#freestyle foot
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Freestyler football professionnel : animation d'événements sportifs et culturels à Paris
I. Introduction
A. Présentation de Jonathan Paul, freestyler football professionnel
Jonathan Paul, freestyler football professionnel, est un passionné de football freestyle depuis plus de dix ans. Il a remporté le championnat de France en 2018 et depuis, il a fait de sa passion un métier en animant des événements sportifs et culturels en tant qu'intermittent du spectacle.
Jonathan Paul est spécialisé dans l'animation de spectacles de football freestyle à Paris, où il propose des prestations interactives de 15 à 20 minutes, ainsi que des initiations et des duels de petit-pont pour les jeunes. Il intervient régulièrement lors de compétitions de football freestyle, de matchs amateurs et professionnels, ainsi que lors d'événements sportifs culturels tels que des festivals et des concerts.
Le football freestyle est une discipline de plus en plus populaire en France, et les animations de freestyle foot sont devenues incontournables pour les événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Jonathan Paul est un expert en la matière, ayant acquis une expérience considérable au fil des années en tant que freestyler professionnel.
Faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel comme Jonathan Paul présente de nombreux avantages pour l'animation de vos événements sportifs et culturels. En effet, ses performances dynamiques et interactives sont susceptibles d'attirer un public plus large, tandis que ses ateliers d'initiation permettent aux enfants et adolescents de découvrir une nouvelle discipline sportive dans une ambiance ludique et conviviale.
En somme, Jonathan Paul est un freestyler football professionnel passionné et talentueux qui peut offrir une animation de qualité pour vos événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Dans les sections suivantes de cet article, nous allons explorer plus en détail les différentes prestations proposées par Jonathan Paul, ainsi que les événements sportifs culturels qu'il a déjà animés avec succès dans la capitale française.
B. L'importance de l'animation d'événements sportifs et culturels
Jonathan Paul propose différents types de prestations pour l'animation d'événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Sa prestation phare est un spectacle de football freestyle interactif, qui dure généralement entre 15 et 20 minutes et peut être adapté selon les besoins de l'événement. Pendant le spectacle, Jonathan Paul réalise des figures acrobatiques impressionnantes avec le ballon de football, tout en interagissant avec le public. Les spectateurs sont ainsi invités à participer à des défis et des duels de petit-pont, créant une ambiance ludique et conviviale.
En plus du spectacle de football freestyle, Jonathan Paul propose également des ateliers d'initiation à cette discipline sportive. Ces ateliers sont destinés aux enfants et adolescents à partir de 7 ans, et peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 12 participants par séance. Les séances d'initiation durent généralement entre 1 heure et 2 heures, et sont animées par Jonathan Paul lui-même. Pendant ces séances, les participants apprennent les bases du football freestyle, notamment les techniques de contrôle et de jonglage du ballon, ainsi que les figures acrobatiques les plus courantes.
Enfin, Jonathan Paul propose des duels de petit-pont, une compétition amicale qui consiste à marquer des buts en passant le ballon entre les jambes de son adversaire. Cette animation est idéale pour les événements sportifs et culturels qui souhaitent encourager la participation active du public, tout en créant une ambiance de compétition amicale.
En somme, Jonathan Paul propose une variété de prestations de football freestyle pour l'animation d'événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Son spectacle interactif, ses ateliers d'initiation et ses duels de petit-pont sont autant de façons de découvrir cette discipline sportive fascinante, tout en passant un moment ludique et convivial. Dans la section suivante de cet article, nous allons explorer les événements sportifs et culturels auxquels Jonathan Paul a déjà participé avec succès à Paris.
C. Présentation du sujet de l'article : comment Jonathan Paul anime-t-il des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris grâce à son talent de freestyler football professionnel ?
Jonathan Paul anime des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris depuis de nombreuses années. Grâce à son talent de freestyler football professionnel, il a su se faire une place dans le monde de l'animation événementielle. Il travaille avec des clients issus de différents horizons, allant des centres de loisirs aux grandes marques en passant par les clubs de football et les associations sportives.
Parmi les événements sportifs auxquels Jonathan Paul a participé à Paris, on peut citer les matchs de football amateurs et professionnels. Il intervient souvent lors de la mi-temps pour offrir un spectacle de football freestyle aux spectateurs, créant ainsi une pause ludique et divertissante. Jonathan Paul a également participé à des événements de grande envergure, tels que la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA en 2018, où il a animé des événements pour les sponsors officiels du tournoi.
En plus des événements sportifs, Jonathan Paul anime également des événements culturels, tels que des festivals de musique ou des salons professionnels. Ses prestations de football freestyle s'adaptent facilement à différents contextes et types d'événements, créant une ambiance unique et mémorable.
Enfin, Jonathan Paul travaille régulièrement avec des centres de loisirs et des associations sportives pour proposer des ateliers d'initiation au football freestyle. Ces ateliers permettent aux enfants et adolescents de découvrir cette discipline sportive fascinante et de s'initier aux techniques de contrôle et de jonglage du ballon. Les ateliers de Jonathan Paul sont souvent très appréciés pour leur caractère ludique et pédagogique, et sont une excellente façon pour les jeunes de développer leur créativité et leur confiance en soi.
En somme, Jonathan Paul anime des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris grâce à son talent de freestyler football professionnel. Son expérience et son expertise lui permettent de s'adapter à différents types d'événements et de proposer des prestations de qualité, alliant technique, créativité et interactivité avec le public. Dans la section suivante de cet article, nous allons explorer en détail les différentes prestations proposées par Jonathan Paul pour l'animation d'événements sportifs et culturels à Paris.
II. Le football freestyle, une animation incontournable pour vos événements à Paris
A. Qu'est-ce que le football freestyle ?
Le football freestyle est une discipline sportive qui consiste en la réalisation de figures acrobatiques et techniques avec un ballon de football. Les pratiquants, appelés freestylers, utilisent différentes parties de leur corps telles que les pieds, les genoux, les épaules et la tête pour manipuler le ballon et réaliser des mouvements spectaculaires.
Le football freestyle est souvent pratiqué dans un cadre de performance, lors de shows, compétitions, événements sportifs ou culturels. Les freestylers y présentent leur talent à travers des chorégraphies, des démonstrations de figures techniques et acrobatiques, ou encore des duels.
Cette discipline demande une grande maîtrise technique et physique du ballon, ainsi qu'une excellente coordination et créativité. Les freestylers peuvent s'entraîner seuls ou en groupe pour perfectionner leur technique et créer de nouveaux mouvements.
Le football freestyle est un sport en constante évolution, avec de nouveaux mouvements et figures qui sont régulièrement inventés et intégrés dans les performances des freestylers. Cette discipline est devenue très populaire ces dernières années, notamment grâce aux réseaux sociaux qui permettent aux freestylers de partager leurs performances avec une audience internationale.
B. Les avantages de faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel pour animer un événement
Faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel pour animer un événement présente de nombreux avantages. En effet, l'expertise et le talent de ces artistes du ballon rond apportent une dimension unique et originale à tout type d'événement sportif ou culturel.
Tout d'abord, un freestyler football professionnel est capable d'attirer l'attention du public grâce à son habileté technique et sa créativité. Il peut ainsi capter l'attention du public et créer une ambiance dynamique et divertissante.
De plus, un freestyler football professionnel peut s'adapter à différents types d'événements et proposer des prestations sur mesure en fonction des besoins et des attentes des organisateurs. Il peut par exemple réaliser des shows de freestyle en solo, en duo ou en groupe, proposer des initiations ou des duels de petits-ponts pour les participants, ou encore animer des compétitions de freestyle pour les plus aguerris.
Faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel permet également de proposer une animation originale et différente des animations classiques, tels que les concerts ou les spectacles de danse. Cela permet d'offrir une expérience unique et mémorable pour les participants, ainsi qu'un avantage concurrentiel pour l'événement.
Enfin, un freestyler football professionnel est un véritable artiste, qui peut apporter une dimension culturelle à l'événement. En effet, le freestyle football est une discipline qui s'inspire de différentes cultures et qui peut être utilisée pour véhiculer des messages forts, comme l'importance du travail d'équipe ou de la persévérance.
En somme, faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel pour animer un événement présente de nombreux avantages, tant sur le plan de l'animation et de l'originalité que sur le plan de la dimension artistique et culturelle.
C. Les différentes prestations proposées par Jonathan Paul : initiation, show et animation
Jonathan Paul est un freestyler football professionnel qui propose différentes prestations pour animer des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Ces prestations sont adaptées aux besoins de chaque client et peuvent être personnalisées en fonction de la thématique de l'événement.
La première prestation proposée par Jonathan Paul est l'initiation au football freestyle. Cette prestation est idéale pour les enfants à partir de 7 ans qui souhaitent découvrir cette discipline de manière ludique et pédagogique. Les séances d'initiation peuvent durer une heure, une heure trente ou deux heures selon les besoins de chaque groupe. Les enfants pourront ainsi apprendre les bases du football freestyle et s'essayer à des figures simples comme le petit-pont ou le ballon en équilibre sur la tête. Jonathan Paul est un pédagogue expérimenté qui saura transmettre sa passion pour le freestyle aux jeunes générations.
La deuxième prestation proposée par Jonathan Paul est le show de football freestyle. Cette prestation est idéale pour les événements sportifs ou culturels qui recherchent une animation originale et spectaculaire. Le show de Jonathan Paul dure environ 5 minutes et est composé d'une prestation solo où il enchaîne les figures les plus impressionnantes, suivie d'un show interactif où il invite le public à participer. Le show de football freestyle de Jonathan Paul est un véritable spectacle qui saura émerveiller les spectateurs et donner une dimension unique à votre événement.
La troisième prestation proposée par Jonathan Paul est l'animation de football freestyle. Cette prestation est idéale pour les événements qui souhaitent proposer une animation continue tout au long de la journée ou de la soirée. Jonathan Paul anime ainsi des duels de petit-pont ou des défis de jonglage avec le public, pour des moments de partage et de convivialité. L'animation de football freestyle de Jonathan Paul est une manière originale et ludique d'animer votre événement en créant une ambiance festive et dynamique.
En somme, Jonathan Paul propose des prestations de football freestyle adaptées à tous les types d'événements, de l'initiation au show spectaculaire en passant par l'animation interactive. Sa grande expérience et son talent de freestyler football professionnel font de lui un animateur hors-pair pour donner une touche unique à votre événement.
III. Les événements sportifs animés par Jonathan Paul à Paris
A. Les compétitions de football freestyle
Jonathan Paul est un freestyler football professionnel qui anime différents types d'événements sportifs à Paris. Les compétitions de football freestyle sont l'un des événements les plus courants auxquels Jonathan participe. En effet, les compétitions sont un excellent moyen de mettre en valeur les talents des freestylers et de créer une ambiance de compétition excitante pour le public.
Jonathan participe souvent à des compétitions de freestyle organisées dans le cadre de grands événements sportifs, tels que des tournois de football, des événements de sports extrêmes, ou encore des salons du sport. En tant que champion de France de freestyle, Jonathan est souvent invité à participer à des compétitions à travers la France, mais aussi en Europe et dans le monde entier.
Les compétitions de football freestyle sont souvent organisées sous forme de duels entre deux freestylers. Chaque joueur doit effectuer des tricks et des enchaînements pendant une période de temps déterminée, et le gagnant est celui qui a réussi à impressionner le public et les juges avec ses performances.
Jonathan est un compétiteur expérimenté et sait comment attirer l'attention du public avec ses performances spectaculaires. Il est également un juge expérimenté et participe régulièrement aux compétitions en tant que juge. En tant que juge, Jonathan évalue les performances des participants et donne des notes en fonction de la difficulté des tricks, de la créativité et de l'exécution.
En résumé, Jonathan participe régulièrement à des compétitions de football freestyle à Paris et dans le monde entier. En tant que compétiteur et juge expérimenté, il apporte son expertise et son énergie pour créer une expérience de compétition inoubliable pour les participants et le public.
B. Les matchs amateurs et professionnels
Outre les compétitions de freestyle football, Jonathan Paul intervient également lors de matchs amateurs et professionnels de football. En effet, il est capable de proposer des shows freestyle pour les spectateurs avant ou pendant les mi-temps, ou même lors des temps morts.
Ces shows permettent de divertir le public présent dans les gradins et d'apporter une touche d'originalité à l'événement sportif. De plus, ils contribuent à créer une ambiance festive et dynamique.
Jonathan adapte ses prestations en fonction de l'événement et du public présent. Il peut proposer des shows solo ou en duo avec d'autres freestylers, et réaliser des performances sur mesure en fonction des demandes des organisateurs.
Ses prestations lors des matchs peuvent également inclure des interactions avec les joueurs, comme des démonstrations de petits ponts ou des défis freestyle entre le joueur et le freestyler. Ces moments ludiques permettent de créer des souvenirs inoubliables pour les joueurs et les spectateurs.
Ainsi, faire appel à Jonathan Paul pour animer des matchs amateurs ou professionnels de football permet d'apporter une touche de créativité et de dynamisme à l'événement, tout en divertissant le public présent dans les gradins.
C. Les événements sportifs culturels : festivals, concerts, etc.
En tant que freestyler football professionnel, Jonathan Paul apporte une touche unique et dynamique aux événements culturels tels que les festivals, concerts et autres événements similaires. Grâce à sa créativité et son talent en matière de freestyle football, il est capable d'offrir des spectacles captivants et divertissants pour tous les publics.
Que ce soit en interprétant une chorégraphie originale sur scène ou en proposant des shows interactifs avec le public, Jonathan Paul sait s'adapter à toutes les situations et mettre son talent au service de l'ambiance et de l'énergie de l'événement.
Il propose ainsi des spectacles de freestyle football pour les festivals de musique en extérieur, les fêtes de quartier, les événements sportifs culturels, les expositions et les soirées privées. Avec son expérience et sa créativité, il peut offrir une prestation unique et sur-mesure, qui répond aux attentes du public.
En faisant appel à Jonathan Paul pour animer un événement sportif culturel, les organisateurs peuvent être sûrs d'offrir à leur public une expérience mémorable et divertissante. Le football freestyle offre une alternative originale et dynamique aux prestations traditionnelles, et permet d'ajouter une touche de créativité et d'énergie à tous les événements.
IV. Les ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot proposés par Jonathan Paul à Paris
A. Pourquoi proposer des ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot ?
Jonathan Paul ne se contente pas seulement d’animer des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris, il propose également des ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot. Pourquoi cette initiative ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle permet à Jonathan de transmettre sa passion et son savoir-faire à un public plus large, en particulier aux enfants.
