glimblshanks · 9 months
Tendi: I'm so ashamed to be from the sexy girlboss crime planet 😔
Mariner and T'Lyn: Please take us to the sexy girlboss crime planet, we are begging you
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rampantram · 1 month
What would happen if they all got sick?
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The common cold strikes again. 🤒
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yuviur · 7 months
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And then, Henry is holding them really tight, more for his security than theirs, and he walks out of the dungeon (ep 42)
I cannot be the only one who cried when the twins climbed Henry and sat on his shoulders like two loving pauldrons 🥺
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a-d-nox · 6 months
tarot cards and their key phrases: cups
this is just a beginners guide to the cups suit - i won't go into imagery, color use, etc. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally and the cards / when they are in combos they can change or alter their meanings of any reading.
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ace of cups (1)
astrological equivalent: cancer jupiter
upright: love offering, self-love, new relationship, love, peace, happiness, emotional fulfillment, renewed enthusiasm, vow renewal, emotional outpour, and pregnancy
reversed: feeling empty, depleted energy, needing self-care, and feeling disappointed
two of cups (2)
astrological equivalent: cancer venus
upright: shared feelings, mutual attraction, deep feelings, nurturing, equal give-and-take, new relationship, love, emotional fulfillment, new partnership, and generosity
reversed: imbalanced relationship, new/pending breakup, pain, difficulty, needing to say "no", and needing to create space
three of cups (3)
astrological equivalent: pisces mercury
upright: fun, playful, needing to spend time with friends/family, stress relief, a feeling of expansiveness, joyousness, feeling uplifted, collaboration, and teamwork
reversed: overindulgence, partying too much, socializing too much feeling drained, tension amongst friends, gossiping, boundary issues, and affairs
four of cups (4)
astrological equivalent: scorpio mercury
upright: needing to shift perspectives, needing to find joy, pessimism, stagnant feelings/thoughts, apathy, and disenchantment
reversed: stuck thinking about the past, dissatisfaction, overthinking old memories, and waiting for change instead of changing
five of cups (5)
astrological equivalent: scorpio moon
upright: needing to acknowledge sadness/disappointment, holding back emotions, needing to purge emotions, needing to see stars among the darkness, overwhelmed by emotions, mourning, isolation, sadness, and depression
reversed: hope, turning the corner, seeing a silver lining, accepting the truth, healing, and growth
six of cups (6)
astrological equivalent: cancer moon
upright: safe, carefree, playful, childlike, inner child, reconnecting with old people, tapping in to joy, opening up to the past, and working with/around children
reversed: unhealthy attachment to nostalgia, focused on the past, and wishing things were how they were
seven of cups (7)
astrological equivalent: pisces sun
upright: options, dreams not yet materialized, formless desires, energetic potential, looking within, too many choices, needing clarity/focus, and big ideas
reversed: looks can be deceiving, too good to be true, extreme emotions, intense excitement, underlying truth, and proceed with caution
eight of cups (8)
astrological equivalent: scorpio sun
upright: don't settle, something is missing, following instincts, meaningful existence, inner calling, walking away from what no longer serves you, and ending the pattern
reversed: overstaying in a relationship/job/situation, wants over necessity, fear of change, and needing to embrace the unknown
nine of cups (9)
astrological equivalent: pisces jupiter
upright: enjoying the hard work / achievements, overflowing abundance, savoring the moment, good fortune, and happiness
reversed: arrogance, needing lots of validation, over indulging, needing moderation, and needing to practice gratitude/generosity
ten of cups (10)
astrological equivalent: cancer sun
upright: emotional fulfillment, new stage of life, manifesting, happiness, family dynamic, serenity, satisfaction, gratitude, mutual love/respect, and happiness
reversed: delay, obstacle, lack of security, disconnection between you and a partner, be patient, and needing to listen to your heart
page of cups
astrological equivalent: earth & water
upright: knowing one's self, free expression, emotional intelligence, active expression of feelings, listen to messages from all different sources, and listening to intuition
reversed: feeling incapable of self-expression, taking life too seriously, not making time for joy/play/awareness, needing empathy/sympathy, carelessness, immaturity, and taking things too seriously
knight of cups
astrological equivalent: water & air
upright: motivations behind behavior, emotional experiences, idealizing someone/something, slowing down, and needing to see things clearer
reversed: disappointment in a relationship, high hopes, unmet expectations, fizzled out connection, object of desire is different than expected, relying too heavily on desire, desiring perfection, adjusting expectations, and forgiving the shortcomings of others
