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Deliver to: Librarian Salessha Ri Capiir, Twenty-Fifth Eastern Seaside, Ivory Room.
From: Fraithe ven Tomas, in-stacks 3rd Gearsward
Discovered lost patron in Rites of Flame and Shadow. Approximately 6’, misty luminescent, vaguely humanoid. Had been searching through the stone carvings, apparently for fighting blessings, and left such a mess of carvings piled around the fire that the walls were covered in unfinished rituals. Patron did not speak any tongue I know; conversed in undecipherable whooms and haawwwns at great length. Have directed them to 23rd Upper Outlook to Lib. Hragan, and contacted the Tomewardens for cleanup and monitoring.
Found wand you requested in 1st Gearsward, Wand Cabinet 12 Nightside Drawer 57. Had companion wand in Drawer 58; parchment instructions to avoid separating them for more than sixteen turns. Not sure what “turns” means in this context. Bringing both unless advised otherwise. Noise of grinding gears here is unbearable. One of the floor rotations appears stuck. Please advise which maintenance crew to send in.
Will keep you apprised of further progress.
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Challenge #03817-J165: Uniquely Deathworlder Fare
"Popcorn! It's been so long!"
"You heat the seeds until they...explode? This is a treat-food? Humans." -- Anon Guest
"Empty calories. Bland and harmless on its own. They take up the flavour of whatever you put with them." Human Meis grinned, still fondling the seemingly harmless orange-yellow seeds in their care package. "The process of making it might be bad for you little squishies, but the finished product? You might like it. I'll do you some caramel corn an I'll have the butter."
Companion Fraith boggled at hir Human. "You are certain this Deathworlder food does no harm?"
"I'll maximise food hygeine for you. It'll be basic starch and sugars, but you might want to spit out the shells. Or cut them off. Nobody's invented shell-less popcorn yet. I might make a robot to sort out the easy ones for you. Actually, I should start on that now."
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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And l'm not sad no silent prayer for the fraith
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Challenge #03817-J165: Uniquely Deathworlder Fare
"Popcorn! It's been so long!"
"You heat the seeds until they...explode? This is a treat-food? Humans." -- Anon Guest
"Empty calories. Bland and harmless on its own. They take up the flavour of whatever you put with them." Human Meis grinned, still fondling the seemingly harmless orange-yellow seeds in their care package. "The process of making it might be bad for you little squishies, but the finished product? You might like it. I'll do you some caramel corn an I'll have the butter."
Companion Fraith boggled at hir Human. "You are certain this Deathworlder food does no harm?"
"I'll maximise food hygeine for you. It'll be basic starch and sugars, but you might want to spit out the shells. Or cut them off. Nobody's invented shell-less popcorn yet. I might make a robot to sort out the easy ones for you. Actually, I should start on that now."
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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The Mosaic law was "abolished" as tablets of stone that were morally perfect but powerless to transform our hearts from the inside out. The Re-NEW-ed Covenant repositions God (his heart, his will, his ways, his life, his values, etc) INSIDE us by the lifeblood of Jesus - transforming it from the fear of punishment to the internal WANT TO. Jesus BLOOD in us; Jesus LIFE in us.
As we follow Jesus, we come into unity, into alignment, and thus we do what Jesus already did - we fulfill the Mosaic law, because we are LOVING with God's own love, and being a force of goodness/blessing as Jesus was, for Jesus was a CONDUIT of the Kingdom - the presence of Father God, expressed and demonstrated in tangible ways on Earth.
Does working to fulfill the Mosaic law make us righteous and pleasing before God? Of course not! We had already HOPELESSLY BROKEN Gods law before we even knew what it was! We are righteous only in the divine righteousness BESTOWED upon us - by Christ and In Christ. In Christ all the perfection, the love, the trust/fraith, the total obedience of God IS EXTENDED TO US. It unleashes our TRUE INTENDED IDENTITY. We are now "dead to sin" (unresponsive to its impulses and bondage addiction), and ALIVE to God. Jesus showed us what it means to live as alive/responsive to Father God!
Throughout the Bible, we see a PROGRESSIVE REVELATION of who God is. We see God giving more and more intimate insight into Himself, giving more NAMES of Himself throughout the Old Testment. (The Mighty God, the God who Provides, the God who Sees you, I AM that I AM - the self-existent One, etc.)
God shows us WHO HE IS be showing us His life instructions (His Torah). In these last days (The Re-Newed Covenant, the Gospels) Father God sent his own beloved Son as a DIRECT REVELATION OF HIMSELF. Now you can see exactly who God is. no confusion allowed. The MYSTERY of God is revealed, tangible in the flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. You can see God's Torah instructions DEMONSTRATED - lived out among us.
Jesus IS what God's love looks like. What God's character looks like. God's passion for Justice looks like. God's TENDERNESS and is unyielding Severity lived out. God's unwillingness to compromise with LESS. God is hard-working, but working with the strength of divine JOY. God is always GIVING, but not everyone is willing to believe or receive.
