#free tarot readings closed
ghostofpolaris · 2 years
Could I get a free reading? I would like to know how my November - Jan will be going in terms of my career and relationships. I’ve started a new job and Im a bit nervous how that will go.
My nickname is YoghurtBerry. The thing that best represents me :)
Hi hi lovely YoghurtBerry! I do apologize for the late reply but I am going to be the bearer of some bad news.
Your question is not a bad one btw, but I am going to politely decline doing this reading following my guidelines in the original post here. The energy required for a reading like this and the amount of things asked here versus the energy I have and given these are free readings I am offering just don't balance out quite well. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news because you had a nicely structured ask but I feel like it is a bit unfair to ask for something that requires lots of detail and depth for something that is a free celebration.
I thank you for your time, patience, and kindness.
Free Tarot Readings Closed
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1tarot1with1k1o · 11 months
In this game, I’ll tell you what your celebrity of choice would think about you if you were close friends, or if you were acquainted in real life. To participate, please read the following information:
- anons and private readings are allowed;
- ask about one or two celebrities at most. If you choose two, then the reading for each person will be shorter;
- only send asks through my inbox please;
- I don’t need initials or anything. However, I do suggest you to use some emojis if you ask on anon, so that you’ll be able to find your reading more easily once it’s published;
- please mention your age (saying if you’re a minor or an adult is enough). There shouldn’t be any “spicy” messages, but in case I do happen to receive some, I want to make sure that you’re an adult. I won’t take any responsibility in case you decide to lie about your age;
- this is for entertainment purposes, so don’t take what I say as a fact. Aside from energies changing over time, I will approach this reading in an hypothetical way. So even if I describe the perfect relationship between you and your chosen celebrity, it doesn’t mean it will actually manifest in real life. The opposite scenario applies as well, obviously;
(These are optional things you can add to your ask. THEY ARE NOT a requirement for you to participate in the game. Just little extras I can give you) 🫶
- if you send me a short reading about a topic of your choice, (any topic you want) I’ll give you two readings. You can either choose to get it about another celebrity, or about a topic amongst the ones listed in this poll;
- if you guess correctly something about me (the information I posted publicly doesn’t count. Like…don’t mention my big 3, or other details I already talked about in my carrd). I’ll give you an oracle card message;
- if you create a moodboard for me about a topic of your choice, then I’ll also create a moodboard for you;
- if you would like a song to describe your relationship, then please send me a song too. Do describe what the song is for tho (like…it’s from your fs, it’s from your best friend, it’s from your guides, it describes your future, I just wanted to share this song with you cause I like it lol…etc.etc.)
All requests will start to be processed starting from next week ^~^
I will update you before closing the game
Thank you! Please just have fun, and be respectful <3
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numinously-yours · 1 month
Happy Monday!
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Let's do another single card draw! Send me an ask by 12pm CST today (Monday, 8/19) and I'll pull a single card for you. If you have anything specific in mind, let me know. If you ask off of anon and want a private reply, let me know in your ask! Any asks received after 12pm will be answered as time allows, but no guaranteed timeline.
See you in the ask box soon :)
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aesethewitch · 5 months
Hi, and a very happy Friday to you from a frequent FTF enjoyer! :) I'm mostly asking for fun: what's the most profitable sort of vibe to plan for the hermit-type retreat I'm having in May, when I have the house to myself for four or so days? I've been brain-storming all kinds of potential focuses - leisure reading, writing, protection spells, prosperity spells, non-stop divination, deity parties, etc - but I have yet to choose a theme for my half-week's activities, and I'm curious if a suggestion might like to jump out of the deck.
Why, hello! (:
For you, I drew the Hanged Man.
Not to go all "Fountain" on you here, but... The theme is patience, rest, and absorbing wisdom. Divination, I think, would be a good use of the time. "Leisure" is a good word for it. I don't think it'll be a time to strain yourself to do all sorts of activities all at once; rather, it's an opportunity to gently flex your muscles. Stretching, if you will, for the bigger things down the road.
