#fraud-proof tickets
kyra45 · 1 year
Michelle Riggs
Making this post to just list the scam PayPal address and the real one in one spot.
MRiggs859 <- This is a scam PayPal. If you see this on a post about Poppy or ANY pet, it’s not the owner. Please report this PayPal account and if you donated to it please file a support ticket. No funds donated are going to be given to Poppy or another cat. It’s solely made to copy the real one but is not linked to the actual owners account.
mriggs85 <- This is the legitimate PayPal to send money to that will be received by Poppy’s actual owner. This is the only legitimate PayPal account associated with Poppy’s owner. Even searching this on PayPal will bring up the real owner too once you add the @ up front. You can find the same info on the owners actual tumblr blog. @luckypoppymilliemama .
Also here’s a bonus screenshot of the scammers PayPal just to show what it looks like. Don’t donate to this account. It’s a fraud. It is not owned by Poppy’s owner. Inform me or others of any blog that’s using this account because they are known to try and say the owner doesn’t own Poppy and accuse the owner of being a scammer in order to make people distrust her while providing no proof of their claims and continuing to use Poppy as of their now deactivated blog. (michevvouuz)
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a PayPal account under the name Michelle Riggs with the username of MRiggs859. /End ID]
The email associated with this fake PayPal is: riggsmichelle129(gmail).
Back under leviathansclaww.
New look to fake account:
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[i.d: a paypal account under the name Michelle Riggs with the username MRiggs859. the profile picture has been changed from a brown-skinned elf to a small black cat silhouette on a white background. end i.d] (credit to bnyrbt)
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Hi I saw the atl stans dni in your bio and I was wondering why? Like is it just that you don't like their music, or is it something else? /gen
Oh sure! Basically jack is disgusting person and the band won't kick him out. They don't care for their disabled fans. They collect bras from underage fans. They're currently suing the people who spoke up about something jack had done to them and in some instences Alex as well, a lawsuit that if taken seriously anything you say negatively about anyone famous that could potentially sway someone to not buy tickets or merch for loss of income. If you want to learn more Valerie's voice on tik tok explains it all very well! Let me link it here here and here
And more recently a deep dive of the allegations here and more about the lawsuit here
As well as how this lawsuit could effect fans and things we can can't say here and here
I had tickets to their show in October of 2021 just after the allegations came out, however I hadn't heard yet all I knew is both Openers had dropped and no one knew why. As we're entering the venue masses of people are finding out this information at the same time and we all basically walked out. (SIDENOTE: Props to Nothing, Nowhere. and Meet Me @ The Alter for immediately getting out of there when this news came out! More bands need to take charge and distance from abusers as soon as they can! And props to both these bands for taking immediate action! (Even if im sad I didn't get to see either of them and I wanted to so badly))
Anyways stan scene queen whose song 18+ may or may not be about atl and their grossness as well (note bras hanging off the bus and atl's bras collection)
This isn't to say oh all time low is the only band in this genre that has been gross had allegations, or had proof and was.found guilty. No there's tons and I can't begin to list them. Like you know there's hella problems in the scene when the idkhow allegations came out and people have a sigh of relief saying oh it was just fraud. I specifically have atl in my bio because it is a band that I used to love dearly. Somewhere in neverland and therapy were sings that could get me through anything seriously! But I am choosinh forcefully distance myself from this.
Thank you for asking and I hope this didn't come off as rude, more informative than anything.
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kunoichi-ume · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Game
I was tagged by @cinlat and this just looked too fun not to try. 
The rules: Go to this quote generator, enter your characters names and have a good laugh!
Let’s throw some characters at it and see what happens. I totally couldn’t choose just one for most of these guys.
Noara, after getting a library card: Now I know what true power feels like.
Noara: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
*out grocery shopping* Noara: *takes a free sample twice* Noara: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Torian: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Torian, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Darvic: I'm against crime, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Darvic: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Juli: You can de-escalate literally any situation by asking ‘are we about to kiss?’ Juli: Doesn't work with getting out of speeding tickets, though.
Juli, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
Jurr: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
Jurr: Hello, I'm Jurr. I work at a shop now. Here to help. Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget it. Very helpful, as that does happen.
Dubaku: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
And then I had to get a few conversations with my favorite couple:
Torian: Watcha doin? Noara: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. Torian: Scandalous. Torian: Can I help?
Noara: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something. Torian, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Noara: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. Torian: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Noara: Absolutely not.
Noara, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? Torian: Tea. Noara: Wrong. It's coffee.