Les ateliers d'initiation permettent aux participants de découvrir la discipline du freestyle foot et d'apprendre les mouvements de base. Les participants pourront s’initier aux différentes techniques de jonglage, aux figures et aux mouvements acrobatiques. En plus de permettre aux participants de découvrir le freestyle football, ces ateliers sont également une excellente activité pour stimuler la coordination, la concentration et la créativité.
B. Les différents types d'ateliers proposés
Jonathan Paul propose différents types d'ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot, en fonction du public cible et du niveau de pratique. Les ateliers peuvent être organisés dans des centres de loisirs, des écoles, des clubs sportifs, des entreprises ou encore des événements privés.
Jonathan peut adapter les ateliers en fonction de la durée souhaitée, allant d'une heure à une journée entière. Les ateliers d'initiation peuvent être individuels ou en groupe, avec une capacité allant de 12 à 20 participants.
C. Les ateliers de duel de petit-pont
En plus des ateliers d'initiation, Jonathan propose également des ateliers de duel de petit-pont. Le duel de petit-pont est une technique de freestyle foot qui consiste à passer un ballon entre les jambes de son adversaire pour récupérer la balle. Les participants pourront s'affronter en duel et tester leur habileté à passer le ballon entre les jambes de leur adversaire. C'est une manière amusante et ludique de s'initier au freestyle foot tout en travaillant la coordination et la rapidité.
B. Le déroulement des ateliers : comment Jonathan Paul enseigne-t-il les bases de sa discipline aux enfants et aux adolescents ?
Les ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot proposés par Jonathan Paul sont conçus pour les enfants et les adolescents de tous niveaux. Jonathan Paul croit que tout le monde peut apprendre les bases du freestyle foot avec la bonne instruction et la bonne motivation.
Les ateliers débutent par une présentation de la discipline, ainsi que de l'équipement nécessaire pour la pratiquer. Ensuite, Jonathan Paul guide les participants à travers une série d'exercices et de techniques de base, tels que les contrôles de balle, les petits ponts et les gestes techniques.
Les ateliers sont également conçus pour être interactifs et ludiques, avec des exercices individuels et de groupe pour aider les participants à améliorer leur coordination et leur contrôle de balle. Jonathan Paul est également présent pour aider les participants à travailler sur leurs faiblesses et à améliorer leurs compétences.
Les participants ont également la possibilité de poser des questions et de recevoir des conseils et des astuces de la part de Jonathan Paul, qui partage également son expérience de freestyler football professionnel.
Les ateliers durent généralement de une à deux heures, mais peuvent être adaptés pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des groupes et des événements. Jonathan Paul apporte tout l'équipement nécessaire pour les ateliers, y compris les ballons de football et les cônes pour les exercices de coordination.
Enfin, les ateliers se terminent par une session de défi ou de duel de petits ponts pour permettre aux participants de tester leurs nouvelles compétences et de s'amuser en même temps.
C. Les retours positifs des participants
Les ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot proposés par Jonathan Paul à Paris ont suscité des retours très positifs de la part des participants.
En effet, les enfants et adolescents ayant participé à ces ateliers ont souvent exprimé leur satisfaction quant à l'apprentissage des bases de la discipline. Ils ont notamment apprécié la pédagogie de Jonathan Paul, qui sait s'adapter à tous les niveaux et proposer des exercices adaptés à chacun.
Les parents ont également exprimé leur satisfaction quant à la qualité de l'encadrement et à la sécurité offerte aux participants. Les ateliers sont en effet encadrés par des professionnels expérimentés, et des règles strictes sont mises en place pour garantir la sécurité de tous.
Enfin, les participants ont souvent souligné le côté ludique et amusant de ces ateliers, qui permettent de découvrir une discipline sportive originale tout en s'amusant. Ils ont également apprécié l'opportunité de pouvoir défier leurs camarades ou Jonathan Paul lui-même lors de duels de petit-pont, ce qui ajoute une dimension compétitive et stimulante à l'apprentissage.
En somme, les ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot proposés par Jonathan Paul sont un véritable succès, tant du point de vue de l'apprentissage que du plaisir et de la satisfaction des participants.
V. Les shows et animations freestyle football proposés par Jonathan Paul à Paris
A. Le déroulement des shows interactifs : comment Jonathan Paul implique-t-il le public dans ses performances ?
Les shows interactifs de freestyle football proposés par Jonathan Paul à Paris sont un véritable spectacle pour le public. L'objectif est de faire participer activement les spectateurs à la performance et de leur offrir une expérience inoubliable. Les shows interactifs peuvent varier en durée, mais généralement, ils durent entre 15 et 20 minutes.
Le déroulement du show commence par une prestation individuelle de Jonathan Paul, où il montre son talent en effectuant des figures impressionnantes avec le ballon. Ensuite, il implique le public en les faisant participer à des petits jeux de football freestyle, tels que des duels de petits ponts ou des défis de jonglage.
Jonathan Paul est très interactif avec le public, en les encourageant à crier et applaudir, en les invitant à monter sur scène pour essayer eux-mêmes les techniques de freestyle, et en créant une ambiance festive et dynamique. Il crée une atmosphère de proximité avec le public, en discutant avec eux et en répondant à leurs questions sur sa pratique.
Les shows interactifs de Jonathan Paul sont également personnalisables en fonction des souhaits des clients. Il est possible d'inclure des accessoires tels que des ballons lumineux pour une ambiance plus spectaculaire. De plus, Jonathan Paul peut créer des chorégraphies sur-mesure pour s'adapter à l'événement en question.
En résumé, les shows interactifs de freestyle football proposés par Jonathan Paul sont une expérience unique pour le public. Ils allient à la fois spectacle et participation active, créant une ambiance festive et inoubliable.
B. Les animations freestyle football : comment Jonathan Paul rend-t-il son animation originale et interactive pour le public ?
Jonathan Paul est connu pour ses animations freestyle football lors d'événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Il a développé une approche unique pour rendre ses animations originales et interactives pour le public.
Il propose des animations freestyle football qui s'adaptent à tous les types d'événements. Pour les festivals, les concerts ou les événements culturels, il organise des sessions d'initiation au freestyle football pour que les participants puissent apprendre quelques mouvements de base et découvrir la discipline. Pour les événements sportifs, il offre des animations freestyle pour divertir les spectateurs lors des pauses et des temps morts.
L'animation freestyle football de Jonathan Paul est interactive. Il encourage les spectateurs à participer et à interagir avec lui lors de ses performances. Il invite les enfants et les adultes à venir sur scène pour essayer quelques mouvements et faire des photos avec lui. Cette interaction avec le public rend l'animation plus mémorable et divertissante pour tout le monde.
De plus, Jonathan Paul a développé un répertoire de mouvements impressionnants qui mettent en valeur sa technique et son style personnel. Il utilise également des accessoires comme des ballons de différentes tailles et couleurs pour rendre son animation encore plus originale.
En somme, les animations freestyle football de Jonathan Paul sont un excellent choix pour divertir et surprendre le public lors d'événements sportifs et culturels. Son approche interactive et originale garantit une expérience mémorable pour les participants de tous âges et de tous niveaux.
C. Les lieux d'animation : où peut-on trouver Jonathan Paul à Paris pour profiter de son talent ?
Jonathan Paul est un freestyler football professionnel très demandé pour animer des événements sportifs et culturels à Paris. Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un endroit pour profiter de ses performances en direct, voici quelques-uns des lieux où il se produit régulièrement :
Les places publiques : Jonathan Paul peut être trouvé dans diverses places publiques de Paris pour y animer des shows freestyle football. Vous pouvez le suivre sur les réseaux sociaux pour être informé des dates et des lieux exacts.
Les stades : les stades de football sont également des endroits où Jonathan Paul peut être vu en train de réaliser des performances freestyle football pendant les pauses ou avant les matchs.
Les festivals et événements culturels : Jonathan Paul est régulièrement invité à animer des événements culturels et des festivals à Paris. Que ce soit pour un événement sportif, un concert ou un festival, il est toujours prêt à faire vibrer le public.
Les centres commerciaux : les centres commerciaux sont également des endroits où Jonathan Paul se produit régulièrement pour animer des événements commerciaux ou pour des marques partenaires.
En somme, si vous voulez assister à une performance de freestyle football de Jonathan Paul, vous pouvez le trouver dans divers endroits à Paris. Cependant, il est important de suivre son actualité sur les réseaux sociaux ou son site internet pour être au courant des dates et des lieux exacts.
VI. Conclusion
A. Le football freestyle, une animation en plein essor à Paris
Le football freestyle est une discipline sportive qui connaît un véritable essor à Paris ces dernières années. Grâce à son talent de freestyler football professionnel, Jonathan Paul a su se démarquer et devenir une référence dans ce domaine. Que ce soit lors de compétitions de football freestyle, de matchs amateurs et professionnels ou encore lors d'événements sportifs culturels tels que des festivals ou des concerts, Jonathan Paul est devenu incontournable dans l'animation de ces événements.
Mais ce qui fait la particularité de Jonathan Paul, ce sont également les ateliers d'initiation au freestyle foot qu'il propose à Paris. Il permet ainsi aux enfants et aux adolescents de découvrir cette discipline et de s'initier aux bases du freestyle football dans une ambiance conviviale et ludique.
Enfin, les shows et animations freestyle football de Jonathan Paul sont également très appréciés. Grâce à une interaction constante avec le public, il rend son animation originale et interactive pour le plus grand plaisir des spectateurs.
En somme, le football freestyle est une animation en plein essor à Paris et Jonathan Paul est devenu un acteur incontournable de cette discipline. Que ce soit pour animer un événement sportif ou culturel, pour proposer des ateliers d'initiation ou encore pour faire le show, Jonathan Paul saura apporter une touche d'originalité et d'interactivité qui ravira à coup sûr le public.
B. Les avantages de faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel comme Jonathan Paul
En conclusion, faire appel à un freestyler football professionnel comme Jonathan Paul présente de nombreux avantages. Tout d'abord, cela permet d'offrir une animation originale et spectaculaire à son événement, que ce soit un événement sportif, culturel ou d'entreprise. Les performances de Jonathan Paul sont toujours adaptées aux besoins et aux attentes des clients, qu'il s'agisse d'un spectacle sur mesure ou d'une animation interactive pour le public.
En outre, les ateliers d'initiation proposés par Jonathan Paul permettent aux enfants et aux adolescents de découvrir et de s'initier au football freestyle dans une ambiance ludique et conviviale. Cela peut contribuer à promouvoir une activité physique et sportive, ainsi qu'à développer la créativité et la coordination des jeunes participants.
Enfin, l'expérience et le professionnalisme de Jonathan Paul garantissent une prestation de qualité et une animation réussie. En tant que freestyler football reconnu sur la scène nationale et internationale, il possède une expérience solide et une expertise inégalée dans son domaine.
En somme, faire appel à Jonathan Paul pour animer un événement à Paris est une garantie d'offrir une expérience unique et mémorable à ses invités. Sa passion pour le football freestyle et son talent indéniable font de lui un choix idéal pour tout type d'événement, qu'il s'agisse de compétitions sportives, de festivals, de concerts ou encore de team building d'entreprise.
C. Comment contacter Jonathan Paul pour animer votre événement à Paris ?
Si vous souhaitez ajouter une touche de créativité et d'originalité à votre événement, en faisant appel à un freestyler football professionnel, Jonathan Paul est l'homme qu'il vous faut. Pour contacter Jonathan Paul et discuter de votre projet d'animation, vous pouvez vous rendre sur son site internet jonathan-paul.fr.
Sur son site, vous trouverez toutes les informations nécessaires pour découvrir ses différentes prestations, ses références et ses coordonnées. Vous pouvez également le contacter directement en remplissant le formulaire de contact en ligne.
Jonathan Paul est un professionnel expérimenté, capable de s'adapter à tous les types d'événements, qu'ils soient sportifs ou culturels. En faisant appel à ses compétences, vous êtes assuré de proposer une animation originale et interactive à votre public.
N'hésitez pas à contacter Jonathan Paul pour en savoir plus sur ses prestations et discuter de la manière dont il peut contribuer à la réussite de votre événement à Paris.
#football freestyle#freestyle foot#événement sportif#animation#initiation#show freestyle#Jonathan Paul#Paris#spectacle#culturel
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Diplômé en foot freestyle
Le Pôle d’Excellence des Pratiques Sportives de l’Université de Bourgogne est une structure créée en 2011, pour soutenir des étudiants sportifs de haut niveau dans la réussite de leurs études. Lundi 30 septembre, cité départementale Henry Berger, une soirée était organisée à l’attention des élèves et notamment de la nouvelle promotion, au cours de laquelle 3 étudiants dijonnais sont venus témoigner de leur double statut. Joachim Oudin, étudiant STAPS, a notamment réalisé une démonstration de foot freestyle. S'il est le seul, parmi les 150 élèves épaulés par le PEPS, à pratiquer cette discipline spectacle qui panache des postures de gymnaste, des acrobaties et des jonglages,Joachim est dans les pas de 2 anciens du STAPS dijonnais devenus freestylers professionnels, Alexanne et Jordan Meunier. Sa préférence c’est l’épreuve ironman qu’il détaille :” le but c’est de cumuler le plus de tours du monde, une figure consistant à passer la jambe autour de la balle, en un seul toucher et sans qu’elle ne tombe par terre ; c’est très cardio ; je vise le record de 3’ 30”, le mien est de 2’ 30”.” Un écart qu'il entend effacer avec des heures d’entraînement soit 4 à six séances quotidiennes sur cinq jours de la semaine. Autant de temps de cours qu’il lui faut aménager, rattraper avant chaque voyage pour une compétition ou démonstration ; la prochaine le 5 octobre en Allemagne à Horgenzell, un tournoi international open. Son autre objectif c’est de décrocher la licence STAPS puis d’enchaîner avec un master MEEF en vue d’obtenir le diplôme de prof d’EPS. Après 10 ans de pratique, Joachim vit un peu de ses animations, mais comme il évalue un horizon de carrière à l’âge de 35 ans, alors avec un emploi d’enseignant il pourrait continuer ensuite à transmettre l’esprit des sports Freestyle aux élèves.
