#free therapy for rocky please and thank you
rocket-man-major-tom · 4 months
I think therapy should be free just so Rocky can have it. He'd probably deny that he has any sort of problem if you told him, but he lives in a car, has basically no real friends, and never had much of a parental figure in his aunt, who took him in after his actual mother died and his father just left only to kick him out at the age of 16. My guy needs help.
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elegantmusicdragon · 2 years
Goat Blocked
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Part 5 of Love, Animals, and The Stolen Goat
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x AnimalHandler!Reader (f!Reader; nicknamed Panda)
Rating: M for now due to *language* and implied spiciness; may become E in the future. Either way, no youngins here please!
He couldn’t believe he’d been cock blocked by a goat. 
Margie was supposed to be his guide, his rock, his energy-entwined snuggle buddy. 
What the actual fuck, Margie?!?
Dieter sighs and then he knocks back his second whiskey neat. Margie scampers up to him and headbutts him, demanding all the love he has to give. He had wanted to give some of that love to you, but stinkin’ cute goats who are attention whores tend to get in the way apparently. 
Dieter wants to get up, find his phone and call you. Bring you back. You’d left in such a hurry, he doubts you even heard him calling out for you to stay as you bent down to say goodbye to Margie. Ugh, he wants more whiskey. Is he having too much whiskey? No, no such thing. Especially in times of sorrow. 
Did Dieter even have your number? He remembers meeting you on the set of Cliff Beasts 6: The Eternal Nightmare of Actors Needing Money (the moniker Dieter made up in his mind STILL made him chuckle...god that movie was a piece of shit, but at least it paid well). But the phone number? Did he ask Bob for it? You definitely didn’t give it to him despite you coming over for the past couple months. That’s what communicating only with an assistant (with the name Alec, yuck) for an a-list actors free time gets you. A lonely heart and NO FUCKING PHONE NUMBER OF A HOT CHICK WHO LOVES ANIMALS. Dieter was just lucky that he had been smitten with both you and Margie from the moment you walked onto that set and into his heart. Easy on the eyes, easy on the heart. 
Speaking of his phone - where the hell is it??
Fucking iPhones, always disappearing. Like menaces in the night. 
Dieter stands and winces at the ache in his legs from where Margie lovingly smashed into them over and over. He flips over the throw pillows on the couch and, finding his phone nowhere in sight, scours the rest of the room in a semi-drunk frenzy. Oof, he had too much whiskey. When did he become such a lightweight? He used to do cocaine for fucks sake. 
Flinging himself back down onto the couch in defeat, he finds Margie sitting on her princess pillow staring at him in intense concentration. 
“Yes, my angel?”
Margie huffs out a sigh. Dieter stares at her, eyes widening in abject horror. 
“Margie-kins, you didn’t eat my phone did you?”
He sighs in relief. 
“Oh thank god. Your mother would have killed me.”
SHIT. YOU. How the fuck was he supposed to get in touch with you? 
Oh, yucky Alec! His assistant. The one who, you know, CONTACTED YOU WEEKLY TO SCHEDULE MARGIE VISITS. Wow, he needs to lay off the whiskey. 
And so, Dieter journeys forth to find his assistant who he apparently finds disgusting (he REALLY has to get back into therapy). He glances at the third filled glass of whiskey (when had he poured that???) decides against grabbing it and leaves. 
He comes back in immediately after for that third glass, he’s not wasting it. It’s a good fucking whiskey. He’ll deal with his possible alcohol addiction in the morning. 
His Panda is more important. 
Part 6: Rocky Road for Two
A/N: It has been a hot minute since I’ve posted. Between having covid and my grandma dying, my depression and anxiety have NOT been great. Life has been really hard but it’s been such a joy to write this series. I know I promised this would be out on Sunday but I just didn’t have the energy to finish writing it and sending it out into the universe. I have so much stuff going on in my personal life and it’s just a lot. But it’s FINALLY here! Two days late but better late than never. Thank you all so much for your patience. I’m so appreciative of the love this series has gotten and your patience as it’s taken me 8 million years to finish this chapter. Hopefully, the subsequent ones don’t take too long. 
PS: I realized during my bout with covid that Part 4 has a section in it where I mention blushing - I will be fixing that! I’m a new writer and unfortunately, I will be making rookie mistakes like that at the beginning of this new journey. But I’m trying to be aware (especially since this fic is a Reader insert) as I write to be inclusive. I want everyone to be able to enjoy, not just a few. 
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goldcranes · 2 years
an extension of the earlier sleeper hit ask that you responded to: bradley said that amelia had been impacted by her father more than she herself realised. do you think that would ever factor into her relationship with bradley? not ever in a creepy way. but amelia had spent the entirety of her life without adequate paternal affection and (based on the fic) things were rocky between her and her mom after the divorce. amelia is a brilliant, smart and conscientious woman but she would obviously struggle as an adult. how would bradley fit into that/help her cope?
the usual caveats apply: if this will be discussed in detail in the bradley POV and you would like to wait for then, please feel free - no rush! you mentioned missing the universe so i thought ill send in this ask!
have a nice day x
This is such a lovely ask, thank you so much! And I love thinking about Amelia's relationships with her father, and then her ones with herself and other people in her life because of it, it's such a core tenet of her personality. Going to put this under a cut because it got a bit long:
What's interesting to me about this is that it's actually Maverick who has the biggest impact on her in this sense. He really just turns out to be exactly what she needs – a father figure who adores her and eggs her on and can match her sense of humour, but also trusts her to make good decisions and sets healthy boundaries for her and, pretty much unintentionally, gently helps shape her into a more balanced adult just by relentlessly being there for her and expecting good things from her.
Because she has the opportunity to get that from Maverick, she's not as dependent on Bradley for it, and so their relationship doesn't risk falling into one that's too imbalanced. They can be real equal partners, and while their age gap isn't going to go away and does manifest – especially in disagreements, where Bradley will just take a breath and walk away while Amelia gets really wound up and thinks he's being patronising – they don't ever slip into a caretaker/child dynamic. Neither of them want that.
In truth I think what Amelia really craves deep down (from grown men especially because alas internalised misogyny) is to be taken seriously. The more she gets that from the two men she loves most, the less she'll be subconsciously driven to seek it out. Their faith in her gives her faith in herself, and all of it helps her to reach real peace with the way her father is and how he's affected her (with the help of some therapy of course).
Also I should mention that, although her most complicated dynamics are with men, the relationship that does her the most good overall is the one with her mom – obviously they have deeply fractious periods like I think any teenaged daughter and her mother do, but her mom is always there for her and deeply understands her and is willing her to let her make mistakes, which isn't easy. It's only because she has always had that unconditional love and acceptance that Amelia's able to open herself up to people like Maverick and Bradley, otherwise I think she'd be a much more closed-off and cold character. I'm really into loving, trusting mother/daughter relationships and theirs definitely encapsulates that for me!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Bruce Banner with a female darling who gets hurt when he turns into Hulk
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Request(ed?): Yes! - what would Bruce do (in the 2012 Avengers movie) if he turned into the hulk and ended up hurting his darling? — Requested by 🍣 anon.
Warnings: yandere behavior, stockholm syndrome, slight violence and crying(?)
Author Note: This is taken in place in 2012!! (Aka: When the Avengers came out) Thank you for requesting love!! Feel free to do it again. Bruce is one of my favorite characters!!
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The moment Bruce turns back into ‘himself’ and he sees the long list of damage that was left, Bruce is immediately looking for you. Whether that’s when he found you groaning in pain, or he sees police surrounding the house of you two, finding the image of you going into an ambulance makes his heart drop.
Guilt and shame were the emotions that hit him like a bullet train. While it was horrific to see the image of Hulk damaging the city. But seeing you in pure fear while hurting you? It was utterly terrifying to even think about; all he wanted to do was cry and crawl into a small hole where no one could find him.
The moment you wake up in the hospital bed, he’s right beside you, taking both of your hands as he profusely apologizes to you; rocking back and forth as he kisses your hands, his voice barely able to come out other than a small whisper of continuous ‘sorry’s’ and ‘please forgive me.’
After that incident, he’s gonna be a bit distant for a while. He won’t come near you as much, won’t allow you to touch him as usual, and let you be in the same room with him; not until he knows he can control himself. Every day, his heart pounds with the image of you hurt, and sometimes, he even has nightmares about it.
Though, he will try to make it up to you: buying whatever you want. Whether that’s a whole new video-game console, buying a year’s worth of your favorite ice cream, or getting a pet leopard; he’s willing to get you anything if it means getting your trust again and showing that what he did, wasn't on purpose.
If you decide not to talk to Bruce, he would understand, as he is disappointed and self-critical to the point he might go back into a depressive episode.
Bruce, from now on, will be more careful around you. He would try to not touch you as much, waiting for you to give him the okay to touch you, even if it’s a high-five. If you two get into a rare fight, he will leave; even if it’s a fight that is important, he will get up and leave in fear he'll lose control again.
This also goes along the lines of him waking up from nightmares, in which, you will have to help him calm down from the uneven breathing and frantic talking about: ‘i’ll hurt you if you touch me, [Name]!’
The most you two can do is try to move on and communicate with each other. High chance, that you two will be in a rocky-like part of the relationship for a bit until, either one of you, communicates about the incident and whether the two of you need therapy or to help Bruce and yourself figure out what to do in the future to prevent this.
He feels extremely bad for what happened and is willing to do everything in his power to get your trust and affection back.
Bruce loves you, more than anything.
Masterlist | Requests open (9/20/2022)
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Revelation; Part One
warnings/kinks: a/b/o (if you’re penis-repulsed this isn’t for you), smut (duh), brief daddy kink, even briefer mommy kink, cum-eating, cum-marking, cockwarming? (does it count if it’s a/b/o?), light bloodplay, borderline somniphilia (consensual), poisoning, suicidal ideation, allusions to cheating, mentions of conversion therapy, vague mentions of s*xual ass*ult (it doesn’t actually happen in the story, it’s just referred to a lot due to the nature of this universe)
uh… this is another one of those stories that’s just kinda Heavy, please be careful & don’t continue reading if doing so is unsafe for you. I have a variety of other works that don’t have such intense themes, which you can find on my masterlist!
request (+details): Omegaverse: Alphas Yukio and Ellie with a beta reader, but it turns out that reader is a late-bloomer omega who goes into her first heat unexpectedly. / Omegaverse: The setting could be anywhere. The three of them waking up with reader burning hot, believing to be sick but is actually going into heat. The reader could be by themselves when it happens and her alphas come home to a omega in heat / I can’t get this omegaverse idea out of my head, and I hope you don’t mind me telling you this. Reader being alone and confused when her heat came, her alphas gone on a mission. During the time they were gone, Reader made a nest of her alphas’s clothes out of instinct on their bed. By the time Yukio and Ellie returned, Reader is a hot mess from trying to get off, moaning their names and begging for her alphas to help her for she don’t know why she feels like this and is scared.)
synopsis: After Wade discovers you're dealing with suicidal thoughts, he takes it upon himself to help you out, leading to one disaster after another.
author’s note: thank you so much to the lovely anon who requested this for spending so much time with me & making sure everything was juuuust right! Fun fact: we pined, started dating, and broke up, started dating again, and broke up again all before this was published 🙃 sorry everybody, it’s been a rocky road for the past… forever.
Standing guard after school for a few extra bucks is a pretty sweet deal, you have to admit. You mostly just sit around with a pair of binoculars munching on your snack of choice, using a gun loaded with tranquilizer darts to drop anyone who threatens the safety of the school and its residents. If given permission, or an order to do so, you can use your bow and arrow to really take down your enemies.
You’re pretty lucky in life overall, you also have to admit, with two alpha girlfriends and a variety of friends and acquaintances, not to mention the advantages your mutation gives you.
It makes you feel even more guilty for what you’re really thinking about right now. Not Ellie, not Yukio, not keeping an eye out for threats, nothing but a simple question:
Would it be more efficient to slit your wrists with the point of one of your arrows, or to fling yourself from the top of this turret? Which would hurt worse? You look from the sharp arrow you hold in your hand to the plush grass below, managed by some of the other students.
It’s far cheaper to pay students to maintain the yard and house, not to mention it gives students like you a way of earning the kind of spending money that other students receive from their parents or from jobs in town. Your post would be snatched up in no time if you were to pass.
Speaking of parents.
Your father’s exact words to your mother were “I hate that you use a highschool mistake to keep me trapped with you forever!” the last time you happened to hear them argue. They were no longer invited to parent-teacher conferences after that.
It’s a fine reason for him to be angry, but, unfortunately, you’re the highschool mistake he was talking about. The one he’s always talking about whenever they fight. Maybe if you were gone, he’d finally be free. Maybe you’d finally be free from his resentment. He, fortunately enough, rarely lashes out at you directly; however… There’s always been a distance.
Would he love you more if you were gone? If you saved him from… Well, you? You’ve always wanted him to love you, to look at you with something other than anger or resentment. Would he finally be proud of you, for owning up to every horrible thing you are and have done by paying the ultimate price? Would everyone?
You’re holding the bladed tip of the arrow right against your wrist, almost like a normal person might hold a bracelet to their wrist -- trying it on for size, without really thinking about it.
Suddenly, though, Wade’s here. And he’s definitely thinking about it. He yanks the arrow out of your hand, accidentally snapping the wood that makes up its length.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I- Uh, I don’t know,” you mumble, embarrassed, because you honestly don’t. Being alone with your thoughts gives them the space to grow from their poisoned roots into something dark you don’t really recognize as yours.
“You- You don’t know?!” Wade questions, and the unusual severity of his tone stuns you to the point of laughter. “This isn’t fucking funny, what the hell is wrong with you? Why were you-?! What were you-?! What the fuck are you doing?!”
“I’m standing guard. What the fuck are you doing?” you echo dryly, resorting to quips to avoid telling him any more than he already knows.
“I’m freaking out! I can’t kill you for apparently wanting to kill you, so that’s all I can do! I thought you were on antidepressants!”
“I am. Have been for years. They don’t cure depression, they make it easier to manage.”
“Apparently fucking not! Come on, let’s go talk to somebody and get you an appointment with a psychiatrist. You’ve been on the same prescription all these years, right? Maybe you just need your dosage upped.” Wade’s not asking, he’s telling, his hand wrapped around your bicep to pull you along, although his grip isn’t as tight as you’d expect for a man of his stature, let alone an alpha.
Why does he care so much? He’s always so gentle, even when you piss him off like this. Tears well up in your eyes but you blink hard. You know he’s been through worse. That most people here have. You have no right to cry.
Wade yells at a surprised Charles Xavier until an appointment is set up, which goes pretty well. Four days after that incident, you meet with the psychiatrist who agrees that upping your dosage is the smartest decision, frankly, she’s surprised it wasn’t done sooner. And, after about a week of your new dosage level, you’re feeling better than ever.
Way better.
“You… You’d really wanna do that? For everyone to know I’m yours?”
Ellie nods, cheeks darkened. You’re straddling her, and the two of you have been trading heated kisses with Yukio. Who would’ve thought more of the medication you were sure killed your libido before you could even develop one would be what rescued it?
“Of course we would. I know you don’t like to stereotype, but some of the stereotypes have truth to them. We’re… Territorial,” Yukio reminds you.
“I’m… A beta,” you remind her in a teasing echo of her tone.
“Our beta,” Ellie cuts back in. “Absolutely perfect.”
“Even if I’d rather not let you guys, y’know…” Your hand rubs at the space between your neck and your shoulder - where they’d likely mark you with their teeth - nervously. “...today? Or go farther than what we’re doing right now?”