queen of cups
astrological equivalent: water & water
upright: feminine love, nurturing, protective, intense emotions, others influencing your emotions, and needing to nurture yourself
reversed: jealousy, envy, suspicions, feeling cautious, being open about feelings without fearing rejection/judgment, and being proven untrustworthy
king of cups
astrological equivalent: water & fire
upright: masculine taking initiative, compassion, quality of empathy, emotional intelligence, maintaining boundaries, and remaining mindful
reversed: shaky boundaries, emotional instability, might need to dig deeper, doubting your own abilities, looking to others for guidance, confusing communication, hurt feelings, feeling rejected by other, and trying to not take things personally
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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Galactus and his herald the Silver Surfer by Chris Bachalo.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
i love how tango spent most of that video doing a pretty much unnecessary overhaul of the front door of decked out and then was like. don't worry the light's at the end of the tunnel we're about ready to start level four. like. king. do you know how the light at the end of the tunnel might get here faster,
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cata613 · 1 month
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@funko please make T’lyn soon.
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Yes, Star Trek: Discovery was such a failure it ran for five seasons and helped launch four more Star Trek shows.
Oh boy, I wish I could screw up that badly.
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Wait im sorry if like youve talked about this before but what is everyones roles in the fantasy au 👁️👁️ or jobs?
i've just Thought Aloud in bits and pieces but hey. i feel like talking today so i'll put it all in one place with Updated Thinkings
(i like to imagine that they all kinda Quit their initial jobs/lives to go adventuring with each other, either by choice or... not. except Howdy, who's a multitasking king). the Neighborhood party earns their wages by completing jobs/quests, though some of them have minor supplemental ways of adding to the coin collection
Wally, of course, didn't really have much of a Before. he didn't intend on becoming a warlock/wizard - that choice was kinda made for him by the circumstances of his existence. but Wally had to pretend to be a wizard for his own safety, and wizards have a sort of societal expectation to be Helpful and Magical and Wise and Existing For Public Service. so while Wally would have rather just been a painter, he's obligated to be a wizard - that's technically his role/job. within the Neighborhood party, he's a bit of a distance fighter/support! he doesn't really do the whole up-close / physical aspect of battle, though he technically knows how. He casts spells from afar, which tend to be widely benign. artsy little cantrips and inconveniences to make it harder for the enemy to fight. he's also a bit of a bloodhound - illusions don't trick him, he can "see" most magic, and he's really good at getting around unnoticed. if they're stuck somewhere, Wally can probably get them out
Barnaby's "job" before going adventuring with Wally - it started out as just the two of them! - was just working on the farm with Ms. Beagle, where he had been his entire life. Sure he'd sometimes do public performances/acts in town, which would earn him extra coin, but that was more of a paying hobby than anything (a paying hobby he will Continue) in the Neighborhood, he's... uh. their cheerleader? that's not entirely inaccurate! he's not big on combat or effort i'd reckon, so he prefers to just keep morale high. offer background music, funny commentary, jokes to lighten the mood, mediate tensions, etc. if necessary, he makes good backup - he has his illusions of course, and he Does pack a mighty punch if need be! he's also very helpful when retreating - he can grab the smaller party members and run
Wormie is the group mascot <3
Sally was a bit lost before joining the party - i like to think that she was constantly on the move as part of a traveling theater troupe, but she wasn't the star or director. she was just part of the group, uninspired and with a full well of untapped potential. one day she up and left (dramatically) to find her own inspiration/muse & path to stardom, which ended up being several years of wandering until she happened across the budding Neighborhood and went "this! this will be the source of my stories!" as for her role, she's a bit of an everyman. front lines fighter, entertainer, mediator, etc. she views herself as the party "leader", or rather, their Manager. she keeps the party entertained with stories, and bolsters their reputation in the same manner. in a battle she's a bit of a powerhouse - her light magic is useful both in combat and entertainment! she keeps a "book" of the Neighborhood's exploits (she swears it will be edited/published someday) holy shit she's moominpappa, and in their Extended downtime she writes and throws plays inspired by their adventures at their home base (town).
