#frank isn't a forgiving man
punishwar · 2 years
someday i will get into and write just how much his friend, his brother, billy russo's betrayal blindsided him and its effects on him moving forward.
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sebsbarnes · 2 months
6 months || benny cross
benny x reader
summary: so you stood there on the porch taking in the silent environment like you had every day for the last six months, trying to make sense of it. each night you sought solace in your sleep and would forget about the empty space in your heart that benny once occupied.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.9k+
a/n; dialogue italicized as everything is a memory. based on austin's portrayal of the character, not the real person. saw bikeriders and had the biggest urge to write at least one fic hehe. i put this together in like 20 mins plz forgive mistakes i didnt correct :) set in the time he disappeared for a year but he isn't married in this. quick switch up from atj
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spring turned into summer and soon enough, it was fall. with each season passing you found yourself pacing the porch, hoping to hear the sound of the motorcycle ripping into the air from a distance. you imagined that when you finally lifted your head you would see benny parked on the other side of the street, he'd carefully tip the bike gently onto the kickstand and readjust his leather jacket. he would reach into his pocket pulling out the pack of cigarettes before his lips closed around the end to inhale the smoke. benny would give you a boyish smirk and flick the cigarette to the ground, his heavy boots crunching across the cement and up onto the porch.
"darlin'," his voice soft, eyes scanning your face as if he hadn't seen you in days.
your eyelids would flutter down and a warm heat would rush up your face. you wish you could blame it on the illinois summer but the fallen leaves would protest your lie.
"benny," you'd say.
each day he'd hear his name called out many times by many people, but for some reason the way the consonants and vowels rolled off your tongue... it was different. benny would suck his teeth trying to suppress the pleased smirk before leaning towards you and planting a kiss on your forehead.
but as you paced the porch you didn't hear his motorcycle in the distance and when you lifted your head you weren't greeted by the smoke across the street or the sound of his boots walking towards you.
it had been about six months since you saw benny. he simply vanished one day. that last night together, you found home in his chest as you had for the past year. the two of you talked until sunrise before you whispered to him that you needed to get sleep for work that afternoon.
"sleep tight 'pea," his deep voice lulled you. however, when you woke you were not nestled in your home. your head was rested beneath his pillow, his lighter gone from the nightstand, his vandals jacket no longer hanging from the wooden chair by the closet. immediately it felt different, you knew this time he was gone for good.
town was small, so small in fact that everyone knew everyone, and if a new face showed up, the whole town knew within hours. benny was that new face. he showed up on his motorcycle with nothing but the clothes on his back and little to say to most people. you didn't care to meet the mystery man everyone was whispering about but it seemed like the universe had a different idea.
"come on!" you yelled slapping your hand on the hood of your car. you were pissed, to be frank. the frustrated groans and mumbles of being upset that you just spent a whole month's paycheck to fix your car was wasted as the engine stopped working. not only that, you were a couple miles from home, and in the measly attempt to see what was wrong, oil and grease stained your clothes.
your hands gripped the front of the car and you hung your head, "ma'am," a low voice called out.
shifting your head to the voice you saw an unfamiliar man. you straightened up, eyebrows pulling in as you gave the man a once over.
"do you nee-"
"who are you?" you asked.
he paused a moment, "benny. my name's benny," he held out his hand for you to shake. you said nothing as you hesitantly placed your hand in his. they were rough and calloused, seamlessly matching the rest of his appearance. his blonde hair slightly windblown, dirt on his cheek and white tank top, the leather jacket covering his wide shoulders appeared worn with patches scattered about.
"do you need help?" benny asked gesturing towards your car.
"quite friendly to a stranger, hm," you replied, skeptical of the man.
"well, hopefully not strangers for long."
a laugh flew from your nose as you raised your eyebrow at him. benny was handsome and bold and you could tell trouble loomed around him, "i don't even care for this," you gestured with a dismissive hand towards your car, "piece of shit anyways."
benny nodded his hand slightly, his eyes looking over your beige car. you slammed the hood down and dusted your hands on your ruined pants. walking around the side you grabbed your bag through the window and started to walk off in the direction of your house.
"i didn't get your name," benny called out, taking a few steps towards you.
"no need to," you looked over your shoulder with a grin.
this time benny laughed through his nose, his eyes trained on you as you walked away from him.
it pained you to think of the memory of first seeing benny. of course, you were hesitant, but immediately charmed by him. there was this air of confidence and mystery from benny that was missing from the men in your town. what surprised you most was the kindness that was hidden beneath the rough layers.
when you went to check on your car you found benny hunched over the engine, tools in hand and scattered on the floor. you didn't say anything to him but instead watched from a distance. you did this for two weeks as benny worked on your car, unbeknownst to him, with an audience of one the whole time. you could tell benny was making good progress so on day 16 you rounded the same corner as you did for the last 16 days with a case of beer in hand.
"i think it's time for a break," you said startling benny.
his eyes were wide and a hand flew to his chest, "jesus! you're lucky i had nothin' in my hand."
without much convincing and now with a working car engine, you and benny made your way to a large field. the two of you spent hours sitting on the trunk of your car and pouring the beer down your throats. you watched as the sun said hello to the moon on its way down to rest and the man on the moon observed you and benny's small chuckles and coy smiles.
"so why here?" you finally asked the question that had been on your mind.
"well," he sighed deeply adjusting the sleeve of his jacket, "truthfully, i ran out of gas."
you thought for a moment, "why not leave after getting gas?"
benny didn't respond right away. he found his head lifting towards the sky. a small smile adorned his face, yet, you hadn't noticed. benny stared at the moon, and the man stared back at him. he felt his cheeks heat up as if the moon had found out his secret, words he hadn't spoken out loud yet, simply a silent glace between the two knowing parties.
"i like it here, it's different... it's special," he finally spoke, head turning back to you.
you let out a fake laugh, "something special, here? in this town? are we sure we are both in the same place right now," you objected in disbelief.
benny didn't reply. he knew he was right. this town was special and so different from where he lived. so you both sat in comfortable silence, swirling the remaining bit of liquid around in the glass jar occupying your hands. benny knowing that it's not special here because of the open fields or good bars, but because of the person beside him, even if you didn't realize it yet.
that's why the pain you feel now is the same as the first week he left. the way benny made you feel was indescribable, something only the most skilled writer could articulate. but now, you felt suffocated in your home and everything reminded you of him. each time you step on the creaky porch steps you hear the echo of his boots. every time you open the fridge you see the stupid beer he likes, a single lonely can standing in the back corner. getting into bed every night, you refuse to touch the pillows on his side, but, you also refuse to get rid of them. each morning the dented wall beside your bedroom door mocked you and every time you tried to hang a picture to cover the damage, the photo fell. it was like a sick prank was being pulled, like from a far benny was forcing you to reminisce what happened in that spot 14 months ago.
"c'mon sweetpea!" benny laughed as you giggled behind him.
"i'm coming i swear! my feet are hurting benny."
benny immediately turned around, his expression playful but a bit more serious, "well why didn't you tell me that, silly."
you went to protest but benny interrupted by picking you up and holding you against his chest. you let out a small shriek, wrapping your legs around his waist and gripping at the collar of his vandals jacket.
"benny! it's only like twenty more steps to my room," you whined, hiding your face in his neck.
he tutted how he didn't care how close or far something is, he'd never want you to be in pain. during his small rant, benny opened your bedroom door but didn't notice the shoes at his feet and he tripped slightly. the hand he had pressed against your spine managed to protect you from hitting the wall, but his hand went through it.
"oh my god, are you alright?" you dropped from his grasp, immediately checking his hands for cuts.
"a lot worse has happened," benny smiled, trying to ease your panic.
"that doesn't make it okay benny. i don't care how small something is, i don't want to see you hurt," you said softly holding onto his hand.
benny felt something in his soul change. his hands cupped your cheeks and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. his lips were soft and his tongue tasted like cigarettes, something you've become accustomed to now. benny pressed you against the wall as your hand snaked up to run your fingers across his scalp. the kiss was intense and passionate and you never wanted it to end, like his lips should've been kissing you every day and every night and they should never leave until the last shred of air burned at your lungs.
"i love you," he whispered in the brief moment he pulled away before reconnecting with clashing teeth. his words didn't register at first as you found yourself too enthralled with the kiss. soon enough, it hit you.
out of shock, you gave benny a slightly forceful shove back, "don't say that if you don't mean it."
"i wouldn't lie to you," benny's rough voice spoke softly, "i love you. i've been in love with you."
you wrapped your fingers around the silver necklace lying on his chest and gently tugged him towards you, "and i love you, mr. cross."
so you stood there on the porch taking in the silent environment like you had every day for the last six months, trying to make sense of it. each night you sought solace in your sleep and would forget about the empty space in your heart that benny once occupied. as you awoke each morning having forgotten, you would soon be reminded the full extent of his absence by the empty bed and dented wall.
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thoughtsofatransboy · 7 months
Priest!Gerard x Ftm!Reader
Warning: NSFW, Dark content? Grammar mistakes I'm not a native English speaker, Probably doesn't make sense cuz i don't have a clue of what people do in a Catholic church, Religious guilty, Sin confession, Religious mention (what you expected? It's a priest), kinda of blasphemy? (Idk, you're fucking a priest inside the church, is it blasphemy?) Ftm reader, low-key dysphoria mentions. (Ignore Frank lol)
Synopsis: You're a low-key religious ftm guy, Father Way is the only one who understands you and don't judge you by your gender, but how can you confess to him when he is the one in your sinning thoughts?
