angeltannis · 6 months
I love you “unlikeable” female characters I love you rude girls I love you mean women I love you girl interpretations of the “Asshole with a Heart of Gold” trope I love you women who get labeled Cold and Unfeeling I love you girls who lash out I love you women who lie I love you female characters who make people mad just by existing
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blueyeswhtedragn · 5 months
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Rat Chain mail Coin Purse designed by Paul Frey for the famous Lacloche Freres jewelers. Made of brass and a small ruby.
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supermodernizar · 9 months
Save me Brazilian catholic guilt
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laurellerual · 6 months
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Our Blades Are Sharp
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lady-arryn · 1 month
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Introducing more of the Great Houses of Westeros
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON SEASON 2 APPRECIATION WEEK day 4 — favorite moment or plotline
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bbygirl-aemond · 3 months
i was not very impressed by jace's negotiation skills in his scene with cregan but he made up for it with the freys in how he postures against them- he reminds them of the fact that vermax is right at their door as a threat, drains his cup specifically to force lady frey into the deferential position of refilling it for him, and physically stands in order to loom above them as he closes out. the boy is learningggg
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scarareg · 2 months
HOTD idea of feminism is:
Do everything your father says and wishes you to do
If a man forced you into marriage, raped you, and then ignored you and your children, you have to be grateful and kind to him, praise him after his death and fullfil every wish he ever had, even if it at the expense of your or your family's well-being. If you don't do this, you are the worst kind of human being
Be ok with your husband cheating on you
Black female characters are interchangeable
If you grandpa offers you a position of power, you should reject it and simply be a man's wife
Delete or minimize the screentime for female characters who make a pedophile look like a bad person
A woman should not mourn her children. Moreover, she should help the man who ordered the killing of her children
Any lesbian/bisexual women who is not a white Targaryen princess should not have much screen time or even exist in the story
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myladysapphire · 2 months
Love, the death of duty
duty part two
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married near six years, you learn that duty is truly the death of love, and yet when Robbs brother, jon, returns to winterfell, you find that perhpas you where wrong, perhaps love is the death of duty.
You can find the requests here and here
word count: 3,838
CW: MDI, 18+, Smut, cheating, p in v, fingering, oral (f reciving), slight breeding kink (if you squint), not beta read!
Jon Snow x Frey!reader/ Robb Stark x Frey!reader
Masterlist | Part one
dividers by @zaldritzosrose
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Jon snow had been at the wall for near ten years before he returned home. Ten years, six as lord commander before he was betrayed by his own men. And though he had gone to the wall of his own volition, a choice he made to better himself, to find a place in the world, he knew it was time to return to Winterfell. His brother Rob had written him begging him and asking for his homecoming, and even declaring as King he could commanded him home, and now he was finally listening.
He didn’t know what to expect, if he would be welcomed or scorned.
But one thing he did not expect was you.
He knew his brother had married, had had children, but never did he expect you to be his wife.
Someone of such beauty and kindness, and with such a profound view of duty it made his heart ache.
He had expected you to be harsh, almost too similar to the lady Catelyn. But instead, you had shown him nothing but kindness.
“Jon Snow?” you asked, approaching his as he brought his horse into the stable.
“My lady” he greeted, head bowing in recognition.
“It’s an honour to finally meet you” she spoke, a soft smile on her lips. And Jon had been struck instantly by you, you smile had stirred something in him that he had never felt before. And the way you had gone out of your way to greet him, even walking him to his rooms, rooms you had picked and had made ready for him.
You had made him feel welcomed in a way no one had before at Winterfell. Of course, his half siblings had always welcomed him, but he never found a home here, until you made sure he did.
“How far along are you” he asked, as you walked him to his chambers.
“Near eight moons now.”
“And it is your third?”
You flinched, had his eyes never left yours, stuck on you at every moment, he was sure he would have missed it.
“No, my second” you spoke that part with happiness, the second however was a tone he had hear many times, the tone of a lady fulfilling her duty, “Robbs third”.
He had never thought Robb would father a bastard, he knew of Jons woes and how hard his life had been, and yet he had actively gone about it. He felt nothing but anger at the fact and even more at the clear pain in your eyes. It was clear from the start what your marriage was, there was no love or respect, simply wedding vows long broken.
