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photoglobo · 1 year ago
Danmark - Impressions From Copenhagen
No comments needed, just impressions from my stay in beautiful, bustling and interesting Copenhagen: Photos taken at: Little Mermaid Kastellet Frederik’s Church Nyhaven Radhuspladsen Freetown Christiania Tivoli Gardens and other places
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“Anarchism and anthropology go well together because anthropologists know that a society without a state is possible because so many exist.” #davidgraeber #american #anthropologist #activist #anarchist #author #readafuckingbook #fragmentsofananarchistanthropology #freetownchristiania #pariscommune #freeterritoryofukraine #revolutionarycatalonia #twinoakscommunity #strandzhacommune #shinminautonomousregion #rojava #zomia #birtawiltriangle https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlwzW2BMtm/?igshid=iftrdx5olggo
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liebenegrito · 7 years ago
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#freetownchristiania #københavn #dennmark #nophoto #pusherstreetchristiania (en Freetown Christiania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnHXQk5HHRm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1igcixf7w9l4q
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anxious-ape · 3 years ago
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Happy 50th Birthday Freetown Christiania 🎂🎉 #freetownchristiania #denmark #denmark🇩🇰 #denmarktravel #copenhagen #københavn #happybirthday #happy50thbirthday #since1971 #party #celebration #vibes #goodvibes #rådhuspladsen (at Rådhuspladsen København) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUKVFB6oCxu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hanamanniskorinorr · 7 years ago
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🇩🇰 #utpåtur #denmark #extra #travel #wanderlust #pictureoftheday #девочкитакиедевочки #europe #copenhagen #køpenhavn #любовь #Дания #scandinavian #scandinavia #travelblog #christiania #freetown #freetownchristiania #hippie #викториассикрет #виктория #victoria #hvf #fucktrump 🇩🇰 (at Freetown Christiania)
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designme2011 · 5 years ago
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•👄 Un tuffo negli anni '70 in quella che una volta veniva definita la "pusher street" danese. Una comunità anarchica autoproclamata all’interno di Copenhagen, una città libera, indipendente dalla Danimarca e dall'Unione Europea. Se avete voglia di pace, come nel mio caso, di rilassarvi un po', di "perdere" tempo per voi stessi siete nel posto giusto. Droghe a parte. È un luogo davvero unico nel suo genere e interessante a livello artistico e culturale che mi ha incuriosito già la prima volta. Passeggiare al suo interno è interessante, mi piace leggere tutte le scritte sui muri, vedere oggetti strani, ammirare i volti della gente, i fiori, le case colorate e i tempietti... basta non violare le regole e non scattare troppe foto soprattutto dove non si può. Qui ci abitano all'incirca 1000 abitanti e tutti molto peace and love, amiamoci tutti, siamo una bella comunità decisamente in contrasto anche a quello che era un tempo, e cioè una base militare abbandonata. I danesi la attraversano senza problemi in bici, con i loro bimbi da parte a parte, non si corre, non ci sono auto e tutto è così lento e colorato. Come una lumaca, come le piume di un pavone. Inoltre, questo non lo sapevo nemmeno io, qui più di 30 anni fa Lars Engstrøm inventò per sua moglie Annie, quello che ora tutti conosciamo come cargo bike, la bici con cassone, le Christiania Bikes ormai famose in tutto il mondo. Sara, dice che qui si tengono dei mercatini natalizi diversi da tutti gli altri mercatini di Natale e che vale la pena visitarli. Vendono oggetti fatti a mano e artigianato di ogni genere, tutto esclusivamente prodotto a Christiania: abiti fatti a mano e arredi fatti con materiali di riciclo. Pensateci per l'8 dicembre. • • • #designme #minuzzerie #tipsminuzforminuz #travel #traveldesignme #christiania #freechristiania @traveltherapists @christianiaartgallery @christianiabryghus #christiania #christianiabike #copenhagen #danmark #k #copenhagen🇩🇰 #visitcopenhagen #benhavn #travelblogger #girlstraveler #travelgram #visitdenmark #copenhagensworld #freetownchristiania #traveltheworld #traveltodenmark #ilovedenmark #igerscopenhagen #denmarklife @shot_europe denmark🇩🇰 (presso Christianshavn, København, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0A6v3sPpG/?igshid=1p8x9eadjwmck
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denizibilenbaliklar · 5 years ago
