#fresh homemade egg nog
writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Yes Buggy and his hot wife are Roger and Jessica Rabbit, but if I may submit this comparison to the council:
✨Buggy and his wife are The Grinch and Martha May Whovier✨
Oh It Is ON!
In the spirit of the Winter Holiday Spirits! We are doing a Christmas Spin on My Effect Series!
So get you a egg nog with 90% rum maybe some holiday 'cigarettes' sit back and enjoy this clusterfuck idea! 🍃 🚬
The Grinch and Martha May Effect 🎄
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• This Crusty Bastard has had the heart of the most beautiful women in the world.
• And didn't even realize it-
• You had all met on Gol D Roger's ship- Buggy being a snot nosed apprentice with his gaggle of friends- While you being one of the few girls on the ship was a cup bearer for your father. Silvers Rayleigh.
• This made you incredibly off limits to all, Sheltered by a life of luxury your father provided as your only real 'job' was to fill his cup. Even Gol D Roger the famed Captian spoiled you in cute dresses and expensive bows.
• Turning you into the Doll of the Oro Jackson.
• A Princess Wrapped in Silver and Gold
• You still remembered the first day you ment him-
• Both of you 13 years old, fresh faced kids still needing the guidance of adults.
• You'd snuck off from your normal areas, wanting to explore the ship some more. That's till you saw a boy- His face covered in what seemed to be gunpowder as he filled homemade bombs with total care.
• His blue hair peaking out of the red hat and drawing you to step a big closer to get a better look.
• The Tull of your sparkling dress catching the corner of his eye as he spun around quickly holding a knife out.
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• Then, Ocean eyes met Your own and time seemed to slow. Ever so slightly- Your cheeks warming as you gave a soft smile.
• "Hello" Your little voice slipped out, Buggy stating at you with unsure interest. A crooked smile on his lips as he greeting you quickly- "H-Hi!"
• "Is something wrong with your nose? It looks kinda funny" Buggy glares hard at you, making you blink in question at his reaction.
• Buggy covering his face, his ocean eyes starting to cloud with tears like a storm eyed he stared at you. "Whats so funny about my nose!? Huh!"
• "Well don't get angry- I don't mind. I think its cute. Im sorry if i offended you" You smile so sweetly, feeling bad for making his sad as Buggy felt his face start to glow.
• "You think.. My nose is cute?" He questioned, making you nod honestly. He giggled into his hands, a high pitch squeaky laugh that made you smile and your heart flutter.
• "Whats your name?" He grins at you, Hearing you actually want to know about him. "Buggy! What about you pretty girl?" Your face flushing at his words.
• "I'm-"
• "(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called before you could speak, recognizing the voice of your father.
• "(Y/N)- That's such a pretty name.. Will I see you again?" Buggy asked, his eyes sparking at such a chance. Your delicate hand reaching forward and tucking a strand of his blue hair back into his hat. "I will try"
• And try you did. For a year the two of you would meet, talking on the deck of the ship for hours till you had to sneak away again. Buggy even using his Chop Chop abilities to help you get back to your room.
• It was tragic to say, but you'd never get a chance to see Buggy for many many years after your 14th birthday- Your Father sending you to an Island to keep you safe as you entered your teens.
• The disbanding of the Roger Pirates aiding in this as well-
• The death and heartache Seeming to follow you as you found yourself handing in the hands of Sir Crocodile.
• Crocodile having had an interest to whoo you for years- as he too had met you on Gol D Roger's ship, finding you the only person more then suitable to be at his side.
• You had never truly accepted his advances, Despite his power, status and more. He didn't have your heart, and you wouldn't give him any part of yourself in compensation.
• Decades it had been like this, still the girl wrapped in silver and gold. Hoarded like treasure for everyone to admire, however nothing more.
• But it seemed the tides were beginning to change- After Crocodile time in Impel Down- as well as the formation of the Cross Guild- You would meet your blue haired friend once again. Just in a unique Flashy way
• AKA by his head being punched off by Crocodile and accidently flung into your waiting chest.
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• "(Y/N)?-" He mumbled against your bust, your cheeks flaring deep crimson as he floated his head up to lock eyes with your flushed face.
• He got his ass beaten for that by Crocodile of course-
• But for you it was like your heart was Kickstart again!
• At the Cross Guild, you'd always attend. Crocodile assuming it was because you were warming up to him, But in truth it was to see Buggy-
• The two of you talking to each other constantly. He was so fascinating to you-
• Like you two were children again falling in love- Sitting out under the stars talking for hours. You tucking strands of his blue hair back into his hat, him fixing any Imperfections on yohr dresses as you sat next to him. Which often lead to Buggy giggling into his gloved hands while turning away from you
• You accepted him as he was, and adored him for it. You loved his mind, his passion, even his laziness and lewd humor.
• As time went on, you noticed the same for him. How he would ask you YOUR interest, what things YOU actually liked.
• Something no one had asked you since you were a child. Most just assuming your taste and interest.
• Hell when he came for meetings he would bring you something you'd actually want. Not just shiny things to make you look more valuable.
• "Hey (Y/N)!" Buggy cloaked towards you excited as he held out a old dirty crate to you. "I remeber you said you really liked weird plants, so I found these old books and scientist-y samples of the weirdest! Hope you like them!"
• You'd almost cried at the gift, so overfill with you you hugged Buggy. Before spending hours going through the crate and organizing it all to your liking.
• However with the sweets, came the sours...
• There had been countless times you'd walk into the Guild and see Buggys face. Beaten and bruised- How Crocodile and Mihawk kicked his ass as their own personal stress relief or just to show dominace.
• It broke your heart.. truly- Buggy humiliated like that infront of everyone time and time again... You would try to comfort him after the meetings but he would just run away- You swore you saw tears in his eyes a few times.
• You'd want to many times to have him run into your arms, so you could whisper how good of a man he is and deserving so love.
- It had been a particularly festive day in the Guild Hall, Crocodile dressing in a nicer suit as better food was served and fancy alcohol was served. You even being gifted a dress by the Desert King himself to wear today, you didn't refuse but felt rather uncomforble at how attentive he was acting with you.
And uncomfortable that he had purposely sat Buggy so far away from you..
As dinner was being served, Crocodile stood up from his seat next to you. Slapping his hand on the table to gather everyone's attention.
"I have an announcement-" Crocodile voice boomed through the room, you glancing up as the hook handed man gestured for you to stand. Which you silently did-
Oh No...
"(Y/N)- Daughter of Silvers Rayleigh. A women of greatness and deserving of only the finest of riches"
"I ask for your hand- I swear I will give you all the wealth you desire"
Please No...
"From Riches, Silks and even the One Piece if your little mind wishes for it"
"Will you Marry me?"
Something inside you just snapped. Staring at Crocodile face that had the crooked cigar hanging from his lips.
Crocodile taking your silence positively as he handed you a velvet box with a massive diamond ring inside of it.
You stared at the ring box that had been placed in your glove hands and felt... nothing. Absolutely nothing...
Before A fire of rage filled your insides-
"We- We aren't even dating!-" You shouted, everyone looking to yoh in shock as you looked around wildly.
"What makes you think I want to stay by your side!? You were just ment to protect me not use me as a Scudo Girlfriend! I'm not yours nor will I ever be!-" Crocodile face starting to turn red, his eyes glancing around him before setting on you with a harsh glare.
"So I-I can't accept this" You finally hissed out, bright red in the face from both embarrassment and anger. Everyone in the Guild Hall staring at you in total shock.
"Besides My Heart... Belongs to someone else-" Crocodile eyes widen as he clenched his hands in rage. You handing the ring box back to him delicately, before turning to look at Buggy who had been picking his nose diassociating heavily at the dramatics. Only coming back to reality when he saw everyone was staring at him-
Buggy stares confused, 'Why are you all looking at me?' He looked behind himself first, Then around to see who you could be talking about, that had your heart. Realizing quickly he was alone and you actually ment HIM!
"Wait Me!?"
• After such a stunning yet shocking reveal, Crocodile cut you lose. Feeling you embarrassed him infront of everyone- Which had been the greatest day of your life!
• As you fly into Buggy's (Who got beaten senseless once again) arms. Who accepts you happily into his life-
• Frolicking away to his Circus Themed Ship in what can only be described as total Joy!
• "HAHAHAHAHA I WIN!!" He yells out, holding you in his arms as he flips off Crocodile once more and holds you in his arms.
• You adore his Flashy Crusty ways, the way he weirdly cackled and utter lack of emotional control.
• Oh How you love your Crusty Clown!
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thejessleigh · 2 years
List of 25 Writing Exercise
Sometimes when I’m looking to get my brain going to write and I’m coming up dry, I write 1 - 25 in a vertical column on a sheet of paper and force myself to come up with 25 things on theme as quickly and with as little thought as I can. This works best when I write it out by hand. Today’s prompt is 25 things that taste like Christmas to you. Feel free to draw on your families idiosyncrasies. Don’t try to decide whether it tastes like Christmas to anyone else.
