#four walls and an amplifier
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toms-cherry-trees · 3 months
Cracked || Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Wife! Reader
Summary: No one ever said duty would hurt like this
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Twincest targcest (Velaryoncest?), angst, spoilers if you haven't watched S2E2, for anti hating purposes is not explicitly stated but all characters are above 18.
Author's note: Won't you look at me, 7 months since my last HOTD fic! That scene with Jace tearing up definitely did something to me. My very first time writing for Jace, hopefully won't be the last!
Also a massive massive thank you and all my devotion to @moris-auri for beta reading this!
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No one welcomes him when he lands in the Dragonmont. 
The flapping of Vermax's leathery wings is amplified, booming throughout the massive cavern, swirls of steam rising from the cracks on the dark stone. The only ones to witness his arrival are the dragon keepers, but even they are distracted, their focus on the exhausted dragon and not his equally drained rider. When they stride past him, they don’t acknowledge him at all, almost as if he doesn’t exist. Jace wonders if he is a ghost, because only in death could someone feel the agony that seeps from his bones and still be standing. 
He feels like a foreigner in this place. 
Even though he has lived on Dragonstone half his life, he feels like a foreigner. The fortress is not theirs. He doubts it never truly has been. They are just keepers of these ancient walls and the history they carry within. Dragonstone is a relic that will stand on that island for a thousand years to come, as welcoming as a gush of Northern wind on bare skin. The only warmth comes from its very core, from those who habit it and who've made the great fortress a home. 
But the home he left weeks prior is not the one he now returns to. The warmth has been snuffed and the hearth has been shattered. 
He walks with his head held high and his back straight, gaze always ahead and chin lifted in a gesture of near arrogance. He walks like an heir, because he is. He is now his mother’s heir and he must play his part, even if all he wants to do is lay his head on her lap and weep like a boy of ten. 
A moon ago he was just Jacaerys Velaryon. He was a son, a firstborn son, but with no more responsibility than studying and learning, mastering skills that would serve him purpose in 30 or 40 years. His greatest concerns were training Vermax properly, what desserts would be served after supper, and how to avoid falling into another of his siblings’ silly pranks. He had been betrothed long ago, but marriage itself was something distant, something that could wait out a few more years.
He was a brother of five with another sibling on the way; a sister. While most in the castle pined for a son, another boy, he secretly supported his mother’s longing for a little girl.
And now he is Jacaerys, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to his mother’s throne and crown. He is more Targaryen than Velaryon now. He is an envoy, a messenger, a warrior if needed be. He is a strategist and a politician. He is an asset and a threat; someone who has forged great alliances, but also has found strong enemies, their weapons aimed directly at the target behind his head, target painted there by his grandsire many a year before his birth. A wedding , hastily arranged, to strengthen their cause and their line of inheritance. 
He is a brother to just four now, and the crib has been left empty. 
Cregan Stark had been the one to break the news to him. Standing on a cramped lookout on the edge of the world, nothing but whiteness as far as the eye reached, Lord Stark had said that the Wall did more than keep savages and ice at bay. It held back death.
But death came nonetheless.
Jacaerys had managed to maintain his stance as a man and a Prince, receiving the news with unyielding stoicism, even when his knees felt weak and his body chilled, like ice had spread down his spine. But this ice was nothing like the one surrounding him, there on the edge of the North. This one burned, burned like dragonfire while stabbing him with a thousand knives, leaving him to bleed out while not allowing him to die. It stole the air from his lungs and the blood from his veins, and filled him with snow. His lungs couldn’t breathe, his heart couldn’t beat yet somehow he didn’t drop dead right there where he stood.
He recalls little of what occurred after, nothing more than brief, precise memories. Receiving Cregan’s condolences, and feeling the firm squeeze of the older man’s hand on his shoulder. Northerners parting silently to make way for him in the courtyard, where a restless Vermax awaited, his screeches rattling the windows of the nearby towers. Someone handing him a parcel, hastily wrapped, containing a sleek wolf pelt as a present for their Queen. The thunderstorm he traversed in the Riverlands, and the toll it took on Vermax to fly through it. 
The painful tightening on his throat as he wondered if he had encountered a similar one, not far from home.
Servants and courtiers make way for him, as he approaches his mother’s chambers. They bow and curtsy, and offer words of courtesy, lamenting the loss of the young Prince. Some stare out of the corner of their eye as he passes, waiting to see if the new Prince of Dragonstone will crumble like sand before their very eyes. But he never betrays himself; not a tear brimming in his eyes, not a wobble of his lips. The occasional flaring of his nostrils is the single telltale of the sorrow that simmers just beneath his skin. 
He hesitates briefly, pausing at the end of the vast hallway where the royal apartments are. Up the winding staircase, past the single set of double doors to the left, his mother awaits. No, not his mother, the Queen. She stopped being his mother the day the crown was placed atop her head, and the court of Dragonstone bent the knee before her. Grief and loss shaped her, morphing her into the leader and ruler she had been born to be. Jace can only admire her, and hope that he will be able to embrace his new role as effortlessly as she has done hers.
The double doors are pushed open by Ser Erryk. The Queen sits alone, gaze downcast and thoughts troubled, that much Jace can tell by the nervous fidgeting of her hands, twisting her rings almost compulsively. When her eyes rise to meet his, Jacerys sees in them a mirror of himself, the same exhaustion, the effort to push back and bury the wrenching misery, the bleeding wound left behind by their loss.
They are alone, just the two of them in that silent alcove. Jace could break down, weep like he hasn’t done in years and lay his head across her lap; let her slender, motherly fingers card through his hair as she assures him that all will be well in the end. But he can’t, he can’t because she’s more Queen than mother now and she’s grieving too, grieving deeper than he is and if she can keep it together then so can he, because he is her heir and he has to make her proud and be a man worthy of respect. 
The Prince doesn’t cry; the heir doesn’t cry. 
A man remains immovable and imperturbable.
He straightens his back, head held high and hands laced before him as he recounts his triumphs, the Houses he convinced to pledge for them and what each one has offered and asked them in return. This moment should have been his shining glory, with himself striding through the castle with pride and confidence, ready to announce to the council how he had secured the allegiance of the Vale and the North for their cause. He would bask in his wife’s admiration, drink the praises from her lips and show her he was ready to one day be a great King, with a great Queen by his side. 
Instead it is just them two, hidden behind doors, picking up the pieces falling from their carefully built masks before they completely fall apart. He brings good news, great news, but they matter little and now taste like ash in his mouth, burning and bitter. His victories mean nothing to him because his little brother is dead, gone 60 years before his time, and they don’t even have a body to burn and Jacaerys feels it should have been him, because he is the eldest and he should have protected him better. He should have faced their rageful uncle and died instead, but he didn’t and now he stands there, moving and doing because if he stays still the grief will swallow him whole and bury him in a pit of sand.
And then his voice breaks, the facade cracks and they both stop pretending, because pretending hurts, like gripping a white hot rod with both hands and refusing to let go even if it’s hurting you.
Her embrace is warm; her arms feel like home. With his head tucked under her chin, his cheek pressed against her chest, he feels young again. He feels the sobs racking her body, the tears dampening her face and his hair, her fingers digging on the fabric of his cloak. They sway slightly, rocking from side to side like when he was a babe of just a few days old, fussy and restless, keeping the whole holdfast awake at night because he refused to settle anywhere but on his mother’s arms. 
But now Jace suspects the motion is meant for her more than for him, to transport her to days past when she held her babes in her arms and they were safe under her wing and no one could harm them because she would sooner tear the world to pieces. Discreetly the places shift, now it's her forehead against his shoulder and his arms holding her steady. Jace feels the tears stinging his eyes and the lump blocking his throat, but he cannot break down because his mother is broken and someone must stand strong and whole and it has to be him. 
Soon, too soon,  his mother has dismissed him, sending him to his chambers to bathe and rest because they will have the funeral at sunset and they must not show weakness before the court. The cracks must be patched and hidden, no matter how deep they run. Not a single piece can fall out of place.
He drags his feet now; the weight on top of him has grown heavy. His posture slackens, his shoulders slump, the pretence is harder to hold. Sunset feels like a death sentence, because a funeral makes it real. It makes it true. Burning what they have because there is not even a body left behind to burn. That way he can no longer pretend that is not happening, that is all just a tale. And then, he will crack. No willpower will keep him whole because his brother, his little brother is dead and he has to face a future where Lucerys will not be a part of it.
He pushes his chamber door open with one shoulder, his mind blank of any thought; the encounter with his mother affected him deeper than he had anticipated, because even she is cracking and now is just him holding it together because he has to. 
And then he sees her. 
His wife sits before the hearth, so ethereal with the glow of the fire illuminating her face. Her head turns as soon as the door opens, and he immediately notices the red around her swollen eyes. At first he thinks she’s mourning, but she’s had her time to mourn and Jace knows she’s crying for him, crying because she feels the agony straining to break through his flesh. Just like they have felt each other’s every emotion for as long as they have lived, have anticipated each other’s words and read their thoughts. Connected by a bond that runs deeper than marriage, because they are of the same blood, come into the world together.
The last time he saw her before his departure, they had an ugly fight. Jacaerys had convinced their mother to keep her at Dragonstone rather than allow her to fly as an envoy, claiming they could not leave the fortress unguarded and with the larger dragons going in and out on their missions, they had to pile up their remaining strength. The Queen had agreed, and her word was final. 
She could not argue with Her Grace, but she certainly made Jacaerys know how she felt about what she perceived as a betrayal and lack of trust in herself and her abilities. Jace pleaded with her to see reason, to see things from his perspective. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in her, he would never dare to doubt her strength. But he didn’t trust the men she would encounter on her journey, nor did he want her to risk taking a long flight on her dragon and run into danger. She, always the hot headed one, had called him every name under the sun and refused to see him off, choosing instead to sulk in her chamber. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, to leave on bad terms with her, but he trusted they would talk it out upon his arrival. That all would be well and their problems would be solved.
He stands silently before her, and for the first time he feels small. So small and diminished, unwilling to look her in the eyes. His gaze is fixed on the floor because the tears are winning the battle and if they do he will crack open like a dragon egg, but no great beast will emerge, only his insecurities and his failures.
His lower lip wobbles, and he bites it so hard he leaves the imprint of his teeth. His nails dig deep in his palms in his attempt to steady their accusatory trembling. He breathes in and out, slow and steady, his eyes squeezed shut as he feels himself losing control. He cannot allow himself to lose it, not in front of her of all people, not when he is supposed to be her pride, not her embarrassment.
He hears the sharp drag of the chair as she stands, the thud of the heavy tome she had been reading being thrown rather carelessly over a table. Her steps are slow and calculated as she moves across the stone, approaching him cautiously like he is some wild beast ready to lash out. Like he is some fragile thing, so fragile that a gush of wind could break him apart.
Her hands are soft and warm as they cradle his face, gently coaxing him to look up, to meet her eyes. But he can’t, he fears he will see disappointment in them, he will see accusation, he will see her blame him for Luke’s death, for forcing her to remain back when it was their little brother who needed his protection the most. 
For failing the family.
He succumbs in the end, brown eyes gingerly rising to meet her own, bracing himself for the worst. But he sees nothing of what he expected. He sees no anger, no resentment, no pity. Just worry and tenderness, and a desolation that matches his own.
The first tears he has been holding back since Winterfell finally escape the barrier of his willpower and roll down his cheeks. He attempts to blink them away but they cannot be stopped, nor does he have the strength to stop them no more. His wife brushes some away with her thumbs, and smoothes back his hair in a tender gesture
That little world, the call of his own name coming from her lips is all that it needs for the dam inside him to burst. The violent sobs rack his body, tears blurring his vision and he chokes on them, while also feeling like he’s breathing for the first time since that raven arrived at the Wall. He tries to hide his face but she won’t let him, and tears shine in her eyes too and that only makes the crying worse, because his wife is suffering and he cannot console her because he’s also suffering.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
His legs weaken and his stance falters. The same apology falls from his mouth, the small words tumbling over each other and getting lost in the incessant weeping. His knees falter and he drops down; his forehead rests against her body and his hands are on her hips, fearing he will lose her if he lets go. He sobs onto her dress, not caring anymore about being the perfect Prince and heir, about being the man everyone will respect and be proud of.
His wife drops to her knees too and holds him close, allowing his head to lay against her shoulder. The scent of her body fills his nostrils, aroma of camellias and toasted sugar. It smells of happy memories and easier days, and it evokes a sense of safety in him, of tenderness, of the happiest days of his short life. His cry doesn’t stop, but it is not only for Lucerys now. It is for his mother, for his younger brothers, for himself and for all the losses to come. He cries for his twin, his wife, for now the fear of harm coming her way has increased tenfold, and the mere idea of her being cruelly ripped from his side tears a gash on his heart.
He cries until he’s sure there are no tears left to cry. Until the weight has been lifted from his chest and he is sure he can breathe again. They remain there for what feels like mere seconds and a lifetime at the same time, locked in each other’s embrace. Her fingers card through his hair and her lips press tender kisses to his temple; his arms wrapped around her, hands pressed against her back to keep her close, as close as he can to his own heart. He would gladly stay there forever, spend the rest of his days encased in her warmth and basking in her love. But the moment is broken all too soon when a servant knocks on the door to let them know that courtiers are already gathering in the outskirts of the castle for the funeral.
Jace lets himself be guided by the hand like an obedient child to sit before her vanity. She moves around him silently; unneeded words would only break the feeble spell of calmness surrounding them.
She takes care of everything for him. Wipes his face clean with a damp cloth, presses a cool spoon to his eyes so they will not appear swollen and bloodshot. He changes into a fresh tunic, and allows her to comb his hair and powder his face to disguise the redness of his cheeks and nose. 
They stand together before the ornate mirror, both of them dressed in matching red and black. She helps him pin the cloak onto his tunic, fastening it to his right shoulder with a silver dragon brooch. Jace holds her gaze in their reflection, hoping to convey with gestures the emotions words fail to do. She understands; she always does.
He is rewarded with a kiss on the cheek, and while it does not manage to coax a smile out of him, it fills his veins with a pleasant tickling warmth, the same he felt after their first kiss and the one he hopes to feel until his last breath. 
Her fingers run up his arms gently, tracing the embroiders and trimmings of the doublet. They come to rest on his shoulders and gently push them back, straightening his posture and puffing out his chest. The right index continues the ascent, tracing the curve of the neck and the still sharpening line of the jawline before settling under his chin, pushing upwards ever so slightly to lift his head. Urging him to hold himself with pride. To unapologetically show the world that he is cracked, but not broken.
She comes to stand before him at last, smoothing down nonexistent creases from his clothes until nothing but pure perfection remains. They hold each others’ gaze for a few moments, before she reaches up to steal from him a gentle kiss.  
“All ready, My Prince.” 
This time, he smiles.
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anantaru · 1 year
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kinktober 2023. — masterlist | ao3
𖧡 — including — zhongli, neuvillette
𖧡 — warnings — fem! reader, monsterfucking, dragons >, size kink/size difference, big men who absolutely love you
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you've adapted quickly and zhongli never failed to witness it first hand, how you're tending to learn and pick up on the smallest, tiniest indications which you knew would make it a lot more comfortable with him— because obviously given his size being quite exceptional, it's challenging to keep him in at times, or have him inside of you at all for that matter.
even whenever he's placing both his thumbs against your puffed up pussy to spread you apart before ultimately lining himself up, your thighs begin to burn heavily whilst keeping them all nicely split for him, knowing that he'll never hurt you and will always go slow at first, instantly grabbing your attention when he rubs his fat cockhead along your oozing slit— and those golden eyes of his, full of need and want, yet withstanding the craving to stuff you fuller, his mind warning him that it won't fit in right away.
"how do you feel?" his kind voice was now— sheltered behind gravel, his utters thundering deep from his chest as he rotates his hips a little with— currently, only half of him being pressed inside. it's sweet when he asks you, sometimes even three to four times before he'll get to it properly and fucks you like he means it from the bottom of his heart.
subsequently, you hum in approval when he kisses your cheeks and adds small ruts on your cunt, recognizably becoming excited to finally please his angel darling just like you ever so much deserved, "it feels.. so.." your words suddenly get pulled back into your throat with a hitch when zhongli inches his weight on top of you to lay more comfortably himself, forgetting that with that particular movement, he'll target your pussy with another inch, which you never went beyond that, yet the wet lips of your cunt easily slip him in despite the delicious burn piercing your skin, your walls drumming around his thick shaft.
"fuck—" you gasp out, hiccuping, roughly catching your breath and scratching against his shoulders before arching your back into his hooking touch;
"more, fuck.. more, please more!"
the worry of him going to break you had long since melted away or must’ve teleported itself into the abyss because right now, your entire body was at his unwavering power when he granted you your tasteful wish at last, each of his thrusts driving you deeper into the mattress underneath, the bed scratching against the wooden floor, your tight walls twitching and rippling just the right amount as zhongli groans out against your parted lips, throat rumbling softly around him with that devoted smile on his face.
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a naked whine amplifies the rhythmic thrusts of neuvillette on top of you before you're gritting your teeth together in concentration, holding yourself tight against his massive shoulders as his huge, dripping cock continues to indulge into your warm pussy guzzling him in all sweetly— and you feel crowded inside, stuffed full and so warm, your legs too, spreading a little wider, evidently attempting to make room for him whilst hiccuping into his neck.
you can tell how close you both were to relishing in your orgasm, with his cock nudging inside of you in a way which you never felt before, because tonight— it's been the first time you allowed him to slide more of him past your tight, little pussy. hitting so far inside of you while you're messily soiling his girth, gushing all around his shaft and experiencing a new feeling of sensitivity judging by your ragged heaves and hiccups, his hips never faltering and pounding in and out of you so fast— bulging and crowding you, making you taste how it felt to relish in being fucked by a thick cock reaching all the bristling, wanting places inside.
"are you alright?" he suddenly asks, as if he wasn't just in the midst of something, like fucking the broad daylight out of your skull, idly holding his hips stilled before observing your fucked out expression— it's when you realize that you might've winced a little too loud, screamed his name as if in pain when in reality it was the most delicious pleasure someone ever graced you with, though you probably scared neuvillette into thinking that he's being way too rough with you tonight.
whilst unbeknownst to him, you adored whenever he revealed this hidden side of him, it makes his eyes and horns glow— most notably embarrass him when he suddenly realises.
ah, you're just so utterly and undoubtedly in love with neuvillette, your sweet and handsome neuvillette, how he's always asking you, many times, if he's doing it correctly— pleasing your pussy until you're cumming, but the right way. on top of that, he'll never put the word "fuck" into his mouth, despising such route of phraseology;
for the man, it was simply making love to you;
whilst funnily enough, if you think about it— how he's amplifying the blows on your cunt with as much strength as he believed you could handle, bottling the entire thing inside of him before ultimately adding into each of his sloppy thrusts, especially the loud, drilling slapping sounds of skin against skin penetrating your ears as you fuck yourself up against him, bracing yourself on every last drag of his drenched erection.
without a doubt, it doesn't look like "making love", not when he was insatiable without realizing it, filling the room inside your pussy as his eyes glow a light blue, signalizing how emotionally involved he was in this, how this had to be the pinnacle of getting to know ones body and soul.
and neuvillette, he never fails to leave his fingers gently around your own, tranquilizing your skin with his large palm radiating warmth, his tongue then melting into your mouth, kissing you at last.
