#frank hardy x nancy drew
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koolkitty9 · 1 year ago
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"I kind of like Frank..." "NANCY! Please be careful! I just wanted to tell you that I've always--!" --
I'm a sucker for Frank Hardy and Nancy Drew so take my interpretation of Nancy in 2005 during the Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
I drew this like last February and realized I forgot to share it here Then realized I drew Frank's vest wrong
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timeguardiansarchive · 2 years ago
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heartscfvalor · 1 year ago
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Okay one more
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synchronisedchaos · 1 year ago
after years and years and years i have finally found a copy of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Mysteries - Secrets of the Nile.
Now, this may not be a huge deal to many of you but to the 5 people in the Frank x Nancy fandom, this is the moment i have been waiting for my whole life.
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drewlyyours · 1 year ago
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Oh Lord, my little Francy heart ♥️♥️🥹
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buffyfan145 · 2 years ago
Finished season 3 of "The Hardy Boys"!!! :D Took some twists I didn't expect and happy with how it ended. Will miss this show and The CW's "Nancy Drew" too which only has a few episodes left. However, I am looking forward to whatever adaptations of these comes next and I do agree with a lot of fans and book fans that it does need to drop the supernatural and go back to being about normal mysteries even though I loved these shows and how they did it. I know it'll probably be aimed at towards kids again like the books, but I'm hoping since the first 3 "Hardy Boys" book are in the public domain with the rest coming yearly from now on, and the first 3 "Nancy Drew" books doing the same in 2026 that we'll get even more. My hope is either an adult mystery novel series or TV show with Nancy, Frank, and Joe as 30-something adults and a case draws them all back together after they've been estranged for a while and there's tension between Nancy and Frank as they're exes but he's engaged to Callie, and tensions between the brothers as Joe kept his crush on Nancy a secret since there were teenagers but it's back and Frank finds out, and Nancy's actually getting feelings for Joe too and them all having to work together again, and there might be a serial killer in one of the books/seasons too and someone almost dies leading to confessions. LOL :D
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timeguardians · 1 year ago
"Did they lock you in here?" (Nancy)
The freezer is PERILOUSLY FRIGID. A fact that seems hopelessly entombed in Nancy Drew's bones even as she shiveringly crouches beside an injured Frank Hardy. The cornered burly suspect had intended the blow for her, but that STUBBORN menace of a boy interceded on her behalf. It was FOOLISH. So damnably FOOLISH, that she intended to lecture him at LENGTH. That is, provided they SURVIVE this mess.
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"Come on, Frank. Stay with me." The Strawberry blonde mutters, draping her only coat over his quivering figure. Her stiffened fingers cradle his handsome face as she studies the steady rise and fall of his chest. He's still ALIVE!!! A surge of reassurance pushes through Nancy's veins. Settling with that realization, she returns once more to render a valid escape plan. Fenton would never forgive her if she was the cause of death for his eldest boy.
For over an hour, Nancy tries with a sense of desperation to unjam the fail-safe door. Their murder suspect must have blocked it. With battered and raw hands, she continues the ceaseless rapping on the door. "H--- He---HELP!!!" She rasps. Her usually pleasant voice crumbles, grating, much like the texture of an old town back road. "H-- help!" She persists though the chord of her voice is growing more fragile with every beckoning.
Thankfully, she reminds herself that she left a note for Sadie explaining that she and Frank were going to Le Bistro De Pari in order to confront Brugo Delefant (the murder suspect) in hopes of gaining a confession. Unfortunately, all of her plans went OFF the rails. Brugo happened to have there heavy weight bodyguards. Now, Frank was hurt, and she is being forced to play a dangerous waiting game.
Precious moments seem to tick by so gradually, its a question as to IF they're really passing at all. Her strength is rapidly waning. It is replaced with a NUMB almost a thousand fathoms deep. The only thing that snaps Drew from her RESIGNATION to an ugly FATE, is the COMFORTING sound of Sadie's VOICE.
Tired eyes flicker upwards. "Frank. He-- he ne-- needs help!!!" Nan stiffly mutters. His health and safety taking prescident over answering Sadie's inquiry. Then she swallows down harshly. "Brugo Delefant did this---be--be--because - he's--- is-- g---u---guilty."
"O-- once I -- I thaw I want to help you n--n-nail him."
