#freshwater marauders
pansyfilia · 2 months
welcome to my blog!!
you can call me pansy or rina (she/her)
fandom list
greek mythology/epic the musical (save me penelope save me)
the marauders
dungeon meshi my beloveds
tma (currently on s2 so NO SPOILERS
i have like one thg post so yk... it was for an au who am i kidding
my ao3 is @green_starss, where i have a few odypen fics brewing
and ive got a bit of an organising system which is pretty ridiculous soooo
"the little white maggot tag" is just generally rosier twins/ pandora/ evan, whatever really
"the wild hyena at the door tag" is all things barty crouch jr, gay twink and mcr enjoyer
"the scarlet fox tag" is the woman, the MILF, the legend lily evans (she ate btw)
"the magician's rabbit tag" is mary macdonald <333333
"my weaver wife" is PENELOPE OF SPARTA yes i do know she is ody's wife and i would never dream of taking her from him (im stealing her from him respectfully as we speak)
"the green mamba that bites" is dorcas meadowes (we love a mean queen)
"the black cat that haunts" is regulus black, wet dog man and also brother's best friend survivor
"the lovegood moths tag" is essentially the lovegood family, pandora, xeno and luna
"the island and his freshwater pearl" is just odypen, pretty much the only straight pairing on here
" the two rabid beasts" is bartylily (essentially emo/preppy at core)
"the rotting hyena tag" is rosekiller (tee hee)
"the bunny corpse" is my marydora stuff
"pansy's aus" is what it says on the can
"ask pansy anything" basic comprehension skills yall
"pansy rambles" essentially the same vein, see above, etc
I think???? i have an au list somewhere in here so ill put it on here as well
odyssey thg au, where ody and polites go into a war-torn arena and only one returns home (alr a wip)
odyssey modern au, where ody is enlisted in the war and needs to get OUT. dio actually pops in and checks in on him from time to time and calypso is just a super weird flight attendant
odyssey lotr au, following the whole arawen/odypen parallels that have me gripped atm (and also penelopes half divine side as well because the POTENTIAL aghh) jsyk legolas and gimli are perimedes and elpenor :))))))
idk why but like odyssey roleswap au, where eury and ody stay at home while their wives are away on pilgrimage or wtv the equiv is in ancient greece and circe and calypso r just super hot evil minor gods. OMG WAIT tiresias is the same but its his cursed-by-hera woman form (long story, will explain in a later post)
iliad/odyssey college au where theyre all just here and there and also everyone who dies either gets sent away or yk runs away from the shitty ass ilium university (helen is the art major queen and calypso stalks ody which we love/hate)
THE ILIAD/ODYSSEY RENAISSANCE COURT AU which isnt realy plot,,, its just fluff and fake dating and secret dating and also lady thetis who hates her sons prince consort patroclus and theres rlly just a lot of love and drama
[self-indulgent one comin in hot] single parent ody with calypso's kids nausithous and nausinous who has penelope as his kids' babysitter (not canon timeline-complicit bc who needs that shitfaced angst blast)
and ofc a hogwarts au just for funzies
just tag me on either ao3 or on here if u use these!
anyways,,, have fun! pls enjoy my half-asleep crazes
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mvnvgedmischief · 4 years
all i see is dark blue: uh this is angst i felt like writing i dunno?
1.7k words about how sirius is terrible at coping and remus is terrible at coping in the last month of their final term at hogwarts
grey. lately that was the only word that could describe sirius black. he was pale, the pallor in his skin taking root, with no intentions of leaving. the vibrancy in his silver eyes had all but evaporated, leaving a dull, lifeless grey in its wake. the usual flush of his cheeks that came with their drunken nights in the common room had been exchanged for mussed hair and deep bags under his eyes. this war was taking a toll on him and he hadn’t even graduated yet. it was terrifying. he was freshly of age, watching the vultures in his family sink their claws into his younger brother, and he was too powerless to do anything about it. the long, sleepless nights spent worrying over regulus were clearly tearing down so much of the foundation the marauders had worked to rebuild since that day sirius turned up at the potter’s home. remus was watching him shrink back from everything, ever since that first letter from andromeda. it was torturous. this was their final term of their final year in school, and sirius was shrinking away from all of the joy they were cultivating for what seemed like the final time. 
remus missed his padfoot more than words could describe. it was unwelcome, and unexpected. the weight of his missing presence felt thick and acrid, oppressive and sour, like the smell of cigarette smoke behind the servo in gwynedd. he wondered if some day he’d be able to tale sirius out to gwynedd, to show his boyfriend the water that called to him, that rested in his bones in a way that the moon never would. the ocean, that cried out to him, with warm and welcoming arms. the ocean was a siren, pulling him to the cliffs and the gentle reflection of the stars below him, whispering a sweet, sad song of beauty and melancholy. sirius felt called to the water in a different way, called to the water of the river thames, begging him to close the distance between the bridges he walked over every day, and the gilded surface of the muddied freshwater. the water, that reflected the beauty of the skyline of london, that begged his brokenness to fracture the perfect reflection. sirius was lonely. he was grey and the river grew louder every day. remus was tenderness. he was sunshine with it’s warm white light, trying to brighten sirius’s overcast and coerce him from his permanent rainy day. remus was trying to sing that same siren song that called him to the cliffs to call sirius back from the ledge of the bridge over the river thames, or that ledge over the astronomy tower and the black lake.
sirius could feel himself losing touch with reality, with his vibrancy and color. he tried, at first, to play it off. he had been red with his deceit, all hot anger and fierce loyalty to his friends, picking on snape harder than usual and snapping when people asked what was wrong. he had tried to keep himself together with his anger, but it didn’t work. red did not bind things together, it was too often a force for tearing things apart, and sirius was no exception. the righteous heat of his anger had snuffed out his relationships, it had driven a wedge between himself and the quiet, peaceful serenity of remus’s pale yellowness. just as quickly as the red had spread over him, it had disappeared, taking all of his feelings, his catastrophic, rainbow brite feelings, with it. it the wake of red was only grey apathy, grey indignation, grey indifference, and grey dissociation. occasionally he had a burst of phantom yellow, a ghost of the love he used to posses. in those rare, beautiful pale yellow moments he reminded james he loved him like a brother, he kissed remus just a bit harder and a bit longer than usual, he gave pete the answers to the homework and a cheat sheet on how to remember. when the week of pale yellow ended, it ended with the ghost of blue, all blue tears, blue grief, blue misery. that blue faded, and the grey returned, calling him to the astronomy toward. he needed the reprieve of blue, and when it ended he was glad it all had stopped, that the grey was beckoning him instead of the blue or yellow or red.
