#free cle courses
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
No longer yours to keep
summary: what happens when you and Xaden bond with mated dragons but you're already dating Garrick?
warning: pretty suggestive, some iron flame spoilers.
Kind of part II
For as long as you could remember it had been you three against the world. Your families had been extremely close so it was inevitable for your three to end up being best friends. And it was like that until you all started to grow up. And once the teenage years kicked in so did the desire to explore and learn new things.
You mingled in this relationship with no boundaries, no labels for a bit. Until Xaden had to uphold his duties. Had to agree to be engaged to a girl just for the sake of power. That of course meant that you and Garrick had been slightly pushed to the side. Xaden was barely free to spend time with you, barely there for your usual nights out. Meaning that you and Garrick fell into this easy rhythm. This bonding over losing a friend you two loved dearly. And without any big gestures. Without any grand signs had fallen in love.
Garrick had always been made of sharp edges, similar to Xaden. Just Xaden used that as a form of self-defense when he needed to be out in the public and Garric... He had always been on the rougher side. Had always been harder to read. To predict. But he was an amazing lover. There wasn't a moment where you felt unseen or unheard. Yes, he had his moments but once he stewed over them, he would always come to apologize. To make it right. And he was so protective. Boy, was he protective. It was both a charming thing because it empowered you even more but... it was frightening too because Garrick's heart was in your hands, he had let you in deeper than anyone else. And you had planned to keep it forever. Had planned but...
But then threshing came. You three were at the top of your squad. Ready to grasp the best spots in the section. Garrick and Xaden were already waiting when you emerged. They had remained close friends throughout the years. Lost had changed and in all honesty it was you who bitched to Xaden the most. "We can do the next shipment after we bond with dragons", Xaden said quietly. There was a revelation brewing. And surprise, surprise Xaden was at the top of it. "I'll get the boys to take the boxes tonight", Garrick said, as his arm sneaked around your waist, "Hey", he muttered pressing his lips to your temple. "Everything's okay?", you asked, earning a nod from them both. "Excited to bond?", you looked across the field as the wind picked up.
"I have my eyes set on a dragon I want", Xaden said firmly. "Of course you do", you rolled your eyes, suddenly feeling the urge to cling to Garrick as if this might as well be the last time you two were gonna see one another. "You're okay?", Garrick wrapped an arm over your shoulders, you hesitated for a moment but... they were your childhood friends after all.
"I just have this weird feeling", you breathed out, "Like something is about to change". Xaden snicked from beside you and Garrick threw him a glare. "We will be bonding with dragons today, princess", Xaden mused. "Might be. Don't be too full of yourself", you bit back, Garrick instantly brought you closer to him, hands on your hips, "Don't bite his throat out, baby". Xaden pushed away from the wall, "I'll see you two there".
You huffed out a breath. You didn't want to be a bitch but that man was grinding your gears at times. He was also putting himself in so much danger and for what? A fucking title? "Tell me about what's worrying you", Garrick cupped your face. Your eyes met his. God, you loved this man. "I just have a bad feeling", you muttered, "I don't think that anyone is dying today but... I think that things are going to be different. Really different". Garrick tilted his head to the side as he watched you. "All I care about is that you come back to me", he muttered, "with or without a dragon, I just want you back by my side". His words clenched at your heart because somehow deep down you had an inkling that that was exactly what wasn't gonna happen.
You had crossed paths with burnt flesh multiple times. Guess this year's threshing theme was roasted cadets for dinner. You were so tired. Sure, this had to end soon and you would have to admit your defeat. And just... A puff of hot air hit your back making you still. You could feel its presence behind you. You took a deep breath in before turning around. And here it stood. The biggest black dragon you had ever seen. "Holly fuck", you breathed beneath your breath.
Your head was buzzing. Every fiber of your skin was on fire. You could believe that you had bonded with a dragon. A black one at that. Black dragons rarely bonded. Lower your ego he snarled in your mind. You slide down his leg ready to give your dragon's name so you can be officially linked when an overwhelming sense of emotions hits your chest. You faltered slightly. Gripping the edge of the table a huge scroll will names was placed on it.
You hand fell on your chest as the edges of your vision blurred. You let out a pained breath as your eyes snapped up and here he stood. On the other side of the field. A blue dragon by his side. Eyes burning holes into you. Hands in fists. What the fuck... you felt an arm wrapping around your waist. Oddly enough wanting to pull away because it just didn't feel right only to find Garrick inches from you, cupping your face. And then everything went black.
Your eyes snapped open with a jolt. The moon was casting faint light over the room. Garrick was passed out beside you. His hand wrapped around your middle. You brushed your fingers through his messy hair when a wave of need rushed through you. Need that wasn't however in any way related to the man that was next to you. Come to me. The voice rang in your head making you jolt. And even if you didn't want to. And even if you tried to fight it. Tried to fall back asleep. Tried cuddling into your boyfriend. Not even fifteen minutes later you were padding through the quiet corridors.
You didn't even have a clue as to where you were going and yet here you were, standing right next to the person that had taken over your mind. "Why the fuck do I feel you in every fiber of my body, Riorson", you said through gritted teeth. Your body grew warm just from the sight of him. "Our dragons are mated", he said bluntly, puffing out a cloud of mirth-root. You instantly crossed the distance between you too, snatching the blunt and taking a hit yourself. The overwhelming feeling eased slightly, but your body still yarned for him.
"We need to sort this out, get this fixed", you muttered, brushing your fingers through your hair in frustration. "How do you plan on doing that? They have been mates for centuries. Fuck, we hadn't even been born back then", Xaden huffed out. "I'm with Garrick, I won't leave him, I...", you muttered in panic, but Xaden's hand that sneaked up your throat made your voice die down.
"They are fucking", Xaden said through gritted teeth, eyes hazy as he looked at you. You could feel it too. Gods, even the smell of him. "We can't... I can't do this to him", you pushed back, trying to keep distance between you two. "Do you think it's not eating me alive?", Xaden growled, cursing under his breath, "I watched Garrick falling head over heels for you. You're it for him, and now...", Xaden turned around, bracing a hand on the wall as he breathed. Please hold your pleasure to yourself you snarled at your dragon. But it's like your words didn't even reach him.
You took in a shaky breath, right as your eyes met Xaden, and within the blink of an eye you were pressed against the stone wall, legs wrapped around Xaden's hips. His teeth buried in your neck as you dug your nails into the back of his neck. It felt as if your body was on fire. As if only with him near you could finally breathe. "We can go back to having an open relationship", Xaden breathed against your ear. You shook your head, "Garrick will never share, we're in too deep", you muttered. Xaden let out a growl, "If he'll want to keep you, he will share, baby". His hands moved up your shirt, Garrick's shirt, and that was a reminder enough for you to push against Xaden's chest. You wiggled till he finally lost his grip on you. "If you'll challenge him for a claim of me, I swear to everything I believe in, I will suffocate you in your sleep", you pointed a warning finger at him. Xaden only chuckled, "You'll be crawling to me", he breathed out. Dark eyes watching you. "Fuck you, Riorson", you huffed, "You'll do that to baby", he mussed right as you turned around. Practically running back to your room. Heart beating in your chest so loudly that for a while it was all you could breathe.
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cosmic-walkers · 2 months
enough time has passed but something about the way nonblack and even some black people would cling on to louis and be very empathetic and understanding of his struggle as a black queer man, but in the same breath would be very cruel to black women in his narratives like claudia and his sister, and the black girls he pimped out, makes me realize how louis was a character that certain people clung on to to say that they cared about queer black people and our struggles, but because of that they felt they had an excuse to be misogynistic to black women. it's that whole 'louis is my favorite character, he is a black and queer man so even if i say unfair things about the black women in the show, I'm not racist because i like louis'. Keep in mind, Louis himself has a history of repeated violence against black women.
I saw this post on twitter, mostly being consumed by nonblack people and it shocked me the way that people completely reworte grace's character and her relationship with louis to make her seem worse than lestat. nevermind the fact that grace accepted louis and his sexuality and was kind to him, and the only reason she started turning on him was because he became distant and violent after being with lestat.
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The need to call an actual black woman racist, when lestat is right there-- who is canonically racist and compared to a slave master is beyond me. but it makes me realize the hostility for black women in shipping spaces, and how a lot of nonblack, and yes, some black people liking louis gives them a certain shield to release that misogynoir because they know at large they won't be held accountable. Loustat is a big ship, the most popular, louis is the most liked character, of course when black women - the most hated people in fandom spaces - go after him it's a free for all.
Keep in mind, this is their mother's service, and both Louis, Claduia and Lestat were incredibly disrespectful. Keep in mind the time, when racism was also a huge issue. So bringing a man who IS racist to a somber BLACK family function like this...yeah... Grace has every right to be mad. Especially after all the chances given.
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Op also brings up this scene. Again it's crazy to me how Grace, a Black woman who has also faced this type of racism if not WORSE is suddenly painted as a racist when Lestat himself is standing right there. Yes, back then it was (and still is) racist for white people to call men boys, but assuming that Grace is doing it because of racism, and not the fact that at this point after abandoning his family, Louis lives completely off of Lestat. This again, shows a divide, because why are you as a non-black person calling a Black woman racist and comparing her to a racist lawyer and not his actual racist white bf.
I also saw this response to that very tweet, and we see a person actually happy that louis is violent toward her.
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like i mentioned before, louis has a history of violence toward black women. his sister, the girls he pimped and claduia. instead of seeing that as something to be called out about his character, people are extremely happy when he enacts violence toward black women. so yeah, food for thought.
and i also show this pic below. Louis kisses/touches her without her consent. she is afraid of him, he has been violent toward her. he threatens violence against, and he touches/kisses her without her consent to show her that he has the ability to hurt and harm her and no one can stop him if he wants to.
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This doesn't stop with Grace.
Like it's clockwork. Louis is violent to Cluadia, and then throughout season 2 in France he is emotionally distant and abusive toward her. her whole existence is to cater to his needs and desires because he wanted her. their relationship started off as a form of exploitation, desire and abuse to please HIM and at the end of the day she suffered for it and he still gets to live, he finds lestat at the end, etc. but black women in his life literally suffer.
Lastly, I wanna say that it's clear louis is in an abusive relationship of some sorts, and I'd be open to talking about that if OP and a lot of other loustat shippers didn't make it seem like Grace is worse to Louis than lestat ever was.
then we have gems like this <3.
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hippotooth · 1 day
OC Deep Dive Questions
Thank you for the tag, @theameba1436 ! This was fun to think about and answer!
I’m not sure who’s done this already or not, and no pressure of course, tagging:
@d-saster-chron-cles @dirgecomic @geckogeckogecko @sunflowergem @adorablebanite @archduchessgortash @mj-bites
Anyone else who sees this and is interested please feel free to join in too! I love getting to know the details of everyone's Tav/Durge.
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Questions/Answers for my beloved durge ~Tuatha~ under the cut
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Tua’s biggest fear is that she is unlovable and that getting close to her only brings suffering.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People being indecisive. She loses patience quickly when people dither about – particularly if someone changes a plan that’s already been committed to.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A collection of fancy perfumes, neat looking bones, a well-cared for plant.
What do they notice first in a person?
Physical threat – Tua’s first assessment upon meeting someone is how easily she could take them in a fight, if they’re armed, etc. – like Mac’s Ocular Patdown from IASIP.  
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10 – Tua handles pain easily, she’s quite used to it. She’s trained as a monk and has supreme body/mind control which she can distance herself from her body easily when anything gets too intense.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight! Tua likes to fight and is often looking for an excuse to start one. She’s a resist durge, she tries to be ‘good,’ (if only to gain approval from others) but if she feels there’s any way she can justify the bloodshed, however flimsy the excuse, she’s happy to do so.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Tua is a durge character. She never knew her mother and was bounced around between foster families in Baldur’s Gate for most of her childhood. Many of these families were abusive towards her and she was eventually taken into the Bhaal temple after killing one of them. She does not claim any family.
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell they dislike?
Tua doesn’t like the smell of cities – she gets overwhelmed and irritated by the fusion of smells you find in them – cooking odors, waste, animals, wells, smoke – all these smells individually are fine but their fusion in an urban setting offends her.
Have they broken any bones?
Many at various points, she doesn’t remember most of them.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Off-putting and intense. Tua vacillates between being very intense and smiley when trying to appear friendly or intensely withdrawn. She has very limited social skills.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
No preference! I’d say most consistently she likes transitional hours, like dawn and dusk.
