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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
X-Files Collector's Edition: MORE Fics That Fit My Niche “Dad!Mulder” Likes
You know I had to do it. I've been waiting almost a week to do this. So we're doing this, Round Two:
Authors Listed Below
@baronessblixen (Ao3)
@leiascully (Ao3) 
@lokisgame​ (Ao3)
@markwatneyandenesemble (Ao3)
@mchalowitz (Ao3)
@pickingoutchinapatterns (Ao3)
@sportsnightnut (Ao3)
@tinglingworld (Ao3)
xraelynn/Rachel Noble 
Mulder eating all disgusting food his kid(s) give him (all-time fave)--
William celebrates his third birthday, Scully her 40th, and Mulder his 43rd (the sum of the two loves of his life.) MUCH mess is made by father and son with little man’s birthday cake– The Law of Large Numbers - Apostrophic - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Will destroys his birthday cake; and his parents are more charmed and resigned than exasperated– This Is A Trainwreck - markwatneyandensemble - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder picking names for his child(ren)–
Post IVF failure Scully finds a list with baby names on them... they had been Mulder's guesses and favorites. Heart-wrenching and adorable--  Hate is always foolish and love is always wise — Name Calling (tumblr.com) Ao3 Name Calling - Baroness_Blixen - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder realizes Scully’s names suggestion– Vanessa– could be shortened to Nessie, and tries to nonchalantly approve. She figures him out– Poetics, Detectives and Aliens — crossedbeams: Mulder would 100% get behind… (tumblr.com)
Revival Mulder finds out Scully’s C-section is scheduled for Halloween. He then tries to sneak horror movie names into his baby girl’s name (who almost isn’t born on Spooky Day)– Spooky Mulder: The Revenge - RoseThornhill - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Revival Baby is born on Halloween and affectionately nicknamed Squatch by her doting father. He and Scully settle into domesticity (that involves Armani and White Onions for Thanksgiving)– I’m fairly happy. — Fic:  Little Bigfoot (tumblr.com) Ao3 Little Bigfoot - leiascully - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder is unrepentant that Scully’s clothes and furniture were blown up. Scully brings home baby name book, and they swap ideas– Names - Chiefchopstix - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Revival Mulder tries to distract a panicky Scully by naming their baby girl– and it turns out he’s panicking because he wanted to sing her happy birthday on her birthday– Names - lesbianreinaa - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Revival and sleep-deprived Mulder and Scully sort their new, wacky life out with an unnamed, week-old daughter (their takeout place helps them decide)– Fox Mulder’s Guide to Fatherhood* - xraelynn - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Scully lets Mulder name their daughter; but it's Jackson who starts the fox thematic nicknames in the house-- Maybe there's hope... - The Fox’s Den (tumblr.com)
Mulder and Scully already knew their daughter’s name, but he creates an adorable nickname all his own– a very flexible definition of okay — this version of normal Inspired by @megk18 ’s post… (tumblr.com) Ao3 this version of normal - sportsnightnut - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder names his little girl, growing her into baseball and adorable nicknames. As she grows, she changes; but the pride and love will always be there-- hey there aliens : endearments, part 5 (tumblr.com)
AU– In a better world Mulder and Scully realize they’re having another baby after a nosebleed. Scully lets her partner pick out her name– luminosity - skuls - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder THE involved Dad–
Mulder and Scully places bets on William’s patterns of behavior on Christmas– I do it all for you, Mulder — Not a Creature was Stirring (tumblr.com) Ao3 Not a Creature was Stirring - mldrgrl - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder sharing his interests with his kid(s)–
Mulder and Will make a big deal about a baseball game for a team they don’t even care about while Scully catches up on paperwork– Baseball and Horror - Spooky66 - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] FFN Baseball and Horror, a x-files fanfic | FanFiction
Mulder bonds with his family over the big baseball game, air guitaring for Will and talking about his past with Scully (and later multitasking for her– and his– benefit)– Believing in Miracles (mulderscreek.com) Ao3 Believing in Miracles - spookyawards_archivist - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder sleeping with his children on the couch–
Scully comes home to find William conked out with popcorn and a movie. Mulder banters with her and puts their son to bed– Family Hour - mldrgrl - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder dancing with his son–
Mulder realizes Will is nervous about his school dance, and snags Scully for a little shimmy demonstration. They both haven’t told him about her pregnancy, yet– How’s About a Dance - mldrgrl - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder being adorable with his babies--
Mulder is honored to rock his son– Rocking Chair - sosoane1 - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Scully is puzzled Mulder isn’t raring to get back to work. He just wants to be a dad, especially after Will finally laughed– Tumblr’s Most Unwanted — msrpolaroidproject: William AU: Scully’s boys … Ao3 The Truth Of Us - Lokisgame - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
Mulder spies on his teen son and new gf– Still Fairly Young - Chapter 1 - Lokisgame - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Revival baby is LOUD. Mulder soothes his “Sweetface” with wild songs (to her and Scully’s amusement)– Alice is a Punk Rocker - RoseThornhill - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Post Revival Scully’s first conference away from her family goes without a hitch… well, mostly. Their daughter keeps Mulder on his toes– The Best Part of the Story - Chapter 1 - IStanYouStan5676 - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder does his crazy-toga-dad-dance to distract his teething daughter– Affirmations and Protestations: “Fluff and Angst” Prompts - Chapter 2 - fragilevixen - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
“Old man” Mulder and his daughter “investigate” the Easter Bunny while Scully picks up her family from the airport– The Easter Bunny was a Fox - fragilevixen - The X-Files
Mulder and Scully are surprised with a positive pregnancy test after having (mostly) raised their son successfully (great bonding and parenting moments, including Scully’s outrage at Will’s first gf)– I do it all for you, Mulder — Hi! Can I ask you to write a fic with this prompts… (tumblr.com) Ao3 They Grow Up So Fast - mldrgrl - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Mulder being comforted by his kids--
Scully is snappy all day, realizing too late it’s Samantha’s disappearance anniversary. Mulder is stable; but he drops tears at Scully’s heartfelt love and praise. Will covers him in kisses– I Was Dancing When I Was Twelve - TheAddict4Dramatics - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
And here’s a bonus: a collection of prompts that revolve around Mulder’s happier life with his family– it’s what we deserve - tinglingworld - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
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lilydalexf · 9 months ago
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Here are some very good fics that involve the X-Files episode "En Ami." Enjoy!