it was grey, behind his eyelids. even when his eyes rolled back and his body gave out, all he saw was grey. sirius had withdrawn so far from life, succumbed so deeply to the grey indifference of it all, that he didn’t notice it. he didn’t notice that remus was turning grey too, his skin taking on a pallor that’s rivaled sirius’s, his eyes losing their vibrancy. but then, in a moment of pure fear, the grey disappears, just for a moment. For that moment, when the ground us rising to meet sirius and his mind has gone black and fuzzy, remus is so afraid. his body shakes with the fear, the stress, the bleakness and desperation of needing sirius, of relying on him, and not knowing what’s wrong. he hears the song of the cliffs in their far off, distant tone. they’re begging him to run, telling him to escape, telling him that this isn’t working. that he needs the freedom of the salt in his hair and the crash of the ocean in his ears. but he can’t bring sirius to his home on the cliffs and in the sea. not now, when sirius is going from grey to black, and the bleakness of that thought is too much. not when remus’s once sunshine yellow and ocean deep blue and eager green and gentle lilac have all merged and he is just as grey as sirius. no longer does he miss the peace of the cliffs and the waves crashing over the rocks below, he misses the peace of the nights laying awake with sirius, or the safety of the two of them laying together after the moon, limbs intertwined. he misses the sound of his laughter ringing out across the dorm, and the way sirius’s smile crashed over him like the waves, and made his chest ache and his body tremble. 
sirius’s storm grey eyes flutter open in the white white white hospital wing and he feels like his body is not his own. his chest feels tight and his hands clench, and everything is suddenly dark blue like the denim he dyed in the prefects bathroom with remus last term. 
“breathe, pads.” 
that voice is warm as sunshine and if he could make a home in a sound he would because remus’s voice wraps around him like a duvet and keeps him safe. it’s like magic that has always kept him together even when he was on the brink of falling apart, it sets his body alight. and suddenly he remembers how to use his lungs again and the vice grip around his chest is looser. 
“alright, sirius?”
he’s quick to nod, even if his mind is screaming not true not true not true because the deep indigo of his soul is something he could fucking drown in. it’s chaos gilded over like the river thames and it calls to him just as the river does, begging him to just lose control the way he had for the last month. 
“i– ‘m sorry.” 
sirius chokes out, and if remus could build a home in a sound he would and he would build his foundation so deep in the ground, all heavy cement and sturdy architecture, so he would never have to hear sirius crying again. it would be like atlantis, a lost city and a lost sound to them, and sirius would never need to cry. but remus can’t build a home in a sound and he can’t keep sirius from crying no matter how much it makes his chest ache when he does because he loves sirius too much to keep him from crying, when he had so much to grieve and so much to cry for. remus tuts that same way his mom does when she finds him sitting on the cliffs in gwynedd, with a lavender peace and a rosy endearment. 
“you need to start taking care of yourself, cariad.”
this is not a conversation sirius wants to have. not right now, while his mind feels like it’s bluer and darker than the indigo dye that stained his hands or the ink in the inkwells he carries to class. he doesn’t know how to divide his thoughts from those that are dyed blue, unsafe to speak aloud for fear of hurting people– for giving someone a weakness to exploit. there’s a war on, for fucks sake. they’ll be graduates in a month’s time. he can’t be doing this right now. but then madam pomfrey is before him, droning on and on about all the ways he’s failing, all the ways he’s gotten smaller and frailer since that letter from andie. when she’s finally done speaking, he casts a look to his boyfriend, who’s face is so full of hope and care and love. sirius wasn’t paying attention, and remus knows it. but luckily for him, remus always listens to poppy, so he doesn’t have to.
“can we go? i need a kip before class, and i’d rather fuck off and die than sleep in a bed this shite.”
“yeah, love. we can go. you don’t have to go to class if it’s too much.”
“i don’t– i don’t want to be alone.”
“I can skiv off to stay with you?” 
“only if you want to, love.”
“i wouldn’t mind.” 
sure, everything is dark blue. but dark blue is the color of the ocean in gwynedd that remus always talks about, it’s the color of the dye he used for his jeans, and the paint he used on remus’s jacket. it’s the color of remus’s favorite sweater and the ink he writes his love letters on. dark blue is deep and scary and attractive, but it’s okay, because he has remus’s yellow-white sunshine to beam down upon him, to make him reflect beauty and grace and peace like the river thames reflects the islington skyline. and maybe, just maybe, they’d be okay, even if he was dark blue. maybe they’d figure it out. 
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Smallies On The Wolf River (Smallmouth Bass Fishing) Frank and his nephew, Dan head north to the famous Wolf River, in Fremont, WI, which is known for the White Bass run in the spring and in the fall. This was ... source
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cybermoonmoon · 3 years
“...The Earth Abides”
(We may be in the aftermath of a vast world pandemic. Most of the world will recover,...this time. This is a story I wrote several years ago where things turned out somewhat differently.)
Once upon a time,...
I was on a chat where the problem of how to get by if you woke up as the only likely person still on the planet. Well there may be others, but widely separated. Say out of the current 7 Billions of folks you wake up on an earth with 200,000 thousand. About what we were after the last Ice Age. This scattered all over the globe.
Well first things first.
Where do they keep the antibiotics in drug stores? Also how do I get fresh water for the rest of my life. This is the sort of stuff a person would be working on. This assuming that Zombies or crazed bikers gangs don’t also survive close by, and show up to ruin your day.
Water would be easy at first as the water system will run for some time. At least till the pumps, and power lasts. If you’re in a region with hydroelectric you’re good for a few years. Most other places only a few weeks to a month.
However before this happens you’ll need to map out the water tables in your area. Wherever you finally settle down know the location of freshwater streams, and such.
One must learn to think long term,…very long term.
Your life depends on it. This is why so-called primitive folks tend to do this. End of the quarter thinking in this environment will be very fatal. So very long term planning if one wants to go on.
However,… Profound mourning, grievous loss would be a big part of your empty world. At least at first. If one learns to live with this lonely reality the practicalities will assert itself.
A safe place to live.
Did the wildlife come through the event. If so you’ll need to learn to hunt some. Eventually protection from them. Canned or dried food is only good for at most five years. You’ll have to be a farmer/hunter. If you’re an urbanite you’ll have to learn these skills. This can be done with experience, and reading. Life in the city will be too dangerous in a year or less.
