#frankly i ask he do a bit of wrong in my direction
elitewrestlinghoe · 9 months
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staryuee · 8 months
Hii friend <3
I dont know really know if requests are still open but i wanted to ask if you could do any genshin characters with a rude s/o?
If not you're always aloud to delete the request :)
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꒰warnings꒱ cursing…obviously LOL
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . you wouldn’t call yourself rude just…”free-spirited” and liberal in your word choices~! ^_−☆
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . eula, xiao, thoma, ei, furina, navia, wriothesley
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . if i had a victorian era shilling for the amount of times my friend has called me rude after i’ve made a comment about something i would be the next ebenezer scrooge (⊙_⊙)
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EULA — 优菈
now while eula would normally abhor at the foul language and insults that so easily spew from your precious lips, she actually can’t help but be oddly bemused.
i mean her expectations for linguistics are awfully high, one mustn’t speak with little eloquence but your brashness was oddly…charming, and refreshing in a way. you weren’t afraid to offend people, and simply enjoyed the motto of “i won’t apologise for what i said, i’ll apologise for how it made you feel.”
eula is of course someone who’s treated like the poster-woman for the concept of rudeness given her past and current feigned ego, so honestly you sort of make her feel better about herself — not in a negative way, in the way that she just simply doesn’t feel that lonely anymore.
if anyone has so much as a word to speak against you due to something you’ve said, they can speak to her first. the entirety of teyvat is allowed to shudder if she so much as so breathes, but when it comes to you? vengeance will be severed with a side of wine.
XIAO — 魈
stop. please. xiao is already overwhelmed enough by the varieties of his duties, all his patrolling — and now he has to make sure his lover isn’t in an argument with someone or being threatened to literal death.
he frankly doesn’t really care about the way you speak, sure it’s surprising at first since the majority of people in liyue hold themselves in a way that seems a bit more…calm, but then again sometimes that within itself can be seen as a rude attempt at pacification of genuine feelings.
you’ve never been mean or rude to him, directly at least, so he literally doesn’t care how brutal or venomous your words are, so long as you don’t get yourself in too much trouble. people haven’t seen the yaksha so an edge whenever a person opens their mouth since, well, ever.
he’s never brought up your attitude or personality; he loves you wholly, even if some parts of you are a bit more prickly than rosy.
THOMA — 托马
“haha, they were just joking!” you ticked off another five on your little notepad with a careful swoosh of your pen.
thoma has had to repeat that very phrase so much to the point you’ve been keeping a safe tally on a notepad of whenever he says it. to be honest, you don’t even believe five can be multiplied this many times…
your rudeness and foul language comes as an innate package, and thoma has no problem in neatly tying that package up with a little bow to placate whoever you managed to horribly offend that day. you fear that one day, if thoma isn’t there, you’ll find yourself being interrogated by kujo sara, maybe in a more lucky scenario heizou, herself.
“thoma can you do this f—“
“i— wasn’t asking you??”
“you didn’t need to, now fuck off (๑・̑◡・̑๑). don’t be incompetent and you wouldn’t have to ask someone else to constantly do shit for you.”
if not directed to herself directly, she finds you absolutely amusing. she literally cannot be a spokesperson against rudeness after her uhum many self-made and self-fulfilled tragedies, plus she herself can be rather verbally off putting therefore, she has little problems with how you address others.
she does, however, keep a very keen eye on you to make sure you don’t stir up trouble with the wrong crowd.
but, hey! the great thing about dating a highly revered archon is the fact literally no-one will speak out against you.
“[name] told me to kill myself when i said hi in the morning…” and guess what? all of a sudden they have a long voyage to the fiery volcanoes of natlan planned out. criticism is only allowed if it’s aimed at her, not you — you’re basically an extension of her, if anyone so much so demeans you because of your attitude, it’s almost like they’re disrespecting the electro archon herself.
that’s a crime the citizens of inazuma have long learned the lesson of.
FURINA — 芙宁娜
she loves you purely for the theatrics and dramatics you always managed to find yourself in. it always seems like drama follows you wherever you simply step — and hey, she’s an actress, it’s no wonder she’s so easily charmed and swayed with the way your voice rings out blunt responses like it were second nature.
and to be fair, she’s a massive instigator of conflict. on the sidelines of course. so when you perhaps “accidentally” rub someone the wrong way, she can’t help but use sarcasm to throw fuel into the fire and watch the hellish flames burn as she kicks back with a cup of tea and a slice of cake (you know, like a true mirror to marie antoinette)
i think your duo would be even funnier and more undoubtedly chaotic if you have british humour and or slang equipped because let’s be so real if this was modern furina would force neuvillette to act like her roadman guard-dog while she sold 50p sweets during break time to the year 8s. throw in a little “yute” or “op” and she has heart eyes all over you (i promise this is all for the sake of comedy…)
NAVIA — 娜维娅
the best part of being in a relationship is being able to chat shit about anyone and everything, because well, you’re each-other’s everything already, why rely on the kindness of strangers for validation?
you and navia do the thing where you’ll subconsciously glance at each-other from the corners of your eyes when someone (or people) say some dumb silly shit. the problem being, neither of you can keep quiet and immediately will begin giggling and will make it inevitably worse by whispering to one another “stop!” and “don’t laugh—“ while holding your mouths to stifle yourselves.
this leads to people being rather nervous to speak to navia when you’re around. usually, navia is very friendly and softly spoken; often she’ll be a rather happy-go-lucky and caring girl who smiles no matter what — of course this doesn’t mean she’ll allow people to walk all over her, but hey she believes in second chances — but when you’re around…people will loiter around creepily before gathering the courage to ask for help or whatever they need.
navia is at heart however, a very loving and respectful person so she will remind you of when you’ve stepped out of line. sometimes rudeness is just an innate quality that people have and it’s sometimes not intended out of malice; even petty things like lateness or speaking out of turn counts as “rudeness”, and navia is here to either make excuses up for you or to defend you from criticism ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
oh he absolutely eats this shit up. every argument, insult, fight etcetera you’ve ever had is kept in a personal file somewhere in his cabinet just for memories sake. wriothesley’s life is already quite dramatic and hectic as it can be, the fortress of meropide could honestly sometimes be described as a form of circus within itself especially if you’re involved, but he revels in your antics nonetheless.
you’re literally so fucking hilarious, each time he hears those heavy doors heave open beneath him he just KNOWS shit has gone down and you’re about to dramatise it for him live.
you best believe he’s an instigator the same way furina is; whispering to you and then giggling when you use his encouragement as some sort of reference while you practically spit venom at the person who’s unfortunately become your centre of focus.
he won’t allow you to stir up too much trouble in the fortress of meropide but being his partner you get the perk of not getting into nearly as much trouble as you would if you were one of the criminals down in the fortress (unless you are then…well you’re special so it doesn’t matter!)
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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creepswrites · 1 month
DIRT ROADS | Lester x Reader
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rereading some of my old writing renewed my love for writing this scruffy man <3 this is also slightly self indulgent oops
SUMMARY: The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
The sound of the sputtering of your car engine made you groan, your forehead bumping against the steering wheel in quite frustration. Overhead, raindrops pattered harshly against the top of your car like small marbles and you heard the way your wheels dug into the muddy roads. This was not the place you wanted to get stuck in.
"I told you we'd get stuck out here!" Your friend Sadie huffed in exasperation, throwing her hands up in defeat. "If we had just turned back and asked for directions," She trailed off, shooting a pointed glare at the two guys in the backseat, "We wouldn't be in this mess!"
Robbie - Sadie's long-term boyfriend, though you weren't exactly sure why, seeing as they argued more often then not - just scoffed at his girlfriend's frustrations. "Look, let's just get out of the car and fuckin' push, alright?"
"Can't," You sighed as you lifted your head up. "The front wheels are trapped in the mud. Pushin' will just get us more stuck."
"Well what the fuck else are we supposed to do?" Robbie shouted before swinging the door open and stomping out into the pouring rain, uncaring of how his hair and clothes quickly became soaked.
When he did, his friend who sat beside him - Leon, you think was his name - quickly shuffled out to join him. Leon was nicer than Robbie but was a bit of a pushover. This camping trip the four of you planned was mostly Sadie's attempts to pair you up with Leon despite both of your resistances on the matter.
"Honestly," Sadie sighed, "That guy just can't take no for an answer."
You hummed, disinterested in her latest "Robbie Rant" as you'd taken to calling them. "I still think this whole camping thing is a bad idea. Even if we'll be in a cabin." You weren't exactly enthusiastic at the idea of listening to Sadie argue with her boyfriend for a long weekend while you sat awkwardly next to Leon.
"Don't be such a downer," Sadie said as she poked your cheek with a pointy, baby blue nail. "The rain'll pass, babe. It always does."
When you heard the sound of your car door open, a blast of cold air hitting your body, you turned your head and were met with a worried look on Robbie's face. "Hey, uh, there's... some dude over here." He gestured with a thumb, arms crossed over his chest to try and protect himself from the chilled rain. "He's, uh, offerin' to tow us to the nearest town."
You perked your head up. "Oh! Sure, okay, yeah." Frankly you were just relieved the four of you weren't going to have to camp out in the car or, god forbid, walk through the rain and dark foresty area in hopes of finding civilization.
"Yeah, I wouldn't get too excited." Robbie mumbled as you poked your head out to look behind your car. "Dude's kinda weird."
A scrawny looking man stood slumped against a silver truck chatting to Leon, seemingly unbothered by the rain. When he caught your eye, he tilted his green cap in greeting and gave you a wide gap toothed smile as he made his way towards you. Outwardly, you didn't see anything wrong with him. Maybe a little scruffy but nothing outwardly strange. "Hey there," He said with such a heavy southern drawl it made your eyes feel droopy, "Saw y'all got stuck. I might be able 't tow ya back to town. It ain't far, but you folks'll probably wanna ride with me. 'Case stuff gets too bumpy."
You considered his offer for a moment. The idea of shelter was too tempting to ignore, however... "That's awfully kind of you," You said slowly, watching his smile soften into something more genuine, "What's the catch?"
"Ain't no catch, honest." He said as he slid his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. Robbie gave him a weird look but you ignored it, keeping your focus on the stranger. "Jus' happened to be in the neighborhood on my way back home. Saw y'all broke down 'n figured I'd lend a hand."
Your shoulders dropped slightly. As in most situations, you had to trust your gut. And your gut said that you could trust him. So you held out your hand to shake his, introducing yourself. "How close is this town?"
"Jus' a few miles back down this road here 'n a few left turns." The stranger offered a hand to help you out of your car and you flinched at the sight of thick mud below you. "'m Lester, by the way. Lester Sinclair." He said, noticing your apprehension at the dirt. "Ain't one for mud?" He gave a light laugh.
"Not if I can help it," You sighed. It wouldn't normally bother you but you hadn't worn shoes you could afford to get dirty. The storm had caught you all by surprise.
Before you could step out, Lester gave you a nudge. "Here, put'cher arms 'round me."
You flushed and stared at him with wide, confused eyes. He just gave you a grin as he hooked your knees in the crook of his elbow. "I- You don't have to- I can-" You stammered out nervously. Sure, you didn't really want to get your shoes dirty, but Lester didn't have to carry you!
"Up we go!" Lester said with a dramatic flair, causing you to shriek in terror as you were lifted out up of your seat. You clung to him tight to avoid falling into the mud and he gave you a little spin, making you bury your face into his shoulder as you begged him not to drop you.
The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
"Hey, put 'em the fuck down!" Robbie said. You'd honestly forgot he was there for a moment. But he stepped towards you two like he intended to yank you from the other man's arms like a toddler wanting its toy back.
Lester shot him a look before glancing down at you, as though silently asking if Robbie was bothering you. Like Lester himself wasn't the stranger in the situation. "Alrighty then. Why don't you grab the girl so we can get on outta here?" He said before carrying you back towards his truck without looking back.
When you saw the truck, you understood why Robbie and Leon looked so anxious about going inside. You could see what looked to be small animal bones dangling like strings of beads woven together with feathers and rough strings. They all looked very homemade but pretty in their own way. At least to you they were.
What really caught your attention was the deer skull sitting on the dashboard as the pride of place. "You hunt?" You asked Lester as he walked around to the passenger side door.
He noticed you eyeing the deer skull and shrugged. "That depends."
"Well I gotta impress you, don't I? Ain't every day I get to carry some pretty thing to my truck. Can't letcha think 'm a bad guy if I do hunt." He said casually before gesturing to the door handle. "Can you grab that?"
You opened the door and let him set you on the seat, his words not quite registering as you focused on the skull, fingers grazing it but not quite touching. "I think it's cool," You said with a quiet awe. "I like taxidermy, so bones don't put me off."
Lester seemed surprised by that. You could hear the sounds of Robbie and Sadie arguing again - likely because he wasn't offering to carry her like Lester had done for you - but you hardly cared with him looking at you like that. Like he was swooning.
"So y'ain't gonna be bothered by the roadkill I got in the back?" He asked, leaning against the car door as you admired the bones hung around the interior.
"Nope. Not even a little. Do you make these yourself?" You asked, fingers dancing lightly down a particularly pretty string of feathers and bones.
Lester swallowed and nodded, a little breathless when he spoke. "Yeah. Yeah. Make 'em myself, yeah." He sounded a little nervous, trying to hide his excitement at your genuine interest. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna get yer car set up for towin' 'n whatnot. You alright if I borrow your boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend." You shrugged before focusing back on him. "Much less Robbie. He's kind of a douchebag."
"You don't have a boyfriend?" Lester looked genuinely shocked.
You laughed a little. "You sound like my parents." Your tone was light, teasing, and a sharp contrast to the sudden hurricane that was Sadie climbing into the backseat of the truck, arguing loudly with Robbie. As suspected, he had not want to carry her and she had to walk.
You and Lester shared an exhausted look before he stepped away to get the cables to tow your car. Meanwhile, you tucked into the front seat, admiring every knickknack and oddity you could see. It felt almost cozy. Lester likely spent a lot of time in here to warrant such a comfortable, familiar space. He'd mentioned roadkill in the back of the truck so you figured he drove around for long hours picking it up.
He was utterly fascinating. You'd never met anyone like him.
"Dude, this guy is a freak," Sadie whisper-yelled to be heard over the rain as she slammed her door. You left the your own door open to enjoy the cool air a bit longer after being stuck in a stuffy car for the past four hours. "His car's full of dead things!" She hissed at you.
"Doesn't bother me." You said absently, far too focused on the skull again. It was in beautiful condition, clearly well taken care of. If Lester did really hunt, you hoped it was humane. But you reassured yourself that he didn't seem like someone who hated animals.
Sadie scoffed as she slumped in the backseat. The anger from her argument with Robbie was starting to leak into your conversation with her and it pissed you off. But you held your tongue, knowing better than to push her. "Yeah, I'm sure you don't mind your new weirdo boyfriend and his freaky shit." She laughed with a mocking tone. "Must be nice to meet some random fucking guy on the side of the road and he's soooo perfect and thoughtful and carries you to his car. Definitely matches your freak."
You ignored her.
It didn't take long for the guys to finish attaching your car to the truck and everyone piled in the truck, Lester closing his door with a dramatic flair and giving you a smile. "Alrighty, lets head on back. Town's just a couple minutes away." He said, making sure to take wide turns to avoid scratching up the car too much.