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©2023 anantaru's kinktober do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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cherrycolored-punk · 19 days
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still frames - bestfriend! e.m. x fem! reader
author’s note: reminiscing about the friend I had in high school, the one who I’d create playlists with and who’d call to play his guitar for me every night. and you can’t tell me that Eddie isn’t the same type of dude. the sweet bits are based on the reminiscing. the rest is pure fiction with our favorite goof. anyways, enjoy!🧡
w/c: 5k
warnings: angst, pining, smut (oral - reader receiving, protected p in v), spanking, teasing, uhhhh let me know if I forgot anything
Raindrops race down your living room window in lines, and you watch them from your spot on the floor. It’s fall, and the lush greens of summer have begun to change color; their leaves now varying hues of orange and yellow. They create a coziness in your apartment, a warmth that feels like it envelops you and is amplified by the scent of your favorite candle; crisp apple, nectar, and warm clove spice fill your lungs with each breath you take.
Eddie lays beside you on his stomach, focusing on his phone and the playlist you created for him.
The playlists were a tradition since middle-school, a way to introduce each other to a new sound or a band the other might not have heard of. For some time, though, you’d been using it to send cryptic messages, and he hadn’t caught on. 
Your crush on Eddie came suddenly but was felt all at once. 
It was a spring morning nearly two years ago, and you’d laid dying in bed, except not really. You just had the flu, but you felt close to death and had texted him as much.
Eddie: what do you need?
You: hit me with your van, stab me in the face…please end my suffering.
He, of course, didn’t grant your wish, but he’d shown up at your apartment after work with a grocery bag full of supplies. Eddie was still wearing his navy coveralls covered in oil and smelled like grease. From what you could smell, anyway. You could barely breathe through your nose.
“I got you theraflu tea, and I don’t want to hear you complain about the taste. You just need to drink it,” he scolded before you could even complain. 
Your jaw snapped shut.
“Also got your favorite soup, four cans,” he held his fingers up, “orange juice, Vicks, popsicles in case your throat hurts, those saltines you like, and,” he turned, “I brought Scream for us to watch since I know it’s your favorite.”
It hit you like a ton of bricks, made your heart stutter, and nearly stop. 
It was the way he was smiling, the familiar excited gleam in his eye as he looked at you. It was the fact that he’d shown up after a twelve-hour shift with all your favorite sick foods in tow. 
Your eyes traced over his face like you were seeing him for the first time. The sharp edge of his jaw, the plump of his lips, the freckles that dotted the slope of his nose, and when did Eddie become so beautiful?
You’d tried blaming it on the fact that less oxygen was getting to your brain and a virus was wrecking your immune system, but now you didn’t have the same excuse. Now you couldn’t look at Eddie without noticing the pinks of his cheeks or the different smiles he had. Couldn’t be around him without yearning to hug him or hold him in a way that didn’t scream just friends.
The past year and a half had been overwhelming, the yearning making you feel hollow. Like if you didn’t say something, it would continue to eat you alive, but telling him ran the risk of ruining the friendship and that was a fate worse than being alone.
You glance over to the playlist he’s listening to, at the song playing, and clench your eyes shut.
Despite the music in your ears, you can hear the song reverberating off the walls of your skull. The one you heard that made you think of him. It plays in your head, having memorized every lyric and the way the singer’s voice influxes with certain words.
Bet you never knew it
Think you’d suit me just fine
And you know he’ll never get it, never know you’re hopelessly in love with him.
You close your eyes and focus on the song, one he chose specifically for you. 
Good Riddance plays soft, a break from the heavy metal he always added but not a song you hadn’t heard before. It brings a sense of nostalgia in the form of a lump in your throat, and you swallow hard, images of high school flashing through your mind like a retro view-master. It feels like yesterday and another lifetime all at once. The plays you were in, the various games you cheered at, going to Corroded Coffin’s shows, staying over at Eddie’s house, the first time he’d convinced you to join a campaign…the face of “I told you so” when you told him you had actually enjoyed it.
Eddie pulls the earbud from your ear, auburn hair tickling you where it meets your bare shoulder and interrupting your reminiscing. You turn to him, curious eyes meeting his steady gaze. 
“What is it?” you question with a quirk of your brow, unable to decipher the expression that colored his features. 
“Curious choice of songs here,” his voice carries a teasing lilt as he turns onto his side, facing you. 
You could feel his gaze on you, searching your features for the answer to a question he hadn’t asked yet. 
“How do you figure?” you turn, matching his pose, and rest your chin on your palm.
Eddie thought for a moment, his eyes turning up and to the left as he searched for the words. 
He looks handsome as ever, pale skin glowing from the light of your candle. Cinnamon eyes lit with a hint of mischief and something you couldn’t name. 
His eyes shift down and meet yours, a broad dimpled smile slotting into place. 
“Something tells me you have a crush on someone,” and your heart practically drops into your ass at his words.
“A crush?” You ask, half-laughing at his accusation in an attempt not to vomit.
“Oh, don’t play coy. Every song on here drones on about love,” he points to his phone, his eyebrows pushed into his bangs. 
“They’re just good songs, Edward,” you shove his head and lay flat on your back, but he follows your movements, hovering over you. Close enough that you can smell the spearmint of his gum and the cologne he wears; musk and smoked suede. It makes your mouth water, his proximity making your heart lurch in your ribcage. 
“I never said they weren’t good, Princess.” 
Your hand reaches out to push his face away at the nickname, but he catches your wrist in his grasp, a cocky smile spreading wide on his lips. 
“What happened to us not questioning the playlist, Munson? Isn’t that rule number one since day one?” You attempt to fight your wrist out of his grasp, but it remains firm. 
“Let go,” you grumble, and he shakes his head.
“Not until you tell me,” he counters.
“Tell you what?” you stop fighting, and your arm falls back near your head, his fingers still wrapped around it as though he were pinning you there. 
“Who is it?” he shrugs, but you don’t miss how his adam’s apple bobs as he asks. 
You wonder if Eddie can hear how your heart hammers, your senses overwhelmed by his sudden inquisition. 
“There isn’t anyone,” but your gaze turns from him, and he knows you’re lying. 
“Not good enough,” he shakes his head.
“Why does it matter?”
“Because I need to know,” you look back at him. The need you’d felt for the past year reflected in his gaze.
Time slows.
“Why?” your voice is softer, barely above a whisper. Breath held as you wait for his answer. 
He lets go of your wrist and settles back at your side, reaching for his phone as you watch him. The anticipation of his response pushing you closer to cardiac arrest. 
Eddie pulls out your other earbud and places one of his own in your ear. 
I Want You plays, and you recognize the familiar sound of Mitski’s voice. One that is full of yearning and a palpable sorrow. You look at him with a curious upturn of your brow, a silent question, and he turns the screen of his phone towards you. 
It’s a new playlist, one you hadn’t seen, and it bears a simple title: your name. 
A million thoughts race through your head, but you can’t find the words or the right question. 
“Mitski?” You decide to tease, your cheeks warm as the feelings rush through you. The realization that maybe, just maybe, he loved you too. 
“Shut up,” he grumbles, but it’s full of affection, and his face leans closer—his gaze darts between your eyes and the swell of your lips. 
Your mouth parts in anticipation, eyes fluttering shut as your head lifts to meet him halfway. 
A small gasp escapes your lips at the first contact, his lips softer than you’d ever imagined. Slotting perfectly together with yours. He tasted like the gum he chewed and the soda he’d had; sweeter than you thought he’d be.
Eddie’s hand cups your face, gently holding your jaw as his thumb rubs the apple of your cheek. Holding you almost reverently. 
The kiss deepens as he pulls you on top of him, his tongue tracing the curve of your bottom lip, asking for permission. Your tongue swipes against his in response, and you swallow the moan he feeds you - fingers tangling in the fabric of his black t-shirt as he holds you to him. 
His large hand wanders down your back and over the curve of your ass, gripping the dough of it. You can’t help the circle of your hips as you grind against his thigh. Chasing the friction you so desperately need. 
Your lungs begin to ache as the kiss deepens, desperate for oxygen but more so for his touch, and you roll over, pulling his weight on top of you. Enjoying the feel of his body pressed into yours, and his knee slotted between your legs. 
Eddie pulls away, taking a deep breath to fill his burning lungs, and you chase his fleeting lips - eyes still closed. He chuckles, rubbing your cheek affectionately - memorizing the softness of your skin and the warmth of your body underneath him.
You breathe in deeply, gaze finally meeting his, and the first thing you notice is the flush of his cheeks. Then the way his brown eyes are almost obsidian; darkened with need. His nose brushes yours as he leans in for another kiss, just as soft as the first but quick so he can look at you again. 
“Are you finally going to tell me who it is?” He questions, lips hovering over your jaw, and you can barely breathe. Anticipating his touch. 
You shrug your shoulder, not ready to admit to defeat. 
“Couldn’t tell you, just some guy,” you play with the collar of his shirt, acting aloof. 
“Just some guy,” he repeats with a shake of his head, pressing a kiss to the space between your jaw and your ear. 
Your breath comes out shaky, and you can only nod.
“Was hoping it was me, Princess,” he kisses down your neck causing goosebumps to sprout along your arms.
His lips press against the skin of your shoulder, pushing at the strap of your dress with his mouth to nudge it out of the way. 
The curve of his lips is a whisper above your skin, his head dipping down and tracing the tops of your breasts. You arch into his touch, desperate to feel his mouth over every inch of your body. 
He stops abruptly, his head lifting back to hover over yours with a mocking grin. Enjoying how he already affects you, the way you whine when you don’t get what you want. 
“As if you don’t know the answer,” you gruff, and he leans in, shaking his head. 
“I want to hear you say it,” he whispers, face inches from yours—a dare. 
The stubborn part of you wants to deny it, wants to keep the secret close in case this was all in jest, but there’s another part that yearns to hear him say it too. To hear him say it back. For it to be more than a private playlist with your name attached.
“It’s you,” and you almost want to disappear. To sink into the floor or to be swallowed whole. Despite the kiss, despite the way his body presses closer to yours when he finally hears you say the quiet part out loud. Saying it out loud made it real, the threat of losing him as a friend more imminent. 
But his mouth is back on yours, more fervent than before. His hand traces up your thigh and grips the soft flesh. Pressing himself against you. 
You kiss him back with just as much need, an eager hand pushing at the hem of his shirt until you feel his skin. The curve of your nails drags lightly down his abdomen, stopping just above his belt. Enjoying the way the coarse hairs that lead into his pants feels against your fingers. Your other hand curls in his hair, holding his face to yours. 
Eddie shudders at the sensation, a small gasp spilling from his lips as they leave yours. You look at him through hooded eyes, a slight grin slotting into place when you notice his flushed cheeks and hair slightly disheveled. 
Energy thrums through you, making your heart pound. God, you want to make him gasp like that again.
“Was that so hard?” He questions, his expression a little cocky despite his breathlessness, and if you weren’t so eager to kiss him again you might just push his face from yours. 
“Shut up,” you say affectionately and kiss him again. 
Soft, sweet. Relishing in the feel of his lips until it isn’t enough. Until the carnal hunger can’t be ignored. 
Your tongue swipes against his lower lip, and you suck it between your own. Swallowing his low moan. The palm of your hand trails lower, small fingers wrapping around his handcuff belt. Breath caught in your throat until it makes your lungs burn, and you pull away. 
Eddie watches you, your slow, languid movements causing him to hold his breath in anticipation. His long, callused fingers push up, up, up until you feel them beneath your panties, matching your pace, creating a line of fire wherever they meet your skin. 
His belt falls open with a rumble of metal, and he presses his forehead to yours; hand gripping your ass, fingers spreading you apart, and edging closer to your center. 
Your palm rubs against his coarse pubic hairs as you slide your hand further into his boxers, a small gasp escaping your lips when your fingers rub against the warm length of his arousal. Eddie is bigger than you had imagined, and you’d spent plenty of time picturing him while in bed. Legs spread and fingers working you over the edge. But this is better than a daydream. 
His cock jumps against your palm as you wrap your fingers along his shaft, exploring the soft skin and the thick vein that lines his length. Your thumb brushes against his tip, collecting the pre-cum that leaks from it. 
Dark eyes watch as you remove your hand and bring your thumb to your mouth, tongue swirling against your digit before sucking it clean. 
A groan escapes Eddie’s lips, his jaw slack. Eyes hooded with need. 
His next movements are fast, quicker than your mind can keep up with.
He flips you onto your stomach, mouth racing down your back eagerly; needy hands pushing the fabric of your dress up until your ass is exposed. 
“This okay,” he questions, fingers hooked on the lace of your panties, and you whine, ass wiggling eagerly beneath him in response. He slaps the fat of it, a cocky laugh falling from his lips, but he wastes no time.
Eddie tosses your panties over his head absently; gaze focused on the swell of your butt. He hooks an arm around your waist and drags you up on all fours until you’re bared to him. His hands are on your ass like an anchor as he dips his head closer. 
The scruff of his beard scrapes against your soft skin, his warm breath felt against your spine. Each kiss is slow and deliberate, felt in your core as his lips trail down the small of your back and over the valley of your ass. He grips your cheeks and spreads them, revealing the rim of your ass and your glistening cunt. 
“So fucking pretty,” and he practically whimpers at the sight, grabbing his cock to adjust the strain against his jeans. 
He traces his middle finger over your slit and to your bundle of nerves, creating a circle around the bud; a sensation that makes your hips jolt, a soft moan escaping your lips. 
You breathe in sharply when you feel the nudge of his nose against your sex, his tongue swiping along your folds. Savoring the way you taste. 
He teases you, tongue flicking against your clit before swiping towards your aching center and stretching you over his tongue. A guttural moan escapes your lips, your nails digging into the plush of your carpet at the sensation. 
Eddie buries his face deeper, pushing his tongue further into you with a groan that vibrates through you. 
“Oh my god,” you keen, reaching behind and knotting your hands into his hair. You grind against his face, eyes rolling as his tongue darts in and out of your sopping cunt. Fingers pressing into your clit. 
“Fuck,” he moans, voice gruff. 
His tongue laps at your arousal, middle finger prodding your entrance. You release his head, bracing against the carpet. He stretches you inch by inch before adding another, his digits curling inside you. Slowly, he begins to pump them into you, hitting a spot that makes your breath catch in your throat. You clench around him, the orgasm already building.
“Eddie,” you whine, spurring his movements to quicken. For his mouth to wrap around your clit and flick his tongue against it, eager for you to come undone.
You ride his fingers, desperate for the release and out of your mind with need. Body humming, warmed over from the intensity of your arousal.
“Gonna come for me, Princess?” 
You nod your head, pushing your pussy back against him. Desperate for his tongue on your sensitive bud. 
“S-so close,” you stammer. 
Every muscle in your body tenses, and you bury your face in the carpet as the feeling crashes over you. For a moment, you can’t breathe. The moan trapped in your throat and eyes clenched shut until, finally, your center unfurls. 
Your cunt flutters around Eddie’s fingers, and you moan his name as your legs begin to shake, but he doesn’t stop. He continues to pump his fingers into you, groaning at the noise it makes and the way your pussy grips him. His tongue flicks wildly against your clit, eliciting a loud groan to escape from your lips. Your legs shake more intensely as tears spring to your eyes. Bordering overstimulation. 
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,” you beg, and suddenly, he pulls his fingers from you. Fat tongue dragging against your wet heat and savoring every drop of your essence. 
He slaps your ass once. Twice. Leaving kisses where his hands were before and trailing them up your back, pushing the fabric of your dress up with him until he pushes it off entirely. 
He’s bent over you, torso pressed to your back. Hard arousal pressed to your sopping center. Warm breath felt against your neck as he whispers.
“Sound so fucking pretty, want to hear you again. Want to watch you.” 
He presses closer to you so you can feel just how badly he wants you, and you shudder. You match his movements, pushing your ass back against him, turning to watch the way his eyes close and his jaw clenches. 
“Do you have a condom?” You whisper, and his eyes open abruptly, searching yours.
“Y-yeah,” he stammers, nodding his head late as though his body was just catching up with his thoughts. 
But he doesn’t move, and it makes you feel shy. A little unsure of yourself. You squirm beneath him and flip over so that you’re face-to-face. 
“We don’t have to,” you rub an absent hand against his face, trying not to think about the fact that you were mostly naked and he was hovering inches from you, fully clothed. 
Eddie shakes his head and leans closer.
“I want to,” he says with more conviction and kisses your cheek, brushing his lips along your jaw. 
“You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to,” he whispers against your neck. 
His tongue swipes along your neck and nips at your soft flesh. A free hand wanders down your side, creating goosebumps in their path. 
“Have you thought of me?” You ask, dragging a hand down his sternum to the top of his still-open jeans. Your voice is teasing, heavy with a flirtation he’d never heard before, and he nods. No longer cocky, hovering above you but entirely at your mercy. 
“What have you thought about?” You push your hand back into his boxers and begin to stroke him, jaw going slack as you watch his eyes flutter shut. 
Eddie groans, the fingers at your side digging into your skin.
“Y-you in my bed,” he stammers, mind occupied by the feeling of your hand wrapped around his dick. Your grip tightens around him, your grasp firm as you pump his cock faster.
“Is that it?” You whisper against his mouth, nipping at the pout of his bottom lip. He follows your mouth as you pull away, and he shakes his head.
“Thought about how good you’d look as I fuck you,” his words are a little breathless, but they cause your thighs to clench. 
The movement isn’t lost on him. It spurs him on, the familiar cocky grin slotting into place—a glint of mischief in his eye. 
“You’ve thought of it too, haven’t you?” His nose brushes yours, lips hovering over your mouth as he waits for your response.
The shudder that runs through your body gives you away, and you nod. Hand still pumping his cock.
Eddie kisses you more tenderly than you expected. His lips soft against your own, relishing the feel of you. 
“How often?” He questions, mouth still hovering over yours. Hand tracing down your thigh and up again.
You try to concentrate, hand still working him but your rhythm unsteady as you debate to tell him the truth. 
“Every day,” you stroke him again, “sometimes twice a day.”
His mouth crashes against yours, all teeth and tongue. Your hand reaches from his boxers and begins to push at his jeans. He helps you, one hand next to your head, holding his weight above you, and the other helping push his jeans until he kicks them off. Eddie sits up and tugs off his shirt, revealing the expanse of his torso—the dark lines against his alabaster skin. You trace your fingertips over them, lips pressing against his chest as he reaches behind you and unclasps your bra. Eddie tosses the fabric aside, eyes fixated on the curve of your tits. 
“Fucking hell,” his voice is low, appreciative, and he reaches out to trace his fingers along your newly exposed skin. Your back arches into his touch, watching his thumb roll against your nipple and pinch the sensitive flesh between his fingers. A moan falls from your lips, and your head rolls back, legs closing around him.
His head dips to your neck, and he kisses down your chest, over the slopes of your breasts. 
Eddie’s tongue flicks and sucks, pulling your nipple between his teeth. One hand gripping your hip and leading you back down until you’re lying beneath him.
He reaches for his jeans and grabs his wallet, pulling a condom out. 
You stop him before he can unwrap it, “Wait.”
“Are you okay?” He stops and watches you with worry.
“Can we,” you pause, “can we go to my room? To the bed?”  
“Afraid of a little carpet burn, Princess?” He teases, and you swat his bicep, pushing at his chest so you can move past him. 
“Shut up, Munson,” you push his face, but he grabs your hand, standing and pulling you along with him. 
You turn from him to walk to your room, and he slaps your ass, causing you to yelp as you run away from him, your giggles filling the apartment. Eddie chases you, hand reaching out to slap your butt cheeks every so often until you reach the room and suddenly turn to face him.
His chest crashes against yours, and your chuckle dies when you look at him again. The desire in his eyes, the blush that’d crept into his cheeks, and the state of his hair. You reach between your bodies and wrap your hand around his cock, pumping him as he leads you to the bed.
Your back plops against the soft mattress, and he drags your ass to the edge, legs spread wide for him. 
He unwraps the condom and rolls the rubber down his shaft, one thumb drawing circles against your clit. Gathering your slick. 
