#french frye with ketchup
peridot-tears · 1 year
We don't even know if Arno lived to his seventies, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he was very much alive (and a senior citizen) by the time Jacob was born. Maybe if he was lucky, he could have even been alive during the events of Syndicate, but we don't all get to live to a hundred, especially back then.
So the possibilities are ENDLESS.
Time travel!AU where Jacob goes back in time, falls in love with Arno, then comes back and realizes his love is the crabby old man upstairs.
Time travel!AU where ARNO goes forward in time, falls in love with forty-year-old Jacob with an awkward age gap that they work out (because Arno's in his twenties still) and goes back to his timeline, always yearning for his love, only to hit his seventies and find his boyfriend literally being born in a Crawley hospital.
Or instead of being awks, we do some Bu Bu Jing Xin shit where Jacob blacks out after killing Roth, goes back in time while unconscious, and lives out the events of the French Revolution with Arno. They have an uneasy relationship but Jacob learns what healthy love looks like, and he and Arno die together holding hands (or we go full Bu Bu Jing Xin and he dies thinking Arno sent him away, who knows). He wakes back up in his current timeline with Evie next to him, thinking it's all a dream...until he enters a museum where he sees himself and Arno in paintings from the French Revolution and realizes that he actually inserted himself into that time period and changed it, and that Arno actually is long dead.
Immortal!AU where Arno gains immortality after Elise dies (I desperately wanna SOMEHOW go the xianxia Chinese immortality route instead of western vampirism, but to each his own), and spends several decades witnessing empires rise and fall, unsure if he'll ever love again...until Jacob. But make it mildly slapstick, and he initially mistakes his own feelings as liking Evie instead, because something something she's so focused, just like Elise.
ENDLESS, I tell you.
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allrandomfandoms · 4 months
Littlest Pet Shop: Hungry Pets, Fish —Aesthetic
Tumblr media
Generation: 6
Series: 3
Line: Hungry Pets (Singles)
Number: #3-50
Name: Frye Fishley
Animal: Fish
Food: French Fries with ketchup.
She's the literal fish with her chips and bottle of katchup.
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ekurie987 · 11 months
i think that nintendo should do a splatfest where it’s something like: what do you put on your french fries or something and like bigman says nothing, frye says ketchup, and shiver says like yogurt or something,, just because im curious to know what the rabid shiver fans would do…….just curious,
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Elise: This is my boyfriend Arno.
Elise: And this is his boyfriend Jacob.
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A Place For Crows To Rest Their Feet (French Fryes)
Cause some people were interested in the idea of older French Fryes apparently and I thought I’d try my hand at it.
Song title and fic inspo from Marbles by The Amazing Devil
Read on Ao3
Arno felt old. 
Well, he was old. It was made sure of that when at his last milestone birthday that everyone decided to overload the cake with candles representing his age. He had been able to laugh it off as a joke then. But now everytime he looked in the mirror and saw a new wrinkle near his eyes and mouth, he scowled.
When he saw his favorite music being relegated to the classic station, he flipped the channel.
And when it was cold and rainy and shitty outside and he had difficulty getting out of bed, he grumbled.
Jacob always just laughed at his perturbed expression and would say that they didn’t need to get out of bed anyway and would snuggle in for a few hours more.
Even though he knew Jacob never meant anything by the things he said, it still made him feel bad. His husband was only a few years younger than him. But the problem was he didn’t look that bad, and if he felt old he never told Arno. He was already aging like fine wine. Arno felt like aged milk.
Jacob had noticed once before, when Arno pointedly avoided looking in the mirror while they were hip to hip in the bathroom getting ready for the day.
“‘ou a’righ’?” He asked around a toothbrush.
“Hmm?” He asked, toweling off and looking over as Jacob spat out the paste and washed his mouth out before trying again.
“You alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I dunno. You just seem… off. Didn’t even hear one ABBA song in the shower, either.” He smiled a bit, trying to get Arno to copy. Which he did, but it was gone rather quickly.
“I’m fine, mon amour. Just tired, still.” He wrapped the towel around his waist, pecked Jacob’s cheek and made to leave, but got pulled back. Jacob kissed him deeply, the taste of mint still on his tongue and making Arno hum; his husband’s mouth was still practically sinful after all this time. Jacob pulled away and then went back in for one more peck on Arno’s lips, leaving both of them smiling.
“Love you.”
“I love you, too.” Arno said, meaning it completely as he left to go get dressed.
He tried to make sure that was the end of it, or at least to keep it out of sight of Jacob. But then his pride went down like a kick in the balls when he woke up one morning and saw the roots of his hair turning gray. Like ash gray. Like old gray. He’d gone out to the shops immediately and found the darkest box color for his hair that he could and shoved it in the back of their linen closet the minute he came to his senses.
Really, it was a bad idea. If he did it, he’d have questions no one wanted to hear and explanations he really didn’t want to give. And Jacob would find out anyway. But it was an impulse purchase he didn’t think through and so he hid it until the time was right, if it ever would be.
And then Jacob noticed him as he entered the living room and let Arno in on their small couch to watch whatever inane reality show they both liked, and then he forgot about it, because how could you remember anything at that point?
It didn’t take too long for his husband to find it out, though.