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moirasteapot · 9 months ago
an insiders view to me discovering francy in middle school
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i feel like this is relevant to a lot of ships
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kikintulips · 9 days ago
any good francy fics that are finished? i miss them :(
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The Hotel Intel
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Fandom: The Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Mysteries (TV)
Character(s): Frank Hardy x Nancy Drew
Rating: T (cw: blood)
Summary: “Do you really think this is the first threat that I’ve dealt with?” Nancy interrupted.
“And how many times have you almost gotten hurt or killed for your sleuthing?” Frank demanded.
Wordcount: 883 | ao3
Prompt: blood-stained tiles (from @febuwhump ’s Febuwhump 2024)
“Maybe you should stay in Joe’s and my room,” Frank suggested.
“There’s no need for that,” Nancy said. “I’ll be perfectly safe in my own room.”
They were in the hotel elevator headed up to their floor.
“But the note said–”
“Do you really think this is the first threat that I’ve dealt with?” Nancy interrupted.
“And how many times have you almost gotten hurt or killed for your sleuthing?” Frank demanded.
“I wish someone would kill me right about now,” Joe said.
“And you think I’d be safer with you?” Nancy asked, ignoring Joe. “From this dangerous murderer?”
“Yeah, obviously,” Frank said, also ignoring Joe. “Three is more than one, Nancy.”
Nancy rolled her eyes. “I’ve handled myself this far,” she said. “You guys are just paranoid. It’s a wonder you’ve solved a single case if a note like that gets you scared.”
“Don’t lump me in with him,” Joe protested. “I don’t want you in our room any more than you do.”
Frank glared at him.
“Then I’ll have to share a bed with you,” Joe said, raising his hands. “Blanket-hog.”
It was Frank’s turn to roll his eyes. “Please, Nancy. I won’t sleep a wink if you’re alone.”
“Then take a sleeping pill,” Nancy said as the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. “See you in the morning, boys,” she called, walking down the hall.
Frank and Joe stepped out as well, Joe turning to head in the other direction. Frank grabbed his arm before he got far.
“Frank,” Joe said. “You can’t argue her into agreeing with you. In fact, I think you arguing with her makes her agree with you even less.”
“We can’t just let her–”
“Nancy will do what she thinks is best,” Joe said. “C’mon, I thought you two had a ‘special connection’ and everything.”
Frank smacked his shoulder but started down the hallway. “Fine.”
Frank woke with a start. The clock read 1:27 am. Joe slept soundly in the other bed. He wasn’t sure what woke him, but whatever it was made him uneasy.
Nancy was probably right about his paranoia, but nevertheless, he got up. He pulled on a pair of pants and grabbed a flashlight. Quietly, he slipped out into the hallway and padded toward Nancy’s room on socked feet.
Immediately, he could tell something was wrong. Nancy’s room’s door was slightly open.
He rushed inside, the door slamming against the wall with a bang as he entered. Crouched by the bedside table was a figure that definitely was not Nancy. It was a burly man in blue overalls, who rose and turned quickly when he heard Frank.
A glance at the bed told him Nancy was not there.
“Where is she?” he demanded, brandishing the flashlight like a weapon.
The man’s eyes flicked to the bathroom and when Frank’s eyes followed, the man charged at him. He shoved Frank to the ground and took off out the door. Frank was on his feet in a moment, ready to run after him. But then he saw a flash of red in the bathroom.
He clenched a fist at the sound of the man thundering down the hallway. Then he rushed to the bathroom and flicked on the light.
The pure white bathroom tiles were splattered with blood – so vivid it looked fake.
But Nancy was very real.
Nancy, unconscious, hair matted with blood, lay sprawled against the side of the bathtub.
“Oh, god,” Frank breathed, stumbling to her side. The flashlight fell forgotten from his grasp, clattering and echoing in the small room. The blood soaked into the knees of his pants as he knelt beside her. He reached out and held her face, gently tapping her cheek.
“Nancy?” he said. “Nancy, wake up.”
When she didn’t so much as stir, he felt panic set in. Head wounds always bled a lot. He knew that. They always seemed worse than they were. His heart hammered in his chest.
“Oh god, oh god,” he muttered. He closed his eyes tightly. Get a handle on yourself, he ordered. He took a breath, opened his eyes, and hollered. “Joe!” As he called for his brother, he ripped towels from the shelves and packed Nancy’s head wound with them.