You pant as he works you up, whining when he stops, only to jolt when his wrapped length rubs against your slick folds. Your fingers wrap around his wrist as he inches into you, his eyebrows pushing together as your cunt wraps around his cock.
“Holy fuck,” he groans, gripping your hip with his free hand. 
Eddie is a stretch, but the feel of him pushing into you is delicious - every inch making your toes curl. 
“Oh,” you moan, and it’s all you can manage. Words turning to nonsense once he’s fully seated inside of you. 
He leans down and kisses you, lips hard against yours as his hips roll into you. His rhythm starts slow, pumping into you at a languid pace. Savoring the way you feel, the way your moans sound, and your naked chest feels pressed to his. 
His movements quicken, the snap of his hips growing louder as he juts into you. You pull away from his lips and dig your nails into his bicep. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes focused on where your bodies are connected. Watching the way your pussy sucks him in, clenches perfecting around his shaft, and the image of you draws him closer to the edge. 
Eddie pushes off the mattress, straightening your legs until they’re pressed against his torso, one foot resting on either side of his head. He has the perfect view of you; the bounce of your tits as he ruts into you, the way your mouth hangs open, and your eyes are entirely focused on him. 
He pounds his dick into you, one hand moving between your legs and drawing circles against your bud. 
“Eddie, ahh, oh fuck-” you grip his forearm as he continues to thrust every inch of his cock in and out of your sensitive cunt. 
“You like that, baby?” and you nod.
“Say it,” he groans, hips stuttering as he nears his pinnacle. 
“Feel so good, Eddie,” you moan, and the way you say his name makes him clench his jaw. Trying his best to maintain composure until you come.
“Going to come for me, sweetheart?” and it sounds like a demand. Your nails dig into his skin as you nod. 
Your eyes trace down his body, watching the movement of his hips and the way your ass reverberates with each movement. The image of him, the erotic sound of skin on skin, bringing you closer.
“Please,” you beg, back arching off the bed as you get closer. The rubber band at your center stretching thin and ready to snap.
Your legs fall from his shoulders and hook around his waist, pulling him closer. Deeper. Exactly where you need him. The tip of his cock nudges your spongy center, the orgasm building with each rock of his hips until it’s enough.
His name is on your lips like a prayer, vision white as the intensity of the orgasm pulses through you. 
“Baby,” he groans, the grip your pussy has on him causing his hips to stutter and the muscles in his abdomen to tighten as he reaches his peak. His hands grip your thighs, his dick twitching inside you as he spills into the condom.
You come down for your orgasm and watch him through hooded eyes—the flush of his pale skin, the sharp edge of his jaw.
So fucking pretty.
He releases his grip on your thighs and slowly inches out of you. 
You whine at the loss, already needy for more, and he gives you a cocky smirk. Eddie presses a quick kiss to your lips before disappearing down the hall, and you listen as the faucet squeaks, then off before he returns. 
He approaches you with a warm washcloth, and wipes your center before discarding it into your nearby hamper. 
You pull him forward, resting his weight against your body. For a moment, the two of you sit in silence. The only sound filling the room is your heavy breaths and the faint thrums of your hearts. 
“That was-,” and he can’t finish the sentence. Unable to find the right string of words.
Eddie pushes his weight off you, balancing on his hands and meeting your gaze. He leans closer, his nose tracing yours, and he kisses you softly—a hum vibrating against your lips when he releases your mouth.
“Decent,” you shrug and roll your eyes affectionately. Falling into your usual teasing.
“That was some of my best work, babe,” he gasps, feigning shock. Hand to his chest as he stands straight. 
Your heart skips at the nickname, but you try to hide it. Babe. 
“Guess you’ll have to show me again,” you shrug and push yourself further onto the bed. 
Eddie raises a devious brow and follows your movements, his body inching forward as yours inches back. 
“I can show you again,” he kisses you, “and again,” he kisses you once more, “as many times as it takes to convince you,” he promises.
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doll-faace · 2 years
any Brock Berrigan fans here ?
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‘Til The End of The Line
Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, shooting and getting hurt
Summary: You get injured in a mission, and Bucky cannot bear to see you in such state.
Author's Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
I am so sorry for being gone (school’s been killing me)
I appreciate every feedback! Thank you for reading, enjoy!
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“Ready to kick some ass, kiddo?” Steve’s voice was calm, almost soothing, but you could hear the adrenaline beneath his words as the two of you adjusted your parachutes. The jet engines hummed around you, a subtle reminder of the mission ahead.
You grinned, giving your suit one last check and tightening your grip on the gun in your hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna beat the shit out of them.”
Steve smiled, not bothering to correct your language. With him, you were always an exception.
Moments later, the wind was whipping against your face as you both jumped from the jet, splitting off into the night sky. Steve took the left wing—the more dangerous side—leaving you the right. Tony had assured you it was safer, but as you slid through the narrow gap in the door, the freezing cold hit you like a wall. The air inside was frigid, bitterly reminding you of Bucky’s stories about the winters he hated so much.
“As far as I can see, it’s clear here. How’s the situation there?” Steve’s voice crackled through the comms, full of concern. You knew he cared for you deeply, saw you as the daughter he never had, and would have taken a bullet to ensure your safety.
“It’s clear here too, Cap,” you replied, trying to ease his worry.
“Let’s stick to the plan: I’ll draw out the agents while you head straight to the operations room and grab their file IV data.”
“Copy that. Be safe, Cap—and I mean it. If you need help, just call me.”
“I will, kiddo. Be safe yourself. And promise to call me if you need anything.”
“I promise. Let’s fucking go.”
You raced through the deserted corridors of the right wing, a dagger in one hand and a fully loaded gun tucked into your suit for emergencies. The cold air bit at your skin, the silence amplifying every footstep. Suddenly, a loud, thunderous noise echoed behind you. Instinctively, you thought it was Steve, but it wasn’t. The sound was coming from your side of the building.
Before you could react, you were ambushed by over twenty armed agents.
On the other side of the wing, Steve was facing his own battle. He tossed a grenade down a hallway, expecting a swarm of enemies, but only three agents rushed at him. Something was wrong. There should have been more.
“Shit,” you hissed into the comms, struggling against the overwhelming odds. Steve heard the panic in your voice, but he couldn’t respond—one of the agents had him in a chokehold. His grip tightened on the comms as he heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, followed by a loud thud that made his blood run cold.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Steve managed to gasp out, but all he got in return was a pained groan.
“I’ll get to you in less than a minute, I promise,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. He could hear your labored breathing through the comms, and it was tearing him apart.
“Steve…” Your voice was faint, each word a struggle.
“Hmm?” he replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the dread clawing at his chest.
“Are the comms… still being recorded?”
Steve’s heart sank. He knew what you were doing, and he hated it. “Yes, kiddo, if there weren’t any changes to the plans, it’s on record.”
You exhaled shakily, the breath catching in your throat. There was only one person you needed to reach out to. “Buck…”
As soon as Steve heard the name, he knew the weight of what you were about to say. Even after four years of being together, Bucky’s name still brought shivers to your spine, thick with emotion.
“If by any chance you get to listen to this, Buck—”
“Y/N, kiddo, no, you’re not dying. I won’t let that happen.”
“You don’t know that…” Your voice was helpless, a reflection of your dwindling strength.
“Just stay there. I’m on my way. Please, don’t give up on us.”
But a part of Steve knew this might be your last moment. It was an instinct, a gut-wrenching feeling that he couldn’t shake. So he didn’t stop you from saying what you needed to.
“If you get a chance to listen to this…” You fought to keep your eyes open, tears mingling with the blood on the cold metal floor. Your mind flashed with the future you had imagined—a life with Bucky, growing old together, watching your children grow up. ���In another life, we might—maybe we could have grown old together.”
Steve’s heart clenched as your voice wavered. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but he knew there was nothing he could do except listen.
“I wish I could have given you babies,” you continued, your voice cracking with emotion. “Watched them grow in our backyard… I’m sorry that I can’t be the one to give you that life.”
Your vision blurred as sleepiness started to consume you. You fought against it with everything you had, but the darkness was closing in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that this is how it ends for us… I’m really sorry.”
“And if this is how it really ends… Promise me you’ll find someone else to love, to open up to. Find someone else… Call someone else ‘doll.’ And don’t grieve too much.”
The darkness was overwhelming now. You felt it pulling you under, felt the life draining from your body as blood poured from your wounds. “You deserve to be happy… And the past doesn’t—doesn’t define you.”
Your last words were barely a whisper. “I… Love you, Buck. And I’m sorry I couldn’t say that more often.”
And then… silence. The darkness consumed you, and Steve heard nothing but the empty static of the comms. He refused to believe it, refused to accept that you were gone. He sprinted through the hallways, throwing open every door until he found you, lying motionless on the floor, your suit stained crimson with blood.
He scooped you up as if you weighed nothing, his legs pumping with every ounce of energy he had left. The jet’s engines hummed steadily, but inside the cabin, chaos reigned. Steve knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he assessed your injuries. The bullets had done their damage—one near your heart, another through your stomach, and the last through your left arm. Blood pooled beneath you, soaking through your suit.
“Kiddo, hang in there, please,” Steve murmured, his voice tight with fear. He grabbed the medical kit from the overhead compartment, spilling its contents across the floor. His hands worked quickly, tearing open a pack of gauze and pressing it firmly against the wounds. The bleeding was relentless, and he knew he needed to act fast to save your life.
You were pale, your breathing shallow and irregular. It was a miracle you were still breathing at all. Steve knew he had to stabilize you before they landed, or you wouldn’t make it. His mind raced through the limited medical training he had received—enough to get through emergencies, but nothing like this.
He fumbled with an IV kit, his hands shaking as he tried to insert the needle into your arm. Your veins were fragile, but after what felt like an eternity, he got it in. He attached a bag of saline solution, knowing it was only a temporary measure.
“Stay with me, kiddo. Buck won’t be so happy about this,” Steve whispered, his voice trembling. Your pulse was faint, but still there. He applied more pressure to the wound, checking if you were breathing again. It was labored, but there were no signs of a collapsed lung, thank God.
He grabbed the portable oxygen mask and gently placed it over your mouth and nose, adjusting the flow to give you the support you desperately needed. Your chest rose and fell slightly more steadily—a small victory amid the chaos.
With one hand still applying pressure to the wound, Steve fumbled with the jet’s communications system. “Friday, please check if the team is ready for immediate surgery.”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Stark has everything prepared, and Dr. Cho is on standby.”
“Can you connect me directly to Tony?”
“Connecting now, sir.”
“Cap, how is she?” Tony’s voice crackled through, tense with concern.
“I think I stabilized her. We’re landing in three minutes, max. Thank God this jet has autopilot, or else… she wouldn’t have made it.”
Tony was silent for a moment. It wasn’t the time for pride or self-congratulation. He was kicking himself for not being more cautious, for not having medics onboard, for underestimating the mission. You were the youngest, the brightest member of the Avengers, and he couldn’t bear to lose you.
Steve checked the wound again. The bleeding had slowed, but it hadn’t stopped. He packed the wound with more gauze, securing it tightly. You needed a blood transfusion, surgery—everything he couldn’t provide here. All he could do was keep you stable until they landed.
“Tony, do me one favor,” Steve said, his voice thick as he wiped the blood from your cheeks. “Please… Don’t let Bucky see her like this. He won’t be able to handle it.”
But Tony’s response was firm. “Sorry, Cap. James already knows. He’s waiting at the airbase. And he has the right to see her.”
Steve nodded, though his heart ached at the thought. “Okay, Tony, thanks… We’re almost there.”
The jet descended, the lights of the airbase coming into view. Steve cradled you close, whispering words of comfort that he wasn’t sure you could hear. “We’re going to make it, kiddo. Just hold on a little longer.”
As the jet landed, the hatch opened to reveal Tony, Dr. Cho, and Bucky. Bucky’s face was ashen, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the sight of you. Steve gently handed you over to Dr. Cho and her team, who rushed you to the medical bay. Bucky stood frozen, staring at the blood that covered Steve’s hands and suit.
“She’s alive, Buck,” Steve said softly, his voice raw with exhaustion. “But she needs you now more than ever. Don’t lose hope.”
Bucky nodded, swallowing hard. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think beyond the sight of you lying there so still. He followed the team as they wheeled you into surgery, praying with everything he had left that you would survive this.
Part 2 is up y’all
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i-amm-mj · 1 year
Breeding kink - smut to fluff
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afabreader! x Katsuki Bakugo
⚠️ smut, breeding kink, dirty talk, creampie ⚠️
Katsuki doesn´t come from a big a family, so he doesn´t know where this craving for impregnate you with at least four of his kids is coming from. He woke up one day with you beside him, and saw your beautiful body sprawled on the mattress and he realized that you had awoken his most primal desires. He wanted to fuck you day and night until he got you pregnant; until he could see your belly all rounded and your breasts swelling and big from the milk that he was going to help you got out with his own mouth.
“That´s it, baby” he growled in your ear while pounding his dick in and out of your pussy “I´m gonna give you all of my cum and you´re gonna take it like the good girl you are, right?” You were so lost on the pleasure that the only thing you could do was dumbly nod.  
 “I´m gonna get you fucking pregnant. Going to give you as many kids as you want” he gulped hard when your walls pulsed around his dick “you´d like that, wouldn´t you?” you moaned. His sinful words and the way his hips moved against your own had your head spinning without a single coherent thought allowed to form.
“Yes, yes, please” you closed your eyes trying to enjoy the feeling starting to erupt in your lower belly.
“Please what?” He smirked while adjusting himself on the bed so he could lift your left ancle to his shoulder and have a better angle to that spot inside that had you curling your toes.
“Plea-please make me a mommy. I want your cum deep inside me” his breath hitched. Fucking hell, he loved when you responded to his dirty talk even with your mind all numb from the sex “Oh, fuck, I´m so close Kats, don´t stop” you said, and he inclined towards you to exchange a passionate kiss. It didn´t matter that it was all teeth and tongue because it was so fucking hot. You were fucking hot.
“Give it to me, gorgeous. Cum on my dick. Make a mess on me” He continued pounding into you so deliciously. You could feel every vein on his dick and the way it pulsed inside you wanting to explode right there.
“Cum with me, Kats. Please cum with me” you begged. A shiver went through his spine and his dick almost burst at the way your voice shook with every word.
“Fuck, I´m close too” he answered furrowing his brows, concentrating on the way your pussy sucked him in. You were so fucking wet that it slipped easily. He hissed.
“Right there. Right there” you cried out and Katsuki moved his thumb on your clit to amplify the sensations. That was all you needed to reach your peak. You moaned even harder and convulsed around his dick which made him cum at the same time. He spurted his cum in your pussy like he promised and then collapsed on top of you. You massaged his scalp, and he purred in contentment.
“I´m serious though” he murmured after giving your collarbones a light kiss.
“About what?” you asked a little confused.
“Knocking you up with my children” you giggled. He raised his head from your chest and pouted “What´s so funny idiot?”
“Aren´t we too young?”
“We´re 26”
“Exactly” you answered with a smile “Kids are a great responsibility and a very big investment.”  
“I´m hero number 5 right now, and in a few years I´ll be number 1 if fucking Deku doesn´t beat me to it, but even if I´m number 2 for the rest of my career I´m sure I can provide even a family of ten. And I´m sure you´ll get promoted sooner or later too because you´re the fucking best at what you do.” He stated.
“Ten!? Omg, didn´t you say four!?”
“Plans change” he smirked playfully. You laughed softly but wholeheartedly. Katsuki loved your laugh. He loved everything about you.
“We are not even married Kats,” you caressed his face with a smile on your face “my mother would never forgive me having a child outside marriage.”
He considered his words for a few seconds, and you tried to guess what was going on in that pretty but stubborn head of his. He then looked you in the eye and without doubt said “Let´s get married then. What are we waiting for?”
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buryustogether · 1 year
lilac - chapter 3
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miguel o’hara x f!reader
summary: your boyfriend doesn’t have the time anymore. good thing both miguel o’hara and spiderman do.
wc: 5.2k
tags/warnings: domestic dispute, unhappy relationship, pining, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of violence, allusions to suicide, mentions of strip clubs
author’s note: got a lil carried away with my emotions for this one ngl
Your pink pen pressed harshly down on the science quiz you were grading, smearing a pit of the sparkly ink as the searing noise of an electric guitar being tuned submerged your little apartment from the floors to the ceilings. You glared up from beneath your brows, a predator chained just inches from her prey, as Ferris and his band of four barked and howled between themselves in your living room. From your perch at the tiny dining table, you watched them, your knuckles paling around your pen. They had moved the furniture around to make room for their equipment, shoved your couch, your armchair, your coffee table - fuck, even your television stand - against the walls so that they could spread out and practice for a gig the drummer had managed to score; probably by going down on the manager of the place, but you’d never say that out loud.
Unless they provoked you - which, with every ticking, prolonged minute that passed, you were getting closer and closer to your inclined tipping point.
Sniffing quietly, you shook your head and tried to go back to grading your quizzes. So far, your class had done a fairly good job. A few percentages below eighty, but not many. No matter what score they got, however, you were sure to place a sticker on the corner of the page. Of course, as you had expected, Gabriella O’Hara’s score was a perfect hundred. A small smile graced the corner of your lips. She was a bright kid, you’d give her that. While she needed a little extra help in mathematics from time to time, she practically excelled in every other subject. You scribbled out a little note praising her for a job well done before beginning to move on to your other papers.
From the living room, another glass-shattering, skin-crawling shriek was raised from Ferris’ guitar. You twitched in your seat, subtly raising your eyes to watch the band. Your boyfriend was downing his second beer of the day, despite it being barely eleven in the morning, and he had his feet propped up on some chick’s - the new keyboard player, because the last one stormed out of the group after realizing what a bunch of asswipes they were - and idly strummed a lazy medley on the taut strings of his guitar. It was hooked up to the speaker, so every note that he twanged out was amplified tenfold.
Downstairs, your neighbor knocked against their ceiling with a broom. Telling you all to shut the fuck up, no doubt.
Taking a deep breath, you put on your best smile - which looked more like a grimace, actually - and cleared your throat. “Babe,” you said tightly, drawing Ferris’ attention away from the keyboard player. He regarded you with a roll of his head and hand on the strings to stop the vibrations. “Maybe it’s time to pack it up. You’ve been…” You hesitated. “Practicing for almost two hours now. Why don’t you save some of the music for the paying customers tomorrow instead of the neighbors?”
To your chagrin, like he was dumping fuel across the little flame that had flickered to life in your chest, he shrugged a shoulder and went back to his guitar and the girl across from him. “We’ll leave when we’re done,” he replied nonchalantly, eyes never meeting yours again. “Still got some more songs to run through.”
“Yeah,” you scoffed and went back to your work. “You look real fucking busy.”
“If you’re so tired of listening to us,” your boyfriend snapped suddenly, “why don’t you find somewhere else to go? This is my place too, you know.” He exhaled a venomous sigh and downed another swig from his bottle. “Always on my ass.”
By now, the rest of the apartment had gone silent. The other band members glanced between the pair of you, movements suddenly stiff with tension they had no idea how to release. It felt like no matter what they did, it would light the fuse on either one of you.
Feeling your cheeks heat and your palms become sticky with embarrassment, you swallowed thick and nodded your head slowly. Then you stood, began to gather your papers, and stuffed them into your purse.
“Hey,” said the band’s drummer, a pudgy guy with thick lenses that had, actually, always been nice to you despite their leader’s obvious intentions, “if you need us to clear out, we can. We can find another place to set up where we’re not bothering you.”
