderson [Louis de pointe du lac - interview with the vampire] x kat graham [1920s!bonnie bennett - the vampire diaries]
Kristen Stewart [Snow White - Snow White and The Huntsman] x Mads Mikkelsen [Tristan - King Arthur]
Jonathan Rhys Meyers [King Henry VIII - Tudors] x Eleanor Tomlinson [Demelza Poldark - Poldark]
Luke Pasqualino [D'Artagnan - The Musketeers] x Emma D’Arcy [Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of the Dragon]
Cillian Murphy (as Tommy Shelby) and Nina Dobrev (in The Vampire Diaries as Katherine or Elena)
Claudia Jessie (Bridgerton) x Patrick Gibson (Shadow and Bone)
Johnny Flynn [mr. Knightley - Emma 2020] x Ruby Barker [Marina Thompson - Bridgerton]
Anya chalotra [ the witcher] and bridget regan [legend of the seeker]
Anna Popplewell [Reign] x Sujaya Dasgupta [Shadow and Bone]
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iloveyuiknow · 9 months
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CRACKSHIP gifs → Freya Allan & Matt Smith I think i have "a thing" for white haired characters 🤔 or just an old set i've made in january
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back . then tag others to do the same . please repost, don’t reblog !
{ out of dalmasca } I'm only going to do canon muses for this so it's not a crazy long list, haha. Below the cut for length.
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ
{ I'm including all canon muses that are currently open for threads, even if I haven't really been writing them due to a lack of activity for them. }
Luther Donovan (TV series Red Widow) Vincent (80s TV series Beauty and the Beast) Ardeth Bay (1999 movie The Mummy / 2001 movie The Mummy Returns) Wanda Maximoff (MCU) Pietro Maximoff (MCU) Red Vision / White Vision (MCU) Tony Stark (MCU) Natasha Romanoff (MCU) Stephen Strange (MCU) Clint Barton (MCU) Matt Addison / Nemesis (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Chad Kaplan (Resident Evil, Anderson films) Basch fon Ronsenburg (Final Fantasy XII) Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII) Judge Magister Noah Gabranth (Final Fantasy XII) Judge Magister Drace (Final Fantasy XII) Nuada Bethmoora (2008 movie Hellboy II: The Golden Army) Gizmo (1984 movie Gremlins / 1990 movie Gremlins 2: The New Batch) Raiden (Metal Gear Solid / Rising game franchise) Jared Nomak (2002 movie Blade II) Carl Lucas (2010 movie Death Race 2 / 2013 movie Death Race 3: Inferno) Archangel Michael (2010 movie Legion) Priest (2011 movie Priest) Priestess (2011 movie Priest) Eric (2012 movie Snow White and the Huntsman / 2016 movie The Huntsman: Winter's War) Freya (2016 movie The Huntsman: Winter's War) Marie Sebastian (2013 remake of movie Oldboy) Martha Reynolds (2011 movie Martha Marcy May Marlene) Ben Leonard (2012 movie Savages) Leeloo (1997 movie The Fifth Element) Wade (2015 movie The Night Crew)
ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʏᴇᴛ)
Archangel Gabriel (2007 movie Gabriel) - His actor died tragically at a very young age. I thought his performance was amazing and I wouldn't want to use any other FC, but at the same time, I just feel it's inappropriate to use images of him, out of respect for his family. I actually had an OC that I used him for and have since changed to another actor because I felt uncomfortable using his images going forward.
Alice Abernathy (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - As much as I adore her, I don't feel I understand her well enough nor could I get her "voice" down well enough to write her to my own standards.
Fran (Final Fantasy XII) - I'm not sure I could write her well enough, but also she's in a totally different circle of characters than all my other FFXII muses, so she'd feel a bit isolated and extraneous if I added her to that blog. Also, she's kindof joined at the hip to Balthier, whom I know I could never write properly in a million years, heh.
Eyal Lavine (TV show Current Affairs) - I've wanted to write him for years now, but with certain things going on in the news, writing an Israeli Mossad agent just isn't the best thing to do right now, I feel. I would constantly worry about offending people or being dragged into political conversations relevant to real world events that I really don't want to get into on my blogs.
Yuna (Final Fantasy X) - To bring her to this site would be an impossible amount of new added activity for me. The FFX fandom is a lot larger than FFXII and I'd be afraid of too much activity or even those with muses from other FF games wanting to write with her. I just can't add a popular character right now. if anything, I need to be downsizing, heh.
The town of Silent Hill (Silent Hill game franchise, 2006 movie Silent Hill, 2012 movie Silent Hill: Revelation) - It's just too complicated and would require too much startup time and effort for me to manage right now. But I am keeping it in mind for the future!