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Tua adores bitter flavors and her favorite food is leafy greens. She hates the taste of fatty meat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Tua likes collecting perfumes and the fancy bottles they come in. She initially started stealing them from her victims as a trophy – she enjoyed bathing herself in the scent of her victims, being able to walk amongst the city cloaked in a symbol of her kill with no one the wiser. Once Gortash noticed this hobby he took to gifting her luxurious perfumes as well.
Tua also like keeping dangerous animals as pets, gnolls are a particular favorite of hers. She spends time researching different creatures and doing experiments to see how they may survive in captivity.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
“You like me, you really like me!!” Tua would be very happy anyone cared enough about her to throw her a party. She would probably cry.
Do they like to wear jewelery?
Tua enjoys jewelry, however, she finds it can be a hazard while fighting so she rarely wears it. She normally has some stud earrings in. She likes to steal jewelry and gift it to her lovers, she enjoys dressing them up.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Extremely messy.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Shame and longing
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Linen – breathable, easy to move and fight in, easy to clean
What kind of accent do they have?
The standard in-game accent
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nebulablakemurphy · 2 years
The Queen’s Hand
(Part III: Eye for an Eye)
Prologue | Part I | Part II
Summary: Y/N Targaryen is Princess of the seven realms. First born daughter of, Viserys I and Aemma Targaryen. Heir to the iron throne, forced to make impossible decisions to ensure peace amongst the land and the safety of those she holds most dear.
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Harwin grunts, draped over the back of the arm chair, while the maester cleans and dresses his wounds.
Y/N had been lucky, or so they say. Her burns will heal, but they will scar. The flames licked up her heels, to the calf, and on the left side, the base to her thigh. Lucky because they were in a place no one but her ladies in waiting and husband might see. Not because they hurt any less. The aching is made bearable with milk of the poppy.
The maester tried to afford Ser Harwin the same mercy, before scrubbing his wounds clean. But the knight refuses to have his mind unclear while their attacker remains at large. The expanse of Harwin’s back and shoulders are marred, but he will live to tell the tale.
Y/N stands by her husband’s side, one hand clutched in his, the other passing tenderly over his hair. “Are you nearly finished?”
“Indeed, your grace.” The maester nods.
The princess finches when Harwin lets out another hiss of pain.
“Princess, I do apologize.” Angette says, bowing her head as she enters the room. “But her majesty, the Queen, requests a word with you.”
Y/N clears her throat. “Let her know that I will be there in a moment.”
“Yes, Princess.” The door eases shut behind her.
Harwin lifts his head to gaze up at his wife. “You are free to go.”
Y/N bends down to kiss his forehead in parting. Her healing skin sears in protest. “Fuck.” She curses, between gritted teeth. “Fuck.”
“See what she needs, then you must rest.”
“I’m fine.” Y/N breathes deeply to collect herself, standing upright, walking is painful.
“To heal, you must rest. If not of your own free will, then perhaps your husband must demand it of you.”
Y/N opens and closes her mouth twice, gaping like a fish out of water.
“I can live with your wrath, I cannot live without you.”
Makes it nearly impossible to stay cross with him. “I will rest when I am finished.”
“Thank you.” He sighs, brushing his lips over her knuckles.
Y/N draws back after a moment, passing a hand over the front of her dress. She and Harwin do not fight, they very rarely disagree. It leaves her insides raw as her wounds.
Alicent waits, well poised, at the door’s entrance. “Are you in very much pain?” She asks, once Y/N joins her.
“You call me away from my husband at a time like this to ask if I’m in pain?” Y/N looks her over from head to toe.
“I mean no offense.” Alicent assures her.
“You are surely here of good will.” Y/N reasons, “forgive me.”
“All is forgiven.” Alicent waves a hand. “Your father asked I see you well.”
“Tell him I am well.” Y/N utters.
Alicent nods, “of course.” She turns on her heels to leave.
“Wait,” Y/N reaches to her without thinking. Catching the queen’s hand in her own.
Alicent’s eyes soften, keeping her hold on Y/N’s hand. “What?”
“I fear that we are all in terrible danger. This assailant meant to kill my son, though he is not directly in line for the iron throne. Given thus, your children might also be targeted.”
“Y/N, there is something…” Alicent faulters. She cannot hold this terrible secret much longer. “Perhaps it is worth looking into.”
Y/N takes a step forward, closing any distance between them. “Speak it.”
“Princess.” Larys Strong appears just beyond Alicent’s shoulder. “It is a pleasure to see you up and about.”
“Thank you, Ser Larys.” Y/N smiles at him.
“My Queen,” he nods to Alicent. “I was hoping I might find my brother.”
“He’s just there.” Y/N waves toward their rooms, opening the door a smidge. “Ser Larys is here, my love. May I send him?”
“Of course,” Harwin calls in return.
“He’ll be pleased to see you,” Y/N tells Larys as he passes.
When the door is closes they are left to speak freely. Alicent’s expression is hard to read, though something clearly plagues her thoughts.
“Alicent,” Y/N tries to catch her eye.
“Lady Laena,” Alicent steals herself. “Has passed.”
“The child would not come.”
“Awful.” Y/N swallows, “will there be a send off?”
“Driftmark, in two days time. I would like to offer you and yours a place on our ship.”
“That is very generous, your grace. I will be sure to consult my husband in the matter and return with an answer by supper.”
“Surely you cannot travel dragon back.”
Y/N lifts her chin. “I cannot allow this act to define me.”
“You mustn’t live in fear, tis true. However you must not over exert yourself.”
“You sound like my husband.”
“Ser Harwin may have a point this once.” Alicent will hold her tongue a while longer.
Y/N’s uncle, Daemon, now has two daughters of his own. Baela and Rhaena. Spitting images of their mother.
Laenor is beside himself. Aegon is drowning himself in cups. The royal family is quite a sight these days. Dividend by circumstance, try as they may to keep it hidden. Larys is there to witness it all.
Alicent watches him in return. She cannot speak of what transpired between them. She may have let slip to Ser Larys that she wishes his brother see some consequence for his indiscretions, but death by fire is not what she meant.
“Everything alright?” Y/N asks as she passes the Queen.
“Tis a solemn day, Y/N.”
The princess nods. “That it is.” She can sense that whatever niceties Alicent had afforded her have passed. The queen is no longer privy to sharing whatever insights she harbors.
Harwin is sat with Lord Corlys, offering his deepest condolences.
The Strong children mingle about, comforting members of the Velaryon family. Lucerys and Jacaerys follow suit.
Y/N excuses herself to tend her brother-in-law, down at the shore, two cups in hand. “Might I join you, Ser Laenor?”
“If it is your wish, Princess.” Laenor replies, back still to her.
Carefully Y/N wades into the water. It stings at her burns and shifts the bottom of her skirts. Up to the knee she goes, however improper. She offers the spirits to Laenor. “To Laena.”
“To Laena.” He chugs the whole thing down. “If there is something on your mind then speak it. Her majesty, the Queen, will soon lose her temper over the impropriety of this exchange.”
“You are my family. I do not care what she has to say on the matter.” Y/N keeps her gaze fixed on the sea.
“How does it feel it?” Laenor wonders.
“To be made of fire.”
Y/N allows her brow to furrow. “Same as it feels to be made of the sea, I suspect. Ever exhausting yourself in a futile attempt not to harm the people around you.”
“They know the cost.” He laments.
“I did not wish for this, nor did my sister.”
“You did ask her to bear the brunt of your father’s legacy over you.”
“So that I might protect her.”
“You cannot protect Rhaenyra anymore than I could protect my own sister.” Laenor peers down at his empty cup. “Shame. This is not a pain I wish upon you.”
“Princess! Ser Laenor!” Harwin’s voice comes as no surprise.
“Yes, dear husband?”
“The king asked I collect you.” He tells the pair.
Y/N sighs, clapping a hand to Laenor’s shoulder. “Come.”
Laenor shakes his head, “I do not yet wish to be collected.”
Y/N turns back toward the sand and Harwin. “May I have nothing?” She remarks, catching the arm he offers to aide her footsteps. Her gown weighed down by the moisture dripping from all sides.
“Clearly not and you know it.” The knight replies, taking no pleasure in this. However there are times he is reduced to fetching his wife, by order of the king. “Lord Corlys is sending Ser Qarl down as well.”
“Will it always be this way?”
“Until Rhaenyra is queen, no doubt.” Harwin leads her to the lowest floor of the Driftmark estate.
“I wish I were born a common girl. I would not mind the work in exchange for freedom. Instead I am forever indebted to the iron throne and by taking my hand, so are you.”
“I have chosen this.” Harwin reminds her. “The cross you bear is a heavy one and I cannot lift it from you. But I will help you shoulder it, I will not leave you alone in this.”
Y/N sighs, taking refuge in the shelter of his arms. “I do love you…and I am sorry for the distance between us as of late.”
“As I love you, I apologize for my part in it.”
Y/N nods into his chest. “How are the children?”
“Gone to bed. I thought I might steal a moment with you, princess.” He guides her back to the wall, holding her captive in the cage of his arms. When his lips meet hers she is lost. Left pliant before him.
Harwin has given her heart a home. Someone to pour hope and dreams into, to build empires with. A lover that would move men and mountains alike to protect her, to please her.
Y/N winds her arms around his neck, losing her fingers in his curls. Deepening the kiss.
A rumble of voices from the great hall demands their attention.
“What was that?” Y/N dodges beneath his arm. Lifting her skirts to run slightly faster.
“Will you forever charge toward the danger instead of away?”
“I’m afraid so.” The princess admits.
“Let me ahead at least.” Harwin is ready to live up to his nickname, if need be.
They makes haste to the hall. Their children are inside, huddled close to Jace and Luc, who is sporting a bloodied nose.
“What is the meaning of this?” Y/N demands, crossing the room to her children. Clearly shaken, but fully intact.
Aegon and Helaena stand near the fireplace, no worse for wear. But Aemond-
“Are you alright?” Harwin leans down to Lucerys. If Rhaenyra and Laenor are absent they must advocate for the boys.
“Yes, uncle.” The boy nods.
“We’ll have you tended in a moment.” Harwin presses a kiss to his hair.
“Mother, there was a brawl.” Viserus informs her.
“Aemond stole Vhagar!”
“He pushed Baela and Rhaena. He tried to kill Luc!”
Rhaenyra arrives a few moments later with Daemon just behind. “Is everyone alright?”
“Not exactly,” Y/N whispers, the children continue to bicker.
Rhaenyra bends down to her sons, so that she might hear the tale.
“Enough!” The King roars. “Aemond, I will hear the truth of it.”
“Your son has been maimed and her son is responsible.” Alicent points out. “What else is there to hear?”
“A regrettable accident,” Rhaenyra counters.
“Prince Lucerys brought a blade with him, he meant to kill my son.” Alicent’s accuses.
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves,” Rhaenyra explains. “Vile insults were levied against them.”
“Insults? What insults?” Viserys wonders.
“The legitimacy of my sons birth was called loudly into question.”
Not this again.
“He said Jace and Luc are our brothers.” Aemmia stares down at her hands as she speaks. She has come to age that she understands, it matters not if they share a father, only the repercussions of speaking so would be grave for her family.
“Was naught but talk amongst a lot of children, it meant nothing.” Alicent says, immediately.
“Please, Grandsire…” Aemmia presses on, “he called them bastards.”
Viserys is sent reeling at this, looking down at his youngest son.
Harwin widens his stance, closing the slight gap between Y/N and Rhaenyra. Though he is here as Prince consort, not a knight, he will perform his duty to his family. He will keep them safe.
“My sons are in line to inherit the iron throne, your grace.” Rhaenyra adds. “This the highest of treasons. The prince must be sharply questioned so that we might learn where he heard such falsehoods.”
“Over an insult?” Alicent scoffs. “My son has lost an eye.”
Viserys levels himself with Aemond, still seated before the maester. “Who told you this lie, boy?”
Aemond swallows hard, looking to his mother, but does not speak.
“Your king demands an answer!”
“It was Aegon.” Aemond lies, surely to sheild his mother from harm.
“Me?” Aegon chokes out. Of all the people to blame, why must it always be him?
“Aegon, who spoke these words to you?”
Aegon is silent for a moment. “We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them.”
“These foul rumors must cease! Let it be known that anyone who dares question the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons will have their tongue removed.” Viserys addresses the room.
“Thank you, father.” Rhaenyra murmurs.
