#francisco romero x you
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rvblos · 1 year ago
hello! you only write in english right? could you maybe write something with Fran, where they get into a small argument and he ends up apologizing and the end is all fluff<3 thank you!
the first time you and fran argued it was because you had to go out on a date that day, but he had been unreachable all day. you had tried to text and call him several times, but he had never answered.
when the evening came, you were on the couch watching tv, waiting for him to come home. as soon as you heard the door open, you stood up, eager to see your boyfriend.
when fran entered the house, he dropped his jacket on a chair and walked over to the couch, where you were. “where have you been all day? i’ve tried to call you at least 10 times.” you said, scolding him.
“i’m sorry, baby, i was on the set.” he replied, sitting next to you on the sofa and taking your hand in his.
when he noticed that you hadn't answered and weren't even looking at him, he continued “please forgive me.”
“we had a date today, fran” you replied, continuing to look away. you knew that if you turned towards him, you wouldn't have resisted. so you just looked at the tv.
“i know, bebè. i’m so sorry about it, but we had some scenes to do and i got carried away.” he apologised as he placed a kiss on your hand.
that contact brought you back to reality, and you let yourself go at his touch. “i’m gonna make it up to you, i swear.”
you were still offended, but you were starting to melt at his touch. “okay, okay.” you finally replied, turning to face him. “but promise you won’t do it again.”
“i promise, love.” he said, kissing your lips softly. you laughed on his lips, and he started to kiss you all over your face, loving the sound of your laughter.
the two of you fell on the sofa, and he hugged you by your waist, placing a soft kiss on your belly. “i love you.” he said closing his eyes for a moment.
“i love you, fran.” your hand found its place in his hair as you began to caress it. you loved that boy so much.
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cncowitcher · 7 months ago
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ᡣ𐭩 ─ francisco romero × leitora.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ gênero: divertido. 🩰
ᡣ𐭩 ─ número de palavras: 438.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ notas da autora: oioi meus aneizinhos de saturno, como vão? espero que gostem viu? se cuidem e bebam água, um beijo. 😽💌
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O clima estava sereno e agradável e S/n sorria de olhos fechados no banco do passageiro enquanto seu namorado dirigia, a levando para fazer um piquenique em Mar del Plata, na Argentina.
No rádio começou a tocar Alibi de Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar e Yseult, o que fez Romero aumentar o som e ─ assim como sua mulher ─ ficar à espera do refrão, pois era só essa parte da música que eles tinham aprendido até o momento.
─ When I'm out of faith, she's my idol. I just killed a man, she's my alibi. Rosa, que linda eres, Rosa, que linda eres, Rosa, que linda eres, Rosa, que linda eres… ─ O casal cantava alto e animados enquanto chegavam perto de um estacionamento local que, infelizmente, teriam que pagar.
Assim que saíram do carro, Fran e sua namorada decidiram tirar algumas fotos para postar quando chegassem em casa, o que demorou mais do que esperado por ambos, pois eles terminaram de tirar as fotografias por volta das duas da tarde ─ e olha que chegaram em Mar del Plata quase onze da manhã.
─ Amor, vamos pegar as coisas pro piquenique! ─ Disse S/n animada no mesmo momento em que se aproxima de Francisco, o abraçando de lado com os braços.
O mais velho, que estava se divertindo naquele momento com sua namorada, rindo sem parar, de repente ficou sem reação e calado enquanto não saia do lugar.
─ ¿Qué pasó Fran? ─ A mulher perguntou sem entender a ação repentina do argentino.
─ Você não pegou a cesta pro piquenique que eu deixei em cima da mesa da cozinha? ─ Indagou o de olhos esverdeados observando sua mulher abrir a boca, levantando o dedo indicador para dizer algo, porém desistiu e comprimiu os lábios, desistindo, fazendo Fran fechar os olhos calmamente com um pequeno sorriso que relaxou seu rosto. ─ Você esqueceu de pegar, não é? ─ Ele indaga novamente já sabendo a resposta da brasileira.
─ Foi sem querer! Eu pensei que você já tinha colocado ela no carro, Fran… ─ A garota diz de cabeça baixa, se culpando por ter esquecido a cesta de piquenique. Romero a abraçou e depositou um beijo no topo da cabeça dela, a tranquilizando.
─ Está tudo bem, mi vida. Podemos comprar lanches e bebidas ali no McDonald's, o que você acha? ─ O argentino perguntou sorrindo e observou sua namorada fazer o mesmo minutos antes de se lembrar de outra coisa que ela esqueceu de pegar…
S/n tinha esquecido de pegar a carteira de Fran e sua bolsinha de dinheiro que ficou em cima da cama…
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madame-fear · 7 months ago
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So, you want a good variety of specialty coffee with sweet desserts? Welcome. You came to the right place ! For this milestone event, requests will be officially open from July 4th to July 10th— and I will give you several options to choose.
How does it work? It’s really easy! As you will see down below, there are different types of coffee, and some desserts. Each coffee name, represents a genre you want to request, while desserts represent types of fic. Whatever coffee + dessert you select for your request, you will have to give me a character + scenario.
Here are some examples of how you can order: ‘hi, can I get a doppio + mousse for Jacaerys Velaryon?’ or, ‘can I have a caramel macchiato + red velvet for Fran Romero?’
Before taking a look at the menu, the links below will take you to very important sections. You’ll need to keep these in mind before, and while requesting !
requesting rules ⊹ prompts: one / two.
Now, after checking out the links, you can take a look at our menu displayed down below, tell me what you’d like to order, and I’ll get it prepared for you.
CARAMEL MACCHIATO. choose this one if you want to have your teeth rotten in fluff. ORANGE AMERICANO. modern!au? coming right up ! applies only for HOTD. IRISH COFFEE. want to drown in some smut? this one’s for you ! ICED COFFEE. the only thing you’ll drink, are your tears. this one’s for you if you want angst. CAPUCCINO. if you choose this one, you can send me any trope you’d like in your request. DOPPIO. opted for a dark / yandere fic? for the freakiest souls only.
Selected the coffee you want, already? Great ! Now choose a dessert before leaving, and your order will be coming right up.
RED VELVET. for one-shots. RASPBERRY CRUMBLE. chaptered series. CUPCAKES.for songfics. TIRAMISU. for headcanons. MOUSSE. for drabbles. CHAJÁ CAKE. for imagines.
Remember what I said above about attentively reading the requesting rules ! This is to avoid getting your request rejected. And remember as well that the more specific you are with your request, the better. If you need to add more than one character to the request, feel free to do so.
Chaptered chapters are only accepted for Lucerys Velaryon, and the cast members of LSDLN.
Please keep in mind that author might be a bit of a slow writer due to the adult life. So please be patient with me !
If you have any questions left about it, don’t doubt in sending a message ! My ask box is open 24/7. Have fun ordering, and hopefully, you enjoy your order !
(( NOTE. también acepto pedidos para el cast de LSDLN en español. de momento, acepto sólo drabbles & headcanons en español hasta sentirme al 100% cómoda para escribir one-shots. ♡ ))
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miskhalie · 11 months ago
Sex on the Beach - Fran/Francisco Romero x Reader
Pairing: Fran Romero
Advertencias: smut, cunnilingus, fingering, ¿Public sex?