If you don’t celebrate Christmas, try another holiday, or think about what you and your family maybe did while avoiding Christmas over saturation in the culture. Idk. Make the prompt your own. I’ll list my 25 below, but I’d love it if other people added on with their Christmas Taste lists. ----------
Lindor truffles Burnt decaf Rye Manhattans (with extra cherry juice) Green chili Peppermint bark Egg nog with extra nutmeg chocolate chip cookies Prime rib Gingersnaps Cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven Ribbon candy Too sweet coffee creamer Coffee cake (crumbles not optional) Apple crisp Vanilla ice cream Cherry cough drops See’s Candies Coconut shreds in cookies Coors Light Scalloped potatoes Creamed onions Chicken and noodles served over mashed potatoes Hot chocolate Homemade pecan pie with Ready-Whip Just chewing on a couple of whole cloves right out of the spice rack
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delicatecloudfire · 3 years
Monday, February 7:
Breakfast: protein strawberry banana smoothie
Lunch: 1 slice wheat bread with hummus, green pepper, onion
Snack: slice fresh bread with butter x 2 (homemade, this recipe: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-artisan-bread/)
Dinner: 3/4 cheeseburger with onion, slice tomato, ~ 1/4 cup coleslaw, 16 oz Guinness
Snack: some gummy candies, a handful peanut m&ms, small glass egg nog
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fc5holidayexchange · 5 years
Title: Gävlebocken
Deputy Mattie Covington/Sharky Boshaw- Mattie and Sharky reunite after a failed trip to burn the Gavle Goat
Hi Kate! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, wherever you are and however you're celebrating! Hope the festive season is full of joy and magic! I had a fabulous time writing Mattie and Sharky together and I hope you enjoy reading it! xxxx
“All I’m saying, shorty, is never leave a man behind. Marilyn Manson and Carly Rae Jepson wanted to go torch some Gävlebocken butt too, y’know? And who was I to deny them their Bejeebus given right as Incendiary-Americans?”
Mattie cuddled the red-cheeked pyromaniac closer into her chest as she eased his sorrows on the couch. He hadn’t stopped blushing since she’d collected him from Missoula International Airport, where he’d been marched from the building between the firm grip of two unforgiving, no doubt underpaid TSA officers, cuffed at the wrist and short two of his beloved (and musically christened) flamethrowers.
“... you know, they probably sell flamethrowers in Sweden. You could have got one when you got there. Or matches. Shit, there’s plenty of sticks you could have rubbed together too.” She mused, trying to make light of the situation.
Sharky Boshaw was having none of it.
“Nuh-uh, no-can-do. Had to be them, babe.”
“Only the best for the holy grail of goat effigies, I guess?”
He nodded and crushed his face into her.
She couldn’t tell if the residual ruby tinge on his face was from the trauma of his ordeal (though he was hardly a stranger to arrest), from the abundance of alcohol still in his system, or from where the ravenous teeth of a cold winter beast had nibbled at him. December had fallen, and the snow was up to their knees. The smell of evergreen firs and smoky chimneys and roasting meat and fresh gingerbread permeated across the county. Even the sickly scent of Bliss had subsided, the cold-sensitive Georgia peaches known locally as the Seeds having retreated indoors for the season.
Christmas was coming.
Boshaw Manor’s festive decorations were tacky and yet, made with love. The Christmas tree was a little scorched on the edges, and adorned with homemade ornaments that were just beer tops looped onto string. They twinkled rainbow in the glow from the string lights, and tinkled as they clinked against each other. Paper chains and worn tinsel in emerald and silver shades hung from every available surface, and though he had no fireplace, he’d dragged a metal bin into the centre of the living room so they could roast chestnuts and make smores through the long winter nights.
However, Sharky’s favourite holiday accessory was a slightly dusty Santa figurine. He had, at some point, made the toymaker his own little flamethrower from aluminium foil, and the rotund, bushy bearded fellow still clung to it with his moth-eaten mittens, ready to chargrill Rudolph. But truly the highlight of Santa’s unusual skillset, the crown jewel in his sleigh full of secret talents, was the voice recording feature.
From the depths of Santa’s cookie filled belly, Sharky’s voice echoed:
“Burn baby burn… CHRISTMAS INFERNO”
And now, the jolly figure danced laboriously by the door, Boomer resting beside him, snoring along to the increasingly demonic rasp (Mattie made a mental note to replace the batteries).
Of course, this year, Mattie had put her own little touches on the place.
When he’d first taken her in, Earl had given her a little archangel statue, with beautiful, expansive wings, and a majestic flaming blade in it’s right hand, and her name engraved upon it. ‘Matilda means mighty in battle’ he’d explained, pulling her into a hug to assure her of just how strong she was. And last year, Nancy had knitted her a little yellow star, gold flecked through it, to sit atop the tree, and now it sat pride of place, shimmering like the true holy light.
It was slightly overwhelming, to see her things, however few, amongst Sharky’s.
To know that now, she and Sharky could make Christmas memories together.
That was the best gift of all.
And normally, snuggled together on a winter’s night like this, she’d be teasing him, slipping her chilled hands down the back of his shirt, or tickling his neck which made him squirm and giggle the most, or even sticking an icy naked foot into his face when he wasn’t paying attention. Or she’d be letting her hands wander into his pants, and they’d be making love and basking in each other’s glow until the sun came up.
But the sheer misery welling in his eyes, Christmas dreams obliterated and Hall of Flame pedestals empty, like a baby bird beak without a worm to sate it’s hunger, sent a pang of guilt ricocheting through every inch of her. One that made her stomach squirm and her lip quiver. He was her family, and though her dad back in Challis hadn’t exactly been the model of perfect, or even the model of good, she knew with all the certainty in her heart that families weren’t supposed to look so despairing at Christmas.
“What were you thinking, Shark?”
“I, uh… I wanted to surprise you.”
“And you thought running off to Europe to go burn down a giant goat was the best way to do that? I’d have taken socks instead, you know. Or a John Seed's head on a spike.”
She moved to hold his hand, fingers intertwining comfortingly, and he sniffed loudly in appreciation. Mattie felt so complete when her hand was nestled in his- who needed gloves to when you had a hand to hold?
"Just because Hurk nearly got Wicker-manned out in Europe, doesn't mean you have to."
He mumbled in reply, sheepishly resigned to his deeper urges- "I'm a Khaleesi. I go where the flame takes me."
She chuckled softly and teased:
“I know, babe. I know. Who do you think is the one who prints the posters? The whole station is more like a groupie's bedroom."
Mattie cursed the day she’d so catastrophically put her foot in it. A late night drinking and feasting up in the Whitetails, near Fort Drubman, out under the stars and the bleak winter moonlight. A slew of cultist corpses were ragdolled along the path behind them, definitely not having a Merry Christmas, and a skinned Judge or two had fallen prey to Jess’s hungry trapper knife. The pelts would make a fine coat for next year’s snowfall and the burgundy branding of Jacob’s chosen mutts was simply an added trophy for Mattie’s slightly feral friend.
There they were. Mattie, Sharky, Hurk, Jess, and Staci (who'd called in sick from his night shift), with Boomer and Cheeseburger at their heels.
Munching on fish from the iced over rivers.
Getting drunk out of their minds and trying to forget all the shit that the past months had wrought.
The topic of conversation had turned to (what else) fire. They’d just proudly set alight to the old lumber mill, and watched the Peggies scatter like roaches from the scene. Merry on Whistling Beaver beer, Mattie had hiccoughed and giggled after her umpteenth bottle, snuggled under Sharky's arm, and announced loudly:
“Did you guys know there’s a huge ass wicker goat in Sweden? They put it up for Christmas every year and it keeps getting toasted.”
Well, it’s not like she’d expected him to take off a week later towards the airport… after he’d downed probably somewhere near a keg's worth of homemade eggnog… all rum, barely an egg or a nog in sight.
But Charlemagne Victor Boshaw’s eyes had illuminated with possibility, and so had the eyes of the airport security officers at the sizable lethal and flammable weapons he’d packed into his luggage. Having the fuzz for a girlfriend, who could come flaunting an arrest warrant and claim jurisdiction over the prisoner was an absolute saving grace, it turned out. The TSA had handed him over with very little resistance.
And now, here they were, back home in the depths of the county, almost definitely up a couple of places on the ‘no fly’ terror watchlist.
Sharky sat up suddenly and rubbed at his slightly runny nose, a sudden determination taking root in his chest. Spring coming early as a flower bloomed there, petals of fury and vengeance and abject loyalty to his cause.
"We gotta get Carly and Marilyn back. We gotta Ocean’s Eight, Sandra Bullock the airport, po-po. You and me, Hurk, sure we can get Nick and Kim on the crew too, what are we up to, five, Boshaw’s five, Sharky’s five-?“
Mattie nuzzled her face into the top of his head. She was a hell of a lot shorter than him, but he’d sunk into the couch so deeply that she could now smell the scent of his Old Spice shampoo and see the bald patch where he'd thought wearing a crown made of sparklers at Thanksgiving fireworks was a good idea.
“Yeah, I’m sure a woman heavily into her third trimester is gonna really be up for a heist-“
“Kim? Fuck yeah, she can kick butt with a bump, her centre of gravity’s probably on kung fu master levels here. Ooooh, maybe the baby’ll come early and kick some airport ass too.”
“I think it’ll be more like she’ll kick your butt for not inviting me along to go torch the goat."
It was crazy, knowing that next Christmas, there would be a Baby Rye for Santa to visit. And that maybe, in the Christmases to come, there'd be a brood of Baby Boshaws too, ready to tear the tree down and hurl food at each other, giddy in their festive hysteria. She thought about sharing such a fanciful idea with him, and went to murmur a few sweet suggestions in his ruddy ear. Maybe they could make some new dreams tonight...
Sharky wasn’t listening though.
“Maybe we go Die Hard 2 instead… be in keeping with the ol’ time of year?”
“All the guys who break into the airport die in that movie, Shark.”
She sighed and stroked his cheek.
"I think, maybe, as much as it sucks, we just have to let this one go."