Find a cabin.
Good drainage a field of fire,…just in case. Tools seeds a root cellar all the preindustrial basics will have to be done. If you’ve had a basic education, and paid attention you’ll know what books you need for this.
I think a very young person of the 21st century may not make it past two or three years. They wouldn’t even know what questions to ask. They’ll die of infection or food poisoning. Perhaps even a predator attack.
I’d say the best survivor would be in their mid 20’s to their early 50’s. Before or after that it gets seriously dicey. So food water shelter
Btw the commercial seeds will start to go bad certainly within six to ten years. This is why a medium plot farm will be your savior. You’ll need to harvest not just the crops, but their seeds, and have a surplus of a year perhaps two of dried veggies or fruit. This will be hard work. Seriously hard work, but can be done. You’ll do it because you’ll know your life depends on it.
Prepare for storms or other natural disasters that could wipe your homestead out.
Again take care where you decide to settle. You’ll learn that a flood plain is called that for a reason. Be near a stream not a river. Those flood. Fish will be a major calorie source. Paint draw sing dance this will keep you both sane, and physically healthy.
Me I would do one man portrayals of the classics, as well as commercials,…this especially from the 1950’s. This would amuse, and center one’s sanity. Remember you are alone in this world. Except for your cats, and hunting dogs.
Our survivor might go exploring from time to time.
Maybe going to towns for new tools or perhaps items to amuse. She or he may have a classic Land Rover they keep tuned up for this. A Rover is what I’d have. A good four wheel drive all terrain ride. This could last for some years. After the gasoline no longer clicks. A Rover can use other mixtures…so I’ve read.
Although one would have to know where you were, and how to get back to your homestead if you broke down. Remember there is ‘no one else’. Only 'you’ can save you. How long one lives will be the same as with our ancestors…dumb luck, and your hard work. If the survivor was say 26 at the time of the Event they again with “luck’ could live into their 50’s certainly,…that is if they wanted to.
A possible reason to go on would be company.
12 years into your farming hunting performing artistic life perhaps a change. A hunter gatherer group might pass through the area. This unlike the marauders in the films, and books, would be a pleasant encounter.
It took all those years to stumble on your homestead because they may have started thousands of miles away.
You’ll trade laugh fuck, and they’ll move on.
Though now they know you’re there, and they come back a few times a year as their journeys take them through the region. In time others might show up.
Same thing,…Laugh perform some plays for them trade fuck, and they move on. One day if your a guy some of these bands come back with your daughters, and sons to visit.
I can see a solstice meeting of clans developing every several years as your children, and grandchildren return to your homestead for the festival. If this were me I can see myself taking my extended distant families around the farm in my aged Land Rover. The little ones amazed having never seen a car actually running.
So humanity at least in the first post Event generations lives in peace. In the future villages towns one day city states.
Though this time we might get it right.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Ancient crocodiles' family tree reveals unexpected twists and turns
Ancient crocodiles' family tree reveals unexpected twists and turns
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Scientists probing a prehistoric crocodile group’s shadowy past have discovered a timeless truth — pore over anyone’s family tree long enough, and something surprising will emerge.
Despite 300 years of research, and a recent renaissance in the study of their biological make-up, the mysterious, marauding teleosauroids have remained enduringly elusive.
Scientific understanding of this distant cousin of present day long snouted gharials has been hampered by a poor grasp of their evolutionary journey — until now.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh have identified one previously unknown species of teleosauroid and seven of its close relatives — part of a group that dominated Jurassic coastlines 190 to 120 million years ago.
Their analysis offers tantalising glimpses of how teleosauroids adapted to the momentous changes that occurred during the Jurassic period, as the earth’s seas experienced many changes in temperature.
“Our study just scratches the surface of teleosauroid evolution,” says study lead Dr Michela M. Johnson, of the University’s School of GeoSciences. “But the findings are remarkable, raising interesting questions about their behaviour and adaptability.
“These creatures represented some of the most successful prehistoric crocodylomorphs during the Jurassic period and there is so much more to learn about them.”
The study reveals that not all teleosauroids were engaged in cut and thrust lifestyles, snapping at other reptiles and fish from the seas and swamps near the coast.
Instead, they were a complex, diverse group that were able to exploit different habitats and seek out a variety of food sources. Their physical make-up is also more diverse than was previously understood, the scientists say.
Previous research had provided insights into the origins and evolution of this fossilised croc’s whale-like relatives metriorhynchids, but less was known about teleosauroids.
To address this, the expert team of palaeontologists examined more than 500 fossils from more than 25 institutions around the world.
Cutting edge computer software enabled the team to glean swathes of revealing data regarding their anatomical similarities and differences, by examining the entire skeleton, teeth and bony armor, which indicated whether species were closely related or not.
This information enabled the team to create an up-to-date family tree of the teleosauroids group from which emerged two new large groups, whose anatomy, abundance, habitat, geography and feeding styles differ from one another significantly.
The first group, teleosaurids, were more flexible in terms of their habitat and feeding. The second group known as machimosaurids — which included the fearsome turtle crushers, Lemmysuchus and Machimosaurus — were more abundant and widespread.
Names given by the team to seven newly described fossils, found in both teleosaurids and machimosaurids, reflect a curious range of anatomical features — among them Proexochokefalos, meaning ‘large head with big tuberosities’ and Plagiophthalmosuchus, the ‘side-eyed crocodile’.
There are even hints of their diverse behavioural characteristics and unique locations — Charitomenosuchus, meaning ‘graceful crocodile’ and Andrianavoay, the ‘noble crocodile’ from Madagascar.
Researchers have named the newly discovered species, Indosinosuchus kalasinensis, after the Kalasin Province in Thailand, where the fossil — now housed in Maha Sarakham University — was found.
The recognition of I. kalasinensis shows that at least two species were living in similar freshwater habitats during the Late Jurassic — an impressive feat as teleosauroids, with the exception of Machimosaurus, were becoming rare during this time.
Dr Steve Brusatte, Reader in Vertebrate Palaentology, at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, said: “The same way family trees of our own ancestors and cousins tell us about our history, this huge new family tree of teleosauroids clarifies their evolution. They were some of the most diverse and important animals in the Jurassic oceans, and would have been familiar sights along the coastlines for tens of millions of years.”
The study, published in the scientific journal PeerJ, was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada, SYNTHESYS Project and Leverhulme Trust Research. The Palaeontological Association and Paleontological Society provided travel grants.