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garudtravels · 5 days
Future of Seafarers' Ticketing: Innovations and Technologies Shaping the Industry
Welcome to Garud Travels' official blog, your gateway to the future of seafarers' ticketing. In this article, we embark on a journey into the innovative technologies and emerging trends shaping the maritime industry's ticketing landscape. Let's explore how advancements such as digitalization, e-ticketing platforms, blockchain solutions, and biometric authentication are revolutionizing the way maritime professionals book and manage their travel arrangements.
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Digitalization: Digitalization is transforming the traditional ticketing process, making it faster, more efficient, and user-friendly. With digital ticketing solutions, seafarers can conveniently book their tickets online, eliminating the need for paper-based transactions and streamlining the entire booking process. Digital platforms empower seafarers with instant access to ticket options, pricing, and itinerary details. Make informed decisions and manage your travel plans like a pro. E-Ticketing Platforms: E-ticketing platforms are revolutionizing the way seafarers purchase and manage their tickets, providing a centralized platform for booking, payment, and ticket issuance. These platforms offer seamless integration with airlines, shipping companies, and travel agencies, enabling seafarers to access a wide range of ticketing options and exclusive deals. With e-ticketing platforms, seafarers can book their tickets anytime, anywhere, using their preferred device, whether it's a computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Blockchain Solutions: Blockchain technology is gaining traction in the maritime industry, offering secure and transparent ticketing solutions that enhance trust, accountability, and data integrity. By leveraging blockchain-based ticketing systems, seafarers can enjoy greater transparency in ticket transactions, with every transaction recorded on a tamper-proof distributed ledger. Blockchain solutions also offer enhanced security features, such as encrypted data storage and multi-factor authentication, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.
Biometric Authentication: Biometric authentication is revolutionizing identity verification in the ticketing process, offering a secure and convenient alternative to traditional authentication methods. Seafarers can now verify their identity using biometric identifiers such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans, eliminating the need for physical documents or passwords. Biometric authentication enhances security and reduces the risk of identity theft or fraud, while also improving the overall passenger experience by expediting the check-in process.
The Impact on Efficiency, Security, and Convenience: These innovative technologies and trends are reshaping the seafarers' ticketing landscape, offering numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, security, and convenience. Digitalization and e-ticketing platforms streamline the ticketing process, reducing administrative overheads and minimizing the risk of errors or discrepancies. Blockchain solutions enhance security and data integrity, safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access. Biometric authentication improves the authentication process, enhancing security and expediting passenger verification. As we look towards the future of seafarers' ticketing, it's clear that innovation will continue to drive transformation in the maritime industry. Digitalization, e-ticketing platforms, blockchain solutions, and biometric authentication are just a few examples of the technologies shaping the future of ticketing, offering unparalleled efficiency, security, and convenience for maritime professionals. At Garud Travels, we are committed to embracing these innovations and providing cutting-edge ticketing solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients in the maritime sector. Join us on this journey into the future of seafarers' ticketing, where innovation meets excellence, and the possibilities are endless.
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blockchainxtech · 3 months
RWA and Blockchain Open the Door to a Better and More Inclusive Event Experience for Every Attendee
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The use of blockchain in event ticketing aids in the reduction of transaction fees, creating a more cost-effective marketplace.
Fans can benefit from increased access to tickets, improved security, and a more connected and dynamic environment.
The future is poised for those who capitalize on these tech-driven opportunities.
Ask anyone who has attended a concert or a musical lately if they thought the experience was seamless. You’ll likely get a variety of answers, which is a problem. The biggest problem you should have at an event is finding your seat.
What people won’t be thinking about is how crypto can make their experience any better. It can make the behind-the-stage mechanics work better; it just needs to be, well, behind the stage.
The integration of blockchain technology and innovative payment systems throughout the event industry offers more than just a solution to the inefficiencies of traditional payment methods. It represents a broader shift towards creating more memorable and accessible event experiences simultaneously.
This evolution promises not only to streamline transactions and enhance attendee engagement but also to democratize access to events for a global audience.
A leap towards efficiency and accessibility
The adoption of Real World Asset on blockchain for event payments and ticketing simplifies transactions, making events more accessible to attendees regardless of their geographical location or banking status.
As traditional payment systems often exclude those without access to banking services or international payment options, blockchain offers a unique opportunity to engage and bring live events to a much wider audience.
Music festivals, musicals, concerts, sporting matches, and any live event can engage with blockchain for clear financial and infrastructural advantages and to enable a more accessible environment.
To align online and offline payment experiences seamlessly, integrating blockchain with point-of-sale (POS) systems enables immediate, secure, and universal payment methods for physical venues, mirroring the efficiency and accessibility of online transactions. This approach not only simplifies the payment process for consumers but also significantly reduces transaction fees and processing times for businesses.