El sol de verano calentaba el agua del mar, la piel y la arena de la playa. Tu te abanicabas con tu mano incluso dentro del agua. Metiste la cabeza dentro del mar. Cuando volviste a la superficie, miraste a Fran, que se bronceaba junto con las toallas y el bolso. Llevaba unas gafas de sol de colores que le quedaban preciosas con su tono de piel mas bronceada. Además, sus bañadores azules se veían desde la distancia.
Decidiste ir hasta allá. Fran vio como Venus surgió del mar. Tu caminabas a paso seguro mientras el agua te lamia el cuerpo y resbalaba sobre tu piel, dejando atrás gotas. ¡Que mujer!, pensó Fran. ¡Vaya vistas! Se tuvo que levantar un poco, apoyandose en sus codos y quitarse las gafas porque eras todo un espejismo. Tu pelo mojado, tu sonrisa, las gotas bajando por tu cuello a tus pechos a tu cintura y caderas hasta la arena. Se sintió afortunado, como lo había hecho muchas veces más.
Te sentaste sobre tu toalla y lo miraste con esos ojos que le expresaban ternura.
- ¡Que buena esta el agua! - dijiste - Metete si quieres, yo guardo el bolso.
Pero Fran tenia otras intenciones. Lo volvías loco y lo hacías actuar fuera de si. Queria recorrerte la piel con la punta de sus dedos.
- No, gracias. Estoy bien así. - te respondió.
Quizás si debía meterse en el agua, porque estaba empezando a sentir un cosquilleo dentro del estomago que solo podía significar una cosa: te quería allí mismo.
Él también estaba irresistible, con su piel morena, la arena pegada al cuerpo en pequeños granos y el cuerpo reluciente por el aceite corporal. De sus labios colgaba una sonrisa misteriosa y picara. Como si ya estuviera maquinando su siguiente movimiento. Su pelo al sol relucía tanto que parecía Apolo. Y olía a after-shave y a aceite de playa.
Te acercaste a él y juntaste tus labios con los suyos. Sabía a la macedonia que habías comprado de camino. Su lengua era suave, dulce y cariñosa. Por como profundizaba el beso, sabías que estaba necesitado. De ti. Sin separar los labios, te tumbaste a su lado. Un brazo voló a agarrarte de la cintura. Por suerte, habíais colocado en un lugar un poco remoto de la gente, en una pequeña cala a solas.
Su boca bajó de tus labios a tu cuello, donde dio un lametón caliente y sentiste un escalofrío. Suspiraste. Fran se puso sobre ti y poco a poco fue besando tu cuerpo, lamiendo y mordiendo. Cuando llegó a tu braga, beso sobre el forro de esta y sin previo aviso, metió la mano suavemente. Se tumbó a tu altura y siguió besándote con lengua. De momento solo sujetaba tus partes intimas como si lo reclamara, pero tu te sentía tensa, impaciente.
Un dedo hizo camino a tu agujero y se mojó ligeramente para poder acariciar tu punto más sensible, tu clitoris. Con la primera caricia, soltaste un gemido sutil. Fran se comió este al posar su boca sobre la tuya para hacerte callar. Te tapaste la boca después de que te besara y le concediste paso a tu cuello, donde dejaba marcas y besaba con pasión. La combinación de los besos húmedos y calientes con la euforia que sentías por como te tocaba te hacía mojarte más.
La rena de su cuerpo y el agua del tuyo se mezclaban creando una fricción que aunque te irritaba la piel también causaba sensaciones placenteras. El olor a Fran, a playa y el sol que calentaba, todo te traía a un trance del que no eras consciente. Tan profundamente estabas en ese trance que no notaste cuando Fran despego sus labios de tu cuello y fue dejando un camino de os labios de tu cuello y fue dejando un camino de besos hacia tu entrepierna. Hizo a un lado la tela y empezó a lamer. Tu tensabas tus músculos al gemir y no podías ya negar que te gustaba estar así en un lugar medio publico.
Fran te lamia con dulzura, con largos lametones de arriba abajo. Tú levantabas las caderas presa de las sensaciones. Tu cuerpo pedía más y formaba un nudo en la base de tu estomago. Se sentía tan bien que agarraste a tu novio del pelo, por lo que empezó a hacer vibrar su lengua y a lamer en círculos tu nudo más sensible. Justo cuando pensabas que no podías más, te introdujo un dedo, después de que lo aceptaras con facilidad, fueron dos, hasta que fueron tres. Sin parar de dar atención a ese punto donde los nervios de tus genitales se juntaban.
En unos minutos más te derretiste sobre sus dedos. Ambos jadeabais, tu casi perdiendo el conocimiento de tal climax y él asombrado por como habías estado.
- Che, no sabia que podías hacer eso. - se rió.
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xandertheundead · 1 year ago
It was rare that José ever regretted telling a joke.
Being witty was part of his charm, just like being loud and overly friendly was Panchito’s and being a ball of rage was Donald’s.
His jokes, even if he messed up the words in other languages usually landed well and José prided himself on being the funny one of their trio. However, there were times when he said something that may have been funny but later down the line it was not so humorous.
The most regrettable was truly the one about Panchito being the triplets real father.
They had been so wonderfully young and stupid, playing music, going on some adventures and annoying Donald’s Uncle Scrooge to no end sometimes. When Della was not chomping at the bit to go on some death defying trek, she would hang with them even when Donald complained and griped about it.
José adored Della, a woman with so much spirit that sometimes it frightened him was truly to be admired, and they got along very well, but the one she truly hit it off with was Panchito.
They were so very much alike that it was honestly terrifying sometimes the way their volume control went out the window and they both talked to each other a mile a minute, one in Spanish and one in English, yet both being able to understand each other perfectly. The joke at the time had been they were perfect for each other because they were the only ones who could wear each other out. José remembered covering his ears and Donald yelping when they had told the two that joke and in almost unison they both threw their heads back and laughed in the most obnoxiously loud way ever.
It wasn’t annoying, José and Donald would just share a look anytime Della would call Panchito her ‘platonic-boyfriend’ and Panchito would come up with something equally as silly.
It wasn’t until Della had her three eggs and refused to tell anyone who the father really was that José big mistake happened. It had been made to help lighten the mood when a relative of Donald and Della’s had started being passive-aggressive with her, questioning on why the eggs (they had yet to find out the sexes) had no father figure at her duckling shower. It was obvious Della was uncomfortable, the triplets father always being some big mystery that Della never truly liked talking about and Donald looked ready to kill which would have really ruined the mood so José did what he did best.
“Actually, I believe the father is the handsome guitarist from the band Three Caballeros. Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez.”
Everyone was silent except for the loud sound of Panchito comically spitting out his mouthful of punch all over the presents.
“Que?!” He gasped, wide eyes looking over at José in surprise and only when José mouthed at him to play along did he let out one of his famous gritos before slapping his thigh excitedly. “I believe, my dear friend José, that Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez the THIRD is the father of these lovely huevos!”
He crowed again, the family member looking more and more uncomfortable with every passing second especially when Panchito slung his arm around their shoulder and gave them a good ‘friendly’ shake. “Though I truly wonder if they will come out with beaks or bills.”
Panchito’s loud laugh drew so much attention and José had to smother his own laughter against his hand when Della barked out her own laugh and joined Panchito in on the insanity.