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"Here i am..." You said, finally arriving the little church. Despite you being trans, you still kind of religious, anytime you think you sin, you feel a necessity to confess, but this time you went too far.
The sin of Lust. But you made it WORST. You were fucking desiring a priest, the local priest, the only one who supported you on being yourself. You were feeling horrible, but what could you do? Father Way was the hottest guy you ever seen, the way he moves, the way he talks and the way we calmly listen to you everytime you need to confess.
You see Father Way, when he looks back to you, he goes to you. "Hello Son, need to confess again?"
You nod timidly, nothing else to say. Trying to figure out how to manage through this situation, how could you confess to him when he's the reason you sinned? Well, it's not like you have time to think now, he's already leading you to the confessional.
As you sat down, he noticed you were very nervous, in an attempt to calm you down, he said "Calm down my dear... Tell me your sins, you will be forgiven... There's nothing in the world that you do that can't be forgiven. The tone he said it could make your body melt right there, it's not your fault that he's so sexy even while trying to be modest, isn't it? Oh... How could God forgive you when you are sinning inside his own house? Inside the church?
"Dear? Are you feeling nice?" Father Way's voice breaks your mental focus, now you know you need to start it or at least say something. "Sorry Father, I'm going to start..." You left out a pity and anxious sigh. "I've been lustful... Filthy thoughts... And about someone i shouldn't..."
"A married man?" It was the worst he was expecting, honestly. "No... E-even worse" Father Way raised an eyebrow... suspecting of who could be the one making you have naughty thoughts.
"Then? Who is it?" You swallow it hard, getting more and more anxious. "A...a p-priest. I-i visited another church last week and-and i met a young priest and he's...cute" Fuck! You're a horrible liar. "hmmm... I see, i see... I'm not going to lie, it is a pretty bad sin... But you can receive forgiveness, just don't do it again and pray asking God for forgiveness, He will listen to your plead, I'm sure"
"But father... i-i..." You shut your eyes down, trying to breath but you couldn't, the guilty was too much, some tears started to roll down by your face. "Father... the... priest... is..is..." You decide to tell it, if you didn't the guilty would eat you alive. "You! You're the one in my thoughts! My worst ones"
Way was impressed, the confessional was suddenly silent but after some seconds, that felt like years, he smirked a little "Oh sweet boy... What a bad, naughty boy... you've been getting all aroused because of me?" You blink three times in shock, you really hope you aren't dreaming...
"F-father... what are you saying-?" You're more nervous than before, happy that Way's teasing you but shy at the same time. "Oh... You know very well what I'm saying" He stepped off of the confessional cabin, getting closer and closer to you, the gap between you and he is very little. He started to kiss you jaw getting closer to your ear "Want this? Couldn't lie... I've been a little interested in you too... But you're probably happy with it, aren't you? Don't lie" You could only nod. "Great" without you noticing he was already with his hands all over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"I'll fuck your sins out of you, 'kay? So you get satisfied and won't do it ever again... You so shy today... Where's my brave boy?" You couldn't hold it anymore, you pull him into a kiss, a deep and lustful kiss. You guys separate it after some time, in the need to breath. "There he is! There he fucking is..." He started to kiss and suck in your neck, whispering praises to you "Such a sweet boy, so pretty, so handsome... You're very handsome, aren't you?"
You could only whine and moan while he attached your neck, but you wouldn't let it go this easily. You pushed him, making him enter the confessional cabin, once he entered it, you didn't thought twice before sitting on his lap, now your time to suck and kiss his neck, licking and holding tight on his shoulders. "Oh my God boy... You gonna kill me this way.... Argh!" Way tried to hold his moans, too proud to let them out. You grind against his lap, making friction against his bulge, the bulge you only noticed now that he sat down. You kissed him deep once again, harmoniously wrapping his tongue with yours, it was a messy and sloppy kiss, but one full of desire.
"Aaaa...Mmm.. okay boy! 'kay! Got it dude... you're in control, Kay? Kay?" You smirk, happy that he finally admitted it. "We need to be quickly, soon we'll have a mass..." You got in your knees, already pulling out his cassock. Once you removed it, you already started to kiss and tease his bulge, once you remove his cock from the boxers, you look at him, with a naughty smile, his cheeks all flushed and his breath hot.
You kiss and lick the tip of his cock, taking the opportunity to massage his balls, his cock throbbing crazily and his moans echoing around. "Yeah! T-that's my dude... A good cock sucker... Mmm... My little cock sucker, thank you... Argh! Thank you.... C-can i suck your dick too?" You stopped your sucking, glaring at him, nodding as quick as you processed the information.
Way put you on his place, crawling between your legs, unbuttoning your jeans and pushing your boxers down. The groan he left out was nothing but pure carnally desire. "What a pretty dick... What a pretty hot hole... I love it" He started licking delicately over your t-dick, kissing and sucking making you melt in pleasure. "Can i finger you? D-do you like it?" You nodded, Way inserted two fingers into your hole, not focused in being quick but in touching your sweet spots. He felt you clench hard around his fingers, he giggled silently, going back into sucking your t-dick. "Good... You're going to cum for me, huh? Gonna cum for me handsome?..." You finally reached your climax, moaning high and shameless, for a second being grateful that the church was empty today.
Your legs were a little shaking, so he put you on his lap a little, stroking your hair. "Forget that shit about being quick...my handsome...so good for me... You were incredible..." He kissed your cheek and kept stroking your hair. After some minutes you both decided to take the next step, he stroked himself a little, rubbing against your entrance. "Shh... Shh... I'll take care of you handsome, i promise" He pushed it into you slowly and delicately, like he was touching a piece of glass. His firsts thrusts were deep and slow, letting you adjust to him and afraid of hurting you. "You too tight... Oh God..." He started bucking his hips into yours, his thrusts getting faster and faster, you bucking your hips down on his too, increasing the deepness and the friction, you both left out a cracked moan. "F-Father... Oh my gosh... You're so good... So hot..."
You guys muffled each other's moans with kisses. "I love you Way! I love you..." you bucked your hips particularly harder this time. "Thanks handsome... i love you! I-i love you too....!" You're reaching your climax along with him. "Aaaa! D-dude... Gonna c-cum on my cock sweet boy? I think you really sh-should!" You clenched hard around his cock, finally cumming. He didn't lasted that long after you finished, he bucked his hips one last time before cumming inside you. He kissed your lips with a soft sigh. "You're incredible... I'm happy to have you... So pretty and hot.." you giggled a little, resting your head on his shoulder. "Forgiven" you both crack in a laugh, he stroked your hair a little more. "I'll help you to get dressed, the mass will start very, very soon... When it finishes, I'll bring you home and we'll cuddle together, okay?" You only nodded, pecking his lips while he helped you to put your boxers on again. You left the confessional cabin, taking a seat waiting for the mass to start. Smiling silly everytime you locked your eyes into his, now you're deep in sin, but really happy.
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Man sometimes I just think about how Haruka's newfound confidence had very, very little to do with his forgiven verdict.
MILGRAM Portal Timeline (2020/12/15, Kotoko's Birthday) Haruka: Um, Koto-Kotoko-san. I h-heard that it’s your birth, day…… Kotoko: Ah, that’s right. ……what about it? Haruka: !! A-ah, no, um, it’s, uh, nothing…… S-sorry for, bothering… L-later……! Kotoko: ......what was that about??
MILGRAM Portal Timeline (2021/4/19, Fuuta's Birthday) Haruka: U-uh, um, Futa-kun! Um! Um!! Fuuta: Huh? Shut up already… Didn’t I already say not to make a big fuss about my birthday. I’m not some kid who gets excited by stuff like that anymore! Haruka: ……?? Ah, er, i-is it your birthday……? Th-that, ah, um, h-happy birthday…… Fuuta: ………… You will tell nobody about this conversation.
Both of these conversations take place after Haruka's verdict was set-in-stone in September, and in both of them (mainly Kotoko's) he still shows an immense amount of nervousness and low self-confidence. You could say that he slightly improves in the Fuuta conversation, but Haruka has always liked him because he gives him attention, so I think it could be chalked up to him just feeling more comfortable around Fuuta
(x) Haruka: The ones who often talk to me are Yuno and Mahiru and, uh, Mikoto. Haruka: Also Fuuta. He's a little scary, but he pays attention to me. I sometimes speak to Muu as well.
However, things really start to take a turn for Haruka when...
MILGRAM Portal Timeline (2021/06/22, Haruka's Birthday) Muu: Haruka-kun, are you awake……? Happy birthday. Haruka: M-Mu-san? I… I-I’m awake…… Th-thank you, very much. I’m… glad…… Muu: ………… Shall we talk? You know, recently I’ve been pretty interested in you. Haruka: ……!! I-in me…? Hehe, hehehe…… interested, in me.
This timeline conversation marks the true beginning of Haruka and Muu's friendship to me. Even though they had talked before this point, this is where their relationship began to form, and also when Haruka really started to change.