#Foot freestyle#freestyle#Joachim Oudin#staps#ALEXANEFREESTYLE#alexanemeunier#jordanmeunier#jordanthefreestyler#joachimfreestyle#Youtube#departementcotedor
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Warning: Violence, potential spoilers, flashing lights
Title: Masquerade
Editor: xVoidLily (now known as Aerlunna)
Dedicated to: Rokia2414
Studio: Shattered Star Studios
Song: Welcome to the Masquerade
Artist: Thousand Foot Krutch
Anime: Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen
Category: Freestyle
#anime#amv#rozen maiden#thousand foot krutch#masquerade#video#music#song#youtube#editing#Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen#【S✪S】 Masquerade || Rozen Maiden 2013 AMV [For Rokia2414]#rozen maiden 2013#xvoidlily#aerlunna#rokia2414#shattered star studios#welcome to the masquerade#freestyle#Youtube
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Thankfully for everyone involved, the Winter Olympics officials spotted me and managed to stop me before I got to the ski jump.
Olympic Sports [Explained]
Caption: Olympic Sports ranked by how funny it would be if I, a regular person without athletic training, snuck onto the team to compete: Not That Funny: Rowing Fencing Weightlifting Golf Archery [Randall (as Cueball) missing the hole as putt distance, and Cueball missing the archery target from a couple of meters away.]
Pretty funny: Swimming Long jump Pole vault Diving Hurdle [Cueball bumblingright through a hurdle, one knocked over behind him.] Cueball: [Bonk] Ow! [Bonk] Ow!
Incredibly funny: Figure skating Horizontal bar Equestrian BMX freestyle Pommel horse [Cueball crawling on the horizontal bar with one foot outstretched, and Cueball flailing on the back of a moving horse.] Cueball: Look! Look! Cueball: AAAAA!
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#youtube#football#footballplayer#skills#soccer#learn soccer balls#sports#premier league#poster#positivity#pancakes#foot#tutorial#how to#how#freestyle#learn skills#learn#new
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ok... so i've seen your amazing college fling works for seungcheol, jeonghan, and joshua.... but what about one for hoshi 👉👈
WARNINGS: freshmen!hoshi, late night practices, burn-out, shyness, sunbae!reader, fluff, a lil bit of angst.
WC: 2.8k of this... judge me 🗣needed to divide this into parts...
part 1 / part 2
college fling!hoshi that you clocked that he was a freshman by the very moment he stepped into the dance practice room. it started with the smell, honestly. freshman reek—like nervous sweat and too much axe body spray, paired with the faintest whiff of fear. baggy-ass hoodie that practically swallowed his arms, hands shoved deep in his pockets like they’d get fined if they came out, sneakers so new they squeaked against the gym floor. he looked young. not in a bad way, just in that “i’m not used to being left unsupervised” way.
he stood in the doorway like he didn’t know what to do with himself. everyone else was stretching, pulling their limbs into shapes human joints probably weren’t meant for, and there he was, swaying on the balls of his feet like a kid waiting to ask if they could borrow a crayon.
“you lost?” you called out, not even looking up from where you were sitting, tying your shoelaces.
“huh? n-no, i’m, uh—this is intro to hip-hop?”
the way he said it like a question had you biting back a grin. “yeah, you’re in the right place. c’mon in before the instructor roasts your ass for lurking.”
he shuffled in, taking a spot in the back corner like he was hoping no one would notice him. “i'm invisible if i stand still enough”, he thinks. but of course, everyone noticed him. new kid energy was impossible to ignore, and to top it off, he had that awkwardly cute thing going on. messy bangs falling into his eyes, face pink like he was one awkward comment away from combusting. his eyes, wide and curious, darting around like he was mentally cataloging every single thing in the room.
“you got a name, freshman?” you asked, leaning back on your hands as you watched him.
he blinked, like he didn’t realize you were still talking to him. “oh, uh, hoshi. i mean, soonyoung. but people call me hoshi.”
“cool. you dance before, hoshi?”
“alright, new guy!” the prof clapped his hands, dragging everyone’s attention. “show us a little freestyle! don't be shy...”
college fling!hoshi who freezes mid-blink, still thinking about your question. clutching his backpack straps so hard you thought they might snap. he turned to you, wide-eyed and panicked, like you could save him from the impending doom.
“relax,” you whispered, stepping closer, your voice low enough that only he could hear. “you do this and sunbae’s buying you dinner. whatever you want. ramen, fried chicken, you name it.”
he blinked, like the concept of being spoiled by you was enough to short-circuit his brain, but there was something there. a spark. like maybe he didn’t wanna flop in front of you.
“okay,” he mumbled, and you gave him a grin that could probably power a small city.
“attaboy,” you said, patting his shoulder as you turned back to the class.
by the end of the first class, he’d loosened up a bit—mostly because the instructor made everyone run through improv drills, and there was no room for shyness when you were flailing around to some experimental old-school rap track. you caught him sneaking glances at you when he thought you weren’t looking.
college fling!hoshi who finally zipped up his backpack after what felt like an eternity, stood up, and immediately knocked over a water bottle with his foot. he muttered a quick, shy “sorry,” barely glancing at the offended plastic, and shuffled toward you. his shoulders were stiff, his hands gripping the straps of his backpack like they were the only things tethering him to this earth. you gave him a once-over, your phone in one hand, and a smirk playing at your lips. “you survived,” you said casually, and his grin was so tiny you almost missed it.
college fling!hoshi who started walking alongside you, a little too close like he didn’t know how to pace himself yet. every few steps, his elbow brushed yours, and he’d shift just enough to make it obvious he noticed. you didn’t say anything—just side-eyed him with a teasing smile that had his ears turning red.
college fling!hoshi who paused outside the building with you, his fingers fidgeting with a loose thread on his sleeve as he asked, “so, uh… what do you like to eat?” his voice was barely louder than the passing breeze. you raised an eyebrow at him, tucking your phone into your pocket. “you’re really gonna let me pick, huh?” he nodded, determined, even as he shuffled his feet. “you said you’d spoil me,” he countered, and for the first time, there was a flicker of sass in his tone. you liked it.
college fling!hoshi who almost tripped on his untied shoelace when you said you’d pick a place, his backpack slipping off one shoulder as he bent down to fix it. he was mumbling something about bad luck when you crouched beside him, yanking the lace from his hands and tying it with a quick knot. “you’re gonna kill yourself before dinner at this rate,” you said, and the way he stared at you—wide-eyed, lips parted—made it feel like you’d just handed him the keys to the kingdom.
college fling!hoshi who sat across from you at the tiny chicken shop, looking at the menu like it was a math test. “it’s just chicken, dude,” you teased, propping your chin in your hand. he fumbled with the laminated page, finally blurting, “but what if I pick something too spicy?” you laughed, shaking your head. “okay, rookie, let me help you out.” you ended up ordering for both of you, and when the dish came, his eyes lit up.
college fling!hoshi who distractly puts too much sauce on his chicken wing and doesn’t notice because he was too busy grinning at your stories. “wait, wait—so you fell during a performance?” he asked, the sauce at the corner of his mouth. you groaned, throwing a napkin at him. “it wasn’t just a fall, okay? it was a crash,” you admitted, and his laugh was so loud the couple at the next table glanced over. “stop making fun of me or I’ll make you pay,” you threatened, and his face instantly sobered. “wait, what?”
college fling!hoshi who insisted on paying despite your earlier threats. he pulled out his wallet like it was some grand declaration of independence, only to hesitate when he realized he didn’t have enough cash. “um…” he started, cheeks burning. you rolled your eyes and handed your card to the cashier before he could protest. “rookie rule number one,” you said smugly, “always check your wallet before acting like a big shot.” he muttered something about repaying you, and you just laughed, nudging him toward the door.
college fling!hoshi who got lost again on the way back to his dorm, despite the fact that he’d been living there for a week. “are you serious right now?” you asked, watching him squint at the campus map on his phone. he scratched the back of his head, mumbling, “it all kinda looks the same at night.” sighing, you grabbed his phone, pulled up the map yourself, and started walking. “come on, hoshi-ya you’re hopeless.”
college fling!hoshi who walked beside you, hands in his pockets, quietly humming a tune you didn’t recognize. “what’s that?” you asked, tilting your head toward him. his eyes widened like he’d been caught. “oh, uh, just something I made up,” he admittedquietly. you stopped in your tracks, turning to him with a grin. “wait, you write music?” he shrugged, suddenly bashful. “a little… it’s not a big deal.” you nudged him with your shoulder. “nah, that’s cool as hell. show me sometime?”
college fling!hoshi who hesitated outside his dorm door, hand hovering over the handle. “thanks for… you know, today,” he said, glancing at you shyly. “and dinner.” you smirked, crossing your arms. “you earned it, rookie. but next time, you’re paying.” his smile stretched wide, and for a moment, he just stood there, like he didn’t want to go in. finally, he nodded, fumbling with the key. “goodnight, sunbae,” he said softly, and you had to resist the urge to ruffle his hair as you turned to leave.
college fling!hoshi who always trails behind you, holding onto the strap of your backpack like a lost puppy. “you’re gonna rip it, you know,” you tell him, but he just grins and tightens his grip. “you’re my sunbae. gotta make sure I don’t lose you.” it’s so dumb and cheesy that you flick his forehead, but your chest feels warmer anyway.
college fling!hoshi who managed to charm his way into your friend group like he’d been there all along. one of your music department friends spotted him loitering outside your lecture hall and asked, “is that the guy you’ve been dragging around campus?” you rolled your eyes, but hoshi smiled like he’d just won an award. “that’s me!” he said proudly, and somehow by the end of the conversation, they were swapping playlist recommendations.
college fling!hoshi who shows up at your dorm one night with a bruised knee and a sheepish smile. “i tripped during practice,” he admits, wincing as you drag him inside. “tripped or collapsed?” you demand, pointing at the ice pack in his hands. he shrugs, trying to play it off, but you’re already crouched in front of him, scolding him as you press the ice to his knee. “you should stop, sunbae its worried about you.” you mutter, and when he mumbles, “i’ll be fine,” you glare at him until he mutters an apology instead.
college fling!hoshi who gets into his first real argument with you after you find him practicing in an empty studio way past midnight. “what the hell are you doing?” you snap, flipping on the lights to find him mid-spin, sweat dripping down his face. “just a bit more,” he protests, breathless. “i need to get this routine perfect.” but you’re not having it. “perfect doesn’t matter if you’re too dead to perform, hoshi!” he flinches, wide-eyed, but you don’t stop. “you can’t keep pushing yourself like this. stop before you break something.” he looks at you, frustrated, and finally, he slumps onto the floor, whispering, “sorry, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who randomly shows up with snacks between your classes. “figured you’d be hungry,” he says, handing you a convenience store bag. you peek inside—your favorite drink and a pack of cookies. “didn’t know you were trying to bribe me,” you tease, taking a bite. “is it working?” he asks, grinning, and when you give him a thumbs-up, he beams like a kid on christmas morning.
college fling!hoshi who ends up crashing at your dorm after a long night of studying. he’s sprawled on your bed, one arm thrown over his face, while you sit cross-legged on the floor, typing away at your laptop. “you’re gonna fail if you don’t actually read the material,” you say, glancing up. he groans, rolling onto his side. “then i’ll just ask you to tutor me again,” he says, smirking, and you chuck a pillow at his head.
college fling!hoshi who catches you off-guard one day by slipping his jacket over your shoulders during a chilly walk across campus. “you looked cold,” he says simply, his voice softer than usual. you pull the fabric tighter around you, the faint scent of him lingering on it, and when you glance at him, he’s pretending to be super interested in a tree. “thanks,” you say quietly, and he shrugs, his ears turning pink as he mutters, “anytime, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who came back one day to the practice room after a late practice, two cans of soda in hand, humming to himself. “sunbae, I got—” his voice cut off when he saw you slouched on the floor, one hand clutching your forehead. “y/n?” he rushed over, dropping the sodas with a dull clunk. crouching in front of you, his voice softened. “what’s wrong? are you okay?” you waved him off weakly. “just tired. it’s nothing.” but he didn’t buy it for a second.
college fling!hoshi who gently pried your hand away from your forehead, his fingers brushing against yours. “you’re burning up,” he said, his brow furrowing. “why didn’t you say anything?” you tried to sit up straighter, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal. “it’s fine, really. just pushed too hard today.” his expression tightened. “this isn’t fine, y/n. you shouldn’t have kept going if you felt like this.”
college fling!hoshi who helped you lean back against the mirror. “stay still, okay?” he murmured, crouching next to you. you gave him a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. “you’re acting like I’m dying, hoshi.” he didn’t laugh, his lips pressing into a thin line. “don’t joke about that,” he said quietly, his eyes scanning your face for any signs of improvement.
college fling!hoshi who let you rest your head against his shoulder when you slumped forward again. “here, like this,” he said softly, adjusting so you were cradled in his arms. his hands were steady, one supporting your back and the other brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “just relax. you’re safe.” he started gently blowing on your face, the cool air soothing your heated skin. “better?” he whispered, his voice close enough to send a strange flutter through your chest.
college fling!hoshi who stayed with you until you could sit up on your own again, his arm still lingering behind your back just in case. “you scared me,” he admitted, his voice quieter than you’d ever heard it. “i thought… what if something happened and I wasn’t here?” you blinked up at him, guilt bubbling in your stomach. “sorry,” you muttered. his hand found yours, squeezing it gently. “just don’t do it again, okay? i mean it, you always scold me for practicing too late...”
college fling!hoshi who refused to let you walk home by yourself, no matter how many times you insisted you were fine. “nope, not happening,” he said firmly, slipping your bag over his shoulder along with his own. “if you collapse halfway there, what am I supposed to do? carry you like a princess?” you snorted, but the teasing tone in his voice couldn’t hide the worry in his eyes.
“you know, I could really get used to you carrying me around,” you said, nudging him playfully with your shoulder. he raised an eyebrow, glancing at you. “oh, really?” he asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “yeah,” you said, deadpan, “I mean, who wouldn’t want a cute guy carrying them everywhere?”
college fling!hoshi who, despite the teasing tone in your voice, caught that little glint in your eye. “alright, then,” he said, voice suddenly serious, as he paused in front of you. “come here.” without waiting for a response, he slid his arms under your knees and around your back. you yelped in surprise, but before you could protest, he had you lifted off the ground like you were weightless. “you wanted it, right?” he said with a grin, carrying you like it was nothing. “not a word out of you until we get to your dorm.”