Animus Possidendi by Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) “It looks good on you,” he said flatly. “It looks incredible, actually. But I still hate it. Get rid of it.”
As Friends by @heartbash Post-episode En Ami (715). Mulder and Scully have a hard conversation about the Smoking Man's manipulation of Scully and the nature of their evolving relationship.
As We Forgive Those by haphazardmethod Mulder was so angry in En Ami. What happened to reconcile him to Scully's actions? Barbara tells me most people said "sex." This is not that story. "The fact that forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us isn't honored more--I blame that on writers. Because the easy story to tell is the vengeance story, and it's known to satisfy. This guy shot my brother. How's the story gonna wind up? And what does a reader think? OK, that's settled. So it's just the easiest of all stories to tell. So it in fact encourages, makes reputable vengeance." -- Kurt Vonnegut. This is not that story, either.
By All Accounts, Today Was A Disaster and The Art of Breaking by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. We know Mulder’s pissed, but so is Scully. Angst. MSR.
The Choices We Make by a_steady_wish “You need to see a doctor,” he insisted, hand on the small of her back, more forceful than usual; the tips of his fingers pressed into her flesh enough that although she knew she wouldn’t be bruised, there would likely be red marks for a little while afterwards; he was marking that curve as his own.
Coming Clean by @starwalker42 "Loving Mulder is as natural as breathing. It’s not lost on her that she’s currently underwater." Mulder and Scully deal with the fallout from the events of En Ami.
The Course of True Love by ML (No summary provided)
The Darker Side of Love by fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) Mulder does not want to talk but he does not want Scully to leave, either. “Betrayal stings in a bitter way but regret leaves an even bigger hole in a heart.” – Unknown
Devoured, cleansed by @frangipanidownunder Set post En Ami.
Divide and Conquer by @mldrgrl A post-En Ami drabble.
False Front by cecily_sass (@cecilysass) Scully comes home from her road trip with the Smoking Man. Mulder’s been waiting and worrying. No one likes to feel fooled. Missing scenes from the end of En Ami.
Haptics by Pam Gamble Another interpretation of the En Ami aftermath. Haptics: Information conveyed through the sense of touch.
Iconoclasm by Diana Battis Variations on a theme of truth.
In Milford by DarlaBlack (@sigritandtheelves) This time she leaves
Let Bygones Be Bygones by @mldrgrl Post En Ami/Chimera smut. Mulder's still just a wee bit mad about Scully running off and Scully's just angry that he can't let it go.
Momentum by @dreamingofscully The choices Scully makes in En Ami cause some unintended consequences for herself and her relationship with Mulder.
Nature's Dark Gift by bluesamutra Daylight is coming and the shadows are gone
No Quarter Given 3: Surrender by Mish It can only end in mutual surrender. (No Quarter Given part 1, part 2, and part 4 - part 4 is unfinished)
A Poison Tree by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. Mulder and Scully are pissed at each other over the events of En Ami. There do be smut here.
Shadow of the Sword by Dreamshaper 'She had been used before. She would be used again. Spender Sr. might not have realized that she had finally allowed herself to love Mulder, but he had known all along that his deceptive promises would drive a wedge between them, and he probably considered that a perfect reward for his efforts...'
Shadows of Ashes by VivWiley Is the price of betrayal calculable?
Those Who Wait by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Punctuality seemed to be written into Scully's bones, yet when it came to Mulder, she never quite seemed to get the timing right.
Three Times - Overture, Overture Mirrored, and Restart by Joann Humby Scully's missing, having left home with CSM. When she returns, emotions are running high. / After a sexual misadventure in the aftermath of En Ami - Mulder and Scully still haven't talked about what happened. Mulder returns from his trip to England to find Scully considering fate.
Untitled by @mldrgrl Consider this a post-epish piece for En Ami
What Partnership is About by Anna Greenway A post episode story for En Ami. Mulder and Scully play Monopoly.
Wing and Prayer by Revely (No summary provided)
Yo Creo and The Payment by Elanor G Tensions run high between Mulder and Scully after the events of En Ami. A new lead on Cobra threatens to lead them further into darkness. / After En Ami, a conversation. And payment for services rendered.
