#free online crossword
vanessa-m-lounsbury · 2 years
online word search
A video about a mobile application that can be downloaded for free from the Samsung Store and contains many great games
Enter to Samsung App store to get all these games for free. Here's the link below.
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agentromanoffsir · 1 year
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neocities guide - why you should build your own html website
do you miss the charm of the 90s/00s web where sites had actual personality instead of the same minimalistic theme? are you feeling drained by social media and the constant corporate monopoly of your data and time? do you want to be excited about the internet again? try neocities!!
what is neocities?
neocities is a free hosting website that lets you build your own html website from scratch, with total creative control. in their own words: "we are tired of living in an online world where people are isolated from each other on boring, generic social networks that don't let us truly express ourselves. it's time we took back our personalities from these sterilized, lifeless, monetized, data mined, monitored addiction machines and let our creativity flourish again."
why should I make my own website?
web3 has been overtaken by capitalism & conformity. websites that once were meant to be fun online social spaces now exist solely to steal your data and sell you things. it sucks!! building a personal site is a great way to express yourself and take control of your online experience.
what would I even put on a website?
the best part about making your own site is that you can do literally whatever the hell you want! focus on a specific subject or make it a wild collection of all your interests. share your art! make a shrine for one of your interests! post a picture of every bird you see when you step outside! make a collection of your favorite blinkies! the world is your oyster !! here are some cool example sites to inspire you: recently updated neocities sites | it can be fun to just look through these and browse people's content! space bar | local interstellar dive bar creature feature | halloween & monsters big gulp supreme peanutbuttaz | personal site dragodiluna linwood | personal site patho grove | personal site
getting started: neocities/html guide
sound interesting? here are some guides to help you get started, especially if you aren't familiar with html/css sadgrl.online webmastery | a fantastic resource for getting started with html & web revival. also has a layout builder that you can use to start with in case starting from scratch is too intimidating web design in 4 minutes | good for learning coding basics w3schools | html tutorials templaterr | demo & html for basic web elements eggramen test pages | css page templates to get started with sadgrl background tiles | bg tiles rivendell background tiles | more free bg tiles
fun stuff to add to your site
want your site to be cool? here's some fun stuff that i've found blinkies-cafe | fantastic blinkie maker! (run by @transbro & @graphics-cafe) gificities | internet archive of 90s/00s web gifs internet bumper stickers | web bumper stickers momg | gif gallery 99 gif shop | 3d gifs 123 guestbook | add a guestbook for people to leave messages cbox | add a live chat box moon phases | track the phases of the moon gifypet | a little clickable page pet adopt a shroom | mushroom page pet tamaNOTchi | virtual pet crossword puzzle | daily crossword imood | track your mood neko | cute cat that chases your mouse pollcode | custom poll maker website hit counter | track how many visitors you have
web revival manifestos & communities
also, there's actually a pretty cool community of people out there who want to bring joy back to the web! melonland project | web project/community celebrating individual & joyful online experiences. Also has an online forum melonland intro to web revival | what is web revival? melonking manifesto | status cafe | share your current status nightfall city | online community onio.cafe | leave a message and enjoy the ambiance sadgrl internet manifesto | yesterweb internet manifesto | sadly defunct, still a great resource reclaiming online social spaces | great manifesto on cultivating your online experience
in conclusion
i want everyone to make a neocities site because it's fun af and i love seeing everyone's weird personal sites that they made outside of the control of capitalism :) say hi to me on neocities
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hungamagames · 1 year
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letusbloomtogether · 2 years
3d puzzles
A video about a mobile application that can be downloaded for free from the Samsung Store and contains many great games
Enter to Samsung App store to get all these games for free. Here's the link below.
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the girl next door 7
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Your body is stiff. You blame your late-night drawing session hunched over the folding table. You feel it in your neck and shoulder. You sit up and groan, rubbing your muscles as you try to loosen the knots. You roll your arms as you stand up, yawning as you rub your eyes. 
A dewy breeze flows in. The air feels like rain but the density has yet to break. You remember vaguely in the middle of the night cracking the window to cool off, your room stagnant and stale. 
You near the window in your baggy shirt, dampened slightly with your sweat. It’s caught under your chest as you bulge against the fabric. You pull it free as you stand in front of the pane and blanch as you see movement on the other side. Shoot. 
Your eyes meet Steve’s as he closes the window across from yours. He can feel the approaching storm too. He smiles and gives a two-fingered wave. You lift your hand weakly, barely extending your fingers before you tug shut the curtains. How much did he see? How much could he see? 
You go out to get the day started. The overhead light of kitchen blares yellow across the space and you put the coffee pot on to brew. As you wait, you tidy the table, once more cluttered with your mother’s forgotten distractions. The crossword book, several pens, a home magazine, and several wrappers. 
You slow the pour of coffee into your mug as you hear your mom’s bedroom door. You stare at the doorway until she appears. She limps to the table and sits heavily. You put the cup before her and grab another for yourself. She mutters and leans her head in her hand. She was home late last night. 
You go to grab her inhaler from the bathroom. Once more, it’s missing. You return and find it on the counter hidden beside a used plate. It's only then you notice the blackened frozen fries on the cookie sheet. What the heck? 
“Ugh, that man,” she croaks, letting it roll into a laugh, “he convinced me to have a little wine after the milkshake.” You put her inhaler in front of her. She raises her head and scowls. She rubs the furrow between her brows. “And then another. And another.” 
