#freddie mercury x teen reader
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year ago
Listen Here Bucko’s…
I have notice the SEVERE lack of Harlan Coven’s Shelter fics on this app(and many others) and it has to stop.
I mean come on people; Ema Winslow!?!?!? Arthur Spoon Spindell!?!?!?!? Even fucking Troy for gods’ sake!!
I will be supplying fics for this fandom, but we need more people to write for this show. PLEASE IT HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk (^••^)
p.s. I’m proud of you for making it through another day my little chalupa muah. All of you are strong and capable, never forget that💚💜
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hretoprvdthepltnx · 2 years ago
would you please write an ineffable husbands fic where they cook together (at Azeriphale's request of course)? It can regard or disregard season 2. Just please make it fluffy and cute
3 O'clock Breakfast
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Ineffable Husbands x daughter-son!reader
Summary: Y/n stayed up late to finish the novel they were reading, and it ended sadder than they expected. Seeking out comfort in their Mother-Father, Aziraphale - a fellow book enthusiast, they didn't except him to insist upon a family Smile, Love breakfast at 3am. Their other parent isn't entirely pleased.
Content: hurt/comfort, reader is written as a teenager (can be older or younger but a teen nonetheless), tears over fiction are valid tears, Aziraphale is a sweetheart, Crowley is sour about having to get out of bed, the reader is Crowley and Aziraphale's biological child - don't ask me how that works, just sweet things with an ethereal family,
Rating: 14+ || 1.5k+ words
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Their eyes burned with exhaustion and the salt of tears. Five minutes ago, they could barely stay awake - but it was only a couple more pages and they couldn't stop there, not with what was happening in the story. Now the book sat, upside down and offending, on the nightstand by their bed. The tears wouldn't stop, it was a numb sort of cry. They should have seen this coming. Everything was leading up to it they had just hoped...but no. They wanted their parents - someone they could rant to who would share in their grieving. They wanted Aziraphale. He was the one who recommended the stupid book to begin with. But they weren't mad, not really, just grieving and tired.
Sliding out of bed, they made the trek from their room to their parents' down the hall. They paused at the door to wipe their eyes and clear their airway with a sniffle, then gently pushed it open. "Are you guys awake?" They asked, feeling fresh tears block up in their throat at being so close to their parents. Why did it have to work that way? One second you think you've got yourself under control and then your parent speaks or shows up and suddenly you're crying again. The bedside lamp switched on and Aziraphale sat up, Crowley grumbling unintelligibly and rubbing at his slitted yellow eyes. "Darling? Is everything alright?"
They made their way to his side of the bed and Aziraphale opened his arms to welcome them into his freely offered comfort. Their tears were now back in full, and they wrapped themself around the softness of their Mother-Father with the need to be held. Crowley sat up and exchanged a look with his husband. "Love, are you alright?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. "I-I fin-finished it." They sobbed into the collar of Aziraphale's shirt, and he made a sound of understanding, nodding. "The novel I lent you? Did you enjoy it? I do believe the ending was quite sad, I was rather dewy eyed over it as well."
"Wait, all this is about a book?" Aziraphale shot Crowley a look of warning. "I do believe it is. A rather emotional story, wasn't it love?" Their child mumbled something in to Aziraphale's shirt that might have been 'yes' or perhaps 'fuck you'. Crowley couldn't believe he'd been pulled out of what might have been a dream, or perhaps a memory, either way it involved Freddie Mercury, just for this. Why would anyone ever want to read if this was the result? "Do you want to sleep with us tonight, darling?" Crowley asked, flopping back down with his head on his pillow. He looked at the clock, the red lettering projected an offensive 3:07AM.
Y/n sat up and wiped their eyes, then laid their head back down on Aziraphale's shoulder, looking out. He rubbed their back soothingly, always so empathetic. "I don't think I can sleep right now." Aziraphale hummed, an upturned chipper to roll the sound from his throat. "Well," he said, a breathless excitement and loving smile that cast one identically on to the tear puffed face of his child. His little world right there, teary eyed and oh-so lovable, in his warm and inviting lap. "Why don't we go downstairs, and I make us a pot of tea? Perhaps some breakfast?" Crowley groaned and threw his arms up over his face in exhausted exasperation - both husband and his child ignored him. "Can we make pancakes? With toppings?"
Aziraphale smiled. "Why, of course! Anything you'd like! And we can all make it together!" Crowley sat up, glaring. "Woah, hold on. All of us? I never said anything about breakfast, I don't even like breakfast." Aziraphale guided y/n to stand up and then he followed suit, standing at the base of his side of the bed and glaring back at his husband while their child waited in the doorway, amused. "Well, Crowley, not everything is about you. Our child wants pancakes, now get up and come help us make them." Crowley and Aziraphale exchanged a long look, each silently daring the other to act against them. Finally, Aziraphale grabbed the bottom of the duvet and yanked it off the bed, sending pillows and sheets flying to the floor. Crowley yelled out in protest; y/n stood laughing in the doorway. He glared at them; they glared back playfully.
Aziraphale wacked Crowley gently on the foot. "Up." He demanded with an accusatory pointing of fingers. Crowley groaned in the most dramatic fashion and threw his legs over the side of the bed to stand up, cursing Aziraphale under his breath all the while. His husband and child didn't wait for him as they headed down the stairs to the kitchen. "So, what will it be? Chai? Chamomile? Earl Grey?" Y/n took a seat at the bar while Aziraphale hunted for the kettle. "Which ones do we still have?"
"Umm, let's see," Aziraphale set the kettle down on stove and searched the pantry for tea bags. "I can only find Chamomile. Will that be alright, my love? Would you prefer I made us some hot cocoa?" He waved the box of chocolate powder in the air, and y/n found themself fantasizing about tiny marshmallows. "Let's do hot cocoa." Aziraphale beamed and practically skipped his way back to the kettle. "I was hoping you'd pick that one." It was then that Crowley decided to make an appearance, now fully dressed. "Dad," they said, and he stopped in the middle of the walkway, looking at them with a raised brow. "We are planning to go to bed after this, you do know that, right?"
Crowley walked over to his kid, swaying in the way that Aziraphale and y/n often teased him for, and placed a kiss to the top of their head. "You might be, but I'm not." They looked at him with furrowed brows and confusion so obvious he could practically hear their question in his head. It was like looking into a mirror sometimes, looking at his kid - only they were every bit the angel their Mother-Father was. It was a shame, a damn shame. "Awe, it's too late for that now, sugar. I'm already awake." The clinking of mugs brought their attention back to Aziraphale, and Crowley took the seat next to y/n. "Ah, here we are!" the angel announced, setting two steaming mugs down in front of his little family. Y/n beamed at the little marshmallows sloshing against the walls of the cup, yellow eyes gleaming with delight.
Aziraphale retrieved his mug and lifted it for a toast, Crowley and y/n followed suit. "To the fascination that is human literature." Y/n echoed his toast and Crowley mumbled something about ridiculousness, they all took a sip of their cocoa, hissing as it burnt each of their tongues. "Perhaps we should have waited." Aziraphale commented, making a face at y/n who laughed and agreed. "Perhaps we should have all stayed in bed while we still had the chance."
"Yes, maybe we should have left you there," y/n teased, exchanging slitted glares with their parent. "But then you would have missed the pancakes." Crowley leaned back in his seat and rolled his eyes. "I don't even like pancakes." Aziraphale had started grabbing ingredients out of the pantry, y/n and Crowley got up to help. "How could you possibly know that? You've never even tried them." While Crowley grumbled pointless excuses, Aziraphale handed him the flour and the salt. Y/n grabbed the wet ingredients from the fridge. "Yes, yes, you don't care for human food," Aziraphale waved him off, setting an armful of ingredients on to the cabinet and nearly knocking over his hot cocoa. As soon as his arms were free, he picked up the mug and took a sip, y/n following suit. "However, these pancakes are special pancakes."
"Oh, really?" Aziraphale hummed, exchanging glances with his kid. He sent them a playful wink. "Yes, very special. Because we'll be making them as a family, Crowley. Isn't that nice?" The expectant look on his child's and husband's faces were one in the same. Crowley hated the way he never stood a chance against them. "Ugh, fine," He fought back a smile at the hugs that engulfed him immediately after he caved. "But only if the two of you will stop pestering me." Y/n and Aziraphale exchanged a grin and a nod, "Deal." they said in unison. Crowley leaned against the counter as y/n got out mixing bowls and Aziraphale began measuring ingredients, and he sipped his cocoa. It's going to be a long night, he thought and then, despite himself, he smiled. If this is what love does to a demon, it was pathetic. Yet he couldn't help but to allow it to warm him from the inside out. He was going soft.
"Hey, dad?" y/n asked, looking up at him bashfully. "I can't reach the mixer." Crowley sighed, putting emphasis in to an exasperation he didn't feel, and set down his mug. "I got it." Aziraphale looked up from his carton of eggs and smiled at the pair, his little family. Crowley pretended not to notice, and he purposefully ignored the smiles his loved ones sent each other - not so sneakily - behind his back. It would be a long night, indeed, having to keep up pretending he wasn't enjoying it. He wasn't, not really. Well...perhaps just a little.
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story by hretoprvdthepltnx©
Ineffable Husbands/Good Omens copyrighted by Neil Gaiman©
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Lost one sibling, gained four more; Queen x teen reader pt.1
*Author's note*
Can this be true? Two updates in one day?! Well you better damn BELIEVE IT MY PEOPLE!!! I just got this request FINALLY done after working non-stop when I could and finally I had time to just sit down and finish it. So I'd love to thank the requestor for being SOOO patient. And yes this request is VERY long so this is just Part one, pt.2 will be posted immediately after this so just hang tight my darlings :)
So warnings include: INSANE FLUFF, cancerous sickness (leukemia), some angst (but not in the part but buckle up for pt.2), and the lovely and nasty Queenies :) Hope you all enjoy this fic as much as you've enjoyed the last one :)
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*Tokyo, Japan 1974*
Being here in Tokyo, Japan has been such a thrill. Even though the boys weren't overly popular like the Beatles or Elton John just yet back home in England, at least here in Japan they've greeted them like royalty. There were screaming fans everywhere to greet us at the airport holding up pictures, drawings and signs welcoming the guys to their home country.
The boys had a press conference earlier today and now we were in a special garden just behind the Tokyo tower for the tea ceremony. It was such a beautiful day for such a ceremony and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
As I looked at the boys I could tell they were extremely happy to be here. I looked down at my art book and went back to sketching the boys who were all sitting along the blanket holding their Japanese teacups. Making sure to get each detail of each of their features, and the last detail like the wind blowing their hair down just right.
Oh I should introduce myself; my names (y/n) (l/n). I had gotten a job being an assistant to the band's lawyer Jim Beach just before Queen began recording their 3rd album "Sheer Heart attack". Since joining the boys over a year ago when I was just 16 years old, they have become like a second family to me.
And it's exactly what I needed because—well I've been dealing with some hardships in my family as of late for the past few years now, so being with the guys has really helped brighten my day.
As I watched the boys play with their gifts given to them by the Japanese fans and giving them a recorded message, curtesy of the Japanese press that had joined us along with the ladies who help run the tea ceremonies for only the elite politicians of Japan.
God were they ever silly, Roger photobombing behind in almost every message, Deacy being a secret cheeky guy, Freddie interrupting Roger's greeting, and Brian stepping in when he felt like it during Fred's message. I continued my outline of the boys on the blanket with the Tokyo tower in the background, when I felt something touch behind my ear.
"A blossom for our blossom." I softly grinned and turned around to see Freddie and Deacy standing behind me. I lifted my hand to see just what he had done but he told me, "No, no darling don't touch it. Deacy darling, take a picture of us two."
I blushed and tried to bury my face into my hands.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no love not this time. You've been avoiding all pictures ever since we got here. I deserve at least one with you in it for myself." Deacy said as Freddie pulled me close onto his lap and leaned his head against mine.
"You guys are nuts, you know that?"
"But you love us dear." Freddie said as he gave my temple a quick peck.
"Yeah, guess I do."
"Alright you two look this way." Deacy said as he prepped his camera. We turned to face Deacy and I wrapped my arms around Fred's neck and his arms went around my waist as we leaned our heads against each other's. Deacy got in a few pictures and he said. "Beautiful."
"Tell me we can see the blossom in her hair Deacy."
"Yep, got a clear picture of that." I gently removed the twig from my hair to see a multiple line of cheery blossoms. I smiled and that's when Fred grabbed my art book.
"Working on some new sketches darling?"
"Yeah, Japan's definitely given me some beautiful inspiration. But most of it is still a work in process, so no lookies."
"Aww c'mon dear let me have a sneak peek, please? From one designer to another?"
"No not even if you were my professor Freddie."
"Oh you better hand over the sketch book (Y/n) darling, if you know it's good for you." He playfully threatened. I gripped my book tightly to my chest and that's when he said. "Fine, you leave me no choice. Roger!"
"Shit no!" I took off running and before I even knew it, Roger quickly swooped in and swung me around and he said.
"Might as well give up lovie, you know it's useless to get out of my grasp." He emphasized his point by nuzzling my head like a cat and peppering my face with slobbery kisses.
"Eww Rog! Cut it out!!" I tried to escape his grip but as always it was pointless to escape the arms of Roger Taylor. He kept peppering kisses all over my face, even poking me in the sides slightly tickling me till the grip on my notebook was just enough for it to fall.
Deacy caught it and handed it to Fred.
"Thank you my darlings."
"Deacy, Rog, you both are on the official hate list. I no longer like you two." I huffed.
"Aww, that hurts poppet, that really hurts." Deacy mocked using the puppy dog eyes on me that he knew I couldn't resist.
"After all we've been through (n/n) you'd just dump me like that?" Roger faked cried.
"You are such a drama queen Rog." He grinned and playfully ruffled my hair and that's when Freddie said.
"Ohh (y/n) darling. These are—there's not even a word that can describe what I'm looking at. The realism is uncanny down to the last detail. You even got Brian's hair right and not even I can do that."
"I'll admit, even though I'm no artist that these pictures look like a photograph being developed. You're truly talented (y/n)." Deacy praised me as he looked over Fred's shoulder. Brian soon came up and he said.
"I must admit Fred's right. Every hair detail for all of us is down to the straight detail. Do you—think I could get a signed copy of this?"
"Not if I take one first Brian." Roger spoke up.
"I swear darling, you should go to the university I went to; Ealing Art college. They'd be soo lucky to have you."
"Well.....I mean they're okay but I don't think they're worthy of that university." I muttered.
"Don't be so modest darling, I'll even give you a recommendation. As an alumni I can have the rights to help you get in." he decreed.
"Well I'll—I'll think about it Freddie. Right now I just want to get through secondary school and graduate from that." After that conversation, the five of us continued to have a fun time in the Japanese garden.
After the tour in Japan, I arrived back in London and as the guys were piling in the cab Roger said.
"C'mon love let's go."
"Actually I promised my mum that I'd wait here for her. She said she was gonna take me home."
"You sure?" asked Brian.
"Yeah, she might be waiting outside right now. You guys go on ahead I'll see you guys next week."
"Alright, thanks for coming with us love."
"Thank you guys for inviting me. I had a wonderful time."
"You always make our tours and trips more memorable (y/n) dear. Drive safe." He came up and kissed my cheeks and hugged me. I hugged each of my boys and they piled into the cab waving goodbye to me. I blew them a kiss goodbye and they took off in the cab.
About five minutes after they left, my mom's van pulled up. I smiled at her and picked up my luggage and headed towards the car. I placed them in the backseat and I hugged my mum.
"Did you have fun love?"
"Ohh Japan was so beautiful, I wish you and Kay could've been there to see it."
"I'm sure your sister would've loved to have gone with you."
"How—how has she been?"
"Well we—had a bit of a scare just the other week, but she's stable now."
"What? What happened to her?! Why didn't you call me?"
"I tried but each time I did no one was answering. Plus with the time difference and this internship I didn't want you distracted."
"Mum, if something happens to Kaylee, I deserve to know." She cupped the side of my face and said.
"You're right I'm sorry. Do you wish to see her?" I nodded and said.
"I still gotta give her that gift I promised her." My mum shifted the car into drive and drove us out of the airport to London hospital.
Once we arrived at the hospital, my mum checked us in and we headed towards my sister's room on the 5th floor. Now you remember me mentioning about the family turmoil right? Well it all has to do with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, my older sister Kaylee. See about 4 or 5 years ago we noticed how she'd always get high fevers and suddenly seemed to be losing weight.
At first I thought she was going anorexic but when she passed out and my mum and I saw the bruises forming on her arms, we immediately rushed her over here to the hospital where they diagnosed her with acute myeloid leukemia.
It devastated the whole family and it really began to take a toll on my mum and now we're hardly able to afford my sister's medical bills to pay for all the chemo she has to go through. That's why I got the job with Jim in the first place.
Any checks I get from him, go straight to my sister. Not my college fund. In fact I'm not even going to college, cause I want to continue to fund for my sister's health, and finally get her the cure she deserves.
When we got to her room, there she was lying on her bed, beanie on top of her head to cover her bald head. She turned over to me and smiled tiredly.
"Hey (y/n)." I smiled and rushed over to her and hugged her without hurting her. "How was Japan?"
"It was beautiful. Maybe once you're out and better we can take a trip there."
"I hope so."
"Oh hey, I got you what you've been asking for." I went into my bag and pulled out a poster of the Queen 2 poster that had all the guys' signatures on them. I had asked them while we were in Japan if they could sign this for me. Easily able to trick them, I told them to write it for Kay, telling them that it was a nickname of sorts.
"Oh my god." She squealed softly as she took the poster in her hands and looked at it. See she's the reason why I got into Queen. Since she's two years older than me, she first heard about the first Queen album and kept playing it on repeat.
Liking the music I was hearing, she gave me a brief education on Queen and ever since then, we've been fangirls of Queen ever since. They're music has really helped my sister a lot especially since her leukemia has seemed to be getting progressively worse in the past year.
"Thank you (y/n). You are so lucky that you get to work with them."
"Well it's mostly just doing stuff for their lawyer. I don't actually help make the songs."
"Still, you're living every girl's dream right now at the chance of even being close to them. Are they nice?"
"Oh Kay, nice doesn't even begin to describe them. They're so sweet and down to earth. Cheeky at times especially Roger and Freddie, but they are all so supportive and treat me like I'm a part of their little family."
"I'm glad they're treating you right." I then showed her some of the pictures that I had drew while I was there and some of the photos I took. "God (y/n). I envy you for your drawings. And the fact that you were in Japan. You know I always wanted to go there."
"Well—maybe when you get out, we can take a trip there." Unaware of my mum's solemn attitude, my sister smiled and said.
"Yeah. Maybe we can make it just the two of us squirt." She playfully shoved my head, our friendly little gesture of affection since we were kids.
"Hey I'm 2 years younger than you."
"Still a squirt compared to me." She teased.
After about a week of being back home, I went between my final few weeks of home schooling, the studio and the hospital. Right now I was sitting with my sister, the two of us having the boys' "Sheer Heart attack" album playing in the background as my sister and I were chatting away.
"Okay so FMK; Paul McCartney, David Bowie or Elton John." I asked my sister.
"Oh Goddamnit (n/n) why make me choose those three. I love all of them!" she whined.
"Cause I'm evil like that. No c'mon you made me have to kill Brian the last time so this is payback."
"Okay, okay. So.....ugh I hate you. Okay I would marry Elton, fuck Paul and I'm sorry David. God I hate you so much!"
"Well don't let David hear you say that darling." Oh god it—it can't be. We suddenly looked up and there stood Brian, Freddie, Deacy and Roger.
"Oh my god what are—what are you guys doing here?"
"You left your journal at the studio last night. We called your mum to see if we could give it to you at the house but she told us you were at the hospital." Answered Deacy as he held up my art journal.
"At first we got worried that something bad had happened to you, but then she explained to us what was going on." Continued Roger.
"So you must be the real Kay." Freddie pointed towards my sister.
"Guys I'm—I'm sorry I tricked you, I just....."
"It's alright love. There's no need to explain. It's sweet you got something for your sister after all you've done for her. But we figured maybe a visit from the real band might make her day a bit better." Brian said with a soft smile.
"I—I....." Kaylee started as the boys all came in and sat around us.
"So Kaylee darling, which of our three albums is your favorite?" asked Freddie.
"Uhh well I—it's hard to pick but I guess your recent album Sheer Heart attack is probably my favorite."
"Do you have a favorite song from the album?" asked Brian.
"Oh god uhh—can't I say I love them all? It's so hard to pick a favorite song of yours."
"That's understandable." Replied Deacy.
For the rest of the time, my sister got to ask the guys so many questions about how their musical processes, how they choose which lyrics work the best, how the arrangement works when performing, how they all got together, everything she had been dying to know since she was a music nut.
And bless the boys they answered all her questions no matter how ridiculous or embarrassing they were. Soon a nurse came in to tell me that visiting hours were over.
I hugged my sister goodbye and even the guys gave her a hug and kiss goodbye, which made her heart meter skyrocket, especially when she got a kiss to the cheek from Deacy.
I walked out with the guys and we all piled into the car and I said to them.
"Thanks you guys."
"For what lovie?" asked Roger.
"For—being nice to my sister. You four.....have made her happier than my mum and I have seen her in years since she's had to go back and forth between home and the hospital."
"You're family to us (n/n). And if we could give a little bit more back to you, it's always worth it. We're honored that you let us in on this personal matter of your life. Thank you for letting us have your trust." Said Brian.
"Just—promise me that none of this gets leaked out."
"Don't be ridiculous dear. We wouldn't dare proclaim this secret of yours out to the public. Your sister's secret heath crisis is safe with us." Freddie said as he stroked down my hair. I smiled and thanked them once more.
One year later in 1975 I was with the boys, Mr. Reid, Paul Prenter and my boss Jim Beach. We were currently in Ray Foster's office waiting for Freddie to arrive for the meeting of the next hit album. I leaned my chin against my palm as I drummed against the armrest of the chair I was sitting in.
Finally Freddie walked in greeting us with a hello.
"You're late." Said Mr. Foster.
"Am I?" questioned Freddie.
"Saved you a seat." Paul said as he gestured at the chair I was sitting at. He then glared down at me ordering me to move. I sat up but then just before I could walk away to stand beside my boss, I was pulled onto the couch and saw that it was Roger who had pulled me in to sit on his lap. He winked at me and placed a quick peck on my forehead as Mr. Reid introduced my boss to Ray Foster.
"You must stop calling him that." Freddie said as he lit himself a cigarette.
"That's his name." said Mr. Reid.
"No we cannot keep calling him Jim Beach. No that's absurd not to mention unspeakably boring." He breathed in a quick drag before proclaiming. "Miami. From now on; I dub thee, Miami Beach." My boss chuckled then said a quick little teasing joke of Miami Beach.
Truthfully I liked it, hopefully I can have the honor of calling him that one day but for now I'll just settle on Mr. Beach as I have been referring him as.
"Right now that everyone's got an acceptable name let's get to it. Look; we just really need something special. More hits, like "Killer Queen", only bigger."
"It's not bloody widgets we're making. We can't just reproduce Killer Queen." Said Roger as Freddie sat up and walked towards Ray's record player taking out a record from his bag.
"No. We can do better." Said Freddie as he placed the record on the vinyl and turned it on. He lifted the needle and placed it at a specific point and soon coming out of the speakers was the famed song from Carmen. I grinned and as Freddie gracefully walked around moving his finger around to the tun, Mr. Foster bluntly stated.
"It's opera."
"Opera!" exclaimed Mr. Reid.
"Opera." Echoed Paul.
"Ahh there seems to be an echo in here." Deacy stated which made me choke out a laugh. As the song continued, when it got to the big crescendo part of the song, Freddie went all out waving his arm in tune before on the final note, slamming his hand down on Foster's desk. He almost couldn't contain his excitement as I chuckled softly.
Brian, Rog and Deacy were also in tune to the idea as they with less enthusiasm as Freddie but the same interest followed the next crescendo of the choir. Freddie turned the volume down as Brian said.
"See we don't want to repeat ourselves. The same formula over and over."
"Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time." Freddie stated bluntly.
"Formulas work. Let's stick with the formulas. I like formulas." Mr. Foster said.
"We'll call the album......A Night at the Opera." Hmm after a Marx brother's film. Sounds interesting.
"Are you aware that no one actually likes Opera."
"I like it." I said to myself, but I guess it was loud enough because Mr. Foster looked right at me through his shades and asked skeptically.
"Do you?"
"I do as well." I heard my boss say. I looked at him and he gave me a slight nod. God he was such a cool boss.
"No don't misunderstand darling, it's a rock and roll record. With the scale of opera. The pathos of Greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare, the—unbridled joy of musical theatre. It's a musical experience. Rather than just another record, something for everyone something—something that will make people feel belongs to them. We'll mix genres, we'll cross boundaries, we'll—we'll—we'll speak in bloody tongues if we want to."
"There-there's no musical ghetto that can contain us." Proclaimed Roger.
"That's it." Freddie pointed towards Roger.
"No one knows what Queen means because it doesn't mean one thing." Deacy pointed out.
All was quiet, man I have a feeling that this album was gonna be the one that would put Queen on the map of the entire world, that after this they were gonna change the name of music forever.
"What do you think John?" Foster asked Mr. Reid.
"I—agree with the band."
"Of course you do." He then turned towards me and asked, "How about you uhh—" I was shocked that he wanted my opinion. I looked to the guys and they gave me an encouraging nod.
"(Y/n). Well—fortune favors the bold, does it not?" I felt Roger pat my shoulder. Freddie then leaned against Foster's desk as he said.
"Surely a man of your—unique taste. Isn't afraid of a little risk?" Foster debated before finally saying.
"Please don't make me regret this."
"You're fun." Freddie pointed out with a grin.
After the meeting, Jim called me into his office and I said as I peeked into it.
"You wished to see me sir?"
"Yes c'mon in (y/n). Have a seat." I took a seat in front of his desk. "Alright (y/n), now it's come to my attention that since you and the boys have gotten so close with each other since you started working here, I feel it's best that since I can't go with them to Rockfield due to my legal matters here as their lawyer, that I'm electing you to go with them to keep an eye on them."
I was flabbergasted. Me? Go with them to Rockfield studios?
"M—Mr. Beach....."
"Miami." Wow he did he really just ask me to call him that. "Freddie's insisted that you refer to me as that from now on." Ahh that Freddie Mercury.
"Miami. I mean it's an honor but I—I don't think I can go away for that long. I mean....."
"Please (y/n). You know as well as I do that Paul has no good intentions when it comes to Queen." That I do. Ever since working with the boys, I've had a sickening feeling about Paul Prenter. There was just something about him that felt—slimy, ill, almost like a virus.
"There's no other person I would trust more to go with the boys to the farm. Plus they all believe that you should go with them anyway so it's out of my hands either way."
"I'll think about it."
"Just make sure you tell them in two days' time when they leave for the recording." I nodded and stood up. "Oh wait, one more thing. Your paycheck." He then took out his checkbook and wrote down my pay for the 2 weeks. I thanked him but when I looked down, my eyes widened.
"Wait uhh—Miami. This....this is double the normal amount you pay me."
"I know."
"I agreed to be paid 500 pounds."
"It's come to my attention there's some financial struggle you're going through. The boys wouldn't explain it in full detail but they made me aware that you were in dire need of it. Plus I know they can be a lot to handle, so you deserve 1000 anyway." I looked down but couldn't help the small smile across my face.
"Thank you—Miami." He smiled and nodded at me and I left his office with my raised paycheck. As I walked across the hall, I saw the boys go from the snooping position to trying to act nonchalantly, like they weren't spying on me. "I know you four had something to do with this." I said raising my check.
"We have no idea what you're talking about (n/n)." said Brian as he looked over his six-pence coin that served as his guitar pick.
"So you're coming with us right?" asked Freddie.
"I—I'll get back to you on that. I—I need to talk to Kay about it."
"I'm sure she'll let you come with us. C'mon love just say you'll be coming with us." Roger said as he came up and wrapped his arms around me.
"Besides you'll be much better company than Prenter. I'll go mad if I have to see him every day while we're there." Said Deacy.
"Exactly Deacy!" agreed Roger.
So that night after work, I was in Kaylee's room and I told her about what I was going to do for the summer and she was psyched for me.
"I say you go!" she proclaimed.
"But what about you?" I asked. She reached over and took my hand and she said.
"You've been doing too much for me. You've always put me over yourself. And this is your last chance to be a free kid before you start thinking about college. So please for my sake go with them. If not I'll never let you live it down. Ever."
"Okay, okay. I'll give Fred a call tomorrow and tell him."
"Call him tonight."
"Fine. And you're sure you'll be fine."
"Yes. I've got mum to look after me. And I expect new drawings, pictures and lots of stories from you when you get back."
"I promise Kay, thanks girl." She smiled as I leaned forward and we hugged each other.
In two days, the guys picked me up right at 4am on the dot so that way we'd get there by sunrise to the farm. Deacy put my bags in the trunk while I hugged and kissed my mum and sis goodbye.
"Now be sure to be good for these boys (y/n)."
"I will mum. Promise me to keep me updated on everything?"
"You know me, I'll be calling you every night." I smiled and separated from my mum before finally standing before my sister.
"Don't do anything insane till I get back." I told her. She smiled and scoffed playfully.
"How can I? You're taking all the insanity with you." I grinned back at her and the two of us embraced each other. "Have fun tigress."
"Be strong lioness."
"Oh come on let's get a move on! Anymore wasted time here and we'll be late!" I heard Paul cry out.
"Piss off Prenter! Let her say goodbye to her family." Brian sneered.
"Go on, don't want you to get into trouble." Kay said as we separated. I waved bye to them one last time and I got into the car with Rog and Deacy and soon we drove off.
"Since it'll be a long drive and it's still pretty early, why don't you try and go back to sleep (y/n)?" suggested Deacy. I nodded and leaned my head back against the car, but Deacy offered his shoulder for me to sleep on. I took his offer and in his playful jealous tone, Roger spoke up.
"What about me?"
"You fidget around too much on long car rides." I moaned tiredly.
"Why you little—"
"Face it Rog, she loves me more than you do when it comes to sleeping buddies. Isn't that right love?"
"Yeah." I heard Rog huff but then he said.
"Well at least I provide the best blankets." He emphasized that point by draping his fur coat over my shoulders as a blanket.
"Won't deny that though. You both take such good care of me."
"Only the best for you love." I nuzzled into Deacy's shoulder and exhaled tiredly through my nose and began to fall back asleep.
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guess-my-next-obsession · 2 years ago
Elementary, Chapter Six:
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x sarah’s teacher!reader
rating: E (18+ only, talks of bisexuality (reader is also bisexual), unprotected PIV, just so much fluff it’ll make your teeth rot)
wc: 3.4k
a/n: as a bisexual person who’s known from a very young age that they were different but never had someone to go to about it, i felt it was really important to showcase a relationship between a paternal figure/mentor and child wherein the child feels comfortable seeking advice about the things going on inside their head. if you have an issue with it, you’re entitled to your opinion, but from personal experience i know that pretending as though pre-teens aren’t capable of understanding the complexities of gender and sexuality only leads to them having more questions and more unnecessary shame over things they cannot control. if you don’t agree, please just keep scrolling. everyone is entitled to their own views on this, and i just ask that you respect mine just as i respect yours. 🤍
series masterlist | joel masterlist | elementary playlist
After a weekend of pure bliss, and maybe a bit too much sex, it was time to say goodbye to the man of your dreams, at least for the next three days.
Joel had heeded your advice about whisking Sarah off for a little trip, choosing to take her down to Corpus Cristi rather than San Antonio so that they could enjoy the ocean for the first time in a long time.
At the present moment, you stood in the driveway of his two-story suburban home, the Texas sun setting behind the houses across the street. Joel was in the garage with Tommy, changing the tires on their truck while you contentedly looked on, a glass of fresh lemonade in your hand courtesy of Sarah and Jessie.
“Hey, baby?” Joel called, the pet name slipping from his lips as casually as a breath. You forced your grin to calm at the sound.
“Yeah?” you replied.
“Would you mind goin’ inside and grabbin’ us a couple beers? Pretty please,” he sweet-talked you, his hands covered with grease, his face and neck glistening from sweat. How could you deny him his request when he looked like that? When he looked at you like that?
“I suppose I could,” you smirked. “But it’s gonna cost you.”
“What’s your price?” he asked, matching your smile.
“A couple smooches.”