By making payments uniform across platforms, businesses can unlock new revenue streams and data analytics opportunities, understanding customer preferences and spending patterns in unparalleled detail, whether the transaction occurs online or offline. This integration fosters a holistic view of consumer behavior, driving targeted marketing strategies and personalized customer engagement.
Blockchain’s role in secure event access
It’s evident that blockchain also holds significant promise for revolutionizing the event ticketing industry by addressing inefficiencies and fraud. The implementation of blockchain, along with the optimization of secondary markets, can eliminate fraudulent activities, bolster consumer confidence in attending events, and reduce costs for all stakeholders, including exchanges, brokers, and attendees.
Blockchain-based digital ticketing platforms can offer various payment and access options, combining legacy and modern methods, significantly enhancing the attendee experience by eradicating paper ticketing and surplus voucher cards.
Blockchain technologies also address privacy concerns, as demonstrated by introducing systems like BB Tickets, which use Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) schemes to ensure ticket buyers’ privacy while maintaining ticket authenticity.
Decentralized platforms have further tackled issues related to ticket scalping and unfair ticket distribution by leveraging smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), ensuring a more equitable and transparent process for ticket sales.
Creating inclusive and engaging events
By leveraging digital tokens and NFTs, organizers can offer personalized experiences tailored to diverse attendee needs. This could range from providing sign language interpretation services purchasable with tokens to delivering virtual reality experiences for those unable to attend in person, thus breaking down physical and geographical barriers to participation.
Creating a digital economy. The use of digital tokens can foster a mini-economy within the event, where attendees can earn, spend, and trade tokens in a variety of ways, including merchandise, food and beverages; access to VIP areas and participating in exclusive experiences; and seat trading. This adds a layer of excitement and exclusivity and encourages attendees to immerse themselves fully in the event, enhancing their overall experience.
Rewards and gamification. Through digital quests, challenges, and achievements, attendees can earn rewards through tokens, exclusive content, or even NFTs that offer unique memorabilia or privileges. This gamification of the event experience makes it more enjoyable and promotes active participation and engagement among attendees.Building community. The most profound impact of blockchain on events is its potential to develop and sustain communities. By facilitating direct and meaningful interactions among attendees and between attendees and organizers, blockchain can help forge a sense of belonging and community. This is particularly valuable in today’s digital age, where meaningful connections are often sought after yet hard to come by.
In embracing blockchain and innovative payment solutions, the event industry has the opportunity to redefine what it means to be accessible. Doing so can create experiences that are more efficient, engaging, and open to everyone, regardless of their location, financial status, or physical abilities.
New levels of transparency and trust
Issues such as digital literacy among attendees, regulatory compliance, and the development of user-friendly platforms must be addressed to ensure the widespread adoption of these technologies.
Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of integrating blockchain and digital payment solutions into the event industry are too significant to ignore. Increased efficiency, enhanced security, and a deeper level of engagement offer a compelling value proposition for organizers and attendees alike.
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nadcablabs9616 · 3 months
Introducing Enhanced Security and Transparency - The Future of Lotteries with Nadcab Labs DeFi Solutions
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In an era where digital innovation reshapes financial transactions, decentralized finance (DeFi) has emerged as a transformative force. Among its various applications, the concept of a DeFi lottery system presents a revolutionary shift from traditional lottery frameworks. Nadcab Labs, a pioneer in blockchain technology solutions, has introduced an enhanced decentralized lottery system that redefines the way we perceive and participate in lotteries. This new system is not just a game of chance but a secure, transparent, and fair mechanism that leverages the power of blockchain technology to ensure improved security and traceability for all participants.
The traditional lottery system, plagued by concerns over security, fairness, and transparency, has long been due for an overhaul. Enter the DeFi Lottery by Nadcab Labs, which addresses these issues head-on. Utilizing smart contracts on blockchain platforms, this innovative system automates the entire lottery process, from ticket purchases to prize payouts, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the potential for fraud. This automation ensures that the lottery operations are transparent and tamper-proof, as every transaction and draw result is recorded on the blockchain, accessible for verification by anyone at any time.
One of the key benefits of Nadcab Labs DeFi lottery system is its improved security. By employing decentralized blockchain technology, the system ensures that all transactions are encrypted and immutable. This means that once a transaction has been recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted, providing a level of security that is virtually unmatched by traditional systems. Additionally, the use of smart contracts automates the lottery's operations, further reducing the risk of human error or manipulation.
Traceability is another significant advantage of this system. Participants can track their transactions and the lottery's results in real time, offering a transparent view of the process that builds trust and confidence in the system. This transparency ensures that every draw is conducted fairly, and winners are selected purely based on the algorithm defined in the smart contract, without any external influence.
