#frankie's mom
monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Gigi’s New Scaremester Diary - Week 1
MONDAY 1: Pet Store w/Sultan Sting - I need to pick up a new heat lamp and fine ground sand. He's very particular about how sand should feel on his claws
TUESDAY 2: Video Chat w/Dad - Being free has given me the ability to contact other lanterns, so its a good chance for us to catch up on both of our latest comings and groanings. Hopefully he won't have to 'pop out' in the middle of it.
WEDNESDAY 3: New Lantern Shopping - It feels kind of strange to think about getting a place where I don't have to open the door every time a monster knocks.
THURSDAY 4: Meet w/Headmistress Bloodgood - I need a place to park my new lantern. She is going to help me find one that is safe and suitable.
FRIDAY 5: Movie w/Howleen - It seems strange that I should become friends with a 'finder', but that is what Howleen has become, and I've never seen a film in an actual theater. This should be... fun... a concept I am learning to embrace.
SATURDAY 6: Stargazing w/Iris Clops - She lives out of town where there is no light pollution, and she has an amazing telescope. More fun!
SUNDAY 7: Dinner with Steins - Frankie is so kind and gracious to invite me into their home. She has warned me about something that will be served called sauerkraut. My unlife is so sweet at this moment that I am sure it will taste like candy.
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kelpnugget · 11 months
i am frobin's greatest soldier
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utterdrip · 8 months
(act i) that’s what you want, isn’t it? to lose yourself in me?
(act iii) i’ll be free. truly, completely free. isn’t that what you want?
(ascendant) i love you. that’s what you’ve been waiting to hear, isn’t it? that’s what you want?
(ascendant) that’s what you want, isn’t it? to be mine? forever?
(spawn) is that what you want? is this what you want?
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dumbass-fae · 3 months
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Couple of my favorite ghouls I've drawn recently✨️
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conchiferrous · 5 months
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shit i dont think i ever posted
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majestick-posts-op · 6 months
The Strawhats are all very smart once you think about it that its almost scary.
You got the obvious ones like Robin being a schoolar with tons of knowledge covering many topics as well as being a critical thinker, as well as Nami not only being a god tier navigator since the age of 8, but also having elevated street smarts.
Then you have Usopp, who is a jack of all traits who mastered multiple mediums such as art, snipery, botanics, engeniring and mechanics and was SELF TAUGHT until the timeskip. And Franky, who was tutored by a (fish)man who was given the title of best shipwrught in the world and managed to rebuild hinself after an usually fatala incident.
Sanji is sonething of a critical thinker too when he isn't h#rny, remember: he saved everybody back at Alabasta and Water 7 through wits alone. Jimbei is a mature and natural leader with an above average skillset too, both in general knowledge and helmanship.
Chopper is only 17 yet he is already at the level of fully trained doctors like Marco and Law, he can foud a cure for a terminal virus made by a former MADS member in less than a hour! And Brook isn't only a great musician (which takes both skill and smarts) but he also found ways to use his devil fruit in innovative new ways.
Even Luffy, despite everything, has great emotional intelligence as well as being a genius when it comes to his fight IQ, he developed all of his gears and trasformations by himself with minimal help with gear 4 only. And the "help" was only giving him more resources. He truly deserves more credit than he gets for his accomplisments and intelligence.
And even if you include Vivi in the mix she has great skills as a diplomat and politician and sports an unbelievable level or maturity for her age.
So yeah, everybody really is seriously smart on the Sunny.
Except Zoro he's a dumbass.
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rebouks · 2 months
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Previous // Next
Courtney ran her finger along the edge of her mug self-consciously, feeling a little guilty for talking about her and Oscar’s business behind his back; but sometimes it felt like she had no one to talk to who wasn’t biased toward his point of view, and everyone needed someone they could vent to now and then. Frankie was a kind and understanding listener, despite being little more than an acquaintance, and though she seemed reluctant to talk about herself in return, Courtney hoped that’d change if they became friends. Courtney: I don’t know.. he seems to be doing okay but it’s just scary to think about, y’know? We have so much to lose this time around. Ivan: I’d love t’join in on the girl talk but we’ve gotta bounce. Courtney: Hah, next time. Ivan: Y’brought the car, right? Courtney: Yeah. Ivan: Y’need a lift, Frankie? Frankie: Oh-.. no, no. Ivan: Y’sure? Frankie: No, it’s fine. Ivan: Alright, catch y’later. Sawyer: Ugh, mooooom.. why’d you say no?! It takes forever to walk home. Frankie: Psh, it’s good exercise. Sawyer: It’s like you want my legs to drop off-.. I’m not a lizard, they won’t grow back!