“Of course, baby! The fact that you’ve even done this much…” Yukio trails off, looking over you. Your lips are swollen and still slightly parted as you continue to pant a little. The top few buttons of your (well, borrowed from Ellie) flannel are undone.
“We’re so grateful, and so proud of you,” Ellie continues, drawing your attention back to her. “We’re willing to wait as long as you need, even if that waiting only ends because you’ve decided that being with us like that isn’t something you want.”
“I do. I always have, I just… I don’t know.”
“The feeling’s still there, in your stomach, right?” Yukio wonders.
“Yeah, a little. It’s like… I know it’s not wrong, but something doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe I should just try to ignore it, I mean, you two have needs-”
“Hey. You know better than that, Y/N. We don’t, okay, babe? Not like that. We wanna have sex with you, not- Not hurt you. You understand that, right?” Ellie reassures you.
“I do, I just feel bad for being such a- I don’t know, a tease?”
“We love you. As in, you. If you forced yourself to do something you didn’t want to, just for us, how would we forgive ourselves?” Yukio says what she’s said a million times, but every time it surprises you. You tend to see yourself as only being valuable in what you can offer others— protection, a laugh, some good advice every now and then —you never expect anyone to care for you outside of that. But here they are. Absolutely perfect.
And you were thinking of flinging yourself off a tower a couple weeks ago. Should you tell them? They just think you went for an overdue checkup, which is technically the case. You don’t know what’s worse, hiding it or telling them. You’ll have to talk to Wade, he’s good at giving advice. Might not be good advice, but he’s definitely good at giving it.
“Everything okay, sharpshooter?” Ellie hands gently squeeze your hips to get your attention.
You blink back out of your thoughts, smiling a little and blushing at the nickname.
“Yeah, yeah, of course. Sorry, I just zoned out. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”
“Everything okay?” your alphas ask, again, in unison. Your alphas. They probably couldn’t handle it if you had a problem they couldn’t solve, the guilt of not being able to provide for you would overwhelm them.
“Yeah, totally,” you reply, because it is, now, especially here with them. Ellie starts to button up your flannel.
“Oh, we don’t have to-”
Ellie gives you a pointed look, then looks down at her crotch, then back up at you. Your blush deepens.
“Yeah, I’m guessing a cold shower’s in order,” Yukio agrees. “El, you can go first.”
“We can’t go together?” Ellie asks.
“Well, I don’t wanna leave Y/N alone. Our brave little beta did a lot more than usual. Don’t want you to feel used, baby,” Yukio explains to you both.
“Oh, duh,” Ellie agrees. You give her a quick smooch on the forehead before dismounting her and allowing yourself to be pulled into Yukio’s arms. Ellie grabs some clean clothes and heads off. As soon as the door shuts, Yukio giggles, and you look to her with a curious, confused expression.
“Now you’re all mine to cuddle.” Yukio gloats, kissing the top of your head. “Mm… You smell really good, babe. New shampoo?”
“Ish, yeah,” you agree, despite the fact that you started using it nearly a month ago at this point. Maybe the body heat you built up from the makeout session made it smell stronger, though.
Yukio keeps sniffing you, but you don’t call her out on it. She’s a little bit quirky, sure, but there’s no need to make her feel self-conscious about it when the tickling sensation feels kinda nice. She tosses in a few soft presses of her lips against your skin, too, so it’s not like she’s the only one who benefits.
Yukio eventually stops this, though, instead requesting to scent you. You’ve told the girls before that they don’t have to ask, but they— especially Yukio —seem to prefer to. You figure it’s likely to reassure them that you not only tolerate but appreciate their alphahood.
“I love you, you know that? Not just ‘cause you make me smell like petrichor. I’m surprised Ellie doesn’t spend all day huffing your scent, I… I know I would, if I could smell it.” You didn’t mean for the sad envy to ring so clearly in your words, but it’s as sharp as a knife, cutting deep enough to make Yukio gasp softly with sympathy as she rubs your wrist against her scent gland, eyes snapping open.
“Well, next time it’s about to rain, we’ll go outside, then. Every time it’s about to rain,” Yukio insists. “Who- Who told you?”
“Wade. I was just curious. He said Ellie smells like a campfire, the scent even clings like it. He even said I smell a little weird. Most betas smell like something, but I’m just… A blank canvas.”
You feel her rumble a bit with a growl, and her arms wrap tightly around you… Protectively? You blush.
“Y-Yukio?” you nervously ask, caught off guard. Ellie’s usually more of the growling type. Yukio’s pretty good about keeping her possessiveness and any other “negative” alpha traits in check. This side of her doesn’t come out often.
“What was he doing that close to you?” she snarls protectively, and if the growl wasn’t enough to get your heart racing, that was. “Sm- Smelling you?”
“Yukes, Wade’s the same age as my parents. Honestly, he’s- He’s kinda- He’s nice to me. We’re friends. I think if he was going to hurt me, he would’ve done it by now. You two keep forgetting I’m just a beta. No one wants a piece of this pie except for you and Ellie.”
“You’d be surprised at the way some alphas… It’s sick, but they- Because betas, you know, they don’t really produce slick like omegas do, and they don’t have quite as much give, uh… So, some alphas, um, they… Just let me hold you, okay?” Yukio requests. “I can’t talk about it, it’ll make me too mad.”
“I respect that. Thank you. I, uh, I didn’t realize that at all, so thank you for helping me be even safer,” you reassure her. She’s trembling. “Do you want me to hold you, instead?”
“No, no, this will make me feel better. I just… I love you. Can you just…? Just- Just say you’re mine.” This is a request Yukio has semi-often. When she feels weak in comparison to other alphas, when she feels overshadowed by Ellie, any time she needs reassurance or is just feeling bad, she’ll probably ask. You get it, being hers (and Ellie’s, of course) makes you feel better, too.
“I’m yours, Yukio. Always yours. You make me so happy, both of you. Happier than- You make me feel so-“ You get a bit choked up. These girls, these alphas… They’re so important to you.
“Oh, no, baby, please don’t cry,” Yukio implores, watching your eyes water. You turn so that your face doesn’t just rest on her chest but is buried in it.
“It’s just that no one ever loved me before you two. No one, ever. Not my parents, not my ’friends,’ no one. I don’t know why I’ve been so emotional lately, I’m sorry.”
“No one at all?” Yukio questions, but that’s the missing puzzle piece, she realizes. You’re always treating hers and Ellie’s love for you like it’s something you have to earn, no matter how much they insist being yourself is enough. She fully grasps now that it’s never been enough before.
She holds you even tighter.
“Mm-mm,” you confirm, shaking your head a little. “You and Ellie just mean the whole world to me. And- And… Wade’s my friend, too. Can I still, y’know, spend time with him?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course. I just- He’s a nice guy, but… I don’t want him to put you in danger. You can handle yourself, though. Can’t you, sharpshooter?” Her fingers trickle up your ribs as she says the nickname, making you giggle and squirm.
“Absolutely, but it is nice to have two strong, sexy alphas take care of me instead every now and then,” you admit, albeit a bit teasingly, blushing softly. You turn back so that you can see her adorable face.
“Really?” Yukio asks, but she knows.
“Really,” you agree with a smile.
“I’m yours, too. You know that, right?” Yukio checks, fiddling with your hair a bit.
“Mhm. It’s nice to hear you say it like that, though.”
“I can think of other ways you might like to hear it,” Yukio flirts.
“Yeah, you think so? Show me,” you tease back.
“I will…” Yukio trails off as she trails her finger along your jaw, tipping your head up to the perfect kissing angle and- “Eventually, little beta.”
“I- I’m taller than you,” you weakly protest.
“Your breath still hitched,” Yukio reminds you with a giggle and a gentle tap on the tip of your nose.
You stutter a little more before giving up, burying your face again and whining.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I just can’t help myself. You’re too cute,” Yukio half-heartedly apologizes, still chuckling to herself as she strokes your back.
Ellie returns from her shower, inky tendrils of hair ruffled around but with no product in.
“She’s asleep?” Ellie asks, sounding a bit disappointed, but there’s still a significant amount of fondness in her tone.
“She’s not,” you mumble back, and both girls chuckle, Yukio untangling herself from you. You can’t help but pout a little, already missing the bubblegum-haired alpha.
“I know Yukio’s your favorite, but you could at least act a little bit happy to see me,” Ellie half-jokes, and you smile, pulling (though she doesn’t give any resistance) the girl back into your bed. She holds you the same way Yukio did, but you don’t really mind the lack of variety.
“You’re both my favorite,” you argue. Ellie takes a deep breath, likely taking in the way you’re completely embraced by Yukio’s scent.
“I don’t think that’s how favorites work,” she chuckles.
“Out of all the people in the world, you two are both my favorite,” you insist. She takes the hand you have resting on her ribcage and holds it inches from her scent gland. “Please,” you say, before she can even ask. Ellie takes a whiff again.
“Did she leave anywhere untouched?” She wonders.
“N-not really,” you stutter, because now you’re thinking of where she didn’t touch you.
“Well, she’ll have to share a little, then,” Ellie says.
You hum with delight as she scents you.
“You make a new friend?” Ellie questions.
“You smell… Different,” she responds, looking at you… Well, differently. “Like roses.”
“I have a new-ish shampoo?” You offer, but that just seems to intensify the look.
Your phone rings. It’s Wade. You wriggle out of Ellie’s loose hold on you, answering.
“Hey, you know how I’m your academic advisor?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Well, apparently, thwarting your suicide attempts isn’t my only job. I also have to tell you when they need you in the office, which is now.”
“Seriously?! I didn’t even throw that pencil at Richard, and even if I did, he deserved it for being such a-“
“Oh, right! Should’ve opened with the good news. Your parents are here to visit.”
“What?! That’s-“ You sigh, not wanting to alarm Ellie any more than you already have. “Okay. I’ll be there. Just give me a second to get dressed.”
“Wow, no shame at all. I salute you. Toodles!” Wade hangs up before you realize he misunderstood you.
“What’s wrong?” Ellie asks.
“Nothing, just… My parents are here.”
“Your… Parents?”
“Kind of have to have those to exist, usually,” you remark, and she snorts.
“I know- I- Well, we’ve known each other for a while, and you don’t really talk about them, so I sort of assumed…” Ellie trails off.
“Oh, um, yeah, no, they’re very alive,” you confirm with an awkward chuckle.
“Right. I’ll go get ‘Kio, and we’ll all go, okay?”
“Uh- Um- Yeah.”
“What is it?”
“My parents, they kind of… They- I love you. And I’m not ashamed of you.”
“But they’ll be ashamed of you,” Ellie understands.
“I haven’t seen them in so long, they don’t even know that I like girls, let alone that I’m dating two, or that they’re both alphas… I want you and Yukio to come with me, but, if they start to- If they’re how they are, I-“
“Give my energy to helping you instead of hurting them,” Ellie uses Piotr’s words.
“Perfect,” you agree, and Ellie smiles back, but it falters. You didn’t mean to worry her so much.
“I’ll go get Yukio. You get changed, okay?”
“Mhm,” you agree, and she heads off to the bathroom. You steal one of Ellie’s band tees and an oversized cardigan of Yukio’s for comfort, finding a pair of high-waisted bottoms to tuck the tee shirt in. You throw on a pair of sneakers, and when the girls emerge from the bathroom, you pop in to freshen up.
Once you’re done, Yukio’s caught up on the situation and the three of you make your way to the front offices.
Wade meets you outside.
“Oh em gee, Y/N, you’ll never believe it, I actually went to high school with both of your parents.”
“Uh… Cool?” You respond, because you’re not entirely sure how to.
“Yeah, uh, I get now that it’s probably not really good news that they’re here, huh? No wonder I found you doing that the other day.”
“Doing what?” Yukio and Ellie ask, though for some reason, Ellie’s is tinged with suspicion, maybe even anger.
“I- Listen, it’s not a big deal, I got my prescription updated and all that good stuff, okay?” You prime them. “I was thinking about killing myself the other day and Wade caught me.”
“Thinking?! You’re gonna call holding the fucking tip of an arrow to your wrist thinking?!”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Ellie sounds as angry as Wade does, but she looks pained. This is why you didn’t tell them.
“Hey, she doesn’t need this right now,” Yukio argues, but she looks hurt, too.
“I mean, I was just considering if it would be more painful than jumping off of the turret,” you mumble, your defense embarrassingly weak.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Ellie decides, and Yukio nods. You three follow Wade to Xavier’s office. Wade breezes in, but you’re practically stuck in the doorway, nervous to look at even the backs of their heads, before they turn around.
“Y/N,” your mom says with a grin, but you know all too well how fake that is. She approaches you, pulls you into a hug, and you want nothing more than to push her away and scrub yourself clean. She doesn’t really love you. The second you speak out of turn, or make a mistake, or give her any excuse, she’ll remind you of your worth. (Or, rather, the lack thereof.)
She slips back into her seat next to your father, in front of the desk where Xavier sits, simply observing.
“It’s been so long,” your father says, but his smile is almost blatantly fake. “Your hair, it’s different.”
“Like you said, it’s been a while,” you say, giving a grimace and an awkward chuckle.
“I don’t think I like it,” he says, like he’s giving his opinion on a sculpture in an art exhibit by some long-dead artist who doesn’t care what he thinks. Like it’s something just… Objective.
“Not sure what to do about that,” you reply sheepishly.
You don’t fully realize that you’re holding Ellie’s hand until she squeezes it reassuringly, three times. A secret code. You step further in to make room for the girls.
“So, uh, I have to ask… Why the sudden visit?”
“Well, we got an e-mail about your medicine, and we wanted to come check on you. Make sure this is the right environment for you,” your mother explains.
“You weren’t sure before you stopped talking to me for two years?” You half-joke, playing dumb.
“Has it really been two years?” A normal person would be asking this rhetorically, and they’d be embarrassed. Your mother, though, is simply trying to gaslight you.
“Longer,” you assure her.
“I thought this place was supposed to provide conversion therapy,” your father says, eyeing your hand, then Ellie’s other hand. “You’re such a fucking liar,” he hisses to your mother.
“Wow, maybe my mom dying when I was young was for the best. Better than this for sure,” Wade jokes, gently elbowing your side. You chuckle, grateful for even the slightest ounce of comic relief.
“You’re even more of a freak than you were in high school.” You squeeze Ellie’s hand tight as your father’s expression darkens even further.
“Funny you should say that, considering-“
“Wade,” your mother cuts him off.
That’s weird, to say the least. You just file that away for later. You have bigger fish to fry, like surviving this visit.
“Y/N, why’d you go for a check-up at all? You barely needed the anti-depressants in the first place,” your mother wonders.
“Because it wasn’t barely. Why else would they raise the dosage?” You ask, and the expression on her face is as stupid as the question she asked.
“Don’t speak to her that way,” your father scolds, like he didn’t just call your mother a fucking liar himself. “You are so ungrateful for everything we’ve done for you, do you realize that?”
“I’m sorry, what have you done for her, exactly? Answer quickly, please,” Ellie retorts.
“El-“ you start, but realize this isn’t anger, but advocacy.
“Well, we sheltered and fed her for over a decade,” your father remarks, smirking like he’s won.
“That’s your job!” Wade argues.
“Mr. and Mrs. L/N… I politely asked that you refrain from visiting the campus, and while I appreciate your concern for Y/N’s well-being, I must ask that you remain respectful of her, her fellow students, and my staff. Causing unnecessary conflict is exactly the reason you were almost banned when you last visited,” Professor Xavier finally speaks.