You released a short huff, sounding more akin to a snarl than anything else. It seemed your judgment in men really was shit; you’d chosen the wrong fucking band member. “That’s okay,” you spat as you tugged on your shoes and checked that you had your keys. The drummer’s face flashed with guilt and you felt bad for a moment, but then your eyes flickered to where Ferris had wandered into the kitchen to fetch himself another drink. Like a raging wildfire, the flames in your ribcage roared and seared your insides, making them feel like you’d implode upon yourself if you stayed here - in your own damn home - any longer. “I’ll go somewhere else.”
With that you exited your apartment and slammed the door behind you, not stopping your frantic escape from Ferris’ snarls and rolling eyes until you hit the street down below. Before you on the road, traffic moved at a sluggish pace. Horns blared and street lights flickered. Shop fronts gleamed in the sunlight and bells over doors jingled. As you took a long, deep inhale that granted your lungs a wave of fresh air and your eyes with a certain wetness in the corners, you realized your crumbling relationship with your boyfriend was such a trivial little thing in this city. Nothing was going to stop, halt in its tracks, just because your world was falling apart.
Life went on. There was nothing you could do to stop that.
Plopping yourself down on the bus stop bench, you placed your head in your hands and tried to keep yourself from crying anymore. You couldn’t let anyone else see you cry, because what if they did, and they turned out to be like Ferris? Told you that you were being dramatic, that you needed to pull yourself together and be a girl? Fuck, you didn’t think you could handle someone else telling you that. You didn’t need anyone else against you; it already felt like the entire world was.
What you needed, desperately, terribly, pleadingly, was someone else in your corner.
In your pocket, your phone chimed with an incoming text. Wiping away the tears sitting heavy against your lids, you pulled it out. It was an unknown number; your cyber security app had blurred the message, waiting until you accepted to see it. You swiped on the blurred screen, then clicked open the message.
Hi, it’s Miguel O’Hara. I hate to cross any lines here, but Gabriella is having a hard time understanding the homework assigned for this weekend. I tried to help, but it’s beyond me. Some sorry excuse for a geneticist I am, right? Anyway, I was texting to ask if you’d be able to meet us somewhere today and help Bri. I was thinking the public library? We’re going to be headed to the park afterward for soccer practice… you’re welcome to come along. She’s eager to show you a new trick she learned yesterday. Again, excuse my forwardness. We understand if you’re not available. :)
You sniffled slightly, rereading the text over and over again, trying to stuff down the fluttering feeling arising past the flames inside you. Your head snapped up and you were on your feet in less than a moment, hailing the first taxi that passed you. When you climbed inside, the driver asked you where to.
“The public library,” you said, and managed a smile at him in the mirror.
Half an hour later, you sat at a desk in the middle of the study section of the New York Public Library, already having drawn out fresh sketches and examples of the mathematics homework you had assigned for this weekend. Your foot bounced with anticipation under the table, and you found yourself constantly glancing over your shoulder at the wide, arched doorway that let into the private section.
You’d tutored students outside of class before, so you shouldn’t have been so excited. You’d met with them in diners and cheap restaurants, outdoor pavilions when the weather allowed, hell - you’d even sat with them outside their cramped apartment buildings on overturned milk crates and used cardboard as a back for the worksheets while their parents were busy working three jobs and balancing five other kids on their hips at the same time. You weren’t one to judge; you knew how hard it was out here for some people. You were a teacher; it was your job to love and nurture and teach your kids, no matter who they were or where they came from.
So you shouldn’t have been this excited to tutor one of your students. Even if she did have a smoking hot dad.
Small, quick-paced footsteps - like thunderclaps along the ground in the nearly-silent room - pricked your ears and turned your attention to the doorway. A wide, easy grin broke across your lips as you spied Gabriella breaking away from her father’s side to rush toward you and your table. In her arms she carried a wrapped bouquet of flowers. When she reached where you had risen from your seat, she pressed her face into your belly in lieu of a hug.
“Hi, Miss Y/N,” she said, rather loudly, then presented the flowers like they were sterling silver encrusted with diamonds and jewels unimaginable. An ear-to-ear smile stretched from one of her ears to the other. “These are for you.”
Miguel arrived behind her, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a gentle grin of greeting gracing his beautiful face. He tilted his head at you for a moment, then ruffled his daughter’s hair and said, “What are they for?”
“A thank you,” Gabriella rushed to say as you accepted the bouquet. “For coming to help me.”
You tried to squash the butterflies that fluttered through your stomach when he smiled at you, instead pushing your focus to the flowers clutched to your chest. They were fresh blooms, a collection filled with pinks and purples and a few yellows here and there. “Well, thank you so much, sweetheart,” you said as she rounded the table to go and sit by her father. “They’re beautiful.” You took your seat again and carefully set the gift beside your purse. “And you don’t have to thank me. I was already out today anyhow, so it wasn’t any trouble.”
“Really?” said Miguel. He pulled the bag from over his shoulder and gave it to Gabriella for her to begin pulling her schoolwork out. He quirked one of his thick brows, his sad-looking eyes meeting yours. Jolts of excitement, and pleasure, and adoration went sprawling down your spine all at once, like back to back shocks of raw, untamed electricity. “I figured you would have been staying in during a tourist weekend like this.”
You wanted so badly to tell him just what you were doing out, why you weren’t at home enjoying your two days of free time between your two jobs - one that required every bit of your soul and heart during the day, and another that required every bit of your body during the night. You wanted horrendously to confide in him the troubles plaguing you like an illness only he could cure you from, wanted him to secure those thick, sinewy arms of his around your form and hold you tight, assure you in that husky tone that everything would be alright.
But instead, all you said was, “Can’t let tourists drive us locals from our stomping grounds, can we, Mister O’Hara?”
The corner of his mouth quirked upwards, his eyes stuck upon your form even after you’d pulled your attention to the worksheet Gabriella had pulled out.
For a long while, the three of you sat at that table in the library. You taught Gabriella the maths lesson over again as many times as she needed it, helped her with the more challenging problems on the worksheet, then made up a few on the spot to give her for the extra practice. You even tilted around your textbook so that Miguel could see it and gave him a rundown of the next few lessons so that he could help her the following week, should she need it.
It was perhaps an hour or so later when you sat back in your chair, watching as your student set to work on the few practice problems you’d given her. You shut your eyes for a moment, exhaling a long breath, and allowing your brain to shut off for a moment. You’d succeeding in getting Ferris and his stupid, stubborn fucking attitude off your mind for a time, but now you were faced with the realization that sometime today, you’d have to go back home. You’d have to see him again, most likely get into another argument that would lead to one of you sleeping on the couch the next couple evenings.
Most likely you.
“How are you doing?” came Miguel’s voice from across the table.
You thought for a moment he was speaking to his daughter, looking over her work, but when no reply came, you opened your eyes and realized he was talking to you. You blinked a few times, watching as he smirked kindly and crossed his arms over the table. Fuck, he was so easy to look at. He was wearing a t-shirt against the sunny day today, giving you a generous view of the muscles in his arms. They sloped down to his elbows, and further still to wrists wrapped in Gabriella-made friendship bracelets, to large, wide hands that were callused at the fingers and bruised at the knuckles. You wondered briefly if he boxed during his workouts.
Sliding your hand up your face, you gave him a tired smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. Despite only speaking to one another a few minutes every time at pick up and drop off, you felt you could talk to him better than even the girls at your nighttime job. “I’m alright,” you said, then added, “Just… tired, is all. Lots on my plate right now. Work, stuff at home, the whole ‘masked vigilante swinging around the city’ thing. Well… you know how it is.”
It was not the last detail that seemed to faze him. It was the second. “Is everything okay?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, like that of a curious puppy. The lines beneath his eyes deepened a bit, the untamed hair atop his head slipped to his temple. “Sorry if I’m overstepping a boundary, or anything like that. I just -”
“No, you’re alright.” You reached out to finger at a petal on one of the flowers in the bouquet, fondly brushing the delicate thing as if it would disintegrate if you handled it any rougher. His eyes followed your movements deftly. “And, everything’s… okay. Sort of… okay.” You sighed and pulled away from the flower, instead opting to rub at your temples. “Just drives me out sometimes, you know? Everything… happening in those walls. Sometimes it gets too much.”
“You’re never out on the streets, are you?” Suddenly his gaze had turned serious and stony, his mouth set into a hard line across his chiseled expression.
You swallowed thick, feeling the dropped baritone of his voice hit the bottom of your belly and head south to your core. You shifted slightly in your seat, crossing your legs over one another to mask the subtle movement. “No, never.” Forcing yourself to chuckle, you dropped a hand to the desk. “You don’t have to worry about me, Mister O’Hara. I’m just fine.”
Before you realized what was happening, Miguel had reached out to brush his long, thick fingers over your knuckles. Your skin was suddenly alight with a blaze you didn’t even know existed. He leaned forward slightly across the table, lowering his voice so that only you heard it in the cage between your ribs. “It’s alright to ask for help, you know,” he murmured quietly. You were caught in his gaze, unable to pull yourself away. “If you ever need something, some place to stay… our door is open.”
Your tongue had ceased its ability to work, your heart its ability to beat properly. You could only stare at him, wide-eyed, as he settled back in his chair. Miguel O’Hara had just offered you his home. Fuck - he knew. He had to have known. Maybe he could see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice when you whispered; maybe it trembled too much. Or maybe he could just sense it, feel it from the bottomless pit in your soul screaming out for someone to pull it back into the daylight.
Just when you trusted yourself to speak again, both your and Miguel’s phones alerted at the same time. Across the study section, other devices went off, as well. Simultaneously, you pulled out your cells and read the messages scrawled across the screens.
“Jesus,” you muttered upon scanning the message. A kidnapping had just taken place not a block from the library. Car details and plate numbers were attached, along with an urging for anyone with information to call the authorities. “This city gets worse every day.”
Miguel glanced up at your words, hesitated, then looked down at Gabriella. She was still busy with her work, tongue stuck out gently between her pink lips. You sensed him tense from across the table.
“...Miguel?” you asked, tentative to use his first name. “Is everything okay?”
After a short, brief moment, he seemed to make up his mind about something. He stood from his chair so abruptly that it squealed softly against the tile floor, throwing the backpack over his shoulder and rounding the table. “Excuse me just a second,” he said, already heading toward the doorway. “I have to make a call. Ten minutes, tops.” Then he was gone, jogging too quickly and hurriedly to be making a phone call - or so you thought. You wanted direly to follow him, see what he was doing, but you couldn’t. You had your student to take care of.
Inhaling shortly, you turned to Gabriella only to find her staring at the doorway her father had disappeared through. You were quick to find something to change the subject. “These flowers are so pretty,” you told her and nudged the bouquet slightly. She met your eyes, your gentle smile, and it seemed Miguel’s sudden absence was wiped from her mind. So was the inner workings of a nine year old.
“I got to pick them out,” she said proudly, then went back to her worksheet. “But it was Daddy’s idea to get them for you.”
Your heart skipped a beat in your chest. You did your best to maintain your smile, trying not to grasp at your chest and stop the oncoming heart attack making its way through your systems. It had been Miguel to get the flowers? “Yeah?” you said in a small voice.
Oblivious to your strained tone and the excited bouncing of your leg under the table, the little girl nodded and hummed. “Uh-huh. He like-likes you. He told me so.”
Holy fucking goddamn son of a bitch.
You cleared your throat because you knew if you talked about this any longer, you would explode into a little cloud of confetti. Then you’d never even get to see him again, look at him in this new light because fuck, was it a new light. It was a new light you could dance under, twirl and sing and jump under, because no one was going to judge you anymore, and even better, now you could invite him to be under it with you. And you knew you just might have a chance of him saying yes.
And fuck, what a dance that would be.
“Are you excited for the field trip to Alchemax on Tuesday?” you asked her, recalling the months it had taken Washington Elementary’s principal to get permission to bring classes there. She had insisted it was an important place for them to visit, considering all the work they were doing as of late. You guessed your suggestion for a trip to the zoo had been vetoed. “Your dad works there. Maybe we’ll see him. You can brag to all your friends that he’s a fancy scientist.”
“Maybe,” she said, scratching out a wrong answer on her paper. “He works on the seventh floor. I’ve seen his work badge thing. We probably won’t be able to go up there.”
“Here’s hoping we can,” you said to yourself beneath your breath.
Ten minutes passed since Miguel’s sudden disappearance, and then another. Thirty minutes was just approaching, as was the beginnings of sundown, before you sensed him approaching you from behind. Turning in your chair, the first thing you noticed was that he was out of breath, sweating at his temples and down his neck slightly. God, he looked good like that. But then your rational side kicked in. Had he been running somewhere?
“I think that’s enough homework for today,” he said as he reached the table and ruffled Gabriella’s hair again. She batted his hand away, but nonetheless began to pack up her things. As she did so, he switched his gaze to yours, tilting his head in that way he did. “We’re going to head to the park, kick a ball around for a while. You’re welcome to join us, if you like.”
Numbly, because now that you knew he not only liked you, but like-liked you, you heard yourself accept and follow them out the doors of the library and onto the street. The deep purple sky felt a bit brighter than before, and the steps you took together, side by side, seemed a little closer than necessary. The sidewalks were cramped, sure, but not enough so that your hands needed to brush every few seconds. Not enough so that your shoulders bumped when you stepped off curbs to cross roads.
The park was quiet this time of day, occupied only by a few elderly couples leaning against walking canes and teenagers out past their curfews sprawled out on benches making out like they knew they were going to die tomorrow.
How long had it been since you had kissed Ferris? The saddest part of you knew that you couldn’t recall.
For hours, you sat on the sweet-smelling grass of the park’s lawn and watched Miguel and Gabriella scrimmage, kicking around a ball worn by years of scuff marks and green stains from fields. The breeze blew their matching hair this way and that, the dying sunlight illuminated their identical smiles as they round about one another in only a way a parent and a child could know one another. You cheered when either scored a goal. You laughed when they called one another names. And when they urged you to come join, even though the night was throwing itself over the sky and the stars were beginning to wink down at the park, you got to your feet and played.
You realized, through your aching laughter and the grass stains on your knees, that you hadn’t been this happy in a very, very long time.
That night, after you had wished Miguel and Gabriella a goodnight and walked home, after you had found Ferris crashed out in bed and the dishes still in the fucking sink, you found yourself sitting on the rooftop of your apartment building. It wasn’t quite silent up here, not with the helicopter chopping in the distance, or the occasional honk of a car down below, or the dog barking three stories down, but it was better than facing the quiet of your own home. You knew you would go mad in between those damned four walls, listening to your boyfriend snore and the clock in the kitchen tick and the floorboard creak when you walked to the bathroom.
You couldn’t face the quiet, not after the wonderful, deafening, blaring joy of this afternoon.
You let your legs dangle off the edge of the rooftop, sitting back on your hands and staring at the glaring screen of your phone. Your thumb ached slightly from scrolling through anything and everything you could find to keep yourself distracted. The newest clean energy replacement from Alchemax. The latest from politics. The child that had been kidnapped this afternoon, now home and safe, thanks to Spiderman snatching the kid from the backseat before plowing the speeding car with the kidnapper into a metal gate.
There came the soft, muted noise of a weight landing on the power box on the rooftop behind you, and you whipped around to find a familiar - but no less startling - red and blue figure sitting perched on the metal edge. Spiderman tilted his head at you, balanced on the balls of his feet despite the hulking frame of his muscles.
“Just came to check up on you after the other day,” he said through the mask. His eye lenses moved as his eyes roamed your figure. “Didn’t know you were this far gone.”
Clicking your phone off anxiously, feeling your heart thunder in your ears, you gave a little laugh and looked down at the drop beneath your feet. “I think if I was ready to end it,” you joked in return, “I’d go for something a little less traumatizing for pedestrians.”
Spiderman was still for a moment. Then he extended his wrist, and a string of web shot across the rooftop to stick to the space on the lip beside you. He used it to yank himself across the tarmac of the roof, landing again on the balls of his feet on the edge. He shifted himself, resting his forearms overink his thighs, and turned his masked gaze to the city before you both. Golden lights twinkled from skyscrapers and apartments and office buildings, creating a constellation of life between windows. The night air was crisper up here - as crisp as it could get, what with the smog from arsonist fires and churning factories and gas emissions - and the stars seemed to shine just a touch brighter.
“So… how are you doing?” the vigilante asked, keeping his gaze on New York. “After the robbery, I mean. Something like that, it can… stay with you.”
There came a fluttering in your heart. But rather than express such a sensation, because you had every right to be wary about giving yourself away anymore, you said, “It wouldn’t be the first thing like that to happen to me. And I’m sure it won’t be the last.” You lifted a hand to the star-lit city, crowded to the rim with life and hatred and love. “We’re in New York. What more can you expect from a city like this?”
For a long while, neither of you said anything more. It was strange being so close to the man everyone had been talking about for the couple weeks he’d been active - so close you could lean right over and pull that mask off. But you kept your distance.
Spiderman took a breath and said, “Couldn’t sleep?”
You shrugged a shoulder. “As if I typically sleep at this time anyway.” Then you turned to face him again, locking your ankles together over the edge of the rooftop. The breeze swayed your hair back and forth, like you were suspended underwater. The tension in your lungs certainly felt that way. “Did you enjoy the show the other night?”
He was still for a moment. For two. Then he met your gaze through his mask, his eye lenses narrowing. Even through the cover that hid his face, the heat of his eyes scorched holes through you. “What do you mean?” he asked.
Feeling slightly bolder than you had a moment ago, you lolled your head at him. “You know what I mean.” You sniffed, leaning back on your hands. “Did you follow me? Or was it just a coincidence that Spiderman showed up to my club the day he saved my ass?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“...Sure.” You felt a flutter of embarrassment within you, of doubt and guilt. What if that hadn’t been Spiderman that night at The Menagerie? What if it was some other guy, with some other scar on his collarbone, and you had gotten it all wrong? Despite your sudden worry, you refused to let your confidence waver. “So… do you make it a habit of checking up on every person you help?”
For the first time, you watched and listened as he cracked a smile and chuckled. The lenses over his eyes narrowed as his cheeks rose and his mouth spread into a smirk. You watched the bit of mask over his lips stretch. “You got me there,” he drawled in that low, husky tone of his that made you cross your legs a bit tighter, squeeze your thighs tighter. “Just… couldn’t really get you off my mind. You’ve got courage, saying no to that guy. That’s admirable.”
You felt your cheeks flush. Spiderman? Calling you brave? What an ironic sense of humor the universe had.
“I guess someone has to stand up and say no,” you murmured into the breeze.
“Yeah. Someone has to.”
Moments turned into seconds, and those turned into minutes. You almost wished you could stay like this forever; here, on the rooftop with Spiderman, with the breeze rustling your hair and the car horns beeping and the rest of the world forgotten.
But all too soon, it was over.
Spiderman rose to his full height in a seamless transition, turning his head to face the street away from you. “Should get back now,” he said, then switched his gaze down to you. You wondered, behind that mask, what color his eyes were. “Sure you’re not going to jump?”
You felt yourself smile. “Promise, Spiderman.” You watched as he nodded his head, then prepared to catapult himself off the building and swing onto the next one. Before he could, however, you called out. “And hey,” you said, drawing his attention, “if you ever drop by the club again, ask for the Monarch.”
He stared at you for the longest moment. Then he turned, stepped off the lip of the rooftop, and disappeared.
You didn’t bother leaning over, watching him spring a web from his wrist to flip through the air and parade down the street above the cars and streetlights. Instead you looked back to the city’s skyline far above yourself, silhouettes of buildings framed by a rich violet horizon.
Perhaps one day, you would see what it looked like without all this smog and the army of dark clouds hanging over it.