Eddie was still, originally, a mailman. or i suppose in a fantasy setting - a courier! until one day he saw a group of people being attacked by some bandits, managed to fight them off, and immediately got roped into helping rescue the folks' entire town from the bigger group of bandits. then they told others about Eddie's help, they wanted his help too, one thing after another and now he's got a full set of armor, a sword, a shield, and his whole thing is saving people. huh? how did that happen? he was delivering letters a month ago! if i had to give him a title... i'd say he's a Protector! he seems like the type! he always has his fellow adventurer's backs - i bet he has his hands full trying to cover everyone at once. outside of combat, he's still very helpful and does whatever is asked of him / needed. collecting firewood! pitching tents! stirring soup! getting Frank to remove a centipede from camp! in downtime he probably takes small bodyguarding gigs. he also is a minor healer - he took some sorta oath for some sorta god (or virtue) that he can't remember, but he has minor healing/cleansing powers. he's also good at sniffing out evil & dark magic! some would joke that he's the party's guard dog
Frank was raised in a monastery that believes in "using your body to fight for the greater good". this was not his job when they became old enough to actually Act on his training! nah they ran away in his mid teens because they wanted to fight things on his own terms. also they want to study bugs more than anything, which he does! for a long time! then they meet a certain princess, befriends her, and helps her run away. he only joins the Neighborhood because Julie wants to, and it's a good way to travel - read: study more arthropods - and earn coin. fighting is a bonus aspect Frank's role is... front line fighter, bookkeeper, and the Guy Who Knows Things! what monster are they dealing with? what are its strengths/weaknesses? Frank probably knows! can they afford a room or two at an Inn? Frank knows (no, they cannot)! who's throwing themself into direct mortal danger with gusto? it's Frank! no but really, Frank is like their resident nerd who can beat pretty much all of them in hand-to-hand. in downtime he probably has a garden purposefully full of plants that can be left alone for long periods of time... maybe they sell half the things grown for extra coin!
Julie, of course, was a princess! that was her whole job! it was incredibly boring and restricting, so she ran away with the help of a funny nerd. after that her whole life was just "avoid getting recognized while figuring out how to live in a world without the comforts/ease of castle life". i'd think she much prefers her new one! as a role, Julie joins Barn and Sally in the "entertainment category". while they entertain with humor/stories respectively, Julie goes straight for games and activities to fill the lull between action. keep the blood pumping, spirits high, and bonds Solid! camp games, road games, locked-in-a-dungeon games! in combat, she's on the front lines with her oversized sword. i think another fitting role would be "navigator" - she can ask plants for directions! technically Julie is a secret powerhouse. her flora magic is insanely powerful, though she prefers not to use it for several reasons
Poppy, i like to think, did indeed have a bakery. it was well-loved in her community, her staff were wonderful people, and it all burned down in a night due to raiders. luckily for Poppy and her town, Eddie was nearby and got on the case to get rid of their problem - maybe Poppy felt obligated to help in some shape or form, and Eddie wound up inspiring her to learn healing magic. She moved into the town that would become the not-yet-existing Neighborhood's HQ to try and restart her business, but it just wasn't the same, and she had gotten a taste of what it would be like to directly save/heal people Poppy is the party's cook, healer, and ultimate voice of caution! the most she'll do in battle is sprint into danger to drag an injured person to safety for healing - she doesn't have a combative bone in her body i'd guess! does she enjoy being in the Neighborhood? eh... it's stressful and terrifying, but she couldn't live with herself if she let them all brave the wild without an adequate healer OR an adequate cook. i like to think that she saw the state they were traveling in and went "oh no"
Howdy, of course, has his tavern! it's a popular hub for travelers, townsfolk, pretty much anyone and everyone. of course it helps that it's the only tavern in town! the only reason Barnaby managed to convince Howdy to join the Neighborhood on one of their jobs is because Howdy realized that he can widen his net & sell to new people On The Go. finally, a use for that magic backpack collecting dust in his room! Howdy got a taste for adventuring and joins the Neighborhood every once in a while, usually only for shorter jobs - he doesn't want to be away from his tavern for too long his roles are support, professional haggler, sarcastic commentary. he doesn't have a crumb of magic in him, but he's clever! he's learned how to make his own support items - including his fancy revolvers with magical crayonsbullets. Howdy rarely fights, choosing to watch over his pack, dole out items when needed, and listen to Barnaby's running commentary. when it is necessary that he join in on combat, he can usually clear the playing field in a matter of moments. he's skilled with both the revolvers and using his own items - he's a one man four armed army!
