johra-7724 · 9 days
What skills are essential for smart freelancing?
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The Ultimate Guide to Smart Freelancing: 1000 Words on How to Succeed
In recent years, freelancing has exploded in popularity, offering individuals the freedom to choose projects, set their own hours, and work from virtually anywhere in the world. However, succeeding as a freelancer requires more than just talent—it demands strategy, discipline, and smart decision-making. In this article, we’ll explore the key principles of smart freelancing and how to set yourself up for long-term success.
1. Understanding the Freelancing Landscape
Freelancing covers a wide range of professions—from writing and design to coding, marketing, and even virtual assistance. Before you dive into freelancing, it’s important to understand where you fit into this landscape. Are your skills in demand? What does the competition look like? How much should you charge? Answering these questions will help you start freelancing on the right foot.
Key Platforms for Freelancers
Some of the most popular freelancing platforms include:
Upwork: Ideal for beginners and experienced freelancers alike, offering jobs across various industries.
Fiverr: Great for freelancers looking to sell specific services, such as graphic design or content creation, at lower starting prices.
Freelancer.com: A vast platform where clients post projects and freelancers bid on them.
Toptal: A more exclusive platform focused on high-end projects in fields like software development and finance.
Researching these platforms and understanding how they work will give you a good starting point.
2. Building a Strong Freelancing Profile
Whether you’re starting from scratch or transitioning from a full-time job, your freelancing profile is essentially your resume and portfolio rolled into one. A strong profile should showcase your skills, experience, and unique value proposition to potential clients.
Tips for Creating a Winning Profile:
Tailor Your Skills: Highlight specific skills relevant to the type of freelance work you want to do. This could include SEO writing, social media marketing, or WordPress development.
Showcase Your Work: A strong portfolio is crucial. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a portfolio, consider doing a few small or even pro-bono projects to build it up.
Client Testimonials: If possible, include testimonials from previous clients or employers. Positive reviews and ratings can help build trust with new clients.
Clear, Professional Communication: Use a professional tone in your profile, without being too formal. Clients appreciate freelancers who are clear, concise, and easy to communicate with.
3. Finding and Winning Clients
Once your profile is set up, the next step is finding clients. The freelance world is competitive, so being proactive and strategic in your approach is essential.
Where to Find Clients
Freelance Platforms: As mentioned earlier, platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great places to start.
Networking: Attend industry events, join online forums, and use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients. Networking can lead to referrals and long-term relationships.
Social Media: Leverage platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and attract clients. Posting valuable content related to your niche can position you as an authority in your field.
Cold Pitching: Reach out to companies or individuals you’d like to work with directly. Personalize your message to show that you understand their needs and explain how you can help solve their problems.
Winning Proposals
Once you find potential clients, writing a compelling proposal is the key to standing out from the competition. Here’s what a winning proposal includes:
Personalization: Mention the client’s specific project and explain how your skills and experience align with their needs.
Value Proposition: Highlight the unique benefits you bring to the table. How can you make the client’s life easier or their business more successful?
Clear Terms: Outline the scope of work, timeline, and your rates clearly. Ambiguity can lead to miscommunication and disputes later on.
4. Setting the Right Rates
One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is determining how much to charge. Underpricing your services can lead to burnout, while overpricing might scare away potential clients. So, how do you find the balance?
Hourly vs. Project-Based Rates
There are two common pricing structures in freelancing: hourly and project-based. Each has its advantages and disadvantages:
Hourly Rates: These are easier to calculate but may not fully reflect the value of your work. For example, a task that takes an hour might provide the client with significant long-term value.
Project-Based Rates: These can be more profitable, as they allow you to factor in the overall value you’re providing. Clients also appreciate the transparency of a fixed price for a project.
Research the Market
Look at what other freelancers in your field are charging. Freelance platforms often have a wide range of pricing, so make sure to compare profiles with similar experience levels and skills. You can also adjust your rates over time as you gain more experience and positive feedback.
5. Managing Your Freelance Business
Freelancing is not just about doing the work—it’s about managing your business. From invoicing and taxes to setting boundaries, successful freelancers treat their work as a business, not just a hobby.
Time Management and Organization
One of the main perks of freelancing is flexibility, but without good time management, it can be easy to fall behind or overwork yourself.
Set a Schedule: Determine your working hours and stick to them. This helps you maintain a work-life balance and meet deadlines.
Use Tools for Organization: Platforms like Trello, Asana, or even Google Calendar can help you keep track of projects, deadlines, and client communications.
Invoicing and Payments
Make sure you have a system in place for tracking work, invoicing clients, and receiving payments.