“Almost banned?!” Wade wheezes.
“Yeah,” you sigh, and Wade’s laughter immediately ceases. “I was cheating in school, according to- To Dad.” The word is poison in your mouth.
“Come on, we all know you’re not smart enough to get those grades on your own. Probably screwing some teacher, just like Mom.”
“That’s enough,” Ellie snarls, eyes glowing orange.
“I never screwed a teacher!” Your mother protests at the same time.
“Oh, that’s right, you just blew Mr. Morin. My bad. Wow, Y/N, you really must be something special for all these alphas to be fawning over you. Maybe I did fuck up once or twice, after all, I’ve heard daddy issues-“
“Well, you visited! Now get the fuck out,” Wade chirps.
“Mr. L/N, must I repeat myself? I know you and Mrs. L/N were interested in a tour. Perhaps a less crowded area would help ease your minds,” Xavier reminds you all of his presence once more.
“That sounds like a great idea,” your father agrees.
“I’m starting to get a bit of a headache, maybe you could show us your room first and I could lie down for a bit in there?”
“I-“ You look to the girls, not wanting them to have to deal with her alone.
“Actually, Miss Phimister and Miss Kitsuna would be perfect additions to a rescue team. The orphanage your friend Russell came from was actually part of a network for mutant trafficking, and we found another hub in Maine. The jet takes off in fifteen minutes, and you two will be back in time for dinner. Better get ready and briefed.”
“But-“ Yukio starts, looking to you.
“Go, be superheroes,” you tell them, and they head out. “Uh, how about we swing by the library first, to give them time to change, and then to our room?”
“You share a room with them? Somehow, I’m not surprised.”
“We were roommates before we started dating,” you correct him.
“Dating… Aw, I bet you really think that’s what it is, too. Having parents in a sham of a marriage really did a number on you, huh?” Your father condescends.
“You know, it’s pretty fucked up how fixated you are on her sexuality. Do you like to picture it, you goddamn creep?” Wade defends you, and your skin crawls. You’d never thought of it that way before.
“Let’s just get that tour started, ‘kay?” You squeak. The sooner you get this over with, the sooner they’ll be on their way, hopefully.
“Good idea, Y/N,” Wade says. “Come on, Textbook, let’s go.”
“You didn’t just call me-“
“Oh, but I did, Textbook. Hey, Y/N, did you know that was your dad’s nickname in highschool? ‘Cause he was so fuckin’ easy to shove in a locker.”
You cover your mouth with your hand, trying not to laugh and failing.
“Just show us the library already, Y/N,” your mother says, pinching the bridge of her nose.
You take your parents to the library, as requested. Wade keeps pace with you while your parents fall back. You can’t hear their exact words, but you know your parents are bickering.
“You never said it was this bad.”
“It’s not that bad. It’s definitely been worse,” you admit, busying your eyes with the paintings that line the walls so that you don’t have to meet Wade’s gaze. You might just cry if you do; you can feel the sympathy radiating off of him.
In these past few months, Wade’s been more of a father than your dad, even more of a mother than your mom, but for some reason that doesn’t make you feel more justified in how you feel about your parents. In fact, it just makes you feel worse, and even if you’ve never actually expressed it, you’re still ashamed of the fact that you wish Wade was your father instead. He actually cares, while your parents are simply legally obligated.
From the day you met, Wade’s always been there for you. If you were to tell your parents what you almost did the other day, they’d just call you attention-seeking and insult you in other ways. All they’d do is make you want to try again.
You and Wade stop at the entrance to the library and wait for your parents to catch up. They do, and you open the double doors to reveal the room.
“It’s like Beauty and the Beast,” your mother gapes.
“I thought so, too,” you agree, attempting a smile, but your parents just ignore you, wandering around the large room. Your mother excuses herself after a few minutes of spinning, saying that the dizziness is making her headache worse.
“All these books and you’re still… The way you are,” your father comments, looking at you with such disdain.
“Winner of the science fair with her loving partners, three years in a row?” Wade questions. “Oh, or maybe you’re talking about the fact that she’s a published poet. How embarrassing for you, I’m sure.”
“Wade,” you protest under your breath, embarrassed. They don’t even know that stuff. After middle school, you stopped telling them about your accomplishments. You figured out that all they’d do is ruin them for you.
“No, no, trust me. It’s more about the fact that she’s slutting around with alphas and won’t even save us the embarrassment of them being girls,” you father spats.
“That’s enough,” Wade snarls.
“Oh, that’s right, we can’t forget that she’s yours, too. I guess anything with a dick is daddy considering I was too busy putting food on the table to play dollies,” he remarks, and you suddenly feel light-headed.
“Seriously, Textbook, I really don’t want to hurt you, especially not in front of Y/N, but I fucking will if you make me.”
“Just go,” you urge Wade, starting to feel a bit dizzy, surely from the stress. You brace yourself on him, disguising it as a touch meant to comfort him. He looks concerned as the edges of your vision start to darken a little.“I- What you’re doing, I appreciate it, but-“
“You appreciate it? You appreciate him disrespecting me, disrespecting our family?!”
“Our family?!” You finally snap. “All I ever wanted was for you to love me, and you couldn’t do that. You just couldn’t. And now we’re a family?! No. No, you…” You start to pant, your face feeling even hotter than before. “You… I hate you,” you manage to get out before your world goes completely dark.
“Fuck yeah, Y/N! I’m so prou-“
But when Wade turns to you, you’re halfway to the ground. He catches you, though, and he catches a whiff of something… Familiar.
Lavender. It’s not just the Wilson scent, sure, but it’d be too much of a coincidence. You smell just like him. You are him, or, rather, made of him.
He’s torn between ecstatic and furious.
“Hey, can we get some help over here?” your father calls out to no one. It’s not a school day, and lots of students are out on missions. He reaches out to you for once in your life, but Wade’s now sitting on the floor, cradling you in his arms.
“No,” Wade argues. “Not yours. Mine.”
“What?” You father asks incredulously. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“She’s. Not. Yours,” Wade repeats, and the more he inhales your scent, the more out of control yet calm he feels. Like he’s in the eye of a hurricane. “My baby. Mine.”
“You’re not saying…” your father trails off as Wade gets up, still cradling you. Wade has to take you to your room; help make you a nest, now. He can smell it on you.
You’re in heat.
He gets to your room quickly, practically tossing you onto your bed. Wait… Isn’t your mom supposed to be here?
And that’s when he hears the sound of pills spilling onto the floor.
He nearly rips the bathroom door off of its hinges. Luckily, your mother spilled what Wade quickly realizes is suppressants, and not your prescription.
“You. You could’ve killed her. You are very, very lucky that my baby-“
“Our baby,” your mother corrects.
“No, you take pills, you can’t even smell her, let alone feel her like I can. It- It’s so much it fucking hurts. I’ll say it again, you’re very lucky my baby is in heat, or your arteries would be emptying in that shower. Now, go. Don’t come back.”
You groan in pain, stirring, and your mother takes Wade’s advice. Wade calls Yukio. Then Ellie. Then Yukio. Then Ellie.
“What the fuck, dude?!”
“You need to turn around. Now. I don’t have the time to explain. It’s Y/N.”
“Is she okay?” Ellie, always skeptical, asks.
“Obviously fucking not, or I wouldn’t be calling. She’s in heat.”
“I said that I don’t have time to explain, fucking turn around! I’m on the verge of going fucking feral, Ellie. You both need to get here, now.”
“Wade, get out,” Ellie immediately demands.
“I can’t,” he admits.
“Get out! Shit, Wolverine! We need to turn around!”
“I can’t. It’s not like that I swear, it’s… I’m going fucking crazy, just one of you will do, but someone needs to get here.”
“Wade, go.”
“I would never hurt her! Come home!” Wade barks before hanging up. He returns to your room to find you’ve made a nest instinctively - thank goodness for Yukio’s affinity for pillows and blankets - and now you’re curled up in pain in the center of it.
“Wade,” you whimper. He’s scared to step closer, not sure if he’s what you want, even if you despise who you thought was your father. “What’s happening to me? Everything hurts.”
“I really don’t know how to say this, but… You’re in heat.”
“But I’m a beta,” you argue, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“That’s what we all thought. But… Remember how you didn’t smell like anything before? Uh, let me start over. When did you start on your anti-depressants?”
“I was about twelve,” you confirm, not sure what that means.
“Yeah, I think those were suppressants. That it’s always been suppressants, no matter what the bottles said. Until you got a prescription without your mother knowing. Do you understand why your mother would do that?”
You shake your head, and he approaches the bed, sitting down carefully as not to disturb your work.
“Her boyfriend around the time she got pregnant with you was a beta. We know him as Textbook,” Wade teases, before continuing: “But, what no one realizes is that he was at Niagara Falls on spring break around the time when you were conceived, and she was hanging out with her next-door neighbor the whole time. Her next-door neighbor was me.”
“Oh, so I’m your highschool mistake,” you say, connecting the dots.
“Ha, well, whenever my parents- Well, I guess not my parents, but that’s beside the point, uh, whenever they argue and it gets really bad, my father- Well, not my father, but, uh-“
“Continue,” Wade urges.
“Basically, sometimes he uses ‘a mistake I made in highschool’ as code for ‘Y/N,’” you explain. “But the truth is, I’m the mistake you made in highschool.”
“You’re not a mistake,” he disagrees. “You’re- You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Lots of things are made by accident, but that doesn’t make them mistakes! Penicillin, potato chips, Post-It notes, popsicles! They were never supposed to exist but they do and the world is much better off with them in it.”
“You really do have a lot of useless knowledge,” you realize.
“So do you, that’s why our team always wins trivia night.” Wade slips off his boots, joining you in your rearranged bed. “C’mere,” he suggests, guiding your head to his neck.
“S’really you,” you mumble, already weary, and Wade worries for what’s to come. He almost doesn’t even want to let the girls in. He could get you pain medicine, he could probably even find sedatives. Then no one would ever be able to even touch you, let alone hurt you. “Lavender. You never mentioned the lavender, just the sandalwood.”
“I didn't think you’d be impressed,” Wade admits.
“It’s relaxing,” you tell him. “It’s nice to have things in common with someone.”
“You smell like roses, too, not just lavender,” he makes sure you know.
“Yeah, but I think that’s mostly concentrated in an area I’d rather not discuss with you.”
“Well, just make sure that if you do decide to do anything more with them than cuddle, which I can gladly go through the rest of my life without knowing, bee-tee-dubs, that the girls are wearing alpha condoms, especially if one of them knots you. Standard condoms work in a pinch if it’s just for one, y’know, go, but for heats they’re basically useless because of everything I just said. If they hurt you, I will make their deaths look like accidents.”
“S’not like I can get pregnant anyway…” You mumble, embarrassed. “I’m- I’m really glad it’s you. I- I wished so many times that it was you instead of him. Ow, ugh, that one was bad,” you groan, massaging your stomach.
Meanwhile, on the jet, Ellie is furious with herself.
“Yukio, you don’t get it, I smelled her. She smelled like an omega, but I thought- I assumed she was cheating on us. That maybe she didn’t want to be with us like that was because she wanted to- I don’t know, to be on top? It seems so stupid now.”
“Hey, I noticed she smelled different, too. There were other signs we both missed, anyways. Think about how emotional she’s been lately, or how much farther we’ve been going in other ways. How clingy she’s been, too.”
“I guess I didn’t really notice it because I liked her being more open and needing us more,” Ellie admits. “She- She almost fucking killed herself. And I thought cheating was what she was hiding. I- I just-“
“You can’t beat yourself up over it,” Yukio insists. “We’re on our way back, and Wade’s there to protect her.”
Speaking of Wade being there to protect you, he continues to comfort you as the pain gets worse.
“S’too hot,” you complain, and he releases you from his hold, rising from the bed. He knows he’ll have to leave you soon, because you’re likely going to need privacy before the girls get home, but it’s hard to part from you knowing you’re in pain.
“I’m gonna get you some water, okay? And after that, I’m just gonna stand guard outside the door until your girls get here. I know there’s some stuff you need to do, and that’s only gonna get worse.”
“It’s already awful,” you admit, and he chuckles.
“Good luck, kid. I love you.”
Wade gets a case of bottled water from the school’s industrial-sized pantry, bringing it to your room and tearing it open for you before leaving once more. You take one, immediately guzzling it down.
In privacy, you take off Yukio’s cardigan and your bottoms, leaving you in Ellie’s tee shirt and your underwear. You decide to go ahead and free yourself from the constriction that is your bra, feeling a bit embarrassed that you’re not leaving much to the girls’ imagination for your first time together. You eventually decide to undress completely, wondering when the hell your girls are gonna get here.
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kimburgess-ruzek · 3 years
What are you most looking forward to in season 9 of PD?
oooooo. this question. thanks for asking me this!
i’ve been thinking and think and speculating and dreaming. and with the plethora or interviews and bts dispersing, i’ve decided that i need to get my thoughts together sooner rather than later. also, i’m just going to throw everything out there in no particular order or timeline. just, here ya go!
i’m excited to see kim actually struggle with ptsd in the sense that i’m hoping she ultimately unpacks all of her past trauma and can move on, for makayla, for herself, and for adam. i think that she never really got over losing the baby, so i hope that this ptsd somehow makes her revisit her feelings about her miscarrying. secondly, i want her to go to therapy. kim needs to go to therapy. i want adam to be there for her, i want her to lean on him, but i want her to see someone trained for these situations. it will help tremendously.
i’m excited to see adam + makayla time. i think for makayla to trust adam speaks volumes, so i’m excited to see if they even show her being reluctant, or if there is anything of the sort there.
i’m excited to have read that kevin is possibly getting a love interest!! like really excited. i love love love burzek, but with all of the in-house couples, i feel like kevin gets brushed under the rug. and if i’m being honest, as much as i am an advocate for blm and the importance of showcasing that, kevin needs another storyline that is aside from his race. and i hope that this love interest is not in intelligence and is here for sometime, and is ultimately for kevin’s good.
i’m very curious to see how the new doctor on med plays into how intelligence/cpd is portrayed to the docs at med. if it even does.
interested to see how kim + hailey’s dynamic interchanges throughout the season. i think it will be pretty rocky.
i hope jay and hailey angst it out and come out on top. personally, it’s inevitable that they’re going to argue and fight and scramble, but i want them to come out of all of this on the mend.
i want voight to pay for his actions. i just don’t know how and when. i want it to be pretty late in the season just to feel everything boil up. but logistically, as much as i think voight is getting too unsteady, i don’t think the show could run without him. so it’ll be i retesting to see how it all plays out. but i want there to be a falling out of sorts. it’ll be chaotic.
i want trudy. trudy trudy trudy. in some form or capacity, i want to see her face every week. period.
i want to see different match ups. whether that be partners or interrogations or just break room talks, i want to the the team intermingle with each other, as a unit should. let’s have some kim and jay talk about trauma. let’s have kevin and adam mend their relationship (and adam apologize!!!!!!!!!!!!). let’s see how adam and jay help each other out and give relationship advice. let’s see hailey try to assure adam everything’s okay without getting him involved. and please some more burgwater like old times!!!
that’s pretty much all i can think of right now. 9 things for s9. i’ll probably think of some more by the time wednesday rolls around, but this should be the basis of my wishlist. interested to know yours, so feel free to share!
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babyboy-cody · 4 years
‘ ‘ chapter | 01 ’ ’
complex desires. ( prologue ) ( masterlist )
SUMMARY: It’s the first week of classes after winter break, but you’re not exactly used to seeing new faces - teachers and students in between.