He went to open his mouth to protest or beg or maybe come out with another heist movie to take inspiration from, but the words seemed to fizzle away on the end of his tongue. He knew it was futile. She was right. His visions of making the headlines in every Swedish tabloid evaporated, his name destined not to be heralded by enthusiasts of the Gävlebocken legacy. His shoulders sagged and he seemed to want to disappear into his worn green sweatshirt, like a turtle burrowing back into its shell.
"Hey, y'know, who wants to go smoke the goat anyway, much better things to burn here. Seeds and shit."
He settled into moody, reflective, uncharacteristic silence and Mattie knew not to push the subject any further. And while searching her thoughts for a way to soothe his wounds and bring the hope and joy of the festive season back into his heart, she casually leaned over to the table and picked up his abandoned plane ticket, also slightly singed like everything else the man owned (what had happened this time, Mattie couldn’t even begin to guess). 
Her stomach dropped.
The rollercoaster was taking an unexpected plunge deeper into irony.
There it was, printed neatly under DESTINATION.
A final foil for the Sharknado that had sought to wreak havoc across the fjords of Scandinavia.
“Shark, babe…”
“The big ass goat is in Sweden, right? You know, next to Norway?”
“Home of the dancing queen an' the smorgasbord. Oooh, and the chef.” He proceeded to spit out a garbled string of vowels in poor imitation of the Swedish language.
Mattie sighed and for a moment, debated whether to just keep her mouth shut. To let his Christmas dreams, however shattered, maintain some form of dignity. But laughter pulled at the corners of her mouth, from the singsong Muppetry in her ear and the ridiculous error before her eyes and she just knew it would make him laugh too;
“... Shark, this ticket is for Switzerland.”
He gave her a little confused frown and she wrapped her arms around his neck, to press her forehead, and then her lips softly to his.
“God, I love you so much.”
He returned her kiss, sharing her warmth and the sweet taste of hot cocoa and a sprig of mint and melted marshmallow, running his hands through her wind-swept hair. They lost themselves in each other, forgetting the snow falling fast outside, and the bodies across the county buried deep amongst the icy grass, and the slowly fading tire tracks from their long journey home.
And wrapped in the comforting embrace of her best friend, Mattie’s imagination shone. 
A flame taking to the tinder, spreading until it burned so strongly, it could never be extinguished.
"My extremities are getting real cold, chica, an' I'm too young to lose my junk t’ frostbite."
"Don't worry, you'll be warm soon enough."
"Heh heh, sounds like a party."
Mattie had led Sharky through the dark forestry, the trees naked and sparse like a threadbare patchwork blanket. They'd walked for some time, boots snapping the carpet of fallen branches and crunching in the deep snow and squeaking over patches of icy oil spills across the roads, until they'd reached a pasture south of the Henbane.
And now, in the early hours of the morning, he stood blindfolded, Mattie's hands protectively on his shoulders (although she'd been tempted to mischievously let him wander into a patch of shrubbery or two, but decided she didn't want to be pulling thorns and thistles out of his ass all night).
"Are we there yet?"
A few more steps, up a slight incline, the frozen grass snapping underfoot. 
“OK, you can look now.”
Sharky tore off the blindfold in childlike impatience and his eyes widened at the sight he beheld.
Before them, silhouetted by the amber light from surrounding torches and the staring full moon, stood a large wicker goat.
A Gävlebocken… well, a Hopebocken.
A warm earthy brown, as though the trees hadn’t perished weeks before, with bark flaking from it to make the fur seem shaggy, thick, truly like a majestic beast from the hills of Scandinavia, with fleece enough to shroud a Viking king. Horns magnificent upon its head, red and gold Christmas ribbons adorning them like Roman wreaths. His nose was round and his face was long and he stood watch upon the hill, noble, a guardian, a protector.
And at his feet were gathered the artists of this crudely fashioned idol. Nick and Kim, Hurk and Adelaide and Xander, Dutch and Jess, Jerome and Mary May, Virgil and Wade and Eli and Tammy and Merle… it seemed the whole county, faces beaming and hands willing, had stepped forward to play their part in Sharky's Christmas miracle.
Mattie watched Sharky take a stunned step forward.
"I wanted to surprise you." She whispered into his ear, taking his hand and giving it a little squeeze.
And there was that smile she loved so much. His eyes crinkled in the corners and a laugh catapulted itself from deep in his throat into the night air. It rose like a ball of light, and exploded into a thousand stars to light the county and every county beyond it.
"I… I…" He stammered, pupils dilated, entranced, and he turned back to face the love of his life, choking on the wonderment and the realisation of just what she had done for him. “I can…?”
“You bet.”
“And I ain’t gonna get arrested?”
“Like that’s bothered you before?” She grinned and watched as he jumped and whooped, punching the air. Overwhelmed with adrenaline. Crying her name to the heavens, unabashedly proclaiming how much he loved her and all who had come to give him this gift.
“Shark… Shark?”
His head spunt to gaze at her.
An almost breathless gasp escaped him.
And the look on his face made Mattie want to throw herself upon him and never let go.
In her outstretched arms, lay a new flamethrower, blue and purple disco graffiti emblazoned on the side, and a big red bow ornately tied along the neck. She carefully placed it in his hands, and he weighed it, mesmerized, feeling the perfect balance of the full canister of fuel, and the soon-to-be warmed steel. Tears bloomed in the corners of his as he grasped it. As he readied himself for the greatest bonfire of his life.
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
She placed a careful kiss on his lips.
“Now… go toast that goat.”
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rusticrevivals · 6 years
Richard’s been a very busy dude this last month or so.  Since the end of October my ‘good’ knee has steadily become worse than my ‘bad’ one (the one scheduled for surgery on Jan. 18).  So I’ve mostly been lying on couch or bed due to pain AND just trying to save wear and tear on them as they are both now ‘bone on bone’.  Meanwhile poor Richard has to pick up all the extra chores I can no longer manage as I’m mostly on my walker (kept, thank goodness, since my back surgeries). So he’s doing ALL the barn chores, PLUS milking Cammie and running up and down the basement stairs attending the furnace fires, and even some meal prep -with shouted instructions from the adjoining bedroom, of course!
Yes, I know some of you do not have snow, but we had our first big snow storm at the end of October and have had several more storms since then – and big winds as well!  So, there’s a lot to do outside as well as in! Richard IS very much enjoying his new ‘toy’, though:
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He decided his hip couldn’t handle pushing our snow blower up and down the laneway again this year.  Personally, I’ve always thought that in winter our entire laneway and parking lot/barnyard doesn’t need to be plowed, – we could just park near the front of the house and leave the rest –   but R. still is a bit of a  suburban Yuppie in some of his thinking. He feels ALL areas should be cleared – and by cleared I mean RIGHT to the pavement (which of course only causes more potential for dangerous falls on ice in my opinion, but we have this argument several times every year and I never win).  Thus, we got the attachment to the John Deere this year and his brother once again came to the rescue with help in this big endeavor:
I can’t seem to get Richard to protect his head (and mustache) properly though, and he always comes in with icicles hanging from his eyebrows and upper lip.  I looked at getting him a plastic ‘tent’ for around the top of the mower as a Christmas gift but a) they are pretty expensive considering how much we already spent on this contraption, b) we try not to BUY gifts for our family, just make them and c)  you all know how I feel about adding ANY plastic – even a piece of Saran Wrap – to my carbon footprint, so I didn’t feel that was a good choice.  Of all the hats and toques Richard’s been given over the years JUST since moving here, including  a balaclava which would help the stache-icicle problem, and including the red one with the pom-pom which his mother bought specially for all of us to MATCH, in Christmas 2016 and which he REFUSES to wear…
(The last hat is from the CBC show Still Standing – one of the producers gave it to me for doing some admin. for them getting the still photos they used, and getting waivers signed,  etc. and I passed it on to Richard last Christmas as it’s a lovely green!  If you still haven’t seen the episode in which we/New Denmark appear, the link is here:
https://watch.cbc.ca/media/still-standing/season-4/new-denmark-nb/38e815a-00f0c4c14f4  )
…the one he seems to now be preferring is one that isn’t MEANT to be his!  His brother gave him a slightly used winter coat for ‘good’ and inside the sleeve was tucked his BROTHER’S favourite toque.  Which Richard has now taken a Finders Keepers motto about and decided it was MEANT to be his own!
We thought it would be nice if we gave our old snowblower to neighbour Pierrette and her son Zeb who have helped us out so much since moving here, and who live like hermits WAY back off a tertiary road in the middle of the woods. So hubby just went past my window again making sure everything is working properly before we turn it over to  them. And yes, that IS his brother’s toque covering most of his noggin. Again. Plus he’s wearing the big black parka Mom gave him last year to  – ‘cover what little bum you have whilst snow-blowing!’
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Another snow-job is to get food out to Chevy who, until he leaves to go to his wonderful new owner Dec. 13, has been allowed to have his summer pasture area still open to him.  When the snows get heavier this isn’t possible as they cover the electric fence, but for now he’s usually found WAY up at the top of the hill, and Richard likes to feed both him and Cammie up there sometimes as it keeps the stall and corral area cleaner.  So, out comes the toboggan and away goes the food:
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Sometimes, though, when R. thinks he’ll have the luxury of dragging back an EMPTY toboggan, others have a different idea!