The joke was on going, which honestly after awhile José grew exasperated with when he started to notice things about Panchito in a more than friendly manner, and it was a Della and Panchito favorite right up until Della was lost.
It wasn’t spoken about again until much much later, after the whole FOWL chaos, when the boys had wanted to know more about their father. They had apparently asked Della while she was fixing up the Cloudslayer/Sun Chaser and on decade old instinct she replied. “Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez the THIRD.”
Getting panicked calls at two in the morning in Brazil was truly jarring, especially when you had three hysterical teen ducks yelling in the phone with loud laughter, irritated yelling with a dash of confused Scottish going on the background behind them. José groaned, wishing he could just end the call and curl back up with Panchito who had come awake at the noise as well and frowned when Panchito gave a sleepy smile when he figured out the problem.
“O que?” He grumbled when Panchito rubbed his back softly.
“Lo siento, Cariño.” Panchito hummed, sounding far more awake than he should have and José could hear the grin in his voice. “I forgot to tell you. You are a step-papa.”
“Escroto!” José growled as he shoved his pillow into Panchito’s face to silence his crowing laugh even though José had no one really to blame but himself.
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romerogirlyshhb · 11 months ago
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ intro.
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oioioi, meu nome é millz é aqui vou postar algumas coisinhas que escrevo ao longo dos dias sobre os meninos de lsdn e quem sabe outros tópicos (machos) do meu interesse. sintam-se livre para me mandarem pedidos, sugestões e asks. toda interação é bem-vinda.
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madame-fear · 1 year ago
The amount of times I read and re-read this already is INSANE. Like I am genuinely in love with this man??? He’s so damn adorable?! 😭💗
I just know he would be the most committed and loving boyfriend ever and that has me absolutely melting at the idea of it. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS IM CURRENTLY IN NEED OF MORE FRAN ROMERO X READER FICS AND THIS IS SO PRETTY JSJDKDJFKSK ughh I feel obsessedddd 🥰🥰❤❤❤
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Some random headcanons about what it would be like to date Fran. I haven't wrote anything in ages so apologies if this is shite. Please no hate. 💗💖🍓💕❤️🎀
*Disclaimer: This is my own work and my own self-indulgent ideas, none of this is based in reality.
If anyone wants a part 2 please let me know or has any questions or suggestions for improvements then please let me know, I apologise in advance for spelling and grammar errors.
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🎀 This man can cook. He is amazing in the kitchen, will make you whatever you fancy no matter what time it is or whatever you fancy, nothing is too much trouble for him. Cooking you something is his love language.
🎀 He would much rather read then watch something. On the evenings you spend together you're sat on the sofa together reading. He will also read aloud to help you fall asleep.
🎀 No matter what the time is this man will come and pick you up. "But babe, I'm probably gonna be staying out till like 3am" "Ok mi amor, I come get you then" "But aren't you due on set at like 5:30am?" "Yes, and? I come pick you up at 3, I love you."
🎀 Will pay attention to all the little things that you like and remembers them so he can surprise you later on.
🎀 Never ever puts you down or makes fun of you when you're practicing Spanish with him and vice versa for when he is talking with you.
🎀 100% that annoying couple which never seem to argue. Just a walking disney film. The guys all tease him about it. "But you must argue over something, anything!?" "No, nothing" "I bet he leaves the toilet seat up" "No, always puts it down"
🎀 Believes in the art of letter writing and writes you letters in that fancy calligraphy writing. (Something he learned for a part in a theatre production)
Here is a small imagine, no TW etc, a little bit of making out etc, pg/13
A surprise
"My love" Fran said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "I can finish the dishes, it's ok".
"No I got it" you said as you began drying off some of the plates. "Besides you must be tired after yesterday's wrap party".
"It was fun, you need to come to the next one" he said as he brushed your hair aside to kiss your neck softly. "I missed you alot, the others were asking for you".
"I'll be at the next one babe, I promise" you answered setting the plate down and turning to face him. Fran was beautiful and you couldn't believe how lucky you were. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your forehead against his. "I think you need a second helping of that dessert you made. You need it". Fran smirked and kissed your nose.
"I said you don't need to ever worry about me. I promise, I'm going to be ok" he answered.
"Oh I got you something, to celebrate the film being done" you said going to pull away.
"No wait, just one more second, I want to stay like this forever with you" he said enjoying the moment, he felt he could be anywhere in the world but as long as he was with you he was home. You smiled and held onto him a little tighter.
"You did not have to get me something. I already have everything I need, I'm very lucky like that you know. Can carry everything I'll ever need in my hands" he smirked as he picked you up, catching you off guard.
"Fran!" You laughed as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. "O my gosh put me down, I need to go and get your present". You looked down into his beautiful deep eyed and cupped his cheeks and began kissing him. He had the softest lips and skin. He kissed you deeper savouring the taste of your peach flavoured lip balm. Peaches were his favourite fruit. A fact you'd noted quite early on. You remembered the look of surprise and satisfaction on his face the day he'd realised your lip balm was the same flavour as his favourite fruit.
"Fran... I need... to get... your gift" you said between kisses. "Please mi amor". Fran smiled against your neck, there was something extremely hot about you using Spanish pet names for him. He was so in love with you it was unreal.
"Just one more my dear, please" he begged staring up at you. How could you say no to him? You lent down and kissed him, twice though. It was a small little ritual the two of you had. He would always ask for one more kiss whether it was before going off to sleep, before he would leave for set or an audition or before going on stage. You always kissed him twice just to be safe. He gently set you down and stroked your cheek.
"Te amo, mi amor" he smiled.
"I love you more" you answered before squeezing his hand and leaving. He heard you going upstairs and into the second bedroom. He was excited at the prospect of seeing what you'd got him although he was more excited to see your face at his gift for you. He smiled wider as he placed his hand into his trousers pocket and felt the box with an engagement ring inside.
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recaltera · 1 year ago
i need, and i'm also begging, for some writing or scenario for Francisco that might involve him forcing eye contact, while he's fing*ring reader and praising her at the same time, please!!
fingering with fran…
pairing: fran romero x fem reader
🏷️ smut (minors dni), fingering, praising
a/n: omg i love this request sm his fingers ar eliterally perfect for this
there was just something he loved about feeling your walls contract around his fingers, how at first it would be difficult for him to introduce one of his fingers into your awaiting hole because you were so tight, after a while as he sucked on your neck and rubbed your clit in circles with his other hand you would loosen up, letting him fuck his fingers in and out of your pussy making wet sounds ring around your shared bedroom.
he watched your every move intently, studied your body, learning what pleases you and what makes you scream in pleasure, this is how you would end up every day you got home frustrated from work. he knew exactly what you wanted when you threw yourself onto him as soon as you stepped into the apartment, straddling his lap and wrapping your hands around his neck, giving him a hard passionate make out as you grind your wet core down on his cock making him groan.
fran forced you to watch him no matter how hard it was for you to keep your eyes open while his fingers were hitting that spongy spot inside of you and your clit was being messily rubbed by his other hand. “open your eyes, princess. eyes on me. i want to see your pretty face when you cum for me” because you always tend to hide your face on his neck as you reach your climax. you are not sure why tho, you weren’t ashamed or anything it was just a reaction by default and he would always let it pass.
this night was different tho, he knew you were close he could feel your walls spasm ing around his slim long fingers. grabbing your face roughly and squishing your cheeks making your lips pout. “if you close your eyes im going to stop, princess so better keep them open this time” . as soon as your orgasm hit you did everything in your hands to keep your eyes on fran, watching him watch you, he enjoyed every second of it. talking you throught it “good girl, you are doing such a good job” as he rode out your high, “you sound so pretty when you cum, angel” he would whisper in your ear as you were floating around cloud nine still in your post orgasm high.
letting him fuck you with his fingers was probably the best part of your frustrated days, sometimes you would fake it just so he could play with you, he knew when it wasn’t real tho. he still played along because he just loves feeling you around him in any possible way.