Contracts: Always use a contract for projects. It should outline the scope of work, deadlines, payment terms, and any other details.
Invoicing Tools: Tools like PayPal, FreshBooks, or QuickBooks can help you create and send invoices easily. Make sure to specify payment terms upfront, such as a 50% deposit before starting work.
Taxes: Keep track of your income and expenses throughout the year for tax purposes. Many freelancers make the mistake of forgetting to set aside money for taxes, so be sure to plan accordingly.
6. Continuous Learning and Improvement
The freelancing landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve means continuously improving your skills. Take time to learn new tools, techniques, or industry trends that could give you a competitive edge.
Professional Development
Online Courses: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offer courses on everything from digital marketing to project management. Regularly upgrading your skill set can help you charge higher rates and attract better clients.
Stay Updated: Subscribe to newsletters or follow blogs related to your niche. This will keep you informed about industry trends, tools, and best practices.
7. Building Long-Term Client Relationships
Smart freelancers know that repeat business is key to long-term success. Rather than constantly searching for new clients, focus on delivering exceptional work to your existing ones. Building strong relationships can lead to ongoing projects, referrals, and even retainer agreements.
How to Build Lasting Relationships:
Communication: Keep clients updated on your progress and be responsive to their needs. Good communication helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters trust.
Exceed Expectations: Go above and beyond to deliver high-quality work on time, or even ahead of schedule. Clients will remember your professionalism and reliability.
Ask for Feedback: Don’t be afraid to ask clients for feedback on your work. Constructive criticism can help you improve, and positive feedback can be used as testimonials to attract new clients.
Freelancing can be a rewarding and flexible career path if approached strategically. By understanding the market, building a strong profile, managing your time and finances, and continuously improving your skills, you can set yourself up for long-term success in the freelancing world. Smart freelancing isn’t just about working hard—it’s about working smart, building relationships, and evolving with the industry.
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vinaychikkam · 6 months
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Headphones Product render
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black-cat-aoife · 10 months
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Unfortunately I'm back on my bullshit
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lmntsmarketing · 1 year
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Don't get me wrong... I freelanced before. 💪 And I had the best of times. 🧡 Since then, I have invested thousands of £s to improve the services we at LMNts provide. We trained specialists and got the tools to make you successful. And we look at the full picture.... Just like building a complicated machine requires proper tools and expertise, building a marketing strategy requires the same. Working with a marketing strategy agency can provide a strategic approach, connect the dots, provide industry knowledge, technological skills, creative thinking, collaboration, and a focus on understanding your business. Learn more: https://marketingfunnel.website/blog/7-reasons-to-hand-over-your-funnel-design-to-a-marketing-strategy-agency-and-not-a-freelancer/
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battleangel · 1 year
Walking While Carefree & Black
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Fetishized & dehumanized.
Daily misogynoir.
Harrassed on my daily walks for hugging a tree, picking a flower, laying on grass and stretching out my arms, twirling, smiling, being an unrushed unbothered carefree fierce ferocious unapologetic black woman who isnt on the way to somewhere, Im not going to 7-11 five minutes from my apartment, Im not rushing to work, Im not hurrying, Im not hustling, Im not bustling, Im not harried, Im not distratcted, Im not anxious, Im not impatient, Im not speedwalking, Im not in a car, Im not on a bike, Im walking on sidewalks, under bridges, near highways, busy intersections, busy traffic lights, near school buses, near angry white stay at home moms pushing their strollers, moms with toddlers shielding their eyes from me, white police men slowing their patrol cars when I am doing nothing but take a selfie under a bridge.
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Why cant I be free?
Why cant I twirl?
Why cant I hug trees?
Why cant I treat a light pole as a stripper pole?
Is it a crime to joke around during the day when people are at school and work, jokingly twirl myself around the pole, pretend I am a pole dancer, and take a video selfie?
Will I be Sandra Bland'd?
Why cant I take pictures of a rose garden?
Why cant I take a selfie under a bridge? On a park bench?
Why cant I pick flowers near the sidewalk, smell them, place them behind my ear and skip down the sidewalk pavement?
Capitalism demands that I, a black woman, be a slave to their system but I left their system.
I left Amazon in a week with no job lined up.
I left Dow Jones with no job lined up.
I left Bank of America in 3 months with no job lined up.
I left Yale.
I quit my career coaching business after 3 years and over a hundred executive clients.
I permanently left corporate in 2019 and quit my business this year.
I am a permanent freeelancer now.
I am a podcaster now. We dont have sponsors yet so I dont currently generate income.