"Is there a hotel in town there?" Sadie asked, fidgeting with a strand of her wet hair.
"Yeah, should be. The inn ain't get much business this far out here so there oughta be rooms." Lester said, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Where ya folks headed?"
When the three in the back said nothing, you spoke up after an awkward beat of silence. Just because your friends didn't like the dead things didn't mean Lester was a bad guy. "Headin' towards Arkansas. We've got a little cabin there that we want to stay at for a few days."
"Special occasion?" Lester asked curiously.
"Just a double date weekend." Sadie chimed in, smirking a bit in Leon and Robbie's direction. "We've been meaning to take a break together.
You flinched at the implication you were dating Leon. Lester seemed to notice that and gave you a reassuring smile. "Sounds fun." He said aloud, though you could see the way his hands gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. "Robbie, was it?"
"How long've you been dating 'em?" He tilted his head towards you, smiling at Robbie in the rearview mirror. "Hope I didn't give ya the wrong impression when I carried 'em over. I know you got defensive 'bout it 'n all."
The backseat erupted into absolute chaos. You turned to level Lester with an unimpressed look and the man had the audacity to give you an innocent little smile.
Jerk. You snorted, rolled your eyes, and turned your head to look out the window, watching the raindrops fall on the slightly fogged glass and the brush of the forest passing by in blurs of murky greens and browns.
Ambrose wasn't far, true to Lester's word. The town was small, only a few dozen houses and no major chain stores, much to Sadie's disappointment. Just little mom and pop type places. Lester towed your car to the nearby gas station outside the auto shop and you became suddenly aware of how empty the town felt. No one was outside but you didn't think it was because of the rain.
Your friends got out of the truck, eager to get away from the bones and the smell of rot, but you stayed in with Lester for a minute. "Where is everyone?"
"Hm?" Lester asked, looking innocently curious. "Whaddya mean?"
When he didn't say anything else, you just sighed. "Nevermind," you mumbled as you reached for the door.
"Wait." He said, his voice low. You turned to look at him and he seemed... guilty? He chewed nervously on his bottom lip before making a gesture to the glove box. "Open it."
So you did. Laying atop some piles of paper was a simple, silver pocketknife. "What the-?"
"In case." Lester said, pulling it out and handing it to you expectantly.
"In case of what?" You frowned as alarm bells began to ring in your head. "What do you mean?
Lester's eyes darted quickly over your shoulder before he looked back at you. You didn't get the chance to look over your shoulder when he reached up, cupping your face with one hand to keep your eyes on him. "I ain't- I ain't s'pposed to do this. Y'can't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what?" Your fear must have been obvious at this point, seeing as Lester flinched.
"Look," he sighed, taking your hand and squeezing it in his own. "I can't- I wanna tell ya, believe me. But I ain't s'pposed to 'n it kills me." He looked genuinely sorry for whatever it was he was doing, which only scared you more. "But if ya take it, you'll be-"
A loud knock on the window made you scream, scooting away from the door with a look of terror, not even care that you practically slammed into Lester's chest as you threw yourself across the center console. Staring at you from the window was a man dressed in a mechanic jumpsuit with a baseball cap on. He opened the door without prompting and gave you a smile that made you feel greasy just looking at him. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The stranger said with a warm tone. "'m name's Bo. I work at the autoshop here."
You introduced yourself cautiously, glancing out the windshield and noticing the way Sadie practically swooned over Bo while Robbie and Leon looked ready to punch the daylights out of this guy.
You didn't trust him. Not one bit.
"Pretty sure that's my brother you're sittin' on." Bo said with another acidic smile.
"Oh." You said, still pressed against Lester's side with no real interest in moving. The pocketknife was still clenched tightly in your fist and you still didn't feel safe.
Lester just laughed. "Aw, it ain't no problem Bo. We were chattin' 'bout their car actually. Might need ya to check it out, just in case."
Bo hazarded a glance at your car. "Yeah, alright, I'll take a look. Wanna come with me?" He asked, offering you his hand.
Everything in your body screamed at you to stay away from this guy.
"Actually Bo," Lester spoke up, your saving grace, "I was plannin' on chattin' 'bout taxidermy with 'em. If ya don't mind."
Bo did, in fact, seem to mind. His perfect facade seemed to flicker, an annoyed look passing his over his face as quick as it came. "Lester, ain't it a better idea for them to be here with their car?"
"I trust you!" You nearly yelled, grabbing your car keys and stuffing them into Bo's extended hand. "You seem like you know what you're doing! Any questions and you can ask Robbie, he's better with cars than me anyways."
You felt Lester relax when Bo just sighed loudly. "Alright, if you insist," He clutched the keys in his fist and the look he gave you made chills run down your spine. "Enjoy your date, lil' bro."
"Thanks man!" Lester said as Bo slammed the door shut, rattling the whole car. "You alright?" He asked softly once his older brother had stormed off in the direction of your friends.
You scooted back slightly to give him some space, sliding back into your actual seat. "I know he's your brother but... he's so..."
He laughed. "Aggressive? Yeah, he can be. Ain't his fault but it does make bringin' people here tricky." Lester said before gesturing out the window towards your friends, watching Sadie hang off Bo's every word. "Seems to work on your friends jus' fine."
"Not me." You hummed, watching the four of them go inside the auto shop. "I usually have a good read on people. And he's, uh, not good."
"Is that so?" Lester said softly. "Well, y'sure as hell got a good radar then. Figured him out real quick."
You gave Lester a glance, noting the somber look on his face. "What do you mean by it being safer to bring the knife?"
The man chewed on his bottom lip, seeming to mull his options over in his head. "I can't tell ya," He said slowly, "Because then I'd have to kill ya." When you laughed nervously, he just gave you a serious look. "'m serious. I ain't s'pposed to tell strangers what's goin' on."
Cold dread seemed to drench you instantly. "What?" You whispered in horror.
"I can tell ya if you promise not to do anythin' though." He soothed, taking your hand in his. He kept glancing over your shoulder as though expecting Bo to reappear at any moment. "If ya wanna know, you can't get involved."
"Just tell me!" You pleaded, the pocketknife still tight in your fist.
Lester sighed, letting go of your hand and staring out the window, letting the muffled sounds of rain pass through you two as though trying to literally clean the air. When he looked up at you, his eyes once again darting over your shoulder. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and fumbled to turn his car back on, letting it spur to life as you turned to look.
Robbie stumbled out of the auto shop, covered in blood and screaming. He was beelining for you, his screams drowned out by the car engine and the storm. You went to unlock the door but you watched the locks engage. Robbie yanked on the door handle frantically, screaming something about Bo having killed Leon.
But you didn't even have time to react as Lester threw the car in reverse and took off, leaving you horrified and confused. You rounded on him immediately. "We need to help!"
"I can't get involved!" Lester said, looking as panicky as you. "I- I ain't a fan of what they do either but I-" He stammered, torn between focusing on the road and trying to placate you.
"Did Bo kill Leon?!" You gasped in horror.
Lester gave you a helpless look. "I- Maybe? I- I dunno, he's killed a lotta people at this point." He squinted, trying to navigate the rain that began to streak across the windshield with how fast he was driving, obscuring a lot of the vision outside. "He 'n Vinny've been doin' this for ages now!"
"Doing- Doing what?!" You felt frantic, yanking on the car door with no real luck. What would you even do if it opened? Where could you go?
"Killin' people!" Lester said, slamming his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. "They've been killin' people and I don't get involved. 'n if you value your life, you shouldn't either."
He slammed hard on the breaks just before the front of the car slammed into a tree. The two of you let out a shared sigh and slumped over.
"'m sorry sweetpea." Lester said quietly, leaning against his steering wheel as exhaustion seemed to set in. "Was followin' y'all. 's how I found ya. Was gonna ship ya off to Bo 'n Vince but you were so..." He lifted his head to look at you with soft, glassy eyes. "'m so sorry."
You trembled, still breathing heavy. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"No." Lester's answer was immediate. "I ain't a killer. Not like my brothers are." He looked like he wanted to reach for you again, remorse clear on his face. "'m really sorry. Honest. I-"
"Are my friends going to die?" You asked, your voice warbling slightly. "Did- Did you just drive away from my dying friends?" He turned his head to look at you and gave you a slow nod. You let out a quiet gasp, scooting away from him until your back was up against the door. "Let me out! I need to go help them!"
Lester shook his head helplessly. "I can't. Bo's already seen ya 'n if you go after him, he'll kill ya too."
"Then why give me a knife?!"
"I just-" Lester sighed. "I just didn't want you to go down easy. Ain't no one ever escape my brothers. They're brutal 'n dedicated. I... I didn't want you to get hurt."
A lapse of silence passed between you two, the only sound coming from the rain. Lester buried his face back into his arms while you tried to come to terms with what you'd learnt. Lester's brothers abducted and killed people. And Lester had just served your friends up to Bo on a silver platter, but not you.
You had a knife, still clenched in your fist, and you could probably get the jump on Lester if you had to. You could steal his car and go rescue them or, at the very least, escape.
But you didn't want to hurt Lester...
"Why didn't you let me go with them?" You finally asked with a resigned sigh.
Lester looked up with tired, sad eyes. "Didn't want em to have ya. 'Cus you're a good, kind person 'n you trusted me. Felt like I was betraying ya. So I saw an openin' and I took it."
You nodded slowly. "So what now?"
"Well, ya got a few choices actually." Lester said as he straightened up. "You could go back. Try your luck against my brothers, try 'n save your friends. Or," He said with a shy glance your way, "You could come with me."
"Where would we go?"
Lester motioned out the windshield. "I got a lil' house in the woods nearby. We could hold down till the storm passes." Big brown eyes focused on you as he nervously wrung his hands. "I'd, uh, have to introduce you to my brothers in the morning. But I'd protect ya. Let 'em know you're with me now."
You felt your face heat up and you hated yourself for it. Your friends were being killed and the guy who led them to their deaths was making you blush like a schoolchild with a crush. You couldn't help it though. Lester was sweet, in the short time you'd met him. He didn't want to see you hurt and did what he could to protect you.
"With you?" You teased him with a wet chuckle. And your smile grew when you saw the way the tips of Lester's ears burned with how hard he blushed.
He gave you a shy nod. "Y-yeah. If you're with me, then- then they won't bother ya. Not killable anymore." You reached over and took his hands gently, uncaring of the dirt and roughness there. "You couldn't leave though."
A sigh left your lips. "I either stay or die?"
Lester looked close to tears when he nodded. "'m really sorry, sweetpea, I really am. Should'a never gone after ya." He freed one of his hands to cup your face gently, his touch soft despite the roughness of his hands and the guilt in his eyes.
You two sat there for awhile before you nodded, swallowing back a sob of your own. "Okay," You sighed, "Okay, I'll go with you."
He gave you a look of utter relief, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'll keep ya safe, sweetpea. I promise."
When you pulled him in for a hug, your face buried in his shoulder, you let your shoulders relax. And you let yourself believe him.
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meiliarotten · 4 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Three: Return of the Kink
Day 14: Correction (Spanking)
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Pairings: Spy x Gender Neutral!Reader
Summary: Your battlefield shenanigans are getting out of hand, and Spy decides to do something about it.
Tags: Spanking, Dom/Sub, bratty reader, masochism, hair pulling, edging, teasing, aftercare
Word Count: 3.4k
The Masterlist
“So… you’ve been chain smoking ever since we got off the battlefield. And that was an hour ago.”
Spy barely acknowledged you, simply proving your point by lighting a fresh cigarette with the embers of the last one. You sat uncomfortably in a chair across from him, a chess set laying untouched between the two of you. “I mean, I know this is called a smoking room for a reason, but this,” you gestured towards the cloud of wispy gray smoke that had formed above the two of you, “Is a bit much, don’t you think?”
Honestly, if it weren’t for the effects of the Medigun you were certain Spy would have literally every kind of respiratory illness by now. All of the lung cancer, all of the emphysema. All of it.
Another moment of silence stretched out for an eternity before you let out an annoyed huff. Getting up from your chair, you walked right over to Spy, leaning against the arm of his chair and fixing him with the sweetest expression you could muster. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Spy sighed, a cloud of smoke passing his lips before he responded, still refusing to look at you. “You really are dense sometimes, my dear.”
“Damn. Alright then,” you said, put off by his obtuse, and frankly, insulting response. You moved to return to your own seat but Spy grabbed your arm.
“Non, non! Come, sit.” You let him pull you into his lap. His tone sounded apologetic. You made yourself comfortable, straddling him. He snuffed out the cigarette in a nearby ashtray.
“So, what’s wrong?” you asked again, hoping for a more direct answer this time.
Spy took a deep breath. “Darling, you know I love you.”
“I am very lovable.”
“And you know that I will always be honest with you.”
“Oh no.” You recognized that tone and those words. What followed was usually some kind of critique, and what’s worse, it was almost always a valid critique- the worst kind of all.
Spy went on. “Which is why it is my responsibility to say that your battlefield performance today was, in a word, abysmal.”
“Ouch.” You pouted, batting your lashes at him. He remained unaffected by your antics, continuing with barely a pause.
“It was not just today, either. You have been inattentive, and more so, you’ve made yourself a distraction for me as well!”
“It’s just a bit of flirting. It’s fun!” You were actually a bit surprised at this. You had been under the assumption that Spy was a sucker for stolen kisses in concealed corners or subtle, yet tender touches between checkpoints.
“It is fun for you, but your ‘flirting’ has cost us several battles in the past month alone!” Spy knew he wasn’t completely innocent either. His responses only encouraged your behavior, but you were always the inviting factor, so it was only fair that you bared most of the blame.
“It’s not my fault you make backstabbing look so hot.” You pouted, arms crossed indignantly. “Besides, I thought you liked having my eyes on you.”
Spy took a deep breath, trying to be patient with you, no matter how difficult you were making that endeavor. “Even when you are being insolent, you somehow manage to be charming,” he admitted. “But even so, I can not allow myself to become infatuated with your faults.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked.
“Darling, it is our duty as lovers to bring out the best in each other, and sometimes that involves a bit of correction.”
Correction? Seriously? You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “What are you going to do, spank me?” Spy paused. He paused for a very long time. “Spy?”
“Perhaps I should.”
“What? Spy, I was joking! You’re actually considering it?” you said, stammering.
“Oh no, my dear, I’m not considering it. I have already decided.” He said, giving you a stern look that made you want to shrink away into the nearest wall. “Bend over my desk.”
You didn’t get a chance to protest before he pushed you off his lap. You rushed to get back on your feet, stumbling slightly. “Spy, what the hell are you doing?” you asked, glancing at the desk in disbelief.
“I believe I was quite clear.”
“You can’t be serious!” you said, exasperated and baffled by the situation that was unfolding before you.
Spy took you by the chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. “You are being a petulant little brat.”
You bristled. “I am not!” Ironically, that may have been the most ‘bratty’ thing you could have said at the moment.
The two of you stared at each other for a while, stuck in a kind of stand off before Spy sighed and his gaze softened. “Are you truly uncomfortable with this, darling?” he asked. “I won’t do anything to you that you do not agree to.”