“Oh, for the love of God,” Tommy groaned at the cutesy game the two of you were playing.
“You can pay up later,” you spoke to Joel, your eyes flickering over to his crabby brother. Joel chuckled and nodded, giving you a wink before returning to his task.
Inside the house, Sarah sat with Jessie in the living room, the two girls occupied by the 1995 film adaptation of this month’s book club pick: Sense and Sensibility.
“How’s it going in here?” you asked with a friendly smile. “The movie any good?”
“It’s alright, I just thought the guys would be better looking,” Sarah replied.
“Yeah, isn’t Willoughby supposed to be…hot?” Jessie added, looking to you as you stood in the kitchen.
“Hugh Grant isn’t ugly,” you argued with a laugh. “Never been my cup of tea but a lot of women seem to find him good looking.”
“Well, they need to get their eyes checked. You know who’s hot? Justin Timberlake,” Jessie proudly declared, earning a gag from her friend.
“Yeah, so hot with his ramen hair,” Sarah snarked sarcastically. “Have you seen Usher?”
“Yeah, he’s cute, too,” Jessie agreed.
“You know who I was really into when I was a teenager?” you asked, and both girls looked full of interest. “Freddie Mercury.”
“Who’s that?” they asked in unison, making you gasp.
“Who’s that?” you repeated. “Oh, girls, your parents have failed you. He’s the lead singer of Queen,” you waited for them to place the rock star in their minds. “Bohemian Rhapsody? We Will Rock You?”
“No clue,” Sarah shook her head. “You think my dad would know him?”
“If he doesn’t, he’s crazy,” you chuckled. “Anyways, I gotta go bring these out before Tommy gets an attitude. You two have fun arguing about Justin Timberlake and Usher.”
“And you have fun daydreaming about Frankie Mars!”
“Freddie Mercury!” you corrected with a chuckle.
Back outside in the garage, the boys greeted you with a cheer as you handed over their beers. Joel planted a kiss upon your cheek as you leaned into his side, his hand too dirty to hold your waist so he refrained.
“You both know who Freddie Mercury is, right?” you asked as they took sips from their cold amber bottles.
“Yeah, Queen,” Joel replied and Tommy nodded in confirmation. “Why?”
“Sarah and Jessie had no idea who he or Queen was,” you chuckled. “Called him Frankie Mars.”
“My god,” Tommy shook his head. “Yet they’ll talk your ear off about B2K and N-Sync.”
“Sign of the times,” Joel sighed and chuckled before tilting his beer towards you. “Hey, where’s your drink at?”
“I gotta drive home,” you reminded, earning a pout.
“Thought you might stay the night,” he murmured just for you to hear. “Since I’m gonna be gone for the next few days.”
“Well, I never got an invitation,” you snarked with a tilt of your head.
“Go get a beer,” he ordered with a smirk.
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The boys remained outside well after the sun had set over the horizon, tinkering with the truck and letting the radio play, the sounds of 80’s and 90’s love songs filling the night air. Jessie had gone home, leaving Sarah to join the three of you outside.
“Baby,” Joel turned and locked eyes with you as “Weak” by SWV came on the radio, a charming, pleading smile on his face as he held his grease-covered hand out for you. “Dance with me.”
“These two,” Tommy rolled his eyes and chuckled, shaking his head in disgust as he looked to his niece. “Can’t wait til this honeymoon shit is over.”
“As long as you wipe your hands off,” you ignored Tommy’s complaining and stood up off the hood of your car where you’d been looking at the stars with Sarah. Joel pulled a rag out of his back pocket and cleaned his hands as best as possible as you walked to him. “This is gonna be our song now, you know?”
“It’s a damn good song,” he argued, placing one hand on the small of your back while the other held yours in slowdance form. He pressed his cheek to yours and led you to the music, slowly swaying you around to the beat.
“I didn’t know you could dance,” Sarah teased from the car, an amused smile on her face at the sight before her.
“I can’t,” he replied.
“You’re not too shabby,” you mumbled in his ear, earning a squeeze to your waist. Joel turned his face to whisper into your ear.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about gettin’ you alone all damn day,” he confessed, making your heart skip a beat. “You think I haven’t noticed you checkin’ me out?”
“I’m always checking you out,” you admitted with a smile. “The whole sweaty man working with his hands thing just makes it even harder to look away.”
“Hmm,” he hummed in thought for a minute before speaking again. “This might be a good incentive for me finally gettin’ around to fixin’ shit up ‘round here.”
“As long as you invite me over to watch.” Joel laughed and nodded.
“I think you’d faint if you saw me at work.”
“And I think you’d be very, very bored if you saw me at work.”
“You kiddin’?” he asked rhetorically. “The idea of you teachin’ multiplication drives me crazy.”
You pinched his side and rolled your eyes, laughing at his sarcasm.
“Although, I do love those dresses you wear to work,” he husked, his tone still light but there was an undeniable desire in it. “Those actually drive me crazy.”
“Joel, can you and your lady love split up for a goddamn minute so you can help me change out this oil?” Tommy called over the music, forcing a deep sigh from his brother. Joel pressed a kiss onto your cheek and hummed.
“We’ll continue this dance later,” he promised. “Alone and in the nude. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like you better hurry up and finish,” you pulled away from him with a smirk. Joel mustered the strength to leave your embrace, heading back to the truck while you walked back to the car, resuming your place next to Sarah on the hood.
“I was trying to find the Big Dipper,” Sarah started as you got comfortable, her small hand pointing around the night sky. “But I can’t see it.”
“Hmm, well, I think that’s the Little Dipper,” you pointed out a vague constellation, the street lights making the stars harder to spot. “No clue where the big one is.”
A beat of comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you laid there, eyes searching the stars. You wondered for a moment if looking at these bright little orbs in the sky affected her the same way it affected you, forcing you to think about your humanity and how lucky you were to have found this beautiful family in such a vast universe. Though you’d long since given up on wishing on stars, perhaps one of your wishes for true love you made as a little girl actually came true, the brown eyed man in front of you brought to you by some unseen force, some magic worked by the Cosmos.
“Hey…can I ask you something?” Sarah tilted her head to look at you and you did the same, nodding your head at her. “It’s silly, and…well, I don’t want you to think anything—whatever, I’ll just come out and ask. Is it…is it possible to maybe like boys…and girls?”
“Oh,” you sucked in a sharp breath, eyes flickering to Joel as he leaned underneath the hood of his pick-up truck.
“It’s just…well, when we were talking about celebrity crushes earlier, Jessie knew right away that she liked Usher. But for me, I had two people pop into my mind. Usher and Beyoncé. And then when Jessie and I were talking about boys we liked at school, I thought of José G and, well, Jessie. But I didn’t tell her that, obviously.”
“You know, I can only speak for myself, but I’ve always liked both women and men,” you spoke carefully, knowing that not only was she your pupil, but also not your child to influence. The last thing you wanted was to cross a line with Joel, not that you thought he’d be against his daughter’s potential bisexuality—he’d been incredibly supportive when you confessed your own to him on your first date. “But this might be something you could bring up with your therapist, or even your dad.”
“What if he gets mad?” she asked, her eyes turning to watch her father as he wiped his oily hands clean.
“You know your dad better than I do. Does he really seem like the type to get mad over something like that?” Sarah chuckled and shook her head. “If it’s something you’re nervous about, I could bring it up to him for you.”
“Really?” She turned to you with a smile. “That would take a lot of the pressure off.”
“Of course,” you smiled. “And as for Jessie, I think the best romances are born out of friendship. You guys are so young, you don’t need to worry about all that other complicated stuff for now. Just…be her friend. It’ll all work out how it’s supposed to in the end.”
“I’m really glad my dad found you,” she spoke sincerely. “It’s been hard for both of us after mom died, but it’s been even harder watching him be so alone. And not only do you make him happy, you’re also there for me. It’s…really nice.”
“You’re gonna make me cry, kid,” you chuckled and wiped your teary eyes.
“What’s goin’ on over here?” Joel approached the hood of the car and both of you sat upright, chuckling at his cluelessness.
“Just talking,” you replied.
“Alright, well, it’s gettin’ late, baby girl,” Joel tapped Sarah’s shoe. “We’re gonna head out early tomorrow, so I think it’s bedtime for you.”
“And you,” she countered, poking his stomach as she walked past him. “Night y’all.”
“Night,” you waved at her as she walked up to Tommy to hug him goodnight.
“You gonna fill me in?” Joel tapped your shoe.
“Yeah, upstairs.” You stood up and walked into his open arms, allowing him to squeeze you close and sway you.
“Tommy’s spending the night so we’re gonna have a full house,” he mumbled into your hair. “Gonna have to be extra quiet.”
“What makes you think you’re getting lucky tonight?” you teased, lifting your head just enough to rest your chin on his chest. Joel’s smile had you weak in the knees as he looked down at you, still hugging you close.
“Gotta pay up for those beers somehow,” he replied.
After wishing Tommy a good night, you and Joel headed upstairs to his bedroom, his hands grabbing at your hips the entire way. Once the door was shut, he was all over you, pressing his lips to your neck as he backed you towards his en-suite.
“Need to shower,” he husked against the shell of your ear.
“So do I.”
“What ever will we do about that?” he grinned against your skin, earning a few giggles that sounded in the acoustics of his bathroom. Letting go of you, he walked over to the shower to get the water going while you stripped out of your clothes.
“I didn’t bring anything,” you frowned, just then realizing you’d be going without a toothbrush and a clean set of clothes.
“Hold on,” he walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, opening his dresser to retrieve a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. “Here’s your pj’s,” he set the clothes on the bathroom counter before opening the drawer beneath the sink and grabbing a brand new toothbrush still in its packaging. “All good?”
“You just keep a spare toothbrush on hand?” you asked, grinning as you opened the package.
“I got it for you,” he replied sheepishly. “Figured you’d stay over at some point.”
“You are…annoyingly perfect,” you breathed out a chuckle, shaking your head. “And I love you.”
Joel’s grin widened at the sound of your affections, those three words still new to both of you.
“I love you,” he repeated through his grin. “And I need you, so I suggest you get your fine ass in the shower.”
“You gonna make me?” you purred, reaching for the button of his jeans and popping it undone. Joel shivered as you reached inside his underwear to palm his stiffened length, his brows lacing together.
“You got me wrapped around your finger, baby,” he moaned breathily, his hands cradling your jaw as he leaned in for a slow and sensual kiss. “Do I gotta get down on my knees for you?”
“Maybe,” you grinned into the kiss. Joel lowered himself to the ground in front of you, his hands resting on your thighs as he peered up at you with those brown, doe eyes of his. Pushing his hair back, you smiled at him softly. “You look good from down there.”
“Can’t say I’ve got a bad view myself,” he smirked and leaned forward to press a kiss to your mound, right about where you needed him most. Guiding his eyes back to you with a tilt of his chin, you smoothed over his beard.
“Come on, cowboy. Let’s get in the shower before the water gets cold.”
Joel stood up and followed you into the steamy tub, pulling the curtain closed behind him while you let the stream of hot water wash over you. His hands found your hips and his lips pressed against your throat as you tipped your head back to wet your hair, his cock prodding at your belly.
“So beautiful,” he mumbled against your skin as though he didn’t mean for you to hear it. “Every inch of you…perfect.”
You guided his lips from your chest back up to yours, swallowing down his moan as he hugged you close under the stream of hot water. You gasped as he turned you around and pressed your back against the cold wall, one of his wide-spread hands gripping your ass, the other lifting your thigh to wrap around his hip.
“Need you,” you breathed into his ear as he sucked a mark into your neck. Joel let out a choked groan against your heated skin and nodded, the hand on your ass moving to grip his length and guide it into your heat. You sighed in unison at the feeling of his cock burying inside of you, your walls sore from the constant fucking ever since Friday night. “God,” you mewled as he stilled deep inside you. “Gotta go slow. S’too sore still.”
“Do you wanna stop?” he asked, desire straining his voice.
“No,” you quickly shook your head. “God, no.”
Joel lifted his head from your shoulder to look at you, his hand reaching to cup your face as he slowly withdrew himself. His thumb swiped across your bottom lip as he pushed back in, his eyes studying the way your face scrunched from the pleasure.
“Love you so much,” he moaned, his eyes glossy with lust.
What started slow and tender soon turned ravenous, his cock spearing into you once you were relaxed enough to take him properly. His grunts were muffled as he pressed his lips against your cheek while you bit your lip in an attempt to silence your cries. Your body moved against the wall as he thrust up into you, stroking against that spot inside that blinded you with bliss.
“God,” he choked out into your ear. “Pussy’s so damn good.”
“Joel, touch me,” you begged, needed just a little bit of help from his fingers to help you reach your climax. Joel was quick to act, sliding his hand down the front of your body so that he could strum over your clit in perfectly pressured circles. “Just like that, oh my god.”
“Baby, I’m so fuckin’ close,” he whined, his eyes screwed shut as he leaned forward, resting his forehead on your shoulder. You held the back of his head and shoulders, clinging to him for dear life as your body went limp from your climax, pleasure shooting from your core down to your toes as he fucked you through it. “Gonna cum, baby, fuck,” he warned, hips stuttering.
“Cum inside me, baby,” you purred, drunk on your post-climactic bliss and kissing his temple. Joel moaned in time with his last few sharp thrusts until he stilled inside you, his chest heaving against yours.
“Fuck,” he chuckled, lifting his head to give you a lazy grin. “You’re makin’ me feel old, woman.”
“Maybe you are old, man,” you grinned back, tracing his smile with your fingertip. “I love you.”
“Never gonna get tired of hearin’ that,” he chuckled and leaned forward to give you a sweet peck. “I love you too.”
After finally washing up and getting ready for bed, you tucked into Joel’s side, resting your head on his chest as the soft hum of the ceiling fan threatened to lull you into sleep, but there was still one thing left to talk about.
“So, uh, Sarah asked me something earlier,” you began, only slightly nervous to bring the subject up.
“Oh yeah? That what you two were talkin’ about outside?” Joel rasped.
“Yeah,” you rolled over a bit, resting your chin on his chest so that you could look into his eyes. “She, uh, she asked me if it was possible to like both girls and boys.”
Joel’s heavy-lidded eyes widened, his attention earned. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled.
“What did you say?”
“I told her that I could only speak for myself, and that I’ve felt that way since I was a kid,” you replied, studying his reaction carefully. Joel nodded, thinking to himself for a moment before turning back to you.
“Why didn’t she…come to me about this?” he asked, frowning a bit. “Did she think I wouldn’t be okay with it?”
“It’s a hard subject to breach,” you reminded with a shrug. “I’m sure it wasn’t anything personal.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Should I bring it up on the trip? Does she know you told me?”
“Yeah, she wanted my help getting her foot in the door,” you replied.
“Well,” he chuckled. “At least now there’s a good chance she won’t bring any stupid boys home.”
“I don’t know, I’m bisexual and look at where I am,” you rubbed his chest with a smirk. “In a stupid, gorgeous boy’s bed.”
“That’s true,” he smirked at you for a moment before sighing. “God, I really hope she isn’t worried about what I think about all this. I don’t care what she is or who she likes, she’s my baby girl.”
“She knows that,” you assured. “And if not, there’s always time to let her know.”
“What would I do without you?” he hummed, giving you a squeeze and a kiss upon your forehead.
“You’re doing a better job with her than you think,” you combed his hair back. “All I’m doing is reminding you of it.”
“I’m gonna cry if you keep bein’ so damn nice to me,” he chuckled.
“Shh,” you laughed and kissed his nose. “Let’s go to bed before I make you shed your first tear in years.”
“I cry often, thank you very much,” he corrected sassily.
“My apologies,” you grinned against him as you cuddled him from behind, Joel’s preferred position. Kissing his shoulder, you rubbed his stomach and whispered, “Good night, baby.”
“Good night, honey.”
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whatstruthgottodowithit · 2 years ago
Fandom: RPF, British RPF, Queen
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Characters: Roger Taylor, Brian May, John Deacon, Freddie Mercury, Reader, You
Word Count: 3139 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: I know you think I'm cool but I ain't one of the boys, No, don't be scared that I'm gon' tie you down, I need a little more
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Queen, Queen Band, Love, Friends To Lovers, Admitting Feelings, Hangover, Mild Swearing, Defining the Relationship, Hugging, Performing, Queen On Tour, Touring, Title // Meghan Trainor
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x  
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The air was electric as the guys came off stage. The crowd was still screaming and clapping as they appeared around me each of them doused in sweat, congratulating one another on yet another successful show. As Freddie took the bottle of water I handed out to him and put it to his lips, chugging it down quickly, I offered Brian a towel so he could wipe his sweaty brow whilst the roadies took his and John’s guitars away from them.Then I held my hand out for Roger’s drumsticks and he handed them to me as he always did. 
‘What did you think?’ he asked as I took them out of his hand.  ‘Brilliant,’ I said with a smile. Since I was their personal assistant I had to be on the sidelines every night in case they needed anything. The bonus was that I was able to see them perform over and over again.  ‘I don’t know,’ Freddie said as we started to walk towards the dressing room.  ‘What Fred?’ Brian asked, his towel was wrapped around his neck now, though shrouded by the mass of black curls from above.  ‘I think I went a little pitchy in that last couple of songs,’ he said, ‘might be coming down with something.’ ‘Want me to pick you something up?’ I asked as we walked through the long narrow corridor that led us to a large dressing room. It wasn’t cosy. It was merely a room made of breezeblocks and a hard stone floor but the boys had made it their own despite only being there for a few hours. A large rack of eccentric outfits hung in the corner that was partitioned from the room by a thin curtain. A table stocked with all kinds of booze and glasses was in another corner and a couple of beat-up couches surrounded a coffee table full of snacks. 
‘No, it’s alright,’ Freddie said, ‘think I probably just need to rest a little.’ ‘So we’re not going out?’ Roger asked. He was standing by the mirror, now shirtless, running his fingers through his hair as he attempted to style it. Freddie flopped down onto one of the couches and sighed, ‘of course, we’re still going out.’ ‘What happened to resting?’ Brian said as he sat down opposite him. As Freddie and Brian started to discuss vocal rest Roger disappeared behind the curtain that separated the room from the ‘changing area’. Though as he disappeared I realised he had left his t-shirt on the dressing table. I had been hovering, perched on the arm of the couch so I stood up and wandered to the vanity, picking it up and slipping behind the curtain to where Roger was. He looked up as I entered, pulling the curtain back quietly, but then his focus went back to the pants he had been shimmying on. After a second or so he was just shirtless and I extended the t-shirt out to him which he took gratefully. Anyone else would blush or run out after seeing their boss half naked but my working life wasn’t exactly a normal one and over the past couple of months, Roger and I had fallen into something more than just friendship.
‘Hey,’ I said as I leaned against the wall, watching him.  ‘Hey,’ he said with a small smile.  ‘You played a good show today,’ I said. ‘Yeah it felt like a good one,’ he said as he slipped his t-shirt on. The chatter outside the curtains had gotten louder as more friends and family had come into the room and someone had put some music on and I could hear the sound of drinks being poured. So, feeling a little brave I pushed up off the wall and slid my arms around Roger’s waist. He smiled a little as I did but when I tried to lean up to kiss him he turned away. ‘People,’ he mumbled, pulling away from me. My arms dropped to my sides as embarrassment flooded through me. He looked away from me sheepishly though I doubted he was as embarrassed as I was at the rejection. Before I could beg for the ground to swallow me whole the curtain pulled back and John stood there, watching us. 
‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t realise you were both in here.’ ‘Rog forgot his shirt,’ I said quickly. John nodded at the information though his gaze was laced with an air of suspicion, but before he could say anything else I slipped past him trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks. I took a seat next to Freddie and Roger came out a couple of seconds after me and slipped down onto the couch next to Brian, not meeting my gaze. Instead, he took a beer bottle off the table and cracked it open, chugging it down after a couple of seconds. 
My embarrassment quickly turned to irritation like it had been doing a lot recently. Roger and I weren’t a couple but we weren’t just friends either. Truth was I wasn’t really sure what we were. Our ‘relationship’ had occurred entirely by accident towards the start of this tour.
‘Jesus Fred you weigh a ton,’ Roger said as we shuffled a very pie-eyed Freddie through the hotel room door.  ‘Can barely hold him up,’ I panted as we stumbled into the room. As we neared the bed Roger pulled him off me and dumped him onto it ungracefully.  ‘Well at least we got him home for the night,’ he chuckled as we watched Freddie spread eagle on the mattress still fully clothed.  ‘I think we did more than enough don’t you?’ I giggled making im smile as he headed to the door. I leant down and slipped Freddie’s shoes off, dumping them by the foot of the bed and then I placed his key card on the nightstand and headed to where Roger was waiting for me. We slipped out of the room quietly as we walked down the hall to our rooms. Our rooms were directly opposite one another so we lingered in the hall to say goodbye.
‘Thanks for helping me,’ I said.  ‘You’re welcome,’ he said with a dismissive wave.  ‘Honestly, there’s no way I would’ve got him back here,’ I said but he cut me off. ‘Y/N honestly it’s not a problem,’ he said with a smile. He watched me closely, looking down at me with such intensity I felt my heart rate quicken. He looked good. His blonde shaggy locks were sticking out in all directions from where he’d been dancing or running his fingers through it and his eyes sparkled in the fluorescent hotel lighting. Then he murmured, ‘I had a good night tonight.’ ‘Me too,’ I said.  ‘You looked nice tonight,’ he said casually. I could feel my cheeks burning up at the compliment.  ‘Thanks,’ I mumbled before turning on my heel and mumbling a, ‘well night then.’
But as I reached for my door I felt his hand on my arm, spinning me around into his arms. He grabbed my face and pulled me to him kissing me with a ferocity I didn’t know he had. I could taste ale and cigarettes but I didn’t care. I melted into him, allowing him to kiss me as he wanted his hands all over as he pulled me to him and walked us into my room. 
Our relationship from then on had been pretty much that. Whenever we were alone it was like we couldn’t stop ourselves from tearing the other’s clothes off. Every night without fail one of us would succumb to getting up and going across the hall to slip into the other’s room. But then in front of people, it was entirely different. He was entirely different. He’d talk to me and laugh with me like we were nothing more than friends. 
As if he didn’t spend his nights fucking me senseless.
As if his mornings weren’t taken up by us lying in bed together, cuddling and talking about anything and everything. 
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my name mentioned and looked up to find everyone looking at me.
‘Sorry?’ I asked looking for some clue as to what I was missing.
‘We were just wondering if you were coming out tonight?’ he asked. I looked between them, my gaze flicking to Roger for a split second. He was watching me carefully as if trying to figure out how his night was going to be impacted. I felt anger flood through me forcing my answer out my mouth, ‘yeah, count me in.’ 
My hand fumbled around on the nightstand looking for the source of the noise. I knocked the receiver off of its holder clumsily though I managed to grab it and put it to my ear as I mumbled, ‘Hello?’  ‘Hi is this Miss Y/L/N?’ a sweet voice said on the other end of the line.  ‘Yeah,’ I yawned rolling onto my back as she continued.   ‘This is your wake-up call as requested,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ I grumbled.  ‘8 am as you asked,’ she replied.  ‘Right, thanks,’ I said cursing my sober self for being so organised that now hungover me was suffering. ‘You’re welcome,’ she said and then the line disconnected. 
As I lay on my back and opened my eyes I tried to ignore just how beaten my body was feeling at this moment in time. Being so annoyed at Roger meant that I had gone a little overboard. Now I was feeling the brunt of my stupidity. My stomach churned as I climbed out of bed feeling sticky from the stale sweat I had been lying in. My head thumped as I rifled around my bag to find some painkillers. I threw them down, thankful that drunk me had been so kind as to leave out a glass of water, and then I headed to the bathroom to get ready. 
I spent a little longer than normal in the shower, allowing the warm water to try and make me feel human again. Then I climbed out, threw on some jeans and a T-shirt, and left my room. I woke the boys one by one, knocking on their doors to make sure they were up. Brian was already up and told me he’d be downstairs for breakfast in a minute. John took a knock or two but he opened his door and told me he too would be joining me soon. Freddie was awake but still in bed which meant I had to force my way inside to make sure. He was laying against the headboard watching TV.
‘Why didn’t you open the door?’ I grumbled throwing myself onto his bed.  ‘Because I knew you’d save me the trouble and come in,’ he chuckled taking a drag of his cigarette.  ‘At least I get to take a cat nap on your bed,’ I said with a sigh as I rested my head on my folded arms.  ‘Feeling a little delicate this morning huh?’ he said.  ‘You’re a bad influence,’ I grumbled.  ‘Oh last night was all you princess,’ he replied. I looked up at him with a scowl.  ‘Well I’m feeling it now,’ I said.  ‘I’m sure it’s nothing a spot of breakfast can’t fix,’ he said. My stomach churned again, ‘I think it’s just going to be toast for me.’  ‘Well I’m coming now,’ he said climbing out of bed, ‘am I your last wake-up call?’  ‘No,’ I said quietly as he started gathering some belongings so he could head to the bathroom. He didn’t seem to notice my hesitation I said, ‘just Rog left. Bri and John should be down there by now.’ 
‘Okay, well I’m just going to shower and I’ll meet you down there,’ he said as he lingered by the bathroom door. ‘Alright,’ I said peeling myself off of the bed.  ‘Probably a good job you left him till last,’ he said.  ‘Why?’ I asked my curiosity piquing.  ‘He only got back late,’ he said.  ‘Oh?’ I asked trying to remember if I knew the details of last night. Unfortunately, they weren’t there for me to remember.  ‘Yeah,’ he said with a smirk, ‘we came back together but he put you to bed. I left him trying to herd you up the stairs.’ ‘Oh,’ I grimaced, the embarrassment of last night returning.  ‘Looked about as easy as plaiting fog,’ he chuckled and then he ducked into the bathroom and shut the door. I walked out of the room and headed a door down. Roger’s room. 
I knocked gently and listened as I heard movement behind the door which opened a minute later revealing a tired-looking Roger. He was wearing pants but no shirt and I had to admit he looked good. 
‘Hey,’ I mumbled. He nodded but didn’t speak as he ducked back into the room. I followed him, shutting the door quietly as I tried to keep the noise to a minimum so as to not aggravate my headache. I sat down on the bed as he put on his clothes, ignoring me.  ‘Freddie said you helped me get to bed last night,’ I said after a moment, ‘thank you.’ ‘Yeah well better that than you embarrassing yourself again,’ he said as he angrily pulled his T-shirt over his head.  ‘What?’ I asked.  ‘Last night,’ he said folding his arms across his chest, ‘you couldn’t have been more obvious.’ ‘And what exactly was I doing?’ I said folding my own arms across my chest as I stood up.  ‘You don’t remember?’ he scoffed.  ‘Please enlighten me,’ I said.  ‘Throwing yourself at that guy right in front of everyone,’ he said loudly. His words hit me like a ton of bricks as I tried to remember my own actions but found myself coming up short, but my lack of recall didn’t mean his words hadn’t sparked anger in me. 
‘And?’ I said huffily.  ‘And?’ he repeated, ‘it’s embarrassing. Trying to get me to bite because I wouldn’t kiss you.’  ‘Maybe I’m just sick of being your sort of girlfriend. Of being someone who’s good enough for a quick shag but you daren’t be seen out in public with,’ I sneered, ‘did you ever think about that?’  ‘Y/N,’ he sighed, ‘we’ve talked about it-’ ‘Have we?’ I spat, ‘because all I ever remember is you acting like we’re the only two people in the world until there’s actually other people around then it’s like you can’t stand to be with me-’ ‘That’s not how it is?’  ‘Tell me then,’ I said.  ‘Tell you what?’ he asked angrily.  ‘Tell me how it is. Do you even like me? Or am I just someone who’s there when you want to get your leg over?’ I shouted standing up. I panicked for a second. The irony that we were arguing about us not going exclusive when everyone important to us was within earshot wasn’t lost on me.  ‘Of course, I do,’ he sighed, ‘I’m just not ready.’ ‘For what?’ I said, ‘I’m not asking you to marry me, Roger. I’m just asking that we at least acknowledge there’s something between us.’ ‘But we work together you’re part of the team what if I fuck it up?’ he asked quietly sinking down onto his bed. I sighed and took a seat next to him though I didn’t look at him. My gaze fixed on the wall, ‘people split up and still work together Rog. It’s not the end of the world.’ ‘It might be,’ he said quietly. That got my attention, I looked to my right and found him watching me with a worried look. 
‘Why?’ I asked quietly.  ‘Because…’ he mumbled dropping his gaze to his lap, ‘because I think I might sorta really like you.’ ‘Really?’ I asked cursing myself at the amount of hope my voice dripped with.  ‘Yeah,’ he said glancing up at me, ‘so why do we have to label it?’  ‘What just be friends who fuck on occasion?’ I smirked. He looked up at me with a bashful expression, ‘is that what you want?’ ‘Maybe,’ he said.  ‘And what happens if I wanna see someone else huh? Or if you meet some pretty fan on this tour? Do we just pretend that it’s not bothering us?’ I said, ‘because I don’t think I could be okay about that. And I don’t think you are either…if you were I’d have woken up in that guy’s bed this morning.’ ‘Yeah I guess you’re right,’ he said, ‘I just worry that if we…you know become a couple and it doesn’t work out I’ll lose you completely…at least this way we get all those moments together…no pressure. Why can’t we just enjoy it?’ ‘Because it’s not enough for me Rog,’ I whispered, ‘I can’t hang on hoping one day you’ll want to be with me completely. Because if I do I’ll always be stuck. I either need you to take the chance on us or let me go.’
He nodded and I stood up not looking at him. I wandered to the door and opened it, closing it gently behind me. I could feel tears in my eyes but I blinked them away as I headed downstairs to breakfast. The boys were sitting around a dining table, members of the crew dotted at various other tables. I sat down beside Freddie. 
‘How are you feeling darling?’ he asked as he poured me a cup of tea.  ‘Alright,’ I lied.  ‘Well you look less grey now,’ Brian chuckled, ‘so I guess that’s a good sign.’ ‘Well I’m never drinking again,’ I smiled though it felt stiff and forced on my face.  ‘Oh I bet,’ John chuckled.  ‘Yeah a tenner she breaks the bet by the end of the week,’ Freddie said.  ‘There’s what? Three shows this week?’ Brian said calculating the odds in his head, ‘I bet by Wednesday.’  ‘Deal,’ Freddie said offering his hand out to Brian who shook it gracefully.  ‘My life is not a thing to be gambled on,’ I pouted as the waitress put toast on my table.  ‘I beg to differ,’ Freddie said.  ‘You know you’re really underestimating the spite factor in this,’ I said sipping my tea, ‘I’ll hold out all damn year if I have to.’ 
There were some chuckles around the table but as they started planning my downfall Roger appeared at the table sitting down beside me. As they greeted him he threw his arm around my shoulder and pressed a kiss to my temple. I was stunned. The boys shared a glance but they carried on talking as if nothing had happened. I looked at him and he shrugged as he took a piece of toast off my plate. 
I smiled. 
I guess that was my answer. 
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fangirlings-things · 5 years ago
The Border Control Project [Part. 2]
• ��──━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
Fandom: Extraction
Pairing: Tyler Rake x female reader
Summary: you're Tyler's next mission and turns out, you need him more than you want to
Word count: 2.4K
Warnings: curse words, violence and mentions of kidnapping
Based on this imagine
Gif credit: @thoresque
A/N: thank youuu so much for all the feedback guys!! I was so happy to know that you liked the story so here I am with part 2, hope you all enjoy it!!
Part. 1
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Theme song: Shameless, Camila Cabello
Right now I'm shameless
Screaming my lungs out for you
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
In a matter of five days, Tyler had learned a lot about that (Y/N) (Y/L/N). The file he had asked for had been delivered with not less than sixteen pages and a pen drive. There, the intelligence people had gathered everything they could find on social media and informations passed to them by the family. With that intel, he was supposed to know her even before he actually did. 
He found out that (Y/N) had been born in Chicago, on the 4th of July. The bloody fireworks of independence day were blowing up in the sky while her mother finally gave birth after a 13 hours labour. Through all her childhood, she went to private schools and had the best education a kid could possibly have. She graduated high school with excellent grades and went strictly to the University of Illinois at Chicago, to study History. 
She loved coffee and was fascinated by ancient artefacts and events. Her favorite movie was Star Wars. She was a great fan of Queen and even had a Freddie Mercury poster at her beedrom back in Chicago. Books were a passion of hers, she had read over forty at the age of 18, when other teens would probably be causing trouble around and getting themselves into the life of alcohol and sex. But that didn't mean that that girl didn't knew how to party as well. 