You don’t even remember her getting home. You were up until one in the morning drawing. She must have been much later. How hadn’t you heard her make all this mess? 
You sip your coffee around cleaning up. You wash the glass from the milkshake Steve brought over and set it aside. Your mother hacks and clears her throat. 
“Mm, he’s too nice,” she mutters, “told him you didn’t need that. Too much sugar. You don’t even like strawberry.” 
You hide your frown. You like strawberry. You’re not sure why she thinks otherwise. She’s never really asked. 
“I’ll bring the glass back--” 
“You remember your manners,” she girds before she hums into her coffee cup. She gulps through her wet lips noisily. “I don’t need you ruining this.” 
“I will, mom.” 
“Ugh,” she stands up with a groan, “I need my chair.” 
Her hand trembles and the cup with it. She spills a little over the sides but doesn’t pay attention to it. You dump the tray of burnt fries and put it in the sink. You just cleaned this place top to bottom. You don’t think you’re that messy but it’s always a disaster. 
You clean the rest of the dishes and put them away. Your mom hollers for more coffee and you bring the pot with you to refill her cup. She leans it on her chest and closes her eyes. 
“I’m going to take the glass back now, I guess.” 
“Mph, do whatever,” she utters irritably. 
You trod back to your room and change into real clothes; straight-legged jeans and a stripped jersey tee. You just want to get this over with. It’s so awkward. You would rather your mom just take it back the next time she goes over but she’s in rough shape. It must be the alcohol. She’s not really supposed to have any. 
You grab the glass and put on your shoes. As you come out, there’s a speckling of rain falling from the sky. You go up the walk and around the sidewalk, coming back down the pavement squares to Steve’s porch. You stop and look up at his front door. You climb the steps and drag your feet to the door. 
You tap the bell. It’s one of those ones with the camera built-in. You feel overly conscious as you stand before the lens. The door opens before you can prepare yourself. 
“Hey, sweetie,” Steve greets, “how are you?” 
“Erm. Okay. Here.” 
You hold out the glass. He doesn’t take it. He leans on the doorframe and smile. 
“Crummy day, huh? Supposed to thunderstorm soon,” he comments, “too bad, I was really wanting to get that pool going.” 
“Mm, yeah,” you keep the glass raised before you. 
“Oh well, guess I’ll have to figure out what to do all pent up. Maybe a movie night? With all this moving, I’m way behind.” 
You look at his chest, staring at the short-sleeved button up with chagrin. What is he talking about? Why is he talking so much? 
“You got any suggestions? You youngins always know what’s hip,” he shakes his head and laughs, “sorry, I sound old, don’t I?” 
“No,” you answer dully. 
“No what? No suggestions or no I don’t sound old?” He challenges. 
Your eyes go round and you look him in the face. “I don’t know.” 
“I’m teasing--” 
“Here,” you wiggle the glass at him. 
He takes it, his fingers brushing against yours. You let it go and recoil. You bare your teeth strangely and back away, “thanks, er. Bye.” 
You turn and cringe at the grey sky. You trudge off the porch and cut across the lawn, too mortified not to trod over his grass. You clamber up the front steps and quickly shut yourself inside the house. You hiss at yourself as you press your back to the door. 
“Don’t slam the goddamn door,” your mother sneers, “Jesus. No wonder this place is falling apart.” 
It’s one of those days where you’re just sad. You can’t pinpoint why. It’s just a vague malaise that won’t leave. Even as the sun beams and deepens to a soft evening hue, you can’t see a light among the dark. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been like that. Under your covers, crying for no good reason. It just hurts to be. You keep your arm folded over your pounding head. You just want to sleep and yet you can’t cross the barrier into unconscious. 
You give up and roll onto your back, pulling the blanket to your waist. You exhale and stare up at the ceiling. You’re head swims from the deluge of tears. You sop them up with the sheet and sit up. Your head is full and throbbing. 
You get up, bleary-eyed, and muddle your way through reality. You pull open your door and find the bathroom on instinct alone. You shut yourself in and blow your nose. The effort has you even more dizzy. You shake your head, trying to clear out the fog, and turn on the cold water. You throw it across your face, holding a wet palm to your forehead to try to ease the tension. 
Your ears tickle with a strange noise. A low drone. Like bass on the front television. Now and again, your mom will amp up the TV but it’s unexpectedly loud. You twist off the faucet and stand straight. You dry off and head back into the hall, peering down at the shifting light glaring from the living room doorway. 
“Woahhh,” the voice catches you unaware as someone collides with you from behind in the dim hallway. You stumble and turn to face Steve as popcorn scatters onto the floor, tumbling over the brim of the bowl. The smell tugs at your stomach, “sorry sweetie, I didn’t see you there.” 
You look at his silhouette, unable to make out any of his features. You didn’t even know he was there. Your mother didn’t even warn you. You suspect that may have been purposeful. 
“Sorry,” you back up, “didn’t mean... to get in the way.” 
You turn and shuffle back to your room. He follows, “your mom said you weren’t feeling good. Hope you get better soon, but if you’re interested, we’re watching a movie.” 
Your bedroom door is wide open. If you’d known, you would’ve been sure to shut it tight. 
“No, thank you,” you grab the handle and slowly shift the door behind you. 
“No problem,” he calls after you, “offer stands if you change your mind.” 