Home's job is "keep Wally upright and powered". they prefer to be an observer in all situations, even after their existence becomes common knowledge to the Neighborhood. the most Home will do is nudge Wally in the right direction or alert him to something important. Home's literally just hanging out behind Wally's eyes w/ a bucket of popcorn. unless something happens to his beloved little puppet, in which case Home becomes the biggest baddest bitch around and sends everyone else to the bench
tl;dr: Wally: support fighter, magic geiger counter, escape artist Barnaby: entertainer, backup Wormie: mascot Sally: storyteller, fighter, Manager Eddie: protector, minor healer, "paladin" Frank: bookkeeper, fighter, scholar Julie: activities director, navigator, fighter Poppy: cook, healer, overthinker Howdy: tavernkeeper, inventor, support Home: just keeping an eye out
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 month
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Deck of Cards - Diamonds
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Favorite Christmas Houses National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation  Home Alone Miracle on 34th Street  Deck The Halls The Family Stone Christmas With The Kranks Four Christmases The Holiday Unaccompanied Minors  The Santa Claus 
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glimblshanks · 9 months
I'm genuinely very glad that Orion was a girls trip so we could get some Tendi development and Orion world building without it being over shadowed by Boimler and Rutherford trying to avoid pheromones or whatever. I think the writers made a good call on that.
It is interesting to me though that in the interest of keeping Orion culture episodes more Tendi focused (as they should be!) the writers have essentially created a situation where Mariner knows way more about Tendi's species, home life, and family than Boimler or Rutherford. She's been in two Orion cultural spaces now, and the closest either of the boys have gotten to that was Rutherford meeting Mesk on Deep Space Nine.
I know there are clear pragmatic reasons for this, but I'd also like to think that maybe Tendi trusts Mariner to understand complicated family stuff a little better sense she knows what Beckett's relationship with Carol is like. Idk, the idea that Tendi has chosen to trust Mariner (and now T'Lyn) with this vulnerable part of herself when she won't even fully share it with Rutherford is both cute and interesting to me. I would love to see it explored more.
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phillycheesesteakcore · 10 months
"This is why we can't keep secrets, one of us always ends up covered in slime." This call back to the pilot episode where Boimler gets covered in the spider-cow slime, and the begining of season three when all of th get covered in the verugament slime. Are there other examples I'm forgetting, I HAVE to know.
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autistic-bashir · 2 years
queerness in modern trek is too sanitized and palatable for straight audiences. old trek had two separate instances where a guy rolls around on the floor with his guy buddy having been driven into an insurmountable rage by a temporary medical condition that’s not his fault… now that’s a homosexual agenda bring that back
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a-d-nox · 5 months
tarot cards and their key phrases: pentacles
this is just a beginners guide to the pentacles suit - i won't go into imagery, color use, etc. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally and the cards / when they are in combos they can change or alter their meanings of any reading.
