#fran pregnant
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valleyfae · 1 year
first time dad bucky while his pregnant wife is about to give birth to their lovely child? please and ty 🫧
Every second that goes by, Bucky devotes his all to you. Not letting you lift a finger, messaging the knots out of your sore back, holding you close, and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Bucky paves a trail of delicate kisses to your baby bump while he runs his hand up to cup your cheeks. His velvet, rosy lips leave his mark of love on you, and his devotion sinks into your skin.
Even as Bucky almost runs over the curb and speeds through the yellow light as it turns red, his hand tenderly rests on your trembling thigh. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions and anticipation bundled up by the blanket of adoration that is his composure. He may be a nervous wreck, but there is no one else he would ever want to be driving to the hospital and having a baby with than you.
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leavemetoplaythesims · 9 months
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florence pre meeting felix vs. florence (and fran) post meeting felix.
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proosh · 1 month
do you have any ocs for frapru lovechildren, and can you tell us about them? i can't stop thinking about pregnant Gil, that's it, you've successfully converted me
welcome to the club, comrade! the secret is that any oc can be a frapru lovechild with enough abstraction and alternate universes :D eternal shout-out to @grapeshxt for being my partner in crime for cooking up a stupid number of kids for them. it should be noted that I'm very flexible with these ocs and both Grape and I are prone to swapping their parents around according to what the plot/scene/idea demands, so there's not really a strict 'canon' for them, I hope that makes sense <3 Anyway, in no particular order:
Honourable mention: Ludwig's father is an intentional unknown, but Francis believes he is the boy's sire on some kind of metaphysical level. Don't worry about it!
Petra: Saarland. Born somewhere around the Versailles Treaty after WW1. Small and industrious. Speaks a dialect of Rhine Franconian that gives Gil a headache to try and understand. At the centre of one of the most catastrophic custody battles of the 20th century.
Honourable mention: Ilya, Kaliningrad, was born in 1946. I will let you do the math on the implications of that. Fran is not the father but he is the father who stepped up. Cute kid, likes his sciences. In AUs where he's sired by Fran his name is Élie.
Isabella ("Isa") and Martin: Lorraine Moselle and Alsace, twins. Isa's got dark hair and green eyes which confuses everyone until Gilbert reminds them that Tolys is her uncle/it's the Baltic blood, lmao. Isa is a baby goth and Martin is, to their parents' despair, Catholic.
Alix: She doesn't really represent anything because she exists to be a Gaulish throwback with red hair and to be a little spitfire, bless her soul.
There are a few others that exist in various forms but these ones tend to be the most fleshed out <3
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3d-destro · 1 year
Movie night
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Commission for mafty_navue
A movie night with characters that were previously commissioned by him from me. Quite a crossover for sure...
My PC almost died for this lol
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clonerightsagenda · 6 months
Read the Mary backstory short and Frances Healy went "it's gauche to have our babysitter dead in a ditch, let's bury her in the backyard with the rest of the bodies instead"
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laremsworld · 4 months
Can you guys imagine the pain that Violet Bridgerton must have felt when she found out that her daughter - and not only any daughter, the most sensitive one, the one who could never open up, the one who was so hurt after her father‘s death that she never really dared to let anyone near her after - has lost her husband while being pregnant?!
Can you imagine Violet, Anthony and Benedict on their way to Scotland, crying ugly tears for the whole journey, because they remember vividly how they felt after Edmund died?
Can you imagine Anthony trying to comfort Francesca and telling her that they will get through this together, just like they helped Violet to recover from loosing her husband?
Can you imagine Violet just unconsiously shaking her head because she never really got over Edmund dying?
Can you imagine Violet telling her daughter that she must be strong for the baby in her? That this baby is going to be her rescue just like Hyacinth has been hers?
And finally, can you imagine the day were Fran looses that baby? The day were Benedict, Anthony and Violet look helplessly at each other and realize that the only chance that Francesca haf for a fast recovery is gone now?
Oh Francesca‘s story is going to destroy us all 😭
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I was never really a fan of genderbends but an iasip genderbend has such good implications. My favorite of which is a male barbara impregnating a female bruce then gaslighting fran into thinking she's pregnant, stealing the babies from bruce, make fran think she is going into labor with the baby twins hidden in a bag or something and then paying off the docters to fake a birth. The thing is, I think any version of frank could have fallen for that.
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andvys · 17 days
a gift.
Steve’s knee bouncing up and down, almost vibrating a hole in the floor. The neon lights of the hospital beat down, straining his eyes even more following the stress of the last few hours.