“Now make your apologies and show good will toward one another. Your father, your grandsire…your King demands it.”
“That is insufficient.” Alicent says, not believing her own ears. “Our son has been permanently damaged, my king. Good will cannot make him whole. Please Viserys, he’s your son. Your blood.”
“I know, Alicent,” Viserys snaps. “But I cannot restore his eye.”
“No, but there is a debt to be paid.”
“What would you have me do?”
Alicent pauses to deliberate. “I will have one of her son’s eyes in return.”
“My dear wife, you mustn’t let rage blind you.”
“If the King will not seek justice then the Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.” Alicent demands.
“Stay your hand, Cole.”
“No, you are sworn to me!”
“As your protector, my Queen.” Ser Criston must regretfully decline.
“This matter is settled.” Viserys presses a kiss to her cheek, then begins to turn away.
This breaks something within the Queen. Shattering her soul into a million pieces and she sees red. Grabbing the dagger from her husband’s sheath and charging for Rhaenyra’s son.
Lucerys screams when he sees her coming up behind his mother’s back. Rhaenyra catches her hand above the blade. Forcing her back.
Y/N steps in front of her children and nephews out of instinct. Luc tugging anxiously at her hand. If anyone wishes to harm him, they will have to go through her and be met with the wrath of the King.
“Stay with the King!” Ser Harrold Westerling commands, but Criston breaks free, with every intention of gifting his Queen her request.
“Alicent, you let her go!” Viserys calls.
Harwin forces his way through the huddle of bodies to meet him. Though he is injured and unarmored, he manages to take Cole down.
“Alicent, please. It needn’t be this way.” Y/N attempts to reason with the Queen. “As a mother who loves her children, my heart weeps for you and your son. But this is not the way. Might you find it in yourself to accept this apology, so that we might show good will to one another?”
“The apology is not yours to make! For years I have watched you bend the knee and wet your eye with apologizes of offenses that are not your own. I will not accept it.” Alicent refocuses on Rhaenyra. “What of honor? Duty? Sacrifice? Alas, it is trampled beneath your pretty foot again. Now you take my son’s eye, and to even that you feel entitled.”
“Exhausting, wasn’t it?” Rhaenyra breathes. “Hiding under the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are.”
The blade of Viserys’ dagger gashes Rhaenyra’s forearm when Alicent pushes her away. Y/N catches her sister, applying pressure to the wound. The Queen allows the knife to fall from her hand, clattering to the floor.
“This proceeding is at an end.” Viserys says with finality.
Y/N knows better, these proceedings never end.
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Part IV
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 months
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Pomegranate Ink: XXVII
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Series Synopsis: Unable to heal but willing to fight, with a fiancé in Kyoto and a last name that looms over everything you do, you accept an offer to study at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. What you did not know was that your salvation and your ruination alike would soon join you at the school, neatly wrapped in the form of a boy followed by death.
Chapter Synopsis: After Naoya Zenin reveals some surprising news, you pay a visit to your family home.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 6.1k
Content Warnings: angst, misogyny, naoya zenin, forbidden relationships, canon-typical violence, character death, original characters included
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A/N: i KNOW y’all have been waiting for this one 😩‼️ also can we talk about how long this fic is getting because it’s a little concerning atp
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“Wow, the two of you look awful,” Naoya said, grimacing dramatically at you and Maki. Maki crossed her arms at him, but you did not react. “At least your face isn’t ruined, huh, Y/N? I’d feel a lot more annoyed if it had been.”
“I don’t see why that would annoy you,” you said.
Of course, Naoya had been in his study, the pretty notes of some song from a movie wafting through the air a sure indicator that he was bored and playing his piano again. His dedication to the instrument was one of his few redeeming qualities, or maybe it was not a particular respect for the craft but something else entirely that drove him to the incessant practice. Either way, it had been easy to find him, and since he was the biggest obstacle in your path at the moment, this was a good thing.
“I’m the one who stuck my neck out for you, you know,” he said. “Wasted about three months’ worth of paychecks on you, too, so you really should be thanking me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you said. He raised his eyebrows.
“You really don’t know? I thought that that was for sure the reason why you were here,” he said. “Is it not?”
“I came to go through the weapons’ warehouse,” Maki said. “Megumi gave me permission already, so don’t think of stopping me.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. If that’s what you want, then feel free to go right ahead and do it,” he said innocently. You furrowed your brow. The victory felt too easily won, but when he noticed your befuddlement, he only snorted. “Who am I to disobey my clan head?”
You tried to communicate with your gaze to Maki all the words you could not say aloud, not in front of him. Be careful. They’re planning something. He’s not doing this out of the goodness of his own heart.
She blinked at you slowly before turning to leave. I know.
“I came to listen to you play the piano, but I suppose I’ve done that already,” you said. “It was nice. I recognize the song — it was in that movie that came out a couple of years ago, wasn’t it? At the end?”
“That’s right,” he said. “You’ve seen it?”
“Yes, of course I have,” you said. “Anyways, that’s not what’s important. What did you mean when you said that you wasted your paychecks and stuck your neck out for me?”
“Always straight to the point with you, isn’t it? You might want to sit down for this one,” he said, standing up and patting his piano stool. You gave him an irritated look. He rolled his eyes and sat back down, obviously picking up on the fact that you weren’t going to take him up on the offer.
“You know that after that whole mess in Shibuya, the higher ups placed orders for the executions of Suguru Geto, Masamichi Yaga, and Yuji Itadori?” he said. You nodded.
“Yes, and they criminalized unsealing Gojo. What an idiotic joke,” you said. “Like Gojo isn’t the only one who stands a chance at saving all of us.”
“How hard would you laugh if I told you that there was a fourth person who they were going to send an execution order out for?” he said. Ice shot through your veins, and you suddenly felt very heavy. You didn’t want to ask him, but you knew you would. You knew you had to, even if the answer was in the question itself.
“Who else?” you said. He smirked, clearly satisfied with the distress in your eyes.
“Y/N L/N has been found to be in league with Ryomen Sukuna. She can now be considered a curse user and is therefore sentenced to death,” he parroted. “They were going to send Yuta Okkotsu after you, too. He’s your classmate, so you should know as well as anyone that that’s a fight you couldn’t hope to win.”
“In league with Sukuna?” you said, your tongue leaden in your mouth as you gagged on the taste of the name. “Did they—?”
Had they somehow found out about the Binding Vow you almost made? Was that why they wanted to execute you? Or was it something else? Was it because Sukuna refused to kill you? Had they confused reluctant need with genuine alliance?
“You pushed for the postponement of Itadori’s execution. That was all the proof they needed; well, in truth, even if there wasn’t any proof, they would’ve figured out some crime to accuse you of. You’re more resurrectionist than sorcerer, and the last thing the higher ups need is some brat of a girl running around and digging up graves at her leisure,” he said.
“That’s not how Composition works,” you said, still trying to come to terms with the fact that you were such a threat to the higher ups that they had wanted to put an order of execution out for you. The death penalty, by all rights, should’ve hung over your head at the moment.
“Maybe not, but you have to understand that for them, there was no use in putting an execution order out for any of your allies while you were still out and about, you see? Their executions would be meaningless as long as you were there in the back of their minds, capable of using Composition to undo their actions,” he said.
“Like I said, that’s not how Composition works. I can’t just revive people whenever I feel like it. I don’t even know how I did it the first time,” you said crossly.
“Then they should be even more pleased that they spared you, eh? Now there’s no chance of you bringing old Yaga back,” he said. “Not that you would’ve had one in the first place. I promised the higher ups I’d keep a tight leash on you. That’s why they decided not to go ahead with the order — I vouched for you. No one else. Just me. Remember this, Y/N L/N: your family did not say a word in your defense. When you were sentenced to death, it was me, Naoya Zenin, who spoke up for you.”
“My family didn’t even…they would have had me executed?” you said. What was this twist? How could it be that Naoya Zenin had been your greatest ally in that kind of a conflict? Had they truly abandoned you to that extent, or was there some other, greater endgame that they were plotting at? You didn’t understand. Or was Naoya lying? There was a chance, but in truth, you doubted he would lie about this kind of thing. It served him no purpose for you to hate your family, after all.
“Of course they would’ve,” he said. “They don’t care about you. Nobody cares about you. You’re mostly alone in the world, little L/N. What a terrible thing it is…and by the way, the Kamos didn’t mind too much, either. It was the Zenins who stood up for you.”
“You must’ve had a reason to do that,” you said. “I know you better than to think you did it just because you grew a sudden interest in fairness. Why did it matter to you whether I lived or not?”
“It would’ve been my money down the drain if you died,” he said. “I paid a lot to have you, you know.”
“You paid a lot to do what?” you hissed, your rational thoughts disappearing with this new reveal. “Answer me quickly, and enough with the word games. What do you mean by that?”
“Your mother is such a bitch,” he said, sighing loftily. “She cried and screamed at your father, begged him not to do it, but of course she went ignored. I used to admire how docile and quiet she was, but I suppose you had to have inherited that nasty temperament from somewhere, hm? Anyways, your father had your cousins drag her upstairs so that we could continue our discussion.”
“Naoya,” you warned him.
“That’s no way for a woman to speak to her future husband,” he said. “I’ll let it slide this time, but don’t let it happen again.”
“Future husband? What about Noritoshi?” you said.
“It’s amazing, the kinds of alliances men are willing to break when offered a large enough sum in return,” he said. “Your engagement to that bastard boy is all but dissolved at this point, which leaves you free to marry me instead.”
“That’s why you defended me,” you said. “Not because you cared about me, but because you only even wanted to marry me to strengthen your position in the clan. If I ended up being a criminal, it would reflect poorly on you.”
“Precisely,” he said, reaching over and tapping you on the forehead. “Gold star for you, little L/N. You know, I don’t prefer you all too much. Your pretty face and Reverse Cursed Technique are your only saving graces; what a relief, then, that you didn’t lose either in Shibuya.”
“Did they see some kind of benefit to an alliance with the Zenins?” you said, casting about for an alternate explanation, something other than the obvious one. “Is that why my clan did it? Did they engage us because they’re gaining some integral advantage from it?”
“Maybe you’re not that intelligent,” he said. “No surprise, I mean you are a woman after all. Let me put it for you plainly, girl: your father soldyou. There’s no other way to say it; I gave him money, and in return, he gave me your hand. That’s honestly all there was to it.”
Sold. You had been sold like some kind of broodmare to the highest bidder, passed from man to man like your heart had no place in the equation. Noritoshi. Naoya. Who was next? Which next suitor would give your family the upper hand? Did it even matter to them how you would be treated? Obviously not, since they had sold you to Naoya.
You hated them. You felt it deep within you, blossoming slowly but surely, a kind of anger that you could not fathom. You hated them. Your family, the ones who had locked you away for all of your childhood and were content with doing so well into your adulthood, too. Your family, the ones who had bound you to Noritoshi so securely that both you and he had choked from the constriction. Your family, the ones who had refused to heal Tullia. Your family, who had sold you to the Zenin clan. You hated them more than you had ever hated anything.
“I hope you remember what I taught you,” Naoya said, getting up once more and heading to the door, patting you on the head as he brushed past. “Three steps behind me at all times. Do you understand, or do you want me to simplify that, as well?”
You clenched your jaw, swallowing but making no motions to follow after him. “I understand.”
“Good,” he said. “I’ll see you later. Please be prepared; even if we aren’t married yet, I expect you to perform your wifely duties with passion.”
The door slid shut behind him, leaving you standing alone in the study, waiting there with nothing but your hatred to warm you.
You knew what he meant by wifely duties, and this should’ve frightened you, but all it did was make you irrationally angrier. So this was what you were worth to your father: three of Naoya Zenin’s paychecks. That was it. For just the price of a few paychecks, Naoya could claim you as his own. It didn’t matter that you were the prodigy of Composition, the daughter of the resurrection or the girl who brought someone back to life or whatever other ridiculous name that people deigned to ascribe to you as they saw fit. Y/N L/N, the girl worth three months’ worth of paychecks. That was what they would have to call you from now on. For just that much, you would be in Naoya’s service for the rest of your life. You would warm his bed, you would be at his beck and call, you would elevate his station, and you would always, always walk three steps behind him.