“Care to explain this?” Jacob said, coming into the dining room where Arno was trying to clean, and Arno turned too quickly at the tone in his voice and stubbed his toes on the thick table leg.
“Jesus, Arno- Don’t try and die on me now.” Jacob went over quickly as Arno sat in one of the chairs, placing something on the table as he pulled up the other chair next to Arno’s. Arno waved him away and curled up his hurt foot to rub it.
“Don’t touch it.”
“Drama queen. Do you need me to get the first aid kit? Or do you think you’ll live?” 
“You’re hilarious. Have I mentioned that before?”
“Only on days that end in “y”.” Jacob replied, and Arno stewed a bit. It didn’t take long for him to look over at whatever it was Jacob had brought into the room, and he grew a bit pale. Jacob, of course, because he had such a great eye when he wanted to, noticed immediately. “Figured it was yours.”
Arno didn’t grace him with a response at first. But the silence wouldn’t give.
“I found some gray hairs.” He mumbled.
“Yeah… Those tend to happen when you make it a few decades.”
“It doesn’t mean I have to like it! I don’t want to get old, Jacob. I’ll be… Gross, and senile, and you’ll hate me.”
“Please tell me you’re joking. You are joking?”
Arno flexed his hurt foot and quickly set it down, making to leave but stopped as Jacob grabbed his wrist and sat him back down in the chair.
“You know what I like so much about you getting old?” Jacob didn’t wait for Arno to answer. “It shows you made it.”
Arno almost made a rebuttal, but stopped when he tried to parse through the words and actually think about them.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve known you for decades.” Jacob still held Arno’s hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “Since Uni. And you did the dumbest shit. I’m surprised we’ve gotten to this point without you needing a liver transplant.”
Arno looked down. He knew exactly what Jacob was talking about. He had been twenty two and having daily panic attacks about leaving university to actually be a person. Most relationships with girls and some guys were limited to one quick go in bed and then he was gone in the morning. 
Jacob hadn’t been much better off emotionally, or financially, but at least he knew how to handle his shit better. They made an interesting match that way.
“You’re getting old because you’re alive. And I get to see that.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Well it isn’t.”
Silence overtook for a few minutes as Arno looked down and Jacob studied him.
“Then I guess you must really hate me looking old.” Jacob said.
“I could never. And the difference is, you look good. You still have cute waitresses flirting with you despite the ring.”
“You mean from the diner last week?” Jacob raised an eyebrow. “Leanna had to be forty. And she was just being friendly.”
“She certainly wasn’t giving extra ketchup to me.”
“I would’ve given it to you.”
“So generous.”
“One of my best qualities.” Jacob murmured as Arno’s eyes remained dropped. A hand moved up to Arno’s cheek, and he realized Jacob’s pointer finger was tracing the lines near his mouth and the crows feet on his eyes. “Didn’t marry you for nothing, you know. I knew what I was getting into. And even if you turn out to be a grumpy old hunchback who can’t walk, I would still choose you if I had the choice.”
Arno felt his eyes start to glass over the longer Jacob spoke. It wasn’t some great speech. It was simple, and short, and matter of fact, and just… Jacob. Just as he had been for decades. And it sounded just as sincere now as it sounded when they were much younger men and first said they loved each other. And it was as sincere as when they had finally gotten married not even a decade ago. Arno had a shaky smile and squeezed Jacob’s hand, allowing the other one to keep exploring the tracks in his face.
“‘Sides,” Jacob purred as he leaned in closer, a gleam in his eyes, “being older just means you’re full of experience. And how could anyone say no to that?”
“Jacob-” He didn’t even know where he was going with his sentence, but it hardly mattered when he felt a warm pair of lips on his neck, making their way up his face. He turned his head at the right time and caught Jacob’s lips with his own. They both smiled, a soft thing.
“I love you.” Arno said.
“Love you too. Drama queen.” Jacob smirked as Arno rolled his eyes affectionately.
“Maybe stop putting up such high standards and I’ll consider taking a step back on my quest for perfection.”
“Sorry, I can’t. I gotta put in work to keep you in love with me. Sure as hell it isn’t my personality keeping you locked up.”
“Certainly not.” Arno snorted, leaning in and resting against Jacob. The man held him for a minute before speaking again.
“You believe me yet? That you’re good? And we’re good? Even if you get old?��
“I’ll work on it.” Arno admitted. Whether it was what Jacob wanted to hear or not, he was still welcomed in and let to rest for a while longer.
“Let’s move this to bed so we don’t stiffen up, eh?”
“You’re not going to carry me like you used to?” Arno asked teasingly as Jacob helped him stand up out of the chair. The man shrugged.
“Can’t. I’m too old.”
It wasn’t funny. It really wasn’t. But Arno laughed until he coughed, anyway.
They ended up throwing the box color out with much prejudice. And when Jacob started growing his own gray hairs, looking like a salt and pepper shaker, Arno just ran his fingers through each one while they watched inane reality television.
So. I ended up creating a whole other backstory for these two but found I couldn’t fit it in to the story, lol. If you’d be interested in that as well, let me know.
I hope you enjoy! If you do I have a Masterpost here and more ideas for writings and prompts here, so feel free to request!  If you’d like to support me, I have a ko-fi here but absolutely no pressure on that front. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!
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arno x jacob x elise is valid and from now on will be referred to French Fryes with Ketchup thank you
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