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In the meantime I haven’t been out of the house in a month.  One month yesterday, to be exact (more on that in a moment).  I am most comfortable in bed, as it has the best view, is supportive in the right places, allows my legs to spread out away from each other so the knees don’t touch,  and has enough space to spread my various projects out around me. The couch offers none of these, but once in a while I go into the living room for a change of scenery and to have a fire in the fireplace.  If my poor over-worked hubby (don’t feel too sorry for him, he’s spending MOST of his days cuddled up reading or napping!) is willing to make us a cozy fire, that is, since I can’t go fetch in wood myself or even stoop down!  I am primarily involved in writing a stage musical, one that’s been hatching slowly on the back burner (talk about mixing metaphors!) for some years now.  And I needed to do some research first, so since I can’t go to the library these days (getting in and out of the house is painful, and even more so is getting in and out of the vehicles!) one of the things I LOVE about the province of N.B. is that you can mail-order your books!  A big black pouch arrives in your mailbox, and you just put the return label on and send them back when you’re ready – for FREE! So, without giving too much away about my musical, you can get a glimmer of some of the subject content from these:  (I know any cousins or extended family will know where I’m likely going with this subject matter…) :
The next problem I faced, however, was that while most of the script (‘BOOK’, in correct musical theatre lingo ) and the lyrics to more than 20 songs have been written in the last month I could NOT sit at the piano to compose.  Sitting with my legs bent, as an upright piano necessitates is painful. So I asked for a melodica for Christmas and my mother very kindly arranged to get it here well in advance and allow me to have it right away. So, most of my days are spent like this:
Which the cat just HATES because a) until the last 30 days,  he’s used to having the bed uninterrupted all day long with plenty of room to spread out and b) neither he nor Smitty can STAND the sound of the melodica. Smitty comes up to the bed and whines, and the cat tends to run down to the basement yowling in anger.  I also am having hot flashes again (thought I was done with those a year ago, so I can only guess it’s thanks to complete lack of exercise now) and I frequently have to throw the blankets off my legs- which in and of itself is cause for a hefty scowl:
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As many of you will know, especially if you follow my FB pages, I come from a shortish line of theatrical as well as musical and literary personages. “Song’n’Dance” men as well as women! And by that I mean we can tell a good fictional tale as WELL as literally treading the boards. Grandma Johnson wrote many novel manuscripts which were never published because she only tried once, was told she needed more ‘boudoir’ scenes and never approached another publisher… I have a trunk still full of most of these manuscripts which I always promised her I would try to do something with one day – not that SHE cared, it was wholly my own idea to not let those years of writing be completely wasted (possibly, because I feel like all my own years of writing are being wasted in the same way!) “Like Grandmother, Like Granddaughter” in more ways than one, then.  This first pic was Grandma J (Ivanel) circa early 1930s, and the bottom, from one of my newspaper clippings, is me in similar pose (although you can’t see the red blinking lights on my nipples —- I was playing one of the prostitutes in “No Sex, Please – We’re British”. Which really should have been Grandma’s motto considering the reason she stopped approaching publishers! )
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Since writing, music and drama have all been such an important part of my life (and in fact my degree was a combination of all 3, as Queen’s allowed for an Artist in Community Education B.Ed. if you had experience in at least 3 facets of artistic life and a previous degree in 2 of them!  Eek! ) I decided to also base my musical on an important-to-Canada family who have all 3 as an integral part of ITS life.  And who also, as I do daily, fought to keep the environment protected.  (AND who, incidentally, have several towns of Perth cropping up in their various lives, as I have had 4 of them be important to me!  There’s a LOT of Perths out there! )  I didn’t think this musical would ever actually get written until, on October 26th Assistant Perth-Andover Choir Director Sandi Tattersall and I did a ‘ditty’ (“What Baking Can Do” from the musical Waitress by Sarah Bareilles)  for a charity show:
At one point I was to go behind Sandi as she sang a lovely and upbeat solo verse (she’s got an amazing voice and has had proper singing lessons for years, so it would have been MORE fitting if I’d just stayed behind her through the whole thing!)  and duck from one side to the other of her.  As my ‘good’ knee had already gone fairly ‘bad’ at this point, this ducking/deeking was pretty much the end of it. CR-A-A-CK !
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I tried one time after that (on Oct. 30) to make it to the choir rehearsals for our Christmas concerts and knew I wasn’t going to be able to keep going.  Richard, incidentally, IS still going and they had a very successful first concert  on Thursday night with a few more to go.  I missed the concert season in the spring from having that 5-week virus, and now I am missing this whole season as well. Very frustrating!  HOWEVER, as the love of the performing arts has CLEARLY been passed on to my 12-year-old nephew, who at this time last year was on European tour with the Atlantic Boychoir, I am NOT missing out on his first-ever singing solo. AND it’s in a professional cast of over 130 with his mother accompanying the show as part of the small band/orchestra they’ve hired.  This is a BIG deal!  Sydney is even mentioned in the Arts & Culture Centre’s flyer as a featured performer, which is pretty amazing for a kid, I think:
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There are 5 performances (one’s a matinee) next week with sold-out crowds of over 1,000 people at each performance —- and Mom has already flown to St. John’s to help with all the extra craziness going on in a musicians’ household at the run-up to Christmas. Of course my sister always plays, as part of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra, for the annual Nutcracker concert, the annual Messiah concert, and has numerous other gigs right now, as does Sydney with his school concerts, his ‘cello, his viol-de-gamba, his choral singing with the Boychoir and now soloing in the big Diva’s show.  That’s “big Diva’s show”, NOT ” Big Divas’ show “. Please note difference!  He’s singing the gorgeous melody from The Greatest Showman, called A Million Dreams. If you haven’t heard it, you MUST; it’s luscious.  Here’s the young lad , Ziv Zaifman, that sang it for the soundtrack. No doubt there will be no recording done of poor Sydney’s efforts, as seems the case with most of his performances, and of course we lowly family members (even those who have to province-hop and go doped up on painkillers and in a wheelchair!) can’t take recording devices into theatres, so this is the closest we’ll likely have:
I DID, however, do up a little ‘gif’ of my sister playing for the Divas show last year (they had an Irish/Celtic theme then) and of Sydney on CBC radio last month for the Boychoir.
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As you’ll have noticed in the above, like me, my sister is very dramatic, facially – especially when playing.  Some of you may remember that she has always been this expressive since our early days playing as children.  However, as you can see by this video of a gorgeous piece by Franck, which SHE just did this year for a charity concert, her playing is unrecognizable compared to what it was when we were children!
Anyway, I leave for St. John’s on Friday, being pushed through the airports and to the theatre two nights in a row (thanks for the ticket gifts, Jennifer!) by the good folk at Air Canada, and my poor brother-in-law!  Wheelchairs courtesy of Air Canada and the Red Cross. Thanks very much!
While I’m plugging Atlantic Canada professional stage shows here, I should also mention that my singing partner from above, Sandi Tattersall, has an equally talented sibling and nephew, the former who is appearing in the professional cast of Beauty and the Beast in Moncton in a few months  (Curtis Sullivan is often seen in a lot of Drayton Productions in Ontario, and I’m sure many of the Ontarioites reading this blog will have seen him in those.  My theatre-loving compatriots from the Stratford teaching days will surely recognize him as the Drayton company has expanded so much recently, hasn’t it?)   Sadly, I don’t THINK my knees will be rehabbed enough to make it to the Moncton production, as I’d planned when it was originally announced, but if you’re in that area (which, in N.B. means – ANY OF THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES!)  here’s the link for tickets and a cast summary:
https://www.facebook.com/notes/th%C3%A9%C3%A2tre-capitol-theatre/beauty-and-the-beast-cast-announcement-annonce-de-la-distribution-des-r%C3%B4les/2400399146645048/ Sandi’s nephew is a phenom. in his own right, and I pray/hope/expect my own nephew may be following along these lines – for the purely selfish reason that I can have years of exciting and proud theatre to see!  His name is Jeremy Leo Curtis and he just finished a run in downtown Toronto as Joseph, in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Jeremy got stellar reviews, one of which – by the Gaisins for the Ontario Arts Review -says: “The title character is portrayed by Jeremy Leo Curtis and methinks this young man has a promising potential theatre career. He can sing up a storm; utilizes his face & posture to advantage; is obviously charismatic…and in addition – movie-star handsome.” 
MORE photos and reviews here: https://www.theatreunlimited.ca/joseph
So, Ontario theatre-goers of whom I know many are reading this blog (despite it supposedly being about how to live self-sufficiently on a homestead in the Maritimes!) – keep your eyes open for Curtis Sullivan and/or Jeremy Leo Sullivan!  Now THAT’S a musical theatre family! (but still not the ones I’m writing my own musical about. You’ll have to wait for another non-homesteading-themed blog posting to find out more about that!)
Also in Perth, and if you’re in the Maritimes you might have heard about this on CBC Radio Noon yesterday,   https://www.cbc.ca/listen/shows/maritime-noon     our Choir Director (and esteemed mayor) suggested to her young and massively creative Baptist minister that they do what is apparently a ‘first’ – possibly in the world.  (Remember we sang as ‘angels’ last December for the same church’s drive-thru Nativity? if you don’t remember and want a peek, and yes – one of Richard wearing yet a DIFFERENT toque on his noggin,  see this blog posting:  https://bluebellmountainblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/09/cast-of-thousands/    ) .  Marianne Bell and  the Rev. Michael Fredericks with another cast of ‘manymany; have filmed a series called ‘Online Advent’. Each day, starting today, they will have a little clip of their ‘show’ telling the Christmas story and yesterday on air Rick Mercer said, (even if it MAY have been tongue-in-cheek) that’d he’d consider being in their production another year as it ‘has all the production quality of Murdoch Mysteries’!