You click the door shut gently and stay on the other side, listening for his footsteps. He lingers, a bit too long, and it’s only as he walks away that you go back to your bed. There’s something strange about him. Or maybe it’s just you. 
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totally-sick-blogger · 4 months
5 low energy activities for when you're feeling too unwell to get up but don't want to be on your phone.
Hi lovies!
I think that the title pretty much explains it. Still, I wanted to share 5 low-energy activities today because I know it can be really hard to find something to do when you're not feeling well but you've already been scrolling on your phone for hours. All of these are things that you can do from your bed, the couch, etc. and they are all very affordable!
Tip: If you're doing these in your bed (or somewhere else that doesn't have a good flat surface) you can use a cookie sheet/baking tray. If you don't already own a cookie sheet you can find them for really cheap at the dollar store or a second-hand store
colouring - this one is probably pretty obvious but I think it's a good one because it's pretty customizable. You can buy a colouring book from the dollar store or amazon or Walmart or wherever else. you could even find free printable colouring pages online. the same thing applies to markers/crayons etc. you probably already have some and if not you can get super cheap ones or super fancy ones.
2. crossword puzzles/word searches - I know these aren't for everyone but I love them and they're another thing that you can find paper copies of or online and you can buy a book of them or print them out yourself.
3. reading - This is another one that has lots of options for different price ranges and affordability. you can buy new books, or used books, borrow from a library, or do audiobooks or Ebooks instead. I know that some libraries have apps you can download with Ebooks and audiobooks that you can borrow as long as you have a library card.
4. bead crafts - I love making things with beads (particularly bracelets) because it's, easy, and requires no brain power. I'd also like to mention that if you have poor dexterity or fine motor skills (or want avoid eye strain) I recommend using pipe cleaners instead of string and using larger beads that are easier to pick up.
5. card games - If you have a friend, family member, or caregiver around you can play card games! they're fun, easy, you can do it laying down and there's tons of different games out there.
6. This is bonus activity because it takes a bit more energy than the others but I always recommend finding a video essay or documentary on an interesting topic and taking notes and doing a deep dive on the subject!
that's all for today lovies, as always I hope this helps at least one person!
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spoonsand · 6 months
Dutch- disposable fruity flavoured (mango) vapes, Duolingo
Hosea- rollerblading, old VHS movies, The Sound of Music, ear studs, small hoops, and ear cuffs
Arthur- LED strip lights, therapy, The Joy of Painting
John- Ax body spray, deodorant, those little arm floaties little kids wear in the pool
Mary-Beth- Lego flowers, The Notebook, Pinterest
Tilly- Easter egg hunts, making slime, slumber parties
Karen- Tube/crop tops, jean shorts, weightlifting
Sean- make your own mead kits, TikTok, “kiss me in Irish”, SUNSCREEN
Abigail- AirTags (she would put one on little Jack), Roasting marshmallows, Crime shows/courtroom dramas, Man! I Feel like a woman! By Shania Twain
Uncle- recliner chairs, dog sledding, Wheel of Fortune, Crosswords
Susan- Dark nail polish, cats(I’m 100% sure she’d own either a black cat or a tortishell that would sit on her lap/shoulder), dishwashers
Kieran- Creep by Radiohead, Tv shows about veterinarians, friendship bracelets (with Arthur)
Reverend Swanson- Support groups, The Robert Langdon series (especially Inferno, Angels & Demons), communion wine
Javier- Cards Against Humanity, online sheet music, ear gauges
Molly- Champaign toast anything from bath and bodywork’s, naval AND lip piercing, SUNSCREEN
Bill-sexy firefighter calendars, Grindr, Bumbl, all the dating apps, apples dipped in caramel, jolly ranchers
Charles- IMessage games (mini golf and battleship in particular), those long distance ‘thinking of you bracelets’, 90’s sitcoms
Lenny- The Carpenters, cologne to make him seem grown up, head pats
Trelawney- Harry Houdini, 50-60s movies, smoke bombs, dramatic flares
Strauss- a soul, Nigerian Prince scams, telemarketing
Sadie- gyms, self defence classes, the free Britany movement
Micah- staying in the strawberry jail, toothbrush + paste, good posture
Pearson- small businesses, handmade gifts, trying TikTok recipes
Annabelle- Gwen Stefani, sequins, Fast and the Furious
Jack (young)- The Backyardagains, cocomelon, a little toy train
Jack (epilogue)- Monty Python, skateboarding, swimming
Bessie- Bette Midler look a like contests, growing old, brown eyeliner, SUNSCREEN
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𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
go for a walk
take a nap
go to a pet store
play just dance
look at grosspo
find a new aesthetic
design your dream wardrobe
make a list of movies/tv shows/books you want to watch/read
write a short story
make a vision board
make spotify playlists
write a letter to your future self
go to the gym
draw your dream body
have a photoshoot
explore somewhere new
join discord/insta/tumblr groups
learn a language on duolingo
make a new social media account
find new makeup + hairstyles to practice
watch a childhood movie
declutter your phone
online quizes
at-home spa day
make a time capsule
play roblox or minecraft
make a photo wall
start a manifestation journal
test old pens and markers
rearrange furniture in your room
unsubscribe from emails
make a birthday/holiday wishlist
upcycle old clothes
make a bucket list
clean your car or room
declutter bags
find a new podcast to listen to
update your resume
apply to jobs
paint or draw
practice gratitude
start a bullet journal
create a 5 year plan
start a free course
discover new music
work on your insta feed
sell clothes online
start a blog
organize a drawer
clean your makeup brushes
learn a new skill
start a youtube channel or podcast
call a family member
build a puzzle
plan your week
paint your nails
learn a new dance
write a letter to a friend
find a pen pal
write 3 short-term goals
work on current goals
plan your next vacation
explore your neighborhood
do a face mask
organize your closet
find new blogs to follow
do a hair mask
do mirror work
take a shower or bath
pinterest crafts
watch youtube
dust your room
tye dye clothes
facetime friends
make a comfy fort
invite a friend over
go to the mall
amusement park
binge a movie/tv series
make slime
sidewalk chalk
have a tea party
make friendship bracelets
plant a flower
go through old magazines + make collages
hand massage
make your own face scrub
create a skincare routine
research something you've been meaning to learn more about
make popsicles
create a budget
drink water!!!