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actual-changeling · 10 months ago
Heya! Do you have any msr fic Recs?
I do have a lot! My ao3 bookmarks are all public, so you can go and browse those by fandom since I save every single fic I read. Fake/pretend relationship and anything involving them figuring out their relationship while around people are two of my all time favourite tropes. Here are some of my favourites though, they're either oneshots or completed:
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (~66k, E)
Getting home proves to be challenging for our favourite agents. Set during Season 7, after Millennium.
True Lies (~106k, T)
Post-Terma, Scully can't help but think they need protection against any future kangaroo court congressional hearings and comes up with a rather unconventional solution that she proposes of Mulder.
Since We Fell Apart (~23k, T)
Post One Son, Scully is fed up with playing second fiddle to everything in Mulder's life, and decides it's best to just be done with him. Skinner asks her to work one last case for the X-Files - undercover in Arcadia.
Keep It All the Year (26k, M)
Scully is summoned to San Diego for a funeral at Christmastime, and ropes Mulder into her family dysfunction. Set in S6, canon divergent but not wildly so.
The Whole Story (~2.6k, T) by @sisterspooky1013
If they thought Maggie couldn’t tell when two people are holding hands under the dinner table, they've got another thing coming.
The Marriage Spectacular (~20k, M)
Lost FBI agents. Stormy weather. A marriage retreat in a mountainside inn with one room available.
una via (~19k, M)
Mulder and Scully's changing relationship in the period after Amor Fati.
Plus some of my favourite authors whose works I am still digging through and enjoying a lot. There's nothing better than reading a great fic, going to their profile, and then realizing they have like 100 more of them.
Skinfull @baronessblixen OnlyTheInevitable fragilevixen @danascully77 cecily_sass audries kittenscully
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people, so you're very much invited to add your favourite fics and/or your own (self promo is explicitly welcomed!!).
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audiofanficpod · 3 years ago
The Darker Side of Love by @fragilevixenfic
Read by @anniexami
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Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
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dreareblogs · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maxine "Max" Brenner & Spencer Reid Characters: Spencer Reid, Maxine "Max" Brenner, Penelope Garcia Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Fluff and Smut, Post series finale, Episode: s15e10 And in the End, Intellect with a side of sex, Penelope Garcia's words of wisdom, Inside the mind of Spencer Reid, The sex ran away from me Summary:
Dulce periculum translates to “danger is sweet”. Takes place nine months after the episode “…And in the End.”
Maxine and Spencer have continued seeing each other, in spite of the interference brought to the surface by Cat Adams. Spencer continues to work closely with the BAU after it nearly dismantled, with signature members scattering to the winds, leaving behind only a few, including himself, to keep working on their caseload. After a long, intense case, Spencer returns home to a little more than a can of worms.
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fragilevixenfic · 5 years ago
4, 8, 19, 27, 33 for the fanfic writers asks!
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
I love a really great casefile - thrilling/scary/suspenseful. It can have the elements of a solid Angst/UST/RST but the primary theme really needs to thrill or scare, if it can. That’s always been my main aim...to get the blood pressure elevated and get the mind working.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
I draw a lot of inspiration from my own experiences but I also listen to an abundance of music. I’ll be listening to a song and it’ll stir a new range of emotions in me that design an entire plot around the feeling. It’s how many of my fics have come to be.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’m in the middle of two sequels (one is for Parallel and the other is for XII) but I don’t know if that counts. It might be...I want to FINISH them since neither one is finished yet. Ambition and progress are not friends. lol
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I’m a mixture of both. When it comes to casefiles -- the outline is a necessity. Most of them need some kind of logistical plan to get it organized and well designed. The shorter, one-shots don’t really require an outline.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
I was posting a fic in a facebook group and a person saw the link associated with the fic--and they immediately asked “Wait, are you fragilevixen?” and I said “yes”. They were embarrassed but admitted they were marking out over knowing that and proceeded to tell me that they’d read the fic 13 times already. It was probably the best, biggest compliment I’ve received. I’ll never forget it.
Thank you for the ask, dear.
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asifyoudidntknow · 5 years ago
“This almost ethereal and sublime moment between them was a long time coming and not from careful planning but simply action in motion. Their secret, intense magnetism that had been carefully guarded and hidden away had materialized.”
XII by fragilevixen
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cassiopeia462 · 3 years ago
New TXF FF: Christmas Crashers
Here’s my second holiday gift fic for this season, a story that I wrote for fragilevixen. In it, the Scullys crash a private Christmas dinner between Mulder and Scully. 😄 I hope you all enjoy it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35952592/chapters/89630425
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
X-Files Collector's Edition: Celebrating Passover and Easter
Mulder and Scully celebrate Easter (and one Passover) through the years, escaping to the road each year until they finally blend their two lives as one.
Loose chronological order below~
@crossedbeams’s (Ao3) The Hunt
""He doesn’t tell her much, only that it’s urgent, that he needs her to come right away and as usual she doesn’t hesitate. He still can’t believe that somebody as smart as she is trusts in him enough to step away from a family weekend, jump in a car and drive to a park in the middle of nowhere. Nobody has ever believed in him in such an unwavering way. And today he wants to thank her.""