“No, it’s not like I’m scared of a little pain.” You thought it over for a moment. Once your initial shock had been pushed aside, it didn’t really seem all that bad. “It’s just kind of humiliating.”
“Of course. Punishment must by necessity be at least a little unpleasant.”
Well, you supposed that made sense, and even you had to admit that some of your actions had cost you some pretty vital battles over the past few days. Everyone had been in a less than pleasant mood because of it, and if there was a chance this unconventional method of ‘correction’ could end your team’s streak of losses, then it was worth a shot. A few swats to your ass couldn’t be that difficult to endure, right?
“I’ll do it, if it’ll make you feel like you’ve ‘fulfilled your duty as a lover,’ or whatever,” you said, struggling not to roll your eyes as you quoted his own words back at him. You turned, bending over the desk and shifting your weight side to side. You craned your neck to shoot him a wicked smile. “You can even enjoy the view while your at it-”
The first spank came down hard before you could finish your sentence. You cut yourself off with a shout, covering your mouth the moment the sound escaped you. Your face flushed, embarrassed at how strongly you had reacted. Spy grinned, however his tone remained even and calm, almost nonchalant.
“I believe ten swats will be sufficient, assuming we don’t have to start over.” Before you could ask what exactly would require him to start over, a second spank made you jump. Instinctively, you tried to squirm away from the impact. Spy’s other hand immediately pressed down on the small of your back, keeping you in place. “Stay still, darling. Reste calme. This will be easier if you obey.”
“Fuck, this is ridiculous,” you said, trying to distract yourself by seeing the humor in this situation. Spy delivered a third spank without hesitation. You were more prepared for it this time, biting your lip hard to keep from crying out again.
“Perhaps I need to curb that snarky mouth of yours as well,” he said, clearly unamused with your commentary. Having not learned your lesson, you opened your mouth to speak once again, only for your words to turn into a harsh moan as a fourth swat rained down on you. A fifth left you gripping the edges of the desk.
“That’s it, hold on if you must. You’re taking this quite well for your first time receiving such punishment.” That was the first bit of praise Spy had offered you since starting this whole ordeal. “We’re halfway done now.”
“Only half?” Your voice trembled. You weren’t sure why this was affecting you so much. It hurt, yes, but you had endured pain far worse. This should not have been making you shudder and whine. It was only upon the sixth swat that you found yourself squeezing your thighs together, your eyes going wide as you finally recognized that familiar feeling blossoming between your hips.
On the seventh, you began to pray that Spy would interpret your moans as sounds of pain, because there was no holding them back anymore. You pressed your forehead against the desk, clamping your lower lip between your teeth in a feeble attempt to quiet yourself. That only resulted in your moans turning into shaky whimpers as you rode out the final moments of your punishment.
There was no denying that you were quite disappointed when it ended. You stayed bent over the desk for a while, hiding your bereft expression from view. Spy’s hand still rested on the small of your back, a small assurance that he was still there. He stayed quiet, letting you sit up at your own pace. When you did finally get up your eyes remained glued to the desk for a while as you tried to quell your arousal.
“Look at me.” Spy’s words were soft, but stern. Reluctantly, you turned to face him, hoping against hope that your blush had calmed down, even though the heat in your cheeks proved otherwise. You were met with a surprisingly tender smile and Spy reached out to brush his thumb over your chin. “You did wonderfully, my darling. Come, let me kiss you.”
Now that was an order you were eager to follow. You pressed your lips to his, gripping the lapels of his suit, pulling him close. Your bodies were flush against each other, but it still didn’t feel close enough. You wanted him inside you, you wanted it so badly it hurt- or maybe that was just the lingering sting from your punishment. Whatever it was, it caused tears to prick at the corners of your eyes. When you finally broke for air, your gasp came out as more of a sob that you tried and failed to stifle.
“It’s alright, don’t hold back,” Spy whispered, moving from your lips to kiss your cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb. “Crying is natural after such an experience.”
You sniffed, trying to keep some composure even as tears fell and dotted the expensive fabric of Spy’s suit. He took off the jacket, letting it drape off the edge of a nearby chair. You weren’t sure why, but some strange combination between the lingering sting of the spanks and the sight of Spy removing his clothing sparked something in you. Without thinking, you began to tug at the buttons of his undershirt.
Spy made a soft sound of surprise, but you kissed him before he could say another word. You didn’t want any interruptions, not yet. Still, you eventually had to draw back for air. Spy chuckled as you unfastened the final button, splaying your hands over his chest. “I’m starting to think this was a bit too enjoyable for you, mon amour.” You shushed him, raking your nailed down his chest. He gasped, but quickly regained his composure. “I wasn’t aware I had a masochist on my hands. I would have chosen a different method of punishment otherwise-”
You kissed him hard, shutting him up once again. Clumsily, you began to pull at his belt and slacks. You were working blindly, but slowly, the belt came loose. Spy jerked against you roughly when you finally wrapped a hand around his cock. You weren’t gentle, pumping him fast and feeling him harden in your grasp. He moaned against your mouth and you felt a hint of pride at getting such a reaction out of him, no matter how brief. Your little power trip wasn’t going to last long, though.
Gloved fingers tangled into your hair. You hummed, enjoying the gentle touch on your scalp, until Spy suddenly tightened his grip and pulled hard. Your head tilted back and you winced.
“Ouch! God, what was that for?” you asked, glaring at him and rubbing the back of your head.
“I was just reminding you who is in charge here.” Without another word, Spy leaned in to kiss your now exposed neck. You shivered, feeling him suck the skin hard before pressing his lips tenderly against the new red mark. He was going to leave bruises, you were certain of it.
With a huff, you pulled away, feeling his hold on your hair loosen enough for you to move. “Fine,” you said, turning around to face the desk again. You leaned over, bracing yourself on your elbows and swaying your hips subtly. “Go on, take charge, Sir.”
Spy laughed, but you also caught the slightest hitch in his breath. You knew he loved it when you referred to him with such authority. A well placed ‘Yes sir’ was a weakness of his that you often took advantage of. Your pants and underwear were quickly yanked down, leaving your lower half exposed. You held back a whimper as Spy began to caress your still very sore ass.
“Such a lovely red,” he said, speaking as if he was admiring a work of art. You had no doubt the red he spoke of was akin to the hue adorning your face as well. You leaned your forehead on the desk, hoping the coolness of the wood would ease the flush.
It was only when you felt a finger prodding at you that you lifted your head. Your eyes went wide and you almost laughed when you realized the finger was noticeably slick. “What the hell?” you said, realizing what the substance was. “Do you just happen to carry lube on you at all times?”
Your question was me with a soft chuckle. Spy leaned over, placing the bottle right next to you upon the desk. Sure enough, it was small enough to easily fit within the pockets of his suit jacket. “With a lover as ravenous as you, one must be prepared.” His touch left you and you heard him moan as he slickened his cock, pumping it a few times before lining up to your entrance. You tried to grind against him, but he pulled away with a huff. “Control yourself, darling.”
He pushed in at a painfully slow pace. When he finally hilted inside you he stopped, holding himself there. His hands wandered from your hips up to your waist. You squirmed and whined. “Come on, move! Move, please!” The grip on your waist tightened, and you went quiet.
“This is the kind of behavior that we just dealt with, my dear. I won’t say it again- be patient.” You scowled, mostly because you knew he was right. He was giving you time to adjust. The last thing you needed was to hurt yourself. That was a type of injury you most certainly wouldn’t want to explain to Medic.
So, you muffled your complaints, biting your knuckles until you felt Spy begin to reward your display of restraint. His hands tightened around your waist again, but not in warning. It turned out you just made for great leverage as he began to thrust faster. “Fuck,” you gasped, feeling his hips smack against your ass.
“You’re still sensitive.” Spy ground his hips against you, making you whimper. “But you enjoy how it feels, don’t you? The pain mingled with the pleasure. You enjoyed being spanked.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a scream when another swat suddenly came down on your ass. You clamped your hands over your mouth in shock, certain that if anyone was nearby, perhaps even down the hall outside the smoking room, they would have heard you.
“Oh my, who knew you could make a sound like that?” Spy said. You could practically hear the smirk on his face from the way he spoke. “My very own bratty little masochist. I should have known you would like this.”
He was going faster. You weren’t even sure when he began to speed up, or when you had laid out flat against the desk. At some point your arms had buckled under you, leaving your cheek pressed against the hardwood. You hoped you weren’t drooling too much. That would be even more embarrassing than the high pitched shrieks that followed every fresh swat that Spy delivered. It was so much more intense without the barrier of clothing in the way.
After a while, even the embarrassment began to fade. You felt high on the pleasure, high on the pain. You weren’t sure which you liked better. Perhaps it was the combination of the two contrasting sensations that created this unique, foggy, dream-like state you found yourself in. You never wanted to lose this feeling. Your whole body was beginning to feel hot, overwhelmingly hot, and a familiar, tight coiling in your stomach signaled that your climax was fast approaching. All good things must come to an end at some point.
You clawed uselessly at the desk, scrambling for purchase on anything within your reach until Spy’s hands clamped around your wrists, pinning them. “Try not to scratch up my desk, love.”
“Spy, I’m close!” You weren’t even sure if Spy would be able to understand you through your moans. “Fuck, I’m so close, please!”
“Do you think you deserve it?”
Spy’s response stumped you, and you began to stammer. “What? What do you mean?”
“You heard me, darling. I already warned you, I will not repeat myself.”
You shuddered. Spy’s pace had slowed again. He was keeping you right on the edge. Your body screamed for release, but even now, you knew it was a release that you hadn’t earned. “I don’t,” you sobbed. “I don’t deserve it, but I can be good! I’ll earn it, just please, please let me come, sir!” The words coming out of your mouth should have humiliated you, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was that promised blissful feeling that was being held just out of arm's reach, so close you could practically taste it.
“At least you are capable of honesty.” You barely noticed the tremble in Spy’s voice, the barest hint that he wouldn’t last much longer like this either. “Go on, you can stop holding back, mon ange.”
His words were like the pulling of a trigger. Your body shuddered beneath him. It took a moment for you to realize that elated, keening noise you heard was coming from your own throat. Spy’s grip held steadfast even as you strained against him, trying to squirm and writhe. Tears pricked at your eyes as your climax overwhelmed you. Your legs trembled, threatening to buckle as Spy continued to rut into your spent body without pause, chasing his own release. Mercifully, he finished soon after you, albeit much softer. He moaned against your ear, leaning his weight upon you for a few moments until you groaned, having been essentially squished against the hard surface of the desk.
“Ah, my apologies, love.” Spy got off of you, being exceedingly careful as he withdrew. You were trembling so much that he was certain you would collapse without his support. “Steady now,” he cautioned as you slowly sat up and took a few shaky steps away from the desk, leaning heavily on him.
“Fuck,” you sighed. “That was really good.”
Spy chuckled. You were never the most articulate person post-orgasm, but you were certainly the most honest. He pulled you in for a quick kiss, feeling your lips curve upward, smiling against him. “Darling, you enjoyed that far too much for it to be considered a proper punishment.”
Your face fell. “Oh. Do I need to have a ‘proper punishment’ now?”
Spy thought for a moment before coming to a decision. “Non. I believe a different method may improve your behavior much quicker.” He leaned in, his breath tickling your neck and sending a shiver down your spine. “If you promise to keep your focus in battle, I’ll fuck and spank you like that after every victory. Does that sound reasonable?”
You had to keep yourself from outright moaning at the very thought. A deep breath steadied your nerves just enough for you to respond with a nervous laugh. “Every night? I don’t know if I can manage that.” Oh, but you wanted to try. You very much wanted to try.
Spy smirked, reading you like a book. “Such an eager little thing. You will manage just fine.” He kissed your forehead before swatting your sore ass one last time, appreciating the way you yelped and practically jumped into his arms on instinct. “I have every confidence in you, petite fleur.”
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how long
summary: on a particularly hectic day, you find out Miles' secret by chance, years too late. originally posted: Nov. 30, 2019 a/n: I was still getting used to writing conflict here; It's a bit choppy, but I'm actually kinda proud of this one! You go 9th grade me! Note that Miles and the reader insert are adults at this point. Made some slight edits to like three words
Y/N slammed the door behind her and collapsed onto the couch, frustrated and exhausted. She'd probably treated hundreds of patients that day alone-or that's what it felt like. Miles would be back anytime now, judging by the footage on the news. 
Why didn't he tell her?
Y/N's phone buzzed.
'On my way,' the text message read. Y/N swallowed the growing lump in her throat.
She knew it was Miles the moment he spoke.
Some big green thing--folks called him Goblin--was wreaking havoc on the city like no one had ever seen. Spider-Man's silhouette became a blur as he swung from building to building and back, occasionally sprinting through the streets.
Y/N WAS on her lunch break, but not for long. Patients seemed to be streaming in, either from falling debris or various car accidents. Frankly, Y/N didn't feel particularly strongly about Spider-Man--she just wished he'd be a little more fucking careful.
Y/N's chest heaved as she ran back toward the hospital, shoes pounding on the pavement. Unfortunately, Spider-Man was swinging around in that same direction. A dark figure zipped past Y/N's shoulder, nearly knocking her down. 
When she spun around to identify the blur, the masked hero was still chasing after Goblin, yelling, "Sorry, ma'am!" as he left. Sucking in a breath, Y/N continued her trip back to the hospital, but felt like something was amiss. That voice. It was far too familiar.
It came to her after the battle had ended.
The Goblin fellow was webbed up, surrounded by wailing cop cars and news vans. Spider-Man had stopped to take a selfie with a couple of regular folks, then began retreating from the gathering crowd as Y/N looked on. He had a peculiar bounce in his stride that she'd recognize anywhere if she could put a finger on where she'd seen it before.
"We miss you over in Crown Heights, Spider-Man!"
"Miss me? I still live here!"
The epiphany came crashing down like hail. The cadence in his voice was unmistakable. Y/N's heart was in her throat as she started briskly back to her apartment, expecting answers.
Y/N jumped at the knock on the door. The elaborate rhythm of the knocking confirmed that it was Miles. Trying her hardest to maintain her composure, she opened the door.
As Miles stood in front of her, Y/N took a good look at him.
He was wearing the same grey sweatshirt and blue shirt he had on when he saw her off to work, but something was different. Miles had had the audacity to try and hide the suit beneath his clothes. 
Hesitantly, Miles asked, "Something wrong, Y/N? You've been standing there for a minute." In that moment, she couldn't hold it in any longer.
Through clenched teeth so the neighbors wouldn't hear, she said, "Get in here."
Bewildered, Miles sat down on the table, while Y/N returned to her spot on the couch. She didn't look at Miles, frowning at the television screen. Trying to figure out what to say. Miles spoke up.
"What happened-?"
"You would know."
Okay, something was definitely wrong. Miles frantically racked his brain for signs: something he said that morning? Difficult work day? Nothing came up in his mind.
Y/N stalked over to the table where Miles sat. A humorless grin spread across her face, she asked, "What's that under your sweatshirt?" Miles' heartbeat picked up.
"A… shirt?" He prayed to God she hadn't found out.
"Do you think I'm stupid, Morales?"
A pit formed in Miles' Stomach.
Y/N was yelling now. "I can see the suit!"