She frequently attended to parties, drank just enough to the alcohol in her system to make her happier and would dance through the night with her friends. Tyler saw some pictures and a video and in all of them, that girl seemed to have no worries at all. She smiled, laughed, passed her hands through her hair and closed her eyes to feel the beat of the music that was ringing in her ears. The thought that she might never smile like that again after what was happening, kinda disturbed him. 
It took some watching through surveillance cameras, intel and study of some rotes of the city, but the team Nik had putted up together called a meeting with everyone who was out after exactly a week since they had first gotten there. They had found (Y/N)’s location. 
She was being kept at a incredibly large house for Guadalajara's standards. That part of the city was one of the richest and yet, that place stood out.
With it's enormous extension, the odd distance from every other building in a raid of three miles, metal huge gates and the two heavily armed men guarding the way in, it pretty much seemed like a fortress. A place where important people would probably hide in troubled times. Although in that moment, it was being used by a total different goal.
Such goal placed Tyler just where he was, on the inside of an old '75 Chevrolet, driving smoothly and calmly while heading to the adress he had watched for a day and a half from the woods near by. He had gone there with questions, and came back with it's answers. How many men? At least twelve, plus the two at the gates. Who went in? Not a single soul. Who went out? Two men in a black SUV. Probably the driver in the front and the big boss, whomever that was, in the back. He didn't get a clear visual on any of them to get facial recognition. Which pretty much, pissed him off.
Tyler had gotten into his head that he wanted to figure out who was behind that shit. Who wanted to shut down the Border Control Project and had gone far enough as to kidnapp the daughter of the Senator. Nik had been right before, when she said that a lot of people could have done it. Dealers, traffickers, corrupted politicians, dirty cops. A bunch of them could go down with that project's approval. Whomever it was, the odds weren't good for (Y/N). But well, that's where he came in. To improve those odds. To fucking rescue her and get his money.
When Tyler made a turn to the left and the house he was going to invade showed up in his sight, he took a deep breath and instantly began to slow down the Chevrolet, making the velocimeter drop quickly, until he stopped right in front of the metal gates. 
"¿Qué estás haciendo?" the smaller of the two men guarding the gates was quick to approach the car with his ACR firmly between his hands, a stern expression on his face. 
What are you doing. Tyler putted on his face the best surprised and scared look he could, while taking his hands out of the wheel and then raising his hands in the air. He kept his bright eyes locked on the gun the man caried, trying to make him see the fake fear he was showing. 
“Salga del coche, cabrón!” again the smaller of the guards spoke up, just as Tyler reached for the window of the car that was closed. The fact for itself seemed to piss the guard off, because now from up close Tyler could see that his knuckles were white from gripping the ACR too tightly. “Vamos, vamos!”
“No habló español! No hablo español!” Tyler placed as much accent as he could on those words, eyes still on the other's gun. Get out of the car, of course he understood. But oh, he wasn't going to do that. Not before the other guard came closer as well. 
“Step out of the car” translated the taller man, doing exactly as Tyler predicted, taking a few steps towards the Chevrolet. 
Tyler nodded, keeping the frightened expression in his face. Slowly he opened the door and got out of the car, stepping in front of the two men with as much causality as he could with his hands in the air again. The smaller one kicked the door of the car closed and held his gun straight to Tyler’s face, as the taller one came even closer and analyzed Tyler up and down with a uninterested look.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” the taller guard asked, calm but yet, as dangerous as the other one. He had his hands on his gun, but just for protocol. His grip wasn’t that tight in the metal beneath his fingers. His mistake, Tyler thought to himself.
“My name is Jeffrey, I’m a tourist” Tyler said with the best worried voice he had, keeping his eyes locked on the one who could speak english. “I lost my turn on the road and don’t know how to get back to the city. Please, I just stopped for information”
The taller man squeezed his brown eyes, thinking about his words. Deciding if he should believe him or not. After minutes that seemed like hours, he bought the story and nodded for the other to lower his weapon. His second and last mistake.
Tyler acted like a lightning. Too quick. He elbowed the smaller one that was closer, kicked him in the legs and made him fall, hitting his head on the ground. Just before the taller one could grip his weapon firmly enough to shoot, Tyler grabbed it and took it out of his hands after throwing him a punch. Two shots, the taller one was gone. He turned around to shot at the smaller one and was surprised to see that he had already gotten up and charged forward, aiming the gun to his face again. Tyler pulled the trigger four times. The blood wet the ground and he was alone.
“The front gate is clear” he said, after pressing the wire in his right ear so that the team could hear him clearly. Leaning down, he inspected the smaller one’s pockets and after finding nothing, went to the other dead man and found the keys to open the gate in his back left pocket. The keys he had seen they use while he was on watch.
“Well done, Jeffrey” Nik’s voice seemed to come from inside his own head, like she was his consciousness. As he smirked for a moment for the childish thought, he couldn’t deny, that would be a good thing for him. To be rid of his bloody consciousness, if he had one at all.
“I’m going in” he twisted the keys on the gate and heard the lock click, opening. 
Instead of entering though, he stepped to the side and leaned against the big walls. As he expected, the men from inside had heard the gunshots and went to the gates. Now, they were stepping outside slowly, with their guns held high and strongly.
Tyler took a deep breath. Feeling excitement run through his whole body in the form of pure adrenaline, he started to pull the trigger over and over again.  
            • ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
You woke up to the sound of gunshots. Endless gunshots. They scared you and ringed in your ears as if they were coming from millimeters away. You thought if some of the men had began a fight between themselves. You had heard some of them arguing before, but they never got violent. Until now, anyway.
The idea that they could be distracted occurred to you and you found yourself realizing that that would be the best moment for you to escape. To try and get out of there without being noticed. Even the man that guarded your door, Juan, as you had heard other call him, was gone. Probably to inspect the origin of the firing.
Pulling against the restrains with enough force to scratch your skin you tried desperately to be free, not allowing yourself to make a single sound behind the gag. Oh no, you wanted them to continue forgetting that you were there and that you were now alone.
The gunshots stopped after so much time that now the sudden silence felt weird. The quiet made you panic, because you were very aware that your chance to escape was slipping away from you. Your only chance.
You started to scream from frustration behind the gag, crying and pulling so much that your arms ached and hurt as if they were being cut open. The door then was kicked open and that was when you really started to scream.
That man, you had never seen around the house you had been taken to. He was really tall, blond. Wore a blue shirt that had the same color of his eyes and old jeans. He was covered in blood. So much blood. In his face, arms, boots. Blood everywhere. The sight made you sick with fear. Was he the one sent to finally kill you? The moment he pulled out a knife from his waist, you got the confirmation you needed.
The tears wet your face and you made one last, useless attempt on the restrains. He got closer to the mattress, towering over you like a fucking building. You closed your eyes and took one last deep breath, finally accepting your fate as he kneeled on the floor beside you.
And then the restrains were gone.
Opening your eyes, you felt his rough hands touching your skin as he took the ropes completely out of your arms and then reached for your gag. Instantly, you kicked him in the legs making him fall on his side.
You ran out of the room, your hand flying to your own mouth and taking the gag out. You tossed it aside and forced your legs to work as without any orientation you tried to find your way out of that place. You ran as fast as you could, but you only made it to two corridors until you found yourself falling to the ground with a heavy weight upon your body. That man’s body.
You screamed and kicked, pushed and punched. Freedom was so close. You just had to…
“Stop fighting!” the man spoke for the first time, turning your body towards his and grabbing your hands when you tried to punch him in the face. He pressed your wrists with an iron grip to the ground. You continued trying to kick him, and that made his grip get harder. “Listen to me, (Y/N)! I’m here to save you!”
That made you go still. Frozen in place. None of the men there before had used your name. Never. You had the feeling that they didn’t even knew who you were. They were just tools, used to keep you under control under the command of someone much more important.
You stared into the man’s eyes, analyzed his expression. It was serious, dangerous. Some of the blood from his face fell on yours as you just stared at him and thought of the odds of him being actually telling the truth.
“If what you say is true then get the fuck away from me” you growled at him, every word hurting your throat as you spoke again after so much time in silence.
“Will you run if I let you go?” he asked fiercely, staring deeply into your eyes with such intensity that it made you nervous. Only when you denied with your head, he complied to your demand and released you, getting to his feet.
You got up slowly, without taking your eyes out of his for even a moment as you did. Your eyes went down to the knife that was back at his waist. You swallowed dry and tried to run again, but he seemed to have predicted that for the way he grabbed your forearm before you could get even a few steps away.
“Listen to me!” he grabbed both of your arms and shoved your much smaller body into the nearest wall. “Your father hired me! The Senator! I’m here to get you to safety but I cannot do that if you keep trying to run from me!"
“And I am just supposed to believe you?” you looked up at his face, the dry tears on your face now were mixed with blood you had gotten from him. “How can I believe you?”
“Your name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” he said firmly, his grip still firm. “Your mother is Eleanor and your father is Charles (Y/L/N)! You love coffee, you were born in Chicago! Your best friend’s name is Maggie! Your favorite movie is Star Wars and you study History at college! Your first cat was named Thomas, he died two years ago!”
You just stared at him in complete shock. It was true. Everything he had just said about you. He new everything. Stuff no one could know unless they had spoken to your family. He was telling the truth.
“Y-you’re telling the truth” you said in a weak tone, trying to wrap your mind around the fact. After such time being a prisoner, you couldn’t believe it.
“I am” he seemed calmer now that he could see you believed him, but his eyes were still dangerous. Still completely alert. “Now let’s go. We have to get out of here before whomever kidnapped you notices what I did and sends reinforcements”
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
tag list: @posiemax ; @annaallicce ; @alievans007 ; @imiiimargo ; @chickensarentcheap ; @fangirlsarah16 ; @innerpaperexpertcloud ; @ri-wantstorunaway ; @keikomia
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stedes-black-bonnet · 6 years ago
My Baby Does Me: Chapter 5
POV: John Deacon x reader
Notes: Whelp, I got carried away by Freddie in this one, guys. We will rejoin our regularly scheduled program in Chapter 6 
Warnings: Swearing?
Abstract: You share a closet with a famous Queen.
You were in the closet with Freddie Mercury, holding a string. Could this night get any more bizarre? You immediately chastised yourself for jinxing it. You had the distinct feeling anything could happen in Freddie and Jim’s home. This had more to do with Freddie, you guessed, but you couldn’t deny the magic of this night and this place.
Freddie was as fascinated by the string as one of his cats might have been. To him it was more than a trinket from the party downstairs. He knew Deacy was sentimental to a fault, and somehow this balloon string meant something to him beyond its basic utility. But what? How best to find out?
Freddie looked from the string to you, deciding best how to phrase his words. His raw charisma was unmatched by anyone you had ever seen. Every gesture, every touch was laced with elegance, every word, every glance was intentional. Some might say he was affected and fraudulent even, but that wasn’t it, that didn’t touch it; he was stylized, particular, and commanding. There was absolutely nothing fake about Freddie Mercury.
“Y/N, dear?”
“Yes, Freddie?” Your voice sounded far away.
“Did something happen to you and Deacy with that string?” His eyebrows jumped scandalously.
You were sure he was implying something akin to being tied up. Admittedly, you felt a little tongue-tied, though that had nothing to do with this string. Going over the events of the past half hour, you felt somewhat surprised at yourself and unsure if you could trust your memory. It felt like those moments in the cupboard with John Deacon had happened to someone else, someone more interesting, someone more beautiful. Maybe this string was all the proof you needed to remind yourself of what had transpired. You kissed and kissed and kissed a man over and over and over. It had happened. And it wasn’t just any man, but John Deacon, bassist of Queen. And here you were standing next to Freddie Mercury talking about a string Deacy had given you only moments before. The absurdity of this made you burst into hysterical trills of laughter. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the natural high from making out with someone you couldn’t take your eyes off of, someone you couldn’t stop thinking about, maybe it was the larger than life presence of Freddie Mercury. You weren’t sure.
Freddie laughed with you, “Are you trying to tell me he did tie you up?”
“No, not at all!”
“And you’re disappointed he didn't?” Freddie winked at you. “Really, men just need a little encouragement then they’re ready to play the game, darling.”
“I usually don’t do this.” You slumped against the wall. Deep in thought, you slid to the ground.
“What? Talk with queers in closets? Quick! Should we oust ourselves?”
You knew he was trying to make you laugh; he was performing for you. “I don’t typically carry on with men, or with rock-stars, and I definitely don’t just make out with them at the drop of a hat.”
“Really? I used to do it all the time!” Freddie joined you on the floor with a flourish.
“Which--men or rock-stars?” You asked cheekily.
“Both! I recommend it highly. All you beautiful people should be making out all the time, if you ask me.”
“You must mean everyone but me,” You adjusted your glasses, frowning slightly. Freddie studied you closely, looking confused. You shook your head, “I’m not. I mean, I know the ‘everyone is pretty in their own way kinda line.’ I’ve always been the smart one, or the ‘oh at least she has nice eyes’ one; the one with the good personality; I’m not the pretty one, trust me.”
Freddie rumbled, sighing deeply. He knew about insecurity. A stranger in a strange land, surrounded by adoring fans who expected him to act a certain way continually. It was tiring to always be someone else, to never have anyone to share your true self with. Ever since he could remember he had been teased about his overbite, his ethnicity, his flamboyance, his identity, his sexuality; what often gets overlooked is how adversity often makes the weak strong, and the enemy petty and to be pitied. Well, here he was, in white hot-pants, a full-length red cape, lined in regal white fur, and an honest to god crown; he wasn’t about to let anyone tell him who he had to be, or what he was, or that who he was wasn’t acceptable. Life means absolutely nothing until you can be who you are out loud. Hiding wasn’t ever anything he was interested in or good at.
“Yes, Freddie?” You were both sitting on the floor of the pantry, just two old friends sharing confidences.
“You know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
“What? Contemplating the course of my entire life?”
“You’re feeling sorry for yourself. And, dear, what really irritates me about it is you’re feeling sorry for yourself for having a good time. You’re beating yourself up because you don’t believe you deserve what happened in here, whatever that may have been.”
You wanted to fight him, you wanted to protest. But you couldn’t because you knew he was right. You weren’t a child; you were an adult, and old enough to know the difference between rationality and self-delusion. You weren’t being fair to yourself. Why were you deliberately trying to ruin what had happened between you and Deacy? What use was it to self-sabotage the moments you had shared? It was that beast in the back of your mind, the one that made you feel less than, the one that said you’re not good enough; it was awake in your mind, ready to pounce over every good thing that had happened tonight. Yet, here was this relative stranger, this rock-star front-man, this talented musician, sitting here telling you to knock it the fuck off. He didn’t need to do it; all Freddie saw was a person in need, and without even thinking of the consequences, here he was, beating away the darkness in your mind. He was too good to be true. And you couldn’t deny the accuracy of his words.
Since your teen years, however, you were suddenly in a world where everyone was compared to everyone else. Where standards were unreachable, unrealistic, and designed to separate people from each other instead of bringing them together. Instead of believing in yourself, in your own inherent worth, you belittle yourself, and destroyed your own happiness. What you and Deacy did happened to you and because you wanted it and he wanted you. You deserved it. Now if only you could really believe it.
Freddie took your hand in his, “Listen,” he said, “I don’t do that anymore. I used to, but not anymore. I don’t feel sorry for myself. And now that we’re friends, you don’t either. I don’t intend to let you. Deacy’s girlfriend won’t be down on herself unless she truly has reason for it.”
Looking into his brown eyes, you couldn’t help falling a little love with him. No one had ever put it that clearly to you before in such terms of finality. Feeling sorry for yourself for drama you create in your own head was pointless. Here we are again, our own worst enemies.
You didn’t know how to express your gratitude for his words, so instead, you said, “I’m not Deacy’s girlfriend.”
“Not yet.” His smile was conspiratorial. There was a glint in his eyes that made you feel like he always knew a secret, always had a hidden truth in his pocket. “Now, do I have to bitch at you more, or are we on the same page?”
“Same page, definitely. Though, if you wanted to bitch at me more, I’d let you.” You both laughed, and he patted your hand affectionately before letting go of it.
“Believe me, I’ve already done enough bitching tonight. I’m going to need to be contrite the rest of the evening, I wager.”
“Would that have to do with the chandelier?” You ventured a guess worth guessing.
“Jim is going to be disappointed. I do hate letting him down.” His frown was extravagant.
“Like you let the chandelier down?”
Freddie’s eyes flashed mischievously at you, “Well, I was caught up in the moment! and it really was the flashiest distraction I could think of…” This was pure drama; he tilted his head up, and swung an imaginary sword in the air like Errol Flynn.
“You dropped a chandelier from the ceiling to win at sardines?”
Freddie straightened out the creases in his cape, “Well, it does seem a bit foolish now, doesn’t it?”
“A bit?”
“Well only a bit, darling, considering there’s no way we can possibly win now.”
“I didn’t know you were all so competitive.”
“Oh, honey, we fight over EVERYTHING. Lyrics, politics, pizza toppings, tempo, fashion, where to eat for breakfast, legal words in scrabble, what order tracks should be on our albums, whether Godfather Part II is superior to the first one, and on and on. Really, it’s our favorite hobby, arguing with each other. You’d think the music, but no. You know, it’s purely by habit at this point we haven’t gone our separate ways.”
“That and you all clearly love each other, and love what you create together.”
Freddie’s eyes softened considerably, “Well, yes, that too. I’m surprised they put up with me. Honestly, I’m a basket-case, relentless; I never give in, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.”
“I admire that; I wish I had that.”
“Oh, you will someday.” He delicately waved a hand at you,  “Either someone will push you hard enough and you’ll erupt out of that shell you’ve crafted for yourself, or you’ll get tired of always putting yourself second.”
“Deacy’s very mysterious.”
“Mysterious?” He was shaking his head, “He’s easy. He’s a walking contradiction in monochromatic outfits.”
“You think that’s easy?” You asked half-impressed half-disbelieving.
“After the people I’ve dated, yes.” He could tell you weren’t convinced. “Look at it like this: you’re famous, and it is like walking on a tightrope 24/7 darling, and maybe you’re in one of those spangly bodysuits hoping some small umbrella will keep you from falling flat on your arse.” He laughed, but his eyes were serious and dark. “Then! Suddenly, you fall.” He clapped his hands together loudly, making you jump. “And you don't fall onto some sensuous mattress, your lover waiting for you; no, you tumble into a crowd of people. The people who are always wanting a piece of you, needing to know what you're wearing tonight, who you’re fucking, who you want to fuck, what you’re next project is, if you really were out with Elton last night? Is it true what such and such tabloid printed about you last week?” He was speaking faster and faster and you knew the truth of his words ran deep into his heart. “Was it true what your ex said about you on that program? Were you seen doing cocaine at whatever club? Are the rumors true about trouble in the band?  
“And it’s endless questions and lies, and it never stops. Not until they have every piece of you on display. Nothing is yours anymore; it’s theirs. How do you be yourself in that kind of ruthless swarm, darling? What would you do? What do you hide away? What do you keep for yourself? How do you keep yourself alive? What do you lie about to protect yourself, to protect those you love? How does it work? Being in the public eye and being private? You start to develop this second-skin literally, a persona that takes care of you. Though, this protection makes it harder to be yourself when the time calls for it. Maybe you aren’t even sure who you are anymore? Or even what that means.
“We all cope in whatever way we can; Deacy and I cope the same exact way. Yes, he’s not as outlandish as I am, but that is what is expected of me. He’s the bassist, they’re supposed to be elusive, quiet, enigmatic, sharp; and yes, he is those things in the public eye, but in private, well, you’ve seen him; he’s got his own brand of outlandish, outrageous swagger, charm, and daring. Still sharp as a tack and as deadly as an asp. Out there, he’s the musician they expect, the silent partner who writes the most heartfelt songs for me to sing, but he’s more than that. We all are. Well, maybe except Roger.”
You laughed together.
“It’s easy to pick on, Rog. He’s the strongest of us all though. Him and Brian. Strong as the sun, those dazzling men.”
“I had never thought about fame in those terms before, Freddie.” You were overwhelmed with what these men went through just to be successful artists. As someone following, hopefully, down the same path, you wondered if you were up to the challenge. “I’m sorry it is so consuming.”
Freddie grinned, “They haven’t discovered the person capable of consuming me yet, dear. We like it, Y/N. We must or we wouldn’t do it. We’d retire and do something else. Something,” he shuddered, “normal. It’s not the kind of men we are, to shy away from what we want.”
“Does that include women?”
“Deacy won’t let you go without a fight. Nothing will get in his way of possessing you, of belonging to you.”
“We’ve only just met; it’s ridiculous.”
“There it is again, that negative voice. Just enjoy the ride and take it at your own speed. Just because it appears he’s settled with you doesn’t mean he’ll pluck up the courage to tell you that for months. He’s romantic, yes, but not insane. He’d just die of embarrassment if he scared you away.”
“So would I, I mean, if I did something to scare him away.”
Freddie shrugged like a 1940’s starlet, “You won’t. You also aren’t stupid; he’d never be interested in you if you were; he’s a man of taste. Too bad he’s not queer.” He sighed regretfully.
“I’d fight you for him, Mr. Mercury!”
“And you’d probably win. I’m a bit too nelly to fight you on my own.” He mimed boxing you.
“How long before they send out a search party?”
“Could be days!” He gasped, “Why don’t we rejoin what’s left of the game?”
Freddie stood, then offered his hand to help you up. “Before we part ways, can I let you in on a little secret?”
You nodded.
“I know where Lydia is hiding already.” Freddie whispered.
Tag List: @phantom-fangirl-stuff @triggeredpossum @obsessedwithrogertaylor @groupiie-love @richiethotzierz @partydulce @sophierobisonartfoundationblr @psychostarkid
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strangestdrabbles · 6 years ago
Date Mate
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (gender neutral)
The soft crooning of Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney traveling through the Byers’ home as the party, Elle, Max, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Joyce, and Hopper filled the different areas with lively chatter and homely warmth.
The outside was picturesque as the snow blanketed the ground and settled softly in the trees, the lights Joyce hung up around the porch winking prettily and creating an ethereal haze. Steve sat on the couch in the living room and watched over the party, Max, and Elle while they talked excitedly; a soft smile settling on Steve’s lips as he watched Elle and Mike sit next to each other and Mike slowly and awkwardly wrapping an arm around the girl’s shoulders. It was then that Steve’s thoughts filled with Y/N and a warm honey like feeling seeped through his stomach deliciously; excited about being able to spend such an intimate holiday with the ones that he loves.
The music slowed before the beginning of Thank God it’s Christmas began and Freddie Mercury was heard, Steve tapping his foot slightly and the sound of Jonathan saying an excited yes was brief before Nancy giggled.
The older boy looked up and saw that Dustin was looking at him, indicating that he was the one that called.
Before Dustin could answer Max laughed and Will got up to move closer to Mike and Elle, Lucas and Max following after while leaving Dustin a little ways away from the group.
“When’s Y/N getting here?”
It was just before Steve was going to answer that there was a knock on the door, soft in nature but loud enough that it captured everyone in the house’s attention. Joyce was the one that made it to the door first, a soft smile overcoming her lips when she made eye contact with Y/N; an oversized Christmas sweater hanging off their frame.
“Y/N I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I’m so thankful that you invited me over Joyce.”
Joyce’s voice was full of happiness as she stood to the side to allow the teen into warmth before closing the door and wrapping her arms around Y/N’s middle while their arms rested comfortably around her shoulders. It didn’t take too long for the four young boys, Elle and Max to get up and run over to Y/N; surrounding them in a group hug and speaking over one another while asking questions from all angles.
Steve’s voice cut through the youngers voices and captured Y/N’s attention, which caused an adoring smile to settle on their lips; their heart skipping a beat fondly. The kids were quick to leave the pair alone and wander into the kitchen to join the others in conversation and casual set up, Steve and Y/N completely absorbed in their own world.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here. I had some errands that my mum needed me to do.”
“It’s okay baby love, I’m just glad you’re here.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Y/N’s waist and held them close, leaning in and softly kissing them; smiling when they kissed him back before nuzzling their face into his shoulder. A kiss was pressed to the crown of Y/N’s head and then their temple because Steve couldn’t contain the adoration he felt for the person in his arms.
“I love you.”
Y/N’s cheeks tinted pink while hearing the words that Steve loved to say at any given opportunity.
“I love you too.”
The couple were pulled out of their reverie by a ‘woah’ coming from Dustin’s mouth and the spine staggering chill of eyes on them.
“Baby love?”
Will’s voice was high and his cheeks were pink after the term of endearment left his mouth, hiding his face in Mike’s shoulder to try and calm down his heart.
“You two are dating?”
Mike’s question hung in the air while the group looked at the couple with fondness and slight confusion.
“Oh yeah we are, they’re my partner. Well my date mate if you will.”
Steve smiled after he told his friends, kissing the crown of Y/N’s head again because he couldn’t help himself. It was Y/N that made eye contact with Jonathan and Nancy, blushing when the other couple winked at them before Jonathan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close.
“Date mate?”
Dustin’s voice sounded confused but the smile on his face was absolutely radiant and caused Steve and Y/N’s hearts to squeeze.
“Yeah Steve thought he was clever when he started calling me that and it just stuck.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as they said it, covering their mouth as their body shook and leaned in close to Steve.
Joyce and Hopper walked out to join the rest of the group, the soft smell of tobacco filling the room as they began to get everyone’s attention.
“Come on everyone, time to eat.”
The rest of the group was quick to run to the dining table, taking their preferred seats and getting comfortable; Steve taking Y/N’s hand and intertwining his fingers with theirs before lifting it to his lips and kissing their knuckles.
“Merry Christmas my love.”
The soft lights haloed around Y/N’s head and Steve became breathless at the sight, his love looking ethereal and the way their cheeks were tinted the prettiest shade of rose made it impossible for him to not kiss their cheeks, forehead, nose and lips.
“Let’s e-eat.”
Y/N giggled at the way Steve’s lips tickled their skin, their heart filling with fondness before they walked over to the sitting group and taking their seats in the free chairs; easing into the comfortable lull of casual conversation.
The atmosphere as the group ate was one of warmth and complete homeliness, of full bellied laughter and contentment; sharing anecdotes before the question was raised by Dustin.
“So when did you two start dating?”
Y/N and Steve looked at each other while blushing and through eye contact deciding who would tell the story before ultimately Y/N inhaled to begin.
“It was about six months ago that we officially got together and I’ve never felt happier or more loved.”
Steve softly grabbed Y/N’s hand and kissed their knuckles, not being able to contain himself because there they were, his happiness and absolute wonder; his mind didn’t really understand how someone as amazing as them reciprocated his feelings.
“Do you love him?”
Y/N turned their head and made eye contact with Elle and Max, a smile so genuine and a little big for their face rested on their lips.
“I love him more than I can say.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years ago
Daughter of Freddie Mercury; Freddie Mercury x pre-teen/teen reader pt.1
*Author’s note*
Hello all! Okay now this fic had taken me literally FOREVER TO DO. This was a request that a Wattpad user had asked me to do for a friend of theirs and this fic specifically revolves around Freddie Mercury (can be read as either the real man himself or Rami Malek!Freddie). Now keep in mind this is ALL FICTION. So what I’ve written in regard to Freddie, please DON’T GIVE ME ANY HATE, THIS WAS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED FOR THE REQUEST. Anyways this is only just the first part and I will have the 2nd part up in just a bit. I hope you all enjoy this fic you lovely darlings :)
Warnings: family abandonment, fluff, angst, SOB P**l P**nt**, hints of family neglect (previous parents, but it will be heavily induced in the 2nd part), mentions of drugs (again in 2nd part). 
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*December 1978*
It all began with a conversation between Freddie and Mary. Freddie had just come back from yet another world tour and he was sitting with Mary in their living room on their couch. She was resting on his chest while he stroked her hair with one hand while the other hand was stroking his cat Romeo who was napping just on the other side of him.
"You know what would make this moment even more perfect my love?" Freddie suddenly spoke up.
"What is that?" Mary asked as she nuzzled herself closer to Freddie's chest.
"A child." Mary looked at Freddie in shock. Freddie looked at her and asked, "What?"
"Freddie.....it's just that....we've never really talked about having children yet. Plus you're always touring, how will we ever find time to even try for a baby."
"There is another option we can try for." He fully turned to face Mary and explained to her, "The last concert we did, the stadium was raising money for charity benefits for the foster children programs of Seattle. Apparently one of their foster care houses was falling to pieces, barely able to keep their kids safe and warm at night. I myself asked Terry to let me see the housing itself and oh Mary it was truly horrible. The windows were cracked, the bricks were almost crumbling. It looked more like a prison than a foster care housing. There wasn't even a playground for the children to play in. But thanks to our concert in Seattle, that foster housing will be able to get the full makeover it deserves. Mary, I think we can make a difference and give a misfitted child a second chance at love. Just like what the band stands for as a band."
"Freddie, you have to be sure. A child is a huge responsibility. They're not like an instrument that you can just put aside till you're ready to play with them again."
"I understand my love. And I won't. We won't. I believe we can do this. Let's make a child happy and show them that someone is ready to take them home to a beautiful mother that will give them all the love in the world, and a father who is ready to spoil them to oblivion."
Mary looked at Freddie with soft eyes and she told him as she cupped his face with her right hand.
"If you're sure, I'll....I'll look around and find the nearest foster care home and see if any children are available for adopting. Do you have a preference?"
"A girl, I've always imagined having a little girl that I could spoil and give her all the riches of the world. But also protect her from the nasty little boys that try to tempt her." Mary smiled and shook her head playfully at him. And it was then they officially agreed together.
They were going to foster and hopefully soon adopt a little girl.
Due to the rise of Queen, Freddie couldn't really be as a part of the adoption process of finding a little girl that he and Mary can love together. He would try his best but scheduling would come up and Mary would insist that Queen needed him and that she can handle it.
During one rehearsal Freddie had been off in his own world when Roger tried to get his attention.
"Freddie? Oi Freddie!" Roger then tossed on of his drumsticks at him which made Freddie exclaim out in pain.
"What was that for you arsehole?"
"How else was I supposed to get your attention?" snapped Roger.
"You've been more distracted than usual Fred, is there something going on that we don't know about?" asked Brian. At first Freddie wanted to keep the fact that he and Mary were in the process of fostering their future child a secret, but he felt like the band needed to know.
I mean after all, they would be his future daughter's uncles so he finally decided to tell them.
"Alright my darlings, there is something that Mary and I are planning."
"Oh Christ you didn't elope did you?" said John.
"Don't be ridiculous Deacy darling, if we did elope I'd never forgive myself for not informing you lot first of all to bear witness to it. But no it's.....something a bit more.....drastic."
"Knowing you, how much more drastic can it be?" joked Roger.
"We're in the process of fostering a child." At that proclamation, Roger, Brian and John all stared at Freddie in shock. Silence rang through the air and it was then Brian finally spoke up.
"You're joking right?"
"I most certainly am not Brian." Freddie stated.
"Look Freddie no offense but.....do you know the first thing about raising a child?" asked John.
"Not a damn clue, but that's the beauty of it. Mary and I will learn together as we go."
"Freddie.....a child isn't something that you can just pick up like clothing at the shop. They're a big responsibility. And with Queen rising as fast as we're going, when will you help Mary out to raise it?" Deacy said speaking from experience since he himself was a father of a son.
"If you lads think that I will just flat out abandon Mary and my future daughter you're sadly mistaken. I will give my future daughter the love she was probably denied for so long. I want to help her find a second chance and show her that she was never meant to be alone. That someone out there beyond the reaches of the foster home, that someone is waiting to love her."
The rest of the band were surprised to hear this sudden dedication that Freddie had, like he was sure that he was ready to become a father to a child that had no father, plus god knows what else the child might've gone through.
Suddenly the phone rang.
Freddie walked towards the phone and picked it up and said.
"Freddie Mercury speaking darling,"
'Freddie.' Mary's voice was soon heard on the other end.
"Hello my love."
'Freddie......we've been accepted.' Freddie's body tensed and he straightened himself up and he choked out.
"Y—you sure?"
'Yes, The Central London's Foster care for children just got back with me and they've told me we've been approved to come and meet our future daughter.'
Finally, after months and months of being on the waiting list, going to countless interviews and housing inspections to make sure they were choosing the right parents, Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury were approved to finally foster the child of their dreams.