MILGRAM Portal Timeline (2021/09/02, Yuno's Birthday) Haruka: Y-Yuno-san. Good morning! T-today’s your birthday, right……? Ha-happy birthday……!! Yuno: Oooh…… Thanks? You’ve definitely changed a bit huh, Haruka. You speak a little louder now, and actually look people in the eyes when you talk. Haruka: Eh, ah, i-is that so…… I wasn’t, aware of it myself, but…… Heh, hehe. Is that so. Yuno: Ding ding! My sensor is telling me…… this is probably a girl’s influence. Well, everyone here is slowly changing, I guess. Even me.
Haruka's change doesn't come from being told he's forgiven, it comes from being shown, for the first time in so long, what it's like to be loved and cared for by someone. And this love that Muu shows him is what makes him continue to improve himself, to the point where in his most recent interacts with the prisoners, he is not stuttering at all and speaking with much more conviction.
MILGRAM Portal Timeline (2023/12/15, Kotoko's birthday) Haruka: …Please be quiet about this. And you, please don't get involved. All I can do is ask this of you… Kotoko: Fufufu, fufufufufu. You're thinking some outrageous things. To be frank, it's abnormal. But I don't dislike it. If only all sinners were like you. Haruka: No… That's not it… I don't mean it that way… This isn't for me… it's to protect… so, Kotoko-san… please… Kotoko: Eh? Yes, yes. Well, I promise not to interfere with your plans. Even though I'd like to do it myself, I'll leave it to you. What happens after that… depends on Es, doesn't it?
Comparing this to the first timeline I shared in this post, it's so clear to me that Haruka's confidence was not motivated by the verdict, at least not as much, but was instead motivated by the love that Muu showed him. And I think that's very important for two reasons 1) It highlights how truly unhelpful the Milgram prison system is even towards the ones it chooses to forgive, because Milgram as an institution disavows rehabilitation 2) Even though this system continues to fail in helping these prisoners with what they really need, which is a chance to improve, that chance can still be offered by the ones they grow close to as exemplified by Haruka here (and though not the point of this post, Fuuta and Amane are also a good example of this). And that is so damn important to me
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
honestly wrt the queer poll sometimes i do feel like the reason scum villain gets the "dirty trashfire" treatment is because binghe is so agressively bisexual and that's disgusting to the ~our pure sexless yaoi hualian~ crowds who want their ships to be one The Man Gender and one The Uke Gender and for nobody to need enemas
Hmmm interesting ideas 🤔 even though biphobia is pretty bad in fandom still though I don't really think that plays a super huge role considering I don't think that many people actually know Binghe is canonically bisexual weirdly enough (obviously if you headcanon him otherwise it's fine but I do personally think it says something that Shen Qingqiu, famous for such hits as "he must be asexual since he hasn't married any women at age 20" does directly say he's bisexual).
I'm thinking the purity culture plays a big role though, even if people don't think about it that way. As in, I don't think everyone saying it's a dirty trash fire is saying it because they hate gay sex (though that is a substantial crowd of opinion) but because instead because it's a comedic commentary on sex, over sexualization in media, and objectively poor-quality literature/erotica. Because it jokes so much about objectification and fetishization through narrators who somewhat embody those traits, people that think that has no place in media in general automatically discount it as a bad representation, and because it's a comedy, people don't feel the need to look under the hood and read deeply for the actual meta commentary. I also mentioned this briefly before, but in terms of when SV gets friendly fire from other danmei fandoms, I think the comedy sometimes goes over a lot of western readers' heads even if they're somewhat familiar with how translated Chinese text reads. Like they can forgive somewhat awkward phrasing in the face of the grand, sweeping narratives of mdzs and tgcf and whatnot, but in the more character-focused sv, it becomes more difficult to parse and more likely to come off as "bad" because translated text can come off as weird sounding to native speakers just by nature! This isn't really anyone's fault, but since sv is much more clear and frank with its language and literary devices (though still pretty sophisticated imo, just not to the point of being a great epic or whatnot), this becomes more inexcusable to people.
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engie-ivy · 9 months
(Part Two of There's Bound To Be Talk Tomorrow! Happy New Year! 3rd of January isn't too bad for a New Year's fic, right?)
1378 words
Read Part One here
Sirius doesn't need anyone to save him, but when a charming man wants to steal him away, he isn't going to say no.
How Lucky That You Dropped In
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Frank Loesser
“Lady Lestrange says her son might be willing to consider you again,” Walburga Black hisses in Sirius’ ear. “If you show enough regret and humility.” Before Sirius can open his mouth to reply, her fingers dig painfully into his arm. “I do not have to tell you how lucky we are that he's even willing to speak to you again, after that stunt you pulled at the Christmas benefit gala. I explained to the Lestranges that you were suddenly indisposed, and did not want to ruin anyone's evening, and therefore requested a server to escort you out.” Her nails press into his skin. “Stick to that story, and we may be able to salvage this mess of your creation.”
Sirius had already refused to pay Rabastan Lestrange a visit to grovel at his feet for forgiveness for leaving without word at the Christmas benefit gala, and beg him for another chance by attending this New Year's Eve party together. As Sirius had feared, his mother had then turned to Regulus, and told him he had to attend with Rabastan, for their family's sake.
But Regulus had surprised everyone by refusing. “You- You always say that- that honour is the most important thing for a Black,” Regulus had stammered. “And I've promised Evan I'd attend with him. I can't- can't go back on my word! That'll make me… dishonorable. Right?”
Walburga had placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes, and then she had started scolding him, calling him selfish. Regulus had shrunk in on himself, and just when it looked like he was about to give in, Orion Black, who hardly ever involves himself with his children, had spoken up. “The boy is right.”
And that had been the end of it.
Sirius jerks his arm loose from his mother's grip. “I already told you, mother,” he says pointedly. “He was awful, he made me feel awful, and I had an awful time with him. In no way do I wish for him to ‘consider me again’.”
Now he doesn't have to worry about Regulus being placed by Rabastan’s side in his stead anymore, Sirius does not allow there to be any confusion regarding his feelings towards the man.
“You insolent little…”
While her mother is still hissing insults under her breath, Sirius simply walks off into the crowd. At least his mother can't cause a scene in a place as public as this.
Sirius wanders through the crowd aimlessly, trying to ignore lingering gazes and avoid people trying to stop him for a conversation.
“You disappeared on me,” a voice behind him suddenly says.
“Rabastan,” Sirius says, as he turns around.
“People said some waiter was bothering you, and that you left with him,” Rabastan continues. “But surely even you can't be that desperate for attention that you would sink so low.”
Sirius forces himself to smile. “I felt miserable at that event, while you seemed to be enjoying yourself a great deal. The waiter suggested stepping outside, and I agreed, so you could stay and enjoy your night.” There. Technically the truth, without implying any ill intentions towards Rabastan.
“I know what you're doing, Black,” Rabastan says, taking a step forward. “You're playing hard to get, hoping that by letting me think I can't have you, I'm only going to want you more.” He grins in a way that makes Sirius’ skin crawl. “Well, let me tell you,” Rabastan suddenly takes another step forward, crowding Sirius’ space, placing one hand on his waist and leaning down, whispering so close that his lips almost brush Sirius’ ear. “You're absolutely right.”
Sirius freezes, completely taken off guard. Just when he jerks his head back, he hears a voice behind him.
“Mister Black? There's a phone call for you at the front desk.”
Gratefully, Sirius turns towards the receptionist from the high-class hotel the party is being held at.
“If you could follow me please?” The young blond woman requests in a measured, polite tone.
Sirius nods and rushes after her, eager to get away from Rabastan.
“So, where do I-?” Sirius begins as he approaches the front desk, but then he hears a voice behind him.
“Hi there, don't you look fetching.”
Sirius whirls around. “Remus!” He exclaims, his face lighting up. “What are you doing here?”
Remus grins at him. “I'm here to steal you away.”
“Oh?” Sirius asks, raising an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
“Yup,” Remus replies, jumping from the table he had been sitting on. “Not to sound arrogant– I mean, if you want to listen to arrogant men, staying at this party actually seems like the best option– but I think I can give you a better time than you can have here.”
“Well,” Sirius says. “Only one way to find out, I suppose.” He holds out his hand. “Lead the way.”
Sirius’ stomach does a flip at the bright smile Remus directs at him. Remus takes his hand and starts dragging Sirius towards the door. “Thanks a million, Marls!” He calls over his shoulder. “I owe you big time!”
“Don't you worry, Lupin,” the receptionist replies, sounding a lot less professional than before. “I'll figure out a way for you to make it up to me. And you were right, by the way,” she adds, leaning with her elbows on her desk and resting her chin on her hand. “He is very dreamy.”
“What is that?”
“It's not the newest model,” Remus admits. “And it's a bit rusty here and there, but I promise you that it does the job. It'll work perfectly fine as our getaway-”
“Bicycle,” Sirius finishes dryly.
“And what's wrong with a bicycle?” Remus asks airily. “It's dependable, a lot more inconspicuous than a motorcycle if you want to sneak away, and a lot less polluting.”
“I thought you loved my motorcycle!” Sirius gasps.