If you'd like a free one-card tarot reading, read over my rules and send an ask! And if you like my work and/or enjoy your reading, consider throwing a couple dollars my way! Supporters get benefits like early and exclusive access to extra content -- check out my new membership tiers for even more bonuses!
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venusdevotea · 4 months
free tarot readings
are currently CLOSED (for now!) as I catch up on the current asks I already have. don't worry if I haven't gotten to yours yet, if you sent in an ask before the time of this post, I have received it and will get to you soon! i will be prioritizing non-anon posts first before moving to anon asks as i would love to keep connecting mutually with the community!
thank you all for your lovely and respectful engagement so far, it seriously means a lot, especially as someone who commonly reads tarot in bars. you all have been so sweet, and I can't wait to get to all of your questions!
much love, Venus
(PS. my assignment went okay if you were curious, submitted at 11:59 right on the DOT. 😵‍💫😬 but we ballin', it was moooooostly finished, and it was a first draft anyway.)
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casper-spills · 11 months
Free readings are closed
Coming back soon on October 22nd…
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Hello everyone!
Thanks so much again for all of your requests and the support!
I’m afraid I’ll have to temporarily close the free reading submissions as I still have so many to reply to. Any submissions from now on will be deleted until free readings open up again.
But if you’re wanting to support me and get a reading asap, you can always donate to my ko-fi (the link is in my bio).
If you donate to my ko-fi, please DM or submit an ask showing me that you paid and you would like a reading. It will only accept a minimum of $5 so you can ask up to 5 questions so go nuts!
Happy spook month everyone! 🔮
Cassy the friendly ghost 🤍
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witchcraftingboop · 1 year
Upcoming Tarot Free Readings
So I thought about it, and I haven't done free readings in a hot ass minute on here. Later this week, either Thurs/Fri or the weekend, I feel like doing a few. I'll pick randomly which ones to do, so feel free to submit requests/asks starting now
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mosscreektarot · 7 months
Thank you everyone! Free readings are now closed. If you'd like a paid reading, you can check out my pinned post or DM me. I'm really sorry I couldn't get to everyone but it takes a lot of energy to do readings and I feel like a deflated balloon rn. Thank you to everyone for sending asks, support, and love! I wish you all the best in life!
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beka-reads · 1 year
You know who you are!! 🍕
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To my wonderful seekers I wish you the best! 🎉 Thanks for the healthy exchanges!! 😇
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Free readings are closed 🙏🌼
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ghostofpolaris · 2 years
Hello🤍 I’d like to ask a question please
Should I work towards being a singer and artist as my career or focus on university only?
I’m I.R and I’m a Capricorn ♑️
Thank youu🥰
Hi hi I.R.! Thanks for joining me for the Samhain tarot readings! Glad you could stop by to join us for the fun! I'll admit, the song I got for you already made me raise a brow as I haven't heard this in a VERY long time, but this was a very strong pull to it.
Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash
Makes me think that maybe this has a lot to do with your situation and stuck in a decision on hoe to feel or where to go. Normally I would say that it is up to you at the end of the day to decide whether a song resonates or not, but I do feel that when we examine the song from a different angle than the intended for the original context, I really just cannot get out of my head these parts here:
"This indecision's buggin' me If you don't want me, set me free Exactly who'm I'm supposed to be Don't you know which clothes even fit me? Come on and let me know Should I cool it or should I blow? "
"If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double"
This definitely has to have been bugging you for a good bit and quite honestly this just reminds me of a main character in a coming of age film trying to make a decision that will change their entire life/plot of the film. I hope that perhaps we can help assist this matter with the cards!
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For this reading, I will admit that I had a weird time trying to figure out a good way to ask the question, so what I did is basically look at both angles (so just university versus your creative career idea) with an advice card to maybe help give a tie breaker. I hope this helps!
──── ✧《✩》✧ ────
University (Four of Swords) -
Before we dig at the Four of Swords, let me talk about the Sword suit as a whole first. This is aligned with the element of Air which is full of the idea of balance between intellect and power. This looks at the quality of mind around your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. This is a suit that leads with change, action, power, force, courage, and even oppression. Remember that action can be constructive or destructive, but one is not inherently bad/good. With this in mind, let's look at the Four of Swords.
