#french farmers protest
ireton · 9 months
French Farmer Protest
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frenchly-anxious · 8 months
Talking to a non-french about current events in France: Oh yeah, right now the french farmers are very unhappy about some laws and taxes, so they're protesting by doing a... what's the word for this in english? Oh! A siege. Yes, they're sieging Paris.
Them: I— It's... I don't think that's the right word. A siege is like, an army surrounding a castle or a city.
Me: Yeah yeah, that's it! They cut any access to the biggest highways around Paris with tractors and haystacks. I think they also intercepted some trucks with farm products from other countries and gave the products to charity, so they could protest against their work conditions and how little they're being paid.
Them: Oh my god! Is this a civil war?
Me: What? Of course not!
[confused silence]
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head-post · 4 months
Spanish, French farmers block border to “put pressure” on EU elections
French and Spanish farmers again blocked two major border crossings in the Pyrenees on Monday evening to “influence” next Sunday’s European elections and demand, among other things, cheaper energy, Le Monde reports.
According to Luis Francisco del Acqua, a cereal producer from the Valladolid region of northern Spain who was present at the Biriatu (Pyrenees-Atlantics) toll road, the protest of farmers and cattle breeders, which began on Monday morning, will continue “all night, until tomorrow” on Tuesday. Eloi Huguet, a goat farmer in the Girona region (northeastern Spain) who took part in blocking the A9 Montpellier-Barcelona motorway at Le Pertuis, on the French-Spanish border, told Agence France-Presse on Monday evening:
“We will stay until 10 a.m. tomorrow [Tuesday].”
For its part, Vinci Autoroutes confirmed that the A9 remained blocked on Monday evening, adding that in Biriatu a “filter” allows some light vehicles to pass on the A63.
By 10 a.m. on Monday morning, a long queue of dozens of Spanish tractors had joined the few French farmers standing at the A9’s junction with the border in the Pyrenees-Orientales.
As with the blockade of the A9 motorway, protesters blocked seven other border crossings between Spain and France along the Pyrenees, from Catalonia to the Basque Country on Monday.
This protest in support of cheaper energy and compliance with mirror regulations (which would impose the same environmental standards on third-country farmers as in Europe) was unique in that it was not organised by traditional farmers’ unions. Xabi Dallemane, one of the organisers of the “no label” action in the Basque Country, explains:
“It’s not normal to have standards imposed on us that are not respected for the products we import.”
For this cattle and duck farmer in Bidach, the action is “peaceful” and aims to “put pressure on our future MEPs.”
Read more HERE
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ecrasonslinfame · 7 months
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Agriculteurs 13 en colère, Marseille. 19 février 2024.
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Looks like someone got themselves ratio'd
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gemstarb · 4 months
Fed up French farmers spray manure on government buildings in protest
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seema-dassi · 7 months
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is a true Satguru who by giving evidence from the scriptures and giving complete information and true devotion of Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji to the entire human society,
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1Day Left For Bodh Diwas
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petar1989 · 8 months
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Farmers Protest France T-Shirt
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liberty1776 · 8 months
Support the Farmers! In USA lets all unite aginst Biden and the rich!
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radiohart · 8 months
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tumblr dot com bay bee
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beekeeperspicnic · 3 months
Can't believe this blog has existed THIS long, and I've somehow never shared this Sherlock Holmes fanfic by PG Wodehouse. As far as I know it predates Conan Doyle publishing any stories which mention Holmes retiring to keep bees, which presents the delightful possibility that ACD discussed his future plans for Holmes with his young friend Plum, whose first reaction was to go off and write (and publish) a cute parody of it.
The Adventure of the Missing Bee
Sherlock Holmes is to retire from public life after Christmas, and take to bee-farming in the country.
"It is a little hard, my dear Watson," said Holmes, stretching his long form on the sofa, and injecting another half-pint of morphia with the little jewelled syringe which the Prince of Piedmont had insisted on presenting to him as a reward for discovering who had stolen his nice new rattle; "it is just a little hard that an exhausted, overworked private detective, coming down to the country in search of peace and quiet, should be confronted in the first week by a problem so weird, so sinister, that for the moment it seems incapable of solution."
"You refer—?" I said.
"To the singular adventure of the missing bee, as anybody but an ex-army surgeon equipped with a brain of dough would have known without my telling him."
I readily forgave him his irritability, for the loss of his bee had had a terrible effect on his nerves. It was a black business. Immediately after arriving at our cottage, Holmes had purchased from the Army and Navy Stores a fine bee. It was docile, busy, and intelligent, and soon made itself quite a pet with us. Our consternation may, therefore, be imagined when, on going to take it out for its morning run, we found the hive empty. The bee had disappeared, collar and all. A glance at its bed showed that it had not been slept in that night. On the floor of the hive was a portion of the insect's steel chain, snapped. Everything pointed to sinister violence.
Holmes' first move had been to send me into the house while he examined the ground near the hive for footsteps. His search produced no result. Except for the small, neat tracks of the bee, the ground bore no marks. The mystery seemed one of those which are destined to remain unsolved through eternity.
But Holmes was ever a man of action.
"Watson," he said to me, about a week after the incident, "the plot thickens. What does the fact that a Frenchman has taken rooms at Farmer Scroggins' suggest to you?"
"That Farmer Scroggins is anxious to learn French," I hazarded.
"Idiot!" said Holmes, scornfully. "You've got a mind like a railway bun. No. If you wish to know the true significance of that Frenchman's visit, I will tell you. But, in the first place, can you name any eminent Frenchman who is interested in bees?"