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rvblos · 1 year ago
Could you do some headcanons for Fran?
yeah!! no problem :)
summary: fran headcanons
tw: none
na: sorry if this is short, i’ve tried my best tho!
he would be the sweetest boyfriend ever with you
always bringing you flowers
and little presents every now and then
he BAKES for you
when you’re sick or feeling down
he would get into your room
‘i made you these’ he’d say with the cutest smile.
touch you in the softest way
he’s draw circled patterns on the exposed skin through your shirt
museum dates with him!!
he looooves art
(and you)
so he’d always take you to the museum and the two of you would wonder through the rooms
hand in hand
you particularly love the way his blonde hair shine in the sunset
like imagine
the two of you are sitting on a bench in a park
talking and giggling
but as you turn to face him you’d see his hair
all shiny cause of the sunset light
and you’d just stare at him, admiring how beautiful he looks
“what?” he’d say, laughing a bit
“it’s nothing, you just look beautiful” you would answer, looking at him and smiling softly.
this man blushes !!!
he’d turn red as a pepper as you say this
he’s the sweetest ever !
hi guys! i answered two requests with this one, and im kinda proud of it:) let me know what you think about it, likes and comments are always appreciated <3
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madame-fear · 11 months ago
This is literally the first thing I saw both on my dashboard and also on my tags when I woke up — I just had the chance of reading this AND I’M SCREAMING AND FANGIRLING AND GUSHING THIS IS SUPER SWEET, THIS CLEANSED MY SOUL AND GAVE ME YEARS OF LIFE AJJSDNIFEK 🤧🤧💕💕💕
Seriously, I was in high need of some content of this sweet boy AND THIS MADE MY ENTIRE DAY, LUCE TYSM FOR THE TAG AND FOR WRITING THIS IT MADE ME SUPER HAPPY TO READ HAJSDKDKD my heartttt 🤧🤧❤❤❤
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edit: "feliz cumple pelotuda" me dio mucha risa, ya casi es mi cumpleaños y quiero q alguien me diga eso JAKSKD
Always You
Fran Romero x reader
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Summary: Fran and you had known each other for basically your whole lives, him and your older brother being friends since forever and you being his favorite girl as you would recall him calling you since forever, however after you both reach adulthood certain feelings come to light
Warnings: brother’s best friend trope, fluff, some angst with comfort, kissing but nothing too crazy!
Ever since you could remember Fran had been in your life, hell there’s even pictures of him and your brother with you as a baby all over the house framed
He was the sweetest towards you, he was kind and respectful always defending you towards your brother and everyone else, protecting you and it warmed your heart as a kid
You admired him in many ways than one. He was always attentive towards you and as you both grew it was more constant , when him and your brother entered their teen phase he was sweet to you while your brother was more rude and annoying
When you wanted to show Fran something you had made, the high grade you got on a test or assignment, the newest color you painted your nails or something new you had just bought he always listened even if that meant interrupting him and your brothers conversation, a movie, or video game session
When your brother would tell you to leave them alone Fran wouldn’t take too kindly to that “oye boludo callate es una nena,” or “nomas me quiere enseñar algo” he’d also at times punch your brothers shoulder when he made fun of you or teased you about something
He had endearing nicknames for you also, Bonita, hermosa, Linda, nena, Chiquita and etc. Fran had a huge soft spot for you ever since but once the age of 18 hit him he didn’t come around as much since he was always in his theater classes or busy with school and his new adult life
Him and your brother still met up but over at his place instead, you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you sad or mad, he however still sent you a message here and there and though he missed six birthdays from work or theater that didn’t stop him from sending your brother back from his place with a birthday card with some money and a gift
Also a happy birthday message, but you still missed seeing him and at some point you sadly got used to the fact that he had a whole different life from you, of course he would he had a whole life to live and dreams
Your 21st birthday was around the corner and though you had stopped having birthday parties at the age of 16 your mom thought it’d be a great idea to have one for your 21st birthday, you were finally officially legal for everything
You woke up to voices and music downstairs and you walked down the steps to be met with decorations around the house and in the backyard your dad and uncles moving around tables and chairs and more decorations “Feliz cumple pelotuda” your brothers voice rang out from behind you and you smiled turning around “gracias pelotudo” he gave you a hug
You had walked into the kitchen to see your mom and to your surprise Fran’s mother, “Aye Mira La Niña” Fran’s mom laughed as you chuckled your face held subtle surprise, she hadn’t came around much after Fran stopped coming
“Feliz cumple mi amor” she gave you a hug which you returned with a smile “gracias” once you both separated from the hug you looked around to see all your favorite foods were being prepared “Linda, sabes quien va venir hoy” your mom asked as you sat down peeling a orange “no, quien?” You asked not really paying much mind “Fran” she said happily and your eyes widened
It had been years that he hadn’t seen you and you him “de verdad?” You asked and his mother nodded “Si, Por fin el tiene tiempo libre” she said and you nodded, after so long he was finally going to show up.