"That's....what's wonderful! Oh my love it's finally going to happen. You're going to be a mum!"
'And you're gonna be a dad.' Mary sobbed happily.
"When...when can we meet our little angel?"
'They asked to meet them in the next hour and a half. I told them that I had to talk to you first to see if you could make it.'
"Of course my love! Call them right back and tell them that I'll be there in 20 minutes. I can't believe this is happening."
'Me neither, I'll see you there Freddie.'
"See you soon love of my life." With that Freddie hung up the phone and he couldn't help with wide smile that spread across his face and the tears that secretly spilled down his eyes. He wiped them away and composed himself before turning to his bandmates and said to them. "Well my darlings, Mary and I are going to pick up your future niece, and I will introduce you all tomorrow at my place, be there at 10am sharp." And with that Freddie left right in the middle of their rehearsal time and drove towards the foster home.
And like he said, within 20 minutes, he arrived after having or having not disobey traffic laws and he soon saw his lovely wife Mary standing outside the building with the Foster home's leading director Miss. Boynton.
Freddie parked his car and raced up towards Mary and picked her up in a strong hug and spun her around. Mary laughed as she held onto Freddie tightly and once he set her down they both turned to Mrs. Boynton and Freddie said.
"We can't thank you enough Mrs. Boynton, for making our dreams come true."
"It was no trouble. At first I was skeptical that the leading man of Queen was looking to foster one of our children, but you've proven me wrong. That even with your busy schedule, you're willing to drop everything to help support your future child." She stated.
"Of course, I would do anything for my girls." Freddie said as he pulled Mary close in a one armed hug and kissed her temple which made Mary softly giggle. "So when can we meet her?"
"If you will just follow me to my office we can discuss that matter right away." Mary and Freddie soon followed Mrs. Boynton inside and she guided them to her office.
Once they got there, Freddie and Mary sat at the two chairs in front of a large desk while Mrs. Boynton came around and sat in her leather chair.
"Now you've already expressed that you both are interested in a daughter, correct?"
"Yes, that is correct." Answered Mary.
"Now what I have to ask is what age range were you thinking? Are you both set on the younger children or the toddlers, or are you looking for someone older?"
"We honestly don't have a preference. We just want to give our future little girl all the love that she has been denied." Answered Freddie. Mrs. Boynton hummed and nodded at Freddie's statement.
"Well, there is one girl here that might fit that description. But I must warn you she's.....been through a lot." She then sat up and went to a filing cabinet and took out a file and handed it to Mary. She opened it up and both her and Freddie read it as Mrs. Boynton explained, "Her name is (y/n) (l/n). She's....been our longest foster child in all my years of working here. Came to us as a baby around 5-6months old when she was found outside our doorstep. I was actually the one to find her when I was still an assistant here before I was promoted to the head of the foster home. She's had multiple interviews and been in multiple homes but for some reason within a couple months, she's back at our step. Soon no one would look at her file the older she got. As you can see based on her birthday she's 11 now, and I'm afraid if she isn't adopted or at least in a stable foster home by 13, then I fear no one will want her. Most people never want a teenager, they always prefer the younger kids."
Hearing her story just shattered and broke Freddie's heart.
"Where is the little dear at right now?" he asked.
"Where she usually is, in her room listening to her Walkman. I can try to bring her here if you want."
"Please do, I wish to meet her."
"Okay, but don't get offended if she doesn't answer right away. She's extremely shy when it comes to these things." And with that, she left her office to go fetch (y/n). As they continued to read through her file, Mary shook her head and said.
"How can people just be so awful to a little girl?"
"People can be bastards I'm afraid my love, but that won't be us. We'll always be there to look after her." Freddie said as he took her free hand in his. They both looked at each other and Freddie then said, "Who knows, within three days we'll probably be begging for the legal adoption papers." Mary smiled and softly laughed and it was then they heard the door open and peeked in was Mrs. Boynton.
"Ms. Austin, Mr. Mercury, I'd like you both to meet (y/n) (l/n)." She then fully opened the door and standing shyly behind her was a young girl of 11 years old with (h/l) (h/c), (s/c) skin, and the brightest (e/c) you had ever seen. "Go on, it's alright." The young girl slowly stepped out from behind Mrs. Boynton and shyly looked up at both Freddie and Mary.
Both Freddie and Mary looked at each other before turning to look at (y/n) with soft eyes. They both fully stood up and they knelt down in front of her and Mary did the introductions.
"Hello (y/n), we're so glad to finally meet you in person. I'm Mary and this is my love Freddie." When (y/n) turned to Freddie, there was a sudden realization of who exactly was standing in front of her. And it made her three times embarrassed because of the shirt she was wearing.
"Hello (y/n), we're so honored to meet you. I was almost expecting to see a normal little girl but you my darling are an angel sent straight out of heaven. Who also has good taste in music," he had to tease her as he pointed out the black Queen shirt of the boys in the Bohemian Rhapsody silhouette.
"So you're a fan of Queen?" asked Mary. (Y/n) played with her fingers and looked down shyly before surprisingly nodding to answer Mary's question.
"How would you like to see where all the magic that Queen makes happen?" asked Freddie. That got (y/n) to look up at him in surprise. "But you have to agree to at least come home with Mary and I and stay with us for a while, do we have a deal?" He held out his hand and stuck his pinkie up. (Y/n) looked between him and his hand before finally reaching up and wrapping her pinkie with his as a pinkie promise sealing the deal.
After getting the forms filled out that she would be legally fostered under Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury's care, (y/n) once again left the foster home and rode with Mary back to their house with Freddie following right behind them. Along the way, Mary thought it would be best to have some girl-to-girl time on the car ride home.
So she asked (y/n) some small questions like what her favorite foods were, what she liked to drink, what type of clothing she preferred, just small little questions to make her feel comfortable. Slowly (y/n) started opening up and she even began to ask Mary some questions like how she met Freddie and Mary went on to tell her, her story of how she met the man of her life.
Once they reached their flat, Freddie and Mary helped (y/n) get settled into her room and Freddie promised her that over the weekend the two of them would go out shopping to help make the room more hers than just a guest room. Freddie introduced her to all his cats who all wanted attention from the new girl that had entered the house.
The three of them got together for dinner and they all continued to just talk with each other and get to know one another better. Little by little, (y/n) found herself speaking out more than she ever did at her previous foster homes. Maybe it was Freddie's energy or Mary's warmness, she didn't know but she felt like she could really trust these two and hopefully one day call them mum and dad.
By nightfall, both Mary and Freddie were helping (y/n) get comfortable for the night. As Mary tucked her in she asked,
"How's that? You comfortable enough?"
"Yeah, thanks Mary."
"Now if you need anything, don't hesitate to wake either of us okay dear?" Freddie said.
"Okay Freddie." Soon already feeling the motherly instinct taking over and hoping she wasn't crossing any boundaries already, Mary leaned down and kissed the top of (y/n)'s head. (Y/n) soon felt a sudden warmth come over her as for the first time she had been given a motherly kiss. The two of them walked towards the room and (y/n) spoke up. "Goodnight Freddie, night Mary."
"Good night darling." Freddie said lovingly as both he and Mary stood by the door and looked at their newest addition to the Mercury-Austin household.
"Goodnight love," Mary said with a soft smile. She then reached over and turned off the lights and soon everyone had turned in for the night.
The next morning, (y/n) woke up to find an orange tabby cat sleeping on her stomach purring like a motorboat. Along with that she heard voices just outside, and it sounded more than just Freddie and Mary's voices. Soon lightly knocking at her door, Mary peeked in and she said.
"Oh good you're awake. How did you sleep (y/n)?"
"Good." She answered. It was then she asked shyly, "Is....is someone else here?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, I tried to get Freddie to call them off telling them it was too soon but, he insisted on introducing you to the rest of the band today. Now there's no pressure in forcing you to do this, I'll just tell Freddie and the boys that you're still trying to adjust and that a visit isn't the best time, but if you do then I'll help introduce you to the boys."
"I—I wouldn't mind meeting the guys. I mean, they've came all this way just to see me. But....."
"What is it (y/n)?"
"But.....what if they don't like me? It's happened before and then I'm sent back there again." She spoke not another word and Mary didn't force her to explain, already coming up in her head with what she meant by that. So for some of the foster families she's been in, just because either guests or extended family didn't like her, they just brought her back to the foster home.
"That will never happen here. I promise, you will never get sent back to the foster home again. Do you understand love?" She looked at Mary and saw nothing but strong eyes staring back at her assuring her that that would never happen to her again, and for the first time she believed it.  "Now, do you wish to meet the rest of the lads? Or should I tell them now's not a good time?"
"I—I want to meet them." Mary softly smiled and held out her hand and she guided her out of the room and into the living room.
As they turned the corner, (y/n) was star-struck to see the rest of Queen now sitting in her new foster home. Never would she ever imagine that she would ever see Queen in a concert, let alone actually get to see them in person, hell having Freddie Mercury come into her life and choose to foster her. She kept close to Mary's side clinging onto her shirt as Mary got closer to the boys.
"Ahh there she is. My darlings, Mary and I would like to introduce the newest member of our family, this is (y/n). Our little princess. (Y/n) this is Brian, Roger and Deacy." Freddie introduced the guys to (y/n).
There was silence throughout the room until finally John took the first dive and came up to (y/n) and extended out his hand.
"It's great to finally meet you (y/n)." A soft smile soon appeared on her lips as she took John's hand and they both softly shook hands and she said shyly.
"It's an honor to meet you guys."
"Come my darling sit with me." Freddie said as he guided his new foster daughter to the couch and they both sat close to each other while Mary took the opposite side of (y/n).
"So (y/n), Fred here tells us that you're a fan of ours." Brian said. Embarrassed by that fact, (y/n) shyly hide herself in Mary's shoulder while Freddie only cooed and brought her out and held her close to him and said as he stroked down her arm soothingly.
"There's no need to be ashamed love. Like I said, it just means you have good taste in music, and that you recognize talent when you see it, for one your age."
"So (y/n), do you have a favorite song of ours?" asked Roger. That was a hard one. To (y/n), all the Queen songs were her favorite. There just wasn't one that could be on top of the other. But she knew she had to answer otherwise she feared they'd get mad at her for taking too long to answer. She only just hoped she would say the right one without offending anyone.
"I'm in love with my car." At that the boys groaned all except for Roger who was stunned.
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"Guess I was mistaken." Teased Freddie. (Y/n) turned towards Mary and she asked her quietly.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No, they're only joking love, they just don't like being reminded of the drama Roger gave them to get the song recorded in the first place." She whispered down to her.
"Tell me (y/n), what do you like about the song?" asked Roger dying to know why his future niece loved that song in particular.
"It.....it's the song where the drums truly shine for a song. I've always found the drums to be my favorite instrument."
"You know if you ever come by the studio, I'll be willing to give you a drum lesson. Free of charge for my favorite niece." Roger winked at her as he playfully ruffled the top of her head which made her softly laugh.
As the day went on, Brian, Roger and John soon came to see (y/n) as their niece and seeing Freddie already step into the role of fatherhood, made them realize that maybe he could be a good father to (y/n). And together with Mary by their side, it was like they were looking at the picture perfect family.
*August 1979. My POV*
For the rest of the year, living with Freddie Mercury and Mary Austin was like a dream come true. The two of them have given me all the love in the world that I was denied by my own parents. I was so afraid that I was never going to get adopted, because I only had two more years before I became a teenager, and no one wants to adopt a teenager.
But when they found me and chose to foster me, I thought that my life was going to change forever. And not only did I gain a mother and father figures, I also got three uncles who also treated me like a member of their family.
Uncle Brian, Uncle Roger and Uncle Deacy each warmed up to me and like when my dad taught me how to play the piano, they each taught me how to play the instruments that they specialized in. They taught me the best tricks of the trade when it came to playing either the guitar, the bass and even the drums.
Some days when dad would allow me, once school was over mum would drop me off at the studio and I got to actually sit in the recording studio to see just how the magic of making an album. Sometimes I was even allowed play the tambourine if the song required it so if you hear a song that has a tambourine in it that was recorded in 1979, there's a good chance that that's me playing it.
Currently it was around 9pm, dad had been back from his world tour and we were about to watch the concert that they did in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. I had gotten my homework done just in time but before the concert could begin, my mom just had to say.
"It's time for you to go to bed (y/n) darling."
"Aww Mary, can't I stay up and watch the concert with you guys?"
"Sorry love but you've got that math exam tomorrow. And you need plenty of rest for it." She stated. I quickly turned to dad hoping he'd let me stay up since it was his concert.
"Freddie can't I?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He smiled and cupped my face in his hands and said.
"Better do as your mother says my darling." I pouted at him and he kissed my forehead and said, "Don't worry, there's always next time. You're on winter holiday after your exams, the next concert that comes on I promise you can stay up."
"Okay." I whined out.
"That's my girl." He kissed my forehead. I stood up from the floor and bid them both a goodnight and they did the same thing.
I got changed into my pajamas and Jerry was curled up at the foot of my bed. Ever since my first night when I came to live with Freddie and Mary, one of the cats the orange tabby had actually came into my room and curled up right on my stomach and purred happily. I had been told the name the next morning from Freddie and for the past six months, Jerry was always ready to come with me to bed whenever it was my bedtime.
It was then my brain hatched an idea. Who says I couldn't watch the concert, if they can't see me? I stroked Jerry and heard him purr and then I quietly tiptoed around the corner of the hallways that would soon lead into the living room of the flat. I angled myself far enough to where I could see the TV but not so far that mum and dad had to see me.
But as I rounded the corner I heard my mum say.
"I've known there's something up Freddie. Just tell me what is it?" her voice sounded fearful almost as if she was scared to know the truth. There was silence in the room until dad finally spoke.
"I think I'm bisexual." My eyes widened. Now I'm not daft nor stupid to know the different kinds of sexuality. Back at the foster home, there were a couple of boys who got picked on because they had posters hanging in their room of actors instead of actresses, and due to that the other foster kids bullied them.
Calling them fags or freaks and of course none of the assistant caretakers really did much about it. In fact some of them didn't even talk to those kids anymore and would point out to some of the potential parents that those boys weren't 'right in the head' because of their sexual preference.
"Freddie, you gay." my mother asked. He remained silent.
I saw my mum walk towards the window seeming to be upset while my dad stayed on the couch.
"I've known for a while now I just never wanted to admit it. It's funny really this is what I always settled for. I love you but. I love you Mary but I need space. I love you Mary but I've met someone else.....And now I love you but I'm.....and this is the hardest because it's not even your fault." She turned towards my dad before turning away from him. It was then I saw her reach out and touch her wedding finger to take off the ring.
"No. No you promised me you wouldn't take it off!" I heard my dad's voice quiver with pure sorrow as he stood before mum.
"What do you want from me Freddie?" she asked. My dad just kept his eyes on my mum before he finally choked out.
"Almost everything." My mum cupped his cheek and I heard her whisper.
"Your life is going to be very difficult." And with that she walked out of the flat without another word. He stood there in utter despair and he looked so broken. I slowly stood up and as I rounded the corner, the floor squeaked under my foot. Freddie turned to see me standing there with the same sad eyes as he had.
As he now stared at me, I knew we didn't have to speak to each other to ask how much I had heard, because I heard enough. He slowly walked towards me with tears ready to spill out of his eyes and I walked up to him before he sunk to his knees and I wrapped my arms around him while he did the same.
And for the first time ever, I had seen the great Freddie Mercury be brought to the ultimate low point.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry my darling....I'm sorry you heard that....please forgive me." He sobbed out praying that I would forgive him. I just held onto him tighter burying my fingers in his hair as for the first time I had called him.
"Daddy, are you okay?" He sniffled and sobbed out.
"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm okay darling we're gonna be okay. We're okay." I kissed his head and held onto him for the remainder of the night.
It was now the summer of 1981 and things were certainly changing. Ever since they split up, dad had taken full custody over me but he still wanted Mary to be a part of my life and allow visitation rights, so that way I would still have a mother figure in my life.
With the help of Uncle Roger, dad has us move out of the flat and into a bigger house that felt more like a mansion than anything else. My new room was like fitting three master bedrooms in one. Even the cats had their own rooms in the new house. With the changes of the new house there was also changes in lifestyle too.
My dad's physical appearance changed as he now sported a tache and his hair was more sleeked back and shorter than usual. There was also some signs of him and Paul getting closer together. Hell they were practically starting to look like each other, wherever my dad was, you can bet all the money in the world that Paul was right there hanging over my dad like a shadow. And I feared for the worse, because anytime I would try to even talk to my dad, Paul would always take him away from me.
Like one time when I needed help with an astronomy project for science class, I needed dad to help me with the hot glue gun but the second I approached him, Paul came right up and had said and I quote.
"Freddie, the caterers need to go over again on what to serve for the party next week. There's also the matters of the performers coming and we need to check the guest list again." With that dad had said that he would get back with me shortly and help me out.
But shortly went on for almost half the day. In the end I called up the one person who I knew would be interested and be willing to help out with a project like this. And within ten minutes, Uncle Brian arrived at the house and he helped me build my astronomy project of Sally's comet. All the while telling me all that he knew of the cosmos since he was studying astrophysics.
Once the project was done and dad still didn't come back home with Paul, uncle Brian worried for my safety being left home alone so he told me to get my overnight bag and that I would be staying the night over with him. He phoned Mary to tell her where I would be in case dad ever did decide to come back, lord knows when though, and tell him that I was being kept safe.
The sad thing is, I always had my overnight bag packed and stored away ready to go. Because ever since Paul came into the picture and taking my dad god knows where, and with all the parties they would host, I'd always stay over at either Uncle Brian's, Uncle Roger's or Uncle Deacy's place, depending on who was available.
I'd always feel guilty going over because I feel like I was a burden to not only them, but their family as well. Of course each of my uncles would tell me that it was no trouble and that their house was my house, that I was welcome anytime day or night.
Now back to the present; the current big costume party was tomorrow and I was currently getting the mail. Of course most of it contained confirmation of the invitations sent out, some bills, letters from Miami but then a manila envelope caught my attention. I turned it over and it read out.
For weeks now whenever Paul wasn't in the picture, I had asked dad when the official agreement to adopt me would happen. Because legally I'm still a foster child being fostered by Freddie Mercury. He had told and reassured me that it would happen soon, it's just with work and all he's been busy.
But I guess finally he managed to squeeze some time and ask for the official documents for him to sign.
"(Y/n) darling come up here won't you?" I could hear his voice echo from upstairs.
"Coming dad!" I said as I quickly set the mail aside and raced up the slight-spiral stairway and met my dad in his personal dressing room where he kept all his concert and party clothes. All the extravagant and over-the-top stuff like his kingly robe and crown, his military uniform, things like that.
"Ahh there's my girl. Come in, come in it just finally arrived today and I want to see you in it." He said as he handed me a neatly tied box. I took it from him and untied the pink lace knot and opened it up and pushed away the packing paper inside to reveal the top bust portion of a dress.
"Dad I—I don't know about this. You know how I feel about parties." I tried to tell him but he told me.
"Oh come off it darling, you will have fun tomorrow night I just know it. Now please I had this dress specifically made for you, please at least just try it on for me." He gave me his best puppy dog face and I agreed to at least try it on. "That's my best girl." He said as he pecked my cheek and gestured for me to go behind the Japanese screen doors.
Once I was behind the changing screen, I fully took the dress out of the box. It was a beautiful light blue ballgown with a sweetheart outline and exposed from the back, a darker shade of light blue sash was tied around the hips of the dress. Inside the box there was also very long light blue gloves that looked like they would go up to my mid-bicep.
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I placed the gloves aside and started to get out of my daily clothes and put on the dress. Once I had it on, I took the gloves and put them on trying my best to have it rolled up past my elbows till they went to the halfway point of my bicep just like I thought they would.
When I was finally dressed and had adjusted the dress, I slowly came out from behind the screen doors and the second my dad saw me in the dress, I could see tears in his eyes.
"Oh.....my darling. Look at you, you're as pretty as a magnolia in May. But something's still missing...wait I know." He soon took something out from his back pocket, a small jewelry box and opened it up to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with a diamond shaped, blue gem at the center. He came up to me and placed it around my neck and said as we now stood before his full length mirror. "There, now you look complete. For behind every good king, is an even greater Princess at his side, and my little darling is going to be the fairest of them all." He said as he now placed on top of my head a silver princess tiara.
"Freddie! Freddie mail's come in and....." Paul soon stood before us and the minute he saw me, his body tensed up and he said. "(Y/n)."
"Paul dear doesn't my little darling look absolutely beautiful?" Freddie proclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me, for that move I smirked at Paul telepathically telling him that my dad was praising me for once and not him.
"Indeed she does." I could tell he was pissed as he strained out to even agree with my dad. He then straightened himself out and handed my dad the mail but I noticed that the folder that held the adoption papers wasn't among the pile.
"Excuse me Paul, where is the manila envelope?" I asked.
"Whatever do you mean?" he asked as he glared down at me but making sure not to let my dad see the annoyance clearly written on his face.
"There was a manila folder in the mail today. I would know because I got the mail just a moment ago before dad called me up here. So where is it you prick!?!"
"(Y/n)! There's no need to be crude to Paul. It probably slipped out of his hand or is still lying on the counter where you left them. Now I want you to apologize to Paul right now."
"Now!" my dad ordered me. I turned to Paul who wore a smug grin on his face. I turned to dad and he only just looked at me, ordering for me to apologize.
"I'm sorry Paul, you're not a prick". Says sarcastically.
"There, now that that's done. Paul and I need to go over some last minute plans for the party. And I expect to see you in that dress tomorrow my darling." And with that dad guided Paul down the hallways leaving me in my dad's dressing room alone.
From that afternoon into the next day I looked high and low for those papers but it was like they had disappeared out of thin air. Finally it was an hour till party time. I was now all dressed up and my dad was doing my hair and makeup. As we sat down before my white vanity makeup set, I had barely recognized myself all dolled up like this. Dad continued to give my hair some waves with the curling iron, and then once he was satisfied he said.
"Oh my beautiful darling, while I've always said no one could be more beautiful than I, you truly outshine me right now. Everyone is going to love you." I didn't respond verbally back but only gave him a soft smile and a slight nod. "Well we best get going darling, the guests are waiting for us." My dad soon left my room leaving me alone once again.
"I look like a frilled up American Barbie doll, why did I agree to this?" I took a deep breath in before exhaling out. There was no turning back now, and I'd hate to be pestered by my dad about ditching the party tomorrow morning, or have Paul come in and putting words into my dad's head like he's always done and make me look like the bad guy.
I left my room and slowly walked towards the staircase. Already the party had been in full swing for about an hour and a half. Lord knows how many people were here already, not to mention my anxiety was through the roof. I took a few more deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.
Slowly step by step as I gripped onto the railing with my gloved hand, I walked down the steps to hear 'Crazy little thing called love' was now blasting through the speakers. Already hundreds of people were lining up along the halls in either party suits or costumes of various things or types of people.
I tried to weave my way through the crowd but I kept getting shoved or pushed around. I would hop up and down hoping to spot my dad or at least someone that I knew so that way I wouldn't feel alone in my own house. Suddenly fire shot out in front of me and I jumped back fearfully as people applauded for the fire eaters that just performed.
"Dad? Excuse...excuse me dad? Dad where are you?" I called out but due to my anxiety, it only came out as faint which was easily drowned out by the music. Soon the music suddenly changed and the people around me cheered loudly as they began to frantically dance and jump around.
Due to the dancing now, it made going through the house even more difficult. Suddenly I felt someone slam into me and I was knocked into the snack table which sent some of the food and drinks spilling out everywhere. Champagne now stained my dress and around my face and hair was hummus and god knows what other dips there were.
"Ahh my new spring dress! Why don't you watch where you're going you little brat!" a strange woman yelled at me as I saw that some of the marinara sauce for the shrimp on her dress. She glared down at me with hateful eyes before walking away hearing her calling me names, just like the names some of my other foster parents in the past used to call me.
Tears filled my eyes and I could barely pull myself up from the ground as I felt like huddling up and cry my eyes out. Where was dad at? Why didn't he wait for me at the foot of the steps? Why.....
"(Y/n)?" my head shot up and I must have a Guardian angel watching over me or something for coming up to me were my uncles.
"What happened? Are you okay?" asked Uncle Roger. Since Uncle Deacy was the closest to me, I spoke not a word but just embraced him as tight as I could as I wept hysterically. I cried and cried and cried until I felt like my heart was going to sink and my voice would crack. I felt him wrap his arms around me and he tried to comfort me as best he could by rubbing my back, stroking my wet hair, and whispering in my ear.
"Shhh, shh. It's alright love, it's alright. I'm here. I'm right here." I felt him place a kiss at the top of my head as well as my temple but soon everything just tuned out, all I wanted was to just disappear inside my Uncle's embrace.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Time travel rescue final part; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is it. The FINAL chap. of my Doctor Who/Queen crossover. Thank you all so much to those of you who liked or loved the series. I had a BLAST writing this request that came from my Wattpad account, never did I think I could enjoy writing a crossover fic like this so much, esp. with one of my other fav. franchises Doctor Who (and also making this my first ever series of said fandom). So I hope you all enjoy the last chapter my lovely darlings, have a Happy New Year and until the next update :)
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Shit! Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck fucking hell! I tried to break free as he swam deeper down the sea but he kept an iron grip. It was then I felt two more arms wrap around me and that’s when I turned to see Deacy imprisoning me in his grip, exposing his sharp fangs as well.
Brian and Freddie soon joined in until I was trapped in a four way iron grip Queen cage.
My lungs were on fire, my ears almost felt like they were about to pop and all I could see were the razor sharp teeth and black eyes.  I then was turned towards Deacy and surprisingly he pressed his lips against mine. But it wasn’t for a kiss, because I felt air being blown into my body and my lungs that once felt like they were about to explode, suddenly felt like they were expanding with air once again.
Freddie was next as he cupped both sides of my face and filled my lungs with air just as Deacy did.  As Brian followed Freddie and Deacy’s method and gave me more air, the following thoughts were going through my head; Why were they doing this? Were they not full sirens yet? Or was this just a trick to getting me to stay alive so that I could feel every ounce of pain that would come?
It was then Roger turned my head towards him, his forehead came against mine and he pressed his lips to mine as I heard one final sound of air hissing through the water and I felt like I could fully breathe underwater.  When he separated from me, he just looked at me with that cunning look before turning to the others.
They nodded and that’s when Freddie took both my wrists and extended my arms out as far as they could go.  I tried to pull them in but he had a firm grip and held on strong.  I felt Deacy hold my feet together and even removing my shoes while Brian and Roger stayed at either side of me.
I then felt Deacy’s claw stroke down my sole making me flinch.  Oh god no don’t tell me they’re gonna—but it was too late as I felt Brian tickle around my neck, Deacy slowly adding another finger down my sole and Roger tickle my stomach.
I squirmed around trying to break free from Freddie and Deacy’s grasp but they held strong.  Soon I couldn’t help it; once all five of Deacy’s claw like nails were playing my soles like they were his bass, Roger began tickling the center of my stomach and Brian spidering up and down from my armpits to my ribs I began laughing hysterically.
Thanks to whatever they did to me, I was able to laugh without having water enter my lungs.  I squirmed and thrashed around but they wouldn’t let up their relentless tickle attack.
“NOHAHAHAOOO!!! GUYS Nohohohoho! GUYS PLEASE STO—STOP! STOP! STOP! I can’t—I CAN’T TAKE IT Please stop! UNCLE UHUHUHUHNCLLEE! Uncle!” I heard Freddie chuckle wickedly and he said.
“Alright my darlings, let’s give her a break.” Soon the tickle torture ceased and I swam away from them and was shocked to see their eyes phased to their normal colored eyes and teeth change from razor sharp to their normal style.
“Wait so…..you guys—didn’t, I mean….”
“No love. We weren’t part of the frenzy against Prenter.” Brian said.
“Even if we were, I doubt he would’ve tasted any good.” Roger teased.
“Bastard was filled with poison anyway.” Said Deacy.
“Then…..why the hell did you make me go through the horror thinking you guys would eat me?!” I snapped.
“We’re sorry darling, but it was Roger’s idea to do it. A nice little prank is all.”
“You bastards!” I proclaimed as I proceeded to slap each of them in the back of the head or punch them as hard as I could. Of course they just laughed at me and it was then Roger captured me in his arms once more as he said.
“Oh come off it love, you know it was just a bit of fun.”
“Well not for me.” I said in a low tone that just made me think of all the other companions that have joined the Doctor and I before their lives were lost.  Taking notice of my solemn tone, Roger hugged me and said.
“I’m sorry love. I—I didn’t mean any harm of it. I just—”
“It’s fine Rog, I’m not mad. You couldn’t have known.” He nuzzled his face against mine letting out a soft and loving purr.
The boys then swam me back to the surface and I crawled back onto the sand and they followed suit.
“So they….I mean they just turned you guys?” I asked.
“Yeah. When Paul and the scout that tricked me into thinking it was Veronica brought us here. They told us that we were meant to be pawns to them.” Deacy first started off, followed by Freddie.
“Once they turned us into one of them, they would send us back to Earth as part of their ‘Conquest of Earth’. By using us as their Kingly puppets.”
“When we would go live Christmas eve night, using our siren powers we would be able to seduce the world through our music and have the entire human race under the control of the Rusalkas.” added Brian.
“But they sure as hell didn’t count on the bravest woman coming to the rescue to foil their evil plans.” Said Roger with a playful ruffle of my hair.  I smiled and, this time, allowed him to mess up my hair.
“Well I’m glad I did. But I just hope those things don’t come back.” I said.  
“No worries darling, we had a little spell placed. Now all they’ll hear is your sweet laughter for days to come, thinking that we’re still torturing you.” Freddie said with a bop to my nose.
“Gee thanks. Now all we gotta do is find a way to climb our way out of here.” It was then we all heard the sounds of a very familiar box.  It was then floating just ahead of us was the TARDIS.  The doors opened revealing—River Song.
“River!” I exclaimed.
“Hello sweetie, need a lift?” she grinned as she tossed down a rope ladder.  I took hold of the ladder but due to my adrenaline finally leaving my system, I just felt this intense numbness in my legs that made me almost unable to walk.
“(Y/n), are you alright?” Roger asked worriedly.
“My legs I—I don’t think I can move them.”
“What’s going on down there?” asked the Doctor who now stood beside River.
“Here, wrap your arms around my neck.” I did as Roger suggested and he pulled me up against his back and proceeded to climb up the ladder followed by Brian, Deacy and then Freddie.
The two time lords helped all of us into the TARDIS and once I was sprawled out on my back I groaned and that’s when Roger immediately came up to me and he slowly pulled the legs of my jeans up revealing the most gruesome sight.
Both my legs were slashed up pretty bad, about an inch or two deep.  It looked like a lion or a leopard had gotten a hold of my legs and just used them both as a scratching post.
“Oh my god—(y/n) darling who did this?” Freddie asked in horror.
“Paul, during our fight.”
“The bastard, perhaps we should’ve taken a bite out of him.” Deacy sneered.  River and the Doctor came down beside me and River said.
“I’ll grab the first aid kit.”
“Let me try something.” Roger said. Everyone looked at him and I asked exhaustedly feeling just how weak I was starting to feel from the blood loss.
“Wha—what are you…..”
“Shhh, just relax lovie. I—honestly don’t know if it’ll work but I hope it does. Just relax and focus on my voice.” My head was resting against his shoulder as I was positioned into sitting on his lap.  He placed his hand over my right calf where the most deepest scar was.  I hissed in pain but he calmly shushed me before he began to sing.
His hand softly illuminated a beautiful blue and I could see my leg starting to glow the same way.  His song made my brain go a little fuzzy as I leaned further against his shoulder and my leg felt tingly, you know the same tingling sensation when your foot or leg falls asleep but not as intense.
Soon enough my leg was healed.  He proceeded to do the same with my other leg as well as my shoulder that Paul had bit into.  Once I was healed, I felt him kiss my temple and hug me protectively.  I looked up to River and said.
“How did you find us?”
“I figured you and the Doctor would need my help, remember I’m his future and he’s my past.” She explained.
“So does that make you a Timelord or I should say time lady?” asked Deacy.
“Spoilers Deacy darling.” She winked at him. “Now since we are fortunate that England’s greatest band had not turned full siren yet, I managed to make this.” She pulled out a vial that held some sort of red liquid.
