#franck herbert
entre-image-blog · 1 year
La Litanie contre la Peur, Franck Herbert, Dune "Je ne connaîtrai pas la peur, car la peur tue l'esprit. La peur est la petite mort qui conduit à l'oblitération totale. J'affronterai ma peur. Je lui permettrai de passer sur moi, à travers moi. Et lorsqu'elle sera passée, je tournerai mon œil intérieur sur son chemin. Et là où elle sera passée, il n'y aura plus rien. Rien que moi."
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physiqueetmental · 2 years
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 7 months
"I should have been French”: Rebecca Ferguson, the secrets of the heroine of Dune
MEETING - After taming Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible, the flamboyant Swede is starring in the second part of the adaptation of Dune, the famous book by Frank Herbert, by Denis Villeneuve.
A great director knows how to give depth to a secondary character in just a few shots; a great actress, she knows how to restore this substantial marrow by exploiting these moments - even the briefest - which are granted to her on the screen. A feat that Rebecca Ferguson accomplishes several times in the second part of Dune, piloted by Denis Villeneuve. A necessary know-how since she takes on by far the most complex and mysterious role in this cinematographic fresco adapted from the inexhaustible original work of Franck Herbert: Lady Jessica, a woman capable of controlling the actions of others through simple intonation of her voice, being able to decide the sex of the child she is carrying while being able to communicate with him.
However, she is surrounded by a cast that would make anyone's head spin (Timothée Chalamet, Christopher Walken, Léa Seydoux, Javier Bardem, Stellan Skarsgard, Josh Brolin, Charlotte Rampling...), but this 40-year-old Swede manages to make her memorable performance. Nothing suprising. Ferguson went to a good school. The best, perhaps, for learning to flourish without being stifled by such a team assembled in the middle of one of the biggest productions of the year.
In 2015, then unknown to the general public, she was cast alongside the biggest Hollywood star in one of the most famous franchises on the planet: Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible. A complete unknown, she must replace Jessica Chastain who refused the role of Ilsa Faust - a spy supposed to rival Ethan Hunt, played by Cruise, in muscle and charisma. Where the “James Bond Girls” left their mark in just one film, Ferguson established herself as the equal of her imposing partner in three episodes of Mission: Impossible and won the hearts of the public.
“It’s romantic, it’s sexy”
As we have understood, the Nordic woman is not afraid of taking on hot-blooded roles. “Please don't ask me how it feels to play powerful women,” she begs, taking off her heels before sitting down on the sofa at the Bristol in Paris, where we meet her. Teasingly, we ask her this question. She counters with a knowing and amused “Oh, fuck off”.
Then stops to order food. A green salad with the dressing on the side and “some protein, like fish or whatever.” Sad menu. Necessary, no doubt? She has to catch a train just after the promotion of Dune to join the filming of the second season of Silo, an excellent series produced and broadcast by Apple TV - but shunned by the audiences (like all the Apple brand's productions). And a bowl of fries,” adds the actress. Phew
So as not to completely forget powerful women, we ask her questions about the continuation of this career which is taking off like a rocket. “I would love to play in smaller, more intimate projects, where we have a little more say in the development of the story or the characters,” admits the actress. "The kind of project that many studios no longer want to support.”
Like those in which his costar from Dune, Thimothée Chalamet, debuted? “Yeah!”, replies the one who doesn’t speak French, but naturally places words from our language in the conversation. “I should have been French, anyway.” For the fries? “No, for the language, its movement, its sensation… there is an attitude. It’s romantic, it’s sexy.” It's never too late, Rebecca.