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ace of pentacles (1)
astrological equivalent: taurus venus
upright: opportunity, gifts, new job, unexpected money gains, beginnings, increased prosperity, abundance, unlimited potential, new love, moving in together, and stability
reversed: not seeing the opportunities you have around you, trying too hard to make something work, working too hard, going in the wrong direction, controlling energy, and something is different than what you imagined
two of pentacles (2)
astrological equivalent: virgo mars
upright: work-life balance, flow with emotions, a level up, momentary disruption, only take on what you can handle, and feeling overwhelmed
reversed: tension in life, destabilization, irresponsibility with your finances, spending unnecessarily, needing moderation, and off track
three of pentacles (3)
astrological equivalent: capricorn mercury
upright: share your ideas, work you are passionate about, passion project, new opportunities, being well received by others, prosperity, and paving the way to your future
reversed: lack of confidence, overwhelming fears, needing to take your work to the next level, needing to step out of your comfort zone, feeling burnt out, needing to taking a break, and needing to be more generous with yourself
four of pentacles (4)
astrological equivalent: virgo moon
upright: financial stability, a new level of comfort, losing sight of potential growth, safe and stable, having what you need, clinging to what you have, being closed off to new things, in the process of establishing stability, and needing to give yourself some credit
reversed: focusing too much on materialism, seeing intangible results, work on insecurities, focus inwardly rather than outwardly, being too controlling, needing to relax, and needing to listen to intuition
five of pentacles (5)
astrological equivalent: capricorn moon
upright: lack or loss, scarcity, job loss, lack of resources, focused on what you lack, not seeing helping hands, and feeling unworthy
reversed: moving away from financial struggle, lingering fears, spiritual practices, needing faith, and needing to release feelings of lack/loss
six of pentacles (6)
astrological equivalent: taurus mercury
upright: giving and receiving, being generous, feeling unworthy/undeserving, and needing to realize that you have to give without expecting to receive something in return
reversed: generosity with strings attached, warning about intentions behind actions, and being disappointed by what you receive
seven of pentacles (7)
astrological equivalent: capricorn mars
upright: close to your goal, needing to take a closer look at all the progress you've made, gratitude, and adventure towards achievement
reversed: not working towards goals with enough conviction, frustrated, impatience, procrastination, not seeing results, and internal resistance
eight of pentacles (8)
astrological equivalent: taurus mars
upright: do what love / love what you do, financial success, financial security, hard work, dedication, success, learning something new, advancing in you field, and rewarded for your efforts
reversed: feeling burnt out, leaving your job, feeling uncertain about your chosen field, and worrying that you aren't achieving anything
nine of pentacles (9)
astrological equivalent: capricorn venus
upright: enjoyment, feeling safe, working hard, wise investment, charity, shared abundance, enjoying life, having everything you need, vacationing, and buying something meaningful
reversed: overspending, materialism, unsustainable financial behavior, being overworked, not enjoying life, and not taking time for oneself
ten of pentacles (10)
astrological equivalent: taurus moon
upright: love within the family, support, spending time with the people you love, giving to those in need, prosperity, giving generously, what you inherit, setting aside funds, and planning for the future
reversed: challenging time for the family, feeling controlled by the expectations of others, home related conflict, and fear of moving on
page of pentacles
astrological equivalent: earth
upright: novice, establishing yourself in a new place/profession, working in beginning stages of a project, lasting abundance, steady focus, and learning more
reversed: procrastinating on goals, refocus/readjust your approach, frustration around results or lack of results, and it might be time to move on
knight of pentacles
astrological equivalent: earth and air
upright: starting from ground zero, wanting lasting results, showing up fully, enthusiasm for life, s.m.a.r.t. goal setting, and transforming your routine
reversed: hesitation, complacency, feeling stagnant, positive change, and needing to change your energy
queen of pentacles
astrological equivalent: earth and water
upright: nurturing, dependable, connection with nature, supportiveness, relationship with your body, and connecting with abundance
reversed: materialism, needing to reconnect with spirituality, unreliability, needing to have a conversation about expectations, someone influencing your decisions, people pleasing, and picking other people's happiness over your own
king of pentacles
astrological equivalent: earth and fire
upright: financial stability, generosity, leadership role, financial decisions, take action when striving to meet goals, financially supporting others, and using resources to benefit others
reversed: greediness, focusing solely on material wealth, father figure, being hard on yourself, butting heads with others, superficial people, selfish people, and struggling with generosity
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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quarks-pussy · 9 months
Marinler wedding but when the priest says "you may now kiss the bride" Mariner dips him
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