#four apostles
thedailytrashblog · 1 year
Three Houses pet peeve: the Four Apostles.
What the fuck are they? We have heroes’ relics for three of them, but that includes Aubin, who canonically survived long enough to give Yuri his crest just like we know Seiros did to Jeralt, and the Fetters of Dromi contain a Crest Stone of Aubin. We know Noa has a sacred weapon but no hero’s relic, and for the rest of the modern crestbearers it’s implied they inherited their crests naturally like the rest of the contemporary contemporary crestbearers did…
Honestly I just wish we had more information about them in general but I have specific questions which may or may not become relevant in the 3h fic I’m working on depending on whether my muse says so.
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imnotkosmic · 8 months
"The Chosen," season one, episode four:
• "I'm not exactly jumping out of my sandals become Creepy John pointed at someone!!"
• Andrew's fanboying when he sees Jesus.
• John, James and Zeb??? How did they run that fast in water?? Hello???
• Simon after the miracle: "can u do that again?"
• Poor Matthew spent the night on the beach :(
• + his dog staying by his side
• Simon talking with Matthew before he fishes on Shabatt (first time we see him being "nice" to Matthew??)
• Simon saying to Andrew "go help Eden's brothers, they must be cooking. I can smell it burning"
• Eden's brothers IMMEDIATELY going after Simon when he said they're Eema couldn't stay with them.
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Things I'm not looking forward to: John the Baptist's death in The Chosen. I mean, we haven't even seen him that much in the show, but we've already gotten has made me fall in love with their portrayal of him. And I just can't. I can't! I don't want to see what happens to him, but I have to!
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vanagore · 1 year
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The Four Apostles.
I hope to draw more from Fear and Hunger once my chronic illness stops kicking my ass.
Legarde might be next.
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Mary Magdalene
1st century
Feast day: July 22
Patronage: contemplative life, converts, glove makers, hairdressers, penitent sinners, sexual temptation
Mary Magdalen has been called the second-most important woman in the New Testament after Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalen traveled with Jesus as one of His followers. She was present at Jesus' two most important moments: the crucifixion and the resurrection. Within the four Gospels, the oldest historical record mentioning her name, she is named at least 12 times, more than most of the apostles. The Gospel references describe her as courageous, brave enough to stand by Jesus in his hours of suffering, death and beyond.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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remnant-verse-if · 7 months
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Hello everyone, this will be the main post for Remnant: 21 & Before the Incident. I've decided to make a more concise summary of the following stories that take place in the same universe. Your support is appreciated!
Before the Incident <- Demo [124,003 words] ________________________________________________
Tags: Action, Superpower, Adventure, Fantasy, Revenge The world is truly unfair, but what if you were allowed to enact your revenge. Will you destroy yourself before you destroy those who have wronged you? The ends justify the means does it not?
You and your best friend haven’t talked to each other in a while after losing your parents. Until one day, your friend reaches out to you about Starford Festival. Celebrate the festival with your best friend and reminisce about your past together! Tradition says when you light sparklers while watching the late-night fireworks, a great change will come to your life! Enjoy a slice-of-life-filled prologue!
This story takes place around 1.5 years before the main events of Remnant: Twenty-One. You never knew demons existed until now. Join the Organization and take arms to enact a battle against the Apostles, a secret society that wishes to open the Gates of Hell. Manifest your powers based on the prologue. Will you get your revenge or will you fall before you can achieve it?
Remnant: Twenty-One <- Demo [225,948 words] [HIATUS] ________________________________________________
Tags: Isekai, Action, Supernatural, Fantasy, Psychological, Tragedy The skies are gray. Devils run amok. Is this some sick divine punishment by some sort of god? Your body is no longer yours. Will you survive this world or will it break you? The cycle of reincarnation calls for you to lose every part of yourself until you're born anew. Remnant Twenty-One, only you can undo this shattered world.
You’re taken to a mysterious room and greeted by two strangers. They tell you that your life is no longer, but you aren’t necessarily dead. You cross through a door on the other side of the room and enter a world similar to your own. Except, there’s the existence of demons, Devils, and other supernatural entities. Not only that, you’re trapped in the body of the Chosen One, the hero who will save humanity. The issue is there’s no time for training or preparing, the final battle is in five days!
Fight against Caph and the four Enforcers. One Enforcer for each day which will test the potential of your main character. Meet new/‘old’ teammates that will aid you in the final battle. Maybe even find some love with them? There might be a more sinister force out there than the Devils. Survive to the best of your abilities in this new world. Good luck out there, Remnant Twenty-One.
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Before the Incident ________________________________________________
Customize your agent to your liking
Decide what your past ambitions were, they will affect how you perceive things.
Find love in this crazy world of Contract users and demons
Determine what your definition of revenge is.
Will you continue to feed into the cycle of revenge?
Unlock a Contract at the end of the prologue (Powers below):
Wanderer: You can switch between a magical katana and a revolver. You have higher physical prowess and agility with this Contract. Your foes won’t be able to keep up with your speed and aim. You essentially cover both long-range and short-range. Fuel your desire for vengeance. Painter: You wield an ink brush that allows you to paint constructs and summons. Use your creative skills to deal with your foes. The world is your canvas and only you can paint your retribution. Arbiter: Words are powerful. Especially when they can bend reality. Manipulate your targets to convince them of lies. These lies will become their truths and ultimately their downfall. The world is unfair, so why not fix it with your justice?
Remnant: Twenty-One [Hiatus] ________________________________________________
Customize the Chosen One and your original self to your liking.
Mold out your personality the longer you live in this world.
Romance the agents of the Organization in your short time here.
