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stochastique-blog · 11 months ago
You can be someone else
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Tänään ollaan jännän äärellä. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #visualoflife #softminimalism #itsallaboutthedetails #awakethelight #forprettysake #poetryofsimplethings #amomentofwonder #myfairytale #cozymoments #make_more_magic #beautyundermynose #slowandglow #inspiredliving #flowermagic #myeverydaymagic #magicalmoments #seasonspoetry #summermemories #naturalbeauty #alittlebeautyeveryday #slowdownwithstills #cherihandrelish #seekinpirecreate #livemoremagic #thesimpleeveryday #vintageinspired #wabisabi https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6RBtYgaQW/?igshid=kyj31mt8h6z6
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mybookbath · 7 years ago
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When a group of Penguin Little Black Classics meets a collection of @obviousstate Women Writers postcards and you realize they are going to be the best of friends. 👯‍♀️ . . These classy postcards by @ObviousState are a visual ode to visionary women with the likes of Austen, Christie, Brontë, Wharton and many more. They come in a set of twenty four. ♥️ Now tell me, do you like sending and receiving snail mail? 🐌💌 . . . . . . . . . #obviousstate #literarycards #penguinlittleblackclassics #penguinclassics @penguinclassics #womenwriters #blackandwhitebooks #forprettysake #postcards #booksandtea #snailmail #snailmailrevolution #happymail #sendmoremail
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laurenmartin · 4 years ago
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At least I don’t need to water the garden with all this rain 🌷 Have a great midweek ✌🏻 . . . . #letterboxflowers #onequietcup #discoverunder10k #flowerstagram #myfloraldays #flowersofinstagram #blooms #flowerlove #floral_perfection #botanicalpickmeup #botanicaldreamers #underthefloralspell #petalperfection #quietthechaos #forprettysake #flashesofdelight #beautyinsimplicity #beautyofstillmoments #bevisuallyinspired #morningstories #spreadkindness #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #ohheymama #outcandidlife #cameramama #motherhoodrising #slowliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCysRtly94/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dwatsonjewelry · 7 years ago
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24 hours only - FREE SHIPPING!!! ✨Minimum $25 order ✨US. Only ✨Click bio for coupon link. . . #wonderful #sale #freeshipping #personalizedgifts #makemyday #fridayfabulous #wearitwithstyle #mystyle #flashesoflight #whimsygirl #pursuepretty #illbeme #madetocreate #creativestyle #blissfulartists #eleganceintheeveryday #forprettysake #createwhimsy #eleganceintheeveryday #choosehappiness #seekthesimplicity
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yes-iamthemadhatter · 7 years ago
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Some orders I've packed and shipped lately. I finally have my packaging just how I want it :) The one thing I include that isn't pictured is a business card. You can shop my handmade jewelry yourself at the link in my bio. . . . . . . #smallbusinesslife #packaging #handmadewithlove #onmydesk #inmystudio #flatlaysquad #photoprops #livebeautifully #alltheprettythings #searchwandercollect #foundandgathered #wildheart #gritandvirtue #handmadejewelrydesigner #spooniebusiness #howitsmadematters #timeforcreativesouls #aslowmoment #simplethingsmadebeautiful #astilllifestyle #beauthentic #the_gentle_manifesto #livebeautifully #gatheredstyle #hyggelife #seeingthepretty #forprettysake #holdthemoment #ofsimplethings
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arrahpark · 5 years ago
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About yesterday's adventure. Fell in love with these colorful paper lanterns, we had to take photos! ➖ 📸: Daddy J . . . #mypopofcolor #colorfully #hueforeveryman #latergrams #casualfashion #slowlived #slowandsimpledays #slowdownandbreathe #ofwhimsicalmoments #mydarlingminimal #quietchaotics #abreatheofwhitespace #tcctribe #forprettysake #discoverunder3k #realinstamom #momswithcamera #lifewellcaptured #livethelittlethings #thegramgang #luckychinatown #wheninmanila (at Lucky Chinatown Mall, Binondo, Manila.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3OijZBhuUz/?igshid=1edzxasq7sefo
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koms · 7 years ago
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• it’s Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious #waltdisneyworld ✨ . . . #wearetothe9s #disneyparksstyle #girlblogger #tinytinymoments #seeksimplicity #travelgood #everydaymadewell #travelwithme #nothingisordinary_ #adventureanywhere #ihavethisthingwithpink #ihavethisthingwithcolor #abmlifeisbeautiful #capturedmoments #makeyousmilestyle #awakethelight #incolourfulcompany #forprettysake #disneyig #verilymoment #howyouglow #stylegurulove #happiestplaceonearth #disneyootd #disneystyle (at Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom)
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kandicekelso · 5 years ago