Here’s Jessica Theriault , and Sheila Cummings, who sings with us in choir and went to Moncton to Choralfest with 6 of us in October. This is taken from the ‘trailer’ to which I’ve also given the link below:
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  Now, whilst musical theatre season (and in England also silly ‘panto’ season!) is very HOT in December, this blog posting isn’t particularly Christmassy OR Homesteady as yet – so as a build-up to your festive season, and to not get off track TOO much (too late!) re: living self-sufficiently, here is what to do when you have lots of fresh goat’s milk and eggs:
HOMEMADE EGG NOG – take 3 or 4 day-old goat’s milk (want it to have sat in fridge for a few days for best thickness and richer taste), fill up half a blender, throw in up to 6 fresh eggs from your chickies, add 2 tsp. of vanilla, 1/2 a cup of sugar or Stevia, 1/2 cup of vanilla frozen yogurt (your own if you’ve some made up!) and some cinnamon and nutmeg.  Blend it up – if your eggs were very fresh it should be yellowish in colour, but not to worry if it isn’t — and when it’s finished put only a very SMALL amount of rum in, if you wish.  I find more than a dollop ruins the whole lovely beverage, though I know many who will disagree!
Cardinal card by our wonderful artist friend (and my former art teacher!) Jane Wright.  Richard has been inspired by Anne Schultz to suddenly enjoy cardinals again, as he once did… so I might make the next blog posting a Christmassy-red-snowy-Cardinal-based posting!
Nogs, Noggins, Song’n’s and Toboggans Richard's been a very busy dude this last month or so.  Since the end of October my 'good' knee has steadily become worse than my 'bad' one (the one scheduled for surgery on Jan.
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farmhaus · 3 years
someday fuck this shit man, someday fuck this HAPPY HOLIDAYS to poor-pitiful-me, look at me martyr myself for this-that-and-the-other, with the rest of my family trying to ignore how sorry and confused they feel about my choices and my current state and my mental health and the whole fucking charade.  someday my self-loathing aunt won't write things like "AND WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ON A RANCH IN COLORADO, ANYWAY??" in the most aggressive way possible, italicized and bolded like what the fuck are you 12?
no, no no no no.  because I know this formula, stupid and hilariously flawed and riddled with issues and switchback turns and labyrinths of emotions, and seemingly pointless tasks to achieve minimal FUCKING MINIMAL baby steps in some direction I can barely discern -- I know this formula will pay off, I know it will work.  because I know how badly I want it, and more importantly I know what I want.
the day will come.  that christmas will come.  I won't even need to see my parents or my siblings or their brood et cetera, though I certainly will. I'll have exactly what I need all around me.  I will have a healthy, roaring fire in the woodstove or fireplace, kettle slowly steaming.  there will be handmade rugs and quilts and christmas tapestries and quilted pillows for comfort, a live fir tree that just weeks prior WE cut and dragged in the snow in boots and carhartts and flannel, because that's what we wear. I may be a touch wrinkled and leathery, my hair lightly silvered, but I will be trim and agile and full of laughter and red cheeks and a wide smile.  this will also go for my beautiful children, whatever race or background they hail from, whatever age they are, whether biological or adopted or fostered, they will love the shit out of me and my mashed potatoes and our goose and my gravy and my bread and our canned vegetables from the summer's bounty.  we will eat to a fill, drink fresh milk with the cream-top and make egg nog from our blue and green and lavender eggs, even when the kids insist on cracking them and get shells in the mix despite my warning. I'll gently pick them out.
we'll talk about where reindeer really come from, how they're like elk, how they're different.  I'll ask my eldest if they remembered to lock the chickens in, they will look panic-stricken and quickly run to the mud room to don a jacket and boots; likely returning from the bitter cold with haste.  I'll pat their back and smile and say "thanks for doing that, bub."
cookies will inevitably get passed around.  the tree will glow with homemade ornaments and strings of lights, a perfect star to top it.  the dog or cat or both or multiples of either will stretch out or curl up on the cowhide in front of the stove.  candles will be lit in the window,  It's a Wonderful Life will, at some point, come on the public television station.   as my babes are chattering gayly about what the morning might bring, I will feel a swell of perfection, of peace, of knowing it was all worth it.  I will feel solidarity with my sow and her litter, my Jersey and her calf, both who are also tucked into a warm barn full of fresh straw bedding, one of which is gently ruminating as the mice scuttle around, hunting stray morsels for their own families.
after the fighting and the insisting and the anticipation, everyone will tuck in, finally.  my husband stunningly beautiful and rightly exhausted wife will come down the stairs with the final wrapped numbers and strategically place them around the tree. I'll silently pour our finest bourbon, turn on the record player ever-so-softly, and we'll watch the snow fall out the window as the fire crackles.  each of us will sigh deeply. we are both relieved it's almost over, but still glad it's not...quite, yet.  we don't need to speak. we sip quietly, until one of us lets out an introspective laugh.  we'll share in the reflection, chuckle together, and feel the peace of peace, the peace the bible and the christmas cards and the fucking NYT bestsellers and hogwash gurus talk about.  as we get up to turn off the music, to turn in for the night, he will pull me I will pull her into an embrace.  as usual, we'll know what the other one is feeling. she'll fall into me and heave a breath into my neck, and I'll squeeze her a little harder. some part of that sigh is the mutual satisfaction that all of the frantic clawing and gnashing and wanting and toiling and even some of the very creatures of our past who were so fucking determined to undermine us, or so it seemed at the time, are just that -- a thing of the past. maybe, or maybe not, this will trigger me to remember christmases like this one, and the one prior, and the one before that.  maybe I will smile, wishing I could telegram 26-year-old maureen alone in the cold house on the windy prairie where nothing, absolutely nothing, belonged to her and say "seasons greetings, it's all worth it goddamnit. trust me on this," as I press my body into another woman's, as familiar as my own, for one of the longest nights of the year.
and whatever whatever whatever.  It's coming.  I will have that, and so much more.  those kids and that man will love me so . I will love that woman and those children so fucking much, in every way I can't even imagine, for all of the right reasons, and finally FINALLY FUCKING FINALLY, for the first time in my life: I will be home for Christmas.
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kiddiemom-blog · 6 years
Vegan Eggnog Recipe (Healthy & Low Fat).
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Light and healthier spiced eggnog recipe that is dairy-free, vegan and lower in fat and sugar! This holiday vegan eggnog recipe is a great alternative to soothe an eggnog craving!
Homemade eggnog is easy to make and this one has (almost) all healthy ingredients! Eggnog happens to be one of my favorite traditional holiday cocktails I love to enjoy as dessert. It is sweet, creamy and a fabulous treat that doesn’t taste like it has an alcohol in it.
Ever just crave a delicious cup of eggnog?
Picture this with me. You are at the grocery store in the milk section and the carton of eggnog just made its way out in public. The carton is just glowing like a halo floating above it behind chilled glass doors. It marks the start of the holidays, Christmas parties and family parties snuggled up at home! And we all get excited!
I know I sure do this every holiday!
But as soon as I enjoy a cup I realize, that one cup I just enjoyed was really two servings (because a serving of eggnog is ½ cup) and those two servings were loaded with tons of fat and sugar I surely did not need. Eggnog just tastes so. darn. good!
Then I wake up the next morning and feel like I have gained 20 pounds overnight and I am congested from all the dairy.
Dear eggnog, I love you, but thank goodness you only visit once a year for the holidays!
And then there is this vegan eggnog. Vegan eggnog is healthier, lower in fat and contains no eggs or dairy! This is my go-to eggnog recipe all the time and it is super tasty!
What to mix with eggnog
Eggnog is usually mixed with rum, brandy or bourbon. Using a higher alcohol will cut the sweetness, so if you need, add a dash more sugar to adjust to what alcohol is mixed in. This recipe uses dark rum and brandy.
How do you make vegan eggnog
Let’s start with the ingredients.
Plant-based milk, cashew milk: Start with a thick dairy-free milk. Some vegan recipes call for almond milk. Oat milk or hemp milk is thicker and has a different taste that might alter the flavor. I prefer cashew milk that is unsweetened. It only has 25 calories per cup, contains no added sugar, and has a slight natural sweet taste. It is also super thick, resembling a similar consistency of cream.
Canned lite coconut milk: Use canned lite coconut milk for more creamy flavor. I like to use lite for my vegan egg nog and if your worried – it does not have a “Coconut” flavor after all the ingredients are blended together. Also using lite cuts fat and calories😊. You can totally use full fat for an even thicker eggnog.
Xylitol sugar or maple syrup: I prefer to use Xylitol sugar. It is low glycemic and contains less calories than regular sugar. Maple syrup can also be use in an equal amount to sweeten up the drink naturally.
Liquor: Brandy and dark rum for a little fun!
Orange juice: Orange juice adds more natural sweetness and zest to this eggnog recipe. It is also loaded with vitamin C and folate, and if you get fortified, contains calcium an other beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Flavors from nutmeg and lemon zest: Lemon zest and nutmeg is wonderful to flavor savory meal, drinks and baked goods. I suggest using fresh nutmeg and using a fine grater to grate the seed right into the drink. The flavor will be more intense and robust!
To make eggnog whisk together all the ingredients on the stove-top on low heat for about 5 minutes and heated. Serve at once or chill first then serve in glasses with fresh nutmeg sprinkled on top.
How does this eggnog cocktail compare to a traditional recipe
It has an eggnog flavor from nutmeg and the creaminess of cashew milk and coconut milk.
It does taste different than a traditional eggnog drink because nothing compares to real cream. But this is a great way to fix that craving in a healthy way.