Build bonds with your allies
Your choices will determine who lives and who dies in the story
Indulge in the Chosen One's Sealed Evil
Try your best to avoid suspicion
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Before the Incident ________________________________________________
Apollo/Anna [M/F]
Your best friend you haven’t spoken to in a year. Celebrate the Starford Festival with them and recall the memories you had together in high school and college. Perhaps you can find love at the festival as well?
Syo [M]
An odd man with an eye patch. He has a casual attitude to most things and has a lax personality. However, it seems as if he knows a lot more than he actually leads on. Have you seen him in another story?
Tenth [F]
A stoic woman with strong convictions. She’s quite serious most of the time. She gives Syo a hard time for his laziness. She wants what’s best for people and wishes for them to reach their full potential, although her methods can be quite unhealthy. She's also a hopeless romantic.
Abel/Belle [M/F]
This person has a wild heart and a passionate personality. They can be quite too much for people and they’re intense all around. Abrasive and rude. Could there be more layers to this individual?
???? [M/F]
This person was born from a high stature. Manners are everything in this world. Reputation is king. How you present yourself is life and death. They have high expectations of how people should behave. Are you proper enough?
???? [M/F]
You’re on opposing sides. Is it possible for you to shake this person’s convictions and join you? Or will you meet a tragic fate in your journey for their love?
Remnant: Twenty-One [Hiatus] ________________________________________________
Ash [M/F]
A powerful contract user that was close to the Chosen One. They came back to things being much more different. How will they react that you're no longer the person they loved. There are more mysteries and problems for this person.
Anja [F]
A cheerful individual who acts as the communicator for the team. She often likes to keep things lighthearted. However, she hides her internal struggles for the sake of the mission. Will she make it to the very end?
Sigma [M]
A clueless musclehead through thick and thin. He's incredibly strong and has a heart of gold. Yet, he still yearns to learn the truth of who he is. Can he forgive himself in time, or will he die with regrets?
Uri [M]
A man who doesn't really know how to talk to people properly. He has trouble expressing his true feelings, but there's no changing the fact that he deeply cares for the team. He holds the Chosen One in high regard. Will you raise him up or will he crumble?
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blueiscoool · 10 months
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Vatican Museums Opens Ancient Roman Necropolis to the Public
The site was previously only accessible to scholars and specialists.
The Vatican Museums has newly opened to the public an ancient necropolis stocked with carved marble sarcophagi and bone-filled open graves of everyday ancient Romans.
The word necropolis comes from the Greek expression for “city of the dead.” These “cities” grew up alongside roads outside the urban center due to laws forbidding cremation and burial of the dead inside city limits. Funerary practices and rites are preserved especially clearly in the necropolis that extends along the Via Triumphalis (a Roman road now known as the Via Trionfale), with burial sites accompanied by eye-popping Roman frescoes and mosaics.
Previously, the necropolis was accessible only to certain groups of scholars and specialists. It is now open to the public via the new Saint Rose Gate entrance, inaugurated with the exhibition “Life and Death in the Rome of the Caesars.”
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How extensive is the archaeological area?
It extends nearly 11,000 square feet. The size of the necropolis is not as extensive as some other Roman burial sites, but its importance lies in its proximity to one of the most significant religious sites in Christianity.
What is known about particular people who are buried there?
According to archaeologists, no less than the tomb of St. Peter himself is located in the Vatican Necropolis.
But in general, “Here, we have represented the lower middle class of Rome’s population,” said Leonardo Di Blasi, an archaeologist with the Vatican Museums, in a video on Euro News. “They are essentially slaves, freedmen, artisans of the city of Rome.” Some were the property of the emperor, and are indicated to have been the “servant of Nero.”
One of them was a man named Alcimus, who was the set director for the downtown Theater of Pompeii, the most important theater of the period. Another was a horse trainer who worked at the chariot races.
One young boy is interred there, according to the Catholic News Service, marked by a sculpture of a boy’s head accompanied by an inscription reading “Vixit Anni IIII Menses IIII Dies X,” Latin for “He lived four years, four months, and 10 days.”
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How did this ancient burial ground come to light?
The Vatican burial grounds were first explored in the 1940s at the request of then Pope Pius X, who wanted to be buried near the grave of Peter the Apostle. The dig revealed numerous mausoleums and tombs.
The newest part of the burial ground was revealed through an infrastructure project in 2003, as the Vatican excavated for a new multilevel employee parking garage.
What happened when the Vatican discovered these newest burial grounds?
The department of the Vatican that was overseeing construction of the parking garage, intent on meeting its deadline, was accused of trying to conceal the find, Giandomenico Spinola, an archaeologist and deputy artistic-scientific director of the museums, told the Catholic News Service. It was only when journalists publicized the discovery that he and his colleagues were invited in to advise.
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When were the bodies there buried? How have the tombs been so well preserved?
Bodies were interred in this burial ground between the first century B.C.E and the fourth century C.E., and organic remains have vanished. A number of the graves, including their tombs and decorations, including frescoes, mosaic floors, and marble-carved inscriptions, were fortuitously preserved by a series of mudslides in the area.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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The Stained Glass Windows of Chartres Cathedral
The 167 stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral, built 1190-1220 CE, are the most complete group surviving anywhere from the Middle Ages. Several windows date to the mid-12th century CE while over 150 survive from the early 13th century CE. There are religious scenes to tell the faithful the key stories of the Bible as well as countless depictions of saints, kings, queens, nobles, knights, and priests. The city's merchants donated 42 windows to the cathedral, and they crop up in many smaller scenes showing the full range of medieval professions from barrel-makers to butchers.
