#freddie was gay
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eileen-crys · 8 months ago
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Ahhhh here's a (late) entry for Jimercury Week, and to celebrate Pride Month with Freddie and Jim 🥰💖💕💜💕💖🏳️‍🌈 @jimercuryweek
I'm doodling some cute things trying new brushes, I hope you like it! 💖
Please do not repost! Reblogs and comments are always welcomed 💜
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a-froger-epic · 2 years ago
New Interview with Rose Rose (June 2023)
As some of you know, I have friends in the Russian Queen fandom (a handful of lovely Ukrainian and Russian ladies who are translating my writing) and so I was linked to this. It’s an exclusive interview Rosemary Pearson (Rose Rose) gave to the Russian translator of her books. The questions came from people in the main Russian Queen fan forum. The interview was posted in Russian. 
Here are some excepts in English.
Question: If you could turn back the clock, would you break up with Freddie again [...] or would you stay in a relationship with him, and what would happen?
Rose: I would break up with him again because he was, well and truly, attracted to men.
Question: Did you share the details of your childhood that you described in ‘Growing Up’ [Rose Rose’s new book, ‘Growing Up With ‘Filthy Lucre’’] with Freddie? If so, how did he react? Did he tell you about his childhood?
Rose: No, we didn’t tell each other about our childhoods, except that he and I went to boarding school. I mentioned this in my book.
Question: Which album covers and which Queen videos did you find artistically interesting?
Rose: The most interesting for me in that regard is the video clip for “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Question: What are your favourite Queen or Freddie Mercury songs?
Rose: I like “Bohemian Rhapsody” the most.
Question: Did you and Freddie mostly coincide when it came to your tastes in music and art, or did you often have disagreements?
Rose: At the time, our tastes completely coincided. Jimi Hendrix is still my favorite artist.
Question: Which artists was Freddie particularly drawn to during his years at Ealing College? In your opinion, did Freddie imitate someone in his artistic work during his studies in Ealing? How would you describe his painting style in those days?
Rose: Freddie liked the work of Russian futurists especially and Russian ballet costumes. But, to be honest, he was not particularly interested in anything but his own imagination and the pop culture of the 60s.
Question: Did you and Freddie give each other gifts (like birthday gifts)? If so, which ones?
Rose: No, we never gifted each other anything. We weren't that sentimental about it.
Question: Have you seen the 2018 movie Bohemian Rhapsody? If so, how do you feel about the film?
Rose: I’ve seen it. About half of the movie is completely false.
Question: [...] Not so long ago, [Mary Austin] decided to auction off most of the art collection and personal belongings of Freddie’s. What would you have done with those things if you were Mary?
Rose: If I were Mary, I would donate it all to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Freddie would have preferred it this way, and it just goes to show how few people really understood him. It’s a shame that it won’t happen, as the museum staff are keen to preserve Freddie’s heritage for future generations. [The Victoria & Albert Museum researcher recently approached Rose for advice about the young Freddie Mercury’s interest in the museum’s expositions, in particular, of Russian ballet costumes, but this is a different story. - Note by the interviewer].
Question: What would you say to Freddie if you had the chance?
Rose: I’d say, “I’m so happy that you were able to realise your potential in such a brilliant way!”
Question: How do you respond to criticism of your work?
Rose: I ignore it!
Question: Did any of your children inherit your desire to become an artist?
Rose: No, they all hate what I do.
Question: What creative ideas or projects would you like to accomplish, but lack the opportunity? Does it bother you or do you prefer to focus on achievable goals?
Rose: I’ve done everything I wanted to do.
Honestly, I liked Rose Rose always, but now I properly love this woman. What a legend.
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guiltypleasurefandomface · 11 months ago
In the tags: "pity votes for Brian." Ooh look at that, a free block list! Why are people assholes?
you ask a good question, anon, and it's a mystery for the ages.
I hate to sound like a teacher, but if Freddie heard the comments against Brian that these so called Freddie fans have made during this tournament in order to support their votes for Freddie, he would be very dissappointed in them.
And I genuinely believe if Freddie had to vote, he would vote for Brian, and likewise, if Brian had a vote, he would vote for Freddie. It is doing a disservice to Freddie to act otherwise.