The DeFi lottery system developed by Nadcab Labs is not just a technological innovation; it's a step towards democratizing the lottery industry. By making lotteries more secure, transparent, and fair, it opens up participation to a broader audience, ensuring that everyone has an equal chance of winning. Furthermore, it introduces efficiency and cost-effectiveness into the lottery operation, benefiting both organizers and participants.
In conclusion, the DeFi lottery system by Nadcab Labs represents the future of lottery games. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, it offers a secure, transparent, and fair platform that addresses the shortcomings of traditional lotteries. As we move forward, this innovative system is set to revolutionize the lottery industry, making it more accessible, reliable, and enjoyable for people around the world.
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findinginga · 5 months
"I don't know which side anyone is on...
...I don't even know who's playing today."  (Philip Marlowe)
As I wrote at the close of my last entry, an important question had emerged from all the confabulation and misdirection coming from Ingeborga. Was she a troubled soul who was seeking out a sympathetic ear? Was she merely a grifter? I sincerely wanted to believe the former but recognized that the latter may well be the source of the truth. I kept thinking of a quote, "It is an occupational hazard that anyone who has spent her life learning how to lie eventually becomes bad at telling the truth". (Ally Carter) Emotionally, I could not shake the sense that Inga was a woman who had been traumatized early in her life and as Ms. Carter suggests, Inga may have simply evolved to be bad at telling the truth. Clearly I could not rely on my own judgement to separate fact from fiction.
Allow me to introduce my Russian version of Philip Marlowe...
Having experienced a less than satisfying business transaction with Wymoo International, I decided it was time to enlist the help of an old-time, wisecracking gumshoe straight out of a Hollywood B movie. The problem was it was 2021 and not 1945. Alan Ladd, Dick Powell and Bogie were long gone.
How does one even recruit a detective, especially when the sleuthing had to be done in another country? With some persistence, I eventually located a St. Petersburg-based investigation agency, Private Investigation Laboratory (pilab.biz). Upon exchanging a few email I was introduced to Mikhail Levko who became an interested but dispassionate conduit of information regarding Ingeborga.
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If you are a person interested in developing a relationship with someone living in a Slavic nation, I whole-heartedly endorse PI Labs and would encourage you to spend a little bit of money upfront to avoid surprises down the road.
Ultimately, I would engage PI Labs to conduct seven separate scope of work investigations and found them to be thorough, reliable and reasonably priced. Mikhail never pressured me to continue work nor did he or his colleagues "pad" the costs. What they quoted was the amount I paid. No fedora and no trench coat but I needed help and was in no position to dictate wardrobe.
The first report furnished by PI Labs was a gut-punch. I am not sure why as I had anticipated the content of the report; however, the details were jarring. Clearly noted was that Ingeborga Lopatyuk married Denis Reshetnikov on 4 October 2013. There were no records of a divorce or annulment and the marriage was ongoing. The couple were cohabitating, with Eva, in a flat owned by the father of Denis. This was validated by direct observations of both Inga and Denis, with photos and video to support the claim. The previous addresses Inga supplied to me for the purpose of mailing gifts were discovered to be flats owned by Denis but rented to other individuals. Inga, Eva and Denis were reported to be living on the second floor of a building which had a hair styling salon occupying the ground floor. The hair salon was discovered to be owned by Denis. When I was supplied with the VK account of the salon I noted that Inga's entire family followed the establishment on social media.
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Second floor flat occupied by Inga, Eva and Denis
The report further validated the status of the family by providing travel information. This revealed that several train tickets were purchased by Ingeborga for Denis, Eva and herself to travel between Pskov and Moscow over a period of a week. These itineraries provide the full name of Eva, which demonstrates irrefutable evidence that Denis is the father of Eva as patronymic names are still used in Russia.
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Travel Information for the family Reshetnikov
Now I was armed with documentation and irrefutable proof of her duplicity. I was ready to confront her again with this devastating evidence thinking that she would come clean and acknowledge her fraud.
Well, I was surprised....
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sportsscope1 · 5 months
“Football Australia Faces Potential Data Breach Impacting Millions: Cybersecurity Concerns and Response”
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In a concerning development, Football Australia finds itself dealing with a potential data breach that could have far-reaching consequences for millions of football participants across the country. Uncovered by independent cybersecurity research publication Cybernews.com, a security flaw in Football Australia’s digital infrastructure exposed plain-text digital “keys,” including sensitive “secret keys,” inadvertently left accessible in the publicly-accessible code of its sub-domain.
These keys provided unauthorized access to 127 digital storage containers containing a wealth of data, ranging from grassroots participants to national team players. Cybernews reports that the compromised data includes personal details, contracts, passports, ticket purchase information, as well as intricate source code and scripts forming Football Australia’s digital backbone.