translated from french for @rebeccalouisaferguson
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ljj86196280-blog · 5 months
Adrian Bush_阿德里安·布什 Albert Gleizes_阿尔伯特·格莱兹 Albert Koetsier_阿尔伯特·科齐尔 Alberto Magnelli_阿尔贝托·马格内利 Alena Aenami_阿莱娜·埃纳米 Alex Brock_亚历克斯·布洛克 Alex Garant_亚历克斯·加兰特 Alex Hirsch_亚历克斯·赫希 Alexander Archipenko_亚历山大·阿奇彭科 Alexander Millar_亚历山大·米勒 Alexandre Chaudret_亚历山大·肖德雷 Alice Bailly_爱丽丝·贝利 Alice Rahon_艾丽丝·拉洪 Alphonse Osbert_阿尔方斯·奥斯伯特 Anato Finnstark_阿纳托·芬斯塔克 Andrei Sokolov_安德烈·索科洛夫 Andy Warhol_安迪·沃霍尔 Angelina Wrona_安吉丽娜·沃纳 Anish Kapoor_安尼什·卡普尔 Anka Zhuravleva_安卡·朱拉夫莱娃 Anna and Elena Balbusso_安娜和埃琳娜·巴尔布索 Annie Leibovitz_安妮莱博维茨 Antonio J. Manzanedo_安东尼奥·J·曼萨内多 Antonio Mancini_安东尼��·曼奇尼 aritst.txt_阿里斯特.txt Atelier Olschinsky_奥尔辛斯基工作室 Atey Ghailan_阿蒂·盖兰 Auguste Herbin_奥古斯特·赫宾 Auguste Rodin_奥古斯特·罗丹 Barbara Hepworth_芭芭拉·赫普沃斯 Bastien Lecouffe Deharme_巴斯蒂安·勒库夫·德阿姆 Bene Rohlmann_贝尼·罗尔曼 Benjamin West_本杰明·韦斯特 Berthe Morisot_贝尔特·莫里索 Bill Gekas_比尔·吉卡斯 Bill Jacklin_比尔·杰克林 Bill Sienkiewicz_比尔·显克维奇 Bob Dylan_鲍勃·迪伦 Botero_博特罗 Brent Cotton_布伦特棉花 Brent Heighton_布伦特·海顿 Carne Griffiths_卡恩·格里菲斯 Carolina Herrera_卡罗琳娜·海莱娜 Carson Grubaugh_卡森·格鲁博 Cedric Seaut_塞德里克·西奥特 Charles Addams_查尔斯·亚当斯 Charles Dwyer_查尔斯·德威尔 Charles White_查尔斯·怀特 Chesley Bonestell_切斯利·博内斯特尔 Chiho Aoshima_青岛千帆 Christian Lassen_克里斯蒂安·拉森 Clara Peeters_克拉拉·皮特斯 Coles Phillips_科尔斯菲利普斯 Conrad Roset_康拉德·罗塞特 Dale Chihuly_戴尔·奇胡利 Dana Schutz_达纳·舒茨 Daniela Uhlig_丹妮拉·���利格 Dao Le Trong_道乐仲 Dave Heath_戴夫·希思 David Bomberg_大卫·邦伯格 David Carson_大卫·卡森 Del Kathryn Barton_德尔·凯瑟琳·巴顿 Delphin Enjolras_德尔芬·安灼拉 Desmond Morris_德斯蒙德·莫里斯 Donato Giancola_多纳托·詹科拉 Edgar Degas_埃德加·德加 Edmund Tarbell_埃德蒙·塔贝尔 Edouard Manet_爱德华·马奈 Edwin Lord Weeks_埃德温·洛德·威克斯 El Lissitzky_艾尔·利西茨基 Eric Wallis_埃里克·沃利斯 Ernst Barlach_恩斯特·巴拉克 Felicien Rops_菲利西安·罗普斯 Fernand Khnopff_费尔南德·克诺普夫 Franck Tacito_弗兰克·塔西托 Franz Vohwinkel_弗朗茨·沃温克尔 Frenchy_法国风情 Frida Kahlo_弗里达·卡罗 Giacomo Balla_贾科莫·巴拉 Greg Olsen_格雷格·奥尔森 Gustav Klimt_古斯塔夫·克里姆特 Hayv Kahraman_海夫·卡赫拉曼 Henry Asencio_亨利·阿森西奥 Herbert Bayer_赫伯特拜尔 Hieronymus Bosch_希罗尼穆斯·博斯 Hikari Shimoda_下田光 Hilary Purnamasari_希拉里·普尔纳玛萨里 Hou China_侯 中国 Hsiao-Ron Cheng_郑晓蓉 Ikenaga Yasunari_池永康成 Ilya Kuvshinov_伊利亚·库夫希诺夫 Inna Mosina_因娜·莫西纳 Irene Sheri_艾琳·谢里 Jack Hughes_杰克·休斯 James Gilleard_詹姆斯·吉拉德 James Jean_詹姆斯·吉恩 Jamie Hawkesworth_杰米霍克斯沃斯 Jane Newland_简·纽兰 Jason Rhoades_贾森·罗德斯 Jay DeFeo_杰·德菲奥 Jean Fautrier_让·福特里耶 Jean Metzinger_让·梅辛格 Jean Nouvel_让·努维尔 Jean Pierre Targete_让·皮埃尔·塔雷特 Jean-Gabriel Domergue_让-加布里埃尔·多默格 Jean-Louis Forain_让-路易斯·福兰 Jean-Louis Prevost_让·路易·普雷沃斯特 Jean-Michel Basquiat_让-米歇尔·巴斯奎特 Jean-Paul Riopelle_让-保罗·里奥佩尔 Jeanie Tomanek_珍妮·托马内克 JeeYoung Lee_李智英 Jeff Kinney_杰夫·金尼 Jeff Wall_杰夫·沃尔 Jessica Drossin_杰西卡·德罗森 Jessica Rossier_杰西卡·罗西尔 Jessie Arms Botke_杰西·阿姆斯·博特克 Jessie Willcox Smith_杰西·威尔科克斯·史密斯 Jimmy Lawlor_吉米·劳勒 Joan Miró胡安·米罗 Joao Ruas若奥·鲁阿斯 Joe Bowler_乔·鲍勒 Joel Meyerowitz_乔尔·迈耶罗维茨 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe_约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德 John Anster Fitzgerald_约翰·安斯特·菲茨杰拉德 John Berkey_约翰·伯基 John Currin_约翰·科林 John Holcroft_约翰·霍尔克罗夫特 John Hoyland_约翰·霍伊兰 John Larriva_约翰·拉里瓦 John Perceval_约翰·珀西瓦尔 John Piper_约翰·派博 John Polgreen_约翰·波尔格林 John Singer Sargent_约翰·辛格·萨金特 John Wayne Gacy_约翰·韦恩·盖西 John White Alexander_约翰·怀特·亚历山大 Jon Foster_乔恩·福斯特 Jon Klassen_乔恩·克拉森 Joseba Elorza_何塞巴·埃洛扎 Joseph Beuys_约瑟夫·博伊斯 Joseph Ducreux_约瑟夫·杜克鲁 Joseph Farquharson_约瑟夫·法夸森 Joseph Karl Stieler_约瑟夫·卡尔·斯蒂勒 Joseph Lorusso_约瑟夫·洛鲁索 Josephine Wall_约瑟芬·沃尔 José Garnelo_何塞·加内洛 Jovana Rikalo_乔瓦娜·里卡洛 Jules Olitski_儒勒·奥利茨基 Jules Tavernier_儒勒·塔维尼尔 Juliana Nan_朱莉安娜·南 Julie Blackmon_朱莉·布莱克蒙 Julio Larraz_胡里奥·拉拉斯 Junko Mizuno_水野纯子 Junya Watanabe_渡边纯也 Justus Sustermans_贾斯特斯·苏斯特曼斯