Miles sighed, cradling his forehead in the palm of his hand. "Well, now you know." Y/N clearly wasn't satisfied.
"I don't know a damn thing, apparently!" Her voice softened to a whimper as tears welled up in her eyes.
"How long have you been wearing that mask, Miles?"
"Since when?"
Miles looked away. "8th grade." There was a long pause as his words hung in the air.
"Every day since we were thirteen."
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writingmeraki · 2 years
fools of love II
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summary : being jealous of the stars in your eyes whenever you smiled because he knew they were caused by anyone but him or so he thought.
genre : fluff, angst, humour (it gets a bit angsty here folks)
pairing : cho guesung x gn!reader, idiots to lovers.
warnings : kissing, attempts at humor, misunderstandings, slight hurt, jealousy, cussing, the reader is hurt kinda, not entirely proofread.
author's note : IT'S OUT finally, this took me longer than i initially thought and my sincere apologies for that, i hope this makes up for the wait ??? i won't lie i wish i could write this into a series but i hope you like this either way :D let me know what you think of this haha love you and thank you for the support you have given this !! here's to part 2 :))
word count : 5k (total is around 8.6k with part one)
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"Sheesh it's not like you actually will look like a fool anyways at least never to hyung so I don't know why you stress out so much."
He muttered as he caressed his ear and narrowed his eyes at you while cussing you in his mind geez this woman knows how to hurt
You raised an eyebrow, almost in amazement yet disbelief as you scoffed
"He doesn't particularly like me Kangin, did you forget?" Your voice softened at the end with a sad tone lacing it.
Kangin let out a sigh of exhaustion not just because of him being tired due to running around and practicing but also because frankly he was also tired of this.
He was tired to see you beat yourself up because you felt as though you'd were the one doing something wrong
Maybe it's because I smile too much?? Maybe I look inappropriate ?? Or he just-maybe he just doesn't like my presence??
These were some of the questions you'd always ask him to which Kangin would equally be baffled as to how you think someone could dislike you or your presence and he'd always fill in words of reassurance and make sure you knew you were not the one at fault, ever.
No Y/N it'-it's not you okay? It's not you who is fault here i promise, maybe he's just in a bad mood but don't you dare blame yourself for him not treating you right okay?
He'd told those words previously when he you first asked him those questions but honestly he was fed up of this and could tell this had to be changed.
Turning his head towards where Guesung stood, he narrowed his eyes and scanned his expression.
Guesung stood talking to Heungmin, they both looked like they were in a serious conversation judging from their serious faces so he thought it wasn't right to approach his hyung at that moment.
You stood there eyes shifting following Kangin's gaze and saw he seemed to be in his mind at the moment as he narrowed his eyes at...Guesung?
You raised an eyebrow out of curiosity now trying to wander what kind of thoughts could he possibly having right now that seemed to make him more and more frustrated.
Just as you were about to speak up, he suddenly jerked his entire body in your direction and stood directly in front of you now, staring you right in your eyes.
You got taken aback a bit as you stared at his mocha brown eyes that swirled with many emotions, though you couldn't quite put a figure in either as they all seemed to be a mix of annoyance, judging from his slightly crunched eyebrows, but his lip forming a small pout as though he was desperate to let out whatever he had just been thinking off.
You almost wanted to giggle because it just looked like he was a cute little puppy who got hurt but you suppressed it and stared at him in anticipation to go on.
"Y/N." He called in a deeper voice then usual, a professional tone you suppose to make what he was about to say sound absolutely serious.
"Mhm?" Letting out a hum of approval for him to go on
"You know i always want what's best for you right? I have always wanted what's best for you and i always will." He told you now putting his hands on your shoulders as if to hold you in place.
" Yes, yes i do know but wh-why are you suddenly saying this?"
You told now getting slightly nervous as to how serious he looked, his eyes now being replaced from the warmer tones to a more darker yet slightly intimidating gaze.
"That's why I think, that's why I think you should either be fucking brave and confess or else you let it go. Because clearly holding onto this is not only hurting you but it is literally draining you."
He firmly told as you slowly took in his words, your brain picking up quickly as to what he had been implying, your heart beat thudding against your chest as your imagination started to run wild from the scenarios it created.
After a pause,hearing no reply from you, he decided it was appropriate to continue
"It's not like you know how he feels do you? Yes his behaviour is not rightful towards you but even that you should let him know, let him know that it hurts you, that he doesn't have the right to treat you that way despite you doing nothing wrong in the first place."
You gulped at his words as he continued on
"Y/N, my love, you deserve the best a person can offer. You deserve someone who's willing to treat you right and make sure your feelings are not hurt. You deserve someone who for one is honest about their feelings, who's willing to go out of their way to keep you in their lives."
Taking a pause to catch his breath,
"Even if it means Guesung hyung is not that person."
"You need to realise what you rightfully deserve. That choice is always yours, not mine, not the world and certainly not Guesung hyung's."
He finished off placing his hand over his heart as if he felt a weight lift off his chest when he said that and truthfully it did in a way, he always wanted to say this, even so knowing how the other truly feels, he knew you still deserved an honest person.
You in the other hand stood there, silent. Taking in every single syllable and word that was told you, carefully dissecting the meaning in your mind and alas,
Alas you finally realised it.
He was right, Lee Kangin was fucking right.
Kangin stared at you, thinking he'd done something wrong and contemplating if he could take back his words even though he meant them wholeheartedly.
"You're right." Kangin snapped his gaze towards you that had previously turned away after finishing his speech due to his nervousness, he looked at you and blinked a few times as though his eyes had heard them wrong.
He shook his head slightly realising he probably looked dumb but you paid no mind and continued,
"You're absolutely right Kangin."
Thinking back you realised just how dumb you acted because of...because of well Guesung. Honestly it was ridiculous how you'd let his behaviour towards you just slide because you believed you were the one in the wrong.
The saying "Love makes fools of us all, big and little." was something you were not really one to believe in. Because really who would let a bunch of emotions control your entire mind and captivate your heart to the point of sleepless nights and even more restless days.
You weren't one to believe in it until you became said fool.
You didn't believe it until you were actually one of those who made the saying apply quite literally.
Because after all, you had been a fool. A fool who let your emotions take over and started viewing the world through rosy red-tinted glasses.
And Kangin, your one and only saviour, had just removed those, threw them from your face and made you face the actual colours of reality.
So with a determined mindset and gathering up every sort of confidence you had in you, you looked back at Kangin, and said with a firm voice
"I'll confront him. I'll ask him why he treats me the way he does, why can't he just treat me, how he treats others. With at the least an ounce of respect."
You stopped to catch a breath.
"A-and I'll also let him know how much he has hurt me. How it does not only affect me but it tires me at times, how it feels to be treated like that by someone...someone who means...who means way more than I wish he did in my life."
Finally letting out an exhale and putting your hand over your heart as though it was just mentally tiring to think of all that, you finished
"I'll confront him after your practice, i wouldn't want something I said to affect his practice."
You nodded more to yourself rather than Kangin who still seemed to be in shock as to how you were able to accept the reality and come to those rightful conclusions.
Rolling your eyes at his confused and dazed look, you continued "What? You think I am dumb enough to not notice that this wasn't the right way to behave. Look I may have not confronted him about it before but I did know okay? I did know it wasn't right to treat anyone this way."
"I guess not confronting is the same as basically allowing him to continue treating me that way, but, not anymore."
You wished though, you wish you'd have confronted him about this previously but hey, better late than never right?
Kangin narrowed his eyes in suspicion and asked the on true question that stood on top of the mountain of endless questions he always had in his mind
"And what about...what about your real feelings? What about despite the way he treats you, you still choose to lo-"
Coughing loudly he stopped and continued "
like him? You still choose to put your heart in his hands unknowingly?"
Scrunching your eyebrows in a bit of cringe yet humour at his final sentence, you chuckled a bit and Kangin knew it worked to release some of the tense atmosphere the air seemed to have carried since you two began talking.
"Well, honestly I think I'll tell him. I think it's better to let everything off my chest, and worse come worse, he doesn't feel a single ounce of the same way I do and best case scenario is," You trailed off with a little smirk and a certain spark in your eyes as you imagined all your endless scenarios with Guesung being the main actor actually coming true.
Kangin snorted, walking more close to you and put his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him and brought his hand up to ruffle your hair "Okay you wild child, get off that imagination train before its next destination is false hope."
Grinning up at him "Oh but don't you know? The passenger on it is a hopelessly hopeful romantic." You finished with a wink as you both giggled suddenly feeling a lot better.
Trust Kangin to always make you feel lighter whenever you felt like everything was a burden.
At the end of the day, at least I know you'll always be there. Just like I will always be there for you Lee Kangin.
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You may have been confident to say all those things about confrontation and confessing but gosh, it was easier said than done.
Way easier to boost yourself up to do the task but when it came to do the actual task you felt like making a run for it and never looking back.
That day you felt like your thoughts were really weighing you down and sure it was for a good reason yet you felt drained from truthfully everything. Instead of talking to Guesung that same day, you decided to have a talk when you were not feeling as though the weight of the world was on your shoulders.
You’d wish someone had told you about how draining feelings could make you feel but then again the rush of those same exact feelings made it almost all worth it.
You chose to just ignore him for the remainder of the day and when you bid the players and Kangin goodbye, you made sure to specifically not tell your farewell to one particular player.
And oh he noticed, he noticed how when you gently smiled at the others while bidding them goodbye, he noticed that very adorable smile drop once your eyes found his and your lips turn into a thin line whilst giving a very curt nod before turning away.
That made him confused, very confused. He was always used to you being all cheery at times around him even though he knew he didn’t treat you fairly well but he always justified why he should distance himself from you.
Because he knew it was wrong to gain feelings for the partner of his teammate.
Yes, that’s right. Guesung thought Kangin and you were actually dating. I mean he did not see any other reason as to why you’d sometimes go out of your way to make sure Kangin had been eating well by sometimes bringing over food even though they did have a diet to follow but you always just dismissed it and still happily brought him food, you’d even bring for the others as well.
He always thought you liked to be close to each other because he assumed you were dating him, the long hugs and the small little forehead kisses.
But fuck, it didn’t mean he particularly liked it.
And with these conclusions, he felt it was right to distance himself from you before he would fall harder and harder but he couldn’t help it. Feelings were fatal and surely his were no exception.
With that he found himself completely and utterly head over heels in love with you before he could even stop himself.
It began to hurt now, because from that particular day, you were making sure you kept your distance from him. He noticed this and it hurt more than he’d ever like to admit. You began showing up only a few times over the course of the week than you’d usually do.
Only coming to greet Kangin and not even spare a glance at him, not even look in his direction. You would only greet the rest of the team with encouraging words like you usually would but not even a single word towards him.
He would wait for you to spare him a glance now, wanting to hear you tell him how great his skills were or how amazing his gameplay had been during a particular practice with that ever-so-fond smile of yours which he thought was something you gave to everyone but only well basically everyone knew you reserved that smile for him and him only.
Too bad he was a fool for not seeing that.
At the end he found himself running out of excuses as to why you’d be avoiding him and though he did partially believe his behaviour was at fault here which left a bitter taste on his tongue and heart, he wished he would know the actual why.
So he found himself going to the one person who knew you better than anyone else for a plausible explaination which wouldn’t make him feel more of an asshole than how he felt, it was none other than Lee Kangin.
Kangin had been discerning his hyung’s actions from the past few days and noticed how upset he’d always looked. Well he knew Guesung was serious during practice times but he’d always be laid back after that and would even joke around a lot. They did after all get along quite well so when he saw how more frustrated he seemed to get day by day, he had initially been worried but on one day when he noticed him sporting a deep frown staring intently at something, he not only realised got the answer to his previous question as to what was stressing Guesung out but he also acquired that it was not something rather it was someone when he followed his line of sight which ultimately lead up to…you.
It was almost as if all the dots connected and Kangin couldn’t help but shake his head and narrow his own eyes at Guesung.
So he is affected by Y/N huh? Interesting.
And so when Guesung did eventually come up to him, he wasn’t exactly shocked when he found out why his hyung had come up to him.
Guesung nervously walked up to Kangin, his usual natural confidence and calmness being replaced with skeptical nerves that ran all the way from his heart to all the veins and nerves throughout his body. He gulped when he finally called out to the younger boy and even his voice seemed to have shown how nervous he was because in a rather hushed yet sheepish tone, he proceeded to ask
“Uh…Kangin? You got a minute to spare, I-uh I have something I want to ask you?” And immediately after he said that he wished the earth could swallow him whole.
Fucking hell, why am I acting like a high schooler with a crush ?!?
Kangin turned to Guesung from putting aside his belongings since it was the end of the day and raised his eyebrow as he urged on for him to continue,
 “Yes, hyung, sure what is it?” Pulling his lips into a thin line to prevent his smirk from showing.
Exhaling forcefully while clearing his throat he finally let the weighing question which had been both heavy on his tongue and mind out “Why is Y/N avoiding me? I mean I thought I’d ask you because you know, you’re their boyfriend and like you’d know the rea-”
“Wait, WHAT????”
Kangin interrupted the little unknowing ramble as he heard something that was very VERY absurd to him, thinking maybe he heard wrong.
“Boyfriend?? That too Y/N’S BOYFRIEND?!?” Kangin looked even more in shock as he saw the confused look wash over Guesung’s face, he held up a hand to his heart and said in a loud and serious voice “Hyung, first of all, God no, heck to the fucking no, Y/N and me are not fucking dating, we are literally just friends, we share platonic love, PLATONIC.”
“Secondly, are you seriously asking why Y/N’s avoiding you? No actually you tell me, what if the person you literally like would treat you like shit even though you treat them nicely for absolutely no fucking reason huh?”
Kangin’s voice grew more annoyed as he finished his little rant but he slapped his hand over his mouth as he realized a little detail he may or may not have accidentally spilled.
“L-like?” Guesung questioned even though Kangin may have not spoken much, all the words seemed to have cut through every single thought process he had been having to make his mind a mess of a mush of feelings and even more questions.
“Not dating? WHAT? What about the way you guys like, you guys like to be touchy with each other and stuff?”
Guesung questioned again loudly and now an amused expression grazed itself upon Kangin as he nodded
“So best friends can’t hug each other or kiss each other on the cheeks? Literally, Y/N takes me as one of their older brothers, even going as far as to call me their ‘twin brother from another’.”
Guesung groaned as he realised how childish and unbelievably stupid he felt at the very moment, he had to sit down on a bench and hold his head in his hands as he felt his brain feel heavier and heavier as though it was gaining physical weight from the newly acquired information.
“Also hyung before you go on another stupid assumption of yours, if you noticed closely, you’d know Y/N’s basically a very physically affectionate person in general to everyone, hugging is basically like a handshake or a normal greeting for them, even Seungho hyung and Y/N have this weird bet of giving each other piggy back rides when one loses a round of ‘who is a better goal keeper?’ to which Y/N on purpose loses just so they can get free piggy back rides.”
Kangin chuckled as he remembered how you basically played with your cunning words to make you somehow be able to always win that bet against Seungho and the poor lad eventually fell for it.
Guesung just stared at Kangin, blinking twice as his mouth fell ajar when he realised the most important part of his previously forgotten question was yet to be answered “What did you mean by like? As in-?”