“you’re a natural at this,” you teased, your chin resting on his shoulder as you looked up at him. “yeah, well, someone’s gotta keep you from passing out on me,” he muttered, but his cheeks were flushed, and his hands felt like they were holding you just a bit too tightly. “this isn’t bad,” you added with a smirk, “maybe I’ll start making demands. like, no more walking for me from now on.”
he blushed at your joke but didn’t miss a beat. “you sure about that?” he asked, glancing down at you with a sly smile. you nodded, playing along. “definitely. I’m a princess now. I’ll need snacks, water, a blanket... and don’t forget the back rubs.” hoshi shook his head, clearly trying to hide his amusement. “I’m pretty sure you’re taking this way too far, but okay,” he said, adjusting his grip on you. “I can do all that...”
“deal. but only if you don’t drop me halfway there,” you teased. hoshi’s grip tightened, his voice lowering a little. “I’ll never drop you, sunbae.”
college fling!hoshi who made it to your dorm room, still carrying you as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “I should’ve known you’d enjoy this,” he said, shaking his head as he set you down on your bed. “enjoy what?” you asked innocently, grinning up at him. “this whole ‘being carried around’ thing,” he said, still laughing a little. you shrugged dramatically.
college fling!hoshi who would come up to you after class, always fussing over you—was your shoulder okay? did you stretch enough? how was your lunch? you’d always brush it off, sulking a little at the way he took care of you like it was his full-time job.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen reactions#seventeen x reader#seventeen scenarios#seventeen headcanons#svt imagines#seventeen#seventeen smut#svt smut#hoshi fluff#hoshi fanfic#hoshi drabble#hoshi x reader#hoshi x you#hoshi x y/n#hoshi headcanon#hoshi drabbles#hoshi imagines#hoshi reaction#soonyoung fluff#soonyoung x reader#soonyoung imagines#soonyoung seventeen
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Neil Perry x gn! reader
Synopsis: In which you and Neil end up in a vintage photobooth.
An: Hello!! This is my first post on this account so I apologize if this sounds like shit😭 Also!! English is not my first language and I’ve never stepped foot into a Photo Booth so if I wrote something wrong then that’s on me🫡🫡
When you two entered through the curtain and into the booth, You found it to be particularly small, barely big enough for the two of you to fit inside. It was kind of dark, the walls were maroon colored and the only thing there was in there was a built-in camera in the wall and a bench to sit down on so it was kind of empty (besides the scribbles and notes people had written down on the walls that the owners were too lazy to remove). You’ve both never seen or been in a Photo Booth before, not having a single clue on how it exactly worked, fearing that you’d accidentally break something.
“It’s quite cramped in here, isn’t it?” He teased softly, being fully aware of the amount of space you two had. You nodded, breathing out a faint ‘yeah’ under your breath. You tried to make yourself sit comfortably, but it was kind of hard when the side of your body was stuck glued beside his as your other half was against the wall.
Neil leaned down slightly.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked softly, his voice husky as he looked you up and down with a small smile. You once again nodded, not wanting to burden him. It was fine. Afterall, you couldn’t do anything about it. Neil turned his head back to the camera, looking clueless.
“Does it even work?” Neil asked as his brows furrowed.
“I hope so.” You responded, feeling hopeful. There was a button sticking out underneath the camera lens.
“I think this button starts the camera and countdown.” He said, unsure.
Neil reached slightly up to press it, unsure if it was the right thing to do. Thankfully, the lightbulb that hung above us, slowly lit up, triggering the timer countdown for the first picture. As the countdown went, You both realized that you had to act fast if you wanted the pictures to turn out good. You had no idea how many seconds you were given, could’ve been ten seconds or thirty if this machine was nice enough.
“What should we do?” You asked, a little panicky.
“Just smile!” He said quickly, leaning back a little against the wall. You took this opportunity to lean a little closer to the camera as you smiled nervously. You didn’t have that many high hopes for the first picture, just wanting the first picture to show you two smiling as a start. You posed awkwardly for a few seconds before the camera’s flash unexpectedly came on.
The bright flash blinded both of you, causing Neil and you to let out a small groan of discomfort as you both rubbed your eyes. Neil leaned back up beside you as he tried to blink away the spots in his vision, adjusting to the sudden change of light.
Now it was time to think of a new pose to do. Without thinking, you shifted yourself to lean your head towards him as you, again, smiled at the camera. You weren’t expecting for him to do the same though, but he did. Your heads linked together as you both smiled sweetly and the camera clicked once again.
You two pulled apart, feeling the warmthness of his cheek leave yours as you tried to figure out what pose you were going to do next. Neil seemed to have no problem with this whole thing, just freestyling everything. Maybe it was because you knew he would look good in any pose he chose to do.
You suggested to him that you two could make funny faces, just to humorize the photos. He didn’t say anything, let alone move as you got into your position, scrunching up your nose as you smiled mischievously. You awkwardly waited for the photo to be taken as you watched Neil from your peripheral vision. He turned his head towards you and just stayed there, watching you. His gaze seemed to burn a path through you.
You wanted to turn your head to face him but you’d have to wait until the picture would get taken.
When the flash finally covered the whole booth for just a split second before disappearing again, the light above you dimmed, signaling for you two to exit the booth, but you didn't, you stayed there as if you were expecting something more to happen. You turned your head immediately to see what was the problem. You were planning to ask him ‘why didn’t you pose?’ or ‘is there something on my face?’ but when you turned to him, you realized how close your faces were. And suddenly, your mind became blank. He stared down at you with a feeling of undeniable adoration in his brown eyes as he watched you almost hungrily. There was a tender, fond adoration flickering in his eyes, the way it often did in private moments like this. The warmth and affection in his expression made you feel vulnerable and cherized at the same time. His eyes seemed to take in every little detail, capturing it and piercing it into his mind, afraid to lose the memory of how you looked like, in case you two would in the future pull apart and never see each other again. His expression was soft and full of warmth, as if he found every little thing about you utterly mesmerizing.
“What?” You muttered quietly, already feeling yourself getting lost in his eyes. Oh how you could stare into them for hours on end.
“What?” Neil asked in return, his voice low and warm, tinged with a hint of amusement. In the midst of darkness, you could see a speck of light reflecting on his eyes from outside the curtain where the streetlight resided. You felt his breath from his open mouth hit your face as it made you realize how close your faces have gotten.
“May I kiss you?” He softly whispered against your lips, glancing down at them for a split second before returning his gaze up at you.
You opened your mouth, again and again to try and get something out but your voice had given up on you so you just nodded eagerly instead. He leaned down and closed his eyes, pressing his lips gently against yours. His hand travelled to your face, placing it on the back of your head to deepen the kiss. You reciprocated and held his cheek, your thumb grazing his sharp cheekbone. The kiss was short but sweet, only lasting a couple of seconds before he pulled away, exhaling ever so slightly as he looked breathlessly at you. You couldn’t help but let out a cheeky grin that spread over your red face, which caused Neil to laugh at you.
You walked out of the booth as you watched Neil pick up the pictures that were printed out and examined them. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he looked down on them, making you curious.
“Let me see.” You said and he handed you the strip. Without saying anything, you took it from him and looked at it closely. There were four black & white photos of you two stacked on top of each other, doing various poses for each one. The first photo though, caught your eye. It looked fine at first, you saw yourself smiling and narrowed your eyes to Neil.
His mouth was pulled into a wide smile which showed off his gleaming teeth and dimples. He looked adorable. Though unbeknownst to you, you saw his hand positioned behind your head, creating a bunny ears gesture, making you look like a fool.
When you realized this, you playfully hit his arm as a form of payback. He pulled up his hand to caress the spot where you hit him at, pretending to look hurt as he couldn’t help holding in his laugh.
“I just couldn’t help myself, I had to!” He said between laughs.
You didn’t want to give in but eventually did, giggling along with him.
Besides, you knew you were going to keep these photos in your dorm as a memory, even if they didn’t turn out perfect, they were special.
(After all, no one but you and Neil would fully know what happened after the fourth photo was taken.)
#dps#dps fandom#dps fic#dead poets society#dead poets fanfic#neil perry x reader#neil perry#dead poets society x reader#oneshot#dead poets society oneshot
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Here’s some more about the game :D for your reading pleasure @portal-to-oblivion (Based on this post)
Freestyle Checkers: A Tim and Damian Special OR “How can we make talking to people a competition?”
They are sneaky. They are underhanded. They will do anything to win.
Originally, this was a ploy to get Bruce to ban them from the galas. Over the coming months, however, they begin to enjoy attending. A little too much.
Tim starts a conga line and convinces everyone on his team to join before marching them to Damian’s side.
Damian subtly moves the tables just an inch or two to the right all night until the whole room has switched seating arrangements.
After a particularly eventful game, Bruce now requires them both to empty their pockets and walk through a metal detector before entering the ballroom.
Tim uses his role as company heir to befriend everyone on his team and then introduce them to one another. He accidentally started a coup once.
Damian uses his puppy eyes to woo the guests into doing his bidding and avoid punishment.
He also sets fire to the curtains.
They are repeatedly caught giving death glares to each other from across the ballroom…but that’s normal. What’s not normal is the two giving death glares to a seemingly random guest at the same time. (She was only going to say hello to Maxine. Why does she feel like she’s in mortal danger?)
Tim spikes the punch with a hint of laxatives so everybody sticks to the bathrooms on Damian’s side.
Several games in, Damian finds a loophole in the rules. Even if the pieces can’t know they’re in a game, that doesn’t mean others can’t. He pays several catering staff to form a physical barrier between certain guests and places. Tim is livid and demands the loophole be written out.
Damian, after stealing a woman’s expensive watch: “Oh, I think I saw it at table seven! Here, let me take you there :)”
Tim makes a kid cry at table 20 so everyone will avoid that side of the room.
Tim: “To the left now, y’all! Left again! Right foot two stomps! Keep going left!”
Every other batfamily member has joined the game at least once, both as a piece AND as a player. On a particularly boring night, it was Tim v. Damian v. Steph v. Jason v. Duke. Every attendee was an unwilling participant. Including Bruce.
Damian is the reason death threats are no longer allowed for the game.
Tim: “Oh, you don’t want to talk to Nicole. Did you hear what she said about Leandra last night? The drama!”
Damian, tugging a guest’s arm: “Hey, is your blue Mercedes parked outside?” Guest: “Oh, hi sweetie :) Yes, why do you ask?” Damian: “It exploded.”
Damian studies the attendance sheet, makes a mental list of who eats what kind of dessert according to previous galas, then chooses all the guests who he knows like chocolate. Suddenly, there’s a surprise chocolate fountain on Tim’s side!
Tim studies the attendance sheet then figures out their addresses, hacks into their Facebook, stalks their Friends list, makes a chart of who is on good and bad terms, then chooses his team based on that.
Both of the above methods listed fail spectacularly
Damian: “So…I win.” Tim: “Damian, this is a hostage situation.” Damian: “But they’re lined up on your side. I win.” Tim: You know, I’m starting to think you set this up.”
He did.
During one particular night, a Wayne benefactor figures out what’s going on and tries to expose them so they team up, completely ruin his public reputation, and get him banned from all future galas to preserve the game.
No matter how hard he tries, Bruce cannot stop them from playing.
#batfamily#tim drake#damian wayne#batbros#batfam#bruce wayne#batman#incorrect batfamily quotes#dc#dc robin#red robin#robin damian#dc universe#damian al ghul
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heya! its me, once more, with a possibly oddly specific request, bc yes
i'd like to request a Dean Winchester (again, i know, he has invaded my brain) x reader, where for a case, they need a distraction, and reader ends up dancing to let Dean and Sam get away before running away themself, [oh, btw, established relationship please] and Dean is just
Dean: "they can dance too?! they're awesome"
Sam: "yeah, great, dude, but we gotta go"
thank you!!
HELLOO AGAIN !! this was so fun to write as usual. im so glad to have u as one of my 'regulars' btw it makes me feel like a rlly cool coffee shop owner :o
dancing queen - dean winchester/reader
a/n: hey look ! i've upgraded to titles !
cws: mild innuendos at the end
wc: 768
tags: humour, gender neutral reader (? they call themself feminine titles bc of the song but they/them pronouns are used)
"dude, seriously?" dean complained as the beginning notes of 'dancing queen' began from sam's phone. "abba!?"
sam rolled his eyes. "they're not bad."
"don't judge, dean," you said. "you can make an exception for dancing queen."
dean grumbled, but settled down at your reprimand. he muttered something sarcastic about this being a 'great soundtrack to kill vamps to', and you giggled at his consternation.
"you should learn to dig the dancing queen, dean," you told him, swaying to the beat and tapping his shoulder in an attempt to liven his mood.
"yeah, dean," sam parroted.
"the only thing i'll be digging is a grave," he deadpanned.
⌦ ---
you were fucked.
you were cornered by three vamps, after yelling at them to divert their attention from the boys to yourself. you felt kind of bad about raiding their nest, because you had learned that they were newly turned. but there was no use reasoning with them now. they wanted your blood.
which is why you were fucked.
sam and dean were looking at you with wide, panicked eyes from behind the three vampires, already having killed the two that were attacking them earlier. dean was still wiping blood off his face.
"uhm." you gulped nervously. “hi.”
your boyfriend and his brother skulked quietly behind, trying to avoid alerting the vamps to their presence a second time. them being them, though, it failed. dean tripped on sam's foot, and they both swore in unison. the monsters whirled around to glare at them, beginning to advance again.
"hey!" you barked at them. they half-turned towards you, as if considering who they should kill first. you needed a distraction so the boys could get away.
one problem, though: you couldn't think of a distraction.
"uhh, shit." you fumbled with your knife, as an idea popped into your mind. a ridiculous idea, but all the just dance you played as a kid had to be for something, right?
and so you began.. dancing. and singing. performing a whole show, really, because hearing sam's hippie music taste was bound to have that effect on people.
"youuu can dance, you can jiiive, having the time of your lii- shit, that's a tricky note - liiiife." you pointed at the vampires, moving your hips and swaying your arms in what you hoped was an accurate copy of the actual moves. you resolutely ignored sam's incredulous gaze and dean's loose jaw, continuing to channel your inner popstar.
"OOOH, see that girl!" you pointed to yourself and mimed an air guitar. okay, this was fun, ignoring the fact that you could die. it was like the dance competitions your parents used to enroll you in, just with judges that would rip you to shreds instead of giving you last place. maybe you should get back into dancing.
from behind the wall of confused vampires, you saw sam tugging dean's arm, murmuring to him about how they 'had to dip, right the fuck now'.