“What is that?” asked Brian.
“It’s a reversal serum to the siren transformation. But it only works if you haven’t had a taste of human flesh. So this will turn you guys back to normal in a few days.”
“Will they be better before the concert Christmas Eve?” I asked finally getting my senses back in order.  I knew the Hammersmith Odeon Christmas Eve concert was the biggest concert Queen had done after the release of a Night at the Opera, if they couldn’t do it then everything falls out of place.
“It’ll be up to them, but if they take it now then hopefully they will. But be warned you four; this will have to flush out everything so expect to get really sick for the next few days.”
“If it’ll help us turn back to normal, I’m willing to take it.” Freddie said.
“I just better not hear you whine again Fred, last time you caught the flu you couldn’t stop complaining for a full week.” Brian stated.
“The one downside to this is that I won’t be able to sing anymore, but I can’t let Veronica or my own son see me like this. I’m game.”
“We’re all in River.” She nodded and gave the bottle to Brian first since he was the closest to her.  He took a shot of it before handing it over to Deacy, then Freddie and finally Roger took the last swing of it.
Then almost immediately, the boys all held their stomachs in agony.  River and the Doctor quickly managed to find four bins for the boys to use and soon there was nothing but a symphony of puking and dry heaving.
“We gotta get these guys home.” I said.
“We will (y/n), don’t worry.” The Doctor said as he went over to the controls and sent us back to West London 1975, just three days before Christmas eve.
When we finally got there, with the help of some cloaks in the wardrobe, we managed to cover the boys up so that no one could see their siren appearances.  The Doctor helped Brian out, River took care of Freddie and I helped Deacy and Roger.
As we entered the back door of the arena, we planned on getting the guys into their dressing room to rest and I could keep an eye on them and make sure no one came in to see them.  At least until their physical appearances were back to normal.
“There you four are, we’ve been looking everywhere for you lot. Thankfully we managed to find a temporary stage to rehearse. I want all of you there now” John Reid came in front of us.
“Mr. Reid please, the boys suddenly have come down with a serious stomach bug, they’re in no condition to rehearse.” River spoke up.
“I don’t know who you are woman but these men are tied to a contract. And these past few days have been strange enough, especially since you came here lassie,” he said pointing at me. “We’ve wasted enough time and the broadcast is in three days. Now I want you four down the block in 10 minutes or you’re finished.”
“You know John Reid; next to Prenter you are the most selfish, greedy, hormonal bastard I had ever met. If this is how you treat your singers, then you should really take up the profession as correctional officer. So I suggest you get the hell out of our way and let these boys rest less you want to see the end of a silver knife.” I threatened.  I even gave him a defensive wolf-like growl showing him that I wasn’t afraid to go animalistic on his arse.  And once again just like earlier, he folded and didn’t say another word.
Thank god Miami took over managing Queen, I’ve always liked him better than Reid.  He cared about the boys, Reid only cared about the money and the blowjobs that he got.
“Alright, in here boys.” River said as she opened their dressing room and we got them all comfortable.  “Doctor lock the door.” He shut their dressing room door and locked it so that no one could enter inside.
“Here we go Rog, just lie here.” I said as I helped Roger lay down first since he looked like he was about to collapse dead. He curled up into a ball moaning in agony.  I then placed Deacy on another couch and he did the same thing Rog had done.
I found them some bins and cleared out the trash that was already in there so that they could start off fresh.  Soon enough Deacy heaved into the bin but what had me worried was that I saw blood coming out as well.
“River, is coughing out blood normal for the transformation reversal?”
“Yes, the blood isn’t human, it’s actually siren blood their gonna cough out. As I said the serums going to flush out anything siren related. Blood, diet, everything.”
“Is there anything we can do to help make this bearable for them?”
“The best we can do is just keep them hydrated and see that they get plenty of rest.” I nodded and looked at each of the guys solemnly, never thinking that I would see these four guys so sick in person.
So we made an agreement, the Doctor and River would ensure that no one was the see the guys and I was playing nurse since the guys trusted me the most.  I handed Brian a water bottle and he swore.
“Damn, and I thought getting hepatitis was agonizing.”
“Well unlike that, you didn’t run the risk of losing an arm.”
“I suppose I do.”
“Augh (y/n) darling I’m burning up again!” whined Freddie.  Brian turned to me and mouthed.
‘I’m sorry.’ I waved it off and dipped the rag that was hanging in the bowl into the water once more and wrung it out before heading over to Freddie and dabbed his clammy forehead.
“How does this feel Fred?”
“Mmm darling you are an angel sent from heaven.”
“Just trying to do my best Fred. Deacy, Rog you guys still okay?” the two of them gave me a thumbs up before just dropping their arms like they were lead.  After taking care of Fred I walked over to Deacy and adjusted his blanket once more to keep him from getting cold and he groaned out a thank you.
I then turned towards Rog and stroked the blonde hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear.
“I’m sorry.” I muttered.
“About what?” Roger’s voice croaked out.  I was startled by his sudden response as he now turned to me looking at me with those entrancing blue eyes.
“I—I…..I feel like this is my fault. You guys wouldn’t have become this if it hadn’t been for me.”
“Why must you assume this had anything to do with you?” he asked.  I felt him lift my chin, being cautious about his claw-like nails so that they wouldn’t scratch my skin.
“I mean—everywhere the Doctor and I go, there’s some threat waiting to happen, and I hoped that…..meeting you guys nothing would happen to my favorite band. That I could just meet you guys, tell you what you meant to me and…..not have any monster or alien force looking to threaten you four.”
“There—there’s no fault here love. Saving us took a lot of courage, even if you knew you could’ve died trying.”
“But if we hadn’t come here, then you guys would’ve had an amazing Christmas concert and continued on to grow bigger and bigger.”
“You didn’t bring the sirens here (n/n). You can’t diminish something beyond your control that you didn’t do yourself. And hey, think of it this way,” he brushed some of my hair out of my face as his other hand cupped the side of my face, this thumb brushing across my cheek, “If you hadn’t come to us, then we’d be stuck with Prenter for the rest of our careers.” I choked out a laugh as Roger chuckled softly.  We sat there for awhile in silence till I said.
“Get some sleep Rog, hopefully tomorrow you and the others will feel better.” He nodded and lay his head on the couch pillow but wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer so that I could rest my head on his shoulder and he pressed his forehead to mine, his nose brushing against mine every now and then.
I smiled as he kissed my nose before the two of us fell asleep, his arm protectively wrapped around me.
That next day, the boys were about 50% better as their skin had turned back to normal and the webbing between their fingers were gone.  By the second day, their claw-like nails were back down to normal size and their eyes were finally back to normal and slowly but surely their canine teeth were turning back to normal human teeth.
By Christmas eve morning, Queen was back to normal.  Since the guys didn’t have any time to rehearse they had to do a crash course of soundchecks and I helped them choose the right outfits that they should wear throughout the performance.
It was almost showtime and the boys were quickly getting ready in their dressing room.  I knocked at the door and I said peeking in but covering my eyes.
“Queen fan club party of three.”
“Come in darling we’re decent!” proclaimed Freddie. I along with River and the Doctor entered the dressing room and River said.
“Well you four look right as rain.”
“We feel better, thanks to you River.” Thanked Brian.
“You guys ready to kill it out there?” asked the Doctor.
“Honestly I’m worried we’ll screw it up.” Stated Deacy but I assured him.
“I don’t think so. Queen always puts on a good show, and I have a feeling you guys will kill it out there.”
“Five minutes till showtime boys.” Said one of the producers.
“We ready?” asked Brian.
“We good to go my darlings?” the boys nodded and they all filed out one by one.  I soon felt Roger pull me into a hug and he said.
“I’ll see you after, right?” I nodded and he pressed a kiss to my forehead and followed behind the guys.
“Well come on (y/n), let’s get you to your seat and let you see the concert you’ve been dying to see.” The Doctor said as he guided me towards the stage and there I saw a special RESERVED seat right in the front row at center stage.
“But there’s only one seat reserved.” I said.
“Well that’s the other part, we’re not joining you.” River said.  I looked at them confused.
“Y-you’re not? But don’t you guys want to see them?”
“Thank you for the offer love but we’ve seen Queen at their greatest achievements over 1000 times. Now it’s time you got to see a concert live, in person and by yourself.” Stated the Doctor.
“You sure?”
“Yes sweetie, don’t worry we’ll wait for you by the TARDIS out back.” I smiled and hugged them both.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
“Have fun (y/n).” River said.  The two of them nodded and they headed out of the stadium. Soon hordes of people came piling into the stadium getting their seats.  It sounded like a football stadium of people talking and soon the cameramen were coming out setting up their equipment to get ready for the broadcast.
Then at 8pm on the dot, the lights dimmed and everyone cheered excitedly as Bob Harris came up on stage dressed in that white tux and white top hat and greeted us.  He wished us a Merry Christmas and thanked us for coming and for the thousands of viewers watching at home for coming out and gave a brief introduction of the band that would soon come out.
“Ladies and gentlemen this is Queen!” the spotlight went off as he stepped off stage and we all cheered as the opening note to “Now I’m here” began playing on Brian’s red special.  I along with the audience clapped to the rhythm as soon a spotlight came on and Freddie’s silhouette came up and stood over us as he started the song off.
When the song picked up and the stage lights lite up to reveal Queen all together on stage rocking out, I tell you if I was just a normal member of the audience you’d never would’ve expected that just three days ago they were as sick as dogs.
And while seeing this concert as many times as I have on Youtube, it was nothing compared to seeing it live.  Watching Brian’s fingers move expertly along his guitar, seeing Deacy get groovy with his little dance moves, Freddie strutting the stage like he was born to, and Roger, my idol and surrogate brother rocking out on the drums it…..it’s an experience I will take to my grave.
The concert continued to go on and that’s when Freddie now in his new costume of that satin black leotard got the crowd to clap along and join in on singing the next song. We all clapped along as Roger led us in the beat and that’s when Brian played the chords to “Keep yourself alive”.
As I clapped along, I watched as Freddie locked eyes with me and pointed at me and sent a wink in my direction smiling widely before proclaiming into the mic.
“What about you in the balcony? Are you with us?! Everybody at home!” And then he began to start the song up.  I found myself bopping my head up and down as I sung along with Freddie and when the chorus came up, I could hear the audience around me join in the song.
When it came for Roger’s drum solo, I drummed against the stage floor copying his drum solo as I always have.  I couldn’t help but cheer out his name.  I didn’t care if people were staring at me, I just wanted to be sure that he heard that I was here and watching with admiration and pride. By the end of the song, we all cheered and Freddie said after he bowed.
“Thank you my beauties. Thank you. And now dedicated to a dear friend of ours a special Christmas rendition of her favorite song, a little number called…Liar!”
I felt my face burn in a blush of these boys mentioning me without saying my name.  As the crowd cheered and the lights darkened before illuminating green onto Roger as he began the cowbell opening of the song before going at it with the drums.
“Suck it to her Rog.” Freddie spoke into the mic. As the opening progressed with Brian’s guitar, Deacy’s bass and Freddie flaunting with the tambourine, I smiled and bobbed my head along with the opening.
When Freddie finally began singing I sung along with him.  God out of every live performance of this song that I’ve seen, this one was always my favorite and the fact that now they’ve dedicated this performance of Liar to me, it almost made me want to cry.
By the time Deacy’s solo came on, I cheered for him and called out his name as he continued to play his bass.  Then when he looked up as he slid his left hand along the handle finishing the solo, he looked right at me grinning and sent a wink my way and I gave him a thumbs up.  
I continued to sing along with the guys until the final rock out that ended the song came on, and once the song was over I clapped and cheered as loudly as I could.
When the encore portion of the concert began after ‘In the Lap of the gods revisited’, Roger now wore the clown hair wig and he said into the mic as bubbles started falling down from the sky.
“Ahh Merry Christmas and thanks for a fab year. We’ll do some rock and roll!” He then began playing the opening for ‘Big Spender’ and Brian who also had a costume change with the all black outfit and long white scar, Deacy wearing a yellow duckbill hat and a black diamond satin top but kept the white pants on, and Freddie coming out with the kimono on came out giving us a little strip tease as he sung the song.
By the chorus he had the kimono untied revealing those white shorts and the white top that he got in Soho, Japan.  After that the song turned to the big daddy of Rock and roll songs, “Jailhouse rock”.  I cheered as balloons started falling down from the ceiling.
I hit a red balloon into the air before a blue one came towards me and I hit it behind me letting someone else take a turn to hit it.  Freddie then allowed us to take over singing the song and I couldn’t help but cry the lyrics as loud as I could as I clapped along and bobbed my head along to the beat.
Once the concert was over (and surprise fact there were two more songs that the broadcast didn’t get but I got to witness them) and ‘God Save the Queen’ played over the speakers, the boys all joined together and walked further up along the stage about a foot away from the edge of the stage and waved goodbye to everyone and Fred wished all of us a Merry Christmas.
I clapped as I stared up at them like the gods they were and whistled as loud as I could.  It was then they turned towards me and Deacy took off his hat and walked up towards me before placing it on top of my head.  I smiled up at him and he smiled back giving me a wink before walking off the stage.
Brian then came up and draped his scarf over me before giving me that famed warm-hearted smile and walked off.  Roger then playfully placed the clown wig on top of Deacy’s hat before taking my hand and giving my knuckles a kiss.  He stood up and twirled his drumstick expertly between his fingers as he gave the audience a final farewell and it was then Freddie came up to me.
He knelt down before me and revealed a pink carnation and held it out for me to take.  I took it and he kissed both of my cheeks before bowing graciously one last time and heading backstage.
“Girl you are soo lucky to have all four of them see you like that. I wish that was me.” A woman to my right said.
“Yeah, guess I am lucky huh?”
After the concert I met River and the Doctor outside the TARDIS.  They were full of smiles and the Doctor asked me.
“Well, how did you like it?”
“Oh my god it was…..unlike anything I’ve ever seen! It was…..even more amazing to see it in person!”
“We’re glad you had a good time, and it would seem the boys gave you some attention ehh?” teased River gesturing to my accessories/gifts.  
I blushed and that’s when I heard the boys’ calling out for me.  I turned toward them before turning back to the time lords.
“We’ll give you a few minutes, but then we’ve got to get going.”
“Are you sure we can’t stay Doctor? Please?”
“I’m afraid not (y/n). We’ve already overstayed our welcome, it’s best we leave while we still can.” I nodded in understandment.
“I’ll say goodbye then.” I walked back towards the boys and when they saw me, they were full of smiles as Freddie was the first to twirl me around in a hug.
“Freddie, Freddie put me down!” I giggled.  He set me down and I said to them, “you guys killed it up there. Just like I knew you four would.”
“Well that’s because we knew you were out there watching us.” Freddie praised.
“So lovie, care to join us for a little Christmas eve afterparty? Just the five of us?” asked Roger.  At that point I grew solemn.
“What is it (y/n)?” asked Deacy concerned.
“I—I wish I could but….I have to go home.” At that statement, the boys knew what I was meaning.
“Are you sure we can’t tempt you to stay here? With us? You could have a life here. We’d give you a job as our new assistant. You could live with me till you found a place of your own.” Roger said as he came up to me and held my hands in his.
“As much as I would love that. And I’m gonna kick myself for saying this but I can’t. I—I don’t belong in this time, plus when I am born in like 30 years from now, having already existed it just—pulls some sort of alternate reality. I can’t really explain it.”
“But I do.” Brian spoke.  I grinned at him.
“Of course you would Dr. May.”
“Are you sure you can’t even stay for just a little bit longer? I don’t wanna let you go so soon darling.” Freddie said.
“Sorry Fred, as much as I would I can’t.”  He nodded sadly and that’s when Deacy asked.
“Will we ever see you again?” I looked at all of them to see sadness in their eyes.  I wish I could tell them the real truth, especially to Freddie but the Doctor always warned me about tampering with history.
“Yeah. If you four are ever walking the streets of North London, don’t be afraid to walk up and say hello.” They all smiled at me softly and Freddie was the first to hug me goodbye.
“Goodbye our heroic warrior of the future.” I hugged him as tight as I could knowing that this would be the last time I would ever get a Freddie hug.
“Bye Fred, you’re gonna do such great things. You and your brothers will take Queen far and wide for generations to come.”
“I’ll dedicate every performance to you darling.” We separated and he kissed each of my cheeks one last time.  Brian was the next one to come up to me and he wrapped his arms around me.
“Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us (y/n).” he said.
“It was an honor to meet you Bri, please never change space man.”
“Never love, I promise.” He gently stroked down my hair before giving me a kiss to my forehead and then my attention turned to Deacy. He grinned at me before opening his arms and I hugged him back.
“Good luck with everything Deacy. And never doubt yourself. You are such an important member to Queen no matter what anyone says.”
“Thank you poppet. That means a lot to me. It was great meeting you.”
“Believe me the honor is mine.” He gingerly bopped my nose and that’s when my attention turned to the last member of the band. Roger came up to me and before I could even say a word, he hugged me so tightly I thought I was going to burst.
“I wish you could stay lovie.”
“Me too, believe me Rog. You—won’t forget me, right?”
“Darling it’s impossible to forget someone like you.” He cupped both sides of my face and began peppering kisses all over my face making me giggle.  With one final kiss to my nose he vowed. “I promise, I’ll find you one day.”
“I’m holding you to that.” He smiled and kissed my forehead and that’s when the TARDIS door opened and I walked towards her and got inside.  I turned to the boys one last time and they waved goodbye.
I smiled sadly and allowed a tear to fall from my face and I waved goodbye before entering the TARDIS and as the doors closed, she made that wheezing, groaning sound before disappearing before Queen’s eyes.
Back in 2019; it was the day after Christmas and I was walking along the streets getting some food for my nana.  While I was walking I suddenly bumped into someone and our stuff ended up on the ground.
“Shit sorry I—I wasn’t……”
“Seems we can’t stop meeting like this, can we lovie?” Oh my god. It—it can’t be……I looked up and saw him.  He was an old man now with just a tuff of hair now and a full beard that made him look like Colonel Sanders from the KFC, but I knew those eyes anywhere.  
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“Roger.” I sighed happily.
“I told you I would find you love.” He said as he extended his hand out to me.  I smiled and took his hand as he helped me stand up. “I know I don’t look the same as you saw me before but—”
“Oh shut up you old coot and hug me.” He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.  I felt him stroke down my hair and him placing a kiss on top of my head. “We’ve got so much to catch up on.”
“I’ve got all day.” And that’s exactly what we did. Spending the day together chatting like old friends, siblings even that have been reunited with each other after so long.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Time travel rescue pt.2; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay ya’ll so I hope you enjoyed the first part, now we get to pt.2 where Freddie and Roger take up majority of this chapter, so you get to see the craziness that I hoped I managed to get in based off of stories of their friendship and videos of them together so I hope I did this wonderful soulmate shipping justice. However fair warning that P**l Pr**ter makes his appearance so prepare your stomachs.
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The next morning I woke up and found myself in a hotel room of sorts.  At first I didn’t know what happened, it was all such a rush last night I—I had this dream that I had gone back to 1975 and actually met my favorite band, and that Roger actually allowed me to sleep in his room.
“Morning (y/n).” I heard that familiar soft voice call out from the kitchen.  Oh god it wasn’t a dream. I am actually in 1975 and I really did—or well currently meeting the band and Roger did give me his room for the night.  I looked up and said.
“Morning Roger.”
“How’d you sleep last night? The clothes work okay for you?” he asked.
“Yeah they—they worked out fine.”
“You hungry? I’m making eggs and cutting up some bread and bacon, I hope that’s alright.”
“That’s fine. I’m—actually quite hungry.”
“Well come on over to the kitchen and I’ll put an extra plate.” I got out of the bed and followed him to the kitchen.  I sat down at the kitchen island bar and he said again, “I don’t know how you like your eggs, so I made them scrambled which is what I prefer. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Well then you’re lucky that scrambled eggs is my favorite. Besides sunny side up makes me yack.”
“I know right, why do people claim that’s the best way to make eggs?” he exclaimed.  Wow so Roger Taylor and I have the same view on how eggs should be prepared, that’s amazing.  He handed me my plate and he asked. “Shall I prepare a cuppa?”
“I wouldn’t mind a cuppa.”
“Coming right up.” He then prepared me my drink while he had some coffee.  As the two of us sat down around the island and ate he asked me. “How are the wounds?”
“Doesn’t hurt as much as it did last night. You and your friends really know how to be doctors.”
“Well even though Brian and I would’ve been different doctors, I don’t think we did too bad. But I will need to change out the bandages and put some more antiseptic cream on it. Just to be on the safe side.”
“Whatever you think is best Roger.”
After breakfast, he put away the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen and that’s when he grabbed the first aid kit under the sink and guided me over to the couch.
“Alright, let’s see how this looks.” He then took a pair of scissors and slightly snipped an area of the bandage before slowly unwrapping it allowing my arm to breathe.  Once the bandages were off, I could see the gnarly scars that I now bore on my arm. Long and thin but thankfully not so deep that I need stitches. “Well it seems to be closing up quite nicely. With how bad they were yesterday, I was beginning to think they wouldn’t. At least not in this speed.”
“Guess I just got enhanced healing powers or something.” I joked. He smiled and rubbed some more cream on my scars before taking another roll of bandages and wrapping it around my arm.  Just as he was about to finish, the door suddenly opened and there stood Freddie all dolled up and ready to head out.
“Let’s go my darlings it’s shopping time!”
“In a second Fred, I’m still wrapping up her arm.” Roger told him as he went back to wrapping my forearm delicately. Freddie came over and sat on the other side of me and he asked me.
“Did you sleep okay dear?”
“Yeah, like a baby actually.”
“Good. That’s just what you needed after what happened to you. But are you sure you don’t want to make a police report about this?” he said as he stroked his fingers through my hair.  Aww Freddie god bless you, why were you taken away from us so soon? We really could’ve used you in today’s society.
“I’m sure Fred. Besides I doubt they’d believe me. I didn’t even see their faces. They wore black masks over their faces so I couldn’t even see their faces.”
“Alright darling. Well once blondie’s done here, I know just the thing to help boost your spirits up. A nice, well deserved shopping day.”
“There, I’m done.”
“Marvelous my darlings, let’s go!” Freddie stood up gracefully and raised his hands over his head and clapped them once.
“Hold on you rotter, we still need to get dressed. I’d rather not go out in my pajamas in the bloody cold.” Roger guided me towards the bedroom once more and I said to him.
“Uhh Rog. What am I gonna wear?”
“Just relax love, I’m sure I got something.” He went through his closet and pulled out a pair of denim jeans as well as a queen hoodie that looked like he had taken from Deacy.  He also took out a fur coat and said. “Will this do?”
“Yeah. Again I really appreciate you sharing your clothes with me.”
“Like I said last night, it’s no trouble. When Queen was first starting off, we barely had enough money to buy new clothes so we pretty much shared clothes with each other. I think we each had a chance at wearing one shirt for different photoshoots on separate occasions.”
“Wow I—I never knew that.” Liar. Of course I knew that, I’ve seen the pictures of the guys wearing the same shirts on tumblr that someone posted.  Once again I got changed in the loo and once I got out, Roger went inside and proceeded to do his health and beauty stuff.
While he brushed his teeth and brushing through his long blonde hair, I couldn’t help but stare at him.  Now I’ll admit, I did fall for the handsome 1970’s Roger Taylor (in fact 70’s and 80’s Roger I had a crush on) but then my crush slowly faded away and turned to something else, it’s like I—kinda pictured a sorta brother-sister relationship.
“Could you take any longer getting ready Rog? I swear you take longer than me!” Freddie complained as he leaned up against the bedroom door.
“It’s called a miracle Fred. And envy is an ugly thing on you.” Roger teased to which Freddie flipped him the bird.  God they really were soulmates, I can’t imagine just how hurt Roger was finding out Fred died when he was just about to see him in a matter of minutes.
“Are we ready to go yet?” Freddie whined as Roger fluffed his hair out and shook his wild mess of hair like a lion shaking his mane and said.
“Alright you impatient bugger. Let’s go (y/n).” I was then put in between them and we left Roger’s room.
As we drove through downtown London, we soon came across a shop that closed down before my time but it was starting grounds for both Roger and Freddie, Kensington Market.
“Hope you don’t mind coming here love. We would take you to Biba but that’s all the way on East London and we’re scheduled for a rehearsal by noon.” Roger said.
“I don’t mind. I’ve—heard some good things about this place.”
“You know Rog and I once had a stall in this joint together before I officially joined the band.”
“Really? What did you guys sell?”
“Oh any old clothes that we could find. Though I’ll never forget that jacket you and Brian tried to sell. That was my favorite jacket.”
“Well then you shouldn’t have had it on the rack then, should you?” Roger mocked as he shut the engine off after finding a parking space. “Plus it’ll be cheap and not as crowded as the stores are right now. Last minute Christmas shoppers and all.”
“Agreed.” We all got out and quickly walked inside the market.  And inside I saw anything and everything.  From antiques, to bridal wear, clothes, furniture, everything small and large you could imagine. “Whoa.”
“I know it’s a little intimidating at first but no worries lovie, you’ll get used to it.” Roger said as he wrapped an arm around me.
“Alright my darlings, let’s head down memory lane. To the clothing stall!” Freddie then dragged us down the store almost towards the end of the building where a clothing stall was all set up.  Behind the counter there was a young black woman with an afro, she wore a Christmas sweater and jeans and was sucking on a lollipop.  “Well I’ll be damned. Billie. Billie Tyler?” she looked up and grinned.
“Oh shit no. Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor! Never did I think I’d see you two bastards here again.” She grinned.
“So you’re working our stall now?” Roger asked.
“Yeah. Ever since you two boys got all rich and famous, I went ahead and took over the stall.”
“Well hate to burst your bubble but we’re still not rich and famous.” Said Roger.
“What? After all the big success you guys did at the Rainbow last year?”
“That’s the thing. We don’t get paid on our tours. In fact just recently we left our first company because they screwed up our payments. Our manager didn’t even want to give any money so that Deacy could marry Veronica.”
“What?! Those stuck up bastards! I hope Deacy got the wedding he deserved though.”
“It was a small court ceremony but it was still sweet. Although had we had the money, I would’ve planned the perfect wedding for them.” Said Freddie.
“Oh please Fred, you’d invite half of London along with all crazy people you invite to the after parties.” Said Roger.
“So who’s this? Little groupie?” she asked gesturing towards me.
“No. This is (y/n).” Roger said introducing me. “(Y/n), this is Billie Tyler. When Fred and I worked here, she worked at the boutique just across from us. We’d hang out and have lunch on our breaks, she was basically our first fan.”
“Nice to meet you Billie.” I said reaching out a hand to her.  She shook my hand immediately and she said.
“Nice to meet you too (y/n). How’d you come across these two lugs?”
“Poor dear got jumped last night, thankfully Rog was around to help her out.” Said Fred as he placed a hand to my shoulder.
“Oh my god—are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just a really bad scratch along my forearm but nothing too bad.”
“Well I would’ve honestly preferred to run into Bri had I been jumped but I’m glad you had Roger to help you out.” Roger looked at her crossly and she playfully stuck her tongue out at him. “So what brings you three here to Kensington market?”
“Well darling, we were hoping to get (y/n) some clothes. She—kinda came with just one set of clothes and has been sharing Roger’s style since last night. So we’re hoping you might have something that just screams her.”
“I think I might have some stuff. Come with me (y/n) and we can get you out of those boy clothes and into some stylish clothes I have.” She took my uninjured arm and pulled me into the stall and took me towards the changing room she had installed in the back room.
It was then I was given the full 1970’s fashion show.  Both Billie and Freddie practically took me and started treating me like a doll, forcing me to try on clothes, hats, coats, bell bottom jeans, the whole nine yards.
“And I’m telling you it’s flea-bitten Fred. I wouldn’t even dream of someone wearing that!” exclaimed Billie dramatically.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling, I think (y/n) would look cute in this.” He said holding up a ragged old fur coat that looked like it hadn’t seen the light of day in years.
“You guys do realize she’s a person. Not a doll, let her speak for herself once in a while.” Roger said.  He turned towards me and mouthed out, ‘I’m so sorry.’ I waved it off.
“Alright then, why don’t we ask (y/n) what she’d like?”
“Yes let’s. (Y/n) darling please tell Billie and that devil mind of hers that you’d want this coat over the decade’s old 60’s coat. This just screams you.”
“Ah, ah, ah! No antagonizing the fashion star here Mercury.” Billie warned him.
“Actually guys, something did catch my eye earlier.” I then hopped off the podium and went over to a large brown jacket that had fur ends on both the sleeves and along where the front part meets with the zipper.  
It had an elegant pattern on it, kinda reminded me of old Norwegian drawings that I once saw back in 1031 when the Doctor and I were helping out against the threat the invading reindeer people (I forgot their real names, plus it was in Norwegian tongue so I just called them the reindeer people).
But anyways, I looked cute and it wouldn’t make me stand out as much.  I picked out a cute sweater, a scarf that almost kinda resembled what the Doctor could’ve worn, and one of the many pairs of bellbottom jeans I was given.
“How’s this?”
“Oh my darling, it’s like looking at a Renaissance painting. You are—phenomenal.” Freddie praised.
“But something’s missing.” Billie said.  She then went over to the hats and picked out dark grey flat cap.  She handed me the hat and I placed it on top of my head. “There. Now you’re an aesthetic.”
And that was that.  I got a few sweaters, a couple of turtlenecks, bell bottomed jeans, some boots similar to what Deacy always wore throughout the 1970’s, and any brown furred or faux fur coat that Billie had.  When everything was rung up, Roger asked.
“Okay how much do we owe you Billie?”
“For you guys it’s on the house.”
“Oh no, no, no darling we’ve got some money to spend now since we left the bastard at Trident and switched to EMI. Now how much?”
“I’m feeling generous today. Plus I hadn’t done a fashion show like that in years. Most customers just demand my stuff and that’s it. So this time it’s on me. But if you want a payment, come by next week after the New Year.” Freddie and Roger looked to each other and that’s when Freddie said.
“Throw in you coming to my New Year’s Eve party and you’ve got a deal darling.”
“It’s a deal Freddie.” They leaned in and kissed each other’s cheeks sealing the deal. “Good luck with the concert guys, I’ll be watching it from home. And it was nice meeting you (y/n).”
“Nice meeting you too Billie, and thank you for the clothes.”
“No problem. Cheers guys. And Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Billie!” Rog and Fred proclaimed as we walked out of Kensington market.
After that, we headed down to the nearest grocery store for the simple items that I needed like toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, socks, gloves, and Roger passed by some sunglasses and he had me try them on to which I said I looked ridiculous but to him, he thought I looked cute (which I won’t deny made me blush a little).
Once all the shopping was done, we headed back to the hotel and Roger helped me unpack my stuff.  As he was helping me put some of my clothes into his closet he asked me.
“Now (y/n), about that friend of yours. What exactly does he look like?” At that point I thanked god that the Doctor at least appeared human, because if he looked like anything else how do you explain that to your hero?
“Well, he’s got short brown hair, he’s pretty tall and lean. Kinda like Brian but not exactly the same height. Oh and he wears a bowtie.”
“What? Seriously?”
“Yeah he says they’re cool. But hopefully that helps. Oh and he basically wears a suit. All the time.”
“Okay what is he a doctor or something?”
“Something like that.”
“Do you recall where you think he might’ve ran off to?”
“That I—I don’t know. I guess I must’ve been knocked just before he ran. God I—I hope I can find him.”
“Hey, we will. I’ll turn all of London upside down if I have too to help you.” Roger said assuringly as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.  I looked up at him and softly smiled.
“Thank you Roger. I—literally don’t know what I would’ve done had I not ran into you.”
“Think nothing of it love. I’m glad we met last night.” He playfully ruffled my hair making me exclaim while he grinned and softly laughed.  It was then there was a knock at the door.
“Roger! Roger open the door now!” Oh no it couldn’t be. But as I saw Roger roll his eyes and make a disgusted face as he hauled himself towards the door.  I peeked over from the bedroom to see him open the door to reveal the man I feared I would come in contact with.
Paul Prenter.
“What do you want Prenter?”
“You were supposed to be at the Odeon theater 2 hours ago! Where the bloody hell have you been?!” God just hearing his Irish accent made me feel so dirty.  The bastard who became a bad influence on Freddie, and the greedy snake who would go on to sell off Freddie’s AIDS story for like 30,000 pounds was now standing right before my eyes.