You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be Naoya Zenin’s wife. You didn’t care that he had saved you from execution; it wasn’t as if Yuta would’ve ever executed you, anyways. Watching you die was not something he was capable of, just as the inverse was true. Maybe it was correct that Naoya had defended you when your own family had not, but considering your family’s track record, this didn’t mean as much as it should’ve. Your family hadn’t cared about you from the moment you had exorcised that curse on the balcony and ran away from the party with Gojo.
Gojo. You wished, more than anything, that he was there. You wanted him to give you one of his special hugs, the ones he only gave you because he was too paranoid to turn his Infinity off for that long with anyone else. You wanted him to put on some stupid movie and throw popcorn in your mouth and make fun of you when you failed to catch it. He wasn’t just your teacher. He had never just been your teacher. He was — he was something else. Your family. He was your actual family, and you found you missed him. You found you didn’t care what he did, as long as he came back. He would make everything better. Just by being there, he would make everything better.
But Gojo was gone. He wasn’t there to drag you from the situation, which meant it was up to you to deal with this mess your family had thrust you into. You were the one who had to save Gojo now, but how could you do that if you could not even save yourself?
You had to be methodical about it. There were so many powerful sorcerers in the Zenin clan, and since you had sworn off Dissection and fighting as a whole, you truly stood no chance against them all. Even if you hadn’t, even if you still had Tullia and were at your peak as a Grade 1 sorcerer, there were simply too many of them for you to be able to fight them in any way that mattered.
Yet waiting, too, was dangerous. With every second that you idled in Naoya’s study, you risked his return, whereupon you’d have to do as he pleased until the next time he left you alone. This was your one opportunity at escaping, and you had to seize it or give up and regret it forever. But that was something you could not do, so whispering an apology to Maki for leaving her, you opened the door and crept through the hallways of the mansion.
You could not even use your cursed signature detection which you were so reliant on, as it was another form of Dissection, so you were much like a blind mouse scuttling through the Zenin manor and praying you did not get caught. It was eerily silent, though, not a soul in sight, and you decided it must’ve been a stroke of good fortune and nothing more sinister than that. Breaking free from the walls of the building itself, you ran through the courtyard, crushing pink petals under your feet as you sprinted at top speed before someone detected your absence.
It was not a long journey to your family’s mansion. You made it in record time, your anger fuelling you all the while. Trapped. Killed. Sold.What hadn’t they done to you and the people you loved? Because it did not just end with you and Tullia. Your mother. Maki. Gojo. Your family had been involved in the torment of every single one of those people.
The days that your mother spent shut away for birthing the failure of the clan. The whispered insults and demeaning comments about Maki and what, exactly, she was good for. The endless missions and responsibilities and deprivation of human connection placed on Gojo’s shoulders. Your family had been there for every one of these things, and even if they were not actively causing them, they were at the least complicit simply by being bystanders and letting it all happen.
Why had you allowed it? Why hadn’t you stopped them? You should’ve. You had let your family harm those you loved for so long, but you couldn’t anymore. Not in good conscience. Not when you had already lost so many. Not when you could never get some of them back. Those precious few who you still had by your side…you would not let your family do anything to them ever again.
It was your father who answered the door. He no longer seemed as intimidating as he once had. Perhaps it was because you finally saw him for who he was, what he was. This was not a man who had raised you. He had never raised you. This was not a man who loved you. He had never done that, either.
“Y/N,” your father said.
“You can stand to say my name so conversationally?” you said. “I’m surprised.”
“What are you doing here?” he said. You could hear footsteps in the background; as always, the manor was bustling. It was once a stronghold meant to protect wounded sorcerers as they were treated, but now, you could not view it as anything but a prison.
“I should be at the Zenins, right? Because you sold me to Naoya?” you said. He was silent, and you laughed. “Of course, you don’t even deny it.”
“You’d be safer with him than anywhere else,” he said.
“Safer? Maybe from the rest of the world, but what would it matter when he is the one I should fear the most? Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t be safe there. Nowhere would I be in more danger than in the Zenin mansion,” you said.
“Is that why you’ve come?” he said. “To yell at me for selling you to the Zenins? It’s been done. I can’t undo it. I’m sorry if you grew attached to Noritoshi, but this is for the good of the clan.”
“There it is,” you said. “The good of the clan. Not for me. Not for the good of Y/N. It’s always about the clan for you, isn’t it?”
“The clan is my family,” he said.
“And I am your daughter! Is that not family enough, or do I not count because my mother wasn’t a sorcerer? You’re the one who loved her enough to marry her, so why do you not then love the product of that union?” you said. “Though, it’s not like I’d ever want to be loved by you, anyways. I’d rather live a life alone than ever be loved by someone the way you claim to love my mother.”
“What do you know about love?” he said, though he was as defensive as condescending when he did.
“Yuta Okkotsu,” you said, emphasizing every syllable of the name, watching in satisfaction as a myriad of emotions flickered over his face — confusion, shock, horror, disgust, and finally anger. “That is what I know about love. Do you understand now? I love him. I love that boy, and he loves me back. I will never be the perfect, untouched piece of cattle that you desire.”
“You — you dare!” he sputtered. “We were so generous, letting you attend that school, and you spit in our faces like this? Why, I ought to—”
“Lock me away?” you said. “Or will you beat me this time? You haven’t before, but you look angry enough to try. Go on, then. Do it. Do your worst, or at least attempt to. You won’t get very far, though, I’m afraid.”
“Enough with the insolence. Come inside and go to your room,” he said.
“You asked me why I came here,” you said, opening your palm and showing him the needles which sat there, glinting a silvery blue with the cursed energy Gojo had imbued into them months ago. “This is why.”
His eyes just about bugged out of his head, causing you to smile. For a moment, he simply stared at the brilliant points, and then slowly, he raised his eyes to meet your own. You arched a brow at him, waiting for him to react.
“You don’t mean to say…” he trailed off helplessly.
“That’s right. After everything, I’ve finally come for revenge,” you said. “I am the girl you created, the girl you forsook, and I have finally returned to collect what I am owed.”
“You can’t do this,” he said, shirking back, preemptively wincing, though you hadn’t done anything yet. “Y/N, you can’t do this. We aren’t violent. There’s no justice in killing us.”
“Like I said, I’m not here for justice. I’m here for revenge,” you said. “By definition, there’s no justice to that. But I realized something on the way here: just as you don’t care for me, I don’t care for you. Perhaps this isn’t just, but that’s irrelevant. I’m going to do it regardless.”
“Don’t. Please, don’t. Attacking us is meaningless. We are a family of healers,” he said.
“Really?” you said, narrowing your eyes at him, carefully aiming your first needle and then throwing it. “That’s strange. For some reason, I can’t remember you ever healing anyone.”
At first, the rest of the L/Ns didn’t understand what was happening. One second, they were doing whatever mundane task demanded their attention, and the next, they were on the ground. It was simple for you, because your father was correct in that one thing: not a single person in your family was able to fight. It was what made you an anomaly, that you had this strength which none of the others had. Even without using Dissection, even with just the latent cursed energy left in the needles from Gojo, you knew the human body so well that you could throw the tiny weapons to stick exactly where you wanted them to. It would never work in a fair fight, but this was the furthest thing from fair or a fight.
As you got through more and more of them, they began to realize what was coming for them. They’d try to run, or hide, but it didn’t matter. They weren’t trained sorcerers, so they could never outrun you, and you didn’t need your cursed signature detection to figure out where they were hiding. None of them were very good at it, and so it was all for naught. Just like your entire life had been up until that point, their attempts to avoid your wrath were futile.
Some of them cried. Some of them begged. All of them met the same fate. You felt little sympathy for them. Hadn’t you cried? Hadn’t youbegged? But they had just stood by and watched. They had shown you no mercy, so why would you show them any in return?
There was only one person you spared: your mother, who had never done anything, who could never do anything. The woman cursed to see things she could never defend herself from; you bore no ill-will towards her. Anyways, Gojo loved her, so you would’ve let her be just for that fact alone, even if she was the worst monster in the world. But in the end, she was as trapped as you were, so how could you muster up any hatred for her? She had done the best she could. You passed by her bedroom and left her alone to sob, deciding to deal with her later.
Dragging your father’s slumped over body behind you by the back of his collar, you paid no mind to the way his arms dangled awkwardly by his sides nor to the way his head lolled back and forth with every step you took. His legs skidded against the lush carpets of the mansion, but none of that was important to you. You didn’t care. He would be in a world of hurt when he woke up, but you didn’t care.
Tossing his body into the dining room where you had thrown the rest of your paralyzed family members, you waited for him to regain consciousness. It took a few seconds, but eventually, his eyelids fluttered open. He took stock of the situation, but obviously, whatever he saw must’ve disappointed him, as he opened his mouth to argue before realizing he could not move any of his limbs.
“I wasn’t the one who cursed those needles. Gojo was, which means that the effects will last much longer,” you said. “Don’t think about disobeying me now. I chose not to kill you, but I just as easily could choose to change my mind.”
“You said you wanted revenge. If you aren’t killing us, then what kind of revenge is this?” your father said. “And where is your mother?”
“She isn’t one of you, not in the same way, so I have nothing against her,” you said. “Why would I blame a woman who can’t even heal for failing to do so? It’s a lesson you all should’ve learnt a long time ago. Maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation right now if you had.”
“What do you want from us, Y/N?” your uncle said. He was your father’s youngest brother, a shallow man who was always so arrogant, walking around like he was the heavens’ gift to mankind. He thought that healing made him a god. You wondered if he still thought that now that he had been immobilized by one tiny needle. What kind of god would’ve let that happen to them?
“It’s simple,” you said. “Make me the head of the L/N clan. Swear you will obey me, no matter the situation, no matter the cost. Follow me with as much or more loyalty as you followed my father with, and I will let you live. I’m not an idiot, after all; I know how rare the Reverse Cursed Technique is, and how much better Composition is compared to the rest. It would be foolish for me to slaughter you all without taking that into account, so I’m offering you this way out, but make no mistake — I don’t need you. If any of you refuse, I won’t feel bad about killing you. If need be, I can kill all of you. It’s all the same to me.”
“You’re just a child. What would you know of heading a clan?” your uncle said.
“I don’t know anything, and I don’t care to learn, either. That’s not what’s important here. As long as you submit to me, you can continue to run your clan as you please. My only stipulation is that my orders take precedence. You must do what I say, when I say it,” you said.
For a moment, none of them said anything, so you raised one of your remaining needles. You did not even have to mime throwing it; the instant your relatives saw it, they all began to shout out their assent to your terms. You had no doubt that if they were not paralyzed, they’d be bowing as they screamed that yes, yes, they’d do it, they’d do it. They were just that brand of cowardly.
“Well, it’s easy to say things, isn’t it?” you said. “My dear uncles, you should be able to move by now, I think. Is that correct? Good. Let’s see if you were being serious about your pledge. Bring me my father.”
“What will you do to him?” your father’s eldest brother said. His son was your least favorite cousin; he had always teased you about how you could not use Composition like he could. You noticed that very boy on the ground beside him, a large wet spot in the crotch of his pants and snot all over his face. You doubted he would ever tease you again.
“Would you ever question my father like that?” you said. “I don’t think you would. Should I kill you for such a transgression?”
Your uncles didn’t complain after that, tripping over themselves to pick up your still-frozen frozen father, bringing him to your feet, setting him down in a kneel and then bowing before scrambling away from you, like you might change your mind at any second.
“Are you going to kill me now?” my father said.
“Hm. Should I?” you said.
“I know you want to,” he said. “Stop dragging it out. Just do it.”
“I do want to,” you confessed. “But that would be too easy. It doesn’t mean anything for me to kill you. I think this is worse, isn’t it? For most of my life, you hated me, just because I could not use Composition. Now, you’ll spend the rest of your life in servitude to me. It’s the best ending I can think of for someone as pathetic as you.”
“Are you serious about killing us if we disobey you?” he said.
“I am,” you said. “The next time I bring you someone to heal, you will heal them. If you ever — if you ever do what you did to Tullia again, I will kill all of you, and just as I don’t regret this, I won’t regret that.”
“We don’t deserve this,” said your cousin, the one who had pissed himself despite always being so bold in his youth. “We don’t deserve to live, but you’re letting us. You really are merciful, Y/N. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” you said. “Thank whatever deity favored you with Composition. The Reverse Cursed Technique is the only reason I’m leaving you alive. Otherwise, all of you would be dead by now.”
You knocked on your mother’s door gently, not wanting to startle her as she cried. Her wails grew louder before abruptly silencing, and you heard her feet shuffling as she made her way to the door and then opened it.