While ABC reached out to Cybernews for verification, the publication is yet to provide conclusive proof of the obtained data. Cybernews estimates that the potential impact could extend to every customer or fan of Australian football, emphasizing the severity of the breach. The exposed data, particularly contracts and documents of football players, raises serious concerns about identity theft, fraud, and blackmail, underscoring the urgent need for bolstered security practices to safeguard sensitive information.”
Football Australia..
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intertronixusaa · 6 months
Enhancing Security with Holographic Stickers: A Dive into the World of Security Holograms
In a rapidly evolving digital age, where information is at the forefront, safeguarding against counterfeit and fraud has become a paramount concern for businesses. One effective solution that has gained prominence is the use of holographic stickers and Security Holograms. Among the leading players in this field, Intertronix has emerged as a reliable partner in fortifying security measures.
Intertronix, a pioneer in the realm of authentication and security solutions, provides cutting-edge holographic stickers designed to deter counterfeiters and protect products and documents alike. The utilization of holographic technology in security applications has proven to be a game-changer.
The inherent uniqueness of Holographic Seals lies in their intricate and visually striking designs, making them challenging to replicate. Intertronix employs advanced holographic techniques, ensuring that each holographic sticker is a testament to authenticity. These stickers not only serve as a visual deterrent but also act as a tangible proof of genuine products.
One of the key advantages of utilizing Security Holograms is their versatility. Intertronix offers customizable holographic solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of clients. Whether it's securing high-value products, official documents, or event tickets, holographic stickers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the items they adorn.
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The holographic stickers from Intertronix not only enhance security but also provide a branding element. The visually appealing holograms act as a symbol of trust, assuring consumers that they are interacting with genuine products. This dual functionality makes holographic stickers a cost-effective and powerful tool for businesses across various industries.
As counterfeiting techniques become more sophisticated, the need for robust security measures is more critical than ever. Intertronix's commitment to staying ahead of the curve is evident in its continuous innovation in holographic technology. The company's holographic stickers are equipped with features that make them virtually impossible to replicate, offering a reliable solution to combat counterfeiting.
In conclusion, the use of holographic stickers and Security Holograms from Intertronix represents a significant stride in the ongoing battle against counterfeiting. Beyond their functional security aspects, these holographic solutions contribute to brand enhancement and consumer trust. As businesses navigate the challenges of a digital age, investing in robust security measures is not just a choice but a necessity, and Intertronix stands as a reliable partner in this endeavor.
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web3broadcast · 7 months
Exploring Blockchain's Potential in the Music Industry
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Blockchain technology is disrupting the traditional landscape of the music industry, offering transformative solutions to longstanding challenges and opening up new opportunities for artists, creators, and fans. In this exploration, we delve into the ways blockchain is reshaping the music industry, focusing on aspects like rights management, royalty distribution, and fan engagement. Decentralizing Rights Management: Blockchain introduces decentralized and transparent rights management. Through an immutable ledger of ownership and licensing information, smart contracts automatically enforce agreed-upon terms, ensuring fair compensation for artists. Direct Artist-to-Fan Transactions: Blockchain facilitates direct transactions between artists and fans on decentralized platforms, eliminating intermediaries. This enables artists to retain a larger share of their earnings and fosters a closer, more direct relationship with their audience. Transparent Royalty Distribution: Smart contracts on the blockchain automate royalty distribution, ensuring that artists and collaborators receive their fair share instantly when their music is played or sold. This transparency reduces disputes and accelerates the payment process. Tokenization of Music Assets: Artists can tokenize their music or albums, creating unique digital assets that can be bought, sold, or traded on blockchain-based platforms. This introduces new monetization avenues and allows fans to invest in the success of their favorite artists. Copyright Protection: Blockchain's immutable ledger serves as a timestamped record of creative works, providing evidence of ownership. This can be instrumental in copyright disputes, helping artists protect their intellectual property and ensuring they receive credit for their creations. Enhanced Music Discovery: Blockchain-powered platforms use algorithms and user data stored on the blockchain to provide personalized music recommendations. This enhances music discovery for users and helps artists reach audiences that are genuinely interested in their work. Fighting Piracy and Unauthorized Use: The transparent and traceable nature of blockchain helps combat piracy and unauthorized use of music. Artists can have greater control over their intellectual property, and consumers can have confidence in the legitimacy of the music they access. Collaborative Music Creation: Blockchain facilitates collaboration among artists by providing a secure and transparent platform for sharing creative assets, managing contributions, and fairly distributing revenue generated from collaborative projects. Crowdfunding and Fan Engagement: Artists can leverage blockchain for crowdfunding campaigns using cryptocurrency. Fans can directly support their favorite artists by contributing to projects, and in return, they may receive exclusive access to content, events, or even a share of future revenue. Immutable Gig Tickets and Event Management: Blockchain can be utilized to create secure, tamper-proof digital tickets for concerts and events. This reduces fraud, ensures fair ticket distribution, and provides artists with valuable data on their fanbase. Opening Global Markets for Indie Artists: Blockchain's decentralized nature eliminates geographical barriers, allowing indie artists to reach global audiences without the need for extensive intermediaries. This democratization of access can lead to a more diverse and inclusive music industry. Conclusion: Blockchain's impact on the music industry extends beyond financial transactions, revolutionizing how artists create, distribute, and monetize their work. As the technology continues to evolve, the music industry is poised for a more equitable, transparent, and artist-centric future, where the power of creation and appreciation is more evenly distributed among all stakeholders. Read the full article
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turnkeytix01 · 8 months
"Blockchain Brilliance: Unveiling the Top Event Ticketing Platforms for Elevated Experiences"
In the dynamic landscape of event management, the integration of blockchain technology has ushered in a new era of security, transparency, and enhanced experiences. Event organizers and attendees alike are seeking the best platforms that leverage blockchain for ticketing, ensuring seamless transactions and elevating overall event satisfaction. Join us on a journey through the top event ticketing platforms, where blockchain brilliance takes center stage.