Medieval Stained Glass
The technique of staining glass for windows using metal oxides dates back to at least the 7th century CE and the churches of the Byzantine Empire. However, the craft really became a refined art in the 12th and 13th centuries CE. The five main colours used to 'stain' glass were bright ruby red, which came from copper oxide, sapphire blue from cobalt oxide, green from iron oxide, yellow from sulphur or soot, and purple from manganese oxide. These materials were added to the glass while it was being heated, but because the result proved too opaque to allow much light through, often a thin layer of coloured glass was laid on top of a thicker pane of transparent or white glass. Painted on the interior side of the glass, details of scenes were rendered using a mixture of glass fillings, metal oxides, and vinegar or urine. The paint was then permanently fused onto the glass by putting the pieces into a kiln.
Individual pieces of stained and painted glass were specially cut according to a design chalked out beforehand on a wooden board and then inserted into lead borders to make a single composite panel. The finished panel was then mounted into the metal armature of the window frame using dowels and metal strips. A single tall lancet window at Chartres may include over 50 such panels of all shapes and sizes.
Not only decorative, the windows were also intended as a pictorial guide to the Gospel message in an era when few could read. Consequently, the wages of sin, the benefits of salvation, and the lives of the most important saints and biblical figures are shown as a lesson to all. Most windows, when they tell a narrative such as the life of an apostle or Bible parable, should be read from left to right starting at the base. Four-leafed rosette or quatrefoil panels are read by looking first at the bottom leaf, then the left, centre, and right leaf, and finally the top leaf. Following are descriptions of only some of the most important and striking windows in Chartres cathedral.
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mariiatrushartist · 5 months
Creator of the flat "Earth" and the Apostle of the Cat God: the most interesting facts from the life of Terry Pratchett
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Dreamed of becoming an astronomer
As a child, the boy was very interested in astronomy and stars in general. In adulthood, he not only did not lose interest in this topic, but also built an observatory in his garden.
The first story and a typewriter for earned money
Terry's first work was written when he was 13 years old, and a year later it was published in a school magazine called The Hades Business. On this story, the future writer earned £14 and used them to buy his first typewriter.
The first published novel
In 1971, when Terry was only 23 years old, the world saw his first novel The Carpet People. It is a comic fantasy novel about a tribe of tiny people living on the carpet. When the writer became more famous, he decided to rewrite it by adding an updated text, original black and white illustrations and an exclusive story written when he was 17 years old
From journalism to electricity production
After the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster in March 1979, Pratchett left journalism to become a press officer for four nuclear power plants at the Central Electricity Production Council.
He lost in popularity only J.K. Rowling
In 1996, the Times declared Pratchett a best-selling author in the UK. He sold 70 million books worldwide and was the second most read author in Britain, second only to the J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.
The award he was most proud of
It may surprise you, but most of all Pratchett was proud of the Carnegie Medal, which was awarded to his children's book The Amazing Maurice and His Raised Rodents. He got it in 2002.
At the peak of popularity, Pratchett was diagnosed with a severe form of Alzheimer's disease, posterior cortical atrophy. He had gradual degeneration of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain, on the back of the head. The disease leads to difficulties in reading, estimating distance, using tools and spelling. However, the disease did not stop Pratchett's success: in addition to continuing to write, he also became a patron of Alzheimer's Research UK and actively supported fundraising efforts and advocated raising awareness of the disease.
Own sword
The writer has always had an eccentric personality and imagination. Now that he became a knight, Terry needed the right sword he made himself from meteoric iron. The writer found a field with iron deposits near his home in Wiltshire, he himself dug up ore – 81 kilograms. Then he smelted iron ore using a homemade clay and hay furnace. A local blacksmith killed Pratchett's handmade iron rods into a silver-trimmed sword.
The last book
Pratchett's Alzheimer's disease has progressed. However, despite brain atrophy, he still continued to produce books. A few months before his death in March 2015, he finished his last novel about Discworld. Many Pratchett fans keep the book unread on their shelves in his honour.
There were 10 unfinished novels on the hard drive of his computer at the time of his death, but we will never know what they are about. According to the writer's last desire, Pratchett's unfinished works were destroyed. The hard drive was not only broken with a steam roller, but also passed through the stone crusher.
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thanotaphobia · 7 months
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They lie for hours on their backs in Rand’s attic bedroom, the windows cracked open and a damp rag shoved under the door. Smoke fills the air in hazy spirals that Rolan watches for hours at a time. It’s summer again, the temperature soaring into the type of heat that leaves you breathless. They’d been playing a game of D&D but then it had hit four pm and everything got too fuzzy to think, so here they are. They’re all in their underwear, stripped down as the afternoon plods onward, time slowing down to whatever they can perceive. Across Rand’s room, Kian has an acoustic guitar. He plucks at the strings and teaches himself double the chords in a timeframe that Rolan thinks he could barely learn one. Kian is confident– in himself, yeah, but in his capabilities. He talks about California with the same feverish look in his eye that Rolan’s mom gets whenever she watches the Evangelicals on TV, saying the words Los Angeles and Hollywood like he’s saying Peter the Apostle and Jesus Christ.
“I think I’m going to get famous,” Kian says, and Rolan’s eyes cross when he tries to look over at him, he’s so high. “I think I’m going to make a song the world will never forget.”