“Hello, mother,” you said. Her reddened eyes widened, still glossed over with unshed tears though they were, and then she threw her arms around you. You stood there unsurely, not used to the sight of an adult breaking down so thoroughly in front of you.
“Y/N, my Y/N,” she hiccuped. “They’re taking you from me. They’re taking you and sending you to that — that horrible creature! I tried so hard to stop them, but they refused to listen. Oh, Y/N, what will we do now? I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Your life was supposed to be better than mine was.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “Nobody’s sending me anywhere. I’m the head of the clan now.”
“What?” she sniffed. “How is that possible?”
“It’s funny,” you said. “When a family’s members consist solely of healers, it’s surprisingly simple to defeat them, even if you’re by yourself, even if you can’t use your cursed technique.”
“You killed all of them?” she said.
“I threatened to, but I didn’t go through with it. I couldn’t. I’m not that kind of a person, and anyways, they are valuable. This is how the L/N clan has survived for so long: they’re just too rare to kill. Well, anyways, it’s fine. They all swore to follow me, and if I ever get even a little suspicious that they’re planning something, I’ll force them to make Binding Vows with me. It should be okay, though — as I’m sure you’ve noticed, none of them exactly have backbones of steel,” you said.
“I see,” she said. You waited for her to reprimand you, but she did not. “So, then. What will you do next?”
“The rest of the students and I are working to unseal Gojo. I’ve given up fighting for good, so after this, I’m going to go join Shoko Ieri in helping heal the last of Shibuya incident’s victims while I wait for something bigger to come up that I can help with,” you said.
“You gave up fighting?” your mother said. “Didn’t you love it so much? I remember watching you at last year’s exchange event — the one, in Kyoto I mean. You looked so happy during your match against Aoi Todo.”
“Really? Because I distinctly remember being annoyed out of my mind during that entire battle,” you muttered.
“It was like you were truly yourself,” she explained. “You’re giving that up? Why?”
“I have to. I can’t use Composition if I keep using Dissection, and I’m not quite talented enough at fighting to justify giving up healing for it,” you said. “Even if we now have the rest of the L/Ns at our disposal, I still don’t want to ever be in the scenario where I’m fully dependent on someone else to heal a person I care about. Never again.”
“Alright,” your mother said.
“Just ‘alright?’ You won’t argue with me?” you said.
“No, I won’t,” she said. “It’s not my place. If that’s what you deem to be the best course of action, then that’s what you should do.”
“Thank you,” you said. “Yes, I do believe that it’s the only way.”
“I’ll support it, then,” she said. “I’ll support you. As forever. As always.”
“I really do appreciate it, mother,” you said. “What about you? What will you do now?”
“There isn’t much for me to do,” she said. “Do you think I could…no, never mind.”
“Go on,” you said. “I’m the head of the L/N clan now, you know. Whatever you want, you can ask me for it. I’ll do everything in my power to help you.”
“Can I come with you?” she said. “I know I don’t have a technique or anything like that, but I just — I don’t want to stay here anymore. I’ll help in whatever way I can. I can make food for everyone, or clean, or whatever it is that you all need!”
“You don’t have to do any of that,” you said. “You’re my mother, so you can come and go as you please. Besides, I’m sure Gojo will be excited to see you there once he’s been unsealed, so there definitely isn’t an issue at all. Of course you can come.”
“Do you really mean it?” she said.
“Of course,” you said. “I really do.”
Taking your mother by the hand, you walked with your head held high past the rest of the L/Ns. They were the ones who flinched now, their very postures dripping with deference as you strode by without so much as acknowledging them. You saw your father’s lips part in protest when he saw your mother following after you, but after noticing the severe look on your face, he pursed them once more and ducked his head.
“I am leaving now,” you said. “And I am taking my mother with me. I trust that this house will be maintained and that, should I need assistance, I can call upon you all.”
“Yes, Y/N,” your uncle said. “It will be done.”
“Good,” you said shortly. “See to it that it is.”
With that, you nodded at your mother, who hesitantly nodded back. Then, together, you both took your first steps outside of that jail-like place, the manor which had housed you in your worst times. There was a freedom in that walk which even you had never felt before, not to mention your mother, who was gazing at the sky with a newfound appreciation for it.
“It’s strange,” your mother said. “I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until now. I think I forgot what it felt like to feel happy at all. Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” you said. “It does. I know what you mean.”
“Thank you for letting me come with you,” she said. “I know I wasn’t always the best mother, but I really do love you.”
“It’s fine,” you said. “I don’t blame you for it.”
“Ah,” she said. “I see. Thank you.”
“Stop thanking me,” you said. “It’s not like that. I just did what I had to do, that’s all. It’s the most any of us can do, so it hardly warrants such praise.”
“You know, Y/N,” your mother said. “You really are a selfless girl.”
“Do you think so?” you said.
“It’s your greatest virtue,” your mother said. “I won’t claim the credit for instilling it, but I hope you’re aware of it anyways.”
“If you say so,” you said dubiously.
She didn’t know what you had almost done, how willingly you would’ve tied yourself to Sukuna. You vowed to never let her find out, and then you vowed to one day do something that actually was worthy of that kind of praise, something that proved you to be the selfless girl your mother thought you were.
Maybe that would be enough to finally redeem you.
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taesmassiveass · 5 months
Sirens in my head || tk
(this is just a drabble)
the heavily pouring rain left little hope for the young man to leave for his humble abode on foot. and of course, he wouldn't, couldn't and shouldn't ever have thoughts of staying any longer at his office cabin.
a thin film of gently running water covered the streets as the rain continued to fall. the man watched the scene before him, with despair clearly showing in his eyes. he sighed, and stepped back, shielding himself from the water droplets with the shop's protruding roof above his head.
the phone kept in the breast pocket of his crisp white button down vibrated, followed by a loud ringtone of a trendy kpop beat. typical. he pulled it out and swiped his thumb across the call icon, face set to display the slight annoyance he felt.
"Jeon Jungkook, where are you right now?"
the man holding the phone stood still, regretting not having checked the contact name.
"Evening boss-nim, I'm a few strides away from the office-"
"where exactly?"
oh how Jungkook hated his demanding attitude.
"The dairy shop right beside-"
"have you booked a ride back home yet?"
Jungkook was very much tempted to hang up, but he withheld his intrusive self. Of course his boss is mocking his not-so-rich financial status again.
"not yet, but I am planning to."
"no need for it, stay where you are. I'll be there in a few."
"but boss?? that's not-"
beep beep. the call was hung up before he could complete what he had to say.
Jungkook was perplexed. weren't his working hours over? was there something else the boss needed him for? if that might be the case, he was going to hate his boss evenmore.
workforce exploitation. that's what it was.
Jungkook sighed again, abandoning his train of thoughts and vacantly staring at the wet streets. the lilac evening sky and the streetlights reflected prettily on it's surface.
the ten minutes of silence after the call was interrupted by the whirring tyres of a black SUV, as it rounded around the shop and stood in the space infront of it.
infront of a passively standing Jungkook, who did not even register it's arrival.
one of the doors slided open, and out stepped a tall, lean man, slightly broad shoulders set in an authoritative stance, dressed in a formal but fashionable sense. definitely very rich.
he stepped onto the gravel, his heeled boots from Celine creating small splashes as he strode towards the man standing underneath the shade of the dairy shop, carrying an umbrella with a purple floral print above his head.
it was then that the young man, too, looked up at him.
into the eyes of his boss.
"Jungkook, let's get you home. it's raining pretty heavily."
Jungkook cleared his throat and stood straighter, politely bowing to his boss. his skin tingled when a hand gently grabbed his shoulders.
"I appreciate the thought a lot, boss-nim, but I really was just about to leave on my own. I can-"
"I know you can." the deep voice spoke, his tone soft but firm. "but I insist. I have a visit to make to a person living nearby too, so I can drop you and drive ahead."
if jungkook felt skeptical, he decided to keep it to himself for the sake of saving both their precious time.
and who was he to deny a free ride home in an expensive car?
the boss smiled as he received a nod of agreement, gesturing with his hand for them to proceed towards the car.
as they walked under the same umbrella, Jungkook may have felt the slight bump of a shoulder and some side glances thrown his way. he kept his head down, even as he mounted the vehicle and sat on the opposite row of seats.
he wondered how much more pity his boss had left in him.
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Droplets of rain settled over the glass windows as the car drove against the wind and rain. Jungkook stared at the blurred city lights as they passed by, his mind hazy with thoughts and the proximity which he shared with his boss. He sighed softly, feeling awkward more than ever.
Should he make conversation?
He cleared his throat. "H-have you had lunch, Boss-"
Jungkook turned his head slightly at the unexpected answer and it's slightly annoyed tone.
"We're off working hours, I would appreciate it if you could just call me by my name."
call me by my name.
Jungkook swore he could bleakly hear the sirens going off in his head.
"Oh, well, please excuse me Sir as I understand it we aren't very close-"
"Then let's make this a start! Let's get to know each other well!" His boss- Taehyung- smiled at him. So soft, so polite.
Polite? Jungkook liked, no, appreciated politeness. He was aware he himself didn't possess a lot of that attribute, but he didn't have the heart to refuse a kind request.
The sirens in his head continued to buzz, but he sat upright and turned a little more to face Taehyung.
He was indeed one gorgeous man, almost too much. It bothered Jungkook for no legal reason.
"A-alright, umm, Taehyung. Have you had lunch? If you would like to stop by at mine-"
"Thank you for asking Jungkook, you are so kind. Yes I would love to stop by. I did miss lunch so it's a pleasant surprise to me that you asked." His smile widened in a manner that was...adorable? And his eyes turned into crescents.
Why did Jungkook not like him? As it was, he was very gentlemanly indeed.
Oh and did he say yes to stopping by his place?
The alarms in the back of Jungkook's mind, and perhaps his heart too, got louder by a pitch.
"Yeah. Sure."
"Right here, that's the gate to my apartment."
Jungkook pointed ahead, his doe eyes slightly wide. He turned to look at his boss, who noded.
The driver swerved the car around an alley with enough space to park. As the ignition was turned off, Jungkook gulped.
Was he stupid to ask his boss to visit his place? He was pretty sure the hygiene and food and space at his apartment would not be problem, Jungkook himself was very particular about those stuff.
Although, he wasn't sure why his boss so readily agreed either.
"Shall we get out now, Jungkook-ssi? I will hold the umbrella for you."
Saying that, Taehyung pulled the door handle and pushed it open. It was still pouring outside and the damp, petrichor laden air rushed into the car.
Jungkook took a small breath in an attempt to relax his anxious heart.
While Taehyung got out of the car and was setting the umbrella up, he shifted over to the doorway and peeped out.
A hand immediately came up to him, palm open.
Without much thought, he grabbed it and step down from the car, not very gracefully as he splashed some water over his own feet. He heard Taehyung let out a breathy giggle, so he looked up.
"I'm sorry, it was just...cute."
Jungkook could feel his face warming up.
"Shall we go now, Jungkook?"
He nodded, starting to walk a step ahead of his boss.
Embarrassing, how embarrassing...
The doors of the elevator opened on the third floor. Jungkook stepped out first, Taehyung followed him closely.
The corridors were spacious and clean, there were artificial potted plots here and there along the corners. It looked like an upper class apartment, although not exactly luxurious.
Jungkook walked up to the fourth door.
"Here. This is my flat" he declared, without turning to look at his boss. His hands shook a little as he struggled to punch in the code.
"It looks nice and decent. I'm curious about your interior design though, seeing as you work in the architecture sect."
Of course. Of course he is mocking his 'lesser rich' economic status again.
Jungkook bit his tongue and nodded a curt nod in response. Why did he think his boss would like being anywhere that's not chandelier ceilings and shining smooth glassy tiles and-
"Is something wrong? With the door?"
A hand came to rest over his shoulders, a hot gush of breath fanning over the back of his neck that effectively shut the voices in his mind up.
"No it's, sorry, I was just, umm, thinking." He mumbled to himself more, finally entering the code right and inserting the key after an affirmative beep from his door lock.
As the key turned in the notch, his heart skipped a beat.
Okay....here he is, inviting the boss he doesn't like all too much over at his place.
He strode in at a slow pace, much to cover up for his stuttering confidence. Taehyung stepped in behind him, Jungkook watched him elegantly untie his shoes and set them over the shoe rack. He then stood up to reach for the door knob and pushed it shut.