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usfwspacific · 7 years
Dracula of the Deep, Part I: Meet the Flathead Catfish, The Pacific Northwest’s “Freshwater Freight Train”
By Dan Magneson/USFWS Fishery Biologist
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Photo: Their legendary size and strength make them the stuff of lore, much like Dracula but the fantastical flathead catfish is very real. Photo credit: in-fisherman.com
They are the aquatic version of Count Dracula, quietly resting in the same dark, hidden location by day and then prowling for living prey by night.  And like a vampire, they are legendary for both their great physical strength and ability to achieve a ripe old age.  These “freshwater freight trains” require use of fishing tackle usually seen in saltwater situations, and can live up to 30 years of age.
The flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, is known by other nicknames, most notably yellow catfish or mud catfish.  And owing to a broad, flattened head (that seemingly comprises half their slender bodies), shovelhead or shoehead catfish are yet other common nicknames.  They are fascinating in a way that is inversely-proportional to their looks.
According to Dakota Sioux legend, a tribe of catfish plotted to ambush and eat a moose as he waded into a lake.  The attack ultimately failed, and the moose was so angered that he retaliated and trampled all the catfish’s heads flat.  To this day, the catfish have flat heads as a result of the war the moose waged upon their grandfathers.
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Photo: The author Dan Magneson with an enormous flathead catfish
Formally described to science by Rafinesque in 1818, Pylodictis is Greek for “mud fish” and olivaris is Latin for “olive-colored.”  Flatheads are the only species in their genus, and appear unchanged from the middle Miocene epoch 15 million years ago.  They have a protruding lower jaw and in all but the very largest specimens, there is a pale whitish or cream-colored tip on the upper lobe of their tails.
The flathead is native to the Gulf of Mexico drainages, from the Mobile River basin over to the vast Mississippi River basin thence to the Rio Grande and from there well south into eastern Mexico.
Thus the flathead catfish is not native to waters west of the Continental Divide, but they have been introduced to both the Colorado and Snake Rivers.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, just exactly how the flathead catfish came to inhabit the Snake River and some of its tributaries is something of a mystery, but it has been suspected that earlier shipments of blue catfish subsequently planted into the Snake River may have mistakenly included flathead catfish.
The lower Snake River in general may be populated with at least some flathead catfish, but the Oxbow Reservoir contains good flathead fishing, and Brownlee Reservoir is commonly regarded as being great.  But the Pacific Northwest’s absolute premier flathead fishery is regarded by many as being more in the middle stretch of the Snake River itself, from Brownlee Reservoir upstream to the town of Nyssa, Oregon, along with possibly those adjacent lower reaches of the larger tributary streams such as the Powder, Burnt, Weiser, Payette, Malheur, Owyhee and Boise Rivers.
As an apex predator, flathead catfish are the schoolyard bullies within the waters they inhabit.  Live fish are their favorite prey, with smaller catfishes and sunfishes seeming to turn up in their bellies at especially frequent rates.  And unlike other catfish species which readily scavenge, the predatory flathead prefers to consume its meal while it’s still kicking and screaming.
Depending on the latitude, spawning begins in late spring or early summer as the water begins warming into the mid-70’s.  A cavity is chosen in a hollow log, a hole in a riverbank, within riprap or sometimes even inside submerged cars and metal drums, and after depositing her eggs, the female is then driven away and the male very aggressively guards the nest, fanning the egg mass with his fins and, upon hatching, continuing his watch over the dense school of fry as they absorb their yolk sacs over the course of the next few days, after which they begin dispersing to lead independent lives.
Young flatheads up to 4 inches long are found among sandy, cobble-strewn riffle areas, consuming aquatic insect larvae.   From about 4 to 12 inches in length, they are more generally dispersed throughout the stream environment, with crayfish and fish becoming an increasingly-important part of the diet. From about 12 to 16 inches, the fish are associated with cover at intermediate depths.  
By the time they surpass 16 inches in length, flatheads feed almost entirely upon other fishes and are very strongly associated with extensive cover such as logjams, downed trees, rootwads and jumbles of  boulders found in deep pools with a slow to moderate current over a firm substrate.  
The flathead is also something of a lone wolf:  a single clump of cover will often yield only one, or at best just a few large individuals; the only exception is during the frigid water temperatures of winter, when dozens of these large individuals may congregate and overwinter among sheltered bottoms of deep pools.
And the word “large” really does apply:  they rank among our biggest freshwater fish of any species, and are hot on the heels of the blue catfish as being our largest species of catfish, with a current rod-and-reel flathead record of 123 lbs. But unlike the somewhat-larger blue catfish, a decidedly “big water” fish of major rivers and huge reservoirs, the flathead can also be found in smaller streams, and so for many anglers represent a more readily-available trophy fish that is closer to their doorsteps than the less-accessible blue catfish.
Flatheads are a challenging quarry due not only to their sheer size and strength, but also because as a top predator, there are generally not many of them inhabiting a given location.  Add to that their proclivity for live prey, strong homing instincts and chiefly nocturnal activity, and those elite anglers who can consistently land trophy-sized flatheads belong to a very select and skilled fraternity.  
Some folks feel that flatheads have a regular “milk run” of favored feeding routes and strategize their fishing in a manner much like a hunter plotting an ambush upon a wily trophy muley buck or bull elk. The long intervals between bites can stretch from hours to nights, but to a flathead fanatic, patience finally pays off when setting the hook on what first seems to be a log, only to be quickly followed by an adrenaline rush and pounding heart when the “log” suddenly comes to life, turns, and bulldozes away through the depths, rod bent to within a whisper of the breaking point and line tearing off the reel.  
With a giant flathead, a successful battle is often fought to nearly a draw, with both fish and angler vanquished when the fish is finally beached.  Few freshwater fish can rival a gigantic flathead when it comes to leaving the muscles in both arms, both legs and back strained and aching as you grunt and sweat to finally land them, and to a dedicated flathead angler this experience is simply euphoric.
The “Achilles heel” for this species is the vulnerability of the male while guarding the nest.  In a technique known as “noodling,” the male is wrestled by hand onto the adjacent shore, which in turn dooms the eggs he had been guarding. Set lines are yet another method that can have an outsized impact on trophy flatheads.
Using circle-style hooks and encouraging catch-and-release can help to conserve populations of trophy flatheads.  As a further incentive not to kill and consume large flatheads, this long-lived and fish-eating species can accumulate contaminants in its flesh at greater levels than shorter-lived fish that feed lower in the food chain.
