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freedjustineappreciation · 2 years ago
promoting the shippy Freed Justine blog @freedjustineshipping every once in a while for the folks who'd be interested in following and don't know of the blog yet <3
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fairytail-multishipper · 2 years ago
Freed x Hibiki for the meme?
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Every (current) member of Blue Pegasus is pan and a whore (affectionate)
ich*ya doesn’t exist, idk who that is
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furidojasutin · 4 years ago
I've seen crumbs of Frecana (Freed x Cana) around so like whoever you are, I summon you, pls come talk to me about this ship if you wanna, it's one of my fave rare pairs for Freed -
actually, the same goes for all my other Freed rare pairs,
Frelu (Freed x Lucy)
Frevy (Freed x Levy)
Frebiki (Freed x Hibiki)
Freedjeel (Freed x Gajeel)
Frenny (Freed x Jenny)
just to name a few faves, be sure that there are more --
(of course you can always come scream at me about the main game, Fraxus, and also Mirafreed which is prolly the second most popular Freed ship I'd suppose and it was my first Ft ship ever so --)
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freedjustineappreciation · 2 years ago
Thoughts on freed X hibinki?
I like to imagine they maybe dated for a little bit while the Raijin tribe were at blue Pegasus, and maybe made Laxus a bit jealous lmao
I like the ship! There's little to no content for them, unfortunately, but I would definitely love to see more for Frebiki.
Thanks to that one panel we know for sure that Freed likes the looks of the Trimens quite a bit lmao and the time that the Raijinshuu spent at Blue Pegasus would have had them interact on more occasions. I imagine them to be compatible and besides being flirty with each other I think they also appreciate each other's intellect.
Also, both of them are damn attractive men and were also both part of the "Wizard I'd like to have as boyfriend" poll thing. Another possibility for interactions and photoshoots!
I can't decide wether the whole atmosphere and vibes of Blue Pegasus could have been too much for Freed when first joining or if he got accustomed to it pretty quick. Freed's a reserved, confident and "strict" person by nature but he has casual (and at times goofy) sides to himself that can be brought to light and judging by one comment Ichiya made;
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I could imagine him actually being a good flirt or someone who can adjust oneself to different vibes/moods very well (maybe thanks to his confident nature, too). That would make for fun situations, interactions and surprises.
Granted, we can't be sure if by "aces" Ichiya means as wizards because they're very powerful anyway or as hosts... But given Blue Pegasus' nature I'd think that he means the hosting stuff.
As for Laxus and if we're going in a Fraxus direction - I'm not sure if Freed would go as far as to date, but I could definitely see him engage in flirts. Yea, Freed and Hibiki definitely flirted. Even if Freed didn't flirt actively and Hibiki was the playful one as he tends to be, Freed definitely flirted with looks lmao.
So, yes! A nice ship with potential that I would love to see more of. Here, have some panels and I'll also go around and look if there's any content that I can reblog on here @freedjustineshipping !
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done with his bf
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oh, drama??
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definitely flirting. the mischievous look Freed is giving Hibiki? yea.
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furidojasutin · 5 years ago
i don't know if you're still taking these rarepair requests but freed/hibiki? he definitely finds the guy attractive if that one omake has to say anything about it
Title: Pictures
Pairing: Frebiki (Freed x Hibiki)
Universe: Canon
Rating: T for the mention of nudes idk man lmfao
a/n: lmao oh yea anon these two definitely had a (harmless) fun flirt in good spirits before and it’s a rare pair I like so!! my fingers typed this up for you real quick djwkfw
“How did you know about that?”
“Oh I know who buys our magazines-or, well, magazines that we appear in. The spicy ones especially.”
“Ah.” It didn't happen often, butFreed felt speechless for a moment. He even almost choked on his drink, and simultaneously his throat felt awfully dry. The late evening conversationwith Hibiki had been very pleasant so far, and he didn't expect thisparticular topic to be a... buffer of some sort, but it was... Howdid he describe it? Awkward? Unexpected? He was caught off guard. Ah,well...
Hibiki noticed and obviously took abit of joy in this triumph of making Freed speechless. He swayed theglass of wine in his hand and chuckled. “I hope this isn't gonnamake things weird, or is it?” Tons of people had seen him nude, so it certainly wasn’t a big deal to him.
“I would prefer for that not tohappen, no,” Freed responded, more secure in his own voice again, which he was quite thankful about.He glanced at Hibiki who was seated right next to him at the emptybar, then back at his own glass of wine. It was delicious.
“Many people react a lot moredefensive and flustered, you know,” Hibiki added casually beforetaking a sip. It wasn't exactly an unnatural reaction – they weretalking about nude pictures after all, and most people felt reallyreally busted when he brought up this topic. Well, he did believe that he saw the faintest change in Freed’s face color and demeanor, but that could just be wishful thinking.
“I'm a grown man, not a hornyteenager,” Freed tried to wave it off, though his cheeks did feel abit hot. Of course he would feel some kind of fluster, but it wasn'tlike he was unable to handle it. And of course it was still possiblefor a grown man to feel like a horny teenager... Or a very hornyadult.
Hibiki just laughed at that. He seemedto accept Freed's answer just like that and then downed the rest ofhis wine before elegantly slipping from the chair. The night was justgetting very good and interesting of a different kind but it was late and they had work again in themorning.
Upon noticing Hibiki get up, Freedturned his body more towards him and cleared his throat. “You'reright, we should probably call it a night.”
“Yes.” The Blue Pegasus shot Freeda knowing smile, equal parts charming and satisfied. And before heturned around, he winked at his temporary guild mate. “Good to knowyou enjoyed the pictures, though. And Freed – I would be happy torepeat this evening.” And this flirtation by any chance.
Again Freed felt a little too hotunder skin but this time he managed a lopsided smirk as he watchedHibiki leave, gaze unconsciously gliding over the man's presentedbackside. The pink and grey shirt looked really good on Hibiki, it complimented his hair, and his backside... The pants weren’t exactly unfavourable either. “It would be a pleasure.”
With a strong sip he too emptied hisglass, set it on the counter and got up from the bar stool. Time toretreat to his room as well.
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furidojasutin · 6 years ago
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Freed x Hibiki Aesthetic
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