“Uncle Steve!” a small voice echos through the halls of the ER, small uncertain footsteps rushing towards him. A familiar mess of brown curls bobs with every step and his arms stretch automatically to pick up Matty Munson.
“Hey my guy! Wheres your dad?” he questions, placing Matty on his knee. Matty takes a second to ponder the question before he points to the ER doors.
Steve squints, looking towards the doors as he struggles to see the older munson. A moment later, the automatic ER doors slide open followed by a series of camera flashes and a loud, angry voice belonging to Eddie.
“Fucking vultures” the rockstar spits at them, taking his sunglasses off and looking around for his son.
Steve clocks eyes with him and raises a hand, a tight lipped smile settled across his face. Eddie glares right back at him…if looks could kill. The doors open again and Eddie’s frazzled publicist Fran follows behind him, barking out orders at security to move the paparazzi away from the door.
A small hand reaches for Steve’s stubbled jaw, fingers almost in his mouth and directing his attention back to little Munson. “Is mommy ok?” he asks, brown eyes wide and looking slightly scared.
“Mommy’s fine. Matty can you go with Fran to get Mommy some jello while I talk with Uncle Steve?” Eddie uses a large palm to guide Matty away and into the waiting hand of Fran.
The two men watch slowly as Fran guides Matty down the corridor and out of sight. Eddie takes a deep breath, adjusting his jeans as he takes a seat next to Steve, his eyes never leaving the mans profile.
Steve gulps, attempting not to be intimidated, but with how reckless Eddie’s behavior has been of late - it’s difficult.
Eddie gets as close to Steves face as he can, lowering his voice, a voice filmed with so much venom it makes goosebumps erupt through Steve’s body.
“Can you give me a run down of what happened Steve? Why you and my pregnant wife were seemingly in vacation together? Where she then took a fall? And needed to come here? Are you fucking stupid? This would’ve never happened if she’d have be-”
One of the things you need to know about Steve is he was good at keeping his cool, he overreacted a lot of a young adult but now in his 30s, he was so laid back he was almost horizontal. Apart from when it came to those he loved.
“You’ve been separated for 7 months Eddie. It’s not really your business what she does. And accidents happen, like I said on the phone, she slipped getting out of the pool. Pretty sure that could’ve happened if you were there or not” Steve responded as level headed as he could.
Eddie’s jaw twitched, a tattooed hand coming up to rub his jaw. A tick Steve knows all too well. Eddie nods his head repeatedly as he digests Steve’ words.
“She’s my wife Steve. Matty is my son. That baby girl is my baby. They’re my family.”
Steve doesn’t respond. They’ve been through this a thousand times. Ever since Eddie’s affair went public 6 months ago, he refused to accept what he had done to his family. He was the one that broke his wife. He was the one that humiliated her. He was the one that forced Matty to split his time between parents.
“What do you think is going to happen Steve? She’ll have our baby and you get to step in and play Daddy Steve? It’s so secret you’ve always had eyes for my girl. You were always there, just waiting for me to fuck up so you could step in, king steve the saviour here to”
“She served you with divorce papers. Are you so conceited to think she still wants to play happy families with you? After what you did to her? She was so distraught she almost lost the baby-” Steve spits back at him.
Steve had been there from the start. Eddie knew Page Six had the scoop on his affair, and instead of getting ahead of it and telling you himself, he took an impromptu trip to visit Wayne and let you find out at the same time the rest of the world did. He did what he always did. He ran.
The mention of that night you ended up in hospital in the early stage of your pregnancy was enough to tip Eddie over the edge.
Eddie flew out of his chair, grabbing Steve by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the pillar. Gasps filled the ER and flashes from the door were the least of his problems right now.
“She’s my wife. If she thinks I’m signing those divorce papers-” Eddie is so close to Steve, every word he grits out lands a glob of saliva on his cheeks.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave” a calm voice from behind the men demands.
Eddie’s eyes bulge out of his head, the veins almost popping through his neck. For a moment everyone remains still. Eddie loosens his grip on Steve who takes a second to stand up straight.
“I’m not fucking leaving until I’ve seen my wife” Eddie spits, eyes still on Steve.
Steve laughs under his breath, running a hand through his hair. Eddie takes this as his chance and slams his head into Steve’s face, busting not only Steve’s nose but his own in the process. Security rushes to grab Eddie and place him in cuffs when the double doors to the ER open.
“Family of Y/N Y/L/N?” The doctor calls out, looking amongst the carnage of the ER.
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why…. would… you… do… this… to… ME
you broke my heart???!!!!!
