#fresh ace attorney feelings in 2024 what is this
blue-mood-blue · 3 months
I’ve given it some time and some thought and, while I am not going to call him that, I think I can forgive the name Eustace. It has grown on me (slightly) by positive association. My boy cannot help what they (the world and also his father) have done to him, so I will be strong and also supportive.
“Winner” though.
“Winner” is gonna be a hard sell.
But I was thinking about it, and there is a situation where I would buy that as a last name, particularly in this universe and for this family. This is Blaise we’re talking about, whatever his name will eventually be, and he knows Von Karma. He knows Von Karma and Von Karma’s Perfect, Shiny, No-Loss Record, probably because Manfred has made a point of bringing it up every time they’ve seen each other for the past however-many years, which I’m certain has been plenty. 
Every time there’s a new case, probably.
That’s a lot.
Blaise seems pretty easy going on a day-to-day basis (on the surface) (usually), but that’s got to get annoying eventually and never let it be said that Blaise will miss out on an opportunity to escalate a situation. Also he’s the Chief Prosecutor. Also he keeps waving around that lighter like he’s threatening to burn the office down, do you really think whoever is in charge of legal name changes in the unnamed, unholy conglomeration of a country these games are set in is going to argue against his decision? That paperwork is going through just as soon as it can be processed at the speed of “fast” lest whoever is throwing up red tape finds themself at the wrong end of a little accident.
The next time Manfred Von Karma walks through his office door to brag, Blaise will have the pleasure of tapping his brand-new nameplate and the satisfaction of watching the prosecutor scowl. Winner, right there in the name! Just like it says on the tin! Undeniable! Yes we are just a couple of shining success stories, aren’t we Manfred, just a shame that you have to toil over that reputation to keep the Von Karma name perfect whereas all I have to do is make sure no one makes a typo, am I right! Incredibly, infuriatingly annoying, a constant source of joy until that perfect win record is eventually tarnished.
(Plus, free bonus psychological warfare on his son! Win-win all around. Appropriate, what with the name.)
(I also like to think that later, once all of the dust settles after a tense few years in the legal world, the new Chief Prosecutor helps put through another name-change document: “Sebastian,” with his mother’s maiden last name.)
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apolloirl-221b · 8 months
Hey aa fans, now that we've seen capcom statement on development of future Ace Attorney games, i want to know what are your predictions for this 2024.
Personally, i would love to see an AAAJ 2 focused on Apollo solving crimes in Khura'in, maybe even finish some of the storylines that started in the first AAAJ game, like the whole Trucy and Apollo being siblings thing, or finally giving Klavier and Kristoph a good backstory and expand their characters.
On AA7 i would really prefer to see more returning characters instead of new ones, like Franziska or Kay, i feel like there could be so much stuff done if capcom focused on bringing back old characters and make them interact with the new ones, it would also be a breath of fresh air to the main series of ace attorney to do just that, i mean look at the original trilogy and TGAA and how well they managed to create a good plotline without adding a whole bunch of main characters every new title.
Anyway this just me wanting to see old characters again, especially the ones that have so much potential of returning (mostly the ones from AAI) lmao.
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