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ancientcharm · 4 months
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Nero: The end of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (Part III)
The big fire of Rome (known in Latin as Incendium Magnum Romae) 18th July of 64 (Roman year 817)
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From 'The Annals' by Tacitus:
Nero at this time was at Antium, and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house, which he had built to connect the palace with the gardens of Maecenas. To relieve the homeless he opened the Campus Martius, the public buildings of Agrippa, and even his own gardens, and raised temporary structures to receive the destitute multitude. Supplies of food were brought up from Ostia and the neighbouring towns. After five days, an end was put to the conflagration at the foot of the Esquiline hill. But before people had laid aside their fears, the flames returned, with no less fury this second time, and especially in the spacious districts of the city. Although there was less loss of life, the temples of the gods, and the porticoes which were devoted to enjoyment, fell in a yet more widespread ruin. Rome, indeed, is divided into fourteen districts, four of which remained uninjured, three were levelled to the ground, while in the other seven were left only a few shattered, half-burnt relics of houses. Some people noticed that the beginning of this conflagration was on the 18th of July, the day on which the Senones (Gallic tribe) attacked Rome. Others have pushed a curious inquiry so far as to reduce the interval between these two conflagrations into equal numbers of years, months, and days.
Tacitus also writes that the favorable things that Nero did were soon nullified, for a rumor spread that he was singing and playing the lyre while Rome burned. Tacitus assures that it was such rumor caused another event in Rome.
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'Nero's Torches' (detail) by Henryk Siemiradzk, 1876
"Therefore, to put an end to this rumor, Nero invented culprits and subjected to very refined punishments those whom the populace, detesting them for their atrocities, called Christians.
The origin of this name was the so-called Christus, who had been condemned to torture and crucifixion during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus; And a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the focus of this disease, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre.
At first those who confessed were arrested, then, after their denunciation, a huge crowd was condemned, not so much for the accusation of the fire, but for hatred of the human race.
In addition, the mockery of those who were going to die was added: covered in wild skins, they died torn to pieces by dogs, or were either crucified or condemned to the flames and to serve as torches when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle.
Although they were criminals, deserving of very severe punishments, a feeling of pity arose, since they were murdered not for the common good, but for the ferocity of a single man." (Tacitus)
About this issue
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'A Christian Dirce' (detail) by Henryk Siemiradzki , 1897
First, let's see what Tacitus means by "criminals" hated for their "atrocities." The Christian community in Rome was small. They were mainly slaves, freedmen, and converted Jews of humble origins like their leader, the apostle Peter. The Roman plebs already knew from hearsay that Christians, in their meetings, drank and ate saying that it was "the body and blood", and "the one who gave himself as a sacrifice for all." Through misinterpretation, they believed that a Christian occasionally gave himself voluntarily as a sacrifice to a God, and the others then ate the flesh and drank the blood of that supposed victim.
By the middle of the second century such accusations were no longer made, and Christianity was frowned upon, and sometimes persecuted, only for its “ideas harmful to the State”.
Was this really the first persecution of Christianity?
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It's true that those innocent people were accused because they were part of a misunderstood and hated minority, but Tacitus says that they were accused and executed for supposedly burning Rome not for believing in Christ; And he claims that they were not even executed for their "atrocities", that is, for their religious gatherings, so it was not a persecution against Christianity at all.
The Catholic Church, which keeps a rigorous record of all its martyrs, doesn't have the names of the Christians mentioned by Tacitus recorded. The only ones recognized are the apostles Peter and Paul, who were certainly imprisoned and executed, Saint Peter for being the Leader/Bishop of the Christians of Rome and Saint Paul for being very prominent. This is probably why Nero is considered the first enemy and persecutor of Christianity in history and became the paradigm of the Antichrist.
A doubt
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'Nero at Baiae' by Jan Styka, circa 1900
Tacitus, who in addition to being a historian was an important Senator in an anti-Neronian atmosphere, writes subjective sentences and inevitably leads me to question some parts of his text.
When Tacitus writes "A huge crowd was condemned, not so much for the accusation of the fire, but for hatred of the human race", he's expressing an opinion about Nero; in the same way when he says that was "not for the common good but for the ferocity of a single man"; Are opinions, not facts. Undoubtedly there were public executions but the reasons for them arise from the opinion and feelings of Tacitus.
The subjectivity of this writer makes me think that he added details to the executions to make it clear to his contemporary readers that Nero had been a deranged ruler; Since he establishes (according to his personal opinion) that Nero was more interested in having fun killing "criminals" than in the misfortune of Rome after the fire.
Certainly there were crucifixions of slaves and foreigners, and beheadings of Christian Roman citizens, such as the apostle Paul who was beheaded for having Roman citizenship while apostle Peter was crucified for being a foreigner. And perhaps there have been people burned alive, although this was never the usual death penalty in the Roman world. it's really strange because for the ancient Romans fire was also related to the sacred: the fire of Vesta (one of the oldest deities, originally from Rome) in addition to cremating the bodies of the deceased. Condemning those they considered criminals to die in the fire would have been the same for them as it was for Christians in times of the Inquisition to see heretics crucified.
My biggest doubt: Was it really Nero who accused the Christians?
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'Nero Views the Burning of Rome' by Carl Theodor von Piloty , 1861
Tacitus writes that emperor helped the victims of the fire, offering them their own properties, providing them with food and lodging: he was in charge of the reconstruction work, etc. But after being forced to mention something good for the only time, he disqualifies those actions by adding:
These acts, though popular, produced no effect, since a rumour had gone forth everywhere that, at the very time when the city was in flames, the emperor appeared on a private stage and sang of the destruction of Troy; comparing present misfortunes with the calamities of antiquity. (The Annals XV)
The historian claims that the emperor returned to the city to help in the disaster and many people benefited but then he says that a rumor claimed that emperor was singing on a private stage.
Is it possible that people in Rome who had seen Nero in action believed that? Or could it be that such a rumor never existed but was created by the historian when writing about that chapter of history?