It has much lower fat, and the fats it does contain are from canned coconut milk and cashew milk.
This is such an easy eggnog recipe to make this holiday! You can also turn this into a non alcoholic eggnog recipe by skipping the alcohol 😉. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
If you like this recipe you may also like these other cocktail recipes:
Vegan Eggnog Recipe (Healthy & Low Fat)
Light and healthier spiced eggnog recipe that is dairy-free, vegan and lower in fat and sugar! This holiday vegan eggnog recipe is a great alternative to soothe an eggnog craving!
2 cups cashew milk (unsweetened)
1 (15 ounce can) lite coconut milk
1/3 cup maple syrup ((or Xylitol))
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup Dark rum
3 Tablespoons Brandy
Zest of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg ((plus more for garnish))
In a saucepan on low heat add all the ingredients. With a whisk, mix ingredients together and heat on low for 5 minutes until it is heated, mixing throughout. 
Serve at once or refrigerate covered to chill. Serve in glasses and garnish with freshly grated nutmeg. 
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The post Vegan Eggnog Recipe (Healthy & Low Fat) appeared first on Delightful Mom Food | Simple Healthy Gluten Free Recipes.
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taylorsamsnj-blog · 6 years
Today’s Specials RED BANK ONLY!!
Thursday December 20th
“Featured Specials”  
Order Delivery @ ubereats.com/taylorsams
Soup of the Moment: Red Bean & Bacon
Apple Crumb French Toast $10.19
Challah Bread French Toast-Caramelized Apples-Homemade Cobbler Topping- Whipped Cream-Warm Syrup
Add Side Sausage or Bacon $3.49
Happy Sam $9.89
Famous Homemade Chicken Salad-Lettuce-Ripe Tomato Toasted Artisan Whole Wheat Bread
Cup of the Moment Soup
The Nooner $11.99
Espresso Rubbed Burger-Baby Arugula-Cheddar-Bacon
Sunny Egg-Avocado-Hand Cut Fries
Blueberry Hill Salad $10.19
Blackened Chicken-Creamy Gorgonzola-Toasted Almonds Cucumber-Romaine-Fresh Blueberrys-Balsamic Vinaigrette
Add Creamy Avocado $1.75
Coffee of the Day:White Christmas
Egg Nog Latte: Hot or Iced
Kiwi Arnold Palmer
Dessert: Cappuccino Cheesecake
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
A Delicious Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe
Fans of eggnog cheer when they see it decorating the dairy case during the last few months of the year. But after December it disappears again. Though we love the smooth, custardy sweetness, we may hate the additives listed on the back panel of the carton. But you can enjoy this treat year-round by following an easy nonalcoholic eggnog recipe. (Alcohol is optional at the end.)
First, gather your ingredients.
Depending on your state, you may be able to purchase fresh, raw milk and cream. Or you own dairy animals. Perhaps you’re consigned to purchase milk and cream at the supermarket, but don’t let that disappoint you. The store-bought stuff still makes amazing eggnog. The “milk” portion of this recipe can be anything from skim to whole milk, but real cream is necessary to carry the flavor.
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Now you need eggs. This is the primary focus of eggnog and amazing custards. If you know your egg facts, then you know the digestible protein in cooked eggs is higher than that of raw eggs. Farmers keeping their own chickens don’t have to worry as much about salmonella, but it can still be a danger. Gently heating the eggnog past 160 degrees avoids that worry. Before starting this recipe, either gather fresh eggs from the coop or let refrigerated eggs stand on the counter just long enough to come to room temperature. This allows the eggs to temper better when they meet the hot milk.
Third, you need sugar. Simple white sugar creates a pure and clean flavor. But if you want a distinct hint of caramel in your eggnog, replace some or all of the sugar with brown sugar, piloncillo, or date palm jaggery. But have a conservative hand here; if you use too much brown or natural sugar, the deep flavors might overpower the delicate vanilla.
And speaking of vanilla, have you learned how to make homemade vanilla extract? I highly recommend it. The ingredients are pure and the flavor is amazing, both traits that we also want for our nonalcoholic eggnog recipe. You can also use one or two vanilla beans, unlocking the flavor by steeping the pods and seeds for a half hour in hot cream before using the cream to continue on with the recipe.
Last of all … nutmeg. It may be difficult to find whole nutmeg outside specialty shops and international stores. It’s brown, hard, and round like a fruit stone. If you can find it, grab it up and grind it fresh using a fine-toothed rasp grater. Even if you don’t have access to the whole spice you can find flavorful, high-quality nutmeg in your local supermarket.
Honorable mention: rum extract. This puts the “nonalcoholic” in “nonalcoholic eggnog recipe.” Using a little rum extract gives the eggnog warm, buttery notes without inebriating your children. If you desire a more adult beverage, add a few ounces of real rum or bourbon.
Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe
1 dozen large egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream
4 cups milk
2 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon homemade vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon rum extract (optional)
In a medium bowl or in the bowl to a stand mixer, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until they become a thick, light yellow. Let stand while you heat the milk.
Combine the milk, cream, nutmeg, and salt in a large saucepan. Heat on medium-low, stirring often, until the mixture barely reaches a simmer.
Now carry the saucepan over to your egg yolks and start your mixer. (Or whisk vigorously by hand as you scoop.) Start with ½ cup of the hot milk, slowly adding it to the eggs while whisking constantly to avoid clumps of cooked egg. Add another ½ cup, continuing to whisk so you slowly temper the eggs to the correct temperature. Keep adding the milk in the same manner until it has all been added to the eggs.
Pour the tempered milk/egg mixture back into the saucepan and continue heating on medium-low, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit on a cooking thermometer. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and rum extracts.
You can be finished at this point, but if you love a truly smooth drink, filter it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any small clumps of egg or spice. Now pour into a heat-proof container and stretch plastic wrap over the rim, pressing the plastic against the eggnog to prevent a skin from forming as the mixture cools.
Serve chilled.
Now that you’ve made your amazing homemade, nonalcoholic eggnog recipe, what are you going to do with it? Drink it, of course. But you can also use it as coffee “creamer” for an eggnog latte. Try it as the milk/cream base for a chai tea, adding warm vanilla tones to an already sweet and addictive drink. Or cool the mixture at least 24 hours before pouring it into the bowl of an ice cream maker. There’s no need to alter the recipe to make eggnog ice cream; the fat and sugar balances are already perfect.
Indulgent Variations:
To make homemade eggnog even more of a treat, try one of these indulgent variations.
Alternative Add/Change Notes Goat Milk Eggnog Replace whole milk with whole goat milk for a distinctive tang. Allergic to cow’s milk or want a lower-fat recipe? Replace all milk and cream with goat milk. Duck Egg-Nog Replace all yolks with eight to 12 duck egg yolks, depending on duck egg size. Some people with chicken egg allergies can eat duck eggs. Either way, the yolks make a richer, creamier finished eggnog. Vanilla Bean Nog Slice one to two vanilla beans lengthwise, scraping out seeds, and steeping seeds and pod 30 minutes in hot cream. Proceed with recipe. This replaces vanilla extract and any extract ingredients which may be questionable or unacceptable. Honey Nog Replace sugar with honey. If you have chickens, bees, and dairy animals, your egg nog can be almost completely homestead-grown. (Except for the spices.) Pumpkin Spice Nog Add a tablespoon of pumpkin puree and a dash of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. Use canned puree or roasted, strained winter squash (not Jack-o-lantern pumpkins) so you don’t water down the recipe. Chocolate Nog Replace nutmeg with a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder. This creates a thick and very rich “hot” cocoa drink. Dairy-Free Nog Switch milk and cream out for coconut or almond milk. If using almond milk, reduce added sugar.
Have you tried this cooked, nonalcoholic eggnog recipe? Please let us know how you liked it.
  A Delicious Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe was originally posted by All About Chickens
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anachef · 6 years
Restaurants Offering Thanksgiving Meals for Carryout 2018
Following is a selection of restaurant chains offering full Thanksgiving meals, or select items, for carryout this year.  Please be sure to call ahead as some options sell out early.
For those who would rather dine in at a restaurant this year, please see Restaurant Chains Open Thanksgiving Day 2018.
Bakers Square offers pies for pick-up. Pumpkin Pecan, Pumpkin Supreme and more. Bundles available.
Bar-B-Cutie Smokehouse is offering Holiday Turkeys & Hams & Hand-Made Country Sides. Available: Juiy Smoked Turkey, Juicy Whole Smoked Turkey Breast, Fried Turkey and Spiral Sliced Ham. Don’t forget to add green beans, cinnamon apples, banana pudding, cobblers and more.
Baskin-Robbins’ classic Turkey Cake is back! This all ice cream cake is fully customizable with any ice cream flavor and features sugar cone legs. Guests can also try the Turkey Cake with seasonal flavors including Bourbon Street Pecan Pie; Peppermint, a pink peppermint-flavored ice cream with pieces of peppermint candy; Egg Nog, a rich, thick egg nog-flavored ice cream; or Winter White Chocolate, a white chocolate-flavored ice cream with cherry pieces in a chocolate-flavored coating and a cherry ribbon. Guests can stop by their nearest Baskin-Robbins location or visit order.baskinrobbins.com to pre-order this festive dessert!
Ben’s Kosher Deli is offering a Thanksgiving Feast for 10, $249.90. Includes whole roasted turkey, stuffing and gravy, roasted red potatoes, baked yams, fruit noodle pudding, sweet potato pudding and mashed potatoes. Side dishes and extra goodies also available.