But for now, you were content with watching it darken until it was nothing but black and purple.
tags: @mooomeadows @twentysomethingwereyote @screamforyani @fangirlreice7 @axdjelx @ornamentalnecromancy @faust-pda @ilikethemoon28 @mrm-pachypoda @wadafrick @natthernandez @bakgoktski @soupsexsunsalutationsss @roxannarichie @lovagirlxxx @soggyeyeballsss @yoyoyoyoyo55555 @sophipet @quantii @lavnderluv @cookiezxx @euphorica @its-a-polyglot @nicalysm @maxi-ride @exzidss @crappwr0m @femme-is-dead
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dusterbishop · 14 days
we can go forever until you wanna sit it out
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summary. || you are an amplifier gifted with the ability to strengthen the power of other mutants, a skill that earns you a place on team x. learning to work with them is a sharp curve, especially with the lonesome newest member, logan.
pairing. || logan x f!reader (slow burn)
count. || 2.1k
notes. || warning for character death and violence. this is my first time writing for logan, but i have been bewitched by the tiktok edits.
part one. || part two. || part three. || part four.
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You meet Logan when you are young, but he is far older than you initially assume.
Stryker takes point in the introductions, as usual. You linger patiently at his back, just a pace behind, idly scuffing the dirt with the toe of your boot. The air is sour with the stench of stale blood and decay. War isn’t new to you. Neither is recruitment for new soldiers.
“Who’s your little friend?” One of the men jeers, a sharp smile edging the curve of his mouth. This one is Victor Creed, you think, and it’s confirmed when you glance to the other side of the cell and see the other brother sitting back, unimpressed. That one is surely Logan.
From the files that Stryker let you and Zero parse through, you expected more… reaction. He has been tracing their movements for the past two months, and you have seen the bullet list of their service history and grim achievements. They are deadly predators, mutated to efficiently slaughter their prey. Animals, Zero had remarked, and you had silently conceded to that point. Not that you haven’t killed, but you also have human hands that do not morph to tear apart flesh.
“Less who she is, and more what she can do for you both,” Stryker says. On cue, you wander a step closer and set your amplifier alight with a flick of your wrist. You’ve mastered the range just enough to brush the soles of their feet, a fleeting-faint taste of your ability. The hand movement is still an instinct you can’t quash despite the disapproving look Stryker gives you when he sees it.
Victor sucks in a deep, rumbling breath, twitching with a suppressed lunge. Logan doesn’t make a noise, but merely closes his eyes as if a weight has been lifted. Your own body tingles with rippling electricity, every nerve set alight with adrenaline. Like a caffeine rush, you’ll feel the impact of the fall later, but for now you neatly dim your amplifier to a low buzz and shuffle back a half-step to escape their range. The pair slumps against the wall the moment it escapes them. Victor bares his teeth in a grin, and Logan gazes at Stryker with half-lidded eyes. It’s a dark, calculating gaze. Weighing the competition, you think.
“Now that I have your attention,” Stryker says, but you can’t help but notice that both the brothers are looking at you, instead. Their mistake.
Three months later, the brothers once again leave you pinned behind metal-gilded crates with enough gunfire to rattle your teeth in your skull.
“Good God,” you spit out, hauling yourself back behind cover. “Can you stop the self-sacrificial antics for a moment?”
“Sacrifice?” Victor laughs. His skin ripples with regeneration, leaving merely a smear of blood behind as proof of the healed bullet hole. His clawed hand flexes at his side, the elongated tips of his fingers scratching lightly against the floor. “I’m not the one dying, Star.”
You pull a face at the name, but you don’t have the time to argue it. Bullets spray in patterned bursts against your cover, and you have to hunch in on yourself to protect your extremities. The perk of your power is that you can keep your team from burning out and improve their reflexes. The downside is that your power does absolutely nothing in terms of protecting you; your protection is your team.
So you draw in a slow breath, flick your wrist, and summon a surging wave of amplification. Victor surges to his feet with a giddy-mad laugh and delves into the fray. Logan follows in close pursuit behind him, though he takes more care to skirt the edges of the bloodbath, cleaning up the loose ends.
The brothers are an odd addition to this mismatched army of mutant soldiers, though Stryker is pleased with their formidable prowess in battle. In the three months you’ve worked with them, you can see why, and there is a foreboding sense of dread that wells inside you as you listen to the choked-off screams of the enemy ahead. You clench your fists and hold the amplifier steady, silently grateful that for the moment, the only mutants in the room are the ones less likely to tear you apart. No doubt Victor would revel in slicing the flesh from your bones to expose what lies beneath your skin. Logan would be less inclined, perhaps, but you know he follows his brother above all else.
Yes, of course Stryker values their addition to Team X. They are nothing but monsters.
Nothing but monsters, and you have a leash on every one of them.
Stryker has a keen interest in your power, or rather what your power does for the team. You aren’t invulnerable, and you don’t have hyper senses. You don’t teleport or shoot with terrifying accuracy. On the surface, you appear nothing more than a young woman with military training and a nervous tic in your hand.
Underneath the surface, you burn bright.
Your father had been an amateur astronomer. When you were growing up, he would sneak you out to the backyard past your bedtime and the two of you would watch the sky and plot the path of constellations. He was the one that taught you about the sun, the moon, and the stars. My girl, he would say, you are made of the cosmos.
He must be partially right. There’s a staggering core of cosmic energy stored in the cradle of your ribcage. You have spent long moments staring at your own bare reflection in the mirror, hoping to catch a glimpse of it. How do you look so ordinary when there is a blazing sun in your chest?
Yet you do. Stryker had been skeptical of your ability when you first met him, but by that point he had recruited Zero and Bradley, so it only took a little wave of your hand to boost their abilities and prove your silent mutation. Proving it had sealed your fate: under the codename Cosmic, you were an infinite battery pack to the newly forged Team X.
Yet it’s moments like this, when you’re stranded in a rare week of downtime, that you feel like an outsider looking in.
It’s been four days since the job that got you shot at, the same job that let Victor unleash utter havoc, and you’re all going a little stir-crazy while you wait for things to cool down. John Wraith has somehow secured a deck of cards, and he’s managed to wrangle Bradley, Victor, and Wade in a game you don’t follow. The rules seem to change the more they drink and bicker over the play, so you toy with your own can of half-drunk beer and stare out the living room window of your temporary housing. There are stray stars speckled in the night sky, and you feel such a deep-ridden surge of grief at the sight of them.
The arguing gets louder around the kitchen table, and none of them notice when you slip out the front door. The night is hushed when you close the door behind you, and some unknown tension eases from your shoulders with the sky exposed high above. It takes some wandering to properly immerse yourself in the pitch dark, but you find a patch of grass cleared of undergrowth and sprawl out on your back, tucking your hands beneath your head. The safe house that Stryker has your team staying in is hours from the nearest large city, and the sky is clear of light pollution. You can see a scattered sea of stars, all of them twinkling in familiar greeting.
My girl, you are made of the cosmos.
You have to swallow back the sudden swell of emotion in your throat. It’s quiet this far from the house. Without any heightened senses, you can’t hear anything other than the soft rustle of the wildlife shuffling through the trees. It’s lonely, but not in the way that you felt lonely sitting in that room with the rest of the team. Their abilities serve them; your ability just makes them more.
You’re reminded of that fact in a fierce strike of terror when a figure appears at the edge of the clearing, moving too quiet for your human hearing to pick up. You bolt upright, curling your hands into fists, all too aware of your pitiful human strength and basic military training. It would do nothing against a mutant intent on rending you apart.
“Thought you were asleep,” Logan grunts, rubbing a hand over his chest in discomfort. The adrenaline from his sudden appearance spiked your amplifier, and you have to focus on leveling your breathing as you slowly retract your power back to your core. “Took you too long to notice me.”
“You were in your room,” you accuse. It’s mostly the fear driving the annoyance in your tone, but you don’t have the patience for an apology. “I wasn’t expecting to see you lurking in the woods.”
The clearing is half-lit by the light of the moon, though Logan lingers near the edges. He’s wearing a short-sleeve white shirt that clings to the curve of his torso, the muscled tone of his arms flexing as he crosses them over his chest. You can barely make out the way he raises a brow at your choice of words, his profile half-shadowed.
“Lurking,” he repeats, almost amused. “Says the stargazer.”
“Cosmic,” you remind him. “Comes with the territory.”
“What, you charge them, too?” You don’t expect him to step closer, but he does. In the moonlight, the tousled curl of his hair softens the incredulous look he’s giving you. There isn’t the same degree of mocking like the kind you would expect from Victor, but then again, you haven’t spoken to Logan much. He’s content to focus on the work rather than the idle play. Unlike Zero, however, there isn’t the same air of arrogant distaste.
He almost seems… ordinary.
“Funny,” you say dryly. You shuffle your weight and lay back down in the grass, pointedly ignoring the low chuckle he gives at your exasperation. There’s a kernel of truth stuck in your throat, so you blurt out, “I think they charge me.”
“Right,” Logan says, his tone decidedly skeptical. “And I get my claws charged up by sunshine and rainbows.”
You shoot him a glare. “I’m serious.”
“So I am, bub.”
He takes another step from the edge of the clearing. He’s closer now, enough that he looms over you. The stars speckle the sky above his head in a crown of twinkling light, and you flex your fingers, silently summoning the rush of energy that the sight of the sky gives you. Logan shivers, cursing under his breath, though he doesn’t back away.
He takes a step closer, nudging your hip with the toe of his boot. His posture doesn’t change, but he’s flexing his fingers into a fist, almost subconsciously. You wonder how it feels for him, to have his bones shift and extend into claw-like weapons. The first time you watched him kill, you grimaced at the sight of his hands. The sharpened claws of Victor’s nails were tame in comparison to the mutation that rearranged Logan’s skeleton.
You’ve never seen any indication that his ability hurts him, yet the way he flexes his hands now makes you wonder. He doesn’t speak for a long moment, only staring down at you with that unapproachable expression. You wonder, too, if he’s out here for the same reason that you are. Surely not; you’ve seen the way he follows Victor, and the way Victor turns to him, expectant in battle. They are tied together in a way that reminds you of a hangman’s noose.
“Sunshine, huh?” You say. “Suits your happy personality.”
“Like you know a fucking thing about me,” he says, and the laugh trailing the end of that sentence is far from amused. When he steps back, you almost miss the warmth of his presence filling the sky above. “Pay attention before you get yourself killed.”
“I’ve seen enough,” you shoot back, stung by the sudden seethe of his tone. You sit up to properly glare at him, but he’s already turned and heading back into the darkness of the woods. You call to his retreating back, “You and that brother of yours are gonna get the wrong people hurt.”
“Save the altruism for someone else,” he calls over his shoulder, and then he’s gone.
You glare up at the sky instead. The yawning black abyss above you feels lonelier than ever.
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seventeenreasonswhy · 1 month
Same Team! A YJH Office Romance Pt. 5
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Idol!Jeonghan x ProductionStaff!Reader
You’re serious about your job, but not as serious as Yoon Jeonghan is about flirting.
~2.2k words
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Series Content: slooowwwwww burn, fluff! but with tension!, cute flirting!, will-they-won’t-they vibes!, did I mention tension!?, some alcohol consumption, appearances by all of the members, reader is shy and gets flustered easily!, jeonghan is jeonghan-ing!
My Masterlist
Author’s Note: THEY’RE TALKING! Lol. Thank you so much to everyone who is reading!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying these two! They are down so bad for each other but afraid to admit it/act on it!!! But something’s gotta give eventually!!!!
Taglist: @yeoberryx, @clownprincehoeshi, @soffiyuhh, @wonwoos-wineparty, @hamji-hae, @junniesoleilkth (lmk if you want to be added!)
“I speak six languages!” Your voice bounced off the walls of the small room, amplified by the bottle of soju coursing through your veins.
“Whoa! Are you for real?” Dino slammed the table in disbelief, already on his second bottle.
“Nuna’s a language genius,” Jeonghan said simply. He wasn’t drinking a whole lot, just taking a sip here and there. But he was making sure that your cup was never empty for long, that’s for sure.
“Wait, stop pouring for me,” you whined. Your voice came out more babyish than you meant it to, and you reflexively covered your face in embarrassment.
“Uh-uh, sorry the birthday girl doesn’t get to decide,” Jeonghan grinned as he continued to pour.
“I’m so bad at drinking,” you pleaded.
“I can tell,” Jeonghan said, “consider this practice.”
“Six languages is really impressive,” Joshua said. “Wait, let me guess which ones you know besides Korean and English.”
“Oh, definitely French, right?” Dino jumped in.
“Oui,” you said.
“Oh, that’ll come in handy,” Jeonghan said as he slid your glass toward you.
“Spanish,” Joshua said.
“Mandarin and Japanese,” Jeonghan added.
“Whoa, that’s right!” you said, your surprised reaction came out exaggerated due to the alcohol, making Jeonghan smile sideways at you. It wasn’t until then that you noticed he was looking at your mouth. Or... you were probably imagining things. You were feeling cocky because of their reactions to your language skills... and you were a little drunk, that was all.
“Wow, that’s crazy,” Dino said. You liked that his facial expressions were so open and easy to read. Unlike someone seated next to you. You turned away, a little embarrassed now that you were sure that you were coming off as gloating.
“It just means I’ve had too much time on my hands,” you said.
“You’re too modest,” Joshua said.
You became hyperaware of Jeonghan shifting in his seat beside you, leaning back, and then—to your horror? Delight?—resting his arm along the back of your chair. He wasn’t touching you, but you felt the closeness of his entire body and were careful to not move and accidentally brush his arm.
Is this allowed?
The four of you continued to drink, Jeonghan getting more and more quiet as the night went on. He still hadn’t moved his arm from the back of your chair...
“Ah, my car is almost here,” Joshua said after a while.
“Wait, I’m driving,” Jeonghan said.
“You’re driving Y/N home,” Joshua said, “Dino and I are taking a car.”
“What?” Dino said.
“They’re almost here,” Joshua said without further explanation, clapping Dino hard on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”
“What? Why?? We were just getting started!” Dino protested.
“It’s late,” Joshua said. Jeonghan said nothing but continued to stare down at the menu on the table.
“Nuna, it’s your birthday, you don’t want us to leave yet, right?” Dino gave you his best pleading look.
“Sorry, nuna,” Joshua said. “But we really have to go.” You saw his gaze shift ever-so-slightly in Jeonghan’s direction before grabbing Dino by his shirt and literally dragging him out of the bar.
“Happy Birthday, nuna!!!” You heard Dino calling down the hallway outside of your private room as he and Joshua made their sudden exit.
Jeonghan and you were left alone in the room. He was still seated right next to you, his arm draped across the back of the seat.
“Are we allowed to be here like this?” you asked suddenly, feeling awkward and trying to keep your drunkenness together. Jeonghan just laughed.
“Why wouldn’t we be?” he looked over at you.
There was no mistaking it. He was looking right at your mouth.
“No one’s gonna bother us,” he said softly.
“Why did you want me to come out tonight?” you asked, emboldened by soju. Your face was hot, and you could already tell that you were going to be hungover tomorrow, but you didn’t care. You were looking right at Jeonghan—the low lighting made him look so ethereal. You were staring at this point. Your heart was hammering away, but you wanted to know what he was thinking...
“You were working so hard that you forgot your own birthday,” he said, “who does that?”
“I’m not a big birthday person,” you said.
“That’s why I didn’t invite everyone,” he said.
“So you invited Joshua and Dino on purpose!” you exclaimed like a detective discovering a vital clue. Jeonghan laughed, his gaze crinkling but never straying from your mouth, your eyes, your neck... He’s checking me out, you realized. No, Y/N! Stop getting carried away! You’re drunk!
“Of course I invited them on purpose,” Jeonghan said simply. “I wanted you to have a good time.”
“I’m having a great time!” You couldn’t contain a giggle. Jeonghan was silent for a second.
“Can I drive you home?” he asked.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said.
Jeonghan paused, gazing at your flushed face and your wide eyes. You looked almost afraid. So cute, he couldn’t help but think.
“Come on,” he said, standing. “Let’s go.”
It was like your body was moving on its own. You followed Jeonghan out of the bar, climbing into the passenger seat of his car once again. Your heart was pounding, and your vision was slightly out of focus—you weren’t sure if it was from the alcohol or from the sheer overwhelming euphoria you felt at this sudden turn of events.
We’re alone together. And he’s driving me all the way to my house...? Isn’t this going a little too fast? How did we even get to this point?
If you were being honest, you weren’t exactly experienced with this whole... flirting thing. You weren’t really one for casual sex, though you’d hooked up with a handful of people. You’d had a couple of more serious relationships, though none that had stood the test of time. You’d always put your work before your love life, and you felt no different since moving here... or, not that different...  
Wait, what the hell am I thinking? You shook your head, trying to snap out of it. This wasn’t some budding romance. This was just your work colleague (who just happened to be a very famous K-Pop idol) giving you a ride home. You were getting way ahead of yourself.
“I’m not going to try anything, don’t worry,” Jeonghan’s voice purred in the driver’s seat beside you, making you snap out of your anxious thoughts. Your stomach wouldn’t stop flipping back and forth. That was the furthest thought from my mind, Yoon Jeonghan! All of your anxious fidgeting and quiet panic had made him think that you were mistrustful of him, which set your heart off at a frantic pace.
“Oh, I’m not—”
“Y/N nuna,” he said your name softly, and your breath almost stopped, “I just wanted to get to know you better somewhere where we won’t be bothered.” He smiled gently, throwing you a reassuring gaze. “So just relax.”
“How am I supposed to relax around you?” You blurted out without thinking. Immediately, your hands shot up to your mouth. But Jeonghan just laughed.
“Like that! That’s what I mean!” He said, continuing to really laugh. He has such a cute laugh, you thought. “I want to hear what you’re really thinking.”
“Why?” you asked.
“Because, you seem very interesting,” Jeonghan said, “I get the sense that you’re... I don’t know, a really good person. I don’t really have an exact reason why, but you seem trustworthy.”
You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest and slam against the dashboard. You were so wrapped up in trying to be calm and professional around him, that you didn’t even realize he’d been taking notice of you. And now he came out with this... this extremely kind and sweet impression of you?
“What makes you say that?” You couldn’t help but laugh nervously. The alcohol was still buzzing through you, but you knew that the red-hot flush spreading across your skin had nothing to do with it.
Jeonghan’s gaze shifted slightly in your direction. When he looked at you sideways like that, his hair brushing gently at his shoulders as the breeze came through his open window—one arm resting on the steering wheel... he looked so beautiful.
“You’ve gone out of your way to make everyone around you comfortable,” he said, finally. “You’re pretty conscientious. And being a foreigner, it seems you take things into account differently, even if you don’t need to. It’s the sign of a thoughtful person, though.”
“I’m always afraid I’m doing something wrong,” you admitted.
“Haha, that’s what I mean,” he was smiling gently, “you’re so nice, you overthink things.”
You didn’t know what to say. You couldn’t even continue looking at him, you were so flushed with joy. Your heart was like a jackrabbit, bouncing out of control.
“What made you want to work in Korea, anyway?” Jeonghan asked. “If it’s not too personal.”
“Oh,” you said, surprised that he was asking. Quite a few people had asked you, but none of the members.
“Well, there are a few reasons,” you said. “One: the work in the states is quite competitive, and English-speakers are in demand here. So part of it is simply math. But also, I really like K-Pop. I think it’s an underrated genre, although that’s definitely changing—I like the production aspect of it. It’s different from production for musicians in the States. It’s more... I don’t know how to put it, exactly... structured?”
“More consistent?” Jeonghan suggested.
He’s perceptive, you thought.
“Yes, exactly,” you said. “There’s a chance to really capture all the work and passion that goes into creating your art, which I can’t get enough of. Watching idols perform and watching them behind-the-scenes, and on game shows, even... it makes me want to work harder and harder. I guess I wanted to be close to that feeling all the time.”