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One genre of music that I enjoy very much, but, as of yet, haven’t discussed here is Classical Music. Since I did Top 20 song lists for Jazz, Soul, Country, Blues, Reggae, and Folk, I thought it would better serve the music if I offered a different take on Classical. So below is a Top 10 List of My All-Time Favorite Classical Albums, a short list of my 5 Favorite Composers, and another of my 5 Favorite Performers.
  1. The Copland Album – Leonard Bernstein with The NY Philharmonic
  2. Manhattan (Original Film Score) Composed by George Gershwin – Zubin Mehta with The NY Philharmonic, Gary Graffman, piano.
  3. Gregorian Chant – Scola Cantorum of Amsterdam Students with Wim van Gerven
  4. J.S. Bach Cello Suites, 1, 4 & 5 – Mstislav Rostropovich
  5. A State of Wonder: The Complete Goldberg Variations (1955 & 1981) – Glenn Gould
  6. Franck / Chopin – Gautier Capucon & Yuja Wang
  7. Stella Maris – Trio Mediaeval
  8. Gustav Holst: The Planets – Herbert Von Karajan with The Berlin Philharmonic
  9. Mussorgsky: Pictures at An Exhibition / Maurice Ravel: Bolero – Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra
10. Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 – Glenn Gould with Leonard Bernstein & The NY Philharmonic
   1. Johann Sebastian Bach
   2. Aaron Copland
   3. George Gershwin
   4. Sergei Rachmaninoff
   5. Johannes Brahms
    1. Yuja Wang, piano
    2. Glenn Gould, piano
    3. Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin
    4. Mstislav Rostropovich, cello
    5. Sviatoslav Richter, piano
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bibliobethblog · 2 years
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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday to you all. Today is another instalment in my #authornamestack inspired by the lovely Kelly @smeets_x and it’s all the Fran/Frances/Frank (or similar names) on my shelves. The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Rasputin - Frances Welch Born Of No Woman - Franck Bouysse The Smallest Man- Frances Quinn The Making Of A Marchioness - Frances Hodgson Burnett My Broken Vagina - Fran Bushe Dune - Frank Herbert I’ve read two of these books, the wonderful nonfiction My Broken Vagina and The Making Of A Marchioness which I read as a buddy read with the gorgeous Cath from @sandladysbooks Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Come chat to me in the comments and have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗😘 #bookstagramuk #scottishbookstagrammer #booksfordayssss #franzkafkametamorphosis #rasputin #franceswelch #bornofnowoman #franckbouysse #thesmallestman #francesquinn #themakingofamarchioness #franceshodgsonburnett #mybrokenvagina #franbushe #dune #frankherbert https://www.instagram.com/p/CqODjBgo7MV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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namedvesta · 4 months
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“𝐵𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟. 𝐵𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝐻𝑖𝑚. 𝑀𝑎𝑦 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑. 𝑀𝑎𝑦 𝐻𝑒 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒.”
