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responsiveparenting · 4 years ago
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I was having an online discussion, the other day, with someone who greatly disagreed with one of my posts. I was pointing out that there are many ways to communicate feelings and some people may prefer to use a method other than speaking. The person’s response left me pondering this perspective (which so many do lol). I finally today, put into words what made me so sad about their comment and I wanted to share it. “I think it’s pretty sad that we live in a world where reacting aggressively to one’s feelings is more normalized than ‘dancing-out’ one’s feelings. We really need to change that.” J. Milburn ⭐ Want to know more about Responsive Parenting? Check out our blog and workshops through the link in my bio ⭐ #responsiveparenting #jmilburn #nonverbalcommunication #danceyourfeelings #expressingemotions #emotionalintelligence #copingskills #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #dancelikenooneiswatching #freetofeel #childdevelopment #peacefulparenting #earlychildhoodeducation #healingjourney #empathy #meltdowns #trauma #authenticity https://www.instagram.com/p/CMweigtn0PZ/?igshid=1ko6o8niilx58
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justcallmebeebaby · 5 years ago
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✨🌲🌎☀️🦋🧘🏼🏞️🌼🍃✌🏼 . . . . #foodforthought #mindfulnessmatters #freetofeel #fullcupchallenge #selfhealer #growthmindset #strengthbased #transformation #mindbodysoul #seeksimplicity #hikenewyork #homesweethome #live #breathe #emotionalintelligence https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fTAhnjxpRL9Uz08q9mfSwwU5PWUlLX2VQLYw0/?igshid=z87l5xg5weij
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jazzrj · 2 years ago
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Treat yourself well my friends. #poetry #magneticpoemoftheday #magneticpoetry #magneticpoem #poetrymagnets #writing #mine #freetofeel https://www.instagram.com/p/Chr2TvzrQtf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trulytuyet · 8 years ago
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"Sense the pain Feel the pain See it for what it is And just allow it to BE... That is love and acceptance" . Very often we walk around carrying with us enormous pain. We may or may not be aware of it. But if something came up when you hear "pain," it's probably because it is there inside you. Right there. Right now. And that is okay. If you can be aware of the pain when it arises, when you can feel it and see it for what it is, when you can be there FOR the pain that has been ignored for as long as it has been, you are choosing to be kind. Kind to yourself and kind to the pain. And by allowing that pain a space to simply BE, you may notice how its intensity lessens and maybe even..."disappears." It's because you finally acknowledged it. You recognized it. And instead of running away from pain, you let it "vent," you let it cry. You rest your hand on its shoulder, maybe even give it a tight hug. You just gave it LOVE. And in return, the pain feels your love. And when something feels loved, it will return to you as love. ❤️ . Wow, I think I need to get this description drawn into a series of pictures or even animated...OH MAN! That's a thought! On a side note, thank you so much for your patience everyone! I have been very much to myself lately but I'm happy I decided to take some time off from social media. I feel like I can create freely once more with no expectations. In other words, no holding back! Lots of changes and plans for my social media, including Youtube, Instagram and Facebook! Please be on the lookout for that. I can't wait to share! 😊 With #truthlovelife, Tuyet Tran #freetofeel #freetobe
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psychodwarfstar · 6 years ago
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#freetofeel #fuckyourfeelingsaboutit https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGpFeIhYtY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vv080xi5gxed
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thepleasingrebelle · 6 years ago
This is so important. I have known toxic positivity for a long time and im really passionate about how this just be positive bullshit is killing us, we need to learn more about psycology and being wholesome and vulnerable and how all emotions are neither good nor bad theyre there to help you but we put no importance on understanding emotions in our culture, sadly, so many people dont know how to meet their emotions bcz of this. 
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None of the comments on the right work anyway. EVER.