Seeing a flathead’s broad head and massive mouth emerging from the water and into the beam of a flashlight has a profound effect on the angler:   their appearance seems to be not of this earth, like some alien creature straight out of a science fiction flick.   But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because those in the know realize that one of the coolest and most fascinating fishes in North America is at the end of their fishing line.
Sitting around a midnight campfire and gazing at the lazy swirls of murky current while pondering these mysterious creatures lurking somewhere below, and imagining instead oneself as the aquatic quarry of their nocturnal hunts, then the specter of a marauding predator cloaked by darkness represents a true living nightmare.
It’s an ancient anxiety conjured up from somewhere deep within – both primitive and palpable, of an apparition suddenly looming out of the blackness and devouring oneself – that makes the firelight and the flickering faces of family and friends all the more comforting in the wee hours of the night.
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stumbleimg · 5 years
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Loch Maree, Wester Ross, Scotland. Around the 11th Century, Vikings hauled their longships from the Sea on Loch Ewe up the River Ewe to Loch Maree, a freshwater inland Loch, where they docked safely from enemy marauders. (4031x1723) [oc]
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thatsnakeman · 5 years
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Loch Maree, Wester Ross, Scotland. Around the 11th Century, Vikings hauled their longships from the Sea on Loch Ewe up the River Ewe to Loch Maree, a freshwater inland Loch, where they docked safely from enemy marauders. (4031x1723) [oc] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/3db7qLE
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funface2 · 5 years
The Funny Fish Are In For Those With Great Patience – CapeNews.net
One of my favorite topics when I was teaching high school English was the use of “semantic ambiguity” in poetry—and, yes, I realize the kids in my classes most likely weren’t as interested in the subject!
In any case, the best example I used concerned the words “and the skies are not cloudy all day,” a phrase you might be familiar with from the song, “Home On The Range.”
According to how you read them, they can either mean “the skies were clear with no clouds all day” or “the skies were cloudy, but not all day long.”
So before you think I have lost my mind completely by starting out a fishing column with a poetry and semantics lesson, let me try to delve into a connection between this concept and angling.
On Tuesday, I spoke with Evan Eastman over at Eastman’s Sport & Tackle on Main Street in Falmouth and, as seems to be the case at the moment, his news primarily concerned funny fish, especially the albie biting along the south side.
That said, while the locals go nuts over albies, bonito, and the like, folks traveling from a distance to fish our waters most often are interested in catching stripers, so I made a point of asking Evan about what he heard regarding them.
In short, he pointed out that while he typically sells about 30 pounds of eels a week, this week that number had fallen to three to four pounds as of midweek.
Now, to make the connection to ambiguity, you can look at Evan’s statement three ways: 1) Nobody is using eels for bass; 2) There aren’t any bass to catch with eels; or 3) Nobody is fishing for bass.
From what I have seen on the water, the vast majority of boat and kayak anglers around these parts have gone all-in on funny fish and that can only mean one thing: it’s a mad, mad world out there.
Earlier in the year, Tommy over at Maco’s Bait & Tackle in Buzzards Bay and Monument Beach told me that I should write a column about how to act when fishing the Cape Cod Canal and I told him it would be a waste of time, given that the miscreants who should read and follow such a column’s message wouldn’t care.
Clearly, it’s the same on the water right now, as the run-and-gun lunacy is in full force, and I believe it has gotten even worse with the movement toward those monster center consoles that are so in vogue these days.
Anyway, the good news is that there are plenty of fish around, from Woods Hole down to the Elizabeths and Nobska to Waquoit. That’s why, despite my propensity toward frustration when confronted with funny fish inanity, I so respect folks like Jonathan Gitlin, with whom I was fishing near on Tuesday morning off Nobska. He later emailed to say, “Yes, way too many wild boats. We gave up on the chaos and went down to Naushon and found them up without so much pressure.”
In fact, despite the fact that the fish there were as picky as they have been in so many other locations—based on the numerous reports I have received—Jonathan did manage to help his best friend and his best man from 42 years ago catch his first albie.
The one thing that seems to be consistent so far about this albie season is that the fish have been very finicky, for the most part. Michael Beebe emailed me to say that he fished with Capt. Jaime Boyle and found fish all along the Elizabeths that were feeding on very small bait and they finally cracked the code when they started tossing one- to two-inch flies, while the folks tossing all kinds of lures went empty.
Gerry Fine and I experienced a frustrating day on Tuesday, no more so than when we had schools of happily feeding fish around Lackey’s that required six fly changes, two drops in tippet strength, and changes in fly line type to get a bite.
Now, the one thing that did work for at least one spin angler was a metal jig with the tail hook removed and a fluorocarbon leader attached with a trailing fly—in this case a peanut bunker pattern made of synthetic material matching the size and shine/coloration of a tiny baby menhaden.
Capt. Warren Marshall picked up his first albie of the season with Bob Lewis on Wednesday morning and he added that the fish were spitting up micro bait, most likely just hatched baby anchovies and the like.
With Labor Day weekend upon us, there will be plenty of folks out there hoping to take advantage of their one last long spell of fishing with school and fall weekend athletic events on the docket.
Along with the albie action, A.J. Coots at Red Top in Buzzards Bay said that there was a really good bonito biting off Wing’s Neck this week and they were also apparently thick on Tuesday off Scraggy Neck, with a friend of Jonathan Gitlin’s confirming the solid action.
There have been some Spanish mackerel taken between Craigville Beach and Hyannis, while king mackerel have been caught off West Falmouth, at Hedge Fence, and Horseshoe Shoal.
As good as the boat fishing has been for funnies, what’s really cool is when shore folks get into them. According to Shawn Powell at the Sports Port in Hyannis, that is a very real possibility around Dowses and Craigville, where he has caught both false albacore and bonito this week on the 5/8-ounce Hogy Epoxy Jig in the Electric Chicken coloration.
Folks fishing from the Waquoit and Great Pond jetties, the stone pier in the Hole and off Nobska have been getting good shots at them. Kevin Downs from Falmouth Bait & Tackle in Teaticket mentioned that the glow and green Epoxy Jigs have been working well.
Throughout the sounds and up in Buzzards Bay, there are schools of marauding small bluefish and the schoolie bite has been improving; in fact, Pat Rourke told me that he ran into a really solid bass feed inside Popponesset recently and there have been stripers feeding heavily inside Woods Hole and down the islands. In all cases, a number of these fish are in the 30-inch class.