You had showered, done your makeup and hair then got dressed, in reality you were a bit nervous for all eyes to be on you, you hadn’t really had a whole birthday celebration since you were 16 and now basically your entire family and family friends were going to show up
As you stepped downstairs there was already a line of your family members waiting to greet you and wish you a happy birthday giving you a bunch of birthday cards and some present bags, you smiled from ear to ear genuinely as it actually feel nice to see your family all together with your home full of life
“Oye boluda ten” you turned to see your brother holding two small wrapped up boxes, you grinned taking them from him and unwrapping the first, a bracelet of real gold from a famous jewelry shop, the second was a necklace from the same place and you smiled “gracias, te quiero” you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same “Si si you tambien te quiero” he chuckled as he hugged you
The party was going well and you turned hearing your brothers voice, you froze seeing Fran enter with a smile on his face, he looked a bit different with his hair more grown out and a more structured face and slightly more taller than before, he smiled greeting your parents and other family members that were around him
then he set his eyes on you, the two of you could only look at one another and you practically felt frozen, he walked over to you a soft smile on his lips, “hola, te vez hermosa” he said a breathy chuckle escaping his lips as you smiled turning red just like when you both were kids “gracias Fran” he held the neatly wrapped present in front of you with a birthday card inside a light purple envelope with your name on it
You smiled taking the gift in your hands “ya los 21, me siento viejo” he laughed making you laugh as well “no seas dramatico nomas me ganas con 2 años” you said and sat down which he followed to do and he could only look at you “que?” You asked softly “perdon, por todo” he said and you raised a brow “por que?” You asked and he sighed “deje de venir y falte tus cumpleaños” he explained and you shook your head
“No no tranquilo la verdad no pasa nada Fran no quiero que te sientes asi” you said shaking your head and he smiled at you “y todavia sigues siendo la misma dulce niña de antes” he smiled and you chuckled “quieres comer? Te sirvo?” You asked and he shook his head “pero todavia accompañame” you nodded following him to where all the food was
He served his plate and you both went to sit down, “y entonces nena, como has estado todo este tiempo?” He asked before taking some food into his mouth “bueno todo esta bien pero la escuela es un joder y tambien con el trabajo aye no” you shook you head and Fran laughed “aye pobrecita La Niña” you rolled your eyes playfully
“Y tu?” You asked “todo esta bien, sigo en el theatro y el trabajo me va bien” he said and you nodded “Que bueno” you smiled “pero te extrañe mas que nada” he admitted and you smiled “yo tambien Fran” he smiled wrapping an arm around you pulling you close planting a kiss on the side of your head just like when you two were younger making you giggle
“Recuerdas cuando tu hermano te grito bien feo que le di en la cabeza con uno de los libros de la escuela” you both laughed at the memory “si, aye tu siempre me defendias” you smiled at him and he nodded “pues claro como no defender a mi princessa” he smiled at you. That night you both talked for hours and hours about the memories you both had and you tried to hold onto it all never wanting it to end because you thought that after that he would go back to no contact all over again
But the next morning walking downstairs you were surprised to see him and your brother on the couch with plates of breakfast you were sure your mother made them “buenas boluda” your brother said and you nodded over at him “hola nena” Fran smiled at you “hola” you grinned sitting beside him he wrapped an arm around pulling your legs over his just like before
You smiled and your brother gave you both a look but then turned back to the TV “aye buenos dias mija quieres un plato?” Your mom asked and you nodded “por favor mami” she nodded walking into the kitchen, it felt like old times really.
Since then Fran didn’t stop coming over, he came almost everyday even if only for a little bit and he was constantly hanging out with you, inviting you to outings with him and your brother, or doing things together.
And both of your parents took note of it, how attentive Fran was to you how he took care of you, did anything for you “se van a casar lo tengo por seguro” your mother said
Fran then started bringing you little gifts and treats even flowers and you both became closer than before if that was even possible, he had already been told by your parents that they’d love for you to be with someone like him and his mother and father entertained the idea as well
He however deeply cared about how your brother felt about it, he knew secretly how protective he was of you and if anything were to happen to you he’d lose it completely but on one night when your brother was drunk out of his mind he said what he really thought
Your brother threw an arm over Fran as he was tipping over until Fran wrapped an arm around him laughing “oye oye escucha me mira mira, guey yo veo como vez a mi hermana eh” his words slurred and he tipped over occasionally and as Fran was about to protest your brother interrupted “no no escucha pelotudo mira” Fran was quiet now waiting for what your brother had to say “si ella va tener novio quiero que sea contigo” Fran looked at your brother like he had grown two heads
“O sea yo mismo vi como la cuidas, desde que eramos niños la cuidabas con tu vida guey y tampoco soy pendejo yo veo como la miras” your brother said giggling drunkenly and Fran rolled his eyes a playful smile on his lips “bueno bueno, si me gusta tu hermana siempre me a gustado ” Fran chuckled “pero si le haces daño te rompo los huevos” your brother said and Fran nodded “yo nunca le haria daño a esa princessa” Fran said and your brother nodded
The following week Fran had built up enough courage to ask you out, his hands were sweating and his belly was full of nerves “Fran, hola” you gave him a hug letting him in “mi hermano esta en su cuarto” you said letting him know but instead he moved to sit by you on the couch and you looked at him, he finally had asked you and you of course accepted
You had gotten ready and you knew it was a simple date but you still put effort in what you wore, you had walked downstairs to find him with pink and white hued roses in his arms for you and you smiled looking at them “gracias, son hermosas” you smiled “dame mija te los pongo en agua” your mom took a hold of the roses and you thanked her
“Lista?” He asked and you nodded, he had been a gentleman the whole time opening the doors for you and he took you to your favorite restaurant and made sure you ordered whatever you liked and wanted, most first dates are awkward or not as enjoyable but knowing Fran your whole life it was fun and enjoyable as you two couldn’t stop laughing the whole time
He then took you to get your favorite ice cream and you both took a walk at a park that was beautiful, “quieres saber algo” he said and you turned your head to look at him “que?” You asked and he sighed “que te amo” he said and you nodded “ yo tambien te amo” you said and he stopped in his tracks “no nena, te amo, te amo y no como un amigo o hermano” he said and you were a bit surprised
“De verdad?” You asked and he nodded but your first move was to grab his face and kiss him, fran at first was surprised not kissing back but after a few seconds his lips moved against yours his hands moving to hold your face “yo tambien te amo, y no como amiga ni hermana” you giggled and he smiled kissing you once again
“Siempre ha sido tu, eres la amor de mi vida” he said smiling and you smiled “y tu el mio” you said running your fingers through his hair. That night you went home as his girlfriend and him as your boyfriend
A/n: since in my last poll almost everyone chose the fic with enzo over Fran’s I decided to do a one shot instead for Fran’s prompt but might still make this a longer fic when I’m done with kuku and Enzo’s :)
Hope you all enjoy and likes,comments, and reblogs are appreciated but if you don’t want to no worries my loves as long as you guys enjoy the read <3333
(Also yk I had to tag my lovely @madame-fear )
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cncowitcher · 8 months ago
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ᡣ𐭩 ─ francisco romero × leitora.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ gênero: triste. 👒
ᡣ𐭩 ─ número de palavras: 1.226.
ᡣ𐭩 ─ notas da autora: oioi meus aneizinhos de saturno, como vão? um angstzinho inspirado no modão aí embaixo. espero que gostem viu? se cuidem e bebam água, um beijo. 😽💌
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O namoro de Fran e S/n sempre foi uma coisa bem duvidosa para todos os amigos próximos deles. Antes de se conhecerem durante as filmagens do filme La Sociedad De La Nieve, Francisco não sabia que a brasileira não tinha uma boa reputação em seus antigos relacionamentos, e muito menos estava ciente de que em todos esses ela foi a culpada do término, traindo o seu companheiro com algum amigo próximo dele…
Enzo e até Esteban tentaram avisar para Romero que essa garota brasileira estava armando uma cama de gato para ele, mas o homem estava perdidamente apaixonado pela roteirista e disposto a conquistá-la.
Meses foram se passando e S/n já se encontrava com Fran às escondidas. Eles ficaram nessa por algumas semanas, antes de se assumirem para todo o elenco e até nas redes sociais.
Para o argentino tudo estava nos conformes. Ele namorada uma mulher linda e inteligente, se encontrava na melhor fase de sua vida artística e estava tendo oportunidades de trabalhos que nunca pensou que iria ter.
Francisco não negava nada para sua mulher. Amava dar a ela uma boa quantia de dinheiro, no cheque, em todos os finais dos meses. Queria uma bolsa nova? Ele comprava. Um celular ou notebook novinho em folha? O homem dava para ela sem preocupação alguma.
Quando a mulher pediu para ele assinar outro cheque para poder comprar mais acessórios caros ─ que sinceramente ela não usava nenhum ─, desta vez, Fran não quis assinar o papel.
