19. Rei!
About Rei... i love drawing him being queer and stuff, i think that hes one of my most lovable characters, people tend to like him. I dont like how repetitive my drawings of him tend to get, to the point that ive been considering making him get with Sou soon. Im gonna try to wait till atleast july to do that tho. I also think he tends to be 50/50 abt being mean to his band members wich is annoying for consistancy but ig it makes sense.

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Oh my god just realised both of the ask games are by number what</3
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10. Ieshim! Ik he has a few arcs.. I think
Yeahh hes got three main arcs.
Micah/asteria I is the most normal I, before he got really angry. He was a pretty normal (very shy) dude till micah dumped him
Then he fell and started squatting azzys place, he really didnt like azzy cuz hit naievety reminded him of himself pre-falling.
Now he lives with mark, who is convinced he has I under his grasp. He dosent. I is just using him as free stuff and a game.
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1. Cassius!!
We had taljed abt making a host club guy so i was like yeahhh i need a host club guy, and having just made Silas i was like okok i want a pretty man vampire
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3. Micah!
Being so fr i dont rlly remember but it probably went like this
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12 - anyone! I don't think u have any playlists but.. like any specific songs??????
So i do have this playlist and ill just explain some of the things on there!!!!!!
Nunemakers is there for Mark, dont know how to explain but that makes sense.
Becoming was probably soap?
White knuckle was Rei..? Self explanitory
Yes to err is mightve been cass? I have no clue really, no clue for sober to death either, maybe soap.
Bad bad things is Nao and thats a strong one.
Literally no clue for cartoon network or destroy boys
Last is ASHURA CHAN! wich ofc it asura!!!!!
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Character Headcanon Ask Game
For canon characters, AUs, and OCs!

Have your followers send a character and a number, and you give them a headcanon to match! For anachronistic asks (for example, favorite tv show when the character lives in a fantasy setting), just try to imagine what the answer would be.
What is this character's...
🍽️ - All-time favorite food?
🥤 - All-time favorite drink?
🕛 - Favorite midnight snack?
🍺 - Thoughts on alcohol?
✏️ - Favorite creative endeavors?
🎮 - Hobbies?
🧑🏼🚀 - Dream job?
😨 - Biggest fears?
🤞🏼 - Biggest hopes?
🤫 - Biggest secret?
😉 - Lying ability?
👨👩👧👦 - Relationship with their family?
🛝 - Best childhood memory?
🫂 - Favorite way to show affection?
😍 - Thoughts on romance and/or sex?
😳 - Reaction to being flirted with?
💘 - Relationship status?
🌹 - Favorite thing to do on a date?
😴 - Sleeping habits?
🛏️ - Bedroom setup?
🛁 - Bathing habits?
🤕 - Reaction to being injured?
🤒 - Reaction to being sick?
😷 - Reaction to being put into quarantine/ lockdown?
🪦 - Thoughts on death?
🎁 - Favorite gift ever?
🥸 - Favorite costume ever?
🕺🏼 - Thoughts on dancing?
🎵 - Favorite genre of music?
🎶 - Three favorite songs ever?
📺 - Favorite TV show?
🎞️ - Favorite movie?
🔪 - Thoughts on scary movies?
🍿 - Favorite movie snacks?
📖 - Favorite book?
🐁 - Favorite small animal?
🐘 - Favorite large animal?
🐈 - Favorite pet?
🐜 - Thoughts on bugs and spiders?
🚢 - Dream vacation?
💼 - Must-have items when packing for a trip?
🚗 - Driving skills?
⛺ - Thoughts on camping?
❄️ - Favorite season?
🎄- Favorite holiday?
💸 - Financial situation?
🏃♂️ - Athletic abilities?
🏀 - Favorite sports to watch or participate in?
😢 - Biggest emotional triggers?
😡 - Biggest pet-peeves?
👩🏼🎓 - Level of education?
🙈 - Visual skills?
🙉 - Listening skills?
🙊 - Speaking skills?
🧮 - Math skills?
👔 - Style?
👑 - Self-image?
🔨 - Handy skills?
🪜 - Thoughts on heights?
🧸 - Most prized possession?
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Character asks!
These are more focused on the background stuff rather than the usual "what would the character do in XY situation" kinds of asks. I've been looking for something like this for quite a while and in the end decided to make my own. Feel free to use, go wild, enjoy
What was the original thought that led to the creation of this character?