meal plan
sign up for volunteer work
watch a random documentary
follow new tags on tumblr/insta
hug your pet
organize stationary
watch a ted talk
clean mirrors in your house
reply to old texts
write your own list of things to do
make lists
visit a museum
go to the beach
sign up for a workout class
tidy your desk
make a warm drink
practice hand lettering
5 minute doodles
follow a disney animation lesson (youtube)
watch animal videos
online crossword puzzles
find live shows in your area
play board games
go for a drive
go through junk drawer
pick flowers
start a nature journal
do therapy worksheets from pinterest
make weekend plans
research your family tree
create your own game
make a fruit salad
print coloring worksheets
ride a bike
play a childhood game (mine's animal jam :) )
search for your spirit animal
paint rocks
random act of kindness
make a busy box
plan a yard sale
start/join a book club (can be virtual :) )
shop ikea online
make room decor
closet fashion show
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fbfh · 6 months
okay, pretty odd request and i completely understand if you do not feel comfortable writing it; you can totally scrap it! so i just got my wisdom teeth removed and i am pretty miserable about it. i was kind of wondering how our favourite boy leo might react. i feel like, as repair boy, he would be pretty bummed to not be able to just fix it right away, y’know? thank you so much, whether you feel comfortable writing for this prompt or not, i love your work and you are literally my favourite writer for leo💋
awww babes!!!!!!! I got my wisdom teeth out like maybe a year ago???? ish???? while it did suck it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be so I TOTALLY understand both how much it sucks and the i feel like shit Leo cravings.
okay okay so first of all Leo would not leave your side for a minute. he is so sweet and attentive and gentle with you while your coming back from anesthesia like a motherfucking walking lime green flag. like this. if he's still in college at MIT or wherever he's collecting diplomas like pokemon he will not HESITATE to ditch all classes that day to take care of you with or without his school's permission. if you cry on anesthesia like I do he will be SO FUCKING TENDER with you. he gets every possible caring for someone hack from his mom and from the internet and every resource possible to make sure you're happy and pain free and comfy. He brings you ice packs for your cheeks with tongs so he doesn't accidentally melt them with his hands (it did happen once. you both laughed so hard.) and he always makes sure you eat enough yogurt so your antibiotics don't mess up your stomach. he stays close to you, helps take care of your hair and skin, watches cartoons and movies with you. if you like having your nails done, he will SO give you mani pedis. even if you normally get acrylics or gel or whatever, seeing the slightly messy, sparkly matching nail polish in your favorite colors Leo tenderly and carefully put on your nails and toes makes you so happy every time you see it. he pets your head and peppers you with kisses and tells you how brave you were in a soft voice. he gets you a "conradulations on letting them steal your teeth" basket full of plushies and juice and intricate little coloring pages and crossword puzzles and stuff to keep you busy. He plays cozy video games with you and builds the most insane shit for you in animal crossing. you post it online and some people speculate that he hacked or modded the game to do that but nope. Leo simply loves you to the point of invention. If your swelling or pain is real bad and you're also a demigod he'll check with Will (aka the entire demisquad's informal PCP) how much ambrosia or nectar to give you to help you heal quickly and take the edge off. He holds your hands while you take little walks around your house or apartment a few times a day, like your recovery instructions say to. he makes you what he affectionatley referres to as "gourmet baby food", aka soups and soft pates and purees that taste better than most solid food. he relays all get well soon messages from your friends, including how percy joked that getting your wisdom teeth out means annabeth has less competition for the title of group brain cell wielder. your kitty Jackjack curls up on your lap as soon as Leo initially brings you back from the dentist and doesn't leave your side for a minute. every selfie you and Leo send the group chat has Jackjack curled up on your chest, purring and drooling contently. You have no idea how Leo makes something like pulling teeth feel like a spa vacation, but he makes everything into such a warm, cozy, happy experience. but you guess that when you love someone as much as you and Leo love each other, it's not too surprising.
