neverendingparable · 8 months
I think secondstickingaway is still one of my favorite previous urls, although freedominthebroomcloset was iconic
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employee210 · 7 years
ϟ /from Stel!
The door to Room 210 had nearly hit Stellan in the face as it burst open. A woman ran out, strands of hair sticking to her forehead in sticky sweat, her face paler than copy paper, and her hands shaking like mad. Her shoulders slammed into the man, but she didn’t even stop as she stumbled down the hall in panic.
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askthestaceyparable · 8 years
Bradley: I love this kid!
Stacey: If you love me let me GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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freedominthebroomcloset replied to your post “[[MOR] So I was browsing my Pc, thinking of something to write for a...”
maybe wizeman?
Sooo this got buried and only revealed during me checking my email
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employee204 · 8 years
"Glitter attack, new girl!" He didnt actually enter her office, instead the particles rained down from the ceiling onto her desk, creating a soft rustling sound.
Susan dropped her cigarette onto the papers, being caught off guard by Bradley's voice and this his glitter attack. Cursing under her breath, she grabbed a mug of- something that used to be cold coffee and poured it out on the fire.
''It’s nice to meet you too.'' she grumbled quietly, glaring at the mess on her desk.
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neverendingparable · 3 years
everendingparable > neverendingparable
It seems like the worst is over. Perhaps there is more change coming...?
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askthestaceyparable · 8 years
(Send me a ⌚️ to visit my muse in their future.  Alternatively, send in ⏳ to travel to my muse’s past)
A modest one-story house sits a few yards off of a main road, a large space of gravel beside it allowing several cars to sit beneath the warm sunlight.  Two figures can be seen through one of the many open windows; a young man and woman dancing to the sound of music on the radio.  Out on the front lawn, a young girl sits beneath the shade of a tree, her focus entirely on the notebook on her lap.  She is calm, biting the metal on her pencil between her four crooked front teeth as she debates what to write in her letter.  Her eyes have known no strain for lack of sleep.  Her muscles know no weariness or exhaustion.  Her ears know no distress of a man that drones nonsense to her day after mind-numbing day.  She is twelve years old.
And her name is Stacey.
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[situation meme] Idk I just love the trope of aliens being really confused by human things xD I think it'd be funny to see the Narrator (and possibly w Stanley) going through a mall or some antique shop/museum and being like, "people eat this??" "are you sure this isnt a torture instrument disguised as kitchenware??" (plus Stanley rolling his eyes and having to explain the use for every weird utensil Narry finds, when he just wanted to buy a new shirt.)
(to be fair. The Narrator has been on earth for 3000 years, actively studying humans as he found them absolutely amazing; so he’d probably know these things better than even Stanley. But for the sake of this idea being perhaps the best mental image ever, I will write this out.)
“What do you mean this is for cheese, that last thing was for cheese too!”
The Narrator was holding a single sided cheese grater, dozens of small sharp holes adorning the smooth metal surface. He presses a single digit to one of those small holes, recoiling rapidly as he placed to much pressure and forced the metal to dig into his flesh.
“See! It cuts skin so easily! It could do much mo-”
“It’s not a weapon grandpa. It’s not. It is supposed to be used for cheese. Not fingers.”
“But tha-
“Yes, the last thing was also for cheese! It’s two different models of utensil to do the same thing! Because people like having different methods and different outcomes from using the tool. And also price range. This is not a hard thing to comprehend!”
The Narrator, still not persuaded of the intended purpose of the silver grater, placed it back upon the shelf in which he took it from. Dropping the subject as Stanley forcibly attempted to remove him from the vicinity.
However, he did not succeed before the NArator spotted the serrated steak knives.
“And those!” The Narrator exclaimed abruptly, causing Stanley to flinch as the loud voice boomed in his ear; releasing his grip of his ‘beloved’ grandpa. Letting the former lunge up and curl his hands around one of the knives, without regard to the safe way to hold one. Instantly his rigorous grip caused the knife to break his skin and he dropped the now bloodied utensil; The black and silver serrated blade clanging against the ceramic floor, splattering the ground with specks of the careless man’s blood.
Stanley, his head now firmly cradled by his hands stood there silently, praying that the Narrator would wear himself out. He was at a loss as to how to explain that this tool designed to cut flesh, isn’t meant to be used to harm another living person; None of these tools are.
“Well!?” The Narrator demanded as he turned around. His green eyes glaring daggers at his grandson. 
“How do you explain that!”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Was Stanley’s muffled reply, of which the Narrator barely heard as he continued to berate the other.