“Well why don’t you find out yourself, I already said more than what was needed and I surely don’t need Y/N physically throwing me off a cliff for accidentally saying what their true fee-”
Before Kangin could say more, he bit on his tongue, quite literally to force himself to shut up “UH-yeah AS I said just, just go sort this out yourselves, you oblivious idiots, I’m done with this. And I swear to God if Y/N comes to me crying or anything and there is even a small fault of yours this time, I’ll forget who you are.” He finished almost threateningly which made Guesung gulp a little from his very serious tone.
And then as if someone flipped a switch, he smiled sweetly as he rose up from his previous position of besides Guesung and walked away before turning around slowly relaying some information “AND YEAH Y/N’S PROBABLY HOME RIGHT NOW SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO HURRY BEFORE THEY HEAD TO THE LIBRARY, THEIR ADDRESS IS XXX XXX XXX.”
He basically shouted at Guesung before turning around knowing his job was done and smiled to himself,
Y/N better thank me for this.
<< A few minutes later >>
The doorbell rang as you groaned realising, you’d actually have to get up from your comfortable position of sulking on the couch as you watched a romcom which did nothing but make you want more and more of what the lead couples had which in turn made you frown more as you thought about your actual reality.
It’s probably Kangin or whatever,
You thought but oh you were so wrong, so fucking wrong.
Because the last person you expected to be standing in all his might glory, on the step of your lovely home at almost 8 pm was Cho fucking Guesung.
Your brain basically stopped its communication as it tried to process whether this was reality or just another conjured up daydream of Guesung you often had as much as you hated to admit it.
“G-Guesung?” You asked softly as he stood there, him also being in a similar state as he took in your shorter yet perfect for him, figure in front of him in a large hoodie that almost reached your knees and your glasses which just made you look even more fucking cute. Oh, how he wished it was his hoodie you were standing in but he felt it in his gut if he did play the right cards and words, his wishes would soon come true.  (and he is right)
Fuck, Dear God,help me here please.
He prayed to the heavens above for some encouragement before he spoke
“I am sorry.”
Before you could even greet him hello, he literally left you speechless with those three words, pulling your lips into a thin line as you rose an eyebrow in curiosity because it seemed like he still had a lot to say.
“I am really sorry for, for everything. I am sorry for treating you like shit, sorry for making you feel like you were the one in the wrong and fuck- fuck I am really sorry for making you upset over me. Nothing can justify how I behaved with you, I just wished I wasn’t such a coward and assumed things that were never true in the first place…I just I am sorry okay?”
He put his hand on his chest as he exhaled feeling a lot of the weight on his chest leave as he continued and put his other hand on your mouth before you could speak again “No wait please just let me finish.”
Here it goes.
“I was a jealous idiot okay? I was a jealous idiot who jumped to conclusions and why I was jealous, it’s because I fucking like you. I have liked you since the day Kangin introduced you to us, at first I thought it was just because you were a beautiful person but the more you spent time with everyone, the more I kept falling when I realised you were not only beautiful on the outside but a fucking awesome human too? The way you always made sure to ask me about how I was doing and always just supporting us, like seriously who would go out of their way everyday to just be there for someone nowadays, then I realised I was jealous because I wanted that, I wanted you to do those things for me and me only. Y/N there you go okay, I fucking like you and if you don’t feel the sa-”
Before he could finish, you gently yet firmly removed his hand from your mouth and grabbed his jersey, which he had not yet changed, before bunching it up and pulling him closer to you, he stumbles a bit before you pull him down and crash your lips against him.
It felt as though the world faded around him the moment his lips touched yours as he shut his eyes, his hands gently moving to your waist, securely resting themselves on your hip bone, as your own entangled themselves around his neck.
Gentle yet soft was how the kiss felt like, only testing whether their lips suited each other as they moved against each other in a slow rhythm.
And when it felt like it was the perfect melody, it grew more and more passionate, hungrier and all of your unsaid emotions being poured into it, communicated through the rougher movement of lips against each other. Tingles traveled up your spine as his large hands pressed into your hips, squeezing gently. You moved one hand up to his hair, softly caressing it as he pulled you impossibly closer to him, slightly groaning as you pressed against his warm body and your hand working its magic in his hair.
He moved his hand up to your cheek as you gently pulled away, hands now looped around his neck, his eyes fluttering open gently as you both breathed heavily almost in sync, he stared down as you who still had your eyes shut but you looked up at him hazily opening your eyes as a small smile formed on your face “Well I hope that told you how I felt.”
You spoke so gently as if it was just meant for only him to hear and it was really.
“Wa-wait really?”
You let out a small giggle and decided to hopefully make him believe you even more with what you did next.
Pecking his lips you said “I” Another peck “Like” And a second one “You” And a third “Cho Guesung” You finished with one last peck which was almost a full-on kiss before you pulled apart and grinned widely at him with your now, even more, redder cheeks and shining eyes.
He brought up his other hand to your face and ran his thumbs over your warm flushed cheeks as he looked you in your eyes and finally, finally for once, he was not jealous of the stars in your eyes.
Because this time he knew they were there because of him and only him.
BONUS CUT (because honestly that last line as much as a banger of it is as an ending line there’s still some stuff left that needs to be covered)
“But you still have a lot of making up to do.” You mumbled to him gently c as you both decided it was better to move this much-needed conversation to a more private space which was your living room without an audience you noticed one of your grumpy neighbors had been staring at uh…the both of you. making out rather passionately.
Now you both were comfortably sat, you in his embrace as you sat half on his lap with one leg of his as he had one arm over you securely resting on your waist with your head on his chest, simply hearing his heart beat as it gave you comfort. Your hands held his free one as you drew circles on the back of it, each touch sending a shiver down his spine as he squeezed your waist gently running his own thumb on your slightly exposed skin making you reciprocate the same way.
He chuckled sheepishly as he sceptically continued “I know, I know I do and I swear I’m really sorry, I promise I’ll earn back your forgiveness for the rest of my life if I have to. Actually wait, let’s start from now, w-what can I do right now which could earn a bit of it?”
You giggled lightly as you felt his heart pace up, moving your body a bit so you could face him as you cheekily thought of another idea.
“You are so so cheesy darling" You chuckled as you noticed his cheeks begin to turn red at not only the nickname but your soft laughter and fondly continued,
"And well there is definitely one way."
You finished as you grabbed his collar, once again pulling his lips onto yours as you shifted your position to be in a more comfortable one, which was directly on his lap as you looped your arms once again behind his neck while biting his bottom lip and he squeezed your hips gently in response as he groaned.
At that moment you both knew, there was no turning back. You both were in too deep now, lost in each other’s thoughts and arms and you couldn’t have it any other way.
And oh of course, you both owned Lee Kangin a huge fucking thank you.
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2022
TAGLIST (those who have been waiting, thank you so much !) : @qhangi @toomanydamfandoms @exo-saranghajaaa @huang-the-geek @srodulvroux @layla409 @sstarrysshit @alotofrandomfangirling @sagittarious12 @tnrthings @ameliabs-world @abdiitcryy @detectivelola @midnightcoterie 💗 again thank you for your support !!
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Even If I Knew, The Day We Met You'd Be The Reason This Heart Breaks, I'd Love You Anyway
It’s a bit cliché to label them fire and ice, but in all reality, it’s true. To Simon’s cold and calculating, she’s hot and impulsive. And Simon’s no fool. A girl like that will send him to an early grave, but God if he isn’t already a dead man walking. It’s a long time before he finally drops his walls enough to let her inside, mostly because she’s always worming in places she shouldn’t be, asking questions she doesn’t need to know the answers to. That degree in psychology really starts to make sense when she needles him with the ones that instead of him glowering at her and snapping back, he falls silent and broods—he doesn’t brood but she swears he does.
She contradicts Simon’s frosty exterior with an inferno of life, and he begins to wonder if maybe he is too afraid of caring that he doesn’t let himself love. Which is why her words are so jarring as they come across his face, a verbal slap that has him reeling harder than any hit he’s ever taken.
“Simon, I can go on a mission by myself. I’m not a child.”
“I’m know. But I still don’t want you to go.”
“Okay, but you’re not my direct superior. So, I’m going.”
“Well, considering the fact that even if you’re a lieutenant commander. you’re in the 141. And if I recall, I am Price’s second in command.”
“You don’t get to control what I do just because you fuck me.”
It startles him, the way she bites that out and he shakes his head, a little disbelieving that she would say that—especially the way she did. “I’m not trying to control you, love,” he stresses. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”
And then it happens. Her eyes slant in a way he’s never seen before and he never wants to see again, a frigid sneer crossing her face as she barks an ice-cold laugh. “Keep me safe? You couldn’t even keep your own fucking family safe.”
And that has Simon faltering a step back, throat tightening, heart beating so loud and so hard that it might come out of his chest.
“You fucked around with the wrong people, and you got all of them killed. Your own family. Your own fucking nephew.” Her laughter is dark. “You couldn’t keep anybody safe. What makes you think you can save me, you fucking failure?”
This isn’t his love. This isn’t her. He doesn’t like this version. She’s supposed to be hot; he’s supposed to be cold. She isn’t supposed to be cruel like this. He’s the cruel edged sword, she’s the fiery voice of reason.
Simon doesn’t even remember what they’re fighting about. And frankly, he doesn’t want to remember. But her laughter burns his ears, aches something in his body, he reaches for her, world suddenly tumbling in on itself and her cruelty is the last thing he hears.
He shoots up, heart hammering in his chest, throat tight as he sucks in a deep breath, sweat running down his temples and in a sheen on his chest. Simon takes a moment to assess that he’s in his room, he’s had a nightmare—a fucking nightmare of his girlfriend. His eyes draw down to his side and before he can even curse, her eyes are fluttering open, a sleepy-haze in them and he knows before she even says it.
“You okay?”
“‘m fine,” he mutters, reaching up to wipe his forehead. “Just hot.”
She stares at him, the sleep beginning to clear as she retorts, “It’s sixty-five in here and you’re covered in a sheet.” Her hand comes up to rub the sleep from her eyes and he grunts at her. “Just hot my ass.”
“I’m fine.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Simon doesn’t fight when she sits up beside him and leans into his arm. “Bad dream?”
She pouts. “You didn’t even let me finish.”
“Because I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Her gaze is sharp, and he sees the inferno he loves building in them but uncharacteristically, she ceases needling and lays back down, and Simon thinks for a moment he’s in the clear before she grabs the back of his hair and yanks hard enough that he knows a smirk is on her face when he bites back that certain grunt low in his throat. He falls back, rolling onto her, head on her chest.
Her hands are cool from the temperature of the room, but he feels relief as she rubs his back and soothes everything away.
“You know I’m always here, Si.”
“I know you don’t like to talk about things that haunt your dreams but I’m always open to listen—without doctoring you to death.”
“I know.”
“Simon, I know I’m not everything I could be for you, but I love you, and I’ll follow you till the end. I’m in for the long ride.”
Simon looks up at her, a lifetime of exhaustion in his gaze, but a softness in the gruff of his voice as he admits, “Love, you’re the best thing I got.” She blinks and he lets out a long, deep sigh, repeating more to himself, “You’re the best I’ve got.”
Her hands become softer than he’s ever felt, and she brushes her fingers over his face, all had jaw and cheekbones. “Go back to sleep, Si,” she murmurs, her voice a halo of protection over him and their bed. “I’ll guard your dreams for you.”
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy being Swerve’s older sibling
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertroninan/ Bot reader, slight angst but has a happy ending
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
For this writing, Swerve’s older sibling is going to be BIG. We are talking Fortress Maximus Big.
How does Buddy have a sibling like Swerve with their height? No one knows and quite frankly, Buddy doesn’t care. They are very close to Swerve.
Buddy doesn’t mind their younger brother talking their audial off about the most random things. They have gotten used to it by now.
“Hey Buddy. Do you think that if minibots ever became a combiner it would just turn out to be a normal sized bot?”—Swerve
“I honestly don’t know how to answer to that question.”
“No, no, but see if the size of one minibot—“—Swerve
“There goes my sleep…”—Buddy
Swerve is insecure, that’s nothing new. But it increases a bit when he is with Buddy in public. He doesn’t like it when bots or himself start comparing them with him. He really wants them to be proud of him and all of his accomplishments. Would 110% support anything Buddy… but he also has his limits.
“Hey Buddy, what are you doing?”--Swerve
“I’m trying to hone in my hiding skills.”--Buddy
“Under a table?”--Swerve
“Yep, and it surprisingly comfortable down here in this crouching position.”--Buddy
“Your stuck aren’t you.”--Swerve
“… maybe? Yes? Help?”--Buddy
“I’ll get the screwdrivers.”--Swerve
“Thanks Swerve!”--Buddy
“This has been the third time I’ve had to disassemble that table…This is getting ridiculous…”—Swerve
Swerve has taught Buddy a thing or two about what he knows about being a metalourgist. As well as teaching them bit of knowledge he knows from doing weird jobs here and there.
“Swerve what do we do when the light turns red?”--Buddy
“Oh! That’s a good question. That usually just means to-- HIT THE DECK!”—Swerve
Buddy is extremely protective of Swerve. They can sometimes get to a ridiculous level of overprotectiveness for Swerve. For example, breathe wrong in his direction, you will feel pain.
“Swerve hold my drink. I’m going to go teach a mech about keeping one’s servos to themselves.”--Buddy
“They just brushed by on accident! There is no need for violence!”--Swerve
It was no surprise that around the time the war rolled by, Buddy was approached and recruited into the Elite Guard. Swerve despite his worries fully supported Buddy.
“Don’t worry about it Buddy! I’m sure your going to have the best stories to tell me when you come back from your missions!”--Swerve
“You really think so Swerve?”--Buddy
“I am positively sure of it Buddy! You know what, this calls for a celebration! Lets go find some engex.”--Swerve
Whenever Buddy was on long trips, they made sure to try and send a message through their personal channel. Swerve tries to make his messages short, but that was nearly impossible for him to do.
“Hey its Swerve! I have so much to tell you, Buddy! First there’s this bot named Blurr and I got his number and now there is a big plan when the wars over. So the plan is that…”--Swerve
Now for some hurt.
Swerve gets notified from some officers from Buddy’s team that there was a good chance that they were killed in action in the last mission. Swerve was in denial at first, but it soon turned into a depression that would follow him for many years even after the war was over. To try and cope with the loss he would still try and send out deep space messages telling them about his day and how much he misses them.
“Hey Buddy, its Swerve again. It’s been a slow week at the bar today. Whirl’s has been on a cocktail binge and nearly attack a poor bot when he asked for the time… And Tailgate, did I talk about Tailgate, well Tailgate is… and then he exploded, I swear Buddy, he exploded!”—Swerve
Timeskip after the events of Swearth
Swerve was getting better. Sure, progress was slow but he was getting to a better place mentally, with the help of his friends and therapy. The only person who he had ever talked about Buddy was Rung. Buddy was a subject that Swerve was not comfortable speaking about too much about. Now Swerve only knows that Rung knows about Buddy ever existing but there were two another bots on board who knew about Buddy. It was Rewind and Whirl
Why? Why those two bots?