And lest I lead you to believe that eels aren’t worth fishing with, Phil Stanton and other folks who fish our local archipelago faithfully continue to pick up some quality stripers on snakes. In fact, Phil sent me a photo of a wheelchair angler holding a nice fish, and he told Phil “he had the best day in his whole life,” so kudos to the good captain for making such a great time happen.
The Canal is kind of in a holding pattern this week, with both A.J. Coots and Jeff Miller at Canal Bait & Tackle in Sagamore anticipating that with a new set of breaking tides slated to start later this week, things could really go off this holiday weekend.
Jeff told me on Wednesday morning that folks were picking up good numbers of schoolie bass at both ends of the Big Ditch, with some bonito mixed in at the west end. These smaller fish are feeding primarily peanut bunker, which makes Epoxy Jigs and small metal jigs most productive.
Jeff did say that folks concentrating on jigging, especially with wacky mackerel-colored, sand eel soft plastic models, have been picking at some low- to mid-30-inch fish working the bottom. The night bite has been better, especially with the higher daytime water temperatures.
Although it’s Labor Day weekend, there are still good numbers of squid in the land cut, A.J. emphasized, which is kind of unheard of, and along with this big bait, there are plenty of mackerel, pogies, and even some small bonito, all of which should help draw in the big bass on those early morning, east-turning tides.
Jeff has heard that some schools of fish are starting to move south from the Boston area and there are some schools of bigger bass, up to the 30-pound class, being picked at from the Fingers to the Parking Lot on mustard- or red-colored tubes. The issue with this technique has been getting seaworms, which are in short supply. As an alternative, Jeff suggested trolling Hogy Perfect Squids or Mojo rigs, which can be trolled at higher speeds, allowing boaters to cover more water.
The size of the scup in the sounds and Buzzards Bay has dropped, and fluke fishing has become an afterthought for most ground fish anglers, other than up around the west entrance to the Canal. Recreational sea bass season closes on September 8, with most sizeable fish still in deeper water between Noman’s and Cuttyhunk, although Ruth Anderson continues to catch at least one big one each trip in the Hole on a Hogy Heavy Metal Jig.
The offshore bite remains solid, according to Kevin Downs, with one boat enjoying another solid trip on good-sized yellowfin at Hydrographer on a varied spread of Joe Shute’s, Beamish lures, and green machine bars. There are lots of skipjack out there as well and Kevin said one way to target the yellowfin that are holding below them is to vertical jig; in addition, targeting the surface-feeding skippies with plugs is fun in and of itself, with Kevin preferring to toss Hogy Charter Grade Sliders. As for mahi, the canyons are holding larger ones that are typically being caught on the troll, while south of the Vineyard, your best bet is to still target the high flyers and any flotsam you find.
Freshwater wise, Shawn Powell fished Big Cliff again earlier this week and managed a seven-pound largemouth trolling his faithful Savage 3-D Perch, a jointed, eight-inch plug that culls out the small fish. In Mashpee-Wakeby, he had a good trip, with several three- to four-pound bass trolling Yo-zuri Crystal Minnows.
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livnfreshmichigan · 5 years
Calling All Polar Plungers- What’s the earliest you have ever jumped into Lake Michigan?
History of the Polar Plunge
How cold can you go?
What do you love about the lake?
  Michigan is known for its abundance of freshwater coastlines and its winters, so combining the two has often made some sort of sense to residents over the years. One of the wildest hobbies for Michigan enthusiasts is the Polar Plunge. We just have to know: would you plunge if the reason was right? What temperature would you do it at? What temperature would you not do it at?
History of the Polar Plunge
In ‘freezin’ for a reason’, Michigan polar plungers take the frosty dip to raise money for the Special Olympics. They also do it for the sheer challenge of the act. The fun began 19 years ago and fifty people were willing to dip into the icy water in temperatures in the teens.
Ever since that wintry day, the Polar Plunge has gained increasing attention. Plunge takers have raised funds for the charity and to show the world that we can withstand any weather the lakes throw at us. This year 4,500 people did the deed and raised nearly $2 million. That goes to funding Special Olympians to reach their dreams as they press forward in life.
How cold can you go?
So, how cold can you go? The temperature at Lake Michigan for the plunge this year was just above freezing in the water. The air temperature was in the teens. Thousands of residents, celebrities, and politicians committed themselves. Apparently, there were Vikings as well as some suspiciously human-looking penguins flocking to the snow-bound shore. For them, freezing was just fine. Is this a casual or formal-wear event?
When you take the plunge will you go all out and challenge Mother Nature in your swimsuit? Or will you wear matching gear with your fellow plunge pals? How will you drum up support for the cause with your friends? Matching gear will definitely convince them.
If you’re a bystander, that doesn’t mean you can’t dress to the nines. Show your support! It might be subtle like matching hats, or you can be a little less subtle and dress up as ancient marauders of the high seas. Whether you stroll reluctantly into the water or you throw yourself into the frozen swell, you get to make a statement about your courage, physical stamina, and possibly your sanity. All while raising charitable contributions for an important cause. Who could resist?
What do you love about the lake?
Maybe you would wait until August. That won’t raise any funds for charity, but it’ll be the perfect opportunity for you to take in some lake time and enjoy the shore. Of course, there are some snow bunnies for whom August is the time to hide under a rock until the temperatures drop again.
The great thing about our lakes is that they have so many moods to accommodate so many tastes in outdoor activities. So whether you’re geared up for the snow- and that could mean flannel PJs in a warm bed- or you can’t wait to parasail over the waves, make your plans, plan for safe fun, and have a great time this year. The lake is calling. Will you answer?
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The post Calling All Polar Plungers- What’s the earliest you have ever jumped into Lake Michigan? appeared first on LIVNFRESH.
from Michigan – LIVNFRESH http://blog.livnfresh.com/jumping-to-lake-michigan/
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annchumleigh · 5 years
Calling All Polar Plungers- What’s the earliest you have ever jumped into Lake Michigan?
History of the Polar Plunge
How cold can you go?
What do you love about the lake?
Michigan is known for its abundance of freshwater coastlines and its winters, so combining the two has often made some sort of sense to residents over the years. One of the wildest hobbies for Michigan enthusiasts is the Polar Plunge. We just have to know: would you plunge if the reason was right? What temperature would you do it at? What temperature would you not do it at?