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Turgut Uyar ne doğru söylemiş... Yüz dilde ‘seni seviyorum’ desen ne fayda...Bir dilde adam gibi sevmedikten sonra. . . Çocuklarımıza sevgiyi; gerçekten seven insanın gerek fiziksel gerek sözle veya farklı yöntemlerle sevdiğini incitmekten, canını yakmaktan kaçınacağını; bunların başladığı yerde artık sevginin var olamayacağını, varlığını sürdüremeyeceğini öğretmekle sorumluyuz. Sevginin mutlaka karşılık bulmak zorunda olmadığını da anlatmalıyız. Sevgisine karşılık bulamadı diye kimsenin kimseye zarar verme hakkı doğmuyor... . . . Pınar Gültekin’in ve çok seviyordum sevgimden yaptım denilerek adeta dalından koparılıp soldurulan tüm kadınların anısına...🖤🖤🖤 #pınargültekin #kadınaşiddetehayır #denizibilenbaliklar #denizibilenbaliklarinkopenhag #freetownchristiania #29042017 (Freetown Christiania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC78WK7gLwK/?igshid=4qbcoms7y91t
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traceylovestravel-blog · 5 years ago
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My last trip before lockdown was a quick city-break to Copenhagen and Malmo - Ryanair €29 return! I remember watching a Lonely Planet episode years ago where Zay Harding went to Copenhagen and Christiania, and thinking that it looked so cool and I couldn't wait to visit. Well... Maybe Christiania has changed a lot since that show aired, or maybe they just showed a different side? I expected hippies selling handcrafts and sure, drugs, but not like what I experienced. Shifty looking men selling grass from plastic trays, that's fine. I don't do drugs but to each their own. Shops selling bongs and other parafinalia. Okay. Crappy tourist souveniers. That's a given in most cities nowadays. It was dirty, and quite frankly scary. I didn't feel safe walking around on my own (and I'm generally pretty comfortable walking solo.) This was just my experience of course, and maybe because it was the off-season and raining and I was alone? Though I did get the most amazing falafel pita and so cheap too - Copengahen is mad expensive. . . . #traceylovestravel #copenhagen #denmark #christiania #freetownchristiania #travelgirlsgo #irishtravelblogger #shetravels #wanderlust #solofemaletravel #citybreak (at Freetown Christiania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB8Ouv3BfaU/?igshid=1q4rfdtgbi1da
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dori-chan · 7 years ago
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Another side of Copenhagen #1 #christiania #freetownchristiania #streetart #streetculture #colorful #house #contemporaryart #artgallery #copenhagen #danmark (at Freetown Christiania)
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nichetraveldesign · 5 years ago
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Freetown Christiania is a commune in Copenhagen made up of about 1,000 residents, covering 19 acres. Christiania is a former military base that was taken over in 1971 by citizens due to a lack of affordable housing in Copenhagen. Community members created a self-governing society where commune members hold themselves responsible for the wellbeing of the entire community. The people in Christiania have developed their own set of rules, independent of the Danish government, which forbid stealing, violence, guns, knives, bulletproof vests. This is a community dedicated to peace. The community has its own electricity plant, a bath-house, an athletic building, yoga center and theater group. Christiania is also economically self-sustaining and offers numerous cafes, a special cocktail event called Science & Cocktails, multiple music venues and a skate park. Christiania is most famous for its sale of cannabis on Pusher Street, where marijuana is sold openly. The community has hard and fast rule prohibiting the sale of hard drugs however. The community self polices this rule. This is definitely worth a visit if you are in Copenhagen. It is interesting, lively and full of color, literally and figuratively. I hope you add this spot to you travel bucket list. #nichetraveldesign #findyournicheintheworld #curatedtraveltofeedthesoul #instanichetravel #visitChristiania #nichetravelgram #copenhagen #instagramover50 #farawayfiles #bestofcopenhagen #wheretogonext #visitdenmark #instatravelingram #freetownchristiania #nichetravelincopenhagen #offthebeatenoathcopenhagen #hippiesofinstagram #pusherstreet #communes #christianshavn #squatters #cannabis #greenlightdistrict #cafenemoland #cafeloppen #jazzklubben #byenslys #aliswonderland #skatersofinstagram #science&cocktails (at Christiania, København, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B67-PnVlI6I/?igshid=1byue9cx309va
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valentinelewis · 5 years ago