He shook his head in disappointment, “I am sorry, my lady, I did not know” he hesitated for a moment, as the doors to his chambers opened. They were different from his youth, where he now slept in the same halls as his half siblings and not in the servants quarters as he once had, “Robb only spoke of a wife and two children, I never thought-“
“Do not worry, Jon…I am not offended” you shook your head, turning to face him, “it is something I must bear…not you”.
“I am sorry, my lady” he bowed his head, as he entered his room.
“I hope it is to your liking, I…Sansa told me a few things that you liked in her visit a few moons ago, and Arya helped find the things you had left from before”.
“It is perfect, my lady…truly it is more than enough”.
You smiled, insisting he call you by your name, “let me know of anything you may need” you said turning to leave.
And Jon remained struck by you and your kindness, not many would make a bastard feel so welcome, especially one scorned as you had been.
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They say that duty is the death of love, and that love is the death of duty.
You believed you were the very meaning of this statement.
Your marriage was a one of duty, such duty that love had died before it could even blossom, and where Robb had neglected his own duty to you, in favour of love, causing duty to die for him, and love to blossom. But not with you, never with you.
You had known that every day of your marriage.
Even more so the day she had died.
He had spent every moment of her labours beside her, a vast contrast to yours.
Holding her hand and crying tears of joy and then of grief.
And you realised you were only a duty, a duty he happily forgot of.
And yet for a year you had chosen to ignore it, only for more hurt to be caused.
And in the  five moons since that day, the day where he chooses the ghost of a dead woman over his wife, you realised there would never be love where there was duty.
Though you painted the image of the dutiful wife, happy and content to be a wife, mother and lady, you still craved love.
Desired it.
Even if it was not with your husband.
There was nothing, not even respect to be found with him.
Not when know you lost all hope of ever having a marriage of love. It seemed to be the burden of woman. Where men can fuck and love as many women as they desire, woman are more often than not left with the duty of marriage.
You and Robb were strangers now, you had moved away from your old chambers, though still in the great keep, your rooms were now closer to Jon’s quarters than his.
Your mind was stuck on him, though he seemed shy and guarded, you couldn’t stop of thinking of him. Assessing every detail of him, taking in every word he spoke, every action he did.
Of the ways his eyes followed you, how he seemed to hang on every word you said.
In all honestly, she sought him out more often than not, they even developed a routine. Spending their lunches together and always at beside each other at dinner.
And though you both had your duties, he had been given as hand of the king, and yet despite his ever-building duties, you both saw each other much more often than what was appropriate.
He made time for you where Robb neglected you.
He cared for you where Robb scorned you.
And as time passed, you found Cregan more in the presence of Jon than his own father, found yourself looking for Jon wherever you went you slowly realised that you loved Jon in a way you had only dreamt about loving Robb.
He was always there, either by your side or in your thoughts.
Whereas your husband was never there either in presence or thought, even less in the lives of his children.
He had no quells when Talissa mother came from the summer isles and took Minisa away, eland you had even less. A part of you wished you had cared more, having taken care of her for the past two years and yet you only felt slight relief when she left, though you would never admit it.
Even as you remember the conversation you and her had had years before.
“do you hate me?” you remember her asking, as she bounced baby Minisa in her arms, and you Cradled Cregan in yours.
“why do you think that?” you sighed, having only been civil, out of fear of facing a side of your husband you did not think existed.
“why shouldn’t i?”
“you are the reason I will never find love in my marriage, I resent you for it but I suppose you resent me for marrying Robb, for being his duty”
“I am more jealous, I am simple a mistress, the mother of his bastard, you are the wife the mother of his heir. You have everything-“
“no I don’t” you spoke softly, “I do not have love, respect or happiness in my marriage, I do not have a husband that wants me” you placed Cregan softly in his crib. “I do not hate you, but I will not be your friend…I can’t not when you have stolen the one thing I wanted…love”
“I didn’t mean too”
“I know, and that’s why I don’t hate you…Robb is the one at fault here, not us…and yet I must face the burden of his mistakes, I must act for duty where he can act for love…if I hate anyone it is him”
She nodded in understanding.
You stood in silence, watching your babes as they fell to sleep, neither of you saying a word.
As most of your time was spent with her.
“would you keep them apart?” she spoke after moments.
“they are siblings, half or not…I would not keep them apart if they did not want to be”
“good” she smiled.
And yet that had changed.