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wigglesdtuff · 7 months
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Ask me about Olive sometimes I miss her she's on my mind tonight
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 25- Wano Part 3
-Sasaki was nothing but nice to you, keeping you safe from the raiders who were storming the castle, wanting to stop Kaido, grinning down at you as you sat on his lap as he was keeping watch in a long hallway.
-Your eyes went wide when you saw Shinobu and Yamato, with Momo and you froze when Sasaki attacked them- it felt like your heart stopped for a moment.
-When you tried to jump down off Sasaki’s lap, he caught you, not wanting you to hurt yourself as you struggled to get away, “Don’t hurt my friends!”
-Momo shouted out your name, thinking you were being held hostage before Yamato ran forward, attacking Sasaki, being able to get you away from him, holding you up on his hip, holding you closely, “I’m returning Y/N to her brothers- I swear it!”
-A familiar voice then spoke up, “I agree!” you turned, seeing the General Franky and you lit up, “Franky!!” the robot’s giant hand lifted, greeting you warmly before he focused on Sasaki and his men.
-Yamato gave you to Shinobu, as she was trying to get both you and Momo to safety, and Yamato told Franky he was going after Kaido, “Luffy might be racing you there!” which made Yamato race off, wanting to get to Kaido first.
-Shinobu did her best, but after she was betrayed by one of her friends, he took both you and Momo, giving Momo to Orochi to finally wipe out the Kozuki line.
-Kanjuro was keeping you in his arms as you watched Momo being beaten, “No! Stop hurting him!!” Kanjuro wanted to keep you safe, as Kaido would be pleased with him after he dealt with all these invaders, trying to keep you calm, telling you Momo deserved this.
-Your horn flared to life as you glared, “Nobody deserves to be hurt!!” a wave of energy, much like at the Whitebeard War, flowed from you, shooting Kanjuro back as well as Orochi as he was going to kill Momo.
-You were glaring hard as two figures reformed, one male and one female and as Orochi sat up, his eyes went wide, seeing two people returning from the dead as Oden and Toki took their first breaths in 20 years.
-Many were screaming, including Orochi who saw it as a bad omen as the two were shocked to see they were alive again before they saw Momo as well as the state of everything around him.
-Toki turned, sensing your energy, seeing that you were the one to bring them back to life as Oden charged, punching Orochi hard across the face before grabbing his son, “Warriors! Your Oden has returned- fight on! This battle isn’t over yet!!”
-While a bit freaked out to see him alive again, the warriors loyal to him all lifted their swords, giving out loud war cries, ready to follow their Shogun once more.
-Toki held you as your nose started bleeding, the aura fading as you nearly collapsed, a fever quickly taking hold and Momo called out, “Y/N!” ignoring his own wounds, he wrenched himself from his father’s arms, dropping down and ran for you, looking terrified to see you in such a state.
-Another voice then spoke up, “Oi Y/N- you sure know how to make people worry.” You lifted your head, feeling a bit delirious and you smiled softly, “Marco…” the phoenix landed and quickly rushed towards you, taking you into his arms and instantly surrounded the two of you with flames.
-Momo was trying not to cry, after his father punched out Kanjuro for betraying them, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand as Oden kneeled, “It is not weak to cry, son.” Momo shook his head, “I can cry later- we need to help our allies and friends now!”
-Toki cupped her son’s cheek softly, proud of him as the flames around Marco slowly died down, leaving him winded, but he healed you so you wouldn’t collapse like last time.
-You were still feeling weak as you looked up as Marco grinned down at you, “Izo told us of your plans- and calvary’s here Y/N!” your eyes went wide, realizing that Whitebeard and his crew was there to help, turning the tides in this battle.
-You knew that Luffy and Ace were going after Kaido, as was Yamato and you told him this, and Marco looked a bit annoyed, “Yeah I saw them on top of the skull- Big Mom is with them.”
-Your eyes went wide before you looked determined, “I need to go and help them!” you had changed a lot in these past two years, you were more confident now and he was going to refuse you, but there was something there- something that told him you were right.
-Oden agreed to take you, giving you a grin, “If there’s a fight with Kaido then I’m joining! Toki- take Momonosuke and get someplace safer. I just got you back- I’m not losing you two again!” Toki nodded and Marco grinned, rushing to help Chopper and Sanji against Queen.
-As Oden ran, trying to get to the top as quickly as possible, he held you on his shoulders, “So are you the one I am to thank for bringing me back to life?” you nodded softly, despite him not being able to see it, “I’m Y/N- when I saw Momo being hurt I got mad and wanted him to be safe.” Oden chuckled softly, knowing you were a kind soul.
-When he arrived at the battle, he took you off his shoulders, so he could rush in after announcing himself, “Kaido!! I have returned to end your reign and take back Wano!!”