"i was already questioning how [name] agreed to date me, cause look at them, they were badass in that fight, but they can dance too? how awesome is that?" dean hissed back.
you bit back a laugh in favour of belting out the next note and doing the next move. "watch that scene, digging the dancing queen!" you freestyled that part, twirling around.
"yeah, dude, but we still gotta go." sam yanked dean's arm once more, dragging him out and forcing him into a run. you breathed a sigh of relief as they ran out the door.
"hope you enjoyed the show!" you said as you pulled your gun on the vampires, shooting them all in quick succession. you sprinted away, not bothering to check whether they were really dead or not.
when you saw the impala, you slowed to a walk, satisfied that there were no more bloodthirsty monsters chasing you.
dean and sam were engaged in what looked to be a one-sided conversation: dean rambling, and sam staring at his brother with half judgement, half love.
"sammy, i'm telling you, man. a fighter and a dancer?" dean shook his head. "i am one lucky man."
"you enjoy the show?" you asked them as you approached, a bit out of breath.
"hell yeah!" dean exclaimed, giving you a high five and a deep kiss. "that was so cool."
"does that mean you'll start digging the dancing queen?" you teased.
"only if you're the one dancing," he said.
you grinned. "oh, there is so much i could teach you. devil's tango, maybe?" you winked.
sam fake gagged. "okay, gross! i am never playing abba ever again!"
#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester/you#dean winchester/reader#dean winchester#supernatural x reader#supernatural x you#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural#spn x you#spn x reader#spn fanfic
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Comment les spectacles de freestyle football avec initiations et duels de petit-pont peuvent dynamiser votre événement
L’impact des spectacles de freestyle football dans les événements
Lors de la planification d’un événement, qu’il s’agisse d’un tournoi sportif, d’une fête de village ou d’un événement privé, il est crucial de viser à créer une expérience mémorable pour les participants. Les événements réussis sont ceux qui laissent une impression durable et suscitent un enthousiasme qui perdure bien après leur achèvement. C’est là que les spectacles de freestyle football entrent en jeu, offrant un apport unique qui dynamise et enrichit les événements.
Les spectacles de freestyle football, avec leur combinaison de prouesses athlétiques et de créativité, ajoutent une dimension spectaculaire et excitante à n’importe quel événement. Les freestylers de renom qui se produisent sur scène captivent le public avec leurs compétences techniques impressionnantes, leur agilité et leur maîtrise parfaite du ballon. Leur capacité à manipuler le ballon avec une dextérité exceptionnelle et à réaliser des acrobaties complexes crée un véritable spectacle visuel qui laisse les spectateurs émerveillés.
Ce qui distingue les spectacles de freestyle football, c’est également leur capacité à offrir une interaction directe avec le public. Les freestylers sont souvent des artistes charismatiques qui savent comment engager et captiver les spectateurs. Ils peuvent encourager le public à participer, les inviter à monter sur scène pour des moments inoubliables ou même leur donner l’opportunité de participer à des défis amicaux. Cette dimension interactive crée une expérience immersive et engageante, permettant aux participants de se sentir véritablement impliqués et de partager l’excitation du spectacle.
En intégrant des spectacles de freestyle football dans votre événement, vous ajoutez une valeur unique et mémorable. Non seulement ils divertissent et émerveillent le public, mais ils créent également une ambiance électrisante et dynamique. Les spectacles de freestyle football suscitent l’enthousiasme, l’admiration et l’émerveillement, laissant une impression durable dans les esprits des participants.
Que ce soit pour un événement sportif, culturel ou privé, les spectacles de freestyle football offrent une animation qui captive l’attention de tous. Ils transforment votre événement en un moment véritablement spécial, en ajoutant une touche d’originalité et en créant des souvenirs inoubliables pour les participants.
En résumé, les spectacles de freestyle football apportent une dimension spectaculaire et interactive à vos événements. Ils combinent compétences techniques, créativité et interaction avec le public pour créer une expérience mémorable. Ne manquez pas l’occasion de dynamiser votre prochain événement en intégrant ces spectacles uniques et captivants.
Les avantages des spectacles de freestyle football dans les événements
Les spectacles de freestyle football offrent de nombreux avantages lorsqu’ils sont intégrés à un événement. Le mélange de performances dynamiques, d’une ambiance festive et d’une animation originale contribue à créer une expérience unique et inoubliable pour les participants.
Tout d’abord, les spectacles de freestyle football apportent une augmentation significative de l’attraction et de l’excitation au sein de l’événement. Les freestylers, avec leur maîtrise impressionnante du ballon, réalisent des mouvements spectaculaires, des jongles complexes et des acrobaties incroyables. Ces performances dynamiques captivent l’attention du public, créent un sentiment d’émerveillement et suscitent l’admiration. Les spectateurs sont fascinés par les compétences techniques des freestylers, ce qui contribue à générer une atmosphère électrisante et à maintenir l’engagement tout au long de l’événement.
Ensuite, les spectacles de freestyle football apportent une ambiance festive et dynamique à l’événement. Les mouvements fluides, les chorégraphies élaborées et les rythmes entraînants créent une énergie positive qui se propage parmi les participants. L’interaction entre les freestylers et le public, qui est souvent encouragé à participer, renforce cet aspect festif en créant une atmosphère de célébration et de convivialité. Les spectacles de freestyle football ajoutent une touche d’originalité et de divertissement qui ne manque pas de susciter des sourires, des applaudissements et des moments de joie partagée.
De plus, l’intégration de spectacles de freestyle football dans un événement permet de valoriser son image grâce à une animation originale. Les spectacles de freestyle football sont encore relativement rares et moins fréquents que d’autres formes d’animation. En incluant cette performance unique dans votre événement, vous démarquez celui-ci des autres événements similaires, attirant ainsi l’attention et générant un intérêt supplémentaire. Cela montre également que vous êtes à l’écoute des dernières tendances et que vous cherchez à offrir quelque chose d’exceptionnel à vos participants. Cette animation originale contribue à renforcer la notoriété et la réputation de votre événement, en le positionnant comme étant novateur, dynamique et à la pointe.
En conclusion, les spectacles de freestyle football offrent des avantages indéniables lorsqu’ils sont intégrés à un événement. Ils augmentent l’attraction et l’excitation grâce à des performances dynamiques qui captivent l’attention du public. Ils créent une ambiance festive et dynamique en entraînant les participants dans une atmosphère de célébration et de convivialité. De plus, ils valorisent l’image de l’événement grâce à une animation originale qui le distingue des autres. En intégrant des spectacles de freestyle football à votre événement, vous créez une expérience mémorable et unique, laissant une impression durable dans l’esprit des participants et renforçant la réputation de votre événement.
Les spectacles de freestyle football avec initiations
Au-delà des performances spectaculaires, les spectacles de freestyle football offrent une valeur ajoutée considérable grâce à l’inclusion d’initiations au sein de ces événements. Les initiations offrent une opportunité unique d’interaction directe avec le public, créant ainsi une expérience immersive et des bénéfices tangibles pour les participants.
La valeur ajoutée des initiations réside dans leur capacité à permettre aux spectateurs de s’impliquer activement dans le spectacle. Alors que les performances de freestyle football impressionnent et divertissent, les initiations offrent une expérience plus personnelle et engageante. Elles permettent aux participants de toucher le ballon, de ressentir la sensation de jongler et de tenter des mouvements de base sous la guidance des freestylers. Cette expérience pratique crée un lien direct entre les freestylers et le public, et fait en sorte que chacun se sente impliqué et investi dans le spectacle.
L’interaction directe avec le public pendant les initiations présente de nombreux avantages pour les participants. Tout d’abord, cela permet d’apprendre des techniques de freestyle football de la part de professionnels expérimentés. Les freestylers peuvent partager leurs connaissances, donner des conseils et des démonstrations pour aider les participants à améliorer leurs compétences. Cela offre une opportunité unique d’apprentissage en direct, où les participants peuvent acquérir des compétences de freestyle football auprès des meilleurs.
En outre, les initiations offrent une expérience ludique et amusante pour les participants. C’est une occasion de sortir de sa zone de confort, de relever des défis et de s’amuser avec le ballon. Les participants peuvent explorer leur créativité, essayer de nouvelles techniques et même défier leurs amis dans des petits duels de petit-pont. Cette dimension ludique crée une ambiance joyeuse et décontractée, où les participants peuvent se divertir tout en découvrant le freestyle football.
Enfin, les initiations permettent de susciter l’inspiration chez les participants. En leur donnant un aperçu des compétences et des mouvements incroyables réalisés par les freestylers, cela peut éveiller leur passion pour le freestyle football et les motiver à poursuivre leur apprentissage. Cela peut également les encourager à s’impliquer davantage dans la pratique du football ou à explorer leur propre créativité dans d’autres domaines.
En résumé, les initiations dans les spectacles de freestyle football apportent une valeur ajoutée significative. Elles offrent une interaction directe avec le public, permettant aux participants d’apprendre, de s’amuser et de s’inspirer. Ces moments uniques créent une expérience immersive et enrichissante pour tous ceux qui participent, faisant des initiations un aspect essentiel des spectacles de freestyle football.
Les séquences de spectacle de freestyle football
Les spectacles de freestyle football sont des moments forts qui captivent le public avec des performances dynamiques et époustouflantes. Ces séquences de spectacle durent généralement environ 5 minutes et mettent en scène un ou plusieurs freestylers talentueux. Leur objectif est de créer une expérience visuelle saisissante et de susciter l’admiration du public.
Pendant ces spectacles, les freestylers exécutent des performances impressionnantes qui repoussent les limites de ce qui est possible avec un ballon de football. Ils enchaînent des jongles complexes, des mouvements acrobatiques, des passes fluides et des tricks spectaculaires. Leur maîtrise technique et leur agilité impressionnante se combinent pour créer un spectacle visuel saisissant. Les spectateurs sont émerveillés par les compétences et la créativité des freestylers, et chaque performance est un véritable tour de force.
Ce qui rend le freestyle football polyvalent, c’est qu’il peut s’adapter à différents types d’événements. Que ce soit lors de tournois sportifs, de festivals, de soirées d’entreprise ou de fêtes publiques, les spectacles de freestyle football apportent une touche d’originalité et de dynamisme. Les freestylers peuvent personnaliser leurs performances en fonction du thème de l’événement ou de la demande du public. Qu’il s’agisse d’une prestation en solo ou en groupe, le freestyle football est capable de créer une ambiance électrisante et d’attirer l’attention de tous les spectateurs.
Les ateliers d’initiation et de duels de petit-pont
En complément des spectacles, les freestylers proposent également des ateliers interactifs d’initiation et de duels de petit-pont. Ces ateliers durent généralement entre 15 et 20 minutes et offrent une opportunité unique aux participants de s’immerger dans l’univers du freestyle football.
Pendant ces ateliers, les freestylers guident les participants à travers différentes techniques de freestyle football. Les participants ont l’occasion de toucher le ballon, d’apprendre les mouvements de base et de développer leurs compétences grâce aux conseils des freestylers expérimentés. Les ateliers combinent l’aspect pédagogique et ludique, permettant aux participants de s’amuser tout en acquérant de nouvelles compétences.
Un avantage majeur des ateliers d’initiation est leur adaptabilité aux différents niveaux de compétence. Que les participants soient novices ou plus expérimentés, les freestylers ajustent le contenu de l’atelier en fonction du niveau de chacun. Cela permet à chacun de progresser à son rythme et de relever des défis adaptés à ses capacités. De plus, les duels de petit-pont ajoutent une dimension compétitive amicale, où les participants peuvent se défier mutuellement dans des exercices de jonglage interactifs, renforçant ainsi l’esprit d’équipe et la camaraderie.
En conclusion, les spectacles de freestyle football sont des moments d’exception où les freestylers réalisent des performances impressionnantes qui captivent le public. Les ateliers d’initiation et de duels de petit-pont ajoutent une dimension interactive et pédagogique à l’expérience, permettant aux participants de s’immerger dans l’univers du freestyle football. Avec leur adaptabilité aux différents niveaux de compétence, ces ateliers offrent des avantages à la fois pédagogiques et ludiques pour les participants, leur permettant d’apprendre et de s’amuser en même temps. L’ensemble de ces éléments contribue à faire du freestyle football une discipline polyvalente, capable de dynamiser différents types d’événements.
Intégrer les spectacles de freestyle football dans votre événement
La réussite d’un spectacle de freestyle football repose sur une planification et une organisation minutieuses. Il est essentiel de coordonner cet aspect avec les autres éléments de votre événement afin de garantir une expérience cohérente et mémorable pour les participants.
Choix du spectacle adapté à votre événement
Lors de la sélection du spectacle de freestyle football pour votre événement, il est important de prendre en compte l’ambiance recherchée. Vous pouvez opter pour un spectacle solo, une performance en duo ou même une équipe complète de freestylers en fonction de vos besoins et de l’envergure de l’événement. Un spectacle solo peut être plus intimiste, tandis qu’une équipe de freestylers peut créer une ambiance plus dynamique et impressionnante. En choisissant le spectacle qui correspond le mieux à vos attentes, vous assurez une expérience adaptée et captivante pour votre public.
De plus, la taille de l’équipe de freestylers doit être déterminée en fonction de l’envergure de votre événement. Pour les petits événements, une équipe réduite peut suffire pour offrir une performance de haute qualité. Cependant, pour les grands événements ou les festivals, il peut être préférable de faire appel à une équipe plus conséquente afin de créer une présence scénique puissante et d’attirer l’attention de tous les participants.
Promotion et communication autour du spectacle de freestyle football
Pour assurer le succès de votre spectacle de freestyle football, une promotion et une communication efficaces sont essentielles. Utilisez des mots clés pertinents tels que “football freestyle”, “animation”, “spectacle” dans vos supports de communication pour optimiser la visibilité en ligne. Cela permettra d’attirer l’attention d’un public ciblé et intéressé par le freestyle football. Assurez-vous également d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux, tels que Facebook, Instagram et Twitter, pour annoncer votre événement et partager des extraits vidéo ou des photos des freestylers en action. Créez un site web dédié à votre événement où les participants peuvent obtenir toutes les informations nécessaires et réserver leurs places. Utilisez également des affiches et des flyers pour promouvoir votre spectacle dans les lieux pertinents.
En résumé, intégrer un spectacle de freestyle football à votre événement nécessite une planification minutieuse et une coordination avec les autres aspects de l’événement. Choisissez le type de spectacle adapté à l’ambiance recherchée et déterminez la taille de l’équipe de freestylers en fonction de l’envergure de l’événement. Assurez-vous de promouvoir votre spectacle de manière efficace en utilisant des mots clés pertinents et en exploitant les canaux de communication appropriés, tels que les réseaux sociaux et les supports physiques. En suivant ces conseils, vous pouvez garantir le succès de votre spectacle de freestyle football et créer une expérience mémorable pour tous les participants.
