#freddie's sexuality
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myxhul · 1 year ago
that one tiktok audio
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bloo-the-dragon · 9 months ago
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(this is platonic)
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freddycartr · 2 months ago
oh my god, after inej’s fight with dunyasha and when the crows are at the geldrenner, inej is only wearing her quilted vest. she’s surrounded by five men (colm included) and she feels safe and comfortable enough with them to only wear her quilted vest
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a-usernamelol · 3 months ago
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Hello. Any dsaf fans out there
medium: Oil On Canvas Paper
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not-the-coffee-machine4 · 8 months ago
article: while Freddie Mercury never discussed his sexuality publicly…
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fazgoo-connoiseur-1987 · 10 months ago
I just keep coming back to William and Henry's relationship over and over again. This strange and deeprooted obsession they have with each other, and the different ways it manifests in both of them, is facinating and very very fun to me. Also the fact they are in every universe, right?
Like in all the itirations of the timeline these two weirdos find each other and ruin each other's lives. It's the crux of the plot, basically- this destructive infatuation- and I think that's sort of beautiful.
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spacedemodulator · 1 year ago
Queen Rock Montreal So. Damn. Hard. In. IMAX.
Seriously, if you’re any kind of Queen fan go see this right now. If you thought BoRhap was cool, go swim in the energy, charisma, and pure slutty rock pheromones of the real thing.
And by slutty rock pheromones I don’t just mean Freddie. All four of them are serving absolute c***.
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[The man in this photo is five stories tall.]
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joshbruh10x · 9 months ago
Gay Men.
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Anyways happy pride month y'all. Stay gay 💜💚🧡
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mrshargreeves · 8 months ago
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i need him so bad someone pls tell him that i love him i would teach him anything he wants
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dndadspolls · 1 year ago
Hello there! I'm Aether/Everan (it/its) ! You can find me on my main, @justablah56 I just thought it'd be fun to have dndads specific polls, so why not do it myself?
this post will be constantly updating, so if you want to keep up with what's happening make sure to check in here every once in a while!
all current poll information will be above the cut, and then general rules and mechanics for this blog will be below
the current poll is favorite intro, which is open for submissions until the 16th at 11:59 MST :]
each poll will have 3 days of submissions, then there's a day before the first round starts, and then each round will last a day. after the poll finishes, I'll reblog with the winner, then the next day there'll be another poll to pick the next competition and so on and so forth :3
in general, I try to have the polls start around 4pm MST , and submissions always end at midnight, also MST.
poll submissions are always open, so if at any time you have a poll you'd think would be fun feel free to send it in!
any poll we've done previously is fair game, there are quite literally no limits for what polls you can submit, so send in your ideas!
current poll submissions :
best Lincoln fact
best Taylor fact
best Jodie fact
favorite s1 episode
best ship name
autism swag (rerun)
favorite s2 character
favorite nationality/decent headcanon
favorite disability headcanon
favorite intro
trans swag (rerun)
favorite non-poly niche/unpopular ship
kiddads’ favourite bands/artists
s2 teens’ favourite bands/artists
s1 dads’ favourite bands/artists
favorite character
best Henry Fact (rerun)
favorite ship (rerun)
favorite mental illness headcanon
#1 death
favorite s1 quote
favorite s2 quote
favorite s3 quote
bisexual swag
worst shipname
favorite headcanon (Tony's dads version)
if any poll submission gets less than 5 votes in the poll to pick our next competition, it will get moved to the bottom of the list :]
we've also got a small list of mini polls! these polls for the most part will just be a single round with no more than 7 competitors. depending on the poll there may or may not be a day for submissions.
who's Normal's dad?
favorite Mat pc
favorite Will pc
favorite Freddy pc
favorite Beth pc
propaganda is 100% welcome ! feel free to send an ask or bribe via art requests, and if you make a post just tag me and I'll reblog it here tagged with "[poll name] propaganda" if your propaganda is in a reblog, make sure you write it on the post rather than the tags if you want it reblogged here!