S1? Mulder is touched Scully will run away from her family Easter weekend with only a cryptic phone call from him (not realizing she's glad to get away); and rewards her efforts with a little impromptu egg hunt.
pokeitlikejello's The Drabble Files - Chapter 37
""She examined the chocolate and then looked to him. “You didn't have to get me anything.”
Mulder shrugged and kept his attention on the road. “You're missing time with your family.”
“And you thought a chocolate cross would help?” she responded.""
Scully reads the hidden message Mulder is sending her through a chocolate cross, assuring him she isn't "sacrificing" herself or her life to work with him.
@mollybecameanengineer/Sareki's Communion
""She looked out the window at the swirls of snow, and wondered if they would get out of Boston tonight. Even if the plane did manage to take off, there was no way she was going to make it to Easter mass with her mom in the morning. She felt relief at not having to go, and then a pang of guilt. The same guilt she’d felt for having a pastrami sandwich for lunch on Friday. For not attending Palm Sunday last week when her mom asked her. For not kneeling before a priest on Ash Wednesday and not giving anything up for Lent. A deep seeded Catholic guilt that wouldn’t abate, no matter how far she distanced herself from the Church. She fingered the cross she wore around her neck. Some days she hesitated before she put it on, but each time the guilt won. 
Things had only gotten worse since she’d been diagnosed with cancer. Her mom had doubled down on faith, trying to get Scully to come with her to church, to pray the cancer away. But the cancer had only lessened Scully’s faith, and made her angry at God. Here she was, having just turned thirty-three, and likely this would be her last year on Earth.
Her last Easter.""
Scully and her changing relationship with Mulder, her family, and God during each Easter.
@baronessblixen’s (Ao3) Sundress Days
""As he stumbles forward, the burble intensifies. Through a group of trees, he believes to see blue, clear water streaming lazily towards its destination. He makes his way through it and finds a river. It’s so peaceful that his first instinct is to take a deep breath. That is until he sees a head bob in the water.
“Scully!” She’s kicking at the water, trying to stay afloat, her head disappearing every few seconds. Why isn’t she swimming? Mulder’s mind is slow to catch up, can’t make sense of what he’s seeing.
“You need to,” she gulps water, comes up again, “to help me! I can’t swim!” The words, to Mulder, make no sense. She’s a Navy brat, a child of the water, and she just told him she can’t swim. This is a bad joke, Mulder thinks, as he walks into the water, not thinking. He swims towards her, her plea for help all that’s on his mind. When he’s almost reached her, he sees what the problem is: her hands are bound together. Two small, angry fists held together by a fat rope. 
Post One Son Easter Sunday is a wreck-- Mulder and Scully have miscommunications that result in an awkward invite to Maggie's and then getting jumped by money laundering goons and dumped in teh bay. As the bedraggled pair walk back, they reflect on what went wrong and how to fix it.""
@minuete-blog's (Ao3) Easter Linner and Basketball
""...I asked, “Shouldn’t you be spending time with your own family, Mulder, instead of crashing ours?” As if we were in some twisted, comedy made-for-TV movie, all actions and side conversations at the table halted resulting in complete silence from utter shock. Everyone turned to stare at me except for Dana who had the death glare.""
Bill actually tried to be nice to Mulder; but he still stepped right onto his metaphorical toes by saying he should be with his family for Easter instead.  
bellefleur's Easter Vigil
It was something that Scully had never really contemplated before. It was an essential tenet of her faith, and thus she embraced it or discarded it as her belief waxed and waned, but she had never fully considered whether she could accept it as a fact in and of itself.
If she was honest with herself, it was one of those questions she avoided asking because of the implications of the answer.""
Deadalive Scully ruminates on her awe and fear while waiting for her Easter miracle-- Mulder-- to wake up.
@aloysiavirgata’s (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ)
""Beside her, Mulder spreads his matzah with ham salad that resembles chewed bubble gum. Scully bought it from the deli attached to the Exxon station, along with the coconut lamb cake that stares at them with blank licorice drop eyes.
“Stop judging me,” Mulder warns it, poking its jellybean nose. The lamb remains inscrutable.
Scully swats his hand. “Leave it alone.”
He scowls, takes a bite of his food. “Oh, Scully,” he says. “This is really disgusting.” He opens his mouth and lets the bright pink mass fall back onto the plate. He wipes his tongue with a napkin.
Scully takes a bite of her own with relish, cupping her hand to catch the matzah crumbs. “My mom always made it the day after Easter. It’s no different than tuna salad or chicken salad.”
“It’s very different,” Mulder asserts, fiercely decapitating a yellow Peep. “It tastes like exhaust fumes and looks like someone put a starfish in a blender.""
On the Run Mulder and Scully mutually celebrate Passover and Easter while tongue-in-cheek riffing at each other's traditions.
@edierone/Edie_Rone's He Is Risen (Ao3)
""Jesus is risen!”
It’s too loud, too chirpy, for any morning, but especially for the first Sunday she’s had free in weeks. He knows this, which is what’s so funny about it. They can nap later. But now: 
“Jesus is risen!”
He does it again, with a slight bounce on the bed. Part of the lump of blankets moves in a vaguely threatening way. He laughs, pulling them down enough to reveal a wave of soft silver-flecked red on the pillow.