The day she died, the bed fever taking her and yet she had asked for you as she suffered in pain.
“do not hate her” she breathed, “I do not ask you to love her…but please don’t hate her” “I won’t” you swallowed, a feeling of sadness washing over you.
“my mother- my mother will come for her…please don’t let her” she breathed heavily, “I want her with Robb…please” she coughed, her eyes drooping.
Robb barged back in the room, stopping the conversation. And moons later you could do little to respect her final words as her mother took Minisa, little as Robb command her gone, and even less as a weight began to lift of your shoulder.
You hated it, how easy it was to forgo a dying woman’s final words, but you had forced her mother to write to Robb and allow Minisa to write to Creagan. You would let them know there sibling even if they were an ocean apart.
Your marriage was a farce and the birth of your second child was all the proof you needed to show that.
A moon since Jon return and yet you had grown more closer to him in a moon than you had with your husband in six years.
Where Robb had left both times you went into labour, taking days to visit, Jon had held your hand through it all, and had been the first after you and the midwife to hold the babe.
If anyone saw you both, the way he was with you every day and night, sleeping in your rooms, albeit on a coat, it  would have been easy to assume he was your husband, especially with the way his gaze never left yours, his hand holding yours through your pains and never letting go, even after.
“What will you name him?” he asked, after you had finally been left alone, the babe cradled in his arm.
“Eddard, mayhaps” you started, though there was hesitation at the name, “I know Robb wanted to name…to name Minisa that is she were a boy”.
“So not Eddard” Jon spoke, handing the babe to you, he crouched to your side, “mayhaps Edric or Benjen?” he suggested, Benjen you assumed after his uncle.
You hummed, “Edric is a good name” tasting the name on your tongue, “Cregan and Edric”
“So, Edric Stark?” he spoke, tone soft as he gazed up at you.
With the birth of your second, you deemed your Marriage officially over, you had given him and heir and a spare and even then, his sister Sansa had married Willis Tyrell and birthed her own sons, and Rickon had begun to court an Erena Glover. You were sure Robb would find no shortage of heirs and so was he. And he was more than content to let you be, ignoring your presence at any time bar feasts and officially Gatherings, or on occasion the few times he and you were in the same room with your children.
You and Jon however, your friendship had blossomed into so much more.
With lingering stares and casual touches, you felt your heart blossom in his presence.
no longer did you feel the chains of duty, no longer did the word duty fill your mind and taunt your nights.
Now the word love did.
Jon had been here six moons now and you were thoroughly and completely in love with him.
Your mind was always on him, you time spent with him or your children. Even Cregan and Edric spent more time with him than Robb.
Robb seemed to care little for the family, stuck in his own misery, misery he made himself and every effort to get out of it was half arsed and only done as a distraction with no true meaning to it.
But Love, you finally knew what it was, you felt it when Jon looked at you and when you looked at him and yet neither of you said it.
Neither of you were prepared to cross the line.
You were still married by law and in the eyes of the gods, and yet there was no marriage. Nothing of your marriage followed the meaning of the word.
Your heart belonged to Jon, you just needed to tell him.
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A year into Jons homecoming and your fleeting romance though nothing ever was said or acted upon.
But now you stood under the weirwood tree, your heart bared to Jon.
“Jon” you whispered, his head in your lap, your hand running through his curls.
“yes?” he hummed, focusing his gaze away from the book he had been reading.
“I…I love you” you final spoke, after moons of feeling it, of the sheer desire for him and want to bare yourself to him. And yet you had waited, for what you did not know, but today, in this moment it felt perfect.
He smiled, a pure smile of joy at your words, as he quickly moved of your lap “I love you” he spoke in return, his face moving inches away from yours, your breaths becoming one for a moment before your lips where on his.
You had never kissed anyone before, even after all these years of marriage, only a small peck on your wedding day.
But this, a slow passionate kiss, pouring every ounce of your emotions, your love into it was so different than a small dutiful peck.
Your lips followed his movements, moving with his, as he pulled you into his lap. Your hands moving to his hair as you continued to kiss.
A low moan left you, only to be swallowed by Jon as he began to kiss you harder, more passionately.
“Jon” you whimpered, separating your lips from his.
His face chasing yours as you moved away.
“what is it?” he hummed, his hands caressing your sides.
“anyone could see us…” though the thrill of being caught was not lost on you, you were still a married woman, and your children’s legitimacy would be put into question if you were caught.