I don't just post polls on this acc! I also reblog fanart, fandom events, and other polls including dndads characters! most things get the "not a poll" tag, for fanart I use "fanart", for events I use "fandom events", and for other polls I use the tag "not my polls", so if any of those are things you don't want to see, feel free to block those tags :]
Previous polls (as of our come back in February! )
best Normal Fact: ep29 - he is the most published author in the teen high fanfiction tag on ao3
favorite headcanon: Taylors sword cane is his mobility aid for his balance issues that come and go
best Glenn fact: Glenn still considers himself married to Morgan even though she's dead
best npc: Terry Jr Stampler
best non-song intro: ep27 - Glenn and Ron on shark tank for the elevator button
funniest npc name: Sexcallibur Horsepower
favorite character headcanon: Taylor's sword cane is a mobility aid
best s1 arc: going through Ron's memories/Ron's anchor
favorite niche/unpopular ship: polywagon (Normal x Taylor x Lincoln x Scary)
biggest saddest eyes: Dood
best Daryl fact: ep16 - his favorite part of being a father is when babies wake up confused until they see you and smile (this is also Matt’s favorite part of being a father)
favorite gender/sexuality headcanon: closeted gay Tony Collete
best Scary fact: ep??? - she once punched a hole in the wall and blamed it on Terry's plant
favorite song intro: s2 ep37 - the all star parody
favorite poly ship: Lincoln x Hermie x Normal x Scary x Taylor (polywagon)
coolest npc name: Sexcalibur Horsepower
funniest guess for Will's middle name: William [beep noise] Campos
favorite quote: "Goblin on DEEZ NUTS!!!" - Glenn Close
funniest potential s3 Freddy pc: tie between really old Fanny Mothman and Jimmy Wong
favorite crackship: NPC Beth May x David Boreanaz
biggest third wheel: Jodie Foster
most functional marriage: Ron and Samantha
most iconic duo: Lark and Sparrow
aroallo: Lark Oak Garcia
favorite s2 episode: ep35 - Apollo Four Teens
favorite catchphrase: "Don't trust anything you hear or see, you've got a call from Scam Likely!" - Scam Likely
favorite peachyville character: Trudy Trout
favorite physical disability: Taylor Swift has ehlers-danlos syndrome/hypermobility
if you want to know who won what before the hiatus, you can find those here !
if you have any questions about the blog in general or anything else, feel free to send in an ask and I'll do my best to answer it!
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irene-dimension · 1 year ago
elizabeth lail 🤝 playing hot girls with daddy issues
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mi6kan · 1 year ago
Saw the FNAF movie the other day and I just have ONE thing to say
William Afton can choke me to death.
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he so pookie
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fuckinfreddie · 1 year ago
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i read a fic ages ago where william was a were-rabbit and the concept has been living in my head rent free ever since so i just had to get some doodles out....... but more importantly helliam my Fuckin love
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doks-aux · 2 years ago
Same same same about the kids thing. I also love the complexity that comes with William loving his children in his own fucked up and flawed way. The generic ‘i hate everything and im just 100% evil trope’ is boring to me.
Here's the thing.
At this point the canon consists of three-to-five conflicting continuities (with a sixth on the way with the movie), many of which have been subjected to repeated retcons, reboots, and recontextualizations. Trying to force all of that stuff into one singular, "correct" timeline or interpretation is impossible. Especially when it comes to fanworks, it's practically begging you to pick the stuff you like, ignore or rework the stuff you don't, and have that be yours.
I like the story best when it's about ghosts and grief and loss breaking already broken people and driving them to do horrible things, so that's what I choose to focus on. I find the idea of an Afton who was so traumatized by the death of his child that he deluded himself into thinking he could beat death with more death more compelling and disturbing than the other options, so that's what I explore. And the canon's such a gnarled mess that you can dig up and stitch together evidence for whatever interpretation you like best: the traumatized father, the obsessive business partner, the mad scientist, the unhinged lunatic operating on alien morality, whatever the fuck Dave is. They're all vital parts of the Afton ecosystem.
Just. Have fun. It's a story, that's what it's for. Explore the things you like, ignore the things you don't, and don't be a dick about it.
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ftmsteveraglan · 1 year ago
i've seen a lot of springtrap x reader fics where springtrap is the one on top, and like... i always depict william as a huge bottom, and i'm gonna continue that in my fic. him being a robot zombie rabbit won't change the fact that the man likes dick.
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azurkekbrainrot · 6 months ago
I honestly hate that the FNAF animatronics are so sexualized by the fandom.
They say it's the design's fault and they love to make it seem like William is even weirder than he already is when it involves children,, but they are the first to sexualize CIRCUS BABY, who is LITERALLY an humanized child animatronic. Her name is literally "BABY" for god's sake.
(A two meter baby but still a baby lol)
And I add that CIRCUS BABY says on one of the nights in Sister LOCATION that she was only on stage once and for one day, which was the day Elizabeth died. SO besides her clearly being an animatronic that references a child, she only existed actively as JUST a robot for ONE DAY, and we don't see that.
That part of the fandom sexualize any female robot and mock female designs that aren't "pretty enough for them" like Chica from FNAF 1 (I swear I've seen people do this). And then they blame(??) their own designs that may even be made to be "sensual" or some shit like that but they are not hyper sexualized in the way that the fandom does with them, and anyway is NO excuse to be weird.
The franchise is about children possessing robots made for children (whether for good or for bad) and that part of the fandom cannot not sexualize them. I repeat, children are possessing them. All of them that are haunted are possessed by a CHILD, except the Springtrap.
Then that part of the fandom make William a weirdo who purposely makes the robots 'sexy', even though they knows that they were MADE to possess CHILDREN in favor of EXPERIMENTING, in the form of a joke, It's bothering me more and more.
(Sorry for the outburst but recently this has been really annoying me, I'm obviously not saying that everyone of the fandom is like this, but I have to be honest, many in the community unfortunately are indeed a weirdo who sexualize robots made for children and that were possessed by dead children...)
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