The Four of Swords is a card that traditionally talks of rest, relaxation, meditation, recuperation and contemplation. This is the rest stop before you take on the next challenge and this is a place where you have reached an important first milestone. Being at University almost seems like a vacation to you judging what I am reading here versus other places. Normally, this card recommends to not make decisions for the moment but instead be silent and inactive. I think already you have a decision in your mind of what you want, but I really get this aching suspicion that perhaps right now maybe you should wait on trying to run with your idea you may have right now.
You need time to negotiate your situation and I feel like this University will give you a chance to do it. Spend some time with yourself and evaluate your life or if you already have, re-evaluate alone again. Recharge your batteries here. The Number Four in Numerology is a number of stability, and I feel like this is a safe spot for you to help you re-assess your priorities.
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Creative Career (Six of Pentacles) -
Ya know, I sit here more and more and before even looking at Pentacles as suit or even the actual Six of Pentacles, I got this suspicion that because I noted the Numerological meaning of the four in the Four of Swords, I should do the same for the Six of Pentacles, and sure enough I examined closely and something tells me you really want to do this. Like this right here is what you really love which I absolutely cannot fault you for. The arts are a fantastic thing to have in life. This definitely is where your heart is and I think that the Six of Pentacles shows this as it is a card of generosity, sharing wealth, receiving and giving. It probably feels like the best holiday ever or perhaps a birthday gift all of the time with this.
The Pentacles suit is of the Earth element which really speaks on support, stability, and grounding. It also traditionally talks of health, finances, work, and creativity which makes sense given that singing/art are both creative fields.
This creative side of a career feels like you definitely are going to be sharing the wealth and abundance you have with others which is really nice! This'll probably feel like the world is your oyster at this point! What I advise you remember though is wealth does not only come in monetary form. Wealth can come from all sorts of avenues like charity, kindness, etc.
Giving up your time, energy, and love to those in need are other forms of wealth that I think you would end up giving here. You may down this path wonder if you really can afford to give out the generosity to have to others, and this is a card to reassure you that your investments are not in vain. You also may be on the receiving end of someone else's kindness to help you back on your feet which is nice too! But you should think of how to become more self-sustaining in the long run and not become desperate because of the kindness of others either. There seems to be a balance down this road should you be able to keep yourself balanced too.
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Advice (Knight of Swords) -
The Knight of Swords is a card of ambition, fast-thinking, and action-oriented movement. This is a card that represents a drive to succeed and shows that this is a person on a mission. At the end of the day, I think you already made your decision and it shows because you have a drive towards what you want at the end of the day. I just have a creeping suspicion that you just want confirmation (which is not a bad thing).
The Knight of Swords shows that you might be quick to take action but not plan ahead. Instead, you prefer to dive right in and thrive on high levels of energy. You know where you want to go and are driven to do so anyway, I almost don't think you need us to tell you what to do. <3
The best thing I think we can recommend here, is to perhaps slow down just a bit to make sure you are not jumping into something you are not prepared for. Sometimes a little planning and preparation can go a long way, my friend.
──── ✧《✩》✧ ────
I hope that this reading helps you! Feel free to look back on it anytime you need and may you have a happy Samhain!
Free Tarot Readings Closed
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1tarot1with1k1o · 1 year
hi! here for ur game :) i choose kim namjoon
i feel you’d get along with with momo from twice, sunny from girls generation, and seulgi from red velvet
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Helloo~ and welcome to the game!
Ooh, interesting choices! I’ve never thought about being friends with those idols, but I’d definitely be curious to see how it would go. They’re all nice and very charming people, so thank you for choosing them for me! Mark is SUCH a sweet guy, and he has the softest hands haha, so I’m happy to remind you of him. I’ve never been that called to get to know Wendy in depth, but she seems chill, so I appreciate it! Taemin…what an honor lol!! He’s THE kpop idol™️, so it’s such a compliment for me to remind you of him!