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
imagine the family all play neopets or club penguin or some other mid-2000s online game site. do they all use the same one? different ones? what ones appeal to them? what do each character do when its time for them to use the Family Computer? bonus: what default windows xp icon is their account labeled
odile is rich as fuck because she plays the stock markets, plus she manages her item shop quite well (she has premium). she uses her excessive neopoints to buy paintbrushes for bonnie! she likes aishas and ixis the best.
bonnie has many side accounts bc they're on a quest to collect all the coolest paint colors. they love to fight in the arena too, and play the flash games! their fave neopets are hissi, eyrie, and lupe, and their fave paint colors are chocolate, darigan, and fire.
mira roleplays!! she has the fanciest html pages for each of her beloved neopets, esp her pastel cybunny, but she also does a bunch of non-neopet-related roleplays. she's in a guild for vampire roleplay!
siffrin only has two pets, a starry kacheek and a starry acara. they have like two dozen daily tasks bookmarked, like getting the free omelette, spinning the wheel, looking at one page of random shops, etc. he doesn't do much else on the site, he just likes the routine of taking care of his pets, and collecting odd items!
isabeau is an altador cup guy! he's loyal to one medicore team, and has very specific strats to get his team the most points he can. he does some stock markets too, and plays cheat. he has a bori fursona, and likes dressing up his neopets!
odile is in charge of computer time. usually it's mira and bonnie who fight over it, but bonnie can start and stop their tasks easily while mira leaving a roleplay means leaving the roleplay. isabeau could play all day but doesn't fight to get a turn. and siffrin only really wants to play once a day for twenty minutes anyway. so usually it goes something like odile first before everyone else is up, then bonnie, isabeau, bonnie, siffrin, bonnie, isabeau, then mira for the entire afternoon.
odile also does crosswords and sudokus and is part of a couple long-running irc chats. bonnie is on club penguin, runescape, flash game websites, and meme websites. mira has accounts on a couple fan forums, and her own mutli-fandom website. siffrin doesn't really understand how websites work. isabeau wiki-crawls and helps bonnie with runescape tasks.
assuming i found the correct windows xp icons (i grew up with macs lol): odile is the green water drop thing, bonnie is the bike jumper, mira is the froggy toy, siffrin is the ducky toy, isa is the fish.
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simzslayer · 5 months
(unfinished, completion in progress)
Utility mods (tuning mods that required for other mods to work)
Shared tuning required for lots of a.deep.indigo mods to work)
Shared Library (required for lots a.deep.indigo mods to work)
General pie menu (required for lots of a.deep.indigo mods to work)
P.S.O Shared library (required for lots of andirz mods)
Brazen Lotus Core Modules (The mod files here change in-game content so it works seamlessly with recipes, mods, and Brazen Delivery service)
Brazen Lotus Core Harvestables (This is the foundation for all harvestables)
Brazen Lotus Core Food & Drinks (foundation for all Food & Drink mods)
The MC Command Center (deaderpool-mccc.com) (mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options.)
Gameplay mods
Golden Years (expands some gameplay options available to Elder Sims)
Basemental Drugs (A collection of functional drugs for The Sims 4. The harsh realities and negatives of prolonged drug use is a key feature of the mod)
In-depth Emotions (A simple tuning mod to give all EA in-game emotions four intensity stages for storytelling.)
Smarter Self-Care V18 (This mod allows your household Sims and NPCs to take better care of their needs and hobbies before getting uncomfortable from their motives going too low.)
Tiredness Mod (Dark Circles/ Eye Redness) (With this mod, Sims in GAMEPLAY mode can now get dark circles and eye redness based on their energy levels.)
Whim Overhaul (This is an overhaul of the EA want system which enhances the chances for family based wants and tunes down wants to buy new stuff. Special wants for: pregnancy, elder life stage, childhood phases, lifestyles, preferences, careers...)
Work from home mod (in game careers can now be played and don't have to be rabbit holes all the time)
All of Katie Mods titled ; the one with (basically adds modular interactions between sims with a conversation aspect to them that will pop up at the top right of your screen)
KiaraSims4 Actives careers (adds a bunch of new active careers, no rabbithole for meh)
KiaraSims4 Custom Events (all of them you never know when you might need them hehe)
Work interactions pie menu (adds more work interactions when you work from a computer like write emails to coworkers)
Social interactions (new custom realistic interactions)
Small mods
More Premade Holidays (adds more premade holidays. BG compatible)
Friends and family activities (phone option to go do rabbit hole activies)
More logical interactions (adds logic to blicblock, programming, adds crossword puzzle to phone and tablet)
More Resolutions (add 9 new resolution to new years holiday)
Simulation Is Not Free (Daycare, Proposing, City Living Invites, Hospital Birth, and After School Activities now cost money.)
Summer Camps (child and teen sims go to camp for a week during summer, rabbithole)
Steady Sit & Seat Any Sim (provide a relatively more "steady" sitting experience for your sims and others too)
Purchase Medecine from phone (All existing medicines from all packs and all known mods in a convenient pharmacy app and in the pharmacy kiosk of new generation.)
Simsim Online Store (buy lots of fun items from your phone, anywhere!)
Universal venue list (The only venue list you’ll ever need.)
Water Sources (This adds new functional objects for collecting and gathering water on lots that are Off-the-Grid)
Better CAS randomization (small tuning mod to lower the chance of using makeup and accessories in CAS randomizing Sims)
Sims Qualities V3 ("Sims Qualities" works like the Sims 2 personality, which is split into 5 scopes: activeness, cleanliness, niceness, outgoingness, and playfulness.)
Strength and Weakness Preferences (Each strength/weakness determines how fast a class of skill can be gained)
Instant CAS Story Preferences (This mod allows you to pick a newly made Sim’s initial skill levels, career levels, and graduated university degrees in the CAS preferences section)
 FruitySim Phone Dating App (phone dating app based on affinities and desired relationship types! 🎉)
Helaene - Emotional Socials (This mod adds 60+ new social interactions which are dependent on your Sim's emotional state.)