“…stoppit gerroffme …""
IWTB-Revival Mulder LOVES to wake Scully up with her late grandmother's Easter chant. (It's glorious.)
gillyAnne's My family
""It was the first Easter without her mother and somehow he’d felt compelled to be there for her, but she hadn’t asked, and he hadn’t offered – he’d just ended up here, at the only church he knew of close to her new apartment. Bill was there, his wife and children sat next to Scully. Two other redheads were in the same row and Mulder assumed they were related, nieces perhaps, cousins, distant relatives of some kind who only showed up on days like these when the weight of those who were missing was harder to bear than any other day. He was glad to see her surrounded by family – but he still desperately wanted to be part of that family, even though they’d gotten a million chances and he’d blown them one by one until in the end there was no other option left for her but to leave him to his paranoia once again. And every time he hoped that it wasn’t the last time he saw her. And every time it wasn’t.""
Post Home Again Mulder shows up for Scully's Easter mass, trailing along when Scully invites him for family lunch.
@frangipanidownunder’s (Ao3) Easter at the Unremarkable House
""Mulder hides the eggs in all the places he knows Scully can’t reach or can’t fit.
Scully tells him exactly what vegetable oil, sugar and additives do to the 56 year old body.""
Post Finale Mulder saves some of the Easter eggs to roll off of Scully, his own unique way of determining the gender of their baby.
red2007's Coming Home - Chapter 4
""She started to head for the house while Mulder turned off the engine and got out of the car, quickening his pace to come up beside them. “You did follow me, even when you probably shouldn’t have—but now I feel like we’re in this together.” They exchanged knowing glances while climbing up the stairs, him pulling out his keys but pausing before turning the lock. He ducked his lips close to her ear and said, “but Antarctica, Scully. I’ve literally followed you to the ends of the earth. Easter mass at church was nothing.” With that he pushed the door open and walked through, leaving her shaking her head behind him.
Hours later after dinner and Lily’s nap found them outside, Scully leaning against the bottom railing watching an exuberant Mulder prance around the yard with an entirely indifferent baby in his arms. He bounced her around the yard, an Easter basket draped over one arm, leaning down every few feet to pick up another brightly colored egg that he had boiled and dyed himself. She had her phone out and was alternating between photos and videos.
Fatherhood looked good on him, she told herself smiling wistfully at the scene before her."" 
Post Finale Mulder decides to tag along for Scully and his daughter's Easter Mass. Jackson surprises both of them when he drops in later; and is surprised by their love in return.
@fragilevixenfic/fragilevixen's The Easter Bunny was a Fox
""You better get your booty on the way or you’re going to have to explain to a little girl why she can’t go with you on this outing,” Mulder nodded toward the door as he watched Scully lean against the counter, sipping his own coffee.
Scully’s eyes snapped open as she snatched up a travel tumbler, pouring the remaining amount of her coffee into it while leaning in for a quick, necessary kiss. “Keep her busy and try not to spoil the surprise or ruin her dress before I get back?”
“You put far more faith in my ability to keep her from jumping into the puddle out back than I would, just forewarning you,” Mulder smirked...."" 
Post Finale Mulder and Scully have to tear themselves away from each other, she having to pick up her grumpy family and he having to try to keep their rambunctious daughter out of trouble and puddles.
Jacquie LaVa's Egg-stravaganza
""Scully watched askance as he found an empty jar and began pouring a small amount of each of the dyes into the jar. A bored Mulder is a frightening Mulder, she thought. He mumbled softly and continually adjusted the mixture by adding more of the various dyes to his jar, holding it up to the light and eyeing the color with the critical eye of a mad scientist bent on a gruesome experiment.
Scully grimaced as he slid the last egg into his putrid concoction.""
Mulder is battle worn after a last-minute Easter supply grocery run; and Scully helps him unwind as they finish painting the eggs.