Why Blockchain for Event Ticketing?
Blockchain technology brings unprecedented advantages to the world of event ticketing. By providing a decentralized and secure ledger, it eliminates the risk of fraud, scalping, and unauthorized resale. The transparency of blockchain ensures that each transaction is recorded and verifiable, offering peace of mind to both organizers and attendees.
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Exploring the Top Event Ticketing Platforms
TurnKeyTix: TurnKeyTix was conceived with a vision – to reshape the landscape of events with advanced technology. We recognized the many challenges in the event industry, from paper tickets, lack of data analytics to helping small businesses take advantage of new revenue streams. We wanted to offer a solution that would enhance the fan experience and benefit event organizers every step of the way.
ChainPass: ChainPass stands out for its innovative use of smart contracts, ensuring that ticket conditions are automatically enforced. This not only streamlines the ticketing process but also enhances the overall event experience.
DecentralizeTickets: As the name suggests, DecentralizeTickets embraces decentralization to the fullest. With a focus on eliminating intermediaries, it provides a direct link between organizers and attendees, reducing costs and increasing accessibility.
BlockAdmit: BlockAdmit takes a unique approach by combining blockchain with biometric authentication. This not only ensures the security of tickets but also adds an extra layer of convenience for attendees.
TicketGuardian: TicketGuardian excels in providing event organizers with tools to create customizable ticketing solutions. Its blockchain integration ensures that each ticket is a unique digital asset, reducing the risk of duplication.
Key Features of Top Event Ticketing Platforms
Security: Blockchain ensures that each ticket is encrypted and tamper-proof, reducing the risk of counterfeit tickets and fraud.
Transparency: The decentralized nature of blockchain provides a transparent ledger of all transactions, fostering trust between organizers and attendees.
Smart Contracts: Platforms utilizing smart contracts automate ticketing conditions, such as transferability and refund policies, ensuring a seamless and fair experience for all parties.
Accessibility: Blockchain-powered platforms often eliminate intermediaries, making tickets more affordable and accessible for attendees.
As we delve into the world of blockchain brilliance in event ticketing, it's evident that these platforms are revolutionizing the industry. From enhanced security to transparent transactions, the benefits are numerous. Choosing one of the top event ticketing platforms not only ensures a smoother ticketing process but also contributes to an elevated overall event experience. Embrace the future of event management with blockchain brilliance—where innovation meets seamless ticketing.
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thenewrubyred-blog · 8 months
I didn't realize it would be so hard to make friends. Like real friends. I grew up with lots of friends around me in school, but now I know they weren't real friends. They were just using me and making fun of me behind me back. Knowing now that I'm Autistic/Neurodivergent helps me in that I know its common for people like me to have a tough time making friends. I'm glad I met G at least because he gets me and I feel like he does so much better than me in social situations. When we meet people I feel safer with him because it's like he's my proof or my evidence that I'm not a total loser. Because he's literally the coolest and everyone respects him, so they know he wouldn't be with someone who's totally weird. Or at least that's what my brain is trying to convince me.
I went to a market last night for witchy people like me and I hoped that I might be able to meet someone or at least buy a few cute things. Every booth I went to I just felt like I was in the way and uncomfortable. I felt so stupid for even being there. It felt like people could tell I was a loser and I had to leave early. I'm glad I bought tickets for this one event to make a sun catcher because that went well. But the entire time I felt so lost and unwelcome which sucked. I really wanted this community to accept me and I feel like such a fraud of a person. Like I didn't ask to be born and I'm just trying to find a place I belong so I can stop hating my own existence.