— Franck Herbert
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the-list-tm · 8 months
Things I have or want to read or watch
To further improve my personal knowledge of literature and cinema
Featuring stuff in both French and English
Unread/Unseen ❌
Read/Seen ✅
Currently reading/watching 📖
Need to restart 🔄
French 🇫🇷
English 🇬🇧
Hamlet 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | ❌ Le songe d’une nuit d’été 🇫🇷 | ✅ Macbeth 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | 🔄 Romeo and Juliet 🇬🇧 | ❌ Le marchand de Venise 🇫🇷 | ❌ Much Ado About Nothing 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | ❌
Le malade imaginaire 🇫🇷 | ✅ Le médecin malgré lui 🇫🇷 | ❌ L’Avare 🇫🇷 | ❌ Les fourberies de Scapin 🇫🇷 | ❌ Dom Juan 🇫🇷 | ✅ Les femmes savantes 🇫🇷 | ❌
Antigone, Sophocles 🇫🇷 | ❌
Œdipe à Colone, Sophocles 🇫🇷 | ❌
Antigone, Anouilh 🇫🇷 | ❌
Knock, Jules Romains 🇫🇷 | ✅
L’illusion comique, Corneille 🇫🇷 | 📖
La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu, Jean Giraudoux 🇫🇷 | ❌
Amphitryon, Jean Giraudoux 🇫🇷 | ❌
L’Apollon de Bellac, Jean Giraudoux 🇫🇷 | ❌
La Marmite, Plaute 🇫🇷 | ❌
Les Nuées, Aristophane 🇫🇷 | ❌
Les Cavaliers, Aristophane 🇫🇷 | ❌
Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand 🇫🇷 | ❌
L’aiglon, Edmond Rostand 🇫🇷 | ❌
Médée, Euripides 🇫🇷 | ❌
Médée, Corneille 🇫🇷 | ❌
Les fausses confidences, Marivaux 🇫🇷 | ❌
Andromaque, Racine 🇫🇷 | ❌
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett 🇬🇧 | 📖
American Gods, Neil Gaiman 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Discworld books, Terry Pratchett 🇬🇧 | ❌
Dune, Franck Herbert 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | ❌
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen 🇬🇧🇫🇷 | 📖✅
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen 🇬🇧🇫🇷 | ❌
Les Trois Mousquetaires, Alexandre Dumas 🇫🇷 | ❌
Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë 🇬🇧🇫🇷 | ❌
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde 🇬🇧🇫🇷 | ❌
Dracula, Bram Stoker 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | ✅📖
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley 🇬🇧🇫🇷 | ❌
Le fleuve de l’éternité, Philip José Farmer 🇫🇷 | ❌
Les Misérables, Victor Hugo 🇫🇷 | ❌
Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo 🇫🇷 | ❌
Le dernier jour d’un condamné, Victor Hugo 🇫🇷 | ❌
the Percy Jackson books, Rick Riordan 🇫🇷 | ❌
Robinson Crusoé, David Defoe 🇫🇷 | ❌
A song of Ice and Fire and following, George R.R. Martin 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Harry Potter books 🇬🇧 | 📖
Memoirs by Lady Trent, Marie Brennan 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | 📖
Livres du Paris des Merveilles, Pierre Pevel 🇫🇷 | 📖
Gargantua, Rabelais 🇫🇷 | ❌
1984, George Orwell 🇬🇧 | ❌
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury 🇬🇧 | ❌
This is how you loose the time war, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone 🇬🇧 | ❌
The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | 🔄
Circe, Madeline Miller 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | 🔄
Call me by your name, André Aciman 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | 🔄
Le Roman de Renart 🇫🇷 | ❌
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson 🇫🇷🇬🇧 | ❌
Cemetery Boys, Aiden Thomas 🇬🇧 | ❌
Short Stories:
The Call of Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecraft 🇬🇧 | ❌
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft 🇬🇧 | ❌
The Art of War, Sun Tzu 🇫🇷 | ❌
Inferno, Dante 🇫🇷 | ❌
Titanic (1997) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Bohemian Raspody (2018) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Rocketman (2019) 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Twilight trilogy (2008) 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Blade Runner films (1982) 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Matrix films (1999) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Apocalypse Now (1979) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Psycho (1960) 🇬🇧 | ❌
The Lorax (2012) 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Bee Movie (2007) 🇬🇧 | ❌
the Shrek films (2001) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Princess Bride (1987) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Doctor Who (2005) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Doctor Who (1963) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Torchwood (2006) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Our Flag Means Death (2022) 🇬🇧 | 📖