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lilydalexf · 2 years ago
👽 X-Files Casefile Fic Recs, Part 4
Here are a bunch of very good X-Files fics featuring a casefile. Not enough? Check out all the recs in part 1, part 2, and part 3. Enjoy! Backlash by Joann Humby Mulder and Scully are still on the run but time's running out. Birdsong by @chekcough The plot of Silence of the Lambs, with Dana Scully replacing Clarice Starling, and a younger Agent Mulder, working in the B.S.U, assigned to help her. It is not at all necessary to have seen/read either 'The Silence of the Lambs' or 'The X-Files' to enjoy this. Dominion by aka "Jake" "So what's in New Orleans, Mulder?" His slanting smile widened into an all-out, cat-who-ate-the-canary grin, producing a seldom seen dimple in his unshaved cheek. "The third in a series of decapitations, Scully. Ritualistic overtones." He waggled his eyebrows. "The heads are still missing." Doorway to the Gods by @wtfmulder Mulder and Scully travel to Arizona to investigate the ‘Doorway to the Gods,’ a rock formation that is said to give wanderers access to a parallel universe. Hallowed by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) In order to get a dangerous, misogynistic cult shut down, Mulder and Scully have to go undercover as a married couple to destroy it from the inside. When they get a little too involved, how will they manage to come out alive? Malevolence by aka "Jake" When ex-ISU Chief Bill Patterson is found dead in his prison cell with his face slashed and his eyes cut out, Mulder and Scully pick up the hunt where they left off five years earlier. Still convinced the killer is not a man but an evil spirit, Mulder pursues his own investigative methods, bringing him to the brink of insanity for a second time. Meanwhile, Scully is desperate to solve the case before she loses Mulder to his demons forever. Mezzo Luna by msk "Eleven assaults or acts of vandalism in a quiet Italian-American neighborhood and none of the assailants is less than middle-aged. It's a definite anomaly, Scully. Decent, law-abiding people who erupted in violence and can't explain why. It doesn't make sense." Midori No Me by FridaysAt9 When several couples go missing from a 55+ community in Florida, Mulder and Scully are once again assigned as an undercover married couple tasked with solving the case. Mulder can’t wait to play house as a retiree, but because of the nature of their relationship at its current state, Scully isn’t so sure. Set post Plus One. Reflections of the Unknown by Sophos Scully and Mulder investigate serial killers in New Orleans, and reflect upon their feelings for each other. / Mulder and Scully are brought in to investigate a series of suicides in a Boston home, while dealing with the visibility of their emotions for one another. She Walks at Night by fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) Mulder’s knack for getting himself and Scully into sticky situations leads them to the heart of NOLA at the tail end of Hurricane season after barely surviving a Floridian storm—to investigate a rumor of a notable Voodoo Queen and missing girls trying to bring her back. Shine by Ainon Mulder and Scully come to investigate multiple deaths in one family. Stuck in Storage by tiredmoonlight On what she believes to be a wild goose chase case in the middle of South Carolina, Scully ends up locked in a storage closet overnight with her partner. Strangers and the Strange Dead by Kipler In which dead bodies and shivering people disturb the hilltown of Bradenton, and our young, orphaned narrator serves hot beverages to the investigating agents even as she ponders the peculiar, elusive nature of their relationship. The Tiger Complex by LoneGunGuy While investigating a gruesome catastrophe in the Amazon rain forest, Mulder and Scully struggle against a mysterious killer, their own suspicions and the unforgiving jungle itself.
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audiofanficpod · 5 years ago
Lamplight & Shooting Stars by @fragilevixenfic
Read by @postmodernpromartheus
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Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
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lilydalexf · 2 years ago
👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec
Mulder and Scully fly off for a case (which Mulder does not explain until they arrive, which is so Mulder), but they end up learning as much or more about each other than about the case. That is obviously great. Title: She Walks at Night Author: fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) Summary: Mulder’s knack for getting himself and Scully into sticky situations leads them to the heart of NOLA at the tail end of Hurricane season after barely surviving a Floridian storm—to investigate a rumor of a notable Voodoo Queen and missing girls trying to bring her back. Length: 27,416 words Classification: UST into RST, case fic Rating: Mature Spoilers: Post "Auga Mala" Favorite line: Her words were like foreplay as a chill went up his neck while he hesitated to divert his field of vision toward her for a moment, thoroughly intrigued at her level of interest in the unknown for a change. Read the story!
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year ago
Last Section of Fics that Include Dancing (4/4)
@blackcoffeeandteardrops's (Ao3) Clarity
AU My Struggle II.
@jessahmewren's (Ao3) Evolution, Chapter 1 (Ao3)
Post Revival Robot episode.
@crossedbeams/CrossedBeams's Scully walking in on Mulder rocking out to Beyonce's Crazy in Love or ooohhh maybe Single Ladies I bet he knows the dance moves to Single Ladies.
@onpaperfirst's (Ao3, LJ) Honey Hi
Also agentwhalesong's Dance With My Father
Post Revival.
@freckleslikestars/ Living_Underground's Hazy Mornings (Ao3)
Post Revival.
@fragilevixenfic/fragilevixen's Affirmations and Protestations: "Fluff and Angst" Prompts - Chapter 2
Post Revival.
dksfwm's A Progression of Realization
Love through the years. 
Thanks for reading~
This is an abstract one, so ignore it if nothing comes to you, but I'm curious if there's any fics you can recommend that have the vibe of the dancing sequence at the end of Post Modern Prometheus.
Like carefree, happy, totally in love but repressing it (or not), suave, smiley, that kind of thing. Not actually a tag to the episode itself.
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I have innumerable fics that fit this vibe-- so innumerable, in fact, that this category had to be whittle down to dancing stories, then cut down further to only include Post Modern Prometheus scenes. (But don't worry, there'll be a Part II sometime soon~.)
Partying and Pondering Post Post Modern Prometheus
@scenes-in-between/scullywolf's The Post Modern Prometheus (Ao3)
PMP Mulder is still foggy from the drugs (a precursor to the dancing fics; but begged to be included nonetheless.)
@purrykat/mylifeinshadow's The post-modern prometheus (pretty please)
PMP Scully looks up to see Mulder inviting her to dance.
Diana Alexander's Time Slows Down
PMP Scully's thoughts as she dances.
@agentwhalesong (Ao3/Alt. Ao3) Throughout The Years - Chapter 5
PMP Mulder's bittersweet thoughts as he and Scully dance.
Madeleine Partous's (The Annex) Unbound
Post PMP Scully ponders her druggie-like existence as she and Mulder part ways with the Mutato on a highway surrounded by fields.
a_steady_wish's Things You Said on the Highway
Post PMP Scully enjoyed her dance, bantering with Mulder about doing it again some time.