-Kaido looked like he was close to tears, seeing Oden there, “Oden- is it really you?” Oden wasn’t prepared, none of them were, including Kidd and Law who were also there, for Kaido to burst into tears, crying loudly.
-Big Mom looked annoyed by his antics before she saw you, her eyes going wide, “Y/N! You’re okay!!” you tensed lightly, looking a little scared of her as she beamed, “Come to Mama and we will return to Whole Cake Island!”
-You hesitated, looking a little scared before, “I want to stay with Luffy!” she looked surprised by your answer before she smiled, realizing that she just needed to take your false family out, so they couldn’t brainwash you anymore, and you would behave.
-Big Mom ran towards you, but Law and Kidd were the ones to attack her, sending her through the roof and the roof collapsed where you were, causing you to fall, but Law caught you, something Luffy and Ace both saw, and they knew you were in safe hands.
-As Big Mom was falling, she called out Hera to catch her and Law shouted, “Eustass-ya!” the red-head looked over and immediately almost panicked as Law tossed you to him and he grabbed you, “Oi what are you doing idiot?!”
-Law pulled out his sword and launched an attack, sending Big Mom down even further, “We need to keep those two Yonko apart!” Kidd looked annoyed as your little arms were around his neck, “I meant you giving me the kid!”
-You were a little scared, being with these two against Big Mom as you hung onto Kidd’s jacket over his shoulder, but the two of them were able to keep Big Mom occupied, using powerful attacks.
-When she launched her own attack, Kidd was quick to grab you by the back of your kimono and tossed you to the side as the two got hit, getting serious injured.
-You rolled only a few feet from the force, but you were fine, other than a few scrapes as Big Mom looked furious, “I’m going to kill you both- you hurt my little Y/N!!”
-You ran forward, your horn flaring to life again as you touched each of the men, healing their wounds, much to their surprise. Seeing you being disobedient again, Big Mom was getting less patient with you, growing angry with you.
-Kidd stood, putting his good hand on your head, “Thanks brat- now we can keep going.” Law agreed as he stood up, “Stay back Y/N- we’re going to get serious!”
-You nodded and quickly retreated to a fallen stone column behind them, peeking out, watching them all fight. You looked up to the roof, seeing bright flashes of light and lightning as well as blasts of fire, worried about your three big brothers and Momo’s dad.
-You were stunned when Kidd and Law beat Big Mom- send her down into the volcano. As they both were panting you ran out, “Big Brother Law! Big Brother Kidd!” Kidd instantly froze, turning like he was a statue towards you, hearing your words as you leapt up, hugging his leg, “You both were so cool! You were so strong!”
-Kidd looked like he was panicking, having you cling to him as his face was bright red, something Law didn’t even hesitate to tease him for. He turned to Law, “Oi you bastard you-” WHACK!!
-Kidd was instantly squatting, holding the back of his head where a huge lump now was, as Law was holding you in his arms, as you looked confused, “What’s a bastard?” Law sighed softly, walking away from Kidd, “It’s a naughty word- Kidd says a lot of them so don’t ever repeat them.”
-You held your hands to your lips, worried you were in trouble, but when he said nothing, you calmed down a bit as Kidd caught up, scowling at Law as they rushed to help their crew with the fighting.
-You heard Sanji screaming out for Robin’s help and you gasped softly, thinking Sanji was in trouble but Law kept you with him, “Nico-ya can handle herself Y/N- she’s strong.” You looked proud, beaming brightly, “Mama is strong!”
-As the fighting went on, one by one the Beast Pirates fell, and you heard from Marco that Oden, Ace, and Yamato were working on keeping Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital, Yamato and Ace using their Devil Fruit abilities and Oden using his strength.
-You felt a sudden sense of dread filling you, it felt like you were burning from the inside as you were quickly in tears, like something bad had happened as you heard drums- they were so loud, like they were ringing in your ears.
-Kidd was holding you when you started this, concerning him, “Oi what’s wrong? Y/N?!” your hands were over your ears as your eyes were clenched tightly shut before, “LUFFY!!!”
-As quickly as it came, the feeling left, leaving you gasping as you felt like something happened before you saw Luffy, but he looked like a cartoon- he was massive in size and his hair was now white as everyone was freaking out, their eyes popping from their head.
-You were just stunned, looking up at your brother, who was now going hard against Kaido, bent on taking him out once and for all.
-The last of the Beast Pirates fell after a hard-won battle and Onigashima was redirected, the threat of it falling on the Flower Capital was now over. Kaido and Big Mom were both defeated, and Wano was now free of both Orochi and Kaido- after Toki and Hiyori both took out Orochi, after she found her daughter trying to attack Orochi.
-Your whole family were injured, some more than others- like Luffy, Ace, and Zoro, who were unconscious for days, while Usopp, Nami, and Robin had severe injuries but with some medical attention between Chopper, Marco, and Law, they were all soon back on their feet.