I could answer that.
"Maeterlinck," I replied. "Only he is a Belgian."
"It is immaterial. You are quite right. M. Maeterlinck was the man I had in my mind. With him bees are a craze. Watson, that Frenchman is M. Maeterlinck's agent. He and Farmer Scroggins have conspired, and stolen that bee."
"Holmes!" I said, horrified. "But M. Maeterlinck is a man of the most rigid honesty."
"Nobody, my dear Watson, is entirely honest. He may seem so, because he never meets with just that temptation which would break through his honesty. I once knew a bishop who could not keep himself from stealing pins. Every man has his price. M. Maeterlinck's is bees. Pass the morphia."
"But Farmer Scroggins!" I protested. "A bluff, hearty English yeoman of the best type."
"May not his heartiness be all bluff?" said Holmes, keenly. "You may take it from me that there is literally nothing that that man would stick at. Murder? I have seen him kill a wasp with a spade, and he looked as if he enjoyed it. Arson? He has a fire in his kitchen every day. You have only to look at the knuckle of the third finger of his left hand to see him as he is. If he is an honest man, why does he wear a made-up tie on Sundays? If he is an upright man, why does he stoop when he digs potatoes? No, Watson, nothing that you can say can convince me that Farmer Scroggins has not a black heart. The visit of this Frenchman—who, as you can see in an instant if you look at his left shoulder-blade, has not only deserted his wife and a large family, but is at this very moment carrying on a clandestine correspondence with an American widow, who lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. — convinces me that I have arrived at the true solution of the mystery. I have written a short note to Farmer Scroggins, requesting him to send back the bee and explaining that all is discovered. And that," he broke off, "is, if I mistake not, his knock. Come in."
The door opened. There was a scuffling in the passage, and in bounded our missing bee, frisking with delight. Our housekeeper followed, bearing a letter. Holmes opened it.
"Listen to this, Watson," said Holmes, in a voice of triumph.
"'Mr. Giles Scroggins sends his compliments to Mr. Sherlock Holmes, an' it's quite true, I did steal that there bee, though how Mr. Holmes found out, Mr. G. Scroggins bean't able to understand. I am flying the country as requested. Please find enclosed 1 (one) bee, and kindly acknowledge receipt to 'Your obedient servant, 'G. Scroggins.
"Holmes," I whispered, awe-struck, "you are one of the most remarkable men I ever met."
He smiled, lit his hookah, seized his violin, and to the slow music of that instrument turned once more to the examination of his test tubes.
Three days later we saw the following announcement in the papers: "M. Maeterlinck, the distinguished Belgian essayist, wishes it to be known that he has given up collecting bees, and has taken instead to picture postcards."
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stupittmoran · 10 months
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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more.
Hunter Biden has been indicted in California on 9 charges.
Federal judge dismisses case to remove Trump from Arizona’s 2024 presidential ballot.
Facebook and Instagram enabled child sexual abuse, trafficking; companies boycotting 𝕏 have ads on both.
Speaker Mike Johnson tells the Biden administration no new funding for Ukraine without an audit.
French farmers sprayed manure on government buildings in protest of taxes and regulations meant to put them out of business.
Senator Rand Paul says he will debate the merit of sending our troops overseas.
University of Pennsylvania President told to resign by the board of Penn for refusing to condemn the genocide of Jews.
According to an Arizona Sheriff, illegal immigrants are being Handed $5,000 Visa gift cards, cell phones, plane tickets.
Elon Musk to bring Alex Jones back to 𝕏 after Tucker Carlson interview exposed what the establishment media, CIA have done to him.
Biden Administration's defense secretary threatens to send US families to fight in Ukraine if we do not send more aid.
Who else thinks it's time to audit the funds being sent overseas? 👀
If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎
TaraBull @TaraBull808 on Twitter/X
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ireton · 8 months
Orleans, France - Protesting French farmers entered the center of Orleans.
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head-post · 7 months
French farmers protest near Arc de Triomphe, urging “to save French agriculture”
French farmers blocked traffic on an avenue near the Arc de Triomphe by setting up barricades of tractors and hay bales near President Emmanuel Macron’s office at the Elysee Palace.
Outraged farmers at the protest said their action was “to save French agriculture”.
Farmer Axel Masson said about 100 of his colleagues had gathered at the roundabout since 3:00am (0200 GMT) “in a peaceful and law-abiding manner”.
AFP reporters said some of the protesters were handing out potato sacks to motorists stuck in the crawling traffic around the Arc de Triomphe. Some of them chatted with police officers before being arrested.
The farmers’ union said earlier in a statement on social media platform X, adding that it was a cry to “save” agriculture in France:
The Rural Coordination takes over the Arc de Triomphe symbolically and peacefully.
The statement said it “wants quick action to save 45 percent of our farms which are in financial distress”.
Read more HERE
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
Europe is very strict on some stuff. I’m not an expert, but I remember so many times Twitter tried to do something that could have worked perfectly in America, but in Europe it goes against a law (protection of the security of the users) and that’s even why Threads was available here after a year or so.
So I’m not surprised that Q’s work is breaking so many laws of Europe. Him putting French people in the server was the biggest mistakes of his life, and he even wanted Germans which btw they do not joke around neither (just look at the German farmers protest). Him wanting so desperately to want to steal Dream’s idea and be the new Dream just because it would satisfy his greediness of money was his downfall, like Icarus with the Sun. It is poetic in a way.
yeah I think as soon as he started turning a minecraft server into a business he started getting into laws and shit that he was not educated on
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French Farmers Protesting
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