You peeked over at Jeonghan, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your explanation. But he was just smiling softly, continuing to drive as he listened to you intently.
“I was right,” he said finally, stopping at a red light. “You’re very interesting.”
He looked right at you, and you held his gaze for a moment. You couldn’t help but return his smile. For just a second, you were able to ignore the dark, empty streets around you, and the only thing that felt real was this beautiful man sitting right beside you, smiling softly.
The silence in the car started to feel heavy, and you could feel his eyes roving over you, just like they had at the bar. You turned sharply away from his gaze, which felt like it was getting more and more intense, and to your relief the light had changed.
“Ah, you can go!” you blurted out clumsily.
But Jeonghan took his time. There were no cars behind him, or nearby. You looked at him again. He just smirked, and then slowly put the car in gear again and kept driving.
It took you a moment to recover from the moment. But you were starting to feel like you weren’t just imagining things... Like there was something in his eyes when he looked at you, like he hadn’t just invited you out to be nice... But you were scared to follow that train of thought any further.
“Wow, you live all the way out here?” Jeonghan asked as he took a turn onto the road that led up to your neighborhood.
“Yeah,” you said shyly.
“Isn’t it a tough commute?”
“Not really,” you said, “and I get picked up for most shoots early anyway.”
“Good,” he said, coming to a stop in front of the steep road that led up to your building.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said politely.
“Nuna,” Joenghan said, and your chest almost burst. You looked at him, staring right at you. The thought of bolting from the car and running up to your apartment crossed your mind, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him.
“...Yes?” you said after a while.
“Let’s hang out again before we go to Paris,” he said. He smiled, and you were worried for a second that he was teasing you—that this was all some kind of prank or bet he’d lost... that he wasn’t actually interested in spending time with you, he just wanted to be more comfortable around you before a big trip like that... so many other excuses, justifications, explanations rushing through you as you sat there, frozen and elated.
“Okay,” you said. “Good night!” you spoke quickly and practically jumped from the car, closing the door before and sprinting up the hill to your apartment before Jeonghan even had the chance to get a full “good night” out of his mouth. He watched you quite literally run away, slumping forward onto the steering wheel to follow you with his gaze until you reached your building.
Once you were out of sight, he let out an exasperated sigh.
What am I doing? He thought, shaking his head as his breathing came back to normal, his face finally feeling like it was cooling off.
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hanasnx · 1 year
Kinktober: House of Amateurs - S1E1
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SUMMARY: october 1st | sunday kinks: breeding kink WC: 1k | CHARACTERS: anakin skywalker x f!reader WARNINGS: f!reader | dom!anakin | pnp | coitus | kinks: breeding, myophilia, size, degradation | impact play: marking, biting, spanking | mentioned: pregnancy, lactation, titjob | doggy style | unprotected sex | mommy issues | body image: “fat tits.” | no y/n
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“Don’t you wanna fill me up?” Your persuading words had no sooner left your lips than Anakin stands at attention. That intense and addicting gaze lands on you, shooting lightning down your spine. A motion so quick you jump in response, knowing exactly what’s in store for you now that you’ve made your desires clear. Out of pure habit, you retreat, giving him a thrilling chase towards the living room, pushing through the kitchen door.
“Don’t hide from me, baby, I can fucking smell you.” That booming voice calls out to you, a shriek of delight emitting from your throat in reply. You whirl around at the sound of the door slamming against the wall when he stormed through it. “You want me? You’ll get me. All of me.” Your movements slow, backing up as he hunts you down. Tall, intimidating, and scowling… Anakin Skywalker paralyzes you. Hypnotized by his figure and how it stalks towards you, the backs of your knees bump the armrest of the couch. Out of habit, you glance over your shoulder to visualize what’s behind you, when a large hand shoves at your chest. You fall until your back collides with the cushions, wide eyes searching his for an ounce of regret. There is none. As he crawls on top of you, strong hands grip the undersides of your thighs, slotting in between them. “Where’s that sharp tongue now?” he taunts, “Are you afraid?”
“No,” you answer, allowing him to do as he pleases with your body.
“Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” The warmth of his crotch nears, sunning your loosened hole. You’d been hopelessly horny all day. Hard, and long, the familiar outline of his length presses against your folds through the fabric of your pajama shorts.
You shake your head to his question.
That talented tongue moistens his plump lips, refusing to break your eye contact as he dips his head down to place heated open-mouthed kisses against your chest. Trailing them down to your freed tits, palming them to mold a crevice in which he fits his face into. Sharp teeth sink into the flesh, no doubt leaving a print. The sting causes your yelp, jerking your head away.
“Fucking look at me.” Anakin demands, grip tightening onto the fat of your chest, pinching your perked buds between his thumbs and indexes. Pain teaches you, and you obey him. “I’m gonna fill you up, like you asked.”
“Fuck, baby, you ovulating? You’re moaning like a fucking pornstar.” Anakin muses, big hand spanking your ass hard enough to leave a mark. That hand remains grasping onto your cheek, directing your movements as you bounce on his thick cock. On all fours in front of him, it amplifies how deep he can go, and you’re swallowing him up so well you feel every ridge of his veins. Leisurely, he thrusts into you, leaning back onto his haunches. “Better be quiet, don’t want the girls to walk in, huh?” To force more noise out of your gaping jaw, he increases his pace, gripping onto your torso to yank you into him. As expected, you scream, burying your face into the cushions to muffle yourself. “Yeah, makes sense. You want me all to yourself, don’t want the others to come take me from you.” he tells you, “I’ll help you.”
He curls his body over you, his hot skin against your arched back as he humps into your squelching hole. Palming the back of your head, he shoves you further into the pillow, the angle shifting to hit the spongy spot inside you. You’re louder than before, and it makes him laugh into your ear.
“Shut the fuck up, baby,” he warns, the playful manner of it starkly contrasted to how he’s been treating you up until this point. “at this rate they’ll figure out what all the commotion is about.”
You can only moan, your body liquefying, flexible to his whims as he uses it to chase down his own high.
“I know why you got me alone.” he confesses, his whispers sending— impossibly— more tingles straight to the fire between your legs. It dampens you, aiding his endeavoring in fucking your hole until it gives out. The pressure on your neck aches, and you recycle your own breath, dizzy. “Knew I could fucking smell it on you. You’re in heat.”
Without thinking, you whine and nod your head.
He keeps talking. “You need a baby, and you need me to give one to you, right?”
Mindlessly, you agree.
“That’s what I fucking thought. Stopped complaining as soon as I got inside.”
His cruel words pierce you in the most pleasurable ways.
“Want me to shoot a load in you, knock you up. Want me to put you out on the streets when I’m done with you?”
That warrants a response, protesting him immediately, “No!”
Another breathless chuckle washes over you, picking himself up to scrape his nails along your torso, admiring the view of your perfect ass rocking on his cock. “Was checking to see if you were listening.”
You whimper, embarrassed without reasonable cause. Now that he’s released the back of your head, you turn it, gasping for fresh air, cold on your tongue.
“Fuck, your tits are already fat. They’re gonna get even bigger. You’ll let me milk ‘em, right? If I put a baby in you, means I get to suck on your tits all I want. You’re such a whore for me you’ll let me.”
Your brain can’t form coherent responses, your trap permanently hangs open, allowing any noise to pass through it from the pit of your stomach. That familiar coil tightening to an uncomfortable degree with each dirty phrase he spits at you.
“If you’re this well-behaved, I might fuck your milky tits. Watch it spray out your cute nipples. Fuck, that’d be cute. Get all messy from my cock in between ‘em.”
“Yeah, yeah, you want me to breed you, I get it. Can’t stop thinking about what you’ll look like, all plump and swollen from my cum. See how big your belly gets, thinking it’s my kid in there and no one else’s. My cum did that. My cock in you right now is doing that…”
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The true origin and purpose of the pyramids
Basic theory of pyramidology is, that inside of a pyramid is accumulating and transforming universal energy called "orgon". Pyramids in their principal shape polarizing physical vacuum on both contradictory energies that is why they can act both as a transmitter or receiver, is a vibrational device which is able to receive, transform, concentrate, direct and emit energy. In an ancient Egypt they were energizing and uplifting vibrations in whole society.
Pyramid contains of a two words "pyro" or fire and "amid" or center. Pyramid is a device with fire in the center. Where center is well known king's chamber. Precisely in this center most of an energy is concentrated from where it spiraling to the top.
Builders of Egyptian pyramids used technique of harmonic resonance. They strictly observe measurements and proportions, which allows connection to the Earth's harmonics vibrations. Using words sacral geometry in a connection with pyramids we mean, that a builders were using same proportions and ratios, which we can find in nature and whole universe namely golden section (phi Φ=1.618033...)
They were also using a principles of resonance and sound to neutralize earth's gravity to be able to move a massive blocks. This effect occurs by tuning sound source to an exact frequency of a material. Pyramids where also connected to cooperative complex.
Egyptian pyramids were build mostly of limestone and crystal. Atoms of crystal vibrate at the same frequency as a planet earth, by this resonance an electric piezoelectric effect is occurring in inner mass of pyramid . Where one form of limestone is used as a isolating material the other form with magnesium is used as a negatively charged coat of an pyramid. It's acting like a massive wire. Granite is slightly radioactive which helps to ionizing air in all passages and caverns. Great Pyramid of Giza has also spiritual connection mostly to Orion and Sirius.
One of the functions of a pyramid is star gate and multiverse vortex. Pyramid as a portal allows people to reconnect with a source unity consciousness field. Energy of a pyramid reacts to operator's thoughts and intentions. It's acting like a huge amplifier for manifestation reality whatever it is healing, communication or interdimensional or astral travelling.
Energy of pyramid
Pyramidal energy of high vibrations calls cosmic is relating to torsion fields. It is favorable for human body and mind and other living beings. This energy is optically breaks, reflect and polarizing similarity to visible light. Pyramids walls attracting energy inside in all directions. This concentrated energy is affecting molecules or crystal structures of matter within a range of pyramid.
Scientists proved that no matter of a proportions, pyramids are amplifying mentioned energies of torsion fields (cosmic energies) and also energies of electromagnetic spectrum. American scientist Dr. Flanagan says, that Cheops pyramid concentrating energies in a very high frequencies and that is based on fact it has five angles. These corner angles of a pyramid concentrates and directing into energy beam where all four meets in the kings chamber.
Pyramidal energy is healthy for human organism as well as environment around and has multifunctional purpose. It strengthens the organism, heals humans and animals diseases, eases a pain of any kind, quickens healing of ambustion. Pyramid is also good for keeping a food fresh and healthy. Great for balancing a water for drinking or watering your vegetable and fruit. Softens taste of coffee, tea and quickens a germination of seeds. Growing never been faster than when you using a pyramidal energy. Strengthens a vitality, defends reproduce bacteria and microorganism which causes a break up of an organic matter. Living cells would not be affected by dehydratation as it still holds an electric charge and that is why plants or bodies would not be affected. Paradoxically if you like to slow down growth of your plants you don't give them any water they will still keeping very well under the pyramid and wouldn't need watering for a long time.
Many people have been personally convinced, that a pyramid is able to recharge our bodies when we are feeling exhausted, heals and tune our biological processes, but also gives us a tool to work with our psyche, consciousness and better connection to a higher frequencies and dimensions of reality. It's only up to us to what extend we are capable of operating these emitters. Many researchers were made in a wide range of branches as for example biochemistry, medical, agriculture, electronics or practical use for every day of life.
Pyramid Meditation and Manifestation Practices
Because of their physical properties and symbolic meanings, pyramids can be used in spiritual, meditation, and manifestation practices. Here are some ways you can use them to expand consciousness and receptivity to spiritual guidance:
1. Focus and Alignment
Just as pyramids form a point, or apex, at their top, they can represent focusing your attention in meditation. Some people find focusing on a mandala or lotus flower can help to reorient wandering thoughts in meditation. The pyramid can serve in the same fashion, whether it’s a figurine, a piece of art, or even in your imaginations.
In addition, you can focus your thoughts on moving up from the base of the pyramid, which can represent your experience in the material world to its pinnacle, which can represent a higher state of consciousness.
2. Energy Channeling
Pyramids are thought to channel cosmic energy, making them helpful tools for energy and even healing sessions. Placing a small pyramid on or near the head or body during energy and healing sessions is said to help balance and harmonize the body’s energy fields.
3. Manifestation Amplifier
The stable base and ascending sides of a pyramid can also symbolize staying grounded in the earthly plane while reaching for higher goals.
Writing down your intentions and placing them under a pyramid can be a helpful ritual in your manifestation practice. It can also serve as a request for blessings from higher powers when it comes to your endeavors.
4. Generating Creative Ideas
Given their association with enhancing focus and channeling energy, pyramids can be in creativity and problem solving when you want to channel higher energies and spiritual guidance.
In addition, the presence of a pyramid shape can serve as a visual and energetic reminder of your goals, aspirations, and unlimited capacity to create.
5. Gateways
Reflecting ancient practices, pyramids can be used as symbolic gateways during spiritual initiations or significant transitions, representing the journey from one state of consciousness to another.
This can involve meditating within or near pyramid structures to tap into transformative energies.
6. Enhancing a Sacred Space
Incorporating pyramids into the design of a creative, meditation, or other sacred space can elevate the area’s vibrational qualities. The pyramid’s base provides stability and grounding, while its ascending sides support creativity, the quest for higher wisdom, and spiritual ascension.
Energy Pyramid Real Fun, Wow!
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munsons-hellfire · 7 months
The Power of Emotions Part 2 | Eris Vanserra
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SUMMARY: You’ve been taken and Eris doesn’t know where you are. His father isn’t budging. Eris does the last thing he’d ever expect to do. But he'll do anything to get his mate back.
PAIRINGS: Eris Vanserra x Archeron!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, mature themes, description of torture, descriptions of death.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here is part 2, I will be back with a part 3. Apparently there is so much I can still do with this so I'm excited to share it. The next chapter will definitely explore what happened during the 4 months. I hope you enjoy this, and if you wish to be added to future taglist for this series please let me know in the comments.
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Eris made it outside, he stopped where you were supposed to be. The only trace that you were there was your smell. He turned around in a circle looking trying to figure out where you’d gone. Suddenly he was thrown back against the wall with a knife to his throat again.
“Where is she, what did you do with her?” Azriel’s voice was stone cold as he held his blade to Eris’s throat. The rest of the Night Court was now outside looking between the two males.
“Azriel, let go of him.” Rhys commanded.
He struggled but he eventually did pull back from Eris. The male felt his side of the bond, it was glowing and strong, but there was nothing from your side of the bond. He wondered if it was because you and him hadn’t quite accepted the bond in a traditional way.
“What’s wrong?” Feyre asked, taking the look of fear on his face.
“I can’t feel her.” Eris cried out.
“What do you mean?” Rhys proceeded to ask.
“I can’t feel my mate, I can’t feel her through the bond.” Then he paused, he knew what had happened. He collapsed to the ground. “My father. He took Y/N.” The words struck each member of the Night Court. Eris then looked up at Rhys. “I think it’s time I call in for some help.”
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
Four long months had passed, you weren’t in the Autumn Court. That much was clear. You were on land that he owned, you wanted to believe that you were in the human lands. You knew that was a lie. You knew exactly where you were because while you had access to your power you couldn’t do anything else.
You couldn’t feel the bond to Eris, if there even was something you could hold on to. Beron had spent the last four months forcing you to torture people against your own will. If you failed to do so it was a beating, or a burning, or worse. He’d have one of his guards cut your body. That was worse than the burns and the beating.
Currently you were lying on the floor, some of the cuts on your body were fresh and still bleeding. You were in the same outfit you’d been in the day that Beron had taken you away from everyone. The dress had been ripped in certain places but the touch of a knife. The door’s opened and you slowly looked up to see Beron staring down at you.
“Get up, Empath.” His voice was stern. You followed, fearing what might happen today if you didn’t listen to him. You kept your eyes down, your arms to your side as you followed him down the hallway to another room. The door opened and Beron looked at you.
“What do I need to do?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“You're going to find out the same thing you’ve been searching for the last 4 months. I need to find that stone.” Beron told you.
You gave him a nod and walked into the room. Beron had been searching for a stone that would allow him to further gain the power that he was losing. His son was itching to take over his throne; he could feel it. He needed access to that stone, though from what you’d gathered the stone wasn’t for him it was for you.
The stone would allow you to amplify your powers as an Empath. You weren’t sure what it would do to you or for you but you knew it wouldn’t do Beron any good. The door was closed and Beron disappeared leaving to do the thing you hated most right now.
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
Azriel landed outside Tamlin’s mansion. The High Lords and Ladies had been here coming up with a game plan trying to figure out where Beron had taken you. Azriel had discovered where you were, and he was going to deliver the news to your sisters and your mate. He as well as Nesta and the others had learned to put what happened aside.
Eris couldn’t sleep much less have the energy to argue with any of the Inner Circle about his almost non existent relationship with you. But the second he had you in his arms he’d take you away from them. He hoped that you wanted to accept the bond, because he was itching to do so. Azriel walked into the mansion and headed towards Tamlin’s war room. Eye’s found him when he opened the doors and stood there searching for Eris.
“I know where Y/N is.” Azriel said, speaking to Eris.
“Where?” Eris asked.
“He’s taken her to Hybern. He’s looking for a stone.” Azriel walked to the edge of the table.
“Why? What stone?” Tarquin asked.
“According to legend there is a stone out there that can heighten any power. Except when we were learning more about Empaths we discovered that this stone is solely for an Empath.” Feyre explained looking around the room.
“So, Y/N can heighten her power?” Lucien asked, looking at his friend.
“We won’t let that happen.” Eris said, looking at Feyre. “She won’t touch that stone, I won’t let her.”
“What happens if she gets a hold of the stone?” Helion went on to ask.
“She could kill everyone.” Rhys said calmly.
“Let’s go then, before she finds out where the stone is.” Nesta spoke. Eris was the first to winnow away. The others followed behind him.
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
You stood next to Beron in the middle of the horrid wasteland in the human realm. You had located the stone and you were going to dig it up and use it against Beron before he could figure out that he couldn’t use it. Then you were going to find out how to get back to your mate. Four months was too long for you to be away from him.
You were itching to accept the bond now more than ever. The two of you stood in the woods in the dead of night. You could feel the stone calling out to you. Beron had a few members of his guard with him as well just in case someone might attack.
“Come find me my darling Empath.” The voice called out to you. It was such a beautiful voice you wanted to follow it but not with Beron still by your side. He started talking to his guards, sending them off, all except two.
“One goes with you, the other stays here with me. You will find that stone and bring it back.” You didn’t answer him so Beron warmed his hand and grabbed a hold of your bare arm. Pain ran through your body as you looked down at where his hand was.
“Ow.” You cried out, and that only made his grip tighter on your arm. Then another warmed hand reached your other arm. The pain was getting worse and you tried to pull away. You couldn’t handle it anymore, you let everything out. The male fell to the ground along with the others, then you took your chance and ran.
The stone was humming as you ran closer and closer. You were gasping for air, your lungs on fire. The pain from Beron’s touch still hurting and rushing through your body. You were feeling dizzy and needed to get to that stone so you could use it to kill Beron and his men. Suddenly a body collided with yours. You hit your head on a rock when you made an impact with the ground.
A male pushed your shoulders down, reached for a knife and held it to your skin by your chest. A wicked smile brushed his lips as he stared down at you. The moonlight was bright and shining down on the two of you.
“I’ve been waiting so long to do this.” He leaned down closer to you, the blade touched your skin that wasn’t covered by the dress. He started to pull the blade back, cutting into your skin.