WARNINGS: explicit language, mentions of mental disorders, anxious thoughts, anxiety attack
NOTES: i’m currently writing this chapter while drinking a big ass mug of hot cocoa. also, hunter’s pronouns are they/them! this series is one i’m most excited for. hope you kiddies enjoy <3
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It was still early when the clouds gave off their rain to the grass and trees, when the road became alive with more splashes than your eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. You felt each splash that touched your skin, watching as your cardigan become a deeper, more rocky hue. It was as if earlier the street had been a matte photograph, only to be washed as glossy as any magazine page.
Each raindrop is a kaleidoscope, if people could only see more closely. You wonder as you walk how it would be to stop time, to suspend this watery gift and peek through each one. Perhaps it would be fun to sit inside those raindrops and take that gravity propelled ride to the earth, as you imagine it you feel your inner self laughing – a little at the crazy daydream and a little at your own silliness. You see the rain beads upon the cars, upon each leaf and washing your outstretched fingers. Soon they will pull together, forming the puddles, opening up a whole new avenue of rain-related fun. Perhaps it isn't normal to love a rainy day so much, but who cares about normal anyway? You’re pretty sure "normal" is a made up thing.
Upon the umbrella come the playful sounds of dancing drops, and from it's rim comes the sight of their more relaxed cousins, dripping as if their soul purpose was to bring a sense of ease and calm to the day. And as the rain became more intense, it began to soak the bottom of each dark blue jean leg, deepening the denim to a stronger hue, bringing your brown boots to a glossy water-shine, becoming a kind of natural cocoon.
Each raindrop is a doorway into nature's heart, an invitation of sorts, a request for your soul to rejoin creation. In the rain there is a serenity, a sense of peace that offers to resonate with the peaceful elements of the soul. Walking among those drops is your meditation, a way to fully become present in the moment, a way to feel free.
There was a vibration coming to life in the back pocket of your jeans, cutting you out of your peaceful daydream in the rain. You stepped to the side to allow a cyclist to pass by and gave him a brief smile when he nodded his head in thanks. When you pulled out your phone to read the contact, you instantly smiled when seeing Mickey’s name on the screen.
“Okay, first off, hello. Second off, where the hell are you? Me and Hunter – okaayy – Hunter and I have been in the cafeteria since 7:15 in the goddamn morning,” she immediately went off as soon as you put the phone to your ear. “Also, did you take your meds today? My alarm went off as a reminder.”
“First off, hi back, Mick. Second off, it’s been 15 minutes and I’m five minutes away from the school. It’s fine if we don’t have breakfast today just once,” you laughed as you heard her scoff. “And thirdly, yes mom, I did take my meds. I actually have to get another refill for my BPD meds. Thank you for asking.”
“Yeah, yeah. Well, you better hurry. We have the last of your favorite yogurt and Hunter’s close to eating the damn thing,” you heard Mickey laugh as she shushes her significant other. “Also, be careful coming around the usual entrance. The school is doing some bogus construction to add a statue of the principal.”
“You’re shitting me!” You exclaimed, earning a dirty glare from a tiny senior citizen as she slowly walks passed you with her small cane. “What the hell did this prick do to earn that? Also, can you grab me a fruit cup too? I’ve been craving kiwi’s for some odd reason.”
“Well, he’s wicked rich and can basically do anything in this school and get away with it, literally. And there’s no fruit cups today, but there’s a bag of sliced apples and tangerine slices,” Mickey told you as she huffed, which you assume is her getting out of her seat to go back to the assortment of breakfast foods. “Ooh, there’s bagels too. I think they just added these.”
“Jesus Christ, this statue is stupid as hell,” you groaned and stood in front of the half built statue, your principal’s name on a gold plated plaque attached to the marble. “This guy really needs an ego boost, huh? And just tangerine slices then. I’m heading inside.”
“Alright, see you soon, baby doll.” She annoyingly kisses into the phone as you snorted and rolled your eyes at her antics.
Sliding your phone back into your pocket, you stood outside the entrance doors and shook the leftover raindrops from your yellow umbrella before closing it. You inhaled the fresh rain water for one last time before grasping onto the freezing cold and disgustingly wet doorknob and pulling it open to head inside. There was a small litter of students here and there; some reading new announcements on the bulletin board in the main hall; some sitting in the lounging chairs with laptops or textbooks open on their laps; some sitting on the ground with a half empty bottle of water beside their laps and phones in their hands, headphones in their ears. You terribly, annoyingly, and oddly missed this. You missed the bustle of students laughing and running down the halls. You missed it all, even if it has been two weeks.
You hear loud chatter coming from just ahead, so you know you’re about to enter the cafeteria area. Just as you’re about to do so, you stop in your tracks in front of a bulletin board. There were a few posters for new clubs, as well as study groups, upcoming announcements, room changes, and more. But one that really struck out to you was a new story writing group, specifically for writers or English majors. You felt a burst of excitement spread throughout your chest and settle into the pit of your stomach. You made sure to take a quick photo of the sheet beforr moving on into the cafeteria.
Almost immediately, you spotted Hunters straight platinum blonde hair and fiery streaks on one side while the other was icy blue. Sitting in front of them was Mickey, her hair curly and unruly, making you wonder if she rolled out of bed, threw some clothes on, and called it a day. You felt your cheek mucles twitch as your lips pulled up into a bright smile. Hunter was the first to notice you. They looked up at you passed Mickey’s shoulder and smiled so brightly that it made you reciprocate. They adorned bright orange eyeshadow with white eyeliner, making their eyes pop out even more. You loved how they didn’t cake on makeup, they kept it simple, yet so drop dead gorgeous.
“There she is, the man of the hour,” they announced and got up from their seat to pull you in for a warm, tight hug. “I missed you so much. I’m so sorry for not messaging you the entire break. We didn’t have any service whatsoever.” There was a crestfallen look on Hunter’s face and you held their cheeks so they wouldn’t look away.
“Look at me, don’t stress about it, okay? Did you at least have fun?” They nodded with a pout. You grinned and gave their forehead a kiss before pulling them in for another hug.
“Okay, first you’re late. And now you’re stealing my person. I see how it is,” Mickey smirked as you gave her the bird behind Hunter’s back as you both pulled away from the hug. “Hi Y/N.”
“Hi Michelle,” you responded in the same tone as you sat in an empty chair around the table. “Give me my tangerine, please.” She passed you the small cup of tangerine slices with a grin when you began eating them.
“You been eating three times a day?” She asked you, looking at you through her mane of curls rather than pushing her hair away. You shrugged and kept your eyes on the half empty cup in your hands. “Y/N..”
“I’m doing it little by little, Mick. And I’m starting to drink water too,” you blushed and laughed softly when her and Hunter began praising you. Praise was something you weren’t used to, but hearing it every now and then really gave you butterflies. “It’s nothing..”
“Are you kidding me?” Hunter laughed and reached over to lay a hand over yours. “This is amazing. This is progress and we’re both so very proud of you.”
“You’ve come a long way,” Mickey lightly bumped your shoulder with her knuckles as Hunter pulled away. “You should do a meal plan like I did when I had to get my weight back up, so that way you don’t forget to eat three times a day.”
“I don’t know.. I don’t exactly have the funds to buy a lot of groceries. I had to use over $100 of my food stamps cause almost everything in my kitchen was old,” you huffed and popped another tangerine slice into your mouth. “Plus, I’ve been busy with finding a job and paying for my therapy appointments and doing school work, and it’s all so fucking overwhelming.”
The first bell rang, signaling students to begin their walk to class with only a few more minutes to spare. You grabbed your shoulder bag and stood beside Mickey while she held onto Hunter’s hand. The three of you passed by a swarm of students; freshman’s and sophomores running by to get to the lecture halls early; juniors having their books and laptops already out and pressed to their chests; seniors loitering in the halls with their friends. Thankfully, you, Hunter, and Mickey had your first English class together.
“How about this?” Mickey began. “Hunter and I will help pay for your groceries.” She hushed you as you began to lightly protest. “Listen, you already got a lot on your plate. I’d be a really shitty best friend if I allowed you to deal with all that. So every week, we’re gonna swing by your place to drop off some stuff, okay? I’ll create a meal plan for you with your favorites, so that way we’re taking that worry for money off your back.”
“Mick, you don’t have to do that for me. Like I said, I’ll find a way,” you mumbled and shrugged as you walked up the long staircase to head up to the lecture halls. “I couldn’t do that to you guys.”
“Y/N,” Hunter stopped you three in the middle of the hallway. “We care about you and we don’t want you going down that negative route alone. We both have jobs and enough money to cover Mickey and I, and it’ll seriously make me the happiest if you let us do this, please.”
“Two more minutes until class begins,” the voiceover on the speaker spoke.
“Fine,” you sighed, feeling a smile pull your lips as you all continued walking to the English room. “I love you both. And I’m very grateful for you to do this for me.”
“We know,” Mickey told you as she kissed your cheek obnoxiously, causing you to groan and Hunter to laugh. “But in all seriousness, don’t be a stranger to asking, okay?”
You nodded and gave her a reassuring smile as you made your up the steps to your seats in the bottom middle row. Mickey sat in between you and Hunter as more students filled the class. There was light chatter and soft clatter as seats were pulled down and the folding desks were pulled up. You set your bag between your feet, being cautious of not getting it dirty from your boots. Pulling out your spiral notebook that had four sections, you neatly wrote the course name, your name, and the date. Nervously clicking your pen, you tried to block out the noise that had started to get a little too loud. Nibbling on your bottom lip to distract yourself, your feet began tapping on its own while you tapped your pen on your book. Mickey and Hunter were having a conversation of their own, so they didn’t notice the early signs of a small anxiety attack.
An invisible hand clasps over your mouth; an equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierces your heart, unloading in an instant. You feel your ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate your lungs. Your head is a carousel of fears spinning out of control, each one pushing your mind into blackness. You want to run; you need to freeze. Sounds that were near feel far away, like you’re no longer in the body that sits paralyzed in the cold seat. Your breath comes out in rapid, shallow breaths as you shake your head at yourself.
“No, no, no,” you harshly whisper as your bobbing knee gets almost frantic.
You felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in your abdomen. Tension grew your her face and limbs, your mind replaying the last attack. You held onto the sides of your head, your elbows digging into the hardness of your desk. Your only movement was the trembling of your limbs and salty tears darkening your sleeves. There you stayed, unaware of the numerous eyes watching you until Mickey turned and noticed your frantic state.
“Shit,” she hissed and slung her arm across your desk as the other wrapped around your shoulders. “I’m here, Y/N. It’s okay.. sshhh.. I’m right here.” She noticed a few students staring, to which she narrowed her eyes and snarled, “What the fuck are you looking at, dipshits?!” They immediately looked away after being caught. She turned her attention back on you. “What’s going on, huh?” Her voice was soft and soothing as she smoothed her hand down your hair.
“It-It’s so.. loud,” you hiccuped and covered your face even more when a sob escaped your lips, spit flying onto your hands as you felt your neck, cheeks, and ears heat up out of embarrassment and shame. “I can’t stop it, Mick. I-I can’t!”
Hunter sat on the other side of you, reaching down to get your back, shuffling their hand inside to pull out your earplugs and inhaler. They handed the earplugs fo Mickey while pressing the opening of the inhaler to your lips. “Come on, babe,” they quietly told you and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ears, lightly blowing on your flushed skin to cool it down. “There we go,” they gently said when you took two deep puffs of your inhaler while Mickey made sure your earplugs were snug inside your ears. You felt your lungs open up as the cold, bitter medicine settled on your tongue.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper and shook your head, wiping away the last of your tears. You sniffled and looked at Mickey and Hunter. “I-I don’t know what happened.. it just... happened.”
“It’s always unexplained, but don’t be sorry for something you can’t control, okay?” Mickey told you firmly while making sure you were looking into her eyes. “This doesn’t make you any less of a person.”
Hunter smiled and sat your bag back between your feet before moving to their seat next to Mickey. All the students had settled down, their conversations now a quiet murmur. You felt relieved as you pulled your earplugs out and slid them inside your protective case, making sure the lid was closed tight before shoving it into your bag. Mickey kept an eye on you the entire time, making sure no one triggered you. She sat with an elbow resting on the back her chair with her legs lightly spread.
“You’re man-spreading,” you quietly told her, laughing quietly when she flipped you off.
Suddenly, the metal doors opened and a man hurriedly walks in with an expensive looking leather messenger back over his shoulder. Your lips parted and you sat up straight in your seat when he gave the class a guilty smile. You’ve never seen him in the school. Not even before break. He must’ve been in a different department and just got transferred to the English center. He deeply intrigued you. You noticed the other girls in the class twirling their hair in a cliché way with the tips of their pens between their teeth. He wore all black, and it was so very different compared to what other professors wore. There was no sweater vest or button up shirt. He just wore a comfortable and soft looking black sweater with black jeans and black boots. His dirty blonde - almost brunette - hair was perfectly styled. He looked devastatingly handsome.
“Hello, my name is Professor Shepherd and I’m going to be your English teacher for the rest of the semester. Professor Winifred recently had her baby during winter break and shall be back for the next semester,” he gave another knee-weakening grin as he clapped his hands together. “Shall we get started?”
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shopkeep-inthewoods · 3 years
A bit loopy but doing a vent/story under the readmore. But for those who just wanna see an Aimata doodle playing an alto flute here you go :>
Don't reblog this post please! I may post the art separately again as a rebloggable version if desired. Please view the tags and make sure you're in a good place to read this if you plan on doing so, and take care of yourselves <3.
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This upcoming Saturday is my first sky anniversary! And I already have a plan to dedicate some time of me dressing a moth and reliving all of the main spirits and going to Eden. Gdi though Eden/Orbit makes me cry every time unironically AKGDASKKDGD
But especially with 2021 being nearly over, I am proud of myself for the progress I've made academically, artistically, and especially emotionally, even if I occasionally fall back into a rocky place. I briefly brought up in the past how I came to find sky, but I actually found it four months before I started playing, but forgot in the time frame between.
I am not to spill all details to people I don't know online, but I am comfortable enough with expressing that following the untimely death of a friend of mine, I was in a terrible place and developed PTSD. Not only was covid a whole thing, but this unrelated and frankly out of the blue tragedy was extremely difficult to process, and for a while my mind just shut down. It didn't help that since I was at university (completely online), I had zero physical/emotional support with the exception of the one day I came home for a celebration of life regarding said friend, only for but an hour getting to reconnect with old friends at a distance. I developed some bad coping mechanisms as a result that I'm proud to say I've since distanced myself from.
I was lucky enough to have my finances for university also cover for health, therapy included. It took some closer friends of mine a lot of convincing, but I eventually realized that I couldn't do things on my own anymore and started going to therapy. It was super uncomfortable and terrifying for me at first, but with some time and dedication my therapist and I tackled some problems together little by little and made short term goals.
One of the things she had suggested to me was finding something new to love and enjoy. Since one of the biggest passions I had was now constantly being associated with the death of a friend who shared that experience with me, I didn't have much of anything to really sit down or enjoy (especially since I was still struggling with the stress of not getting into the animation program yet, so my OTHER love was built with frustration for a while). Things like a new hobby, show or game.
A few months later while viewing social media, stumbling on my feed was someones video on, you guessed it: Sky! He talked about how cute it was and how you could skate around, and hold hands together, and seeing the previews were so adorable. The selling point was action without words: That chatting was difficult to come by, and so you could only know of the goodness of ones intent through their actions, and that he never met a bad player.