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eroshaven · 3 months ago
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cheezy-whizz · 10 months ago
Gay people will develop mental issues and make AT LEAST one of these movies their whole personality
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chloesimaginationthings · 7 months ago
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Is Michael Afton gay or European in FNAF?…
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fictionturnedherbrain · 2 years ago
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In the immortal words of William Shatner ...
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possiblyawesometmblr · 1 year ago
i'm allowing myself exactly one (1) moment of pure delusion:
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jon martin jonah. thanks for your time.
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lovehaleylo · 5 months ago
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My versions of Security Breach Bonnie and Foxy 🦊🐰❤️
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freddie-mercury-rising · 2 years ago
It’s not so hard to understand why a gay man (in his prime in the 70s and 80s) would have had sex with women in his younger years. Come on, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out. It is good to hear and read these personal anecdotes. They prove that, while Freddie had many bisexual friends, whom he totally respected (and whom he probably even helped find partners), he himself assured them he was exclusively interested in men.
Philip Calvert about Freddie’s sexuality
After witnessing yet another feud between fans on the internet regarding Freddie’s sexuality, Philip Calvert, one of Freddie’s longtime friends, always very reserved, has decided to intervene to calm the mood and clarify the matter once and for all. 
Many people acclaimed his precious testimony; obviously, some people have not received and continue not to acknowledge the truth, denying the evidence, but no one can change their brains…
These were his words:“To all those so concerned with Freddie’s sexuality… I knew him personally (and yes, I can show picture proof), and I can tell you as a fact not speculation - not hearsay or fake biography books - but I can tell you as a fact because he said it openly to us, that he was indeed gay.
He rarely spoke about Mary to us, but we met her on a few occasions and when he did speak of her, it was clear he absolutely adored her. The only reason Freddie wasn’t with her as he once was, is because he was gay and he finally accepted it.
Yes, he did tell us he was gay. Why? Because many of us were bisexual and still slept with women, and when we’d go out we would all try to help each other find partners. Freddie made it very clear to us that he was not interested in women at all. Men only.
Bisexuality does exist and some of us were bisexual while others were simply gay. Freddie identified as gay because once he broke up with Mary he showed no interest in women at all sexually.
 Apparently during his relationship with Mary he knew he was gay but his life with her before he became famous was not something he spoke about with us in great detail. He loved her very much and nobody can ever deny that. He would not have broken up with her if he’d still been romantically attracted to her.
Sexuality is not something that anybody else can identify for you. It’s something you yourself have to find. Freddie was openly gay to those that knew him.
I’d known Freddie since the late 70s up until the end and stayed in touch with many friends (including Barbara) after he died. We all adored Barbara until Freddie passed away and she began lying about their relationship, claiming to have been with Freddie sexually when being interviewed by people that would not fact check her.
You’ll notice she was in The Untold Story documentary that Brian, Roger and Freddie’s family were a part of (which was obviously fact checked) and she herself never claimed there to have been with him sexually. She was introduced and listed there as a friend.
Yet, she claimed only in Lesley-Ann Jones’ book (which has been deemed “full false information” by Jacky Smith of the fan club, Brian May and many roadies for the band if you need further proof) that they were sexual together. That’s exactly why so many of us stopped talking to her after he passed away. We felt she was using his name for her own false benefit.
Keep in mind Barbara herself told us she and Freddie were never together physically. As did Freddie. Both Freddie and Barbara told us they did not have sex. That’s not really an assumption on our part - it was a direct statement made from both of them.
Freddie wouldn’t have had any reason to lie to us about Barbara. There was a point in time when we all liked her very much. But according to them themselves, they never did sex together.
Barbara changed her story a few times after he died and only to people who didn’t fact check. To those of us who knew her, it didn’t shock us.
Freddie made it very clear to us that he has no interest in women, which was fine. Although some of us were bisexual, others were not.
So there you have it. He was gay. He was also generous and kind. And really funny. He was a great host and he was very talented. Not just musically. He had a great eye. He was very proud to show us around his new places and explain each decor piece, in Garden Lodge especially. He was many many things.
Don’t get too hung up on one aspect of the man. Especially if you didn’t know him yourself. Enjoy what he left behind. Indeed it is a shame that so many fans of his focus more on who he slept with and what he identified as vs what he left behind. I was amazed at how much fighting goes on between people who never knew him in regards to his private life.