Rewind knew after accidentally stumbling on some footage of Swerve and Buddy. After seeing enough footage, Rewind could tell that Buddy at least meant something important to Swerve. He doesn’t bring it up to Swerve. He wants to but he knows if Swerve wants to eventually talk about something then he will talk.
Whirl knows Buddy as his ‘Buddy’ when he was working with the Wreckers. Buddy had joined as a collaboration between the Elite Guard and the Wreckers. Buddy ended up saving Whirl from certain doom and from then Whirl made sure that he was now Buddy’s problem.
“Hey Buddy, what do you think about breaking into a Decepticon clinic and crushing Killmasters brain module?”--Whirl
“How about we don’t do that.”--Buddy
“Your no fun, you know that.”--Whirl
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go get with the others. I think they are debriefing now.”--Buddy
Absolutely loved working with Buddy. He did find out the Buddy’s designation was on the KIA lists after he heard of their mission going off the rails. He had long accepted that Buddy was dead, or missing. Now being on the Lost Light, Whirl has some hope that Buddy might still be out there. If Swerve could create a giant holographic planet for months and not die or Rewind coming back, in a way, then anything was possible.
Now present time
Buddy was very much alive.
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I mean Neil said once that the sequel involved Jesus arriving in America on a plane with secret service agents, and the S2 opening sequence shows a plane, so I'm... fairly confident that he's an adult? Jesus died when he was like 33 right
afternoon anon!!!✨ see i recall this (ask on neil's page?) and remember the response but cannot for the life of me find it anywhere (and im pretty good at Finding Stuff), do you - or anyone else reading for that matter - have a link to this? just so i can save it for future reference.
now, i hope you don't mind if i do this, but i would like to use this opportunity to parse out a more coherent rationale on the second coming, if that's okay? yeah? cool.
(previous incarnation of this theory).
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thing is that the premise of the baby swap in s1 is based on the omen, right? takes at least a huge chunk of inspiration from that as the origin of how the antichrist came into the story. but it goes wrong, obviously, and there's a third baby thrown in the mix. makes a cursory wave to the omen, but isn't a carbon copy of it.
now i can't help but feel that narratively it would make sense to bookend this and have the second coming be a bit bollocksed up too. seems to be a theme in GO. and actually, when i thought about it (with extreme bias, granted, because im chomping at the bit on this theory), the second coming was potentially already fucked up anyway.
now, disclaimer time -
i completely get that people will look to the bible in reference to parsing out the second coming (or indeed any other theory). obviously i do too, for references to certain verses etc. in order to draw the relevant parallels. but there are multiple instances in GO where it is based on the bible or other texts, but doesn't follow it exactly; how GO portrayed the book of job, for example. it takes these texts, and distorts or reimagines them slightly or completely.
the way i see it, we are reading/watching GO as if this is in fact the true telling of those texts, as if (and not trying to be diminutive here) the bible is an inaccurate telling of GO, not the other way around - because, of course, we're seeing GO from the angel and demon that were 'actually there', so to speak.
im not saying that this - or any - of my theories are indisputably correct, far from it. but to me, with the information i have from the narrative as first source, and then looking at the referenced texts that inspired it, what i come up with, and write, is what makes sense to me. and it might make sense because it would be poetically apt, is in-keeping with how i interpret the characters, and/or is just plain funny or ironic (GO is after all, a comedy).
so whilst i fully anticipate people to duly correct me on how it all goes down in the bible (as they should, i love being educated!!!), please know that im not trying to deliberately misinterpret anything, but more trying to think outside the box, from the viewpoint of the GO story itself, and what direction would make the most sense in which it will reimagine these texts.
- exit disclaimer.
anyway! theory time!
so we have the imagery from the s2 sequence of the "thy kingdom come" plane, and this is obviously a reference to the resurrection as you've said, anon: that jesus arrives by plane. i truly love this imagery because if we take matthew 24:36 (KJV): "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.", the concept that in the great plan the date and time might finally be revealed in the form of a flight number, airport, and ETA is frankly hilarious to me. furthermore, "cometh with clouds" (revelation, 1:7 KJV) being reimagined as a literal plane landing again sets up the comedic backdrop so well.
now wherever the plane lands, whether from the US or to the US (again, don't have the original neil answer to refer to, but going based on your ask, anon, it's the latter), it regardless involves americans. this is where i feel it would be a perfect narrative symmetry opportunity to refer back to s1/the book, and reintroduce the dowlings.
and you might be wondering, "well no because GO set up the dowlings to be involved only insomuch that they were meant to be custodians of the antichrist - why would they also be involved in the second coming?" well, i wondered this too. the only conclusion i can come to, frankly, is GO!god having a very warped, twisted and ineffable sense of humour. they saw what satan had planned for the dowlings in inadvertently raising the antichrist, possibly did a bit of shifting around in the mystical threads, and decided that actually - just to throw in the wildcard of chaos - they should instead be the bearers of the second coming. this degree of mind-boggling ineffability, to me, would be comedically on-brand.
regardless; whilst just a theory, the whole thing makes sense to me - that in any case, the dowlings are going to make a reappearance. and with them, or on his own (if we follow the biblical telling that jesus was resurrected as he was from the crucifixion, at age 33yo, and therefore would suggest a timeskip from s2, but this isn't necessarily guaranteed - ie: might not be how GO chooses to portray it!), comes warlock. now we know that warlock was meant to be the antichrist, before crowley and the nuns managed to bugger it all up.
but heaven wouldn't necessarily know that its the dowlings arriving, right? presumably they'd just all gather on the tarmac awaiting the arrival, and lmao SIKE, it's bloody warlock. heaven hasn't met warlock, and therefore still think he's in fact jesus resurrected... but aziraphale has met him. he helped bloody raise him. and he knows now that he is essentially a normal kid/adult (albeit a very stuck-up one) and definitely not the second coming.
well then, if jesus was meant to be on that plane, according to the great plan, a plane being used by the dowlings... then why isn't it warlock? well, because the dowlings' actual baby isn't warlock. lets go back to the baby swap in the book/s1:
*apols, editing to correct this somewhat because it isn't quite right and lateral thinking is not my strong suit*
ANTICHRIST was meant to go to: the DOWLINGS. instead, went to: the YOUNGS. this is Adam.
YOUNG BABY was meant to go to: stay with the YOUNGS, but got mixed up. instead, went to: the DOWLINGS. this is Warlock.
DOWLING BABY was meant to go to: adoption/something nefarious instead, and indeed did. this is... Greasy Johnson.
and i love this for all sorts of reasons. now im lifting this next bit, essentially, from another ask of mine, but to keep things all in one place:
"greasy is posed as the antithesis of adam/antichrist, has a gang surrounding him that you could infer are loyal disciples, and is a mirror to adam in that adam on the whole seems to be a well-adjusted and morally-upstanding young boy.
i further think the fact that adam is the antichrist put against greasy being the second coming is a well positioned reflection on the nature vs nurture argument. ultimately adam grew up in a largely loving and supportive environment, and as the literal son of satan, you'd expect his nature, the circumstances of his birth, to rule out every other influence.
ultimately it does for a short time, but adams narrative iirc is that it is reflective of his desire to save the world... he wanted to get rid of things that were Wrong, and naively (he is still an 11-year old boy after all) thought that destroying the world and restarting it would do just that. his friends however reinforce in him that destruction and reparation are not the same thing, and so his upbringing, the nurture, wins.
greasy? we don't know a lot about him, only that he is a bully and represents the opposite of adam and the them... [and there exists] the whole [sic] analogy that greasy and the johnsonites vs adam and the them are meant to represent the hell vs heaven war..."
and then we have this small, relatively innocuous detail from the book:
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as i said, possibly something of nothing. but the deliberate wording of 'breeding the fish', which is left out of s1, is - i like to think - a bit of a clue.
and before anyone comes for me on this, i am aware that this is based practically on fuck all of jack shit; im painfully aware of that. im aware that it deliberately misinterprets certain passages (not going to do the soapbox speech again, promise), but i just like to have fun. i honestly do not care if this is wrong; whatever happens in s3 should and will be better than anything i can come up with. yes, it's fun to get a prediction or speculation correct, of course it is, but it's not the endgame here. i get that others will have conflicting schools of thought, see things differently, or just plain think it's crap - that's okay! but, if that's the case, just move on from this post with a shake of your head. im not here to do anything other than have a good time, lads (gn)✨💓
edit 21/08: additional reading because now i feel vindicated: here from amuseoffyre, and my tags on this post too.
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inzsanewrites · 2 years
Halloween Special 🎃
Sung Jin Woo
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You brought the handheld mirror closer to your face as Jin-Ah finished the last of the of the light red paint on your face.
“Andddd… done! What do you think, Y/n?”
You admired the makeup Jin-Ah had painstakingly painted on for the celebration of Halloween. The white cracks… “glowing” effect… it was all perfect.
“Amazing as always, Jin-Ah.”
You stroked her hair as she beamed. Jin-Ah scampered off to go put on her costume, you felt grateful for the fact that she had put so much time and effort into your look and sent a quick Jin-Ho to treat her extra nicely.
Just as you sent the text off there was a knock on the door, startling you.
“Sarang? Are you ready yet?”
You looked down at your costume, ensuring that your dark cloak was in place. Once you confirmed it was, you made your way to open the door.
You said cheerfully opening the door to Jin-Woo’s now confused face.
“What are you supposed to be, Y/n-ah?” He questioned, wrapping his arms around you to bring you closer.
You pouted jokingly, “Can’t you tell? I’m Tusk.”
At the sound of your voice, the wandering shadow who was one of the three designated bodyguard for the night looked at you.
“Oh, then what am I supposed to be?” Jin-Woo pointed to himself.
“Yourself.” You replied frankly. “Your costume is nothing more than your average day drip.”
The look of confusion return but he asked nothing about your vocabulary.
You gently took yourself out of Jin-Woo’s arms and round up pillow cases handing them out to Beru, Bellion, and Tusk, who was quite happy to see your costume.
“Alrighty, shall we head out then?”
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“There’s nothing to celebrate Halloween though?” Jaehwan looked at you perplexed when you brought up the idea.
“C’mon you’re the new Castellan. Surely the cook is willing spare some sweet and the servants can spookify the place a bit.”
“They would even know what if would be for and it would take a lot of time explaining it to them.” He said and around began walking off into another direction, sensing a new challenger.
“But if we did, it would be worth it.” You said slightly jogging to keep up with his fast strides. “And it would make me happy.” You added which abruptly stopped him in his tracks.
“It would?”
Your eyes twinkled. “Yep, extremely.”
Jaehwan let out a drawn out sigh.
“Then I guess we coul-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you were already running in the opposite direction, shouting “Happy Halloween!” at everyone you passed by making them wonder what was wrong with the Castellan’s significant other.
Yohan Seo
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Yohan felt the awkwardness in the room increase as your fixation on his mouth did too.
For the past half an hour you had been staring into his mouth, comparing his fangs to the ones you had bought at an extremely high price.
“Unbelievable. Unforgivable.” He heard you say as you backed out of his mouth.
“My heart, what is it?” Yohan worriedly questioned as he snapped his jaw shut.
“The universe is unfair so just bite me already and take my melancholy as a mortal away.” You said, grief taking over your features.
This really had him worried he quickly carried you over to the velvet lovesick in the corner of the room.
“Although I would be happy to under normal circumstances, are you alright, love? Are you hurt? Sick?”
You slumped back. “None of those but a fool. So much money… gone and wasted… for something that looks no more real than a kid’s toy.”
He inspected the fake fangs in your hand. Sure they weren’t incredibly detailed but they weren’t that bad either, but he figured that your constant exposure to real ones influenced your thoughts to this situation. Secondly, he wasn’t quite sure as to why money was a problem when he had made it clear many times what was his was yours.
Yohan would have reinstated this had he not practically see you soul leaving your depressed form.
He scrambled to pick you up. “Don’t be like that, dear. I’m sure Levi can do something to help.”
The light of life faintly returned to your eyes.
“Really?” Your tone was hopeful.
Yohan felt a weight remove itself from his still heart.
“Yes, I’ll have her fix up something better for our Halloween outing tonight.”
The light had fully bloomed into a firework.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou.” You exclaimed burying yourself into his figure.
A light blush appeared on his features as he returned the affection.
“It’s no problem at all. Happy Halloween, my darling.”
A/N: Happy Halloween! Remember be safe, be in groups, don’t follow strangers, carefully inspect candy before eating, don’t trust strangers, have some know your whereabouts at all times, don’t enter anyone’s house (unless it’s a party, then avoid leaving last and by yourself), and keep aware of your surrounding and other people around you at all times! Enjoy your Halloween. Also Yohan is not with Levi when I write for him ( ◕‿‿◕ )
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for @jennsterjay who went with 5 (PG)
EXCERPT: remember when we didn't know who to be? (Spiderverse, Hobie/Miles, G, Post-Canon)
A welcome sight greets him at the kitchen table. Billie’s in her high chair with Miles’ tablet - judging by the stickers - propped on the table in front of her, waving a tiny fist in the vague direction of her mouth as her eyes follow something on the screen. She does a startled little flail when she notices him. ‘Ibby!’ she says, and drops what she was holding to reach for him; it’s mangled beyond recognition, but there’s cubes of mango scattered across the tray in front of her, and one or two in the bottom of her moulded bib, so he knows those little hands are a sticky, pulpy nightmare.
Hobie couldn’t give less of a shit, frankly. ‘Young Bill!’
Billie squeals in response, and he reaches out to let her grip his fingers in a pincer hold he swears gets tighter every time he sees her. She promptly uses them to start trying to leverage herself out of her chair, huffing determinedly. Hobie laughs, delightedly. A girl after his own heart. 'Alright, easy, I ain’t going nowhere,' he soothes, and works his hands free to lift her out. Billie kicks her feet excitedly, even getting a few decent hits in on him while Hobie settles her on his hip, whereupon she gets straight to work on widening the holes in his jumper.
The water stops running at the kitchen sink. Hobie glances over just as Miles’ Dad turns to meet him, wiping his hands dry on a tea towel.
Hobie has to give it to him; the man’s got an eloquent way of raising his eyebrows. ‘Ay, and here’s the Old Bill!’ He clicks and makes a finger gun with his free hand. Billie turns in his hold and reaches for it. Hobie resists the urge to comment on her being her Father’s daughter, even though he knows Miles would laugh (despite himself). ‘Afternoon, Mr. Morales.’
‘Hobart,’ Jefferson drawls. He side-eyes Miles, who’s cramming the last few plates into the dishwasher beside him. ‘You going ahead with your little plan, then?’
'Yep.' Miles straightens and accepts the towel Jefferson passes to him. 'See, it'll be fine! I can't be Spiderman if I'm dragging my baby sister around, but there'll still be one here - you know, if something comes up while we're out there.'
'Wiya,' Billie agrees. Hobie rearranges his fingers into web-slinging formation and grins when she reaches for them with both hands, this time.
Miles points at her. 'Exactly.'
Jefferson scoffs and tugs the towel out of his hands. 'Dragging her around,' he mutters. 'You better not be dragging my baby girl around out there.'