@leiascully's (Ao3) OctoberFicFest Day 16: Dance (Ao3)
PMP Scully has their dance seared into her memory.
Alter the Ending
AU PMP Mulder dances with Scully under the streetlight.
In black and white
AU PMP Mulder and Scully dance under the streetlight, but with a little more existentialism.
@syntax6/syn's (Alt. Tumblr)
Post PMP Mulder beaten down by Mutato's imprisonment and the fact that "Samantha" hasn't reached out again.
@nowwhateinstein's (Ao3) Don't Know Much About History
Post PMP Mulder invites Scully over for a Thanksgiving movie night. (Does it count if it's not Mulder and Scully dancing?)
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls’s Unnamed
Post PMP Mulder and Scully celebrate Thanksgiving on the road.
Mulder42Scully5's Getting Out of the Car
Post PMP Mulder pulls over so he and Scully can dance in the rain.
CSM's C'est La Vie
AU PMP Scully invites Mulder along on a luxury couples cruise.
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lilydalexf · 2 years ago
👽 X-Files Fic Rec Roundup 2023, Part 1
Here is a master list of all my new X-Files fic recs from 2023 so far. These and all my earlier recs can be found under my fic rec tag, where you can also read why I recced each story. This month I also newly posted the themed lists below. Enjoy!
Fics with Skinner jealous of Mulder/Scully relationship
Season 7 Fics
Cast Me Gently Into Morning by Ellie (Emily - 993 words - PG-13) Hallowed by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) (Casefile - 70,853 words - Explicit) Land by conspiracy (The Truth - ~2,350 words - PG-13) Neptune's Ocean by M. Sebasky (Orison - ~1,325 words - PG) She Walks at Night by fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) (Casefile - 27,416 words - Mature)
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audiofanficpod · 5 years ago
(Audio Fanfic Podcast)
New story posted! 
Link to original story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20278951
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fragilevixenfic · 2 years ago
I'm so honored to be included!!!
X-Files Collector's Edition: Celebrating Passover and Easter
Mulder and Scully celebrate Easter (and one Passover) through the years, escaping to the road each year until they finally blend their two lives as one.
Loose chronological order below~
@crossedbeams’s (Ao3) The Hunt
""He doesn’t tell her much, only that it’s urgent, that he needs her to come right away and as usual she doesn’t hesitate. He still can’t believe that somebody as smart as she is trusts in him enough to step away from a family weekend, jump in a car and drive to a park in the middle of nowhere. Nobody has ever believed in him in such an unwavering way. And today he wants to thank her.""
S1? Mulder is touched Scully will run away from her family Easter weekend with only a cryptic phone call from him (not realizing she's glad to get away); and rewards her efforts with a little impromptu egg hunt.
pokeitlikejello's The Drabble Files - Chapter 37
""She examined the chocolate and then looked to him. “You didn't have to get me anything.”
Mulder shrugged and kept his attention on the road. “You're missing time with your family.”
“And you thought a chocolate cross would help?” she responded.""
Scully reads the hidden message Mulder is sending her through a chocolate cross, assuring him she isn't "sacrificing" herself or her life to work with him.
@mollybecameanengineer/Sareki's Communion
""She looked out the window at the swirls of snow, and wondered if they would get out of Boston tonight. Even if the plane did manage to take off, there was no way she was going to make it to Easter mass with her mom in the morning. She felt relief at not having to go, and then a pang of guilt. The same guilt she’d felt for having a pastrami sandwich for lunch on Friday. For not attending Palm Sunday last week when her mom asked her. For not kneeling before a priest on Ash Wednesday and not giving anything up for Lent. A deep seeded Catholic guilt that wouldn’t abate, no matter how far she distanced herself from the Church. She fingered the cross she wore around her neck. Some days she hesitated before she put it on, but each time the guilt won. 
Things had only gotten worse since she’d been diagnosed with cancer. Her mom had doubled down on faith, trying to get Scully to come with her to church, to pray the cancer away. But the cancer had only lessened Scully’s faith, and made her angry at God. Here she was, having just turned thirty-three, and likely this would be her last year on Earth.
Her last Easter.""
Scully and her changing relationship with Mulder, her family, and God during each Easter.
@minuete-blog's (Ao3) Easter Linner and Basketball
""...I asked, “Shouldn’t you be spending time with your own family, Mulder, instead of crashing ours?” As if we were in some twisted, comedy made-for-TV movie, all actions and side conversations at the table halted resulting in complete silence from utter shock. Everyone turned to stare at me except for Dana who had the death glare.""
Bill actually tried to be nice to Mulder; but he still stepped right onto his metaphorical toes by saying he should be with his family for Easter instead.  
bellefleur's Easter Vigil
It was something that Scully had never really contemplated before. It was an essential tenet of her faith, and thus she embraced it or discarded it as her belief waxed and waned, but she had never fully considered whether she could accept it as a fact in and of itself.
If she was honest with herself, it was one of those questions she avoided asking because of the implications of the answer.""
Deadalive Scully ruminates on her awe and fear while waiting for her Easter miracle-- Mulder-- to wake up.