History of the Polar Plunge
In ‘freezin’ for a reason’, Michigan polar plungers take the frosty dip to raise money for the Special Olympics. They also do it for the sheer challenge of the act. The fun began 19 years ago and fifty people were willing to dip into the icy water in temperatures in the teens.
Ever since that wintry day, the Polar Plunge has gained increasing attention. Plunge takers have raised funds for the charity and to show the world that we can withstand any weather the lakes throw at us. This year 4,500 people did the deed and raised nearly $2 million. That goes to funding Special Olympians to reach their dreams as they press forward in life.
How cold can you go?
So, how cold can you go? The temperature at Lake Michigan for the plunge this year was just above freezing in the water. The air temperature was in the teens. Thousands of residents, celebrities, and politicians committed themselves. Apparently, there were Vikings as well as some suspiciously human-looking penguins flocking to the snow-bound shore. For them, freezing was just fine. Is this a casual or formal-wear event?
When you take the plunge will you go all out and challenge Mother Nature in your swimsuit? Or will you wear matching gear with your fellow plunge pals? How will you drum up support for the cause with your friends? Matching gear will definitely convince them.
If you’re a bystander, that doesn’t mean you can’t dress to the nines. Show your support! It might be subtle like matching hats, or you can be a little less subtle and dress up as ancient marauders of the high seas. Whether you stroll reluctantly into the water or you throw yourself into the frozen swell, you get to make a statement about your courage, physical stamina, and possibly your sanity. All while raising charitable contributions for an important cause. Who could resist?
What do you love about the lake?
Maybe you would wait until August. That won’t raise any funds for charity, but it’ll be the perfect opportunity for you to take in some lake time and enjoy the shore. Of course, there are some snow bunnies for whom August is the time to hide under a rock until the temperatures drop again.
The great thing about our lakes is that they have so many moods to accommodate so many tastes in outdoor activities. So whether you’re geared up for the snow- and that could mean flannel PJs in a warm bed- or you can’t wait to parasail over the waves, make your plans, plan for safe fun, and have a great time this year. The lake is calling. Will you answer?
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The post Calling All Polar Plungers- What’s the earliest you have ever jumped into Lake Michigan? appeared first on LIVNFRESH.
from LIVNFRESH http://blog.livnfresh.com/jumping-to-lake-michigan/ from Livnfresh Share Your State Pride. https://livnfresh.tumblr.com/post/184691441302 via https://livnfresh.tumblr.com/
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Smallies On The Wolf River (Smallmouth Bass Fishing) Frank and his nephew, Dan head north to the famous Wolf River, in Fremont, WI, which is known for the White Bass run in the spring and in the fall. This was ... source
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Portuguese Tourism
Portugal is a metropolis of historical significance. Son Bou is a protracted seashore with loads of sand dunes, freshwater marshes stuffed with geese and a lagoon close to by. Glorious water sports facilities can be found right here although you need to take care to check the situations for swimming as there are dangerous currents at occasions. Shopping for property in Silver Coast Portugal gives good prospects for rental from both the native market and from holidaymakers, and with the potential of great property worth rises on the Silver Coast Portugal, this could be the best place to invest in a holiday residence. At this time 4 communities are appropriately categorized underneath the Sephardic label, though the time period Sephardic is usually misused to designate other communities that were from North Africa, the Arabian peninsula, or present day Iraq and Iran. Build high quality is high, property costs have grown a steady 10-15% per annum for the reason that Millennium, and there's a broad alternative of property throughout the price vary and nation - within the Silver Coast the price develop within the following years will possibly reach the 25 - 35 %. Rahman is descended from a Syrian and a Berber and could be very nicely received in Spain as he represents the unique Umayyad?s who initially occupied Spain in 711 they haven't acknowledged the change in power led to by the assassination of his household. As soon as you realize in your coronary heart that you are working with trustworthy folks and are proud of the supply you may have been made you ought to be prepared to order your rental villa or condo and enjoy the ultimate preparations to your holidays. 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We found the castle such an atmospheric place that we had been content material just to wander round its enchanting gardens, stopping to look out from the ramparts over the panorama of crimson roofs, or to simply sit and listen to a guitarist expertly enjoying intoxicating melodies in the courtyard below us. After we eventually left the citadel, we descended by means of the narrow streets and alleyways of the Alfama district, where the pointed roofs of the houses virtually touched one another and the sloping buildings appeared to defy the laws of gravity. Also the indigenous individuals were most likely extra apprehensive of the war like Franks who lived above the Pyrenees than they were of the Berbers from North Africa whom they had known for many years as buying and selling partners and folks of commerce. Spain when Euric declared his independence from Rome was of only secondary significance to say the territory that was already occupied and managed by the Visigoths in France which was much larger and at the moment of way more worth to Euric's empire. Gastronomy in the area is wealthy and various: there are lots of delicious pork dishes, oven baked kid, stewed rabbit with rice, celebrated fish stews, baked or boiled sea bream and rock bass from Peniche, eels and cockles from the Obidos lake and shellfish from the beds at Porto de Barcas (lagosta suada - 'sweating lobster' - is a delicacy which might solely be discovered in the Western Area). cheap flights priceline Crossing over to the get pleasure from Gulf Coast villas, you would easily be spoilt for choice of where to guide a vacation residence as most vacation accommodation is located across the beautiful seashores of St Pete's, Clearwater and Sanibel Island. Whether or not you need to hire a cycle and go off in your personal group or join one in every of many organised cycle excursions, the bike-pleasant local weather and delightful surroundings should make this a perfect starter to motion packed holidays in the Algarve. On a sandbank itself, Faro's seaside can be accessed through a small rope bridge, which as soon as crossed offers you wonderful gold sand, clear waters and loads of area and solitude to calm down with a chilly drink and a e-book while working in your tan. In the Western Mediterranean you can discover the traditional white Andalucian villages of Southern Spain, sample the world-famous Manzanilla sherry in Cadiz and go to the cultural hub of Europe in the form of Barcelona,before travelling onwards to the French Riviera. Although daytime temperatures can get into the low 20s Celsius and it does feel fairly heat, it shortly cools down when the Sun disappears round 5.30 pm. Due to this fact I always emphasise to anyone contemplating a visit outdoors the summer time months that they need to bring heat garments for the evening and night-time as it might, and does, get fairly chilly. The Silver Coast stretches from Porto down to Portugal's capital Lisbon and hugs the North Atlantic shoreline; it's residence to lovely beaches, superb cliffs, quaint fishing villages, lush rolling countryside and some of the most fascinating historic websites in Portugal. Allthough he was an occupier in a rustic which was not his original dwelling in many ways he and his occupation have been in some ways welcomed or perhaps