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warningsine · 8 months
After the electoral authority declared him the victor and socialist rival Luisa Gonzalez conceded defeat, Noboa vowed that "tomorrow we begin work to rebuild a country that has been severely hit by violence, corruption and hatred."
Long a peaceful haven between major cocaine exporters Colombia and Peru, Ecuador has seen violence explode in recent years as enemy gangs with links to Mexican and Colombian cartels vie for control.
The fighting has seen at least 460 inmates massacred in prisons since February 2021 -- many beheaded or burned alive in mass riots.
The bloodbath has spilled into the streets, with gangs dangling headless corpses from city bridges and detonating car bombs outside police stations in a show of force.
In August, the violence claimed the life of anti-graft and anti-cartel presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, mowed down in a barrage of submachine-gun fire after a campaign speech.
He had been polling in second place.
A state of emergency was declared after former journalist Villavicencio's assassination, and Noboa and Gonzalez both campaigned, and voted, in bullet-proof vests and with heavy security details.
On Sunday, Noboa told supporters in his home town of Olon in the southwest his goal was "to restore peace... to bring back education to the youth" and create jobs.
'Destroyed' country
Ecuadorans voted for 10 hours Sunday with no reports of violence, watched over by some 100,000 police and soldiers.
"May we elect the best president because (he or she) will govern a country that is destroyed... to address all these problems such as insecurity," Indigenous voter Ramiro Duchitanga told AFP in Cuenca in Ecuador's south.
"It is a critical election," added Freddy Escobar, a popular 49-year-old singer in Quito, citing crime as his main worry. "I am voting in fear, not knowing what will happen."
The main concerns of Ecuadorans, according to opinion polls, are crime and violence in a country where the murder rate quadrupled in the four years to 2022.
Noboa, who obtained some 52 percent of the vote according to a near-complete count, was elected to only 16 months in office to complete the term of incumbent Guillermo Lasso, who called a snap vote to avoid possible impeachment for alleged embezzlement.
Under the law, Noboa can run again for the 2025-29 presidential term, and the one after that.
Both runoff candidates were relative unknowns in politics.
Noboa is the son of one of Ecuador's richest men, who himself has five failed presidential bids to his name.
The president-elect, whose only political experience is two years as a lawmaker, calls himself "center-left" but embraces neoliberal economic thinking.
He ran on the ticket of the brand-new National Democratic Action alliance, which incorporates parties from the center and left of the political spectrum.
Ecuador has a poverty rate of 27 percent, with a quarter of the population unemployed or holding down an informal job.
Opinion polls list unemployment as voters' second concern.
Noboa reiterated Sunday that he intends to "give progress to a country... that has all the elements to be a global example."
Gonzalez was the handpicked candidate of socialist ex-president Rafael Correa, who governed from 2007 to 2017 and lives in exile in Belgium to avoid serving an eight-year prison term for graft -- another major concern in the country.
From eight candidates, Gonzalez took the most votes in the first round in August with 34 percent, followed by Noboa with 23 percent.
On Sunday, she offered her "profound congratulations" to Noboa, "because this is democracy."
Addressing supporters in Quito, Gonzales also said she would not be claiming fraud.
With 13 lawmakers in his corner out of 137 in parliament, Noboa will not have an absolute majority backing his legislative projects, and with only 16 months in office, will face an uphill battle to push through any reforms, analysts say.
Voting is compulsory for 13.4 million eligible voters in the country of about 18 million, and the election authority said turnout was above 82 percent.
After images on social media showed a person appearing to fill out multiple ballots in favor of Noboa, the head of the National Electoral Commission, Diana Atamaint, promised an "immediate" investigation.
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akashmeke01 · 9 months
"Revolutionary Online Ticketing Platform: Turnkey Tix with Exclusive Blockchain Loyalty Programs"
In a rapidly evolving world where technology continually redefines our daily experiences, the ticketing industry is no exception. Traditional paper tickets and long-winded queues have made way for efficient, secure, and innovative solutions. Among these innovations, Turnkey Tix has emerged as a frontrunner, leading the way with a revolutionary online ticketing platform that offers exclusive blockchain-based loyalty programs.
In this blog, we will explore how Turnkey Tix is changing the game for event-goers, event organizers, and businesses, ushering in a new era of convenience, security, and rewards in the ticketing industry.