How long was the process before the character reached its final version? (or a version that would be clearly recognizable as the character?)
What was the first thing you decided on, the character's name, appearance, personality or their role in the story?
And reverse, which one of the four things did you struggle with the most?
How did you choose their name and why? Was it simply based on vibes or is there any specific meaning behind the name? Are the reasons behind their name different in- and out of universe?
What was the thought process behind their appearance? Did you go mostly for the aesthetic or are there other reasons they look the way they do?
What is an aspect of their appearance that you like the most?
What is the origin of their personality? And let's be honest - how much of it is projecting?
How big is their role in the story? Do they make a frequent appearance or are they a character with little "screentime" but big influence? Or are they just a favourite background guy?
What is their main character arc in the story? Where do they start and how do they develop? Do they get a happy ending or is their story a tragic one?
Is there any existing character from other media that your character resembles? Was the resemblance intentional or was it a coincidence?
Do you have a playlist for the character? What songs do you associate with them and why?
Do you have a voice claim for the character? What do you imagine the character sounds like?
Do you have any quotes tied to the character, either from the story itself or from another source that fit them?
Have you ever made a moodboard for them?
Is there any memes or running jokes associated with the character, both in- and out of universe?
Are there any motifs or symbols associated with the character? How are they represented, in their design, personality or in some other way?
Does the character have other characters connected to them? Do you have a family tree and "offscreen" connections made up for them or do they exist in a vacuum purely for the purpose of the story?
What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
Bonus question: share any additional thoughts, art, favourite scenes, anything you've been waiting for a chance to ramble about
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Character Headcanon Ask Game
For canon characters, AUs, and OCs!

Have your followers send a character and a number, and you give them a headcanon to match! For anachronistic asks (for example, favorite tv show when the character lives in a fantasy setting), just try to imagine what the answer would be.
What is this character's...
🍽️ - All-time favorite food?
🥤 - All-time favorite drink?
🕛 - Favorite midnight snack?
🍺 - Thoughts on alcohol?
✏️ - Favorite creative endeavors?
🎮 - Hobbies?
🧑🏼🚀 - Dream job?
😨 - Biggest fears?
🤞🏼 - Biggest hopes?
🤫 - Biggest secret?
😉 - Lying ability?
👨👩👧👦 - Relationship with their family?
🛝 - Best childhood memory?
🫂 - Favorite way to show affection?
😍 - Thoughts on romance and/or sex?
😳 - Reaction to being flirted with?
💘 - Relationship status?
🌹 - Favorite thing to do on a date?
😴 - Sleeping habits?
🛏️ - Bedroom setup?
🛁 - Bathing habits?
🤕 - Reaction to being injured?
🤒 - Reaction to being sick?
😷 - Reaction to being put into quarantine/ lockdown?
🪦 - Thoughts on death?
🎁 - Favorite gift ever?
🥸 - Favorite costume ever?
🕺🏼 - Thoughts on dancing?
🎵 - Favorite genre of music?
🎶 - Three favorite songs ever?
📺 - Favorite TV show?
🎞️ - Favorite movie?
🔪 - Thoughts on scary movies?
🍿 - Favorite movie snacks?
📖 - Favorite book?
🐁 - Favorite small animal?
🐘 - Favorite large animal?
🐈 - Favorite pet?
🐜 - Thoughts on bugs and spiders?
🚢 - Dream vacation?
💼 - Must-have items when packing for a trip?
🚗 - Driving skills?
⛺ - Thoughts on camping?
❄️ - Favorite season?
🎄- Favorite holiday?
💸 - Financial situation?
🏃♂️ - Athletic abilities?
🏀 - Favorite sports to watch or participate in?
😢 - Biggest emotional triggers?
😡 - Biggest pet-peeves?
👩🏼🎓 - Level of education?
🙈 - Visual skills?
🙉 - Listening skills?
🙊 - Speaking skills?
🧮 - Math skills?
👔 - Style?
👑 - Self-image?
🔨 - Handy skills?
🪜 - Thoughts on heights?
🧸 - Most prized possession?
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🌸My Super Long Hopefully Fun Character Ask Game:
What is your character's favorite physical trait they possess?
What would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
Does your character have a favorite material they like to wear?
What are your character's opinion on scars?
How much interest does your character take in trends?
Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Does your character have a physical trait that they're known for?
What does your character smell like?
If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
What is something your character would refuse to wear?