Seeing that it was free and that I literally had nothing to lose since it was just a game, I downloaded it and immediately fell in love. The music, the story, the visuals were so beautiful and exploring was so much fun. The first friend I made was extremely kind (random name Onic, came to know is named Mimi) took me around everywhere, even when I started spam honking out of panic when the glitch was around that made your hands randomly disconnect. I thanked them lots when we finally sat down and they explained they had to leave to eat, so I explored some more.
Even if it was free, just seeing the little acts of kindness (especially related to certain things prior mentioned), it was nice seeing that people would do things without expecting a thing in return. Lighting me up and healing me as needed, taking me away from krill, etc etc all that jazz.
Then Eden! I was scared but wanted to continue on, panicked when I went further than I wanted due to an accident. I tried super hard to get out of it before realizing I was probably meant to die, but I didn't like the idea of it still. My first time going through orbit, as I imagine others, is something I wish I could forget to re-experience again. Especially "Heaven", the last part of it all before you restart the game. I go there once in a while and sit there for hours to listen to the first part of the music there. It's so calm and accepting and this state of "you made it this far and it's all been worth it. Rest now".
It made me wonder if it was as beautiful and welcoming for my friend, as cheesy as it is to think that. The game was not only an experience on my own, but being able to make connections with my personal experiences only made it all the more immersive and genuine.
I am a bit in a lower place again atm, even if it's not the lowest I've been, and I've been juggling the concept of going back to therapy, and if my old therapist is still there, going to her again. But it's just as terrifying as before if not more-so. I at the very least got through the hardest of my finals so I can breathe and do things for myself at a bit more of my own pace for a few days. Maybe I can get some courage built up in the time (probably not. But that's okay too). I've come to know myself better and to let myself feel things and work things out as I need. Life's life and just being the best we can be for ourselves and others is my number one priority over anything else.
Even if I have criticisms of how Sky is now, the community has been a blessing in numerous ways. You're allowed to criticize what you love because you believe in something better. It's been nice, and to be the person to help out so many new players like those before did for me is a great honor, even if it's just a simple game. Sky's a pretty cool game with some pretty cool people <3.
I didn't realize how long this would get oh geez...deffo gonna end it here cause my head is pounding and I've been feeling weird the last few days. Have a good night and thank you.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
Everyone Deserves Love chapter 15 (Finale)
A/N: This is it! This is the finale (besides another bonus chapter that has nothing to contribute to the story)! First off, I want to thank everyone who has read this story! It’s still one of my favorite stories, and I read it often. Second, I may add a bonus chapter, depending on s22, who knows?
The beginning of this starts off before the last bonus chapter, but will move past it. It starts off as Devon first gets home from the hospital.
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Tags: smut, p in v sex
Words: 3569
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @evee87 @dianilaws
The first weeks weren’t bad, especially because Barba had taken time off work. At first, he had forced Devon to stay either in bed or on the sofa while he took care of her; making food, refilling her water, making sure she took her meds. But Devon couldn’t live like that; she needed to get up and move around. So, Barba stopped complaining when Devon came into the kitchen to watch him cook, kissing his cheek as he moved around the stove. Nor did he complain when she continued her morning routine of making coffee, somehow figuring out how to work the French press with one hand, something Barba had previously thought impossible. But the real test of this arrangement was the first day he went back to work.
“I could always take another day,” he had said, concern in his bright eyes.
Devon smirked at him. “Babe, I love you so much, but please, for my sanity, go to work.” She gave him a quick kiss and he left, promising to call when he wasn’t in court, just to check in.
This is where it started getting rocky for Devon. She was going crazy with boredom being stuck at home. Even after the sling was taken off and physical therapy started, Jenkins wasn’t allowing her to come back to work, not yet. And any time she showed up at SVU, Olivia turned her right around, making one of the detectives drive her back home. So, she was stuck in her home-turned-prison, trying to think of something, anything, to do. She thought about taking some sort of class—cooking, sewing, cake decorating—but she was afraid that she couldn’t do any of those things with one arm, and her left was still all but useless. She couldn’t even hold her phone to her ear.
“I hate feeling so useless,” she said to Barba one night over dinner.
He looked at her, swallowing his food. “You’re not useless, Cariño. You’re healing; it takes time.”
“Too much time, if you ask me; I’m going nuts here, Rafi. Jenkins won’t allow me to do anything, Liv sends me home like a child. I…I don’t know what to do.” She hated that tears were in her eyes. Maybe Liv was right, maybe she was a child.
Barba took her hand in his, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. “I know you hate this, mi amor. It’s only for a little while longer; the therapist said that you should be getting use of your muscles back in the next coming weeks.”
“And until then?”
He lifted her hand gently, the light glinting off the plain silver band on her ring finger, catching her eye. She smiled at the engagement ring; she did every time see looked at it, remembering Barba’s face as he knelt in the hospital room by her bed.
“Until then, you’re just going to do your best, working hard to get your arm back to its pervious strength. I know it’s frustrating, Cariño, but you’re going to survive this. You’re going to be stronger than ever, because you’re Devon fucking Motely, and I’ve never met anyone stronger than you.” He kissed the back of her hand, then put it back on the table.
Her heart strained. “How the hell did I get so lucky to have found you in that shitty cop bar?”
“I ask myself the same thing about you every day,” Barba replied, eyes flashing.
Devon smiled at him. She still hadn’t told him that she was planning on retiring from the FBI; hell, she hadn’t planned on how to do it yet, either. And judging by the fact that she couldn’t find anything else to do in her copious free time, she wasn’t sure if she even could retire. If she could bring herself to leave. What if I just step down, do office work? She thought for the hundredth time. Transfer to computer crimes or something? But could she really see herself doing that? Sitting at some desk while others went out and took down the bad guys? She didn’t think so.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Barba’s voice broke through her rapid thinking.
Devon glanced at him, his brow furrowing as he tried to read her expression, and she sighed. She didn’t want to bring it up, not until she had a plan. But she couldn’t lie to him, either.
“I was…I was thinking of leaving the Bureau,” she mumbled, unable to make eye contact. They sat in silence for a moment, Barba not quite sure he had heard her correctly.
“Where’s this coming from?” he finally asked, then he almost whispered, “because of the shooting?”
Devon looked at him then, his eyes conveying such sadness; she knew that he’d support her decision, no matter what. But he also knew that she loved her job. And she knew that he still blamed himself for her injury, no matter how many times she told him that it wasn’t his fault.
“No, well, yes? Kind of?” she shook her head, trying to find the words. “It’s because you deserve having a wife here, waiting for you when you get home from work. Not undercover in some warehouse, trying not to die. Or lying in a hospital bed, a bullet in me.”
Barba seemed to soak in her words, letting himself absorb them. “When I proposed to you, it wasn’t to get you to quit your job, Dev. I understood then, as I do now, who you are, what you do. If I couldn’t handle that, then we wouldn’t be here.”
Devon reached across the table, hand cupping his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes as she said, “this is my choice, Rafi. I know you can handle it. The thing is, I can’t.” They sat like that for a long moment before Barba slowly turned his face into her palm, kissing her skin lightly.
“If that’s how you really feel, then I’ll back you, one hundred percent,” he breathed.
She gave him a small smile. “I know you will. I just…I haven’t figured out what I’m going to do yet, how I’m going to do it.”
Barba reached up, taking her hand from his face and interlacing their fingers. “I seem to remember you being a fairly decent mentor when you were showing me self-defense in the living room.”
Devon’s eyes lit up as she remembered; of course! How could I have forgotten that? “Do you think there’s a market for that? Teaching self-defense?”
“Are you kidding? Set up next to the women’s shelter, and you’ll be busier there than when you were undercover.”
She chuckled, but there was fire in her now, a purpose. She still had to heal from her gunshot wound, but now she could study how to teach, work towards getting certified.
“I love you, you know that?” she grinned at him.
Barba’s eyes flashed as he smirked. “I do know, but I love hearing you say it.”
FBI Headquarters
Friday, April 20th. 8:30am
Devon took a deep breath as she got off the elevator, the short hallway to her boss’s office familiar, yet somehow menacing. She knew it was because of why she was there, that the hallway itself wasn’t different in any way. She swallowed her fear down and made her way to the door.
“Come in,” Jenkins’ voice called as she neared. Steeling herself, she entered, shutting the door softly behind her. Jenkins was at his desk, his usual spot when he was in. He didn’t even glance up as she walked up to his desk, standing expectantly rather than taking her normal seat across from him. “Motely?” he asked, still looking at whatever paperwork he was focused on.
“Sir, I’m…I’m here to put in my retirement,” Devon said in the most confident voice she could muster. No point beating around the bush. Besides, if she didn’t say it right now, she was afraid that she never would.
That made Jenkins pause. He put his pen down gently, raising his eyes to look at the agent standing before him. A fresh wave of nervousness washed over Devon as his grey eyes bore into hers. He glanced down for a moment, eyes catching the silver band on her finger before flicking back to her face. He let out a breath.
“I knew that this day would come soon enough,” he muttered, more to himself than to her. He stood then, coming to his full height. Jenkins wasn’t a huge man, but his presence alone made him seem much more than he was. He came around the desk, standing right in front of Devon. A rare smile broke across his face. “Congratulations on the engagement, Motely,” he said, placing a warm hand on her uninjured shoulder, giving her a loving squeeze.
Devon smiled back but was still a little anxious. “So, you’re not mad?”
The smile was gone instantly. “Mad? Of course, not; I knew that you’d be retiring once you got close to that ADA. If the shooting didn’t do it, then I figured a wedding would.”
Now Devon smiled freely. Jenkins always seemed to know more than he let on. “Well, if that’s the case, could you do me one more favor?”
Apartment of Rafael Barba and Devon Motely
Saturday June 2nd. 10:00am
“Deep breaths, Devon. You’ve got this. You’ve been through much more stressful things than this,” Olivia said, coaching her. Devon struggled to regulate her breathing, trying not to have a full-blown anxiety attack.
“But—but what if I fuck this up? What if I blow this whole thing? Lives are at stake—"
“You’re going to do fine, Dev. I know you are; I’ll be right there with you if you need me,” the Lieutenant promised.
Devon took a few shuddering breaths, trying to compose herself. She looked at herself in the mirror again, eyes roaming over herself. White dress, short train, veil flipped over her long, brown curls. Her and Barba had chosen their wedding day months in advance, had meticulously planned it, and yet Devon still felt unprepared.
“He’s going to lose it when he sees you,” Liv whispered, making eye contact with Devon in the mirror. Olivia was her maid-of-honor, shocking no one. Devon wanted a simple wedding, nothing too fancy. Barba, being the old-fashioned romantic that he was, wanted to go above and beyond. But even more than that, he wanted to please his fiancée, so he let her call the shots. Well, most of them. They were still having a Catholic wedding—mostly for Mama Barba’s sake—and Devon agreed to get a wedding dress, but only if it was less than $5k. They were only allowing family and close friends to attend, and Jenkins, to his credit, had agreed to be the one to give Devon away, since she didn’t have a father.
“Do you think so?” Devon smiled, but it faltered. “Oh god, why are we doing this? Why not just go to City Hall and sign a paper? Why this whole spectacle? Oh god—”
“Devon,” Olivia grabbed her by the shoulders, turning the ex-agent to look at her. “You are going to walk down that aisle, you are going to stand next to your fiancé, and you are going to exchange vows until the priest pronounces you husband and wife, okay? Just—just think about how Rafael is probably feeling right now. I bet you $20 he’s also nervous. And I’ll bet you another $20 that he cries when he sees you.”
Devon smiled at the thought, butterflies in her stomach. “Do—do you really think he’ll cry?”
Apartment of Rafael and Devon Barba
Saturday, June 2nd. 8:49pm
Devon had to remember to give Olivia $40 the next time she saw her…sometime in a month, after Devon and her husband got back from their honeymoon in Europe, which they would leave for on Monday. But right now, all Devon could think of was her husband’s hands on her hips, pinning her to the wall just inside their shared loft, his lips on her neck, sucking on the spot that he knew she loved, moans leaving her mouth, her hands running through his short hair.
“Mmm, Rafi. Slow down, baby; we have all night to consummate our love,” she ground out.
Barba kissed his way up her neck to her ear. “Whatever my wife wants,” he growled, voice husky. A thrill went through Devon when he called her ‘wife;’ she loved the title. He pulled back, locking eyes with her for a moment, the amount of love and affection held in that stare knocking the wind from her, before his lips crashed against hers. Devon wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him impossibly closer to her, her hands finding his shirt collar, unwillingly to let him go until she had to pull away, gasping for breath.
“Husband…my husband…” she panted, voice low. Barba smiled down at her, chest rising and falling rapidly from his own labored breathing, before his mouth restarted the vicious attack on her neck, biting and sucking a deep bruise into her flesh.
“Mine,” he muttered against her skin before moving to the other side and making a new mark. Devon moaned, rutting her hips as best she could, trying to get some sort of friction. She could feel him hardening against her. He drove his hips upwards, grinding himself directly against her core, and she whimpered in his ear, half begging him to touch her.
Barba chuckled. “I thought you wanted to go slow, mi amor?” Even so, he repeated the motion, harder this time. Devon let out a wanton moan, rutting her hips back against him.
“We can go slow in round two. Right now, I just want you—need you,” she pleaded. To make her point, she dragged her nails down his back, just the way she knew drove him crazy. She grinned when she felt his cock twitch against her thigh, a growl deep in his throat.
“Whatever my wife wants,” he repeated. He took her off the wall, carrying her towards the bedroom. But they only made it a few steps before Devon kissed him a little too roughly, tipping Barba off balance. He stepped backwards, trying to catch himself, but the back of his knees hit the loveseat, and he fell onto the cushions, Devon squealing as she fell on top of him. Once they realized where they were, they laughed softly.
Devon’s eyes flashed as she remembered their first night together, murmuring, “can I kiss you?”
Barba chuckled. “Only if I can kiss you back.” Devon smiled sweetly at him before leaning down and kissing him gently. Their soft kiss soon deepened, Barba’s hand on the back of Devon’s head, tilting her so that he had better access to her mouth. Devon readjusted so that she was straddling his hips, grinding herself against him. Barba pulled back, groaning loudly, and Devon took this chance to unbutton his tuxedo shirt, trying to figure out how the hell the cummerbund worked—
“Careful, mi amor. This is a rental,” he said. Huffing, Devon got off him, standing next to the couch. Barba quickly shed his tux, carefully chucking it into a pile on the floor, before sitting back on the couch in nothing but his boxers, bulge straining against the fabric.
Devon reached behind her to start unzipping her wedding dress when Barba put up a hand. “Hold on, Cariño,” he licked his lips, “I want to touch you while you’re in your dress.”
She felt the heat pooling in her core at his words. She walked up in between his legs, and his hands went to her thighs, pushing up the hem of her dress as they travelled to her hips, pulling her down onto his lap, bulge hitting her barely clothed core. She moaned, eyes fluttering as he grinded into her, lips ghosting over her pulse point on her neck. He moved one of his hands from her hips to her panties, shifting the fabric to the side and stroking one finger through her slit.
“God, you’re fucking soaked,” he growled against her skin, nipping at her neck. His finger circled her clit once, twice, before he moved to her tight entrance, pushing in slowly.