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🔥Обязательно для посещения в Копенгагене - Свободный город Christiania👌🏻🤩 Это частично самоуправляемое, неофициальное «государство внутри государства» 😱 в самом сердце Дании. Быть в Копенгагене и не посетить Христианию значит не увидеть одну из главных достопримечательностей города. ⠀ Христиания возникла 26 сентября 1971 года, когда группа хиппи незаконно вселилась в заброшенные казармы в самом центре Копенгагена 🏚 И вот, после сорока лет долгих судебных разбирательств, 15 августа 2011 года BBC сообщила, что Христиания получила от властей полуавтономный статус. ⠀ Место это неоднозначное и вызывает разные эмоции. Яркие графити, самодельные домики-хижины с раскрашеными клумбами и немного «бандитского» шарма. Население - вольные художники, хиппи, наркоманы и другие сомнительные элементы. Здесь люди не вылизывают свои дома и улицы на угоду туристам и чистюлям, у них немного другие интересы 😉 кстати об этом - на главной улице республики идёт активная торговля лёгкими наркотиками. Основной закон: живи сам, и не мешай жить другим. Так же запрещены автомобили, оружие и почему то бронежилеты 👀🤔 ⠀ Если думаете сходить или нет, обязательно спокойно идите. Народ очень миролюбивый, в стиле peace and love ☮️ Ах да, в Христиании строго запрещена любая съёмка 🤳 Настоящая трагедия для блогера 😫 ⠀ Кто уже знал о такой «стране»? Я вот до приезда в Копенгаген и понятия не имела о существовании Христиании 😲🙈😅 ⠀ #vl_traveling #christiania #freetown #freetownchristiania #denmark #denmark🇩🇰 #denmarkgirl #denmarklife #copenhagen #copenhagenlife #copenhagen🇩🇰 #copenhagencity #дания #копенгаген #🇩🇰 (at Freetown Christiania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3g3-JsA066/?igshid=u9ybd1rdx49z
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xaviterns · 6 years ago
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#freetownchristiania #christiania #copenhage #denmark🇩🇰 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PK-10A5yi/?igshid=17vztsv22vxr4
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fthomassen · 6 years ago
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Christiania #FreetownChristiania #Christiania #Streetart #Copenhagen #Kopenhagen #København #Copenhagenlife #Copenhagensecrets #ig_Copenhagen #bestCopenhagen #visitCopenhagen #Denmark #Denemarken #Danmark #visitDenmark #beautifulDenmark #igersDenmark #ig_Denmark #fthomassen #elfloro fthomassen.nl (bij Fristaden Cristiania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1qLQbMIGOe/?igshid=8swbseoasfph
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charlieutravels · 6 years ago
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Vibrancy. . . . #photography #photooftheday #photographer #travelphotography #views #charlieutravels #nycphotographer #travel #traveling #travelgram #travelersnotebook #travelblogger #christiania #freetownchristiania #copenhagen #denmark🇩🇰 #denmark #europe #streetphotography #art #wanderer #wander #explore #life (at Christiania, København, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1bWBrMBQyT/?igshid=b5jb3y27eaya
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augustoc-ph · 8 years ago
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🇩🇰🚫CHRISTIANIA , København🚫🇩🇰#tbt #christiania #copenaghen #denmark #murales #graffiti #weird #place #smokeweed #colors #art #architecture #private #europe #travel #vacay #vacation #summer #family #wanderlust #freetown #freetownchristiania (presso Christiania, København, Denmark)
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akhnatenmallya · 6 years ago
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Waiting There's a bus stop that is conveniently located a short distance from the entrance to Christiania. Hang around long enough and a bus should come along to take you back to the city centre. I wouldn't advise you drive there. Unless you are a local who knows the area very well. Instead, leave it at your hotel or wherever it is you are staying. There are buses or the metro that can get you there. Alternatively, hop onto a bicycle and make your way there. Christiania is a car-free zone, with their preferred mode of transport being a tricycle with a box in front, used to carrying anything and everything, from groceries to kids. In fact, it has become so famous that most residents of Copenhagen use it to move around the city. While others drive around in their souped up, refurbished Volkswagen aircooled classics. Nice! PS: Please allow Instagram to figure out whether I'm a bot or not. Till then, bear with me until I can follow back all of you out there on my follow list.🙏🙏🙏 _________________________________________ The Happiest Place on Earth 🇩🇰 #thehappiestplaceonearth _________________________________________ @nofixedaddrs #nofixedaddrs _________________________________________ . . . . . #copenhagen #christiania #denmark #freetownchristiania #freetown #københavn #christiana #danmark #visitcopenhagen #christianiafreetown #pusherstreet #volkswagen #vwbeetle #vwbug #vwlove #vwlife #vwaircooled #aircooledvw #classicvw #dasauto #volkswagenbeetle #vwclassic #vwbug #vwbeetle #vwaircooled #vwlovers #vwworld #vwperformance (at Christiania, København, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXV9HGgfNf/?igshid=11h6vj63cqd75
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