“Unlike you Prenter, I know how to have fun.”
“Well your fun has costed the band two hours of rehearsal. Reid is livid right now!” It was then he somehow saw me and that’s when he barged in and said. “Is this the reason you’ve delayed the rehearsal? For some teenage hussy!?”
“Excuse me!?”
“You have no right to be in here. In fact I can have you arrested and charged with stalking.” Paul threatened.  That’s when Roger stepped in between him and I.
“You even think about that and I’ll have you thrown out the bloody window faster than you can blink!” he snarled protectively.
“You’ve been saying that for years Roger and yet you’ve never done it. You don’t got the nerve.” Bragged Paul.
“Do I?” it was then I watched as Roger dragged Paul towards the back door of the small balcony and forcefully pinned Paul’s head to the stone railings. “Wanna rethink that statement?”
“Okay! Okay! Okay just let me go!” Paul wept.
“Then get the hell out of my room and don’t even dare think about calling the police. Or else there’ll be a new decoration all along the pavement of the Marriot.” He picked Paul back up and forced him out of the room before slamming the door and locked it tight.
Holy shit! I wish that was shown in the movie. Damn Roger Taylor is a lion.
“I am so sorry about him. Paul can be a right up arsehole. I’ve been trying to convince Fred to fire him but somehow he still keeps him around.”
“It’s okay Rog. I’ve—been called worse than hussy.” It’s true.  When you’re involved with a gang, you are called way worse things, especially if you’re a girl.  I’ve been called the B word mostly, the P word and even the C word, all before I was 15.
“Who has called you that? What did they say?”
“Just some school punks back in primary school. You know how little boys are.”
“Even so, my mum taught me to never be rude to girls. Men who do such things like that aren’t even worth living. Nor should they even deserve to call themselves men.” As Roger said that, I noticed this harsh, distant look in his eyes.
Was he—I mean I remember reading a story of how he was a victim of domestic abuse.  There’ve been some theories that it was probably his dad since he was never really spoke much by Roger.  So—could that really be true?
“Rog? You—okay?” I said after he didn’t speak for what felt like 2 minutes.  He snapped out of his daze and said.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. Well come on let’s head out and see if we can’t find that friend of yours.”
“Actually. Since I already got you and Fred into more trouble than I’d like, you should go to the rehearsals. I can search for him on my own.”
“Are you sure? I—wouldn’t want you to get hurt again. I have no problem coming with you.”
“Really Rog. It’ll be daylight, more witnesses so I doubt anyone’s gonna jump me. Besides I’ll bet Deacy and Brian are probably pissed at you and Fred for skipping out. Go, rehearse. I’ll meet you guys at around lunch time? Maybe even see you rehearse the concert?”
“I’d like that. And I’m sure Fred would too. If anything happens, here’s the number for the theater as well as my roadie/assistant Crystal.” He took a piece of paper from a notepad and quickly put down a couple of numbers before handing it over to me.
“Thank you.” I said as I took the notepad paper.
“Stay safe love.” And my heart literally stopped when I actually felt Roger kiss my cheek before grabbing his drumsticks and headed out the door.
Oh my god, I can’t believe I just got a kiss on the cheek from my idol.  I’ll admit internally I’m screaming my head off and melting right on the spot.  I placed my hand over the cheek he kissed and I just felt this warm, gooey feeling inside.
“Oh nana would not believe this.” I then got myself ready and headed on out of the hotel and proceeded to walk around the London streets.
As I saw Christmas decorations and lights on almost every corner, I kept muttering to myself.
“Oh Doctor where are you?” I listened carefully for any wheezing and groaning sounds, an eye for a blue police box, or a tall, lean man wearing a purple suit and bowtie.  But after about 2 hours walking along the streets I saw no one, not even the usual suspicious character that usually follows you once you break the time stream.
I sighed heavily and decided to just head over to the Hammersmith Odeon, because I swear if I stay out here any longer, I’m gonna freeze my organs off.  So I headed eastward towards the theater to meet with Roger and the rest of Queen and finally see my favorite band perform right before my eyes.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Time travel rescue pt.3; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Alrighty now the next part will be the last one for awhile till I get around and finish writing pt.5 so you all will have to be on hiatus for a bit till then. But I’m happy to see people taking notice of this new mini-series crossover. Trust me this was really fun to write, but we get into a serious note. So here are the warnings for this specific chapter.
Warnings: Parent abandonment, gang activity, drugs, violence, knives, attempted murder, but I SWEAR NO ONE DIES IN THIS PART I PROMISE!!! So if any of these things make you uncomfortable, just skip this part, you won’t be missing much, (plus all this stuff get at around the middle of the fic and the end so you can read the beginning and then skip the middle, trust me you’ll know when one of the warnings begins)
I arrived at the Hammersmith Odeon and snuck past security using my own psychic paper that the Doctor had given me (in fact this is the first time it’s worked with just me alone so I was praying that it did. Thank god it did).  I told him that I was a new volunteer to Roger’s assistant called in to help check in and make sure his drums were in tiptop shape.
Thankfully security at the time of the 1970’s just let anyone come in and out, not as fully overprotective as they are nowadays. I walked through the doors and soon came onto the stage and I just took it all in.  I myself had never been to the Odeon theater, but I knew every square inch from the concert footages Queen did every time they performed here, and I couldn’t believe my luck that I was actually here, here.
As I walked closer to the stage, I was in awe to see Roger’s drum kit all set up and ready for rehearsal.  I couldn’t help myself as I walked right up onto the stage and stood right before his drumkit, my eyes immediately catching the Queen logo on it designed by Freddie Mercury himself.
“Hello gorgeous.” I whispered as I very slightly stroked one of the crash cymbals.  I walked around the back and couldn’t help myself but sit down and I stroked along the floor toms where Roger was most known for pouring his beer on at the time to make it go really high once he hit it to make it theatrical and rock-n-roll.
I then noticed his drumsticks sitting on top of the one of the two middle toms and I couldn’t help but grab them.  Just touching them felt like I was touching something created only by the gods of drums themselves.  I twirled one of the stick very skillfully in my hand, much like how Roger does and I thought about what to play.
  I knew I couldn’t risk playing any of their future work (which is a shame cause not to brag I could play a mean Hammer to fall) but there were still plenty of choices to play that involved the guys’ early works.  
So I decided to try my hand at playing the solo I knew he would play at the live performance Christmas eve, because besides the solo at Montreal 1981, the drum solo he did here for the Christmas eve performance at the Hammersmith was one of my favorite drum solos for Keep yourself alive.
I heard the tune in my head and did my best to replicate each of his movements that I saw him do time and time again every time I would watch that concert.  I hit the bass drum when needed, the middle toms and the cymbals were the ones that got struck the most, I played the cowbell when it called for it, and I rhythmically beat down on the floor toms when needed.
I’ll admit there was a slipup here and there (cause hey I hadn’t even reached my five year marker from self-drum lessons). When I knew the drum solo ended I struck the cymbals one last time before grabbing them so that the echo wouldn’t last long.  
Already I felt winded cause it’s been awhile since I drummed with my own kit since I was so busy with the Doctor.  But I was shocked when I heard four separate applauses. I turned around and there stood Freddie, Deacy, Roger and Brian all with impressed smiles spread across their faces.
I smiled nervously and set Roger’s drumsticks back to where I found them and stood up and lightly curtsied before them.
“Well that’s it Rog we’ve found your replacement.” Joked Fred.
“I wouldn’t go saying that. I’m mediocre at best compared to Roger Taylor.” I said.
“Oh don’t be so modest darling, if you were any more modest you’d be Brian.” Brian looked at him before turning to me and he asked.
“So how long have you taken an interest in drums?”
“Only a couple years now. I was like—14 maybe 13 I can’t remember. My nana actually bought me my first drum kit.”
“Did you take lessons?” asked Deacy.
“Oh no we couldn’t afford drum lessons. I’m—kinda self-taught. I taught myself to play the drums by listening to different records. I know it sounds weird and a bit risky but—nana always told me that I had a keen ear for music, especially the harmony section. She caught me banging on the table with two pens and she’d name the song I was playing.”
“With skills like that I would’ve thought you’d been playing for at least 7 years.” Roger spoke up as he handed me a cup of water. I thanked him and took a sip, “And yeah there were some mishaps that I heard but maybe I could teach you how to properly strike the drumsticks in order to get the perfect sound.”
Oh my god. Did I just get offered a tutoring session with my hero? Roger Taylor was willing to give me a drum lesson? Holy shit nobody pinch me because I better not be dreaming.
“You’d—you’d really do that?” I asked.
“Absolutely. Hardly do I ever see a female drummer and you definitely got the skills love. In fact I’d be honored to teach a worthy student such as yourself.” I blushed at his praise.
“So (y/n) what other songs can you play?” asked Brian.
“Well mostly your stuff is what I first learned to play but I can play some other songs.” I stated.
“Do you know the opening to our song Liar?”
“Do I? That’s like my favorite live performance song you guys do. Well next to Bohemian Rhapsody.”
“Well let’s hear it lovie.” Roger told me as he held his drumsticks out for me to take.  I took them in my hand and twirled the sticks again before playing the opening note with the cowbell.  I heard the opening in my head and then immediately switched to the high and middle toms before going down to the floor toms and alternating both floor and middle toms.
But what I was shocked to hear next were the joining sounds of Brian’s Red Special as well as Deacy’s bass, even Fred got involved with the tambourine.  Roger stood behind me to observe and he would occasionally point out where to go next or whisper a brief tip on how to strike either the cymbals or the floor toms.
Once the intro was done, I exhaled and wiped the sweat already coming down my face and rubbed my hands.
“Well I guess it’s my horror to say that you’ll put me out of the job love.” Roger teased with a grin.
“No, no, no Rog. Like I said I maybe good but I’m nowhere near your speed.”
“But you are getting close. Looks like I better watch my back.” He said as both his hands came on top of my shoulders and he massaged my shoulders which made me rock back and forth.
“And once she surpasses you we can replace you. Maybe she’ll have some sense and not lock herself up in a cupboard like a child over a song.” Said Deacy. Whoa wait a second that actually happened?! I thought that was just a rumor.
“At least my song is worth more than yours was. ‘I’m happy at home’? What the hell kind of rock and roll lyric is that!?!”
“Children please. It’s already set and stone and Deacy’s song is a hit single in America.” Freddie said trying to tone down the heat before the flame got worse.
“Whatever Fred.”
“Alright well we’ve only got an hour for lunch, what do we say we head out and get us something before Reid or in worse case Paul comes in and tries to make us rehearse before we even have the chance to eat. I had to skip breakfast this morning.” Brian said.
“Well then you shouldn’t have slept so late Brian.” Deacy said.
“I hate mornings Deacy, not my fault.” As the boys went ahead it was just Roger and I as we got on our coats.
“So how did the search go? Did you find him?” he asked me.
“No.” I said solemnly.
“Do you have a number that you can call him on?” I mean I did but it was in my cellphone and I’d really rather not show it to Roger because wireless phones weren’t even invented yet, not till like 30 years from now.  And even if I could try the Tardis number from memory, there’s just too many numbers for me to keep track of all of them.
“His line’s been down lately. Bugger always has it off the hook for whatever reason. Roger I’m really worried about him. He can be—a bit eccentric and—jumpy after something like this.”
“Hey, it’ll be okay. For now let’s get some food in that belly of yours then after rehearsal I’ll help you find him okay?”
“Or—maybe I should stop trying.”
“Don’t say that love, okay? I promise we’re going to find your friend okay?” I looked into those deep blue eyes of his and I just felt this warmth, that everything Roger had said was true.  I nodded and that’s when he leaned his forehead against mine.  
Our noses softly touching each other’s and we just stood there with our eyes shut, drawing in each other’s strength.
We got lunch at a nearby pizza joint and I was told tons of stories about the guys.  Things that not even the fans of the future on tumblr even knew about (but to respect their privacy, I will not disclose any of that).
Freddie told me about how he and Mary first met each other and how he and her have a flat together.  He also told me about his precious furbabies and even showed me a photo of them that he kept in his wallet.  I awed at the pictures and he pointed out each cat in the photo; Tiffany, Oscar, Tom, Jerry, Lilly, Miko, and Romeo.
Deacy shared a little bit about his marriage with Veronica and the birth of their first born son Robert.  Aww so Robert was born around this time.  He even allowed me to see a picture of them, it was a recent picture taken around 2 months ago and he shared that his boy was now 5 months old.
He said he was a handful but Veronica and him loved him to pieces.  And I know for a fact he did, I mean I’m talking to the one Queen member who ended up having 6 kids all with the same woman.
“Is that why you dedicated your song to her?” I asked.
“Well it’s only partially true.” I looked at him confused.
“See while I did dedicate it to Veronica, I also kept thinking about my son while I was writing the song. I just imagined playing catch with him in the front yard, teaching him to ride a bike, just—being there for him. So it was both for her and my son that my song is dedicated to.” Aww why couldn’t my damn alcoholic/drug addict of a father be like Deacy?
And the same was said for both Brian and Roger. I got to learn so much about these guys that it felt like I was somehow becoming a part of their little group, their family.  Which was a feeling that was quite alien to me (no pun intended since I am technically friends with a timelord) but I liked it.
After lunch, I got to watch the boys rehearse some more till it was nightfall and currently Roger was giving me that drum lesson that he promised.  Ohhh I can’t believe I get to say that I got to have a drum lesson with the Roger Taylor of Queen.
“Okay so when it comes to playing Keep yourself alive, you always must keep hitting the bass drum in order to keep the tempo. The drum is like the heartbeat of the band. If it’s all out of sync, then we just sound like rubbish.”
“Okay so when it comes to the first opening note, I can go either cowbell tempo or the high toms?”
“Yes I mostly prefer to use the high toms as the main intro but once you commit to one thing, you gotta follow through with it.” I nodded.
“Now when it comes to playing Now I’m here, do you just find yourself going crazy cause I’ve tried to play it and all I end up doing is act like I’m having a seizure.”
“Yeah it can get easy to just let it all go, and sometimes I find myself doing that for the intro. But the way I remember is just go from high to low on the drum kit. The cymbals, to the high and middle toms down to the low toms. But mainly keep the rock out on the middle and high toms.”
“Okay let’s see what you got. Start with the double cymbal. I’ll lead you in.” I nodded and twirled his drumstick around. He then began singing Freddie’s part and I nodded to the tempo of the song as I could hear it in me head.  When he got midway through the intro at the “Now I’m here/there.” I slammed the cymbal twice before catching it so that the sound would go silent.
Then when Roger sang the “I’m just a” line right before the rock out came on, I did as he said.  I went from high to low on the drum kit as Roger kept singing.  Once that was done, I caught the cymbals so that they ceased their ringing and Roger clapped.
“Phenomenal lovie, you are truly the best drummer I’ve seen.”
“Thanks Rog. I couldn’t have done it without all your teachings.”
“Well with the speed you’re going you won’t need my teachings for very long.”
“Oh my word. Never did I think I’d live to see the day when Roger admits that someone is better than him at the drums.” We looked up and Deacy soon came in but it wasn’t him that spoke out, it was the woman next to him.
She had long, dark brown hair and a beautiful face even without makeup on.  In her arms she held a tiny baby boy and judging by the way Deacy had his arm around her, this had to be Veronica.
“Ronnie, so good to see you. Still seeing your husband’s painted me to be a dick.”
“Hey now no swearing in front of the baby Roger.” She warned him.
“Right, right sorry Robert bubbies.” Roger cooed down towards Robert and he lightly began tickling his tummy which made him coo and laugh.  I couldn’t help but smile at the adorable sight and that’s when Veronica turned towards me and asked.
“And who’s this talented young lady?”
“Veronica love, this is (y/n). (Y/n) this is my wife Veronica.” John introduced us as he went ahead and took Robert off her hands for a bit.  Veronica held out her hand and I shook it.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” We both greeted each other with a soft smile.  God she was beautiful, just like the pictures I’ve seen of her.  Sure she was older in the pics because like her husband, she preferred to stay out of the limelight but she still supported her husband through and through.  Which is why in the real world, they are my OTP.
“So how did you meet my husband and his friends?” she asked me.
“Well I first ran into Roger the other night.” I explained.
“(Y/n) here got jumped by some arseholes.” Said Roger taking his break from playing with Robert.
“Oh no you poor thing, you okay?”
“Yeah I am. Thanks to Rog and his friends.” I said as Roger came up to me and he playfully gave me a noogie.
“So where are you staying?” she asked me.
“She’s staying with me for now. She had a friend with her that night and we haven’t found him yet. I’m hoping to help her tomorrow since we don’t have as long of a rehearsal tomorrow.”
“Well you know (y/n) if you’d like to take a break from these guys, you’re more than welcome to stay with me at the hotel I’m staying at.”
“How far is it?” I asked.
“Oh it’s just a mile from their hotel.”
“No Veronica how dare you try to take my roommate from me!” Roger exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me tightly almost to the point of smothering me.
“Rog don’t smother the poor girl.” Said Deacy. Roger released me from his strong embrace allowing me to breathe.
“Besides I know what hanging around you guys for too long does. At least let her hang around someone whose sane and won’t start an argument every five minutes.” Veronica said.  Deacy looked at her accusingly and she said, “John you know I love you but let’s be honest, you can be a bit bitchy.” Roger softly laughed before looking down at me.
“Well (y/n), do—you want to go with Veronica for the night?”
“I—well I don’t want to impose. Especially since you have your son.”
“I wouldn’t mind, in fact I could use the extra hand since my love is pretty much busy for the next few days.”
“I promise I’ll try to be over by tonight though.”
“I know you will.” She said as Deacy cupped the side of her face as Veronica nuzzled against her husband’s palm.  Gahh I can’t take seeing them together it’s just—so kawaii!
“Well—if you don’t mind. Then I could spend a couple of nights over at your hotel.” I said.  She smiled and said.
“Now worries (y/n), we can leave after we all get some dinner.” And that’s what happened.
Soon Veronica and I arrived back at her hotel room.  She insisted on helping with my bags but I told her that she needed to take care of Robert and that I could handle everything myself.
Once I got unpacked and changed into my pajamas, Veronica was putting baby Robert to bed.  As I watched her look down at her son with loving eyes, I couldn’t help but just feel envious of Robert.  They were the perfect parents to Robert who gave him nothing but love and attention and he wasn’t even a year old yet.
She was reading to her son a lovely bedtime story while sitting in the rocking chair.  Baby Robert cooing as he leaned against her chest trying to fight off sleep, but the sound of Veronicas soothing, motherly voice as she read to him made him fall asleep.
I couldn’t help but turn away and try to hold in my tears.  I buried my face into my hands and bit my lip to hold in any sobs that tried to come out.  Damnit what I wouldn’t give to have parents like Deacy and Veronica, instead my parents cared more about their next fix rather than their daughter.
I was a means to an end to them, when they really did notice me it was before they could sell me for drug money.  I could’ve been sold off, molested by drug abusers, hooked on drugs and probably died by 5 years old from malnourishment. Why didn’t they love me?
“(Y/n)?” I looked up to see Veronica standing over me looking at me concerned. “Are you okay sweetie?” I sniffled and wiped my tears.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine….I’m fine.” I choked out as I turned away from her still wiping my tears.
“You don’t have to lie to me.”
“How can you tell?”
“You and John do a similar thing. You refuse to make eye contact with me whenever you lie. So come on out with it. What’s going on in that mind of yours? Is it your friend?”
“No, no. I—god you’re gonna think I’m a horrible person when I say this.”
“Try me.” Wow she’s such a sweetheart.  As she rubbed my back comfortingly and handed me a box of tissues, I dabbed my eyes of the tears and I said.
“I—envy your son.” She looked at me confused and that’s when I continued, “I—I haven’t even told Roger the entire truth but uhh—my parents were…..drug addicts. Hell my mum never even knew she was pregnant till she gave birth to me behind a dumpster. I was—merely a coat to them. They only noticed me when they wanted to. Then when I was 3 they—” I trailed off and shook my head.
“You don’t have to explain anymore (y/n). God I—I cannot even begin to think what you went through. You poor thing.” She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I said.
“I always believed that—all parents were like that. That’s why I also denied authority in my younger years. But then seeing you and Deacy speak and treat Robert like that it—” more tears spilled from my eyes and that’s when Veronica took me in her arms and proceeded to rub my back comfortingly.
“Ohh (y/n) I am so sorry you had to go through something like that. But think of it this way, even with a sad and troubled upbringing, you’re still this beautiful, talented, charismatic young woman. Who I believe one day is going to change the world.”
Wow—I mean I read on biography information that she was sweet and down to earth but this—it was just completely mind boggling. I mean I’m barely an acquaintance of her husband and she’s already treating me like I’ve known the boys for years.
“Thank you Veronica.”
“You’re most welcome love, do you feel any better?”
“Yeah I….I’ve never really had the chance to cry about my past….at all really.”
“Well I’m always here to offer a shoulder to cry on, or if you want to get away from the boys.” We both chuckled and that’s when she got up and actually made me some hot chocolate as a comfort drink. As I sat there for a while, I saw Veronica going through Robert’s baby bag when she said.
“Oh darn it.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I thought I packed enough diapers for Robert but I guess I used the last of it just before his bedtime. And I can’t ask John to run the errand for me because his hotel’s 20 blocks from here.”
“You can go get the diapers, I’ll watch Robert.” She looked at me wearily.
“Are you sure? And I don’t mean this in a crude way but do you know how to take care of a baby?”
“I’ve dabbled here and there with some neighbors around my nana’s place.”
“Are you sure you can handle it?” she asked worriedly.
“Hey Veronica, trust me I’ve got this. Besides it’d be better than driving with a baby boy with a wet diaper to the nearest store, get the diapers, come back here, change him and put him back to bed.”
“You’re right okay well if you insist. His bottles are already made and in the fridge. Just warm it up for about 30 seconds in after putting the water in for the same amount of time. Uhh if he drops his sea turtle in the night just put it back in his crib. I should be back in a few minutes so you won’t deal with him long okay?”
“We’ll be okay Veronica now go. Go get those diapers before a store closes for the night. Especially with the holidays getting closer.”
“Yeah you’re right. I’ll be back in about 10 minutes if not 5, think you can be in charge for that long?”
“No worries you can trust me Veronica, now go.” She nodded then grabbed her coat, purse and keys and headed out the door. I went to take a quick peek over at baby Robert to see that he was still asleep which put me at ease so I went back into the main room without a second thought.
I managed to find a random fashion magazine probably given by the hotel management and just browsed through it. Now I’ll admit some of this stuff that came out during the 70’s I’ll admit were super stylish and I kinda wish we kept them around. And yeah call me an old soul but hell I’ve been everywhere far, wide and in between.
But as the minutes ticked by, I kept getting this itch that something wasn’t right.  It reminded me of being back in the gang when a standoff would happen and next thing we would know, BANG! BANG someone got shot in the head or heart.
So I went back to check on Robert to see that he was still fast asleep in the pitch black room, but there—there was just the feeling in the air that someone else was here in the room.  I thought I heard the chair rock but I was nowhere near it, I carefully and slowly reached into my back pocket my 6 inch tiger claw knife.
I actually caught sight of these when helping out with a weapons trade when I was around 12.  I saw this knife along with the tiger-like claws along the handle and I thought ‘damn this is a badass weapon’. So I swiped it and no one suspected a thing.  I readied it on my right hand and decided that anything I would see move, I would attack.
Because I’ll be damned if anyone attacks Robert.
It was then I saw a shadow quickly go past the door and I sprung out and immediately attacked the person.  I stabbed them repeatedly and all I got in response was an animal-like hiss, a very familiar animal like hiss.  The thing and I rolled on top of each other before I kicked them out towards the living room and there I saw it.
It was the fish-humanoid creature that had somehow gotten on the TARDIS, however it wasn’t the exact same one that pushed me out.  This one was more strongly built and had a more greenish tone than the previous one. But those eyes, webbed hands, claws and teeth were still the same.
I stood guard over the door holding and skillfully spinning my tiger-claw knife that I wasn’t gonna let this beast get by me without a fight.  It snarled as it stared at me pacing back and forth but I kept my eyes and would adjust my stance following it’s every move so that it wouldn’t sneak by me.
But then I saw it smirk at me before it suddenly morph it’s shape into a more human form.  The claws shrunk to fingernails, the skin became slightly more tan and long blonde hair began to grow out of its head.  Soon standing before me was none other than Roger.
Oh shit. What if—what if this thing was some kind of a siren? I mean it would make sense, fish-like creature, able to turn into a handsome person whether male or female.  But there’s one thing this siren didn’t really include, I may love Roger but not in the way it thinks I do.
So I literally had no problem with lunging right at it and pinned it against the wall.  I got a knee right where the sun didn’t shine before getting a few good jabs in.
“Nice try, but our love is different you bitch.” The siren eyes shifted from Roger’s famed blues back to its pitch black as it’s teeth and claws came back out and it lunged for me again.  It tackled me against the counter and proceeded to try and take a bite out of me but I held it back with as much strength as I could before finally taking a stab at it through its shoulder.
It hissed in pain before taking my wrist and twisting it to the point where I heard the bone break.  I let out an agonizing scream as it then grabbed me and threw me towards the table which broke the glass top and I lay there groaning in agony.  It’s eyes glared at pure hatred towards me before it turned its attention back towards the bedroom.
It suddenly turned to water and it drained right towards the bedroom. Oh fucking hell you don’t!  I tried as best I could to get up and crawl towards the bedroom. I saw it’s shadow standing over Robert’s crib and it took my knife out of it shoulder before admiring it and turning down towards Robert.
No, no, no, no, no, no! That bastard was gonna point the blame on me for killing John and Veronica’s first born! It grinned maliciously at me before pointing the blade right down to Robert.
Suddenly a high pitched sound came out of nowhere and the siren dropped my knife to the floor.  It held it’s ears in agony and hissed an echoey type shriek as it’s form kept reverting between it’s true form and Roger’s.
I took this as my moment to take my knife back and tackle the damn bastard down to the ground, but in that process, we had actually knocked the crib over and the next thing that echoed through the room was Robert’s crying.
I trailed behind the siren until I managed to corner it behind the rocking chair and the drapes.  I pinned it down with both my legs and stabbed it repeatedly in the back roaring and crying out before finally slicing it’s neck which stained the corner of the room with it’s blood.
Robert’s crying softened as I came out from the corner of the room and collapsed exhaustedly to the floor covered in the siren’s blood.
“Do you have any idea how worried I was about you missy?” I could hear Robert’s cooing and I heard the voice say again, “Yes, yes she did save your life. And she was very brave at that too.” I turned around and smiled and chuckled softly.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
Time travel rescue pt. 6; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay guys Here I am with a new update and more good news, I’ve got an additional 2 chapters for you today, however the bad news is is that these will be the LAST two chapters for this series, so yes today this series will come to an end. I want to thank everyone in advance for giving this series a chance and for loving yet another brilliant crossover. So enjoy this chapter as well as the last two chapters I have in store for you all :)
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I couldn’t sleep at all that night.  I kept thinking just who the siren scout could’ve been.  There’s at least millions of people here in London, not to mention hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers, roadies and groupies that work alongside Queen.  So anyone could be the siren scout, especially if they’re shapeshifters and can act like normal humans.
I was leaning against the balcony as I sighed heavily, the warm stream of fog leaving my mouth as I exhaled out in the snowy cold morning.
“You’ll catch your death if you stay out here.” I heard Roger say as I felt his arms wrap around my waist and rubbing my arms to keep warm.
“Just—got a lot on my mind right now.”
“Like what?”
“Oh nothing you need concern yourself about Roger. Just—futuristic stuff.” I didn’t want to cause a panic in him.  He and the others don’t need to deal with this, because I was gonna find that scout and end it’s life before it can harm the boys of Queen.
“Are you sure?”
“Mm-hmm.” I hummed with a nod and the best fake smile I could muster.  He looked at me skeptically before saying.
“Okay time traveler. But c’mon let’s head back inside I’m already freezing my nuts out here.” We then went back inside and as it was my turn to make the breakfast before rehearsal, I walked in to see Roger reading the paper although that’s not what surprised me.
What surprised me was the fact that he was wearing glasses. And not the shade prescriptions, I’m talking about real prescription glasses, round and all.  He looked up at me alarmed.
“Now (y/n) I swear to you if you tell the guys about this I’ll—”
“Don’t worry Roger they won’t hear it from me. But if you want a girl’s honest opinion. I think they make you look really cute.” He lowered them and he said.
“Really?” I nodded.
“It just gives you that—domestic, softy side. And any girl you get that can see you like that will consider herself lucky to snagged herself a winner.”
“Well when you’re trying for a rock and roll image, it doesn’t do very well does it. Back in school kids got beat up for wearing glasses like this. I pleaded with my mum to get me contacts but she refused again and again.”
“If you want, they do make prescription shades you can get. In fact what I can share with you is that you do get those in a year or two.”
“Huh? I never knew they did that.” I nodded.
“Yep. And you still wear those shades even in my time. Just….something to think about. But just thought you’d like to hear that I think you look domestic in real glasses.”
“Thanks (n/n).” he said with a smile as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.  After breakfast we left his room and carefully headed on over to the theater.
Turned out we were the second ones there next to Deacy and a couple of his roadies who were helping him set up his bass.
“Early start Deacy?” Roger called out.
“Sooner get ready just so that I can spare myself from you-know-who from his bitching.” Roger hummed in agreement.  As we got up to the stage I asked him.
“How’s Veronica and Robert?”
“They seem to be better. I sent her back home just so that she could get away from all this and just be with Robert.” He told me.
“I—I want to personally thank you (y/n) for saving my son from that—whatever it was. I know it sounds weird but ever since he was born I just…..fell in love with him. And if anything ever happened to him, I’d never forgive myself. So thank you (y/n).” he wrapped his arms around me and embraced me.
Wow a hug from Deacy, never did I think that would happen in a million years.  But man he does give pretty warm hugs.  Unlike Roger’s who gave some warm bear hugs, Deacy’s was like being wrapped in a warm blanket.  God was Veronica ever lucky to be hugged by this man every day for the past 44 years.
I embraced him back and leaned my head against his shoulder and said to him.
“You’re welcome Deacy.”  It was in that moment Brian came in and he said.
“Am I interrupting something?” Deacy and I separated from each other and Deacy said.
“No. I was just thanking (y/n) for what she did last night in saving my son.”
“Well I was only part of the rescue team. Had the Doctor not came when he did I—don’t want to think what would’ve happened.” I recalled back when that siren had my knife in it’s hand and stood over Robert’s crib poised and ready to stab the sleeping baby.
“Any idea when Fred’s coming Bri?” asked Roger.
“I passed him on my way over here. Said he was having a smoke break back at the hotel then he was gonna be over here.”
“Any particular reason why he didn’t come here for his smoke break?” questioned Deacy.
“You know Fred he just does his thing. For now I guess we could just run through some riffs. Would you like to be our private audience (y/n)?”
“Hey I’m your girl.” I said.  And with that the three Queen’s got set up and ready and they ran through some of their songs that didn’t really need Freddie.
Almost 2 hours later and Fred still hadn’t shown up yet.  While the guys were getting a little antsy about Fred’s tardiness, I on the other hand was growing concerned.  Surely he wouldn’t just blow off a performance like this.
“Does it really take 2 hours to smoke a cigarette?!” snapped Rog.
“Veronica giving birth was faster than Fred’s tardiness.” Deacy proclaimed.
“Okay nothing we needed to hear Deacy. But I agree where the hell is he? If Reid comes by and sees only the three of us, he’s gonna have a fit.”
“Alright boys let’s get this rehearsal under—where’s Freddie?” we looked up to see Prenter coming out from the backstage entrance and when he say that Freddie wasn’t around he grew annoyed.
“We don’t know Prenter.” Snapped Roger.
“Well find him. He’s the star of the show after all. And if he isn’t found in five minutes, I’ll see to it that Reid finds out about this personally!” his slimy Irish tongue rolled through his yellow teeth. He then gave me a nasty glare before turning back and going backstage.
“I’ll see if I can’t call the hotel. Maybe he went back into his room for whatever reason. Probably to try on other outfits for the show.” Brian said as he got up from the AMP he was sitting on and walked towards the back entrance where he knew some payphones were kept.
“He knew we had a rehearsal today. And Brian saw him just before he left. Where the fuck is he?!” Roger snapped.  I placed a hand to his arm trying to calm him down, but on the inside I was freaking out.  A few minutes later Brian came back and he said.