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I have the best team of Etsy Girls. They get me. . They just brought me this mug which is perfect considering its exactly how I feel right now looking at the final round of Christmas prep. 🤣 . Anything that still needs to be wrapped is going into a bag... bc I can do it one handed... while sipping this much needed coffee... . In a mug they brought me at 10:30am on Monday bc they KNEW that's when I drink my second round 😆 despite not having to work today 💝 . Thank you so much Sarah M! My little businesses would not function without this amazing group of teammates I have. . #getaftergrateful #thanksforbeingyou #teamwork #christmastime #falala #christmasvibes #christmasmood #christmasiscoming #deckthehalls #bemerry #christmasmagic #christmascountdown #christmas_time #myeverydaymagic #cornerofmyworld #fillyourcup #theeverydaygirl #hellodecember #wintermood #ohchristmastree #prettylittleplaces #forprettysake #livethelittlethings #mommydiaries #mombloggers #momwinning #mybeautifulmess #habitandhome — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/34RY1Ds
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madebykasumi · 4 years ago
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Last pair of lily of the valley earrings. This pair, I made slit for the elegant looks. Tell me which pair is your most favorite 😊 このペアにはスリッドをいれてみたよ。すずらんイヤリング。 #ハンドメイド作家 #celestialjewelry #makeitwithmichaels  #polymerclayjewellery #stylehunter #seekinspirecreate #handcraftedearrings #polymerclayearrings #fashionmaker #foundmademodern #slowmadegoods #樹脂粘土  #contemporaryjewelry #theartistedit #designprocess #polymerclayjewelry #createmakeshare #howitsmade #polymerclaycreations #claycharms #hiddengems #designisinthedetails #clayjewellery #designermaker #handmadejewellery #creativityfound @michaelsstores #forprettysake #artisanjewelry #wearwhatyoulove @sculpey_official #ハンドメイドピアス — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3rMn9a3
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oravanpesa · 2 years ago
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Mukavan lyhyt työviikko takana. Aloitan viikonlopun ystävän kanssa ulkoilulla. Ihanaa viikonloppua! ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #itsallaboutthedetails #awakethelight #forprettysake #poetryofsimplethings #amomentofwonder #myfairytale #cozymoments #make_more_magic #beautyundermynose #slowandglow #flowermagic #myeverydaymagic #magicalmoments #seasonspoetry #alittlebeautyeveryday #slowdownwithstills #cherihandrelish #seekinpirecreate #livemoremagic #gloomgrabberi #blossomwatch #allthingsbeauty #awakethelight #seasonaltales #flowersandotherstories https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl818oENcqO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mybookbath · 5 years ago
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Are you a fan of classic book covers? Do you have any favorites? 📕 If so, this book is an absolute must! The Penguin Classics Book is a historic guide to the world of Penguin Classics. It covers 500 authors, 1,200 books, and 4,000 years of world literature from the ancient world to World War I. Plus, it’s a beautifully designed collector’s item, complete with a luxurious orange clothbound cover, colored endpapers, and illustrations. 🤓 Along with this book I also received this stunning set of 100 Postcards from Austen to Zola. It is a collection of 100 postcards of iconic Penguin Classics covers. They are almost too beautiful to part with but I have decided I will send a few out in 2020 to anyone who may be interested, so please let me know below. 💌 A huge thank you to the good people at @penguinclassics for sending me these incredibly beautiful items. I am so grateful for these special gifts! . . . . . . . . . . #penguinclassics #thepenguinclassicsbook #postcards #pagesandpetals #booksandflowers #penguinclothboundclassics #clothboundclassics #booksandblooms #bookcollection #literarycards #forprettysake #snailmail #sendmoremail #happymail #snailmailrevolution https://www.instagram.com/p/B5n7Y15HOHl/?igshid=j073x6sf2045
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laurenmartin · 4 years ago
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ad. When Friday mornings look this good ☕️ thanks to @piqant.co ! They are an online marketplace for independent roasters, and this @39stepscoffee_ is amazing! What better way to start the bank holiday weekend ✌🏻 . . . . #butfirstcoffee #letterboxflowers #bloomandwildpartner #discoverunder10k #flowerstagram #myfloraldays #flowersofinstagram #blooms #flowerlove #floral_perfection #botanicalpickmeup #botanicaldreamers #underthefloralspell #petalperfection #quietthechaos #forprettysake #flashesofdelight #beautyinsimplicity #beautyofstillmoments #bevisuallyinspired #morningstories #spreadkindness #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #ohheymama #outcandidlife #cameramama #motherhoodrising #slowliving https://www.instagram.com/p/COR3-HMl_vv/?igshid=1mjcc3ls2adda
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madebeloved · 6 years ago