“Ah.” You cried out, closing your eyes as tears started to spring free.
“Such pretty cries.” He pulled the blade up to your neck and cut again, blood was falling from the freshly cut wounds. Then he moved to your right arm just above the handprint. The blade touched your skin, you had enough. You reached for something, anything that would help get this male. You mostly felt dirt underneath your hands, but then, a rock.
You weren’t sure if it was the one that you’d fallen on but you grabbed it and swung it into the head of the male. He fell off you with a scream dropping the knife next to your body. With a groan you picked yourself up from the ground reaching for the knife and held it tightly. The male was stopped by a tree. He started to pick himself up so you followed behind picking yourself up and running towards him.
The knife made contact with his chest and he stared straight at you. A groan left his mouth, the last sound he’d make. “Such pretty cries.” You remarked pulling the blade out and stabbing him again. He slumped forward and fell to the ground. You turned from the male and continued running through the woods until you felt a sense of relief.
The stone was glowing bright underneath the ground but you didn’t need to see it to know where it was. Falling to your knees you used your hands to dig the dirt up. As you got closer to the stone the glow started to show. Finally you were looking at it entirely. Your hand reached out for it.
“You’ve found me, Empath.” The voice said, happiness evident.
You could feel your power coursing through you, so strong, so powerful. “Give it here, Empath.” You stood deathly still hearing Beron’s voice. You turned slightly to look back at the High Lord.
“No.” You breathed out softly. “It doesn’t belong to you.”
He grunted, and started to move closer to you. You wanted to panic, you hadn’t trained with Cassian and Azriel, and your sister and friends for four months. You knew everything was still in there but you knew what you needed to do. You stepped forward, and took off running into the male knocking him back slightly.
He smirked at you. “Is that the best you can do, Empath?” He was starting to get on your nerves.
“Stop calling me Empath. I have a name.” You moved closer and punched him in the face. Then you pulled your hand back again and did the same thing over and over dropping the stone in the process. You didn’t know where the energy had come from but it was there. You felt Beron reaching for something, you grabbed a hold of his wrist and snatched what he had gone for.
It was another knife in your hands, you looked up at Beron to see the fear and panic in his eyes as he looked at you. A smirk graced your lips as you pulled your hand back and held it in the air but didn’t make a step to do anything.
“I’ve heard so much about you from my family. The rumors were true considering everything you’ve done to me in the span of four months. But I’ll make this very clear, High Lord. You will never ever harm another soul again, and you will never hurt your wife, or your sons again.”
You brought the knife down into his chest. You didn’t stop, tears streamed down your face, cries leaving your mouth. Suddenly hands wrapped around you, panic covered your body and you screamed at the top of your lungs. You were pulled away from Beron’s lifeless body.
“I’m here my love.” His voice, his handsome voice ran through your ears. You opened your eyes and saw Eris. His amber eyes, his red hair, his beautiful face. His hands were on your face. “It’s okay.” He told you. You could feel the gold bond singing so brightly. You hugged him tightly and cried into his chest.
The others stood around, they watched the scene unfold. Rhysand had seen you kill Beron. He was with Eris when you’d done it. He watched the power transfer over to Eris now that Beron was no longer alive. In just this moment alone, seeing Eris hold onto you in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night, he knew that the Mother had blessed you with the right mate. Eris pulled back to look down at you.
“I want to accept the bond.” You whispered, but it was loud enough that not only had he heard it but everyone else that was there had heard it too.
“We will, but right now I want to take you home and clean you up. Can I do that, Little Fox?” He asked. You only nodded. Eris looked up at Rhys, he gave a nod and the two of you disappeared. He took you back to your home, not his.
“Why?” You asked, as you looked around in the familiar room. Your room.
“I thought you’d be more comfortable here than at my home. When you’ve healed I will take you, don't worry.” You gave a nod. He walked out of your room and into the bathroom while you sat down on the bed.
It felt uncomfortable to be on the bed so you stood back up and stood in the center of the room. Four months was too long for you, everything felt too comfy for you. A knock on the door indicated that someone was outside. You still stood there, Eris entered your bedroom briefly glancing at you and taking notice of your posture. He opened the door, Rhys and Feyre were there with their healer.
He stepped aside and the three walked in. Madja walked over to you while Rhys and Feyre stood with Eris. They were huddled in a circle while Madja was taking a look over you. Feyre placed her eyes on Eris.
“Has she said anything?” The High Lady questioned, concerned running from her voice.
“No, not really. She was confused why I brought her here and not to Autumn.” Eris explained.
“Do you mind if I go talk to her?” Rhys asked the male that would be his brother-in-law soon enough. Eris gave a nod of his head and Rhys walked away from them. He moved over to Madja who was still examining you. Your eyes found Rhys as he stepped near you.
“Can you show me everything that happened, Y/N?” He asked in your mind.
“Why? I-I can’t.” You whispered back to him, eyes pleading with him.
“I need to know what happened, Y/N. I need to know what Beron did to you.” His voice wasn’t cold but concerned. It had been so long since you’d seen Rhys show this side to you. It was almost like he was angry with what had happened to you. “It’s because I am. I told Feyre that I would keep you safe from that male. That I wouldn’t let him take you away from her again. It broke me to see Feyre cry herself to sleep because you were missing. I failed you, and I can never take that back. But I can learn from what Beron did, and Eris and I can find a way to prevent someone from taking you away from all of us again.”
You looked at him, your mouth gaping as the words came out. So you nodded your head, you let your mental shield down and allowed Rhys to enter. You showed him everything that happened after you had fallen out of the window. Tears fell down your face by the time he left your mind. Madja was almost finished, he walked over to Feyre and Eris and shared everything with them.
You stood still in the middle of the room as Madja left you and walked over to the High Lord and Lady and the newly appointed High Lord. All eyes were on her as she looked around at the three of them.
“I was able to heal the cuts left on her body, the recent ones,” Eris looked at you, a pained look on his face. “I was able to heal the recent burn marks as well. From what I could tell she had no broken bones. However, there is a lot of trauma she will have to work through. I think it's best that she stays here in the Night Court until she’s healed enough from the trauma.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Madja.” Rhys mentioned. The female healer looked at her High Lord. “Eris, will have to go back to his Court eventually, she won’t do good with the separation. She spent four months locked away from Eris.”
“Very well. But she will still need a support system in Autumn. Whoever she’s close with, excluding her mate, she needs them there at least every other day in order to heal.”
Feyre gave a nod of her head. “We’ll set up a schedule. We’ll make sure someone is with her every other day.” Eris gave a nod in agreement. Madja smiled then excused herself. Feyre and Rhys eyed Eris as he stared at you.
“We’ll let you take care of her, if you need anything just let us know.” Rhys said, as he and Feyre walked over to the door. Eris moved over to you, he placed a gentle hand on your elbow. He didn’t miss the way you jumped at the touch.
“It’s just me, I promise you’ll be safe.” His voice echoed through your ears. You forced a smile to your lips but Eris noticed that it wasn’t reaching your eyes. “Do you want me to help you clean up?” He asked tenderly. You only gave a nod of your head, you were finding words hard to speak.
Eris gently walked you into the bathroom. He helped you undress, helped you climb into the tub. Once you were in you pulled your knees to your chest. Eris rolled his sleeves up, he sat on his knees and started to clean your body.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Eris questioned, breaking the silence that had been filling the room.
“When can we go to your home? I mean, is that… Who is taking over his Court?” Finally you had spoken, it was slightly chipped and broken but Eris only wanted you to talk. At least then you wouldn’t be stuck in your head.
“I am.” He had said it with so much pride, and it made your heart beat faster. Without realizing it you had sent a wave of love down the bond. Eris felt it as he brought a brush to your hair to get the knots out.
“Rhys and I, we were in the woods. We got there when you killed him, his power transferred over to me. I was shocked, but I didn’t have time to register what had happened because you needed me. I needed you to know that I was here, that I had found you.”
Finally you turned in the tub and stared up at your mate. “I’m sorry you saw that, me killing your father.”
“Don’t be, Little Fox. He was going to die anyway, Rhys and I had been working together the last 6 years to come up with a plan to overthrow the male. While I hate that he’s brought so much trauma to you, I am so beyond grateful that you were able to take a piece from him by killing him.”
A soft smile graced your lips, and this time it reached your eyes. Eris released a small breath, he knew that these next few months were going to be long. When you were finished in the bath Eris helped you out, dried your body and put clothes on. He carried you over to the bed and climbed in with you. Eris held you close to his body, his heat radiating off him and onto you.
At some point you and Eris had fallen asleep, Eris still held tightly on you. Nightmares were plaguing your mind. The pain that Beron had caused you, the pain that his men inflicted when Beron was to bored to torture you himself. You were shaking, sweat falling down your body. But worst of all you couldn’t escape the never ending nightmare.
Eris woke up to your screams echoing the room. He grabbed a hold of your body, warming his hands hoping it might help. That move only made you panic internally, you didn’t know how to control the new strength of your powers. Eris could feel the pain you were inflicting on him. He groaned trying to get past it so he could help you. He pulled his hands back from your skin, moved away from your body.
The pain was still there but the further away he was the better he got. “Rhys.” He called out, hoping the Daemati would hear his call. Moments later the door opened, Feyre and Rhys ran into the room with Azriel right behind him.
“What’s happening?” Feyre asked, walking towards her sister.
“No. Don’t get closer to her.” He whispered as he moved around the room and pulled Feyre back from you.
“What? Why?” The panic was evident in the High Lady’s voice as she looked at Eris.
“I believe that she can push her emotions out and use them as a weapon.” He paused, glancing around the room before his eyes finally landed on your body. You were still shaking, soft echoes of screams leaving your throat. He pulled his amber eyes away from you and looked at Rhys. “She touched that stone and amplified her powers. I tried to wake her up, but she was shielding herself against me and it hurt.”
“Well, that’s new.” Rhys remarked, staring at his sister in-law.
“What are we going to do then?” Azriel questioned.
“You have to go into her mind. I’m starting to wonder if she actually showed you everything that happened.”
“What are you saying?” Rhys asked, concerned in his voice.
“I’m saying that whatever is causing this, it’s worse than what she showed us, which means she didn’t show you everything.”
“I will put her to sleep. In the morning we’ll come up with a plan.”
Everyone agreed with the idea. Rhys moved as close as he could. He slipped into your mind, it was utter chaos and didn’t know where to go. Eris watched as Rhys stood still doing what his power allowed him to do. Finally Rhys pulled back and looked at them.
“She’s asleep. Her mind, it was chaos, all over the place.” Rhys paused, violet eyes landing on Feyre as he said his next words. “It looks like they tortured her with the memories of the Cauldron. All that work we did with her, to help heal her it’s gone. All gone.” Rhys wanted to fall to the ground, he truly felt that he had failed you.
“That’s not possible.” Feyre said.
“Beron, he knew how to break through any trauma and use it against them. That’s probably what he did with her. He somehow made her believe that she’d probably go back into the Cauldron if she failed.”
“This is a lot worse than we thought.” Rhys whispered. He looked to his brother. “Your only mission is to find out what exactly Beron did to Y/N. I will talk to Helion and see if there's anything further that might help. We will figure this out.”
Feyre and Eris gave a nod of their heads, but they had their eyes on you. You were calm now, you looked so peaceful. Eris walked away from them, climbed into the bed and pulled you close to his body. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on top of your head.
“We’re going to figure this out, Little Fox. I promise.” He whispered, not sure if you could truly hear him. The others took that as a sign and stepped out of the room leaving you with your mate. Tomorrow would be another day, and soon enough everything would be figured out.
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TAGLIST: @fabulouslyflamboyant5 @lo0oserlex @thena101 @glaciuswduo @melsunshine @awkardnerd @glitterypirateduck @mariahoedt @acourtofbatboydreams @fuzzy6306 @impossibelle
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zoropookie · 3 months
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YOU couldn't be having a worse halloween night. choose your fate with your fellow readers and see if it gets better!
chapter two — chapter four
soulmate!wanderer x gn!reader
I need to run, like yesterday.
That was the only thought that multiplied in your mind, similar to a bird attempting to flock to their kin yet again. Your thought immediately shredded into tiny ribboned fabric and sawdust, scrambled and incoherent to you, no matter how much you attempted to find it.
Those footsteps were coming for you, no matter how close, no matter how far. Over something you thought you'd only see on TV, at that. Didn't even think murder was real until now. Your heart remained in your throat...until your fight or flight propelled you.
Your chest ached in uncertainty, not being able to breath as deeply as you needed to, too afraid of being caught, but not afraid enough to spot your next opening. Or to be more accurate, the opening in the bushes and greenery that lead back to your (probably compromised) apartment.
Who the fuck's idea was this to even "check out what was going on"? Oh...wait.
You propelled yourself off the wall to give yourself a boost in your sprint towards the bushes. Adrenaline took your body and shot within your veins like a bullet, legs stretching distances you didn't even think you could do before. The air of the night was thick to you, every sound was amplified in your ears— the rustle of leaves, the distant hum of the nearby city, and the brutal pounding of your own heartbeat urging you to just run.
Branches and thorns scraped against your skin as you dove into the nature, dense foliage closing around your costume like protective cocoon and also shredding some of the fabric that you wore. Making a swift turn, you ducked your whole body beneath the low rising canopy of the trees, loose material making small rips with each movement as some of the branches even scraped your face.. You couldn't mind it; you didn't dare stop.
Making a swift turn, you ducked your whole body beneath the low rising canopy of the trees.
Finally breaking out of the trees, the glare of the saturated orange street light broke your vision and you managed to find yourself staggering after the panic. You sucked in deep and uneven breaths, each one feeling like fire in your lungs. You wheezed, the pavement under your feet was a stark contrast to the pinching and piercing of the environment.
You held onto the light pole of the lamp post for dear life, trying to keep yourself on your feet. "Oooh," You groaned, wincing. "Shit..." You hissed in pain.
Glancing back, your heart moved with an uneven rhythm, urging you to keep moving. The quietness stretched far, which make you uneasy. It was dead quiet in the little suburban street stretching ahead, eerily still, the only sound was your manual breathing as you turned your head to look back.
Maybe he didn't see you after all?
You took this opportunity to remove all of the accessories that weren't completely ripped off your body, groaning at the dull ache that already surrounded your ankles from the stupid plastic/foam leggings you decided to wear with the costume as a joke. Wasn't very funny anymore, was it? The edges completely stabbed into your ankles when you were running, causing an open wound you had no choice but to limp on.
Starting your travels back home again, you walked, or rather limped across the parking lot of this permanently closed restaurant you used to go to all the time with Yoimiya. The breeze picked up rapidly, an icy whisper dragging against your bare skin in its undertones and leaving you chills on your body.
Sure enough, there that guy was. Stood directly under the street light, his cap still pulled down to hide his eyes and the cast of the light of an ominous shadow around him. He stood dead still. Watching you.
You were mortified, looking in disbelief as you stiffened. You didn't even know what to say, or respond with, other than scrambling back and hoping he got the hint that you didn't want issues.
He took long strikes, making your efforts useless. He gave a small and halfhearted laugh at your rigidness. "Relax," His voice smooth and light, void of burden as though he didn't just murk a guy X Games mode and you didn't just watch him. "I won't hurt you."
"You won't?" You said skeptically, a lot louder, and a lot more dull than anticipated. "Uh...could have had me fooled, mister...killer, psycho killer sir. Hey, we can always call truce, ya know? I know a few criminals myself, and uh...know what, let's just grab a bite to eat or something! My tr..eat!"
As he was still approaching you, and you were spluttering every single thought you had in mind to keep you at bay while treading back in a struggle, the breath that you just caught was knocked out of you like the wind. You stumbled back, falling straight on your ass just as he stalked towards you.
"Hm." He was practically stood over her, smiling at the sheer terror on your face. "You're so tense...so weak. I could snap your neck if I really wanted to."
"You...you definitely could, yeah!" You laughed nervously, a frown immediately lodging itself back onto your face after a moment. "Are you..?"
This close, you could see the drips and smears of blood that laced his hands and the side of his face. It made your stomach churn...and then you saw a mark on that same crimson hand.
A familiar mark? You would have elaborated further on that thought if the man didn't continue, "No." His lip twisted a little more. "I just thought of something a lot more fun."
"Like...bouncy-house fun, right?" You stammered. "Like...clown at a birthday party fun? Not my kind of fun, but still...pretty fun!"
"Sure." His voice remained silky, but a lot more sultry than you expected. It was like everything he did was something that he actually really got off to! "Eager to find out already?"
Oh my fucking god, you're in the presence of a necrophiliac, aren't you.
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sporesmoldandfungi · 4 months
roll with me - marty mcfly x reader
A/N : yes i know my tumblr is mainly ghostbusters related things but im in a bttf phase rn and there's not enough marty mcfly works. i will probably make this a series until i run out of gas lol. ignore any grammar and spelling errors, i typed this at two am last night :))))) enjoy!!
"God damn it, McFly..." she muttered under her breath, seeing her grandfather's house in a complete mess. It looked like a tornado had flown through the already messy and cluttered home. Walking over pieces of broken metal and random items cluttering the floor, she reached the workbench. On top of it, lay a note in messy handwriting.
Sorry about the mess, I couldn't resist trying the new amp. Promise I'll come by sometime to make it up to you. See you tonight.
She crumpled the note and threw it over her shoulder to join the rest of the mess. She couldn't for the life of her understand why her grandfather, a brilliant albeit cooky scientist, chose to keep Marty McFly as company.
Sure, he was funny, kind, sometimes charming, and was nothing but good to Doc, but Y/N still didn't understand what he saw in Marty. He wasn't as smart as her. He was careless. He didn't even have a real interest in science. The better question would be, why did Marty McFly hang around Doc Brown?
Their relationship often crossed her mind, seeing as she often had to fight Marty for her grandfather's attention, and it was also downright strange. Nevertheless, she had to get used to Marty, it was obvious he wasn't going anywhere.
Y/N tinkered on the leftover gadgets Doc had entrusted her with to finish while he was gone. She looked at the many clocks that littered the walls.
"Four o'clock. Okay, Brown, you've got..." She stopped to look at her wristwatch. "About nine hours to get this place back together for Pop."
She picked up the broom and began sweeping up piles of the broken amplifier. As she cleaned the destroyed living room, her thoughts kept going back to Marty. For all the good qualities he had, he sure was selfish. 'I'll make it up to you sometime.' my ass.
It took her until nightfall to finish cleaning the house, including the rotting dog food her grandfather left in Einstein's bowl. She made herself a quick meal and plopped in front of the TV, catching the last few stories from the ten o'clock news.
She eventually dozed off, the TV still playing in the background. Just before she was about to drift into a deep sleep, she heard the backdoor creak open then close quietly. She opened up one eye to see Marty tiptoeing through the room.
"Hey, McFly." Y/N said, yawning and sitting up.
He jumped at the sound of her voice, turning around to see her rubbing her eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand awkwardly. "Hey, Y/N. You picked up the place pretty quickly."
She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, thanks for that mess by the way, it was a great way to start my weekend. What are you doing here anyways? I thought I was meeting you at the Twin Pines Mall?"
"Doc asked me to pick up the camera on my way there. Probably a good thing I stopped by, from the looks of it, you were about to go into a coma." He smirked.
"Shut up." She muttered.
As Marty looked for the camera, she threw her acid wash jacket on and began lacing up her high tops. By the time she started grabbing her scooter from the spare closet, he had found the camera and was carrying it triumphantly.
He slung it around his shoulder, following Y/N out the door. She mounted the scooter, waiting for Marty to grab his skateboard. He looked her up and down and chuckled.
She frowned, "What's so funny, McFly?"
"When are you finally gonna let me teach you to ride in style, Y/N? You look like a kindergartener on that thing."