Tacitus writes about a "rumor" but his contemporary Suetonius describes it as a historical fact :"For displeasure at the ugliness of the old buildings and the narrow, crooked streets, he set fire to the city" (..) "And exulting, as he said, in "the beauty of the flames," he sang in his regular stage costume."
"Therefore, to put an end to this rumor, Nero invented culprits." And so Tacitus begins to explain why those executions happened: what today we would call scapegoat, and also adds a second reason: "hatred of the human race."
In other words, according to Tacitus Nero he didn't act out of justice, or what he thought was justice, but out of a selfish reason and for fun. But Tacitus also says that Nero's scapegoat was those "detested by the populace."
So, isn't it more credible to think that someone among the immense populace could have accused the Christians of burning the city precisely because they was hated?
Is it possible that the false accusation reached Nero directly and that this was the true reason for the arrests and executions? Is it credible that Nero, having the vast majority of the people in his favor and a minority that was already hated without him saying or doing anything, acted in such a way that his people ultimately felt sorry for the condemned?
Perhaps someone or a group of people, out of prejudice or hatred, convinced the emperor that the fire was not accidental but caused by the Christians. The accusers before Nero, for example, may have been some of his praetorian guards; or a simple commoner who publicly accused a neighboring Christian and that's how it all started. Who knows.
It's important to ask questions, think and then draw conclusions, rather than accepting the official story without hesitation.
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'The Fire of Rome, 18 July 64 AD ' by Hubert Robert, 18th century
Last Part
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imnotkosmic · 9 months
My thoughts on the season 4 trailer:
• Andrew why are you looking so distressed? Wait, did John die?
• (reaction to the voice over) Oh my gosh, is that Mary??
• (when John was in the prison) No John's gonna die :(
• Pliate and his wife I think??
• (when Jesus broke down crying) oh no.
• Big James what happened to your head??
• New Phillip. (I'll miss Yoshi but I like the new Phillip aswell)
• The camera angles are so pretty :D
• "Lazarus, come out!" Dude, chills.
• They all look so pretty in their new outfits.
• Quintes no leave Guias alone dude.
• Why are they wearing helmets. (we need answers Dallas)
• This shows gonna ruin me emotionally 🥲
• Wheres Ramah?????
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anqelically · 8 months
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002. FLIGHT JA815S
CHAPTER SUMMARY: An airplane is in need of saving because of the Azure Apostle, so the agency saves the passengers with the help of a young girl on the flight
WORD COUNT: 1.7K words
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FOR THE NEXT HALF HOUR, Y/N was working as if it were a normal day, even though there was seldom a normal day at the agency. An ideal day, one would say. She sorted through some paperwork and checked any e-mails as they came in.
She noticed how a few of them were insulting the agency for their previously failed rescue of four innocent people. That incident is what led Kunikida to be in the headlines of the local newspaper.
After people recognized him as an Armed Detective Agency member, some took time out of their day to stand outside of the agency to yell or throw things at members. Y/N could recall how her eye almost got hit by a small rock. She was glad that Ranpo was there to block her face and catch the rock with his hat.
All the hate e-mails were immediately trashed, but the senders remained unblocked. Even if they insulted the agency, they were still people of Japan. And as long as they were, the agency would try to help them if they needed it.
Y/N thought they received another complaint when her laptop dinged. She checked the e-mail to see that it was not a complaint, but a message from the Azure Apostle himself.
She was quick to call over the closest worker, "Oneesan, look!"
Dear Sir,
I am contacting you to discuss a third request. Passenger airline flight JA815S is currently midflight. I have taken the liberty of sending an interference signal to the aircraft's engine and yoke that will disable their functions. I would like for you to remove the device from the aircraft and save the passengers. Thank you for your understanding.
Yours sincerely,
The Azure Apostle
Yosano looked over Y/N's shoulder to read the message that seemed to be directed to Kunikida, considering that he was leading the case and neither of them would be referred to as "Sir".
"More? You have got to be kidding," the woman groaned. She pulled out her phone to contact Kunikida. "Y/N, can you trace the email to the sender's location?"
"I can try," she began to type, "but you know I'm not good at stuff like that."
As the woman predicted, she failed to trace the location from where the e-mail was sent. She was able to send the message to Kunikida, but that was something anyone at the agency could do easily. However, setting up a three-way call between three completely different devices from her computer seemed to be something Y/N could do, and the others couldn't.
A video call from a passenger on the targeted airplane made it through to the police. Since the Armed Detective Agency was in charge of the case and not Yokohama's police, they transferred the call over to Y/N's computer. From there, she was able to talk to the little girl on the screen.
She had to be no older than 9 years old. Her brown hair was cut into a short bob, and her teary eyes peeked out from underneath her bangs.
Yosano and Ranpo sat nearby as Y/N talked with the little girl. The group of detectives watched her tremble as she stared into the camera. Although they could see her, she could not see them.
"Hi, I'm someone from the Armed Detective Agency. My name's Y/N, what's yours?" Y/N began the process of adding Kunikida's phone to the call on a separate monitor.
"Ch-Chiyo," the girl responded.
"Here, let me turn my camera on so you can see me," Y/N's face appeared on the screen beside Chiyo's. She gave the young one a soft smile, "Chiyo-chan, I need you to tell me what's happening. Can you do that?"
"O-Okay... Well, um, Mommy w-wasn't feeling well, so I'm talking f-for her. The p-plane is falling... s-so fast... Everybody's screaming-" a feminine-sounding yell cut her off. Chiyo jumped, "I-I'm scared. Please help!"
"Help is on its way, I promise. Just continue talking with me, okay? The more I know about what's happening there, the faster we can make things better for your mommy."