$55/hr at Amazon and after six months they were going to convert me with the coveted unrestricted stock aka golden handcuffs.
It was a cult. I left in a week.
I made -$7,000 last year as my business failed. I hated sales and referrals dried up.
Capitalism says I am a failure and a loser.
Capitalism says I, a nubian queen, Isis, an egyptian goddess, am only worth the revenue I generate.
I was the highest rated recruiter with the most hires at every Fortune 500 company I worked at.
I had over a hundred executive clients with my career coaching business that landed offers at Disney, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Amazon & Comcast with five figure salary increases.
I was a career advisor at Yale who coached graduate and postdoc STEM students.
Capitalism rolls its eyes and asks me, What have you done for me lately?
It demands I turn myself back into a machine to be deemed worthy.
But those days are over.
I will never work another 9 to 5 in any industry -- corporate, academic or non-profit.
I will never work a job that requires that I report into a supervisor.
I will never work another job with dictated shifts.
I will never sell anything to anyone ever again. I detest sales and I hate capitalism.
Capitalism is dehumanizing and it kills. It profits off of, relies on and thrives on energetic and psychic attacks that sends its adherents & acolytes to an early stress-induced death.
I was having GI issues and I healed myself.
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No doctor, no gastroenterologist, no harmful laxatives, no chemical stimulants, no synthetic lab-made prescription medication that can all be addictive.
The smoothie takes 5 minutes and is just blending 1 cup pineapples, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 grated ginger, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 2 tbs apple cider vinegar and 4 ice cubes & 1 cup of water in a mixer. Makes 2 servings, drink 1 cup in morning and 1 cup at night.
I just started walking outside in nature for an hour a day, not power walking, no step counting, no calorie counting, just being in nature, soaking up the sun, breathing the air, barefoot in grass, hugging trees, picking and smelling flowers, doing simple yoga exercises, abdominal massages, using a heating pad on my stomach, drinking 32 to 64 oz of water a day, eliminating coffe, not drinking soda during the week (used to drink 1 to 2 cans a day), fresh fruit & vegetable smoothie in the morning, oatmeal or grape nuts cereal with peppermint herbal tea no sugar or honey, homemade vegetarian salad & homemade vegetarian dressing (store bought dressing has a ton of fat, sugar amd calories) and mixed nuts as a snack Monday through Friday then I take a break and eat what I want on the weekend.
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GI issues resolved themselves in a week, I am healthier, lighter, less sluggish, more fit, more in shape and more energetic. This is now my diet 75% of the time (5 days a week).
Decolonize your mind.
You have the ability to heal yourself. Stop running to doctors and quick fixes.
Change what you eat. Move more.
Get outside in nature! You are nature!
That is what heals. We come from nature and we are nature.
Trees, grass, sunlight, air, flowers, butterflies, streams, brooks, meadows, gardens, pumpkin patches, orchard farms, parks, nature trails.
Get outside.
Not to get in your car. Not to go somewhere.
Stop spending all your time penned inside like an animal and a prisoner.
Not to go to the mall, shopping, a restaurant, a salon, a spa, a movie theater, work, school, a grocery store, a laundromat, dry cleaners.
Not to run an errand.
Not to sit in traffic in a machine.
Not to burn calories.
Not to power walk.
Not to lose weight.
To reconnect with nature.
To reconnect your mind, soul, body, heart and spirit.
The west purposely severs this connection in service of capitalism.
Its up to you to restore it.
Walk. Breathe. Be. Skip. Twirl. Pose. Use the sidewalk as a catwalk. Take selfies. Take pictures.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Hug a literal tree.
Lay on the grass while cars roll past you with their windows down and stare at you like youre crazy.
Its 11 am on a Tuesday.
What the hell is she doing laying on the grass with her arms outstretched?
Why isnt she at work or at school?
Confuse people with your very presence.
I have a goth alt kawaii japanese street fashion aesthetic that includes boyshorts, leather garters, torn fishnets, leather chokers, hello kitty tiaras, six inch pink platform heels, black lipstick, mini cut out crop tops, extremely thick black eyeliner and hot pink eyeshadow.
For wearing this on Friday on my daily walk at 8:30 am which I then shared on TikTok, I was accused of being indecent, inappropriate for children to see going to school, people stared, rolled their windows down, honked at me, cars followed me, two men purposefully walked right into me bumping me (there was plenty of room on the sidewalk), an HVAC repairman leered at me outside of his van and literally just stared holes through me as I walked by.
Im 41. Im 5"1. Im 92 lbs. Im black and female.
I have a quirky style and aesthetic. I look young.
I also shaved my head bald a few weeks ago and have a bald fade.
