#fran speaks
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glossc1 · 6 months ago
Does that mean odydio yuri 👀
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you best believe it
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sednonamoris · 1 year ago
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john marston btw. if you even care
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twilightfranziska · 1 month ago
i spwlt my name wrong oopies!
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franhelps · 3 months ago
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i should really post the gifs i made.
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ento-gamer · 11 months ago
Tumblr, please assist me, I am in search of a specific image of a drawing of Link from LOZ saying "I'm bisexual" that is colored a sticky-note yellow. Honor befalls the person who can provide the image
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cherryblogss · 7 months ago
oi galera 👋🏻 aqui vou deixar algumas das minhas escritas favoritas desse site e indicações de autoras. Também adicionei algumas fics em espanhol e inglês, porque tem muito talento aqui!!!
notinha: como são muitas que eu amo, me limitei a só 5 histórias de cada. Fiz dos que eu mais acompanho, gatinhas!
Fuera de foco @deepinsideyourbeing
Zona de peligro @interlagosgrl
I'm waiting for the right time @creads
Locked out of heaven @star-elysiam
Curiosity kills @koiibiito
Size kink @koiibiito
Hit me like a ray of sunshine @deepinsideyourbeing
You can be the boss @creads
Reaction formation @geniousbh
Just got my nails done @idollete
Sugar daddy @madame-fear
here kitty, kitty @idollete
Ajuda com os estudos @kiwiskybe
Missing you @sluttforromero
Love bruises @stuckwthem
ciúmes @ellebarnes90
my kind of love @ricvettel
tu cuarto @lacharapita
Rum on a fire @deepinsideyourbeing
With the city beneath us @xexyromero
Princesa @crarinhaw
Boca @lacharapita
Milf!reader @luludohs
I wanna get him back @lunitt
Faz gostoso @kyuala
Flashing lights @lunitt
Se não eu, quem vai te fazer feliz @lacharapita
Soaked @blasdavinci
slow down @jaquemuses
pacto? @przttygirl
Professor universitário @ellebarnes90
Fernando vizinho @luludohs
He's a bad bad boy @idollete
mean!fernando @creads
Fernando amante @lacharapita
OUTROS (me empolguei nesse pqp)
Eles sendo papais @yoolelica
Two is better than one (esteban x fran x reader) @madame-fear
Una condena agradable (matias x enzo x reader) @deepinsideyourbeing
three's a party (enzo x simon x reader) @koiibiito
3some (Fernando x esteban x reader) @imninahchan
Sextape (matias x simon x felipe x reader) @kyuala
Surprise (fernando x esteban x reader) @creads
Especial de São João @lunitt
hush @lacharapita
3 é par? @lunitt
%sale% @geniousbh
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folklorespring · 2 months ago
Btw in russian version of The Nanny they changed her from Jewish to Ukrainian. The most obnoxious stereotypical Ukrainian. There's a stereotype that Ukrainians are these uneducated hillbillies with their silly little language that is so easy to mock and of course they leaned into that.
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relicsongmel · 5 months ago
Thinking about Ema's crush on Miles again as well as the line about her preference for "simmerous" prosecutors in AA4 and given that I'm also a fervent Franema shipper I have no choice but to take those ideas to their natural conclusion:
Ema Skye would probably also find Manfred von Karma attractive.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
VA(vet assistant) here again. Saw the other anon picking cat breeds and I can totally see Siamese for Charles 100% they are the friendliest and most talkative cats! (Plus they got them blue eyes)
Comic Erik would be a Maine Coon. The fridge of cats. Big boys. But he would have the personality of a feral cat. Could not take him to the vet without sedation (but we love you too sedation kitties!)
Adore the image of a Siamese just cat yappin at a giant fluffy monster of a cat.
cherik catverse gettin deep right before my eyes ....... epic ...
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salmalin · 1 month ago
I've got this heavily supported headcanon that, of the main cast of Final Fantasy XII, only Balthier and Fran are even vaguely well traveled enough to register that people are even speaking in an accent different from theirs. They did regional accents in both the Japanese and the English versions (IDK about other dubs, these are the ones I've played) and they're very obvious. They're also very intentional.
Want evidence? I got evidence.
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In Bhujerba, Balthier pegs Larsa on sight. Why wouldn't he? Those clothes? That accent? His manners in relation to his age? That child is a Solidor. Not to mention the freaking necklace.
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A literal child wearing the crest of house Solidor. Dead giveaway, even if you don't know what the crest is. This boy has the bearing of an Archadian Noble wearing clothing that no one in Highgarden could possibly afford. But he's polite, even when compared to the people of Highgarden, and especially Balthier.
Meanwhile Ashe is out here asking if a dude with a Posh As Fuck Thickass Archadian accent...
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... if he's from her goddamn region.
With all due respect.
He most definitely is not.
Anywho, Ashe has been living under a rock for years to stay alive, and before that I doubt she left her region much. Heck, she was engaged to someone basically living next door. Vaan and Penelo are kids raised between plagues and wars, both orphans, and definitely haven't traveled much. Basch arguably has seen at least two regions, and is half Archadian, but his dialect is a freakin' hodgepodge. It's so cool to listen to. Definitely hear that Archadian Education upbringing. His vocabulary is closer to Balthier's than Ashe's, but his consonants are rounder than his brother's.
This could imply that this is something that would have happened to Reddas' accent if his home was in Nabudis.
I digress.
Balthier and Fran have actively been all over the world.
Balthier and Fran are the only members of the main cast who can—or bother to—recognize accents.
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Colin: It must be hard not being able to laugh.
Francesca: I do have a sense of humor you know.
Colin: Really? I’ve never heard you laugh before.
Francesca: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.
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glossc1 · 7 months ago
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talking with manufacturers about getting some charms made! if these guys do well expect other iliad/odyssey/myth ones 👍
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sednonamoris · 1 year ago
take my quiz boy… 🤨
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franeridart · 2 months ago
no okay devo chiedere perché ci sto pensando da tutto il pomeriggio; il nome della gelateria??
Gello Giò! :D
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groundbreakingdot872 · 4 months ago
While discussing Arthur’s very violent upheaval into kingmanship with @rowanmerlin, the topic of just how difficult that must’ve been for him came up, and how little the show gives us any hint of it.
We should’ve seen an entire season-wide arc of Arthur struggling to hold down the emotional fort, whilst the idea of never being held by Uther again played like old television static in the back of his head. We should’ve seen cuts of him flexing his fingers nervously before council meetings, or sleepwalking the majority of days (gaining notoriety as the castle’s phantom) and ending up curled into a ball at the foot of Uther’s effigy. We should’ve seen him waking up early to train his new recruits, and then having Leon gently turn him away as he’s no longer needed (leading to him sleeping later, because it feels like his life has no purpose beyond itineraries anymore).
We see a little of his emotional flagellation, “You're wrong, Merlin. I don't need anyone. I can't afford that luxury.” but not all the rest, when it came to all the princely duties he once mainlined, and I think that’s a real shame.
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wimbledonstrawberry · 6 months ago
jack vs carlos is a possible R3 match I'm SO SEATED I've never been so seated the USO staff is asking me to leave but I'm already so SO seated I can't
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