PreferencesPlus (This mod provides dozens of new preferences (hobbies, interests, venues, outfits, personal, food types, drinks and flavors)
Better Autonomous Homework
Map Replacement (Overrides the world maps to more detailed ones)
Coffee mug override (mug and latte art)
Offered rose (overrides the rose given in the give rose romantic interaction)
BG diner food retextures (overrides basegame diner redipes to look more realistic)
Phone case override (changes your sims phone for a more realistic one)
Gift override (change the box of the gift interaction for a cuter one, bg compatible)
Cleaning spray (lemon)
Breakfast food overhaul (retextured all base game breakfast food)
Scrub Father Sponge Replacement (Sims 4 Default Sponge Replacement)
Pizza Party Retexture Pack (pizza retextures)
Food Retexture Pack 3 (Lunches)
Food Retexture Pack 2 (Quick Meals)
Food Retexture Pack 1
Nap pose replacement
Selfie overrides (overrides poses for paired and solo selfies)
tau1tvec blood bag retexture
tau1tvec vibrant knitting
simkatu flower arrangement replacement
simkatu book cover def. replacements
Horse texture override
K-hippies overrides (I have terrain, walls, foundation, in-world items overrides. Depending on the world I play in, it is quite a heavy mod so I interchange depending on where I play in the worlds)
High School Cafeteria Override 🍎 (sims in High School order more realistic meals at lunch time)
More Cafe Foods - override GT add on
Ice Cream Shop Override - Highschool EP
ThrifTea ~ Bubble Tea Counter Override
Custom Events
Game Night Event (play board games with guests n stuff)
Food mods
Amellce Recipes (custom recipes)
Brazen Lotus Recipes
Finjing food starter kit (custom asian recipes)
Icemunmun recipes
Grannies Cookbook
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Good Omens Hidden Gems fic recs
Inspired by @goodbyevanny and @moondawntreader, here are some outstanding Good Omens fics with <200 kudos:
Take the Monet and Run by SilenceDogood117 (@lookunderfoot) M, 44142 words. Summary: Convicted art thief Antoinette Crowley is fresh out of prison, fresh out of a marriage, and determined to settle an old score with one last heist. She’s certainly not going to be distracted by the reappearance of a face from the past. That would be entirely counterproductive.
Ineffable wives art heist AU full of romance, revenge, and adventure.
MatchMade! by amaruuk (@naefelldaurk) E, 37270 words. Summary: Crowley tests a new dating app for an online publication. When his match dumps him for another man's match, he and his fellow dumpee take a chance on each other.
A blind-date-gone-wrong AU that takes a number of surprising twists and turns.
Cryptic messages by HolRose (@hasturswig) T, 20048 words. Summary: Aziraphale desperately wants to come clean about his feelings for Crowley, but cannot seem to find the words. On a typical lazy Saturday morning at the bookshop, he decides to try to express his affection in a novel way via a series of clues supposedly for that morning’s crossword. Crowley, gloriously ignorant of the angel’s intentions, reluctantly agrees to assist with the puzzle. The ensuing conversation results in more than Aziraphale bargained for, but perhaps it will all be worth it in the end, if only Crowley can decipher that one remaining clue…
Interactive canon-compliant fic in which an angel and a demon communicate via cryptic crossword.
I Will Choose Free Will by sapphose (@sapphosewrites) T, 14031 words. Summary: When Crowley woke up and saw a stranger in his bedroom, he did the only reasonable thing. He jumped so hard he fell out of bed, and swore loudly. --- In which human Crowley is visited by the angel Aziraphale, setting off an existential crisis and a series of events that will change Aziraphale forever.
Human Crowley meets angel Aziraphale for an identity crisis that's both hilarious and heartbreaking.
Fell's Land of Wonder by journeytogallifrey (@journeytogallifrey) T, 31187 words. Summary: Theme park owner and visionary Aziraphale Fell dwells at the top of the sorcerer’s tower in the middle of Fell’s Lands of Wonder, somewhere between the superhero training academy, the crashed alien spaceship, the alchemist’s workshop, and the animatronic dinosaurs. When solicitor Crowley is sent to broker a deal with Fell, he is quickly swept into a world of magic where anything can happen. But his employers have sinister intentions, and he’s sure there is no possibility for a happy ending. Fell has his sights set on Crowley, and he always gets what he wants. By the end of the day, Fell is sure he can win him over. And if his ambitions stretch beyond a business deal… who can blame him? After all, what’s more wondrous than love at first sight?
Fairground owner Aziraphale takes lawyer Crowley and the reader on an absolutely magical journey.
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not sure if you care at all, but apparently Steve Pemberton might make some sort of appearance on the UK version of Taskmaster soon? todays (september 27th) The Guardian's cryptic crossword was set by 'Sphinx' and has the hidden message of "Greg please give Steve all five points". since youre a tlog/inside no9 fan i thought i should mention it
Of i would be very interested to watch this i love Steve Pemberton as well but since i am not from UK i don't know how can someone find this one to watch online,is there a free online link of UK Taskmaster anywhere?hope though it will be available on youtube
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the girl next door 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You gnaw on your cheek as you read over the letter. Final warning. You really didn't think much of the first five but that word catches your worry; litigation.   
Your mother grunts and clicks her pen, dropping it as she curses under her breath. She tosses the crossword book away from the chair. For all your life, you remember her working on her puzzles. Now, she can hardly hold pen steady enough to put in a single clue.  