What We Do In The Shadows (2019) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Friends (1994) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Hannibal (2013) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Merlin (2008) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Supernatural (2005) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Star Trek (most of them) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (2023) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Starmania (1979) 🇫🇷 | ❌
Legally Blonde (2007) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Epic, the musical (2021) 🇬🇧 | ❌
Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors 🇬🇧 | ❌
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Abandon de livre * Depuis mes débuts en lecture, j'ai abandonné très peu de livres. Je dois d'ailleurs être capable d'en citer quelques uns : Dune de Franck Herbert, Voyage au bout de la nuit de Céline, Pour qui sonne le glas d'Hemingway, Nana d'Emile Zola… Pourtant des classiques ! J'y reviendrais peut être. * Chose étrange, je me suis instauré une sorte de règle : si je passe la page 100, je termine le livre ! Cela doit certainement venir de mon adolescence où j'étais capable de lire 3 ou 4 romans en même temps, et une discipline devait me guider pour les terminer ! * Chose impossible aujourd'hui, une seule histoire à la fois est mon plaisir du soir. S'endormir en compagnie de personnages, à la lumière tamisée de la lampe de chevet, avec une bonne tasse de tisane (oui j'ai arrêté le thé le soir)… plaisir ultime! * La journée je lis des articles, des newsletter, des livres d'éducation et des essais féministes, parfois un peu d'actualité, mais je préfère les sujets de fond. J'ai découvert les podcast récemment, mais je n'ai pas assez d'une journée pour tout lire/écouter… * L'abandon donc ne fait pas vraiment partie de ma vie de lectrice, et pourtant cette semaine j'ai lâché un pavé… impossible d'aller plus loin, d'ennui et d'incompréhension… ça arrive, mais quelle déception… * Etes-vous dans l'équipe "je termine" ou "j'abandonne" ? * #roman #litterature #litteratureetrangere #spiritualite #amour #rencontre #livre #lecture #book #bookstagram #instabook (à Toulouse, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfU8Bnqdqs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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acreep-aweirdo · 2 years
It’s gonna be night soon, better make my diner, went to the gym earlier, I think I managed to get a hand of the machines. I didn’t push it because it’s been a while since I’ve done intense exercice but next time I have a clear idea of what I should do. Tonight’s diner is gonna be the rest of tomato lentils that I made yesterday ( a sort of vegan bolognese, very easy to make) with some whole rice it should be great! I feel down today so I’ll eat my fruit for dessert it’s a passion fruit ( I don’t know how to call that in english). It would be perfect with a nice episode of New Girl but unfortunately I can’t access my disney account here in Malaysia so I’ll either eat in silence or put on a podcast. The thing is I’m a bit tired of podcasts, I listen to podcasts about agriculture, debates about the news (with actual experts, not that joe rogan bullshit) or business and it’s interesting but also very hard to listen to. I’d like something a little bit more chill like Conan’s podcast but maybe something different for a change I don’t know. Yep listening to podcasts, that’s all I do everyday single fucking day. It makes me more intelligent, that’s a plus but it’s also so fucking boring. I read my book as well: Dune from Franck Herbert and it’s amazing, i read it for the second time and it deserves all the hype it got over the years but again it’s hard. Maybe I should’ve brought my lotr book, even though i already read it 3 times, it always puts me in a better mood. Anyway I really should start preparing diner now, hope you have a nice evening tumblr computer thing and see ya!
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athenenoctua9 · 3 years
Currently reading:
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wornoutspines · 3 years
An amazing trailer for what looks to be a great film. I can't wait to read #dune before watching this movie.
Book | instagram | Blog
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vladfromparis-blog · 5 years
It’s just incredible ! Read this : that’s him and nobody else !