While Chiyo continued to describe what was going on, Kunikida's phone joined the call. A box with his name popped up on the screen, indicating that he and Dazai could listen and see both Natsuo and Chiyo.
"Did the pilots, the people in charge of the airplane, say anything else?" Y/N interrogated.
"They s-said the engine stopped moving, and th-the steering wheel d-doesn't work anymore, either."
"You hear that, Kunikida?"
"Yes," he spoke, "I heard. Doesn't sound good, obviously."
"Are we gonna d-die? E-everyone says we're gonna die... I'm scared. Mommy's not moving or a-answering me. P-please, please help us.." Chiyo cried further.
Y/N was going to try to comfort her, but all the words she wanted to say died in her throat. She was never good at comforting others, especially since she couldn't even recall the feeling of being comforted as she grew up. The warmth of comfort was something she felt only after she joined the Armed Detective Agency. But even so, she still wasn't good at providing it to others. "You'll be okay" and "It will get better" can only work so much.
Unexpectedly to Y/N, another voice joined the call, "Hello, little one. Can you hear me?"
Dazai then continued, "We here are airplane experts. There's nothing to worry about anymore. We're going to fix the plane. What's your name, little miss?"
"Chiyo, everything's going to be okay. Got any snacks with you?"
"Mommy g-gave me this piece of candy."
"Candy, huh? I love candy, too. It's so sweet, and it really helps you relax, doesn't it?"
"Dazai-" Kunikida's voice was cut off.
"I've got this..." Dazai sounded confident. "Chiyo, first, I want you to really take your time enjoying that piece of candy. After that, I'm going to need you to take that device you're talking into and bring it to the captain's room. Do you know where the captain's room is?" Chiyo wiped away her tears and nodded. "Don't worry. There's nobody screaming in there, and I bet your mommy will be feeling better in no time."
"B-but I... I can't go alone. I can't leave Mommy behind."
"Hey, Chiyo-chan, do you remember what I said earlier? We're here to help you, your mommy, and everyone else. I just need you to bring what you're talking on to the pilot of the plane. Can you go there and give it to them for us?"
The brown-haired girl stared at the side for a few moments before she took out the candy she said she had. She shakily placed it in her mouth, her hands still trembling as she picked up the communication device. Chiyo began to walk towards the cockpit.
While she walked, Y/N spoke to the other two on the line, "Do you want me to stay on, or do you think you guys can handle it?"
"Oh, we can definitely handle it," Dazai spoke. "But once this is all over, I never wanna partner with Kunikida again. Wanna pair up with me instead?"
"Enough with the unrelated talk! The case always comes first," Kunikida scolded.
"Oh, come on~ I'm trying to lighten up the mood."
"The mood is the way it is for a reason."
Y/N chuckled, never responding to Dazai's question, "Well then, I'll turn off now. Just ring me if you need anything from us here. Please stay safe, okay?"
"Of course."
"See you later, Y/N-chan."
Letting out a breath she unintentionally withheld, Y/N leaned back in her chair. Although most people would overlook it, she did not. After meeting Dazai earlier, Y/N didn't expect him to talk to Chiyo so easily. He was able to comfort her and have her bring the communication device to the pilot in one go. It was common for someone to comfort another, yet Y/N felt embarrassed that it was difficult for her to do so.
"Don't think about it," Yosano's voice reached Y/N's ears. She looked at the older woman, who continued, "Not everyone is good at everything. There is always a multitude of weaknesses within a person. There's no need to be embarrassed."
"You're reading my mind again," Y/N whined, her hands covering her face.
"You're easy to read," Ranpo cut in, a lollipop in hand. "You make all these facial expressions every time you feel something new. Your eyes soften when you're happy, you furrow your brows when you're sad, and you tilt your head when you're confused. You're very animated in general."
"Don't worry, we'll work on your poker face," the doctor rested her hands on Y/N's shoulder. "Otherwise, we can't ever play, and that's just a shame."
"Even if I don't know how to play, isn't it bad to gamble in the first place?" Y/N raised a brow.
"We gamble paperwork and, rarely, drinks. It's harmless."
"But I've never seen Oniisan lay a finger on any paperwork..."
Ranpo smirked, "That's because the greatest detective never loses."
"For now," Yosano challenged. "I'll beat ya in a game when you least expect it."
"Is that so? I might retire when the time comes."
"Isn't Dazai-san really smart too? What he manages to beat you, Oniisan?" Y/N questioned.
"No way."
"Long shot."
The youngest murmured, "That was fast."
Some time passed before Ranpo suggested, "Let's go bother the president. Hello~! We're here!"
Y/N and Yosano deadpanned when the detective slammed the door to Fukuzawa's office open with no shame. They briefly glanced at each other before they sighed, following the man inside. If Ranpo wasn't bothered to talk about the Azure Apostle, they were sure the problem would be resolved.
"Fukuzawa-sama!" Y/N greeted the man.
"Y/N," he acknowledged.
The young woman smiled before she sat down next to Ranpo. Yosano sat down too, and they fell into a conversation that lasted until Kunikida and Dazai returned.
They had a couple of bruises and scratches, but they succeeded in preventing the plane from crashing.
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WRITTEN: 01/21/2023
i wanted to get this over with asap so i can start writing an original case that y/n and dazai are going to be taking care of. let's hope it turns out well 👍🏻
@seneon @chuuyrr @kentopedia @cloudwisp @aureatchi
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orcarnage · 9 months
Errrrrm anyways Femto's birth was not an act of revenge on Griffith's part, it was an act of self harm 🐛
His entire self introspection sequence where he's a child again, holding the boy he thought died because of his dream. Griffith is childish, incredibly so. His dream is to have a kingdom, and when given the chance, the first thing he asks for? Wings.