Blockchain Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Ticketing
Blockchain technology is known for its transparency, security, and immutability. By integrating blockchain into the ticketing process, Turnkey Tix has addressed many of the persistent challenges faced by the ticketing industry. Let's delve into how this works:
1. Fraud Prevention and Scalability
Blockchain's decentralized ledger system ensures that tickets are unique, tamper-proof, and verifiable. This eliminates the risk of counterfeit tickets and ensures that tickets are only sold once. Scalability is also improved, making it easier to manage high-demand events.
2. Secure Transactions
Blockchain technology enables secure and transparent transactions. When purchasing a ticket through Turnkey Tix, users can trust that their personal and financial information is protected. This heightened security significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and fraud.
3. Smart Contracts
Smart contracts, a feature of blockchain technology, automate various ticket-related processes. They can be programmed to execute actions like issuing refunds or transferring tickets based on predefined conditions, streamlining the ticketing process for both customers and event organizers.
Exclusive Loyalty Programs: Rewarding Your Event Participation
Turnkey Tix doesn't stop at just offering a secure and transparent ticketing experience. They have taken customer engagement to the next level with their exclusive blockchain-based loyalty programs.
1. Token-Based Rewards
With each ticket purchase, customers earn loyalty tokens. These tokens can be redeemed for discounts on future ticket purchases or even exclusive access to premium events. This not only rewards loyal customers but also incentivizes repeat business.
2. Personalized Experiences
Turnkey Tix uses blockchain data to create personalized experiences for its users. This can include tailored event recommendations, customized ticket offerings, and even special perks based on past attendance and preferences.
3. Community Building
By integrating blockchain technology, Turnkey Tix has also made it possible for eventgoers to connect with others who share their interests. Through the loyalty program, customers can build a network of like-minded individuals, further enriching their event experiences.
Read More.
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megamoonlottery · 9 months
Decentralized Lottery: Introducing Smart Contract Functionality
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Decentralized Lottery: Introducing Smart Contract Functionality
Smart contracts are the backbone of innovation in decentralized lotteries, revolutionizing the industry through blockchain technology. These self-executing contracts, written directly into code, automatically execute when predefined conditions are met. They operate on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, providing transparency and security in various aspects of decentralized lotteries. Smart contracts handle ticket sales and validation, eliminating intermediaries and reducing fraud risk. They employ provably fair algorithms for random number generation and outcome determination, ensuring verifiability and tamper-proof results. Smart contracts also automatically distribute prizes, eliminating the need for centralized authorities and enhancing player trust. Their transparency, security, trustless nature, and automation make them pivotal in the decentralized lottery landscape. MegaMoon, a decentralized lottery on the Polygon blockchain, underscores the importance of smart contracts, ensuring transparency, security, and fairness through its Chainlink VRF system while sparing players from blockchain gas fees with its Treasury system.
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mystlnewsonline · 9 months
Zella Rives - Gino Rives - Indicted - Disability Fraud
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St. Louis County Mother, Zella Rives, Son, Gino Rives, Accused of Disability Fraud ST. LOUIS, MO (STL.News) A St. Louis County, Missouri mother and her son were indicted this week in U.S. District Court in St. Louis and accused of defrauding the Supplemental Security Income Program with false claims of a mental disability. Gino Rives, 35, of Edmundson, appeared and pleaded not guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, five counts of wire fraud, and five counts of theft of government funds.  His mother, Zella Rives, 57, also of Edmundson, appeared in court Thursday and pleaded not guilty to the same charges, with the addition of one count of making a false statement. The indictment alleges that from May 11, 2010, to August 30, 2023, the Rives defrauded the Social Security Administration’s Supplemental Security Income Program out of more than $88,000 by falsely claiming that Gino Rives had mental disabilities and had little or no income or resources.  They claimed he had never worked, owned nothing, couldn’t drive, and was unable to pay bills or use a bank account, the indictment says. They concealed Gino Rives’ construction and tree trimming work, his mixed martial arts career, a 2009 conviction for financial exploitation of the elderly, his ownership of vehicles and homes, and receipt of $721,000 worth of checks from an elderly individual, “A.B.,” before her death in April of 2023. Gino Rives was charged in a separate indictment in April with one count each of access device fraud and fraudulently affecting transactions after being accused of fraudulently using A.B.’s credit card to purchase $4,788 in Southwest Airlines tickets.  He pleaded not guilty to those charges. The conspiracy and wire fraud charges each carry a potential penalty of up to 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both.  The charge of making a false statement is punishable by up to five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both, and the theft of government funds charge is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and the same fine. Charges set forth in an indictment are merely accusations and do not constitute proof of guilt.  Every defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty. The Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General and the U.S. Secret Service investigated the case.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Tracy Berry is prosecuting the case. SOURCE: Office of the Inspector General Read the full article
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