I was disappointed to see that but I hope my few comments will help to bring that to an end. It’s always a pleasure to speak to fans who appreciated the man for what he was and his contribution to music.” (Philip Calvert, Freddie’s close friend)
On ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’: “It did have a meaning. But I can honestly say that Freddie did tell us more than once that he did not want fans to know what it meant to him as it was meant for everyone to enjoy.
He said he didn’t want people to analyse it. Because he felt so strongly about that, I’d rather not say more. Each piece of art should be admired and interpreted by he who looks upon it.” (Philip Calvert)
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queencarfucker · 2 years ago
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eileen-crys · 2 years ago
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month 2023! 👑
Here's Freddie in all his splendour 💖 It's been a while since I wanted to draw him in his arrow jacket and this was the perfect occasion, also adding some extra colors to represent the rainbow flag! 🏳️‍🌈💜💖💕💜💖💕
Remember that Pride Month is the occasion to LEARN and get informed about what's happening in the world, to actively support LGBTQ+ associations and small businesses, to speak against homotransphobic and racist laws that threaten people because of their orientation, skin color and self-expression. LGBTQ+ lives are always in danger and during Pride month we want our voices to be heard and respected 🙏🏻💕💖
So, if you love Freddie, be always aware that you love a romantic gay Parsi boy who has always seeked stable love and comfort in a time where it was only a mirage for gay men, and always tried to be himself with pride.
If you want to read more reliable sources, infos and quotes about Freddie being gay, with more backlinks in the same posts: here | here | here
Please do not repost my art! Reblogs and comments are welcomed 💖
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a-froger-epic · 2 years ago
I actually read the whole interaction in which you replied about Freddie being gay, that was infuriating not gonna lie. Not the actual person who made the post but this dumbass in the comments who kept saying Freddie was pansexual or bi because she did "research" for some years and there's proof, she even claimed Freddie called himself bi and Brian called Freddie bi.....when that's simply not true. Even when this other account corrected that woman and even provided Freddie's interview in which he calls himself gay along with Brian's and a bunch of other friends stating Freddie had no sexual interest in women. She was still stuck and hell bent on the fact that the proof to the contrary exists she just can't provide it in 1 hour because....reasons. Her entire base was biographies call Freddie bi so those are more believable than Jim's or Thor or Peter Freestone's books in which Freddie is stated as gay. Weird as hell.
Frustratingly enough, there are biographies which call Freddie bi. Rosemary also calls him bisexual in her book, which from her point of view makes sense, seeing as Freddie was sleeping with her and very much wanted to think of himself as bisexual at the time (I suppose it was less painful than having to admit to himself he was really very gay. Many a gay person goes through that...). And I will never stop talking about how obvious it is that Mary was a conscious decision on his part to "be normal", perhaps in hopes of eventually stifling that "wrong" side of him enough to eradicate it. His relationship with Mary was a DIY attempt at conversion therapy, if ever there was one - which is not to say they didn't have a lot of love for each other and a meaningful relationship. They did.
Anyway. Of course, no one can change their own sexuality, even though at the time people believed that sexuality was a choice. (I've talked before about the Kinsey scale and how it is based on homosexual actions more than desires, which says a lot about the times.)
I've gone off on a tangent now. What I meant to say was that it's frustrating that people do have sources to link to, to "prove" Freddie was bi, like plenty of articles, some documentaries and biographies - which are all not very well researched. But if anyone digs any deeper than quick Google search level, the fact that he was gay is just. So. Obvious.
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guiltypleasurefandomface · 8 months ago
There's some posts going around again saying Freddie was Bi and it's bi erasure to call him gay, I keep seeing screenshots of tumblr posts on insta and they're not the original ones so I think they're new.
So if you see them, please join in me in correcting them.
He was gay. "As a daffodil!" as he said. Not Bisexual. He said it, all of his friends knew it, Brian corrects people all the time when they try and say Freddie never discussed it. THEY discussed it, and Freddie didnt' hide it passed the 70s.
It is not bisexual erasure to call a gay person gay.
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pixlokita · 1 year ago
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Man I haven’t drawn anything since last year-
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midnightfrappe · 1 year ago
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i like how he acts scared/shocked and tries to stop you from eating the crafts only to quickly look away and shake his head in disapproval
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