‘Dad. Come on.’ Miles flashes Hobie a disbelieving look even as he’s trying to maintain his patented Good Mama’s Boy smile. Hobie helps himself to a piece of Billie’s mango without comment. ‘I’ve done this a dozen times already. It’s literally just for the afternoon. We’re gonna take a cab there and back, so we’ll be out on the street for a fraction of that …’
Hobie pops some fruit into Billie’s mouth, which she chews on with the renewed enthusiasm of someone seeing another person enjoying the same food. ‘Whereabouts we headed, then? A bit nippy for the park, ain’t it?’
This is, apparently, the wrong question to ask. Miles’ nose wrinkles in a wince as Jeff cranes his head around the fridge door he’s just opened. The man looks at Hobie with round eyes before he turns them on his son. ‘And you’re telling me this boy doesn’t even know what the plan is?’
‘Well - the broad strokes!’ Miles insists. He’s doing his best not to get sharp or defensive about it, Hobie can tell. Billie makes a querulous noise, and Miles lowers his arms as his attention diverts her way. Hobie turns the hip she’s perched on towards him, and he exhales loudly, crossing the kitchen to take her.
Hobie’s a bit too conscious of Jeff’s eyes on them as they pass her between them. He tucks his hands into his back pockets, pushing out his chest like someone who’s confident and unworried and not excruciatingly aware of the pocket fluff migrating towards his mango-sticky fingers. ‘The plan was to give your Mum some time to rest, weren’t it?’ he asks, trying not to sound too pointed about it. Miles nods like it wasn’t his idea in the first place; like he even needs the reminder. Hobie curbs the instinct to put his shoulder in between them - to give Miles shelter he doesn’t need. ‘While we’re running the Mayday Contingency, obviously,’ he adds, like it’s an afterthought and not the first thing Miles texted him about this morning. ‘Bills not being a Spiderbaby makes that twice as easy, I expect.’
He glances over at Jeff and is a bit surprised to see him watching Miles with his brows drawn. He meets Hobie’s eye for a stilted moment and then leans back, his chest expanding with a sigh. ‘Mayday … as in, Parker’s kid, Mayday? Or is this one of those situations where the name’s pulling double duty?’
Hobie grimaces slightly and tilts a hand from side to side. ‘Bit of both, yeah.’
‘You already asked me this question, Dad, the last time we talked about this.’ Hobie blinks, and turns to find Miles seated at the table, arranging Billie in his lap so she can sit back against him, her little arms looped overtop his. He gives her some fingers to clutch at; bends down and sideways so she can see his face. Hobie knows his expression is doing something truly stupid when Billie looks at her brother and smiles, automatic, like a little lightbulb going on, so he keeps his back to Jeff as he squats down and catches one of her kicking feet. Miles grins at her visible distraction and leans in to kiss her cheek. He very determinedly keeps his eyes on his sister when he says: 'You really think I'd let anything happen to her?'
The kitchen is quiet for a bit, even with the noise of Miles’ tablet and Billie telling Hobie exactly how she feels about having her toes tugged on (the reviews are in and they agree: he should get kicked in the chin.) Jefferson mutters to himself before the fridge door thunks shut. ‘It’s not about anything you’d let happen, Miles. You know that.’
Hobie tries to control his expression when he looks up at his friend, because Miles already knows how he feels about so-called authority figures having opinions on personal autonomy and influence. Jeff himself knows, at this point. Besides that, Miles should always know Hobie’s on his side, but he doesn’t want to give him any reason to doubt it.
Miles’ eyes are still flicking across his face when Hobie feels Jeff’s presence behind him, and he sees him glance up like he can’t help himself before refocusing on Billie. Jeff reaches past Hobie’s shoulder to gather up the condiments left out on the table; he bites down on the urge to offer a hand that spending any amount of time in the Morales’ kitchen quickly makes second nature - even and especially when it means Miles’ Mom gets to tease her son about his friends “showing him up” until he’s flustered and whiny. Oblivious to the mood, Billie coos up at her Dad as Miles grabs his tablet and turns it to face her, and Hobie spends a good minute or so wondering whether they’re actually going to be leaving the flat today before Jeff bends down to kiss his daughter’s head and elbow his son as he straightens up again. ‘Cool it with that,’ he scolds him quietly. ‘Your Mom already said you could go, didn’t she?’
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wintercearig12 · 11 months
Honestly, I find the surviving members of Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood questline to be strange choices (except for Cicero). Don’t get me wrong, I love Nazir and Babette, but Festus and Gabriella (and to an extent Veezara) would have made for better, and more committed, members. My rationale for this lies in their views of the Night Mother and the old ways, which of course are resumed at the end of this questline. 
When meeting Cicero, Festus plainly states: “Mister Cicero, I for one am delighted you and the Night Mother have arrived. Your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition." Afterwards, he will expand upon this point, further highlighting the importance of the Night Mother and the traditions that previously governed the Dark Brotherhood: "Their arrival is the best thing that's happened to this Sanctuary in years. Astrid is an effective leader, but we've been rudderless for too long. Scrounging for contracts, abandoning the Tenets. The Dark Brotherhood has been reduced to a group of common cutthroats. Frankly, it's embarrassing." Moreover, although he does display some displeasure at the Night Mother’s choice of the Dragonborn as her Listener, he nonetheless accepts the decision: "So you're the Listener, hmm? Well that hardly seems fair. You just got here. The Night Mother should have spoken to me. Any idiot could see that. But, I will serve gladly, as that's my lot in life.”
Gabriella is particularly courteous towards the Night Mother: "Without the Night Mother, there is no Dark Brotherhood. The Matron deserves our unwavering support and respect.” Although she is understandably cautious of the news that you have been chosen as Listener, she still acknowledges the significance of what this means for the Family: "If the Night Mother truly spoke to you, if you really are the Listener... your destiny was written in the Void. Astrid is right to fear your power." In this way, she is recognising the dominance of the Night Mother over Astrid. Similarly to Festus, she is jealous of the new Listener, but does not belittle the Dragonborn: "What an honor, the assassination of an Emperor. And all because you are the Listener, favored by the Night Mother, anointed by Sithis. I am so very happy for you. If not a bit... envious."
Veezara is harder to pinpoint. Although his commitment to Astrid could be seen as disrespectful towards the Night Mother, I do not think it is as clear cut as this. When asking his opinion of the Unholy Matron, he will state: "Truthfully? I'm not entirely sure. It's not that I don't have the utmost respect for Sithis, and the Night Mother, and the ancient ways. I do. But I've never been much for religion. I kill because it's what I've been trained to do. It's all I know. So long as Astrid is happy, I'm happy." In essence, he recognises and accepts the importance of the Night Mother, but, due to the circumstances of his life, he simply takes things at face value: Astrid gives him both purpose and family, and so he commits himself to her above all. This is understandable when considering the near extinction of his order, the Shadowscales, and the lack of direction from the Night Mother in previous years. As he says, his role in life is to kill, and Astrid provides the means for him to do so, all else has been lost, and is therefore negligible to him. He follows what he knows.
Nazir and Babette are comparatively disrespectful towards the Night Mother. After you are revealed as the Listener, Nazir will say: "You may be the Listener, or you may just be a lunatic who's started hearing voices. Either way, Astrid is still your mistress. Not the Night Mother.” When speaking to Babette after the arrival of Cicero, she will equally display a dismissive attitude: "Two hundred years ago, I would have lain down my life for the Unholy Matron. But that is an age long since passed. Astrid is my matron now."
Having said all this, it wouldn't surprise me if this was done on purpose. After all, this situation does remind me of Oblivion, and the fact that the Night Mother knew the traitor was not at the Cheydinhal Sanctuary, and that Lucien was innocent too. The Dark Brotherhood seems to have a running theme of losing its most devoted members.
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rosekiller-addict · 10 months
Snowed In
heyyy so I decided I should do a microfic until Christmas kinda thing (shhh I know I'm late but its fineee) so heres my little rosekiller microfic to start it off!!
also, idea taken from @theprongspotter
Evan and Barty had gotten themselves a cabin to stay in for a few days before the holidays so they could get away from their friends and there signifigant others.
And it was that same cabin that they happened to be trapped in, the snow and ice making the doors and windows un-openable.
"What if they think we forgot about them?" Barty asked as he paced around the room, "what if they hate us now?"
"Barty," Evan said slowly, "they'll understand. We have the weather channels for reasons."
"But what if-"
"Barty," Evan repeated, his voice sterner this time, as he started to walk towards me, "its going to be okay."
"Come on, come sit down,"
Evan took Barty's hand pulling him towards the couch. Barty sat down, tucking his knees into his chest as he bit down on his lip.
Barty didn't understand why he was so nervous. He knew that his friends cared about him and would understand but he was also terrified that they would hate him even if he did one small thing wrong.
"I'm going to make you hot chocolate okay?" Evan told him, throwing a blanket in his direction.
"Thanks," the brunette laughed, sinking into the blanket.
Evan wandered off into the direction of the kitchen, while Barty stayed on the couch, staring out the window as he tried to think of anything other than his racing heart.
Barty wasn't necessarily scared of being alone with Evan. They had been best friends for years and could sit together in comfortable silence for hours.
No, Barty was scared of what he would do alone with Evan. Barty had realized how in love he was with Evan a few months ago and a confession seemed to be ready to jump out of his mouth at any moment.
But Barty was also convinced he was alone in his feelings. It didn't make sense for Evan to like him back. For one Evan was straight. And even if he wasn't (which was basically impossible), there were so many people in their school that would be a better partner than Barty.
No matter how much as Barty lied to himself and others about it, he knew he wasn't as handsome or smart as the other kids in his school.
Frankly, Barty's whole life revolved around spiteing his father and who wanted to be with a boy like that?
Barty jumped slightly, seeing Evan standing in front of me, holding a mug out towards me.
"Thanks," Barty whispered, taking the mug from him.
Evan sat down next to him, another mug in his hand.
"We should just try to enjoy this," Evan nodded, placing his mug on the end table.
The brown eyed boy just nodded in response.
"Are you okay Barty?"
"I'm fine,"
Barty laughed slightly, shaking his head.
"can I tell you something Ev?" he whispered, glancing over at the taller boy. He took in the bright blonde hair, the crystal blue eyes, the freckled skin. The perfection of everything about him.
"Of course," Evan shrugged, resting his cheek in his palm.
"I'm in love with you,"
The words came out stronger and louder than Barty intended. More sure than Barty ever was in anything.
But this was the one thing Barty was sure about. He knew he was in love with Evan, even if that was the only thing he was sure he knew.
"Can I tell you something too?" Evan asked.
"Sure," the shorter boy nodded.
"I'm in love with you too,"
The words hit Barty like a brick wall. When he confessed, he hadn't been thinking. It was something he had to say because if he didn't, he thought he might die right there.
But when he said the words, he never thought that Evan would say them back.
But here they were.
"Can I kiss you?" Evan asked, breaking through Barty's thoughts.
The other boy couldn't seem to bring himself to speak so he just nodded softly, closing his eyes as Evan's lips met his.
Barty's arms wrapped his arms around Evans neck, kissing him like the world was ending. The blonde boys arms wrapped around his back, pushing him down on the couch.
"I definitally love you," Evan mumbled, smiling down at the other boy.
"Me to,"
And then Barty couldn't've been happier for being snowed in.
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themultifandomgal · 4 months
From 2010- Another Tour
Part 40
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23rd May
Tour started last month and while everything has gone well, mine and Liams relationship has started to crack again. I text him, but he won’t reply, or I’ll ring him and it will go to voice mail then he will reply days later with ‘sorry I was busy’
I’m sat in my dressing room texting Emma when I suddenly get a text off Liam.
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The only thing I can think off is to go to the boys dressing room. Leaving my phone in mine, I walk to the door opposite mine and without knocking I enter
“I know your in your boxers and frankly I don’t give a shit. I just.. I don’t want to be in there on my own” my voice cracks which makes everyone look at me seriously. Harry pulls up his jogging trousers before cautiously walking towards me
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Louis asks
“Liam” the flood gates open and I can’t speak. Harry immediately wraps me up in his arms and strokes my hair
“Shhh your ok” he whispers
“What did I do?” I shake my head
“Not you. Liam broke up with me”
“He what!” Niall shouts “he rang you just before a show and broke up with you?”
“He text me” I sniffle into Harry’s shoulder
“What a dick” Niall scoff
“Ok, here’s what we will do. Well tell everyone you have food poisoning that way you don’t have to do the next….”
“No I’m doing the show tonight” I cut Louis off
“YN you can’t be serious” Harry says pulling away and looking at me with wide eyes
“Liam and I we’re together for 9 months. Yes it’s a long time but it’s not even a year. It’s not like we were married or anything”
“We’re here for you” Liam says and the rest of the boys all join in on a group hug
“I know thank you”
27th May- News Article
Liam Hemsworth Announces Break Up With YN YLN
After 9 months of dating the couple have called it quits. The last time we saw Hemsworth and YLN together was when they appeared at the BRIT Awards at the beginning of the year. YN posted a Instagram photo celebrating the occasion
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A close source to the couple state that the couple split up due to the long distance. While YN is on tour with her band One Direction, which started on the 25th April.
We are deviated to hear this news but we wish both YN and Liam the best and luck for the future.
* Second photo edit is by the Instagram account harianadimples
28th May
2 years ago yesterday I got the most worst phone all I had ever received. 2 years ago Alex grew his wings and became an angel. I’m still emotional today, constantly looking down at my A tattoo whenever I feel like I need strength.
The music to ‘Little Things’ starts and I look up to see the arena full of lights from phone
“Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me” Zayn starts off singing and a tear escapes from my eyes. Louis grabs my hand and sways with me along the music
“I won’t let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if I do, it’s you, oh it’s you, they add up to. I’m in love with you and all these little things” I attempt to sing in tune but I know my voice is cracking
After the song Harry turns to me and asks
“You ok?”
“I will be” I give Harry a small smile.
13th July
We had just finished up our last day of tour for a little bit while we have a small break to go home and visit family.
I’m walking to my dressing room when Erin calls me over to her
“Hey YN there’s someone round backstage waiting for you”
“Liam as in your ex liam”
“What’s he doing here?” I ask frowning and following Charlotte to the backstage door
“Don’t know but he is holding tulips”
“What the…” I’m not able to say anything else as we approach the door
“If you need me to get the boys to get you away from him just text”
“Thanks Char” I give he a little hug before opening the door. There’s so many fans about
“Before you say anything I’m sorry. I love you YN and since I sent that text I’ve been kicking myself. I shouldn’t have sent it you I’m so sorry. Will you be mine again?”
“Why don’t you come in?” I nod towards the stadium so we’re out of the public view
“I want everyone here to see how much I love you YN so what do you say? Will you take me back” I feel trapped. Like if I say no I’ll be the bad guy, if I say I need time I’ll still be the bad guy. So many girls are screaming for me to say yes, so I do. Immediately Liam wraps me up in his arms and kisses my lips.
We can figure this out can’t we?
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: A Chance To Fly (Wicked Medley)
You'd be hard pressed to find a Voiceplay arrangement that took more time to create/finish than this one. This was Geoff's creation (he arranged it, came up with the video concept, co-directed it, and collaborated on lighting design), and he apparently worked on this for years. I don't know how long exactly, but I'm fairly certain he vaguely alluded to it in a live Q&A he did on his channel in 2020, when someone asked if Voiceplay was planning to do any Broadway stuff. And based on comments I've read on reaction videos, I believe he's worked on it since sometime in 2019 or so?