I should say not opposed by the indigenous population as they introduced trade and financial system to Spain and with it got here a better life model and as we'd say right this moment an increase in the usual of living. Throughout this time there are persevering with hostilities between different tribes of Visigoth's so they're having inside energy struggles not solely between fellow Visigoth's but also with the unique local inhabitants which might have included Huns and Catholic Christians. Rural Portugal has proven to be a fertile area in which many individuals from different European nations (and from an excellent share of different nations from world wide) are taking to establishing second houses, pretty and enjoyable retreats tucked away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Related again in Historical past to the Roman invasion of Southern England in Ad 43 where the native inhabitants whose chief was identified by an adopted Roman identify the native inhabitants had traded with and had identified the Romans for some two hundred 12 months as in certainly the Spanish inhabitants had recognized and traded with the noble Berbers for many tons of of years. This would inevitably eradicate wardrobe battles along with your children regarding the appropriate garments to put on to high school, save time getting ready for college within the morning and make your procuring experience for college apparel a much simpler and less tense course of. The walled town of Obidos must also not he missed, with its slim streets of brightly white-washed homes and putting towers of the Fort that's now a splendid Pousada Take only a short trip south and you'll explore the lively fishing port of Peniche which has a dominating sixteenth century fort constructed for cover in opposition to marauding pirates. The world boasts full-bodied, fragrant crimson wines with wonderful alcoholic content material: the wines of the south (castas Camarate, Periquita and Tinto Miudo) are vigorous when younger, intense yet nicely balanced and with an beautiful bouquet when aged. Water sports together with browsing, windsurfing, water snowboarding and crusing are on supply from the seashores here in Cascais. Along the coastal regions of Portugal, an excessive amount of actual estate improvement has taken place. From tip to tip, Madeira measures roughly 54km (west to east) by 23km (north to south).
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cybermoonmoon · 5 years
“...a long story”
I was on a chat where the problem of how to get by if you woke up as the only likely person still on the planet. Well there may be others, but widely separated. Say out of the current 7 Billions of folks you wake up on an earth with 60,000 thousand. This scattered all over the globe.
Well first things first. 
Where do they keep the antibiotics in drug stores? Also how do I get fresh water for the rest of my life. This is the sort of stuff a person would be working on. This assuming that Zombies or crazed bikers gangs don't also survive close by, and show up to ruin your day.
Water would be easy at first as the water system will run for some time. At least till the pumps, and power lasts. If you're in a region with hydroelectric you're good for a few years. Most other places only a few weeks to a month.
However before this happens you'll need to map out the water tables in your area. Wherever you finally settle down know the location of freshwater streams, and such.
One must learn to think long term,...very long term.
Your life depends on it. This is why so-called primitive folks tend to do this. End of the quarter thinking in this environment will be very fatal. So very long term planning if one wants to go on.
However,... Profound mourning, grievous loss would be a big part of your empty world. At least at first. If one learns to live with this lonely reality the practicalities will assert itself. 
A safe place to live. 
Did the wildlife come through the event. If so you'll need to learn to hunt some. Eventually protection from them. Canned or dried food is only good for at most five years. You'll have to be a farmer/hunter. If you're an urbanite you'll have to learn these skills. This can be done with experience, and reading. Life in the city will be too dangerous in a year or less. 
Find a cabin.
Good drainage a field of fire,...just in case. Tools seeds a root cellar all the preindustrial basics will have to be done. If you've had a basic education, and paid attention you'll know what books you need for this. 
I think a very young person of the 21st century may not make it past two or three years. They wouldn't even know what questions to ask. They'll die of infection or food poisoning. Perhaps even a predator attack. 
I'd say the best survivor would be in their mid 20's to their early 50's. Before or after that it gets seriously dicey. So food water shelter
Btw the commercial seeds will start to go bad certainly within six to ten years. This is why a medium plot farm will be your savior. You'll need to harvest not just the crops, but their seeds, and have a surplus of a year perhaps two of dried veggies or fruit. This will be hard work. Seriously hard work, but can be done. You'll do it because you'll know your life depends on it.
Prepare for storms or other natural disasters that could wipe your homestead out.
Again take care where you decide to settle. You'll learn that a flood plain is called that for a reason. Be near a stream not a river. Those flood. Fish will be a major calorie source. Paint draw sing dance this will keep you both sane, and physically healthy.
Me I would do one man portrayals of the classics, as well as commercials,...this especially from the 1950's. This would amuse, and center one's sanity. Remember you are alone in this world. Except for your cats, and hunting dogs. 
Our survivor might go exploring from time to time.
Maybe going to towns for new tools or perhaps items to amuse. She or he may have a classic Land Rover they keep tuned up for this. A Rover is what I'd have. A good four wheel drive all terrain ride. This could last for some years. After the gasoline no longer clicks. A Rover can use other mixtures...so I've read.
Although one would have to know where you were, and how to get back to your homestead if you broke down. Remember there is 'no one else'. Only 'you' can save you. How long one lives will be the same as with our ancestors...dumb luck, and your hard work. If the survivor was say 26 at the time of the Event they again with "luck' could live into their 50's certainly,...that is if they wanted to.
A possible reason to go on would be company. 
12 years into your farming hunting performing artistic life perhaps a change. A hunter gatherer group might pass through the area. This unlike the marauders in the films, and books, would be a pleasant encounter. 
It took all those years to stumble on your homestead because they may have started thousands of miles away.
You'll trade laugh fuck, and they'll move on.
Though now they know you're there, and they come back a few times a year as their journeys take them through the region. In time others might show up. 
Same thing,...Laugh perform some plays for them trade fuck, and they move on. One day if your a guy some of these bands come back with your daughters, and sons to visit.
I can see a solstice meeting of clans developing every several years as your children, and grandchildren return to your homestead for the festival. If this were me I can see myself taking my extended distant families around the farm in my aged Land Rover. The little ones amazed having never seen a car actually running. 
So humanity at least in the first post Event generations lives in peace. In the future villages towns one day city states.
Though this time we might get it right.
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louisfranck · 7 years
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Marauding in the river grove. #grove #jungle #river #srilanka #leicaq #freshwater
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louisfranck · 7 years
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Marauding in the river grove. #grove #jungle #river #srilanka #leicaq #freshwater
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