“The concierge said he saw Freddie leave shortly after his smoke break. Ordered a taxi cab and everything.”
“You don’t think he got into an accident do you?” Deacy asked worriedly.
“If he did, don’t you think we would’ve gotten a call from the ambulance or at least heard something by now?” Brian said. Oh please don’t let it be what I think it is.
“I mean they should.” At this point I couldn’t take it.  I quickly raced out of the theater and raced towards the TARDIS.
“Doctor!” I proclaimed as I opened the doors to the TARDIS.  He was already at the controls and I said. “Please tell me Freddie’s not…..”
“I’m running traces of him now, the TARDIS isn’t picking him up anywhere on Earth.”
“Oh god.” I collapsed to my knees. “Once. Just once, why does something bad have to happen? And why them!? What do they want?”
“Unfortunately I don’t know. But I think I did manage to find where these Rusalka’s are located.”
“Where?” I asked as I walked up and stood beside him.
“Beyond the reaches of space and time, a planet of desolation and death. Magna Graecia.”
“Magna Graecia.” I muttered.  It was then the doors to the TARDIS opened and there stood Brian, Roger and Deacy.
“(Y/n) do you have any idea what’s going on?” Brian asked me.  Now I was in a dilemma.  Do I tell the guys they’re being hunted by an alien force? Or do I just tell them to not worry and that Freddie would turn up soon (after the Doctor and I get him back that is).
“No lies (y/n). No more secrets, if Fred’s in any type of trouble we deserve to know. I know this has to do with last night right? Why you up so early this morning?” Roger said as he walked up to me and held my triceps with his hands.
Damn you Roger Taylor you know I can’t lie to those big blue eyes of yours!  I lowered my head shamefully and said.
“I’m sorry guys. I’m so sorry.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Deacy.
“We—might have an idea on what happened to Freddie Mercury, but you four are gonna have to sit down for this.” The Doctor explained gravely.  It was then the Doctor began to explain to them everything about the Rusalka zygons. I watched the guys’ expressions and they grew worried, scared or down right terrified.  By the end, Deacy said.
“And I thought we had to just worry about the critics ratting us out as the worst bad in the world.”
“Or crazed groupies and fans.” Added Brian.
“What exactly do they want with us?” asked Roger.
“That we don’t know. I’m sorry boys, but it’s not safe for you three to be out in the open.”
“What about the others? All those workers? Our families?” I knew Deacy was mostly worried because one Rusalka tried to kill his son, whose to say another one won’t try to do the same.
“We understand your concern John but—”
“But nothing Doctor! Have you ever had children before? Do you even know what it’s like when you imagine the worst possible scenario, especially when it’s already happened before!?” At that statement the Doctor’s face became grim and his eyes became piercingly cold.
“I do. In fact I’ve lived with it for far too long. So yes I get that you’re worried for your son’s and wife’s safety. But the second you walk out and try to find them, the bigger the target they become, all because of you.”
You could just feel the tension in the air. The Doctor never really liked talking about his past that much, sometimes it makes me wonder if he just chooses to forget on purpose and then choose to remember.  It was then Deacy folded and he said.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to them.”
“And nothing will John. I’ll have someone I know personally look after them and she’ll be damn well sure no harm will come to Veronica or Robert again.”
“So what do we do till then? I mean can you both defeat these Rusalkas?” asked Brian.
“Well the Doctor never likes dealing things with violence unlike me. And I can only do so much, plus we don’t know just who the scout is or what shape they’re taking.”
“Rusalka scouts are chosen by the Rusalka themselves and sometimes given extra strength to carry out the job, but they aren’t full Rusalkas. So at this point it’s like picking a poisoned needle in a haystack.”
“So that means picking the right scout would be one in 150,000.” Brian stated grimly.
“Afraid so.”
“So what can we do till then? I mean, if we’re pretty much walking targets do we just stay here and do nothing?” Roger said.
“For now yes.”
“And what about the concert?” asked Brian. “No one would believe us even if we told them.”
“Leave that to (y/n) and I. For now we’ll let you guys get what you need and get you three settled here in the TARDIS. (Y/n) will go along with you for protection, while I try to pinpoint Freddie’s exact location.” The guys nodded and soon the four of us left the TARDIS.
When we arrived at the theater, Brian asked me.
“Just what exactly do you got in mind?”
“Just wait and see.” We opened the doors and I came bursting in proclaimed. “OKAY EVERYONE CLEAR OUT OF HERE! CLEAR OUT! This building is under investigation! Everyone clear out!”
“Excuse me, who are you to tell us that?” John Reid, who finally decided to show himself for a change showed up.
“London FD. I was undercover to investigation this facility and it turns out there are high levels of Carbon Monoxide just radiating from this theater. Now then Mr. Reid, less you want all of these people to get even sicker than what you’ve probably put them through, I suggest you and everyone else clear out so that my superiors can do their job. Oh and I request that all of you don’t enter this building for at least three days.”
“We weren’t notified of this. And our CM detectors are working just fine.” He tried to reason.  I sighed heavily and pulled out from a Carbon monoxide detector.
“Not according to my detector. Which is actually a newer model and way more advance than the dinosaurs this building has.” The mini monitor (which was actually just an old broken, earthquake sensor) started vamping up and making that high pitched noise. “So if you please Mr. Reid. Clear the theater before you have a lawsuit on your hands.”  I knew he had been beaten because he had that defeated look in his eyes.
“Alright, the lot of you clear out!” soon all quickly filing out in a stampede were the volunteers and workers.  They were all clamoring amongst each other, pushing and shoving to try and get out of the theater.
“Whoa. Is that really a uhh—”
“No Roger, it’s just an old earthquake sensor I got in 2354 in the undersea city of New, New, New, New, New Orleans.”
“And just what type of paper ID is that, I thought it was blank.” Brian said.  I grinned and said.
“Gallifrey paper. The Doctor uses them all the time as ID’s and he had a spare one lying around so he gave it to me. I say what I want to be, and the paper shows the person I’m talking to an official license and registration. Legalized and everything.” I showed them my ID and said. “Chief detective (Y/n) (l/n) London PD.” And it was then I saw their eyes widen in awe as the license changed from what I had said earlier to a CD badge.
“Wow (y/n), you truly are full of surprises.” Roger said with a smile.
“The Doctor says it’s one of my best qualities. Okay now, I’m giving you guys one minute. Do you hear me one. Minute to grab only what you need and then meet me back here. I’ll stand guard of the back entrance to your dressing rooms, and if anyone tries to sneak back in. Then I think we may have our scout.” I said as we walked backstage and stood by the back entrance.
“You sure you can handle it?” Roger asked concerned.
“I’ll be fine Roger. I haven’t died yet, takes more than that to take down the Tigress. Now go, cause your one minute starts now.” The boys then raced down the gray corridors and I stood guard and timed my stopwatch.
*3rd Person POV*
Brian, Deacy and Roger arrived at their dressing room and they each grabbed something of importance to them.   Roger grabbed the keys to his car, his drumsticks, and his fur coat.  Brian grabbed his red special, a couple of books and a picture of his parents and of his girlfriend Chrissie.  John grabbed only a picture of Veronica and Robert.
“Really Bri the red special?” Roger asked.
“I don’t know if those Rusalkas can track down scents, I don’t want my mum and dad getting involved. And what about you with those car keys of yours, you know we didn’t drive here.”
“Hey! I don’t want anyone swiping my keys alright? I worked too hard for my Alfa Romero.” Roger snapped.
“Okay, okay you two stop bickering like children and let’s get going. Our minute is almost up.” Deacy butted in.  With no other words, they all raced down the hallways but Deacy stopped because he thought he heard someone call his name.
“John? John~.”
*My POV*
Seven, six, five, four, three, two. Oh thank god there they are and to think I…..wait where’s Deacy?
“Did we make it?” panted out Brian.
“Where’s Deacy?” I asked urgently ignoring his question. Roger and Brian looked behind them and saw that John was in fact missing.
“He was behind us a second ago.” Brian said.
“He even told us to hurry and get back here.” Roger added.
“Oh fuck.” I hissed I then ran off but I told the guys to get back to the TARDIS.
“But (y/n)……”
“NO BUTS ROGER TAYLOR! NOW GET YOUR ASS BACK TO THE TARDIS NOW OR ELSE!!!” I snarled at him as I briefly turned back and stared at him with my intimidating gaze that once sent shivers up even grown gang member’s spine.  
Hearing my voice sounding so threatening definitely took him by surprise as his eyes widened and he just stared at me fearfully while I turned back around and raced down the corridor.
I came to their dressing room and I saw there on the floor the Deacon family picture that John kept in his wallet.
“No Deacy.” I took the picture and placed it in my pocket and raced down the hallway jointed to the dressing room. “Deacy! Deacy where are you!? John Deacon you better respond back to me!” As it got darker and darker I had no choice but to take my phone out and turn on the flashlight.  Soon right in front of my just a few feet away was a ladder probably leading up to the catwalk.
I raced over and was forced to put my phone in my pocket and climb up the stairs almost blind.  As I climbed up slowly and carefully, it only got darker and darker till it was just pitch black.  Finally after what felt like an eternity of climbing, I finally reached the top.  But it turns out that I was actually on the roof.
“Oh shit.” I took out my phone and shined it through the long catwalk path that the roof thankfully had.  I slowly walked along until finally my light caught sight of a familiar brown boot and bell-bottom jeans.  I raised my light higher and there he was.  Lying on his back was Deacy. “Deacy!”
I raced over to him and pressed my fingers to his neck and I could still feel a pulse.  I sighed with relief but there was something else I noticed.  He wasn’t really unconscious cause his eyes were still open, in fact he—had this love-like dazed look across his face.
“Deacy. Deacy can you hear me? C’mon snap out of it bud.” I tried to shake him, slap his cheek lightly but nothing was working.
Then just like last night, I began to get that feeling again.  Like something was watching me.  But what also had me feeling on edge was that I could smell some sort of aroma.  It was sweet like nectar but—strangely familiar.
It wasn’t until I looked up to see literally leaning against the railing of the roof, Veronica.  However when my light shined right on her eyes, they transitioned to pure black and her teeth grew into canines.
“Oh f—” she then lunged right at me.  I grabbed John’s feet and dragged him away but the Veronica double ganger grabbed ahold of Deacy’s arms and began pulling. The two of us having a tug of war with the bass player, until the bitch decided to play dirt and literally leap right towards me.
Now you would think I would just go backwards right and we’d just stay on the catwalk, well you’re wrong.  Cause I thought I could manage to toss the Rusalka that was wearing Veronica’s body as it’s disguise off the roof, however she had a tight grip on my shoulders that I ended up falling down the roof with her. E might have possibly fallen 10-15 feet from the roof till we both ended up tangled in some old curtains that were fortunately underneath us and bundled up together to stop us from falling further down towards the ground.
The two of us struggling within the curtains with me trying to get out and the Rusalka trying to hunt me down and kill me. Her claws went straight through the curtains like scissors to paper.  Her haunting snarls and growls as she tried to pin me down and slaughter me, all while still wearing Veronica’s face.
With a final cut of the curtains, they began to rip underneath me and strangely by a string of continuous luck, I saw the catwalk just within my reach.  Using the momentum in my free falling, I managed to land on the catwalk with a loud thud.  I groaned in pain and tried to pull myself up, but my troubles were hardly over as the Veronica double-ganger landed just by my feet and tried to lunge for a kill strike.
Using my feet and holding her in a choke hold so she couldn’t get any closer, I managed to hold her off but she managed to scratch my cheek up real good with a single swipe of her claws.
“(Y/N)!” I gasped and that’s when the Rusalka also turned and eyed the left lustfully.  For that voice that called out to me was none other than Roger Taylor. Forgetting about me, the Rusalka got off of me and went to jump over the catwalk, but I tackled her and pinned her down.
“ROGER GET OUT OF HERE!” I cried out as I wrapped my arms around the Rusalka’s ribs trying to squeeze them as hard as I could and wrap my legs around hers so she couldn’t get up. “GET OUT!!! GO NOW!!” But the Rusalka managed to wriggle her way out and give me another scratch across the face sending me backwards allowing her to finally jump right off the catwalk.
No I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Why did Roger have to be so stubborn, why couldn’t he and Brian have just left and gone to the TARDIS like I told them to.  I pulled myself up and looked down only to see the Rusalka pacing around sniffing the air, there was no sign of Roger or Brian anywhere.  Then why did it sound like he was close, unless—suddenly the Rusalka jumped right back up towards the catwalk and with Veronica’s appearance she appeared to be a crazed, rabid animal.
The leopard-tiger like roars emitting definitely sent a sense of fear within my body.  I looked behind me and I saw a genie lift, I crawled towards it before finally finding my footing and rushed over and got onto the genie and quickly pressed the down button as well as ranked up the speed as high as it could go just so I could avoid getting attacked again.
The Veronica look alike soon jumped after me but suddenly a weight bag hit her gut sending her upwards and as soon as she reached the top and I hit the bottom, she was now tangled up in the ropes and pulleys.
“What were you doing napping?” Roger teased as he opened the gate and helped me stand up.
“How did…..”
“I was actually up in the technicians wing and spoke into the speaker microphone.”
“Then what was the weight bag and the…..”
“Galileo’s theory of gravity and weight. By tying that 30lbs weight back it had a greater acceleration than a lighter bag would. So I tied one end of the rope with the weight bag that was right by this genie and cut the last strand of rope just as the Rusalka would leap after you.” Brian explained as he and Roger helped me stand up.
“Did you find him?”
“He’s on the roof. We can get to him now that bitch face is tied up. Come on I need your help.” We raced to the back room. Just as I turned down the path, I was suddenly blindsided and all I saw was black.
And the faint voices of Brian and Roger calling out for me before nothing but silence rang out.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)! C’mon my tigress come on.” When I opened my eyes, there hovering over me was the Doctor.
“Doctor? Wha….what happened?”
“I came in to find you passed out along the corridor.”
“Where’s Roger and Brian? Did they get Deacy?” he looked at me sadly and didn’t respond.  I sat up and I demanded. “Doctor? How long was I out?” he didn’t respond right away I began to grow worried.
“You guys have been gone for an hour. And—I’m sorry (y/n) but they’re gone.” What?
“No. No. No! No! No! NOOOO!!!!” I sobbed as I thrashed around.  Why didn’t I pay more attention? How could I be so stupid you damn stupid bitch! Now because of you, they’re dead.  The greatest band in all of Rock history is dead because you were careless you damn bitch!
I felt the Doctor wrap his arms around me trying to get me to stop thrashing.  Pointless words of comfort and strokes of my hair meant nothing, all I could hear was my heart breaking and the last thing I heard of Queen were the sounds of them crying out my name.
After a while I just went numb and that’s when the Doctor said.
“It wasn’t your fault (y/n).”
“It’s always my fault. Everywhere I go I bring danger along with me. Some friends of mine from the gang, my nana, my parents, and now Queen. Why am I so destructive?” I numbly said.
“Don’t even try it Doctor.” I told him. “You’ve known all along. I’m reckless, as you’ve always said. And by being reckless I would be careless. And that’s exactly what’s happened.” He sighed heavily and said.
“Well then this might help you. I’ve found out where Freddie was taken, and just who the scout was.” I quickly looked up at him and demanded as I gripped the sides of his jacket.
“Who was it!?”
“I ran some DNA strands of hair I found in one of the volunteers dressing rooms and it came back positive with some Rusalka zygon DNA. But you’re not gonna like who it is.”
“Don’t sugarcoat it Doctor!”
“The DNA belonged to Paul Prenter.” At that point I saw nothing but red.  I stormed out of the theater and out into the cold London weather and as the Doctor trailed behind me calling out my name warningly.
“Where did he take them?”
“(Y/n) you’re not thinking straight—”
“WHERE DI HE TAKE THEM!?” I roared as I turned to face the Doctor.  He looked at me worriedly and he said.
“I need to know you’re not going to do something stupid. If you really want to save those boys, you’ve got to think clearly and have a plan.”
“I’ve got a plan. Attack and skin Prenter alive. Now tell me where he took them.” The Doctor was silent before he finally said.
“Their home planet.”
“Manga Graecia.” I muttered lowly with a slight nod of my head.  I turned back around and raced off towards the TARDIS.
“No! (Y/n) wait remember what I said!”
“The more time we waste here, the more time they have to be tortured and killed by those psychotic bitches! And I for one am not going to lie down while those boys endure that!”
“I get that you want to save them, but what good will it do if you just go in as you normally do knives or guns ablazing! This is why I don’t choose violence! Because I can’t stand by and watch as you get yourself killed!” I reached out and touched the doors and paused there for a moment taking in what the Doctor had just said.
I lowered my head and I said.
“Then what do you suggest then?”
“We can come up with a plan together, and we’ll save them together. You’ve done so much on your own already, and you bear the weight of your failures so much. Time for someone to finally help you. You’re not the only one who loves those boys (y/n).” he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently rubbed them.
“Okay.” I sighed.
“That’s my girl.” He then got in front of me and entered the TARDIS first. “Right now channeling the coordinates to Magna Graecia we can move right on as soon as we formulate a plan.” As the Doctor proceeded to ramble on, I silently picked up a 5/8th’s wrench and with the right amount of force to not kill him, I knocked him out over the head.
“I’m sorry Doctor, but I can’t wait another second.” I dropped the wrench and proceeded to drag him out of the TARDIS. I set him down on a nearby bench and went back to the TARDIS.  I activated her up and pressed the enter button for the coordinates to be punched in and I pulled the lever and soon she began to breathe that famed wheezing sound. “Hang on guys, I’m on my way.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years ago
Daughter of Freddie Mercury; Freddie Mercury x pre-teen/teen reader pt.2
*Author’s note*
And here we go everyone, here is pt.2 of the request. Now i want to warn everyone in advance that this part is TWICE AS ANGSTY and probably the most angsty thing I will ever write.  So if anyone needs, I’ve got tissues ready for everyone and anyone who needs them. Also the POV’s change constantly throughout this part so if that bothers anyone I’m telling you in advance. 
Warnings: mentions of drugs, ANGST, some fluff, the SOB P**nt**, swearing.
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I now was lying on the guest bed in Uncle Deacy's house. My hair now fully wet after just getting out of a bath. Thanks to aunt Veronica who helped to rinse out the dip and anything else that had gotten stuck to my hair, plus also to wash away the champagne smell from my skin.
I lay there on my side motionlessly with tears still dripping out of my eyes every now and them, occasionally sniffling. A soft knock and the door creaked open and I heard Uncle Deacy's voice say.
"Hey, may I come in?" I remained silent. I heard the door shut and felt a dip at the foot of the bed. Silence rang out through the room and that's when I heard Uncle Deacy say. "I've made some hot chocolate downstairs. I know how much that cheers you up."
"I'm gonna end back in the foster home." I finally muttered softly. I knew uncle Deacy's eyes were locked right at me as I heard him say in shock.
"What makes you say that?"
"Not the first time it's been that way." I bluntly stated. I felt his hand on my shoulder and finally I turned towards him and I continued, "Paul's taking him away from me. I can feel it. It happened once before with my third foster dad. The minute he met a girl he no longer wanted me. They hosted parties like that all the time, and then one day he called the foster home telling them he no longer wanted me......." I tried holding back my tears as I tried to get out. "Guess I was never meant to be a part of a family. I'll just be the black plague of this earth....."
"Bullshit!" I looked up at Uncle John and was shocked at his statement. Usually he's calm and collected, rarely does he ever snap but just now he did and I was terrified. He inhaled deeply before exhaling softly and said, "I'm sorry dear, but what you just said is absolute rubbish."
"If it is rubbish, then why hasn't anyone adopted me yet? Why do they always say they'll be there for me when eventually they always leave me?" I asked as I sat up and kept eye contact with him. He stared right back at me, his face completely stoic and I knew I had him in a box.
That was until he lifted his hand and cupped my cheek gingerly and he said to me.
"Close your eyes." I looked at him confused.
"Just trust me love," I sighed heavily and closed them and I heard him say again, "Now I want you to forget everything you see," I felt his hand take my wrist and place it over my chest, right over my heart. "What do you feel?" I soon felt my heartbeat and I said as I opened my eyes.
"My heart." I looked up at Uncle Deacy and he said as he extended his arm.
"Come here." I allowed his arm to wrap around my shoulder and I leaned up against his chest as he held me close and moved my head over his chest allowing me to hear his heartbeat.
"Your heart?"
"Two rhythms synchronizing together to create a strong beat to a song. And you are the most important beat to this family (y/n). From day one when you came to us, you became such an important part to this crazed family, we'd be lost without you here. You belong here (y/n), and don't let what Paul or anyone else make you think otherwise."
"You really mean that?" I asked as I looked up at him hopefully.
"Of course, I never say what I don't mean. I may not always speak the most out of the other three, but when I do say something, it's always 100% true." I wrapped my arms around Uncle Deacy's neck and hugged him as tight as I could. I felt his arm wrap around me as he hugged me back with as much strength as he could all the while stroking my back. "Freddie just marches to his own rhythm. But sooner or later he will come around. He always does."
"Thanks uncle Deacy, I love you."
"I love you too poppet. Now, what do you say we head downstairs for that hot chocolate, hmm?" I nodded happily and we separated from each other and headed downstairs to grab the hot chocolate, and for the rest of the night Uncle Deacy never once let his arm down from my shoulder's always keeping me close to him in his one armed hug.
But as time continued to move on, it seemed like my dad was just getting worse. Paul's influence was really starting to affect the Freddie Mercury I first met back at the foster home, he wasn't the same he drank more, was high practically all the time and barely acknowledged my existence any more.
What's worse was that he was also starting to push away Uncle Brian, Deacy and Roger. Like when one day shortly after they had filmed the music video for uncle Deacy's song "I want to break free" with all of them dressed in drag, apparently America banned the video because of the idea and pointing the blame on dad when in reality it was Uncle Roger's idea.
I listened in on the meeting even when I knew I wasn't supposed to. I hid behind the door as I heard my dad say.
"I'm never touring in the US again. And I'm the one being blamed for it. Not you dear whose idea I believe it was to dress up in drag. Nor you, not even you who wrote the bloody thing." He said pointing out to Roger for the idea, then to Brian and finally Deacy who wrote the song. "No, crazy cross dressing Freddie. Freddie the Freak, Freddie the Fag. I'm tired of touring aren't you? Album tour album tour. I want to do something different."
"We're a band that's what bands do. Album, tour. Album, tour." I heard Uncle Brian say.
"Well I need a break, I'm sick of it." Dad snapped.
"What are you saying Freddie?" I heard Uncle Deacy say. There was silence that lingered in the room for what felt like eternity until finally my dad spoke.
"I've signed a deal, with CBS records."
"You've done what?" I heard Uncle Roger say.
"Without telling us." Uncle Brian stated.
"What kind of deal?" asked uncle Deacy.
"Look I'm not saying we won't ever record or tour again. Queen will go on. But I—I need to do something different, do you know what I mean? I-I-I need to grow. What's the song, fly away?"
"Spread my wings and fly away." Said Uncle Deacy.
"Spread my wings and fly away." My dad piped in.
"A solo album." Said Uncle Brian.
"Two actually. Back to back." Paul's voice finally spoke up.
"Another word out of you and I'll throw you out the bloody window!" uncle Roger's voice snarled.
"But that's years Freddie I mean—that'll take years."
"Ye have little faith."
"I just I don't believe this." Uncle Roger spoke up. "How much?" Silence rang throughout the room. "What did they pay you?!" Roger demanded again. Everyone including me was waiting on baited-breath to hear just how much my dad was offered. "I wanna know how much they paid you!"
"Four million dollars!" My dad yelled out.
Oh God...... I couldn't believe how much they were offering for my dad's solo career. This, this, this was—mind boggling.
"That's more than any Queen deal." Said Uncle Deacy in disbelief.
"Look the routine is killing us, I mean you all must want a break from all the arguments. Whose song gets on the album. Whose songs the single? Who wrote what? Who gets the bigger slice of the royalties, what's on the B-side all of it. You must need a break." My dad tried to reason with the guys.
"Freddie. We're a family." Uncle Brian spoke up in a low tone but dad snapped, his voice choking up.
"No we're not! We're not a family. You've got families. Children! Wives! What have I got?!"
"You've got an adoptive daughter, but clearly you're too high to even remember that she still needs you." Uncle Deacy's solemn quick wit spoke up.
"I won't compromise my vision any longer." Is he for real here? He can't be serious about this.
"Compromise? Are you joking? You were working and Heathrow before we gave you a chance!" Uncle Roger's voice spoke up.
And without me....you'd—you'd be a dentist. Drumming 12-8 times blues at the weekend at the Crown and Anchor. And you, well, you would be Dr. Brian May. Author of a fascinating dissertation on the cosmos....that no one ever reads. And Deacy, for the life of me.....nothing comes to mind." Deacy who tried to brush his pain aside said proudly but I could hear the pain in his voice.
"I studied electrical engineering. Does that meet your standard?"
"It's perfect." Tears filled my eyes as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Dad was serious about breaking up the band and if he does, that means I'll—I'll never be able to see my uncles again.
"You just killed Queen." Uncle Roger's voice spoke up lowly and brokenheartedly.
"Oh give her a kiss one day she might wake up."
"You need us Freddie, more than you know. Think about what this will do to (y/n)."
"I don't need anyone. And never tell me how to raise my daughter. In fact—I forbid any of you for seeing her." What no! He—he can't do this to me.
I finally got the perfect family I've always dreamed about, I can't lose them now!
Not wanting to hear anymore I raced out into the backyard and raced next door hoping that mum would be there. Once I got to the front door I knocked on it repeatedly and as loud as I could but there was no answer.
"Mum please—please I need you. Everything's falling apart......I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do." I slid down the door and curled up against it and wept hysterically into my lap, hiding my head in my arms.
"(Y/n)." I sniffled and looked up to see my uncles standing before me. I stood up and hugged uncle Roger as he was the closest one and he wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed out.
"I don't want you guys to go! Please don't leave me. You promised we'd be okay. You promised!"
"We know darling, we know." I heard Uncle Brian say as his arms came around me as well. Soon Uncle Deacy joined in and I was caught in the middle of a three-way group hug. Something my uncles always did for me whenever my really bad days came up.
"You're the best family I've ever had. I don't want you guys to go."
"Oh believe us darling we don't want to leave you either. You're too important to us." Said Uncle Roger as I felt him kiss the top of my head.
"(Y/n)!!" I looked up to see Paul standing outside the front door. "Get back inside and pack up your things." He called out to me.
"No! I'm not leaving!" I cried back.
"Don't you dare talk back to me lass!"
"You're not my father! You've poisoned him you son of a bitch! You're poison Paul Prenter! A snake in the grass! A coward—"
"(Y/N)!!!" My father's voice soon roared out. He now appeared beside Paul and he proclaimed. "I order you to get inside the house and pack up your stuff! I'm your father and I know what's best for you!" My sudden confidence deflated like a balloon as I was reduced to a whimpering mess. I looked up to my uncles who all had tears in their eyes. "Now (y/n)!" I looked up at my uncles and begged to them.
"I don't wanna go please. I don't want to leave you three, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go!" Uncle Brian cupped my face and he said.
"We know love, but I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about it."
"No please......let me stay with you guys. You've been better fathers than he has lately."
"As much as we would want to, we can't (y/n). You've been the best niece the three of us could've asked for. And know that we will always love you." He kissed the center of my forehead when I felt a rough hand take my arm and I was pulled away.
I looked up to see Paul forcing me out of my uncle's protective group hug. I thrashed and tried to fight back but he had a strong grip on me. Uncle Roger's hand still held my free one tightly until I was forced to let go due to the distance. I could see him wanting to come back for me but uncle Brian and uncle Deacy stopped him all three of them looking at me with sorrow-filled eyes.
I cried out for each of them but no matter how much I screamed, no matter how much I pleaded and begged, they didn't come back for me.
*Brian's POV*
It broke our hearts not to go running back and try to get her out of Paul's repulsive grip. Trust me Roger's not the only one who wants to beat Paul to the ground for forcing her out of our arms. But we had no legal recourse for this, had we tried to interfere; Freddie would probably try to start a legal action against us, which could lead to a restraining order against us.
Forbidding us by law to from have any contact with (y/n). I refused to do that to (y/n). She's already been through enough and I refused to put her through that situation. I watched with a broken heart along with Deacy and Roger as Paul finally shoved her into the house and Fred slammed the door shut.
*Munich 1984. My POV*
It's been about 3 weeks since we've moved to Munich, Germany. I barely came out for anything. I rarely ate, I hardly slept, hell I never responded to my dad if he tried to start some bonding time through music. I ignored him completely. He ruined my life, he took me away from the one family I finally came to love and was hardly paying attention to me because he was always either working or hosting a party downstairs.
He always thought he could make it up to me but I never gave him the time of day. I bluntly refused to even look at him, I just buried myself into my sheets and said not a word.
*Freddie's POV*
I was downstairs leaning against the stairway. Everyone else was getting high or drinking as booming music was playing. Normally I would be the life of the party but now—I was worried about (y/n). Ever since the move, she's hasn't spoken a word to me, she won't even look at me.
"Freddie c'mon your guests are waiting to see the host. They all want a little Mercury in their cup." Paul's voice spoke up as he knelt down in front of me. I placed my cigarette onto my lips and exhaled the smoke and didn't respond back. "What's wrong Freddie?"
"Did I do the right thing? For (y/n)? She won't speak to me anymore. Was I right?"
"Of course you were. She's just behaving like every other rebel teenager these days. Always throwing fits, locking themselves in their room. There's nothing to worry about. In a day or two she'll come around. Now come let's show these Germans how the people from London dance."
"I'm too tired Paul darling, I think I'll just turn in for the night." I slowly got up and walked up the stairs, feeling like utter shit. Finally I reached my room and collapsed onto it exhaling heavily before I passed out.
*3rd Person POV*
As the party continued on, Paul slipped away and got to a phone in the kitchen and pulled out a piece of paper and began dialing a phone number. He pressed the phone to his ear and plugged his other one to muffle the sound of the music as he heard the phone ring three times before it stopped.
"Mrs. Boynton, yes I would like to report a case of child neglect."
*My POV*
A few days later I was all along in the large house, Freddie had gone out to the studio to record his second album leaving me alone with all the mess of the party from the previous night, which meant leaving the drugs out onto the table.
I searched through the cabinets trying to find something to eat but there was hardly anything to eat. My stomach growled at me and that's when I heard a knock at the door. I slowly walked towards the front door but before I could even open it, social workers stormed the place and that's when I saw Mrs. Boynton.
"Mrs. Boynton?" I asked.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry to do this but we're going to have to take you back to London."
"What? Why?"
"Mrs. Boynton, just as we were told, there's puffs of cocaine lying all over the table unsupervised. And there's no sign of Mr. Mercury anywhere." One of the social workers said as they held up a back of cocaine in his hand. Mrs. Boynton looked down at me and she said.
"It would seem Freddie is unfit to take care of you anymore. We will immediately transport you back to England and back into the system."
"What no, no I can't go back there!" I cried out.
"And I'm afraid now that you are the legal adult age of 16, you will be put into a different housing. The young adult homeless facility until you are 18. I'm sorry my dear."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, you can take me to three people! Brian May, Roger Taylor or John Deacon! They're my uncles they can take care of me!" I cried out as two male social workers took me by the arm and proceeded to drag me out of the house. "Please Mrs. Boynton you can't put me in the system again! Please! Please don't do this to me!!" I was now being dragged towards a car and shoved inside.
I tried to get out but the door slammed shut on me and I couldn't open the door as it was now locked. I pounded on the window trying to get anyone's attention but no one would look at me.
It was then I saw Mrs. Boynton talking to Paul. She handed him a notice and Paul and her shook hands with each other before she walked away. I—I don't believe this. Paul's framing Freddie for all of this, and now I'm being put back into the system but this time I'm in the young homeless adult system.
Paul turned towards me and just waved at me as the car turned on and we drove away from the house.
*3rd Person POV*
For the next few weeks; Paul kept up the ruse that the reason why Freddie never saw his daughter come out was because she was still acting like a rebel teenager or telling him that she finally was coming around and just seeing the sights of Munich. Whatever he could to keep Freddie in the dark about his daughter and every time Freddie bought it.
That is until the night Mary came to see him.
It was now 1985 in the pouring rain, she had flown out to Munich to hopefully reach Freddie and see what had become of him since she and Jim Beach had been trying to phone Freddie for different various reasons.