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bdotharrison · 8 years ago
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Moms always taught me: don't blame emotions for the actions people take because of them. Emotions are never wrong; it how you handle them • #emotions #emotionalcontrol #realshit #feel #feelings #freetofeel #iaintsorry #thanksmom #lifelesson #mothertoson
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agapeeveryday-blog · 8 years ago
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Let's thank our friends and families today who have really 'put up with us' through the years and loved us soooo much anyway! 🙋🏻🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️ • Let's all encourage and support each other's quirks, differences and perfectly unique ways of being!🌹🌻🌼🍀🦋🕺🏽🦄 • Let's love OURSELVES and allow ourselves to shine! ☀️ • #unconditionallove #freetobe #freetofeel #freetolove #supportyourfriends #support #love #encourage #live #liveit #beit #seektounderstand #seektobeunderstood #thankyourself #gratitude #lovelife #loveeachother #truelove #july4th #independent #independenceday #interdependenceday #agapeeveryday (at Asheville, North Carolina)
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sonacosta · 5 years ago
Hace algunos días, al final de una sesión un cliente me pregunto:
cómo es que logras no sentir emociones negativas?
(silencio prolongado ...)
“No se trata de no sentirlas, al contrario, se trata de no evitar y abrazar lo que se siente”.
Le conté que hace más de 19 años, cuando estudiaba budismo, llegó a mi mundo la idea (en ese momento “ilusoria”) del no apego; recuerdo perfecto que amé la idea (como muchos), aunque confieso que también la sentí casi imposible; me preguntaba sostenidamente “Cómo se puede vivir en este mundo sin sentir apego? eso debe ser bellísimo, lo lograré algún día?”
Sabes? yo lo único que no quería era sentirme atrapada en emociones que no se sentían bien en el cuerpo, emociones que generaban sufrimiento a mi y a los que estaban a mi alrededor; (ya sabes, estrés, ansiedad, tristeza, enojo, etc...), y como a muchos, sólo me gustaba sentir bonito.
Me esforcé en mantenerme presente y observar mis pensamientos, emociones y sensaciones, (chamba que debo decir en honor a la verdad, en un principio fue agotadora) cuando no lograba “controlar” las emociones y explotaba, me sentía tan mal que lo que sentía era culpa y juicio, hasta empecé a creer la idea que “alguien” me dijo: no serás bipolar? (jajaja, era más conveniente pensar que yo ya venía con una “deficiencia química” que aceptar que era parte del proceso en mi camino de desaprender programas instalados en mi mente, ay la cultura de la inmediatez pfff!)...anyway!
Decidí no tirar la toalla y ser valiente; medite y medite, lei y leí, practiqué y practiqué, dejé de hacerlo por temporadas, retomé tantas veces que ya perdí la cuenta, pero sobretodo solté todo lo que creía me generaba ese apego, (algunas cosas dolieron más que otras) sin embargo siempre supe que era lo que “se tenía que hacer” (el alma sabe, y uno tan solo confía).
Hoy, aún en el camino, puedo decir que no se trata de ser valiente y luchar, se trata de sentirte libre, de amar la libertad; amarla tanto que te conviertes en ella y entonces ahí, puedes sentir mucho, tan profundo, tan intenso que soltar no es una lucha, no es esfuerzo; Se trata de estar en PRESENCIA y sentir todo ( lo bonito y lo no bonito), de AGRADECER la posibilidad de sentir, que cuando toca soltar... se siente ligereza, alivio, se siente ...LIBERTAD.
#workinprogress #progressnotperfection
#emotionalfreedom #freetofeel #freetobe
dato importante!
Dr Dispenza y la neurosciencia dice que una emoción dura en el cuerpo 90 seg, después de eso... ya fuiste gobernado por el recuerdo del pasado que tienes relacionado con esa emoción, y tan solo estás re viviendo esa emoción, y en una de esas... estas adicto a esa emoción ( ups!)
así que... a darle ! 💥🧠
que si somos adictos, sea a emociones “chingonas” como la libertad!
*si un día te toca vivirme en bad mood (lo cual obvio sigue sucediendo), please be nice with me, i’m still working on it (como muchos) ...y si te toca vivirme en good mood... ufff... disfrutemos !
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just me
I love the words. I hate to talk.
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trulytuyet · 8 years ago
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#FreetoFeel #FreetoBe with me at #ArtistAlley Table G32 #AnimeExpo 2017 😊❤️
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trulytuyet · 8 years ago
A Personal Message for My Followers
I had a lot on my mind on my art and business...and I wanted to share it with you. Warning: I get a little emotional but I wanted to keep it raw and real.
#FreetoFeel #FreetoBe with me: Facebook: http://facebook.com/snowgem.art Instagram: http://instagram.com/snowgem.art Tumblr: http://snowgem.tumblr.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/snowgemart Deviantart: http://snowygem.deviantart.com
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