Is there a style your character is afraid they can’t pull off?
Would your character wear something someone else picked out for them?
Is your character's appearance more telling or deceiving?
What are your character's thoughts on wearing costumes?
Does your character have a favorite outfit?
If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
What gift would your character give to someone they didn't like but felt obligated to?
What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back?
Would your character ever try to haggle?
What is something your character is proud to own?
Does your character ever spend more than they have?
What would it take for your character to give up an item they really like?
Does your character prefer to give or receive gifts?
Is there a type of object your character doesn’t like?
What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
Does your character personify objects?
What does your character most enjoy shopping for?
Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Would your character prefer something bought or made personally?
Is your character willing to ask for things?
What is most important to your character when shopping?
🍽️Food and Drink
What flavor would your character say their personality is?
Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
Is there a food or drink your character is unwilling to try?
How big is your character's appetite?
Does your character consider eating fun?
Would your character eat or drink something they didn't like to appease someone?
Is there food that has made your character sick?
What is your character's favorite food group?
Does your character like to try new foods?
What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Is your character food motivated?
Which mealtime is your character's favorite?
How much does your character care about wasting food?
Does your character prefer restaurant food or home cooked food?
What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Is there a food texture your character doesn't like?
What kind of drinks does your character prefer?
🌤️Weather and Nature
What would your character do if they were suddenly caught in the rain?
Has your character had a meaningful encounter with an animal?
What season would your character say they're most similar to?
Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
Has your character ever had an animal phase?
Would your character enjoy sky gazing?
Does your character have a good sense of direction?
What type of environment does your character like best?
Is your character good with animals?
How would your character react to snow?
What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
Could your character survive in the wilderness on their own for a week or more?
What element best represents your character?
Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Is there a creature that scares your character?
What celestial body would interest your character the most?
Is your character good with plants?
How willing would your character be to nap outside?
What animal would your character say best represents them?
🤝Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Is your character upfront about their feelings?
Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
How willing would your character be to go to a party with people they don't know?
Who is your character most honest with?
How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship?
Where is your character's comfort place?
Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Does your character have people they think would worry about them if they got injured?
How would your character react to being put in a position of leadership?
Would your character be good at providing medical assistance?
Who would your character say knows them best?
Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Who would your character most want to sign their cast if they got one?
How well does your character work with others?
What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Does your character enjoy celebrating holidays?
What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
💓Mind, Body and Soul
What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Are there particular sounds your character is fond of?
Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Does your character believe in myths and fairy tales?
What words could tear your character down?
How well does your character act under pressure?
Is your character good at practicing self-care?
What scents does your character find comforting?
Does your character have any allergies?
Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
Does your character have strong willpower?
Is your character more likely to give advice or seek it?
How does your character relax?
Is there a secret thing your character longs to hear?
Does your character have a sleep routine?
Would your character feel confident in a fight?
Is your character more energized in the morning, afternoon or at night?
How often does your character have nightmares?
Are there scents your character dislikes?
Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
If your character had to act in a play what role would they think they’d best perform?
Does your character have a high pain tolerance?
🎲 Hobbies and Activities
What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Does your character have a secret hobby?
What is a talent your character wishes they had?
Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Does your character work better with creative or technical endeavors?
What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Is your character more outdoorsy or indoorsy?
What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about?
Is there a skill your character doesn’t know they’re bad at?
Does your character have any injury stories?
What kind of music does your character enjoy?
Has your character ever made something for themselves or someone else?
What is your character’s opinion on cheating in games?
How good is your character at following through on projects?
What’s an activity that reminds your character of someone else?
Does your character prefer music or silence?
What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
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[1] Sibyl :3:3

When you first meet her, sybil miggghhtt come off as a bit too straight forward, but she's really just empathetic and analytical. Sje's very friendly and has to be because of work, but she likes to help people.
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[5] cake!

Cake is a reaalllly bad secret keeper unless its something serious, she will just blab out small things without thinking, but if its a real secret secret she's keeping it with her entire being
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OC questions
60 questions that can be made into an OC ask game, or you can just fill everything out yourself to get to know your character a little better :)
[1] What first impression do they typically make? Are they likeable from the get go, or take time to grow on people?
[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
[3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
[4] How physically and emotionally affectionate they are?
[5] Are they good at keeping secrets?
[6] How direct are they in conversations, do they speak in hints and riddles or bluntly say what they think?
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?
[8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?