The moment Freddie saw the love of his life, he was overjoyed to finally see her for the first time in a very long time. The two former lovers embraced each other after so long and Mary expressed her worry to Freddie but he assured her that he was fine and that he was just too busy working on the second album.
"Stay, stay here with me. I need the love of my life. And with you here, you could even help bring (y/n) out of her shell. She needs her mother." Freddie said as he stroked the side of Mary's face.
"Freddie, what about Queen? Jim told me he's been trying to contact you about Live Aid and you won't take his calls."
"What's Live Aid? And (y/n) is upstairs locked in her room, that's where she's always been ever since I moved her here."
"You haven't heard? Freddie it's the biggest concert there's ever been or ever will be for the famine in Africa. And Mrs. Boynton contacted me telling me that you were unfit to take care of her. They took her back into the system."
"Perhaps Paul thought Live Aid wasn't a good idea a distraction from my work that's what's important. And he would've told me if Mrs. Boynton had come about (y/n). Stay with me darling and everything will be alright. We can go up and see (y/n) for ourselves."
"Freddie I can't stay with you."
"Of course you can, I need you Mary."
"Freddie I'm pregnant." With that bombshell, Freddie's heart sunk like the Titanic. He stared at Mary in pure shock before his shock turned to anger as he said to her.
"How could you?"
"How could I? Freddie this has nothing to do with you!" It was then a choir of voices were heard including Paul's as soon coming in were Paul and his tag team of druggies and prostitutes.
"Freddie! Sorry we're late," when he came around and saw Mary Paul was stunned to see her. "Mary, what a pleasant surprise. Hans, everyone come in make yourselves at home." He soon said to the gang of people who soon came right on in like it was their own home. Paul walked up to Freddie and Mary as he said ashamed, "I wish you were comin to stay, I would've scrubbed the place."
"Actually I'm not staying." Mary said sadly as she walked out of the house. Freddie chased after her in the pouring rain calling out her name. He approached the cab that she had gotten into and managed to hold the door open before she could close it.
"I'm happy for you." Freddie managed to say as he now stood before the love of his life. "Truly I am. Just—I'm frightened."
"Freddie you don't need to be. Because no matter what you are loved. By me, by Brian, Deacy, Roger, your family. Our daughter. It's enough. And these people—they don't care about you. Paul doesn't care about you." It was then Mary took something out from her coat and continued, "I saw Paul throw these in the bin a few years ago shortly after you had moved us into those homes. I couldn't risk him finding them again and burning them instead." She handed the folder to Freddie and he slowly took it from Mary as she urged him once more, "You don't belong here Freddie. Come home."
"Home." Freddie muttered softly. He closed the door and that's when the taxi cab drove off leaving Freddie standing there in the pouring rain.
"Freddie? What are you doing you'll catch your death."
"Why didn't you tell me about Live Aid?" asked Freddie.
"The Africa charity gig?" asked Paul. "It would be an embarrassment I—I didn't want to waste your time." As Paul spoke, Freddie slowly opened up the manila folder and inside of it were the adoption papers for one (Y/n) (l/n).
Freddie felt this sudden rage but he contained it, for now. He held his hand up stopping Paul from speaking any further.
"You should've told me."
"Of course I did. You forgot. You're always forgetting things. Come in now and have a drink." Freddie didn't move a single muscle as he finally said.
"You're out."
"What do you mean?"
"I want you out of my life."
"Because I'm the only one left you're blaming me for everything?"
"I blame myself. For how I behaved before my real friends, my family, my daughter."
"So I'm out, just like that? After everything we've been through? Think of the photos I have. I know who you are Freddie Mercury." Freddie then turned around towards Paul and just stared at him. He walked towards Paul and thinking that he had him right where he wanted him, Paul grinned but then out of nowhere, Freddie slugged Paul right across the face sending him down to the ground with a bloody nose.
Paul looked up at Freddie in shock at the fact that he had actually hit him. Freddie turned his back on him and said.
"You know when you know you've gone rotten? Really rotten. Fruit flies. Dirty, little fruit flies. Coming to feast on what's left. Well there isn't much for you to feast on anymore. So fly off! And do what you like with your photographs and your stories. But promise me one thing. That I never see your face again, ever." With that Freddie walked away with Paul calling out to him telling him he didn't mean it and that he'd make everything better.
The following few days; Paul sold the stories and photographs to the public and soon the whole world knew about Freddie's alternate crazy life style. Freddie watched as Paul was on a television news cast show about all things regarding celebrity gossip and he confessed to everything that Freddie had done.
Freddie went back to London to try and make things right with the band, of course the three of them were reluctant but with the help of Miami it began to slowly work out. With them now officially in the line up for Live Aid that was one thing down, but Freddie had another issue at hand.
He got in contact with Mrs. Boynton who at first didn't want Freddie to talk but he managed to convince her to stay on the line and apologize for everything he had done. As the one sole person who (y/n) had left in this world throughout the system, Mrs. Boynton gave Freddie a piece of her mind while still maintaining her professionalism.
Freddie apologized repeatedly and begged her to tell him where it was the current facility where (y/n) was being kept at was located at. But repeatedly due to the amount of drugs found at the house, Mrs. Boynton didn't believe that Freddie was willing to take on the responsibility of a child, much less one like (y/n) after all that she's been through.
With a heavy heart, Freddie began to accept the fact that he may never see his little girl again. But he had at least hoped that she could at least see one final concert before she would leave his life forever.
So he gave Mrs. Boynton two tickets plus backstage passes to the Live Aid concert that he managed to somehow gain thanks to the help of Miami and Bob Geldof himself. And with that he left Mrs. Boynton's office with sorrow and told the guys that it wouldn't happen.
*My POV*
I was in my room playing my Walkman playing "I'm not in love" by 10cc when I felt a hand at my shoulder and standing over me was Mrs. Boynton. I removed my headphones and said.
"Mrs. Boynton, what are you doing here?" she sighed heavily and said.
"I may live to regret this but," she handed me a small envelope and I took it from her and opened it up to reveal two tickets as well as backstage passes that read.
LIVE AID CONCERT Sat. July 13th, 1985.
Wembley Stadium, 12pm
"Freddie came into my office the other day and gave this to me. It seems like he's turning a new leaf and wants you back." I turned away from her scoffing at the idea.
"If he had he'd never would've let Paul go as far as he did. He should've known that it was Paul's doing that I'm back here."
"I know." She said. I turned to her in shock and said.
"You knew he'd set it up?"
"Had a feeling that's the reason why he called. But I couldn't go against regulations at the time. But now.....I really think you should at least go talk to him." I looked at her in silence before looking down at the tickets.
*July 13th. Day of Live Aid. 3rd Person POV*
Queen were sitting in their trailer waiting for the knock by one of the volunteers to inform them that they were now called to the stage. Deacy was sipping on his cup of tea, Brian was fiddling with his red special tuning it to the right pitch, Freddie sat by the door trying to get his head in place, and Roger was sipping on a glass of whiskey.
They soon heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was one of the volunteers, Jim Hutton who had come along with Freddie went up to the door and opened it to reveal (y/n).
"(Y/n)?" Brian said in shock, almost not believing what he was seeing.
"Hey Uncle Brian. Been a long time." He smiled and couldn't help himself as he got up and hugged his niece for the first time in over a year. She happily hugged him back just as tight as he was hugging her.
"My, my lovey you're so big now." Roger's voice spoke up. She separated from her uncle Brian and as Roger came up to her, he playfully picked her up spinning her around as he kissed all over her face which brought out a joyous laugh from her.
"Oh Uncle Roger I've missed you so much."
"Hopefully not much more than me poppet." She smiled as she walked up to her uncle Deacon and hugged him. He kissed her temple and rocked her back and forth as she laid her head over his heart. She looked up at him and couldn't help but say.
"Did you grow a mushroom on your head or something Uncle Deacy?" John simply chuckled as he shook his head at her and said.
"Oh love I sure have missed that humor of yours." It was then (y/n) finally came face to face with Freddie.
He stood up from his seat and slowly walked out of the trailer, never once letting his eyes leave her as he awkwardly stood before her nervously fiddling with his fingers.
"Hey Freddie." She said softly.
"(Y/n).....my god darling look at you. Almost all grown up."
"Yeah. That's what happens when you ignore someone for almost a year and then allow them to get shipped back to the system." She couldn't help but say still feeling the anger and resentment towards him.
"I—I didn't think you'd come." Freddie admitted softly.
"I almost didn't." she admitted back to him. "But Mrs. Boynton managed to convince me otherwise. Queen will always still be my favorite band no matter what, so if I didn't at least come to wish any of you good luck before the show, I'd regret it forever. Plus it be a shame to waste the ticket and the pass since I knew it was sold out for months."
"I'm really glad you came darling."
"I better get to my spot less it be taken away."
"Why not watch it from the best seat with Jim?" He offered. "Jim darling," Jim walked beside Freddie and he continued, "You remember my—the girl I told you about."
"Yes, it's finally nice to meet you (y/n)." The two shook hands and (y/n) felt a connection with Jim. Unlike Paul who instantly gave her bad vibes, there was nothing but warmth and kindness coming from Jim.
"Why don't the two of you meet up with Mary and David and I will see you all after?" the two of them nodded and (y/n) and Jim walked off but not before (y/n) wished her uncles and Freddie one last good luck.
*My POV*
"So Jim—how do you know Freddie?" I asked.
"We—we're good friends lass. Your father—he found me after getting back on his feet. He really has missed you, and wishes that he was there for you more. He had no idea what Paul had done."
"Well it happened." I said. We spoke not another word on the subject and just talked about random things until we met up with Mary and her boyfriend David.
"(Y/n)." said Mary.
"Hey mum." She hugged me and I noticed the baby bump starting to form. "You're—"
"Yes, I'm pregnant. 2 months along."
"That's....amazing mum." I said.
"But know this darling, just because I'm about to have a child of my own, doesn't mean that I'll love you any less. You will always be my daughter (y/n), my first born. Nothing can ever change that." I smiled and the two of us hugged each other just as the announcers called Queen out onto the stage.
And let me just say watching that entire performance, it was like seeing the boys come back together again. It was like all that's happened this past year never happened. Queen stole the show and had punched a hole in the sky straight into the heavens.
After the show I raced backstage and I just couldn't help myself as the first person I hugged was Freddie. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wept happily into his neck. I didn't care if he was sweating up a storm, I just wanted to hug him. He immediately hugged me back and I said as I separated from him.
"You were amazing. All of you were."
"Thank you my darling." I then hugged and kissed each on of my uncles and told them what a wonderful job they had done.
After the concert, I had gone back to Garden Lodge to visit with Freddie for the night till Mrs. Boynton came to pick me up in the morning. I sipped on a cup of tea and that's when Freddie said.
"(Y/n) darling," I turned to look at him and he continued, "I—I know I've been hideous. I was neglectful.....naive....a real arsehole to you. I was no better than the other foster fathers you've had before, and I shouldn't have let Paul poison my mind the way he did."
"Please darling I need to finish this," he came up and knelt down in front of me and proceeded to say, "I feel like I shouldn't even deserve your forgiveness. But I hope these will at least show some sign that I might still have a chance." He then handed me a neatly wrapped present.
I looked at him before I took the present from his hand and unwrapped it. When I opened the box, the first thing that I saw were the legal adoption papers from the foster care. I looked at every page and every spot where it showed for a signature, there was one until I finally looked at the last page to see at the bottom a named signed.
Freddie Mercury.
I looked at him and muttered.
"Fred I—I don't know what to say....."
"All I need is an honest answer." I sighed heavily and said.
"You have no idea how happy I am to see these forms. I've been waiting for so long to see papers like these. Finally hoping that I had found the right family to take me in." He softly smiled at me with hope in his eyes as I continued, "But I can't accept this." His smile vanished. "What happened and what you had done to me really hurt me Freddie. You neglected to see that Paul was manipulating you until he got you away not only from the guys and mum, but from me too. I'm sorry I just....."
"It's fine. I—I understand." He said solemnly as he took the papers back. After a moment of silence I spoke up again.
"At least not yet." He looked at me confused. "I—I still want to be in your life Freddie Mercury. Because you've been the only real father I've ever known. But I don't think I'm ready to legally be your daughter, not until I at least see that you're ready for me. So can we—start over?" His eyes sparked back up and he said.
"Oh my darling I would like nothing else." I smiled at him and he embraced me tightly in his arms rocking me back and forth gently.
For the next year I stayed with Freddie in his house of Garden Lodge and eventually Jim moved in and the two of them grew close with each other. And no matter what anyone said, I supported them because like my mum, Jim was the love of his life.
By 1987, I was finally ready and so we had set up a court date for my to Legally become a Mercury. After going through the trials and signing any documented proof (since by this time I was an adult and no longer in the custody of the foster system anymore), I once again had my father back.
That was one of the happiest days of my life. The day I finally called Freddie Mercury my father. And he remained that way till the end, even after he died and in the decades to come he was still changing my life.
I grew up to become a writer and wrote hundreds of books based on his life and legacy. He was always my inspiration and he always would be till the end of time.
My name is (Y/n) Mercury, daughter of the Legend and God Freddie Fuckin Mercury. And that name will always stick even on my tombstone.
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leah-halliwell92 · 5 years ago
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Little Mercury protege; AU Alive!Freddie Mercury x Malek!teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay well guys I didn’t get inspired till Freddie’s birthday had passed, so I know this is late but here is a request I think should’ve been done. To the anon who gave me this request, I hope this is what you were wanting. And I hope to all of you who read this get a thrill out of this :)
Okay warnings; FLUFF. bit of angst, racial discrimination (I mean NO OFFENSE BY THIS if this makes you uncomfortable just skip ahead and don’t read the one scene in question), and just personal opinions on a certain fact of another casting choice (if you belong to team S.B.C playing Freddie, please don’t start a war with me on this okay.) 
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Being the daughter of Rami Malek sometimes has its perks.  I’ve been going with him to premieres, I’ve seen my dad film some of his shows, but now my dad is about to become a legend as he had just gotten the role of one of my favorite lead singers of Rock and roll.  Freddie Mercury.
For the past eight weeks my dad has been in London practicing his piano skills, because he and the rest of the actors would begin to film the first sequence which was the famous Live Aid performance. And since I had to finish up school, he wouldn’t allow me to come visit the set but now that it’s summertime, my jida (grandma) got me my plane ticket to London so that I could visit my dad on set.
Keep reading
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
The tale of Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 1
*Author’s note*
Okay so firs the gif has NOTHING to do with the story, that was just the 1st gif I saw out of the borhap gifs that was displayed. So this came after the success of my Disney Aladdin AU fic so I decided to do a Robin Hood fic, so as a little cast list for you all here’s what I’ve got. I’ll also update the cast list as each new character is introduced so that none of you get lost. Hope you all enjoy this little AU fic starring our beloved Borhap cast.
Also on a side note, any italics written like this signifies a change in narration where the character of Alan O’Dale speaks his own narration verses what I’ll be writing.
Robin Hood: Rami Malek
Little John: Joe Mazzello
Prince John: Paul Prenter
Sir Heston: voiced by Allen Leech
King Richard (mentioned): Roger Taylor.
Alan O’Dale: Freddie Mercury (think 1975 version of Freddie)
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Chapter 1,
Robin Hood and Little John
The legend of Robin Hood.  Ahhh yes, that handsome rouge who robbed the rich to feed the poor, who led a band of Merry men and made their home in Sherwood Forest.  But there is more to the tale than meets the eye, and more people were involved in his rise to fame and glory.  Like me.
Oi I’m over here, the handsome black-haired devil with the harp. Yes hello there my darlings. The name’s Alan O’Dale, and I am a minstrel.  That’s an early day folk singer, I go about parading songs from town to town, kingdom to kingdom about brave knights, fierce battles, and of course my favorite stories, love stories.
And do I have two of the best love stories to share with you lovely darlings.  Thankfully it all takes place at the same time so I don’t need to run my mouth on for very long.  Anyways let’s first open our tale up to two dashing young men walking through the forest.
Two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.  These two young men were known other than Robin Hood and Little John.  Now it didn’t start it off that way at first, those two chuckleheads always kept crossing each other’s paths as children and constantly argued and fought over territory, women, you name it.
But when they reached their late teens, Robin was one day captured by the despicable, ugly, and revolting Sheriff of Nottingham.  Fortunately with the help of an additional 3rd party, Robin was saved from the hangman’s noose and from then on, Robin and Little John were the best of friends. You don’t believe me, let me sing you a little something.  
Tuning the harp, Freddie then begins to play an uplifting little tune as he begins to sing.
Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest Laughin' back and forth at what the other'ne has to say Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin' havin' such a good time Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John runnin' through the forest Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees an' tryin' to get away Contemplatin' nothin' but escape an' fin'lly makin' it Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Deep in the forest on top of a tree there hid two young men in their mid to late-20’s.  One was a pale white man with long shoulder length auburn brown hair.  His eyes were a mixed brownish-green and he was a handsome young man.
The man beside him was around the same age, if not slightly older and had skin that almost seemed to be kissed by the sun.  His eyes were an intense blue color that could almost hypnotize you and at the same time make you feel relaxed.  His short jet black hair topped off his head.
Together the two of them wore a similar green and brown clothes. Similar to a ranger’s outfit.  Fit to camouflage them within the forest terrain, but also enough layers to keep them warm from the elements be it rain, sleet, snow and hail.
The two young men watched as the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men gave up on the search after losing them and retreating back to the city. Once they fled the forest, the two men threw themselves back against the top of the tree branches and laughed their heads off.
“Ohh we sure showed those clowns who the real woodsmen are!” boasted Little John.
“Indeed we have Little John.” It was then Little John saw on top of his friend’s and boss’ famed yellow hat an arrow sticking right through it.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to boast my friend. Take a look at your hat. She’ll not be pleased to see that.” Robin picked his hat up and his eyes widened in surprise and he said as he took the arrow out and fiddled with the newly made hole in his hat.
“Hello. This one had my name on it didn’t it? They’re getting better you know.” He placed his hat back on top of his head. “You’ve got to admit it, they are getting better.”
“Yeah. And when that day comes the Sheriff will have a rope hanging around our necks.” Little John said gravely.  He then mimed out a hanging as he proceeded to make a brief choking sound.  “It’ll be hard to laugh hanging there Robin.”
“Ha! The Sheriff and his whole posse couldn’t lift you off the ground. En Garde!” he then flicked the arrow right at Little John which went through his own smaller green hat.
“Oi watch it you bastard that’s the only hat she made for me!” Little John exclaimed as he took his hat off the arrow.
“Oh come along my friend. If she can patch mine up a hundred times, she’ll patch yours up as well. At least she won’t kill you for it.” Robin said nonchalantly as he leaned up against the trunk of the tree.
“You know something Robin I’ve been thinking.”
“Thinking that’s a first.” Robin teased.  Little John glared at his friend before saying.
“I’m serious here. Are we good guys or bad guys? I mean our famed mantra of robbing the rich to feed the poor.”
“‘Rob?’” Robin tsked. “That’s a naughty word we never rob. We just—sorta borrow a bit from those you can afford it.”
“Borrow?” Little John chuckled. “Then we truly are in deep debt.” Before Robin could say another word, from the distance the sound of trumpets rang out.
He climbed a few feet higher up the tree till he reached the very top of it.  He could hear the whole ensemble of a band playing in the distance and he chuckled softly.
“Sounds like another collection day for the poor eh Johnny me boy?”
“Yeah. Sweet charity. So, what’s the plan this time my friend?” Robin slid down the trunk to meet back with Little John and together he laid out the plan.
Just a few miles along a dirt road, the royal ensemble was walking through the forest.  The royal band played an up-tempo beat, walking behind them was the royal guard all dressed in their armor and holding their spears.
Some of the guards even carried a very large treasure chest which held the taxes throughout all of England.  Then shortly behind the guards was the royal coach of pure gold, and inside it was the vile, selfish, arrogant, man-child that was Prince John, the younger half-brother of the great King Richard.
An Irish bastard’s son.  Who claimed right to the throne of England after his mother who was Queen. He was inside his coach happily running his hands through all the gold he had collected from the people as he boastfully cheered.
“Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!”
“Sire. You have an absolutely skill for encouraging contributions from the poor.” His talking albino python that he had named Sir Heston. He had Heston ever since he found him as a egg abandoned in the woods.  With the help of some magic from the faes, Prince John gave his pet human intelligence and the ability to speak.  And once he gained the throne, he allowed his snake to be his right hand man.
“The coin a phrase, my dear advisor. Rob the poor to feed the rich. Am I right?” The two of them laughed.  “Now tell me, what is the next stop Sir Heston?” Prince John asked as he held the crown of England in his hands.  Heston slithered over to the map and he hummed with interest.
“Why, the next stop is Nottingham sire.”
“Oh! The richest plum of them all. Nottingham.” Heston held a large mirror in his coils and held it up as Prince John placed the crown on top of his head and admired himself in the mirror.  The crown slid off down his face as Sir Heston spoke out.
“A perfect fit sire. Most becoming. You look regal, dignified, sincere, masterful, noble. Chival……”
“Now, now don’t. Don’t overdo it Heston.” Prince John scolded as he adjusted the crown to make it fit upon his head. “There. That does it. This crown gives me a feeling of power! Power!”
“And how well King Richard’s crown sits on your noble brow.”
“Yes indeed I—ah King Richard?!” Prince John first started off before snarling by the end.  Heston gulped and was soon choked by his master as he proclaimed again “I told you to never mention my bastard of a brother’s name!”
“A mere slip of the forked tongue your majesty.” Heston apologized. “But remember we were in this plot together. After all it was your idea that I hypnotize him…..”
“Yes. And send him off on that ridiculous crusade. Ah-ha! Ah-ha!” Prince John laughed along.
“Much to the sorrow of the Queen Mother.”
“Yes! Mother.” Prince John sobbed. “Mother always did like Richard best.” He muttered angrily before proceeding to suck his thumb.
“Your highness, please don’t do that. If you don’t mind me saying so, it’s undignified for a King to suck his thumb.” Heston said to him. He then slithered up to Prince John and his eyes began to shimmer and glow as he said in a low hiss, “Hypnotism can rid of your psychosis….so…..easily…..” Prince John began to slowly relax but he quickly snapped out of it.
“None of that! None of that!” he shouted at his snake advisor.
“Well I was only trying to help.” Heston said annoyed.
“Help. Help indeed. Now, now one more stunt like that Heston, and you will be walking to Nottingham.”
“Snakes don’t walk they slither. So there.” Heston muttered angrily as he slithered back onto his tree-like pole and lay there pouting.
Racing through the woods putting on their disguises was Little John in the lead.  He wore a long blood red gypsy dress that revealed his shoulders.  Once he got into the dress, he took out a few rings and placed them on his finger as well some anklets, earrings, and he quickly tied a purple sash around his waist to finish off the look.  
While behind him, Robin wore a long blue dress that was fit for an elderly woman and had a long black wig on.  He placed a couple of earrings on his ears and had a bandana tied to his head.
As the two of them stopped behind a tree, they saw the royal band coming in as well as the guards and the coach which held Prince John inside.
“Well this is a letdown. It’s only a circus. A peanut operation.”
“Peanuts? Why you dunce that’s the royal coach. It’s Prince John himself.” Robin snapped as his friend.
“Prince John. Alright you and her might be crazy enough to actually rob royalty but I am not having it. I’m gone!”
“What? And miss this chance to perform before royalty?” Robin said as he stepped in front of Little John. Quickly placing his hands over Little John’s fake breasts before backing off and doing a grand twirl of his blue dress.  Little John rolled his eyes as he sighed.
“Here he goes again.” They waited till the coach got closer before stepping out and waved their arms in the air trying to get the attention of the Prince.
“Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Fortune tellers!” Robin proclaimed masking his voice to sound like an elderly woman’s voice.
“Fortunes, forecasts, lucky charms!” Little John proclaimed making his voice go an octave higher to sound like a woman’s.
“Get the dose with your horoscope!” Robin called out again. Prince John pulled back the curtains hearing the proclamations of the two ‘women’.
“Fortune tellers, how exciting! Stop the coach.” He ordered the guards as the entire royal party stopped their marching.
“Sire, sire. They maybe bandits.” Sir Heston whispered to his master.
“Oh poppycock. Female bandits, what’s next? Rubbish.” Prince John scoffed.  He turned back to the two ladies who bowed before him and he said. “My dear ladies, you have my permission to kiss the royal hands. Whichever you like.” Both Robin and Little John stared wide-eyed once they saw the size of the jeweled rings that rested along the prince’s fingers.
“Hmm. Oh how gracious. And generous of you your majesty.” Robin said as he lowered his head to kiss the Prince’s left hand while sneaking off a ring from his tall finger.  Sir Heston who had seen the ring being taken whispered in Prince John’s ear.
“Sire! Did you see what…..”
“Stop! Stop hissing in my ear!” Prince John scolded as he rubbed his left ear.  Little John kissed right over the four rings on the prince’s right hand, secretly taking the jewels right off their encasement.  Heston began stammering in the Prince’s other ear which made the Prince proclaim and rub his other ear like he did his last one.
“Heston! You’ve hissed your last!” he took his python by the neck and slammed him into a basket before closing it and sitting on top of it. “Suspicious snake.” He hissed lowly.
“Masterfully done. Ehh your excellency. Now the fun can truly begin.” Robin tempted the Prince as he climbed into the coach with Prince John and closed the curtains.  He turned the lanterns down low and said to him, “Now close your eyes and concentrate.”
Prince John closed his eyes as Robin continued to tell him to close them tighter and not to peek.  He looked around the room until he found the pile of gold, he did a soft chuckle before chanting out.
“From the mists of time, I call forth ye spirits.” Outside the coach, Little John had a glass bowl tied to a string that was attached to a pole.
“Alright you little fireflies. Glow, glow.”
“We’re waiting!” Robin sung out.  That’s when Little John sent the bowl inside and he could hear Robin gasp. “Look sire! Look!”
When the prince opened his eyes, he saw three floating spirits within a crystal ball.  He was in pure awe as he said.
“Incredible. Floating spirits.” He went to touch the ball until he was slapped by Robin.  He chuckled a soft witchy cackle as he said.
“Naughty, naughty. You mustn’t touch young man.”
“Well how dare you strike the royal hand I—”
“Shh, shh, shh. You’ll break the spell just gaze into the crystal ball.” Robin took the ball with the fireflies and set it down on the table between him and the prince.  Robin then began chanting in an ancient Arabic tongue before letting out a gasp. “A face appears.”
The Prince immediately looks closer at the crystal ball intrigued.
“A crown sits on his noble brow.”
“A crown! Oo-de-lally how exciting!”
“His face is handsome, regal, majestic, loveable, a cuddly face.” From outside Little John heard all the comments Robin was laying on the Prince and could help but mime out a gag and roll his eyes.  Especially when the Prince began agreeing with everything that was said about him.
Robin then went for the treasure while the Prince was in his own head.  But as soon as he reached out his hand for the bag of gold, Heston who had found a weak spot on the basket poked his head out and actually struck out at Robin’s hand.
Biting his lip as he quickly retreated his hand to see it bleeding from the snake’s bite.  He let out a pained groaned which got the attention of the prince.
“Now what?” he asked impatiently.  Robin swallowed his pain and chuckled softly.
“I—I see your….illustrious name.”
“I know my name! Get on with it!” the Prince cried impatiently.
“Your name will go down, down, down in history of course!” Robin said as he struggled to take the bag of gold from Heston, who had it wrapped around his tail, but with a finally good tug, Robin managed to get the gold and send it towards Little John through the back curtains of the coach.
“Ahh! I knew it! I knew it! You hear that Heston!? Oh no you can’t he’s in the basket.” He then banged the side of the basket and said to his snake, “And-and-and don’t you forget it.”
Meanwhile outside, Little John slowly circled around the coach when he took notice of the solid gold hubcaps on the wheels of the coach.
“Hmm now that’s what I call pure gold hubcaps.” He looked around and stood in front of the back one and unscrewed it from the wheel and shoved it up the back of his dress.  He then moved over to the front on and did the same thing. “Oo-de-lally the jackpot.” He muttered softly as he eyed the royal treasure.
However it was completely surrounded and carried by guards.  Little John pondered for a bit but remembered a trick that he learned from a friend of his.
The one sure fire way to get a man’s attention away from their post.
He whistled out to the guards and when they turned and saw him, their mouths immediately dropped and their eyes widened.  He slowly and seductively untied the purple sash from his waist and began to do a seductive dance.
Shimming his shoulders and swaying his hips back and forth. Little John was light on his feet as he leaped and hopped about like a graceful deer.  He then skipped on over to the first guard who was just in awe.
Little John wrapped the purple sash around the guard’s neck pulling him in a little closer.  Close enough to kiss him.  But to tease him, he shoved the guard’s helmet over his face before retreating back and flaunted the guard, who was still hypnotized by Little John’s performance.
He twirled around before suddenly dropping down into a full split.  The guards now began to hoot and holler as they applauded, dropping the treasure. Little John then went up to another guard and took his spear out of his hands and jammed it into the ground.  
With the grace of a deer, Little John then began to spin and slid down the spear’s long pole before ending with a pose with his right leg high in the air and he winked at the guards who were now applauding and whistling.
“Ohh stop it. Stop it you boys are too much.” Little John spoke his woman voice.
“That was the best show we have ever seen.” Said one of the guards.
“Well gentleman. It was my pleasure to dance for you. But of course every bit of contribution helps. For you see I—oh I just can’t say it.”
“What is it?” asked another guard.
“No it’s—it’s too painful to speak about.” The guards feeling sympathetic for this beautiful woman all started speaking up and telling ‘her’ that they wanted to hear her story. “Well…..I wasn’t always like this. My husband was beating me, cheating me, then left me all alone with no money. That’s when I—I forced myself to flee even without a cent to my name. That’s when I found Ms. Olga, the elderly gypsy woman I came with. But even then we—we hardly get by with enough food for you see…..I found myself pregnant at the time I left.”
These men were falling for the story hook, line and sinker. It was then one of the guards took the treasure chest and slid it over to Little John.
“Please, take it all.” Little John gave the young guard a surprised look and he said.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly take all this.”
“Please. My—my mum had to raise me on her own when my father left her. For you and your baby.”
“Ohh you sweet thing.” He stroked the side of the guard’s cheek and Little John dragged the royal chest away from the guards.
As he came around the corner of the carriage, he felt someone bump into him which knocked him over the chest.  He turned around and saw Robin wearing Prince John’s royal cape and surrounded by a bunch of gold pieces that had fallen out of a bag that lay on the ground.
“Nice robes your majesty.” Little John teased, his normal accent finally coming out.
“And what of you, you vulgar young hussy. I heard all the wolf whistles and cheering. I could hardly keep the Prince under my hypnosis to swipe his clothes and gold.”
“Never mind that. Just gather the gold and then help me with this.” Robin and Little John then worked together to put as much gold pieces back in the bag as possible.  Robin stuffed the bag into his dress then both he and Little John picked up the chess and quickly raced off.
Prince John who had woken up from his dazed state, saw the two gypsy women running away from the scene, the elderly woman wearing his robes. He looked down and saw that he was in his undergarments.
“ROBBED! I’VE BEEN ROBBED! HESTON! YOU’RE NEVER AROUND WHEN I NEED YOU!!” Heston slithered out of the basket and raised half his body length up and looked the prince up and down. “I’ve been robbed.” He choked out as he covered himself up.
“Of course you’ve been robbed!” Heston hissed.  Far in the forest, Robin was gleefully chanting as he and Little John made their escape with the royal treasure.
“AFTER THEM YOU FOOLS!” Prince John proclaimed.  The guards now realizing they had been tricked, immediately took off running.  The carriage soon began to chase after Robin and Little John, unfortunately due to the missing hubcaps, the wheels began to pop off which made Prince John hop out of his carriage and fall straight into the mud.
Leaving him stranded in the middle of the forest trail alone with Heston.  He sobbed as he pounding the ground whining like a child.
“I knew it. I knew this would happen. I tried to tell you but no, no you wouldn’t listen. You just have to—” when Heston realized that he had angered the Prince, he began stammering as he tried to warn the prince as he now held a very large mirror, “Seven years bad…..” he then had the mirror smashed onto his head. “Luck. That’s what that is. Besides, you just broke your mother’s mirror.”
“Ahhh! Mummy!” Prince John whined as he began to suck his thumb once again.  He took it out of his mouth as he said solemnly, “I’ve got a dirty thumb.”
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