Extracts of Dune by Franck HERBERT : Description of Paul Atreides :
-Is not he a bit small for his age, Jessica? ... / ... And the sweet voice of the mother of Paul's counter-viola answered: It is well known that among the Atreides, growth is late your Reverence! "They say it, they say it," whispered the old woman. Yet he is 15 already! ... / ... The old woman studied him, all in one look. He had the face of his mother, with a stronger frame. His hair was black, like those of the Duke his father. His eyebrows were those of his grandfather, the maternal side whose name could not be said. His nose was thin, full of disdain, and his green eyes had the direct look of the old Duke, his paternal grandfather who had died.
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jenni9b · 6 years
Update Lecture : Le pauvre mois de Mars
Update Lecture : Le pauvre mois de Mars
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Je vous retrouve enfin pour mon bilan de Mars. J’ai bien profité de mon week-end de Pâques, malheureusement, ça n’améliore pas le bilan de ce mois-ci. Et oui, comme le prouve mon manque d’activité sur le blog, je n’ai pas beaucoup lu.  La “faute” à trois éléments : en ce moment, je fais du sport, beaucoup de sport, les temps d’entraînement prennent donc sur les temps de lecture. Deuxième élément…
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domusinluna · 2 years
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Selection of still life ads I
1. CA-O-LA by Szilas Győző, c.1960.
2. Ovenall Baeder by Szilas Győző, 1958.
3. España by Guy Georget.
4. OMA margarine by Tage Werner, 1930. 
5. Mettler savon by Donald Brun, 1950.
6. Kaffee CO-OP by Donald Brun, 1943.
7. Savon Steinfels by Herbert Leupin, 1943.
8. Franck Aroma by Jules Glaser, 1947.
9. Bell by Herbert Leupin, 1939.
10. Bata by Eidenbenz Atelier.
Still life ads part I + Still life ads part II + Still life ads part III + Still life ads part IV
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elcitigre2021 · 2 years
Êxtase Musical um Dom da Cura para a Humanidade - 2
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A Lista de músicas abaixo, foi elaborada pelo grupo de estudos dos Mestres Ascensos da Summit Lighthouse de Minnesota EUA, baseada nos ensinamentos dos Mestres Ascensos.
Estas músicas ajudam muito na elevação das energias de cada um dos 7 chakras e de sua casa também. Quando tocamos a nota chave de um Mestre Ascenso, isto magnetiza a Sua Presença entre nós.
Albinoni: Adagio Aloha Oe Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 Beethoven: The Heavens Are Sounding Bizet: Intermezzo from Carmen Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 Dykes: Eternal Father Elgar: Nimrod Variation Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance March #1 Franck: Panis Angelicus Gounod: Solidier’s Chorus Grieg: Anitra’s Dance Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King Khachaturian: Adagio from Spartacus Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #15 Respighi: Saint Michael, Archangel Rimsky Korsakoff: Song of India Sibelius: Karelia Suite (Intermezzo) Smetana: Die Moldau Sousa: Semper Fidelis Wagner: Bridal Chorus Wagner: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla
Beethoven: Ode to Joy Bethoven: Symphony No. 6 (5th Movement) Beethoven: Victory Symphony Berlioz: La Marseillaise Finden: Kashmiri Song Foster: Beautiful Dreamer Franck: All Music Gliere: Dance of the Golden Fingers Grieg: Dawn Herbert: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life Nielsen: Helios Overture Pachelbel: Gigue Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Puccini: Un Bel Di Rimsky Korsakov: Invisible City of Kitezh Romberg: Golden Days Vaughn Williams: Greensleeves Vaughn Williams: The Lark Ascending Wagner: Evening Star
Bach: Air on a G String Borodin: Polvestian Dances Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 Frilm: Indian Love Call Homing: At Dawning Kreisler: Caprice Viennois Lehar: Yours Is My Heart Alone Mascagni: The Lord Now Victorious from Cavalleria Puccini: Intermezzo from Suor Angelica Puccini: Musette Waltz Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2 (3rd Movement) Saint Saens: The Swan Sibeluis: Finlandia Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 Wagner: Isolde’s Transfiguration