"Mom, you want another coke before I head out?" You ask.  
"Where are you 'headed out' to?" She scowls.  
"Just outside. Try to figure out the mower."  
"Piece of shit," she sneers and for a moment, you're not sure if she means the machine or you.  
"Just go," she snips.  
You purse your lips around the cut of her tone. You leave her in her recliner and you go down the hallway to the back door. You shove your feet into your stained vans and let yourself gently outside.  
You come down the steps and cross the overgrown grass to the garage. You prop the door open with an old paint can and drag put the mower. You haul it over to the little patch of pavement by the house as the sunlight raises beads of sweat across your forehead.  
You shade your eyes and squint. You don't get the thing. It's not even motorized, it just started catching. You can't push it hard enough to make it go. It only bounces uselessly across the ground.  
You squat and put it on its side. You examine the blades, nervous to dig between the mulching teeth. You grab a stick and poke around. It breaks and you rip it out.  
"Dang it," you whisper.  
You stand up. It's too hot to think. As much as you miss the sunshine in the grim winters, the heat is less than welcome.   
"Hey, excuse me," a voice startles you. You ignore it, thinking maybe it's just the neighbours on the other side of the fence. "Um, miss?"  
You turn towards the voice and find a man peeking through the loose slat in the fence. You sigh. Yeah,   
that needs to be fixed too.  
You stare dumbly. You recognise the man. It takes a few seconds to remember where you saw him. He was with the realtor. You hadn't see much yet, not that you ventured outside often. The sign changed to sold and that was that.  
"Hi, uh, so this," he touches the plank, swiveling it on the hanging nail.
You nod and go to the edge of the patch of pavement but no further. You nibble your lip and search for something to say. Talking to mom is easy, you know what to expect, but strangers are different.   
"Gonna fix it," you assure him flatly.  
"Yeah, well, I was actually thinking, I'm just doing a few touch ups right now and I could spare a couple nails or two."  
You tilt your head and bring your hands together, mashing your palms anxiously, "it's rotted."  
He wiggles the wood and little slivers fall away. He hums disappointed, "sure is." He smiles as his blue eyes shine in the sunlight, "no problem then. I'm sure I can find something at the hardware store."  
You hesitate. You should mention you can afford even half a plank. Grandma left you the house and enough to cover property taxes, but mom's monthly cheques are already stretched thin. If he doesn't ask, you won't offer.  
"Steve," he stretches his arm through the opening.  
You look at his hand. Your stomach flip flops. You don't want to be rude as much as you don't want to touch this strange man. Well, no use in making another enemy around here.  
You lift your feet as you trudge through the high grass. As you near, the sweat slakes down your back. You gently shake his hand, just for a second, and pull back.  
"And your name? Neighbour?" 
You stare at the collar of his grey tee shirt and eke your name out. 
“Is it just you over here?” He asks. 
You shake your head. You bend your arm to pick at your sleeve. You don’t mind introductions but you’re not much for conversation. You don’t need him prying into things. If anyone really saw inside those walls, they’d only feel bad for you. You’d rather their apathy. 
“Oh, you got kids? A husband?” 
You wince. It’s almost a flattering assumption yet a reminder of everything you don’t have. You’re not old enough to really think about all that anyway. 
You glance back at the side of the house. You should hose that down and get rid of the mildew. Another tick on the endless list. 
“Mom,” you say. 
“Ah, makes sense. You in school?” 
You shake your head again. He’s quiet. You sway listlessly. 
“Anyway...” he says. 
You put your head down and back away. You go back to the mower, bending down to fiddle with it again. You could see if anyone would lend you one but that means asking and as much as the neighbourhood paints itself in friendly smiles, they aren’t genuine. The letter on the kitchen table is proof of that. 
“Not working?” The man, Steve asks. You cringe and stand up. He’s still there. 
You shrug as you look at him. You turn back to the mower and lift it by the handles. You try to ignore the nosy neighbour and line it up with the grass. You push and it doesn’t move easy. You grunt and it rolls over the grass. You think maybe it’s working but as you turn, you notice the grass stands back up, only slightly bent. 
“You know, I got a nice electric one. Isn’t here yet but I can bring it tomorrow on the truck,” he offers, “I wouldn’t mind doing a once over, if you need.” 
You huff and push the mower over. 
“Can’t pay you,” you stomp back towards the house. 
“I didn’t say anything about money,” he chimes. 
You stop by the steps and cross your arms. You look at him, “too much.” 
“Well, if you change your mind, you can just come knock on my door,” he says. 
You nod and spin around again. You climb the steps, fighting to keep your steps even. You want to run inside and hide but you don’t want him to see how desperate you are to get away. 
The screen door snaps shut behind you. You kick off your shoes and go down the hall. Your mother huffs from her recliner. 
“You figure it out?” She asks. 
“No,” you flop onto the couch. 
“Knew ya wouldn’t,” she snorts as she stares out the window. “Man’s back. Musta bought the place.” 
“Uh, yeah,” you lean back, pulling the collar of your shirt over your face to sop up the sweat. “It’s hot.” 
“Nah, you’re just whiny,” she snickers. 
You don’t respond. You know better than that. You let her have her truth. Whatever she thinks of you, you can’t disprove. The world is she says it is. 
Your bedroom window shines yellow with the noon sun. The heat beams down on the folding table, warming your hands as you scratch charcoal onto thick paper. You still have grass stains on your fingers from another fruitless attempt at fixing the mower. Another day and you expect another letter isn’t far behind. 