“Holy fuck, Rafi,” Devon whined, head falling backwards in pleasure. He curled his finger slowly, taking his time, watching her reaction to his touch. Nothing turned him on more than having this incredibly strong woman completely crumble from his touch. Slowly, he pushed in another finger, then a third, thrusting at a slow pace, reveling in the feeling of her walls clenching around him. Devon moaned every time he hit her g-spot, fingers digging into his shoulders, trying to stay balanced on his lap. When his thumb moved to circle her clit, adding pressure to the swollen nub, Devon almost blacked out with how hard she came, rutting her hips against his hand, head falling forward, forehead resting against his.
“You’re so god damn beautiful when you come,” he murmured, finger fucking her through her orgasm, her legs trembling in his lap. He pulled his fingers from her, and she slid sideways out of his lap, collapsing onto the couch next to him. Barba stood, pushing his boxers to the ground, letting Devon catch her breath. He knelt in front of her, sticking his head under her dress, grabbing her panties with his teeth, and pulling them down and off her; a lewd mockery of how he took the garter off her during the reception. He sat back on the couch, taking her hand in his, guiding her back into his lap. Devon, using her free hand, stroked his throbbing cock, her thumb spreading his pre-cum along his shaft. He groaned, letting her tease him a little before he stopped her, afraid that he’d cum too early if she continued. Understanding, she guided him to her entrance, tip teasing her open.
“Ready?” he asked.
“For you? Always,” she replied, kissing him deeply. He placed his hands on her hips, slowly pulling her down onto him until he was fully inside her, swallowing every sound coming out of her mouth with his own. They sat like that for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being so completely connected, tongues dancing with each other, drinking each other in. Then, Devon raised up off him until he was barely in her, then she sunk back down slowly. They found their rhythm quickly, moving in tandem, both of them pulling back so that they could lean their foreheads against each other, sharing their labored breaths. Eventually, Barba reached behind her, unzipping her dress just enough that the top fell free. He chuckled darkly when he saw that Devon was wearing a front clasping bra. She gave him a wink, eyes flashing, wicked smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.
“You know me too well, mi amor,” he murmured, undoing the clasp.
It was Devon’s turn to chuckle. “Good thing you married me then—ohhh,” she moaned as Barba’s mouth latched onto a nipple, nipping and sucking. He increased the pace of his thrusts, angling his hips to hit deeper, while he used the hand on her hip to bring her down harder against him. Using his free hand, he reached between them, rubbing roughly at her clit.
Devon screamed Barba’s name as she came, nails digging into his shoulders, leaving marks. Barba flipped them so that Devon was laying on her back across the couch, Barba on top of her. He pounded into her relentlessly, chasing his own release.
“Cum for me, baby…my husband,” Devon muttered, throat raw from her previous yell. That was all Barba needed; he rocked into her a couple more times before he was spilling deep inside her, her clenching walls milking him for everything he had. He collapsed on top of her, still connected but unwilling to pull himself from her…his wife.
The loft fell silent apart from their labored breathing. Devon’s hands went to the nape of his neck, stroking the soft hairs there, his head resting by her collarbone. Once Barba had caught his breath, he started singing softly, an old love song his abuelita taught him when he was a child, the Spanish falling from his lips easily. Devon’s heart strained; she may not understand all the words, but she could hear the feeling, the raw emotion in his voice. She ran her hand through more of his soft hair, nails scraping his scalp lightly. Once he finished the song, he raised up, kissing her gently before laying back on her chest.
“I love you so damn much…Mrs. Barba…” he murmured against her skin, placing soft kisses on her collarbone.
She hummed in satisfaction. “I love you so damn much, my husband…I will never get tired of saying that.”
“And I will never get tired of hearing it,” he promised. Finally, he pushed off her, standing next to the couch, offering her a hand. “Shall we adjourn to the bedroom? I seem to remember someone mentioning something about a round two….”
Devon shook her head in mock disbelief, taking his hand. He pulled her up, and she allowed her dress to fall off once she was up, shrugging out of her bra. “Fucking sinful, I swear.” Barba chuckled as he pulled her to their shared room.
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
I love everyone’s different takes on the au skeletons, especially underfell. >w> I was wondering what your underfellas, Vex and Red, are like! Just a little bit about them if you’re free for some skeledude asks.~ How they are personality wise or some of their hobbies?
Ohoho, what excellent taste, and what good energy I can’t resist! :Dc
So Vex and Red have always been an inseparable team; with the exception of Vex in his teen-equivalent years when things were pretty rocky, given Red was in his 20s-equivalent, it’s been universally understood that you mess with one of them, you mess with both of them.
That doesn’t change when they get to the surface, buuut it does take a couple of years of reluctantly-agreed-to mandatory therapy for all monsterkind as part of integration for them to make that brotherly bond a bit healthier. Wartime mindsets might make for tight bonds when they are forged, but it doesn’t necessarily make for healthy habits, oops. Nevertheless, they’re on the mend, with less shouting and more brotherly good-natured bastardry in their teasing these days, and generally at least one meal a day eaten together (frequently dinner, which also features them watching videos/shows together. They are unsurprisingly, hilariously opinionated, and a good, raucous time is had - be prepared for anything but quiet time if you ever watch anything with one or both of them, that’s for sure).
Vex is a bit of a perfectionist, to say the least! He expects only the best of himself - and those around him, if they’re working together in any way - and it’s shone through in his choice of Surface Career: he’s an Independent Journalist!
True to Pap-type form he’s an extrovert and enjoys the challenge of a puzzle, on top of having significant literary interest. Sure, he remained working for the Guard in the transition years during surfacing, but he found his interest continually turning towards the investigative aspects of the work on the Surface; finding questions or problems, and digging and researching and making contacts and figuring out what was going on - and sharing it.
Nowadays, besides having a very active online presence, he’s a major contributor to several newspapers, has had articles and pieces published in everything from NatGeo to the biggest papers in major national & international papers, runs his own investigative interest podcast, and co-hosts a more cultural-but-news-angle podcast (along with the Ambassador, of course, and another close friend he’s made~). He’s currently working on an in-depth book that’s covering the multi-year process of the Surfacing and Integration with humans - from an inside & monster perspective, no less.
When he’s not busy with that, he actually really loves traveling, keeping up his sparring skills with Undyne (he’s a frequent guest teacher at her martial arts gym), gardening, watching cooking shows, and, secretly, learning how to ballroom dance. :)c
He’s also addicted to coffee, white mochas in particular, but if you’re close enough friends with him to get to go to weekend brunch at his place when he’s not traveling for work, you’ll know he makes the best freaking mimosa you’ve ever had.
Red, a little reluctantly, was part of the more informal fringes of the Guard effort during transition; he tended more towards intel, while fronting like he was just extra (figurative) muscle. Which, of course, he was that too, heh.
He couldn’t be more pleased when the integration efforts were more or less complete - the main brunt of it, anyways, and promptly turned down the offer for more work and an even bigger paycheck. He and Vex had secured/built their own place by then, after all - he wasn’t that kinda greedy, and was looking forward to doing his own thing... whatever that was.
And frankly, he still doesn’t know! And he kinda likes it like that.
His ‘day job’, technically, is as a mechanic; he works afternoons on the mechanic equivalent of commissions, modding and repairing alike. It’s hands on, dirty, and lets him tap into his considerable smarts regarding machinery. Plus, there’s no shortage of people that want a taste of the blossoming magi-tech industry, especially with shady-but-not-illegal mods on their vehicles. He charges a decent amount, but he’s got a rep among those that matter as being the best in the damn business.
Beyond that, he does odd jobs and seemingly random hobbies. He’s moonlit as a bouncer for his Grillby’s new establishment(s), of course, as well as a bartender for him too. Talk about a deft hand with a good cocktail, and an even better judge of just what kinda taste you have for a drink, heh! He’s also helped his bro with some investigative work now and then - shadier places that Red’s got better access to, and so on - done some music & studio work, and, on one more recent occasion, was finally cajoled into being the narrator for a short audiobook published by a friend.
(He put up a lot of gruff, but found he actually enjoyed the work - he’s considering more voiceover work... maybe.....)
His main hobby, honestly, is just trying out whatever odd job strikes him as interesting. Some he comes back to, some he tosses to the bin (so long, singular day stint into professional baking. He’ll stick to his secret quiches and so on on his downtime, thanks).
The other big one is proving to be music - he’s partial towards the bass and the drums, but has been putting together some one-off songs and EPs where he plays all the instruments (and does any vocals) - he’s in the middle of maybe establishing a band, as the frontman of course (ice wolf, another monster, and one human girl who is particularly killer on the drums are the potential others)- besides already doing the one-off gigs and drawing a crowd at the occasional enjoyable karaoke night at a bar.
He’s also started to develop quite the record collection, and is actually really good at taking proper care of them, and doing a bit of old-school record jockeying... if he feels like it. ;D
Also, for reference, they both have scottish accents~
(If you know the differences between regional varieties, then for the record: Glaswegian would be their ‘home’ accent, but Vex [when he was younger, aiming for the top/high society/Royal Guard Captain status, etc] puts on an Ediburgh affect until he’s relaxed/too pissed and goes hardcore Glaswegian, while Red, who went to extensive schooling in ‘high society’ as it were and hated the affectations and snobbery, actually slips into the Ediburgh accent - with a bit of a Perth-y flavor - when he’s tired/relaxed/getting a bit nerdy/focused despite himself. >:3c)
(bonus ref: Rory McCann-esque for Red’s everyday Glaswegian accent, slipping into something akin to Alan Cumming in the nerdy/chill mode; meanwhile, Vex is David Tennant-esque, in range from David-Tennant-as-Glaswegian to David-Tennant-as-normal (which is Edinburgh side of things, though just a hitch different. Also, infinite thanks to @thighsofthistle for helping me iron out the differences/choices ;Dc).
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Could I request 707 comforting an S/O who had to put down their senior dog? I lost my dog a couple of weeks ago, it is hitting so hard. If this is too hard or too much then do not worry about it. I will understand because this is a hard thing and very sensitive. Thank you :)
Of course you can request that!! I hope this helps you feel a little better. I’ve only had one pet (my dog) before and she’s still alive and well, and I literally lose my mind over the fact that she won’t live as long as me. I’m so sorry :(( also this is not the time to crack a joke but tbh I’ve only ever seen pets put down on like Disney Channel so please ignore my inaccuracies if they exist
Seven Comforting MC after the loss of their dog
Seven had known for a while now that your pet wasn’t doing well. You had told him before, and even gave updates when they seemed to be doing better on certain days. He loved them and really looked forward to playing with them every time he went to visit you.
So when you told him you had to put your dog down, he offered to go with you. Of course, he wasn’t as close as you were with them, but he knew they’d be missed, and wanted to be there for you. You, not wanting to cause a scene, asked him to just come over afterward instead.
You were mindlessly watching the news while you waited for Seven, plopped down on your couch. Finally, you heard a knock on the door and went to let him in. “Hi,” he had a bittersweet smile on his face. “I brought ice cream.”
You ushered him inside, watching carefully as he set the paper bag filled with pints of ice cream on the counter. “Dairy-free vanilla. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Sugar-free strawberry. Chocolate therapy.” He was lining them up on the counter. “Pistachio. Birthday cake. Cookies and cream.”
“That’s... an absurd amount of ice cream,” you commented, eyes scanning over all the pints.
He flashed a smile, a full-hearted genuine one this time, and reached back into the bag. “Mint chocolate chip. Peanut butter brownie. Rocky road. Did I miss any?”
“I mean... there are obviously like a million ice cream flavors but... you sure do have a large selection, Seven.”
He walked over to you, kissing your head. “I’m not... very good at the comforting thing. Or the people thing in general. But I remember one time when my brother was upset when we were kids, I snuck him out to get ice cream. He was so happy. I thought maybe it’d be the same for you.”
You reached down to hold his hand. “It’s perfect. Do you think we could just like cuddle and watch a movie?”
“Of course. You pick your ice cream flavor first,” he offered, glancing down at the row. You picked yours. “I hope you have space in your freezer,” he commented, throwing the other ice cream in there so that you could have some later. He grabbed his pint and headed over to the living room with you. You plopped down on the couch. He sat next to you, wrapping you in a blanket and putting his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
“What do you wanna watch?” He asked, scrolling through Netflix.
“Something super happy. The stupider the better.”
“Oh, I’ve got one.” He started typing on his phone. “It’s definitely not on Netflix but I’ll see if I can download it.”
“Illegally?” You clarified.
“Yes. But I’d never get caught.” You shook your head at him but let him continue. “I saw this at church once when I was a kid. I remember very little of it besides the fact that it felt like a fever dream.”
“Please tell me it’s not a religious movie...” you whined. Even if you enjoyed religious movies, they were usually emotional. Not the vibe.
He hooked his phone up to stream on the TV. “No! It’s the Candyland movie!” The opening title screen was extremely bright and colorful. Admittedly, the animated movie did look very happy.
“Okay... what’s the plot?” You asked, trying to gauge if it’d be a good pick.
“Oh we’re watching it regardless of what you say.” He smirked. You pouted. “If I remember correctly, the gingerbread kid has to go to the castle, but the black licorice dude is salty because licorice isn’t good so he wants to kill Princess lollipop or something. I don’t remember very well. There’s also a chocolate monster.”
You giggled. It sounded perfectly stupid. “Okay. Sounds great.”
“Oh wait! Not to give away anything, but also Princess Lollipop’s sister was a real bitch. Her sister went MISISNG and she just ice skates the whole movie. Like she does not care at all. At least that’s what I remember.”
“That’s an oddly specific thing to remember,” you commented.
He pulled you flush against his back by the waist then hit play. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
You had finished a pint and a half by the time the movie ended. It was only an hour long? But it felt so long. And like a fever dream. In fact, you may have very well watched this movie as a child and forgotten all about it. It felt like every other piece of very early 2000s/late 90s media.
“What’s the verdict?” Seven asked, turning off the movie and leaning forward to lock eyes with you. “Best movie ever?”
“It... met the requirements.” You uttered out. What the hell was that movie?
“It’s kinda late...” Seven commented, glancing at his phone. “Do you want me to stay here with you or do you want to be alone? I promise, neither choice will offend me.”
You had finally felt okay because of Seven. Obviously you were still sad, but he helped you take your mind off everything, or just embrace the happy things. “Please stay here tonight,” you begged. The thought of him leaving you alone was kind of upsetting. You felt a shiver down your spine, although that also could have been due to all the ice cream.
“Oh no! My 606 is cold.” He shrugged off his jacket, flinging his arm around slightly to get the wrist off. He wrapped the jacket around you. “Much better. You look pretty cute.”
You giggled, impulsively pulling the glasses off his face and putting them on. “Who’s the Defender of Justice now?” You asked, teasing him by trying to replicate his mannerisms.
“I’d be distressed because I can’t see, but I mean... you as the Defender of Justice? Makes sense.” He grinned. Well... you think. These glasses were NOT a good prescription for you.
He brought his face extremely close to yours, eyes focused as they glanced across your features. “Had to look close-up” he explained. “You’re pretty cute.”
“I’m pretty tired,” you confessed, taking off the glasses and attempting to put them on for him. You just ended out poking him in the eye with the ear piece and apologizing profusely as he shrugged, that perfect smile on his face, as he reassured you it was okay.
And obviously he was saying it was okay that you poked him in the eye but... hearing him say that? You thought things maybe would be okay after all.
PS go watch the candyland movie I used to watch it every Christmas Eve as a kid it’s WACKY
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.15
“Lance, it’s Keith. Are you in there?”