When he turned around, his eyes met Jungkook's. Taehyung smiled.
Jungkook could sense he was nervous too. He would dare say it was adorable again if he himself wasn't slightly shaking.
"Um, don't bother for too much, I will happily have whatever is available."
"It's no bother, please take a seat."
Jungkook gestured towards his sofa, Taehyung followed gratefuly and sat himself down.
If he was less nervous, he would appreciate the way his boss's legs beautifully folded on over the other. How perfectly business class mannered.
"Would you like some water?" He asked, eyes still outlining the presence on the couch.
If Taehyung noticed, he only raised a subtle smirk. "Yeah sure, thank you!"
"And that's how Seungmin found himself behind the bars. Honestly, the day his wife divorced him I was entirely convinced he was a troublesome man."
Taehyung nodded his head agreeing.
"I didn't think the architecture department would have so much tea to give."
Jungkook giggled. "We just happen to look nerdy, wait till you hear from the other employees. They are even more invested in what goes around than me."
The boss let out a soft laugh. It reminded Jungkook of church bells.
How did they get here again?
Well, long story short, Taehyung was indeed a charming conversationalist. As Jungkook started to get busy in the kitchen, his humble self scurried over to help with whatever he could.
"How's work though? Is everything alright in the sect?" Taehyung asked him.
More like opened the dam to an endless ranting from an employee that had a tons of complaints and gossips bottled up inside.
Taehyung listened to him attentively, nodding here and there and adding some of his own remarks, which much to Jungkook's pleasure, were an ally to his own thoughts.
As the ramen simmered in the soup with the vegetables, Jungkook basked in the silent joy of having someone to talk to and laugh with after a long, long time.
"I have a confession to make." feeling a little confident for some reason, Jungkook blurted out.
What he didn't see coming was his boss freezing up in his seat, eyes widening like a deer in headlight.
"W-what is it about? Should I be worried?"
Even so, his hands moved meticulously as he wiped his mouth with his handkerchief. Jungkook caught himself tracing the outline of his lips for no reason.
The hell is wrong with him? He shook his head, as a response to the question and to come to senses.
"No no! It's just me I promise! I-well" he gulped.
Taehyung gulped too. A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Is this what I'm thinking it is about?"
"No- Wait! What do you mean?"
Jungkook wasn't sure where this conversation was leading to. To be honest, he was a bit scared.
"Please, let me address it first? I have waited for this opportunity for...quite sometime now. I had never thought that I would have a chance but, if this is what I'm thinking it is, please allow me to say it first."
Gone was all composure and elegance that his boss always had. His hands shook as he reached for the glass of water. After taking a sip, and setting the glass down, he looked up.
Jungkook could swear his breathing had halted. Why did he have no clue of what was going on? Had he pulled some trigger that was best left be? Oh he was about to lose his shit.
"S-sure? Go on as you please."
He then did something he definitely didn't think through enough. His boss's hand felt colder under his as he covered it with his own.
Taehyung's face kept getting redder by the second, the embarrassment was beginning to transmit to Jungkook too. He was not sure why.
"Okay, um, Jungkook-ssi, sorry, Jungkook. I-" He lowered his head. "I was hoping you would, I know this is super absurd, but I was hoping you would-" his hand under Jungkook's emerged to instead gently hold it by the fingers "like to go on a d-date with me? I AM AWARE this is so strange coming from your work colleague, a boss at that, but, if that's what you were thinking about too...I'm sorry I couldn't stop myself..."
His eyes locked with Jungkook's wide wide open ones.
"I never ever imagined that you would have something to c-confess too? This gives me so much joy, good lord! I have adored you since the moment you first stepped into my office, I can't explain I just...that's-that's partly why I wanted to drop you off today, I was hoping we could get to talk? I used to believe you found me annoying for some reason..."
His eyelashes cast shadows over his cheeks as he looked down, his lips quivering slightly. The gentle hold he had on Jungkook's hand turned firmer.
"But now that I think about it, maybe I was wrong, maybe I do have a chance? I would be so honoured if-"
The boss pushed his chair back suddenly, standing up and walking around to reach Jungkook's side. His knees struck the floor, making the dumb founded man gasp for a change.
"if you, perfect and gorgeous, Jeon Jungkook, would go out on a date with me."
As the silence settled after the question, all Jungkook could hear were the sirens in his head, loud and clear.
It had to be the craziest twist to an evening Jungkook had ever lived.
Kim Taehyung, the boss he seemingly despised, not only grew on him but, but ended up asking him out? If you would tell intern Jungkook of three years ago that he would be the crush of this insanely beautiful man, he would smack you on the head and tell you to mind your business.
Right, because, because maybe Jungkook had taken a liking to his boss, when he first stepped into his office too. The pretty, long fingers that reached out to hand him his employee ID, the warmth in the smile offered. But it annoyed Jungkook because Taehyung, his boss came from a world of luxuries and classic beauties. What would he ever see in him, a middle class young adult struggling to avail a livelihood.
Maybe Jungkook despised his boss because he forced himself to find faults in everything he did. That would keep him anchored to the shore.
Had it, though?
Jungkook wasn't clueless, but he would gladly delude himself into believing just that if it meant for him to not desire something and someone he had no chance at having.
Now, those walls came crashing down. Maybe the fissures in them had always existed, even though Jungkook desperately tried to cover up with whatever dirt he could find.
His head was spinning, his jaw aching from his mouth being hung open for so long.
Should he...should he let himself be honest for once? There was no harm in trying, was there?
It was Taehyung, the man in question. Beautiful Taehyung that had a kind heart, a charming but genuine smile that had Jungkook's heart skipping a beat everytime.
The sirens in his head continued to blare, louder and louder, and louder....until they started to sound melodic.
Until his heart began to sway to that melody.
While the confession Jungkook was going to make would have been about anything but this, maybe this twist to his story was an intervention of fate, instead of being just silly misunderstanding.
He licked his lips, grounding himself. Taehyung's grip on his hands had gotten tighter but not by any means, hurtful.
Jungkook's free hand moved on it's own accord, his fingers curling under Taehyung's chin and lifting his face up gently.
He looked into his hopeful eyes, and saw nothing but genuineness. Just as he had expected. Just as he had hoped.
"Kim Taehyung," his thumb gently caressed the soft skin of his cheek, the warmth in the touch reminding him that all of it was indeed, very much real. "I would love to go out on a date with you. Thank you for asking me out first, I wouldn't ever have been brave enough."
And the blinding smile that spread over his boss's face was so worth the honesty. So so worth it.
The End.
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kangaracha · 5 months
NEVERMORE; AN ANNOTATION chapter 5 (there's so many voices)
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Read Nevermore | Masterlist | Nevermore Masterlist
Outside of District 9, Seungmin stands outside the bus and surveys their surroundings, contemplating what they should do next. He sees a city in the distance and a building just down the hill before Changbin and then Chan calls him back inside. Before he returns, he mentions to Changbin that he is worried about Chan, and Changbin agrees.
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They agree as a group to continue down to the building nearby rather than towards the city, as Hyunjin is injured and they are tired and hungry. The youngest members lead the way, finding an abandoned warehouse-like building waiting for them. The centre of it is a large, circular room, where they find food and clothing, and a bank of computers which control the warehouse.
Chan looks after Hyunjin as best he can, and then turns to the desks and computers scattered around the room. He finds he can't read anything there, but picks up a strange key that feels warm to the touch. He wakes the main computer in the room and finds a map on it, with seven doors marked on it numbered one through eight. There is no number four, and all except one are marked as 'closed'.
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Han convinces him to leave it alone for now, reasoning that they can't go anywhere except the city anyway. He wants to show Chan something that he has found instead; a music production program on another computer, filled with half-finished tracks. Han also says he has a song he wants to write, and so they sit down together to create it.
Canon Content
A short, transitional chapter, this one occurs entirely in the world of the District 9 music video - specifically, the ending, in which they are seen in a warehouse type of space with a strange portal-like device behind them. The bus, of course is also taken from the District 9 video - the world outside of District 9 is inspired by a short clip within that video and the world of the Scars music video, into which they will be tossed shortly.
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Jeongin tossing through clothes from abandoned lockers in the warehouse is also taken from the District 9 video, though in the video they find the clothes on the bus. It felt important to mention that they were changing clothes from the white suits they were dressed in, as it was featured explicitly in the video, however to have it happen on the bus in the fic felt out of place, as they were only in the bus for a brief moment and it didn't make much sense to me for clothes to be found there.
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This chapter is titled for the song Voices, which comes off the next album in the series, I Am Who. The lyrics of this song can be connected to the experience of the voice of the machine in their heads, and the decision they've made to break free of that control ('step out of them voices/break free from the voices in my head').
This album and the next, I Am You, don't contain a lot of songs relevant to the Nevermore universe, and so only appear for a few fleeting moments here between I Am Not and Cle 1: Miroh. Songs such as Mirror, Insomnia, and Question are also relevant to Stray Kids' experience at this point in the story, just as they were in real life, though nothing in particular has been drawn from them; rather, they are reinforcements to the particular characters and decisions being drawn in the prose.
Seungmin is introduced in this chapter, forging the path ahead while Chan worries about the boys left behind. He paints himself a strong character within the group, a potential leader who contemplates striking out on his own path right from the get-go but in the end always turns back to the older boys for guidance.
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In this way, Seungmin becomes a very useful character to have at the forefront of the story - though he doesn't play any key role in the turn of the plot yet, he drives the group forwards towards their next discovery, and is quickly set up as someone who can be relied upon to do that over and over in the future. Where some boys are reluctant to move forward, Seungmin is unafraid and logical, a character that can easily be pushed towards the next plot point. He's useful here, and he will continue to be useful in the future, being also too proud to be beaten down easily.
Seungmin's POV also very quickly shows his relationship with Jeongin, who he very outright considers running away with and describes as a younger brother, even if not by blood. This is an important distinction going into the Miroh arc later. He also reinforces the idea that has previously been built about Chan being the leader that they all look up to, the one they are devoted to, and Changbin a protector, reliable and, in the eyes of the other boys, unwavering.
Again, this is a very quiet chapter; for the most part, Seungmin simply moves them forward, while Chan describes the extent of Hyunjin's injury and discovers the map. There are a few things to note, of course, such as:
Seungmin notes of the city seen on the horizon that 'there is something wrong with that city, he's sure of it - he just can't put his finger on why'. This is referring to the ruins on the outside of the city, which will be seen in greater detail in coming chapters.
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While the building they enter is drawn from a music video, the room they find themselves in is entirely imagined from scratch, to give them a space in which to find their feet and reset. The portal seen in the video has been removed, replaced with a screen inspired the one I.N stands in front of in the Miroh video; the portal, instead, is the drawing inspiration for the 'doorways' listed on the map Chan finds - and the overarching idea of doorways/portals being the connection between different worlds.
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This warehouse is implied to have been a watching/management place for District 9, up on the hill above; however, just like the city it has been abandoned, and the doorway that used to lead here, still marked on the map, has been closed. This may be revisted in the distant future, when we revisit the world of Injeon during the NoEasy/Oddinary era, but wasn't included here as it is worldbuilding largely irrelevant to the plot except for what it meant for the contents of the room.
This chapter contains the first instance of Chan noticing that someone seems to know him from a past he can't remember - namely, the machine when it discovered who he was.
The seven doorways on the map, deliberately numbered through to eight, represent one doorway to each world of the Cle - all closed except the one to Miroh, as Injeon has been abandoned and closed off as a cursed/unsafe place since the Gwoemul found a way into it. They are numbered to eight to correlate to the eight worlds.
One doorway missing is meant to be the doorway to Injeon, the world they are already in. It is probably an oversight to imply there is a doorway to Asadal, a world only accessible from Yellow Wood, but perhaps we can assume that was once a second door to Miroh, which would have been the most common destination when travelling in and out of Injeon.
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b-dubs-valdubs · 2 years
inspired by this amazing art by @briseise :))
fic under the cut, or you can read it on ao3 :)
Cleo sat in the meeting, uttlerly bored out of her mind, listening to the King droning on and on about the various acts of treason committed by the Resistance this week. Huge yawn. Who even cares that much about a statue?
What's worse, Bdubs was making that face again, watching the King intently, large eyes glittering. Yuck. Get a room already.
Cleo tapped her fingers on the polished wood table, letting the voices of the King and his court melt into the background. It was clear that Ren definitely had a soft spot for Bdubs, one glace at the way they looked at each other would tell you as much. But it also showed in the meetings; whenever Bdubs had an idea it was always "good idea, my hand" and "I agree, my treasure." Gross, gross, gross.