Adams: O Holy Night Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Beethoven: Leonore No. 3 Beethoven: Nine Symphonies Bethove: Symphony No. 9 (3rd Movement) Gounod: Angel’s Chorus Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor Liszt: Benediction of God in the Solititude Liszt: Christus Liszt: Faust Symphony (2nd Movement) Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3 Mahler: Symphony No. 5: Adagietto Mascagni: Intermezzo Rubinstein: Angelique Reve Schubert: Ave Maria Schubert: Symphony No. 9 Verdi: Anvil Chorus Verdi: Celeste Aida Verdi: Triumphal Scene Wagner: Fest March Wagner: Parsifal Prelude Act 1
Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata D’Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air Franck: Prelude, Choral and Fugue Glinka: Variations on a Theme by Mozart Handel: Messiah Overture Liszt: Un Sospiro Loewe: Heather on the Hill Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante Pachelbel: Canon Rachmaninoff: 2nd Piano Concerto Sullivan: Onward Christian Soldiers Wagner: Tannhauser Overture
Adams: The Holy City Anon: Londonderry Air Bach: Come Sweet Death Bach: Sleepers Awake Batiste: Pilgrim’s Song of Hope Bohm: Calm as the Night Boito: Prologue in Heaven from Mefistofele Brahms: Lullaby Byrd: Pavane for the Earle of Salisbury Deep River Delibes: Coppelia Suite Delius: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring Gluck: Dance of the Blessed Spirits Handel: Joy to the World Humperdink: Children’s Prayer Leoncavello: Mattinata Mahler: Symphony No. 2 McDowell: To a Wild Rose Mendlessohn: Spring Song Mozart: Laudate Dominum Novello: Rose of England Rachmaninoff: 18th Variation Rimsky Korsakov: Russian Easter Overture Romberg: One Alone Straus: My Hero from The Chocolate Soldier Tchaikovsky: Amen from Peter Noster Verdi: Laudi Alla Vergine Maria Vivaldi: "Spring" from Four Seasons Wagner: Parsifal
Bruckner: Syphony No. 7 Hovhaness: Mysterious Mountain J. Strauss Jr.: Tritsch: Tratsch Polka J. Strauss Jr.: Voices of Spring Mendelssohn: War March of the Priests Prokofiev: Classical Symphony R. Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier Watzes Respighi: St. Gregory the Great Rodrigo: Concierto Aranjuez (Adagio) Schumann: Symphony No. 4 Strauss Jr.: Blue Danube Strauss Jr.: Tales from Vienna Woods Strauss Sr.: Radetzky March Tchaikovsky: Trepak from Nutcracker Wagner: Magic Fire Music Wagner: Ride of the Valkries Músicas Frequenciais
Estas freqüências sonoras foram aparentemente utilizadas em cantos gregorianos antigos, tais como o grande hino de São João Batista (…)
Acreditava-se que esses cânticos e os seus tons especiais tinham o poder de transmitir bênçãos espirituais quando cantados em harmonia durante encontros religiosos. Estas poderosas freqüências foram redescobertas pelo Dr. Joseph Puleo, como descrito no livro "Healing Codes" para o "Biological Apocalypse" de Leonard Horowitz.
Os Seis "Solfeggio Frequencies" incluem:
UT 396 Hz - Libertando-se da Culpa e do Medo
RE 417 Hz - Desfazendo Complicações e Facilitando as Mudanças
MI 528 Hz - Transformação e Milagres (Reparador de DNA)
FA 639 Hz - Melhorando Relacionamentos
SOL 741 Hz - Despertando a Intuição
LA 852 Hz - Amor Incondicional/ Retornando ao Plano Espiritual / Reencontrando nosso EU SUPERIOR
As Músicas foram compostas por Jandy AKA
UT 396 Hz - Libertando-se da Culpa e do Medo
MI 528 Hz - Transformação e Milagres (Reparador de DNA) 528 HZ É A FREQÜÊNCIA : a) da glândula pineal (centro do cérebro) b) do chakra do coração (centro do corpo) c) da cor verde (centro do spectro luminoso) segundo observações laboratoriais, através desta frequência de SOM, tanto a ÁGUA como o DNA são "milagrosamente" REESTRUTURADOS / REGENERADOS. https://youtu.be/tZrBRQn6K0A
FA 639 Hz - Melhorando Relacionamentos https://youtu.be/hwrMn0_0Phs
SOL 741 Hz - Despertando a Intuição https://youtu.be/YHM8-mT6CBo
LA 852 Hz - Amor Incondicional/ Retornando ao Plano Espiritual / Reencontrando nosso EU SUPERIOR. https://youtu.be/SeMn69Alu8k
936Hz - PARA ATIVAR A GLÂNDULA PINEAL https://youtu.be/3h2mJnvRbZ8
Invocação à Luz
A Invocação à Luz auxilia você a "prender" o Campo Unificado em posição e aumenta a absorção da Luz.
Eu vivo na Luz. Eu amo na Luz. Eu rio na Luz. Eu Sou sustentado e nutrido pela Luz. Eu sirvo alegremente à Luz. Pois EU SOU a Luz. EU SOU a Luz. EU SOU a Luz.