[9] What is their love language?
[10] How quickly do they fall for someone?
[11] What are small things that make them happy?
[12] How high is their self-esteem?
[13] What kind of sense of humor do they have, if any?
[14] What does it take to make them laugh, and what does their laugh sound like?
[15] How do they act around people they don't like?
[16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves?
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe?
[18] Do they ever have to hide their identity and for what reason?
[19] If they could change one thing about their past, what would they change?
[20] When they’re sad or upset, do they need company or some time alone?
[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit and take care of them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
[22] Do they have nightmares, and if yes, when did they start and what are they usually about?
[23] What was the worst, the darkest period of their life that they have been through?
[24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement?
[25] Do they have fears and phobias, and if they do, do they usually keep it to themselves or talk about it openly?
[26] Do they have any physical or mental ilness, how do they handle it and how open they are about it?
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?
[28] What is something that they will never be able to forgive?
[29] How do they deal with loss, stress and anger?
[30] What are their most healthy and most unhealthy coping mechanisms?
[31] How hard it is for them to own up to their mistakes and wrongdoings?
[32] Is there something they've done in the past that they deeply regret till this day?
[33] What are one of their fondest and most treasured memories?
[34] Do they have vices they don't want others to know about?
[35] Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?
[36] Do they own items that have sentimental value?
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
[38] What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?
[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?
[40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?
[41] What’s their usual morning routine?
[42] What is their idea of a perfect friendly hangout and/or romantic date?
[43] Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?
[44] On a party, where would you find them?
[45] For an event, would they dress like they typically do, or go all out?
[46] Would they rather dress to look attractive or to feel comfortable, and what would they never wear?
[47] Do they drink alcohol, and if they do, how much and how often?
[48] Are they, or were they at some point in their life, a part of any subculture?
[49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?
[50] What are they really good and really bad at?
[51] How good are they with money?
[52] Do they speak any other languages aside from their own?
[53] Do they like to sing and how confident they are with their singing?
[54] Do they like giving gifts, and how good are they at picking good gifts?
[55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
[56] How would they react to hearing a dirty joke?
[57] What was the most stupid or dangerous thing they have ever done?
[58] In the situation where they had to choose, would they rather stay loyal to their morals or to people they love?
[59] What would they want to be remembered for?
[60] If they were to commit a crime, what kind of crime would it most likely be?
some of these question were written myself, some are the courtesy of my friend, and some were brought from my questionnaires in my old fandom. if you use them, please reblog or link back to this post
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24- how do the two interact w/ eachother in public vs private- rei + sou :3
I have drawn these guys being cute so many times i do not have the brainpower for that rn so sorry. In public rei is his usual angry self, moreso towards sou than most people, private though hes very gentle towards him depending on the situation.
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Errrmm i dont think that there really is anyone with SUPER similar music taste? I think of anyone, yuki would like the kinda J-punk typa stuff, and Zell, maybe rei, would listen to the like, emo stuff? Most of my ocs i feel like do mot listen to music or listen to classical or smth despite how many musician ocs i have!!!
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1. How did they meet- I know the thing says two characters but all of SATRN??? If u wanna do just two of the characters go ahead lol
Im excited abt this one!!!!!!
Heres a younger, less familiar to one another, version of SATRN!!!!
Asura and yuki were friends in childhood, but drifted apart (yuki's best friend, soaps brother, was kinda a dick to asura lol, they were little kids yk). They reconnected over social media during college!!
Nao met Zell when he was constistantly going to physiotherapy, zell volenteered at the clinic that he went to, and was pointed in nao's direction through hints to do so via a certain fortune telling aqquiantance. Nao met Sou through Zell and grew an interest in music.
Nao and asura knew eachother in college and hung out occasionally, the five (Yuki, Asura, Sou, Nao, Zell.), ended up pretty close.
Sou and Rei live in the same apartment, and during the "what if we started a band" phase, originally suggested by Yuki, Sou saw Rei with a guitar case over his shoulder and pushed his way into his life, because a guitarist was the only thing they were missing.
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Unless im wrong this is the best person one!!
I think Freya and Yuki are probably two of the best people, Yuki being heartworking and selfless, Freya being just very kind. Maybe its because theyre siblings! Despite not having the best upbringing, and freya being so commonly around soaps older brother when they were kids, they both (well, only yuki really) became really awesome people.
I think if i take this more on purity, you could say nao or max!!!
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