He hummed, “come with me” he spoke, moving you off his lap before standing a reaching for your hand.
You had thought you had explored the gods woods in its entirety, found every nook and cranny and yet it seemed a youth spent running the woods had allowed Jon to find a spot only years spent getting lost in the woods would allow you to find.
It was a small cave, covered in leaves and blocked off by trees and endless bushes.
A small whole a the top allowed the summer sun to shine through, lighting up the small space and to reveal a moss covered floor.
“we could go back to your rooms…or mine” he spoke, hesitantly, unsure if you would approve of his small little space. It was clear that he had been here a good few time, like this was his space away from everyone, and the basket sat in the corner was a clear indicator of it. With a blanket, a book and an old bottle of wine.
you turned to face him, “its fine…we can save a bed for another time” you said, before leaning up and pressing your lips to his once more, in a heated, sloppy kiss.
He slowly backed you into the wall as he kissed you back, his hands gripping your waist as he began to play the laces on the side of your dress.
You gently pushed him off you, sending him a teasing smile as you started to undress in front of him.
You had never been fully naked in front of anyone, not even Robb, something always stayed on, a barrier from truly being intimate.
And as Jon joined you, undressing himself and allowing you both to stand bare before the other, you had never felt more intimate. Never felt that a moment was more right.
With you sat upon the blanket, Jon moved towards you, caressing your face and leaning his body over yours.
Your eyes locked in a heated gaze as your lips modelled together in a heated, passionate kiss.
His body grinding against yours as his hands moved to cup your breasts.
“your beautiful” he spoke, placing soft kisses on your lips, before moving down your body towards your breasts and placing soft kisses around your nipple, before taking your breast in to his mouth, licking and sucking as he did.
You moaned as he alternated between your breasts, Your gripped his hair, tugging softly at each flick of his tongue.
“your perfect” he spoke once more, letting go of your breast, “I love you” he whispered before moving down your body and licked at your folds, causing you to whimper and moan even more.
Your hands found there way to his hair once more. And they always seemed to, you loved his hair, his curls, even more so now as the peeped out between your thigsh as he lapped at your cunt.
“Jon” you moaned, as you felt a pleasure your own fingers nor Robb had ever given you before, it was overwhelming, the sensation filling your senses as he continued to lick at your clit, and slowly brought his fingers to your entrance.
Groaning as his fingers entered your, he relished in the tightness of your cunt.
He continued to lap at your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you, licking at your heat as if he was a man starved and you were his last meal.
You felt your peak fast approaching, your hands gripping and tugging his hair harder, your legs wrapping around his head in away you were sure would choke him.
“JON!” you screamed as your peak finally hit your cunt clenching tightly around his fingers as you came.
You swallowed roughly as he moved up your body, taking your mouth with his in a possessive kiss, the taste of you evident on your tongue.
His hard cock was positioned between your thighs.
“can i?” he breathed against your lips.
“yes.” You breathed, and he finally entered you.
He slowly rocked his hips into yours, allowing you time to adjust to his cock.
After so long, with only your fingers, the feeling of a cock, of Jon was more than enough to send you over the edge as he became to thrust in and out of you, hi space moving picking up, as your legs wrapped around his waist.
He groaned into your neck, as your cunt tightened around him.
Your peak fast approaching.
“I’m going to cum” he moaned into you, as your cunt fluttered around his cock.
“gods” you moaned, your arms pulling hi closer to you, urging him to finish inside of you.
“where?” he breathed, his pace moving faster and faster as he chased his pleasure, as you came down from your own.
“Inside!” you moaned.
He looked at you unsure, but as your legs pushed in closer to you, your hands arms pulling you in as you urged him to cum, he let go and his seed filled you.
And a part of you hoped it took root.
Days blurred together as your affair blossomed.
You woke up and fell asleep in his arms every night. Every meal was shared. And you treated Jon like a husband, and you were treated as a wife.
Words of love and acts of affection was shared and no ounce of you regretted your actions.
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The word circled his mind when he looked at you and Jon.
 Robb Stark, with all his faults and flaws, would be the first to admit he had ruined all chances of being a good husband the day he feel in love with Talisa, and now, when he had given himself into the desires of wanting you for a wife, of the comforts that came with it, he had gone and ruined it, worse than he ever could of imagined he would.