People have since then called me a dyke, asked if I am trans, am I a boy or a girl, whats the deal.
Thats when I dont have a wig on.
I love different looks so I also wear long wigs.
The reaction is completely different when I wear a wig and people tell me how good I look, that people are slowing their cars down because I am attractive.
Bald fade, bony dyke who looks like a boy and might be trans.
Long wig, attractive girl, let me slow down and get a look.
Still black no matter the hair. Still followed.
Still harrassed.
A MAGA Proud Boy harrassed me with my bald fade while I was wearing an Eagles shirt and jeans. He stared at me as I took a selfie on a bench under a tree, when I got up to walk home, he started walking towards me and blocked my path in the small walkway we were both on and wouldnt let me pass.
Doesnt matter if its boy shorts and leather garters or an Eagles shirt and jeans.
I am harrassed for being a carefree black girl in capitalist Amerikkka.
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artespinosa · 3 months
What are the benefits of freelancing
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empregosolidariomt · 1 year
Requisitos: Ter conhecimento/experiência na área
Diária á combinar
Horário: 15:45h a 23:30h com uma hora de intervalo
Local: Bairro Santa Isabel - Várzea Grande/MT
Os interessado devem enviar mensagem no WhatsApp: (65) 98132-6379
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john-ngonga · 2 years
Academic freelance writing is a field that requires a unique set of skills and competencies. A competent academic freelance writer is one who can produce high-quality written work that meets the specific requirements of clients, while also adhering to academic standards. The success of an academic freelance writer depends on their ability to demonstrate knowledge and mastery in their area of…
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
Okay, charming-word-invented-by-author --- Sir Walter Scott invented the word freelance for Ivanhoe. In the context of a book about knights, someone who was freelance was, y’know, a FREE LANCE. as in an unaffiliated one of these 
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So yeah, all you freelancers out there. Mercenaries not yet sworn to a lord :D
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rosy-writes · 5 years
Hi, Rosy! Do you have any tips on how to find writing jobs? I don’t necessarily mean just full-time jobs, but anything that pays? Things like ghost writing or freelancing things? I have no one in my life I can talk to about this or get advice from, and I really want to start building a writing career. It’s the one thing I’m not terrible at, and I’d like to do it because I love it and I’d like to start using that to help support myself in some way. I have no idea where to start.
This is not actually my area of expertise. The art and craft of writing? Yes. Storytelling? Yes. Lit analysis? Yes. Self help and self care? Yes. The business of writing? No. I finished the first draft of my first novel when I was 25 and I am now almost 50. That’s 25 years of writing, but very little being a professional writer. 
Part of that is because I had no economic freedom so always had to earn a living. I put my energy into my day job, or gradschool, or teaching. And then I had kids and that’s ten, fifteen years devoted to raising kids instead of business. Then I started doing internet marketing and that took all my time. And then, over that time period, writing changed from an analog business (mailing mss with a sase) to digital (email, emags, epub.) So my path to being a professional writer has been long and bumpy. I can’t tell you the end point. But I guess I can tell you what I’ve learned so far.
Get involved in the writing community. Not just people just learning how to write, but also people who are doing it as a business. The art and craft of writing is very different from the business of writing. You want to connect with people who are in the business side that you can learn from. I switched my twitter from fandom to writing twitter and it’s been a lot more helpful. I follow established authors, new authors, self published authors, poets, teachers, librarians, agents, freelancers and publishers along with unpublished writers. Read blogs. Follow links. Be aware of the politics in the writing and publishing community because hooboy there’s a lot of it. But it keeps me on the leading edge of the happenings. I mean. the Romance Writers Association just had a spectacular implosion all based around racism, silencing, gatekeeping, and diversity, and if you are at all connected with the writing world, you should have heard about it. Also connected is the #Oscarssowhite hashtag, and Stephen King making excuses for his Academy voting. No, Stephen, no. The world is changing. As a writer you need to know.
Get a blog yourself. You need to have a landing page where people can contact you. Where you can share what you’re doing and can do and what services you offer, as well as samples and testimonials and, most important, contact information. 
Begin building your writer’s platform. Don’t get scared. This is essentially your professional identity online. Who you are. Not who you are in total, but who you are as a writer. Your niche. Your style. Your expertise. Your philosophy. Your background. Your education. Your voice. Now’s the time to start acting as you would in a professional environment. Those fan wars? Ditch ‘em. Grudge matches with other people online? Be the better person. Talk of questionable private activities? Slow your roll, honey. Don’t put online things you wouldn’t want your boss or clients knowing. There is a difference between personal statements and private ones. Decide what face you want to put towards the world and be that. Keep some stuff out of it. You know the stuff. 