Hours. Lance had spent hours staring at his ceiling. He’d climbed into his wardrobe, grabbed his box of death soil, and cried himself to sleep. When he’d woken, he’d crawled over to his bed, his box of death soil sitting on his chest with his left hand resting on it as he stared upwards, simply laying there pretending the world outside didn’t exist
“Pidge called the home phone, she saw you’d left your car in town... I don’t know if you want to arrange a pick up, but it’s there”.
Keith being nice didn’t feel right. He didn’t like it all. He appreciated honesty and and Keith honestly hated him. Him being nice meant he was lying through his teeth
Answering Keith felt like too much effort. So his car was in town, then that meant all he had to do was go pick it up. He could do that. That would mean he wouldn’t have to be home with “Keith the Liar”... That wasn’t being fair. Keith hadn’t... he was making an effort. He was doing the best he could under the circumstances. Keith had human emotions, so trying to get on fell within that range, but if you care for someone that makes killing them all that harder to do. Lance didn’t want to burden Keith with his death, nor did he want to burden Shiro the same way... This was why mixing with humans just wasn’t a done thing.
Climbing to his feet, Lance walked over to window, undoing the latch, a strong breeze filtered over his face as he looked downwards. Fuck it. Going out the front door wasn’t an option, so jumping out the window it was. It’d hurt, but he’d heal. The walk into town would give him space to breathe
Yep. Fuck it.
Rolling his right ankle, Lance had barely limped around the side of his house and onto his drive before his escape was interrupted. Night was starting to fall, the air growing moister as the cicadas chirped away. Walking at night had never lost its charms when it came to thinking. He didn’t believe that vampires some how gained mystical powers from the moon like werewolves did, but it definitely gave him a pleasant buzz enough kind of buzz
“What the hell?!”
Jogging up along side him, Keith sounded annoyed
“Go back to the house, Keith”
“Did you jump out your window to avoid me?”
Talk about being sprung, Lance pushed down the discomfort of his ankle, speeding up his step, which Keith annoyingly kept up with
“Why would you jump out the window?”
“Why does anyone go around jumping out windows?”
“You could have come down the stairs”
Lance huffed, wondering if Keith intended to walk the 10 kilometres to town with him
“Then jumping out the window to avoid you would have been ruined... a bit like this”
Picking his pace up again, Keith jogged forward, standing in front of Lance
“Why are you being like this?”
“Like what?”
“This! What did I do now?”
Lance rolled his eyes
“Why do you think this has to do with you?”
“Because we’re the only two people in the house. If you’re upset, it has to be because of me”
Fuck. What was he supposed to do with that?
“And if I say it’s not you, it’s me, will you listen?”
“You’re acting weird and I don’t understand”
“You haven’t known me long enough to know when I’m acting weird”
“I heard you on the phone this morning, then you were crying, and now you’re jumping out of windows. I don’t understand it”
“Even vampires have shit days. You humans don’t have the monotony on that”
“That was more than a bad day...”
“You’re not being... you’re not acting right”
“Oh, please tell me how I act? Could it be that you have no fucking idea what’s going on in my life and insist that you’re some goddamn vampire that I apparently sired? No eres un vampiro! Non sei un vampiro! I don’t know how many other ways I can fucking say it, but you’re a human. You’re a human I’m sending back to stay in town!”
Keith clenched his fists, Lance not sure if he was going to cry, or if the hunter was going to punch him in the face
“That’s not what you said last night”
Lance waved his hand dismissively
“Blame it on fatigue or whatever excuse you need. You’re here to kill me. Don’t go blurring that line any more than you already have”
“You’re the one blurring lines! I don’t understand any of this!”
“Welcome to the club, sorry, we’re fresh out of jackets and medals, but I might be able to swing a free set of steak knives in used condition”
“Fuck you! You don’t know me, you don’t know the shit I’ve been through! You weren’t there when Adam...”
Keith shook his head
“I don’t owe you anything. I can’t believe I was thinking there was more to vampires than what I’d see, but you’re all a bunch of dicks. Go die in a ditch for all I care”
“Save it Lance. You don’t want to help me. You don’t want to explain anything you don’t want to talk about. You’re not the one going through changes. You’re not the one having nightmares and waking up in a cold sweat with your body aching. You’re not the one getting headaches and you’re not the one stuck feeling the changes I’m going through. No. You’re the one who lies to my face. Your just like every other selfish undead fucker who can’t keep their promises”
“You’ve been sick because you poisoned yourself. You clearly have some kind of trauma thanks to Shiro’s partner Adam”
Keith couldn’t hide the surprise on his face
“What the fuck do you know about Adam?”
“What Shiro told me”
Not much at all. He’d done the math and now he was getting to the answer. Adam was Shiro’s partner that’d been killed, and for reason Keith felt guilty for whatever happened... maybe not guilt... maybe anger with anything less than human that’d do whatever had been done to Adam
“If you know about Adam, you should understand”
Lance had the feeling if he said he didn’t know anything, Keith would clam up and leave him in peace. But being a grade A arsehole to Keith took up too much energy. He didn’t want to know Shiro’s secrets, but he did. He didn’t want to know Shiro’s secrets because Shiro had dropped the “Matt bombshell” on him, but he did
“I’ve heard it from Shiro’s perspective, not yours”
“It’s the same thing”
It definitely wasn’t the same thing unless they were into that kind of a relationship
“Shiro was in love. You weren’t”
“What does that matter?! They fucking turned him! Shiro nearly lost his goddamn arm because Adam didn’t show his true colours! Shiro said he was... he was dead before he even got back... he dealt with it”
Keith’s repeated paranoia made sense now. Adam hadn’t been “noticeably” turned. Shiro had thought he was human, not knowing that Adam was no longer than man he’d once been. Keith was scared that he’d been turned and that he was headed down the same path as Adam. He was scared that he was going to lose his brother, and what would happen if his brother lost him
“You’re not to blame for what they did”
“I didn’t...”
“You can’t be superman, Keith. You can’t be in a million places at once. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have known. If Adam was already turned by the time Shiro returned, death would have been a release. We vampires have egos. That’s why we don’t last. That’s why our kind goes insane. You live to watch everyone you love die. You form bonds, only to have to break them because you don’t want the people around you to think you’ve lied to them the whole time, to think none of it was real. It’s not fun and games being like this. We never forget. We remember turning. We remember every single second of it. Your brother lost his lover and you want someone to pay. You want to kill everything you can, because you want to spare others that pain. Well guess what, you’re in pain too. You carry those deaths. You’ve seen shit you never thought possible and you’ve seen the fucking worst of it. That’s why you’ve got a chip on your shoulder, because they hurt your family. I don’t know if Shiro lied to you. I don’t know if Adam really was alive, but if they starved him after the turn, the fact your brother is still alive is something amazing. This life fucking sucks, and for your sake, I hope you find your way out of it. I live in penance for my sins, the sin of being this thing. I try to help as many kids as possible not feel even one scrap of what I did when I was a kid. Ever since you crashed into my life I’ve been going crazy. I feel like I’ve been turned over again, because you’re the first person I’ve ever drank from, and if you weren’t dying, I wouldn’t have done that. I can see right now you want to deck me, so if it makes you feel better, throw that punch”
“Don’t talk at me like you know my life!”
“I don’t and I don’t want to! When you move on, I’m the one who’s going to be stuck here wondering you’re still alive! In 50 years I’m still going to be wondering because I can’t get you out of my head! You’re going to end up dead, Keith. Long before your time of you keep throwing yourself into things head first!”
Keith took half a step back, looking down to the gravel beneath their feet. Adam was a sore topic for the man, and he didn’t know what kind of parents just let their kid run off and do dumb shit like becoming a hunter, but Keith seemed the kind whose home life seemed rocky at best. Raising his head, the hunter locked his eyes on his
“Then teach me”
What the what now?
“Teach me! You’re a vampire! Teach me!”
Lance was the most unvampire vampire he knew
“Teach you what?”
“How to be stronger”
The what now? Keith was already physically strong, it was the mental side of things he needed to work out. He needed to clear the fog of anger when he fought and to think about the bigger picture
“I can’t teach you”
“I can’t teach you”
“I have to be stronger. I have to get stronger! I’m all Shiro has and you have to help me”
“Then for Shiro’s sake, I’m going to recommend therapy. Your body isn’t the weak, it’s your mind”
“Then fucking teach me!”
“I can’t teach you!”
Lance didn’t get his rocks off working out. Training and teaching seemed like so much damn effort. He was old. He wanted to potter around in his garden and enjoy naps in the sun with his cat. He was starting to get another headache all over again, and for some unknown reason his heart felt like it was racing with the desire to do something
“Then fight me! Right here!”
“I don’t want to”
“Why?! Why are you being like this?!”
“Because I’m not to blame for your trauma. You have shit to work out in that thick head of yours. You’re so filled with anger that you’re going to get yourself dead. I doubt that’s the kind of life Adam would have wanted for you. I doubt Shiro wants to bury his brother because you let your anger get you killed”
“I have to become better! I have to protect him!”
“You can’t protect anyone if you can’t protect yourself first”
“That’s why you have to teach me!”
Lance shook his head
“I don’t have to do anything, other than to get my car that your brother decided he couldn’t be bothered returning”
“Shiro would have left it there so he wouldn’t be followed back to you!”
“Then maybe you both should have left when I told you to. Now get out of my way”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Either you fight me now, or you agree to train me”
“I’m not doing either. I’m going to get my car, then I’m going to drop your idiot arse off back in town”
“Fine! I don’t need you, I don’t need anyone!”
Lance sighed at Keith. What he needed was for someone to reach out and take his hand... but that someone couldn’t be him
“Keith, everybody needs somebody. That’s how life works. You need someone who will lift you up and support you, like Shiro. You need someone who isn’t me. I’m nothing more than a vampire”
“That’s why... that’s why I need you to help me. I need to be better”
“Idiot. You’re already good enough. Try making some friends and you’ll see. Bonds and attachments hurt, but good things come too. Having friends is fun. It’s okay to rely on other people”
“Like you rely on Hunk and Pidge. You haven’t even told them the truth”
“Because the truth would put them in danger. My time with them isn’t a lie. I never thought I’d find two friends like them, no matter how long I lived. But our time as friends has a limit and until then I want to enjoy myself with them as long as possible. Go back to the house and cool your head”
“But... I...”
Lance wanted to reach out and ruffle Keith’s silky black hair. He wanted to do something to take away the heaviness of his words. But Keith forming some kind of attachment would only hurt both of them. It was better to sever the tie before it even began
“I’ll see you later”
Pidge and Hunk were waiting in his car for him. They’d set themselves up in the back, playing uno and getting crumbs from their snacks everywhere. Noticing him first, Pidge threw her hand down, clambering out the back to throw her arms around him
“You fucking afk jerk! Where were you?!”
“Busy. You know it is, just another fun filled day being a lawyer”
“I tried calling you!”
“I broke my phone. I’m okay now”
“Good! You scared me. You didn’t even like call me back”
Lance wrapped his arms around Pidge, resting his chin on the top of her head. He wasn’t sure how much trouble he could have gotten himself in the last 20 hours, but he’d obviously scared her
“I’m sorry Pidgeon. I see you and Hunk let yourselves into my car”
“What kind of idiot leaves his keys on the front tyre? That’s like asking for it be stolen”
“I know. I’m the biggest idiot around”
“You are. Now, where’s Keith?”
Pidge stepped out of Lance’s hold to peer around him
“Keith’s back at the house”
“Because I had a few things to do in town? He’s stuck waiting until his brother can come pick him up”
“Soooo, he’s like free tonight?”
Lance groaned
“Pidge, noooo”
She was definitely scheming something he wasn’t up for
“I think you mean, “Pidge, yes!””
“Nope. I definitely said no. Whatever it is, no”
Pidge crossed her arms with a huff
“You haven’t even heard what I’m about to say”
“That’s because I know you’re always scheming in that evil genius brain of yours”
“I am not! But anyway, you know how they let us use the visitors centre... well, apparently someone saw an actual ghost there today! They called me and asked if we can come back”
Lance looked past Pidge to where Hunk was now shuffling the uno cards
“Did she tell you?”
“And did you say no?”
“And she didn’t take no for an answer, did she?”
“Piiiiiidge. You’re going to give him nightmares again”
“It’ll be worth if it we can capture it on film! Anyway, so, like, we’ll go back to your house, pick Keith up, then come back and get my stuff, then we’re all going to go film a ghost!”
Because seeing Keith so soon wasn’t going to be awkward as fuck...
“I don’t think Keith will be interested”
“Of course he will be! He might as well have “I want to believe” tattooed across his forehead”
Keith did believe... it kind of went with the territory
“Ah, ah, ah, nope. This is your punishment for making Hunk and I worry about you. And I’m totally driving”
“Not in this life time. God... you really want to do this, don’t you?”
“And Keith has to come?”
“And you’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”
Pidge beamed, knowing Lance was such a pushover that she could basically ask him for anything her mischievous little brain thought of
“Fine. Fine. Tonight, only. If we don’t catch a ghost, you’re in trouble, missy”
Pidge threw her arms around Lance again
“You’re the best! Let’s go get Keith!”
Ugh... Nope... Lance hoped that whoever was keeping track of his cosmic record was noting down that this was under pressure and he thought it’d be best to leave Keith alone. He’d told Keith to go find some friends, but now it seemed his friends we’re pretty set on making friends with Keith, taking away the whole “finding” part. Personally Lance couldn’t provide Hunk and Pidge with any higher recommendations that didn’t sound really fucking creepy, bordering on obsessive, and stalkery, he knew the best points of both of them, and their not so best ones, but he didn’t want to go recommending them to Keith because they were supposed to be his friends, and he was supposed to be getting rid of Keith... Fucking humans made things so damn complicated.
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thuisingh21ahsgov · 4 years
election 2020 presidential candidate assessment
REPUBLICAN- Donald Trump/Micheal Pence: I noticed that a lot of Trumps achievements were focused on law enforcement, from granting funding towards police services, to passing orders to give law enforcement access to a surplus of equipment. This issue page also included two achievements by Trump stating that his administration is protecting the rights of ALL Americans. I agree with most of what Trumps administration is pushing for. But I think they need to focus less on giving the police so much power over citizens, and work more trying to trying to demolish the divide between citizens and law enforcement. And Trump has a couple accomplishments which stated to protect ALL Americans, such as him supporting students whose free speech rights have been under attack on university campuses. And the Department of Justice secured a guilty plea for the first case prosecuted under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act involving a victim targeted because of gender identity. I am grateful so see our president making these changes, but there needs to be more. He needs to address the systematic racism throughout departments and in the courts themselves. And reform criminal law, to push for absolutely no discrimination towards minorities. This issue page supported most of what was said on their party platform website, by stating the law enforcement is necessary and all the men and women deserve our support. 
DEMOCRATIC- Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris: The first thing I noticed about this issue page, was that there were so many more topics addressed. And they were all not just stating Joe Bidens accomplishments, they were also explaining his plan for each and every issue. His plan is to strengthen Americans commitment to justice and reform our criminal justice system. Including reducing people incarcerated as well as crime. Rooting out the racial, gender, and income-based disparities in the system. And stating criminal system must be focused on redemption and rehabilitation and how nobody should profiteer off our justice system. I agree with everything this issue page has included on criminal justice reform. The excessive push towards demolishing systematic racism is one of the biggest things they addressed in this page. I think they should have included a bit on law enforcement, because it is a growing issue in todays society. Such as include how they are going to train, and educate police officers better. The one thing I do not agree with, is how they don’t address the divide between the police force and citizens. The police are our protectors, and although there is systematic racism amongst the departments. Addressing how they would rid of that, as well as tighten the bond between citizens and police, in order for people to feel safe around police, instead of threatened is neccesary to include in their campaign. 