Jesus is the WORD of God. Jesus is the EXACT NATURE of Father God. Jesus is the PRESENCE of God. Jesus is the FULLNESS of Father God in bodily form. Jesus is ONE with Father God. Jesus is co-creator WITH God -- the Father includes and freely shares EVERYTHING with the Son - who he is, what he values, how he thinks and operates, how he LOVES, how he JUDGES, etc..
There are Bible verses for each and every sentence here. Go look them up and read them for yourselves.
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The Mosaic law was "abolished" as tablets of stone that were morally perfect but powerless to transform our hearts from the inside out. The Re-NEW-ed Covenant repositions God (his heart, his will, his ways, his life, his values, etc) INSIDE us by the lifeblood of Jesus - transforming it from the fear of punishment to the internal WANT TO. Jesus BLOOD in us; Jesus LIFE in us.
As we follow Jesus, we come into unity, into alignment, and thus we do what Jesus already did - we fulfill the Mosaic law, because we are LOVING with God's own love, and being a force of goodness/blessing as Jesus was, for Jesus was a CONDUIT of the Kingdom - the presence of Father God, expressed and demonstrated in tangible ways on Earth.
Does working to fulfill the Mosaic law make us righteous and pleasing before God? Of course not! We had already HOPELESSLY BROKEN Gods law before we even knew what it was! We are righteous only in the divine righteousness BESTOWED upon us - by Christ and In Christ. In Christ all the perfection, the love, the trust/fraith, the total obedience of God IS EXTENDED TO US. It unleashes our TRUE INTENDED IDENTITY. We are now "dead to sin" (unresponsive to its impulses and bondage addiction), and ALIVE to God. Jesus showed us what it means to live as alive/responsive to Father God!
Throughout the Bible, we see a PROGRESSIVE REVELATION of who God is. We see God giving more and more intimate insight into Himself, giving more NAMES of Himself throughout the Old Testment. (The Mighty God, the God who Provides, the God who Sees you, I AM that I AM - the self-existent One, etc.)
God shows us WHO HE IS be showing us His life instructions (His Torah). In these last days (The Re-Newed Covenant, the Gospels) Father God sent his own beloved Son as a DIRECT REVELATION OF HIMSELF. Now you can see exactly who God is. no confusion allowed. The MYSTERY of God is revealed, tangible in the flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. You can see God's Torah instructions DEMONSTRATED - lived out among us.
Jesus IS what God's love looks like. What God's character looks like. What God's passion for Justice looks like. God's TENDERNESS and is unyielding Severity lived out. God's unwillingness to compromise with LESS. God is hard-working, but working with the strength of divine JOY. God is always GIVING, but not everyone is willing to believe or receive.
Jesus is the WORD of God. Jesus is the EXACT NATURE of Father God. Jesus is the PRESENCE of God. Jesus is the FULLNESS of Father God in bodily form. Jesus is ONE with Father God. Jesus is co-creator WITH God -- the Father includes and freely shares EVERYTHING with the Son - who he is, what he values, how he thinks and operates, how he LOVES, how he JUDGES, etc..
There are Bible verses for each and every sentence here. Go look them up and read them for yourselves.
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the entire article on deyanira katrece from uesp
Ableas Abourn Abovere Accoule Aciel Agger Alovelf Alser Anals Anight Anithame Anlins Arcals Arcast Areck Arese Artake Astre Athams Ating Awaking Baciell Banigh Banight Bantiver Beame Beave Becon Becred Beetteat Beging Begrome Behing Bethis Betuady Beyals Bilow Binvant Biter Bleam Bling Bontiond Booded Boolion Boseast Bostress Bouge Bought Boura Bovensty Budiret Businge Busingly Bustred Byern Byeswak Calleg Canks Capeara Carew Castar Casty Codeent Coment Comet Complook Cosent Courns Daeduce Dagoned Darde Darrord Ditily Diturn Doess Doest Doesual Doesuldn Doned Donesse Donse Donst Dooldne Dooling Doolise Draget Draide Draidee Drave Dreal Dreet Drethink Driel Ellast Ellow Enchen Encludge Entalms Evers Fainer Fainks Faists Fareg Farry Fartill Fauld Featolia Finvan Flout Flown Floyany Fooded Fortal Fould Fourn Fournall Fraging Fraing Fraith Fretuat Frides Frilk Frorea Frows Gines Givion Giviond Givionge Gonde Gongs Gookaye Goolings Goomed Gothince Gothine Gotted Greas Greek Greevers Gremord Gremory Gress Gressed Gretto Grome Hanit Hatingly Hatruld Hault Havend Header Heake Heasess Heave Hecoding Helsomen Hereat Heres Herseall Heseret Hicapers Hocturs Holsort Honly Hontime Horse Hougere Houldne Hourn Idded Ideswer Imaing Ingly Ishece Ittless Jacheark Jacture Jusednes Keepour Kespease Kings Kneve Knorair Knother Lacien Lacke Laste Leare Lease Legin Lesca Lialt Lineare Lionore Llesty Lleve Llive Locks Loctur Loopper Losecons