Remus looks at Sirius from over his shoulder as he unlocks his bike. “I love the sight of you on your motorcycle,” he smirks.
“I'll take it,” Sirius laughs.
While a bicycle might be inconspicuous, Sirius and Remus are anything but. After three failed attempts of Remus cycling in a slow pace so Sirius can jump on the back to sit on the carrier, both of them are laughing so hard hotel guests are peering out the windows to see what that's all about.
Eventually they succeed, and when Sirius has his arms wrapped around Remus from behind, tighter than strictly necessary, and his cheek rests against Remus’ back, he realizes bicycles really aren't so bad.
“You're going to murder me, aren't you?” Sirius complains. “This is how I die. This is what I get for going off with strange men.”
Remus just chuckles as he leads Sirius up the narrow, wooden stairs of the old, dingy flat he brought Sirius to. When they finally reach a rusty door at the top of the final flight of stairs, Remus unlocks it with a key he fishes from his pocket and pushes the squeaky door open.
“Wow,” Sirius whispers.
There's a small space where the rooftop is flat, and from which you can overlook all of London. The space is covered by a blanket, and on the blanket are a cheap bottle of champagne and two glasses, plus a box of leftover Christmas cookies.
“You like it?” Remus asks softly, taking Sirius’ hand.
“Like it?” Sirius beams at Remus as he turns towards him. “Remus, I love it!”
From their spot, they have a perfect view over all the fireworks lighting up the sky above London. While the fireworks must be quite a beautiful sight, Sirius can't imagine it can compare to the look in Remus’ eyes before he kisses him at midnight.
Their lips meet while fireworks explode above their heads, unnoticed. When they break apart, they rest their foreheads together and gaze into each other's eyes with similar smiles on their faces.
“You know,” Sirius whispers, taking Remus’ hand and tangling their fingers together. “If you keep stealing me away like this, at some point I'm not going to want to return.”
Remus smiles. “You know,” he says, while reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind Sirius’ ear. “At some point I'm not going to want to let you go.”
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The thing about S1 Jamie that I think is interesting is I think on rewatch there is some insight as to why Jamie went so hard on the bullying of Sam. (Not gonna be defending Jamie's treatment of Sam just looking into maybe why). Because out of all of the things Jamie did is season one. The one that seems hardest to understand or really forgive is his treatment of Sam. The first time around, you couldn't understand it. Sam is legitimately the kindest man in existence. (I know as a stroyteller it was the easiest way to really get us to dislike Jamie and really make us more understanding of Roy's treatment of Jamie which to be frank is not great and understand Ted's fruatrations with him) and Sam just keeps trying with Jamie.
But know I think it far to say thay S1 Jamie was jealous of Sam and his easy going, happy, postive nature. I dont think he was aware of it though.
Season 1 Jamie is so interesting because on paper, he had everything he thought he wanted. But I dint think he was overally happy. But yeah it seemed to be all his way
1. He played for the team he grew up supporting and dreamed of playing for. I imagine his first time stepping on that fiels in that uniform would have been monumental. Sure, maybe he wasn't a starter, but he got some minutes and the unspken agreement that in a few years, he would be a star.
2. I imagine he was initially disappointed to be loaned out, but then he learns he is being loaned to Richmond. Yeah they suck, but he gets to play a full 90 minutes, is basically going to be the best player, kick most of thier goals and he gets to be team mates with Roy Kent (he dreamed of playing against him one day, with him is a dream come true, I really think pre show Jamie would have been so excited to play with Roy Kent and was so disappointed in how it turned out). Plus, it has the added advantage of getting him away from his dad. And once his done his loan, he can come back to Manchester. This is his chance to get away from it for a while and be the star
3. He meets and gets to date Keely Jones who his always had a crush on. Dhe is literally a dream girl for him
So he should be happy right. His got everything he wanted, but it's not going the way he expected because.....
1. Roy Kent hates him (in my mind Roy was standoffish from the start, heres come this whizkid who was everything he used to be and slowly losing. I think Jamie came in at 100% and immediatley put Roy on the back foot). Jamie tries with Roy but the more it doesnt work the more Jamie goes OK, if I cant make him like me I will show him I am better than him. Hence the beginning of that relationship.
2. Yeah his away from his dad and his killing it at Richmond, scoring their goals, winning them matches but it only seems to be winning over half the team (he can't see yet his attitude is what is stopping the other guys from liking him). And the team still isn't doing great even with him. Plus he may be away from his Dad but his relationship with his mum feels like it in a werid place which sucks cause she is his favourite person ever.
3. And Keeley seems to be where its going right but sometimes it feels like his a bit of a project for her. And I think he has heard people (like Roy) question why she is with him.
And let's face it, he is still likely hearing from his dad when he doesn't perform up to his standards.
And then heres Sam. Who (at this point in time) isn't playing well, isn't scoring goals, not massively contributing to thier wins and yet he seems so genuinely happy all the time and everyone loves him, Roy Kent seems to like him and is friendly with him, complimenting him (which he has never done to Jamie). Sam is so open and kind he has probably talked about his dad in the locker room, and his relationship with his family seems perfect and that must gnaw at Jamie because all he ever wanted is to make his dad proud and his pretty sure he will never achieve it because the man is a d***k who is impossoble to please, yet Jamie never stops trying and things are werid with his mum which he hates. But all he hears when its brought up from Sam is how great his family is.
Then along comes the new gaffer who Jamie can't even understand why he is coaching, but he also seems to love Sam and wants him to be the decoy so Sam can kick the goal. Even though Jamie knows if he kicks it, it will go in.
Now we all know the reason Sam is liked is because he is an amazing, kind hearted, dedicated person, but I think S1 Jamie is so jealous and does not even know it.
Because S1 Jamie is still living with the notion that being the best in the most important thing ( thank you James Tartt Sr) so to Jamie he is out here busting his ass at training to be the best, scoring all the goals yet Sam seems to be the one who is living what he thought his dream time at Richmond was going to be. And I know I mention it but I think it is a big thing for Jamie, the harder he tries the more Roy seems to despise him, and take enjoyment in his embarrassment.
And S1 Jamie in all maturity handles his jealously by trying to make Sam feel as bad as he is feeling. Which Jamie, baby. That's kindergarten mentality. And poor Sam actually thinks Jamie is a great player and would love to learn from him in the beginning and isnt having a great time either.
But yeah. I dont think Jamie ever disliked Sam. I think he was insanly jealous of him all the time and didn't know how to handle that or even admit it himself.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Apologies for my rambles.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
If Chloe was the villain of Life Is Strange
I remember games like Silent Hill, Portal and Bully where your friend or trusted figure turns out to be the villain and I can't help but wonder what Life Is Strange would look like if Chloe Price was the villain. So this is an au I put together about said scenario.
My way of doing this is to turn Chloe into a possessive Yandere that uses their nostalgic friendship to use Max to do what she wants. Max's journey from the beginning of the game is to build the confidence that she does get throughout the game we know and love, only this time she acknowledges the friendship with Chloe is toxic and can walk away. We'd also see characters like Kate, Warren, and Joyce telling Max that there is something off about Chloe.
But to change it so Chloe is the actual killer, Chloe finds Rachel’s crumbled up letter and acts irrationally, broken hearted and this leads her in killing Rachel in a jealous rage. Chloe later finds out Rachel was involved with Nathan, Frank and Jefferson and pledges to kill them all. Then one day, Max comes back and tells Chloe about the storm and her powers. Chloe is gonna get her revenge and she’ll have Max to herself(in a very yandere way)
She’ll first kill Frank because he threatens Max, when we go to interrogate Frank as we do in canon. Chloe antagonizes Frank to the point where Frank pulls a knife on Max and then Chloe shoots Frank. Then get back at Nathan for trying to daterape her, as Max goes to the party, Chloe goes back to the dorm and when Nathan is in his dorm room, Chloe doses Nathan and then gives Nathan an overdose of pills.
Since Jefferson isn't the killer, at worse he's just a pervert who preys on teenage girls. They found the dark room where he develops his pervy pictures. Nothing more, nothing less. He uses the everyday hero contest as a means to collect new subjects and had plans for Max. Chloe found the perfect scapegoat and the perfect excuse to kill the man Rachel wrote about.
As they are getting to find Jefferson. Chloe suddenly vanishes and leaves Max to Jefferson’s mercy as Max acts like the bait, and then bam, Chloe shoots him from behind and Max faints due to seeing someone die in front of her. While Max is still out, Chloe takes her to the dark room.