I don't think removing the blame from his hands is the right take, however I'd like people to consider how much deeper his thought process goes in this moment.
Being permanently disabled after prison, having his men look down upon him with pity, being powerless to help Guts and Casca as they were ragdolled around by that apostle; he had lost everything he had fought for and all because he threw a childish tantrum over Guts leaving.
And yet, he rode that horse by himself, didn't he? Away from the hawks, towards a remnant of his dream. He wasn't in fact powerless, given time, he would have healed. Berserk has several disabled characters, I'm sure a pulley system prosthetic glove would have allowed him to flex his fingers and wield a sword once again.
The godhand prey upon his insecurities once they are summoned. They imply he is broken beyond repair, and the hawks, they follow casca now, not him. A huge act of betrayal, because they also believe there is no more use out of Griffith. When he sacrifices it all, the softness of the look he gives Guts... "I'm sorry." Is what it screams to me. His final act of self destruction, to destroy himself along with all he loved.
AND NOW FOR MY POOKIE FEMTO. An entity born out of a childlike dream, stripped of his humanity. I believe the worst thing taken from him, was his ability to regret. If someone has no regret, they cannot weigh their actions, they cannot look in retrospect properly, they lack empathy for their own selves. Femto is Griffith in a way, he has his memories, he was born from his dream, but he's incredibly machine-like. A form of Griffith boiled down to the bare essentials. Femto has no will of his own, the will he inherited is Griffiths. So like, hold the fuck up, isn't that incredibly messed up?
Taking away someone's ability to regret, you freeze them in time. He may move forward in the story, but he remains still. Stoic, following a dream inherited from his human self, which was so full of regrets that it was a crucial part of his character, even if he often denied regretting his actions (unreliable narrator ass.)
In short, sure have four eldeitch beings peer pressure a severely injured man, who is still in the stage where he feels useless given his new disability, and who was literally IN THE PROCESS OF COMMITING SUICIDE; I'm sure he'll have some iron will and not yield.
Hes a self destructive drama queen, don't give an alcoholic a bottle of vodka.
I'm not getting into neoGriff in this because that man is a MESS hes such a fucking liar hes so unreliable, he's the definition of 'source? I made it up.'
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portraitsofsaints · 6 months
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Saint Longinus the Centurion
Died: 1st century
Feast Day: October 16 (new) March 15 (trad.)
Patronage: the blind and those with poor eyesight, for discernment, Mantua
Saint Longinus was the centurion that pierced the side of Jesus at the Crucifixion. He was losing his eyesight at the time and when Christ’s blood fell into his eyes his sight was restored. He then said, “Indeed, this man was the Son of God.” (Mark 15:39) Subsequently, he received instructions from the apostles, converted, left the army, and became a monk. He was arrested, tortured (teeth pulled out and tongue cut out yet could still speak clearly), and martyred. His relics are in Rome and his lance is contained in one of the four pillars over the altar in the Basilica of St. Peter’s.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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howlingday · 9 months
So, jaune magic is actually straight-up death. When the brother They're whole strict they made up the 4 horsemen. Adam got war, jaune got death, and I don't know who got pestilencing. And famine.
If jaune would ever go at full power, a Coffin would Appear above the sky releasing death to reap souls. An example of how the power system works for them. The more war that happens, the stronger adam Apostle gets, meaning He can summon more troops and stuff like that. The more you go to war with them, the worse he gets to fight. so counters to him are single strong targets Since that doesn't count as war jaune Doesn't really have a weakness also the four horsemen are The maidens from the original show they're considered myth.
Jaune: Okay... Deep breaths...
Jaune: Mmngh...
Ruby: (Waiting with bated breath)
Jaune: Ngh... Agh! Dang it...
Ruby: Aw, you were so close, too! I could feel it!
Blake: No, he wasn't.
Ruby: Well, maybe from your perspective, but from where I was watching from-
Blake: Penny, did Jaune make any progress?
Penny: Yes, he did!
Ruby: See?!
Penny: Jaune has managed to perspire more than he has in his previous attempts!
Jaune: ...At least I'm working up a sweat?
Yang: Hey, that's my line!
Ruby: Yang! Where have you been?
Yang: Oh, you know, doing dragon things.
Blake: Dragon things that you haven't told us about.
Yang: Because they're supposed to be a secret~!
Blake: If they're so secret, then why would you tell us?
Yang: Because why bother doing them if you can't tell anyone about it?
Blake: (Opens mouth)
Ruby: I wouldn't bother. Yang always wins, one way or the other. Usually by dropping the subject.
Yang: So, what's going on here?
Ruby: See? We're helping Jaune use his mana like he did before!
Jaune: If only I remembered how to do it.
Yang: How'd it happen before?
Ruby: Jaune got into a fight with Cardin.
Yang: Well, ask ol' rock face to throw down.
Blake: We can't. He's too scared of Jaune.
Yang: Yeah, sure. What's the real reason?
Ruby: It's true, though! Jaune's mana was so scary, it puts my hair on end just thinking about it!
Yang: Really? Well, maybe I should throw down with ol' Vomit Boy here?
Jaune: Come on, it was one time!
Yang: Yeah, yeah. So, you up for a spar?
Jaune: Do I get to say no?
Yang: Sure, but you probably won't be able to get your mana out until then. It's how I learned to use mine!
Jaune: ...Alright. Let's do it!
Goodwitch: Are you sure we shouldn't intervene, Ozpin? After all, Ms. Xiao Long is set to a higher standard than Mr. Arc.
Ozpin: Yes, I'm sure, Glynda. And you'd be surprised what a little friendly competition can do for training.