En conclusion, l’intégration de spectacles de freestyle football avec initiations et duels de petit-pont dans vos événements offre une valeur incontestable. Ces spectacles dynamiques, accompagnés d’ateliers interactifs, apportent une expérience unique et mémorable pour les participants de tous âges.
Les spectacles de freestyle football captivent le public avec des performances spectaculaires, des prouesses techniques et des mouvements acrobatiques impressionnants. Ils créent une ambiance festive et dynamique, ajoutant une touche d’originalité et d’excitation à n’importe quel événement. La polyvalence de cette discipline permet de l’adapter à différents types d’événements, qu’il s’agisse de tournois sportifs, de fêtes de village, de forums associatifs ou d’événements privés.
Les ateliers d’initiation et de duels de petit-pont offrent une interaction directe avec le public, permettant aux participants de toucher le ballon, d’apprendre des techniques de freestyle football et de développer leurs compétences. Ces ateliers allient pédagogie et amusement, offrant des avantages tant sur le plan de l’apprentissage que sur celui du divertissement. Quel que soit leur niveau de compétence, les participants peuvent profiter de cette expérience immersive et ludique.
Pour intégrer avec succès ces spectacles dans vos événements, il est crucial de planifier et d’organiser de manière appropriée. Choisissez le type de spectacle en fonction de l’ambiance recherchée et de l’envergure de l’événement, et coordonnez-le avec les autres éléments de votre programme. Assurez-vous de promouvoir le spectacle en utilisant les mots clés pertinents pour maximiser la visibilité en ligne, ainsi que les supports de communication adaptés tels que les sites web, les réseaux sociaux et les affiches.
En intégrant des spectacles de freestyle football avec initiations et duels de petit-pont à votre événement, vous créez une expérience qui dynamise, enrichit et laisse une impression durable sur les participants. Vous offrez une animation originale, divertissante et éducative, qui valorise l’image de votre événement et suscite l’enthousiasme du public. Ne manquez pas l’occasion de rendre votre prochain événement inoubliable en faisant appel aux spectacles de freestyle football et en offrant cette expérience unique à vos participants.
#animation et show de football freestyle#initiation foot freestyle#divertissement sportif#Evenement Football Freestyle
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Might Be (18+)
author's note: okay this is my first time doing headcannons ngl just freestyling, don't judge me pls <3 (pic from pinterest)
🍃 Dealer Richie Jerimovich x reader HC (?)
warnings: 18+ minors dni!!! talk of drugs (🍃), paraphernalia, age gap (reader is around 22-24, richie is in 40s), richie is kind of a shitty texter but its ok, reader is said to be about a foot shorter than richie (i see him as like 6'5 tbh), nervous richie, sort of shy reader, allusion to smoking, dirty dream/dirty talk from dream richie, petnames 'mama' and 'baby' are used, proofread a couple times but prob not enough (sorry for any errors), there will probably be more of these!, title is based on the Anderson paak song :)
You met Richie shortly after you moved to Chicago to complete your masters
You stole his number from a native fling who’d bought from Richie plenty of times
When you first texted, he thought you were a narc
is this richie?
--read 9:17pm
30 minutes later… hello?
Whos asking
friend of tyler amato? he said you were his guy
Wat do u need
just 🍃
Send ur address
(mind you, minimum wait time for a richie text response is 10-15min)
He waited for you outside your apartment, expecting a guy and half expecting it to be a rat
When you came out, he was still looking at his phone, but you walked over, his name falling from your lips much softer than he expected
You’d never met Richie when Tyler picked up, but he always said he was a tall guy--you weren’t expecting him to be a whole foot taller than you though
“Tyler’s friend?” You nodded, trying not to stare too hard at his icy blue eyes as they scanned across your body, more observational than sexual
Normally, you would've tried to hide some part of yourself when you noticed you’re being looked at so closely, but you felt oddly comfortable
That, plus you were just wearing a hoodie and a pair a leggings with some fuzzy slippers so there wasn't much to hide
You observed him too, his lanky form and how it towered over your own, and the way his eyebrows seemed to be stuck in a state of confusion–furrowed and wrinkled– and the way he only wore a matching black adidas tracksuit in the 40 degree weather
You quickly swapped the cash and paraphernalia, shaking your head ‘no’ when he asked if you needed any wraps
“Nope, ‘ve got my piece upstairs”
You said a quick thanks, trying not to be too awkward (you’ve never really had to buy your own stuff before)
“Hey! Um, never got your name before..”
He sounded nervous, it made you smirk a little
You told him your name and he nodded, repeating it back to you as you stood there, mid-turn and eye contact strong
It seemed like he had something else to say, so you lingered for half a second, and then his phone began to ring
“Gotta..” He held the phone up for a quick second
“See ya.” You cut him off, nodding and turning back around into your building
That night, you got really h1gh with your roomie, giggling about the hot older guys on your favorite drama show
Later on, you dreamt about the one you just met earlier that night, his pretty blue eyes on yours as he spoke, talking you through it
“Just like that, mama…. c’mon baby give it t’me..”
#richie jerimovich#richie jerimovich x reader#richie the bear#the bear#the bear x reader#the bear x you#richie jerimovich x you#the bear headcanon#the bear hulu#richie jerimovich headcanon#richie jerimovich smut#richie jerimovich fanfiction#my writing#headcanons#sageispunk
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HI keep up the good work! I’m so proud of you I hope your doing great I had an idea I would LOVEEE to share I was wondering how the jjk characters would be like if the reader is like famous ( actor, singer, model etc) and if it the premier on the carpet how would they be like (also this is optional too but like the process of them getting ready YK) this is just an idea I had. I hope you have an amazing day and stay safe!❤️
Walk the run way
A/N This is going to be my best give or take of this idea but thank you so much for requesting this story-whoever you are! You guys never fail to keep me from writers block! Thank you as well and I will try to be safe, this actually hit me in a soft spot because I’m writing this in a hospital as we speak 😭 one thing I do wish, is that when people send me requests they also tell me the characters they’d like for me to put in the story! But I love to freestyle as well so I don’t mind! Thanks for requesting! And thanks for reading! ❤️
Summary: I will be doing a few characters, such as, Gojo, Geto, Toji, and I’ll end it with those three, I don’t want to be writing for DAYS but if you guys want other characters pov, don’t ever be afraid to hmu! 🩷
A/n Ended up writing for days I’m ready to get this out my draft
Warnings: cursing, smut and as I said wayyyy before Toji is a warning himself
quickie in the limo
Getting ready for a premiere has never been an issue for me, doing my makeup, fixing my hair, finding an outfit; all seemed very Taboo to me. But Getting ready for a red carpet event? I couldn’t help but feel butterflies build up in my stomach.
I take stand to pull the black dress up on my body turning to watch how the dress perfectly captivates my curves.
Satoru walked into the room buttoning up his shirt as he watched me turn from left to right his shoulder pressed against the door frame. “Satoru..” I call walking over to him turning.
“Can you zip me up?” I ask and he smiles pulling me closer by my hips, Gojo was a model himself and you could obviously tell, the male was breathtakingly gorgeous.
He pauses before pointing to a hickey he made on the side of my neck “you aren’t gonna cover that?” He said gently causing my face to get hot immediately. “My hair is going to cover it, cmon Gojo Zip me up..” I say tapping my foot.
He simply chuckles pulling my zipper all the way up sliding his hands down my waist, “you look beautiful baby..” he compliments kissing my cheek before walking over to our walk in closet, “red bottoms?” He calls.
I smile putting on my necklace “yes please, wear your red bottoms too..” “I was planning on it,” he said coming out his fingers hooked on the back of my heals as he placed them in front of me.
“You look nervous..” he pointed out as he held my hand as support while I slip on my heals, “I’m very nervous..” I admit placing my hand over my chest, Gojo had been in the modeling industry for years, so this was all easy for him.
He stood straight after putting his shoes on flashing me his know it all smiles, “well, you have nothing to worry about, all of the attention will be on me anyways~” he said jokingly causing me to playfully push up against his chest “shut up..” I mutter as I grab my red fur coat placing it on my shoulders pushing my shades on my head.
Satoru then fixes his jacked black on the outside but on the inside a velvet red. “Ready?” He ask pushing his head on my waist as he pushed his shades up on the bridge of his nose “ready as I’ll ever be..” I call as we make our way out into the limousine.
Flash Flash Flash
The sounds and bright lights from the paparazzi that stood outside of the gate to our house made my mind foggy. While my boyfriend rushed me into the car, after he waved everyone off he sat next to me with a sigh.
“So intrusive. I can’t believe they found out where we stay..we mind as well start looking for new homes at this rate.” He turned his attention to me, my hands shaking from my nerves.
This would be my first red carpet event, what if I fell? What if I’d get to overwhelmed. Too many things were happening at once and it made my heart pound.
Gojo grabs my hand redirecting my attention, “don’t worry you’re going to do great..” yet when he saw my eyes water he sighed and curved his finger pushing his knuckle up under my eye to stop the tears from falling.
“What if I fall?” I say sniffling and that causes him to cackle wiping his own eye, “you are too damn funny,” “I’m glad I amuse you..” I say with a pout. “Aw baby..don’t pout..~” Satoru then pulled me ontop of him, this being easy for him to do so considering how strong he was.
I gasp at the sudden movement but once I gain my breath back I fix myself straddling his hips, “I think I know something that can calm your nerves hm?” He said softly leaning up pushing his lips against mine causing me to kick my heels off quickly, already knowing what was up.
Without wasting much time we were fighting each others tongue Satoru pinning my hands behind my back as he used his other hand to hold my head in place his eyes not leaving mine.
I push up against him my dress sliding up on my thighs as he lets my hands go, involuntarily sliding his warm hands up my thighs into my dress, “just tell me what you want..I’ll give it to you without a second thought..~” he said in a hushed tone his lips brushing against my neck as he let out a breath full of excitement.
Of course this was daily activities for me and Satoru, we fucked too many times to count just in one day, yet he knew dirty talk wasn’t something I enjoyed doing.
But Satoru didn’t care one bit, and he knew if I really wanted it, I’d speak up. I whine at his request scooting closer to him just to be met with his hard on that pocked at me through his pants. “C’mon princess..it’s simple..” he instructed his large hands squeezed at my ass causing me to bite hard on my lip so the drivers wouldn’t hear.
“You already know what I want..and I’m tired of waiting..” I say looking down at him with slutty eyes. He huffs out a sexy chuckle. “Close enough..” His long slender fingers pushed my soaked underwear to the side as I reach my hands down unbuckling his pants just for him to pull his own cock out rubbing from base to tip not breaking eye contact.
His precum already painting the base of his cock as it slowly dripped down.
I shiver at the sight wrapping my arms around his neck leaning my head against his shoulder. Satoru hums and without warning he thrusts up into me wrapping one of his arms around my waist causing me to scramble covering my mouth.
The way he opened me up without warning made me want to do nothing more than scream his name. He was so fucking deep. I lean my head against his as he uses his other hand to press on my lower back as he pounded up into me letting out soft breaths into my ear as he grunted with each breath taking thrust.
I swallow hard trying my hardest to not get any of my makeup or lipstick on him, I then slide my tongue from his neck to his ear moaning out softly “Go faster...~” I whispered, lifting my head up to push my cheek against his, smearing my lipstick on the side of his face.
I could never explain sex with Gojo but I could say this, he made me crave for more, he always changed any thought I had before to only focus on how good he made me feel now.
The way he pounded up into me made me completely forget that, just in under 20 minutes, there would be flashing lights and shouting fans. At this rate, I looked a mess, and so did he.
I flop down hard pulling back to admire my sexy boyfriend, Satoru looked at me as he held my hips, panting tiredly as I began to rock my hips back and forth with his dick still inside of me.
the size of his cock filled me up completely to the point where just sitting there rocking back and forth was enough for me, I throw my head back letting out a shiver and a shaky breath, "don't be selfish..~" he said in a sexually frustrated tone, wrapping his arms under my thighs lifting me up.
The action caused me to jolt forward my forehead pressing against his, Satoru then began to start thrusting at the same pace he was before not slowing down at all.
I curl my lips back to fight the moan he obviously deserves "I wanna feel good too.~" He said in a taunting tone letting out cum hungry grunts with each piercing thrust.
so much at once, that’s what I was feeling, my mind and body felt like they were going to melt into a puddle together, I was close, my limit was exceeded very quickly, "Satoru...~" I call in a warning tone and he pants out a chuckle, "me too..~" he said reassuringly and instantly after that he thrusted once more causing the both of us to Cum quickly.
Satoru's hand over my opened mouth muffling my moans as his head was leaned back on the headrest, his hand that covered my mouth shivering as he was panting. After a bit, I lift off of him, quickly coming down from my high, after catching my reflection in the window.
I was indeed a mess. “Fuck it..” said Gojo as he fixed himself, “let’s just go back home even if we miss it we’ll still be famous tomorrow, what do you say?” He said wiping the lipstick from the side of his face.
I sit back my body completely overstimulated, it was like Gojo to ditch something this important, I look at him unsure and he just smiles, "Babe, even if you miss this one you'll still be famous tomorrow.." he said with a shrug.
I huff shrugging as well “then I’m just as careless as you..” I add with a smile and he chuckles. Satoru tapped the sliding window that connected us to the driver, when it was pulled back he said, “something came up, you mind taking us back?” Causing the driver to chuckle shaking his head.
He pulled to the U-turn lane, taking us all the way back home. I’ll still be famous tomorrow.
Take it all off
Most of the songs I wrote were inspired by my boyfriend. Suguru had the purest heart, no one could take that away from him. He would listen to every song, and my first song that was about him that got famous, he replayed it everyday.
Soon my songs got more popular, people could relate feeling the love I felt for him and now I was going to my first walk on the red carpet.
Suguru couldn’t stop talking about it, I was relieved that he was just as proud as I was. I turn my attention to my boyfriend, as I wait for his opinion. “Hmm..” He hummed his finger rested on his lip, “I like the royal blue..” he said his eyes darting to the long royal blue dress I had been avoiding.
I shake my head and he chuckles, “why not? You don’t like my taste in clothing?” He asked slouching his legs of course being apart, he always sat like that, the posture was so, sexy to me.