Bill Miller Bar-B-Q offers an assortment of holiday ordering options: Turkey Hen (9-11 lbs raw weight) $54.95, Turkey Tom (17-19 lbs raw weight) $92.95, Honey Glazed Spiral Cut Ham $55.99, Party Packs also available that serve 10 – 20. Fresh baked, 9-inch pies.
Billy Sims BBQ will once again offer slow-cooked smoked spiral cut hams and smoked turkeys to make your menu planning easier. Get a $5 Gift Card when you prepay and order by November 18.
Bob Evans Restaurants is serving up the savings with the Premium Farmhouse Feast – a fully-cooked, heat-and-serve homestyle meal for eight to ten people. The Premium Farmhouse Feast includes Bob Evans’ signature slow-roasted turkey, hickory smoked ham, bread & celery dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, buttered sweet corn, green beans with ham, macaroni & cheese, cranberry relish, rolls, a Double-Crust Apple pie, a whole pumpkin pie with whipped topping, and a loaf of pumpkin bread . . . for just $114.99. A Farmhouse Feast that serves eight is available for $79.99 – $84.99. Also available, a Farmhouse Feast that serves four for $49.99 – $54.99.
Bojangles’ wildly popular seasonal menu favorite, the Bojangles’ Seasoned Fried Turkey, is now available at participating restaurants. Pricing for Bojangles’ Seasoned Fried Turkey begins at $39.99 at participating locations only. Pricing and participation may vary by location. Complete your Bojangles’-themed meal by adding your favorite fixin’s, including Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Mac ‘n Cheese, Bojangles’ Dirty Rice, made-from-scratch buttermilk biscuits, crisp, individual baked sweet potato pies.
Boston Market – Menu includes everything from whole roasted turkey to all the sides you crave, like mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable stuffing, spinach artichoke dip and crackers, cranberry walnut relish, dinner rolls, one apple pie and one pumpkin pie (serves 12). Catering options also available. You can order online, by phone or at your local Boston Market restaurant. Everything is already cooked, and it only takes about two to three hours to heat the entire meal.
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurants are serving up a Traditional Thanksgiving Feast To Go with sliced white meat turkey, homestyle gravy, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, spicy Italian sausage stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Half pan serves ten for $199.99. Full pan serves twenty for $379.99. Available November 12 through 22nd. Orders must be placed by 4pm Tuesday, November 20. Prices may vary by location. Catering also available.
Charlie Brown’s Fresh Grill is serving a complete turkey dinner served with Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Turkey Gravy, Sweet Potatoes, Apple Cornbread Stuffing, Baby Beans Amandine, Candied Carrots and Cranberry Sauce. Plus, your choice of Apple or Pumpkin Pie. Serves 8-10 people – $199.99. 48 hours notice required.
Chompie’s is open until 3pm and offers delicious complete Thanksgiving meal packages to go that serve 12-15 generously. In addition to coming as part of the meal packages, Chompie’s also offers its extra large (18-20 lbs. raw weight) whole oven-roasted turkeys to go alone. A la carte Thanksgiving side dishes also available.
Claim Jumper Restaurants are offering complete Holiday Meals which serve from 6 to 32 guests. Choices include Slow Roasted Turkey, Smoked Ham or Turkey & Ham. Includes stuffing with savory gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet mashed potatoes, orange-cranberry relish, choice of one side and homemade garlic cheese bread. Just the trimmings also available. 24-hour pre-order is recommended.
Country Buffet offers a Holiday Feast for $89.99 which includes boneless sliced turkey breast and sliced smoked pit ham, holiday dressing, homestyle macaroni & cheese, country style green beans, mashed potatoes and more. Thanksgiving packs can be ordered through Tuesday, November 20.
Cowboy Chicken is offering a Wood Fire Rotisserie Turkey Holiday Package, which feeds between eight to ten guests and features a 10-12 pound Wood Fire Rotisserie Turkey, Twice Baked Potaters, choice of a Wild West Side, Country Style Stuffing, 12 fluffy dinner rolls, and Peach or Apple Cobbler, all for $99.99. Guests can also order the turkey à la carte for $44.99 (whole turkey) and $49.99 (sliced). Orders require at least 48 hours’ notice and availability is limited.
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store is offering a Turkey n’ Dressing Family Meal To-Go. Serves up to six people and features a turkey n’ dressing dinner complete with a sampling of sugar cured ham, a choice of three quart-sized country sides, cranberry relish, gravy and a choice of biscuits, corn muffins, or a loaf of sourdough bread. It is available from Nov. 17 through Nov. 25 for $67.99. For $109.99, the meal serves up to 10 people and includes two oven-roasted turkey breasts, cornbread dressing, turkey gravy, cranberry relish, a choice of three sides, sweet yeast rolls, a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie for dessert. For an additional charge, guests have the option to upgrade one of the sides to green bean casserole or add as an additional side item. Gallons of spiced apple tea are also available for purchase. Guests are encouraged to order online at least 24 hours in advance of pickup through online ordering and the Cracker Barrel app.
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit’s Complete Holiday Feast includes the guests’ choice of Cajun Fried Turkey, Smoked Turkey, Spiral Cut Ham or Prime Rib and comes with Baked Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Cornbread Dressing and a dozen buttery rolls. The Dickey’s Complete Holiday Feast feeds 10-12. Dickey’s also offers The Dinner Feast which serves 8-10 as well as a la carte options. All Dickey’s holiday options are heat and serve.
source http://www.restaurantnews.com/restaurants-offering-thanksgiving-meals-for-carryout-111218/
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rtxclemmie2554-blog · 7 years
Absolute best Funny Christmas time Celebration Video games & Favourite Cheery Tunes People Will.
Satisfy Note: Blog are actually certainly not picked, modified or evaluated through Seeking Alpha editors. Exchange is actually preparing for individuals to stop dining in a restaurant in the course of the existing financial downturn, however I would certainly suggest that eating out schedules additional to a secular change in actions than a bi-product from effortless debt. The people of Jamaica are actually welcoming as well as warm and invited the travelers to their island. If I Possessed $ 1000000 by Basic Nakedladies, a song that gave rise to Kraft Dinner shaking at their concerts. Shellfish rice is actually easy to create as well as charming dinner dish to prepare for your partner. For instance, pastas is actually effortlessly readied in large quantities and also nearly everybody enjoys that. Serve some garlic bread and also a fresh yard tossed salad, and quickly the pastas dinner is actually a dental filling, mouth watering food that just costs dimes per serving. Since I figured that would certainly be actually a quick and easy choice for dinner, I chose making one of all of them. By following this treatment, you could easily have a homemade noodles supper in under an hour - any sort of evening from the full week! Delight in the warm, pleasant setting as you drink your coffee and prepare piekna-polka.info for your day. Provide your crockpot soup along with cozy support and this creates a wonderful autumn or winter months dinner. Make sure to visit her blog post Easy Supper Recipes for even more quick and easy dinner recipes, crockpot supper concepts and also more! One guy had me to the shop to reveal me where every thing was, yet another provided me cake, and some of the others delivered to make me supper. If you are getting tired of the usual every time supper meals, that is a nice technique to alter points up. Reason # 1: Family Friendly Fat loss Dishes have actually been actually developed with fat loss substances in every dish in order that you may shed the excess weight as well as return to feeling and look the way you've consistently desired. If for any type of main reason you decide that Family members Friendly Fat loss Dishes is actually wrong for you and also your loved ones at that point just email me utilizing the get in touch with hyperlink at the bottom of the webpage at any time during the very first 60 times from your acquisition and also I'll offer you a full reimbursement - no questions talked to. Christmas dinner menus could be as easy or even as complicated as you will as if for them to be. With X-mas appetites in full swing, your friends and family could certainly take pleasure in a supper that proceeds fluidly from egg nog, to ready your visitor's tastes buds, right to a mouth sprinkling (as well as belly pleasing) apple cake to complete the events. In addition to the traditional Thai New Year called Songkran (Thailand) (which falls on April 13 or April 14), Thais likewise commemorate the landing of the Gregorian New Year on January 1 with their pals, relatives and also households, that includes a household supper and also observing various customs. Finding a gourmet chef is effortless by utilizing the USPCA (USA Personal Gourmet chef Organization -) or even the CPCA (Canadian Personal Chef Alliance - ). Listed below you will certainly find information on personal chefs in addition to a directory site from participants in your location.
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nelsonhirst903-blog · 7 years
Easy Supper Recipes For every single Celebration.
Many people have been actually asking me for simple recipes, featuring easy quick supper recipes. Whether it is actually a freestanding bespoke item, an appealing walking cane furniture item or maybe a reupholstered/revamped piece of vintage home furniture ... Whatever this is actually, it's effortless to mount right into the location and also that's a fantastic technique of looking for that indoor enthusiasm you've been food craving. There are actually many reasons that you ought to be familiar with the best ways to bring in sushi: this may be prepared within no time at all, that is a well-balanced junk food, great event meals, this is actually practical and also that is exciting to create in addition to being actually true quick and easy to follow up with. Just what else you'll need to offer dinner: A tossed salad (environment-friendly, white potato, or pasta. the options are actually limitless) and also your beloved chips or even homemade french fries are going to finish this straightforward supper at any time of year. Work routines as well as after institution tasks typically leave little bit of time for grocery store purchasing and dish prep work; so for households facing opposing schedules, that pull them in opposite instructions, having dinner together as a family, usually means eating in a restaurant.