“I don’t understand this fascination humans have with harming one another. It’s so unnecessary and horrrifi-”
“You know you have to pay for that right?” Came a voice belonging to a young employee, following store policies. A hint of nervousness in their voice and eyes, but mainly the furrowed brows held irritation. 
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desk-of-employee432 · 8 years
happy dream
Jim’s breath was caught in his throat as he heard Stanley say the words he longed for, ye t he never thought hed hear.
‘I love you.’
Jim felt his mouth go dry, swallowing hard.
“Stanley,do you....do you really mean it?” He asked, he wanted so badly to believe it. There were many types of love, but there was one in particular that he really wanted. Any kind of love from Stanley would have been enough for him. 
Because it would be from him, and it would be true and pure. 
“Yes Jim. I do love you, and I really mean it. We’ve been friends for a while now haven’t we?” Stanley asked, lacing their fingers together. Jim’s heart was fluttering in his chest, he could hardly believe it.
“I think, it’s the right time. I think we’re ready for this Jim.”
“I would have waited forever, Stanley.”
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neverendingparable · 4 years
Gonna change my blog name for the final(?) time this evening, so if you suddenly have a mysterious mutual, that would be me~
Reasons to this is:
this name is kinda long
mostly tsp based, even when the muses now have expanded past only being in an tsp verse
not dramatic enough
If you want to make sure everything is still tagged correctly, you can replace the old url with the new one later with this tool: https://tags.circumfluo.us/
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employee210 · 7 years
"Alright, well, this should be interesting. Aside from the fact that you have every right not to trust me, is there perhaps another reason why you won't accept my - and may I stress - genuine apologies? Is it out of fear? Or do you not wish to lose someone you can stab anytime you want without (more or less) any consequences?" [truth serum meme - from jon]
Marlise squeezes her hands into white-knuckled fists, but the words tumble out of her mouth with no hesitation. 
“I like being in control. I like exerting power over ‘authority’. It feels so natural to just–” She brings her hands up, making a tight wringing gesture. “–It boosts my self-esteem, a lot. It can get a little addicting…
“… Not to mention the fact that you have put some of your walls down for a person you’ve intimately hurt... It’s confusing. It’s confusing, and it makes me feel weird. i’d rather just stab you than address those weird feelings.”
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So what are you helping him with if I may ask?
Oh҉,҉ ̧h̕e҉'s͏ g̨o͜t͜ ̢a͜ few ͢t̀oys̸ he͡ ͜w̸an͜ts ͡m͏e t͡o ͟c̶h͡eck ̴ov̵er.̵..you̶ k͏nơw͘ I'̧m g̀r͝e̶at́ļy e̶xp̵eria͠n̛c̸e̴d wi͏th tơr͡tùr͝e d҉ev̵ic̡es͜. ͠Hon̴e̷s͢tly, ͟he̶ doesn͝t ͟éve̴n͢ n͢e̕e̡d my ̵h͝e͜l̸p͟, he's͢ r̴at́h̵er҉ ta̶le̕nt҉e̴d҉ ҉at ́b̵u̧i͢ld҉ing͞ t́hi҉n̛g҉s̢ ͠h̨i̴ms͞el͠f̧,̷ b̛ưt ͘d̛ont t̶el͘l̕ ̸h̀i͠m ̴I s͝ai̢d͡ th̴a̢t.͘ ̕
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Not bothering with a warning, the younger Narrator stuffed a handful of glitter down his counterpart's shirt.
The Narrator jumped a half step backwards when Bradley suddenly appeared in front of him, expecting something much worst than the other shoving a large handful of something down the front of his shirt. It took him a few moments to register the uncomfortable feeling irritating his skin.
And just, with a bewildered face, he stared at Bradley, not even mad at him just purely confused. Before starting to unbutton shirt jacket in hopes to air some of the rough material out of his clothes that is.
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desk-of-employee432 · 8 years
Survival Horror
on hand James has a better stomach for these things
on the other hand he’s kind of dumb
I would still say James because he could probably learn fast enough to survive. At least Jim would panic. I don’t think he’d want to give himself a panic attack
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neverendingparable · 7 years
Nooo I’m so dumb I forgot
I used to have an earlier blog, the x4xgrimdarkx4xnarrator i think, which is the worst blog title ive ever made
(x because its spoppy and 4 because supposedly its the number of death. thats why i used to call leonard x4x for a long time before giving him the name the grimdark narrator)
i deleted the blog now though but its existed a few months earlier than freedominthebroomcloset
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employee210 · 7 years
🎶💕 + MarJohn
“I know a lady, Good and evil.Showed me that I was a gentleman.Wait for the girl,To blossom into colors that grow where you can.”
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