But anyway, as spectacular an arrangement as it is, I'm not here to talk about it! I'm here to talk about the video which accompanies it, which was released on the 26th of November, 2021, and features the awesome Emoni Wilkins (in the role of Galinda), and the wonderful Rachel Potter (in the role of Elphaba) (and yes, this is another rare six-vocalist video for Voiceplay, though this time it's 4 members + 2 guests, rather than 5 members + 1 guest). One of the comments says that this is apparently Rachel's 10th collaboration with Voiceplay, though I can only count 7 previous ones (or 8 if you count Just Sing (she was in that too right?)). But regardless, what a veteran!
Anyway, the medley itself clocks in at about 7 and a half minutes, so enough backstory - there's a lot to get through!
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Group shot! Love the giant clock backdrop, very cool (and very accurate/appropriate of course)
(Note that I've never seen Wicked, not even a bootleg, but I've listened to the soundtrack a few times on the odd occasion, and I know how the story goes)
(Also this video really highlights the height difference between Layne and Eli, the tallest and shortest of the group, respectively. Apparently Eli isn't actually even that short - he's like 5"5/165cm (which is about how tall I am) - it's just that everyone else in the group is taller than him, whether by a little (like Cesar), or a lot (like Layne, who's 6"1/~183cm)
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I adore Emoni and Rachel's makeup looks in this one. Shoutout to Rick Underwood for doing amazing things yet again!
(Also that's a super gorgeous necklace that Rachel is wearing and I want it)
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Super massive shoutout and kudos to Geoff and Eli for the lighting on this one! This is top-tier stuff! And so much variety throughout the video in terms of colours and light levels!
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Cute earrings, and also face jewels! (Those things can be an absolute pain in the backside, both in terms of applying and then getting them to stay there! I'm assuming Rick used some special skin-safe "glue" product to make them stay in place, and/or some setting spray afterwards?)
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Get it, Rachel! 🙌👌
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Geoff is handsome as ever, of course
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Firstly, go off, Eli! And second of all, Rachel looks so freaking enamoured by Eli during this part, which obviously would be because he's filling the role of Fiyero, the love interest of Elphaba (whom she's acting/singing as here), but also it's just a little bit amusing too 😁
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"Think of it as personality dialysis!"
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Cesar being adorable 💜
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Layne popped a bubble! (With matching "sound effect" of course) (Also I only just realised earlier while watching this that Layne is wearing a tie, just that it's mostly hidden/tucked in)
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"And with an assist from me, to be who you'll be, instead of dreary who you were- well, are"
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Nothing but respect for my Wonderful Wizard! (He did nothing wrong 😁😝)
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I love him your honour
(Gonna do a Geoff Hair Study for this one too, but won't include it in this post, because frankly this post is long enough ^^;)
(Also just realised that Geoff is also wearing a tie that is mostly hidden, and wait hang on a minute, that means that his shirt is actually fully-buttoned-up? Gasp!)
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I know I'm going quite heavy on screencaps (and we're only halfway through the video, heck), but I had to share these blink-and-you-miss-it shots of Cesar and Rachel 😄
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Geoff (noted bass singer and sometimes sea witch): Uh oh 😬
(Joke stolen from a YouTube comment, but it was too good not to include)
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"Because I knew you," (🥺🥺🥺)
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The urge to take a million screencaps of the Defying Gravity section at the end is strong. It's so good on all levels!
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The quality as an individual screencap is not the best, but still, I'm calling it another "Voiceplay money shot", and such a cool way to end the video!
As I am typing this, the trailer for the Wicked movie (or part 1 at least) has been out for a few days, but I'm yet to even watch it, and I probably won't see the movie, because honestly I don't see how they could make any of the musical numbers better than this. And this was just a medley! And acapella! Re the movie, I'm a little uncertain on how to feel about Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba, and I'm definitely skeptical about Ariana Grande as Galinda. Rachel and Emoni killed it though, as did all of the guys of course! Well done Geoff, this was definitely worth the hard work and the long wait!
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Dead Beauty AU (Chapter 5)
Yeah I just wanna post it here too.
Oh and Maeve and Malvina are Flower's, @tiredflowercrown
When Harry exits the Hell Hall his feet are too heavy and his mind is swimming in all the wrong directions: Ivy’s fault, naturally. The mix of alcohol and whatever poison she gave him.
He swallows heavily and bangs his hook to the metal gate, just because he fucking can. He hopes that bitch is suffering as much as he is.
And holy hell, is he suffering: the metal clang just about threatens to split his skull open.
He just hopes dear Ivy heard it too.
On completely unrelated note, he really would like to know how she got Claudine fucking Frollo, please and thank you. That girl has problems, alright, and he’s the one saying it.
Y’know, maybe she decided if she’s going to hell, she might as well go with a blast, and Harry can approve of that.
If he had his flask, he’d drink to that sentiment, even.
More importantly, he still wants his haircut.
Alas, he just starts walking towards the Tremaines – hey, it’s closer, and he doesn’t exactly fancy arguing with his older sister about his methods of delivering demands, thank you. Besides, Harriet is just a fucking hypocrite.
He’s pretty sure she slept with Diego the last time she was vaguely in the vicinity of Hell Hall.
Harry smirks at that.
He drags his feet as he sneers into the shadows, twists his wrist around to stretch it – the light twirls on his hook – cranes his neck around to stretch it too.
Curiously, that seems to send a street rat or two running.
This is fine.
It shouldn’t be too long to the Tremaines now, but he could just swear the bloody streets keep stretching under his feet. He kicks on something at the ground, mutters curses under his breath. And if he loses his balance for just a moment after that, well, who cares?
Two children run by him and he sneers at them to mind their way; his vision goes blank for a moment.
Tremaines’ is right there.
He collapses at the nearest chair.
He breaks open the door, swatting his hook at the irritating decoration above it. He doesn’t manage to tear it down. Shame.
It is an eyesore.
He’d say he hopes Anthony went out already, but frankly, he doesn’t care enough.
„Dulcia, darling!“ he calls out, „You promised me the haircut?“
„Oh, I don’t care,“ he lifts his hand to make a dismissive gesture and lets it fall when he discovers how heavy it is, „Just do your worst. I want Harriet to know I’ve been there.“
She appears behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and sighing: „Whatever is wrong with you, Hook – my dear cousin is right there, and his mood didn’t get any better.“
She tugs at his hair rather harshly, which he registers mostly because he’s looking in the mirror.
„Also, what the hell do you want me to do with this?“
Dulcia laughs: „Why, that almost sounds like a dare–“
Harry discovers his lips are too numb to form an answer; he barely manages a crooked smirk, twisted more by the cracked mirror. His face feels weird.
Dulcia tugs at his hair again, turning his head from side to side to examine her canvas, and his whole body locks in a horrible spasm. He can’t jerk away or even breathe– his chest starts to hurt.
He watches his lips turn blue – watches Dulcia notice his stiffness and his expression – and curses Ivy. She wasn’t stingy with the dose, that’s for sure–
He manages to draw in a breath, his muscles relax a bit.
„What the hell was that?!“ asks Dulcia.
„So you’re faking choking to death for fun?“
She is simply too loud, her voice too high – Harry remembers his manners again and says: „Oh, nothing to worry about.“
„Oh no, that’d be the poison Ivy gave me.“
„Oh, you moron,“ Dulcia’s voice turns soft, placating, „You played Russian Roulette with her?“
Harry hums in response.
„Did you win or lose?“
This is starting to get majorly annoying, thank you for asking.
Dulcia deals him a gentle slap over the back of his head.
„Fucker,“ she says, and his body spasms again.
Oh, and it seems the ruckus finally dragged Lord Tremaine over. How lovely.
„What’s he doing there?“ Tremaine asks, as if it wasn’t clear – he came for the haircut. Duh. He told him already.
„Dulcia, why is he choking to death in our salon?“
„Choking to death, obviously,“ answers Dulcia, sounding insultingly uninterested.
Harry would argue, but, y’know. He still can’t breathe.
Well… Why not?
It’s not like Ivy would share the antidote or anything.
Choking is fine, but that humiliation would probably kill him.
Harry watches Dulcia shrug her shoulders delicately, and, yeah. He’s reasonably sure that if he dies in there, she plans to use his head as a training dummy for the little ones.
Which is absolutely unacceptable, by the way.
He breathes in again – fucking finally – and immediately spits at Anthony: „None of your fucking business, Tremaine!“
„My salon, my business,“ he answers, voice stone-cold.
„Dulcia, take this moron to the Mims right now,“ says Anthony, „If he dies at our salon, Harriet will never speak with me again.“
„My life, my business,“ mocks Harry back, turning around to look at the marginally more agreeable cousin, „Dulcia, about the ha–“
The movement makes his muscles lock up painfully again, which is starting to get really fucking repetitive.
„That’d be a pity for sure,“ agrees Dulcia in her overly sweet voice.
Harry manages to catch his breath again: „My sister’s too good for you anyway,“ he says. He just smirks when Anthony attempts to kill him with a glare.
Really, it’s almost admirable how much contempt Tremaine packs up into one word. Just a shame Harry isn’t exactly in the shape to break his nose, right now.
„Dulcia, to the Mims, now. Before I can think the better of it. You are also welcome to just dumb him behind the corner though,“ Anthony raises his voice, which makes Harry snarl at him. What is it with the Tremaines and yelling all over today?
„Angelica, Desdemona, Deborah, go help Dulcia with him!“
„I can take care of myself, thank you,“ he says instead, pushing himself off the seat, and almost immediately collapsing forward into his reflection. Well, fuck.
„Well, good fucking luck with that,“ says Harry, letting the Tremaine harpies drag him away.
„Clearly, you can’t,“ drawls Anthony, and Dulcia grabs Harry’s shoulder, drawing her sharp, carefully manicured nails deep into his skin.
„Now go. I do not wish to deal with your sister in a worse mood than she is now.“
As he passes under the door, he finally manages to tear down the horrid glockenspiel, to his satisfaction and indigent cry of one of the girls, which doesn’t seem like his problem.
Like, at all. That thing has been causing him headaches for months.
Now, Maddy being her usual bitchy self?
That does seem like his problem.
„Absolutely not–“ the demon-witch-whatever cries out, pointing at the list of rules scribbled on the wall with something that’s probably human blood, „You know the rules! No first aid! Your overdoses are not my problem! Your relationships problems should stay your relationships problems!“
Harry sways in the place as the younger Tremaine girls back away from darling Maddy, and Dulcia steps forward a single step, once again speaking in that placating voice of hers: „C’mon, Maddy, who said what about first aid? Just give him the antidote.“
„That’s what first aid is–“ grumbles Maddy.
„I don’t need an antidote,“ chimes up Harry, catching his balance on a nearby shelf, which makes Maddy look like she wants to bite his arm off. Sweet. Maybe he’d finally get actual hook like that.
„I want my hair done, Dulcia.“
…Yeah, no. Maybe, just maybe, he’s not so fine, Harry thinks as he painfully struggles for breath.
„See?“ Maddy gestures at him; he slowly slides to the ground, as his muscles refuse to cooperate again.
„He’s fine. Now get him out of my apothecary.“
„Maddy, be a dear. Just give me the antidote against strychnine. He’s got shit ton of gold on him, you can take it as a payment before he comes to himself.“
Harry would really love to protest that. She can’t take his gold just for a stupid antidote!
However, Maddy looks like she’s considering this: „…How do you know it’s strychnine?“ she asks with some suspition.
„Ivy always uses strychnine.“
That is not a concerning statement at all.
And Maddy doesn’t look too convinced.
Dulcia shoots Harry a look that can’t mean anything else than „You’re so gonna owe me for this,“ and then tells Maddy: „If he dies, Harriet will be out of it and then Ginny will be upset too.“
„I… Suppose I can spare some antidote,“ decides Maddy finally. He didn’t know she cared for Harriet’s witch all that much, but then again, Gothel can make herself likable like nobody’s business. And she is high most of the time, she has to get the stuff somewhere. He supposes it makes sense.
After that, the Tremaine girls leave, and Maddy quickly gets tired of staring at him, instead alternating absentmindedly playing with one of her dolls, yelling at one of her cousins in a language that makes the hair at the back of Harry’s neck stand, and preventing some mangy kid from randomly tasting the shit on the shelves.
He doesn’t fight Maddy when she forces a pill into his mouth in a pause in between spasms, and doesn’t swat away Dulcia’s hand when she offers him water with it.
That should count towards his debt to her, by the way.
The kid keeps singing in the same language.
Harry tries to ignore that and just focus on his breathing and, more importantly, about ways to get back at Ivy. Might that bitch be slowly dissolved in acid while listening to this crazy little Mim kid singing the demons to sleep or whatever.
Said mangy little Mim kid comes over and pokes at his ribs.
„Is he dead yet, Maddy?“
„Don’t know, don’t care. You know how to check.“
Harry does not wish to know how the Mims check if their customers are still breathing or not.
„I’m still alive, kid,“ he tells her, „Shut it.“
„Shame,“ the kid sighs, „Maeve said I get to dissect the next moron that overdoses.“
„Maeve also said you’re not supposed to talk like that in front of the customers, Malvina.“
Harry snaps his teeth at Malvina as she tries to poke at his ribs again.
„If that’s all, ladies,“ he grits in between his teeth as he pushes himself up, „I’ll be on my way.“
Malvina steps away from his as he struggles to regain his balance – he almost falls down as the doors to the Apothecary fly open and CJ greets the shop with a bright smile: „Hiii!“ she says and turns to him, „Freddie said you’d be there, Ettie’s getting snappy again– ooh, can we get some of that candy?“ She points to a shelf of brightly coloured expired candy.
„You lot are not allowed weed,“ notes Maddy dryly.
„Why not?“ asks the little Mim kid; Harry seethes at the sentence.
„Pleeease?“ whines CJ, making big eyes at Maddy and slipping her one of her gold bracelets over the counter. Harry barks out a laugh.
„This never happened,“ says Maddy as tears open one package, stabs her nail through some gummy bears, and gives the mutilated candy to CJ, „And if it gets into your head wrong, don’t fucking come back here.“
„Don’t worry, Maddy,“ answers Harry, grabbing his younger sister’s arm before she gets any more bright ideas, „I’ve had enough of this place for quite some time.“
He leads CJ outside.
„How stabby is Harriet?“ he asks.
CJ swallows one of her gummy bears as she thinks of an answer, carefully storing the other pieces in a napkin in her pocket: „Hmm… Not as much as when I bleached her hair. Kinda about when Frollo wouldn’t stop ringing the bells cos of some celebration or whatever.“
Harriet spent most of that time too drunk to form a coherent sentence, and honestly, Harry doesn’t blame her.
„No, wait! Like when the Hearts twins got the jewelry she wanted at the market the other time!“
„Well, then,“ Harry smiles at his younger sister,„How do you feel about a new haircut, then?“
„Yes!“ she jumps in her place, „Yes! Harriet’s gonna be so pissed!“
Anthony, too, and it’s not like anything interesting is happening at the port now: He seriously doubts Ivy managed to forward their demands to her youngest cousin yet.
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