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ)
Ned Stark (ASoIaF book series / GoT TV show) - Ned only survived Season 1 (actually, technically, he didn't even survive that). So much happened in subsequent Seasons, and now we've got HotD too. I stopped reading after the third book and stopped watching after the third Season, so... I'm way behind on the world, the lore, the characters, the countries, the Houses, etc. I wouldn't feel that I'm coming from enough of a place of knowledge to write Ned, even though I really adore him and would love to. And someone like him, who was in positions of power, would have that knowledge, he'd know about the major and minor Houses and the politics and the history, etc., so it would affect my portrayal of him to not know all of that myself.
Ygritte (ASoIaF book series / GoT TV show) - Kindof the same problem as Ned, although Ygritte survived a bit longer... but also I'm just not sure how relevant she'd be to most characters other people in the fandom would write. As a wildling, she was somewhat isolated from much of the plot and other characters of the world. Also, I'm afraid of Jon Snows everywhere just wanting to ship with her, heh, since I really hated that ship, personally.
The White Queen (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - Her FC is a child, and as much as I liked the character, the way I developed her was to add an OC origin muse for her that used the same actress as an FC. After a certain point, I just felt like I was doing something wrong by using a child FC and didn't feel comfortable doing it anymore.
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ (ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜʏ)
Luther West (Resident Evil, Anderson films) - I liked Luther, he was pretty cool, and since I write a lot of other RE muses, he'd fit right in. The only reason I stopped writing him was because hardly anyone was interested in him, so it became too much to keep maintaining his blog if no one wanted to write with him.
The Creature (2004 mini-series Frankenstein) - I've always liked Adam, I read the original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and I've seen various movies and mini-series on the subject. I like this specific version because the actor who played him is a favorite of mine, but also it was fairly faithful to the book as well. The reason I stopped was because I felt I wasn't writing him up to my own standards, but I'd be willing to give it another try.
Tagged by: I stole it! ^_^ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! =)
0 notes
spoilertv · 4 months
0 notes
newstylebathrooms · 8 months
☑️ Bathroom Renovations Dublin 🛁
A Lovely Full Ensuite Renovation Completed in Dublin 7.
BLACK, New Black Shower, Freya Fully Shrouded Toilet, Sorento Flat Black Towel Rail 500 x 800mm, Sorento Black Angled Radiator,
500mm Perra Wall-Hung Vanity Unit Halifax Oak Perra 500mm Ceramic Basin, BELLA BLACK BASIN MIXER, We Fitted Metro Mirage Blue Rustic Ceramic Gloss Tile
15x7.5cm Vertically on the Walls and Artemis Stone Black Ivory Pattern Porcelain
Tile Matt 450x450 tiles on the floor and it's a Stunning Transformation By NEW STYLE BATHROOMS team 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
What we do: Top to Bottom Bathroom renovation. Plumbing, Electrical and Tiling Services with all types of tiles
Design - Supply - Fit out Specialists
Every job we do is finished to the highest standard. Our prices are very reasonable and competitive. There’s no too big or too small job for us.
We’re making sure our customers are 100 % satisfied from start to finish treating peoples homes as our own and only offering a high quality service
Get in touch with us today to get your free quote, advice and measurements with no obligation
📞 Phone 0870699873
Useful Links:
📧 eMail - [email protected]
🌐 Website - https://newstylebathrooms.ie
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NewStyleBathrooms
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/newstylebathrooms.ie/
#bathroomrefit #bathroomrenovation #bathroomremodel #bathroommakeover #Bathroomrenovationdublin #newbathrooms #tilersdublin
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inikyokai · 1 year
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♦Dress & Heels: *NEW* ilCocoli-Raven Set {Wearing Reborn} *For Saturday Sale* {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sensual%20Souls/80/170/24 ♦Hair: *NEW* Punklist-Zoula 2.0 {Genus & Evo X Hairbase Included} {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/PUNKLIST/72/134/2504 ♦Eyes: AG. Occult Eyes - Pack 4 {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hell%20Fire/183/190/23
♦Skin: VELOUR: FREYA FANTASY SKIN for EVO X (DRACULA) {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/88/118/42
♦Body Skin: VELOUR: The "Ipanema Halloween" for eBody Reborn (DRACULA) {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/88/118/42
♦Skin Add-On: VELOUR: HALF DEAD VEINS (EBODY REBORN) {Mainstore} https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/88/118/42
♦Lipgloss: DARK DOLLS - Fangs Matte Lipsticks - EVOX {Fangs Included} {Marketplace} https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DARK-DOLLS-Fangs-Matte-Lipsticks-EVOX/23314691 ♦Bloody Lip & Eyebags: Hexed - Hunger - Blood Lips&Eyebag BOM EVOX {Marketplace} https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Hexed-Hunger-Blood-LipsEyebag-BOM-EVOX-unisex/22314162
♦Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Final Rest {Marketplace} https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FOXCITY-Photo-Booth-Final-Rest/20283665
0 notes