Max is relieved to see Chloe, but sees that she’s tied up. Chloe explains everything. She saw an opportunity to get back at everyone who has turned her life into shit. Rachel for cheating on her and the men she cheated on her with and Max’s doomsday gave Chloe an out on all the debt, the abuse from David and how Joyce ruined their lives. Chloe and Max can start fresh without Arcadia Bay. "I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted Arcadia to turn to glass, and you gave me the perfect way to bring my dream to reality" Max is horrified with everything she’s hearing, asks what about her friends and Chloe uncaringly says “I just can’t let anyone but me be in your life, sorry Max but they’re going down with the storm, no tea dates or going ape for you, shakah brah. Funny thing, when I saw how you lived a life at Blackwell without contacting me, I just couldn't take it. I persuaded your precious Kate to go to that Vortex party, I just couldn't believe she would go viral….if only you let her jump. And Warren, I wanted him dead since that phone call about "Going Ape", but the storm will take care of that, you are mine Max” and Max calls her a monster and throws back all the gaslighting and abuse she’s thrown her way and all Chloe can say is “you’ll forgive me after the storm is over, don’t worry, no matter what you’re mine Max,” Then Max has had enough. and has a very Todd like callout. "Chloe, just stop. You are all the things that's wrong with you. You chose to be bitter, insecure and jealous about Rachel. It isn't William's death, or the abuse, David or Joyce, the drugs or the debt. It's you. You chose to be this way. You chose to manipulate me with our past and abuse me if you didn't get your way. You chose to kill Rachel and you became a monster and I'd rather die than continue being your friend. I should've done this when you blew up at me about taking Kate's phone call, but I am done with you, fuck you Chloe."
Chloe did not like that one bit. She angrily takes out her gun and prepares to kill Max.
She's stopped when David arrives.
Chloe knew he’d be there and hides and when David opens the door, Chloe blows his head off. Max has a choice.
Stay in this very abusive relationship and hope she can make her better after the storm glasses Arcadia Bay or rewind and help David stop Chloe.
Max tells Chloe everything she wants to hear. That she's sorry that she didn't contact Chloe all those years, that she's right about everything and that she needs Chloe and as much as she needs Max. Chloe puts the gun down and hugs Max, but tells her "don't you dare think of standing up to me like that again, but it's okay. We're going to leave this ugliness all behind and start all over, it will be just like when we were kids, but better. I'll be better Max, I promise" They drive off to the Lighthouse just to watch the destruction of Arcadia Bay.
Chloe looks on the destruction with satisfaction and wonder, while Max looks horrified. Chloe kisses Max in the chaos of the storm. "Now you're all mine Max"
They drive off. Max looking uncertain with a tinge of fear in her eyes while Chloe has so much in store for their new lives.
David subdues or kills Chloe and Max goes to the diner.
Max tells Warren everything. He believes her and he's proud he stood up to Chloe and survived that awful relationship. Max kisses him for being the real person who stood by her side and she's sorry she didn't see it sooner.
Max doesn't know what she should do about the storm and Warren advises Max to use the picture they took, and have the two of them make it to the lighthouse while David arrests Chloe.
But during the nightmare, it isn't Max who's trying to convince Max her choices were bad, it's Chloe.
She berates Max and tells her what a bad friend she was to her. Gaslights her and uses their memories as a means to manipulate her(yeah the memory lane bit is not a happy thing, it's nostalgia meant to control Max) but outcomes Kate and Warren to bring Max out of this cycle of abuse and for the last time, Max rejects Chloe.
So Max goes back in time and instead of just letting Nathan kill Chloe, she warns Nathan not to go into the girls bathroom and leaves the evidence for David about Rachel's death and David is the one waiting for her in the girl's bathroom to apprehend Chloe. Max also leaves a trail of bread crumbs leading to the arrests of Nathan, Jefferson and Frank.
Max is sad of what Chloe became, but she's free and she's moved on with her life and it ends with a montage of Max having a teadate with Kate and Going Ape with Warren
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buddierecs · 4 months
Title: let’s here it for the boy
Author: hattalove
word count: 56k
rating: teen and up audiences
“I'm gay.”
He's looking at his feet, because he hasn't quite come to terms with the fact that he's saying this in a room where other people, strangers, can hear it.
But this is still the first time he's said it this way: out loud, in a declarative sentence. Being nervous is fine. Frank said that being nervous is fine, and Buck just said he's proud, and the only thought Eddie has in his head is that it's embarrassing he can't raise his head and say it like a man, so clearly, he's going to need to hang on to other people's words for the time being, someone who isn't his dad trying to explain the ways Eddie's allowed to inhabit the world.
He doesn't need to ask anyone's permission to be who he is. That's also a thing Frank said.
in which eddie attends a self-empowerment group for gbtq men to supplement his therapy, and is empowered to: forgive himself, say "i'm gay" to his own reflection in the mirror, accidentally adopt an adult, make fried rice, and tell his straight best friend that he's in love with him. not necessarily in that order.
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lemotmo · 4 months
911 episode 7x09
Okay, I watched it.
I'm in pain. I can't stop sobbing.
What the F!?
THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!! The drama!!!!
All right, so let's see. Here are my thoughts in no particular order:
Bobby. Do not kill Bobby, I swear! If they kill him I will riot.
Athena asking Amir to talk to Bobby was such a bad idea. For all that this woman knows how to read body language, she should also understand that Amir lost everything because of Bobby. You can't ask a man who lost so much to talk to the man who caused it. He may be forgiving, but there's a limit to what a person can take.
Did Amir set the fire? I wonder. They made it seem like that, for sure. But I'm not sure if he really caused it. I hope not.
Also, that sequence with the song and Bobby going around, talking to everyone? Sobbing mess I tell you. But Bobby, giving Eddie a Bible? What are you thinking? The man is already a vat of Catholic guilt as it is. He doesn't need the Bible. He needs therapy. Give him Frank's telephone number. I think he has lost it.
Henren and Mara. Man, that Ortiz woman is brutal. But once again, just like with Amir, she is acting out of pain. We, as the audience, know that you can't just ruin the life of a young girl like that. But this woman lost her son and she's obviously filled with pain and anger and it's all pointed at Hen. What she is doing is wrong, but from her point of view it is the right thing to do.
Poor Mara though. And Denny hitting that guy. I'm just... no. Get that girl back to them Tim! I swear!
Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie... my love, what are you doing? This is soooo weird. At least he hasn't kissed her. That's something.
Buck meeting Kim was perfect. Once again Eddie and Buck's storylines collide. I loved their talk in the kitchen. That kitchen has seen some interesting Buddie stuff. I like how Buck expressed his concern and how Eddie admits that he is worried about his own sanity as well. He knows that what he is doing is wrong, but he doesn't know how to stop it.
I love how Buck talking to him and Kim showing up at the fire station, moved Eddie into gear to talk to Kim and tell her the truth. I'm so happy that he told her, because I was afraid she would find out in some other way and that would have been so much worse.
But what on Earth is Kim doing? I'm sorry, but that is some level of batshit insane. She is dressing and acting like Shannon to help Eddie release his emotions? That is so wrong and so weird. I would be out of there forever if I was in that situation. For a minute I thought he was dreaming and then they started talking. I'm glad it doesn't seem to be anything romantic or sexual though. It was literally a conversation to 'help' him move on.
Well, at least Eddie got to say what he needed to say to 'Shannon'. If this level of batshit insanity is what he needs to push the refresh button, then sure... why not?
And then of course Marisol and Chris walk in on them. The plot only thickens.
Poor Chris. This isn't going to end well. Hasn't that boy been through enough? He might just end up living with Eddie's parents for the Summer after all. Not in a 'We're taking that boy away from you' type of way. But more a 'The man needs some time to sort out his shit' type of way.
Marisol is bones, because no way she'll stick around. I don't know what Kim was doing, but she obviously has to go too. This isn't a way to live for Eddie. He needs to move on from Shannon.
Captain Gerrard being there? Oh, they are definitely going to make him the new Captain of the 118 in the finale. I can smell it. The firefam will be seperated for sure. Scattered accross different houses. Chim might be the only one left behind at the 118, having to deal with Gerrard again.
That's why Eddie will feel isolated. He'll be alone, no Chris, no firefam, no Buck to lean on because they'll have different shifts and hours. So they'll see less of each other.
As for Buck and Tommy? I'm not sure what to say here. They were kind of a non-issue in this episode. I think it's clear at this point that Tommy is a narrative foil and not some kind of great love for Buck. He is just there when he needs to be in Buck's storyline. Bobby telling Buck that Tommy is good for him harkens back to Abby as well, how he told him to step into it with Abby. Look how that ended. Not just that, it's the way it was just a throw-away line. He was trying to say goodbye and make amends, leave them all in a good place. And from what Bobby has seen so far, Tommy seems to be a good guy. It wasn't even as deep as the Abby talk and Buck didn't really care one way or the other.
Buck basically started the season in the locker room telling Eddie he had broken up with Nathalia and was single again. Now he's in the locker room in the penultimate episode and he's in a relationship again. Waaay too soon once again. He rolled into another relationship without having to make too much of an effort. Another person he met on a call, a firefighter sure, but they still met on a call. That hamster wheel keeps on turning. When will it end?
RIP to the Buck in the locker room sunset scene though. We had some great Buddie speculations for that, but alas it was just a capture that Tim liked because it looked artsy. So he posted it.
Buck and Eddie were in each other's orbit so much during this episode. They showed them cooking together, playing pool together, the kitchen scene... Eddie needs to work through a lot of shit and Buck is navigating his new relationship, but ultimately? I'm sorry, but they all but hung up a great big neon-sign that said: 'ALL OF THIS IS SOME DAY LEADING TO BUDDIE. BE PATIENT!'
Also, Lou said he isn't even in 7x10 right? If that is true... yeah, they aren't going to last long. How funny would it be if they gave BT the Bucktalia break up during hiatus?