─ Ah, tudo bem amor. ─ S/n começou a dizer, dobrando aquele pedaço de papel ao meio e pegando sua bolsa do braço do sofá, a consolando em seu ombro. ─ Eu só queria comprar alguns anéis que Enzo tinha me mostrado ontem a noite antes do evento… ─ Ela fala fingindo desapontamento e em instantes Fran já estava assistindo o cheque.
Os meses se passaram e S/n ainda fazia Francisco de gato e sapato. Bem, fazia o argentino de gato e sapato até Agustín Pardella descobrir que a brasileira estava de rolo com o gerente do banco em Buenos Aires e fez questão de fotografá-la aos beijos com um cara de aproximadamente quarenta anos.
─ Abre os olhos com a tua namorada, Fran. Ela não é flor que se cheire. ─ Agus o alertou via áudio do WhatsApp após mandar as fotos.
Romero decidiu que não iria mais levar esse namoro adiante. Todo mundo percebeu que ele havia mudado após começar a se relacionar com a brasileira. Se tornou mais sério e raramente sorria ou ria de algo engraçado. E isso estava acabando com ele.
Certo dia quando chegaram no hotel que estavam ficando na Espanha após outro evento para promover o filme, Francisco subiu para o quarto rapidamente e tirou as suas malas debaixo da cama.
─ O que aconteceu, amor? ─ Indagou a moça sem entender a ação repentina de seu namorado.
❝Na hora do adeus, você olhou pra mim
E não acreditou ao ver chegar o fim
Tentou me seduzir, chorando me agarrou
Teu corpo ofereceu, pediu, me suplicou❞
─ Acabou tudo, S/n. Estou cansado. Cansado de ficar fazendo papel de trouxa, de estar te bancando, de fazer suas vontades, de ser traído, humilhado e até ignorado por você. Estou cansado dessa merda de namoro! ─ Diz Romero com os olhos marejados, transbordando toda raiva e decepção que sentia consigo mesmo e com a mulher parada na porta do quarto.
Tentando parecer comovida com a situação, S/n se aproximou lentamente na tentativa de deduzir Fran, que lançou um olhar de nojo para ela. E vendo que a abordagem não funcionou, a brasileira começou a chorar, forçando um abraço com o homem.
─ Não me deixe, Fran. Eu te amo. Você é o amor da minha vida, o único que eu estou sendo capaz de amar é me entregar. Não me abandone, por favor. ─ A garota dizia entre os soluços do falso choro.
Francisco não moveu nenhum músculo naquele abraço e respirando fundo, S/n entendeu que sua última carta na manga não havia funcionado.
─ Você não tem vergonha nenhuma na cara, não é? Achou que se continuasse me traindo com o gerente daquele banco em Buenos Aires eu não iria descobrir? ─ Romero solta uma risada de desgosto, olhando bem nos olhos da garota. ─ Você é patética, S/n. ─ Finalizou o argentino, retornando a arrumar suas malas.
Desesperada, somente observando Francisco terminar de organizar suas coisas, S/n ─ por um momento ─ se sentiu culpada pelo o que estava fazendo.
❝E perguntou: por quê?
Mas eu não respondi
Só pra não te ofender
Disse adeus e saí❞
─ Por que? ─ Questionou ela num sussurro. ─ Por que você vai me abandonar? Eu te amo, Fran. Eu te amo de verdade. ─ E de fato ela amava, só que era tarde demais para dizer…
De malas prontas, Fran a olhou pela última vez para a garota antes de caminhar até a porta do quarto em passos lentos.
E se sentindo momentaneamente pressionado em dizer algo, ele se vira para ela e, de cabeça erguida, murmura:
─ Adeus…
❝Saí da sua vida
Eu só representava o cheque no final do mês
Você não respeitou quem te amou demais
Só abusou de mim e me passou pra trás❞
Segurando o choro e relembrando tudo o que Enzo, Esteban e Agustín disseram para ele, o argentino respirou fundo e encarou seu rosto no espelho do elevador, se culpando e pensando por que não tinha acreditado neles.
Estava cego de amor, essa era a verdade… Porém a mulher não dava a mínima para esse sentimento, só estava interessada nos luxos que ele a proporcionou até hoje.
❝Saí da sua vida
De cabeça erguida, coisa que você não fez
Eu já chorei demais, agora vem a sua vez
Eu acho que vai ser melhor, melhor pros três❞
E enquanto Francisco chamava um Uber para ir até o hotel em que a maioria das pessoas do elenco estavam hospedados, S/n esperneava sozinha no quarto, gritando de ódio e pensando que tudo que fez com Fran e até com seus outros ex-namorados, foi uma puta de sem vergonhice.
Esses pensamentos ficaram rondando sua mente até a hora que seu celular tocou, e, sentindo que era Romero, ela tirou rapidamente o aparelho do bolso se decepcionando na hora, pois quem ligava para ela era o gerente do banco, seu amante.
─ Que inferno! ─ Gritou a mulher jogando seu celular com força no meio da cama e voltando a chorar com as mãos cobrindo o rosto.
❝Na hora do adeus, você olhou pra mim
E não acreditou ao ver chegar o fim❞
Já dentro do Uber, Francisco Romero olhava as ruas daquela cidade na Espanha. Em outro momento ele estaria fotografando tudo e se surpreendendo com a beleza do lugar, mas na situação em que se encontrava era impossível fazer isso.
Seu semblante estava cansado e mesmo assim ele se sentiu livre depois de meses. Livre de ter que bancar alguém que tinha mais dinheiro que ele e também de não estar sendo mais parte de um dos joguinhos de S/n.
Seu peito doía, ele não ia negar. Mas no fundo o argentino sabia que o melhor a se fazer era o que ela já tinha feito minutos atrás...
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madame-fear · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone! I’m very pleased to say that for this new followers milestone, drabbles are officially open.
I have said this many times before, but I will say it again. I sincerely can’t thank you enough for supporting & showing love to me, and all the works I do with so much effort 💗 I’m very pleased to see that you are all eager to see new content on this blog! And of course, to be constantly showered with love from my mutuals. 🥰
To celebrate that, I wanted to open drabbles since my requests (headcanons, one shots, etc) remain closed, but I still wanted to do something special.
→ check out my prompts in case you want to feel inspired to request something in particular!
˚₊‧꒰ RULES ꒱ ‧₊˚
For whatever you request, I will write 100-600 words at max; I will keep them as short as I can since they are drabbles. Please keep in mind I both study & work, so drabbles might either take some time to be published, or might not. Both fluff & smut requests are allowed! But please, be as specific as you can when requesting, so I know and can write exactly whatever you fancy. Drabbles will be open from February 14th to March 1st.
I write for fluff, enemies to lovers, some AUs (specify please), friends to lovers, love triangle, slowburn, mutual pining, (reasonable) age gap. → for smut: praising kink, choking, ask for spanking, breeding kink, bondage, daddy kink, knife play, creampie, yandere/dark, morning sex, mirror sex, oral sex, breast play; feel free to ask if I write about anything else not included here. I don’t feel comfortable writing for non-con, r*pe, p*dophilia, gore, violent content.
I write for some HOTD characters (Lucerys, Jacaerys, Rhaenyra, Aegon ii, Aemond, Helaena, Alicent), and I also write for Enzo Vogrincic. → I will also start writing for Fran Romero.