It was also very clear that Ren is like a fish out of water when Bdubs isn't there by his side. Like when Bdubs fell ill one week, and Ren had to check up on him every ten minutes, barely fulfilling any kingly duties and letting his so-called loyal court do all of the work for him.
One thing was for certain though: if Cleo had to watch either of them ogle at each other one more time, she just might puke. Or join the resistance. Or both.
"Lady Cleo? Art thou listening?" the King's voice boomed, as he stood there with folded arms and a raised eyebrow. Bdubs mirrored him, glaring daggers into them. Great.
"Uh, yeah, of course I was! How dare the Resistance do... whatever they're doing now!"
She was lucky that the diamond glasses partially hid her eyeroll.
Honestly, Cleo has had enough. They're barely appreciated in this court, and with the King decreeing new ridiculous laws every day, joining the Resistance started to look more and more attractive to them.
Now, to the average person, what Cleo does next may seem a little... drastic. But it was completely necassary! Besides, the King had it coming anyways, who knows how the Resistance didn't spot his little weakness sooner.
Cleo strode over to Bdubs's door, knocking sharply on it three times. She immediately heard rustling and jangling from within the door, before a muffled voice called out: "Coming, my majesty!"
Soon after, the large oak double door swung open and Bdubs emerged, grinning. He was covered in golden jewellery - gifts from the King, presumably - and dark makeup tickled his eyelids. As for his clothes, a dark green corset with a pure white silk shirt and dark trousers, alongside boots with a small heel. White wings, fading to green at the end of their wingspan, sat comfortably through little holes in a moss cape, which now had little pink flowers blooming on it.
Upon setting eyes on the person before him, Bdubs's brow furrowed, and his smile faded. "Cle-?"
Cleo grabbed him and held a hand to his mouth. "Shut up," she hissed, "Don't make a sound."
Bdubs whimpered, trying to struggle away from her vice-like grip, but Cleo simply picked him up and carried him over her shoulder, using her elytra to fly out of a window to remain unseen. He wriggled, trying desperately to free himself, flapping his wings to try and fly away. Cleo readjusted her grip, pressing her arm into Bdubs's wings to prevent them from moving.
"What- what are you doing?" Bdubs whispered, unable to stop the fear seeping into his voice, "I- I have a date with the King, you know! And he- he'll be looking for me! Then you'll see!"
"Do you ever just shush, Bdubs?" Cleo growled in his ear, "It's none of your business what I'm doing."
She suddenly swooped down, causing Bdubs to scream, even after they were both firmly on the ground.
Well, Cleo was firmly on the ground. Bdubs was still lying over her shoulder, and still making a racket.
"Oh my Void you're gonna give me a headache..." Cleo muttered as she entered a cave.
<ZombieCleo> whispers to <Soup Group Groupchat!>: hey, might have something of interest for you
<ZombieCleo> whispers to <Soup Group Groupchat!>: come to these coordinates: ...
<ZombieCleo> whispers to <Soup Group Groupchat!>: ... and be quick about it!
The Soup Group excitedly rushed over to the coordinates that Cleo had sent them. It may well be a trap, Cleo was a part of the Royal Court of course, but she never seemed too loyal to them anyways. Just in case, they went into the cave one at a time, Gem at the front with her sword, and Impulse at the back.
The cave seemed unassuming at first, but they soon noticed a few stone buttons laying around. One of them opened a simple piston door, which led to a narrow spiral staircase. The lighting inside was dim, a few torches here and there - and the walls were a plain stone, dug out in a hurry. Eventually, the staircase opened up into a small room with a door on the back wall. Cleo was sitting on a bench inside the room, and at the sight of the Soup Group, their eyes lit up in relief.
"Thank goodness you're here, I was about to die of boredom," they sighed, before rising from their seat and walking towards the door. "Follow me."
The Soup Group looked at each other, before trailing after her. The new room was also dimly lit, and was cut in half by a wall of iron bars. On the other side, a mossy figure lay facing away from the bars, rope tied around his waist and wings.
"Oh, Void!" Impulse exclaimed, stepping away from the bars.
"Cleo... this isn't right..." Gem gasped, "What did you do to him?"
"Nothing! Yet..." Cleo shrugged, "Just kinda grabbed him and took him here I guess."
Bdubs made a growling noise, trying to roll over to the bars. Once he was facing the others, he bared his teeth. "You aren't doing anything to me! Ever! Because Ren's coming for me and you all will get thrown into the dungeon once he finds out what you've done!"
Cleo smirked. "Oh, yeah, your precious King has been messaging you on your comm. He's so worried about his little treasure."
"Y'know, Cleo," Pearl began, "I'm all for the chaos and everything, but I agree with the others. This is just way too far..."
"Look," Cleo said emphatically, "We can either get some information out of him, use him to blackmail the King, and stand a chance at winning this war. Or, if you guys are too scared, we can just let him roam free, babble to his King about everything we've done, and sentence us all to rotting away in the dungeons. What do you choose?"
Impulse looked into Bdubs's eyes. He knew Bdubs, he knew that he was trying to hide his fear. And Impulse felt awful about it.
"Let's... let's do your thing then, Cleo," Impulse muttered, firmly breaking the eye contact between himself and Bdubs. He didn't have to be looking at Bdubs to imagine the hurt painted on his face.
The other Soup Group members quietly muttered their agreement; Cleo hummed, satisfied. "Good. So you," she pointed at Bdubs, and he couldn't help but flinch back a little, "Are going to cooperate. Or else."
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
Are conservatism and liberalism compatible? I’ve always considered myself a Conservative Liberal, but I am curious if you would consider these a contradiction in terms
Of course they're compatible. There are plenty of heterodox classifications that combine elements of conservatism and liberalism.
There's liberal conservatism, which in general means support for free markets, a belief that not all individuals can be counted upon to act responsibly and so a government must exist to protect and enforce law and order, and socially-liberal positions on civil rights as they are deemed to be a part of the rights of man.
There's national liberalism, which combines elements of liberalism with nationalistic policies, which stresses liberalism and national sovereignty, and was (and still is) very popular in former Warsaw Pact states. These typically involve some minor-to-moderate forms of economic protectionism in the interest of ensuring employment while maintaining a generally market-focused economy, along with socially-conservative positions.
As I've said before, people are complex and it's difficult to boil anyone down to fit perfectly safe in a category that is infinitely reductive to only encompass one person. Categorization is useful and necessary, but comes at the cost of precision. So depending on what you mean, you can consider yourself any number of subsets of centrist or moderate.
Thanks for the question, Cle-Guy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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feeshies · 2 years
Sorry if this is a weird question, but do you have any law school advice? i don't know anyone else that did it
pls forgive me anon bc i am not sober enough to answer this adequately. i'll reblog with additions later if i can
i'm gonna try to keep my advice as universal as possible. bc i worked in law firms for around 4 years so i've been able to grow (relatively) familiar with the field, but i know that isn't everyone experiences. for reference, my lsat score was 162 and my gpa was 3.6. which might sound good, but some references will tell you that these scores won't get you into a good (or any) school. i'm here to tell you that this is not true.
also i'm not in law school yet, but i have taken the lsat twice and i'm on track to go to a school i'm excited for, so i'm going to limit my answer to that scope.
you need to study for the lsat. don't let the multiple choice fool you. however, you don't need the most expensive courses. there are tests you can take instead of the lsat, but i only learned that when filling out applications so idk anything about this.
when i took the lsat the first time, i paid for one of the more pricey courses bc i thought that would give me the best chance. turns out, i didn't need to do that at all. and to prove that, let me explain something i went through during my time with that course
i was eligible to get disability accommodations for my official lsat (that's my first piece of advice: get accommodations if you're able to. it saved my life), but the course i was paying a paycheck's worth of money for didn't factor in accommodations for their practice tests. it got to the point when one of my tutors said "i should rethink my path" when i told her my goal. i ended up getting 10 points higher than my average practice test score on my actual lsat because i had accommodations. i used to feel ashamed for needing accommodations, but now i can't stress their importance enough. no one is going to think lesser of having a nd lawyer. and if they do, you don't want them as a client.
as far as actual programs go, i can't recommend lsat demon enough. not only are they so much cheaper than the competition, but the hosts are down to earth and provide a really comforting and relatable environment (they say fuck!). their practice tests also factor in accommodations!!! and if you don't want to pay for a course, they do have a podcast that's free, but i wouldn't consider it a substitute for the course. but their course (even the free version) is incredible considering the stuff that comes with it. also one of the hosts wears a mass effect hoodie, if that's important to you. i was able to raise my lsat score by switching to them for my second attempt. i can't emphasize this enough: no one cares about your lsat score. all you have to do is get into law school. no attorneys advertise their lsat score. and you can discount the ones who do, bc they probably peaked in undergrad. most lawyers i know don't even remember their scores. some didn't even remember the name "lsat"
my next piece of advice is for the personal statement. it doesn't have to be about law. if i made mine about law, my personal statement would be about how i worked in a lawfirm from 9-5:30, created legal drafts, and helped out with receptionist stuff. that says nothing. my actual personal statement was about my webcomic. it went into how my comic forced me to develop a strict schedule with my art (showing that i can work on a self imposed schedule) and it led to me growing more curious about intellectual property, because the question "who really owns my comic if i post it online" became really significant the longer the project went on. i also went into how i had to develop a contract when doing commissions. this is more interesting to schools than "i put on a tie and sat through a cle". make your passions relevant. also avoid childhood stories. try to keep your personal statement relevant to who you are now. law schools don't want to hear about how "i was bullied in middle school, but i'm actually really smart!"
also use that diversity statement, but use it wisely. my diversity statement was about me being transgender, but it wasn't "woe is me it's hard being trans". i went into the difficulties i had to overcome being trans and working in a law firm, but also my time volunteering with lgbt law organizations. these schools don't want a sob story. when you're writing your statements, you should be asking yourself "why would this convince a school to grant me admission?" because " they'd feel bad for me" is not the answer. you have a better answer and you deserve better than pity.
anyway, that's the most i feel comfortable speaking to with my experience. lmk if i can provide any more guidance and good luck!!!!!
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"Happy 10th FnaF!"
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Song: [Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Song] By: [The Living Tombstone]
Fnaf was part of my childhood, of course id make fanart! Happy august hope yall are doing well, and making the most of this month, Free P@lestin3, Free COng0, Free H@it¡, Free Sud@n, Free G@za, All EY3S ON R@F4H and many Other places Hurt by These GEnocid3s/Ethn¡c cle@nzings/ch¡ld lab0r/terrible living conditions! Never give up on spreading the news while also going to @operationolivebranch account with more resources to help out, And remember You're Vaild & You Do Matter.<3
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Suggestions and Tips: How We Utilize them to further improve
Welcome to our write-up on "Suggestions and Suggestions: How We Make use of them to further improve." In this article, we will investigate the significance of responses and tips in our continual enhancement system. We worth the enter of our customers and strive to offer the best possible company. Through feed-back and recommendations, we are able to discover areas for improvement and make needed changes to enhance our choices. Let's dive into the details of how we benefit from responses and recommendations to constantly evolve and provide an Outstanding practical experience for our consumers.
Feedback and Strategies: How We Make use of them to Improve
At [Enterprise Name], we believe that comments is a important Device for advancement and progress. We actively persuade our clients to share their views, views, and recommendations with us. This worthwhile enter makes it possible for us to higher comprehend their wants and anticipations, enabling us to tailor our products and services accordingly.
We have implemented numerous channels by which clients can offer their comments, like surveys, e-mail conversation, and client assistance interactions. Every bit of feed-back is meticulously reviewed by our workforce, analyzed, and applied for a stepping stone to enhancement.
What products and services are included in a standard home cleaning package deal?
Our regular household cleansing package includes a comprehensive number of https://eastlawngardenspa.exposure.co/south-poplar-pleasures-things-to-do-in-allentowns-18103-zip-code?source=share-eastlawngardenspa providers made to satisfy your cleaning demands. These products and services typically encompass dusting, vacuuming, mopping, bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning, window cleaning (interior), and surface area disinfection. On the other hand, we understand that each and every house is exclusive, so we also offer customizable packages that allow you to incorporate or eliminate certain providers dependant on your necessities.
How frequently really should I plan property cleansing providers?