I think that namjoon would find you…interesting? You might be someone who is very different from the people he is used to meeting or hanging around with, and I feel like his smart self will really want to get to know you in order to sort of “study” you? Not in a weird way, but he simply would like to know more because he finds you very “layered”. He would love to listen to you talk about your hobbies and views. He would like to know how you form your thoughts, and the kind of experiences you faced during your life. The things you say might even inspire him to write songs, or to look at certain things in a different way. You two would be like those people who look extremely different but that actually get along well, and that deep inside are more similar than one may think. I see that your friendship would stay superficial (as in, I don’t see you becoming very close friends. Just people who occasionally meet in the same place, and have a talk), but you’ll definitely have a positive effect on each other even just by being acquainted! You could learn many things from each other <3
Jungkook would also find you an interesting person to hang out with. I saw him smiling at you while you’re talking with a group of people. He may find your mannerism and your mind peculiar. Not necessarily because you act strangely, but like for Joon, you may have a personality that he’s not used to. I heard language barrier, so he may be too shy to actually talk to you. Probably because you would have to communicate in English, and as good as he is, he will feel too intimidated to actually talk a lot in a foreign language. He may even be worried about accidentally saying something wrong during the conversation. Ironically, I saw him talking more if Namjoon is around, since he would be less scared about making mistakes. Joon may not even have to ever correct him or to interfere in the conversation, but it still would make Jungkook feel more comfortable to have him nearby in case he needs some extra support. You would laugh and enjoy your time together! He would find it fun to be around you. You might end up having friends in common, although I don’t see you two actually interacting more than just a few times. You’d mostly be the kind of person you greet and then move away from, in order to meet your friends. I don’t wanna say a professional relationship but that’s the kind of vibe I get tbh. In a positive way of course! It’s not like he would have to force himself to talk to you. Not at all! You two may just have different walks of life that wouldn’t give you much to talk about with one another.
Overall, you would have positive interactions with both of them, but they would likely not lead to developing a close friendship with neither. You might interact more with Namjoon than with Jungkook. Mostly because the conversation would flow more easily between you two. Not just for the language, but even for the fact that your personalities or personal views may be a better match.
Thank you for participating! I hope you enjoyed the readings ^~^
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numinously-yours · 4 months
Requests open until 2pm CST!
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It is currently 10:38am CST. Requests are open until 2pm!
requests received in this time period will receive a reply by Friday, June 7th.
requests received AFTER this time period will receive a reply as time allows; requests are accepted but no guaranteed time line.
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nasa-parker · 1 month
best friend just said she feels hurt by our friendship and wants to talk about it but hasn’t replied back to me 😀👍🏼
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lynxmoonrising · 3 months
hey! im k. libra 14 yrs old.
i have felt overwhelmed and insecure for some time and i genuinely don't see anything good awaiting for me atm. will things get better for me during the or during this year? thank you so much for doing free tarot readings ❤️
Hi K. 3 of Swords reversed
The best is yet to come, and things are on their way to getting better. Focus on any and all optimistic thoughts that come your way, capture them, and attract the good. It will come soon enough. Hold on, and don't be afraid to reach out for help - sharing good thoughts will amplify them for you.
You're welcome :)
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oraclekleo · 3 months
Hi how are you? My initials are A.R. and I’m wondering if I’ll ever be in a romantic relationship or am I meant to be single forever? do you know what traits my potential future partner will have? thank you so much, have a good day (:
I'm afraid I don't take requests for free readings at the moment.
If you want a paid reading, DM me and we can discuss it.
If this is for the pendulum game, that one is closed.
Thank you for understanding!
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aesethewitch · 8 months
Okay! That's all for Makeup Tarot Monday. I've got dishes to do and little willpower to do it, lol. If you sent an ask that you requested to be private re: magical skills and didn't receive it... DM me, I published it privately but tumblr Sucks (:
Asks received after this post will be saved for this Friday... when I plan on Streaming in a Live Capacity!
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