That would be everything for now! Have fun requesting drabbles! And of course, if you have any doubt at all about whatever thing, feel free to send me a message & I will gladly answer.🌹
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sunflowerdroplet · 1 year ago
Paging Doctor Duck
(just a fic from my ao3 account)
*Paging Doctor Duck. Paging Doctor Duck*
The cup of hot coffee that had been rising to his lips halted when Doctor Donald Duck heard his name being called on the intercom. He sighed heavily and placed the paper cup back onto the breakroom table, rubbing at his throbbing temples.
“What now?” Donald asked out loud as he stared up at the ceiling. He had just sat down to take a much needed break after dealing with fifteen separate patients.
“Oh, there you are Doctor Donald!”
The duck turned to see Nurse Clarabelle walk into the breakroom, a metal clipboard in her hand. “Yes, nurse. What do you need?”
“Just wanted to give you a heads up that one of your favorite patients is here in room #224.” The cow smiled smugly at the expression on her co-worker’s face.
Donald sighed again at the news. “Favorite patients”. More like a pain in his tail feathers! “Which one is it?”
“I’ll let you see for yourself,” the nurse said with laugh before handing him the clipboard. “Best get to it.”
“Gee, thanks,” the mallard muttered. He pulled a bottle of aspirin out of his coat pocket and popped two of them before washing them down with his scalding hot coffee. It burned on the way down, but the pain helped wake him up. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Hola, Doctor Donal’!”
Donald felt his eye twitch when he walked into the room to see a familiar looking rooster laid up in one of the hospital beds. He looked a little loopy as he waved clumsily at the waterfowl, his words switching from English to Spanish that made it difficult for Donald to follow. The nurses must’ve given him morphine already. “Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III, what brings you in today?” he asked dryly.
The rooster smiled sheepishly and gestured clumsily to his leg. “I hurt my leg again, amigo~.”
“Of course,” Donald mumbled. He stepped towards the injured leg, gently poking and prodding while watching his patient’s reactions. “Hmm. Nothing feels broken, might just be a light sprain or…”
“Maybe we should take him to radiology to get X-rayed,” suggested Clarabelle.
“No need,” Donald replied, grabbing Panchito’s leg and yanking hard.
There was a loud pop and an even louder yowl from the rooster. “Ay caramba!”
“Doctor Donald!” cried the cow nurse, her tone scolding. “What do you think you’re…?!”
“Hey! My leg! My leg feels so much better, amigo!” Panchito exclaimed, moving his leg almost effortlessly. “Muchas gracias, Doctor Donal’!”
“If you really want to thank me, you’ll stop getting injured so much,” groused the duck. Grabbing his notepad, he scribbled a prescription for pain medication for the cowboy to take. “Keep that leg elevated and ice it properly. Also, no hard work until you’re fully recovered. Remember, you’re no spring chicken!”
“Of course I am no spring chicken. I was born in the summer!”
“You know what I meant! And would you please stop leaving your horse in the waiting room?! He keeps eating all of the refreshments!”
“But Señor Martinez is family! Where else would I leave him?”
It was lunchtime and Donald thought the worst part of his day was over once he was finished with Panchito, but he was proven wrong when Nurse Minnie came by and alerted him of his next patient.
“Hey Doctor Donald, you’ve got José Carioca waiting for you in room #230.”
“What?! He’s here, too?!” groaned Donald. He hadn’t even had the chance to eat lunch yet. “Please tell me he’s the only one in the room this time!” he begged.
“I wish I could, Doctor,” Minnie said apologetically.
Setting his lunch aside, he followed the mouse nurse to his next patient’s assigned room. Already the two medical workers could hear a commotion coming from the room and mentally braced themselves for what lay on the other side of the door.
“Aw, poor José!”
“How could something like this happen to you, José?”
“Would you like to stay at my place while you recover, José?”
“Wow. There’s even more girls than last time,” said Minnie.
“Somehow, I’m not surprised,” replied Donald.
The duo managed to push past the crowd of females to make it to the patient’s bed. There, they spotted a green parrot sitting comfortably amongst the pillows, soaking up the attention of his fangirls. He smiled brightly when he noticed his medical caretakers.
“Ah Doutor Donaldo! Enfermeira Minnie! So good to see you again!”
“It’s good to see you as well, José,” replied the mouse in her usual cheerful and polite way.
“Is it?” asked the duck dryly.
“Oh! Well…maybe not in a hospital setting…”
“So, how’d you end up with a head injury, Mr. José?” asked Donald as he looked at his patient’s chart.
“Well, you see, Doutor, there was this not-so-friendly gentleman at the club where I work at and—"
“It was all her fault!” interrupted one of the women, pointing to the blonde female. “If it hadn’t been for her and her crazy boyfriend then--!”
“My boyfriend?! Wasn’t it your boyfriend who got poor José injured last time?!”
“Why you…!”
“Uh-oh, Doctor Donald! I think we might have another fight on our hands!” shouted Minnie, worriedly remembering what happened last time the performing parrot was here.
“I haven’t taken enough aspirin to deal with a repeat of that!” the duck grumbled back. “All right, ladies, I’m gonna have to ask all of you to leave so I can deal with my patient!” announced Donald impatiently.
“But we want to stay with José!” chorused the girls.
In an instant, the room was vacated by the females, restoring peace and order to the hospital room.
“That might lose us some stars on our hospitality rating,” warned Minnie.
“Aw phooey! They should know better than to be making a ruckus at a hospital!” Donald retorted, beyond caring at the moment. He turned his attention back to the green feathered bird. “So, about your injury…”
“Hehe right. Um…so as Cindy was saying, her boyfriend wasn’t too thrilled about me flirting with her and he sort of bashed me over the head with a chair.”
“So, the same as last time?” asked Donald whilst he checked José’s reflexes.
“No, no, no. Last time, I was beaten with a trumpet!”
“Maybe it might be in your best interest if you didn’t flirt with already taken girls,” Minnie advised.
“But Enfermeira Minnie, the mulheres flirt with me first! How am I supposed to know if they already have boyfriends? Big…strong…trumpet and chair wielding boyfriends…”
“Maybe you’d have a better chance at running from them if you didn’t smoke so much,” the waterfowl said as he checked the parrot’s pupils. “Did you cut back on the cigars like I asked?”
“O sim, sim! These past few weeks I only smoked two cigars per day!”
“Only two?”
“Okay, maybe two and a half. Three at the most if I’m stressed.”
“Right,” said Donald as he scribbled something down on his notepad. “Well, it looks like you have a mild concussion. A few days rest should fix you right up.”
“A few days rest consisting of…?”
“No working, no partying, no bright lights, no loud music, no fangirls, and NO SMOKING!”
“Hi Doctor Donald.”
“I haven’t eaten lunch yet!” Donald squawked angrily before realizing who it was. “Whoops, sorry Doctor Roxanne.”
The young, redheaded doctor waved it off with a smile. “It’s okay. Great work today.”
“Thanks, you too.”
Donald took several quick bites of his sandwich, not sure if or when he would be called to deal with another patient. He had already taken two more pills for his headache after being scolded by Clarabelle, Minnie, and the hospital director for his less-than-stellar bedside manner. Taking a quick look at the clock hanging on the breakroom wall, he groaned when he saw he had two hours until the end of his shift. The longest two hours of any work shift.