Conclusion: What a great episode. I loved it all. They made weird choices this season though. The Shannon look-a-like is telenovella kinds of drama. But I'll take it in stride if it means it will help Eddie to move on. Bobby? Oh Bobby... I hope this scare with his own mortality will make him realise how much he needs to live for himself and his family. Henren just can't catch a break, can they? Give that child to them please! Do it next week too! I cannot wait months to see how this ends. I need that child to be happy with the Wilsons. The only people thriving right now are Madney. Good for them.
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Hi! I really enjoyed the first kiss scenarios! Can you make one with Pinhead as well? <3
You absolutely can. I'm going to add a few others. I've only seen the first Hellraiser, so I hope I've gotten it right.
First kisses.
Pinhead, Plague, Legion (Joey)
Your relationship with his is an odd one.
He doesn't show many emotions.
And the emotions he does show are more sadistic and aimed at survivors.
To you? He's a very quiet, reserved, but intelligent man.
His way of showing affection is usually a little pat on the head or his arm over your shoulder.
To show you the other way he shows affection...
Elliott care about you too much to harm you in any way.
Despite his cold demeanor, he really does love you.
If you feel neglected, he'll be able to tell.
He's a very smart person.
"S/o. Come here."
In his usual monotone voice.
Once you obey, he'll lean down and place a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Despite all the pins, he somehow never pokes you.
He'll even give you a smile.
"Forgive me, I never meant to cause you anguish by neglecting you."
He'll then kiss you on the lips.
And he's a really good kisser.
But he enjoys teasing you a bit.
It leaves you wanting more.
"Come along. I'd like you to accompany me with some work."
He's saying he wants to spend more time with you.
And give you more kisses.
Do not.
She loves you.
But she doesn't want you to kiss her.
You will get so sick.
You hear how she sounds everyday.
Trust her, you don't want to feel like that.
Adris would love to give you a kiss.
She really really would!
But just the idea of making you ill haunts her.
Also, she might just get sick on you.
Usually, she gets sick without warning.
There is no predicting it either.
Maybe you could kiss her cheek or something?
Regardless, you have to be the one to make the first move.
Make sure she's feeling well that day.
She has her good days, and her not so good days.
And it's very easy to tell when it's a bad day.
Don't make it a surprise kiss either.
She isn't a fan of things that will startle her.
She might get sick on that.
Instead, start by taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on it.
Then wait for her response.
If it's positive, work your way up until you place one on her cheek.
She won't let you kiss her in the mouth for your safety.
But she will build up enough courage to give you a kiss on the cheek.
Legion (Joey)
He wants to be the one to give you the first kiss.
But he doesn't want to force you.
He has to find the perfect time and place.
And, with the help of Susie and Julie, he'll get just that.
Joey isn't really the romantic type.
His idea of a perfect date is a cheesy horror movie, junk food, and weed.
Not happening under the girls' watch.
So they'll give you a decent spot to have your first kiss.
Make it semi-romantic.
At least as much as you can get it in the realm.
While the girls are setting things up, Frank is walking Joey through all the steps to make the first kiss memorable and perfect.
"Dude, Frank. Chill, I got this."
Joey does not got this and he is not chill.
He's actually freaking out!
He'll try to take a hit before the date, but the others won't let him.
Not even a small one.
You arrive at a room decorated with flowers.
"U-Uh... Hey babe."
Sweating bullets.
He's so terrified he can't even move.
The others are whispering to get him moving.
"Fuck it."
He'll throw off his mask and give you the most tender loving passionate kiss you could ever hope for.
The others are pissed he didn't follow the plan.
But he doesn't care.
And neither should you.
That had to have been the best kiss ever.
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anna-hawk · 10 months
After all those difficult choices in the last few days, here is a little reward. You'll find a selection of characters and how you've spent your time with them. All options are SFW. Have fun!
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As always, the results are under the cut.
🌑 The Mute… It's a hot day, and the Mute leads you to a little creek where you can bathe together in peace. You wrap your arms around him as you swim, comb through his hair and beard, and kiss him slowly.
🌒 Sam… He takes you out on a long trail through the forest and surprises you with a small picnic in a clearing. You spend the afternoon just lying on the blanket, talking, watching the sky and kissing lazily.
🌓 Shane… He takes you to a diner for lunch, then on a walk around the neighborhood before he has to leave for his shift. The weather has gotten chilly all of a sudden, and you haven't thought to bring a jacket. Shane shrugs out of his and wraps it over your shoulders without you having to say anything. He assures you that he isn't cold and refuses to take it back, although you see him shiver. You can only smile fondly to yourself at your stubborn boyfriend, and pull on your joined hands so you can get back to his car and the heater inside it faster.
🌔 Brax… He's late for your date, and doesn't answer his phone or texts. You return home, both angry and sad, only to find Brax sitting in your armchair with a tulip in hand. By now, you know that the flower symbols a request for forgiveness. You have half a heart to ask him to leave, but although he's repeatedly late, he always shows up, even when he knows that you'll be angry. You sigh, take the flower and put it into a small vase. When he walks up behind you to kiss your neck, you don't push him away.
🌕 Frank… He shows up with take away boxes at your door, knowing that you've had a long day and just need to chill out with your favorite food. And your favorite man. After dinner, Frank lies down behind you on the couch and reads to you out loud.
🌖 Ethan… He's promised to take you out on a hike, except that he can't stop himself from wanting to teach you all about the mountains and how to avoid dangerous situations. While you appreciate the information, you feel like you aren't on a date, but more like in one of his lessons he does for kids. It's only when you shut him up with a long kiss that Ethan quiets and finally takes your hand with a soft, sheepish smile.
🌗 Julian… He drives you through town in his gorgeous car, but instead of bringing you to a high-end restaurant, he takes you to his favorite snack on the beach, where you sit on the sand as you eat and laugh. Who needs extravagant food when you can have this instead?
🌘 Swaino… He takes you out on a ride, making sure to bring a helmet just for you even if he refuses to wear one so he doesn't ruin his pretty hair. When you're back at your place, you make yourselves comfortable on your couch and spend the afternoon watching silly shows.
🌙 BJ… He takes you to a nice restaurant, where you spend two hours talking and laughing non-stop. When he takes you back to his place, his mother, who'd been taking care of Trey, leaves with a wink in your direction. BJ leads you to the living room, where you sit on the couch and make out without any hurry. Trey comes barreling down the steps after waking up, making you jump apart. The boy hugs you tightly and ends up falling asleep between you and his dad as you watch an old movie.
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urm0o0m · 3 months
"Forgive Me Father"
[AN: no gif because none of them match the story... fyi, I'm not catholic so if something isn't correct about some parts, please let me know!]
[No cw. Read at your own risk because this took me a year to write...]
You groan as you have begun to feel uncomfortable in the suit that your mother has picked out for you for Sunday mass. “Hush now” Your mother says as you both enter the church, dipping your right hand in water and doing the cross sign before taking a bow at the altar and walking to your seats. The priest greets everyone at service and you greet him back. You lock eyes as he says his name. “My name is Father Miguel. I see we have some new faces here. Now let us welcome the choir” Everyone rises but you stay seated and your mother shoots you a look and you stand. Once the choir is finished singing everyone sits back down. 
Father Miguel does the cross symbol and everyone reciprocates it before opening prayers begin. You find your eyes lingering on Father for too long and when he catches your eye your face grows hot and you look away quickly. Father Miguel greets the congregation again saying  “The Lord be with you.” He then introduces the Gospel reading while marking a small cross on his forehead, lips and heart with his thumb while praying silently that God cleans his mind and his heart so that his lips may worthily proclaim the Gospel. The congregation performs this ritual action along with the priest. 
Father Miguel begins preaching and you find yourself intensively listening. Not to obtain the word but because you find his voice soothing (and dare you say attractive). They collect offerings and call everyone up for communion. Father prays over the bread and wine before everyone lines up and kneels before him one at a time. It’s your turn and you kneel before him. “The body of Christ” Father Miguel says, placing the cracker between your lips, thumb brushing against your bottom lip before handing you a cup of wine. “The blood of Christ” You swallow the wine and he intensively watches as your Adam's apple bobs up and down as you swallow. 
Over the next 4 weeks you began to come to Sunday mass more often and your Mother was confused but never objected. One day after mass your mother invites a couple people back to the house for dinner and Father Miguel agrees to come over. You smile when you hear this and you rush home to shower and help your mother cook. Out of nowhere in the shower you thought about the first encounter with Father Miguel. You find yourself becoming aroused at the thought of his touch lingering on your chest. Then moving down to your abdomen. Then your hips. Lastly, moving painstakingly slow to your crotch area. 
Your hand wraps around your cock, imagining it was his hand. You tease yourself, lightly brushing your thumb against the tip of your erection. You let out a shaky breath, imagining him behind you, whispering filthy things in your ear as he strokes you. As you begin to get impatient you begin stroking yourself, increasingly going faster, mind running wild with different scenarios. All including Father Miguel. As your orgasm approaches you find yourself breathing heavily, leaning against the wall for support as your orgasm begins washing over you. You have to bite your lip to stay as quiet as possible. You let out a soft shaky moan as you cum, shooting your seed onto the wall.