“No it’s not that! I’m wearing heals that dress is long and you know how clumsy I am Su’..” he tilts his head “I think the dress looks good..it shows a good amount of thigh..” he says with a small smile.
I shake my head going over to him as I sat down on his lap causing him to wrap his arms around my waist sitting up laying his head on my back. “I give up..” I admit and he kisses my shoulder.
“If not the royal blue go for the hot pink dress you put on first, you look beautiful regardless baby.” He compliments planting a soft kiss on my ear causing me to shiver. “Thank you Su’..” I say standing and he stays seated.
“I’d really prefer if you stayed here..” I say looking down at my boyfriend sympathetically. I knew he was tired, now Geto had a wonderful singing voice and I even used him to help with some of my songs but he chose a different route and he works so hard wanting to become a doctor.
I hated that he worked himself, but when you live a lifestyle like that most of your life it becomes tiring but easy to bare with. Geto caught my eye still sitting back, “what are you talking about?” He asked fixing his position sitting up his arms rested on his spread knees.
I sigh turning to pull his head into my bare stomach, “you just got off from a shift..you work day in and day out..we’re going to be at the shoot for a while, I think you should rest and stay here..” I say while he kisses my stomach, before he shook his head back and forth nuzzling his face into my stomach.
“As long as I’m around you I’m in comfort..it’s true I had a hard week but I sincerely want to be there to support you baby..” he replied his hands wrapping around my thighs. I giggle, he was like a child at times and I loved when he was.
But there were most times where he could be so sexy.
I lean down and he swallows me in his arms before my lips could even touch his, pulling me back into his arms until I sat like a baby. “Suuu!” I call as he smothers me in kisses.
“Plus why would I ever miss this! My baby made it!” He said his forehead rested on mine as he chuckled. I smile pulling him closer our lips pressed together causing him to groan his large hand creeping up my bare stomach.
Suguru knew how to manipulate my body to wanting him to fuck me immediately. He knew how to caress and touch me, he had a caring heart and mind, but once he became lustful all of that left, and he treated me and my body Like a slut.
And I loved it.
I shiver under his touch sliding from his lap to the couch my legs wrapping around his hips, he smirked “right now?~” he asked sliding between my legs hovering over me, “calm my nerves..” I insist.
He let out a deep and soft chuckle before leaning down to my ear whispering, “only because you asked so nicely..~” he teased nibbling on my earlobe his hand sliding down my stomach to my already aching pussy.
I whine opening my legs for him as he kisses down my neck his two fingers rubbing my clit through the cloth, hearing my clit already make noise caused me to blush Turing my head.
Geto let’s out a breath he got so sexually possessive over my body, I could tell that, just using his fingers gave not only me but him, the upmost pleasure.
Suguru sits up spreading my legs with his other hand just to watch my panties get soaked while he creeped his index finger into the corner of my panties causing my hips to jerk he pushed his fingers against my twitching bud.
Leaning down to slide his tongue over my covered clit, his tongue sliding into my underwear from the corner moving my panties to the side with his tongue holding it out of the way with his index finger.
And then, his tongue made contact with my clit flicking it gently sparking electricity up my body. “Su! Don’t stop..~” I shiver out holding his head, my legs twitching. I look down at my boyfriend who looked up at me with low eyes pulling me forcefully by my hips burying his lips and nose into my pussy.
I squeal out as he moves his head, letting out soft groans as if I were the best thing he’s ever tasted.
He pulls back panting our eyes locked onto eachother I use my feet pulling at his sweat pants hearing him let out a soft chuckle pulling at the rope pulling both his pants and boxers down, his cock to spring out, causing him to sigh from the relief.
I sit up on my elbows whining getting antsy, Geto looked at me with soft eyes positioning himself between my thighs before he says “I’m sorry I kept you waiting baby..” before he instantly thrusted into me holding my leg up as he did so.
“Ngh! Su~” I moan out grabbing at the couch cushion, his dick instantly hit me in spots I couldn’t reach with a toy or with my fingers, he filled me up without a problem. I reach up for him and his harsh sexy Gaze softened as he leaned down to my touch, I wrap my arms around him as he lets my leg fall and in instinct they wrap around his hips.
He starts to thrust his breath hitting my ear as my walls closed around him. I burying my face into his neck giving him hickeys causing him to pick up the pace, his shirt lifting up with each thrust.
Suguru then starts to push into me harder causing me to throw my head back against the couch my eyes rolling back “fuck fuck fuck!~” I cry out clawing at his arms as he fucked me mercilessly.
I gasp once more before he kisses me sloppily capturing the breath I tried to let out, I whine in his mouth as our tongues move messily against eachother. He pulls back panting against my lips as he moved his hips perfectly into my spot receiving slutty moans and mind fucked words to pool out of my mouth.
“Please please! Deeper Su! De-ah!~” my mind faded and any thoughts left as he pounded harder and deeper into me causing me to squeal and clench tightly around him.
“Calm down my pretty baby..~ I’m sure you can take it..” he whispered his hips not slowing down a bit, I in fact could not take it.
I tap his chest repeatedly as my mouth hung open reaching my climax already my body shivering as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, “thaaat’s it pretty girl~ you don’t mind cumming again do you..?~” he cooed still thrusting nonstop into my contracting cunt.
I turn my head so he couldn’t see the lewd expression that was plastered on my face, but Suguru simply grabbed my chin and turned my head me being met with the same lewd expression, his long hair falling off of his shoulders slowly as he rolled his hips into me roughly. “Don’t hide from me..I wanna see that pretty face of yours each time you cum..is that okay? Can you do that for me baby? Just look at me..” he whispered pushing his thumb into my mouth.
Without second thought I wrap my lips around his thumb quickly to quiet myself feeling myself quickly come to my climax again, as Geto grit his teeth, I could tell he was close too.
I shiver as he pulls his finger out of my mouth holding me closer to his heaving chest, I moan loudly into his chest before I finally feel him twitch inside of me and let out his load into me hearing him let out a shaky sigh and a couple of curse words.
“Fuck baby..~” he whispered slowly pulling out of me watching it then pool out of me with a small smile as he brushed his thumb across my cheek whipping away the tear.
“Shit..” I pant out looking at my Apple Watch, “I have to shower..” I announced looking up at him, Causing us both to burst out into tired laughter.
“So what dress are you going to wear?” He asks lifting me off the couch making his way to the bathroom with me.
“I think I’ve decided to go with the Royal blue..” I whisper nuzzling into his chest, he then shoots me another satisfied smile as he closes the door to the bathroom.
I love making him happy.
Don’t entertain them.
Flash flash flash.
Every damn second of today I’ve had a camera flashing in my face, and of course Toji witnessed the uncomfortable look I had on my face, we left early because, Toji punched a male paparazzi in the face blacking his eye.
And of course the whole ride home he’s said “it’s not my fault, he was getting too close.” While staring out of the window not making eye contact, I’m guessing.
He was mad at me too.
Once we stepped into the house that’s when the silent game really started while I slammed my purse on the table walking to take this stupid dress off.
Being an actress in this time and day was hard, no one really accepted pure acting skills. It took me for what seemed like forever to gain the fame I have now, and the only thing in my mind was that everything that was starting to slowly go up, was quickly going down.
As if life had it’s own gravitational pull.
Toji puts his hands in his pocket resting his shoulder against the wall as he watched me try to take off the dress, my face red and flustered I was pissed.
“So you aren’t going to talk about what happened..” “I’m sure that’s all people are talking about.” I snap ripping the zipper off of the dress growling in annoyance.
Toji’s gaze hardened “maybe if you didn’t go dressed like that,” “I can go wherever I want dressed however I please.” I say getting out of the dress.
He follows me grabbing my wrist, I try to pull away but he flips me and slams my back against the wall, “then it will be more situations like this! That fucking perv was trying to take a picture under your dress.” He said my eyes not leaving him, as I stared in horror.
Toji looked down at me with a “I told you so” kind of look, and I hated when he looked at me like that, it made me feel so small.
Past tense
“I don’t know how supportive I am of this” he said his arms crossed watching me get ready, I look away from my mirror and eyeliner glaring at him, all week he’s been doing this shit. “Somethings wrong with your eyes.” He said, my glare reflecting from him.
“It isn’t..but why can’t you just support me..” I say looking back into the mirror. He sighs “that isn’t it..” he admits his head held down a bit before looking back up at me.
“Then..?” “I don’t support the creepy men you attract. The instagram comments say enough about that doesn’t it..?” He said causing me to look at him.
Lately I have been receiving both Great but mostly pervy comments and a lot of even creeper dms. I understood his concern. “But..” he starts “I support you, you’re doing something you love and I will never not support you or step in your way. But I will always be protective of you..” he said rubbing the back of his neck “I can’t help that..I refuse to let anything happen to you.” He said looking down at the ground chuckling a bit.
I smile looking at him, “I know..that’s why I’m never afraid Toji..I’m the same way with you,” “but you aren’t the same as me..” he said walking over to me rubbing my back as we both gazed in the mirror.
“I don’t just want to fight for you, I need you to know that I’ll kill for you too..that being said, I don’t support this dress, it’s too much skin and it’s calling for creeps to come..” he said, I tilt my head looking up at him, “but it’s okay mama..I trust and support you no matter what, you’ve got a personal body guard..” he whispered kissing me softly.
He always made my heart flutter.
I push past him, I hated knowing he was right even the slightest, sure call me immature but it felt like he was always right.
He grabs my wrist pulling back, “[Name] this shit is serious! Did you forget what I told you?” He said his cold gaze locked on me, “no, but this could ruin my reputation!” “Getting pictures leaked of your underwear could too..” he said his hands sliding up my bare arms.
“Please calm down, I’m sorry for ruining your day..I mean that..” he brushed my hair out my eyes with his bruised hand, kissing my forehead.
Of course I melted.
At that moment I didn’t care about my reputation, I ended up feeling bad for not seeing it in his point of view, I simply didn’t care to until now, “are you calm..?” He asks to which I nod grabbing his hand turning it over to inspect it. “Are you in any pain..?”
But he simply shrugs it off, “my adrenaline is still pumping I can’t..feel anything right now” I look up at him before walking past him, this whole day was a mess, my mind everywhere. As I wander over to kitchen.
Toji watches me, “[name]?” he calls walking up to me stopping me holding me from behind, his large figure pressed up against mine and instantly warmed me up, he calmed me down, but now that he did I couldn’t help the feeling of dread, “the last time you were this quiet you scared the shit out of me…” he says softly holding my waist.
“Can you do my a favor..” I ask turning to look up at him, his eyes softening, “of course mama..what is it?” He asked, “distract me..” I say softly causing the room to get quiet.
He walked so he was in front of me lifting my head with his palm on my cheek, “are you sure..?~” he said his gaze never leaving my eyes, I hum wrapping my arms around his neck, “please..” I beg before he instantly picks me up taking me to the room, the blanket falling.
It has actually been days since Toji touched me, or made love to me, or fuck the slut out of me..how ever you want to put it, it hasn’t happened in a while, me so focused on the shoot and him focused on the kids and work, we barely had time alone unless it was sleeping.
But now I was eager, I wanted this man to blow off whatever steam he had left and then some, Toji was the only one who could restrict my walking.
I groan needily as we make out, Toji placing me on the dresser after knocking everything off. He swirled his tongue around mine holding my head steady with his hand rested on my cheek.
I wrap my legs around him, unsnapping my bra quickly pushing myself up to feel how hard he was, his lips part of mine and start attacking at my neck with soft kisses and pecks, I focus my attention to his pants my fingers guiding over the obvious lump in his pants, I shivered at the thought that, he wanted me too..
I really wanted him in my mouth the need became so strong that my mouth started to water, “Toji..~” I breathed out not even realizing that his whole hand was between my thighs rubbing my pussy through the cloth, my panties getting drenched in the action.
I open my legs a bit biting hard on my lip as he stared down at me his scar on his lip turning up right as he smirked, his thumb pressed softly against my body that called for him.
Toji lifted my body pulling off my panties my ass smacking back down on the dresser, I shivered at the cold gaze he peered down at me with.
And without warning he pushed the tip of his thumb into me causing me to jump shivering out a moan, “deeper..~” grabbing his wrist forcing his thumb deeper into me, I sigh out staring into his eyes as I rode his thumb.
Toji bit on his lip sliding his tongue across my open lips, I whine wasting no time to suck on his tongue wishing it was something else, and he could tell the way I gazed up at him after pulling off his tongue.
But I could tell that set off something in him, he pull back his finger quickly leaving me before he picked me up setting me on his lap as he sat on the love seat, his hands tracing my thighs.
“Your mouths watering..isn’t it?~ you’re excited for something..”I look him in his eyes sliding from his lap to the floor. “So come on, I’ll give you what your body’s begging for..~” his taunts made me even more eager without a problem.
Finally I slide my hand up to his thighs whining “then why are these still on..” he chuckles before standing pulling down his sweats along with his boxers and just like that his cock sprung out the tip softly touching my nose.
“Why is your mouth still closed..?~” he cooed out causing my entire Body to heat up as I open my mouth pushing my tongue out looking up at him, but without warning Toji pushed his dick deep into my throat causing me to gag instantly.
He pulls back looking down at me with a grin before he bit his lip as I wrapped my lips around his cock bobbing my head not being able to take the slowness.
Toji lets out a soft groan his large veiny hands clamped tightly on my pony tail as he began to ease himself into my mouth before he breathed out “put your hands behind your back..” and in submission I did so.
“Keep them there..” he whispered his hands tangled in my hair as he thrusted into my throat not giving me a chance to catch my breath.
My eyes rolling back at the mere pleasure I felt knowing he was using me to make himself feel good could make me cum right here.
He lets out a hushed breath pulling his cock from the back of my throat my chest heaving as I let out a breath my hands falling to my sides.
He looks down at me with an enthralling expression “fuck you look like a mess right now..~” he said with a sly smirk, I swallow letting out a sigh of desire, “cmon pretty girl stand for me..” he asked and without thinking I stand up just for him to push me into the love seat my arms rested in the cushions my ass in the air.
He roughly slapped my ass pulling my hips over to him receiving a hushed moan from me, he teased my entrance before without warning pushing himself deeply into me.
I squeal covering my mouth with one hand but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm behind my back slamming into me my head falling Into the leather seat.
“Toji!~” I moan out as he pinned my arm behind my back his cock slamming in and out of me as he rolled his hips at a quick pace and I loved it.