He was not cruel or cunning and yet too you he was.
To you he was a neglectful man, and absent father and a terrible husband.
He would be the first to admit that part was true.
But he was a good king, that had to account for something?
But now you had found love as he once had, but with his own brother and no part of him wanted to stop it, though he craved the idea of him in Jons place, as he was sure a part of Jon craved his own place.
He watched you both, how your eyes danced with one another in silent conversation only you both understood, how your hand was always touching him or his was always touching you.
That he thought he could live with, he himself a cheating husband. First a mistress now whores in brothels.
A wife having and affair with his brother was fine, as long as they were happy.                                                                      
Even after he had caught them in bed, or as she told him of the babe in her belly.
But then he started to watch you both carefully, how you interacted together in public and in private, of the makeshift marriage you had made, and of how Jon had become what he had failed at.
And he realised just how bad of a father he had become.
“father!” Cregan shouted in greeting, but not at him, at Jon.
He hadn’t even seen him, and had ran straight for Jon, who had swept him up in his arms and placed a kiss to his cheek.
It wasn’t his first time calling Jon father, and Robb was sure it wouldn’t be the last, not as you walked over, Edric in your arms, only for him to say “papa” at the sight of Jon.
He swallowed harshly, storming out of the room before they could see or hear him.
And he suffered the harsh reality that you once had, but this time, it was deserved.
@now-i-have-a-new-obsession @apollonshootafar @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @dark-night-sky-99 @zillahvathek @leavesmealobe @winter-soldier-101 @bunbunbl0gs @ka1afbr @tesha-i-guess @aemondwhoresworld @littlebirdgot @eddieslut69 @beebeechaos @chimmysoftpaws @arieltwvdtohamflash @moodyblueberrytree @aaliyah @delaynew @12thatsanumber @haydee5010 @valiendokk @jennifer0305 @rosedurin @berightback1409 @barnes70stark @perla434 @nessjo @helo1281917 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @random-human02 @f1wh0recom @arieltwvdtohamflash @pet1t3
to be added to taglist
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ellen-berent · 1 month
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House of the Dragon Season 2 Appreciation Week
Day 2 — Costumes
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tweedfrog · 3 months
People: "omgg Catelyn was such an evil bitch if she was so hurt at Ned she should have taken it out on him instead of Jon who did nothing wrong!"
Westerosi noble husbands who have full legal and social control of their household (including their wife) if their wife ever attempts to "take something out on them":
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ariavar · 2 months
Honestly, one of my favorite things about GRRM's writing in asoiaf is how it turns the reader's bloodthirstiness against them.
Take Theon in ACOK, you are cheering in his final chapter because finally! Just desserts for that arrogant foolish bastard!
You read how the Bolton's have him captured in ASOS and say "Heh, good riddance".
And then... you read Reek chapters and with growing horror, you realize who is the person narrating. And suddenly, this need for payback, for him to face justice, doesn't feel that righteous anymore. No person should go through this.
The same goes for Cersei, her blaze of cruelty and scheming catches up to her when the sparrows imprison her. FINALLY, justice! and... you can only stare in horror and disgust at the walk of atonement scene. There is no vindication to be found here.
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supermodernizar · 8 months
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Saint Malthus | Our Lady of Sorrows
Hilda Furacão (1998)
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1800-lemon-boy · 27 days
Friendly reminder that Apollo had canonically hit on Magnus’ dad (Frey) but got cockblocked by jack 💀
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ladyadaine · 3 months
Y'all, where is Alysanne "Black Aly" Blackwood, who slew Ser Amos Bracken with a weirwood arrow during the battle of the Burning Mill and commanded three hundred archers of the riverlands? Where is the Lady Sabitha Frey, "who would sooner ride than dance, wore mail instead of silk, and was fond of killing men and kissing women"? The two shared a tent during the campaign but I doubt we'll see that
We saw the Lady Jeyne Arryn, but got no mention to the fact that she was rumored to prefer women. Where is Jeyne's dear companion Jessamyn Redfort and didn't one the few female rulers in westerosi history say her iconic line "In this world of men, we women must band together"?
They're erasing our sapphics and I won't stand for it
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andrcmache · 8 months
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Not even a priest who proudly claims to love humanity, who lives for humanity. Do you doubt me?
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frey-draws · 8 months
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reposting a succubun frey for valentine's day 💜
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