“So, I heard your favorite patients came in today,” started Roxanne, taking a seat across from her colleague with a cup of tea.
“Of course, they did,” grumbled the male. “It’s almost like they have sixth sense to know when to show up here and pester me.”
Roxanne giggled at that. “I think they just like visiting their favorite doctor. They know you’ll take good care of them no matter what.”
“…If they liked me that much then they wouldn’t get hurt all the time.”
“Hey, some people can’t help how accident-prone they are. You of all people should understand that.”
“Well, you got me there.” He polished off the rest of his sandwich and washed it down with his fourth cup of coffee as he thought about the southern birds. It wasn’t as if he disliked them, but rather their antics and their propensity to tease. ‘Sometimes, I think they like seeing me mad…’
“Oh! I have an idea! What if we switch patients and I could handle José and Panchito’s next visits while you take two of mine.”
“Huh. That sounds like a great idea!” After all, the two doctors traded patients all of the time. Whenever dealing with a young child or an elderly person who required a lot of patience that he didn’t have, Donald would call on Roxanne. And when the female doctor had rougher patients that needed to be forcibly told that they had no chance with her, Roxanne called on Donald. Without a doubt, the Mexican and Brazilian birds would adore Roxanne, as did everyone else. She was smart, sweet, considerate, patient, and cute-as-a-button.
Everything Donald was not.
“Thanks, Pop-rocks.”
Roxanne giggled affectionately at the nickname. “No problem, Doctor D. I’m always worried your stress levels will land you in here as a patient instead of a doctor!”
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cursegirlrabbit · 2 years ago
Nqwh thank you so so much!! Its beautiful and I love Jose shoving his things into panchitos arms and the look on panchis face. And Donald in his dress and panchi dipping him!
So so cute and your artstyle is so cute
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I normally don't post (clearly) but I loved this fic so much I had to,
Also human ver cuz idk how to draw birds :/
The fic was one of the best I've ever read in general and with the three caballeros it was the best thing.
It's called "The book of life" by cursegirl on ao3
@cursegirlrabbit ❤️❤️❤️ hope you like it
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candyvenombites · 1 year ago
Mickey and Friends X Madoka Magica
Wishes and Abilities
Hey! It’s been awhile! I’ve been pretty busy with school and other personal projects, but today I had time so I’m gonna make a quick post about my Disney x Madoka Magica AU!
I’m gonna showcase some of the characters wishes, the ability they got, their weapon, and a little bit of info!
Let’s get to it!
⚠️Spoilers Ahead for Madoka Magica⚠️
Mickey Mouse
Wish: ???
Ability: Energy Blasts
Weapon: Rapier Sword
Info: Much like Madoka Kaname, Mickeys wish varies from timeline to timeline and his main ability is unknown, but he can fire energy blasts through his rapier. I mainly based the weapon off of ‘The Three Musketeers��� because I thought he’d look cool in a musketeer like outfit.
Donald Duck
Wish: “I wish my boys could be with their great uncle…”
Ability: Water Manipulation
Weapon: Trident
Info: Donald is the Sayaka of the story, especially in wish sense. If you know you know. Donald’s ability and weapon are inspired by him being a sailor.
Goofy Goof
Wish: “Please…Heal my son and me…Save us…”
Ability: Advanced self healing
Weapon: Gauntlets
Info: Goofy is one of the most experienced magicals around. He was 20 years old when he made his wish and he is now 38. He’s kept the territory for a long time and is a very strong magical.
Minnie Mouse
Wish: “I wish my family could make things grow”
Ability: Plant Manipulation
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Info: Minnie’s wish has a lot of head-cannon, but basically she grew up on her family farm and her family almost lost it due to her parents not being able to grow plants, so she made her wish. I imagine her outfit to be kind of fairy like
Daisy Duck
Wish: “I wish to be a successful fashion designer”
Ability: Cloth Manipulation
Weapon: Daggers
Info: Daisy was the first character I made for this AU and has a more simple yet elegant design in my head. The fashion designer idea came from Ducktales 2017
Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez lll
Wish: “Please help my brother sing. Help him become a famous star!”
Ability: Sound Manipulation
Weapon: Duel Pistols
Info: Panchitos story was challenging, because it was hard to make this upbeat and kind man into a Kyoko, but after giving him a little brother it was way easier! I knew immediately what his wish would relate to but I needed make a story that matched.
Jose Carioca
Wish: “I wish for everyone to forget my negative reputation”
Ability: Illusions
Weapon: Umbrella (Can split into a shield and spear)
Info: Josè has a lot of regret over what he wished for, but that doesn’t stop him from surviving. He survived purely for Panchito and his nephews. If anything were to happen to them then his soul gem would go completely black.
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Wish: “I wish that I could go back and save my brother…I want to be the one to protect him!”
Ability: Time Manipulation
Weapon: Shield/Explosives
Info: Oswald is 100% the Homura of the story. I was debating over Donald or him, but I eventually went with Oswald due to the relationship he has with Mickey. Obviously the love is different but he fights just as hard as Homura.
Felicity Fieldmouse
Wish: “I wish I could make news stories happen.”
Ability: Mind Control
Weapon: Camera (Takes control of people’s minds after snapping a photo and can freeze enemies)
Info: Taking Felicity and turning her into a magical girl was tricky, but after learning that she is devoted to her job, I made her wish also devoted to it. To provide for her family and to keep her career she made a contract
Della Duck
Wish: “I always want to be on an adventure!”
Ability: Creature Construction (Can create any creature)
Weapon: Sword
Info: What if instead of flying to the moon, Della became a magical girl and disappeared without a trace one day. Unlike her brother, Della would most likely make a contract immediately and not truly think about the risk of becoming a magical girl, thus putting her in a lot of danger.
Gladstone Gander
Wish: “I want nothing but good luck. Let me have my cousin's great luck!”
Ability: Luck Energy Manipulation (Gives a person bad luck or good luck for a short period of time)
Weapon: Long Circular Saw
Info: This one also has a lot of head-cannon, but I think that originally Donald had all the luck and Gladstone was very unlucky. He was so jealous that he made a contract to steal his cousins good luck. He didn’t intend to make his cousin miserable, but he doesn’t have a lot of regret about making his wish (Who would be when they’re so lucky all the time?)
Drake Mallard ( Darkwing Duck)
Wish: “I want to inspire others like my hero inspired me”
Ability: Temporary Emotion Manipulation
Weapon: Versatile Grappling Hook
Info: Darkwing was fun to make in terms of wish and abilities, but he was also fun to make in his downfall. Darkwing can have a black and white view of things, so when things start to get hazy, it might start taking a bad toll on him. Right and wrong start to blur and he just begins to lose it.
And that’s the last one for now! I hope you enjoyed and if you did, let me know if there’s anyone else to cover!
💕🍬Stay Sweet🍬💕
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romerogirlyshhb · 11 months ago
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oioi meu nome é millz e aqui vou postar algumas coisinhas que escrevo ao longo dos dias sobre os meninos de lsdn e quem sabe de algum outro interesse pessoal. sinta-se à vontade para me mandar pedidos, sugestões e asks. toda interação é bem-vinda.
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