Lostsh Lournats Lovent Lovers Loyall Loyalle Loyan Loyanit Loyank Loyant Loyany Luchea Magge Magin Maging Maing Maird Mesul Migat Mighter Milow Miseard Mishaded Mishels Mispe Morgere Morgive Mosort Moultelf Muces Mucheast Mustall Myster Mystion Nevere Nighte Nitilk Nothelp Nother Notters Nurnam Oateas Oathed Oathing Oatind Obleart Obleve Oblial Oblifice Okest Ondnes Oneduce Opers Oppen Oraing Orasigh Ountst Ouremay Ousight Owithah Pcret Pcrielp Pcrienty Peaken Peapper Perhals Pillader Pinge Pings Plage Pless Plife Plond Plose Plovende Pondn Pones Posor Pought Prage Praing Priels Prive Prored Purns Quenty Quesse Quested Reakes Reartarm Reave Recas Recode Reeturn Refught Remake Remay Repen Retched Retured Ritheara Riting Roressee Rulessed Rulty Runra Saced Saciele Saings Sainsen Saishing Savel Saven Sayinde Sedurnst Sellinge Shaded Shanam Shanira Shank Shanly Shater Sheaken Shemake Sherit Shinks Sholiand Shons Shour Shous Sillest Siloulty Siorge Sithigh Sleave Slest Sludge Sluding Smine Someduce Somel Somen Somis Sooking Soolsell Sooss Sorder Soream Spart Speles Spelf Sping Sporde Sposeed Spoul Spour Stabook Sting Stiont Stoness Stsight Swakend Swelf Taing Tarry Thaling Thall Thaturn Theakes Thece Thedra Thers Thfught Thfult Thican Thigh Thight Thimplay Thiness Things Thishan Thiss Thock Thoctual Thoctur Thorry Tooking Toong Topery Toppeas Touce Toulead Tourbin Tourport Tours Traing Treed Tright Tuatic Undedne Unding Undirse Untalms Upordle Vaded Vereen Vowist Wakes Walind Wally Waretter Wayinks Weele Welnalm Welping Whadee Whaltery Whaps Whaters Whavence Wheat Whene Whersur Whindine Whist Whock Willene Willise Wings Witurn Worew Worrill Wortaken Wortall Wrearm Wrest Wrome Wrons Wrork Yould Yourbill Youre Yourn
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Fraith brainrot I have
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faith x fred - aliens
#buffy femslash#buffyverse femslash challenge#faith lehane#fred burkle#faith x fred#winifred burkle#fraith#y'all i love them please give this some attention!!!!#i wish i knew how to put filters on to make it look pretty but i still tried!#mine#my edit#drugs //
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This was supposed to be a quick thing
#oc: brân fraith#baldurposting#haven't found some good camp clothes for him so I guess i have to take matters into my own hands#baldur's gate 3#bg3#tav
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Agatha Raisin 2.01 | The Wizard of Evesham
#agatharaisinedit#tvgifs#tvfilmsource#tvfilmgifs#tvedit#adaptationsdaily#agatha raisin#charles fraith#i started the books and i love love love them#m:gifs
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Me and my hot takes
#the good place#tahani al jamil#stranger things#steve harrington#wwdits#nandor the relentless#charles fraith#agatha raisin
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Saved by the Boggle.
Agatha Raisin 4.01, “Kissing Christmas Goodbye”
#agatha x charles#agatha raisin#sir charles fraith#agatharaisinedit#userbbelcher#chewieblog#usersrobin#romancegifs#cinemapix#cinematv#filmtv#tvandfilm#dailytvfilmgifs#tvedit#daniedits#back on my **** with them#I still can't believe they didn't give us the cyprus ep#I ship idiots only
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Agatha Raisin: Kissing Christmas Goodbye | Dec. 20, 2021
#agatha raisin#bbelcher#userstream#chewieblog#dailytvfilmgifs#tvgifs#tvedit#tvseriessource#tvcentral#tvcentric#tvandfilm#filmtv#cinematv#agatharaisinedit#roy silver#bill wong#sir charles fraith#sarah bloxby#toni gilmour#mrs boggle#mc beaton#agatha raisin kissing christmas goodbye#acorn tv#ashley jensen#matthew horne#matt mccooey#jason merrells#lucy liemann#jodie tyack#marcia warren
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the impeccable energy Agatha/Charles has... two bickering friends, both entirely sure that the other is not their type at all how dare you! and yet constantly flirting, only for one of them to fall head over heels and realise that they’ve been in love this whole time... plus it had ‘fake dating/marriage’ thrown in the mix which makes it legendary
#when james went missing? i basked in the glory of the agatha + charles scenes#they are so good together they’re in sync and funny and there’s always this tension but even if they fell in love they’re friends first#charles will always help agatha and agatha will always help charles - and they don’t do it bc they love each other (although they do)#it’s because they’re such close friends. they have this foundation and this trust and this loyalty#im just saying charles would never abandon agatha at the altar bc she didn’t mention her ex husband#knowing him he’d be proud. and admit to like 2 ex wives and agatha would stamp her foot at him and then they’d get hitched#agatha raisin#sir charles fraith#agatha x charles
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