"You talk a big game. Are you forgetting I beat you almost every time we race?" She smirked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He mocked. Marty got situated, ready to take off. "Come on, Y/N, no more kid stuff or we're gonna be late."
She smirked, "What's wrong McFly? Chicken?"
She saw him freeze and turn around slowly. "What did you call me?"
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, keeping the scooter upright by balancing it between her knees. "You heard me."
Marty approached her angrily, waving a finger in her face. "No one calls me chicken, Brown, nobody."
Their noses were almost touching as he stared down at her. She looked up at him, internally flustered, externally smug. "We'll see about that."
In a flash, she took off towards the mall, leaving Marty speechless in the dust. He quickly got back on his skateboard, hurrying to catch up with her. Marty could see Y/N's head thrown back, laughing to herself as she rode ahead. Although he was pissed, he couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight of her. He had been trying for as long as he knew her, to be her friend. While her grandfather, Doc Brown, was one of the friendliest people he had ever met, his granddaughter, Y/N was as stubborn as a mule. She never flashed her charming smile his way unless it was at his expense. They had a lot in common. Their uncommon modes of transportation, their love of rock n' roll, their love of Doc. Yet, there she stood, relishing in his humility.
They continued the race all the way up to the mall. Although Marty had tried to catch up, the head start Y/N got proved to be just enough for her to win. He kicked up the skateboard, sticking it under his armpit and jogging towards Doc and Y/N, who was already talking excitedly with him.
Doc heard the footsteps and turned to face him, his face lighting up at the sight of the boy. "Marty! You made it! Did you bring the camera?"
Marty checked to see if it was still slung around his shoulder, it was. "Yeah, yeah. Where have you been the past week, Doc?"
"I've been working on something big, Marty, something very big. I've been waiting thirty years for this day." Doc said, walking around the large truck parked beside them. Y/N and Marty followed behind, seeing Einstein as they turned the corner. They both pet him as they continued to follow Doc. The three of them stopped in front of the parked DeLorean.
Doc and Y/N smiled at the sight of it, while Marty looked confused. "A DeLorean?"
"All of your questions will be answered soon, Marty. Roll the tape. Y/N, make sure he's getting all of this." Doc instructed, standing by the DeLorean.
They both nodded. Marty held up the camera, beginning to record while Y/N watched.
Doc cleared his throat before speaking. "Good evening. I'm Dr. Emmett Brown. I'm standing on the parking lot at Twin Pines Mall. It's Saturday morning, October 26, 1985, 1:18 a.m., and this is temporal experiment number one." He paused for a moment, then turned his attention to Einstein. "Come on, Einie. Hey, hey, boy, get in there."
Doc opened the door to the driver's seat, helping the dog into the front seat. "That a boy! In you go. Sit down. Put your seat belt on. That's it." He instructed, getting the obedient dog situated.
The confusion on Marty's face grew as he looked on. Doc leaned down to hold up his watch as well as the one hanging around Einstein's neck. Doc held it up towards the camera. Y/N nudged Marty, motioning for him to zoom in on the clocks.
"Please note that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch." Doc put the watches down and double checked that Marty was getting all of this.
Marty gave him a thumbs up and Doc began closing the door, then joining the two in front of the car. He pulled out a remote control from his pocket and began pushing the joysticks forward. Marty looked at it and asked, "You got that thing hooked up to the car?"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "No shit, Sherlock."
The DeLorean began to rumble with the sound of the engine. Marty was still focused on the remote.
Doc smiled, pushing the joysticks forward, "Watch this." The DeLorean began to move, but Marty was still distracted. Y/N rolled her eyes again and grabbed the camera, moving it to focus on the car. The DeLorean turned sharply and lined up in front of the three, albeit from all the way across the lot. Doc looked at the two teens, smirking. "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit."
The tires screeched loudly before accelerating quickly towards the group. As the car got closer, Marty tried moving away before the car reached them, Doc and Y/N both pulled him back. He looked at the two, seeing that they both had the same crazy, wild-eyed expression on their faces. His attention was quickly drawn back to the fast-approaching car. Just as the car was about to hit them, a bright light flashed and the car disappeared, leaving only behind two trails of fires where the wheels would be. The three of them turned around, looking at the empty lot behind them. Doc and Y/N began cheering, jumping up and down and running in circles. Marty, still confused, stared on.
He heard the two talking to each other, breaking his prior concentration. He quickly approached them, "Jesus Christ, Doc! You disintegrated Einstein!"
Doc turned to the confused and frightened teen. "Calm down, Marty. I didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of the car and Einstein are completely intact!"
"Then where the hell are they!?" He screamed, pacing.
"Not where, McFly, when." Y/N smirked.
"You see, Einstein has just become the world's first time traveler. I sent him into the future. One minute into the future, to be exact. At precisely 1:21 a.m. and zero seconds, we shall catch up with him and the time machine." Doc explained, the joy still spread on his face.
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?" Marty asked, not believing what he was hearing.
"The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless-steel construction made the flux dispersal..." Doc started, but the beeping of his watch interrupted him. He quickly grabbed Marty, "Watch out!"
Marty instinctively grabbed ahold of Y/N pulling her away along with him, just as the DeLorean came speeding back into the parking lot. The car was covered in ice, steam protruding off of it. As Doc ran to the car, ready to open the door, Mary and Y/N stood back. They both looked down at their interlaced fingers and blushed. Y/N was the first to let go, shaking her hand slightly as she walked towards Doc and the car.
After seeing that Einstein was okay and intact, Marty finished filming the last bits of the dog's short journey through time, how the machine worked, and Doc reliving the day he first came up with the idea of time travel before Doc ushered him and Y/N away to put on radiation suits. They entered the large van and began suiting up. The air was thick with a tension that was unknown to either one of them. Marty was the first to attempt to break the silence.
"So, uh, you knew about this time travel thing, and you didn't tell me?"
She scoffed, "Why would I tell you, McFly?"
He zipped up the suit, walking over to her. "You can't just ignore it, Y/N."
She was looking down, putting her legs into the suit. "Ignore what?"
"Me. Us."
She looked up, seeing the seriousness in his face. "What do you mean us?"
"You mean to tell me you didn't feel what I felt back there?" he asked.
She stood up, sliding the rest of the suit on. "Excitement? I mean who wouldn't be when they witnessed time travel? It's not something you see every day, McFly."
"Goddamn it, Y/N. I'm being serious." Marty said, running his hand through his hair.
"So am I, you aren't very direct when you speak." She said, beginning to walk away.
He groaned and grabbed her by the waist pulling her close to him. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him with the same doe-eyed expression that she had when their hands were intertwined. Still holding her to his chest, he took one hand and pointed at her face. "That, that face. It tells me that you feel the same way I do whenever we touch."
She let herself be held by him, before snapping back into reality and pushing herself off. She walked towards the door, opening it. "Come on, Doc's probably wondering what's taking so long."
Marty watched as she left, thinking to himself, "Why does she have to be so goddamn stubborn?"
He joined them outside, listening to the tail end of their conversation. "... so, I took their Plutonium, and I gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts!"
"Pop... that's really dangerous, are you sure it's under control?" Y/N asked, concern lacing her face.
Doc waved off her words, "Never mind that, Marty, get that camera ready. Y/N, grab my luggage from the truck and bring it here. " The teens followed Doc's instructions as he took his seat in the driver's seat. Y/N finally joined Marty's side, who was already filming Doc.
"I, Dr. Emmett Brown, am about to embark on an historic journey." Doc began but stopped and chuckled to himself. "What am I thinking of? I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium. How did I ever expect to get back? One pellet, one trip. I must be out of my mind." He stood up, walking over to his equipment, but stopped when he heard Einstein barking. Doc walked over to the barking creature, "What is it Einie?" His face then drained of all color, and he looked on in horror.
Marty and Y/N shared a worried glance before joining him at his side.
Doc began to speak, still looking ahead in horror. "They found me, I don't know how, but they found me."
Marty and Y/N followed his stare and saw a small, green van suddenly turn its headlights on as it drove towards them. Einstein quickly ran into the safety of Doc's equipment van. The three of them could make out the figure of a man standing out of the sunroof. Doc turned to the two and quickly pushed them away.
"Run for it!" He cried.
Marty quickly grabbed Y/N's hand and ran back towards the DeLorean. She gripped his hand tightly as they looked at Doc as the headlight shone brighter and brighter on him. They watched as he raised his hands in surrender. The car screeched to a stop, and they saw the man in the sunroof aim a large gun at Doc. Y/N started to run towards her grandfather, but the man had already opened fire on Doc. She screamed and fell to her knees.
Marty stood behind her, tears filing his eyes. He screamed out, "No! You bastards!"
The man's attention was now on the mourning pair. Marty watched as the man began to aim his gun at Y/N's head as she crawled towards Doc's lifeless body. Marty ran forward, tackling her and moving her out of the way as bullets ricocheted off the pavement next to them. He shielded her body with his own. They both braced for the impact of the bullets but heard the gun clicking instead. Marty lifted his head to see the gunman struggling with the weapon. He quickly pulled Y/N up and led her toward the idle DeLorean. He threw open the passenger's door, practically tossing the mourning Y/N into the seat. He followed suit, hopping into the driver's seat. Marty quickly turned on the ignition and sped away from the men who from the looks of it, finally got their weapon back in working order.
The bullets were heard on either side of the vehicle, just barely missing it. Y/N screamed as Marty continued to drive as fast as he could. The Libyan's van grew closer and closer as Marty frantically tried to drive out of the mall's parking lot. The DeLorean shook as the Libyan's van hit the back bumper.
Marty looked down at the speedometer, "Let's see if you bastards can do 90."
Y/N's eyes widened, "No!"
He looked at her confused then back at the rapidly increasing speed. He watched as it climbed closer and closer to 90. "What's the problem? You want to end up like Doc? Or do you wanna get the hell out of here?"
"McFly, do you remember what happens when the car hits 88 miles an hour?" She asked, watching as the speedometer reached top speeds.
Marty's eyes widened in fear, realizing what was about to happen. Before he could step on the brakes, the car lit up with blinding, blue light. The light temporarily blinded both of them as the car went back to driving in complete darkness. As Marty's vision adjusted back to normal, his eyes widened as the DeLorean hit a pine tree.
"Look out!" Y/N shouted as they drove towards a lone barn in the distance.
Marty tried to get the car to turn, but it was too late, the DeLorean hurled through the side of the bar, crash-landing in a pile of hay. They both groaned at the impact. Marty began undoing his seatbelt, once free, he turned his attention to the girl next to him. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, her eyes not meeting his. She was fixated on something in front of them. Marty followed her gaze and saw a light coming from one of the barn doors. He turned to Y/N, "Stay here, I'm gonna check this out."
He opened the driver's door, bumping his head as he exited, making his radiation helmet fly over his head. From inside the helmet, he could make out the silhouettes of two adults and two children. He was also able to make out the sound of their frightened screams, no doubt afraid that Marty was an intruder. He raised his hands up in defense, trying to calm them down. As he stepped through the large hay pile towards the family, he saw one of the adults raise what looked like a shotgun up at him.
"Shit!" he cried, flinging himself back in the car.
As the figure fired the first shot, Marty had already driven back out of the barn and away from the family. He found a road and sharply turned on it, still speeding away.
"Okay, McFly. Get a grip on yourself, this is all a dream. It's just a very intense dream." Marty said to himself as he drove. He turned to face Y/N who looked as frantic and confused as he was. "This has to be a dream, right?"
Before she could respond, her eyes widened, and she quickly reached for the steering wheel. Marty looked ahead and saw the approaching vehicle she was trying to avoid. She turned it sharply, making them swerve to the side. Marty slammed on the brakes before they made an impact with the car. They were both panting, having just escaped death three times in five minutes.
Marty and Y/N both stepped out of the vehicle, approaching the black car in front of them. They walked to the driver's side window, seeing an older couple in the front seats. They both looked frightened at the sight of the two strangely dressed teens. Marty leaned his head down, to talk to the man driving.
"Hey, listen, you got to help us," Marty said to the man, but his wife was urging him to drive away. The old man took one glance at Marty and Y/N before hitting the gas and speeding away from them.
Marty groaned, walking back towards Y/N. She was leaning against the hood of the DeLorean, staring ahead. "Y/N?" he asked, trying to get her attention, but she continued to stare. He groaned again and placed his hands on her shoulders, slightly shaking her. "Y/N, you got to help out here. Where the hell are we?"
Y/N finally met his gaze. His eyes were wide and full of confusion. He had sweat forming in the base of his hair, starting to travel down the sides of his face. He looked at her with so much emotion, hoping she could somehow make this all go away. She gently removed his hands from her shoulder and spun him to face what she was looking at. She pointed ahead, "Does that give you a hint?"
Marty followed her finger to see the entrance to his neighborhood. Only there was no neighborhood, no houses, no streets. Just the two pieces of stone that read Lyon Estates. He looked to the side and saw a billboard advertising the neighborhood that was still not built. His eyes widened once more, realizing the gravity of their situation.
"It can't be." He whispered.
Y/N walked back towards the passenger seat, starting to take off her radiation suit. Marty stared ahead for only a moment before opening the driver's door. He sat down beside her, attempting to turn the car back on.
"Don't even bother." Y/N said, making Marty stop his actions and look at her. "It won't work. Remember what Doc said, it needs Plutonium to run. One pellet, one trip."
"So, are you trying to tell me we're stuck here? Wherever the hell this is." Marty asked.
She stood up, stepping out of the suit, tossing it in the car. She ignored his question, instead saying, "Come on, help me push it behind that billboard. We got to go into town, so I can figure out a way for us to get out of here."
Y/N slammed the door shut, making Marty jump. He quickly threw off his radiation suit and joined Y/N at the back of the car. They pushed it off the road and into the field, rolling it behind the large billboard for Lyon Estates. Y/N wiped her hands on her jeans before walking back onto the road, making Marty follow suit. They both began walking to where the black car had driven off. Neither of them said a word to each other, both too caught up in their thoughts to speak. Marty looked up to see a road sign that read,
Hill Valley: 2 Miles
"This is heavy."
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Over And Over - Ari Levinson Smut
Summary: Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Pairing: Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: main kink: overstimulation, smut, dom/sub dynamics, possessiveness, praise kink, mild degradation kink, nickname - princess, oral f receiving, p in v, implied multiple orgasms, cockwarming, edging, nicknames: neshama sheli - my soul, metuka - sweetie/sweetheart, MINORS DNI, not red sea diving resort compliant.
A.N: ari is a feral, feral man but i think he's an adorable bear at times, this is not one of those times.
Word Count: 1k
Main Masterlist || AO3 || Kinktober Materlist
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The haze is muted blue, sloshing of waters echoes in your mind, gaze unfocused but you feel yourself at the edge. A burning, numbing feeling creeps along your spine. 
In a sense of deja vu you reckon, there is a distant sound of pleasure, followed by a choked sob. The buzzing stops, you sigh in relief. For what? Your mind searches through the haze. 
“Oh sweetheart, too much?” Ari’s deep timber hums, your gaze moves from the swirls on the ceiling to the darkened almost blackened blue of his irises. 
The sloshing returns in tandem with the deep strokes of his fingers, Ari reignites the flame and your mouth only knows to whimper and moan for him your thighs try to close. He only laughs at your feeble attempt to keep him away from what is his and his only. 
“Oh sweet baby, you can’t keep my hands away from this greedy cunt. Come on now, give me my fifth orgasm. Come for me. I know you’re so close. Look at this filthy mess of your thighs and the sheets.” Ari croons, his voice both punishment and salvation the coil snaps, your walls spasm around his fingers pulling them back in because you can’t tolerate feeling empty. Its what landed you in trouble the first place. 
“Look at all of this, mess of my hand, my thigh, my beard. All thats left is my cock. You want it don’t you, my little filthy, pretty slut.” Ari pinches you clit making you cry out. 
“Please Ari—,” the sensitivity begins, even the soft satin of the sheets is brushing over your skin in bruising kisses. Aftershocks push through your form. Tears pooling in your eyes. 
Ari’s lips trace over your collar bone, beard brushing over your flesh. His lips wrap around your nipples, sucking on the nub, he repeats the same to the other. 
“Please what sweetness? Didn’t you want this? Sent me all those filthy little pictures.” Ari’s teeth graze around your nipple, the peaks hardened aching for attention, this fingers toy with the other. 
“Ari, Ari, Ari—,” your hands find respite; his biceps, your nails dig in, Ari bites down on your nipple. He hisses you preen. Body keeping your limbs apart. The hard planes of his abdomen flush against your puffy core. 
“How many more? Got me aching for your cunt. But what was it you said?” He wonders, grabbing your face. Eyes intently looking int yours. 
“I’ll give you everything you want metuka, you know this, don’t you.” He promises, your hips raise against your will, clit brushing against the trimmed hair, “Greedy little girl. So perfect.”
Ari brushes his knuckles over your cheeks. 
“You know what you have to say metuka this punishment will end.” His patience is wearing thin, he needs the apology from you. You can’t even remember. 
“Oh, is little baby cock drunk? Can’t remember what she said? Lets see if your favourite vib—,”
“No,” you grasp his hand, “Need you, Ari.” You bite your lip but he only smirks. 
“Metuka, I need you too, but you complained about finding someone else to keep you coming and full. Now, Four on the vibrator when I left the room and one on my fingers, one of my thigh, see just two more out of the eight. For the number of times you took his name while touching yourself and sending me a fucking video.” Ari growls, you whimper. 
Warmth engulfs your nipple, you feel yourself grow slicker. Ari’s tongue swirls as he sucks upon the nub, fingers giving the other attention, he keeps switching. Every touch amplified, your stomach tightens. 
Clit pulsing for attention, you arch in his unrelenting grip. Just as you’re at the edge he stops, he slips out of your grasp, you’re about to complain.
His mouth sucks on your aching clit. Tongue swirling around the bud. You moan, head pressing into the pillow, his beard rubs deliciously against the puffy lips. 
Your broken sounds urging him onward, stomach tightening then he slows. 
Your tongue acts on its own accord, your mind desperate for release, “Ari I’m sorry, please, please—oh,” you choke on your words a scream ripped from your throat as he fills you to the brim, the stretch burns so deliciously. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
Ari hums appreciative, “Metuka, fuck,” he grunts, hips begin to snap and the tendrils retirn, his thick veiny cock hitting that spot as though he placed it right where his tip curves. Your legs spread wide one on his shoulder, his hand wrapped around your throat. 
You cum undone, a whine escaping your lips. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, little filthy girl, creaming ovver my cock, fuck cunt’s sucking me in. You’re gonna milk my cock aren’t you? Pretty little slut.” His pace picks up, you only know Ari’s name it is music to his ears. 
Urging him on he can feel himself close he takes his palm away from your thigh. Calloused fingers rub at your clit. 
Your body spasms as do your walks, Ari groans your name as he spilled inside you. You moan voice cut off by his lips on yours as your final orgasm takes over. 
Ari watches you, enamoured by your arousal snd his pooling at the base of his cock. Love-bites he left ob your tits glowing with the sheen of sweat that covers your delicious skin. 
He manoeuvres you sideways, cock sliding back inside you as he pulls you to his chest pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder. 
Your whimper as he shifts inside you. 
“Have to keep you full, Metuka. You begged for it, I’m not done, that was just your punishment. Did so well for me.” He praises, hands running over you softly. 
You nod, turning to capture his lips with yours, Ari hums, “Need to have you marked with my cum, tasting like me as well.” 
“Ari.” You huff tired. 
“In time Metuka.” He chuckles, kissing your cheek. 
“I love you, neshama sheli.” Ari confesses against your shoulder. 
“As I love you, neshama sheli.” Your fingers run through his hair. 
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