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i cannot deal with him doing this — i’m, i’ll be thinking about this for the rest of my life, i’m sick to my stomach
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franchael’s trying to find a way to say they hate the lesbian couple without coming across as bigoted homophobes. maybe you can’t do that because… you’re a bigoted homophobe
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like not only are you ignoring the fact that it’s completely possible to have an infertility storyline with queer women and you saying they can’t is homophobic (they could also have fran be pregnant and lose the baby and question whether or not having a child is more important to her than being with michaela) you’re also acting like losing a straight ship is similar to having a POC or queer character erased. It’s not the same you fucking idiots.
anyways i hope they finger each other every episode
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burningfudge · 4 months
kanthony was done dirty this season 😭😭😭 why are they always fucking off to god knows where all the time let them stay with the family!!! anthony is literally the head of the household and you’re telling me he wouldn’t be present at fran’s wedding? going to india to give birth to the baby makes sense because in indian culture, the mother goes her family’s house before giving birth but they live in england so be practical please, they have to travel from england to india by BOAT and kate is pregnant. and after all this, we didn’t even get to see the baby???? huh??? what were the writers doing with them this season?? they basically just showed up to tell everyone they were leaving 😭
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wizardwomenwisdom · 4 months
dear straight people
if you don't know (and i'd like to assume you don't because otherwise you're being homophobic around MY bridgerton loves), gay people can marry people they aren't attracted to and still have lovely beautiful life-altering relationships. it's how we've survived this long. it's how aro people find life partners. its a friendship that transcends all others, that begs someone specific to stay by your side forever because you understand one another. fran and john are going to have their epic love, its just going to be quiet and soft and different the same way violet described it. michaela is still going to have that gap to fill regardless, she's just going to be a woman doing it now.
and if you don't know queer women also experience infertility issues when they're with women. they also struggle to get pregnant and hurt over it, with a serious amount of added layers to that trauma. this story is giving us the chance to see ourselves the same way WHWW did.
and finally, if you really really don't know, fran isn't going to feel for michaela the same way regardless of how tongue-tied she got. good luck babe! is still relevant in 2024 - you think it wasn't when girls were asking questions like "inserts himself where?" comp het is real and you bet fran is just gonna want close companionship from michaela for years. you also bet that "thank you for letting my son love her first" is gonna hit somehow even harder when there's an undertone of accepting their love despite public opinion.
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gk1516-1718 · 1 month
Hi , it's me again , can you make epictale frans drawing ??
In the drawing
Sans and frisk are head to head , while sans touching frisk belly because she is pregnant , and ir her womb you can see them soul of her baby
Sans say
Sans : I'm going to be dad
And frisk say
Frisk : yes ❤
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I hope you like it😊😊
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3d-destro · 1 year
Waking up early
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Fran from Inazuma Eleven GO vs Danball Senki W had to wake up because of the intense movement of the baby. Alts with other form are included and a bigger belly too. Commissioned by mafty_navue
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inthedreamatorium1 · 3 months
I just finished Francesca's book (spoiles abound)
and I love that it's Colin who sees through Michael immediately. And it's Colin who tells Michael to marry her. And what makes it better is that Francesca and Michael's story is happening concurrently to Colin and Penelope's. He's seeing a man who is enduring similar feelings and he's all, "oh I know exactly what you're going through, my dude." Colin loves Penelope so there's no doubt in his mind that he'll marry her. So why wouldn't he see a man in love and be all like, "you have feelings for her? It's really simple then. Just marry her!" because that's what he is doing. I just love that connection so much.
I know it's very unlikely we'll see much (if at all) of Colin in Frannie's season (figuring it'll be several seasons down the road) but I would love for book!Colin to carry over into the show. Recognizing there's something there with Michaela and Francesca. Gently letting Michaela know it's okay and that the family will support the relationship. Obviously Francesca's season will be very different than the book (we love wlw!) but I think the feelings of unworthiness and inappropriateness that Michael feels would absolutely carry over into the show. And having Colin see it, acknowledge it, and respect it would be huge.
(also, I liked Michael as a character but I'm glad they're changing things up in the show. I feel like the whole bad boy rake thing is being done to death with Simon, Anthony, and soon Benedict. There are still a lot of aspects and personality of Michael they can give to Michaela. Obviously she won't be come Earl but I think the feelings Michael feels in regards to betraying John would absolutely carry through. And while yes, infertility is a big part of Fran's story, there are still ways to do it with a wlw story. Either she is pregnant when John dies or they decide to take in orphaned kids. I'm excited to see where they go with it!)
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