-You had been elated to see Whitebeard, running towards him after all of the enemies were taken care of, “Grandpa!” and he grinned broadly, kneeling down to scoop you up, holding you close as you beamed, happy tears in your eyes, “I missed you grandpa!”
-The feast was massive once everyone was awake, as Oden had agreed with Yamato, to not celebrate until those who helped make this possible were awake.
-You cried loudly, being sandwiched between Luffy and Ace, once they woke up, after you hugged Zoro, as he woke up first, overwhelmed that they were all okay, as you weren’t allowed to use your ability- you brought two people back plus you healed others during the battle- you couldn’t risk overdoing it and putting yourself at risk, no matter how much you wanted to.
-You were elated to learn that Jinbei joined the crew, as you surprised him by running and leaping into his arms, “I’m so happy you’re a part of my family now Jinbei!” he held you close, feeling touched of your joy and words as he beamed brightly, “And I’m happy to know someone like you Y/N.”
-There was another issue, however, much to the dismay of all your brothers, when Oden and Toki called you over, where you saw Momo as well, beaming brightly, “I’m so happy you’re okay Momo!” his face flushed red, turning from you and several heads, including Whitebeard’s snapped over, seeing this.
-Oden was beaming brightly, “Y/N- you gave not only my wife’s life but my own life back- we are eternally grateful to you for this. We would like to reward you by inviting you to be a part of our family!”
-Your brothers calmed, only for a moment, thinking it was like the other families you had been adopted by before Toki beamed, “We would be delighted to have you as our daughter-in-law! You and Momonosuke can marry once you’re both old enough!”
-Instantly the banquet hall was filled with yelling and screaming as Luffy was quick to snatch you back, holding you too him as your family were quick to deny this, shouting that Momo wasn’t going to marry you.
-Oden was quickly standing, “Are you saying my son isn’t good enough!” Brook and Sanji had no issues throwing the child under the bus, telling them how Momo took baths with Nami and Robin and slept in the same bed with you, Robin, and Nami- which only led to more shouting and arguing as you were just staring, a bit in shock.
-Oden wasn’t going to give up, telling Luffy to come back as they were all going to work together to rebuild Wano, something Luffy agreed to.
-At the harbor you clung to Kidd’s leg, as his arms were folded, trying to deny that he was flushed bright red at your affections, saying goodbye to him.
-You ran towards Law, and he smiled softly, kneeling but you bypassed him, running to Bepo instead, leaping into his arms, “I’ll miss you Bepo!” Law’s eyelid twitched lightly, seeing that you had slighted in him favor of Bepo, which got Kidd laughing, teasing him.
-You hugged Law afterwards before running to Whitebeard, “I’ll miss you grandpa- come visit again soon!” he promised, patting your head before you boarded your ship, waving goodbye to Yamato, Momo, Tama, and your other new friends.
-Once back out to sea, the newspaper was quick to arrive, showing multiple alliances, including Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy, as well as new bounty posters.
-Luffy and Ace were both comically pouting, sitting on their rears as they were looking at their posters, as Nami was scolding them, leaving them both covered in lumps as they were now both 3 billion beris, but they were pouting more because you were now worth 5 billion, getting the highest bounty, as the government were growing concerned with your abilities, seeing who you’ve brought back to life, not wanting that to happen with others- because if you did the world would fall into disarray.
-You beamed brightly as everyone was comparing their bounties, some were happier than others to see such high bounties. You couldn’t wait to see what would happen next on your next adventure!
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silkentine · 6 months
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I want to live!
Here’s a really messy painting I made of Robin that’s been living in my procreate gallery for a while now and I’ll probably never do anything more with it so I slapped a gradient map on it and called it a day.
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Cody would bring the most fucking scary thing into the firehouse and everyone would react with ¨Dad! Cody brought another wet dog from the street¨
The older Burns sibling just got accustomed to what their little brother does when he is not at cams
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allonepiece · 11 months
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from volume 87
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monsterhigh-world · 1 year
Deuce’s moms finally make proper appearance in spell the beans episode
I love their designs a lot
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misslovasstuff · 4 months
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midnightlazule · 3 months
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𓍯 Strawhat Pirates
𓍯 Heart Pirates
𓍯 Kid Pirates
𓍯 Big Mom Pirates
𓍯 Whitebeard Pirates
𓍯 Donquixote Pirates
𓍯 Revolutionary Army
𓍯 Marines
𓍯 Cross Guild
𓍯 Other Crewless Characters
Go Back Home.
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By interacting with my work or following me, you are attesting to being over 18!
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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YAY!!!!! !!!!! :P
uh fuck yes you should fill that in that’s fucking awesome????????
(also fuck yeah MikeyswayyMom 👏🏻👏🏻)
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