Joe appeared at the door in his shorts and a t-shirt. “Frank, what’s– Oh.” He was on his knees too in a moment.
“The guy– He was here, he ran, I– I couldn’t leave her,” Frank babbled.
“Did you call for an ambulance already?” Joe asked.
Frank shook his head.
“I’ll do that then,” Joe said and rushed out of the bathroom to the phone on the nightstand.
Alone again, Frank looked at Nancy’s face, which was still except for the slight movements in her breathing. He repositioned her so she leaned against him, propping the towels between his shoulder and her head. As he reached for her hands, he realized one of them was loosely clenched around something. He gently opened her fingers to find a cloth patch of some kind.
He smoothed it out and read the text: Mac’s Auto Repair. Bits of fabric were still stuck to it – torn and the same blue as the intruder’s overalls.
Frank almost laughed. “Damn it, Nancy,” he said. “Never let it be said you’re not determined.”
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THIS WEEK’S EPISODE OF NXTB (Next X-Treme Tumblr Blorbo)
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Previously, current NXTB Women's North American Champion Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew series) rebuffed a challenge from Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) for the title. While Franziska scrambles to earn herself a shot at the title, Nancy has been mainly sitting on the sidelines, enjoying her title reign.
During this episode of NXTB, Nancy is approached by her old acquaintances Frank and Joe Hardy aka The Hardy Boys. Frank says they’re facing off against the team of Count Olaf and Hook-Handed Man (A Series of Unfortunate Events) and would like Nancy to accompany them to the ring as their one-time manager.
Nancy says…
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thenonbinarydetective · 3 months ago
Ppl, especially girls have seen and used nancy drew as form of freedom and escapism....so even though she kinda has her own personality...ppl use her as a self insert wheel to ship themselves with frank and even nd/hb books do this too, teasing francy.
In hardy boys fandom ppl usually ship frank with their ocs and write joe as a joke, not surprised it extended to nancy drew too.
Yeah. Honestly I just wish more people were comfortable with self inserts lol
Like just make your X Reader fic, we know you want it cause that’s not Nancy or [insert OC here], that’s Y/N
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timeguardiansarchive · 2 years ago
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heartscfvalor · 1 year ago
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naancydrew · 6 months ago
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This clip from Dc universe totally screams Frank hardy x nancy drew. This is how they'd be if they were animated
ok slay yes if the guy had less muscles (i cant imagine frank being built) this is very much giving francy and i need to reread all my super mysteries where they make out asap
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stitchthesewords · 2 years ago
Tagged by @hitheeprithee 🥺💗
Three Ships: okay im gonna do my best to make this not just gay block men uhhh - Mumscarian, Chelldos, and uhhhhh dontpickagayblockmenshipuhhhhhhh Francy [Frank Hardy x Nancy Drew]
Last Song: Lelianna's Song from the Dragon Age Origins soundtrack!! Sometimes ya just need a fantasy vibe yaknow :)
Last Movie: is this where i reveal i barely watch media and its a miracle I got into HC. Uh. I think the last movie i watched mightve legitimately been The Mitchells vs the Machines when I wasnt feeling good like. Last Year. Cause it looked goofy [I was correct]
Currently Reading: okay so I have Humankind by Rutger Bregman, Delivered from Distraction by Edward Hallowell, and Mushrooms by David Norman Pegler checked out from the library atm. I also have a drawing book. But. Uh. Admittedly all I've actually been reading is fanfiction.
Currently Watching: I'm gonna count Limited Life and the Hermits because I. Really don't watch TV. This is not to be pretentious I swear my brain just does not like visual media like TV and movies orz
Currently Consuming: I just had cereal! Mmmm trix. Not just for kids, fuck you tv.
Currently Craving: Okay so there's a needlecrafting store in my city and I desperately wanna go buy the supplies so I can cross stitch a companion cube on plastic canvas for my desk. But I also said I was gonna take myself on a boba and froyo date today so. Maybe I'll do that.
No pressure to do this but :> I wanna tag the whole vault so im GONNA: @atherix, @sparksnevadas, @mochiwrites, @braxiatel, @chelblue, @team-clockers, @team-ties, @loombarrow
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