@aloysiavirgata’s (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ)
""Beside her, Mulder spreads his matzah with ham salad that resembles chewed bubble gum. Scully bought it from the deli attached to the Exxon station, along with the coconut lamb cake that stares at them with blank licorice drop eyes.
“Stop judging me,” Mulder warns it, poking its jellybean nose. The lamb remains inscrutable.
Scully swats his hand. “Leave it alone.”
He scowls, takes a bite of his food. “Oh, Scully,” he says. “This is really disgusting.” He opens his mouth and lets the bright pink mass fall back onto the plate. He wipes his tongue with a napkin.
Scully takes a bite of her own with relish, cupping her hand to catch the matzah crumbs. “My mom always made it the day after Easter. It’s no different than tuna salad or chicken salad.”
“It’s very different,” Mulder asserts, fiercely decapitating a yellow Peep. “It tastes like exhaust fumes and looks like someone put a starfish in a blender.""
On the Run Mulder and Scully mutually celebrate Passover and Easter while tongue-in-cheek riffing at each other's traditions.
@edierone/Edie_Rone's He Is Risen (Ao3)
""Jesus is risen!”
It’s too loud, too chirpy, for any morning, but especially for the first Sunday she’s had free in weeks. He knows this, which is what’s so funny about it. They can nap later. But now: 
“Jesus is risen!”
He does it again, with a slight bounce on the bed. Part of the lump of blankets moves in a vaguely threatening way. He laughs, pulling them down enough to reveal a wave of soft silver-flecked red on the pillow.
“…stoppit gerroffme …""
IWTB-Revival Mulder LOVES to wake Scully up with her late grandmother's Easter chant. (It's glorious.)
gillyAnne's My family
""It was the first Easter without her mother and somehow he’d felt compelled to be there for her, but she hadn’t asked, and he hadn’t offered – he’d just ended up here, at the only church he knew of close to her new apartment. Bill was there, his wife and children sat next to Scully. Two other redheads were in the same row and Mulder assumed they were related, nieces perhaps, cousins, distant relatives of some kind who only showed up on days like these when the weight of those who were missing was harder to bear than any other day. He was glad to see her surrounded by family – but he still desperately wanted to be part of that family, even though they’d gotten a million chances and he’d blown them one by one until in the end there was no other option left for her but to leave him to his paranoia once again. And every time he hoped that it wasn’t the last time he saw her. And every time it wasn’t.""
Post Home Again Mulder shows up for Scully's Easter mass, trailing along when Scully invites him for family lunch.
@frangipanidownunder’s (Ao3) Easter at the Unremarkable House
""Mulder hides the eggs in all the places he knows Scully can’t reach or can’t fit.
Scully tells him exactly what vegetable oil, sugar and additives do to the 56 year old body.""
Post Finale Mulder saves some of the Easter eggs to roll off of Scully, his own unique way of determining the gender of their baby.
red2007's Coming Home - Chapter 4
""She started to head for the house while Mulder turned off the engine and got out of the car, quickening his pace to come up beside them. “You did follow me, even when you probably shouldn’t have—but now I feel like we’re in this together.” They exchanged knowing glances while climbing up the stairs, him pulling out his keys but pausing before turning the lock. He ducked his lips close to her ear and said, “but Antarctica, Scully. I’ve literally followed you to the ends of the earth. Easter mass at church was nothing.” With that he pushed the door open and walked through, leaving her shaking her head behind him.
Hours later after dinner and Lily’s nap found them outside, Scully leaning against the bottom railing watching an exuberant Mulder prance around the yard with an entirely indifferent baby in his arms. He bounced her around the yard, an Easter basket draped over one arm, leaning down every few feet to pick up another brightly colored egg that he had boiled and dyed himself. She had her phone out and was alternating between photos and videos.
Fatherhood looked good on him, she told herself smiling wistfully at the scene before her."" 
Post Finale Mulder decides to tag along for Scully and his daughter's Easter Mass. Jackson surprises both of them when he drops in later; and is surprised by their love in return.
@fragilevixenfic/fragilevixen's The Easter Bunny was a Fox
""You better get your booty on the way or you’re going to have to explain to a little girl why she can’t go with you on this outing,” Mulder nodded toward the door as he watched Scully lean against the counter, sipping his own coffee.
Scully’s eyes snapped open as she snatched up a travel tumbler, pouring the remaining amount of her coffee into it while leaning in for a quick, necessary kiss. “Keep her busy and try not to spoil the surprise or ruin her dress before I get back?”
“You put far more faith in my ability to keep her from jumping into the puddle out back than I would, just forewarning you,” Mulder smirked...."" 
Post Finale Mulder and Scully have to tear themselves away from each other, she having to pick up her grumpy family and he having to try to keep their rambunctious daughter out of trouble and puddles.
Jacquie LaVa's Egg-stravaganza
""Scully watched askance as he found an empty jar and began pouring a small amount of each of the dyes into the jar. A bored Mulder is a frightening Mulder, she thought. He mumbled softly and continually adjusted the mixture by adding more of the various dyes to his jar, holding it up to the light and eyeing the color with the critical eye of a mad scientist bent on a gruesome experiment.
Scully grimaced as he slid the last egg into his putrid concoction.""
Mulder is battle worn after a last-minute Easter supply grocery run; and Scully helps him unwind as they finish painting the eggs.
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