As you calm down from your high, your legs begin to shake. You slump down onto the bathroom floor, the water trickling down your body and the wall, washing away the mess on both the wall and you. You begin cursing yourself for thinking about such ungodly things being done onto you by a holy man.“y/n?! Hurry up, I need you to vacuum!” Your mother yells at you from the kitchen downstairs. You quickly wash up, scrubbing yourself clean of my impurities along with the mess you made on the wall. You get dressed, pulling on some gray sweatpants and a fitted wife beater to show off your body while not acting like a total slut. You put your socks on before walking downstairs to help your mother prepare for the guests. 
You put your headphones on as you clean, listening to the song “Ick” when your part comes on you sing it when you look up to see Father Miguel standing here, face flushed. Your face grows hot when you realize he heard you singing the song. “I-I’m so sorry Father” You stammer out and he chuckles. “Please. Call me Miguel” You look down and he places his pointer finger under your chin, pulling your face up to meet his eyes. His words shot a chill down your spine, his voice sounded different. ”Ahh, but wouldn’t that be wrong…of me?” You ask nervously, almost melting at a simple touch of his finger.
“I don’t mind,” He says, voice sounding way different than it normally does during Sunday mass. “y/n?! Have you finished vacuuming?” Your mother asks. You swallow. “Y-yes Ma’am!”  “Come make Father a plate of food!” You remove your headphones, putting them away before leading Father Miguel to the kitchen. You ask him if he’s hungry and he shakes his head. “Maybe a little later” You nod, putting the plate away and telling your mother that you're going out for a drive. She nods, shooing you away as she talks to one of her friends from the church. You put your shoes on before Miguel stops you. “Do you mind if I join you?”
Your face grows hot and you shrug.”Great” He says, slipping his shoes back on, following you. You get into the driver's side of the car, waiting for Miguel to get in and he does. The two of you drive around and you find yourself stealing glances at the priest. Your mind then wanders to earlier that evening in the shower and you blush before pulling over. “Father? I have a confession to make” Miguel looks at you surprised. “You do realize that-” You cut him off. “Please. Just…” Miguel quiets down and you take that as an opportunity to speak, looking straight ahead and you do the same. “I’ve… I’ve been having lustful thoughts…About someone of the same sex. And the thoughts are recurring. What do I do to make them stop?”
“Come see me tomorrow at the church and we can go from there. Alright?” You nod and your phone rings, you answer and your mother tells you to return so you can eat and you quickly turn around, driving back home. 
The next day you find yourself walking into the church where Miguel is seemingly waiting for you. “Come with me to my office so we can further discuss how to help” You trail behind him, heart pounding in your chest. He opens the door, stepping into the side to allow you to enter. He quickly follows behind you before saying “Now who exactly are these thoughts about?” Your face grows hot and you look down at your hands, fidgeting. Migeul notices and places his hand on your chin, pulling your head up. “Don’t be shy. You can tell me” You let out a shaky breath. “Y-you” Miguel tilted his head to the side. 
“What was that? I didn’t hear you” Your face grows hotter than before “Y-you!” Miguel clears his throat, hand dropping to his side. “W-what exactly have you been thinking about?” Your head drops low again and he snaps, bringing your head back up. “U-um. You pleasing me and vice versa” “Sit on the desk” You obediently sit on the desk and he sits next to you. “How do you want to go about this?” You swallow. “I want nothing more than to fulfill this fantasy but-” “Then come on” You furrow your eyebrows together. “W-what are you-” “Come on. Undress” You swallow. “B-but-” Miguel removes his Roman collar.
“Hurry” He does a little prayer “Forgive me Father” He says as he does the holy trinity. He opens his eyes and he sees you are fully dressed. “Do you not want to fulfill these fantasies of yours?” You stay quiet and he swallows. “If you do not want to, I will not force you to. But it is wrong of me to admit that I’ve been having the same thoughts about you” Your eyes grow wide. “But what will the church think about-” Miguel pulls you in for a kiss and he says “I’m not worried about the church right now. If you really don’t want to, I won’t make you. I want to make that clear right now” Your head drops low. “I want to feel your lips around my-” “I can’t do that with your pants still on. And it’s clear your cock wants to be pleased so hurry”
You quickly discard your pants along with your boxers, revealing your erection. “So you really do want this to happen?” You nod and he sits you back on the desk, spreading your legs and getting on his knees. Miguel lets his hand wrap around your cock, squeezing the base lightly. This causes a slight moan to slip from your lips. He smiles before sticking out his tongue, dragging his tongue from the top of his hand, all the way up your shaft and taking the head into his mouth. He tastes your pre-cum which causes a small groan from him. “Fuck you taste so good. I almost forgot what this tastes like” Your hips buck up and he smiles.
“So eager to be pleased” Miguel then completely takes you into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks. You straighten your posture, sucking in a deep breath before a shaky exhale. “F-fuck thank you Father” Miguel smiles before saying “You’re welcome my child” His head continues bobbing up and down, lustful nosies bouncing off the supposed holy walls of room, spit slipping from Father’s mouth as he picks up his pace, watching your face contort in pleasure. Your hand makes its way to Miguel’s head, pulling his brown and gray streaks of hair, helping him please you. You’ve never felt this good before.
You’ve masturbated in the past but this was nothing compared to that. You groan softly, head falling back as your legs shake. “F-father!~ I’m gonna c-cum” This makes Miguel quicken his pace, looking up at you. You buck your hips up, holding his head as close to your crotch as possible, making him gag. You have to bite your bottom lip in order to keep quiet as you shoot your load down his throat. You whimper softly as you ride your orgasm out. Father Miguel pulls himself off of your cock, immediately pulling you into a kiss. “God you taste so good” With heavy breath you say “F-father I want you to fuck me” 
He swallows before saying “Are you sure? W-we don’t have to just me doing-” You pull him in for a second kiss before saying “I want you to fuck me. Please Father?” Miguel begins undoing his pants when you stop him, doing it for him which makes him even more turned on.  “Over the desk. Now” You scramble up, bending yourself over his desk, slightly wiggling your ass. Father raises his hand, a harsh smack to your ass causing your back to arch. “You should be ashamed. Having such sinful thoughts about a disciple of Christ” He says, another smack to your bottom. You groan as the pain makes your cock twitch.
Miguel notices this and chuckles before pulling your head up and spitting in your mouth, watching some of the spit miss your mouth and roll down your cheek and neck. “Fuck y/n” Miguel says, his tip poking at your ass. He spits in his hands, stroking himself before deciding that ultimately that wasn’t enough lube. He grabs some ‘holy oil’ from his drawer and pours some on your hole before adding some to his hand and stroking himself again. “May God have mercy on you” “F-father I have another confession” Miguel pauses. “Yes, my child?” You swallow. “I-I’m a virgin” He tilts his head to the side.
This causes him to break character. “Y-you want me to be your first?” You nod and he blushes before saying “I’ll start off gentle. No promises it’ll stay that way but if it becomes too much please promise me that you’ll tell me” You smile. “I promise” He smiles. “Okay” He slowly slips the first half of his cock inside of you and you whimper. “I know, baby. Just a little more and I’ll be finished with entering you” Tears slip from your eyes. This man, stretching your tight virgin hole and he’s not even full inside of you. He decided to just fully bottom out inside of you and you yell out, causing him to cover your mouth as the church’s weekly prayer session has begun and people are praying.
Your tears soak his hand and this worries him. “Do you want me to stop?” You shake your head before taking two of his fingers in your mouth. He smirks as he softly begins snapping his hips back and forth trying to be gentle with you but you push back against him. “Fuck your so tight Mi amor” Miguel growls, the spanish nickname running shivers dow your spine. Miguel pauses, before pulling out of you. You whine before saying “Father?” Miguel picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He presses your back against the shared wall of his office and the pulpit where some of the church community are, praying while their priest fucks another member into the wall.
Miguel slowly slides himself into you, watching your eyes widen. You open your mouth to let out a moan and he pulls you in for a kiss, to silence your sounds. Miguel breaks the kiss momentarily before saying “You have to stay quiet right now. I love your sinful sounds so much but you need to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” You nod and say “Y-yeah. I can do that for you Father” Miguel smirks before fully pushing himself inside of you. “Good boy” His hot breath against your neck sends a shiver down your spine while his cock sends a wave of pleasure through your body. Your nails dig into his shoulders, trying to keep yourself from making too much noise as he fucks into you. 
Miguel groans against your neck as he feels you tightening around him. “You keep clenching around me like that and I’ll cum” “I want it inside. I want you to cum inside of me” You say, breathless as yuo feel another orgasm building up. But it feels different than any orgasm. Miguel groans,picking up his pace, fucking into you so relentlessly that the decently sized cross that hung on the wall began knocking against the wall. Your eyes water and you whisper “F-father ‘m gonna cum again” You say, as the tip of his cock began hitting your sweet spot and making you see stars. “I’m not gonna fill you up unitl you cum for me again. Do you understand?”
You nod your head, not being able to form a comprehensible sentence but wanting to cum again. You whimper, rocking your hips and trying to get Miguel to move faster. “Cum for me y/n” Miguel says and the coil in your stomacth began to loosen, Migel pulls you in for a kiss and you oudly moan into the kiss, hoping the walls were thick enough as to muffle the moans a bit more than Miguel’s lips had. Miguel groans, his cock twitching inside of you as he fills your hole to the brim with his cum. The two of you lean against the wall, Breathing hard and fast. Miguel begins to pull out of you, carefully as to keep the mess to a minimum.