GREEN- Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker: They have bullet-points of what they feel the need to address on this topic. Stating how police misconduct needs to be investigates, white racist terrorists should be prosecuted, end mass incarceration, decriminalize personal possession of hard drugs, and more. I agree with most of what this party is addressing. I really like how they stated how drug abuse should be treated as a health problem not a criminal problem. Because, yes it is against the law to buy and use hard drugs, many people are addicted and they need help and therapy in order to get better. But one thing I do not agree with, is to decriminalize the personal possession of hard drugs. Because of how addicting hard drugs can be, decriminalizing them will allow people to get addicted much easier. This issue pages supports their party platform website. 
PEACE&FREEDOM- Gloria Riva/Sunil Freeman: Their main point was to end racism, police brutality and mass incarceration. Pay reparations to the African American community. I agree with what they are saying here, and do believe that the African American and Native American community need to be payed reparations. And to end mass incarceration of oppressed and all working class people. Fully prosecute all acts of police brutality and violence. This issue page supports what was on their political party website. 
AMERICAN INDEPENDENT- Rocky Guerra/Kanye West: I contacted this candidate through email.
Dear Roque De La Fuente, The issue I am concerned about is social justice and criminal law reformation. I am concerned about this issue because of the extremely noticeable systematic racism in our police departments, as well as our system overall. And your website does not seem to have any plan to address this issue. I am currently a senior at Acalanes High School and I am researching this issue for my senior Government class. If you could please clarify your stance on this issue. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,Tate Huisingh
LIBERTARIAN-Jo Jorgenson/Jeremy Cohen: Really stresses the fact that US is not “the land of the free” when we are the highest number of people imprisoned. And they state that one of the main reasons is the racist and destructive war on drugs. I definitely agree with their stance on this issue, but think they could have included more about the systematic racism throughout police departments, as well as the system overall. And most of their info supports what is on their political party website.  
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lookbellaissaworm · 4 years
Petitions to Sign for Pride 2020
Petitions for Victims of Hate:
- Tony McDade Petition
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Tony McDade was a transgender black man who got killed by police in Tallahassee.
- Maha Almutair Petition
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Maha Almutairi is the first transgender Kuwaiti women to talk about how they treat LGBT people in Kuwait. She is currently in prison, in men’s prison for the crime of being a transgender women. She was raped by many cops before and was threatened if she speaks out about it they would imprison her again.
- Roxana Hernandez Petition 
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In May 2018, a transgender woman named Roxana Hernández, 33, died in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s custody, after she traveled to the United States to seek asylum. Upon her initial arrival in the U.S. she was not considered for asylum, despite the high rates of violence against transgender people in Honduras; instead, she was scheduled to be deported. It was during this process that she became seriously ill and died.
- Kayla Moore Petition 
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In 2013, Kayla Moore, a black trans woman living with schizophrenia, was murdered by the Berkeley Police Department. The police were responding to a 911 call from Kayla’s roommate calling for help because Kayla was experiencing a mental health crisis. The officers immediately placed Kayla under arrest, wrestled her to the ground face down, and 6 officers restrained her using their full weight until she stopped breathing.
- Tete Gulley Petition
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Tete Gulley was a 31 year old queer Black trans Woman. She was also known by some of her family as Otis. She was found hanging from a tree on the evening of May 27th in Rocky Butte Park. The cause of death was determined to be suicide at the scene. Tete’s mother was told the autopsy concluded it had been a suicide, but she was not given any paperwork. The Oregon medical examiner has also denied both the OPB and Portland Mercury for a records request, saying there isn’t sufficient public interest. This petition is to prove otherwise.
- Justice for Kelly Petition 
Kelly is a 23-year-old transgender asylum seeker who has been locked up in immigration jail for nearly three years. Kelly is suffering medical neglect and was put in solitary confinement for four months solely because of her gender identity. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has the power to release her immediately but refuses to let her go.
Kelly is suffering tremendously, both physically and mentally. Additionally, her unnecessarily prolonged detention is exacerbating the trauma she has experienced as a domestic violence and human trafficking survivor.
During her nearly three years in detention, Kelly has never been given a bond hearing. All Kelly wants is to live safely and without fear. Unfortunately, there are many more transgender individuals like Kelly who are unjustly locked up in immigration jail while they apply for asylum, and are experiencing inhumane treatment because of their gender identity.
- Nina Pop Petition
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Lets bring justice to the murder of Nina Pop, who was a beautiful and happy person, and sadly whose life was ended due to Anti-Black LGBTQ+ violence. This anti-black and anti-queer hate has lead to the murder of so many black and p.o.c. folks within the LGBTQ+ community. Let this petition bring awareness and a stop to the anti-black culture as well as the anti-lgbtq+ culture, let us bring to justice the disgusting murders of a beautiful person whose life was ended far too early.
Legislative Petitions:
- Protection for Black Trans Women UK
- Protect Black Trans Women (US)
- Support the Equality Act  (Thanks @taylorswift​ for making this btw!)
- Transgender Rights
- Protections for Transgender People in Title IX
- Ban Gay Conversion Therapy
- End Foster Care & Adoption Discrimination
- Stop targeting Trans* YouTubers
- Hold the police who shot up a queer bar that was aiding BLM protestors accountable
(Feel free to add on or let me know any others to add)
Also check out my posts about BLM, since this is a time we need to acknowledge both groups of people:
1. https://lookbellaissaworm.tumblr.com/post/620309108098318336/why-riot-please-read-i-stg-why-riot-it-makes
2. https://lookbellaissaworm.tumblr.com/post/620490164166328320/if-you-want-to-understand-the-feeling-of-being
3. https://lookbellaissaworm.tumblr.com/post/619878570781704192/how-to-be-an-ally-pt-4
4. https://lookbellaissaworm.tumblr.com/post/619875142885048320/how-to-be-an-ally-pt-2
I researched these petitions to try to do my part as an ally for the lgbtq+ community (and as a straight Black Woman) so I hope this helps a least a little <3
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clever-beets · 5 years
About the Muse (Mobile)
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Name: Bede Altissima
Age: 17-18
Gender: Nonbinary 
Height: 5'5’’
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Voiceclaim: Robin Skinner (Cavetown)
A prideful and rather cold young trainer with a particular passion for psychic and fairy type pokemon. Orphaned at a young age, Bede was taken in by Chairman Rose and given a pokemon in the hopes that this would curb his bad habit of picking fights with other kids.
As it turns out, pairing a quick-to-fight child with a pokemon who reacts violently to loud emotional outbursts is a very quick way to get someone to calm down a little, as well as teach them how to bottle up their emotions pretty early on. But, in a sense, it really only changed what sort of fights he started. Bede quickly began rising through the ranks as a budding trainer, and when he made the decision to enter the Gym Challenge, he was quickly endorsed by his adoptive guardian.
A shame how his blind eagerness to please the Chairman ended up getting him into a rather painful inconvenient situation. Now with a new guardian, and a new goal… well, perhaps things aren’t so bad.
Misc. Facts!
✧ Bede is left handed.
✧ Bede likes to sing to his pokemon when he thinks he’s alone. Catching him in the act is a very quick way to get him flustered.
✧ Despite his demeanor, Bede is incredibly hungry for validation. While he won’t be thankful outright, he will remember if you pay him a compliment.
✧ Yes, his hair is as soft as it looks, thank you very much. No, you can’t touch it. He can and will smack your hand away.
✧ As far as he’s concerned, Bede would rather die than show any sort of vulnerability to anyone.
✧ Bede has an intense dislike for mirrors and reflections, particularly because of his curly hair. 
✧ Bede is actually pretty decent at cooking! Ask him to make something for you at your own risk, however. There's no guarantee he'll do it for free.
✧ When interacting with alternates, Bede will go by ‘Atliss’ to minimize confusion!
✧ AS OF 3/2020, BEDE IS NOW FAE (dryad, to be specific). The ONLY VISIBLE CHANGES ARE POINTED EARS AND SLIGHTLY SHARPER CANINE TEETH. Along with this change, Bede possesses a SHARPENED SENSE OF PERCEPTION and a skill for GLAMOUR.
✧ Check the “❢” tag for important info!
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♀ Hatterene
Ability: Anticipation
✧Psychic✧Dazzling Gleam✧
✧Dark Pulse✧Calm Mind✧
[ Bede’s very first partner, gifted to him by Chairman Rose. Though their relationship was rocky at first, the two have grown practically inseparable. Graceful and scarily calm. ]
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♂ Rapidash
Ability: Pastel Veil
✧Zen Headbutt✧Smart Strike✧
✧Dazzling Gleam✧Drill Run✧
[ Acquired in a raid battle during his gym challenge while he was training in preparation for Kabu’s gym. Used for battle as well as transportation. Prideful, yet gentle. ]
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♀ Gardevoir
Ability: Synchronize
✧Shadow Ball✧Energy Ball✧
✧Psychic✧Dazzling Gleam✧
[ Received in a trade for his Gothorita sometime during his gym leader training, and was quick to get along with Prim. Shy, but has a nasty temper. ]
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♀ Mawile
Ability: Intimidate
✧Iron Head✧Fake Tears✧
✧Crunch✧Play Rough✧
[ Found sick in the Dusty Bowl while training, and was taken in and nursed back to health. While originally intended to be released once she was better, she took a liking to Bede and his Pokémon and refused to leave. Feisty and a little bit clumsy. ]
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♀ Sylveon
Ability: Cute Charm
✧Moonblast✧Light Screen✧
✧Shadow Ball✧Psyshock✧
[ A gift from Opal after Bede assumed the position of Gym leader. Used both in battle as well as a sort of therapy Pokémon. Incredibly affectionate and playful. ]
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♂ Reuniclus
Ability: Magic Guard
✧Psyshock✧Hammer Arm✧
[ The first Pokémon Bede caught on his own. While not used for gym battles, Thyme usually accompanies Bede when he’s not working. Hardy and a little bit stubborn. ]
Other Pokemon
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♀ Flabébé
Ability: Flower Veil
✧Tackle✧Lucky Chant✧
✧Vine Whip✧Fairy Wind✧
[ A very recent addition, gifted to Bede by a Ms. Eveline Esculenta. Found to be affectionate, carefree, and playful. Likes to hide in Bede’s hair. ]
Canon information can be found here!
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ramenrains · 6 years
please help me get back on my feet after moving?
hi. i’m roxie.
if you don’t know much about me, i’m 25 & an aquarius. i use they/them pronouns and consider myself bisexual (this is relevant to my situation, i promise).
i am also autistic and have been in cbt for anxiety and talk therapy for depression for the past two years. i used to write a lot of fanfiction, namely for kpop fandoms, the walking dead, wwe, and night at the museum (don’t ask). i had a couple of really popular fanfics for the until dawn fandom, and even though i haven’t completed a fanfic in a while, i do enjoy writing them in my free time.
i’m currently a part time librarian assistant and get inconsistent work at the local arena doing security/guest engagement stuff. i am currently in a place where i don’t feel like my jobs are demanding too much of me, but unfortunately they don’t pay super well and i’m considering getting a second part time job or going back to school, but right now i’m still in the process of weighing the options.
the past year was very rocky for me in terms of income and mental stability.
here’s what happened
i was at least living in a place i thought was relatively safe.
it started slowly, as my roommates, at first, were an older couple, their son, and sometimes his girlfriend. then the boy invited his girlfriend to live there, the husband invited a coworker and his daughter to move in, and the wife moved one of her cousins in after that cousin’s boyfriend was imprisoned and she was evicted. pretty soon there were 8 people living in a three bedroom house, 6 of us sharing one bathroom. it was cramped, but tolerable.
then, a few months ago, my newer roommates started making homophobic comments towards me after seeing a pride flag in my room, making me feel unwelcome and vaguely threatened. they started using my things, breaking my things, stealing my things (like literally constantly using them and then claiming they were never mine when i confronted them about it), and telling complete strangers to me visiting about my sexuality derisively.
they later 'apologized' and the more aggressive behavior stopped when i sat them down and confronted them about it, but this was almost immediately followed by one of them in particular (the elder husband of the couple who had originally been living there) making uncomfortably sexual comments towards me in regards to me dating women. among other things, he began joking that he should be involved if i brought any women home, or that i should at least film it and provide him with a copy. he also started coming into my room without warning, and flirting with me when his wife wasn't home. this behavior got worse when he drank, and i began to fear a line might be crossed.
one night, he and i were the only ones home and i was locked in my room, playing video games. he began banging on my door, begging me to let him in and talk to him, audibly intoxicated. when i stayed quiet, hoping he would get bored and leave, he instead went around to the other side of the house and started banging on the window, removed the screen, and tried to pry it open, demanding to know why i was ignoring him and implying he was going to force me to ‘spend time with him’ once he got in. around that time his elder son got back to the house and started yelling at him to stop, which he did.
i decided i was really no longer safe there and started exploring other options, even though his son and wife apologized to me. it seemed like his wife kinda resented the attention he was directing at me? i mentioned to her i was planning on moving out, and she told me i would have to be out by the first of august or i would owe her another month of rent. and she just generally began being very short with me when she had always been very kind before.
luckily, i was able to move in with a great friend who is charging me a completely doable monthly rent. however, i had to be out of work on two weekdays i was scheduled in order to make the move happen before the first. i effectively lost out on 12 hours of pay.
another thing is, i have no furniture. i am sleeping on a borrowed mattress on the floor, which i am grateful for (it's a comfy mattress) but i would also just... really like a bedframe, and maybe a dresser so that storing my things can be a bit easier.
the last thing is, i am behind on a couple bills (car insurance and phone bill) and will probably continue to be so for a while because of the hours i will be short on my next paycheck.
as a result, i am just asking for help to balance everything out after the move. if i can recoup the cost of rent and maybe make up on the pay i missed out on in order to move, i can use that to catch up on bills, save next month's rent from my next paycheck and then start to save for some furniture and get back on track to where i can save to move out and get my own place. i'm pretty optimistic that everything will turn out okay, if i can get back on the right track. at the high end, i'm estimating that 400$ would get me exactly where i need to be.
to be upfront, this is not a crisis situation. i will scramble to catch up on things without help, and this might give me trouble when my time here is up and i need to get back out on my own. but i am safe here. i am not at risk of losing my housing here, or being abused, or sexually harassed. i am so grateful for all the help that has been given to me so i could find this safe place. if you feel any assistance would be better geared towards people in crisis situations, i totally understand and respect that.
but if you have the means to help me out a little, i would be immensely grateful!
here's how you can help me, if you want:
-signal boost! the more people see this, the more likely i will meet my goal, and the fewer people would have to donate to reach it.
-donate! my paypal is [email protected], but i will also create a gofundme for the sake of complete transparency, which can be found here.
-check out my wishlist! right now, it’s just a couple of furniture items, but i will be adding on, especially as it gets colder since i don’t have a good winter coat.
-message me! if you wanna let me know you've signal boosted or donated, i would love to thank you personally. if you wanna vocalize your support, i would love to hear it. i'm not exactly in the throes of despair anymore, but it's nice to hear people cheering me on regardless. if you have questions, send them my way! i'm happy to explain as much as i can to ease your mind. tell me about your day! honestly, getting to talk to y'all will ease my mind for a bit. even if you have questions you need answered to clarify or understand, please hit me up. i don’t mind at all.
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