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The nice thing about simple sachet bags and pouches is – you can use them in any way you want, really. 👝 As a makeup bag, as a pencil case, document folder, phone case, first aid kit, wallet, heck – you could put a small puppy in one and carry it around. 🐶 Just be careful not to fall into the trap of putting everything from every category into one bag, only to later try to find that one specific thing you need... and fail. You know, like that one drawer in your room where you put stuff you don't know where else to put? (Yeah, I know about that one.) 😏🕵️‍♂️ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#madebeloved #washablepaper #washablekraftpaper #washpapa #sustainablebags #veganleather #slowdesign #slowcraft #minimallove #handmadelovers #kinfolkhome #doingneutralright #makehomematter #creativeminds #slowliving #stayauthentic #livesimple #seekinspirecreate #simplethingsmadebeautiful #happycreativelife #createmakeshare #helloimhandmade #slowmade #wemakecollective #forprettysake #visualcrush #capturequiet #beautybag #makeupbag #dailyessentials — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2QEG6dR
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yes-iamthemadhatter · 5 years ago
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This week my #simplejoysaturdayvibes is light! I've had two different times this week where I was photographing my handmade jewelry to get ready for my Black Friday sale and the light hit the jewelry so perfectly that I had to capture that beauty. The photo here might have never happened if I hadn't been carrying these necklaces at this exact time of day. I usually wait to take jewelry photos on overcast days because there aren't any harsh shadows, but this day I felt good enough to take a lot of photos so I did even though there was bright sun. I believe that God gives us special little moments like these when we keep our eyes open to little details and look for beautiful things as we go about our everyday lives. Regardless of whether you believe the same or that this was a just a happy coincidence I hope you enjoy this photo from that special moment I got to experience this week. The other time where the light struck my jewelry perfectly was as I had been taking photos of just one pair of earrings for that day. I left the earrings sitting where they were laid out as I took and shared a little sneak peek photo from the photoshoot on Facebook and in my IG Story. The light changed during that time so the glass beads were almost glowing with the light shining through them, so I went back to my room to get my camera and photograph it. I'm not sharing those photos here right now because they are still on my camera, but I will share them in the future if I remember to, even if the earrings have sold before that. Do you look for special moments of beauty in the small details of your daily life? If you don't I recommend trying it, because you see the things that you look for. Stop reading here, hashtags below. . . . . . . #aslowmoment #simplethingsmadebeautiful #astilllifestyle #beauthentic #the_gentle_manifesto #livebeautifully #gatheredstyle #hyggelife #seeingthepretty #forprettysake #holdthemoment #ofsimplethings #forahappymoment #mystoryoflight #thesimpleeveryday #ofquietmoments #alifeofintention #alittlebeautyeveryday #savouringhappiness #myeverydaymagic #choosehappiness #liveyourbestlife #recklessimage #reclaimthehappy #alliseeispretty #atouchofkind (at Carson, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5N5gdzh2zU/?igshid=1tfbkc1cqd47b
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bluebrontide · 7 years ago
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Touch your heart, close your eyes, make a wish, say goodnight, sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight! Thank you @sienna.and.i for this magical capture of our 'organic soother clip'. . . . . . #magicofchildhood #enchantedchildhood #candidslumber #celebrate_childhood #parenthood_moments #takeheartmydear #littleandfierce #inspirewithblooms #themamahood #alliseeispretty #mumuk #ethicalkids #forprettysake #thehappycapture #ecobabies #awakethelight #thisperfectmoment #awhisperedbeauty #theartofchildhood #capturingchildhood #organickids #childrenseemagic #littlefierceones #littlebellows #stunningbabies #infinity_children — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2zGwUwD
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oravanpesa · 2 years ago
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[ad | kaupallinen yhteistyö @huiskulaoy] Vähän väriä lokakuuhun, pitkästä aikaa ryhdyin kranssihommiin. Ruusunmarjakranssista lisää Oravanpesä-blogissa. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #huiskulaoy #moodybotanicals #poetryofsimplethings #slowsimpleseasonal #asecondofwhimsy #bevisuallyinspired #searchwondercollect #verilymoment #botanicalpickmeup #seekthesimplycity #botanicaldaydreams #forprettysake #poetryofsimplethings #amomentofwonder #myfairytale #cozymoments #make_more_magic #slowandglow #octobermood #gardengathered #daysofsmallthings #botanicaldreamers #littlegardenstories #mybloominglens #alittlebeautyeveryday #allthingbotanical #wreathmaking #wreathseason #wreathdecor #octobervibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CkD8NPRNHli/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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