The frequency at which you'll want to program household cleaning services is determined by several elements including the measurement of your home, the quantity of occupants, Life style routines, and private Choices. Some people today like weekly cleanings for normal maintenance, while some could opt for bi-weekly or regular cleanings. We advise speaking about your certain desires with our staff to ascertain The best frequency for your home.
Are your cleaning products and solutions Protected for pets and children?
Yes, our cleaning goods are diligently chosen to ensure they are Secure for use close to Animals and kids. We prioritize using eco-friendly and non-poisonous cleansing answers that happen to be totally free from destructive substances. In addition, our cleansing workers is qualified to take care of these goods with care, guaranteeing the security of your respective family members.
Can I request unique areas for being cleaned in my property?
Absolutely! We understand that distinct regions of your property may well require varying amounts of interest. You'll be able to request precise areas or rooms to be supplied more concentrate in the course of the cleansing method. Our crew will work closely along with you to understand your Choices and prioritize appropriately.
What will be the difference between a deep thoroughly cle
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trichejeuxgratuit · 8 months
Astuce Subway Surfers Triche Pieces et Cles GRATUIT Illimite
Astuce Subway Surfers Triche – Subway Surfers Pieces et Cles GRATUIT Illimite Subway Surfers Triche Cheats Free Coins and Keys Subway Surfers, le très populaire jeu de course sans fin, a captivé le cœur de millions de personnes avec ses graphismes éclatants, ses obstacles difficiles et son gameplay addictif. Bien que l’attrait du jeu soit indéniable, de nombreux joueurs se retrouvent confrontés…
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emailencryption · 1 year
Cybercriminals are Changing QuickBooks Payments Merchant Account Details and Sending Your Accounts Receivable Overseas
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Summer is all about baseball, but it’s also about cybercriminal lures targeting lawyers, insurance professionals, and any business that accepts credit cards.
With July 4th in the rear-view mirror, we’re now in peak summer season, which means baseball season. (I happen to love baseball and equate it with long summer nights, hot dogs, sprinklers, and days off from school.)
If you’re not that familiar with baseball, there’s this thing called a triple play where the defense gets 3 outs on a single batted ball in play. Trust me, it’s a very rare and special event. We’ve put together our own triple play of three free mission critical cybersecurity webinars in July -- and for the Florida Bar member readers, these provide free full CLE credits! (Details below.)
Yes, summer is all about baseball, but it’s also unfortunately about cybercriminal lures targeting lawyers, insurance professionals, money managers, accounts receivable staff, and many others, which disrupt normal business money flows.
Here’s the latest cybercriminal scheme that has impacted folks we know. We’ll call it The QuickBooks Cash Crevasse.
How does it work? Despite all your multi-factor login and security settings, when cybercriminals are eavesdropping on your staff’s email inbox (in particular, your in-house or outsourced bookkeepers, accountants, tax preparers, accounts receivable staff, or others who may have access to setting up your merchant payment processor account), they can stealthily work through the process of email verification. They can update access to your merchant payment processor account (at QuickBooks Payments for example or your local bank or specialized payment processor).
Once in the account, they can change notifications to come ONLY to them. Then they will change the payment clearinghouse bank account (i.e., your bank) details swapping them for an offshore bank account owned by cybercriminals. This is happening and is costing many companies critical cash flows!
What happens next? Your clients pay you by ACH or credit card as normal (the payments are collected by your merchant processor), and your merchant processor sends funds to who they think is you in the normal manner. Three days after customers make payments, you are expecting the funds. However, the IMPOSTOR BANK ACCOUNT is now the payment receiver in the QuickBooks Payments system.
Funds are, thus, collected by QuickBooks Payments and sent to the cybercriminal, and you or your accounts receivable team will have no idea that this is happening until a week or so after the fact. For larger organizations, they may typically find out several weeks after.
The longer the fraudulent transfer is hidden, the less likely transferred funds are retrievable. The FBI reports that 72 hours after a payment is lured and sent internationally (especially to the parts of the world where these payments are going), it is nearly impossible to retrieve. It’s like the funds are sent by your payment processor, like QuickBooks Payments, into a vast cash crevasse. (Hence the nickname for this scheme: QuickBooks Cash Crevasse.)
Falling victim to cybercrime can be truly disastrous, and no corny sports metaphor here can sum up how serious a matter this can be. That’s why we think you and your staff should attend any (or better, all) of these sessions that are free and open to everyone.
AND remember, if you are a Florida lawyer, you’re in luck – you can attend and check off a slew of free Florida Bar CLE credits. Here’s the line-up:
July 12: Learn about the latest cybercriminal lures targeting small and mid-sized firms (course 6155 – register here).
July 19: The power of proof. How to send the functional equivalent of certified mail by email (course 5882 – register here).
July 26: Don’t fall prey to closing funds or invoices supposed to be paid to you, routing to Russian cybercriminals (course 6573 – register here).
More? Yes, if you are swinging for the fences and want the home run, here is a session to help you round the bases:
August 2: Tech Essentials for the modern professional, what is easy to implement that will save you time, money and risk (course 5685 – register here).
These sessions are brought to you by The Florida Bar’s Legal Fuel practice management center and RPost – and, again, are free and available to everyone being targeted by cybercriminal lures. And that’s everyone! Florida Bar member lawyers receive 1 free general, technology, or ethics credit with the Florida Bar for EACH session. Feel free to contact us to learn more about these free Florida Bar full CLE credit webinars or RMail in general.
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jessicaverissimo · 2 years
Tips for Renting Specialist Carpeting Cleaning Machines
Experts claim vacuuming frequently is the number one remedy for keeping carpet well maintained and clean of surface area soil. However also if you vacuum each day, you still need to devote eventually of the year for deep cleansing your carpet with an expert carpeting cleaning maker. These industrial-strength cleaning devices can cost a whole lot for an ordinary homemaker. Because of this they are readily available for lease from several hardware stores as well as residence cleaning facilities.
Similar to any other investment for your home, it is smart to do some study prior to renting to guarantee you pick the right rental firm, along with the proper cleaning device to match your needs.
You can start your research by asking your next-door neighbors, good friends, щракнете върху следната публикация and also various other area networks to suggest any type of relied on regional business for carpeting cleansing equipment services. Surf the Internet for user reviews, or look in your regional documents for leads. Obtain get in touch with details for your picked business, and also call them or visit them, ideally, for prices, conditions.
Talk with a depictive about your details carpet cleaning requirements. Ask their referrals, not just on the machine, but likewise on the proper cleaning solutions. Let them recognize if you have any details problems, such as an issue stain, pet smells, or perhaps your choice for eco-friendly items. They can encourage you on which products will certainly match the best with the device they'll be renting to you.
If you currently understand which device you will be leasing you can proceed and buy the cleaning materials prior to you rent out the maker, if those items are not readily available with the service. In this manner the buying time won't eliminate from the rental time, specifically if you're simply preparing to obtain it for half a day.
If possible, request a choice of any kind of specific cleansing equipment so that you can choose the unit that's in the most effective problem. Disregard those with unclean bristles, components, or accessories. Request for a demonstration to make sure that you can absolutely comprehend the machine's usage, and at the exact same time confirm that the product remains in great working problem. While in the shop, try one out yourself to obtain a feeling for the maker. Choose the one that you discover is most workable for you, without giving up any kind of cleaning performance.
Don't think twice to call the rental firm should you have a concern with carpet cleaning while you're using their tools. As well as if your rug cleansing equipment rental lead to a successful rug cleaning, do not fail to remember to bookmark that company's number. You should have the ability to rest easy as it appears you have actually discovered a durable partner in rug cleaning and upkeep.
Cluttering of the floor is a common problem and cleaning it is a laborious event. By hand cleansing the litter is extremely difficult; thus, the need of sweeping machines. This category of flooring cleaning machine can be found in every dimension making cleansing litters in every type of space a practical service. The mini variations are most practical for residential cleaning objectives. The user simply requires to push this tool along and also it instantly starts collecting all litter in its course. This flooring cleansing equipment fits for cleansing variety of surface areas like the floor tiles, tarmac, parquet etc
. Some of us own big sized houses. Cleansing such houses comes to be rather a difficult task; therefore, the need of a powerful flooring cleansing gadget. Huge flooring spaces in order to be routinely cleaned up in an inconvenience cost-free style needs the help of a scrubber dryer. Several of these equipments are rather humongous and they come with a ride on capacity. Couple of cleaners have the consolidated capabilities of a heavy steam vacuum cleaner, clutter collector etc. These floor cleaning machines genuinely have the capability of transforming the procedure of cleansing from an agonizing task to a delightful experience.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
October 17th. Kinky Halloween Special Masterlist
Kink: Fingering
Fred x Reader.
Words: 743. 
Warnings: Smut18+, Fingering, Public Space, Slight Praise Kink. 
A/n: I hope you enjoy, sorry its short!
Potions class was always interesting and adding Fred to the mix only made it better. 
“I’m bored.” 
I roll my eyes at Fred ignoring him as I continue to copy down the notes from the black board. 
“Y/n, baby, we can slip out.” Fred places his hand on my thigh, squeezing the skin causing a shiver to run up my spine. 
“Focus Freddie.” 
Fred rolls his eyes before he absent mindedly draws circles on my knee, his hand moves up my thigh, closer to my clothed pussy with every stroke. 
I flick my eyes to him, a sly smirk on his lips as he brushes against my core, quickly flicking his eyes around to ensure he doesn’t look suspicious. 
“Fred.” I warn, my whisper a little louder than I expected, earning a small slap to my thigh. I bite my lip to muffle any sounds that attempt to escape me and attempt to regain focus on the work in front of me. 
Fred’s delicate strokes on my thigh move over my pussy, massaging my clit through the lace as I cross my legs, trapping his hand. 
He chuckles, his eyes trailing up and down my body as I quickly look over at him shaking my head. 
Fred wiggles his hand between my thigh causing them to uncross, a proud smile on his lips. 
“Y/n, would you like to answer the question?” Professor Slughorn asks. 
“I’m sorry Sir, I didn’t quite catch the question?” 
Fred presses against my clit, slowly swiping his finger side to side over my panties as my mouth goes dry. 
I quickly shot daggers at him, silently telling him to wait a few seconds. 
“List the three known ingredients for the Fired Protection Potion.” 
I smile at Professor Slughorn, my eyes quickly skimming over my page to confirm my answer. 
“Bursting Mushrooms, salamander blood and uhh.” I cover my mouth, the small moan having passed my lips as Fred’s finger slipped into my panties, nudging against the bundle of nerves. I cough to cover the moan and hopefully pass it off without question before continuing. 
“Umm, Wartcap powder.” 
Professor Slughorn smiles at me, nodding his head enthusiastically before turning back to the board and continuing to follow the textbook. 
I turn slightly to face Fred, wanting to scold him before biting my lip and feeling my body relax as he rubs circles on my clit. I sigh in relief as the pleasure courses through my veins, not having realised how stressed I have been. 
“Let me take care of you.” I softly nod in reply to Fred, scotting closer to him as he slips a finger inside of me. I grab onto the chair, my grip tight on the wood and my eyes staying locked onto the page in front of me, hoping we go undetected. 
Fred kisses the side of my head quickly before looking down at the textbook with me, pretending to skim along the words as his fingers pump in and out of me. 
“Good girl.” 
I take a deep breath in at his praise, reveling in the feeling of my tight pussy being filled by his fingers. Fred uses his thumb to rub against my clit as my nails dig into the wood of the chair a little more, my bottom lip tight between my teeth. 
“Please.” I breathlessly whisper, my free hand brushing against Fred’s crotch, his semi hard cock beginning to strain against the fabric of his pants. 
Fred ignores my plea, continuing to curl his fingers inside of me, messaging my walls perfectly, his thumb circling my clit with practiced skill. 
I feel my walls tighten, a shiver running up my body as the coil inside of me pops. 
The rush of cum coats his fingers, heat hits my cheeks and uneven breathing circles through my lungs as Fred smirks, winking at me. 
I gasp quietly when he pulls his fingers from me not knowing how empty I would feel afterwards. 
Arousal quickly pools between my legs again at the sight of Fred licking his fingers clean, his eyes quickly looking around as everyone remains oblivious. Fred leans over to me, his lips against my ear. 
“I’m going to fucking ruin you.” 
I clench my thighs together as the sound of the bell rings through the classroom. Fred stands from beside me, a sly wink sent my way as he walks out of the room, leaving me breathless and with a soaking pussy.
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