Tell people that you are a freelancer and professional writer. Make it public. People you know irl, on your social media. If you want to be a freelance writer, your work can come from anywhere. I got a gig because I told my sister who knew a hairdresser who needed a writer. Who knows? 
Research. Google everything. Not only can you find out *how* to freelance, you can find out sites with good job offers, which employers are reliable and which are not, dangers to avoid, what the going rates are for what you’re offering. I’ll be honest. This is where I am now and the part that I can’t tell you, because I don’t know enough, and also my memory is atrocious and I should write these job boards down. I’m working with two ghostwriting companies right now and both of them I found on twitter. Or someone mentioned a jobs board on twitter which I went to and found those opportunities. I am not really liking ghostwriting and I’m not sure I can recommend it. Yes, you can get money for writing novels, but it’s not that reliable and the deadlines are really stiff. I feel a bit like a writing machine, and I am a relatively fast and steady writer. I wouldn’t suggest it unless you know you can write at least 3k words a day without struggle and come up with a clean first draft. I’m going to start looking into content writing for a less intense and more frequent gig. I still want to be able to work on my own writing, though, and that can be tough when you have a demanding writing schedule. It can also be hard when you write for work, because writing then becomes WORK.
Also, research the financial aspect of freelance writing and how you need to save for taxes and keep your receipts and all. Perhaps join a writer’s organization so you’re not all on your own. 
Basically, it’s a small business, not a real stable one, with people who want you to work for free, or won’t pay you, or treat you like a monkey at a typewriter or whatever. You also have to hustle. You can’t just wait for your boss to give you work and a paycheck. Unless you work for an agency I guess, but you’d have to find one. But there’s something to be said for getting paid for writing, what you like, do well and enjoy. So there’s that. 
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stmckeni · 5 years
Want to learn how to make real money freelancing online in short time? Get the book that shows you exactly how!
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essaywpthemes · 2 years
Essay Writing WordPress Themes
Looking at this picture won't fix all your problems, but it's a good start. Skyrocket your freelance career by launching your own academic writing website for only Ksh6000. Visit our website for more details: https://essaywpthemes.com/
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neenamehta · 3 years
Freelance Video Content Creator in Greater Sydney | STILLONE
 If you're thinking of moving ahead with a freelancing career but aren't sure what to anticipate or how to prepare, then you should look into Stillone's work. They're a Freelance Video Content Creator in Greater Sydney who has worked on a variety of freelance projects. There might be a tremendous boost to your morale and career if you check out their freelance projects.  Developing video content without the right guidance around storytelling, thematic material and editing, can be complex and problematic. The professionals of Stillone aim to solve all of these challenges by keeping in mind the needs of their customers and by bringing customer vision to reality. For more information, visit https://www.stillonemedia.com/nicolastillone
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harithacool · 3 years
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freelanceroz5840 · 4 years
Freelanceroz is the world's most advanced freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs. Freelanceroz give you best freelancers services to focus on growth and create a successful business. We have 24 hour delivery options from world's professional sellers. Freelanceroz helps freelancer to sell their gigs to thousands of daily buyers. Create your profile, add your gig, start earning within hours Getting started is free. Freelanceroz is a trusted brand from Australia. This platform is 100% secured with SSL certificates and site lock security. As a buyer your money is 100% Safe. You will get only charged when your order will get delivered to you. And your hard earned money is in safe hands. On Freelanceroz, all sellers are very professional and handpicked from the world. We always believe in quality. Be Rest assured from Freelanceroz sellers. Freelanceroz is created by engineers. We are entrepreneurs, all passionate about growing an exclusive network of the top talent in business, design, and technology in the world. We all are working with one mission- “Provide best digital services at the lowest price.” We are intellectuals of freelance writing, goal-oriented by nature, addicted to providing excellent freelance services for both businesses aiming to hire best quality writers, and freelance writers seeking better-paying tasks and generating money writing.Our sharp-minded freelancers mobilize technical and creative profiles to accompany you in achieving your project goals. We offer our freelance writers an opportunity to turn knowledge, talent, or hobbies into a permanent income source! We’re here to provide security, privacy, and timely payments, so you can keep doing what you love the most.
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tizianafrison · 4 years
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Le mie vacanze al mare... Made by @tizianafrison #workingholiday #disegno #disegnodigitale #illustrazione #illustrator #grafica #freeelance #graficafreelance #graphicdesign #graphic #graficafrison (presso Angera) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZMOSdqrPZ/?igshid=1o9v8acphqdaz
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