Arcanjo Ariel
Mesmo quem não costuma escutar música clássica já ouviu, numerosas vezes, o primeiro movimento da "Quinta Sinfonia" de Ludwig van Beethoven. O "pam-pam-pam-pam" que abre uma das mais famosas composições da História, Descobriu-se agora, seria capaz de matar células tumorais - em testes de laboratório.
Uma pesquisa do Programa de Oncobiologia da UFRJ expôs uma cultura de células MCF-7, ligadas ao câncer de mama, à meia hora da obra. Um em cada cinco delas morreu, numa experiência que abre um nova frente contra a doença, por meio de timbres e frequências. A estratégia, que parece estranha à primeira vista, busca encontrar formas mais eficientes e menos tóxicas de combater o câncer: em vez de radioterapia, um dia seria possível pensar no uso de frequências sonoras.
O estudo inovou ao usar a musicoterapia fora do tratamento de distúrbios emocionais. - Esta terapia costuma ser adotada em doenças ligadas a problemas psicológicos, situações que envolvam um componente emocional. Mostramos que, além disso, a música produz um efeito direto sobre as células do nosso organismo - ressalta Márcia Capella, do Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, coordenadora do estudo.
Como as MCF-7 duplicam-se a cada 30 horas, Márcia esperou dois dias entre a sessão musical e o teste dos seus efeitos. Neste prazo, 20% da amostragem morreu. Entre as células sobreviventes, muitas perderam tamanho e granulosidade. O resultado da pesquisa é enigmático até mesmo para Márcia. A composição "Atmosphères", do húngaro György Ligeti, provocou efeitos semelhantes àqueles registrados com Beethoven.
Mas a "Sonata para 2 pianos em ré maior", de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, uma das mais populares em musicoterapia, não teve efeito. - Foi estranho, porque esta sonata provoca algo conhecido como o "efeito Mozart", um aumento temporário do raciocínio espaço-temporal - pondera a pesquisadora. - Mas ficamos felizes com o resultado. Acreditamos que as sinfonias provocaram apenas alterações metabólicas, não a morte de células cancerígenas.
"Atmosphères", diferentemente da "Quinta Sinfonia", é uma composição contemporânea, caracterizada pela ausência de uma linha melódica. Por que, então, duas músicas tão diferentes provocaram o mesmo efeito?
Aliada a uma equipe que inclui um professor da Escola de Música Villa-Lobos, Márcia, agora, procura esta resposta dividindo as músicas em partes. Pode ser que o efeito tenha vindo não do conjunto da obra, mas especificamente de um ritmo, um timbre ou intensidade. Quando conseguir identificar o que matou as células, o passo seguinte será a construção de uma sequência sonora especial para o tratamento de tumores. O caminho até esta melodia passará por outros gêneros musicais.
A partir do mês que vem, os pesquisadores testarão o efeito do samba e do funk sobre as células tumorais. - Ainda não sabemos que música e qual compositor vamos usar. A quantidade de combinações sonoras que podemos estudar é imensa - diz a pesquisadora. Outra via de pesquisa é investigar se as sinfonias provocaram outro tipo de efeito no organismo. Por enquanto, apenas células renais e tumorais foram expostas à música.
Só no segundo grupo foi registrada alguma alteração. A pesquisa também possibilitou uma conclusão alheia às culturas de células. Como ficou provado que o efeito das músicas extrapola o componente emocional, é possível que haja uma diferença entre ouví-la com som ambiente ou fone de ouvido. - Os resultados parciais sugerem que, com o fone de ouvido, estamos nos beneficiando dos efeitos emocionais e desprezando as consequências diretas, como estas observadas com o experimento - revela Márcia.
Leia mais no Blog "Terapias con Sonidos"
ODE À ALEGRIA - 9ª Sinfonia de Beethoven
Em vez de entrar nas atividades normais, você pode escolher entrar na Vibração Divina dessas 10.000 vozes. Dê-se um tempo, sem pressa. Esta será sua sessão de Cura. Fique confortável e ligue o som. Entregue-se. Abra todos os seus Chakras, Meridianos e Poros para receber em seus corpos (Físico, Emocional, Mental, Espiritual) as ondas sonoras emitidas. Conscientize-se de que essa vibração tem Poder e Cura. Coloque suas mãos aonde dói e onde Você sente que precisa de Energia. Percorra delicadamente com suas mãos todos os locais onde seu corpo está fragilizado.
Acredite. Agradeça. Deus está Presente.
MÚSICA PARA EQUILIBRAR OS HEMISFÉRIOS CEREBRAIS (melhor se ouvido com fones de ouvido)
Música Xamânica - Para ATIVAR ENERGIA DE CURA, Eliminar Ansiedade, Medo e Negatividade
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