As you focus on the lines and curves left by the pencil, your anxiety subsides. Drawing is the only thing that helps you forget. Really forget. You don’t think about the house or the lawn or the HOA or your mom. It’s just you and the pencil. 
You lean your forehead in your hand as you cross hatch the shadows. The chirping birds and the soft breeze deepen your trance. The world around you is distant and dim. You’re only awoken but the sudden and unfamiliar ‘ding dong’. 
You sit up. It takes a moment before you realise what it was. The doorbell? No one ever rings it. No, even Marge from the HOA waits until you come out to get the mail to accost you. 
You put the pencil down and get up. You go out and peek down the hallway. You creep along and stop at the doorway to the front room. You mom sniffs and wipes her eyes. She must have fallen asleep in her chair. 
“Who is it?” She snarls with grogginess in her throat. 
“I don’t know,” you go to the door and pull the curtain away from the long window beside it. You peek out at the figure on the porch and quickly hide behind the fabric. Too late. “It’s... the neighbour. I think he saw me.” 
“Ergh, don’t be stupid, girlie,” your mother barks, “help me up.” 
“Oh, uh, okay.” 
You go to her and offer your hand. You get her to her feet. She slightly hunched and slow but she makes her way to the door. She pauses and turns to the mirror above the little bench against the wall. She tidies her hair and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. 
She leans on the door as she grips the handle. She opens it and the man from next door, Steve, greets her with a grin. 
“Hello?” She sweetens her tone. 
“Hello, miss, sorry to bother you,” he says, “I just moved in next door and I’m getting settled in. I was just about to do some lawn work and I thought maybe I might offer to do yours? It’s no trouble, I just thought I’d offer.” 
“Oh, what a honey you are,” she preens, “of course, that would be lovely of you. My daughter,” she sighs and shakes her head, “I’ve been nagging her for weeks to get it done.” 
“Really, it’s not a bother,” he assures her, “I’m Steve by the way.” 
His smile is just as charming as his introduction. 
“Holly,” your mother returns, “I’ll make you some lemonade for your trouble. It’s a hot one, isn’t it?” 
“Sounds good,” he agrees, “I’ll try not to make too much noise.” 
You peek out from behind your mother. Steve’s eyes meet yours for an instant before she blocks her out, no doubt eager to hide the state of the house from him. You back up as she turns to you.  
“What’re you doing hanging on like a rodent?” She hisses, “go make some lemonade.” 
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hey! i saw all the crossword stuff and wanted to ask if there are any other crosswords you like besides nyt/new yorker. thanks!
hi! so, the closest you'll get to nyt is the washington post and wall street journal puzzles; these are generally drawing from roughly the same knowledge base, though i find their clueing tends to be a bit straighter and less creative (new yorker's knowledge base skews a little more toward arts and academic theory, though this depends heavily on who the constructor is on any given day). the usatoday puzzle tends easy (meaning lots of straight clues; usually about the difficulty of an nyt monday) but it's also become much more interesting since erik agard took over as their puzzle editor: he's really pushed to move beyond the usual stodgy newspaper knowledge base, so although that puzzle doesn't scratch the same itch as, like, an nyt saturday, i do still really like it. i also love the black crossword, which is a free daily mini that places emphasis on terms and clues from across the black diaspora, and there are some free online puzzles that are pretty good: brendan emmett quigley posts a themeless one on mondays and a themed one on thursdays, and there's merl reagle's archive, which posts a sunday puzzle once a week.
but! puzzle preferences are highly individual so it's always worth poking around to see what you like. this is a good list of puzzles you can try out; you might also find that you really like certain constructors, and just follow their work (i love erik agard and anna shechtman, eg).
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verynaughtyboy42 · 9 months
Treasure Hunter Egypt - Tabletop RPG Zine
This Table-top RPG Zine is set in modern-day Egypt, and you play a Treasure Hunter exploring a newly discovered Tomb. However, this being me, I couldn't make a "serious" version of that idea, so this zine is packed with (hopefully) funny references to items, characters and stories and even songs "inspired" by other franchises, such as ... well, I don't want to spoil the surprises! Let's just say that spotting all my little jokes might be almost as much fun as playing the game itself!
To play this game you need a blank crossword (taken from a newspaper or magazine, or printed from one of the many free online crossword sites), a copy of the Playsheet (spare copies are included, and you can photocopy as many more as you need), two six-sided dice or an app that can generate dice rolls, a pencil and an eraser (you can use a pen too, but as there will be a lot of crossing out as you play, a pencil is easier). The length of the game depends on the size of your crossword and how lucky (or unlucky) you are. In play testing, most games on an average newspaper crossword lasted around 30 minutes.
The rules are not difficult to learn and are given in a step-by-step format. Some optional rules are included if you wish to make the game more challenging. Whilst designed to be a single-player game, there is a "score" you can calculate if you finish the game, which you can then challenge yourself or a friend to beat.
There is no offensive language or content in this zine and as such can be safely played by anyone of any age. However, many of the jokes and references relate to things younger players may not recognise or know of. If you're a parent and your child is playing this game, it might give you a fun excuse to show them where the reference comes from :)
The Zine itself is printed on nice quality 120gsm paper. It has 24 pages, measures 10.8x14cm, and is staple bound.
You can purchase it now from my Etsy store: https://lindsaybakerart.etsy.com/listing/1641449651
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