Goodwitch: I hate surprises, Oz.
Ozpin: I'm well aware.
"Set us off, Rubes!"
"You got it! Ready!" Ruby lifted her arm high into the air. "GO!"
Yang disappeared in a blink, leaving Jaune bewildered on the ground. He looked around for any sign of her, before noticing the shadow on the ground. He looked up to see her hurtling towards him like a missile. He backed away, only to get knocked into the back wall by her landing in his mid-section. She jumped back with a laugh.
"C'mon! Is that it?"
"Ouch..." Jaune groaned as he stood up. "That really hurt."
"Yeah, that's what a kick to the stomach does, Jaune!" Yang called with a snigger.
"Huh? Oh, no, I meant my back." He called back. "I didn't even feel your kick."
Ozpin: Did you see it, Glynda?
Goodwitch: I did. It was faint, but there was cloud protecting his body from the kick. So, Mr. Arc is a necromancer?
Ozpin: Indeed, and very intuned as well. It normally takes decades to achieve that level of unconscious response.
Goodwitch: It could be a fluke.
Ozpin: We'll just have to see.
Goodwitch: ...
"Alright, Jaune, if you didn't feel that kick, then how about I instead kick things up to where you will feel it?" As Yang said this, she drew mana from her scaled arms until they became golden balls of flame. Before was just a sample of the least she could do with her draconic mana, but now she was really wanting to show off. "Don't worry, I'm sure you've got another outfit you can wear!"
With a toss, a fireball launched at Jaune, making him leap to the side. Barely missing to the point where he could feel the intense heat, he watched in slow-motion as another fireball was closing in on his face. Throwing up his hands, he fell to the floor, grunting as he hit the ground.
A black cloud spread from where he landed, the thick miasma reaching across the floor until the whole floor was covered in the foreboding fog. Ruby and Blake scurried to the top of the bleacher, every fiber of their being telling them touching, or even breathing the vapor blanketing the floor could be the last thing they'd ever do. Penny didn't feel this same fear but followed the others up the bleachers as they fled. Yang jumped into the air, watching as hands rise from underneath her to grab at her. She didn't want to think what would happen if she was caught by them.
"Hey!" She called out. "Nice trick, but you're still wide open!" Yang was about to summon another fireball when she suddenly felt something grab her shoulder. Something colder than ice, so cold that it burned! She turned, finding a horrifying skeletal face gazing back at her. She wanted to scream, but felt her body lock up in fear. Was this it? Was this the end?
"ENOUGH!" Professor Goodwitch stood panting from the top of the staircase, and the black fog and the grabbing hands and the skeleton face all now fully disappeared. "I think... I think that..."
"Allow me, Professor Goodwitch."
Ozpin: While I encourage pushing each other to our very limits, I also believe that setting boundaries is just as imperative in our mana development. Especially when canceling mana puts a strain on our dear deputy headmistress.
Goodwitch: Hah... Hah...
Ozpin: So, let's all take a break and discuss what we did right, what we did wrong, and how we can improve on ourselves. Hm... In fact, sparring matches such as these shall be postponed until you all write an essay on the subject.
Ruby: Even us?
Ozpin: I considered having only these two writing it, but I believe the bystanders are just as at fault as the participants. So yes, I will expect essays from you three as well.
Ruby: Ah, man... (Looks to Penny)
Blake: Don't even think about it.
Ruby: I wasn't!
Ozpin: Are you alright, Professor Goodwitch?
Goodwitch: ...I am now. It's been a long time since I've had to undo mana that powerful. Ozpin, you knew, didn't you? You knew that he-
Ozpin: Yes, I did. (Looks to Jaune) And that is why he is here. So that he can use it in the best way possible.
Jaune: So, uh, how'd I do, guys?
Blake: (Stepping away)
Ruby: (Hiding behind Penny)
Jaune: Guys?
Penny: They are terrified of you.
Jaune: What?! Why?! What happened?!
Penny: Your magic had nearly harmed them, as well as Yang. If Yang had not taken to the air with her draconic mana, it is very unlikely that she would have survived.
Yang: Sheesh, way to talk about a girl behind her back. (Slaps Jaune's back) And you, man! What the heck was that? Nearly had me, ya know!
Jaune: I... don't really know.
Yang: Well, whatever it was, you only scared me a little bit!
Penny: Actually, you were the most terrified of the group.
Yang: Would you get outta here!
Jaune: Ruby? Blake? Are you guys... Are you guys scared of me?
Blake: ...Fear is beneath me.
Jaune: Huh?
Yang: Always the poet, huh, Blake?
Jaune: What about you, Ruby? Are you scared?
Ruby: ...Not anymore. You did scare me, though! Something about your mana just... It doesn't feel good Jaune. Like, it feels dangerous.
Jaune: Oh...
Yang: ...But?
Ruby: But... so did Yang's mana.
Jaune: Huh?
Ruby: Yeah, like, when I was starting to use my mana, Yang's mana used to scare me so bad! Then I started to get used to it. And now my hair doesn't even stand on end anymore!
Yang: Just give it time, do some practice with it, and everything should be fine. Right, Blake?
Blake: ...We still have to write our essays.
Yang: Always gotta bring down the mood, don't you?
Ozpin: That went quite well.
Goodwitch: Our students nearly died, Ozpin.
Ozpin: But they didn't. We got lucky, and lucky isn't always a bad thing. We caught the issue in time, so we don't have to worry about the council taking matters into their own hands.
Goodwitch: They will eventually, Ozpin. Sooner or later, they'll find out we don't just have a necromancer in attendance. We have one of the four horsemen.
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