The thanksgiving dinner food selection can appear quite difficult yet it does not need to be. Plan ahead as well as acquaint your own self with cooking opportunities for the different meals as well as points are going to only move in to area coming from there. Our billboards which are crucial advertising resources for our company to build brand name awareness as well as supply product and directional details will certainly adopt the Handcrafted by Biscuit Barrel imaginative with slogans highlighting market value as well as quality such as residence created, does not set you back extra and also fresh foods, helpful costs. In 1999, Gerry Thomas, the Swanson online marketer frequently credited as the innovator from TV Dinners, had the honor of placing his handprints, and also a print from a three-compartment TV Dinner rack, in the concrete from the Hollywood Walk of Prominence outside Mann's Mandarin Cinema. Supper platter plans for very official affairs can be a definitely troublesome concern for Szymon-Radzi.Info any individual eager on making everything remarkable; therefore, you could hunt for some recommendations associated with table designs and the best ways to be actually trendy as well as elegant for supper. This finances and also visitor checklist were simple for our team because that was an unpleasant surprise however some things to think of at a bistro gathering like Il Tiramisu are the price of the dinner, guest, idea as well as tax obligation count. A standard provided cabin deal would commonly consist of transactions to and also off the airport, afternoon tea, pre dinner alcoholic beverages as well as canapés, morning meal and night dish for 6 nights (the personnel would commonly have an evening off) and transport to and also off the inclines. Xmas dinner food selections could be as simple or as complicated as you will like for all of them to become. Along with Xmas cravings industrious, your friends and family could absolutely appreciate a dinner that goes ahead fluidly off egg nog, to prepare your attendee's tastes buds, right to a mouth water (and stubborn belly pleasing) apple pie to round off the events.
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taylorsamsnj-blog · 7 years
Today’s Specials BRICK ONLY!!
Sunday December 10th
Soup of the Moment: Turkey Pot Pie
Very Veggie Omelet $9.99
Fresh Asparagus-Portobello Mushrooms-Baby Spinach
Gruyere Cheese-Farm Fresh Eggs-Choice of Toast-Home Fries
 Pear Cobbler $10.39
Challah French Toast-Maple Glazed Bosc Pears
Homemade Sugar Crumbles-Whipped Cream-Add Side Sausage $3
 Amalfi Coast Toast $10.49
Artisan Wheat Toast-Creamy Artichoke Dip-Fried Eggplant
Baby Spinach-Ripe Tomato-2 Sunny Eggs-Side Fresh Fruit
 Breakfast Fajita Pita $10.19
Blackened Sirloin-Scrambled Eggs-Caramelized Onions & Peppers
Chipotle Sauce-Sharp Cheddar Cheese-Pico de Gallo
Add a Side Guacamole $2.19
 Holy Mole Burger $10.19
Angus Ground Beef-Queso Fresco-Pico de Gallo-Shredded Lettuce
Ancho Oaxaca Sauce-Creamy Avocado-Toasted Brioche-Fries
 Chicken Tempura Bowl $9.99
Crispy Chicken-Thai Chili Glaze-Fried Brown Rice
Edamame-Baby Arugula-Sriracha Aioli
Coffee of the Day: Santa’s White Christmas
Drink Specials: Blood Orange Arnold Palmer
Italian Egg Nog Latte
Desserts: Funny Bone Cake-Pumpkin Cheesecake
0 notes
taylorsamsnj-blog · 7 years
Today’s Specials BRICK ONLY!!
Saturday December 9th
Soup of the Moment: Steak & Mushroom Barley
Very Veggie Omelet $9.99
Fresh Asparagus-Portobello Mushrooms-Baby Spinach
Gruyere Cheese-Farm Fresh Eggs-Choice of Toast-Home Fries
 Pear Cobbler $10.39
Challah French Toast-Maple Glazed Bosc Pears
Homemade Sugar Crumbles-Whipped Cream-Add Side Sausage $3
 Amalfi Coast Toast $10.49
Artisan Wheat Toast-Creamy Artichoke Dip-Fried Eggplant
Baby Spinach-Ripe Tomato-2 Sunny Eggs-Side Fresh Fruit
 Steak Fajita Pita $9.99
Blackened Sirloin-Caramelized Onions & Peppers-Chipotle Sauce
Shredded Lettuce-Pico de Gallo-Sharp Cheddar-Fresh Cut Fries
Add a Side Guacamole $2.19
 Holy Mole Burger $10.19
Angus Ground Beef-Queso Fresco-Pico de Gallo-Shredded Lettuce
Ancho Oaxaca Sauce-Creamy Avocado-Toasted Brioche-Fries
 Humming Shrimp Wrap $9.09
Grilled Shrimp-Basil Hummus-Feta Cheese-Fresh Kale
Roasted Peppers-Whole Wheat Wrap-Side Salad
Coffee of the Day: Santa’s White Christmas
Drink Specials: Blood Orange Arnold Palmer
Italian Egg Nog Latte
Desserts: Pumpkin Cheesecake-Hummingbird Cake
0 notes
josephkitchen0 · 7 years
A Delicious Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe
Fans of eggnog cheer when they see it decorating the dairy case during the last few months of the year. But after December it disappears again. Though we love the smooth, custardy sweetness, we may hate the additives listed on the back panel of the carton. But you can enjoy this treat year-round by following an easy nonalcoholic eggnog recipe. (Alcohol is optional at the end.)
First, gather your ingredients.
Depending on your state, you may be able to purchase fresh, raw milk and cream. Or you own dairy animals. Perhaps you’re consigned to purchase milk and cream at the supermarket, but don’t let that disappoint you. The store-bought stuff still makes amazing eggnog. The “milk” portion of this recipe can be anything from skim to whole milk, but real cream is necessary to carry the flavor.
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Now you need eggs. This is the primary focus of eggnog and amazing custards. If you know your egg facts, then you know the digestible protein in cooked eggs is higher than that of raw eggs. Farmers keeping their own chickens don’t have to worry as much about salmonella, but it can still be a danger. Gently heating the eggnog past 160 degrees avoids that worry. Before starting this recipe, either gather fresh eggs from the coop or let refrigerated eggs stand on the counter just long enough to come to room temperature. This allows the eggs to temper better when they meet the hot milk.
Third, you need sugar. Simple white sugar creates a pure and clean flavor. But if you want a distinct hint of caramel in your eggnog, replace some or all of the sugar with brown sugar, piloncillo, or date palm jaggery. But have a conservative hand here; if you use too much brown or natural sugar, the deep flavors might overpower the delicate vanilla.
And speaking of vanilla, have you learned how to make homemade vanilla extract? I highly recommend it. The ingredients are pure and the flavor is amazing, both traits that we also want for our nonalcoholic eggnog recipe. You can also use one or two vanilla beans, unlocking the flavor by steeping the pods and seeds for a half hour in hot cream before using the cream to continue on with the recipe.
Last of all … nutmeg. It may be difficult to find whole nutmeg outside specialty shops and international stores. It’s brown, hard, and round like a fruit stone. If you can find it, grab it up and grind it fresh using a fine-toothed rasp grater. Even if you don’t have access to the whole spice you can find flavorful, high-quality nutmeg in your local supermarket.
Honorable mention: rum extract. This puts the “nonalcoholic” in “nonalcoholic eggnog recipe.” Using a little rum extract gives the eggnog warm, buttery notes without inebriating your children. If you desire a more adult beverage, add a few ounces of real rum or bourbon.
Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe
1 dozen large egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream
4 cups milk
2 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon homemade vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon rum extract (optional)
In a medium bowl or in the bowl to a stand mixer, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until they become a thick, light yellow. Let stand while you heat the milk.
Combine the milk, cream, nutmeg, and salt in a large saucepan. Heat on medium-low, stirring often, until the mixture barely reaches a simmer.
Now carry the saucepan over to your egg yolks and start your mixer. (Or whisk vigorously by hand as you scoop.) Start with ½ cup of the hot milk, slowly adding it to the eggs while whisking constantly to avoid clumps of cooked egg. Add another ½ cup, continuing to whisk so you slowly temper the eggs to the correct temperature. Keep adding the milk in the same manner until it has all been added to the eggs.
Pour the tempered milk/egg mixture back into the saucepan and continue heating on medium-low, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit on a cooking thermometer. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and rum extracts.
You can be finished at this point, but if you love a truly smooth drink, filter it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any small clumps of egg or spice. Now pour into a heat-proof container and stretch plastic wrap over the rim, pressing the plastic against the eggnog to prevent a skin from forming as the mixture cools.
Serve chilled.
Now that you’ve made your amazing homemade, nonalcoholic eggnog recipe, what are you going to do with it? Drink it, of course. But you can also use it as coffee “creamer” for an eggnog latte. Try it as the milk/cream base for a chai tea, adding warm vanilla tones to an already sweet and addictive drink. Or cool the mixture at least 24 hours before pouring it into the bowl of an ice cream maker. There’s no need to alter the recipe to make eggnog ice cream; the fat and sugar balances are already perfect.
Indulgent Variations:
How do you make homemade eggnog even more of a treat? Try using goat milk instead of cow milk for a distinguished tang (learn more about goat milk benefits.) Replace the chicken eggs with duck eggs. You don’t have to research the egg facts to notice how the difference in the proteins affects the beverage’s final texture. Try replacing some of the sugar with honey. Add a little cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and just a tablespoon of smooth pumpkin puree for pumpkin spice eggnog. Or, when the milk is nice and hot, replace the nutmeg with a spoon or two of cocoa powder for a thick, rich chocolate nog.
Have you tried this cooked, nonalcoholic eggnog recipe? Please let us know how you liked it.
Photo by Shelley DeDauw
A Delicious Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe was originally posted by All About Chickens
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