“I told you not to go out looking like that..now you have to accept your punishment..~ stop squirming..” he held my hips still thrusting into me shifting his thrust to find and hit my spot, and of course he found it.
I whine my eyes rolling back at how good this whole situation felt, the sounds of our skin slamming against each other caused my face to get red God forbid anybody could hear us.
Suddenly he pulls out flipping me on my back before he spread my legs pushing himself back into me causing me to shiver out a pent up moan reaching out for him and he chuckles, his hips rolling as he leaned into my touch, sure I could take being fucked like a slut, but I felt so much better when it was passionate.
I wrap my arms and legs around him as he pounded into my clit causing my legs to shake uncontrollably the knot in my stomach bursting without warning, “fuck! I’m cumming!~” I moan out giving a late warning.
Toji continued to thrust leaning his forehead on mine to share one more sloppy kiss his hips picking up speed before I hear him groan out “shit..~” he lifted pulling out and instantly his cum painted my stomach as he bared a fang.
I shiver feeling his warm liquid hit my stomach, then we sat there panting.
“You learn your lesson..?” He said with a small smirk causing me to giggle. “Actually I dunno, can you run that by me again?~” I ask causing him to shake his head roughly pulling me over by my legs.
As long as he’s fucking me like that? I’ll never learn.
#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen#anime#gojo satoru#gojo sensei#gojo smut#gojo x reader#gojo x y/n#jjk gojo#geto suguru#geto x reader#geto smut#jujutsu geto#toji x y/n#dilf toji#jujutsu toji#toji smut#toji fushiguro
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Organization XIII Dancing
Xemnas: The most he’ll do is nod his head
Xigbar: He does stupid dances like the Macarena, or the robot
Xaldin: No
Vexen: If he tries, he looks like he’s being electrocuted
Lexaeus: He taps his foot
Zexion: He can ballroom dance if he absolutely has to, but can’t do freestyle
Saïx: He doesn’t know how to dance and refuses to try
Demyx: Don’t enter a dance battle with him. Cuz you’ll lose
Luxord: Prefers elegant dances like the waltz, but can do the cha-cha and other fast paced dancing
Marluxia: He can do most every dance style there is, and he does it extremely well
Larxene: She’s good at free styling and belly dancing
Roxas: Looks like an unmanned firehose
Xion: Uncoordinated af but has fun anyway
#kingdom hearts#organization xiii#xemnas#xigbar#xaldin#kh vexen#lexaeus#zexion#saïx#axel#demyx#luxord#marluxia#larxene#roxas#xion#kh xemnas#kh xigbar#kh xaldin#vexen#kh zexion#kh saix#kh axel#kh demyx#kh lexaeus#kh luxord#kh marluxia#kh larxene#kh roxas#kh xion
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The Little Smiling Mermaid (Chapter 4) + Special Message at the End
The rest of the Salty’s crew bursted out of the cake as if it was a morbid twist on a piñata: instead of a paper-mache sculpture full of candy, it was a perfectly good birthday cake desecrated by violent thugs ready to enact their revenge! Mr. Boss shielded the Queen as Charlie and the sailors charged into battle, accompanied by Smormu wielding a mop as if it was a spear; Suffice to say that the party quickly turned into a war zone. The Fun Twinz ran rings around Chris who still-had-yet to overcome his intoxication, Ketchup ganged up on Tomar before the latter grabbed a chair and bashed it over his opponent, Smormu was clashing her mop at Crazy Cup’s sword much to the latter’s surprise at how durable the mop turned out to be, Salt and Pepper where mildly annoying Mr. Boss while entertaining the Queen and to top it all off, Charlie and Mustard engaged in hand-to-quip combat. “Aw, can’t a poor Mustard like me have a little fun?” “I was having fun until you and the rest of the asshole squad crashed my party!” “To be honest, this party was already crashed to begin with, we came and spiced it up for ya!” “Yeah, thanks a lot, really nice of you guys to take a crap on my parade.” “I gotta hand it to ya, whoever’s navigating the ship all freestyle sure is hammering on home how this party’s gone off the rails!” Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked around, seeing Mr. Boss with his Grandmother, he asked: “Who’s behind the wheel?” It was none other than the stealthiest member of Salty’s team: the elusive Century Egg, aided by the rest of the crew as a distraction so he can deliberately crash the ship into the jagged rock bed nearby. Charlie completely forgot about Mustard as he picked up at the empty glass bottle of Salty’s purloined booze and rampaged at the Century Egg, smashing the bottle back against his head and breaking it, thus making the bottle an even more dangerous weapon to use while unleashing a furious roar: “YOU PIECE OF SHIT, THIS SHIP BELONGED TO MY PARENTS!” The Century Egg sure was seeing stars with a briefly blurry vision to boot, but he wasn’t done yet, he grabbed Charlie by the ankles as Mustard, who turned out to have been latched onto his back without him paying attention, pounded on Charlie’s head and grabbed his arms. “On three!” Mustard and Century Egg swung the KO’d Charlie on both limbs out of the ship and into the ocean. Pim, who was on the edge of his seat, gasped and jumped back into the water to save his crush with the rest of the Meeplantican quartet following suit.
Pim spotted the yellow landcritter plummeting down before floating off, carried by the weight of water, Pim immediately swam up and grabbed him by his shirt and pulling upward. Realizing the size difference between the two, Pim took his cloak off and wrapped it around Charlie, using it as a maneuver while once again swimming upwards to the surface.
“That was some show out there, huh gang?” Graham Nelly chuckled until he noticed the somber atmosphere of Pim, Alan and Glep inspecting wether or not Charlie bit the dust. Pim’s lip quivered, on the verge of tears he asked: “…is he dead?” Graham Nelly joined in with his diagnosis: “Gee ‘cous, I dunno….I can’t make out a heartbeat.” as he held Charlie’s foot to his ear. “No look, he’s breathing!” Pim chirped as he saw the briefly-displeased look on Charlie’s face, Pim caressed the larger critter and passionately gazed upon the half-awaken critter. “He’s so…familiar…” Pim felt as if his heart fluttered like a bird soaring above the sea, he was unambiguously in love with this man.
“What could I give to live where you are?….what would I pay to stay here beside you?…..what could I do to see you….smiling at meeeee?”
Alan, upon realizing what was unfolding and how much trouble they’d all be in had the rest of the Royal Family found out, felt his jaw drop to the ground until Graham Nelly picked it up off the ground, closing it back up as he gazed upon the heartwarming scene, touched seeing his passionate cousin freely express his feelings.
“Where would we walk if we could run, where we could spend all day in the suuuuun?….just you and me, and I could be….part of your woooooorld~”
From Charlie’s point of view, all he could hear was an angelic voice ringing back into his consciousness, until he opened his eyes to a pink critter with a soft round face, big beautiful eyes and strands of rosey-colored hair singing to him as this angelic mystery critter gave him a small peck on his bruised-up nose before he shut his eyes once again to the sound of his crew calling his name. When he opened his eyes again, they left. Charlie spat up some ocean water and looked around wondering who was that and where did they go as the rest of the party rushed to his side. “There you are, man!! We thought you were a goner!” cried Chris, aiding Mr. Boss in helping Charlie back up as his weeping grandmother ran to him with a hug full of familial embrace. “Oooh Chawlie my boy, I’m so glad you’re alive! I couldn’t bear losing another member of my family!” Charlie’s mind was in kind of a daze until he remembered how he was rescued. “This little pink critter rescued me, and they had the most beautiful voice!” Mr. Boss chuckled, “I think you might have drank too much…seawater or booze? I dunno.”
Alan, who was panicking as if the world was ending tomorrow, piped up: “Guys, if either the King or Queen ask, we all just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened….they’ll never know! None of you will tell them, I won't tell them! We will all stay in one piece.” Of course, Alan’s words went ignored by the lovestruck Pim, lying on a rock by the island, and watching the partially damaged ship sail away. With the wind blowing in his hair and the sunrise breaking dawn across the starry sky, Pim was overcome with strong and passionate feelings. “I don’t know when…I don’t know how…but I know something’s starting right noooooow!!!!” The waves picked up by the wind, seemingly on cue of Pim’s now-triumphant voice as salty tears where escaping the grasp of his bulbous eyes as they where fueled by a powerful trinity of sweet remembrance, a foreboding farewell and a ray of hope that filled Pim with determination: “Watch and you’ll seeee, someday I’ll beeee~ PART OF YOOOOOUR WOOOOOOOOORLD!!!!!!” That last note beamed out of Pim like the perfect wave that splashed right behind him as the sun came out on cue, rising as that last note began to wane into a soft-spoken, sparkling cadence of longing. Glep clapped in applause, Graham Nelly got misty-eyed himself with tears of pride for his cousin and Alan meekly uttered: “We are so screwed.”
“Oh this is WAY to easy! That little pink fool’s fallen in love with a land critter!” Grim relished as he was once again spectating all the tea through his crystal ball, Gnarly chuckled: “And not just ANY land critter either!” both of them bursted into a wicked cackle: “A COMPLETE GUYFAILIURE!” Grim sarcastically monologued: “His daddy’s gonna love that.” “Yeah, hate to be in his scales.” Gnarly added. “That headstrong lovesick boy is gonna make the perfect pawn to bait King Steven into our trap!” snarled Grim, clasping his hands together plotting his revenge. Gnarly followed up with: “So we hold him for ransom and tell Kinger to fork over the trident, right? Easy as pie.” Grim, greatly unamused, corrected Gnarly ever-so-politely and totally not into his ears or anything: “THAT’S JUST GONNA GET BOTH OF US TURNED INTO A GODDAMN SUSHI PLATTER, WHALE-SHIT FOR BRAINS!! UGH! just hear me out and listen: Go find that bulbous-eyed ginger and sell him our idea-“
NOTE: Chapter 5 is in the works, I haven’t finished it yet because of all the projects I am balancing atm, so the fic will take a brief hiatus until two-or-three weeks from now, then I will have more time to work on the story AND finish the rest of those requests I need to post, thank you so much for supporting this story of mine, it means so much to me! Happy Pride!! 🌈
#smiling friends#the little smiling mermaid au#the little mermaid au#charpim#pim x charlie#charlie x oim#pim pimling#charlie dompler#mr boss#alan red#glep#smormu#smiling friends pim#smiling friends charlie#smiling friends alan#smiling friends glep#smiling friends smormu#smiling friends mr boss#smiling friends fanart#smiling friends fanfic#fanfic#adult swim
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Dancing With Them
A/n: I can’t dance at all. 🙂
Characters: Lyney, Venti, Kazuha, Albedo, Aether, Xingqiu, Ayato, Thoma
+Bonus: Nilou, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Barbara, Columbina, Eula, Lynette
Lyney is a professional dancer and he performs all of the time, so as his s/o, it’s natural to him that he would try to teach you how to dance as well. No matter how many mistakes you make or how much you mess up, he still offers his hand each time with a small smile on his face. <3
Venti doesn’t really know how to dance either, so it’s just a freestyle. Venti would use the wind to make it more fun and exciting and would even lift you up into the air for fun which results you both falling onto the ground laughing. It’s overall pretty exciting to dance with Venti and sometimes you wish that moments like these could last forever.
Kazuha likes to dance with you under the moonlight and when it’s slightly breezy outside.
It’s really cute since no matter how many times you step on his foot, he still holds you close and never lets go.
Albedo is a prince okay. Ok, so, I feel like he would have some experience in dancing. If one day Albedo is in a odd mood, he would lift you up from your seat and start twirling you around his room. It’s fun at first until you notice that the star that was previously on his neck is missing.
Instead of Aether asking you for a dance, you take his hand into your own and start going around the room. You mostly do this when he’s not in a good mood or when he’s drowning himself in his depressing thoughts. Even though it’s a small gesture, he still appreciates it and it makes him feel better.
Xingqiu probably took lessons to learn how to dance since he’s from a rich family, but he most likely didn’t stick to it since he chose books over exercise. Even though he told you this fact, it was sort of hard to believe since he literally does a flip in the air when he’s fighting.
Sometimes when Xingqiu finishes reading a good book, he would take your hand and start twirling you around the room talking about how amazing the book was. 💙
Ayato treats you like a princess and will kiss your hand when he asks for you to dance with him. He already took lessons since he has to eventually dance with his future wife- *COUGH* (you) so he made sure to perfect every step.
You don’t even know it, but he’s been teaching you how to dance for a while now. Until the day he proposes and the day of your wedding, he will make sure you know each and every step.
This is canon in my head and I can’t stop thinking about it. Thoma WILL dance with you whenever he’s cleaning or when the Kamisato’s are out doing errands. It’s something you both do in secret.
When Ayaka eventually catches you both, she can’t help but smile at the heaetwarming moment.
Dancing with Nilou will be a lot of fun and you can’t tell me otherwise. Whether you're both dancing in water or in the desert or even on stage- it’s still something you both enjoy.
Yun Jin:
Dancing and singing with Yun Jin is definitely a learning experience since you learn a lot about opera and you both teach each other new dancing moves.
Ayaka thought that dancing with you would be embarrassing at first since she can’t really dance herself (lie), but when you both step into the water and start twirling each other around while laughing, she can’t help but treasure the moment.
She hopes that she could dance like this with you forever. This thought causes her to have dreams about you both eventually getting married. <3
You and Barbara are both idols and you both enjoy performing on stage together. Singing with each other brings joy to the both of you and it’s something that makes all the bad thoughts and stress in Barbara’s head go away.
Columbina was shocked when you suddenly took her hand and started twirling her around. Columbina is a singer, not a dancer. It was cute seeing her shocked for the first time, but that expression quickly turns into a look of happiness as she starts matching your every step. You taking her hand was just a reminder of why she loves you! <3
Eula is a professional dancer, so to be honest, you already lost. Eula would give you dancing lessons on a daily basis if you ask her and will teach you while trying to seem professional at the same time. (Even though she's embarrassed. Plus points if you compliment her dancing skills!)
Lynette met you during one of her and her brother’s performances. Even though her brother enjoyed performing, she didn’t really like the experience. Whenever the performances were over, she would watch as everyone else was dancing with their partner or friends.
When you came over to her and asked her to dance for the first time, that was the day that she felt human emotions for the first time.
She fell in love. 🌹💞
#genshin impact x reader#lyney x reader#venti x reader#kazuha x reader#Albedo x reader#Xingqiu x reader#Ayato x reader#Thoma x reader#nilou x reader#yunjin x reader#Ayaka x reader#Barbara x reader#Columbina x reader#Eula x reader#Lynette x reader#genshin impact#genshin#reader
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