“Here. Get dressed and I’ll bring you my house to rest as soon as the prayer session is over.” You nod, pulling your clothes back on and Father Miguel sits you in his chair, pulling his sweater the hung on  coat rack over you. “Get some rest my Dear” He says and that was the last thing you heard as you drifted off to sleep”
Word count: 2,715
Start date: September 19, 2023 10:45 AM
End date: July 9, 2024 8:44 AM
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adidegmez · 3 months
spn s7 spoilers
s7 ep1(meet the new boss)
the cas we know is gone. dean,sam and bobby are accepting cas is god so easily. i thought they wouldn't call him god that easy. i love death. but really, dean gave up on cas so quickly. cas is back. and he is gone, again. he'll be back.
s7 ep2(hello, cruel world)
lucifer… i love winchester's relationship. i loved bobby's house now, everything is gone. bobby isn't gone he cant be.
s7 ep3(the girl next door)
i love sam. how could dean do that? why did he do that? is he real dean? i cant believe this.
s7 ep4(defending your life)
good guys always feel guilty. even if its not their fault. even if they know its not their fault. i was mad about dean killing amy. but then i thought about it. i thought they didnt kill lenore but then i remembered she didnt kill anyone when they let go of her. amy and lenore are not the same. and in the end dean was right imo. because amy killed for her kid and if her son gets sick she would kill again.
s7 ep5(shut up, dr. phil)
I thought the Amy topic was closed. I was wrong. we'll see later how it ends, i guess.
s7 ep6(slash fiction)
dean always deserves good things in his life, so does sam. finally sam learned about amy. he'll forgive dean, probably.
s7 ep7(the mentalists)
sammy ad dean back together again. i love them.
s7 ep8(season seven, time for a wedding!)
ep name is weird. this should be fun. i love the temp. idk but i kinda like crowley when he is not messing with the boys.
s7 ep9(how to win friends and influence monsters)
i dotcare thati dont care. ilove that scene. bobby cant die like that.
s7 ep10(death's door)
he can't die. it was nice to see rufus. i knew bobby would die. i saw spoilers before but i didnt think he would die this season. he cant die. he left the winchesters. goodbye bobby. winchesters are alone, again. i want to think bobby will return but i dont think he will.
s7 ep11(adventures in babysitting)
i like krissy. i love dean with kid. he is so sweet.
s7 ep12(time after time after time)
dean knows his brother so well.
s7 ep13(the slice girls)
emma is dean's child? Sam and Dean shouldn't have split up. emma and amy werent the same. amy killed, emma didnt. she was goin o kill dean i know but i just wanted to say there is difference. and i think there are 2 kinds of moster to dean: those who kill people and those who didn't kill people, yet. and dean thinks tho who didnt kill could be saved. and i think he is right.
s7 ep14(plucky pennywhistle's magical menagerie)
bad cop sam. he is funny. clowns were scary. supernatural gives me new fears. i miss cas when is he coming back?
s7 ep15(repo man)
jeffrey is a good guy. i liked him. lucifer is funny. and jeffrey is a psychopath.
s7 ep16(out with the old)
i liked frank but i really miss bobby. I don't understand how Dean finds time to watch so many movies. i knew frank would die. but know thinking about it i think he is not dead, yet. ıf he was dead there would be a body.
s7 ep17(the born-again identity)
i want to see cas and crowley. i miss them. did bobby refuse to go? and now he is going with winchesters everywhere and helping them? because that notebook cannot have fallen by itself. It hurts me that Cas was the one who did this to Sam. Sam has been through a lot. I hope he can get over this soon. cas!!! i wanna cry(well im crying little bit). cas is back? he is emanuel, what? he is cas. meg?! sam is still helping people. i love him. cas is back. he saved sam:) but now he is left behind, with meg! i hope dean knows where meg is and she wont do anything bad for winchesters and cas.
s7 ep18(party on, garth)
okay dean knows about meg. garth is funny. i missed impala. bobby is here!!! i want to see him more. but why couldn't he contact them? i hope we can learn it.
s7 ep19(of grave importance)
bobby finally talked. i love him. what he did was kinda wrong. but without him boys would be dead so many times. i hope things wont end bad for bobby but i doubt it. but i am glad to see him anyways.
s7 ep20(the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo)
i know new characters will come to spn and i am so excited to meet them. i saw them on the internet and i cant wait to see their relationship with the boys. and Charlie is one of them. and i am happy she came. i like her. bobby will do something bad isnt he? she is a nerd:) . well, is Charlie coming back?
s7 ep21(reading is fundamental)
hi cas(and meg). no way home😅(iloveyouguys). i really missed cas. he is even funnier now. he is happier. cas would do anything for the winchesters. i hate leviathans. i hope we'll see cas and meg again.
s7 ep22(there will be blood)
i wanted to see crowley. bobby is not truly gone, not now at least. this wont end good for bobby. there is 8 seasons left i am happy i get to spend so many time with my favorite characters.
s7 ep23(survival of the fittest)
goodbye bobby. baby is back!!! i knew dean wouldnt hurt baby like that. i'm glad dean forgive cas. i love their friendship. purgatory, seriously?! crowley does whatever he wants whenever he wants. and he got meg and the world. and sam is alone. Cas left Dean. of course, he'll get back(i'm 99% sure). i cant wait to see how they will survive this?
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
See, I just don't think that you can reasonably modernize Jane Eyre because it fundamentally Does Not Work in a post-Christian society. Jane Eyre is haunted by God much in the same way that Flannery O'Connor's South was.
Brocklehurst and Helen Burns need to be good ideological foils and it's hard to see that done well in a modern context without either making Brocklehurst a total cartoon or else taking the backbone out of Helen's faith. Probably both, realistically.
Jane's conviction in her faith needs to be extraordinary, but she and Rochester also need to be able to have frank conversations about redemption and sin and forgiveness without her feeling the need to out-and-out evangelize him. Rochester needs to be able to literally dare God to prevent him from marrying Jane and then God needs to answer. He needs to know that what he's doing is wrong and want to do it anyway. "Culturally Christian" means two entirely different things in today's world and in the Victorian Era.
St. John needs to be positioned as an externally admirable man, and that just doesn't work in a culture that isn't on board with missionaries. You could change up his occupation/why he wants Jane to marry and travel with him, I guess, but then you get a whole bunch of other issues.
And then finally, the ending doesn't make a lick of sense unless the audience is ready to buy into answered prayer, divine justice and mercy, and personal repentance. It just doesn't.
... actually I think I've just succeeded in convincing myself that in order to modernize Jane Eyre, you need to set it deep in the Bible Belt. That could work.
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dorothleah · 5 months
Y'all I am so passionate about this I got my COMPUTER in the middle of doing laundry to sign onto tumblr.com and share this deranged parallel in my mind ok ok SO KASTLE RIGHT? I'm obsessed, thanks a lot to my friend megan (ily megan). So I was in the shower and I was humming Ivy by Taylor Swift, as you do. And it hit me like a brick WALL that this is THEIR. SONG. absolutely 1000% and let me demonstrate (this will be a long post please forgive my ramblings I am SO excited) How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith-forgotten land In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand I'm gonna start with the fact that Hell's Kitchen is easily a faith forgotten land. This song is, in my head, from Karen Page's POV where canonically in the comics, she marries Matt, or in the Netflix universe, at least dates him. She meets Frank, his touch TARNISHED but SO GRAND. And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living Karen KNOWS what it's like to kill someone. To lose them. She, just like Frank, GRIEVE for the living. Oh, I can't My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
Okay this is what started it for me. Karen being this protective person who yearns to be understood and loved for who SHE IS. HER PAIN fitting in the palm of rough, calloused Frank Castle's hand, but her hand is promised to Matt. But she still goes to him, as she now cares so deeply for his wellbeing, that it causes his "ivy to grow" and cover her. I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed He's in the room Your opal eyes are all I wish to see He wants what's only yours
The second verse hits hard, with that fatal flaw of Frank's, his idea that he cannot be happy, in love. That isn't in the cards for him anymore. Like he's cursed. Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out? Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine This is where I stopped my laundry and just sat. What would he do if he found us out?? If Matthew Murdock found out Karen loved a man who kills others? We know Matt does not like the way Frank does things. The beauty of this secret deep rooted love is reminicent of spring, of renewal after loss for them both. LIVE AND DIE FOR MOMENTS THAT WE STOLE. ON BEGGED AND BORROWED TIME. That's it that's them. Because Frank will tell her to run, or just sit and watch her and Matt happily, because he believes he cannot give her what she deserves. Lastly: So yeah, it's a fire It's a violent blaze in the dark And you started it You started it So yeah, it's a war It's the fiercest fight of my life And you started it You started it Do I even have to say it? Frank is the absolute violent blaze. But I can see Frank saying SHE is the fiercest fight of his life and she started it, flipping the script. This part goes for them both. I am done. I apologize for my unhinged behavior, and I hope someone enjoyed this ridiculous ramble. <3
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